Use Ctrl/F (Find) to search for '54 Class Notes names, topics, months, years, Email: Ruth whatever. Scroll up or down to May - Dec. '10 Jan. – Dec. ‘16 Carpenter Bailey: see nearby information. Click Jan. - Dec. ‘11 Jan. - Dec. ‘17
[email protected] the back arrow to return to the Jan. – Dec. ‘12 Jan. - Dec. ‘18 or Bill Waters: class site. Jan. – Dec ‘13 July - Dec. ‘19
[email protected] Jan. – Dec. ‘14 Jan. – Dec. ‘20 Jan. – Dec. ‘15 Jan. – Aug. ‘21 Class website: July 2021 – August 2021 Since this is the last hard copy class notes column we will write before CAM goes digital, it is only fitting that we received an e-mail from Dr Bill Webber (WCMC’60) who served as our class’s first correspondent from 1954 to 1959. Among other topics, Webb advised that he was the last survivor of the three “Bronxville Boys” who came to Cornell in 1950 from that village in Westchester County. They roomed together as freshmen, joined Delta Upsilon together and remained close friends through graduation and beyond. They even sat side by side in the 54 Cornellian’s group photo of their fraternity. Boyce Thompson, who died in 2009, worked for Pet Milk in St. Louis for a few years after graduation and later moved to Dallas where he formed and ran a successful food brokerage specializing in gourmet mixed nuts. Ever the comedian, his business phone number (after the area code) was 223-6887, which made the letters BAD-NUTS. Thankfully, his customers did not figure it out.