Flowers, Posts and Plates of Dirk Hartog Island Lesley Brooker FLOWERS POSTS AND PLATES January 2020 Home Flowers, Posts and Plates of Dirk Hartog Island Lesley Brooker For the latest revision go to Please direct feedback to Lesley Brooker at
[email protected] Home INTRODUCTION This document is in two parts:- Part 1 — FLOWERS is an interactive reference to some of the flora of Dirk Hartog Island. Plants are arranged alphabetically within families. Hyperlinks are provided for quick access to historical material found on-line. Attention is drawn (in the green boxes below the species accounts) to some features which may help identification or may interest the reader, but these are by no means diagnostic. Where technical terms are used, these are explained in parenthesis. The ultimate on-line authority on the Western Australian flora is FloraBase. It provides the most up-to-date nomenclature, details of subspecies, flowering periods and distribution maps. Please use this guide in conjunction with FloraBase. Part 2 — POSTS AND PLATES provides short historical accounts of some the people involved in erecting and removing posts and plates on Dirk Hartog Island between 1616 and 1907, and those who may have collected plants on the island during their visit. Home FLOWERS PHOTOGRAPHS REFERENCES BIRD LIST Home Flower Photos The plants are presented in alphabetical order within plant families - this is so that plants that are closely related to one another will be grouped together on nearby pages. All of the family names and genus names are given at the top of each page and are also listed in an index.