APUSH Identification Terms—Period 6 (1865-1900) Mrs. Riggan

Key People Andrew Johnson Horatio Alger Susan B. Anthony James Garfield Ulysses S. Grant Joseph Glidden Francis Willard Chester A. Arthur Thaddeus Stevens Helen Hunt Jackson Carrie Nation Edwin Stanton Sitting Bull Oliver W. Holmes Benjamin Harrison Cornelius Vanderbilt Chief Joseph W.E.B. Dubois Geronimo Mark Twain William McKinley Andrew Carnegie John Muir Stephen Crane Thomas Watson John D. Rockefeller Henry Grady Jack London William Jennings Bryan J.P. Morgan George W. Carver Theodore Dreiser Mark Hanna Alexander G. Bell Booker T. Washington Louis Sullivan Thomas Nast Thomas Edison Ida B. Wells Joseph Pulitzer Samuel Gompers Boss Tweed William R. Hearst Samuel J. Tilden Eugene Debs Jane Addams Rutherford B. Hayes

Key Terms Reconstruction Gospel of Wealth New/Old immigrants Freedmen’s Bureau 100th Meridian Immigration Act (1882) Wade-Davis Bill Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 American Protective Assoc. 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments Longhorns, Vaqueros Ellis Island (1892) (Reconstruction Amendments) Barbed wire “Melting Pot” Civil Rights Act (1866) Homestead Act Tenements Reconstruction Acts (1867) Dry farming Political machines/Tammany Hall Tenure of Office Act Little Big Horn Compromise of 1877 Impeachment Assimilation Settlement houses/ Hull House Scalawags, Carpetbaggers Dawes Act (1887) Salvation Army Civil Rights Act (1875) Ghost dance movement NAWSA Radical Republicans Yellowstone/Yosemite WCTU Transcontinental Railroad Department of the Interior “Form follows function” Union & Central Pacific Railroad Conservationists/ Preservationists “Forgettable presidents” Vertical integration Forest Reserve Act (1891) “Rum, Romanism, Rebellion” Horizontal Integration Sierra Club “Solid South” Monopolies/trusts “New South” Prohibition Standard Oil Trust Birmingham (steel) Stalwarts Interlocking directorates Memphis (lumber) Mugwumps Bessemer Process Richmond (tobacco) Spoils System U.S. Steel Corp. Black codes Civil Service Transatlantic cable Sharecropping/ Tenant farmers Pendleton Act (1881) Menlo Park research laboratory Tuskegee Institute McKinley Tariff (1890) Department stores/ Macy’s White supremacists Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894) Mail-order companies/ Sears Plessy v. Ferguson Dingley Tariff (1897) Credit Mobilier Scandal Jim Crow laws Greenback Party Interstate Commerce Act (1886) Literacy tests/ poll taxes/ Bland-Allison Act (1878) Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) grandfather clauses Sherman Silver Purchase Act Iron law of wages Ku Klux Klan (1890) Railroad strike of 1877 Force Acts Billion dollar congress Knights of Labor Crop price deflation Panic of 1893 Haymarket bombing Grange Movement Populist Party American Federation of Labor Farming cooperatives Farmers’ Alliances White collar workers Munn v. Illinois Gold standard Old rich vs. new rich Wabash v. Illinois Laissez faire capitalism Interstate Commerce Commission Social Darwinism Ocala Platform