Enny Valley Railroa Air Conditioning Unit Brake Cylinders Water Tanks and Equipment Boxes MODEL RAILROADING March 1998 VOLUME 28 NUMBER 3

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Enny Valley Railroa Air Conditioning Unit Brake Cylinders Water Tanks and Equipment Boxes MODEL RAILROADING March 1998 VOLUME 28 NUMBER 3 , BY MODELERS, FOR MODELERS . Enny Valley Railroa air conditioning unit brake cylinders water tanks and equipment boxes MODEL RAILROADING March 1998 VOLUME 28 NUMBER 3 FEATURES 18 T Modeling Rebuilt USRA Boxcars of the ACL And Subsidiary Charleston & Western Carolina by lim Six 24 T Model Railroading Takes a Look at DCC - SPECIAL SECTION - VEHICLE MODELER Part XIII: Turnouts, Reverse Loops and a Few Other Odds and Ends 37 T INTRODUCTION by Larry Puckett Hey! I Thought this was a Model Train Magazine! by Chris Lane 28 T The "Enny Valley Railroad" by Bob Reading 38 T GUEST COMMENTARY 1 :87th Scale Wheels - Round and Round We Go! 34 T DIESEL DETAIL CLOSE-UP by David A. Bontrager Chicago, Burlington & Quincy E7A by Rich Picariello 40 T Rooster Cruiser & P-I-E by David A. Bontrager 58 T The Early SD Units - Part 6: C&S; Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern; Dakota Southern Railway 42 T Tale of a Short Dog ...and its Flatbed by George Melvin by Gary Walton 64 T BEHIND THE SCENES 44 T Roadway Express 28' Freight Pups Living on the Edge by Bernie Fahrner by Margaret Mansfield 46 T PRODUCT REVIEWS 66 T ON TRACK Lonestar Models 40' Flatbed Trailer (HO) Installing Digital Command Control on a Home Atlas Ford LNT 9000 Truck-Tractor & Layout - Part 5: It's Beginning to Come Together Pines 45' Intermodal Van (N) by lim Mansfield by David A. Bontrager 70 T FREIGHTCAROLOGY 53 T AN IN-DEPTH REVIEW ISO Container 'Specials' A-Line Products' Utility 53' Refrigerated Trailer by David G. Casdorph by David A. Bontrager DEPARTMENTS 5 T Editorial 12 ... Letters to the Editor 13 ... Society Page 14 ... New Products 17 ... Product Review 74 ... Dealer Directory 81 ... Your Trek Plan 86 ... Advertiser Index ABOUT THE COVER Bob Reading's small Enny Valley Railroad proves that a layout doesn't have to be big to be good ...or fun. Bob shares his layout and personal modeling philosophy starting on page 28. This fold-up layout offers many ideas for those with limited space. Photo by Randy Lee. INSET: Noted model railroader Dave Bontrager doesn't only model trains - he also loves to model HO trucks. Here is Dave's Rooster Cruiser. What's a Rooster Cruiser? Turn to the BONUS Vehicle Modeler section starting on page 37 to find out. Photo by Dave Bontrager. MODEL RAILROADING EDITORIAL EDITOR I PUBLISHER Randall B. Lee CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Beware of Spiders David A. Bontrager udging by the early responses to my editorial last month, David G. Casdorph j "The Fun Factor," I struck a cord with many modelers, Doug Geiger, MMR manufacturers and authors. It would seem that I am not alone Patrick Lawson in my concern and displeasure with those that take pleasure Jim and Margaret Mansfield at the expense of others rather than using their knowledge for George Melvin the betterment of the hobby. Okay, so I've identified some­ Rich Picariello thing that many of us believe is a problem. While the mere identification of a Larry J. Puckett problem doesn't eliminate it, it is the first step in fi nding ways to resolve it. Jim Six Like a spider, these predators lurk on the "web," ready to pounce on their prey. Larry E. Smith,MMR l[nsuspe�ting modelers are often enticed into the spider's web by the lure of learning more about something in which they are interested, only to find that the spider's ven­ ART DIRECTORS omous attack on its prey has also wounded them ... and taken the fun out of the hobby. Donna Pacheco Although it would be wonderful if we could miraculously sweep these spiders away, the Michelle Ruffner reality is that others are waiting to take their places. There is no single or simple solution to this problem. But each of us can make a difference if we're willjng to make the effort. Here are a few things I would ask each of us to consider: CIRCULATION I OFFICE MANAGER First and foremost in my opinion is the question of whether or not we should Donald R. Strait expect perfect models from manufacturers. Even though I, and I suspect most of you, would be tempted to respond, "Yes!", we all know that a perfect model is a myth. NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Models are at best interpretations of a particular subject. And besides, what would Chris Lane become of the "modeling" in model railroading if every product was a "perfect" 1-888-338-1700 model to start with? A modeler wouldn't have anything left to do, because it would have already been done by the manufacturer. No longer would we be modelers... we'd Volume Issue 3. 28, MODEL RAILROADING is published just be collectors. And while there isn't anything wrong with being a collector, do you 12 2600 times a year by Highlands Station, Inc., S. Parker really want to give up being a modeler? Rd., Suite 1-211, Aurora, CO 80014, (303) 338-1700. Price per single copy is $3.95 in U.S.A. Subscriptions are I'm often asked why we don't have more articles about modeling steam engines. $31.95 in the U.s.A. or $40.00 in Canada (or foreign)­ The simple answer is that I rarely receive articles about modeling steam. Why? payable in U.s. funds. Unsolicited manuscripts or photo­ Because most (but not all) model railroaders who "model" steam don't actually graphs should be accompanied by return postage, and "model" steam en gines ...they model the steam era. Because of their desire for accu­ Highlands Station, Inc., assumes no responsibility for the rate models, they buy brass models. They may paint and weather these models them­ loss or damage of such material. No part of this publication selves, but rarely do they actually do any modeling. In fact, they often don't even do may be reprinted without written permission from the the painting themselves. By having obtained the most "perfect" model attainable (boy, publisher Printed in U.s.A. The information contained in the various articles in this I'll probably get jumped on for that statement! ) ...or at least commercially magazine is presented in good faith, but no warranty is available... they have greatly reduced or even eliminated their modeling options. With­ given, no results guaranteed, nor is any freedom from any out those options, what is there to write about? patent or copyright to be inferred. Since we have no con­ What should you do when you are confronted with a spider? While some have told trol over the physical conditions surrounding the applica­ me that they have just dropped out of certain chat groups because of the negativity tion of information in this magazine, Highlands Station, they've found, I favor a more direct, non-confrontational approach. I would encourage Inc., and the various authors and editors disclaim any lia­ you to politely encourage them to turn their negative efforts into something both posi­ bility for untoward results and/or for any physical injury in­ curred by using the information herein. tive and constructi ve. Copyright © 1998 by Highlands Station, Inc. If they have found some factual errors in an article, encourage them to write a Let­ ter to the Editor, so that the 'correct information can be disseminated. Not every mod­ ADVERTISING eler or author has access to the information at their disposal, so rather than fault the For advertising information contact author, encourage them to share the information. 1-888-338-1700 Chris Lane at If they criticize an author's model, encourage them to build a model and write an chrislane@modelrailroadingmag.com article showing how a better model can be built. No article is the final answer...it is VISIT OUR WEB SITE only one modeler's approach, limited by his or her time, talent, pocket book and avail­ www.modelrailroadingmag.com able information. If they trash a manufacturer's product, encourage them to offer their expertise and ' SUBSCRIPTIONS AND BOOK ORDERS assistance to the manufacturer if the problem was caused by insufficient or incorrect For subscriptions, please send inquiries to Highlands Station, Inc., 2600 S. Parker Rd., Suite 1-211, Aurora, CO 80014 or prototype information. And if their complaints are due to tooling or manufacturing call (303) 338-1700. Email mrgmag@msn.com. Visa, Mas­ factors, suggest that they raise the capital to start their own business and do it tercard or American Express accepted. FAX (303) 338-1949. right...tbat shouldn't be too difficult for someone who knows everything. Then they can sit back and let everyone take potshots at them. MODEL RAILROADING (ISSN 0199-1914) is published monthly at $31.95 per year (12 issues) in U.S.A., $40.00 i n Canada, by H ighlands Station, Inc., at 2600 S. Parker Rd., Suite 1-211, Aurora, CO 80014. Periodical Class postage paid at Aurora, Colorado, and additional mailing Randy Lee offices. Canadian Second Class Permit #9591. Editor/Publisher POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Model Railroad­ ing, 2600 S.Parker Rd., Suite 1-211, Aurora, CO 80014. MARCH 1998 MODEL RAILROADING T 5 "Slumbercoach" sleepers. Our Deluxe Set includes a pow· ered Proto 2000 E· 7 A loco in .......r""I _.;,. NYC's "Lightning Stripe" scheme. ACL "Champion" 5 Deluxe Car Set #14912 $199.98 "New England States" 5 Car Deluxe Set #1491 PIlOT02111111 E7A l'OWEIlED & E7B DUMMY LOCOS PROT02()()() E7A POWERED LOCO �);> 2 ACt Cmu..'hcs, ACL Uincr. FEe Pullman. FEe Obst!rvation Coach, Pullman, SJumbcn:oach. Diner & Observation �1L.-Jt.
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