Cornell Alumni News Volume 51, Number 7 December 1, 1948 Price 25 Cents
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Cornell Alumni News Volume 51, Number 7 December 1, 1948 Price 25 Cents Barton Hall Bellinger '45 til SijIitilsftsB ίjjί, 9ii&-&:^& β'A'l : tS'^S'^Mi^y\M ISIIIίfi fllJIgffi i^' ' ί^Λ TΓ^V' f'ίΐΐ ^^ ^δM^??^^ liStii^ 1 ^S^SlSSfSΐs^slllS^ GEORGE W. DUNN PHILADELPHIA,PA. How did I make the transition from a Teachers' College to the life insurance business? Here is about how it happened. I waved a fond farewell to Moorhead State Teachers' College, Minnesota, in the spring of 1941, and settled down to do some serious thinking concerning my future. Uncle Sam.supplied some of the answers in September of that year, and for the next five years the Army Air Corps was my boss, and my address was a succession of Army Air Bases and A.P.O. numbers, which stretched from Colorado to Scotland, England, Africa, Italy and Corsica. For two of these years it was my good fortune to be associ- ated with a brother officer, MCapfl Haines, in civilian life a partner in New England Mutual's Philadelphia General Agency, Moore and Haines. He, my wife—a U. S. Army nurse, whom I married in Africa—and I spent long hours discussing life insur- ance and its possibilities as a career for me. It offered all of the things that I had ever hoped for in business: independence, unlimited income possibilities and, most of all, a never-ending challenge to my ability in a field where limits do not exist, excepting as I alone set them. Before I had finished my terminal leave, I was studying for my Pennsylvania State Insurance examination, and was making field trips with my friend from overseas. Now, after two years, I am more convinced than ever that there is no better future than that which the New England Mutual offers. To prove my point, I have the support of my 97 policy- holders, and the one million dollars of new life insurance which I have placed on their lives. GRADUATES of our Home Office training courses, These Cornell Univ. men are New England Mutual representatives: practically all of them new to the life insurance business, are selling at a rate which produces aver- Edson F. Folsom, '93, Tαmpα Harold S. Brown, '29, Ithaca age first-year incomes of $3600. The total yearly Russell L. Solomon, '14, Fort Wayne S. Robert Sientz, '30, New York City income on such sales, with renewal commissions Benjamin H. Micou, C.L.U., '16, Detroit Rodney Bliss, Jr., '34, Boston added, will average $5700. Robert B. Edwards, C.L.U., '19, Omaha John J. McHυgh, '39, Rochester Facts such as these helped George Dunn solve Donald E. Leith, '20, New York City William J. Ackerman, '40, Los Angeles his career problem. If you'd like to know more, Archie N. Lawson, '21, Indianapolis Richard V. Hopple, '46, Cincinnati write Mr. H. C. Chancy, Director of Agencies, New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Get in touch with them for expert counsel on your life insurance program 501 Boylston Street, Boston 17, Massachusetts. ίsί oflί Z i; £ .κ << •% I^-H s - CD I δ Λ I^» o «i K, ώ : ^» ^ Uί , Li, Volume 51, Number 7 December 1, 1948 Price, 25 Cents CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Entered as second-class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Issued twice a month while the University is in session; monthly in January, February, July, and September; not published in August. Subscription price $4 a year. formation asked of all students who Record Number of Alumni Children enter the University for the first time. Some always fail to name their Cornell relatives, so these annual Enter University This Year listings of new students are frequently TV/TORE children and grandchildren Schurman '51, daughters of Judge incomplete. Additions and corrections -LVA of Cornellians started in the Jacob Gould Schurman, Jr. '17, are earnestly requested, to complete University this year than ever before, Alumni Trustee of the University and the records. They may be sent according to the annual tabulation Peter T. Schurman '52, Freshman directly to CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS, compiled by the Alumni Office. In- son of George M. Schurman '13. A 18 East Avenue, Ithaca. formation given by new students who fifth grandchild, Malcolm Magruder In the lists which follow, students entered Cornell last spring and this '50, son of Mrs. John Magruder came as Freshmen unless otherwise fall indicate that 378 of them have (Helen Schurman), is studying in designated by Class numerals. As- alumni parents or grandparents. This France this year, on leave of absence terisks (*) denote alumni who are is about 13 per cent of the 2872 new from the University. deceased, and step-parents are indi- cated by daggers (f). students in 1948, not including the Besides these direct forbears and Medical College in New York for the parents listed below, many bro- Both Parents Cornellians which information is not available. thers and sisters, aunts, uncles, cous- Besides the fifty-four all-Cornell Largest number of Cornell children ins, and other Cornell relatives were families listed below (mothers by previously admitted was 344 in the noted. maiden names), five more are in- three terms of 1946. The listings are made from in- cluded among the third-generation Thirty of Third Generation Thirty new students reported alumni parents and grandparents, as compared with eighteen in 1947. Three Cornell Generations Cornell lineage of this year's third- GRANDPARENTS PARENTS CHILDREN generation matriculants is traced in Charles E. Acker '95* Ernest R. Acker '17 Ernest R. Acker, Jr., Grad the "box" on this page. William G. Starkweather '92 Mrs. Elizabeth Stark- f Richard H. Adair In addition to these thirty of un- weather, Grad '20-21 \ Roger P. Adair, Jr. John D. Adams '82* John C. Adams '26 Charles M. Adams interrupted Cornell lineage, fourteen Francis O. Affeld, Jr. '97 Francis O. Affeld III '26 Francis O. Affeld IV new students reported alumni grand- James W. Beardsley '91* Wallace P. Beardsley '19 David P. Beardsley parents. They are Edward F. Barnett, Charles W. Curtis '88* / Raymond W. Bell '20 \ , „ ,, , Grad, whose grandmother was the Stephanie Marx '88 \ Carol Curtis '21 / BarbarR Q r a Bel1 51ςι late Effie Scott Franklin, Grad '95-6; J / Clarence E. Bolton '26 \ , ^ , , Rudolph R. Bolton 12* Johτ n R BoltoΏ n John H. Trueman, Grad, grandson of \ Ruth Platt '27 / " the late John M. Trueman '95; H. Freeman Button '06* Henry B. Button '21 Marion E. Button Frank P. Hatch '97 Daniel J. Carey '18 Eleanor A. Carey Edward W. D. Stevens, '51 Law, Lee C. Corbett '90* Roger B. Corbett '22 Ann F. Corbett grandson of the late Frederick C. Clayton Crandall 78* Carl Crandall '12 Susan A. Crandall '50 Stevens '79; and these Freshman Mrs. Ellen Royce Lasher '94 G. Douglas Crozier '24 Dorothea A. Crozier grandchildren: Flavio deA. Prado, Charles P. Davidson 78* Phillip L. Davidson '18 Ana C. Davidson / Jonathan Eddy '24 \ , •, τ\/r T?ΛΛ the late Benta deA. Prado '76; Fred A. Barnes '97 { Mary Barnes '26 j αStephen M. Eddy Edward A. Gadsby, the late Herbert H. Gadsby '86; George H. Mclntire, E. Porter Felt '94* Ernest P. Felt '23 Ernest P. Felt, Jr. Blinn S. Cushman '93 / John R. Fleming '21 \ -pu r A τ?ι George E. Howard '93; Robert A. Jessie Manley '96 ( Margaret Cushman '23 ) PhlllP A' FlemlnS Moyer, Jr., Robert S. Lamb '94; Arthur F. Crandall 77 George B. Gordon '19 John S. Gordon Albert J. Hoyt, Harry J. Lipes '96; Frank Harding '81* Harold C. Harding ΊO William C. Harding Kirkwood E. Personius, the late Ely Mrs. Myrtle Wells Bradley '93 George W. Holbrpok '23 George W. Holbrook, Jr. W. Personius '98; Gustav Pabst, George P. Kingsley '87* Donaldson W. Kingsley Donaldson W. Kingsley, Jr. '21 Joseph Uihlein '01; John S. Tiffany, Richard M. Sellwood '95* Carl A. Luster, Jr. '22 Richard S. Luster John B. Tiffany '01; Albert S. Trefts, Clarence Mallery '89* John S. Mallery '16 John S. Mallery, Jr. John C. Trefts '02; Catherine 0. George W. Noyes'92*\ Mrs. Imogen Noyes -^ Ά -& <z+ Yeager, Arthur M. Seaman '03; and Irene Newhouse '95 / Stone '25 Davιd B' Stone Nancy J. Montgomery, granddaugh- William H. Stratton '88* Mark H. Stratton '15 Mark H. Stratton, Jr. ter of Maurice L. Warner '06. f Allan H. Treman '21 ] Robert H. Treman 78* \ Mrs. Ellen Barton [ Barton Treman Four grandchildren of the late [ Drummond '25 J Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman, third Edward N. Trump 78* Charles C. Trump Ίl Charles E. Trump President of the University, are now Thomas D. Watkins '92* Thomas D. Watkins, Sally E. Watkins students at Cornell. They are George Jr. '28 M. McHugh '50, son of Mrs. James Willett L. Ward '90* Victor J. Williams '22 Leonard J. Williams M. McHugh (Dorothy Schurman); James I. Younglove 72* David Younglove '12 Margaret L. Younglove Lydia Schurman '50 and Mary A. Cornellians, for a total of sixty new Robinson, Cecil S. '21 Patricia A. PARENTS CHILDREN students whose parents are both Dorothy Hall '32 Bullock, Mrs. C. Arthur Charles A. Ross, Alexander M. '24 Donald M. alumni. This is twelve more than the (Edith Dann) '28 Grace Rodee. Grad '25-6 Burger, Frank G. '07* John F. '50 forty-seven families who started forty- Sadd, Chilion W. '26 Elizabeth M. Burns, Edward J. '17 Leighton R. nine children in the University last Arlene Nuttall '32f Buzby, Jesse M. '18 Jesse M., Jr. '50 Safford, Clair E. '29 Ann A. year. Call, Richard V. '17 Richard C. Katherine LaBar '29 Carlos, Meneleo J. '24 Meneleo J., Jr.