
Muelleria Muelleria , Algal and Fungal and Systematics Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra Victoria, ISSN 0077-1813 Vol 32, 2014 Volume 32, 2014 Contents Volume 32, 2014

Contributed papers Page

A new herbaceous species of Pluchea (Asteraceae: Plucheinae) from central Australia...... 3 – D.E. Albrecht and A.R. Bean Studies of the distribution and taxonomy of Xanthorrhoea glauca subsp. angustifolia (Xanthorrhoeaceae) in Victoria...... 8 – M.P. Bellette A revision of the Coronidium scorpioides (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) complex...... 16 – N. Walsh Notes on Olearia (Asteraceae: Astereae) in south-east Australia: O. tenuifolia, O. adenophora F.Muell. and description of a new species endemic to eastern Victoria...... 34 Source: Mueller, F. (1886). – N. Walsh Description and illustrations The weed that was not: Picris hieracioides (Asteraceae) in Australia...... 39 of the myoporinous – L. Gillbank of Australia. II. Lithograms. Rubus costifolius and R. bergii in the National Herbarium of Victoria...... 52 John Ferres, Government – A. van de Beek Printer: Melbourne, pl. LIX. Illustration: Robert Graff Hidden treasures: Brazilian plants collected by Prince Maximilian zu Wied held in the National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL)...... 58 Myoporum bateae was named – C.L. Gallagher and P.L.R. de Moraes for Mary Bate, who collected the type specimens. Mary ‘A taste for botanic science’: Ferdinand Mueller’s female collectors and the history of Australian botany...... 72 collected over 350 specimens – S. Maroske in total – including fungi, algae and mosses – around Ferdinand Mueller’s female plant collectors: a biographical register...... 92 Mount Dromedary and Tilba – S. Maroske and A. Vaughan Tilba in New South Wales. She was one of at least 225 women Book review throughout Australia who Review of Collecting ladies: Ferdinand von Mueller and women botanical artists...... 173 collected botanical specimens – J.R. Thurlow for Ferdinand von Mueller. Muelleria publishes research papers on Southern Hemisphere plant, algal and fungal taxonomy and systematics, MUELLERIA INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS particularly relating to Australia. Acceptable submissions include: taxonomic revisions; phylogenetic and Submission. The Editor, Muelleria Papers may be submitted at any time. biogeographical studies; short papers describing new taxa, documenting nationally significant new records, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne or resolving nomenclatural matters; historical analyses relevant to systematics; and any research contributing to Private Bag 2000, South Yarra, VIC, 3141 our knowledge of plant, algal or fungal diversity. Special issues or reviews will be considered after discussion with [email protected] the Editor. Submit all material, including illustrations and tables, on CD or by email. Each figure and table should be supplied as a separate file. Vouchers for new species or for molecular or ecological research must be lodged at the time of submission. All papers are peer reviewed and should not be under consideration elsewhere. No page charges apply Editor in Chief Tom May for black-and-white pages. Colour plates will only be considered after discussion with the Editor, and may incur a charge. Associate Editors Daniel Murphy Frank Udovicic Neville Walsh Please read the instructions for authors at Formatting. Manuscripts should be left-aligned with 1.5 line-spacing throughout, and left and right margins of 2 cm. Production Editor Alison Vaughan Body text should be 10 pt Times New Roman. All text should be in the font in which it will be published, i.e. bold or italics. Associate Production Editor Wayne Gebert Title. The title should be concise and informative, and formatted in 12 pt, centred, bold type. Use minimal capitalisation. Author(s). Authors’ names, affiliations and addresses (including post code, state and country) should follow the title. Subscription Manager Sally Stewart Addresses and affiliations should appear below the authors’ names, keyed by superscripted numbers. Include the e-mail address of the corresponding author. Editorial enquiries The Editor, Muelleria Abstract. Precede the main text by an abstract not exceeding 120 words, covering the scope of the work and findings. All [email protected] new names and combinations made in the paper must be explicitly given in the abstract. Taxon names at rank or below must be accompanied by the nomenclatural authorities. Key words. Provide 3–5 key words that are not used in the title. Subscriptions and exchange The Librarian Main text. The first paragraph of any section should be flush left. Subsequent paragraphs are to be indented, and not [email protected] separated by a blank line. Three main headings should be used: Heading level 1 Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne HEADING LEVEL 2 Private Bag 2000 Heading level 3: indented one tab space and followed by text on the same line. Birdwood Avenue Footnotes should not be used. References should be cited in text as, e.g. Walsh (1992), Brown and Murphy (2004); South Yarra, VIC, 3141 for three or more authors use et al. Within parentheses, cite multiple references in order of publication and use an Australia ampersand (&) between authors’ names: (Kuntze 1891; Lawrence et al. 1968; Allan 1979, 2000; Jarman 1990; Lewis & Entwisle 1995a, 1995b). Measurements should be in SI units. Use an en rule (–), not a hyphen, between spans of Instructions to authors Please consult the instructions to authors at the website below. A concise version numbers, and use a multiplication sign (×), not the letter ‘x’, where appropriate. Scientific names at generic rank and is printed inside the back cover of each issue. below must be accompanied by the nomenclatural authorities when first introduced in the main text and also in the abstract. Nomenclatural citations must follow the rules and recommendations of the most recent International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants. Book titles must be abbreviated following Taxonomic Literature II (Stafleu & Cowan 1976–1986), and journal citations in the synonymy must follow Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (Lawrence Publication frequency One issue per year et al. 1968). Authors’ names must follow Authors of Plant Names (Brummitt & Powell 1992) and should have minimal spacing. Designations of herbaria should follow Index Herbariorum (Holmgren et al. 1990). Homotypic synonyms are Subscription rates The following rates include postage and GST. All payments must be in $AUD. to be included in one paragraph, listed in chronological order. Heterotypic synonyms should follow chronologically in Cheques should be made payable to the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. separate paragraphs. Misapplied names should follow the heterotypic synonyms. Contact the Subscription Manager for additional payment options. Figures, tables and appendices. Do not embed images in the text. Illustrations (including photographs, line art, graphs and maps) should be in TIFF or JPEG format, and must be at least 300 dpi at final size. Figures and tables Australia International may be single (7 cm) or double (14 cm) column width, full page length (18 cm), or in landscape format (18 x 14 cm). Individuals $40 $62 Illustrations require either a scale bar, or an indication of the magnification in the caption. Figure, table and appendix Organisations $50 $77 captions should be listed after the references. References. Only publications cited in the text should appear in the Reference list. Include journal names in full. Floras in Layout SUBStitution Pty Ltd a series should be cited in book format. Allan, H.H. (1961). Flora of . R.E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington. Printer BigPrint Ahti, T. and Kashiwadani, H. (1984). ‘The lichen genera Cladia, Cladina and Cladonia in southern Chile’. In H. Inoue (ed.), Studies on the Cryptogams of Southern Chile, pp. 125–149. Kenseisha Ltd: Tokyo. Brummitt, R.K. and Powell, C.E. (1992). Authors of plant names. Royal Botanic Gardens: Kew. Printed on recycled paper Jarman, S.J. (1975). Experimental taxonomy on the family Epacridaceae. PhD thesis, The University of Tasmania, Hobart: Tasmania. Pickett, J.W., Smith, N., Bishop, P.M., Hill, R.S., Macphail, M.K. and Holmes, W.B.K. (1990). A stratigraphic evaluation of Ettingshausen’s New England Tertiary plant localities. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 37, 293–303. © Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne 2014 Swofford, D.L. (2000). PAUP. Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (version 3.1.1.) Illinois Natural History Survey: Champaign, USA. ISSN 0077-1813 Walsh, N.G. (1994). ‘Poaceae’. In N.G. Walsh and T.J. Entwisle (eds), Flora of Victoria, Vol. 2, pp. 356-627. Inkata Press: Melbourne.

Muelleria volume 31 was distributed on 8 April 2013