Dual-Use or (Agrivoltaic) Solar Installaons

What is Dual-Use? • Dual use is the integraon of agricultural producon with a photovoltaic (PV) system. It allows for producon while maintaining agricultural acvies. • Typically it is considered the installaon of a solar array that parally obstructs solar penetraon to crop producon (either forage or crops). • Solar mounted on barns, , or floang on agricultural ponds may also be considered dual- use operaons.

Benefits of Dual-Use • Landowners diversify their incomes streams while connuing to produce agricultural products. • Protects against loss of producve farmland due to permanent solar development.

• Provides a markeng opportunity to a sustainability-minded audience. • Required security fencing doubles as an extra secure enclosure for . • Shaded soils may retain more moisture and reduce water consumpon for some species of crops. • Provides relief for workers and animals beneath the array.

Potenal Drawbacks • Loss of tax benefits for the conversion of land into solar producon for landowners enrolled in the State’s Farmland, Open Space, and/or Tree Growth Tax Programs. • Although well established in some countries, experimentaon in the Northeast is just beginning. • Potenal for reduced crop yields, and limitaons on mechanical harvesng equipment access beneath the solar array. Crop producon around a solar array Source: Grist / Naonal Lab

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Dual-Use Applicaons systems • Applicaons can include rigid or flexible or thin-film modules seen to the right. (Flexible solar module technology sll being developed). • Strategic placement of modules to opmize in winter and selecve shading/cooling in summer. • Applicaons being studied in Maine. Flexible module applicaon on a greenhouse in Maine Source: Arch Solar Cropping systems • Growing crops directly beneath, between, and around solar arrays in a field. • Clearance beneath the array will vary depending on harvesng techniques (hand vs mechanical harvest). • Spacing between panels may vary depending on locaon and desired shading effect. • May include the mechanical or manual solar tracking and lng of the array to opmize producon. • Northeast crops that are more shade tolerant and show potenal for this applicaon include: peppers, broccoli and chard. • Height of array may vary for different livestock. • Offers protecon from predators. • Applicaons may include: , cows, chickens, and horses. Sheep grazing under a solar array in Massachuses Interested in learning more? Source: BlueWave Solar • Explore the American Solar Grazing Associaon’s webpage: hps://solargrazing.org/ • Visit the US Department of Energy’s website for a ’s Guide to Going Solar: hps://www.energy.gov/eere/solar/farmers-guide-going-solar • The University of Massachuses Amherst’s Clean Energy Extension is another great source: hps:// ag.umass.edu/clean-energy/research-new-iniaves/dual-use-solar-

• Check out Maine Society’s dual-use research: hps://mesas.org/syra/ • FMI on Solar Installaons please see our factsheet at: hp://www.maine.gov/dacf/ard/resources/docs/ solar-installaon-applicaons-factsheet.pdf

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