Portraits and Self-Portraits by Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo1
PERFormiNG THE SELF AND THE OTHER: PorTraiTS AND SELF-PorTraiTS BY DiEGO RIVEra AND FriDA KahLO1 Ellen G. Landau "The Strange Couple from the Land Like Nefertiti and, of course, Frida of the Dot and the Line": although Kahlo herself, Neferisis has thick con- Frida Kahlo used this inscription on spicuous eyebrows. Ojo único, unlike one page of her journal to identify an Akhenaton, has a full fleshy look; so imaginary Egyptian couple she depict- too his child and baby Moses. All ed in accompanying drawings, there is three, in fact, more or less share the little doubt that she intended it to facial qualities of Diego Rivera, Frida have a personal double meaning.2 Kahlo’s husband (whom she actu- Playing both visually and linguis- tically on Amarna ruler Akhenaton 1 This essay was written as a lecture for and his famous consort, Kahlo no the international symposium Diego Rivera: A Transcultural Dialogue, held at the Cleveland doubt generated her fictional charac- Museum of Art (CMA) in February 1999 in ters, Ojo único, Neferisis, and their little conjunction with the opening of Diego Rivera: son, through a multi-layered process Art and Revolution, co-organized by INBA and CMA. I am indebted to William H. Robinson, of psychic associations. Indeed, flanking CMA Associate Curator of Modern Art, for the central fetus, the real historical inviting me to speak on this topic at the sym- spouses face each other in Kahlo’s posium. I would also like to thank Irene Herner, Moses, or Nucleus of Creation, a can- Debby Tenenbaum, and Amy Reed Frederick, as well as Bertha Cea of the American Embassy vas painted in 1945 (probably around in Mexico City, for helping to make this essay the time of her undated diary entry); possible, and Leticia López Orozco for inviting and a contemporaneous statement me to publish it in Crónicas.
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