Northern Catholic News on February 2, 2016, the Feast of the Works of Mercy That Met the Needs of Their Published by the Presentation of the Lord, the Diocese Times

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Northern Catholic News on February 2, 2016, the Feast of the Works of Mercy That Met the Needs of Their Published by the Presentation of the Lord, the Diocese Times Northern Catholic DIOCESE OF P R I N C E News VOLUME XXV, NO.2 GEORGE SPRING 2016 Beyond the “globalization of indifference” By: Eva Gillis We listened to various PRINCE GEORGE - For spokespeople of different six weeks approximately faiths share what they two dozen people of faced in accepting refu- varying faiths atten- gees into Canada and ded the video series looked at the challenges, “Welcome the Stranger” attitudes and concerns produced by Villagers surrounding welcoming Media Productions, an refugees. independent Canadian We learned that we INSIDE THIS television and inter- should not only be com- ISSUE: net production company passionate, but more based in Toronto. importantly, we need to Year for 2 & 3 The Domano Renewal be responsible and to A cheque representing donations from those gathered was presented by Ann Consecrated Center sponsored this have integrity in who we Walsh to Sergio Petrucci, a representative life program which was led are being with the influx of the Refugee Sponsorship Committee. by Sr. Irene Baker, CSJ. of refugees. PHOTO BY: Fran Ross Eucharistic 5 It was definitely timely The videos elicited Congress as Canada is in the midst vigorous conversations by individuals representing the four of welcoming 25,000 laden with thought- Catholic parishes in Prince George. Family life in 6 & 7 Syrian refugees. provoking questions. St. Michael’s and Grace Anglican The most recent What do these immi- Churches in Prince George and St. 10 & 11 Pastoral Letter on wel- grants and refugees feel Andrew's Catholic Church in Fraser World Meeting coming refugees from leaving their country, of Families Lake soon added their support along the Canadian Conference their homes, their loved with the community of Fraser Lake. Schools 12 & 13 of Catholic Bishops’ ones and all their posses- This group has already sponsored a Episcopal Commission sions behind? refugee family from Iraq: a mother, WYD 19 for Justice and Peace How do they manage father and child who arrived in provided pertinent as they face a totally new Canada on June 23, 2015. information. way of life where they While the family is becoming more In it we heard the have to start from independent, the Refugee Committee direction of Pope Francis scratch, learn a new is still responsible for them until June who urges us “to language, a new culture, 2016. It continues to support them fi- all reach beyond the find jobs, make friends nancially as well as helping them to ‘globalization of indiffer- and try to fit in? adapt to Canadian life on a day-to- ence’ to listen to the cries Participants were in- day basis. and to hear the silent suf- vited to donate and over Currently the committee is raising fering of our brothers and the six weeks $500 was money and collecting furniture for sisters”. raised in support of the next family which they plan to During the six weeks refugees. The funds were sponsor in the next month or so. we heard stories of how given to the Refugee To make a donation or to learn faith and activism helped Sponsorship Committee more about supporting refugees, shape Canada’s newcom- based out of Immaculate contact Sergio at 250-964-2995, er history as a history of Conception Parish. Fran at 250-613-1440 or Joe at immigrants and refugees. The committee was 250-563-0159. formed in October 2014 P A G E 2 Mercy guides fidelity in consecrated life Northern Catholic News On February 2, 2016, the Feast of the works of mercy that met the needs of their Published by the Presentation of the Lord, the Diocese times. Diocese of Prince marked the end of the Year for Consecrated Saint Benedict and Saints Teresa of George Life with a celebration at Sacred Heart Avila and John of the Cross instructed Cathedral. people in the most important truth: how to 6500 Southridge Ave The following is from the homily given live a relationship with God in prayer. The Prince George, BC by Bishop Stephen Jensen on this occasion. Benedictines and Carmelites continue that V2N 5P9 Today’s Feast of the Presentation of the spiritual work of mercy. Lord marks the end of the Year for Conse- Today the Redemptoristines describe Phone: 250-964-4424 crated Life, but it falls in another extraordi- their life of prayer as “our apostolic work Fax: 250-964-2101 nary time, the Jubilee of Mercy. If we think on behalf of the Church and the world.” Email: about the work of the founders of your The active communities of Dominican communities, the connection women had their origins in Editor: between these special years the monastic life of prayer Mary-Anne Lewis becomes beautifully obvious. lived by the nuns of the Holy Jamin Pope Francis’ letter for Cross monastery in Layout: the jubilee speaks about the Regensburg. Martha Primus traditional corporal and spir- Those who are alive in prayer itual works of mercy. They recognize the needs around are intimately connected to them and contemplative consecrated life, because communities like the every inspiration given Carmelites and Dominicans through the ages to begin soon expanded their new works in the Church, apostolate into the world. every charism that renews Dominic established his her mission, is a concrete community to preach and expression of one or more of instruct the ignorant. Now the the works of mercy. Adrian Dominicans teach and The Northern Catholic If the measure of our serve the poor in a variety of News is issued four likeness to Christ is ways. The Carmelite fathers times a year. conformity to his example, and brothers work in schools Editions are available then the compass that guides every con- and in the parish apostolate. secrated person to fidelity in the apostolate online at In the turmoil that followed the is mercy. This blessed time, the jubilee revolution in France, new forms of the year, is a gift to remind you of the truth at consecrated life emerged to address the If you would like to the heart of your vocation and help you live needs of those times. Venerable Marie receive a copy by it more completely. Madeleine and her sisters, who became email, please contact In the course of many centuries, men and known as Faithful Companions of Jesus, women who desired to imitate Christ have looked after poor children and workers and Martha Primus at found in the works of mercy the inspiration instructed them in the faith. and plan for their lives. They saw Jesus, as St. Madelaine Sophie Barat and her the letter to the Hebrews describes him: “… companions in the Society of the Sacred a merciful and faithful high priest in the Heart gave a classical education to girls that service of God” and they patterned their included religious instruction and skills lives on His example. training. And some of them – your founders – Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger founded were used by God to initiate new the School Sisters of Notre Dame to bring expressions of Christian life and service the education to the poor. with communities dedicated to particular Mother St. John re-established the Sisters of St. Joseph in France after the NORTHERN CATHOLIC NE WS VOLUME XXV, NO.2 P A G E 3 revolution; they were soon in the companions in France formed the United States and came to Canada Oblates of Mary Immaculate to in 1851. The communities in evangelize and catechize the world Toronto and Peterborough had of their day. their beginnings soon after, to care The founders of these expres- for orphans and the sick and to sions of consecrated life were from teach. different times and places with In our own diocese, the Domano very different needs, but it was Sisters of the Immaculate always the same grace of mercy at Conception were established for work in them. Catholic education and care of the The Gospel tells us poor. about Simeon and Anna’s In India, Brother Paulus Moritz experience. Like them, your established the Franciscan Missionary founders were led by the Spirit, Brothers to bring development to the who revealed the Lord to them as a poor through village schools. light for the nations. In Italy, St. Vincent Pallotti The consecrated life reflects his worked to help lay men and light and now we pray that the women recognize their personal consecrated men and women of the call to live the message of Christ, Church may grow in faithfulness to their Benedictine Father Basil Burns and in his words “to revive faith and founders’ charisms and reveal the Oblate Father Charles Donovan in the rekindle charity.” mercy of God. entrance procession at the And two hundred years ago this celebration marking the end of the Year for Consecrated Life. year, St. Eugene de Mazenod and his CELEBRATING GOD’S MERCY Bishop Emeritus Gerald Wiesner 879 Victoria Street, Prince George, BC Friday, April 8 MORTGAGES*LOANS*CREDIT LINES*INVESTMENTS DRIVE-THRU ATM Registration 7:00 PM INTERNET AND TELEPHONE BANKING Opening Session 7:30 PM (250) 562-5415 Sunday, April 10 Closing after Lunch OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK, NO APPOINTMENT NECESSSARY How can we come to a deeper grasp of the mercy of God? How are we called to live that mercy in our daily lives? Prince George Councils 5246, 8046, 8318, 8927 This retreat is open to everyone! Location: Emmaus House #111 Knights of Columbus Fee: Retreat Fee and Meals—$100.00 (excludes breakfast) Serving Church and Community in Prince George Accommodation at DRC: $85.00/2 nights Come and Join us — New Members Welcome (includes breakfast) P A G E 4 Elijah and Mary inspire Carmelites By: Rev.
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