Cornell Alumni News Volume 50, Number 7 December 1, 1947 Price 25 Cents
Cornell Alumni News Volume 50, Number 7 December 1, 1947 Price 25 Cents Bollinger '45 PHILCO iUMM! There's α thrill for young and old in the very thought: A Philco for Christmas ! This year, there is no need for compromise . for disappointment . because there's a Philco for everyone in the brilliant array at your Philco dealer's. WEDNESDAY IS BINGSDAY ! Listen to Philco Radio Time starring BING CROSBY Wednesdays, 10 P.M. in the East, 9 P.M. every- wriβF8 else . ABC Nefwόfk and many additional stations. P. Ballantine & Sons, Newark, N. J. TRUNK TRUNK means means but BALLANTINE always means: PURITY Reunion . .. red-letter day ... a glass of PURITY, BODY, FLAVOR adds a bright and welcome touch. Look for the 3 rings ^ . call for Ballantine. AVOR Pres., Carl W. Badenhausen, Cornel!,Ί6 Vice Pres., Otto A. Badenhausen, Cornell Ί7 America's finest since 1840 OBODY has ever been able to put a ceiling on Good Taste. It is an all-important intangible that goes N into the cut, materials and workmanship of every- thing bearing Brooks Brothers' label. It's the most valuable thing, perhaps, we sell. It has nothing to do with price... but it has everything to do with every article in this store. ESTABLISHED 1818 46 NEWBURY STREET, BOSTON 16, MASS. 714 SOUTH HILL ST., LOS ANGELES 14, CALIF. 165 POST STREET, OFFICERS' UNIFORMS, FURNISHINGS AND ACCESSORIES SAN FRANCISCO 8, CALIF. 346 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 44TH ST., NEW YORK 17, N. Y. BANK^ Established Personal Trusts 1784 Since 1S30 New York's First Commercial Bank BANK OF NEW YORK 48 Wall Street — New York UPTOWN OFFICE: MADISON AVENUE AT 63RD STREET Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Volume 50, Number 7 December 1, 1947 Price, 25 Cents CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Entered as second-class matter, Ithaca, N.
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