1913 Annual Census Report
ANNUAL REPORT FFP" q $a33 OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS TO THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1913 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 1913 REPORT OR TIIE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS. DEPARTAZENIOF COMI\IERCE, BUREAUOF TIIE CENSUS, Washiny/ton,November $6, 1913. Sm: There is submitted hercvith the following report upon the operations of the Bureau of the Census cluriizg the fiscal year endecl Sune 30, 1913, and upon the work now in progress. 'As I did not take the oath of office luiztil July 1, 1913, the work of this Burean during tlie entire fiscal year 1913 was uncler the clzarge of my prede- cessor, Director E. Dana Durand. A very considerable part of the Bureau's force was engaged during the,fiscal year upon the clefeisrccl ~vorlcof the Thirteentlz Decennial Cens~zs,but the usual aiznnal investigations regarding financial sta- tistics of cities, prod~~ctionand cons~unptionof cotton, vital statis- tics, nncl forest mere carried on, and in addition ~vor17I was done on the tobacco inquiyy (n~xthorizedby acl; of Congress approvecl Apr. 30, 1012) and the qu~nquennialcensus of electrical industries. PROGRESS OF DEFERRED THIRTEENTH CENSUS WORK. POPULATION. The Division of Population was engaged during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1913, wholly on work m connection with the Thir- teentli Censrrs. This work coizzprised, first, the preparation and, in large part, the coi1113letion of the text and tables for the general and State rclsorts on population (Vols. I, 11, and I11 of tlze Thirteenth Census reports), and second, the practical completion of the machine tabulation and other work l~recediiigthe actual preparation of the tables for the occ~~pationreport (Vol.
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