Most Rev. Dr Joseph Ponniah A Fund to Assist Needy Students at Installed as the SMC Launched by Colombo Alumni First Bishop of the B’caloa Diocese

While there are the poor everywhere, Bacaloa has more than its Most Rev. Dr Joseph Ponniah was installed as the first Bishop of the newly erected Diocese of Bacaloa at a solemn fair share, due to the prolonged war, the swi tsunami and the devastang floods. These calamies le behind thousands of ceremony presided by His Excellency Joseph Spieri, the Apostolic Nuncio in , together with His Lordship Bishop widows, widowers and orphans, the displaced and the homeless and in other ways, deprived families. Kingsley Swampillay on Sunday 23rd September 2012 at St Mary’s Cathedral, Bacaloa in the presence of other bishops, religious Boys from such families come to study at SMC while their parents, and laity. parent, very oen a widow, struggle to keep the home fires burning. Some, we are informed, come to school on an emptystomach.

Among these may be found the bright gems who are endowed with the potenal, the ability and the determinaon to upli themselves educaonally and socially and thereby make a contribuon to society but are now unable to give their undivided aenon to their studies due to their poor plight.

When the plight of such students was spotlighted and the need to create a Fund to help them was placed before the Commiee of Management Meeng of the Colombo Alumni on Aug. 4th. 2012, there was an immediate and spontaneous response with pledges of contribuons amounng to over two hundred thousand rupees! There could not have been a beer endorsement and encouragement for this project, a worthy one but long overdue.

L-R Joseph Ponniah, Joseph Spieri, Kingsley Swampillai The proposal is to set up an Educaon Fund, invest the same, and Source: Archdiocese of Colombo website disburse the accruing interest to meet the needs of these deprived students. Bigger the fund, greater the number of The Archangel congratulates Most Rev. Dr Joseph Ponniah and students who will benefit from it. welcomes him, who by virtue of his office, becomes the new Patron of the Alumni Associaons of SMC Dear Michaelite and Friend, we who have had the benefit of a May the Good Lord Bless and Guide him. good educaon at SMC which helped us to be beer placed in life, Senior Vice Patron I.T. Canagaretnam aended the installaon owe these capable but disadvantaged children a helping hand to service and lunch as an invitee from Colombo. realize their full potenal and we invite you to join us in this worthy cause by your contribuons to this Fund. Golden Jubilee of the Jesuit Province of Sri Lanka Our inial target is One Million Rupees by end of 2012.Time is of The Jesuit priests in Sri Lanka celebrated 50 years of the Jesuit the essence as interest rates are now high but may come down. Prodince in Sri Lanka with a Jubilee Mass presided by His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith together with Rev. Fr Jeyaraj Thank you for your generosity towards this worthy cause. Rasiah S.J, The Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus in Sri Contribuons may be sent to Bradley Ockersz, Treasurer, 47/1 Lanka and other Jesuit priests at St. Francis De Sales Church, Hena road, Mount Lavinia. Tel. 0718031114 Dalugama (WP) on September 9, 2012 Email [email protected] Source: Archdiocese of Colombo website

1 | Page We Care for our deprived brothers Alumni News Commiee Meeng 08 Achievement beyond compare In the absence of any knowledge about a Michaelite previously taking part or officiang at an This eighth dinner meeng chaired by President T.Mahenthiran Olympic Games, the Archangel takes pleasure in recording that and 20 members aending was held on Aug. 04. 2012 at the Cosy our Senior Vice Patron I.T. Canagaretnam was the first Mike to set Restaurant , Colombo 06. foot on Olympic soil. This was a life me achievement for him and a proud moment for all Michaelites. In the absence of the Secretary, J.P.Jeyaratnarajah, Assistant Secretary S. Shanker officiated.

A leer requesng twelve junior basketballs from the SMC Principal was tabled. The purpose and donaon was approved.

The Commiee was informed that a few members from the North American Chapter will parcipate in the Christmas Get together on Dec.8, 2012.

The Arcle in Tamil on late Vidwan S.E. Kamalanathan by M.Suthaharan in the Archangel No.56 came in for praise.

R. C. Perumal placed the plight of many students at SMC who are bright and keen to study but are unable to fully concentrate on their studies due to financial difficules. There was an immediate and spontaneous respose by those present with pledges of He aended the London Games 2012 as an Administrave Officer donaons amounng to nearly two lakhs of rupees! in the Sri Lankan Conngent. His accreditaon credenals entled Fellowship and dinner was hosted by S. Sivakumar. him to air travel to and from London, travel within London to the Olympic Village and to the sites of the various events, savour the mulnaonal cuisine at the 24 hour restaurants and kiosks during his five day stay at the Village from Aug. 6 – 10, 2012. Commiee Meeng 09

While in the Village, he was the lord of all he surveyed; the sights This was the final meeng for the year held on Sunday, and delights and the figures which figured in many a spectacular September 9, 2012 at the Sea Food Place, Colombo 3. President T. event. Mahenthiran chaired the meeng and 23 members were present with J.A. Raveendrarajah as guest. He had occasion to have breakfast with US tennis ace Serena Williams and she was pleased to examine his credenals. Twelve Junior basketballs had been handed over to the SMC Principal. The new Patron of the Associaon will be the Bishop of While in London, the UK alumini hosted him to dinner. Bacaloa Rt. Rev. Dr. Joshep Ponniah.

The Chief Guest for the AGM 2012 – Rt. Rev. Dhiloraj R. Canagasabey, Bishop of Colombo.

Cost of dinner for the AGM – Rs 1.250/-

I.T. Canagaretnam gave a short account of his experience at the Olympic Village of the London Games 2012.

R.C. Perumal thanked all the members who had made generous contribuons towards the Educaon Fund and suggested that the monies received be invested in a separate savings account to earn interest unl permanent arrangements are made.

On I.T’s right is Ananda Joseph, President, Alumini Associaon UK, Two minutes silence was observed in memory of Shamlet and on Ananda’s right is Jusn Canagasuriam wife of Past pupil Umeshan Canagasuriam and Rajendram. sister of Past pupil Gaston Stanislaus. Connued on page 4 2 | Page Vice president E.G. Anton hosted the fellowship and lunch.

3 | Page sports teams, students as fathers and principals of yore, 2010 batch in special T- shirts, traffic police in ceremonial are, floats, decorated vehicles, all adding to the colour and gaiety of the ABC News occasion and the procession stretching from College in Australia Bacaloa Canada AA’s

Equipping for Educaon. One hundred and ten underprivileged of Puliyanvu across the bridge to the police staon on the students in the remote villages of Kannankuda and Kokkaddicholai mainland was a spectacle Bacaloa had not witnessed before. in the Bacaloa district were the beneficiaries of a desk, chair and table lamp each, a donaon from the SMC,AA, Australia in September 2012.

President Lingaratnam came from Down Under to Sri Lanka to hand over the items at a funcon organized by the local leaders and graced by the Deputy Director of Educaon, school principals, teachers and parents.

All, who should be there, were there to make it the success it was.

The students who received these study aids were earlier sing on the floor using boxes as tables and bole lamps for light and straining their eyes and inhaling smoke containing poisonous carbon monoxide.

Needless to say that, there could not have been a more meaningful project. Every cent spent on this, SL Rs.4 lakh project is worth its weight in gold as the long term benefits are Front: Fr Weber, Mr Kamalanathan, Mrs Kamala Kamalanathan, inesmable. Rear: Bro. James, Fr Bonnel and ……

Addionally a one session seminar on Self Movaon and The parcipants were refreshed with Munchee biscuits, short eats Leadership for the SMC School Prefects was conducted by the AA, and Milo drink .during the walk which ended at noon. Munchee Australia on Sep. 20, 2012. 43 prefects parcipated and was the Principal Sponsor; Abans co-sponsored. S.Gowtham, President, Prefects Associaon of SMC has wrien and thanked the sponsors profusely. INPUT Lingaratnam AA, A First MIKE WALK at Bacaloa

The first ever MIKE WALK and a first for Bacaloa organized by the AA Bacaloa was held on September 22, 2012 starng from College going up to CTB juncon and returning. As the parcipants started arriving early and as there was insufficient space to accommodate all, the walk got off to an early start at 8.30 am aer a short prayer by AA President and Jesuit Superior Rev. Fr Paul Satkunanayagam S J and joined by SMC Principal Ms Masilamanie. The AA Commiee of Management had been looking into mobilizing more members and strengthening the AA and this In the walk were the Principal, AA President, priests, teachers, Walk was designed to achieve these objecves.Rev. Fr X. I. past pupils, students and wellwishers. The College Band, scouts, Rajeevan and Felician Francis, Naonal President YMCA were the 4 | Page live wires behind the Walk which it is hoped will be an annual I.T.Canagaretnam celebrated his75th birthday on July 19, 2012 event. and J.P. Jayaratnarajah his 50th on July 23, 2012. Obituary Shamilet Canagasuriam, wife of past pupil Umeshan The AA Bacaloa proposes to hold a convenon / congress of all Canagasuriam and sister of past pupil Gaston Stanislaus passed Michaelites at Bacaloa in 2013. away on Sep. 8, 2012 and the funeral took place in Batticaloa. INPUT Winston Thangarajah Editor’s Mail First Joint Picnic in Canada The Archangel unites associaons ……. The North American Alumni went on their first joint family picnic Dear Mr. Perumal, with the alumni of BT Methodist Central College under the banner I enjoy reading your magazine regularly. I never expected that you “All For One and One For All” to Elson Park, Markam, would unite all our Alumni Associaons all over the world. Scarborough, Ontario on July 7 2012. The Archangel carries not only the news but also useful informaon as well. The AA of North America and UK have contacted me for a joint venture at our College. Credit must go to you for mediang indirectly through your beauful magazine. My hearest congratulaons Linga Lingaratnam, Aug. 3, 2012 Australia

……..connects people My name is Chandrakumar Chellathurai from Bacaloa and I live in Oawa, Canada.I received a copy of the Newsleer Archangel Apr.- Jun. 2012 electronically from Shantha Chelliah, who is also from Bacaloa now living in Hawaii, and saw Gnanaraj Vaz’s name in the Newsleer. I am wondering whether you could help The day started with welcome addresses by SMC, AA President me find his e mail address or his ‘phone number from someone Suraj Paiva and MCC President Paul Dharshan. A cricket match who can provide same. According to the news he is in Oman. played aer games for children and adults was won by Central Gnanaraj is an old friend of mine and I have not seen him or heard and Suraj Paiva awarded the “Bonnel-Ault” Trophy to captain from in more than 32 years. I would really appreciate it. Walter Thambapillai Chandra July 26, 2012 Canada

The North American AA organized a memorial service for former The required informaon was obtained from Senior Vice Patron Principal Vidwan S.E.Kamalanathan on May 12, 2012 at Our Lady I.T. Canagaretnam and forwarded to Chandra. of Lourdes Church, 520 Sherbourne St., Toronto celebrated by Rev. Fr. Ahilraj SJ, a past pupil. Chandra studied at College when Fr Peiris was Principal and his classmates were Godfrey Tissaveerasinghe, Bala Iyaku,Raviraj MIKES NIGHT 2012 will be held on Nov. 24, 2012 at 9.30 pm at Edwards,Preman Daniel and Masilamanie.- Editor 65,Clairport Crescent, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada. You are invited. Suraj Paiva, President,AA, North America requested contact INPUT Tommy Ganeshamoorthy details of Walter Dias and the Editor provided same.

…..creates curiosity Alumni News continued from page 2 Former teacher and colleague at SMC, Ms Rajes Kandiah wished to know how the Editor came to do what he is doing. The short Daniel Thiagarajah, who joined the Eighty Club on July 6, 2012, answer is, Praise the Lord. The long answer will be given in the has been elected a Vice President of the All Ceylon Pensioners’ farewell edion of the Archangel, soon to be published. Society Limited for 2012/13. He has volunteered his services to Michaelites with pension problems. And promotes Bacaloa A. A. G. Rajendram, Secretary, SMC AA, Batticaloa retired on Oct.2, 2012 as Assistant Manager, National Savings Bank, Batticaloa after a service period of 34 years. Happy retirement. Aer going through the above website, your Editor wrote to the creators: “Congratulaons to Rainbow Bridge on your pioneering K.S. Sivakumaran was one of the 38 participants at the 10 day effort in launching this website which was long overdue. You are Film Appreciation Workshop conducted in Colombo from July 31 —August 9, 2012 by the prestigious Film and Television Institute doing a great service to the people of Bacaloa.”, and made a Poone, India, The Cultural Council of India in Colombo and the few suggesons for its improvement. Sep. 4, 2012 and the Reply: Sri Lanka Foundation Digital Academy. He was called upon to deliver the valediction address at the concluding session. 5 | Page Dear Chrise, formal and formidable educaon apostolate of the Jesuits in Sri Thanks for your encouragement and input. Modificaons have Lanka to an end but the Jesuits were not deterred In keeping with been made according to your remarks. We just posted many more their calling, they ventured out to meet the challenges and needs pages today, especially about visits and acvies...You are of the changed mes. welcome to enjoy. Best Greengs from Beauful Bacaloa. Educaon : They connued their work of teaching at the newly Sandrine Sep. 27, 2012 Bacaloa established Naonal Seminary at Kandy (The Papal Seminary moved to Pune, India due to visa problems for the scholascs) and Please visit the above website and also being lecturers and chaplains at the Universies of Peradeniya, Golden Jubilee of Jesuit Bacaloa and Jaffna; established the Cholankanda Youth Training The first arrival of the Jesuits in the Country in Mannar in 1561 Province in Sri Lanka from the Indian Province of Travancore was as early as the me Centre to help the rural Sinhalese and plantaon Tamil school when St. Francis Xavier was preaching there and later in Colombo drop outs, the English Academies at Bacaloa, Trincomalee and in 1602 according to Rev. Fr. S. G. Perera, the first Sri Lankan Galle, the Eastern Technical Instute at Bacaloa. Jesuit and a well known Jesuit historian. (Fr. Perera’s Our Heritage In 2010 a new Jesuit High School, Mount Calvary High School, was series books were used as history text books in English schools started at Galle with 36 students in Grade 1. New Students will be including SMC in Ceylon) admied to Grade 1 every year as the older children move to The second Jesuit era began with the establishment of the Jesuit higher grades. manned Papal Seminary in Kandy and the founding of the two Social Jusce: Recognizing the existence of a community of under dioceses of Trincomalee – Bacaloa in the east and Galle in the privileged and marginalized people toiling under adverse South and entrusng the administraon of the two new dioceses condions in the tea plantaons of Sri Lanka, Rev. Fr. Paul to the Society of Jesus (Members of the Society of Jesus are Caspersz in a pioneering venture set of the Satyodaya Centre to known as Jesuits) the former being manned by Jesuits from a light a candle in the lines of these unfortunates. French Province and the laer from Belgium, both changing to two other Provinces, New Orleans, USA and Naples, Italy Other Jesuits like Fathers Pio Champa, Angelo Steffanizzi, Jacob respecvely in later years. Fernando (Senior), Carmela Jannaecone and Eustace Fernando followed suit considering it as a privileged and priority to work In 1962 the two dioceses were amalgamated into one Jesuit Vice unringly among the weak and vulnerable estate workers, thus Province of Sri Lanka and Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Crowther, the then pung into pracce what Jesus preached – “What you do to the Mission Superior of Trincomalee – Bacaloo Diocese was least of my brothers, that you do to me” appointed the first Vice Provincial. Fr. Crowther was the Rector and / or Principal of SMC for 20 Years. (1938 – 1957) The Centre for Social Concern (CSC) in Haon envisages empowering the plantaon poor through educaon and beer The successors since were Fathers William Moran, Vito Perniola, health programmes. The Centre for Promoon and Protecon of Thomas Kuriacose, Claude Daly, Ashley Samarasinghe, Anton Human Rights (CPPHR) Trincomalee aims at providing legal Peiris, Peter Kurukula Aratchi, Baylon Perera, SMC Past Pupil assistance and social service to those deprived of human dignity. Maria Anthony and presently Jeyaraj Rasiah. ( The tle of Vice Province was dropped and Province is now used) The Pakistan The Sri Lanka Centre for Social Concern (LCSL) founded in 2007 mission, the responsibility of the Australian Province was, due to a aer the tsunami of 2004 during the ethnic strife catered to the lack of manpower, entrusted to the Sri Lanka Province in 1988) needs of the war vicms, widows, youth, children. The Shanthi Community Animaon movement started by Fr. Michael Catalano Prior to the creaon of the Province was a steady flow of centered round improving the living standards of the Shan missionaries from France, Belgium, USA, India and Italy and they dwellers on the banks of the Wellawae – Dehiwala Canal. worked together with local Sinhalese and Tamil counterparts on various ministries around the country. The Jesuit froner Mission in the south, working with Buddhists and Chrisans has reached out to thousands of needy in the The ministry of educaon was firmly established with the South. The Province maintains two retreat houses, Fama retreat founding of the three provincial Jesuit schools, St. Aloysius’s House in Kandy and Manresa retreat house in Bacaloa. Besides College, Galle, St. Michael’s College, Bacaloa and St. Joseph’s retreats lay groups of all faiths use these for seminars, workshops College, Trincomalee and their contribuon in the field of and renewal programmes. educaon and sports is well known. With a view to promong Buddhist – Chrisan dialogue the In 1960 all state aided private schools were taken over by the Tulane Research Centre was established by Rev. Fr. Aloy Peiris. State with the opon to those wishing to remain private, to run The Tulane Media Unit provides space for alternate and different the schools without charging fees! The three Jesuit school opted voices to be heard in the public arena. to be private but before long had to be handed over to the state due to financial strain thereby bringing the long and illustrious, 6 | Page During the period of the war, the Jesuits launched the Lillie’s of the young lives robbed of life and innocence and le orphaned the Field – a rehabilitaon centre for ex combatants – in due to the ravages of war: parents creang lives only to have it Bacaloa. Another pioneering venture was the Buerfly garden snatched away leaving them with nothing but despair. These in Bacaloa established by Fr. Paul Satkunanayagan for the homes that carried so much of hope and dreams are now mere benefit of children traumazed by the conflict. This good work bullet riddled walls. I imagined the blissful life my paternal connues. Father Paul also runs two of orphanage for children. ancestors would have led in this once land of abundance. My Father Paul is Director of a professional counseling centre heart ached for the childhood memories I would have had in my operang from Bacaloa and reaching out to remote areas of the ancestral home but for the war. The dream of a parent bringing district. their children to the home where they grew up lost in the hatred that ravaged the country. Indeed it leaves a gaping hole in my INPUT Sch. Thiranajala Weerasinghe SJ heart knowing that my children may not be able to idenfy in the Catholic Messenger Oct. 9, 2011 themselves with this part of their heritage. I wonder if my brethren here will look at me differently due to my southern heritage. I hope not. I hope there will come a day when we a54n all see beyond our racial differences. Imagine there is no race; From Angelo Patrick nothing to kill or die for.

16th May 2011 – The Road to KKS * 21st Dec 2011 – A Village in the Jungle

The long road unfolds many a scene – a bustling township with On a cool misty morning with the chimes of Christmas as the the folk of the land in the roune of life. The Merchant with wares soothing balm, we enter into yonder on the southern highway to of plenty jostling with the others of his tribe to earn the favour of wallow in the jungle aroma of Yala*and surrender to the wild the market place. Glistening buildings masking the skeletal beauty. Luscious fields of paddy tended by the sun burnt hands of remains of once loved abodes. Stretching beyond the borders of the farmer, caressed by the love of his maid liing the brew to his the hustle and bustle are homes where loved ones roamed, parching lips. The breaking waves of the blue ocean gurgles in its standing in tesmony to the ravages of war. The walls that once delight, tossing the fisherman as he casts his net to bring home caressed the dreams and love of those within are riddled with the mid day meal. The chirping of the birds and the trumpeng of bullets and splaered with innocent blood crying to high heavens. the elephants herald our embrace of the hinterland of the tropical This hinterland is yearning for fun & frolic, joy & happiness and southern jungle. An eagle in its flight, the seducon of the the dreams of yesteryear. When will that day dawn O Divine One. peacock and the elusiveness of the unravished leopard leaves me with haunng memories of the wonders of nature. * KKS stands for Kankesanthurai which is a coastal town north of * Yala is a wild life sanctuary of shrub jungle in the southern Jaffna in the Jaffna peninsula. coast of Sri Lanka.

Response from friend Kamilka: From the Media “Spurious claims that policians do not interfere with It wasn’t the bustling township that etched my heart, nor the police need to be treated with the contempt that they was it the jostling merchants with their tribe and wares. It pierced deserve. What we need is the Department of the police to be through those darkened twigs that sprang through homes of lost delinked from the Ministry of Defense as recommended by the dreams. Whose bullet ridden walls were accolades of despair. Lessons Learnt and Reconciliaon Commission. Yet we may as Echoes of children laughter, lullabies and caresses that’s been well ask for the moon if we expect this recommendaon to be robbed of life and on this road, me stood sll. The sadness honoured. And we may also ask ourselves that further queson deafened my being with the thundering roar as the seng sun from our own conscience ‘if this is the state of affairs in the South, kissed these empty floors. The houses seem to ache for smiles, what kind of misery do people of Tamil ethnicity connue to crave for footsteps, but the palmyrah trees stopped swaying: the suffer in the North and East?’” mango stopped ripening long, long ago. As our wheels gathered -The concluding paragraph of the arcle “Impossible fairy tales speed, and as this road became a distant memory, I hoped and about the police” by Kishali Pinto Jayawardena in the SUNDAY TIMES July prayed that life would blossom and children’s laughter will 15,2012 someday cradle these walls. As we moved my eyes set on a paddy field with children riding kites and birds flying free and I Q Where is the Capital of India? remembered that “human spirit” is ever so resilient, it bears A In Swiss Banks tesmony to all great sorrows, when crippled it bleeds, but always - INDIA TODAY Sep.19,2011 and always takes flight . “Hope” – it gives life. I come from a poor family I started my career as a class IV employee and the only asset I posses is integrity. Response from daughter Rushika: Sarash Homi Kapadia – Chief Jusce of India - INDIA TODAY May.23,2011 The road that was once full of life and laughter is now just a ghost town. This haunted road pierced through my heart as I imagined OWNERS WILL BE GIVEN TO STRAY DOGS BY LOCAL BODIES 7 | Page - Jan 12, 2012

Luxury Vehicle Racket Barred - Daily Mirror May15, 2012

Christmas Get-together December 08 2012 Sindhi Club Hall, Colombo 03

Edited by : R C Perumal Address : 19/3 Farm Road, Colombo 15 Telephone : 0112521743 Email : [email protected] Printed at : Rajeswary Instute, Colombo 14

Please pass/ forward this Newsleer to another Michaelite and inform any change in your address. Thanks.

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