Mar. 27 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002

the children of Abraham overcame Phar- the right of all people. And as Jews observe aoh’s tyranny forty centuries ago and found this sacred time, I hope that your faith freedom in the promised land. Every year will be strengthened in the remembrance at Passover, Jews relive the experience of of your miraculous and living heritage. the Exodus and remember the miracles Laura joins me in sending our best wish- that provided them their path to freedom. es for a blessed Passover. As we seek peace throughout the world, GEORGE W. BUSH we are reminded that freedom is a precious gift. At this Passover, I hope that people NOTE: An original was not available for of every faith will affirm that freedom is verification of the content of this message.

Message on the Observance of Easter, 2002 March 27, 2002

I send greetings to everyone observing hear Gospel readings such as Saint Luke’s Easter this year. During this joyful season rendering of that first Easter morning when of new life and renewal, Christians around the Angel asked: ‘‘Why do you look for the world celebrate the central event of the living among the dead? He is not here; their faith—the Resurrection of Jesus He has risen!’’ Christ, whom Christians believe is the Mes- Easter’s message of renewal is especially siah, the Son of God. meaningful now during this challenging The life and teachings of Jesus have in- time in our Nation’s history. On September spired people throughout the ages to strive 11, 2001, America suffered devastating loss. for a better world and a more meaningful In the wake of great evil, however, Ameri- life. Jesus’ death stands out in history as cans responded with strength, compassion, the perfect example of unconditional love. and generosity. As we fight to promote The four Gospels of the Christian Bible freedom around the world and to protect recount Jesus’ amazing life, his miraculous innocent lives in America, we remember death, resurrection, and ascension, and his the call of the Battle Hymn of the Republic: unending offer of salvation to all. The story ‘‘As He died to make men holy, let us of Jesus’ wondrous resurrection comes alive live to make men free.’’ again for Christians each year at Easter. Laura joins me in sending best wishes Easter Sunday commemorates in song for a wonderful Easter. and celebration the joy and promise of Christ’s triumph over evil and death. Chris- GEORGE W. BUSH tians around the world gather together to sing well-loved hymns to God’s glory, re- NOTE: An original was not available for membering the signs and wonders of God’s verification of the content of this message. grace revealed in Jesus. And they again will


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Remarks at a Fundraiser for Senatorial Candidate Saxby Chambliss in March 27, 2002

Thank you all very much. Saxby, thanks. fine members of the congressional delega- I am honored that so many showed up. tion from the great State of , mem- I want to thank you for such a warm wel- bers with whom I enjoy working, members come. I’m here to deliver this message: who represent your State in a proud way. Saxby Chambliss needs to be in the United And I appreciate you letting somebody States Senate. And I’m so pleased you from the State of Ohio in—[laughter]—the agree with me. [Laughter] chairman of the Education Committee, First, I want to thank Julianne. One of John Boehner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. the things I’ve learned is that a life in the I had the privilege of saying hello to public arena is a lot easier when you’ve one of Georgia’s most distinguished citizens got a great wife. He married above himself, today, and that’s Judge . I’m and so did I. [Laughter] We both married so honored the judge is here. You all have schoolteachers. And like Saxby is proud of produced a lot of fine leaders from your Julianne, I’m really proud of Laura. I wish State, and Judge Bell is one of the finest. she were here tonight. She’s in Crawford, And I appreciate the party chairman, Ralph . The two dogs and the cat—[laugh- Reed. I appreciate his dedication to grass- ter]—went down to Crawford, because roots politics. that’s where I’m headed after this event. And I want to thank the R.B. Wright I love my job. But even though I’ve fifth grade choir. You read more than you changed addresses, my home is still in the watch TV. [Laughter] And thanks for com- heart of Texas. ing. I want to thank Saxby’s mother for being And I want to thank all those who here. She informed me when she came worked hard to make this a successful through to get her picture taken that she evening, and I want to thank you all for was here, but she was a Democrat. [Laugh- caring about your country and for doing ter] I said that didn’t bother me one bit. what is right: getting involved in democracy [Laughter] I never would have gotten to and working hard. And when you find a be the Governor of Texas had not a lot good one like Saxby Chambliss, work your of Democrats voted for me. [Laughter] It heart out, because there is no finer Amer- doesn’t matter whether you’re Republican ican than Saxby. He loves his family. He or Democrat when it comes to doing the loves his country. He’s a man of enormous right thing for the country and the right experience. He’s one of these can-do politi- thing for our democracy. We welcome all cians, somebody who goes to Washington people; we welcome anybody. and tries to figure out how to make things And looking at the mother reminds me better. to remind all the youngsters here to listen I value his advice on terrorism. He’s to your mother. I’m still listening to mine. sound when it comes to counterterrorism. [Laughter] I’m listening to her most of the He’s been in the Oval Office to give me time—don’t tell her I said that. [Laughter] sound, solid advice. And I’ve listened to I want to thank Bo Callaway for being it every time he’s come in there. I appre- the master of ceremonies. I appreciate his ciate his love for education. He understands long service to the of Amer- this: that if you can’t read, you can’t realize ica. I want to thank Congressmen Barr and the American Dream. I like to put it this Collins, Deal, Linder, and Norwood, fine, way: Reading is the new civil right, and


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