SOUTH COTSWOLD CHORAL GROUP Event host Bach B Minor Mass Workshop Registration Form Please do use this form for multiple bookings – just give all names and the voice sections; consolidate the fee onto 1 cheque if possible. Thank you! I am a member of Choral Society Registered Charity no. 277013 Name(s) A Choral Workshop with Voice(s) SATB Soprano … Alto…. Tenor …. Bass …. Contact Address Nigel Perrin and Postcode Inspirational choral director Telephone / Email Cost How many Total £ Workshop £15 Music Hire £2 J S Bach --- B minor Mass Grand Total £ Please make out your cheque to Thornbury Choral Society “Have fun, tackle new vocal challenges, go home exhausted!” Please complete this form and send together with your payment to: At The Castle School, Thornbury, South Glos. BS35 1HT Julia O’Connor-Beach, 86 Manor Lane, Charfield, Wotton-under-Edge, Glos,GL12 8TY Phone: 01454 260877 E-mail:
[email protected] On Saturday 26 May 2012 10.30am – 5pm Confirmation of booking: this will be sent by email (if available). Otherwise, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you wish to have your booking confirmed. We regret that £15 per singer (including cake!) refunds cannot be made in the event of your non-attendance. Thank you.
[email protected] Julia O’Connor-Beach 01454 260877 SOUTH COTSWOLD CHORAL GROUP Nigel Perrin The seven group members are Cirencester, Fairford and District, Stroud, Thornbury, Tyndale, Wycliffe and Yate Choral Societies. This event will raise funds to assist the group in its work to provide a forum for mutual support, lobbying, and co-operation on events.