Remarks at a Fundraiser for Senatorial Candidate Saxby Chambliss in Atlanta March 27, 2002
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Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Mar. 27 Remarks at a Fundraiser for Senatorial Candidate Saxby Chambliss in Atlanta March 27, 2002 Thank you all very much. Saxby, thanks. fine members of the congressional delega- I am honored that so many showed up. tion from the great State of Georgia, mem- I want to thank you for such a warm wel- bers with whom I enjoy working, members come. I’m here to deliver this message: who represent your State in a proud way. Saxby Chambliss needs to be in the United And I appreciate you letting somebody States Senate. And I’m so pleased you from the State of Ohio in—[laughter]—the agree with me. [Laughter] chairman of the Education Committee, First, I want to thank Julianne. One of John Boehner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. the things I’ve learned is that a life in the I had the privilege of saying hello to public arena is a lot easier when you’ve one of Georgia’s most distinguished citizens got a great wife. He married above himself, today, and that’s Judge Griffin Bell. I’m and so did I. [Laughter] We both married so honored the judge is here. You all have schoolteachers. And like Saxby is proud of produced a lot of fine leaders from your Julianne, I’m really proud of Laura. I wish State, and Judge Bell is one of the finest. she were here tonight. She’s in Crawford, And I appreciate the party chairman, Ralph Texas. The two dogs and the cat—[laugh- Reed. I appreciate his dedication to grass- ter]—went down to Crawford, because roots politics. that’s where I’m headed after this event. And I want to thank the R.B. Wright I love my job. But even though I’ve fifth grade choir. You read more than you changed addresses, my home is still in the watch TV. [Laughter] And thanks for com- heart of Texas. ing. I want to thank Saxby’s mother for being And I want to thank all those who here. She informed me when she came worked hard to make this a successful through to get her picture taken that she evening, and I want to thank you all for was here, but she was a Democrat. [Laugh- caring about your country and for doing ter] I said that didn’t bother me one bit. what is right: getting involved in democracy [Laughter] I never would have gotten to and working hard. And when you find a be the Governor of Texas had not a lot good one like Saxby Chambliss, work your of Democrats voted for me. [Laughter] It heart out, because there is no finer Amer- doesn’t matter whether you’re Republican ican than Saxby. He loves his family. He or Democrat when it comes to doing the loves his country. He’s a man of enormous right thing for the country and the right experience. He’s one of these can-do politi- thing for our democracy. We welcome all cians, somebody who goes to Washington people; we welcome anybody. and tries to figure out how to make things And looking at the mother reminds me better. to remind all the youngsters here to listen I value his advice on terrorism. He’s to your mother. I’m still listening to mine. sound when it comes to counterterrorism. [Laughter] I’m listening to her most of the He’s been in the Oval Office to give me time—don’t tell her I said that. [Laughter] sound, solid advice. And I’ve listened to I want to thank Bo Callaway for being it every time he’s come in there. I appre- the master of ceremonies. I appreciate his ciate his love for education. He understands long service to the United States of Amer- this: that if you can’t read, you can’t realize ica. I want to thank Congressmen Barr and the American Dream. I like to put it this Collins, Deal, Linder, and Norwood, fine, way: Reading is the new civil right, and 517 r 24 2004 10:45 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00517 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193762A.XXX 193762A Mar. 27 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 we must have people who understand the knows what I know: that we’re the best profound impact quality education can have producers in the world, that Georgia farm- on the future of this country. ers and American farmers are the best. And And I’m glad Boehner is here. I had if you’re the best, it benefits our farmers the honor of signing a profound piece of to fight to open up markets around the education reform. It said a couple of things. world. And that’s exactly what I’m going One, it says we believe in high standards to do. And I want his help. You see, it’s for everybody, not just a few but every- a confident nation that tears down barriers. body; that we trust the people of Georgia It’s a confident nation that insists that peo- to run your schools more than we trust ple open up their markets to our food the people in Washington, DC; that we’re products. It’s been my policy, and I need committed to spending Federal dollars on people in the United States Senate who’s education, but for every dollar spent, we willing to back me on that policy. And so expect there to be results. do the American farmers. We believe—and I strongly believe— I’ll never forget one time in Chicago every child can learn. And therefore, the when a reporter said, ‘‘Would you ever def- system must focus on every child. The icit spend?’’ And I said, ‘‘Well, only—only name of the bill that Saxby worked on and if we were at war, only if there were a John Boehner worked on is ‘‘No Child Shall national emergency, or only if there is a Be Left Behind.’’ And that’s the way I feel. recession.’’ Never did I believe we’d get And that’s the way America must be, that the trifecta. [Laughter] But we’re dealing the promise of America must be extended with it. to every single person. Saxby understands And let me talk about this recession. We that, and I’m going to be proud to have cut taxes at exactly the right time. We un- him in the United States Senate working derstand that if you let people keep their on these fundamental issues that will help own money, they will demand more goods change America. and services. And as they demand more There is no more fundamental issue than goods and services, somebody will produce to—making sure we have a judiciary of more goods and services. And when you people that do not interpret the law from produce more goods and services, you ex- the bench, people who do not try to write pand the job base. law from the bench, people who interpret Now, some folks evidently don’t under- the law and not try to write it. And I put stand that. They’ve been reading a different up a good man from Mississippi the other textbook than Saxby and I read. You see, day. And I don’t remember the senior they either want to delay the tax cut or Senator from Georgia defending this man’s raise your taxes. We need somebody in honor. And we’re going to have more fights Washington—a friend of the taxpayer, a when it comes to the judiciary. And I’m vote we can rely on. And let me tell you going to put strict constructionists on the a crucial vote that’s going to come up. The bench. And I expect people in the United tax reform act started the end of the death States Senate, from a great State like Geor- tax. However, we need to make getting rid gia, to do what Zell Miller did and—stood of the death tax permanent in the Tax up and defended the honor and integrity Code. We don’t need anybody up there of Judge Pickering. And that’s what Saxby who’s going to waver, somebody who’s Chambliss is going to do. going to try to check in with a higher polit- He also knows something about agri- ical authority on whether this is the right culture. This State will benefit by having move or not. somebody who knows something about ag- Getting rid of the death tax forever is riculture in the United States Senate. Saxby important for small-business owners. It’s 518 24 2004 10:45 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00518 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193762A.XXX 193762A Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Mar. 27 important for farmers. It is important for tant job, is to be able to assure Americans ranchers. The death tax is a bad tax. The we’re doing everything we can to keep you death tax says that someone is going to safe. But the best homeland security, the have to work all their life to build up their best way to protect Americans for the long assets and then leave most of it not to run, is to find the killers and bring them who they choose but to the Federal Gov- to justice one by one. And that’s exactly ernment.