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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Monday's By DON MCLEOD haring action hit Revenue-s said. "W

Ambassador hiirt in crash United Nations Ambassador': Jacob A; Wank, 60, of the Soviet Union is in satisfactory condition in a Glen Cove, N.Y., hospital with a fractured rib after a CoMp leaders car crash that killed one person and critically: injured another. Also hurt was Malik's wife, Valentina,,-50, Who is in the hospital's intensive care unit with abrasions and possible Internal injuries. Officials said an auto started to make a threaten to left turn but Collided with the ambassador's oncoming car or- a road near the recreationaiestate the Soviet Union maintains in the community. / " ¦:¦:¦¦ . ¦: ¦¦ ' ' • . ' . . . : . • . . > shell palace Pianist gets bust-ed BEIRUT, .Lebanon (AP) — Lebanese ' Pianist Arthur Rubenstein bur- army coup leaders threatened today to lesquesa pose of a bust of himself at shell the presidential palace If Christian f its unveiling recently at New York's President Suleiman Franjieh did not Carnegie Hall. Rubenstein made his resign,' ' . ' American debut there 70 years ago Army sources said a column with tanks and tonight he will give what maybe and light artillery was moving on the his last concert there. The Polish . palace, , located on the outskirtsof Beirut, born virtuoso says his eyesight has where Franjieh was being defended by failed to the point where¦ he can no about f 2,000 loyalists and ' Christian V'longef see the keyboard ' . militiamen. Moslem and Christian gunmen fought ' " ' ' - 'V- - . *¦ ' .''. -, njortar . and rocket duels In Beirut and Onassis anniversary Fonda in hospital northern Lebanon as the country lurched toward a resumption of the 11-month Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was y Actor Henry Fonda reportedly has .. ¦ civil expected on the Greek Island of been scheduled for surgery Tuesday ¦ War. -. f. ya . Scorpios today for a memorial to remove a turiior in his lung ' Leaders of both the Christian and Moslem factions went to Damascus service on the first anniversary of . . believed to be nonmalignant. Cedars to ask Aristotle Onassis's death. Mrs. 'of Lebanon Hospital, Los Angeles, Syrian President Hafez Assad to try to Onassis will be accompanied byV confirmed : Sunday night that the avoid a showdown between Franjieh and the Moslem commander of the Beirut Christina Onassis, Onassis' daugh- 70-year-old Fonda is expected to garrison ter. : remain hospitalized about 10 days. who led a military coup last Thursday and demanded Franjieh's resignatiba f . Tank 'battle' seen In one of many ultimatumsserved on the A. forthcoming competition between a IJ.S. tank and West Germany's Leopard, president; Col. Raouf Abdul Samad said, New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu Is besieged from both sides as he II to become America's tank of the future may prove to be a sham battle "If the president fails to resign by 2 p.m. (7 chats with fellow mayors during'a reception for the National League of because U.S. officials already lean toward the local product. The Pentagon has a.m: CST) we shall begin shelling the Cities and the U.S. Conference of. Mayors In Washing .on Sunday. From promised to give the German tank a fair shot at the prize — a planned US. presidential palace." Witnesses said there , Tex,; Landrieu; Odnald -purchase of 3,312 new tanks foriiearly $4 billion.;But key U.S. officials are was some military; activity but rib artillery Mayors meet left are Mayors Cliff Overcash, Ft. Worth inclined toward U.S. tank.A. entries even before the competition begins'late this fire as the hour passed, Canney, Cedar Rapids, Iowa A and John Poelker, St. Louis, Mb-'- (AP - ' :' ¦' f 'AP./ : . :.y. year. y...,..,y/A ^.^.A- : . ;. ' ' V v ' f / Samad is tlK conimahdef off the Mt, Photofax) f Xebanon district with headquarters in Typical two-year-olds Hammana, 12 miles east of the palace, One Clara and Alta Rodriguez, the of his aides said the ultimatum to Franjieh Siamese twins separated f in an ¦was made in cooperation with thearmy's operation inv Philadelphia in 1974, high command. potpfobed two-year-olds who Assassination • today are typical' It appeared that the coup leaders were WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI and Republican presidential nomination, to be bite, yell and scream,, says Dr. information emanated from northern reluctant tir move forcefully against Secret Service are investigating a made at the Kansas City convention which ." ¦ ¦ ' Louise Schaufer, their surgeon. Franjieh because they could not be certain reported - terrorist plot to assassinate gets under way on Aug. 16. Clara swaggers a bit when she walks how many, of their"officers and men would President Ford and former California The Chicago Tribunesaid in a story from The Tribune said the remark referred to because her pelvis hasn't grown follow them. Many of the army's officers Gov. at the Republican San Francisco that Justice Department attempts against Ford 's life in together yet and Alta mpst wear a are Maronite Christians, as is Franjieh, National Convention in Kansas City in sources said the plot involved a com- Sacramento and San Francisco, Lynette corset to brace hSr posture. August, a Secret Service spokesman said mando-style assassination team of persons "Squeaky" Fromme, a.follower of Charles Amid the political turmoil and con- Ma nson, was sentenced to life in prison for tinuing fragmentation of government and today. from the SanyFrancisco Bay area. The Asked about an account of the plot in a newspaper said it was informed that the trying to kill Ford in Sacramento Sara ¦ • military: authority, the civil warfare Jane Moore has been sentenced to life in The inside box: ^ J~~~~^*> between leftist Moslem and rightwihg Chicago newspaper, Secret Service plot was discovered while it still was In its J . ' spokesman' Ken Lynch said: "This Is an prison for trying to kill the President in : * Television ...... > 4 SmoAdh . - '*)gPn$X - ¦ Christian factions . appeared to be early planning stage. San Francisco. • Family/Living ...... 4 , ¦¦ ^ ¦ resuming. Gunmen fought a mortar and FBI-developed investigation. We are The Justice Department learned of the • i ' ¦» : > ¦ V. rocket duel in Beirut's" actively cooperating with them on the plot from an informant who was "a part of The Tribune said law enforcement of- ¦* . %Jy O fire-blackened hotel ficials are Opin ions/Ideas.V . - ... 6 district, and police said 3? persons were investigation. We cannot gjve you any of the violent underground in northern concerned about "the escalation • Daily record...... 7 Fair , : killed and 48 were wounded in scattered the details because it is an ongoing in- California," the Tribune said. It said its of bombings and other acts of terrorism in V\: vestigation." sources believe "the plan apparently was the state (California) in recent months." 8-10 , Fair to? partly cloudy Ihrough fighting in Beirut and northern Lebanon • Sports...... Asked whether the ; Secret Service being designed to throw the . convention The Tribune had said in its ; Tuesday, -tows lonlflht '0 lo 15: during the past 24 hours. . Sunday • Markets. . V...... '.10 Highs 1 uesday !5to 32 :. . weMtKr Franjieh defied calls for his resignation considered thc threat serious, Lynch into complete chaos.''' editions that Uie Weather Underground is details, page' ¦ replied : '' All threats are serious, if indeed "We certainly can't discount anything of "in the forefront of secretly • Comics ...... 12 ¦ ¦; y ¦ from the coup leader, Brig. Aziz Ahdab, ' organizing v AA and from 69 of tlie 99 members of his they are threats." this nature," the Tribune quoted an in- small bands of terrorists throughout the parliament, . Ford and Reagan are contenders for the vestigator as saying. "Especially since the country." RBI probes Callaway resort charges By WILLIAM C.MANN cording to tiien-Undersecretary of Agriculture J. Phillip propriety. He said he asked to be relieved because he Campbell. feels Ford's reputation of openness, honesty and In- ' DENVER (AP) ~ The FBI has begun investigating Campbell says he was at the meeting, The Forest tegrity makes it "important to go the extra mile." the proposed expansion of. a Colorado ski area controlled Service Is part of the Department of Agriculture. • The controversy began after ' the Crested Butte by Howard "Bo" Callaway. . The bribery allegations do not mention Callaway's Development Corp., ' in which Callaway owns thc con- US. Atty. James L. Treeco says the probobegan when name. But Treece said it was the possibility of bribery trolling interest, applied to the Forest Service for"' an agent relayed to federal prosecutors a report that a that gave Uie FBI a connection to tlie case. He sold such inclusion of Mt. Sncdgrass, adjacent to (he present area. bribe might have been paid. A newsman says the report a bribe would be a federal crime. Nell Edstrom ' 1 , then the service's district ranger In the originated with an anonymous telephone call he The bribery allegations apparently originated with a Gunnison National Forest, drafted a report last summer received, newsman Who said he was told by an anonymous caller recommending disapproval., Callaway took a voluntary leave of absence from his that $135,000 had been paid. The alleged recipient denied 'Last summer, Callaway met with Forest Service of- post as President Ford's campaign manager over the it and said he called for the Investigation, The newsman ficials in his Pentagon office and asked that ttie ex- r weekend after, Sen. Floyd K. Haskell, D-Colo., an- said he would not have even printed the story had of- panslon be allowed, Campbell said. nounced that his Senate subcommittee will hold bearings ficials not begun an investigation. : No action has been taken on the requested expansion. On Sunday, Simon Tullai , assistant agont-ln-chnrgo of on the resort at Crested Butte, Colo. ' The Forest Service last month approved a request by the The Senate Investigation was prompted not by. the Denver. FBI office. conflrmcd that the FBI waa in- . Gunnison County Commission for a six-month delay allegations of bribery but by questions about a meeting vestigating the case but refused further comment. "We before on environmental impact statement is filed.' last summer In which Callaway, tlien secretaey of the were told back at headquarters to refer questions to tlie Army, met with Forest Service officials in Ihe Pentagon U ,S. attorney's office," Tullai said, ( Continued on page 5) STUARTSPENCER and asked that ttie ski area be allowed to expand, ac- Callaway said he is confident there has been no Im- Bribery allegation HOWARD'BO' CALLAWAY Daley looms over 5th leg of relay race , By WALTER R. WEARS Callaway faces an investigation of his role who has won three of the four presidential the primary battle between Gov, Daniel expand his corps of national convention fatal to his campaign, battered , last In pressing while secretary pf the Army for primaries so far; Alabama Gov. GcorgeC. Walker and Secretary of State Michael votes past the 100mark . Tuesday by Carter's upset victory In the f ' CHICAGO (AP) - President Ford expansion of the federal land leased to a allace; Sargent Shriver; ttnd former Hewlett, Daley s candidate for the Carter, Wallace and Walker, a Daley Florida primary. looked for another ylfctory, Ronald Reagan Colorado ski resort ho and his brother-in- Sklahoma Sen. Fred It. Harris are the governorship. foe, all are trying to win delegates, too. Thc Alabama governor said ho thinks ' another defeat and the law control, •> entries In the - Democratic popularity he'll braced for ' ¦ Wallace staged the most intensive of (ho walker promoted uncommitted delegates have at least 400 nominating rlvalu left the campaign arena Reagan took a campaign breather and contest, " . campaign windup performances delegates when thc Democrats convene Republican , with as an alternative to those aligned with ' ¦ ¦ to Democratic contestants today on the awaited the returns in secldslon in , But Daley, promoting delegate slates appearances slated today in Chicago and Daley. Shriver and Harris hoped to pick off next summer. ' ':: • i eve of tho Illinois preeldenUal primary California, alter saying he would be committed lo Sen. Adlai E. Stevenson III three pther cities on the way to a final rally at least a few of the convention delegates. He said he believes he can support the election. »„ __„ ,_ „ satisfied to gain 40 per cent of tho Illinois on a favorite son candidate, hopes to lead In Springfield, Sen, Henry M. Jackson, winner in the Democratic nominee — but then added, j the White House popular vote and about one-sixth of the 96 mora than too of the state' It was tho fifth leg of s 160 delegates Carter was appearing in Chicago, as was Massachusetts presidential primary two that wouldn't necessarily apply to Ren. > among Democrats a map nominating delegates at stake In thc when they go to New York City In July to relav race and , Shriver, a candidate In desperate need of a weeks ago, bypassed the Illinois cam- Morris K. Udall of Arizona. Udall has said > who wasn't running, Chicago Mayor primary. . ' choosea presidential norrilnee.. paign. he would bolt the Democratic party before over the field as Ford concluded his pergonal • cam- Whatever happens in ' big showing to pull back from the brink of Richard 1. Daley, loomed Tuesday s elec- political collapse after fractional shares of Carter said on the CBS program ho would support a Wallace ticket, Udall reassert the dominance. .he . paigning Friday, His manager, former tion, tho delegates will ih fact be free to "Face he sought to the voto In tho first four primary states, the Nation" Sunday that tie hopes to run Isn't running in Illinois. enjoyed In Illinois presidential Gov. Richard fi. Ogllvli), said tho ivoto any. way they want at the national From tho Republican candidates there once a national Democratic power for first In tho preferential primary and politicking. , P A P . President would win by a 2-1 margin In tho convention; Under state law, they pre not Daley, was silence, Reagan's goal seemed to be to . . two decades lost his clout to reformers capture at least 31 delegates. ¦ Ford managers professed to be more presidential , preference vote, which is bound to back tho candidatefor whom they , play down Illinois and wait for thc North about oyeMonfiden«i .than purely for show. ore listed on the ballot. four years ago but was out to rebuild It in Wallace, on the ABC program "Issues Carolina primary one Tuesday concerned this campaign. Ho was virtually , about tho ballot-box Impact of a budding Ogllvie said he was aiming to win 80 of And for Iho Democrats who will be here of 59 and Answers," said he expects to do well controversy over Howard H, Callaway, IbeWGOP dclcgates for Forti. , ' < long after the presidential parade has' guaranteed ^command Chicago but declined to say what that means. He (Continued on page.) delegates anfl was backing candidates to Illinois Ford's j suspended campaign manager. Former Gov. , passed by, the real contest Tuesday was also said an Illinois defeat would not be primary . . V ' I Choate » Where Personal Service Is Still Important's DC; rigWsactipnseen voting was limited home rule . WASHINGTON (AP ) - Court decision, the commission 'dards in food processing plants. last week resulted in defeat of a authorized,. wjth an elected Congress Is taking up the must be re-established as a Meanwhile, thei.House was to resolution setting up tbe mayor and council , But . ' of whether the Con- body of presidential, appointees take up a compromise measure arrangements. Tie vote also qliestion retained veto powers Sfruutdnf stitution should be amended to or lose its authority to handle 1o settlea long controversy over resulted in some em- Congress SatbwosHActeMvUu. . . . and control of the District give the District of Columbia campaign funds. The court financing child day-care cen- barrassment to congressional ¦ budget. ¦" '' two senators and a share cf priginally set a March 1 ters. It would continue until leaders who thought the details ' The representation . amen- representatives ln the House. deadline and then extended it to July I- a suspension of strict had been worked out with their . like all constltlitibnal The House is scheduled March 22, wfiiph Congressjiow- staffing standards ordered by British counterparts, dment, would require a two-" Tuesday to take up the amen- carihot A meet. ; '"However; " the' Department of Health, The proposed constitutional changes, . , thirds vote in each chamber and' , proposed* by the handlersof the legislation say a Education, and Welfare and amendment for the District of dment ' ratification by three- District's nonvoting delegate, brief interruption in the flow of provide $125. million, in 'ad- Columbia would not make a then of the states. Sup- Walter E. Fauntroy. campaign contributions would ditional federal funds; to help state of the capital city but quarters porters were especially gloomy On the same day, the Seriate not. seriously hamper can- meet the requirements, v would grant it full voting rights . chances In the Senate ' is to begin debate on its version didates. : The House will vote Wed- . ¦— two senators, : and, on the about the ' to of legislation to reconstitute the Before the election bill nesday on • . arrangements to basis of a population of about because of resistance number of ' ' • Federal Election Commission debate, the Senate is to take up escort the Magna Carta from 750,000, two representatives. Increasing the senators. and thus assure the con- a bill designed to strengthen Britain to. this country for In terms , of population, the , ihey are tinuation of the -government enforcement powers . Vof Bicentennial observances. A Nevertheless . District is larger than 10 states, with a - campaign law. ' government agencies that confused series .- of mounting a strong push according to the 1970 census. theme: it' , Bv the terms of a Supreme administer cleanliness stan- parliamentary moves, and votes Bicentennial s An amendment . ratified in taxation without representation 1961 gave.District citizens for when Congress controls the the first time a voice in District's fiscal affairs but the Government rebuttal to . presidential elections: In 1973, residents have no vote. resume in Hearst case : and U.S. District CoUrt Judge' BLARNEY! SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - NO Carter used the delay caused Government rebuttal testimony Oliver J, Carter ordered Miss by Miss Hearst's illness to draft Hearst to submit to further For You... Inv Patricia Hearst's bank ' a plan tor speeding up the trial. We Have The Wine robbery trial was expected examination by Kozol: ' ;• He outlined his p -jury to ' lans for resume today when Miss Since last week , Miss instruction and allotted Vk RICHARDS Hearst, nearlV recovered from Hearst's physical condition has hours for eacl. side lo make l (Ta&wL 1 a bout with the flu, returns to become nearly as much an issue closing arguments, • ¦which he court, y. y as her mental condition because hopes will be. delivered by S§> . Wild Irish Rose 'r^J'& will let you-know "Every indication; it has slowed down her already Y Just a wee sip is she will ' Friday. be in court Monday," defense protracted trial. • The judge said the defense (*^ 7 you've picked just the right Ihs Irish attorney Albert Johnson said Jail officials reported will have a day to a day and a % i K\ wine to toast " Richards Wild Irish Rose is a Sunday, "She Jold me she's Saturday, and Sunday that Miss half for its rebutthl after,-the ^* \» ». y delicious 100% pure grape improved, although she st|U has ¦Hearst was improved and said government rebuttal" tiS* ^ \y wme - just right for St Pat's some aching and congestion." she was resting comfortably Miss Hearst was kidnaped ——'f "*—'—-—— ' Day antj e)ery day' Court sessions were canceled withoutfbver. > Feb. 4, 1974, by the Symbionese last'Thursday and Friday when - But Johnson said Sunday that Libera tion Army and was the ' . 22-year-old newspaper Miss Hearst is "a rundown arrested in San Francisco last heiress fell ill and was returned person. She was rundown before 18. Drive up Parking—Right at the Door! iii Sept. to her San Mateo County Jail the trial, and she's ' .more In taped commuriiqties'during 'z : from our Bathshop. Many new and exciting accessories to rundown now. Shev * cell to recuperate. weighed her 19 months underground, she • choose from. Give your Bathroom a new !o ok' Dr. Harry iKozol , a Boston herself the other day and is renounced . her parents and psychiatrist " down to 92 pounds." 50 $ $ $ who interviewed claimed she voluntarily took _ Shower Curtains *4 to 17 Soap Dishes 1 to 560 Miss Hearst fpr the prosecution, The Boston attorney said it is part in. the April 15, 1974; Warehouse Liquors was on tile stand last week aiid unlikely Miss Hearst will be robbery of a Hibemla Bank $ ; ST. •;• Mirrors . 550 Kleenex Boxes $ 00 is expected : to continue called to the witness stand branch here — the robbery for PH. 452-1821 3RD.& MARKET 3 testifying today as the trial during defense rebuttal. But he which she now faces charges. In - Floral $ enters its eighth, and perhaps said it hasn't been decided her trial testimony, she claimed Room Fresheners *3 Hampers 16to *33 whether her parents — final¦ , week. . her captors, sexually assaulted Waste Baskets $ $ ' Kozoi's controversial Jan. 7 Randolph A. Hearst, president her, beat her, locked her in dark • . *6 to l2 Tension Rods 7 examination of Miss Hearst was of the^an Francisco Examiner, closets and forced her to tape $ $ the subject of a threeKlay and Catherine Hearst , a the communiques and to par- Silver Finish Rods 9 Gold Finish Rods University of California regent V 10 pretrial hearing. The defense ticipate in the bank robbery. tried to prevent further —will be called. * ¦ examination by the v DINE OUT ~ ^ psychiatrist, whom'Miss Hearst i . HOUSEWARES said had bullied , , her to U' k LOWER LEVEL hysterical tears with accusing State farm income #\ St. Patrick's Day questions. • „ $ A WED. MAB.17 , However. Kozol disputed w virtually all her contentions, drops over 33% " We 'll have a special treat MINNEAPOLIS, Minn- (AP) grain in. 1975 than in the tV;)' l * tor 1he ladies Wrwna paly News — A $636 million drop in crop, previous year. . \. ty sales is thc major factor behind Nationwide, Hawa ii had the dependable , Monday, W\arch15, lW