LV O) . <( > * r S lO W A P A R K a HERALD IOWA PARK, TEXAS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1948 VOLUM E 40 NUMBER 26 FRED THOMPSON HOME DEDICATED YOUR CHAMBER OF Dairymen to Meet i SCHOOL BELLS TO RING SEPTEMBER 7; RECREATION SETUP IN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY SUNDAY ! COMMERCE - At Community House VACCINATION CERTIFICATES REQUIRED FINISHES SUMMER There will be a meeting for all ' The 1948-49 school term will be- By Mrs. M. L Hines RUTH HILL YEARGAN ginning at 8:30, registration of the dairymen and interested farmers giYi September 7, which is Tuesday sophomores and freshmen -will begin An unusual and beautiful service "Who dunit” may be the most Thursday, August 26, 1948, at 8:00 after the first Monday in Septem­ for the school year. These students WITH PROGRAM was conducted at the Fred Thomp­ important element in the mystery I P.m. This will be a joint Artificial ber. It is the desire of the faculty also are reminded to have immuni­ son home on the Wichita Falls road Grand finale to the summer rec­ Breeding and Dairy Herd Improve­ and the board of education that all zation papers with them when they Sunday afternoon when the Rev. picture or the detective story, but in reational program was the delight­ FRIDAY, August 20 building a town, it can be over­ ment Associotion meeting, announc- who possibly can, enter and start appear for registering. Mr. Dan R. Robinson, pastor of the fully entertaining program which « Party for Seniors of ’49 at home i ed by Locke Lowrance, president of their classwork on that date. Tuesday morning, Sept. 7, all the First Methodist church at Malvern, stressed. took place Tuesday evening on the of Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Dale. Sometimes in smaller towns, there J the Wichita County Co-operative Before any pupil will be given Ark., and former pastor of the Iowa Junior high and grade school pu­ lawn of the Methodist church in Io­ SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 is more interest in who Is doing a Artificial Breeding association. books for this school year, he must Park Methodist church, presented pils will register and get books. The wa Park. Features of the program - Regular services at all churches thing than in what Is being under­ Two free movies will be shown on present a certificate or written in­ Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and their buses will run on that Tuesday and were numbers and stunts by the bf Our Town. taken. When a project is launched, care and management of dairy cows. strument signed by his doctor, or the plan is for all students to be daughter and son Miss Imogene and various divisions of the activity and Union services at Methodist lawn the question too often is "who dun­ Free ice cream will be served after the Wichita County Health nurse or Edward with a certificate of dedi­ registered and to have their books the directing of games by Mr. Por­ at 8:00 pm. a brief business session. proper authorities from where he cation on the occasion of their occu­ it?” instead of “how can we, all in time for the buses to return ter, educational director of the First TUESDAY, August 24 working together, get this thing ac­ The artificial breeders association last attended school. This certificate pying their new home. Hundreds of home by 11:00 a.m. These pupils also Methodist church at Wichita Falls. Health clinic, Christian church at complished?" is growing fast and welcomes new or written instrument must state must have immunization papers at friends called during the hours of members at all times. According to As president of the Iowa Park noon. When citizens pull together, the the pupil has been vaccinated for the time of registration. Council of Church women, the or­ three to five. At 5:00 a large group L. J. Iwig, technician in charge, 782 smallpox, whooping cough and diph­ y Lions luncheon a tnoon. result is obvious, the public sees a All pupils who are in the 7th and ganization which sponsored the two u WEDNESDAY, August 25 wTas present to share with the fam­ cows are now enrolled in the asso­ theria. If a child is over 12 years ily in the lovely ceremony. town progressive and alive. 8th grades are requested to take months of diversion for the youth T Women of Christian church, 2:30. Alone, a man can do only one ciation. The board of directors for ot age, he only needs an instrument Mr. Robinson wos assisted by the their immunization papers to R. V. of the community, Mrs. Homer Bla­ THURSDAY, August 26 man’s work. The most outstanding the local group consists of Locke stating that he has been imniunized Wood or W. R. Bradford. Pupils Rev. Mr. Kirk M. Beard, present Lowrance, Kelly Price, Bill Riden- lock welcomed those In attendance a Wichita Valley Community House president on earth cannot accom­ against smallpox. The pupil cannot in the first six grades will present and publicly thanked all who had pastor of the Iowa Park church, in ger, Glenn Tucker, D. O. James and even be classified until he presents at 8:00, Joint meeting of Artificial plish much unless the members of their papers of immunization to helped to make the program a suc­ the nitany and in the responsive E. L. Bradford, who Is secretary these papers and they are accepted Breeding and Dairy Herd Improve­ his organization are working with j Miss Kidwell. cess. She made special mention of prayers. The assembly participated and treasurer. by Miss Kidwell, ward school prin­ ment associations. him. The most alert chairman in j The school cafeteria will not be Mr. and Mrs. George R. Huckaby in the singing of two hymns "Amaz­ cipal, R. V. Wood, high school prin­ the community cannot get far unless open until Wednesday, Septembers. of the Iowa Park Herald for the ing Grace" and “I Need Thee Every cipal, or W. R. Bradford, suprin- his committee members support him | The first grade will be served first publicity they had given the project, Hour.” Misses Lucy Lee Dale and DAN R. ROBINSON tendent of schools. A record will be in the undertakings of the group. and other grades will be taken care and of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Reed of Education Committee Polly Faye Clark sang "Bless This "There is the home of the Fred made of the date of immunization, Th eminister, however devout and WICHITA COUNTY of as fast as they can be served. the Parkway Theater for the com­ House,” accompanied on the piano Thompson family.” And truly it is for what the student has been im­ dedicated to his calling, cannot car­ It is the desire of the superin­ plimentary tickets they had given by Mrs. W. G. Steele. a family home. Everything in the munized against, the doctor, place, Listed for County ry forward the work of the church tendent to make a schedule and .as­ to winners in the croquet and ten­ The certificate, in a handsome house has been placed there for the and so forth. Recently released is the following without the combined co-operation FARM BUREAU signment of teachers as soon as can nis tournaments. frame, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. use of the family and their friends. Mr. Bradford asks that everyone list of Wichita county people who of the officers and the membership. be done so as not to have last min­ Mrs. Blalock was profuse in her Robinson, reads as follows: "In the Every room has been designed and co-operate and help the faculty by compose the Wichita County Advis­ Occasionally we take our eyes ute changes to make. Says Super­ praise of George Koorvce, the rec­ name of God the Father Almighty, furnished with aim of making for bringing the immunization papers Y ory Committee on Education: from the limited view of our own intendent Bradford, “I ho lie to be in reational director, and of Mrs. and of Jesus Christ, His Son, and of gracious living. TO SHOW AT FAIRS when they come to register. Wichita Falls opinion and get an over-all picture e position to make these .assign­ Taylor George and Mrs. Sam Hill, the Holy Spirit, the home of Mr. Each room and all the hallways By Mrs. M. L Ilines Friday afternoon, Sept. 3, at 1:00 • B. M. Dinsmore, W. L. Donnel Jr., of the future and of the wonderful ments by the August 26 issue of | the committee in charge of the di- and Mrs. Fred Thompson has been are carpeted wall to wall. Each bed­ Plans for members of the Wichita Juniors and seniors will be registered Derrel Cannon, Joe B. McNiel, Merl worthwhile projects that should lie the Herald.” i version activities. dedicated to the deep affections of room is. a place in which to live County Farm Bureau to participate and will receive books. These 'stu­ T. Waggoner, Dr. W. T. Whiting, undertaken, and then we pull to­ All bus drivers of Wichita county Acting as master of ceremonies, the family circle, to courage, pa­ and enjoy all the comforts of a in both the Dallas fair and the dents are requested to be sure to D. Fillers, Grover Bullington, Miss gether, not caring “who dunit,” ju$t j will convene in Iowa Park for bus Mrs. George presented the division tience, and self control, to all beau­ separate living quarters, with its Texas-Oklahoma Fair were made bring immunization papers when erle Nelson, Miss Merle Barnett, eager for the good of the town is inspection and Bus Driver school chairmen who acknowledged their tiful things of heart and mind, to radio, bathroom and spacious at a meeting of directors held re­ they come to register. «Mrs. A. D. Shackelford, Mrs. JoeAlmighty God, the Christian faith, a whole. or institute on Saturday, Aug’ st 28, assistants during the summer. clothes closet. The northeast room, cently In Iowa Park, with George Saturday morning, Sept. 4, be­ R. Farabee, C. P. McGaba, Pat Sim­ We once knew a little girl whb, I starting at 9:00 a.m. The program was opened impres­ and to the brotherhood ol all man­ which is Edward’s has also a dark A. Lewis, president, directing the mons, C. E. McCutcheon, Dr. James greatly displeased with her mother, sively by Mrs. O. R. Owens’ choral kind. Reverence for these ideals on room where he can develop and session. B. Boren. resentfully flung herself out of the club which contributed the songs the part of all who share its hos­ print his own pictures, a hobby to The organization will be repre- Burkburnett | house and marched to the end of the “Moonlight Bay” and “Prayer Per­ pitality will be appreciated.” j sented in the agriculture depart- Jimmie Boyd, George McClarty, which he is greatly devoted. garden where she finally came to a Sumrall Laundry Is i HAWKS BEGIN FALL fect.” Fresh young voices blending On July 21, 1948, the Thompsons I ment at the fair in Iowa Park. The R. M. Davis, J. B. Brookshear, Mrs. Woodwork throughout the house halt in her father's hobby shop. moved into their remodeled and re­ I state exposition officials have desig­ in absolute harmony attested to the Ava Buck. Is of Curtiss manufacture, even the Looking around she took from its commendable work that Mrs. Owens built “dream house," after months nated October 17 at the Dallas fair Iowa Park Venetian blinds being constructed rack on the wall a sharp little has done with the group. of waiting. This date was the 25th as Farm Bureau Day and members Family Business FOOTBALL SEASON Mrs. M. L. Hines, W. R. Bradford, wedding anniversary of the couple. and finished in natural tone with hatchet and laying her finger on a Mrs. I. A. Campsey, assisted by from all over the state are invited The E. W. Sumralls are another T. J. Pace, Mrs. Alvin Tanner. 9 thin coating of off white enamel. block drew the hatchet across her Coach R. V. Wood reported Tues­ The first of this year they began to participate in activities of that Mrs. Rollins Woodall and Mrs. Electra Viewed from the road, the stand­ thumb again and again, ever so well-known and active Iowa Park day on the opening of football prac­ "doing over” the house in which day. Wayne House, directed the story * W. H. Avinger, Dr. P. E. Fish, out item, besides the beautiful Aus­ lightly, but darkly muttering all the couple who own and operate their tice for the 1948 gridiron season. A hour children in their presentation they lived. The result is, according The point of view of the southern business. It is the Sumrall Laundry Ray B. Dickey, H. J. Flusche, E. J. to present-day terminology, some­ tin stone which encases the entire time: “That’s what I’ll do, I’ll Just total of 27 boys were on hand Tues­ of a stunt. An added feature was farmer with reference to the sliding which Is located at 405 S. Yosemite. Farr. thing out of this world, not because structure, Is the large picture win­ cut off my thumb, and then Mother day afternoon for the first day of a vocal solo, "Make Believe Cow­ , scale of parity as adopted In the The couple came here from Okla­ of size, though it does contain nine dow. From within the view outside will be sorry.” the practice sessions. About 10 other boy" by John Rollins Woodall. j long range farm program was pre­ homa in 1938 and settled on a CARD OF THANKS or ten rooms, four of them being is even more impressive. The pane Of course, she was just a little boys are expected to be on hand at Miss Polly Faye Clark, who has sented by Loys D. Barbour, one of Wichita Valley farm where they We wish to thank everyone for bedrooms, each wii,h its own-private is made of polarized glass which ■ kid, and she didn’t cut off her thumb a later date to make the total out been in charge of recreation for the j 11 from Texas who attended the lived for three years. They then pur­ their assistance and favors during bath and powder room facilities, cuts out all glare and leaves the because we saw her when she was for practice the biggest group in junior boys and girls, presented the Southern Region training school at chased the laundry and the home the sickness and death of our hus- and not because of ornate elaborate­ impression that there is no pane. grown (in the mirror). But Your many years. group in a highly enjoyable quiz j Roanoke, Va., recently. He said the where they now live. mnd and father. ness, but because of its exquisite Symbolic of the close-knit family Chamber of Commerce knows that The public is invited by the coach program. Artie Sue Mitchell, per­ consensus of opinion lamented the The Sumralls are affiliated with Mrs. D. H. Capps and children. taste in arrangement and furnish­ life of the Fred Thompsons is the sometimes grown people can come to stop by the practice field and forming as master of ceremonies, passing of the measure, since the the Baptist church where he is a ings (everything is French period), story which goes with the beautiful awfully close to cutting off their watch the workouts and get ac­ was assisted by Gerald Combs. Win­ | South hopes to maintain parity on deacon and she serves as pianist. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Widmoyer vis­ and because of its atmosphere of clock which occupies a niche above thumbs rather than co-operating in quainted with this year’s squad. ner of the contest In which 10 boys at least a 90 percent basis, the pres- Mrs. Sumrall is active in associa- ited their son Fred Jr. in Lubbock quiet dignity, peace, and refresh­ the fireplace in the living-room. r, good movement, just because of There will be two workouts each and girls participated was Jimmy : ent standard. tional church work where she is last weekend. ment, as well as comfort. The clock was bought to celebrate the person "who dunit.” day, one at 7:30 a.m. and the other Easterwood. The officials decided to have pres­ program and literature chairman. Receiving line for the openhouse their ninth wedding anniversary at 7:30 In the evening. Woods says A highlight of the evening’s en­ ent at the next meeting all organi­ They have two girls who are tal­ was composed of Mr. and Mrs. and runs some 400 days with one the boys are in good spirits and are tertainment was the comedy “Infor­ zation workers in the county, when ented musicians and singers. Mrs. Thompson, Miss Imogene, Edward, winding. This winding is a cere­ planning a great year. mation Please” presented by the Reader Ads . . . Iowa Park Gin Gets plans will be made for the Fall Pat O’Neil is the older girl and lives Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and their mony which takes place always on The following boys reported Tues­ dramatics group under the super­ Round-up. Reports of the county­ in Wichita Falls. She is a graduate CHOICE IOWA PARK PROPERTY two children Karis Del and Dan their wedding anniversary. Upon day: vision of Mrs. Louis Quick and Miss wide meeting and queen contest of Iowa Park High School. The 5-room house, 3 lots, garage, cel­ R. III. Mrs. Joel Harris presided one occasion Mr. Thompson had to Name—position—yrs. experience Carolyn Duke. The prominent char­ First Bale of Season ■ ; which have come back to directors younger girl Katy Merle is a junior lar, fruit trees, on corner near at the guest register. Ushers for the be absent from home so the clock I Jerry Rogers ...... guard 2 acter Maizie was played by Miss M. V. Southerland came through | have been most encouraging, ac­ in high school and is very active i.i school. Reasonable. afternoon included Misses Billie went unwound for another whole James Wilkerson ...... guard 2 Betty Perry, and others taking part again with the first bale of cotton cording to remarks made by those church and school. Nice 6-room house, 3 lots, corner, Lynch Harris, Carlene Sullivan, Jane year. Even though It ran down, it j Jimmy McDonald .....end 1 were Lou Ann Duke, Ann Ralston, to be ginned this season in the Iowa present. A new laundry building was erect­ cellar, wash house, outbuildings, Sullivan, Lucy Lee Dale and Betty was not molested until the day | Jimmy Miller ...... guard 1 Carolyn Baxter, Marie Wakefield, Park Gin. Southerland Is a Cotton In case a full-time agent could ed and new Maytag machines In­ j>:ear school. Cheap. Perry. came around the following year. Philip Turner ...... end 1 Barbara Butts, Naomi Baxter, Lou farmer who lives five miles east be found, the directors voted to per­ stalled recently. The Sumralls open­ Lovely 4-room house, plenty soft At the end of the happy pilgrim­ Asked if the old house was torn Billy Gene House ...... end 1 Ann Gay, Dorothy Wakefield, Jim­ ol Electra. He took the bale of cot­ mit Barbour the privilege of put­ ed for business in December last . / water, small acreage near town, age through the rooms guests were down to make a place for the new, Frankie Smith ...... tackle 1 my Joy George and Jackye Faye ton into the local gin Wednesday ting him to work on the insurance year. A deep well furnishes soft •<.nice garage, chicken houses, choice served iced drinks and cakes on the Mr. Thompson revealed that four Hoyt Watson ...... tackle 1 Teal. morning and the ginners estimated program. If that is not possible, an water for the Sumrall laundry. location. Call for appointment. screened living room at the back by looms were saved so that it would Johnny Worrell .. E...... end 2 A humorous reading "Teaching that the 645 pound bale will prob­ attempt will be made to secure sev­ Unusually rice 7-room house, ex­ the following hostesses: Mrs. Bess still be the old family home, not Kenneth Munden ...... end 1 Them How to Drive” by Miss Lucy ably carry a $25 premium. It was eral part-time agents. cellent condition, extra amount of Smith, Mrs. M. L. Smith, Mrs. C. J. just a new house. Alvin Taylor ...... halfback* 0 Lee Dale brought the program to just last week that Southerland was Those present for the meeting closets and built-lns, on corner. Simpson and Mrs. Herman Mitchell. The Thompsons are still planning Jackie Hodges ...... tackle 0 a close. first with his bale of cotton at a were G. D. Riksby, Max Carpenter Oklahoma Man Takes Real nice 3-room house, beautiful The Robinsons are remaining as improvements for their place. First Gene Voyles ...... end 0 During the evening Mrs. Martha Wichita Falls gin. and Wymore Downing of Wichita hardwood floors, new paint Job, house guests oj the Thompsons un­ will be a complete landscaping Job, Charles Quick ...... halfback 0 Lou McSteen, who was in charge of Southerland reported that he was Falls; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Everett close-in. til Thursday. Mr. Thompson and then will come further improve­ Travis Neal Hines ...... end 0 tennis during the recreation period, Nice 6-room home, small acreage, getting a fairly good crop this year of Burkburnett; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Controller Job With Mr. Robinson have a fishing trip ments to the back yard which will Ben Hudkaby ...... halfback 0 introduced those who had partici­ on school and mail route, real buy. ready for harvest somewhat earlier Lewis, T. J. Pace, Loys Barbour planned for the very near future. include an outdoor living room in Sammy Shelton...... halfback 0 pated in the sport and the winners Corner location of nice home, 3 than his last year’s crop and yield­ and Mrs M. L. Hines of Iowa Park. the shade of a cottonwood tree Eugene Parish ...... guard 1 In the tou moment. lots, sidewalks, cellar, ample chick­ ing about one-half bale to the acre. The best way to describe the which the whole family has seen Barbour Trucking Co James H air...... center 1 en yard and house, fruit trees, some Members of the crew who ginned Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hutchinson Delicious punch and colorful cook­ furniture or without, about 22 nice house we visited Sunday is to say: grow to its present size. and Miss Bladen Garrett were Sun­ The John B. Barbour Trucking Kenneth Ray Scott .. fullback 0 ies were served to approximately the cotton were Aubrey Cole, O. P. Don Paul Lemons .. fullback 2 paper shell pecan trees, owner out Walls, R. L. Martin, J. T. Smith, day visitors In the Alan Berry home. company announces the recent em­ two hundred young people and Jackie Banks ...... halfback 2 adults. of town and rays sell. Good neigh­ Pat Austin, manager and L. C. Malcolm Berry returned to Graham ployment of William D. Sawyer as borhood. with the guests to visit until school controller with their company. Dorman Bryant _ ____ tackle 1 The summer activities were fin­ Other nice homes, vacant lots and Minich, company supervisor. Junior Davis ...... tackle 1 Pastusek Reports on j Roy Thompsons Host starts here. Mr. Sawyer Is a graduate of the ished off by Mr. Porter who directed E-business property, see or call University of Oklahoma with the Jerry Cope ...... quarterback 2 a session of Interesting games and MRS HUDSON class of ’47. He served during the Denton Lewis ...... halfback 2 finally a sing-song of familiar num­ r Phone 4861, Iowa Park, Tex., Box 237 Lions International To SCS Families war with the army, then after his Weldon Garner ---- halfback a bers. A group of young people from \7 0 R~RENT — Heavy Duty Floor “The propagation or good will An enjoyable evening was spent NEWLYWEDS FETED IN GARDEN OF graduation from college he was em­ Don Paul Lemons and Jimmy Mc­ W’ichita Falls accompanied Mr. Por­ Waxer, 75c per day. Iowa Park Ap­ among men is not evidenced more by all when the Soil Conservation ployed with the Oklahoma state Donald are co-captalns of the squad. ter and assisted him throughout the pliance. Phone 5401. tf anywhere during these days of mis­ Service personnel and their fami­ health department for a while. He The following boys are expected evening. understanding than at a Lions In­ lies gathered in the yard of the DR. AND MRS. GORDON CLARK’S HOME also worked in Houston with the to report within the next week: Mr. Porter was very enthusiastic KILL ATHLETES FOOT ternational meeting,” said W. R. Roy Thompson home Friday eve­ Dr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Clark A huge red bow was used on the Magnate Cove Barium corporation Tom Hudkaby ...... center 2 about the summer recreational pro­ "TE-OL BEST SELLER” Pastusek, as he gave a report at ning for a picnic supper. honored their son and his bride, Mr. side of the cloth. where he was in the accounting de­ Billy Joe Russell . quarterback 1 gram, stating that it outclassed any­ SAYS REXALL DRUG STORE and Mrs. Gordon Duvall Clark, with Served in large trays were vari­ partment and where he served as a Billy Grussendorff .. halfback 0 thing he had ever seen In a town HERE'S THE REASON. The germ the local Lions club Tuesday noon After a delicious meal of fried of the recent meeting of Lions In­ chicken, waVurr.'lon, and all the a large reception Tuesday night. Au­ ously-shaped sandwiches, relishes trustee. His work with the health Delbert Catlin ...... halfback 0 the size of ours. He even said that grows deeply. You must REACH It Robert Nolen ...... end 0 to KILL IT. TE-OL, containing 90 ternational in New York City, where trimmings, sever d taoles cf 42 were gust 17. A host of friends attended and fancy cookies. Miss Betty Denny department was also in the account­ he had been requested to write an percent alcohol, PENETRATES. he was inattendance as a delegate enjoyed by the group. the festive occasion and extended and Miss Mary Anne Hill assisted ing division. Jimmy Seay ...... guard 1 article on recreation for a certain Reaches more germs. Your 36c back of the Iowa Park club. He described Those present were Mr. ar.d Mrs. their best wishes to the couple whose at the table. Originally from Texas, Mr. Saw­ Eldon B iggs...... guard 1 publication and that he planned to from any druggist If not pleased the flag presentation program when Fred Parkey, Paul and David Wade, wedding was an event of Saturday, Iced drinks were served at either yer and his family lived In Okla­ Coy Reneau ...... halfback 1 use the Iowa Park set-up for his IN ONE HOUR. representatives of the 23 countries Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Gilbreath and August 7 In Mart. side of the large white fireplace homa City before coming to Iowa Mac L u cy...... quarterback 0 inspiration and model. where Lionism functions came for­ Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wilcox The hosts and the honored couple which doubled as a green-banked Park. Their small boy Is William -LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED — ward with their national emblems, and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Truman made up the receiving line and re­ setting for a huge copper bowl Drew Jr. The Sawyers are affiliated CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS M. O. Cheves. 224 East Cash Street. as the most impressive ceremony he Manes and Mr. and Mrs. Roy ceived the many guests on the lawn filled with cracked ice and cokes. with the Christian church and they We the recreation committee of Mrs. W. E. Archer wishes to thank FOR SALE — 4 room dwelling, had ever witnessed. Thompson, Tommy and David. of the Clark home. Assisting with the drinks were Ran are living in the house recently va­ the Iowa Park Council of Church everyone for the lovely flowers and 4 wood improvements, priced reason­ Pastusek reported that 25.000 were The clear, moonlight night was Clark, Frank Mills and Rodney Wea­ cated by Jack Austin. Women, wish to express our most cards while she was in Bethanla able, some terms. Carroll Duke, Li­ in attendance at the five-day ses­ perfect for the outdoor occasion. ver. Soft music In the backbround sincere appreciation for the gener­ Hospital. Special thanks go to the censed Realtor. ______sion conducted at Madison Square A festive Mexican influence was car­ helped create the proper atmosphere Valley View school district has ous contributions of time, help and Senior Class for their kindness. Garden, where the eight fields of John Parish Wrecks ried out in the decorations which for the reception throughout the bought a house and moved it on attendance at our final program Mrs. W. E. Archer Vy permanent couple with 7 months activity under which Llonlsm func­ were placed throughout the Clark evening. the school ground to be remodeled Tuesday night. * old baby need 3 or 4 room unfur­ tions were discussed and exempli­ garden. Popular pastime proved to be into a home for Coach Southerland Mrs. Homer Blalock, president Mr. and Mrs. E J. Schupback nished house, duplex or apartment Car in Night Crash Brightly colored single gourds looking through the picture record and his family. The Southerlands were Saturday visitors from Kiowa Phone 2-6815 Wichita Falls, collect. fied, with special emphasis on the . Mrs. Taylor George, chairman I tf topics of democracy and peace. John Parish escaped uninjured and strings of gaily painted gourds that was made of the wedding. Pho­ have three children Sharon, Charles Mrs. Sam Hill Kans., in the D. W. Sunday home’ All members present were urged but his car was heavily damaged were strung in the trees and adorned tographs were made of the whole and Keith. Sharon starts to school George Koonce. Mrs. Schupback is a niece of Mrs. FOB SAIJ2 by Dr. Gordon Clark to report to Sunday night when John was re­ the porch. These touches of color procedure, beginning with pictures this year. Sunday. "38 Plymouth 2 door. the city hall some time during the turning from Bowie and had a blow­ lent an exciting air to the greenery of the groom being assisted by his Mrs. Alice Thompson of Chilll- •41 Ford Deluxe 2 door. afternoon to assist In manning hand out at the FW&D underpass east of the background shrubs. best man and the bridesmaids help­ Mrs. V. R. Wlgley has returned cothe spent the past weekend at ’41 Ford Super Deluxe 2 door. spraying machines which accom­ of Henrietta. The accident occurred A most unusual treatment was ing the bride put a penny In her from a six weeks visit to San Diego the home of her grandson Roy DUKE MOTOR COMPANY pany the fogging machine. The work about midnight. given the centerpiece of the shoe, on to the wedding, the recep­ where she has been with two daugh­ Thompson Jr. and family at No. 60, POLITICAL was not completed during the morn­ The ’47 Buick sideswiped the un­ cloth covered serving table. Th- tion, and finally, the bride and ters Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mrs. Wichita Valley Farms. 'FOR 'SALE — Two corner lots on ing hours. derpass and the impact threw the rangement of White asters, groom leaving amidst a shower of Curtis Day. Another daughter Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Horn and pavement, all utilities. Phone 5661. Five visitors present from Wichita car to the embankment on the oppo­ marigolds, red Zinnias, tiger rice and best wishes. Leota Hughes who works In Wichita daughter Patricia are spending the ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 26-2tp Falls were Mike Locascio, G. R. Mc­ site side of the road when the right and other flowers carried oui The reception marked one of the Falls, went to San Diego for her week at Eagle Nest, NM „ where front tire went out. The automobile Mexican theme and was very highlights in the summer's social mother and they returned together County Commissioner One ton” Ford pickup, priced to Niel, Hammett Vance. Leland Min- several area families are vacation­ M JL. HINES ich and Gene Vaughn. was Insured. ful In a large, low copper con activities in Iowa Park. last Monday morning. ing. sell. See it at M & O Oil Co. *• *■ (BUCK) VOYLES

i m w m 1 3 ) r - uth 2 door. the city hall some time during the turning from Bowie and had a blow­ lent an exciting air to the greenery of the groom being assisted by his Mrs. Alice Thompson of Chilll- Deluxe 2 door. afternoon to assist in manning hand out at the FW&D underpass east of the background shrubs. best man and the bridesmaids help­ Mrs. V. R. Wigley has returned cothe spent the past weekend at Super Deluxe 2 door. spraying machines which accom­ of Henrietta. The accident occurred A most unusual treatment was ing the bride put a penny in her from a six weeks visit to San Diego the home of her grandson Roy POLITICAL MOTOR COMPANY pany the fogging machine. The work about midnight. given the centerpiece of the lace shoe, on to the wedding, the recep­ where she has been with two daugh­ Thompson Jr. and family at No. 60, was not completed during the morn­ The ’47 Buick sideswiped the un­ cloth covered serving table. The ar­ tion, and finally, the bride and ters Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mrs. Wichita Valley Farms. groom leaving amidst a shower of Curtis Day. Another daughter Mrs. jr gA T ,B ~ Two comer lots on ing hours. derpass and the Impact threw the rangement of white asters, y< llow Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Horn and ANNOUNCEMENTS vement, all utilities. Phone 6661. Five visitors present from Wichita car to the embankment on the oppo­ marigolds, red zinnias, tiger illes rice and best wishes. Leota Hughes who works in Wichita daughter Patricia are spending the 36-2tp Falls were Mike Locascio, Q. R. Mc­ site side of the road when the right and other flowers carried out; the The reception marked one of the Falls, went to San Diego for her week at Eagle Nest, NJ4, where County Commissioner Niel, Hammett Vance, Leland Min- front tire went out. The automobile Mexican theme and was very beaut! highlights In the summer's social mother and they returned together several area families are vacation­ M .L HINES Ford pickup, priced to was Insured. ful In a large, low copper container. activities in Iowa Park. last Monday morning. ing. K. E. (BUCK) VOYLES at M & a Oil Co. ich and Gene Vaughn.

J I’ago 2 IO W A PARK HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1948 Iowa Park, Texa

Mrs. N. E. Guthrie and Mr. and Word was received Sunday morn­ Iowa Park Herald NOTICE — Texas Zephyrs To Mrs. Homer Kirkland have gone to ing of the death of Mrs. Jessie M. Published Thursday ot each week California where they will visit Mrs. Reid of Delta, Utah. Mrs. Reid, who at Iowa Park, Texas. Entered at the Guthrie’s mother. was a former resident of Iowa Park Pos toft Ice at Iowa Park, Texas, as and a sister of Mrs. Nannie Smith second class matter under Act of Serve Buffet Lunches Boyd Taylor returned Saturday and P. G. Kildow, died at her home of Mixon’s Cafe * Congress March 3, 1879. RITE-WAY Announcement of an afternoon from Arnona where he has been in Delta after an Illness ol about buffet service in the Texas holding a ten day meeting at tne six months. Funeral services were HAS MOVED to the HAV-A LUNCH LOCATION Because the R. N. Patterson fam­ dining-lounge cars between Dallas Church of Christ in that town. held Tuesday in Delta. ily will be moving away from Iowa and has been made by Bur­ Park in a few days, a group of Mrs. lington Lines headquarters at Fort Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Travis and son Pattersons friends from Hol'iday Worth. ON THE H I G H W A Y Davisno, Okla., visited Mrs. Lee Bry­ Ray jr. of Wichita Falls were Sun­ CLEANERS surprised her Wednesday morning This service, to extend all after­ ant, Tuesday night. day visitors in the home .of Mr. and OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY — OPEN ALL NIGHT with a handkerch.el shower and noon, offers a very comprehensive Mrs. S. T. Buzzard. brought covered dishes for a lunch­ snack menu for those who board the Miss Mary Alice Thompson of Cleaning the W ay You Like It eon. for a late lunch or find occa­ Denton spent Sunday at the Roy The Stitch and Chatter club which sion to enjoy afternoon refreshments Thompson home. is composed of wives of employees enroute. of the Phillips Oil company, arrived The beautifully appointed Texas- early Wednesday morning to spring Zephyr dining-lounge cars lend ev­ Mi-, and Mrs. D. O. Smith spent Sunday at a picnic grove near Par­ the surprise on Mrs. Patterson. ery Inducement to travelers to en­ adise attending a reunion of the The family is being transferred joy afternoon refreshments in air­ Smith relatives. All Work Guaranteed. . . to a camp near Odessa. The Patter­ cooled comfort while enroute in sons have two children, Opal Faye either direction between Texas and and George Harvey, and they have Colorado. The schedules provide af­ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. George and lived in Iowa Park a little over a ternoon departures from Dallas, Port little son Larry left Saturday for a vacation in Colorado Springs with . . . Three Day Service year. Worth and Denver, with early morn­ ing arrivals at the other end of his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ladies who attended the party George. The couple will leave the were Mrs. A. A. Bishop, Mrs. Gor­ the run, and now provide this added travel enjoyment. son with "grandma’’ and "Uncle don Colter, Mrs. A. R. Smith, Mrs. Will" while they continue on a trip Kenneth Barrier, Mrs. Austin John­ The regular dining car service for to Yellowstone national park and MRS. CLAYTON SAWYER, MANAGER son and Mrs Opal Beilue. luncheon and dinner and for break­ fast the following morning will con­ other points west. Those sending gifts for the occa­ Lovely Materials for the sion were Mrs. Earl Sturm, a former tinue to be provided; the buffet serv­ ice is an added feature on the Bur­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson have Located in Park Hotel Building club member who now lives in Illi­ as guests this week the Rev. Mr. nois, Mrs. Luke Edwards, Mrs. Les­ lington Lines' Texas Zephyrs oper­ LITTLE MISS ating in Colorado service. and Mrs. Dan Robinson and two lie B. Finnel, Mrs. M. N. Daven­ children of Malvern, Ark. Mr. Rob­ port and Mrs. S. R. Smith. HIGH SCHOOL Mrs. R. R. Brubaker has gone to inson is a former pastor of the Lake Charles, La., to visit a daugh­ Methodist church here and filled Visiting in the George Hoge home or ter Mrs. Ohs A. Martin and Mr. the pulpit for the worship service last week were several relatives of Sunday morning and gave the ser- \ Mrs. Hoge. Her mother Mrs. George Martin for three weeks. The Mar­ COLLEGE GIRL tins are parents of a new baby girl 1 mon for the union service on the ARE A Sullivan and a sister Mrs. Dewitt i lawn Sunday evening. GfT READY NOW for Morris of Rliome were here. Also born Tuesday morning. Mr. Brubak­ visiting were another sister Mrs. er, who manages the C. M. Miller Lumber company, expects to join Mrs. Lillian Fryer of Norman, THR-R-R-IFTY BUY! John Baggett and Mr. Baggett of Okla., is here this week visiting with IMMER & FALL RODEOS Wichita Falls and a sister Mrs. his family at Lake Charles this week w for a week s vacation. Mrs. Martin her sister Mrs. E. J. Shook. Katherine Jones, and a niece Mrs. •■HV * They’re rich with fall colors, skilfully ie the former Miss Frances Amanda Joy David Michael, both of Fort blended by master weavers. . . /, 3EAUTIFUL ladies and misses MOCCASINS. Brubaker. Worth. they're durable, to wear as only New Braunfels Fabrics will wear Complete line of Leather Goods — Hand Made Carl Walsh was called to Olney, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Zeck announce ...a n d they're thrifty as any Sunday night to give a blood trans­ the marriage of their daughter Bon­ canny Scot could wish! fusion to a sister Mrs. Charlie Fitz­ Boots for Men and Women. nie to Gian Hale of Waldron, Ark. gerald, who is very ill. We have a wonderful selection The couple were married Saturday HAND TOOLED Belts made to order with your of these fine, silky-textured morning in Wichita Falls. The bride J. S. Robinson of the United Gas cotton fabrics in old favorites who was born in Burkburnett and Name or initial on belt. company was in Quanah, Saturday and new Kilkarnie designs. And who grew up in Iowa Park, finished through Sunday. in addition to plaids, we have high school here this spring. W e have established a mail order service — One day Kilkarnie checks, stripes, solids Three sisters of Dr. C. J. Simp­ and suitings. Come look them Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zeck and Mr. Service on All Mail Orders. son are visiting here with, their over and you’ll agree that and Mrs. Frank Whistler and Joan brother. Mrs. Emily Roberts is here f e ll % you’re going to have a are in Colorado and New Mexico from Amarillo for the week. The marvelous time this year, on vacation. other sisters Miss Lizabeth Simpson designing and making your Malcolm Shoe Shop Mrs. Lee Smith of Denver, Colo., and Miss Janet Simpson, both of San own fall wardrobe! was here for a few days visiting with Antonio, will be here through the her sister-in-law Mrs. Nannie Smith I All Kilkarnie Fabrics are Malcolm Strother summer and plan to leave for Flori­ yarn-dyed, colorfast. Sanforized* and other members of the family. da in the fall. shrunk, 36” wide and only 712 Indiana Avenue Wichita Falls, Texas She was on her way back to Denver from Port Worth. Mrs. F. M. Watson is visiting her Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bradshaw and son Charles A. Watson at Rising 79c twins Velma Lee and J. B. of Shat­ Star. a y a r d ! ter, Calif., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Whether your car or truck J. M. Crow of Holliday. SANFORIZED* FAST COLORS J. A . Tanner & Son Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roberts needs a touch-up or a com­ won't shrink w o n 't f a d e have gone to visit Mr. and Mrs. Os­ plete paint job, we do finer FUNERAL DIRECTORS car Clingman at Pueblo, Colo. The TONY’s CAFE Roberts plan to be gone for two OPEN repainting work Call on us weeks. QUARTERLY RATES The W. J. Lacy family moved to today. FRANKIE’S APPAREL Burkburnett this week. Mr. Lacy 4 :3 0 -9 :3 0 Years $150 $300 $450 $600 :s with the General Adjustment Bu­ 1 mo. to 2 (Only One Policy Written) reau insurance company. We are 2 to 19 .35 .70 1.06 1.40 very sorry to lose this family. Field W orkers’ HILL MOTOR CO. 20 to 29 .50 100 1.50 200 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen Harris 30 to 39 .55 1.10 1.65 2.20 will be here Friday on their way to 117 N. Yosemitc Phone 2211 40 to 49 .60 1.20 1.80 2.40 Austin where they will prepare for Lunches to Go 50 to 51 .75 1.50 225 3.00 entering school this fall. Is yours a 52 to 54 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 ? 55 to 57 1.25 2.50 3.75 None None 58 to 59 1.59 Noneis Noness ss 60 to 64 2.25 ss 65 to 67 2.75 IS 44 ss ss 44 68 to 69 3.25 IS 70 to 71 4.00 ss 72 to 75 6.25 Make these 4 comparisons S4 ** 76 to 80 9.00 SS ss 81 to 85 12.00 ' P f Z 0 8 i AMBULANCE SERVICE ANYWHERE before you buy Day or Night — Phone 3711 ...w ith low foundation I a n y car S ... with concrete floors COMPARE THE VALUE COMPARE THE POPULARITY ...or with other construction & Yes, compare the features You can identify the features which prevent installa­ SWEATING WALLS 1 —compare the prices— biggest value in any list of tion of usual flue-vented heating compare what you gel for products by picking out appliances? what you pay—and you, the one product which en­ too, will come to the con­ joys greatest popularity, clusion that Chevrolet year after year; and, of continues to be first in course, in the field of value, just as it continues motor cars, that one prod­ .,. ask for House Heating Survey to be first in Big-Car Quality at Lowest Cost, uct is Chevrolet—outstanding leader in popu­ and just as it continues first in demand, year larity for the total 17-year period, 1931 to date! House Heating specialists, ready now to help, sur­ after year. vey construction details and layout of your home and recommend the correct flue-vented heating appliances. \ COLO, ORA TTY FLOOR Sj After a scientific house heating survey, you can enjoy winter comfort, different as day from night, with what you may have experienced with COMPARE THE FEATURES COMPARE THE PRICES unvented heaters.

MIGHTY HANDY Only Chevrolet combines You’ll agree with millions Modern flue-vented heating appliances elimi­ the Unitized Knee-Action sf other car buyers that nate wall sweating and stuffy air. They bring ^R ide for gliding smooth­ prices—like quality—are healthful, low cost warmth lo ail your home. More­ TO HAVE AROUND er ness; the world’s champion a major consideration in over, modern flue-vented heating appliances com­ Valve-in-Head engine for these times; and just as plement fine home furnishings and decoration. performance and economy; Chevrolet’s Big-Car However, service of heating specialists is in Body by Fisher for taste­ quality is unique in its WHEN IT “ RAINS” great demand by early fall. So, if you want to ful beauty; and Fisher price range, so Chevrolet free your home of wall sweating and stuffy air fo Unisteel Construction plus Positive-Action Hy­ prices are the lowest in its field. Chevrolet enjoy the most comfortable winter you have ever draulic Brakes for all-round safety protection! costs less to buy, to run and to maintain 1 known, ask for house heating survey today. Save in the Friendly. , . No cost or obligation. Only Chevrolet gives BIG-CAR

QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES . . . that’s why Call your gas appliance dealer GASTFAM RADIATOR and CIR­ CULATOR— two m odern flue- State National Bank vented heating appliance*. They or Lone Star Gas Company today. can be installed where construc­ DIRECTORS tion features prevent installation John Hlrschl Earle L. Denny CHEVROLET- W Onh, - I S FIR S T ! of other types of flue-vented heating appliances. % W. P. George Jno. O. Murphree J. W. Van Horn W. A. George Herman Mitchell O. E. Blrk P. E. Hill HILL MOTOR CO. LONE STAR R*?f! CAS COMPANY 117 1U. YoNPmite P hone 2211 ’ A TEXAS CORPORATION ' IO W A PARK HERALD, TH U R SD AY, AUGUST 19, 1948 Page 3 'ark, Texas FISHING WITH ANDY Earle Dennys Honor Fish Bite and Fight Daughter, Husband for Bill Lott Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neuhardt Iowa Park - Bill Lott, the man who likes to oi Midland were honored with a > r \ fish so much, had lots of luck last weekend house party in the home week when he went to Diversion of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Earle Lake. Bill pulled in a beauty of an Denny. The guests were college Insurance eight-pound bass and was so proud friends of the young couple and of it he could hardly wait to get will be remembered as members of back to town to tell everyone. their wedding party. It took Bill and Don L./.t about The visitors were Mr. and Mrs. an hour to get this fighting fish out Joe Bailes of Dimmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Agency of the water. Bill said he was so IB Fred Caldwell of St. Louis, Mo., and m l tired by the time he got it out that Miss Rebecca Archer of Floresville, GENERAL INSURANCE he almost turned the prize back. He who was a guest of Miss Betty Den­ used shrimp as bait and fished for ACCURACY — SKILL ny. and the bass for two days and nights be­ fore snagging him. BONDS Bill's dad was along on the trip DEPENDABILITY Birthday Party Given j m u i TT and said he really had a good time Complete Coverage TTT and enjoyed watching Bill catch the fish. Bill reports that alter that For Malcolm Bell Agent tussle, he’s th;ough with fishing for a while. Malcolm Bell was honored Friday SOUTHLAND LIFE INSURANCE CO. New Method . . . Master Quality Rexall Drug Co. afternoon with a party given in cel­ ebration of his ninth birthday at the Office 3221 Residence 3251 home of Mrs. H. M. Mulkey with HOUSE PAINT Miss Lindley, Craft his mother Mrs. Loyd Bell as co- hostess. Reduced to $4.89 a gallon Wed at Denton The afternoon hours were devoted DON’T SPEND your vacation on car trouble! to playing games, making pictures V, Of much interest to their many and opening the gifts. A beautiful friends in Iowa Park is the an­ *vr h cake was the center of attraction A DEPENDABLE nouncement of the marriage of Miss and was served with iced punch to C. M . Miller Venita Lindley and J. D. Craft on the honoree and other guests, For­ July 28 at the First Baptist church FkJLU est Lynn Lucy, Paul Mark Banks, in Denton. The double-ring cere­ Freddie and Judy Boswell, Kate and SCLENT mony was read by the pastor Dr. Sue Johnson, M. K. Johnston, Carol Roger Hebard in the parlor of the Thomas, Don Lott, George Jones jr., umber Company chilrch at 9:00 p.m. Boyt Smith jr., Anita and Eldon PARTNER The bride, wh owore a street- Thompson jr. Robert Brubaker, Mgr. Telephone 3641 length dress of aqua, is the daugh­ ■ n the F. L. Warren, Assistant Manager ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lindley of Krum. She was for three years KITCHEN home economics teacher in the Iowa Tony Roiing Opens Park High School, during which Motor Overhauling time she lived at the Homer Mulkey Cafe on Cash Street home. She is a graduate of Krum high school and of North Texas Transmission and Clutch Rebuilding Tony’s Cafe is now back under State college in Denton. its old management after a period The groom is the son of Mrs. J. during which the business was oper­ ated by the J. A. Mixons. Mr. and » *>>($ RCA Records W. Craft and the late Mi. Craft of Brake Relining & Motor Tune-up Iowa Park. He is a graduate of Mrs. Tony Roiing had their cafe REFItlliERlTION ijusirffcss here for five years before 1 Now on I.P.H.S. and for several years was t tr/SCf/fy v employed here at the Tanner Hard­ the short interval under different STAYS SILENT Rear End Re-building management. The Rolings have been o * Sale ware store. After spending four years in the army he began train­ residents of Iowa Park for five years. LASTS LONGER ing at the Landis School of Embalm­ ing in Houston and at present is Front Wheel Alignment employed by the Calloway Funeral Jack Ralstons Have home imthat city, where the couple will make their home. Gulf Products Fine Vacation Trip .4 ^ Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralston have son Jann of Elsabrontie, Calif., are Goodyear Tires and Tubes returned from a vacation trip UNITED, visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. through the Central states. Their D. W. Sunday. They are also visit­ MECHANIC ON DUTY . . . journey took them through Inde­ ing in Wichita Falls with her par­ pendence, Kans., where they vis­ ents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ellis. ited with former residents of Iowa Park, the J. E. Kelles and the Loyd HEADQUARTERS for SCHOOL SUPPLIES . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Buzzard and ALEX ALEXANDER Williamses. The flood waters of that their son and his family Mr. and region wiped out most of Williams’ Lunch Kit, Pen and Pencil Set, Zipper Notebooks Mrs. Gus Buzzard and Beverly were 20 years experience on all makes cars and trucks with Dealerships. crops this year and were still caus­ Monday visitors from Neosho, Mo., ing a good bit of trouble, for when in the S. T. Buzzard home. J. W. 'o r Contract labor prices — Estimated Free — Satisfaction the Ralstons left, they found that Buzzard is a brother of S. T. Buz­ assured — No obligations — Attractive prices the flood conditions were so that zard. they were forced to spend a night in Garnet, Kans., rather than con­ Carolyn Duke visited last week tinue on their trip as planned. with Norma Wadsworth of Wichita Special 20 per cent DISCOUNT on BATTERIES — On the return part of the trip, Falls. The two girls plan to room to­ they spent three days in Atchison, gether at North Texas State col­ WILLARD and CONTINENTAL lege at Denton this fall. Kans., and two nights in Camden, Mo. and the Lake of the Ozarks Miss Dorothy Faye Sewell went They continued on through south­ ern Missouri and northern Arkan­ to Dallas to the Starlight Operetta C\' last Friday to see “Hit the Deck.” Hoge Auto sas to Fayetteville. Mrs. Fay Stewart and L. G. Stew­ The Ralstons unexpectedly met THE PRESCRIPTION STORE — Ar art went with Miss Sewell. Wichita Falls friends while they were breakfasting atop Mt. Sequo A t Berry Drug you will get prompt service on all Mrs. Ruby Lee Hall and baby yau. They spent the last night of prescriptions from any physician. W e are proud of ______Supply Co. their trip in Sulphur, Okla., then Pamela Gqle of Denver, Colo., are our always fresh supply of the best grades of here for a week’s visit with Mrs. returned home to Iowa Park. George Butcher. pharmaceuticals and biologicals. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Clark, Frances Mr. arid Mrs. L. S. Cooksey went and Danny of Dallas were visitors AL REED’S to Stoneburg, Saturday to visit last week with Mrs. Clark's parents BERRY DRUG relatives. We Appreciate Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walsh. Iowa Park APPLIAN CE THE FRIENDLY STORE PHONE 2621 Did You Know Dead Animals Are PARK CLINIC 'Used In the Making of Your Business Bradford’s Sale on 214 W. Alameda Congoleum SOAP When you are in need of anything — look first Your Disabled, Old or to Meador’s. And of course you will come in Gordon G. Clavk, M.D. Dead Stock Removed RUSS for Staple and Fancy Groceries— Quality Meats Medicine and Surgery 11 Mrs. Verona G.White, R.N. THIS WEEK ONLY — Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. | I FREE gl. k Assistant w Call Us Collect for Prompt Service Meador’s is the Shopping Center of Kamay. Telephone 2-2771 or 2-1811 9 x 1 2 .. . . WICHITA RENDERING CO. Mrs. J. H. Hatten Fred Ebner, Mgr. and Co-owner THE OLD RELIABLE . . . >■ v Receptionist FOR THE KITCHEN Mrs. J. C. Ralston AUTO LOANS MEADOR STORE Bookkeeper * t S fa * T R Presto Cooker Financing — Direct Loan & Refinancing KAMAY, TEXAS X-ray and Laboratory' General Electric Mixer DRIVE IN OUR LOT for Facilities HOM% QUICK COURTEOUS SERVICE OUR OFFICE OPEN Office phone 4141 Hamilton Beach Mixer EVERY DAY UNTIL 6:30 Res. 3081 Milk Crocks NOELBRASHEAR L 100 per cent Home-Owned 12th and Lamar Ph. 2-5100 Your Local Used Cow Fully Automatic Gas Water Heater DEEP FREEZES Dealer Insulated, 20-gallon capacity ...... “ f / REMOVES DEAD STOCK Your electric home freezer makes it almost like having a "super market'' right in your FOR FREE e a c m c t M IjV*' PHILCO RADIOS For Immediate Service:— kitchen! ( Bradford Hardware & Furniture Phone 2-2245 You can pick and choose the best in vegeta­ •SS&. Bebb’s MATHES’ COOLERS Collect bles and meals when they are at their peak In quality and lowest in price. Quantity buy­ Wichita Falls _ __ k e e p a h e a d ing on bargain days takes on an entirely new with a COOL HEAD FLOWERS -M E T Z C A F E meaning when you have a spacious freezer Call in today. Our work excells C. L. METZ In which to store your bargain purchases- Phone in individualized hair styling. Srort-cuts are now in order. J. A. TANNER & SON Phone 4721 See Your Eletfrieal Dealer CENTRAL HIDE AND ------* Phletious Beauty Shop Dial 3711 TEXAS ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY IOWA PARK RENDERING CO. W. R. PASTUSEK, Manager Phone 5601 Page 4 IO W A PAR K HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1948 Iowa Park.

Loys D. Barbour, president of the New arrivals in Iowa Park are Philnont Was Great Iowa Park High School class of '29, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Fleming and son called a committee meeting of area Recreation Center Is DEATH CLAIMS Bob. Mr. Fleming works as relief Fish, Fish, Fish, EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING representatives last Friday in the engineer for Civil Aeronautics and Experience for Weiler directors room at the State National Discussed by Council MRS. ELLA BURNAM travels around reUevlng other work­ 3 to 5 Day Service bank to plan for a reunion of that R. B. Cage Has ’Em Oad-nbout Bill Weiler Just now W. G. Steele was appointed new ers during vacations. The Flemings ALL WORK GUARANTEED group during the Christmas season, Funeral services were conducted There was plenty of excitement got around to telling us at the Her­ alderman and was administered the came last Saturday from New Mex­ observing the occasion with a ban­ Sunday for Mrs. Ella Burnam who in front of the Herald office, Thurs­ ald office about his trip to the Boy oath of office at the Monday night ico and will be here for several quet. Those present besides Mr. Bar­ had been a resident of Iowa Paik day morning when a pickup drove Scout ranch at Philmont In New meeting of the city council. He fills for the past 25 years. The services weeks. They are living at the Park LEROY NICHOLS at Berry’s Drug S to p Mexico bour were Mrs. George E. Payne, hotel at present and would like to up with the nicest mess of fish we’ve the unexpired term of L. C. Minlch were held at the First Methodise seen in many moons. Bill i -ade the 25-day trip with a Joe Cunningham and Mrs. Bruce who has been transferred to Wichita find an apartment. church with the Rev. Mr. Kirk M. R. B. Cage, Harrell Cage and fvroup of Scouts from Wichita Palls, Freeman of Wichita Falls and Mrs. Falls. All the members were present Mrs. R. A. Dahl of Odessa is vis­ Beard officiating. Choyce Brown were the fishermen Bowie, Nocona, Holliday, Vernon George Lewis and Mrs. J. P. Gard for the meeting at which several iting Buddy and Mrs. J. A. Tanner. of Iowa Park. Mrs. Burnam who was 76 years who were proudly showing off their and Childress, with Tandy Jackson, items of interest to the townspeople Brownie Tanner is still visiting her old at thfe time of her death, had morning's catch. The trio had been scoutma: i,er from Kamay, going as Mr. and Mrs. K. L. .Page spent were discussed. mother in Altus and Mrs. Dahl and been ill for a long time and died out to the Pace lake which is out by leader of the boys. the weekend in Quanah visiting Mr. Richard Phillips, post commander Buddy Tanner went to Altus, Tues­ and Mrs. Carl Clements. Saturday morning in a Wichita Falls Valley View ^nd between them had To toe eligible to attend this na­ of Amvets met with the council to hospital. day. Jean Weaver left Saturday for The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. snagged 32 croppie, all of nicec size, tional, a boy must be at least discuss the possibility of a recrea­ Interment was at Highland ceme­ Austin and from there will be sent Yeargan and daughter Cecilia have and three catfish, a yellow cat, a 15 years of age and a first class tion center and a park for the teen tery beside the body of her husband to Camp Hood for several weeks of gone to New Mexico and cooler cli­ bluecat and a channel cat, each of Scout. T Us yfts Bill's first trip to age children of Iowa Park and sur­ J. J. Burnam who died several years special training in the armed serv­ mate for about 10 days. The Year- which weighed more than 10 pounds. Philmont ajih he hopes he will get rounding country. The council as­ ago. .Pallbearers were C. L. Reaves, ices. gans left/Saturday. While they are Anyone who happened to be in to go ag sured Mr. Phillips that they are for M. L. Hines, J. C. Ralston, Herman Icp . ormQncc • away, Miss Dosia Smith will take town around 11:00 a.m. really got The n jf n things the ranch activi the project and will work with him Mahler, Jack Ralston and C. E. Huif. r , jam over Mrs. Yeargan’s duties at the an eyeful of a beautiful string of ties mdfAe are mountain climbing and the Amvets to try to carry out Survivors included three daugh­ City Hall. fish and It is pretty, safe to guess anc} trout fishing. The boys moved Pythian Sisters Take plans, find a suitable location, etc. ters Mrs. ValUe Bordeau of Fresno, Ray Anderson jr. and bride, of that the road out to Pace lake will about to foyr different base camps Mr. McDonald, a representative Calif., Mrs. Guy Hunter of Lawton, Galveston, visited last week with be a little busier than usual! and slept in tents while at Philmont. from the Continental Bus system Mrs. P. D. Levy of Grapeland; two his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ray An­ Bill said that part of the time the New Member which serves Iowa Park, met with sons W. F. Burnam of Amarillo and derson sr. of Kamay. The young Patsy Toycene of Madison, Wis., Scouts Oid their own cooking and Romona Temple No. 92 of Pythian the council at the request of the C. E. Burnam of Levelland; and two couple are now in Oklahoma City is visiting with Billie Gerard until part of the time they had a cook. Sisters met Monday night at the mayor and aldermen to discuss the sisters Mrs. John Todd of Amarillo but will return by here for next the first of September. Patsy is a He faiieil to mention which arrange­ K. P. hall for a regular meeting and bus parking situation here. -¥he plan iand Mrs. Maggie Pinson of Clarks­ week. A shower is planned in their niece of Mrs. Allie Gerard. ment p wed more satisfactory! to Initiate Betty Baldwin. is being considered concerning the ville. At the time Bill was at Philmont The M. E. C. Claydean Bell called possibility of the bus stop being lo­ honor, to be given at the home of there u ere about 200 Scouts attend­ the temple to order. After a shert cated at the rear of the Berry Drug, Thirty boys reported to Coach Mrs. Anderson. Hostesses will be ...-fer your car ing the camps. Boys from all over business session the hall was made thereby eliminating the double park­ Earnest Southerland this week Mrs. John Hamilton, Mrs. Roy Ba­ Plumbing Contracting the United States spend some time ready for the initiation ceremony. ing problem on Cash street. Mc­ when he called the first practice con, Miss Jo Nilson, and Mrs. Jim gasoline at the ranch through the summer. Noreen Temple of Electra was in­ Donald gave assurance that the bus session for the ’48 season. Marr of Oklahoma City. means FIR£~C!t* there We wish to extend an invitation James Breazeale, Ray Snow. was t. :e reason for their approval to all members and to out of town J. J. White made a trip last week­ And Bill Rains, Kenneth Harri­ of all the eats and sleep they could members to come and meet with us end to Tomball, to visit his son son, John Bailey, Charles Steed, Have the get. each Monday night. Our door is Bob White. Bush, Carnes, Hacker and Plecious. The ranch is provided for the pur­ epen and friendship Is what you Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Danley and pose of training advanced Scouts make it. children Bob and John are visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell Jr. Lower along the lines of camping and pack­ —Trixie Hill, Press Correspondent. from Norman, Okla., this week at were visitors in Frederick over trie Parker’s ing w.ih the main idea being to have the George R. Huckaby home. Their weekend. fun. Says Bill, “It's a wonderful Mrs. Harrell Sullivan and son are daughter Beth has been visiting Maye Mitchell is in Abilene on :t place for any Scout to go who’s in- visiting relatives in Abilene this here for the past three weeks. Mrs. short visit with her sister Mrs. Rob­ teres ed in that sort of outdoor life ’ week. Danley is a sister of Mrs. Huckaby. ert Horton. Produce Prices • That is why we consistently advertise from 10 to 20 Produce Items . . . / - & Compare Parker’s prices on all produce items and we know you will

be convinced that it is Parker’s day in and day out that have the Low

Prices on Q U ALITY FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Lovely Dresses for the School Girl ADMIRATION ADAMS Quadriga Prints Coffee 53c range Juice 46 oz. can Lassie, W Fast Color Prints AIL Colors BRIGHT AND EAR LY 2 lbs. PURASNOW | m dresses W & Coffee 79c FLOUR 10 lbs. n * . Nabisco Craekt WIDMER’S Kitz quart Nabisco Grape Juice Shredded Wheat pkg. PURE CANE Tutti Frutti s“pre” 23c SUGAR 5 lbs. C MEAT YOU CAN BUY FOR Homimy UNCLEno WILLIAM. 3oo cans 59c LB. OR LESS Shank Cuts DEL MONTE in. 53c Fruit Cocktail No. 1 can i f ) i Arm and Seven Cuts Koast ■b. 59c PARKER’S Crisco Spry $1.13 Weiners it. 45c GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE Bacon Ends \ Calif. Long Wesson Oil pints "47c ... 33c CARROTS Orange Babo Cleanser 2 ,„2 1 c Bacon °~d No 1 Dry s*u ib 31c 8’s LETTUCE“ head lflUMarvene l VC11C ""h'"12 lbs. L7 p k i 25rr L d l Ground Beef ■b. 49c Yellow ONIONS lbs. Powdered Sugar lb. Bologna ^ ,b. 39c Burleson's Seedless Honey 1 lb. jar i Pork Liver ib. 39c GRAPES lb. Tide large Bacon Squares ,b. 39c YAMS lb. Short Ribs “ .b. 49c BANANAS Ib. Everything for the Boy or Girl in . . . Oscor Mayer*} BEEF or PORK LEMONS Sunkist 360's with Flavor-Tight School Shoes Green Sack of Mild ^ r a s h CABBAGE lb. BARBECUE J H very girt loves to be well dressed ... for school, for vocation No. 1 Texas ... for dress-up. Stay that way with *Kai« Grecnpway cre s' s. Tog-up the School Boy at SAUCE SPUDS White 10 lbs. Lovely styles, gay patterns, wonderful lints, and they Fit Well, in each can Select M ^BirfcecwSi* j Wear Well and Wash Well. Chan,bra>s, prih's, g ,v , >crs. Colorado Golden sheers and rayons. Sizes 7 to 14. Z 49-' CORN 4 ears IOWA PARK, TEXKS We Reserve the All prices are regular $1.98 to $4.98 The F A M O U S Right to Limit low every-day prices, Quantities and to Also a Full Line of MARCY LEE IOWA PARK changing only as the PHONE 3721 Refuse to Sell to market changes------Dealers! PARKER’S FOOD STORES effective In Iowa Par*