Cornell Alumni News -/// G R UM MAN Aircraft Engineering Corporation, Bethpage, Long Island, N.Y
- - June 1965 Cornell Alumni News -/// G R UM MAN Aircraft Engineering Corporation, Bethpage, Long Island, N.Y. For demonstrations, contact: Atlantic viat ti on, Wilmington, Del.; AiResearch Aviation Service Company, Los Angeles, Calif.; Timmins Aviation, Montreal, Canada. Cornell Alumni News Volume 67, Number 11 + June 1965 Student examines reproduction of early telegraph sending instrument at the base of the Ezra Cornell statue. -Fred Mohn Fairview Heights -A New Environment for Living entries, lights, phones, mailboxes, laundry, A Place of Beauty and the rooms within the apartments. To live in an environment created by Marcel Breuer, one of the world's greatest designers, is of profound and immeasurable A Place for Leisure & Play value. Within level walking distance, there are Here professional men and women pur- many and diverse activities readily avail- suing careers, young couples just beginning able. There is horseback riding at the polo housekeeping, families with children, and stables, tennis down in the Cascadilla Gorge older people who welcome ease and simplifi- and at various courb on the campus, swim- cation, will all find a deeply satisfying place ming at Teagle and Helen Newman Halls to live. The differing needs and tastes are re- and Beebe Lake in the summer, ice skating flected and expressed in the architecture and at Lynah Rink, University football, baseball, result in the high and low buildings, sculp- basketball, ice hockey, and polo games, the tured columns and sun shades, the park-like White Art Museum and many other special setting, walks with trees and lamp posts and exhibits; a whole spectrum of cultural events changing vistas all of which contribute to of a very high order such as concerts, lec- the beauty and charm of the total environ- tures, plays, movies and social events.
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