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Acquisitions List April 2014 New Books and Journal Articles

Liste d’acquisitions Avril 2014 Nouveaux livres et articles de revues

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Division de la Diplomatie Publique Bureau Nb123 B-1110 Bruxelles Belgique Tél.: +32(0)2 707 4414 / 4541 (A/V) Fax: +32(0)2 707 4249 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.nato.int/library



























New Books Nouveaux livres

AFRICA--NATIONAL SECURITY Title: Routledge Handbook of African Security Additional Author: Hentz, James J., ed. Published: Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2014 Physical Description: xii, 368 pages ; 26 cm. Series: Routledge Handbooks Notes: Bibliography: p. 316-354. Includes index. Notes: This handbook examines the issues, challenges, and debates surrounding the problem of security in Africa. Africa is home to most of the world's current conflicts, and security in a key issue. However, African security can only be understood by employing different levels of analysis : the individual (human security), the state (national/state security), and the region (regional/international security). Each of these levels provides analytical tools for understanding what could be called the 'African security predicament' and these debates are animated by the 'new security' issues : immigration, small arms transfers. gangs and domestic crime, HIV/AIDS, transnational crime, poverty, and environmental degradation. African security therefore not only presents concrete challenges for international security but provides a real-world context for challenging conventional conceptions of security. Subject: AFRICA--NATIONAL SECURITY Subject: HUMAN SECURITY--AFRICA ISBN: 9780415682145 Call Number: 355.4 /01868 Item ID: 80025305 Media: Book


AGGRESSION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Title: The Ethics of Preventive War Additional Author: Chatterjee, Deen K., ed. Published: Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2013 Physical Description: xiii, 255 pages ; 24 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 240-250. Includes index. Notes: In this book, eleven leading theorists debate the normative challenges of preventive war through the lens of important public and political issues of war and in the twenty-first century. Their discussion covers complex and topical subjects including terrorism, the '' and the invasion of Iraq, Iran's nuclear capabilities, unilateralism, and international war tribunals. They examine the moral conundrum of preventive intervention, and emphasize the need for a stronger and more effective international legal and political order and a corresponding reevaluation of the normative status of international law. Subject: PREEMPTIVE ATTACK (MILITARY SCIENCE) Subject: AGGRESSION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Subject: JUST WAR DOCTRINE Subject: SELF-DEFENSE (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Subject: WAR--MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS ISBN: 9780521765688 Call Number: 341.3 /00244 Item ID: 80025342 Media: Book

BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSES Title: La nouvelle guerre des etoiles : idees recues sur la defense antimissile Author: Delorme, Emmanuel Additional Author: Gruselle, Bruno, ed. Additional Author: Schlumberger, Guillaume, ed. Published: Paris : Le Cavalier Bleu Editions, 2013 Physical Description: 205 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. Series: Idees Recues Notes: Associee a la Guerre froide et au projet de 'Guerre des etoiles' de l'administration Reagan, la defense antimissile connait une nouvelle vigueur. Repondant a une menace, percue ou reelle, par les Etats et les opinions publiques, celle-ci est en effet devenue l'un des sujets cles de la redefinition des grands equilibres strategiques. Et pourtant, on en ignore encore largement les implications technologiques, financieres et militaires majeures. Il est vrai que, pour un public non specialiste, le sujet reste complexe, se resumant bien souvent a des idees recues caricaturales melant missiles balistiques et menace nucleaire, pointant du doigt l'Iran, la Syrie, la Coree du Nord, sans oublier la Chine, la Russie, et l'Inde, et le role des Etats-Unis ... Les auteurs proposent ici un ouvrage didactique destine au public le plus large afin d'illustrer la complexite technique, operationnelle et strategique de la defense antimissile. Subject: BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSES ISBN: 9782846704878 Call Number: 623 /01207 Item ID: 80025324 Media: Book


BLACK SEA REGION--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Title: Autour de la mer Noire : geopolitique de l'espace pontique Author: Serebrian, Oleg, 1969- Published: Perpignan : Artege, 2010 Physical Description: 256 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm. Series: Initiation a la Geopolitique Notes: De facon claire et concise, largement illustre de cartes essentielles, cet ouvrage rend compte de la multiplicite des mutations geopolitiques de l'espace pontique après la disparition de l'Union sovietique. La notion d'espace pontique permet d'aborder directement les problematiques des pays riverains de la mer Noire comme l'Ukraine, la Russie, la Georgie, la Turquie, la Bulgarie et la Roumanie mais aussi des complexes comme le Caucase ou les ... Cette etude, au dela des conflits et des tensions, met en evidence les lignes de forces qui assurent une certaine stabilite dans la region. Elle nous permet d'en envisage l'avenir et de preciser les conditions qui permettront l'etablissement d'une paix durable. Subject: --BLACK SEA REGION Subject: BLACK SEA REGION--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ISBN: 9782360400225 Call Number: 327 /01689 Item ID: 80025306 Media: Book

CAUCASUS, NORTHERN (RUSSIA)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Title: Poutine et le Caucase Author: Gente, Regis Published: Paris : Buchet/Chastel, 2014 Physical Description: 199 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 197-198. Notes: Le 21 mai 1864, dans la vallee de Krasnaia Poliana, le grand-duc Michel Nikolaievitch offrait un banquet pour celebrer la fin de la conquete du Caucase par la Russie tsariste, la meme ou les tribus circassiennes venaient d'etre massacrees. Cent cinquante ans apres exactement, en fevrier 2014, s'ouvrent les XXIIe Jeux olympiques d'hiver a Sotchi, dont une partie des competitions se deroulent precisement a Krasnaia Poliana. C'est la que Vladimir Poutine, en heritier de la Russie imperiale, invite le monde entier a un nouveau banquet. Qeul symbole ! Car le Caucase est bien le lieu, pour Poutine, de l'affirmation de la force et de la grandeur de la Russie. La guerre en Tchetchenie, le soutien aux independantismes d'Ossetie du Sud ou d'Abkhzie, allant jusqu'a la guerre contre la Georgie, et aujourd'hui les JO a Sotchi, ne visent qu'a replacer la Russie sur le devant de la scene internationale. Et, finalement, la treve olympique de Sotchi pourrait rester dans l'histoire comme un nouvel episode des interminables conflits du Caucase, comme une facon de poursuivre la guerre par d'autres moyens en tachant de sceller symboliquement les victoires du passe. Subject: CAUCASUS, NORTHERN (RUSSIA)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Subject: RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CAUCASUS, NORTHERN (RUSSIA) ISBN: 9782283026991 Call Number: 327 01694 Item ID: 80025320 Media: Book


CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS Title: Chinese Diplomacy and the UN Security Council : Beyond the Veto Author: Wuthnow, Joel Published: Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2013 Physical Description: 220 pages. : illustrations ; 24 cm. Series: Politics in Asia Series Notes: Bibliography: p. 196-210. Includes index. Notes: China has emerged in the 21st century as a sophisticated, and sometimes contentious, actor in the Security Council. This is evident in a range of issues, from negotiations on Iran's nuclear program to efforts to bring peace to Darfur. Yet China's role as a veto-holding member of the Council has been left unexamined. How does it formulate its positions ? What interests does it seek to protect ? How can the encourage China to be a contributor, and not a spoiler ? This book is the first to address China's role and influence in the Security Council. It develops a picture of a state struggling to find a way between the need to protect its stakes in a number of 'rogue regimes', on one hand, and its image as a responsible rising power on the world stage, on the other. Negotiating this careful balancing act has mixed implications, and means that whilst China can be a useful ally in , it also faces serious constraints. Providing a window not only into China's behaviour, but into the complex world of decision-making at the UNSC in , the book covers a number of important cases, including North Korea, Iran, Darfur, Burma, Zimbabwe, Libya and Syria. Drawing on extensive interviews with participants from China, the US and elsewhere, this book considers not only how the world affects China, but how China impacts the world through its behaviour in a key international institution. Subject: UNITED NATIONS--CHINA Subject: UNITED NATIONS. SECURITY COUNCIL Subject: CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS Subject: 2000 - 2099 fast ISBN: 9780415640732 Call Number: 404 /00231 Item ID: 80025338 Media: Book

CIVIL WAR Title: Nonstate Actors in Intrastate Conflicts Additional Author: Miodownik, Dan, ed. Additional Author: Barak, Oren, ed. Published: Philadelphia, PA : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014 Physical Description: vi, 242 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Edition: 1st edition Notes: Bibliography: p. 203-231. Includes index. Notes: Intrastate conflicts, such as civil and ethnic confrontations, are the predominant form of organized violence in the world today. But internal strife can destabilize entire regions, drawing in people living beyond state - particularly those who share ideology, ethnicity, or kinship with one of the groups involved. These nonstate actors army not be enlisted in formal armies or political parties, but they can play a significant role in a conflict. For example, when foreign volunteers forge with domestic groups, they tend to attract other foreign interventions and may incite the state to centralize its power. Diasporan populations, depending on their connection to their homeland, might engage politically through financial support or overt aggression, either exacerbating or mitigating the conflict. This book takes an interdisciplinary

9 approach to understanding the ways external individuals and groups become entangled with volatile states and how they influence the outcome of hostilities within a country's borders. Subject: Subject: CIVIL WAR Subject: NON-STATE ACTORS () Subject: ETHNIC CONFLICT ISBN: 9780812245431 Call Number: 323 /01367 Item ID: 80025325 Media: Book

CIVILIAN WAR CASUALTIES--USA Title: Accountability for Killing : Moral Responsibility for in America's Post-9/11 Wars Author: Crawford, Neta C. Published: Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2013 Physical Description: xvi, 486 pages ; 25 cm. Notes: Includes index. Notes: The unintended deaths of civilians in war are too often dismissed as unavoidable, inevitable, and accidental. And despite the best efforts of the U.S. to avoid them, civilian casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq, and have been a regular feature of the ' wars after 9/11. The author focuses here on the causes of these many episodes of foreseeable collateral damage and the moral responsibility for them. The dominant paradigm of legal and moral responsibility in war today stresses both intention and individual accountability. Deliberate killing of civilians is outlawed and international law blames individual soldiers and commanders for such killing. An individual soldier may be sentenced life in prison or death for deliberately killing even a small number of civilians, but the large scale killing of dozens or even hundreds of civilians may be forgiven if it was unintentional - 'incidental' - to a military operation. The very law that protects noncombatants from deliberate killing may allow many episodes of unintended killing. Under international law, civilian killing may be forgiven if it was unintended and incidental to a necessary operation. Given the nature of contemporary war, where military organizations - training, and the choice of weapons, doctrine, and tactics - create the conditions for systemic collateral damage, the author contends that assigning sole moral responsibility for systemic collateral damage to individuals is insufficient. She develops a new theory of organizational moral agency and responsibility, and shows how the US military exercised moral agency and moral responsibility to reduce the incidence of collateral damage in America's most recent wars. Indeed, when the U.S. military and its allies saw that the perception of collateral damage killing was causing it to lose support in the war zones, it moved to a 'population centric' doctrine, putting civilian protection at the heart of its strategy. Subject: CIVILIAN WAR CASUALTIES--USA Subject: WAR--MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS--USA ISBN: 9780199981724 Call Number: 341.3 /00243 Item ID: 80025335 Media: Book


COLD WAR Title: Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe, 1945-1990 Published: New York : Berghahn Books, 2012 Physical Description: vii, 358 pages ; 24 cm. Series: Studies in Contemporary European History ; 11 Notes: Bibliography: p. 323-343. Includes index. Notes: Exploring the visions of the end of the Cold War that have been put forth since its inception until its actual ending, this volume brings to the fore the reflections, programmes, and strategies that were intended to call into question the bipolar system and replace it with alternative approaches or concepts. These visions were associated not only with prominent individuals, organized groups and civil societies, but were also connected to specific historical processes or events. They ranged from actual, thoroughly conceived programmes, to more blurred, utopian aspirations - or simply the belief that the Cold War had already, in effect, come to an end. Such visions reveal much about the contexts in which they were developed and shed light on crucial moments and phases of the Cold War. Subject: COLD WAR ISBN: 9780857452887 Call Number: 327.5 /00514 Item ID: 80025328 Media: Book

COMPUTER NETWORKS--SECURITY MEASURES--USA Title: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar : What Everyone Needs to Know Author: Singer, Peter Warren Additional Author: Friedman, Allan Published: Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2014 Physical Description: viii, 306 pages ; 22 cm. Notes: Includes index. Notes: Our entire modern way of life fundamentally depends on the Internet. The resultant cybersecurity issues challenge literally everyone.The authors provide an easy-to-read yet deeply informative book structured around the driving questions of cybersecurity : how it all works, why it all matters, and what we can do. Subject: COMPUTER SECURITY--USA Subject: COMPUTER NETWORKS--SECURITY MEASURES--USA Subject: CYBERSPACE--SECURITY MEASURES--USA Subject: --USA--PREVENTION Subject: INFORMATION WARFARE--USA--PREVENTION ISBN: 9780199918096 Call Number: 681 /00827 Item ID: 80025332 Media: Book


CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Title: Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning : Toward a Participatory Approach to Human Security Author: Schirch, Lisa Published: Boulder, CO : Kumarian Press, 2013 Physical Description: xviii, 227 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Edition: First Edition Notes: Bibliography: p. 213-221. Includes index. Notes: Offering a systematic approach that links practical conflict-assessment exercises to the design, planning, monitoring, and evaluation of peacebuilding efforts, this book has been carefully - and realistically - designed to enhance the effectiveness of peacebuilding practice. The author presents a convenient, logical framework and a wealth of tools for improving planning and implementation. She also helps us to fruitfully question widely held assumptions. Her concise handbook, informed by on-the-ground realities, is an essential resource for building true human security. Subject: PEACE-BUILDING Subject: CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Subject: HUMAN SECURITY ISBN: 9781565495784 Call Number: 341.2 /00544 Item ID: 80025339 Media: Book

CRIME--PREVENTION--INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Title: The Transnational Governance of Violence and Crime : Non-State Actors in Security Additional Author: Jakobi, Anja P., ed. Additional Author: Wolf, Klaus Dieter, ed. Published: Houndmills, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2013 Physical Description: xvi, 279 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. Series: Governance and Limited Statehood Notes: Includes index. Notes: The state monopoly of force has increasingly been challenged by non-state actors, seemingly resulting in a loss of control and resources needed to guarantee security. Yet, non-state actors are not only a cause of problems; they can also contribute to guarantee security. The book examines the role of non-state actors in the governance of violence and crime, showing how non- state actors are involved in supporting governmental aims, what they contribute and where the limits are. It demonstrates that even in a core area of the state, transnational governance is possible through the activities of a diverse group of actors, including warlords, rebel groups, criminals, non-governmental organizations, and businesses. Subject: CRIME--PREVENTION--INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Subject: VIOLENCE--PREVENTION--INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Subject: NON-STATE ACTORS (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS) ISBN: 9781137334411 Call Number: 323 /01368 Item ID: 80025329 Media: Book


CYBERSPACE Title: Attention : cyber ! : vers le combat cyber-electronique Author: Bonnemaison, Aymeric Additional Author: Dosse, Stephane, 1974- Published: Paris : Economica, 2014 Physical Description: 217 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Series: Collection Cyberstrategie Notes: Bibliography: p. 205-212. Notes: Les telecommunications puis l'informatique ont revolutionnne les societes humaines et l'art de la guerre depuis deux siecles. La conflictualite dans le cyberespace n'est que la derniere evolution d'une longue succession de combats dans, pour et contre les reseaux. Le cyber s'impose actuellement comme un cinquieme milieu de confrontation, apres la terre, la mer, l'air et l'espace. Sans changer la nature de la guerre, il oblige parfois a penser autrement l'engagement des forces et permet d'agir differemment. Cet ouvrage depasse les vulgarisations ou les theories hors-sol, hors-temps et hors pratique operationnelle qui fleurissent dans les literatures strategique et technique recente. Il propose une description synthetique du combat cyber-electronique contemporarin, avec une mise en perspective historique et prospective concrete. Ce combat ne permet pas a lui seul de gagner la guerre mais des maintenant, perdre dans le cyber, c'est perdre tout court ! C'est cela que les auteurs vous proposent de decouvrir. Subject: INFORMATION WARFARE Subject: CYBERSPACE ISBN: 9782717866667 Call Number: 355.4 /01871 Item ID: 80025331 Media: Book

DIPLOMACY--HISTORY Title: Traiter avec le diable ? : les vrais enjeux de la diplomatie au XXIe siecle Author: Grosser, Pierre. Published: Paris : Odile Jacob, 2013 Physical Description: 365 pages ; 24 cm. Notes: Parler avec l'ennemi, comprendre ses perceptions et ses objectifs, chercher a resoudre des conflits, telles sont les raisons d'etre de la diplomatie. Mais a quoi sert-elle encore quand l'ennemi a pris les traits du diable, a l'instar d'un Ben Laden, d'un ou, plus recemment, d'un Bachar el-Assad ? Comment expliquer le succes de cette rhetorique du bien et du mal depuis quelques decennies ? Et peut-on penser autrement les relations internationales aujourd'hui ? Dans cet essai ambitieux et foisonnant, l'auteur puise dans l'histoire, l'actualite internationale et meme la psychologie pour mettre au jour les impasses du processus de diabolisation. Il montre comment celui-ci se nourrit des 'lecons de l'histoire' - de la 'capitulation' de Munich a la guerre froide - legitimant ainsi toutes les danses de la guerre juste. Il analyse aussi les prismes cognitifs qui rendent difficiles les interactions avec l'adversaire, une fois celui-ci diabolise. Enfin, denoncant les mythes d'une securite totale et d'une strategie parfaite, l'auteur rappelle la complexite des choix qui s'offrent a nos dirigeants et redonne ainsi tout son sens a l'action diplomatique. Subject: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Subject: DIPLOMACY--HISTORY ISBN: 9782738127716 Call Number: 327 /01695 Item ID: 80025322 Media: Book


DRONE AIRCRAFT--MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS Title: Killing by Remote Control : The Ethics of an Unmanned Military Additional Author: Strawser, Bradley Jay, ed. Published: Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2013 Physical Description: xxv, 264 pages ; 24 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 247-259. Includes index. Notes: The increased military employment of remotely operated aerial vehicles, also known as drones, has raised a wide variety of important ethical questions, concerns, and challenges. Many of these have not yet received the serious scholarly examination such worries rightly demand. This volume attempts to fill that gap through sustained analysis of a wide range of specific moral issues that arise from this new form of killing by remote control. Many, for example, are troubled by the impact that killing through the mediated mechanisms of a drone half a world away has on the pilots who fly them. What happens to concepts such as bravery and courage when a war-fighter controlling a drone is never exposed to any physical danger ? This dramatic shift in risk also creates conditions of extreme asymmetry between those who wage war and those they fight. What are the moral implications of such asymmetry on the military that employs such drones and the broader questions for war and a hope for peace in the world going forward ? How does this technology impact the likely successes of counter-insurgency operations or humanitarian interventions ? Does not such weaponry run the risk of making war too easy to wage and tempt policy makers into killing when other more difficult means should be undertaken ? This book directly engages all of these issues. Some essays discuss the just war tradition and explore whether the rise of drones necessitates a shift in the ways we think about the ethics of war in the broadest sense. Others scrutinize more specific uses of drones, such as their present use in what are known as 'targeted killing' by the United States. The book similarly tackles the looming prospect of autonomous drones and the many serious moral misgivings such a future portends. Subject: MILITARY ROBOTS--MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS Subject: DRONE AIRCRAFT--MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS ISBN: 9780199926121 Call Number: 623 /01205 Item ID: 80025314 Media: Book

ESCALATION (MILITARY SCIENCE) Title: Inadvertent Escalation : Conventional War and Nuclear Risks Author: Posen, Barry R. Published: Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press, 2014 Physical Description: xi, 280 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 263-274. Includes index. Notes: The author demonstrates here how the interplay between conventional military operations and nuclear forces could, in conflicts among states armed with both conventional and nuclear weaponry, inadvertently produce pressures for nuclear escalation. Knowledge of these hidden pressures, he believes, may help some future decision maker avoid catastrophes. Building a formidable argument that moves with cumulative force, he details the way in which escalation could occur not by mindless accident, or by deliberate preference for nuclear escalation, but rather as a natural accompaniment of land, naval, or air warfare at the conventional level. The author bases his analysis on an empirical study of the east- military competition in Europe during the , using a conceptual framework drawn from international relations theory, organization theory, and strategic theory. Subject: NUCLEAR THRESHOLD (STRATEGY)


Subject: ESCALATION (MILITARY SCIENCE) Subject: ISBN: 9780801478857 Call Number: 623 /01208 Item ID: 80025327 Media: Book

EUROPE, CENTRAL--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Title: Transformations in between 1989 and 2012 : Geopolitical, Cultural, and Socioeconomic Shifts Author: Kavaliauskas, Tomas Published: Lexington, MA : Lexington Books, 2012 Physical Description: xix, 208 pages ; 24 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 193-202. Includes index. Notes: This is an in-depth study of the transformations in Central Europe in the years since the fall of . Using a comparative analysis of geopolitical, ethical, cultural, and socioeconomic shifts, this essential text investigates post-communist countries including , , , , the , , , , Bulgaria, and Slovenia. Next to transitological interpretations, this study ventures upon negative and positive freedom (Isaiah Berlin) in Central Europe after two decades of post-communist transition. The author questions the meaning of completeness of post-communist transition, both geopolitical and socioeconomic, when there are many transformations that do not necessarily mean unequivocal progress. The author also analyses why Central Europe in 1989, armed with civil disobedience, could not maintain its moral politics. But the book touches sensitive issues of memory as well : an examination of May 9th is provided from the Russian and the Baltic perspectives, revealing two opposing world views regarding this date of liberation or occupation. Finally, the author analyzes the tragedy at Smolensk airport, which became an inseparable part of Central European identity. Subject: EUROPE, CENTRAL--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Subject: EUROPE, EASTERN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Subject: POST-COMMUNISM--EUROPE, CENTRAL Subject: POST-COMMUNISM--EUROPE, EASTERN Subject: EUROPE, CENTRAL--SOCIAL CONDITIONS Subject: EUROPE, EASTERN--SOCIAL CONDITIONS Subject: EUROPE, CENTRAL--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Subject: EUROPE, EASTERN--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ISBN: 9780739174104 Call Number: 321 /00897 Item ID: 80025330 Media: Book


EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Title: La construction de l'Europe et l'avenir des nations Author: Lefebvre, Maxime Published: Paris : Armand Colin, 2013 Physical Description: 202 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Series: Comprendre le monde Notes: Bibliography: p. 193-194. Notes: L'Europe ne peut etre comprise sans prendre en compte la diversite et l'identite des nations qui la composent. La crise de la zone euro, l'importance toujours redecouverte de la relation franco-allemande sont la pour le montrer. Les differences entre la latinite et la germanite, entre le nord et le sud, entre l'est et l'ouest, entre les grands et les petits pays sont toujours bien presentes malgre l'approfondissement de la construction europeenne depuis plus d'un demi- siecle. L'Europe ne se fera pas contre, mais avec les nations. Elle ne peut ni se transformer en Etat federal, ni se determiner uniquement en fonction de la mondialisation, des Nations Unies ou de l'Occident. Elle ne sortira de ses difficultes actuelles que si elle parvient a reinventer la coexistence de ses nations et a renforcer sa cohesion, en particulier a partir de l'union monetaire. En remettant les nations au coeur de la reflexion, cet ouvrage livre de nouvelles perspectives, pleines d'espoir pour le projet europeen. Subject: EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ISBN: 9782200286330 Call Number: 420 /00181 Item ID: 80025321 Media: Book

FRANCE--ARMED FORCES--MALI Title: La France en guerre au Mali : les combats d'AQMI et la revolte des Touareg Author: Fleury, Jean, 1934- Published: Paris : Picollec, 2013 Physical Description: 184 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 181-182. Includes index. Notes: Au cours des dernieres annees, le Mali fut mine par la rebellion des Touareg, leur revendication sur l'Azawad, les dissensions interethniques et les contrecoups de la chute de Kadahafi avec le reflux d'armes et de miliciens de Libye, ce qui ne pouvait que fortifier et alimenter AQMI. Les islamistes s'emparent de l'Azawad et visent a occuper tout le pays : apres Tombouctou, les insurges foncent sur Bamako en appliquant la charia la plus barbare, telle que la lapidation des femmes adulteres. L'Etat malien est sur le point de s'ecrouler et le pays d'eclater, de disparaitre. A tres breve echeance. La France reagit dans l'urgence pour eviter ce tremblement de terre mortel pour cette region d'Afrique, avec des repercussioons dramatiques en France, notamment, a partir de ces banlieues dites pudiquement 'sensibles'. L'auteur analyse les hesitations occidentales voire algeriennes (avant la prise du site gazier d'In Amenas), decrit l'intervention militaire francaise, notamment dans l'Adrar des Ifoghas, les negociations pour batir une force d'intervention un tant soit peu efficace dans un pays ou regnent la corruption et divers trafics (en particulier de drogue). Un livre qui dit crument les verites chocs sur une situation dont les consequences pourraient etre terrifiantes. Subject: QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB Subject: TUAREGS--MALI Subject: MALI--HISTORY--COUP D'ETAT, 2012 Subject: FRANCE--ARMED FORCES--MALI Subject: INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW)--FRANCE


ISBN: 9782864772736 Call Number: 355.4 /01870 Item ID: 80025323 Media: Book

FRANCE--FOREIGN RELATIONS--SYRIA Title: La Syrie et la France : enjeux geopolitiques et diplomatiques Author: Feuerstoss, Isabelle, 1982- Published: Paris : Harmattan, 2013 Physical Description: 361 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Series: Chemins de la Memoire Notes: Bibliography: p. 383-432. Notes: Caracterisee en 2011 par le pacifisme des manifestants et l'aspect seculier des revendications democratiques, la nature de la crise syrienne a depuis profondement change. La repression massive et aveugle des forces armees de Bashar al-Assad ainsi que l'internationalisation du dossier ont progressivement transforme le soulevement populaire en une guerre civile. Comment comprendre la ligne intransigeante de la politique francaise des l'ete 2011, inedite mais risquee (car fondee sur le pari de la chute inexorable du regime a court terme) et les reponses disproportionnees et violentes de Damas a l'egard de Paris ? Desormais, le sort du regime syrien est devenu un enjeu geopolitique de premiere importance pour les puissances regionales et internationales. En effet, compte tenu de l'importance strategique de la Syrie dans l'equation moyen-orientale, la reconfiguration des rapports de force internes laisse presager des contrecoups a portee regionale, si ce n'est au-dela. Dans ce contexte, quel est l'avenir des relations entre la France et la Syrie ? Cet ouvrage se propose d'apporter quelques clefs permettant de mieux apprehender la complexite et la portee des enjeux en presence. Il est tire d'une these soutenue en avril 2011, soit seulement quelques semaines apres le debut des manifestations pacifiques en Syrie. Toutefois, les tendances de fond decrites tout au long de ce travail demeurent, d'ou l'importance de les analyser et d'en comprendre les effets. Subject: SYRIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--FRANCE Subject: FRANCE--FOREIGN RELATIONS--SYRIA Subject: SYRIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--MIDDLE EAST Subject: MIDDLE EAST--FOREIGN RELATIONS--SYRIA ISBN: 9782343017167 Call Number: 327 /01692 Item ID: 80025309 Media: Book


GEORGIA (REPUBLIC)--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Title: Georgia : A Political History since Independence Author: Jones, Stephen F. Published: London : I. B. Tauris, 2013 Physical Description: xxii, 376 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 349-359. Includes index. Notes: Georgia emerged from the fall of the in 1991 with the promise of swift economic and democratic reform. But that promise remains unfulfilled. Economic collapse, secessionist challenges, civil war and the failure to escape the legacy of Soviet rule - culminating in the 2008 war with Russia - characterize a two-decade struggle to establish democratic institutions and consolidate statehood.The author critically analyses Georgia's recent political and economic development, illustrating what its 'transition' has meant, not just for the state, but for its citizens as well. An authoritative and commanding exploration of Georgia since independence, this is essential for those interested in the post-Soviet world. Subject: GEORGIA (REPUBLIC)--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Subject: GEORGIA (REPUBLIC)--SOCIAL CONDITIONS Subject: GEORGIA (REPUBLIC)--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Subject: GEORGIA (REPUBLIC)--HISTORY Subject: GEORGIA (REPUBLIC)--FOREIGN RELATIONS ISBN: 9781845113384 Call Number: 321 /00898 Item ID: 80025343 Media: Book

HIZBALLAH (LEBANON) Title: Hezbollah : The Global Footprint of Lebanon's Party of God Author: Levitt, Matthew, 1970- Published: Washington : Georgetown University Press, 2013 Physical Description: xv, 407 pages ; 24 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 381-387. Includes index. Notes: Hezbollah - Lebanon's 'Party of God' - is a multifaceted organization : It is a powerful political party in Lebanon, a Shia Islam religious and social movement, Lebanon's largest , a close ally of Iran, and a terrorist organization. Drawing on a wide range of sources, including recently declassified government documents, court records, and personal interviews with intelligence and law enforcement officials around the world, the author examines Hezbollah's beginnings, its first violent forays in Lebanon, and then its terrorist activities and criminal enterprises abroad in Europe, the Middle East, South America, Southeast Asia, Africa, and finally in North America. The author also describes Hezbollah's unit dedicated to supporting Palestinian militant groups and Hezbollah's involvement in training and supporting insurgents who fought US troops in post-Saddam Iraq. The book concludes with a look at Hezbollah's integral, ongoing role in Iran's shadow war with Israel and the West, including plots targeting civilians around the world. Subject: HIZBALLAH (LEBANON) Subject: LEBANON--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ISBN: 9781626160132 Call Number: 329 /00356 Item ID: 80025326 Media: Book


HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION Title: Justifier la guerre ? : de l'humanitaire au contre-terrorisme Additional Author: Andreani, Gilles, ed. Additional Author: Hassner, Pierre, ed. Published: Paris : Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 2013 Physical Description: 485 pages ; 19 cm. Edition: Deuxieme edition revue et corrigee Notes: Textes issus d'un colloque organise par le Centre d'etudes et de recherches internationales, le Centre d'analyse et de prevision du Ministere des affaires étrangères (CAP) et le German Marshall Fund of the United States, Paris, 15-16 janvier 2004. Notes: A peine la menace de la troisieme guerre mondiale s'est-elle eloignee avec la fin de la guerre froide que la violence a refait surface sous differentes formes : guerre civile, nettoyage ethnique, genocide, hyperterrorisme. Faut-il opposer la violence a la violence ? Quand, comment, au nom de quoi ? Des auteurs internationaux, tous reconnus dans leur domaine, s'efforcent de repondre a ces questions capitales. Ils analysent la notion de moralite du recours a la force a travers la doctrine de la guerre juste et son application eventuelle aux interventions humanitaires et a la construction de la paix. Puis ils abordent la question du contre-terrorisme et de ses rapports a la guerre sur un plan historique et operationnel, avant de debattre du probleme de la legitimite internationale et des normes qui la regissent. Subject: JUST WAR DOCTRINE Subject: USE OF FORCE (INTERNATIONAL LAW)--MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS Subject: TERRORISM--PREVENTION--MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS Subject: INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Subject: HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION ISBN: 9782724612424 Call Number: 341.2 /00543 Item ID: 80025315 Media: Book

HUMANITARIAN LAW--ENCYCLOPEDIAS Title: Dictionnaire pratique du droit humanitaire Author: Bouchet-Saulnier, Francoise, 1960- Published: Paris : Decouverte, 2013. Physical Description: 862 pages ; 24 cm. Edition: Quatrieme edition mise a jour et augmentee Notes: Includes index. Notes: Cette edition actualisee presente sous une forme simple toutes les facettes du droit international humanitaire. L'ouvrage analyse comment ce droit a evolue face aux nouveaux defis a la paix et la securite humaine lies a la guerre contre le terrorisme, aux nouvelles forms de conflits et d'action humanitaire, a l'emergence de la justice penale internationale et a la refondation des regles humanitaires dans un monde multipolaire. Il presente plus de deux cents concepts, des mots que les medias ont banalises, mais dont la force juridique reste meconnue. Subject: HUMANITARIAN LAW--ENCYCLOPEDIAS ISBN: 9782707177483 Call Number: 341.3 /00242 REF Item ID: 80025316 Media: Book


INFORMATION WARFARE--CHINA Title: The Chinese People's Liberation Army and Information Warfare Author: Wortzel, Larry M. Institution: US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Published: Carlisle, PA : US Army War College, 2014 Physical Description: xii, 64 pages ; 23 cm. Notes: On November 23, 2013, the Chinese government announced plans to establish a new air defense intercept zone which will include the Diaoyu or Senkaku Islands, over which is disputed by , China, and Taiwan. Due to complaints of cyber penetrations attributed to the Chinese People's Liberation Army, U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and State are devising new means to protect intellectual property and secrets from the PLA's computer network operations. This monograph explains how the PLA is revising its operational doctrine to meet what it sees as the new mode of 'integrated, joint operations' for the 21st century. An understanding of the PLA's new concepts are important for U.S. and allied military leaders and planners. Subject: INFORMATION WARFARE--CHINA Subject: --CHINA Subject: MILITARY DOCTRINE--CHINA ISBN: 1584876085 Call Number: 355.4 /01872 Item ID: 80025333 Link: http://strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?pubID=1191 Media: Book

INTERNAL SECURITY--USA Title: Homeland Security, Its Law and Its State : A Design of Power for the 21st Century Author: Boukalas, Christos Published: Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2014 Physical Description: ix, 262 pages ; 24 cm. Series: Routledge Research in Terrorism and the Law Notes: Bibliography: p. 222-251. Includes index. Notes: This book assesses the impact of post-9/11 domestic counterterrorism policy on US political life. It examines political discourse, law, the institutional architecture of the state and its relations with the population, and shows that 'homeland security' is a project with wide-ranging implications for democratic institutions and culture. These implications are addressed through a novel approach which treats law and the state as social relations, and relates developments in law to those in the state and in social dynamics. On this basis, the book examines the new political representations in counterterrorism discourse, especially regarding the relation between the state and the population. It examines the form and content of counterterrorism law, the powers it provides, and the structure and functions it prescribes for the state. Moreover, by focusing on the new Department of Homeland Security and the restructuring of the intelligence apparatus, the book assesses the new, intelligence-led, policing model. Finally, it examines forms of popular support and resistance to homeland security, to discuss citizenship and state-population relations. The author concludes that homeland security has turned the US into a hybrid polity; the legal and political institutions of democracy remain intact, but their content and practices become authoritarian and exclude the population from politics. These legal and political forms remain operative beyond counterterrorism, in the context of the present economic crisis. They seem to be a permanent configuration of power. Subject: TERRORISM--USA--PREVENTION Subject: INTERNAL SECURITY--USA


Subject: USA--NATIONAL SECURITY Subject: 2000 - 2099 fast ISBN: 9780415526319 Call Number: 323 /01371 Item ID: 80025344 Media: Book

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS Title: Unimaginable Atrocities : Justice, Politics, and Rights at the War Crimes Tribunals Author: Schabas, William Published: Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2012 Physical Description: 232 pages ; 24 cm. Notes: Includes index. Notes: As international criminal courts and tribunals have proliferated and international criminal law is increasingly seen as a key tool for bringing the world's worst perpetrators to account, the controversies surrounding the international trials of war criminals have grown. War crimes tribunals have to deal with accusations of victors' justice, bad prosecutorial policy and case management, and of jeopardizing fragile peace in post-conflict situations. This book explores these controversial issues in a manner that is accessible both to lawyers and to general readers. Subject: TRIALS Subject: INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS ISBN: 9780199653072 Call Number: 341.4 /00061 Item ID: 80025311 Media: Book

IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Title: US Foreign Policy and the : The Cold War Dynamics of Engagement and Strategic Author: Emery, Christian, 1982- Published: Houndmills, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2013 Physical Description: viii, 267 pages ; 23 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 248-261. Includes index. Notes: This text provides a fresh perspective on the origins of the confrontation between the US and Iran. It demonstrates that, contrary to the claims of Iran's leaders, there was no instinctive American hostility towards the Revolution, and explains why many assumptions guiding US policy were inappropriate for dealing with the new reality in Iran. Subject: USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--IRAN Subject: IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Subject: IRAN--HISTORY--REVOLUTION, 1979 Subject: IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS, 1979-1981 ISBN: 9781137329868 Call Number: 327 /01693 Item ID: 80025312 Media: Book


Title: Iran-Etats-Unis : les amis de demain ou l'apres-Ahmadinejad : essai Author: Amir-Aslani, Ardavan Published: Paris : Pierre-Guillaume de Roux , 2013 Physical Description: 118 pages ; 20 cm. Notes: A la veille des elections presidentielles iraniennes de juin 2013, tout permet de croire a un revirement spectaculaire des relations entre l'Iran et les Etats-Unis. Un revirement prepare de longue date, il est vrai, par , le president americain qui a su retablir un dialogue direct avec l'Etat persan apres des annees de bannissement pratique par son predecesseur, George W. Bush. Que la majorite des Iraniens aspirent a la secularisation de leur regime politique ne suffit pas a expliquer le renouveau diplomatique qui se profile. Le temps semble venu, en effet, de mettre fin aux prejuges occidentaux qui pesent sur l'essence meme de l'iranite depuis l'avenement de la Revolution islamique en 1979. A commencer par l'erreur grossiere qui consiste a assimiler l'echeance de juin prochain a un nouveau 'printemps arabe'. Ainsi prendra-t-on toute la mesure du fosse qui separe cette societe de haute culture et de grande modernite des Etats qui l'entourent. Au chiisme eclaire des Persans, a vocation strictement spirituelle, s'oppose radicalement le sunnisme des petromonarchies voisines qui pronent et exportent le Djihad. D'ou le role eminent que l'Iran est amene a jouer, plus que jamais, dans cette region du monde ... Dans ce captivant dessous des cartes, l'auteur, expert geopolitique et specialiste de l'Iran, aborde toutes les questions cruciales en suspens (dossier nucleaire, relations Iran-Israel, visees chinoises, etc.) et revele la source historique d'un profond malentendu. Subject: IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Subject: USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--IRAN Subject: IRAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ISBN: 9782363710697 Call Number: 327 /01691 Item ID: 80025308 Media: Book

Title: Unthinkable : Iran, the Bomb, and American Strategy Author: Pollack, Kenneth Michael, 1966- Published: New York, NY : Simon & Schuster, 2013 Physical Description: xxii, 536 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 503-512. Includes index. Notes: The author explores here America's intractable problem with Iran, Tehran's pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability, and the prolonged clash that led to this point. He lays out key solutions to the Iran nuclear question, explaining and assessing the options for American policymakers. Subject: NUCLEAR WEAPONS--GOVERNMENT POLICY--IRAN Subject: USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--IRAN Subject: IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA ISBN: 9781476733920 Call Number: 623 /01206 Item ID: 80025318 Media: Book


IRAQ WAR 2003-2011--PARTICIPATION, AMERICAN Title: Breaking Iraq : The Ten Mistakes that Broke Iraq Author: Spain, Ted Additional Author: Turchie, Terry D. Published: Palisades, NY : History, 2013 Physical Description: 310 pages ; 24 cm. Notes: Includes index. Notes: The decisions in Washington and in the battle zone broke Iraq; only cosmetic cement holds it together today. The crack started in Washington and widened early in the battle zones. The authors, who know much about law enforcement and the maintenance of order, identify those decisions. Starting with Defense Rumsfeld's failture to plan for post-invasion law and order, the appointment of inept generals and political opportunists, the confusion spawned by the cobweb of agreement woven by the to the development of a police force that was slowed by political interference has created an effect that may be longer lasting than any political cement can hold together. This is an inside look at how the failure to understand and implement basic fundamentals in creating structure in nation building, can slow the process or even invite failure. Subject: 2003-2011--PARTICIPATION, AMERICAN Subject: IRAQ WAR, 2003-2011--PERSONAL NARRATIVES, AMERICAN ISBN: 9781933909530 Call Number: 355.4 /01873 Item ID: 80025337 Media: Book

LIBYA--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Title: The 2011 Libyan Uprisings and the Struggle for the Post-Qadhafi Future Additional Author: Pack, Jason, 1980- , ed. Published: Houndmills, UK : Palgrave MacMillan, 2013 Physical Description: xiv, 254 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. Edition: First edition. Notes: Includes index. Notes: In 2011, spontaneous popular uprisings overthrew Muammar Qadhafi - one of the world's most infamous tyrants. Paradoxically, Qadhafi's efforts since 2003 to reform Libya's economy and rebuild the country's international relationships set the stage for his downfall. Despite the enabling effects of twenty-first century communications technology and the aid of NATO jets, the 2011 Libyan uprisings were organized primarily along traditional regional, local, and tribal cleavages. The future of post-Qadhafi Libya will be determined by a struggle between 'center' and 'periphery'. This contest has deep resonances in Libyan history. A world of contemporary political history, this volume analyzes the 2011 Libyan uprisings thematically - focusing on the roles of economics, outside actors, tribes, ethnic minorities, and Islamists. The volume's contributors include the British Ambassador to Libya during the uprisings, the president of the American University of Cairo, a former of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and the world's leading academic and security specialists in Libyan affairs. Subject: LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Subject: LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Subject: LIBYA--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ISBN: 9781137308085 Call Number: 323 /01369 Item ID: 80025334


Media: Book

MILITARY DOCTRINE Title: Understanding Military Doctrine : A Multidisciplinary Approach Author: Hoiback, Harald, 1969- Published: Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2013 Physical Description: xiii, 256 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Series: Cass Military Studies Notes: Bibliography: p. 227-248. Includes index. Notes: This book puts military doctrine into a wider perspective, drawing on military history, philosophy, and political science. Military doctrines are institutional beliefs about what works in war; given the trauma of 9/11 and the ensuing '', serious divergences over what the message of the 'new' military doctrine ought to be were expected around the world. However, such questions are often drowned in ferocious meta-doctrinal disagreements. What is a doctrine, after all ? This book provides a theoretical understanding of such questions. Divided into three parts, the author investigates the historical roots of military doctrine and explores its growth and expansion until the present day, and goes on to analyse the main characteristics of a military doctrine. Using a multidisciplinary approach, the book concludes that doctrine can be utilized in three key ways : as a tool of command, as a tool of change, and as a tool of education. Subject: MILITARY DOCTRINE ISBN: 9780415821643 Call Number: 355 /00628 Item ID: 80025304 Media: Book

MILITARY HISTORY, MODERN--21ST CENTURY Title: The Direction of War : Contemporary Strategy in Historical Perspective Author: Strachan, Hew Published: Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2013 Physical Description: xiv, 322 pages ; 24 cm. Notes: The wars since 9/11, both in Iraq and Afghanistan, have generated frustration and an increasing sense of failure in the West. Much of the blame has been attributed to poor strategy. In both the United States and the , public enquiries and defence think have detected a lack of consistent direction, of effective communication, and of governmental coordination. Notes: Includes index. Subject: STRATEGY Subject: MILITARY HISTORY, MODERN--21ST CENTURY ISBN: 9781107047853 Call Number: 355.4 /01874 Item ID: 80025341 Media: Book


MILITARY PLANNING--USA Title: Defense Planning for National Security : Navigation Aids for the Mystery Tour Author: Gray, Colin S. Institution: US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Published: Carlisle, PA : US Army War College, 2014 Physical Description: ix, 59 pages ; 23 cm. Series: Advancing Strategic Thought Series Notes: The challenge that is defense planning includes : 'educated futurology' and the humanities as methodological approaches; futurists and scenarios, trend spotting and defense analysis; the impossibility of science in studying the future; the impossibility of verification by empirical testing of hypotheses; the value of the humanities which are politics, strategy, and history for defense planning; the use and misuse of analogy; learning from history; why and how strategic history works; and recommendations for the Army. What can be learned from history and what cannot are discussed in this analysis. Subject: MILITARY PLANNING--USA Subject: USA--NATIONAL SECURITY Subject: USA--ARMED FORCES--PLANNING ISBN: 9781584876090 Call Number: 355 /00629 Item ID: 80025340 Link: http://strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?pubID=1192 Media: Book

RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Title: The Limits of Partnership : U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century Author: Stent, Angela Published: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2014 Physical Description: xviii, 355 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 321-326. Includes index. Notes: This book offers a riveting narrative on U.S.-Russian relations since the Soviet collapse and on the challenges ahead. It reflects the unique perspective of an insider who is also recognized as a leading expert on this troubled relationship. American presidents have repeatedly attempted to forge a strong and productive partnership only to be held hostage to the deep mistrust born of the Cold War. For the United States, Russia remains a priority because of its nuclear weapons arsenal, its strategic location bordering Europe and Asia, and its ability to support - or thwart - American interests. Why has it been so difficult to move the relationship forward ? What are the prospects for doing so in the future ? Is the effort doomed to fail again and again ? The author served as an adviser on Russia under and George W. Bush, and maintains close ties with key policymakers in both countries. Here, she argues that the same contentious issues - terrorism, , Iran, nuclear proliferation, Afghanistan, the former Soviet space, the greater Middle East - have been in every president's inbox, Democrat and Republican alike, since the collapse of the USSR. The author vividly describes how Clinton and Bush sought inroads with Russia and staked much on their personal ties to and - only to leave office with relations at a low point - and how Barack Obama managed to restore ties only to see them undermined by a Putin regime resentful of American dominance and determined to restore Russia's status. The book calls for a fundamental reassessment of the principles and practices that drive U.S.-Russian relations, and offers a path forward to meet the urgent challenges facing both countries. Subject: USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION)


Subject: RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA ISBN: 9780691152974 Call Number: 327 /01690 Item ID: 80025307 Media: Book

SECURITY, INTERNATIONAL--ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Title: Environmental Security : Approaches and Issues Additional Author: Floyd, Rita, 1977- , ed. Additional Author: Matthew, Richard A., 1965- , ed. Published: Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2013 Physical Description: xviii, 302 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm. Edition: First edition Notes: Includes index. Notes: Economic development, population growth and poor resource management have combined to alter the planet's natural environment in dramatic and alarming ways. For over twenty years, considerable research and debate have focused on clarifying or disputing linkages between various forms of environmental change and various understandings of security. At one extreme lie sceptics who content that the linkages are weak or even non-existent; they are simply attempts to harness the resources of the security arena to an environmental agenda. At the other extreme lie those who believe that these linkages may be the most important drivers of security in the twenty-first century; indeed, the very future of humankind may be at stake. This book brings together contributions from a range of disciplines to present a critical and comprehensive overview of the research and debate linking environmental factors to security. it provides a framework for representing and understanding key areas of intellectual convergence and disagreement, clarifying achievements of the research as well as identifying its weaknesses and gaps. Part I explores the various ways environmental change and security have been linked, and provides principal critiques of this . Part II explores the linkage through analysis of key issue areas such as climate change, energy, water, food, population and development. Finally, the book concludes with a discussion of the value of this subfield of security studies, and with some ideas about the questions it might profitably address in the future. Subject: SECURITY, INTERNATIONAL--ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS ISBN: 9780415539005 Call Number: 614 /00174 Item ID: 80025319 Media: Book


SOCIOLOGY, URBAN Title: Out of the Mountains : The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla Author: Kilcullen, David Published: London : Hurst, 2013 Physical Description: x, 342 pages ; 22 cm. Notes: Includes index. Notes: The author takes us out of the mountains : away from the remote, rural guerrilla warfare of Afghanistan, and into the marginalized slums and complex security threats of the world's coastal cities, where almost 75 per cent of us will be living by 2050. Scrutinising environmental trends - population growth, coastal urbanization - and increasing digital connectivity, he projects a future of feral cities, urban systems under stress, and increasing overlaps between crime and war, internal and external threats, and the real and virtual worlds. This book presents detailed, on-the-ground accounts of the new faces of modern conflict - from the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, to transnational drug networks, local street gangs, and the uprising s of the Arab Spring. Subject: URBAN VIOLENCE Subject: SOCIOLOGY, URBAN Subject: URBAN WARFARE ISBN: 9781849043243 Call Number: 323 /01366 Item ID: 80025317 Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=669965&site=ehost- live&scope=site Media: Book

STRATEGY Title: Histoire de la pensee strategique : de Sun Zi au nucleaire Author: Penisson, Bernard, 1941- Published: Paris : Ellipses, 2013 Physical Description: 444 pages ; 24 cm. Notes: Bibliography: p. 423-437. Subject: STRATEGY ISBN: 9782729882822 Call Number: 355.4 /01869 Item ID: 80025310 Media: Book


TERRORISM--PREVENTION Title: Arguing Counterterrorism : New Perspectives Additional Author: Pisoiu, Daniela, ed. Published: Abingdon, UK : Routledge, 2014 Physical Description: xvi, 301 pages ; 24 cm. Series: Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies Notes: This book offers a multifaceted, analytical account of counterterrorism argumentative speech. Traditionally, existing scholarship in this field of research has taken a selective focus on issues and actors, concentrating mainly on US state discourse after 9/11. However, this approach ignores the fact that there was counterterrorism speech before 9/11, and that there are other countries and other actors who also actively engage in the counterterrorism discursive field, both within and outside of the . Addressing several thematic, chronological and methodological gaps in the current literature, this book offers a dynamic perspective on counterterrorism argumentative speech. Over the course of the volume, the authors tackle the following key issues : first, historical and cultural continuity and change. Second, the phenomenology of counterterrorism speech : its nature, instrumentalisation, implications and interactions between the various actors involved. The third theme is the anatomy of counterterrorism speech; namely its political, cultural and linguistic constitutive elements. Employing a multi-disciplinary framework, the authors explore these issues through a geographically and historically diverse range of case studies, resulting in a book that broadens the perspective of counterterrorism argumentation analysis. Notes: Includes index. Subject: TERRORISM--PREVENTION ISBN: 9780415640831 Call Number: 323 /01370 Item ID: 80025336 Media: Book


Journal Articles Articles de revues

AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Title: Dominance through Coercion : Strategic Rhetorical Balancing and the Tactics of Justification in Afghanistan and Libya Author: Holland, Jack Additional Author: Aaronson, Mike Published: 2014 In: JOURNAL OF INTERVENTION AND STATEBUILDING, vol. 8, no. 1, March 2014, p. 1-20. Notes: This article analyses British and American justifications for military intervention in the decade following 9/11. Taking Afghanistan in 2001 and Libya in 2011 as the main case studies, the article explores the ways in which political elites attempt to achieve policy dominance through rhetorical coercion, whereby potential opponents are left unable to formulate a socially sustainable rebuttal. Specifically, in these case studies, the article explores the use of strategic rhetorical balancing, whereby secondary rationales for intervention are emphasized as part of a tactic of justification designed to secure doubters' acquiescence by narrowing the discursive space in which an alternative counter-narrative could be successfully and sustainably formulated. Subject: INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW)--USA Subject: INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW)--GREAT BRITAIN Subject: AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Subject: LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Item ID: JA030124 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17502977.2013.856126 Media: Article

Title: L'OTAN, la FIAS et le futur des operations militaires en coalition Author: Lasconjarias, Guillaume Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 45-50. Notes: En rappelant les etapes de la campagne afghane de l'Alliance atlantique qui y a engage l'OTAN pour conduire une coalition finalement infructueuse, l'auteur montre a la fois les limites des engagements operationnels en coalition et celles d'une structure militaire alliee taillee dans un autre cadre et qui cherche a se perpetuer. Subject: ISAF Subject: NATO--ARMED FORCES--AFGHANISTAN Subject: AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Item ID: JA030130 Media: Article


Title: Le Pakistan apres 2014 : quelle politique face a l'Afghanistan et aux ? Author: Chaudet, Didier Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 71-76. Notes: En montrant comment l'emprise des Taliban est autant un danger pour le Pakistan que pour l'Afghanistan, en revelant le pragmatisme actuel du Pakistan qui veut faire partie de la solution regionale, l'auteur montre aussi combien la stabilite future du Pakistan importe au moins autant que celle de l'Afghanistan. Subject: PAKISTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFGHANISTAN Subject: AFGHANISTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--PAKISTAN Subject: TALIBAN Subject: AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Item ID: JA030133 Media: Article

Title: Quo Vadis, Afghanistan ? Author: Cagnat, Rene Additional Author: Gauzere, David Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 77-84. Notes: Pour esquisser trois scenarios afghans marques par l'incertitude et le retour aux fondamentaux locaux et regionaux, l'auteur evalue les parts du reve, du cache, les facteurs determinants, les probabilites qui caracterisent la situation de l'Afghanistan a la veille des elections et avant le depart de la FIAS fin 2014. Subject: AFGHANISTAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Subject: AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Item ID: JA030134 Media: Article

Title: Experience afghane Author: Bavinchove, Olivier de Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 26-34. Notes: Avec ce temoignage a chaud et cette reflexion a la fois retrospective et prospective, on mesure l'ampleur des questions soulevees par la conduite des operations de la coalition en Afghanistan pour preparer le retrait des forces fin 2014 et le transfert de la responsabilite militaire aux forces afghanes. On dispose ici egalement des premiers enseignements a tirer de la forte evolution technique de la conduite des combats de stabilisation. Subject: ISAF Subject: AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Subject: DISENGAGEMENT (MILITARY SCIENCE) Item ID: JA030137 Media: Article


Title: L'Afghanistan, et après ? Author: Ponton d'Amecourt, Jean De Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 35-40. Notes: D'une longue experience de terrain, l'auteur rapporte une analyse d'erreurs identifiees, un sentiment general d'inacheve, quelques lecons cles (multiplicite des acteurs, unite de commandement, dispersion de l'aide et facteur afgan sous-estime) et la forte intuition que rien n'est vraiment regle. Subject: AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Item ID: JA030138 Media: Article

Title: Lecons afghanes Author: Hostalier, Francoise Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 41-44. Notes: Le bilan de l'intervention occidentale est, vu de l'interieur, modeste et la securite defaillante fait redouter l'avenir. Une fois en charge de leur destin, les Afghans trouveront-ils les voies de la cooperation interieure et du voisinage exterieur ? La clarification attendue fin 2014 pourrait avoir des effets vertueux. Subject: AFGHAN WAR, 2001- Item ID: JA030139 Media: Article

AFGHANISTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--INDIA Title: L'Inde, future gendarme de l'Afghanistan ? Author: Lhomme, Michel Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 64-70. Notes: Le desengagement afghan des forces coalisees par l'OTAN prelude a un nouvel equilibre regional strategique dans lequel l'Inde pourrait jouer un role central dans de nouvelles combinaisons impliquant l'Iran, la Chine, le Pakistan et la Russie. Le pivotement americain vers l'Asie pourrait aussi renforcer la main indienne. Subject: INDIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFGHANISTAN Subject: AFGHANISTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--INDIA Item ID: JA030132 Media: Article


AFGHANISTAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Title: L'Afghanistan au defi de la democratie, de la securite et du bon voisinage en 2014 Author: Dupuy, Emmanuel Additional Author: Lalonde, Patricia Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 85-89. Notes: En dressant le profil souhaitable du futur president afghan et en recapitulant l'ensemble des defis qu'il devra relever, on mesure l'ampleur de sa tache et la necessite pour la communaute internationale de continuer a s'investir au plan interieur comme au plan regional pour porter ce pays vers un etat plus stable et plus sur. Subject: AFGHANISTAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Item ID: JA030135 Media: Article

Title: L'Afghanistan au-dela de 2014 : entre stabilite recherchee et destabilisation contree Author: Haquani, Zalmai Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 19-25. Notes: Sans surprise, c'est autour de trois objectifs cles que s'organise le futur de l'Afghanistan apres le retrait de la coalition : la paix et la securite; la stabilisation politique et institutionnelle; la reconstruction economique et sociale. ils ne seront atteints qu'avec le temps, l'aide internationale et un changement profond des pratiques economiques et sociales des Afghans. Subject: AFGHANISTAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Item ID: JA030136 Media: Article Collection Type: Articles Collection Availability: Non-Circulating

AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Title: An Institutional Approach to Foreign Policy-Making : The EU, the USA and Crisis Management in Africa Author: Sicurelli, Daniela Additional Author: Fabbrini, Sergio Published: 2014 In: JOURNAL OF TRANSATLANTIC STUDIES, vol. 12, no. 1, March 2014, p. 41-61. Notes: Since the end of the cold war, the USA and the (EU) have developed different foreign and security policies towards Africa. The USA has prioritised the fight against terrorism, while the EU's foreign policy has been primarily driven by the goal of structural stability. The difference between the two approaches can be partially explained by pointing to the different power resources of the two actors. Nevertheless, these structural differences have not prevented variations in how the two actors have redefined their foreign policy approaches over time and opted for alternative policy instruments. Comparison between the US and EU interventions in Sudan and Somalia shows that domestic factors account for the differences and variations in their respective foreign policy frameworks. This article argues that these differences and variations make the distinction between a military America and a civilian power Europe more nuanced than depicted by the mainstream literature on . Subject: USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA Subject: AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA


Subject: EU--AFRICA Subject: CRISIS MANAGEMENT--AFRICA Item ID: JA030154 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14794012.2014.871433 Media: Article

AFRICA--MILITARY RELATIONS--USA Title: Policing Africa : The US Military and Visions of Crafting 'Good Order' Author: Bachmann, Jan Published: 2014 In: SECURITY DIALOGUE, vol. 45, no. 2, April 2014, p. 119-136. Notes: Current Western security doctrines assert that state fragility, radicalization and humanitarian disasters in the global South feed into persistent conflict. Such a scenario consequently requires a closely coordinated and integrated response from political and military actors. In this context, Western governments have introduced the concept of stabilization in their approaches to fragile states. This article aims to understand the expanding activities of the US military in sub-Saharan Africa, which are conducted under the label of stability operations. It will be argued that the vast spectrum of activities under this label from health projects to drone attacks can be made comprehensible through the concept of policing, understood as processes of regulating communities with the aim of establishing good order. Key pillars of the US militarys stability operations operations doctrine namely, a focus on the welfare of the population (on a par with the minimum use of force) as well as an extended preventative engagement overlap with concerns of police power. Presented by security strategists as vulnerable to instability, sub- Saharan Africa has become an experimental ground for the US military, where ideas on stability operations are tested. Empirically, the article discusses two manifestations of stability operations that warrant an analysis through the concept of policing: US Africa Commands (AFRICOM) civil affairs projects and the US militarys active involvement in ongoing conflicts. Subject: USA--MILITARY RELATIONS--AFRICA Subject: AFRICA--MILITARY RELATIONS--USA Subject: USA. AFRICA COMMAND Subject: USA--ARMED FORCES--STABILITY OPERATIONS Item ID: JA030169 Link: http://atoz.ebsco.com/Titles/SearchResults/7806?IsFromAdvancedSearch=True&Find=security+di alogue&GetResourcesBy=TitleNameSearch&resourceTypeName=journalsOnly&resourceType=1&S earchType=BeginsWith Media: Article


ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT Title: International Convention for the Peaceful Use of Cyberspace Author: Roche, Edward M. Additional Author: Blaine, Michael J. Published: 2014 In: ORBIS, vol. 58, no. 2, Spring 2014, p. 282-296. Notes: Cyber weapons now are an extension of state power. In hopes of gaining a strategic advantage, many countries including the United States, Russia and China are developing offensive cyber capabilities to disrupt political, economic, and social institutions in competitor nations. These activities have led to a cyber that is spiraling out of control. This imminent global threat challenges the international community to be proactive. The purpose of this article is to propose an international convention to throttle the development, proliferation and use of cyber weapons before they cause electronic Armageddon. The authors begin by examining three successful efforts in arms control and use the lessons learned to draft a convention that can serve as a starting point for formal multilateral negotiations. Subject: INFORMATION WARFARE Subject: ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT Item ID: JA030107 Media: Article

ASIA, CENTRAL--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Title: La politique exterieure de la Russie en Asie centrale apres 2014 Author: Pasquier, Daniel Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 57-63. Notes: En Asie centrale, apres le retrait de la FIAS du territoire afghan, la Russie entend mener une politique exterieure ambitieuse pour contribuer a la securite et a la stabilite economique des republiques voisines. Cependant, la situation regionale degrade, le manque de moyens, certaines contraintes de politique interieure et la concurrence internationale pourraient amener l'administration Poutine a revoir ses objectifs a la baisse. Subject: RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--ASIA, CENTRAL Subject: ASIA, CENTRAL--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Item ID: JA030131 Media: Article



Item ID: JA030146 Media: Article

ASIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Title: Far Eastern Promises : Why Washington Should Focus on Asia Author: Campbell, Kurt M. Additional Author: Ratner, Ely Published: 2014 In: FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 93, no. 3, May - June 2014, p. 106-116. Subject: USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--ASIA Subject: ASIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Item ID: JA030162 Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=95603434&site=ehost- live&scope=site Media: Article

BRANDING (MARKETING)--NATO Title: Crafting a NATO Brand : Bolstering Internal Support for the Alliance through Image Management Author: Wolff, Andrew T. Published: 2014 In: CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 35, no. 1, April 2014, p. 73-95. Notes: NATO confronts four distinct public perception challenges: weak or varying public support for the alliance and its specific missions; a general lack of public awareness of the alliance's post- cold war transformation; diverging opinions on its proper role in the world; and parochial and domestic interests filtering into NATO's agenda. These various public relations challenges detract from alliance cohesiveness, impede mission performance, breed confusion and dissension about alliance aims, and raise questions about the proper operation of democratic governance within the alliance. Recent alliance communication efforts encompassing public diplomacy and strategic communications have failed to improve these public perception challenges. Instead, NATO should consider adopting a long-term branding strategy that focuses specifically on shaping the public's mental image of the alliance through the creation, promulgation, and management of a core message. Such a strategy has the potential to create a more consolidated alliance mandate that is easier for the public to understand and, ultimately, transforms the way NATO relates to its public. Subject: BRANDING (MARKETING)--NATO Subject: PUBLIC DIPLOMACY--NATO Subject: NATO--PUBLIC OPINION Item ID: JA030175 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13523260.2014.885708 Media: Article


CASUALTY AVERSION (MILITARY SCIENCE)--SLOVENIA Title: Safety Bubble versus Risk Awareness : Casualty Aversion among the Slovenian Public Author: Vuga, Janja Published: 2014 In: ARMED FORCES AND SOCIETY, vol. 40, no. 2, April 2014, p. 357-381. Notes: The acceptance of risk in a certain society is tested when de facto or merely potential military death casualties are raised. Several dimensions influencing the acceptability of risk have already been analyzed, although only three are examined in this article - namely, the historicopolitical, sociodemographic, and cultural. The Slovenian public opinion survey persistently shows strong risk aversion among Slovenians and the article’s purpose is therefore to (1) establish how can the strong risk aversion be explained by the selected dimensions; and (2) identify what part of the population is most risk-aversive. To that end, over twenty years of Slovenian public poll data are analyzed using a triangulation of statistical methods, revealing a cultural pattern of safety bubble versus risk awareness. As the risk aversion model reveals, Slovenian society represents a safety bubble, with strong risk aversion and a very narrow selection of activities worth making sacrifices for. Death casualties are rarely accepted, even if incurred in support of ideals society strongly appreciates, like humanitarian causes. Subject: CASUALTY AVERSION (MILITARY SCIENCE)--SLOVENIA Item ID: JA030109 Link: http://atoz.ebsco.com/Titles/SearchResults/7806?SearchType=1&Find=armed+forces+and+societ y&GetResourcesBy=QuickSearch&resourceTypeName=allTitles&resourceType=&radioButtonChan ged= Media: Article

CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--USA Title: Chinese Bureaucracy and the United States Author: Troush, Sergey Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 60, no. 1, 2014, p. 83-98. Subject: CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--USA Subject: USA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA Subject: CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Subject: USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Item ID: JA030144 Media: Article


CIVIL SOCIETY Title: Legitimate Representation : Civil Society Actors in Peace Negotiations Revisited Author: Zanker, Franzisca Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION, vol. 19, no. 1, 2014, p. 62-88. Notes: Current research suggests that negotiations which are more inclusive are more likely to achieve durable peace since they speak to the entire population. One way to ensure public support is through the inclusion of civil society groups, either directly at the negotiation table or indirectly in supportive roles. It is argued that through their inclusion there is a positive effect on the legitimacy of negotiations which in turn leads to more durable peace. Nonetheless, the reasons why and how involving civil society groups improves the legitimacy of negotiations remains little understood. This article considers the gap in research by using original empirical data to look at the peace negotiations held in Liberia in 2003 and Kenya in early 2008. A theoretical model of legitimate negotiations is used to show in what ways the involvement of civil society groups can in fact make the conduct of negotiations and the outcome of an agreement more legitimate for the aggrieved population. Subject: PEACE Subject: NEGOTIATION Subject: CIVIL SOCIETY Item ID: JA030126 Media: Article

COLD WAR Title: The Hidden Rationality of 's Policy of Neutrality during the Cold War Author: Dalsjo, Published: 2014 In: COLD WAR HISTORY, vol. 14, no. 2, May 2014, p. 175-194. Notes: The long-dominant view of policy during the Cold War holds that it aimed to reduce tension in peacetime and to keep the country out of a new major war. The main dissenting view is that the policy primarily served peacetime purposes, including domestic politics, and that it would not have worked in a war. Sweden would then either have been attacked by the USSR because it was a Western country in its path of attack, or it would have been drawn in on the allied side because of its cooperation with the West, including tolerating overflights by allied bombers. This article presents a third perspective, namely that Sweden's leaders in the 1950s understood that neutrality would probably fail in wartime, but that they aimed to stay out of the violent initial nuclear exchange. This conclusion is supported by evidence hitherto overlooked in the existing research. Subject: NEUTRALITY--SWEDEN Subject: COLD WAR Item ID: JA030152 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14682745.2013.765865 Media: Article


COUNTERINSURGENCY Title: Land and Rebellion : Lessons for Counter-Insurgency Author: Kapstein, Ethan B. Published: 2014 In: SURVIVAL, vol. 56, no. 2, April - May 2014, p. 109-128. Notes: A study of land reform illuminates the paradox of economic instruments in counter- insurgency. Where redistributive demands are at the core of a rebellion, foreign powers will find it difficult to respond effectively. Subject: COUNTERINSURGENCY Subject: LAND REFORM Item ID: JA030118 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00396338.2014.901740 Media: Article

CRIMEA (UKRAINE)--ANNEXATION TO RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Title: Russia's Latest Land Grab : How Putin Won Crimea and Lost Ukraine Author: Mankoff, Jeffrey Published: 2014 In: FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 93, no. 3, May - June 2014, p. 60-68. Subject: UKRAINE--HISTORY--RUSSIAN INTERVENTION, 2014- Subject: UKRAINE--HISTORY--CRISIS, 2014- Subject: CRIMEA (UKRAINE)--ANNEXATION TO RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Item ID: JA030165 Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=95603430&site=ehost- live&scope=site Media: Article

Title: 2014 - Jahr der Sezessionen Author: Pabst, Martin Published: 2014 In: EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT & TECHNIK, Nr. 5, 2014, S. 18-20. Subject: CRIMEA (UKRAINE)--ANNEXATION TO RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Subject: SECESSION Item ID: JA030181 Media: Article

DEMOCRACY--TURKEY Title: The End of the Author: Taspinar, Omer Published: 2014 In: SURVIVAL, vol. 56, no. 2, April - May 2014, p. 49-64. Notes: The Turkish model of democracy, economic competence and regional influence is not unravelling because of a clash between Islam and secularism. The real conflict is between electoral democracy and . Subject: TURKEY--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Subject: DEMOCRACY--TURKEY Item ID: JA030116


Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00396338.2014.901732 Media: Article

DRONE AIRCRAFT Title: Drone Strikes, Dingpolitik and Beyond : Furthering the Debate on Materiality and Security Author: Walters, William Published: 2014 In: SECURITY DIALOGUE, vol. 45, no. 2, April 2014, p. 101-118. Notes: Recent scholarship in critical security studies argues that matter matters because it is not an inert backdrop to social life but lively, affectively laden, active in the constitution of subjects, and capable of enabling and constraining security practices and processes. This article seeks to further the debate about materiality and security. Its main claim is that materials-oriented approaches to security typically focus on the place of materials and objects within technologies and assemblages of governance. Less often do they ask how materials and objects become entangled in political controversies, and how objects mediate issues of public concern. To bring publics and contentious politics more fully into the debate about the matter of security, the article engages with Latours work on politics, publics and things or dingpolitik. It then connects the theme of dingpolitik to a particular controversy: Human Rights Watchs investigation of Gaza civilians allegedly killed by Israeli drone-launched missiles in 20082009. Drawing three lessons from this case, the article explores how further conversation between dingpolitik and security studies can be mutually beneficial for both literatures. Subject: DRONE AIRCRAFT Item ID: JA030168 Link: http://atoz.ebsco.com/Titles/SearchResults/7806?IsFromAdvancedSearch=True&Find=security+di alogue&GetResourcesBy=TitleNameSearch&resourceTypeName=journalsOnly&resourceType=1&S earchType=BeginsWith Media: Article

ECONOMIC SANCTIONS--IRAN Title: Why Sanctions Against Iran Are Counterproductive : Conflict Resolution and State-Society Relations Author: Fathollah-Nejad, Ali Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 69, no. 1, March 2014, p. 48-65. Notes: This article critically examines the ramifications of the international sanctions regime against Iran on two fronts: the conflict pitting Iran against the West, and the impact of the sanctions on state–society relations. On both accounts, it finds the dominant narrative, according to which sanctions would facilitate conflict resolution while weakening the authoritarian state, to be misleading. Instead, it demonstrates, on the one hand, how sanctions have hardened the opposing fronts and therefore prolonged the conflict between Iran and the West, and on the other, how they have cemented the domestic power structure in the Islamic Republic and weakened Iran’s civil society. Subject: ECONOMIC SANCTIONS--IRAN Item ID: JA030123 Media: Article


EDUCATION--BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA Title: International Peacebuilding and the Politics of Identity : Lessons from Social Psychology Using the Bosnian Case Author: Levy, Naomi Published: 2014 In: JOURNAL OF INTERVENTION AND STATEBUILDING, vol. 8, no. 1, March 2014, p. 68-90. Notes: This article argues that international peacebuilding efforts must be understood as identity- building projects and applies what we know from social psychology about identity processes to post-conflict peacebuilding. It argues that international peacebuilders must pay careful attention to the relationship between the multiple sources of identity from which individuals draw their self- concepts, such as their ethno-national belonging and their citizenship. Using qualitative evidence from field research on international interventions in post-conflict education reform in Bosnia- Herzegovina in the decade following Dayton, the article contends that the international community's efforts on the ground entrenched ethno-national group boundaries while simultaneously challenging the distinctiveness of these ethno-national identities. As a result, rather than being sites of peacebuilding, the schools of Bosnia-Herzegovina became sites of heightened tensions and controversy. Subject: PEACE-BUILDING--BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA Subject: EDUCATION--BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA Item ID: JA030125 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17502977.2014.877633 Media: Article

EU--BULGARIA Title: Bulgaria and Romania at Europe's Edge Author: Katsikas, Stefanos Published: 2014 In: CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 113, no. 761, March 2014, p. 117-121. Notes: Gaining acceptance in the EU has been especially arduous for these new member states. Their rough experience shows that integration is an ongoing project. Subject: EU--BULGARIA Subject: EU--ROMANIA Subject: EU--ENLARGEMENT Item ID: JA030150 Media: Article

EU--FOREIGN RELATIONS Title: Is the European Union's in Decline ? Author: Smith, Karen E. Published: 2014 In: CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 113, no. 761, March 2014, p. 104-109. Notes: The bloc has formidable resources for exerting persuasion and attraction abroad, but internal division weakens its hand. Subject: EU--FOREIGN RELATIONS Item ID: JA030149 Media: Article


EU--GREAT BRITAIN Title: Britain and Europe : The End of the Affair ? Author: Matthijs, Matthias Published: 2014 In: CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 113, no. 761, March 2014, p. 91-97. Notes: London has long sought to shape continental affairs on its own terms and at arm's length. Now the relationship with Brussels is under greater strain than ever. Subject: EU--GREAT BRITAIN Item ID: JA030148 Media: Article

EU--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Title: Is the EU an Obstacle on the Road to ? Author: Remy, Gilles Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 60, no. 1, 2014, p. 55-63. Subject: EU--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Item ID: JA030143 Media: Article

EU--UKRAINE Title: Die EU und die Ukraine Author: Brok, Elmar Published: 2014 In: EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT & TECHNIK, Nr. 5, 2014, S. 10-12. Subject: EU--UKRAINE Subject: UKRAINE--HISTORY--RUSSIAN INTERVENTION, 2014- Item ID: JA030180 Media: Article

EURO Title: The EU without the Euro Author: Heisbourg, Francois, 1949- Published: 2014 In: SURVIVAL, vol. 56, no. 2, April - May 2014, p. 27-48. Notes: The single currency was supposed to have led to greater political union, but the policies taken to ensure its survival are having the opposite effect. An orderly retreat from the euro might be the EU's least-bad option. Subject: EURO Item ID: JA030115 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00396338.2014.901730 Media: Article


GEOPOLITICS Title: The Return of Geopolitics : The Revenge of the Revisionist Powers Author: Mead, Walter Russell Published: 2014 In: FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 93, no. 3, May - June 2014, p. 69-79. Subject: GEOPOLITICS Subject: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Item ID: JA030159 Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=95603431&site=ehost- live&scope=site Media: Article

Title: The Illusion of Geopolitics : The Enduring Power of the Liberal Order Author: Ikenberry, G. John Published: 2014 In: FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 93, no. 3, May - June 2014, p. 80-90. Subject: GEOPOLITICS Subject: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Item ID: JA030160 Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=95603432&site=ehost- live&scope=site Media: Article

GREAT BRITAIN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Title: Has Britain Found Its Role ? Author: MacCourt, David M. Published: 2014 In: SURVIVAL, vol. 56, no. 2, April - May 2014, p. 159-178. Notes: The question is not whether Britain is a great power, but whether it does what great powers do. In the absence of wider changes, Britain will continue to play this role. Subject: GREAT BRITAIN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Subject: GREAT BRITAIN--MILITARY POLICY Subject: GREAT BRITAIN--NATIONAL SECURITY Item ID: JA030119 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00396338.2014.901746 Media: Article


HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION Title: International Law on the Use of Force and the War in Syria Author: Kotlyar, Vladimir Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 60, no. 1, 2014, p. 189-200 Subject: SYRIA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Subject: USE OF FORCE (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Subject: HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION Subject: RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Item ID: JA030147 Media: Article

INFORMATION WARFARE--USA Title: The Joint Force Commander's Guide to Cyberspace Operations Published: 2014 In: JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 73, 2014, p. 12-19. Subject: INFORMATION WARFARE--USA Item ID: JA030167 Link: http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jfq/jfq-73.pdf Media: Article

INTELLIGENCE SERVICE--USA Title: Reforming the NSA : How to Spy After Snowden Author: Byman, Daniel Additional Author: Wittes, Benjamin Published: 2014 In: FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 93, no. 3, May - June 2014, p. 127-138. Subject: INTELLIGENCE SERVICE--USA Item ID: JA030163 Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=95603436&site=ehost- live&scope=site Media: Article

INTERNET Title: Internet Privacy : Who Sets the Global Standard ? Author: Rossi, Agustin Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 49, no. 1, March 2014, p. 65-80. Notes: The European Data Protection Directive is often considered the Internet Privacy Global Standard, but this in only partially true. While the European Union sets a formal global standard, the 1995 Data Protection Directive has two loopholes that Internet companies exploit to set the effective global standard for internet privacy. The United States and Ireland have become safe harbours for Internet companies to collect and process Europeans personal data without being subject to the stringent laws and regulations of some continental European countries. Companies, and not the European Union or governments, are the ones that set the effective global standard of internet privacy. Subject: INTERNET


Subject: PRIVACY, RIGHT OF Item ID: JA030178 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03932729.2014.875823 Media: Article

Title: Rhetorical Traditions of Public Diplomacy and the Internet Author: Rolfe, Mark Published: 2014 In: HAGUE JOURNAL OF DIPLOMACY, vol. 9, no. 1, 2014, p. 76-101. Notes: Many calls have been made since 2001 for a 'new public diplomacy' of the information age that utilizes the internet to reach public opinion. They have been especially forthcoming from the Obama administration, although they have been just as popular with the political classes in the United States and elsewhere. However, such recent calls form only the latest instalment of a rhetorical tradition of public diplomacy that stretches back to Woodrow Wilson and beyond to the 1790s. There is a thematic recurrence in the rhetoric of public diplomacy, as there is in the rhetoric of democracy, and for the same reason : representative democracy has always involved a complex tension between, on the one hand, the political class of politicians and diplomats and, on the other, public opinion, which needs to be appeased since it confers legitimacy on representatives. This results in a recurring pattern of language involving suspicions of the political class, declarations of a new era of diplomacy and claims to credibility. There are hence frequent bouts of anti-politics politics and anti-diplomacy politics, sometimes utilizing a discourse of technological optimism, which politicians and diplomats attempt to assuage with similar calls for new political dawns. Subject: PUBLIC DIPLOMACY Subject: INTERNET Subject: PUBLIC OPINION Item ID: JA030110 Media: Article

IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Title: Iranian Strategic Culture : The Impact of Ayatollah Khomeini's Interpretation of Shiite Islam Author: Taremi, Kamran Published: 2014 In: CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 35, no. 1, April 2014, p. 3-25. Notes: :This article attempts to deepen our understanding of how state ideology, as a component of strategic culture, influences the manner in which states approach the use of violence. In that context, it examines the influence of Shiite Islam on the way that post-revolutionary Iran has employed force in its own defence. It argues that the influence of religion on Iranian strategic culture has been extensive. Islam has largely shaped the regime's perceptions of international relations, as well as how Iran should relate to the outside world. It has resulted in a highly revisionist foreign policy which attempts to remake the world in its own image. This orientation has left Iran internationally isolated and driven it to rely as far as possible on its own resources for its defence. It has also inclined Iran to forge closer relations with Islamic movements in the Middle East to compensate for the lack of allies among states. Islam has also prompted the regime to adopt deterrence by denial as the cornerstone of its . This military strategy renounces the use of force for material gain and condones it only when employed for the defence of the homeland and the wider Muslim community. However, it is still willing to strike pre- emptively if need be and take the fight to the enemy should Iran be attacked. Islam has also led


Iran to emphasize faith and fighting spirit, over numbers and technology as the determining factors in war because it perceives victory as a divine gift bestowed on those who fight for Allah. Subject: IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Subject: IRAN--MILITARY POLICY Subject: SHIITES--IRAN Item ID: JA030172 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13523260.2014.884341 Media: Article

Title: What Iran Really Wants : Iranian Foreign Policy in the Rouhani Era Author: Zarif, Mohammad Javad Published: 2014 In: FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 93, no. 3, May - June 2014, p. 49-59. Subject: IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Item ID: JA030158 Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=95603429&site=ehost- live&scope=site Media: Article

IRAN--MILITARY POLICY Title: Is Iran a Military Threat ? Author: Chubin, Shahram Published: 2014 In: SURVIVAL, vol. 56, no. 2, April - May 2014, p. 65-88. Notes: Tehran's military capabilities do not match its ambitions for recognition and status. It is cautious, defensive and prudent in resorting to force, due as much to experience as to realism about its own limits. Subject: IRAN--MILITARY POLICY Item ID: JA030117 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00396338.2014.901733 Media: Article

KAZAKHSTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Title: 22 Years of Kazakhstan's Foreign Policy Author: Orazbakov, Galym Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 60, no. 1, 2014, p. 116-124. Subject: KAZAKHSTAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Item ID: JA030145 Media: Article


KURDISTAN (IRAQ)--COMMERCE--TURKEY Title: How the Got Their Way : Economic Cooperation and the Middle East's New Borders Author: Ottaway, Marina Additional Author: Ottaway, David Published: 2014 In: FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 93, no. 3, May - June 2014, p. 139-148. Subject: PETROLEUM INDUSTRY AND TRADE--KURDISTAN (IRAQ) Subject: KURDISTAN (IRAQ)--COMMERCE--TURKEY Subject: TURKEY--COMMERCE--KURDISTAN (IRAQ) Item ID: JA030164 Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=95603437&site=ehost- live&scope=site Media: Article

LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Title: Reflections on Operation Unified Protector Author: Phinney, Todd R. Published: 2014 In: JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 73, 2014, p. 86-92. Subject: OPERATION UNIFIED PROTECTOR, 2011 Subject: LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Item ID: JA030166 Link: http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jfq/jfq-73.pdf Media: Article

MERCENARY TROOPS Title: The Mercenary Moniker : Condemnations, Contradictions and the Politics of Definition Author: Ettinger, Aaron Published: 2014 In: SECURITY DIALOGUE, vol. 45, no. 2, April 2014, p. 174-191. Notes: Despite considerable efforts, the concept of the mercenary remains ill-defined within the scholarly literature on non-state combatants. In common usage, mercenary is intended to function as a descriptive category of combatant, denoting certain unique or transhistorical properties. Instead, however, it is a highly subjective, imprecise and politicized term. This article critically analyses historical, legal and philosophical definitions of mercenary, and asks whether it is worth retaining the term as an analytical category at all. In short, the answer is no. The articles exposition of the mercenary moniker uncovers the statist political ethic that anchors different interpretations of the mercenary concept. It shows that conceptions of the mercenary are deeply rooted in a Westphalian political ethic of war and conflict that upholds the instrumentality of the state to notions of political community, morality and identity. Accordingly, it argues that mercenary should be jettisoned from the academic conceptual vocabulary of non-state combatants, and proposes freelance militant as an alternative. Properly contextualized, this alternative could make possible a conceptual vocabulary that is able to clearly distinguish between such freelance militants and other non-state combatants. Subject: MERCENARY TROOPS Item ID: JA030171 Link: http://atoz.ebsco.com/Titles/SearchResults/7806?IsFromAdvancedSearch=True&Find=security+di

46 alogue&GetResourcesBy=TitleNameSearch&resourceTypeName=journalsOnly&resourceType=1&S earchType=BeginsWith Media: Article

MIDDLE EAST--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Title: Near Eastern Promises : Why Washington Should Focus on the Middle East Author: Pollack, Kenneth M. Additional Author: Takeyh, Ray Published: 2014 In: FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 93, no. 3, May - June 2014, p. 92-105. Subject: USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--MIDDLE EAST Subject: MIDDLE EAST--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Item ID: JA030161 Link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=95603433&site=ehost- live&scope=site Media: Article

NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT--ASIA, CENTRAL Title: Central Asian Nuclear Security : Specifics and Opportunities for Cooperation Author: Aben, Dauren Published: 2014 In: SECURITY INDEX, vol. 20, no. 1, Winter 2014, p. 49-59. Notes: The need for continued Russia-U.S. cooperation in Central Asia on WMD nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament is dictated by a whole number of factors. Such cooperation is in Moscow's and Washington's best interests because it helps to reduce the existing risks in the region and offers the two countries an opportunity to strengthen their political and economic positions in Central Asia. Subject: WMD NONPROLIFERATION--ASIA, CENTRAL Subject: NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT--ASIA, CENTRAL Item ID: JA030113 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19934270.2014.885243 Media: Article

NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT--IRAN Title: Crafting a Well-Rounded Nuclear Deal with Iran Author: Perkovich, George Published: 2014 In: ARMS CONTROL TODAY, vol. 44, no. 2, March 2014, p. 8-11. Notes: A final nuclear deal with Iran should meet the underlying objective of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions since 2006 : 'the establishment of international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme.' Subject: NUCLEAR WEAPONS--GOVERNMENT POLICY--IRAN Subject: NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT--IRAN Item ID: JA030179 Link: http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2013_03/Crafting-a-Well-Rounded-Nuclear-Deal-With-Iran Media: Article


NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Title: Obstacles and Opportunities for a Tactical Nuclear Weapons between Russia and the United States Author: Saunders, Emily Cura Additional Author: Rowberry, Ariana Additional Author: Fearey, Bryan L. Published: 2014 In: CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 35, no. 1, April 2014, p. 53-72 Notes: Tactical nuclear weapons have emerged as an unavoidable issue for future nuclear weapons negotiations between Russia and the United States. This article discusses challenges and opportunities regarding a tactical nuclear weapons treaty. It begins with an overview of precedents from the 1987 Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty and the 1991 Presidential Nuclear Initiatives. These and subsequent experiences show three major obstacles that must be overcome to permit bi-lateral agreement on tactical nuclear weapons: definitional issues over differentiating tactical from strategic nuclear weapons; negotiation challenges including the asymmetries between American and Russian tactical arsenals and non-nuclear capabilities such as ballistic missile defence and conventional prompt global strike; and verification questions over whether and how warhead status can be verified without disclosing sensitive information. This analysis examines whether the International Atomic Energy Agency could have a role in verification to help facilitate agreement. Lastly, this article offers various confidence building measures, emphasizing areas where the two countries could cooperate. While the obstacles are serious, there are opportunities for achieving consensus on some contentious issues. Subject: TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Subject: TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS--USA Subject: NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Subject: NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT--USA Item ID: JA030174 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13523260.2014.884343 Media: Article

NUCLEAR DETERRENCE--USA Title: Minimum Deterrence : Examining the Evidence Published: 2014 In: COMPARATIVE STRATEGY, vol. 33, no. 1, 2014, Special Issue. Subject: NUCLEAR DETERRENCE--USA Item ID: JA030128 Link: http://atoz.ebsco.com/Titles/SearchResults/7806?SearchType=2&Find=comparative+strategy&Ge tResourcesBy=QuickSearch&resourceTypeName=journalsOnly&resourceType=1&radioButtonChan ged= Media: Article


NUCLEAR ENERGY--GREAT BRITAIN Title: New Nuclear, New Security ? : Framing Security in the Policy Case for New Nuclear Power in the United Kingdom Author: Peoples, Columba Published: 2014 In: SECURITY DIALOGUE, vol. 45, no. 2, April 2014, p. 156-173. Notes: Over the period of the past decade and across successive governments, the case for new nuclear power in the UK has, in policy terms, become embedded as a key facet of UK energy policy. Crucial in this respect, this article argues, has been the framing of the case for nuclear power stations and associated in security terms: that is, the case for new nuclear power has come to be articulated and reiterated in direct relation to future energy provision and climate change as key impending security challenges faced by the UK. This article assesses the political significance and effects of framing nuclear power in security terms. In particular, it focuses on how the specific and performative framing of new nuclear power in relation to security has the political effect of narrowly defining and delimiting the ways in which security and nuclear insecurities can be articulated and understood. Subject: NUCLEAR ENERGY--GREAT BRITAIN Item ID: JA030170 Link: http://atoz.ebsco.com/Titles/SearchResults/7806?IsFromAdvancedSearch=True&Find=security+di alogue&GetResourcesBy=TitleNameSearch&resourceTypeName=journalsOnly&resourceType=1&S earchType=BeginsWith Media: Article

NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION Title: Force or Friendship ? : Explaining Great Power Nonproliferation Policy Author: Kroening, Matthew Published: 2014 In: SECURITY STUDIES, vol. 23, no. 1, January - March 2014, p. 1-32. Notes: Why do great powers take such different approaches to the issue of nuclear proliferation ? Why do states oppose nuclear proliferation more vigorously in some cases than in others ? In short, what explains great power nonproliferation policy ? To answer these questions, this article tests two competing theories of nonproliferation policy. The first, political relationship theory, suggests that states oppose nuclear proliferation to their enemies but are less concerned when friends acquire nuclear weapons. The second, power-projection theory, argues that states oppose the spread of nuclear weapons to states over which they have the ability to project military power because nuclear proliferation in those situations would constrain their military freedom of action. In contrast, states will be less likely to resist, and more likely to promote, nuclear proliferation to states against which they cannot use force. To test these hypotheses, this article uses evidence from great power nonproliferation policy from 1945 to 2000. While both theories find some support, the power-projection theory performs significantly better. The findings of this article have important implications for international relations theory and US nonproliferation policy. Subject: NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION Item ID: JA030151 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09636412.2014.870863 Media: Article


Title: Nuclear Dominoes : A Self-Defeating Prophecy ? Author: Miller, Nicholas L. Published: 2014 In: SECURITY STUDIES, vol. 23, no. 1, January - March 2014, p. 33-73. Notes: Is the nuclear historically valid ? Despite its longstanding centrality to thinking on nuclear proliferation amongst scholars and policymakers, in recent years a revisionist consensus has emerged in opposition to this traditional view. Based on an analysis of historical evidence from the aftermath of the 1964 Chinese nuclear test, this article argues that scholars have gone too far in rejecting the nuclear domino theory. Reactive proliferation has been more prevalent than commonly believed, and while it is true that only India acquired a nuclear arsenal in response to the Chinese test, to a significant extent this is precisely because the United States was aware of the danger of reactive proliferation and worked to stop it. Finally, the historical evidence suggests that the nuclear domino theory is compatible with both domestic and prestige motivations for proliferation in addition to the security motives normally associated with the theory. Subject: NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION Item ID: JA030153 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09636412.2014.874189 Media: Article

NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION--KOREA (NORTH) Title: Method to the Madness of Chairman Kim : The Instrumental Rationality of North Korea's Pursuit of Nuclear Weapons Author: Cho, Youngwon Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 69, no. 1, March 2014, p. 5-25. Notes: For two decades the Korean peninsula has been mired in a perilous nuclear with no end in sight. The paralysis is attributable in part to the widespread perception of North Korea as a 'rogue' if not 'mad' state, whose security concerns are seen as irrational, paranoiac, and illegitimate. Despite its eccentricities, however, Pyongyang is fundamentally a rational actor pursuing a rational strategy to deal with rational security concerns. Profound structural changes in the international system have rendered North Korea incapable of addressing its security anxiety through either internal balancing by conventional arms buildup or external balancing by alliance formation. In this context, nuclearization offers a logical and inexpensive route for Pyongyang to restore the military balance in the Korean peninsula and ensure its own survival. Subject: NUCLEAR WEAPONS--GOVERNMENT POLICY--KOREA (NORTH) Subject: NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION--KOREA (NORTH) Item ID: JA030122 Media: Article


NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Title: Changing Priorities in International Security Author: Ryabkov, Sergey Published: 2014 In: SECURITY INDEX, vol. 20, no. 1, Winter 2014, p. 17-25. Notes: The system of international relations goes through a historically unprecedented transformation. New centers of economic growth and political influence have emerged. Priorities in international relations have changed. Still Russia considers strengthening of the nonproliferation regime as one of the most important tasks which has an absolute foreign policy priority. The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister addresses here the most urgent aspects of international security describing Russia's interests within each of them. Subject: NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Subject: RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS Subject: SECURITY, INTERNATIONAL Item ID: JA030111 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19934270.2014.897078 Media: Article

NUCLEAR WEAPONS--GOVERNMENT POLICY--IRAN Title: Iran's Nuclear Programme : A Case Study in Hedging ? Author: Bowen, Wyn Additional Author: Moran, Matthew Published: 2014 In: CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 35, no. 1, April 2014, p. 26-52. Notes: This article examines Iranian proliferation behaviour through the lens of nuclear hedging. Defined as nuclear latency with intent, hedging is an area of proliferation behaviour that has not been fully explored. The Iranian case presents an outstanding example of the questions and types of evidence required to judge whether a nuclear programme is engaged in a hedging strategy. By examining a nuclear programme from three distinct angles technical, narrative and diplomatic key elements of strategic hedging can be identified. Applied to Iran, evidence supports a diagnosis of hedging. But this assessment is further complicated by Iran's domestic political context, which has engendered an approach that is as much hedging by default as it is hedging by design. This approach allows Tehran to reconcile restraint with domestic consensus on nuclear advancement. In this regard, our analysis shows that international exposure of Iran's undeclared nuclear activities had an enormous impact on the direction of Iran's nuclear programme, placing important constraints on Iran's nuclear progress. The article argues that any solution to the Iranian nuclear challenge must be based on realistic goals. The international community should focus on containing Iranian advancements rather than , with a view to restricting hedging to a low level of latency. Subject: NUCLEAR WEAPONS--GOVERNMENT POLICY--IRAN Item ID: JA030173 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13523260.2014.884338 Media: Article


NUCLEAR WEAPONS--GOVERNMENT POLICY--KOREA (SOUTH) Title: A Nuclear ? Author: Ahn, Mun Suk Additional Author: Cho, Young Chul Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 69, no. 1, March 2014, p. 26-34. Notes: After North Korea’s third nuclear test in February 2013, South Koreans are once again debating whether to go nuclear. Some advocates of South Korean nuclear possession argue that nuclear weapons are necessary for self-defence against the nuclear-armed North. Some support South Korea’s nuclearization as leverage vis-à-vis North Korea and China. Some argue that going nuclear will heighten the South’s national prestige. However, others counter that South Korea’s nuclearization is not desirable and, indeed, barely feasible. First, since North–South conflicts have not diminished since the 1953 truce, the nuclear armament of the two Koreas could result in a nuclear war. Second, the South’s nuclearization would only hasten North Korea’s ardent pursuit of securing and increasing its stock of nuclear warheads. Third, it would prompt a fierce arms race in Northeast Asia by pressing Japan and Taiwan to go nuclear. Finally, it would undermine Seoul’s close ties with Washington. In order to maintain a nuclear-free South Korea, the US needs to reinforce its and eradicate the North Korean nuclear threat through active and comprehensive negotiations with Pyongyang. Subject: NUCLEAR WEAPONS--GOVERNMENT POLICY--KOREA (SOUTH) Item ID: JA030127 Media: Article

NUCLEAR WEAPONS--SECURITY MEASURES Title: Nuclear Security Published: 2014 In: STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, vol. 38, no. 2, March - April 2014, Special Issue. Subject: NUCLEAR WEAPONS--SECURITY MEASURES Item ID: JA030120 Link: http://atoz.ebsco.com/Titles/SearchResults/7806?SearchType=1&Find=strategic+analysis&GetRes ourcesBy=QuickSearch&resourceTypeName=allTitles&resourceType=&radioButtonChanged= Media: Article

PEACE-BUILDING Title: Peacemaking in Intractable Conflict : A Contractualist Approach Author: Handelman, Sapir Additional Author: Pearson, Frederic S. Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION, vol. 19, no. 1, 2014, p. 1-34. Notes: This article presents a contractualist approach to peace and conflict studies that grows out of classical paradigms in the field. The contractualist approach proposes a solution to intractable conflicts through processes such as a public negotiating congress to transform conflicting parties into a large peacemaking community. The vision of an ideal congress is based on the multi-party talks that had operated in South Africa and Northern Ireland during the . The challenge is to establish a similar peacemaking institution in cases such as the Israeli-Palestinian dispute where ordinary citizens are at the center of the struggle. This article includes theoretical background, analysis of relevant case studies, and lessons from the Minds of Peace Experiment, a small-scale


Israeli-Palestinian public negotiating congress that has held sessions in various locations around the world. Subject: PEACE-BUILDING Item ID: JA030121 Media: Article

PIRACY--SPAIN--PREVENTION Title: Spain's Fight against Maritime Piracy : The Legitimacy of Maritime Security Governance Author: Burgin, Annina Cristina Published: 2014 In: CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 35, no. 1, April 2014, p. 96-115. Notes: The rise of piracy in the Indian Ocean in the first decade of the 21st century prompted international action to protect civilian vessels. This article examines the case of Spain, a major European protagonist in the fight against piracy, leading maritime security governance with official as well as security forces. It explains Spain's twin-fold approach to counter-piracy, participating through its armed forces in the European Union's Operation Atalanta and deploying armed private security personnel on civilian vessels, an approach with strong support in Spain, but controversial in other European countries. This analysis emphasizes sources of legitimacy, and shows that the two-fold strategy has a high output-legitimacy, supported by interested groups and the Spanish public. Use of both official and private security forces is perceived as the best way to protect lives and national economic interests. Other major European maritime countries including France, and struggled with these problems, gradually shifting to emulate the Spanish solution. These findings support theoretical assumptions about output-legitimacy; a policy gains legitimacy if involved actors consider it the best way to solve the problem. Subject: PIRACY--SPAIN--PREVENTION Item ID: JA030176 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13523260.2014.884339 Media: Article

RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--ARMED FORCES--REORGANIZATION Title: Russia's Armed Forces' Transformation : 20 Lost Years Published: 2014 In: JOURNAL OF SLAVIC MILITARY STUDIES, vol. 27, no. 1, January - March 2014, Special Issue. Subject: RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--ARMED FORCES--REORGANIZATION Item ID: JA030129 Link: http://atoz.ebsco.com/Titles/SearchResults/7806?SearchType=2&Find=journal+of+slavic+military +studies&GetResourcesBy=QuickSearch&resourceTypeName=journalsOnly&resourceType=1&radi oButtonChanged= Media: Article


RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS Title: Russia and the West Author: Bazhanov, Yevgeny Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 60, no. 1, 2014, p. 34-54. Subject: RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS Item ID: JA030142 Media: Article

RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--UKRAINE Title: Russia and Ukraine Author: Charap, Samuel Additional Author: Darden, Keith Published: 2014 In: SURVIVAL, vol. 56, no. 2, April - May 2014, p. 7-13. Notes: The West has often assumed that Russia is inherently hostile to Ukraine, and the March events seem to validate that assumption. But Moscow's moves are in fact a real departure from previous Russian policy. Subject: RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--UKRAINE Subject: UKRAINE--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) Item ID: JA030114 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00396338.2014.901726 Media: Article

SAUDI ARABIA--ARMED FORCES--DEFENSE SPENDING Title: Why the Saudi Arabian Defence Binge ? Author: Sorenson, David S. Published: 2014 In: CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 35, no. 1, April 2014, p. 116-137. Notes: Saudi Arabia is one of the most proliferate military spenders in the world, and this article assesses the multiple reasons for Saudi Arabian defence spending. Possible motives include arming against external threats, buying internal loyalty, gaining national prestige, and soliciting support from important external patrons, especially the United States. The article argues that while Saudi Arabia does seek to improve its military capability through increased defence spending, and gain prestige and internal support, the most significant reason for the increased investment for arms sales is to gain political support in the United States, as Saudi military money preserves some defence sector jobs in the American defence industry, potentially replacing American employment that would otherwise drop because of expected US defence budget reductions. By contributing in a small but targeted way to the American economy, Saudi Arabia can try to leverage American support for its security and foreign policy requirements. Subject: SAUDI ARABIA--ARMED FORCES--DEFENSE SPENDING Item ID: JA030177 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13523260.2014.884340 Media: Article


SYRIA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Title: A Syrian Settlement Formula Author: Gatilov, Gennady Published: 2014 In: INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 60, no. 1, 2014, p. 23-33. Subject: SYRIA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Item ID: JA030141 Media: Article

TERRORISM Title: Conceptualizing Terrorism Author: Richards, Anthony Published: 2014 In: STUDIES IN CONFLICT & TERRORISM, vol. 37, no. 3, March 2014, p. 213-236. Notes: This article argues that, while there have always been good reasons for striving for a universally agreed , there are further reasons for doing so in the post 9/11 environment, notwithstanding the formidable challenges that confront such an endeavour. Arguing that the essence of terrorism lies in its intent to generate a psychological impact beyond the immediate victims, it will propose three preliminary assumptions : that there is no such thing as an act of violence that is in and of itself inherently terrorist, that terrorism is best conceptualized as a particular method of political violence rather than defined as inherent to any particular ideology or perpetrator, and that non-civilians and combatants can also be victims of terrorism. It will then outline the implications that these assumptions have for the definitional debate. Subject: TERRORISM Item ID: JA030157 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1057610X.2014.872023 Media: Article

UKRAINE--HISTORY--CRISIS, 2014- Title: 2014 : l'Ukraine a la croisee des chemins Author: Kuruneri-Millet, Antoine Published: 2014 In: REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 769, avril 2014, p. 11-16. Notes: En revenant sur les realites geostrategiques et geoeconomiques de l'Ukraine, en relisant les etapes de la crise actuelle, l'auteur expose en quoi elle est un revelateur des fragilities europeennes et une occasion de clarifier les relations qu'entretiennent la Russie et l'Union europeenne. Subject: UKRAINE--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Subject: UKRAINE--HISTORY--CRISIS, 2014- Item ID: JA030140 Media: Article


WEAPONS INDUSTRY--SPAIN Title: The Spanish Defence Industry Published: 2014 In: DEFENCE AND PEACE ECONOMICS, vol. 25, no. 1, February 2014, Special Issue. Subject: WEAPONS INDUSTRY--SPAIN Item ID: JA030156 Link: http://atoz.ebsco.com/Titles/SearchResults/7806?SearchType=1&Find=defence+and+peace+econ omics&GetResourcesBy=QuickSearch&resourceTypeName=journalsOnly&resourceType=1&radioB uttonChanged= Media: Article

WMD NONPROLIFERATION--MIDDLE EAST Title: The Experience of Global Partnership for the Middle East Author: Blashchanitsa, Artem Published: 2014 In: SECURITY INDEX, vol. 20, no. 1, Winter 2014, p. 27-48. Notes: International cooperation on WMD nonproliferation is making its first tentative steps in the Middle East. Are opportunities for such cooperation limited to Syria ? The author offers a comprehensive analysis of the situation with WMD nonproliferation and nuclear security in the Middle East. The article also outlines the prospects for the Middle Eastern countries' participation in the Global Partnership program, which has yet to arrive in that region. Subject: WMD NONPROLIFERATION--MIDDLE EAST Item ID: JA030112 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19934270.2014.886805 Media: Article

YUGOSLAV WAR, 1991-1995--BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA--USA Title: Clinton and Bosnia : A Candidate's Freebie, a President's Nightmare Author: Trenta, Luca Published: 2014 In: JOURNAL OF TRANSATLANTIC STUDIES, vol. 12, no. 1, March 2014, p. 62-89. Notes: Among the several interpretations provided for the Clinton administration's indecision in the Balkans, the most convincing is that President Clinton tried to contain Bosnia. Building on this, the paper argues that Clinton chose this policy since he was unwilling to face either the risks of a total commitment to solve the conflict, or those of a total withdrawal from it. The end result was a series of short-term measures aimed more at calming domestic criticism, or maintaining transatlantic harmony, than at solving the conflict. This approach, the paper will conclude, became untenable with the escalation of violence in 1995. Subject: YUGOSLAV WAR, 1991-1995--BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA--USA Item ID: JA030155 Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14794012.2014.871434 Media: Article