表2 表3

JET プログラム参加者情報・JET Programme Participant Information

名前 Name

JET 番号 JET No.

勤務先情報・Workplace Information 任用団体 Contracting Organisation

住所 Address

電話番号 FAX 番号 Telephone No. FAX No.

E メール E-mail

担当者氏名 Supervisor’s Name

緊急通報用電話番号・Emergency Phone Numbers

警察 Police ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 110 救急車/消防 Ambulance/Fire ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 119 警察相談ダイヤル Police Consultation Centre ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ #9110

緊急通報時に役立つフレーズ・Emergency Phrases JET プログラムの Web ページにはたくさんの情報があります

警察・Police Tasukete kudasai! (Please help!) Useful information can be found on the JET Programme’s website. ______ga nusumaremashita. (My______has been stolen.) Jūsho wa ______desu. (My address is ______.) Namae wa ______desu. (My name is ______.) CLAIR ニュースはかならずよみましょう Denwa bangō wa______desu. (My telephone number is ______.)

救急車/消防・Ambulance/Fire Please be sure to always read CLAIR News. Kaji desu! (Fire!) Jiko desu. (There has been an accident.) Kyūkyūsha wo onegai shimasu. (Send an ambulance, please.) Jūsho wa ______desu. (My address is ______.) ** CLAIR News is a newsletter in Japanese and English that is e-mailed to current JET Namae wa ______desu. (My name is ______.) participants every month. Denwa bangō wa______desu. (My telephone number is ______.)

20-12-338_表2-3.indd 全ページ 2021/01/18 19:41:51 20212021 GGENERALENERAL IINFORMATIONNFORMATION HHANDBOOKANDBOOK JETプログラム参加者用ハンドブックJETプログラム参加者用ハンドブック

You can bring this book to or download the pdf version online. 日本に来るときに必ずこの冊子を持参するか オンラインでpdfファイルを入手してください。

Council of Local Authorities for International Relations CLAIR 一般財団法人自治体国際化協会


20-12-338_0000-はじめ.indd 3 2021/02/10 16:16:04 目次 TABLE OF CONTENTS 06 JET プログラムに参加される皆さんへ Dear JET Programme Participants 06 07 よく使われる頭字語 Frequently-Used Acronyms 07 08 2021-2022 年 第 35 期 JET プログラム年間行事予定 2021-2022 JET Programme Yearly Schedule 09 12 日程 Schedule 13 PRE-DEPARTURE 18 旅券(パスポート)と査証(ビザ) Passports and Visas 19 出発前 18 入国手続き Immigration Procedures 19 20 荷造り Packing for Japan 21 1 JET プログラム参加者ではない配偶者または子の同伴 1 32 Bringing Non-JET Spouses or Children 33 任用 任用 40 Appointment 41 指定来日日以降に来日する JET プログラム参加者へのお知らせ 保険 48 Information for Intermittent Arrivals 49 APPOINTMENT 50 保険 Insurance 51 INSURANCE 税金 TAXES 60 税金 Taxes 61 再任用 REAPPOINTMENT 2 62 再任用 Reappointment 63 STATUS OF RESIDENCE 2 在留資格 68 在留資格 Status of Residence 69 80 来日直後のチェックリスト Post-Arrival Checklist 81 82 職務と職場 Work Duties and Workplace 83 98 職場のマナー Manners at Work 99 仕事 100 人事評価 Personnel Evaluations 101 WORK 100 JET プログラム参加者が直面する問題 JET Related Issues and Concerns 101 3 日本でのコミュニケーション 3 108 Communication in Japan 109 108 日本語の学習 Studying Japanese 109 114 法令の順守 Observing the Laws 115 116 風習と作法 Customs and Etiquette 117 116 住居 Housing 117 118 パソコン・電話 Computers and Telephone 119 120 金融機関の利用 Financial Institutions 121 日本での生活 LIVING IN JAPAN 122 印鑑 Personal Seal (Inkan) 123 4 124 運転 Driving 125 4 128 海外旅行・一時出国 Travelling Abroad 129 130 JET プログラム参加者の会 (AJET) The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) 131 130 多言語生活情報 Multilingual Information about Living in Japan 131 134 防犯 Security 135 134 火災・自然災害と連絡体制 Fires, Natural Disasters and Contact Information 135 安全 SAFETY 138 セクシャルハラスメント(セクハラ) Sexual Harassment 139 5 140 性犯罪 Sexual Assault 141 5 健康について 健康と 146 Health 147 152 カルチャーショック Culture Shock 153 HEALTH AND JETプログラムサポート JET PROGRAMME SUPPORT 160 JET プログラムサポートシステム JET Programme Support System 161 システム SYSTEM 6 162 緊急時対応 Emergency Response 163 6 166 引継・出発 Before Leaving 167 168 帰国費用 Return Airfare 169 168 年金の還付 JETプログラム終了に向けて Pension Refund 169 LEAVING THE JET 176 逆カルチャーショック Reverse Culture Shock 177 PROGRAMME 7 176 JET プログラム終了後の就職 Employment After JET 177 7 178 JETAA ( 元 JET プログラム参加者の会 ) JET Alumni Association (JETAA) 179 182 JET プログラム概要 Overview of the JET Programme 183 190 輸入確認申請書(記入例) Yunyu Kakunin-sho Application Form (Sample) 190 194 年金還付関係書類 Pension Refund Forms 194 197 源泉徴収票 Statement of Earnings (Sample) 197 198 外国青年目標管理シートおよび勤務評定の様式 ( 案 ) JET Programme Participant Goal Management Sheet and Evaluation Forms 199 206 後任者への引継ぎ情報 Essential Information from Outgoing to Incoming JET Programme Participants 207 参考資料 212 入国管理局・インフォメーションセンター Immigration Bureaus/Information Centres 213 APPENDICES 214 職場におけるセクシャルハラスメント相談窓口 Workplace Sexual Harassment Enquiry Centres 215 ! 218 性犯罪相談窓口 Sexual Assault Enquiry/Consultation Centres 219 ! 224 ヘルプライン・メンタルヘルス/緊急サービス/サポートグループ/各種情報 Helplines・Mental Health/Emergency Services/Support groups/Information 225 226 日本地図 Map of Japan 226 228 Safety tips Safety tips 229 230 新規 JET 参加者への重要な情報 Important Information for Incoming JET participants 231 233 索引 Index 233


20-12-338_0000-はじめ.indd 5 2021/02/18 18:49:21 JET プログラムに参加される皆さんへ

ようこそ、JET プログラムへ! これから始まる日本での新たな生活を想像し、期待に胸を膨らませていることでしょう。 皆さんは来日後、日本全国各地の地方公共団体や私立学校に配属され、ALT、CIR、SEA のそれぞれの職 種に応じた業務を通じて、草の根レベルの国際交流を推進する役割を担います。 これから皆さんは、公務員や学校職員として住民からの期待と信頼に応え、国際交流や外国語教育の分 野のプロフェッショナルとして責任を持って職務に取り組むことが求められます。 また、皆さんが配属される職場では、多くの職員が皆さんの着任、そして皆さんと共に仕事ができるこ とを心から待ち望んでいます。皆さんは、地域の住民から、それぞれの母国の「顔」として見られます。 母国の代表として JET プログラムに参加していることを忘れずに、仕事以外の場においても責任をもった 行動を心掛けてください。 皆さんが日本の地域の国際化のために存分に力を発揮し、地域の人々に愛される JET プログラム参加者 となることを期待します。

一般財団法人 自治体国際化協会(CLAIR) 2021 年 2 月

Dear JET Programme Participants,

Welcome to the JET Programme! As you look toward your new life in Japan, you are most likely filled with great anticipation and excitement. After arrival in Japan, you will take on your roles in promoting grassroots international exchange through your work as ALTs, CIRs, and SEAs at local authorities and private schools all over Japan. As professionals in foreign language education and international exchange, you are expected to approach your duties responsibly, and live up to the expectations and the trust held by the local community in you as a government employee and/or educator. Many people at your new place of work are eagerly awaiting your arrival, and are looking forward to working with you. It is also important to remember that you will each be seen by your local community as the ‘face’ of your home country. Please act responsibly both during and outside of working hours, and do not forget that you are participating in the JET Programme as a representative of your home country. We hope that you do your utmost in working towards the internationalisation of Japan’s communities, and that you will become another one of the many JET Programme participants loved by their local communities.

Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) February 2021


20-12-338_0000-はじめ.indd 6 2021/02/10 16:16:04 よく使われる頭字語 FREQUENTLY-USED ACRONYMS

AJET Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching ・・・・・・JETプログラム参加者の会 ALT Assistant Language Teacher ・・・・・・外国語指導助手 BCP Business Continuity Plan ・・・・・・事業継続計画 BOE Board of Education ・・・・・・教育委員会 CIR Coordinator for International Relations ・・・・・・国際交流員 CLAIR Council of Local Authoritites for International Relations ・・・・・・自治体国際化協会 CO Contracting Organisation ・・・・・・任用団体 ES Elementary School ・・・・・・小学校 GIH General Information Handbook ・・・・・・JETプログラム参加者用ハンドブック JET JET Programme participant ・・・・・・JETプログラム参加者 JETAA JET Programme Alumni Association ・・・・・・元JETプログラム参加者の会 JHS Junior High School ・・・・・・中学校 JSA Japan Sports Agency ・・・・・・スポーツ庁 JTE Japanese Teacher of English ・・・・・・日本人英語指導員 JTL Japanese Teacher of a Foreign Language ・・・・・・日本人外国語指導員 MEXT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ・・・・・・文部科学省 MIC Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ・・・・・・総務省 MOFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs ・・・・・・外務省 PA Prefectural Advisor ・・・・・・取りまとめ団体アドバイザー SEA Sports Exchange Advisor ・・・・・・スポーツ国際交流員 SHS Senior High School ・・・・・・高等学校、高校 TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language ・・・・・・外国語としての英語教育 TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ・ 英語を母国語としない人のための教授法


20-12-338_0000-はじめ.indd 7 2021/02/10 16:16:06 2021-2022 JET Programme Yearly Schedule

Date Event

11 April 2021 JET Programme Participants Arrival in Japan 12-13 April 2021 Post-Arrival Orientation and Welcome Reception April Arrivals 14 April 2021 Participants Arrival at their Contracting Organisations

8 September 2021 JET Programme Participants Arrival in Japan 9-10 September 2021 Post-Arrival Orientation and Welcome Reception

Group A 11 September 2021 Participants Arrival at their Contracting Organisations

12 September 2021 JET Programme Participants Arrival in Japan 13-14 September 2021 Post-Arrival Orientation and Welcome Reception

Group B 15 September 2021 Participants Arrival at their Contracting Organisations

Mid-Late September 2021 Prefectural Orientations

October 2021 - ALT Skill Development Conferences February 2022

November - CIR and SEA Mid-Year Conferences December 2021

Late January - Reappointment Deadline Early February 2022

After JET Conference and JET Programme Career Fairs February - March 2022 (Optional conference for JET Programme participants who are planning to complete their tenure on the JET Programme)

* This schedule is tentative and subject to change based on the availability of flights and other factors.


20-12-338_0000-はじめ.indd 9 2021/02/10 16:16:07 Chapter 1: Pre-Departure

第1章第1章 出発前出発前


20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 11 2021/02/10 16:28:23 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme

13 2021/02/17 15:12:00 If you withdraw from the JET Programme soon after arriving in Japan, you may have to repay If you withdraw from the JET the cost of your airfare to Japan, your hotel accommodation in , and other related fees. If Tokyo, the cost of your airfare to Japan, your hotel accommodation in soon as as of Japan General or Consulate Embassy the inform please to withdraw, you intend possible before departing for Japan. Summer arrivals: Wednesday, 8 September or Sunday, 12 September 2021 8 September or Sunday, Wednesday, Summer arrivals: 1. ALT/ CIR April arrivals: Sunday, 11 April 2021 11 April arrivals: Sunday, CIR ALT/ 1. 12 September 2021 arrivals: Sunday, 2. SEA The JET Programme is split into two main arrival groups, the summer (Summer Post-Arrival Orientation), and Post-Arrival Orientation), summer (Summer groups, the arrival main is split into two Programme The JET Affairs of Internal able control of the Ministry are defined as those beyond the reason Unavoidable circumstances including the will receive information concerning your placement from your contracting organisation, You a participants will receive information about their flight to Japan from CLAIR through Programme JET The travel agency will send you a questionnaire related to the information regarding your departure for Japan All Participants participants will arrive in Japan by airplane on the dates listed below. Programme All JET 1.1. Schedule and Peru, China, Korea, Brazil and CIRs from ALTs for (April Post-Arrival Orientation, April arrival groups the information following the that aware be Please countries). participating other from CIRs and ALTs some and for April that differs in participants arriving Information for in summer. for participants arriving is mainly after the designated arrival parentheses. Participants arriving in Japan in summer appears in arriving participants Arrivals” for additional information. Information for Intermittent dates should refer to “2.2 in cases of unavoidable circumstances. This material is subject to change Note: (MIC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) (including Embassies and Consulates of Japan), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), CLAIR, the prefectures and designated cities (see circumstances These work. Programme-related JET with entrusted and those organisations 6), the contracting to the local governments, which also applies actions by the government (including include natural disasters; restrictions immigration like measures (including organisations or governmental circumstances) following as disease, of infectious spread the to due countries of other or governments government Japanese by the enforced or restrictions laws, with compliance airports); ports and at restrictions travel like measures as protection well orders; fires, storms, floods or earthquakes; war (regardless of whether a proclamation of war has Unavoidable circumstances are not limited to these examples. unrest; revolution or revolt; and strike or lockout. been made); Departure 1) Before April arrivals) Late May (late February to mid-March for and Conditions ( Nin’yō (Saiyō Appointment following four documents: Notice of Terms ), Naitei Tsūchisho Kisoku or Agreement (Dōisho). Please read these documents Shūgyō of and Statement Kisoku), a welcome letter, carefully and promptly address any questions about their content to your contracting organisation or the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan. travel agency. If you have any questions regarding travel arrangements, please enquire with the travel the departure date cannot be changed. Furthermore, as a rule, please understand that agency. Late July and the Post-Arrival Orientation. After filling out the questionnaire,promptly return it to the travel (This agency. April arrivals.) questionnaire is not sent to 2) Departure Departure from Home Countries must depart for Japan from the designated airport on the flight arranged by the Embassy or Consulate General permitted for reasons such of Japan. Changing your place/region of departure within your home country may be ※This the date of arrival in Japan cannot be changed. as a change of your residence before departure. However, factors. schedule is tentative and subject to change based on the availability of flights and other 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 13 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 15 2021/02/17 15:12:00 SEA: Sunday, 12 September 2021 SEA: Sunday,

If you request a change to your travel arrangements 30 days or fewer before your departure date to Japan (counting from the day of departure), or you withdraw from the JET Programme Programme from the JET from the day of departure), or you withdraw date to Japan (counting before coming to Japan, you may be required to bear the cancellation fees for your travel, and housing), your arranges organisation contracting your where case the (in fees housing-related other fees. The obligation to pay travel fees will arise as soon as the cancellation is confirmedby the travel agency. An overall introduction to the JET Programme An overall introduction to the JET for each job type An introduction to the various work duties and cultural differences (including basic Japanese training) Seminars and training covering life in Japan Necessary information related to your departure. 1. 2. 3. 4. Please note that you are not permitted to make your own travel arrangements. If you wish to make a change, If you wish to make own travel arrangements. to make your that you are not permitted Please note There is no Pre-Departure Orientation but you must attend the Post-Arrival Orientation. Costs including travel travel including Costs Orientation. Post-Arrival the attend must you but Orientation no Pre-Departure is There Prior to departing for Japan, you will attend a Pre-Departure Orientation hosted by the Embassy or Consulate a Pre-Departure Orientation Prior to departing for Japan, you will attend It usually includes the following: ALT/ CIR: Wednesday, 8 September or Sunday, 12 September 2021, or Sunday, 8 September CIR: Wednesday, ALT/ (Sunday, April 11 2021 for April arrivals)※This schedule is tentative and subject to change based on the availability of flights and other factors. will be greeted in the arrival lobby by travel agency representatives.When you arrive at the airport in Japan, you Following this, you will then immediately board a chartered bus to All the participants hotel. must travel on the ALT/CIR: Thursday, 9 September – 11 September Saturday, 2021 or Monday, 13 September – 15 Wednesday, April arrivals) April 2021 for 14 April – Wednesday, 12 (Monday, Attendance at the Post-Arrival Orientation is mandatory. from the train station or airport closest to your residence to the Post-Arrival Orientation venue will be issued by by Post-Arrival Orientation venue will be issued or airport closest to your residence to the from the train station or train airport from the depart must so you organisation, contracting your by travel agency and the cost borne the train station or airport are your responsibility. travel expenses to your closest station designated for you. However, Furthermore, if you live within 100 km of the nearest station to the orientation venue, you are responsible for own transportation costs. your Departure from Within Japan Within Departure from you must contact the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan at least one month and one day in advance of you must contact the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan at least of and one day in advance one month be will tickets return country, home returning to your that when mind keep in Please Japan. in date your arrival departed. from which you originally the designated airport provided to 3) Pre-Departure Orientation 3) Pre-Departure airport to the designated according is determined of the Pre-Departure Orientation The location General of Japan. The purpose of this orientation is compulsory. Pre-Departure Orientation at the Attendance in your departure city. Programme. the coming year on the JET is to help you with necessary preparations for 4) Arrival in Tokyo Arrival in 4) Please organisation. contracting your to sent be can luggage where area shipping a to directed be then will You you with carry-on hand-held one and or backpack) (suitcase of luggage piece large one take only you may note, to the Post-Arrival Orientation venue. As you are requested to dress in business attire for this orientation, means a suit with suit a jacket and tie for men, a with a jacket for women, and appropriate dress shoes, please which make sure to bring them with you to the orientation venue. arrange to permitted not are You bus ride. the during provided be will information essential buses and pre-arranged to time no free be will bus, there the you board until and airport, the at you arrive After transportation. alternative meet friends, etc. 5) Post-Arrival Orientation 15 September 2021 13 September – Wednesday, September 2021, SEA: Monday, 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 15 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 17 2021/02/17 15:12:00 FAX +81-3-5213-1743 FAX

Education, Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and the Council of

Emergency Contact Emergency during the Post-Arrival Orientation, please inform family and relatives In the case of an emergency Programme JET the inform then will staff (CLAIR Office. CLAIR the contact should they that participant) +81-3-5213-1733 TEL An introduction to the positions and duties of JET Programme participants, presented by representatives presented Programme participants, duties of JET to the positions and An introduction from the Ministry of Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) Local An explanation of job skills needed by JET Programme participants to fulfil theirduties, conductedCLAIR and selected professionals by An explanation of skills useful for daily life as a JET Programme participant living in Japan, conducted professionals by CLAIR and selected A Host Prefecture/Designated City Meeting held for JET Programme participants, supervisors, etc. to able be will participants Programme JET meeting, this At organisations. contracting their representing their specific work locations and responsibilities. ask questions regarding Host your to travelling before adjustments cultural and mental, physical, make to opportunity An work culture as well as a chance to learn about Japanese City, Prefecture/Designated Workshops presented by prefectural employees to introduce the JET Programme structure within the Host employees to introduce the JET presented by prefectural Workshops and general guidelines Programme supervisor, the JET Prefecture/Designated City,

2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 1. Accommodation will be provided at the hotel at the Post-Arrival Orientation venue, and in general two to three to two general in and venue, Orientation Post-Arrival the at hotel the at provided be will Accommodation will also be Reception Welcome formal A Orientation. and lunch will be provided during Post-Arrival Breakfast Even if you have previously participated on the JET Programme, please attend all of the Post-Arrival Post-Arrival of the all attend please Programme, JET on the participated previously you have if Even while on the to life and work a basic introduction Orientation is to provide of the Post-Arrival The purpose ALT/CIR: Saturday, 11 September or Wednesday, 15 September 2021, SEA: Wednesday, 15 September 2021 15 September 2021, SEA: Wednesday, or Wednesday, September 11 Saturday, ALT/CIR: change based on the ※This schedule is tentative and subject to April arrivals) April 2021 for 14 (Wednesday, availability of flights and other factors. via supervisor(s) their with City Prefecture/Designated Host their to travel will participants Programme JET Orientation of your Prefectural location and date the you of inform will City Prefecture/Designated Host Your information necessary with participants Programme JET provide to is Orientation Prefectural of the purpose The participants will share one hotel room. CLAIR and the travel agency will assign all rooms. Please be aware that rooms. Please be aware will assign all agency room. CLAIR and the travel will share one hotel participants to nor permitted during the Post-Arrival Orientation, rooms able to change are neither participants Programme JET make private accommodation arrangements. are participants Programme of JET children and spouses rule, a As orientation. of night first on the hotel the at held Reception. Welcome may join the meetings or workshops, but not permitted to attend the Opening Ceremony, Orientation. following: includes the The Post-Arrival Orientation Programme. JET 6) Departure for Host Prefectures/Designated Cities Host Prefectures/Designated for 6) Departure Participants accompanied by family members transport pre-arranged by their Host Prefecture/Designated City. are requested to contact their contracting organisation as soon as possible (before departure for Japan) to necessary travel arrangements for them. make Orientation 7) Prefectural during the Host Prefecture/Designated City Meeting at the Post-Arrival Orientation. Many prefectures hold their arrive in summer. Prefectural Orientation immediately following the Post-Arrival Orientation after participants and job skills required for living and working in your prefecture as a JET Programme participant. The Prefectural Orientation includes the following: 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 17 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme

19 2021/02/10 16:28:23 Instructor (ALT) Services (CIR) Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Skilled Labour (SEA) Workshops conducted by prefectural employees, teachers, and current JET Programme participants to participants to Programme and current JET employees, teachers, conducted by prefectural Workshops Orientation at the Post-Arrival job skills introduced further develop Workshops conducted by current JET Programme participants that focus on daily life applicable to the etc. of local transport, shopping, may include the use Topics City. or Designated specific prefecture City Prefecture/Designated and work in the Host materials relating to life of publications and Distribution support in the event of for advice and who can be contacted Advisors (PAs) of Prefectural Contact details an emergency JET Programme participants who will be accompanied by their spouse/children should refer to Section “1.5. to Section should refer spouse/children by their will be accompanied who participants Programme JET Visas. Spouses or Children” for information on Dependent Bringing Non-JET

・ ・ ・ 3. 4. 5. 2. When entering Japan, you must undergo a quarantine, immigration, and customs inspection before you are Please follow the instructions of the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan regarding the issuance of your issuance of regarding the Japan of General the instructions of the Embassy or Consulate Please follow come to able are national Japanese a who is parent a have or to, married who are participants Programme JET General of Japan in your home country for further information Please contact the Embassy or Consulate from can participate Visitor Temporary other than who reside in Japan with a Status of Residence Participants You must bring your passport with you to the Pre-Departure Orientation. If you do not have a passport, you If you do not have a passport, you with you to the Pre-Departure Orientation. must bring your passport You 1.3. Immigration Procedures issued with a Residence Card. . The name on after beginning work in Japan. in order to avoid passport renewal soon more remains until expiry, your visa application form must be exactly the same as the name on your passport. If country home your in of Japan General or Consulate Embassy the contact Please issued. be cannot visa the names are different,a your renounce must you Japan, with citizenship dual hold you If different. are names your if immediately Programme. order to participate on the JET Japanese nationality in visa.The type of following: one of the be visa issued will visa, your receive you After (Nihonjin National Japanese of Child Spouse or a on Japan to No Visa. ) Haigūshatō to enter Japan with this visa, a Residence Card will you are permitted please check that the contents are correct. If Card, please verify that the Status of Residence and Period of Stay be issued. Once you receive your Residence and nationality are correct. and that your name, date of birth, gender, recorded on it are the same as on your visa, regarding visas. Note:  in Japan residing already Participants Programme JET For IMPORTANT: date. It is arrival change by the designated make a Status of Residence within Japan only if they are permitted to the participant’s responsibility to confirm withtheir nearest Immigration Bureau of Japan officewhether not or If a Status all necessary procedures. they are able to make a Status of Residence change, and if possible, complete of Residence change is permitted, participants must complete their Reply Form and submit it to process that is a change of Residence Status The was conducted. interview their where of Japan General Consulate the Embassy or Residence of Status your have and early process this begin so please cases, some in month a than longer take may who reside in Japan with a Please be aware that participants by the start of your employment. change completed and will cannot make a change need to return to their home country Visitor Temporary Status of Residence of Japan), within change of Residence a Status make to be permitted they will circumstances (only in unavoidable then enter Japan General of Japan, and carry out procedures to obtain a proper visa from the Embassy or Consulate on the designated flight to participate on the Programme. 1.2. Passports and Visas 1.2. Passports and one year or passport, CLAIR recommends that at least If you already have a must apply for one immediately. 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 19 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme

21 2021/02/10 16:28:23 one large suitcase or or suitcase large one Baggage and the Post-Arrival Orientation fill it in at the immigration inspection area upon arrival. fill it in at the immigration Card and passport on your person at all times. Keep your Residence blank, and will be recorded on on your Residence Card will be left The home address section the back of the card when you complete your Moving-In Notification with your municipal government after arriving must at complete your this contracting You notification organisation. your Residence Take in Japan. within 14 days after arriving at your municipal government making this notification. Card with you when For your Purpose of Visit column, please check “Others” and make sure to write “JET in the parentheses. Programme” Some airlines may not distribute the Disembarkation Cards. this In case, please obtain one and Please be sure to place the completed Disembarkation Card in your passport (before presenting your passport (before presenting the completed Disembarkation Card in Please be sure to place  it to the immigration inspector).

Note:  Note 1:  Note 2:  Depart on your designated flight. Depart on your your flight. you will receive during Disembarkation Card necessary items of the Fill out the Note 1: Note 2:  Since you will be keeping some of your baggage with you and sending some ahead to your ahead to your Since you will be keeping some of your baggage with you and sending some the Post-ArrivalWhen you travel from the airport to the Post-Arrival Orientation venue and then from contracting If you would like more information about transportation, please speak with your Transporting hundreds of new JET Programme participants from the airport to the Post-Arrival Programme participants from the airport to the Post-Arrival hundreds of new JET Transporting From the airport, each JET Programme participant is only allowed to bring to the Post-Arrival Orientation venue. This is due to space limitations This is due to space limitations backpack and one personal item to the Post-Arrival Orientation venue. and is strictly enforced at the airport. From the airport to the hotel, you can also take a laptop computer, will be of your baggage The remainder your personal item. but you will have to hold it on your lap with company.* delivery domestic prearranged a using organisation contracting your to airport the from sent The cost of this service of will vary depending on the size, weight, and destination of each piece of baggage costs One piece of baggage may incur extra charges. pieces large/heavy baggage. Excessively approximately 2,500-5,000 yen and takes 3-5 days Keep to in deliver. mind there is a possibility you may receive your baggage after you have arrived at your contracting organisation. For this reason, please pack worth of any necessary items you may require in your personal item. around two days’ you must separate your belongings in advance so that when you arrive at the contracting organisation, in the one airport, you have suits, documents, and everything necessary for the Post-Arrival Orientation piece of baggage you take to the hotel. Baggage yourself. of your baggage all carry you must organisation, your contracting to venue Orientation train and airports use (you may or train stations domestic airports available at not always are carts In Orientation). following the Post-Arrival your Host Prefecture/Designated City stations to travel to hotel by a deliverysome cases, you may be asked to send your baggage to your Host Prefecture from the These types of situations will be discussed at the Post-Arrival company at your own expense. Host Prefecture/Designated City Meeting. Orientation’s directly. organisation Orientation venue is a large undertaking that requires everyone’s cooperation. undertaking that requires everyone’s Orientation venue is a large 3. Go through immigration inspections after you arrive at the airport. 3. Go through immigration 4. You will be issued your Residence Card. will be issued your You 4. 2. 1. Please think carefully when packing and only bring a small amount of baggage. The baggage you bring to bring to The baggage you only bring a small amount of baggage. Please think carefully when packing and Please follow the procedures below for entering Japan and receiving your Residence Card: and receiving your Residence for entering Japan the procedures below Please follow Japan should be limited to your most important and smallest items. Any excess baggage costs charged by your by your Any excess baggage costs charged and smallest items. Japan should be limited to your most important the at you received tags baggage special the attach to certain Be responsibility. be your own will airline baggage you bring to Japan. Pre-Departure Orientation to each piece of 1.4. Packing for Japan 1.4. Packing for 1.4.1. Baggage to Bring to Japan 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 21 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme

23 2021/02/16 12:02:19 ) ) as you will not have time to \ ganisation. www.customs.go.jp/english/ It is necessary for all persons entering Japan to submit a Declaration of Personal Effects and Be sure to complete a Declaration of Personal Effects and Unaccompanied Articles declaration Articles declaration form and and Unaccompanied Complete a Declaration of Personal Effects Articles for personal use Baggage you are bringing to Japan with you (personal effects), and baggage sent to you (unaccompanied articles) within 6 months of your arrival in Japan. If you have both personal effects and unaccompanied articles then the total for both will be calculated. limits For those exceeding the duty-free allowance airport or at on the airplane be obtained form can This form. declaration Articles Unaccompanied customs. Once you have filled out the Declaration of Personal Effects and Unaccompanied Articles declaration form, please proceed to the area titled “taxation”. Check with your airline or travel company about exact taxation amounts. that have unaccompanied articles For those within the duty-free allowance limits form and receive an official customs stamp. Following this, please proceed to the area titled exemption”. “tax For those within the duty-free allowance limits that do not have unaccompanied articles proceed to the area titled “tax exemption”. You can You send baggage by airmail or surface mail but services vary from country to country, so enquire at your local post office. please can You also use international delivery services in many countries. If you have an international delivery service near you, please consult with them. Sending baggage from the airport to your contracting organisation is not free. free. not is organisation contracting to your airport the from baggage Sending the travel will be billed by time of arrival, but you to pay at your do not have You the bill. payment upon receiving prompt Please make late September. agency in Many JET Programme participants travel from Tokyo to their contracting organisation organisation contracting their to Tokyo from travel participants Programme Many JET *

by airplane. In Japan, domestic flights usually have a 15-20kg baggage weight limit. This means that even though baggage was not over weight for your flightTokyo, to you may have to pay excess baggage fees for your domestic flight.Keep thisin mind, andpack as lightly as possible. try to ・ 1. 2. 3. ・ ・ ・ It is recommended that you bring cash or traveller’s cheques in Japanese yen ( You will You most likely receive your first month’s remuneration during your month of arrival, or, in some cases, The following categories of goods are exempt from tax. Please check these carefully beforehand. The following categories of goods are exempt To To minimise the baggage you bring with you to Japan, please have personal belongings (winter clothing, etc.) Methods of Delivery 1.4.4. Money to Bring to Japan Please check the Japan Customs website for more information ( Note: Please check the Japan Customs website for go to a bank to exchange money until you arrive at your contracting or the following month. The timing you will receive your remuneration varies depending on your contracting 1.4.3. Customs 1.4.2. Sending Baggage 1.4.2. Sending Baggage you in advance or after you arrive in Japan. surfboards, ski equipment, etc.) sent to and bulky items (bicycles, Please do not send any baggage directly to the airport as there will be no time to collect it. Note: Please do not send any baggage directly to 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 23 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme

25 2021/02/10 16:28:23 respectively) for an apartment, etc. Please promptly confirm with your and reikin, Some JET Programme participants may be asked to pay the following costs in full with a reimbursement participants Programme Some JET from their contracting organisation at a later date. Please confirm this with your contracting organisation in advance.) Excess baggage charges contracting organisation) Shipping of baggage (from the airport to your Meals on the day of arrival Evening meals during the Post-Arrival Orientation (however, a free buffet dinner will be prepared at the Reception) Welcome etc. at the hotel room service, beverages, telephone charges, Miscellaneous charges: transportation) Expenses of family members accompanying the participant (airfare, hotel expenses and If you fail to comply with the Terms and Conditions, and the schedule of the JET Programme, or or Programme, JET of the and Conditions, and the schedule Terms to comply with the If you fail a valid arrival in Japan without after Programme JET the from if you withdraw In particular,

Airfare from your designated international departure airport to Japan. This includes any airport service and service any airport This includes to Japan. airport departure international from your designated Airfare levied at your departure airport. which may be fuel charge, Orientation venue. from the airport to the Post-Arrival Transportation breakfast, and lunch for the Post-Arrival Orientation. Dinner is not included. accommodation, Your venue to your contracting organisation. from the Post-Arrival Orientation Transportation

withdraw from the JET Programme before completion of your term of appointment, you will be be you will of appointment, term of your completion before Programme JET the from withdraw to pay the above expenses. required the above expenses. repay you must reason, ・・・・・・The following expenses are the JET Programme participant’s responsibility: participant’s Programme The following expenses are the JET ・ ・ ・ ・ Traveller’s Traveller’s cheques can be exchanged at most banks, though some contracting organisations may not be near in your home country which of time in services provided by your bank be sure to enroll ahead If necessary, Credit cards are not used frequently in rural areas. Ask your contracting organisation how much money you and/or CLAIR will pay for the following expenses: organisation contracting Your (Note: The climate in Japan varies according to the region and the season, but generally, summers are very hot and summers are very hot and The climate in Japan varies according to the region and the season, but generally, and country, your home in than expensive more be may they However, of clothing. types buy all can You contracting organisation in regards to the amount you should bring. in regards to the amount organisation contracting your at arrive you before money exchange you help to supervisor your ask please case, this In bank. large a contracting organisation. Remember that, if you need to cash traveller’s cheques issued in currencies other bank. go to the nearest large yen, you will need to than as as well balance, of your remaining to Japan, be aware money overseas. Before coming allow you to withdraw withdrawal limits, and any fees to be incurred. any daily or monthly should bring with you, since you may be required to pay a deposit (shikikin) and other fees for your apartment upon arrival. 1.4.5. Expenses organisation. An organisation. adequate amount of living expenses in cash or traveller’s cheques is essential to see you through until your Itfirst is payday. recommended that you bringcash for daily expenses, including meals, utilities, rent, a (shikikin and key money deposit humid, while winters are very cold (buildings can be far less insulated than in many western countries). Rainy western countries). Rainy humid, while winters are very cold (buildings can be far less insulated than in many season usually falls in June. bigger sizes may be limited outside of large cities. In particular, you might find it difficult so bring enough if needed. shoes and underwear, to find larger sizes of 1.4.6. Clothing 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 25 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme

27 2021/02/10 16:28:23 control pills) is up to a one-month supply. containing antiperspirant, sanitary items, and toothpaste fluoride. However, the limit for prescription medication (including birth the limit for prescription medication (including ・ However, ointment, eye ・ Up to 24 items each for products such as drops, Up to a two-month supply Up to 24 items of each product only) One set (products intended for household use Medication readily available over the counter in your home country may be illegal and prohibited from Amphetamine, containing Cocaine, (medicines stimulants includes This Japan. brought into being Methamphetamine, Morphine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, etc.) and narcotics (Morphine, Oxycodone, Society have listingsAmerican Epilepsy of comparable the Hydrocodone). Some associations such as Please consult with your family doctor. medications sold in or legal for import to Japan. As a rule, syringes and medications administered by injection, excluding self-administered injections of injections self-administered excluding by injection, administered syringes and medications As a rule, drugs such as insulin, are not allowed. Have a doctor in your home country write a prescription or a doctor in Japan prepare documentation (forms (forms or a doctor in Japan prepare documentation a prescription write country your home in doctor a Have without the required amount detailed on them cannot be accepted). Have the exact amount of medication written on the prescription sent from abroad. Medication/ Quasi-drugs Cosmetics Medical Devices The following limitations apply to any medication, quasi-drugs, cosmetics, etc. for personal use that you would You may You dress comfortably and casually for the flight to Japan and on the day of arrival. However, you are a first impression, your appearance will help you form seriously in Japan. In particular, Appearance is taken very 1. 2. Note 2: If you intend to bring more medication than the allowable limit, you are required to obtain a Kakunin- “Yunyu In order to have quantities over the allowable limit sent to you, you must follow the procedures outlined These items may not be sold or given to another person. A prescription or documentation from your physician from your or documentation prescription A person. to another not be sold or given may items These Note 1:  1.4.7. Medication, Medical Products, Cosmetics, and Medical Equipment Cosmetics, Medical Products, 1.4.7. Medication, Ship to Japan Allowable Limits to Bring or 1) stay in Japan. like to bring or have sent to you during your Post-Arrival Post-Arrival Attire Orientation with suit Orientation (business the Post-Arrival during meetings for business appropriate wear attire expected to tie for men, and a business suit with a jacket for women). On the first nightof the Post-Arrival Orientation there is to bring you will baggage in the attire work appropriate pack please Therefore, hotel. the at reception welcome a are not appropriate. and other casual wear sandals, sneakers T-shirts, the hotel. Jeans, Attire Work from workplace to workplace, but please What is acceptable may vary so it is important to dress professionally. avoid wearing certain clothes until you have an idea of what is expected or considered suits etc. for women are advisable. and ties for men, and acceptable. At first, suits Please note that psychotropic medication cannot be sent to Japan. Please note that psychotropic below. 2) Bringing Quantities over the Allowable Limit the 2) Bringing Quantities over through when proceeding it use, and present for individual Certificate Confirmation sho”, a type of Import customs. You Allowable Limit Sent to the 3) Having Quantities over may be necessary if you are bringing psychotropic medication, regardless of if the amount you bring does not medication, regardless of if the amount you bring does not may be necessary if you are bringing psychotropic (https:// Welfare website of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and exceed the above limits. Please refer to the for ) for specific information and procedures kouseikyoku.mhlw.go.jp/kantoshinetsu/shinsei/matori/keitai.html bringing psychotropic medication into Japan. 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 27 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 29 2021/02/10 16:28:23 your name].) ‐ Yunyu Kakunin-sho Certificate. If Yunyu JET NO. JET -

Please submit applications and all relevant Please submit applications and all relevant Yunyu Kakunin-sho CertificateYunyu instead. The application form Certificate floor th Yunyu Kakunin-sho Certificate application forms. Yunyu [email protected] Yunyu Kakunin-sho Yunyu Certificate, they will release the medicine. (However, you may have to pay Take the prescription Take written by a doctor in your home country to a doctor in Japan and request they should then be able You write a new prescription you medication available in Japan. for an equivalent to buy the equivalent medication in Japan. does not require any special procedures. This month. Have a one-month supply sent from home each Yakkan Shoumei CertificateYakkan now require a The above estimate is in the case of using EMS for outgoing and return mail. consideration Please the take extra into days for mailing if using normal post. It is recommended to use outgoing and return mail. EMS for both Applications made with the old Import Report of Medication form will be accepted to through 31 August 2021. Please bear in mind that there is a possibility of your application being denied. Be sure to have all being denied. Be sure to have all that there is a possibility of your application Please bear in mind If you are having more than a one-month supply shipped to you, or require syringes, medical please devices refer such to as the previous section, “3) Having Quantities Over the Allowable Limit You.” Sent to your your application documents in order, and be prepared to make alternative arrangements (such as finding be unable to obtain an you should medication in Japan) comparable Your medication Your will be withheld at customs. Customs will send a notification to the delivery Kakunin-sho addressCertificatea Yunyu must obtain for on individual Kanto- You use the package. from the MHLW, your receives customs Once customs. to it send and Welfare and Health of Bureau Regional Shin’etsu validated storage charges.) sender, the to back medication the sending to related costs any pay must you denied, is application your will be disposed of. otherwise the medication Complete the Send application forms by post or email to the MHLW. Send (If application you forms apply by by post email, or please email attach to all the documents MHLW. in PDF format and send it under the following subject line, [JET by post or email. Kakunin-sho Certificate will be sent to you from the MHLW A Yunyu Kakunin-sho Certificate to customs on your arrival to Japan. Present your Yunyu Pharmaceutical Inspector (JET Programme) Pharmaceutical Inspector (JET Section of Inspection and Guidance Welfare Kanto-Shin’etsu Regional Bureau of Health and Saitama-Shintoshin Godochosha 1, 7 1-1 Shintoshin, Chuo-ku, Saitama City 330-9713 , JAPAN Email address: : Note: Note:  Kakunin-sho If you need to apply for a Yunyu Certificate, applications should be sent by post or email to the Due to revisions to relevant laws, as of 1 September 2020, items being imported into Japan that previously Japan that previously imported into items being September 2020, as of 1 Due to revisions to relevant laws, 3. Note: cannot medication psychotropic note Please below. procedures follow the runs out, please If your prescription Method 1:  Method 2:  Note: ① ②  ③ ④ . Depending on the number of applications waiting to be processed, waiting to be processed, as soon as possible. Depending on the number of applications documents to the MHLW it may not be possible to obtain your certificate in time if submitting documents is listed below. byThe address and email address for the MHLW than 3 weeks before your departure. post or email on a date later has been updated to reflect this change. Kanto-Shin’etsu Regional MHLW, Bureau of Health and Welfare. required a 4) If Your Prescription Runs Out Runs Prescription Your 4) If be sent to Japan. Kakunin-sho a Yunyu Apply for 5) How to 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 29 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme

31 2021/02/10 16:28:23 Quantities over the

n o

i e t t t a a os c c i p

fi y ti ppl b A ipant 1 c 2 Cer issued by post Certificate, pleasebring medication within the Certificate, the amount exceeding the limit will be be will limit the exceeding amount the Certificate, W L H M https://kouseikyoku.mhlw.go.jp/kantoshinetsu/iji/bana-warifuri. ET Programme Parti

Yunyu Kakunin-sho Yunyu n w J

o l i e

t e ai a t N c a i m

c e l fi y ai ppl Application Form and Explanation of (Pharmaceutical) Products form are ti b Yunyu Kakunin-sho Yunyu A m e 1 y b 2 Cer issued Confirmation Application Form (Write down your JET NO. in the “note” Certificate. Yunyu Kakunin-sho Yunyu ). into Japan without a a without Japan into confiscated at customs. Allowable Limit Sent to You”). Please note that if you bring medication over the allowable limit over the allowable Please note that if you bring medication You”). Sent to Allowable Limit If you are unable to obtain a a obtain to unable are you If further for any arrange and prescription(s)) of the copy a bring you (please with limit allowable medication to be sent to you after you arrive in Japan (refer to “3) Having Refer to Appendix 2 at the back of this handbook for more information on how to complete the to complete the on how information back of this handbook for more Appendix 2 at the Refer to in Note 1). (refer to the URL website form or use the example on the MHLW Please fill out your forms electronically orneatly by hand. If your application isby not be approved may any issues, and your application are you if there possible to contact not be illegible, it may the time you depart for Japan. The available on the website MHLW ( html

Include 2 copies. One of these will be authorized and returned to you as a and returned to you as will be authorized 2 copies. One of these by Post> Include A return envelope with the address written where you wish the certificate postage value pasted on the reply-paid coupon of the appropriate to be sent, with an international outside of the envelope.

Please scan the form in PDF format. E. E. A. B. C. D. The birth control pill is available in Japan. However, birth control is a prescription medication in Japan, in medication prescription a is control birth However, Japan. in available is pill control birth The requiring both a complete check at a gynaecologist and a prescription. If you intend to bring please refer to section “1.4.7. Medication, Medical Products, Cosmetics and Medical Equipment.” your own, if you wish to bring However, bring your own supply. you may a brand of condom you prefer, If you have an amount greater than 60, please refer to section “1.4.7. Medication, Medical Products, Cosmetics, and Medical Equipment.” Note 4: Note 1 Note 2 Note 3

・ ・ Forms and Relevant

37 2021/02/10 16:28:24 . . Please refer to section “2.2. “2.2. . Please refer to section ① ) The Post-Arrival Orientation begins immediately after arrival, during which you will not have time to look during which you will not have time after arrival, begins immediately The Post-Arrival Orientation after your family. and lectures at the Post-Arrival Orientation or the Prefectural Dependents may not participate in workshops for them. Orientation, and CLAIR cannot make arrangements available and the cost can be very high. Babysitting services at the hotel may not be If you wish for your dependents to accompany you to Japan, please fill outPost-Arrival theOrientation Booking relevantForm sectionsthat onyou will the receive from the travel and agency, submit it by the deadline. If you require travel arrangements for your dependents to accompany you to your contracting organisation, as possible. as soon please notify your contracting organisation The application is handled at regional Immigration Bureau of Japan offices and may have separate restrictions, Please note that this permission to engage in other activities is limited to activities that do not conflict with the Furthermore, it is possible that work may not be available and JET Programme participants should not expect Dependents can be included in the JET Programme participant’s mandatory health insurance policy. Please Please policy. insurance health mandatory participant’s Programme JET the in included be can Dependents your local consult please For details, payments. welfare child for monthly apply to ligible are Residents of Japan arriving in participants bringing dependents should bear the following points in mind when Programme JET ①  ②  ③ airfare, All dependents. your bringing regarding procedures and points following the of aware be Please ①  ②  In the case where a visa other than Dependent Visa is required, the JET Programme participant and their Q. Can my spouse work on a Dependent Visa? Q. Can my spouse work on a Dependent for and is if your spouse applies However, Visa. A. Dependents are not legally able to work on a Dependent Under the Status of Residence Previously That Permitted Than Activity Other granted Permission to Engage in Granted (shikakugai katsudō kyōka), they may work provided that their work hours do not exceed 28 per week (i.e. part-time) and they do not engage in work in the sex/entertainment industry. so please enquire at your regional Immigration Bureau of Japan. After submitting the required documents (e.g. application form, employment contract, etc.), a decision will be made based on this application. There is a There based on this application. be made will a decision etc.), contract, form, employment (e.g. application and is approved possibility that permission will not be granted and it is not possible to work until the application permission to work is granted. in order to work Status of Residence their so your spouse will need to change Visa, of the Dependent conditions full-time. CLAIR or their contracting organisation to help the spouse find work. If you feel it is necessary for your spouse JET on the your participation you should reconsider to work in order to support yourself and your family, Programme. 4) Medical/Health Insurance for Dependents for 4) Medical/Health Insurance of JET dependents However, for details as soon as you arrive. organisation consult with your contracting Accident Insurance Policy are not covered by the JET Programme participants regarding other policies. details and information Insurance” for-more Payments (jidō teate Welfare 5) Child government office. 6) Post-Arrival Orientation Japan. Programme expenses for dependents will be borne by the JET accommodation, and domestic transportation travel the contact you do not if your situation accommodate be possible to not may it that note Please participant. in advance, or submit any related documents late. well agency and your contracting organisation Programme JET busy for arrival in Japan is extremely The initial period immediately following allow at least one to two weeks to settle in and establish a that you recommend strongly We participants. family arrives. your comfortable daily rhythm before 3) Applying for Visas Other than the Dependent Visa than the Dependent Other Visas Applying for 3) dependent must verify all required documents and carry out application procedures by themselves. Regardless whether or not the dependent(s) will be financiallydependent on the JET Programme Visa participant, Dependent Applying for a in 2) as outlined please organisation with your contracting consult 20-12-338_Chapter 1.indd 37 Chapter 2: Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Reappointment, and Status of Residence

第2章 任用第2章 任用、、保険保険、、税金税金、、再任用再任用、、在留資格在留資格


20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 39 2021/02/10 16:31:55 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 41 2021/02/10 16:31:55 This section is based on the Terms and Conditions for JET Programme participants working as local local as working participants Programme JET for Conditions and Terms the on based section is This while the use of at private schools, participants working Programme employees. For JET government certain terms and words theremay isdiffer, no difference in the meaning or conditions (e.g. appointment → employment, etc.). Unlike a regular employment contract, the Terms and and Terms the contract, employment regular a Unlike thoroughly. Conditions and Terms your Read The Terms and Conditions contain provisions which protect the JET Programme participant and the Programme participant and the and Conditions contain provisions which protect the JET Terms The Conditions are designed for JET Programme participants and some articles may specify activities beyond activities specify may and some articles participants Programme designed for JET are Conditions them bring Japan, and to come you before Conditions and Terms your workplace. Read the of those copy you to the them and compare and Conditions Terms actual to read the time further Take with you. and Conditions Terms Please refer back to your Agreement. of were sent before you sign the Statement duties. whenever you have a question about your work and the contracting Programme participant between the JET It is an agreement organisation. contracting and the various articles address situations in writing misunderstandings. in order to avoid organisation, them to restrict and Conditions are made Terms the assume that participants Programme JET Sometimes, and Terms the that understand to important is It them. protect that clauses the recognise not do and Programme JET the and organisation contracting the both protect to established are Conditions participant. both Conditions, and Terms English and Japanese the sign organisation contracting your and you When version is based on the Japanese version. The English contract. documents become your official working ・ ・ ・ : Note: The following overview is based on the proposed Terms and Conditions sent by CLAIR to contracting CLAIR to contracting and Conditions sent by Terms proposed The following overview is based on the There are many set terms defined inTerms the and Conditions, such CIR, as JET Programme ALT, participant, The most important paperwork JET Programme participants receive from their contracting organisation is their organisation from their contracting receive participants Programme JET paperwork The most important employees public Japanese regular of those to similar are participants Programme JET for Conditions and Terms the paying for liable be you may Moreover, Japan. you to with Conditions and Terms your bring to sure Make and Conditions, they Terms based on the Programme participants appoint JET organisations While contracting 2.1.2. Overview of the JET Programme Terms and Conditions Terms Programme 2.1.2. Overview of the JET by your own contracting and Conditions are decided Terms of your content as the exact However, organisations. and Conditions may not be exactly the same. Terms the content of your organisation, General Rules of definition the but these, of most of meanings the with familiar be already will You supervisor. and SEA “supervisor” in particular deserves special attention. 2.1.1. Terms and Conditions Terms 2.1.1. 2.1. Appointment and Conditions). Terms as referred to and Conditions (hereinafter Terms Programme JET suit to included are changes other this, to addition In contract. employee’s salaried typical a of parts with combined to unique are clauses leave special the of some and airfare return remuneration, For example, Programme. JET the and Conditions. Terms Programme the JET in your arrival after stay if you withdraw from the Programme of your hotel expenses to Japan and the cost travel Japan. also incorporate Terms employment andconditions Conditions specific to that Therefore, contracting organisation. participant may differ. Programme for each JET 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 41 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 43 2021/02/10 16:31:55 , a tantōsha, and your tantōsha. shozokuchō ) is defined as the head of the organisation in which the JET JET the which in organisation the of head the as defined is ) shozokuchō in Japanese. When you arrive, you will probably be introduced to your your to introduced be probably will you arrive, you When Japanese. in tantōsha ALT/CIR SEA Summer arrivals: Group A arrivals on Wednesday, 8 September 2021 (tentative) or Group B arrivals on 12 or Group B arrivals 2021 (tentative) 8 September Wednesday, on arrivals A Group arrivals: Summer September (Sunday) 2021 (tentative) ・ April 2021 (tentative) 11 April arrivals: Sunday, ・ 12 September 2021 arrivals (tentative) Sunday, Olympics and Paralympics. Tokyo is later than previous years due to the 2021 This schedule Note:  When the Terms and Conditions say that you need your supervisor’s approval (e.g. to take certain days as paid days certain (e.g. to take approval your supervisor’s you need say that and Conditions Terms the When organisations. vary between contracting and these will participant, Programme duties are listed as a JET Your unless and usually ends one year later, begins on the day after you arrive in Japan The period of participation the April to March of runs from which the fiscal year, are based on Please note that in Japan, many things and refers organisation by your contracting you are appointed is the length of time The length of appointment appointed are they system under which the employees, government local to law relating in the Due to a revision procedures multiple appointment during a single length of Furthermore, it may be necessary to undergo are You guaranteed a pre-tax remuneration of approximately ¥3.36 million for your first appointment, insurance and the pension plan. insurance, employment you must pay for your health From your remuneration, of your contracting day of the month according to the regulations is paid on a predetermined remuneration Your When you have to travel for mandatory conferences JET-related or other official business for your contracting Please note that return airfares are only given to participants return airfare is also covered in this section. Your The meaning of “supervisor” ( “supervisor” of meaning The This excludes Intermittent Arrivals. This excludes Intermittent person at your school or officewho will look after your work affairs and may assist you with other affairs outside of work upon request. This is not the person defined as the supervisor inTerms the and Conditions.Please between your the difference sure you understand make Programme participant is posted. This person is responsible for the workplace overall. There is another person whoThere is another person for the workplace overall. person is responsible This participant is posted. Programme your as to referred is 2.1.3. Contents of the Terms and Conditions Terms the 2.1.3. Contents of approval), before you tantōsha’s approval (not just your received your shozokuchō’s leave), be sure you have (for example, making reservations for a flight) proceed with any plans 1) Duties and Conditions usually include in your duties a phrase other duties like “any specified by the Terms The in Japan and and Conditions Terms This is typical of most employment but this should not alarm you. Supervisor,” for example, time, school clean-up and students during to ask you to join the other teachers allows your supervisor and Conditions. Terms your without having to rewrite 2) Period of Participation you are one of the following arrivals: throughout your period of participation. For this reason, you may receive multiple appointments following year. above. directly to the period of participation outlined the of appointment, This date will mark a point of separation in your length April 2020. will be changed as of 1 of rules. first and second half each with its own set April to 31 March of the following year). fiscal year (1 appointment due to the timing of Japan’s Financial Compensation 3) Remuneration and Other ¥3.6 million for your second appointment, ¥3.9 million for your third appointment, and exceptional for JET those Programme regarded participants as and appointed for a fourth and fifthyear, ¥3.96million Participants will pay for Japanese income and resident taxes from this remuneration. for each year. pay to required are and plans, pension and insurance these in enrolled be must participants Programme JET All rent, your In general, remuneration. your receive you before deducted be will this Usually costs. of the part and so on are your own responsibility, purchases, utilities, expenses, household furniture and appliance commuting but this may vary between contracting organisations. organisation. the after is made procedures. In many cases, this payment to local according be reimbursed you may organisation, travel is completed. way through, your part If you leave Programme. JET on the of participation period contracted their who complete their who return to participants Programme for JET is intended The airfare will not be compensated. return airfare 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 43 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 45 2021/02/10 16:31:55 Any other time the Supervisor deems there deems there Supervisor the time other Any and set precedents in that area. , Finally, this section covers situations in which you may be prohibited from working. this section covers Finally, and Conditions. Terms and restrictions outlined in the This explains the responsibilities, regulations, and Conditions are dealt with. Terms This explains how violations of your accidents Programme participant in case of work-related a JET This explains the compensation systems covering Your work hours are set at 35 hours per week. ALTs and CIRs usually work Monday to Friday; SEAs often have ALTs work hours are set at 35 hours per week. Your the number of days regulations, by local is determined employees government for local paid leave Since yearly do so country, home your of parts all in same the be to conditions working and living expect not would You With regard to leave from work, this section also commonly states: commonly also section work, this from leave regard to With . For example, some Supervisors may Supervisor deems necessary. For example, some Supervisors may is a special need, for the period of time the the Period of Stay. such as extending of matters care to take leave special participants Programme JET grant their special receive may participants Programme JET whether for such procedures, even that Keep in mind, however, of this clause is extremely Application of the Supervisor. is up to the discretion paid leave or must use their leave order to avoid misunderstandings, it is suggested that you special needs. In rare, and only in cases of unavoidable confirmin what kind of situations specialleave may be granted with your duties at your contracting organisation. supervisor before starting your work 5) Office Regulations 6) Discipline etc. Accident Compensation Ordinance, 7) Local Public Servants’ and casualties. home country after their Status of Residence expires upon completion of their period of participation as a JET as a JET their period of participation upon completion of of Residence expires after their Status home country who obtain Programme participants to those JET return ticket is not provided Thus, a participant.. Programme one Japan within leave or who do not participation, period of their of completing within one month work in Japan on the reward for being to be a intended is not airfare Return of participation. period their of completing month to work in the future. coming back to Japan participants from Programme JET Programme, nor to prohibit JET Leave Additional and Holidays, Leave Hours, Work 4) of work outside to have when you occasions On special work schedule. weekly their in day weekend one least at a system of compensatory days off is outlined. these days and hours, JET that fact for the Be prepared organisation. to contracting according varies receive participants Programme JET days than more vacation receive may organisations working in other contracting you meet Programme participants you. not assume that any differencesbetween the prerequisites in Termsyour and Conditions and those does not value you as much. Such differences are almost always duebecause toyour local contracting organisation of others are procedures personnel practices, economic conditions, budgetary 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 45 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 47 2021/02/10 16:31:55 ganisation supervisor. ). byōkyū Such difference in opinion in regards to the use of paid leave, can be a source of conflict between the JET clear a for year the in early ask you that essential is it conflicts such prevent to order in However, supervisor, your with leave requested of the duration and timing discuss the only holidays, not taking Before holidays paid of number fixed a that recommended is it Conditions, and Terms proposed CLAIR’s In If you work at a school, please keep in mind the school’s holidays. Schedules differ between regions and Please bring a copy of your Terms and Conditions to Japan and keep it somewhere easy to find. Each Each find. to easy somewhere it keep and Japan to Conditions and Terms of your copy a bring Please other JET days, etc. may differ from expenses, and vacation accommodation that travel and Please remember Programme. not CLAIR or the JET an employee of your contracting organisation, Remember that you are of appointment length as is the year, is one Programme JET on the of participation period the In principle, describes the particular process that application refers to a term used throughout the “Period of participation” contracting your by (employed) appointed are you time of period the to refers appointment” of “Length term of your half second for the Conditions and Terms the law, Japanese the in changes upcoming to Due Programme participants whoschools, are appointed by private the distinction between “period of For JET with your contracting or For any further clarification, please consult In your country, it may be common to use your paid leave whenever you like and to take long holidays. long holidays. it may be common to use your paid leave whenever you like and to take In your country, slight illness, and it may not be easy in Japan to take paid leave for a cold or other practice It is also common Programme participant and their contracting organisation. JET Programme participants are naturally entitled to entitled are naturally participants Programme JET organisation. contracting and their participant Programme to important also is it but Conditions, and Terms their in stipulated time vacation the of advantage full take own considerations as they also have their organisation, with your contracting and duration discuss its timing involving your work duties. (necessity of asking for explanation, and fully understand the types of leave and the necessary procedures permission in advance, types of documents necessary to take sick leave, etc.), as period is least desirable for taking leave (e.g. during school events). well as finding out which would interfere that the leave If it is deemed organisation. but also obtain the permission of your contracting the change to right the has organisation contracting the Conditions, of Terms the in written as work duties, with timing of the requested leave. July April, summer holidays run from late but in general, the school year begins in organisations, contracting are holidays spring and January early into December late from are holidays winter August, of end the until from the end of March into early April. It may be difficult to take long periods of paid leave, please designated holiday periods. If you plan on taking more than a few consecutive days of paid leave outside of these in advance. consult with your contracting organisation Conditions and Terms vacation accommodation, travel expenses, its own policy regarding or school, etc. has municipality, prefecture, days, etc. working for different contracting organisations. Programme participants Organisation Contracting Your is Employer Your of set one than more receive may (You receive. you that Conditions and Terms the review to sure be Please Programme JET the to acceptance of letter a sign to asked are You appointment.) of your length during these your of Conditions and Terms the understood and read have you that indicates which Japan in arrive you before the sign and accept to again once asked be you will of appointment, length your you begin Once employment. and Conditions. Terms same with contracting organisations. However, you may be offered reappointment by your contracting organisation. may askmake your decision a few you to your contracting organisation reappointment, If you are offered assume co-workers may and employer your Though reasons. budgetary to due Japan in arriving after months your yours, so make ultimately is reappointment or deny accept to decision the staying, be you will that participant Programme JET the between agreement mutual the to is subject Reappointment carefully. decision and their contracting organisation. Appointment Period of Participation and Length of Programme, beginning on the day after you arrive in Japan and on the JET period of time that you participate lasting for one year. by local government authorities may see this Programme participants who are appointed JET organisation. period separated into two halves. procedures multiple appointment (e.g. Therefore, you may be required toundergo may differ from the first half. contract signing) during your length of appointment. may be purely nominal. participation” and “length of appointment” Holidays of amount total the take workers do not of Japanese majority the where Japan in case the is not this However, holidays allotted during the year. to take sick leave ( not used during one appointment year be carried over into the next year if aProgramme JET participant is any overfrom carried holidays paid theyear inmustprevious theused followingbe year. However, reappointed. 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 47 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 49 2021/02/10 16:31:55 April arrivals: Sunday, 11 April 2021 (tentative) 11 April arrivals: Sunday, on arrivals B Group or (tentative) 2021 September 8 Wednesday, on arrivals A Group arrivals: Summer 12 September 2021 (tentative) Sunday, 12 September 2021 (tentative) Sunday, ALTs/CIRs SEAs The The amount of annual remuneration for the first periodof participation for JET Programme participants is Arrivals for Intermittent change amounts of when remuneration timing the cases, some in that be aware Please and Programme the on spent time total the on depends claimed be can that pension refund amount of The Tax liability in your home country may differ depending on your period of participation. It is important for The period of participation for ALTs and CIRs from China, Korea, Brazil, and Peru will start on the day after and Peru will start and CIRs from China, Korea, Brazil, ALTs for The period of participation of their arrival year). April arrivals April 2022 (finishing at the same time as other they arrive in Japan until 11 be and CIRs from other countries who arrive before summer arrivals will ALTs The period of participation for they arrive in Japan. for a one-year period starting on the day after and CIRs will start on the day after they arrive in Japan until 31 The period ALTs of participation for all other Group B arrivals of their arrival year). July 2022 (finishing at the same time as other 2022 August 21 until Japan in arrive they after day on the start will for SEAs of participation period The participants of their arrival year). (finishing at the same time as other SEA

Intermittent Arrivals refer to JET Programme participants who arrive in Japan on a date other than one of the on a date other than who arrive in Japan participants Programme to JET Arrivals refer Intermittent following The year. one than shorter typically is Arrivals Intermittent for participation of period first The Arrivals arrival dates. Intermittent typically arrive on the following designated Programme participants JET 1  2 Arrivals is as follows: The period of participation for Intermittent 1. 2. 3. 4. Annual Remuneration approximately 3.36 million yen; however, in the case that a participant’s first period of participation is shorter remuneration will be less than that stated above. than one year, Programme participants. may differ from that of typical JET Payment Withdrawal Pension: Lump-sum Programme participants. might therefore differ from that of other JET Home Country Taxes come to Japan. you to confirm your tax liability with the tax office in your home country before you 2.2. Information for Intermittent Arrivals Intermittent for 2.2. Information below. arrival dates detailed designated participants. Programme JET and other Arrivals Intermittent between differences main the is regarding information 1) Arrival Dates designated schedule than below. arrive in Japan on a different 2) Period of Participation etc. Taxes, 3) Remuneration and 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 49 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 51 2021/02/10 16:31:55 (s) in the afternoon following the orientation. (s) in the afternoon following

An overview of essential information related to the JET Programme. to the JET An overview of essential information related perform their Programme participants and necessary knowledge to help JET of important An explanation work duties. Intermittent Arrival participants may not have the opportunity to attend a Pre-Departure Orientation. Please Orientation. a Pre-Departure opportunity to attend may not have the Arrival participants Intermittent aware that JET will stay at a designated hotel. Please be participants Programme JET After arriving in Japan, In principle, staff will be ready to pick up and guide JET Programme participants at their arriving airport(s), Orientation Post-Arrival the attend will participants Arrival Intermittent Japan, in arriving after morning The Post-Arrival Orientation for Intermittent Arrivals is hosted by CLAIR and takes place the day after arrival in arrival the day after Arrivals is hosted by CLAIR and takes place for Intermittent Post-Arrival Orientation on the work while and life to introduction basic a provide is to Orientation Post-Arrival purpose of the The 1. 2. such as participants will be required to study certain materials before departure for Japan, Programme JET : JET Programme participants working at private schools will be covered by Private School Mutual Aid. Programme participants working at private schools will be covered by Private School Mutual Note: JET CLAIR takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein, nor will CLAIR accept of the information contained herein, nor will CLAIR accept CLAIR takes no responsibility for the accuracy participants are covered under four types of insurance: Programme All JET Benefits) Aid (Short-Term Mutual 1) Employees’Health Insurance/Private School Benefits) Aid (Long-Term Pension Insurance/Private School Mutual 2) Employees’ Accident Insurance 3) JET 4) Employment Insurance All Programme participants must enrol in socialinsurance as required by the Japanese government. All JET Pre-Departure Orientation Pre-Departure about pre- country for information of Japan in your home or Consulate General with the Embassy communicate departure. Post-Arrival Schedule accommodation to make private rooms or hotels, nor permitted are not able to change Programme participants arrangements. instructions on arrival. so please follow their organisation will depart for their contracting at CLAIR offices and Post-Arrival Orientation for Intermittent Arrivals for Intermittent Post-Arrival Orientation on the Even if you have previously participated is mandatory. at the Post-Arrival Orientation Attendance Japan. please attend the entire orientation. Programme, JET Arrivals includes the following: The Post-Arrival Orientation for Intermittent Programme. JET Orientations, in order to better equip themselves for life and work in handouts and videos from past Post-Arrival Japan. 2.3. Insurance responsibility for any financial loss incurred or any legal action taken against anyone (whether article. Please this from in or omitted contained information of result Programme) as a orJET the with associated not they are for the most up-to date details. contact your nearest Social Insurance Office by law to be insured are required regardless of nationality, organisations, working for public employees part-time under both the Employees’ Health Insurance (Zenkoku Hoken Kyōkai Kanshō Kenkō Hoken) and Employees’ Pension Insurance (Kōsei Nenkin Hoken) policies (Private School Mutual Aid for JET Programme participants working at private schools). Costs may vary depending on the prefecture or system; the however, JET Programme Please half. remaining pays the organisation contracting and the premiums combined of the pays half participant note that none of the insurance policies stated personal belongings, even in the event of a natural above covers disaster. 4) Orientations and Post-Arrival Schedule and Post-Arrival 4) Orientations 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 51 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 53 2021/02/10 16:31:56 for short), or insurance coverage in accordance with the ordinances of the ordinances with the in accordance coverage for short), or insurance Benefits for High-Cost Medical Care same the within facilities care medical insurance to the paid cost-sharing partial share of the insured’s the When Reimbursement of Medical Care Costs received has insured the if or used, be cannot insurance medical where occur circumstances unforeseen If Nursing Care Expenses Visit Home nursing care station as When an insured person receives home-visit nursing care services from the home-visit Meal Service Benefits During Hospitalisation insured the minus expenses these person is provided insured an when hospitalised, expenses meal In regards to You will receive your health insurance card from your contracting organisation shortly after you arrive. It is is It arrive. you after shortly organisation contracting your from card insurance health your receive will You Health Japan of the resources other and websites the from collated been has information following The remaining 30%. are responsible for the You are covered for illness and injuries. 70% of medical expenses Medical Care Benefits the insured person is entitled to medical or sickness due to non-occupational causes, In the event of injury a) Medical examination b) Payment of medicines or medical care supplies and other forms of medical attention c) Medical treatment, surgery, costs, assistant care, and other nursing-related costs d) In-home medical care, including supervisory nursing-related costs Admission to a hospital or clinic, assistant care, and other e) a) Preventative vaccinations b) Unnecessary health check-ups c) Cosmetic surgery treatment, teeth whitening d) Unnecessary dental implants, orthodontic complications) pregnancies e) Exams and check-ups for normal (without f) Highly advanced medical treatment System Insurance Compensation Accident the Industrial under covered are injury and sickness Occupational contracting organisation. contracting organisation. ② month exceeds ¥80,100 + (total medical expenses - ¥267,000) x 1%, the amount in excess is reimbursed. (See Note 1 on page 57) ③ has to pay the full and therefore facility care medical other than a recognised institution care at a medical medical the amount of reimbursement is calculated in accordance medical costs, the costs will be reimbursed. However, to exactly not correspond so may fees and care medical insurance for social of points table a predetermined with what the insured person originally paid. ④ share of partial cost sharing, are reimbursed. ordered by a physician, the expenses, minus the insured person’s ⑤ person’s share of partial cost sharing, which is ¥460 per meal for general inpatients, and exempted from municipal tax. ¥210 for families 2.3.1. Employees’ Health Insurance/Private School Mutual Aid (Short-Term Benefits) Aid (Short-Term School Mutual Insurance/Private Health 2.3.1. Employees’ prior to insurance this type of health if they accept your doctor or clinic Ask you. to carry this card with important your visit. Aid. Mutual Association and the Private School Insurance the Insured 1) Benefits for ① medical care facility or institutions. of the health insurance card at any insurance services with presentation Health Insurance include: covered by Employees’ Examples of treatment Health Insurance include: Examples of treatment not covered by Employees’ (Rōdōsha Saigai Hoshō Hoken or Rōsai, 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 53 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 55 2021/02/10 16:31:56 ) to your supervisor and complete the necessary procedures at the local social social local the at procedures necessary the complete and supervisor your to ) If high-cost medical care benefits are received within the same household four times within a 12-month period, the limit for costsharing for the fourth benefit payment and onward is ¥44,400. The insured may receive sickness and injury allowance for a maximum period of up to one year and six for a maximum allowance The insured may receive sickness and injury months. Note 1: Note: Dependents are granted the same medical care benefits as insured persons. Burial Expenses If the insured person passes away, ¥50,000 is provided to the insured’s family for burial expenses. In the case In the case a dependent passes away, the insured person will be provided with ¥50,000 as family burial Burial expenses refer to expenses related to the hearse, casket transportation, flower/offering, cremation, and ascendants, lineal means members) family (dependent dependents Act, Insurance Health Employees’ Under the Health Insurance. Dependents must under your Employees’ Please make sure your dependents are registered Medical Care Benefits for Dependents Childbirth and Nursing Expenses for Spouses Dependents are granted the same benefits as insured persons. Burial Expenses for Dependents ¥50,000 is paid to the insured. If the dependent passes away, Lump-Sum Allowance for Childbirth and Nursing Allowance for Childbirth Lump-Sum When the insured gives birth, a fixed amount of ¥420,000per child is paid (in some cases the fixed amount is Allowance Maternity birth, she prior to and after giving from her employer to receive remuneration woman is unable When an insured Allowance Sickness and Injury the consecutive days due to sickness or injury, is unable to work for more than three When an insured person allowance or when the insured is entitled to a maternity this allowance is stopped or partially reduced Similarly, Pension Insurance System. the Employee’s disability pension under ⑨ up to ¥50,000 will be provided. than a family member, burial costs are covered by someone other that the insured’s expenses. honorarium for the pastor/monk/personnel. Dependents 2) Benefits for brothers and sisters younger and grandchildren children, 2)), Note (see marriage common-law (including spouse living degree third the to person insured the of relatives any and insured the by supported primarily insured the of under the JET can only be covered The dependents supported by the insured. in the same household and primarily health insurance if they have a yearly income of less than ¥1,300,000. Programme participant’s so by your employer, done be must This card. insurance health person’s insured on the recorded name their have give your health insurance card and a Health Insurance Notification of Alteration to Dependents Form Hoken (Kenkō Hi-fuyōsha Idō Todoke insurance office. ① ② ③ ⑥ ¥404,000). ⑦ can claim the amount to equivalent 2/3 of her daily standard remuneration for the days on which she takes leave. If the the injury and sickness allowance, or receives in whole or part, from her employer remuneration she receives maternity allowance is The adjusted duration accordingly. of benefits is 42 days before delivery and 56 days after wages during this period. provided she neither works nor receives delivery, ⑧ amount equivalent to 2/3 of daily standard remuneration is paid as an allowance for sickness or injury during the While the are not performed. on the fourth day that duties is unable to work, commencing period in which he/she is not paid. this allowance or partial wages from the employer, insured is receiving full 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 55 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 57 2021/02/10 16:31:56 Aid. ) in your prefecture. Under the social insurance system, persons in a common-law marriage (or unregistered marriage) marriage) unregistered (or marriage common-law a in persons system, insurance social the Under same and are given the a registered marriage to that of be in a similar relationship are taken to consideration. As mentioned below under point 3), treatment for illnesses or injuries which existed prior Accident Insurance Policy. to covered by the JET Japan (such as asthma, diabetes, etc.) are not arrival in On April 30 of the following year for participants who arrive April, in or August 31 of the following year for participants who arrive in summer. When the JET Programme participant returns to his or her home in their home country, after completing after completing Programme participant returns to his or her home in their home country, When the JET Programme term of appointment. his/her JET 1. 1. 2.  Note: : Equivalent system is offered through the Private School Mutual offered through the Private School Mutual Note: Equivalent system is : Note 2: The JET Accident Insurance Policy is a policy that CLAIR contracts with insurance companies on behalf of of on behalf companies insurance with contracts CLAIR that policy a is Policy Insurance Accident JET The on which date Japan, or the in your arrival day before one either from is valid policy the For new participants, April arrivals, or 1 from 1 May for will begin either Programme participants, coverage For reappointed JET JET the from Form Agreement of Confirmation Insured’s Insurance Accident JET the download Please For detailed Accident to information, Insurance the refer Policy Programme JET Guide on the Programme JET (http://jetprogramme.org/en/jpai-outline/). Accident Insurance Policy Guide Programme 2021 JET the for in Japan you arrive after injury of illness and treatment covers Insurance Policy Accident The JET For more information, please contact the nearest Social Insurance Office (Zenkoku Kenkō Hoken Kyōkai) in provide System will Insurance Pension The requirement. legal is a this policy in enrolment previously, As stated all JET Programme participants. Consequently, there is no need for JET Programme participants to be enrolled enrolled be to participants Programme for JET no need is there Consequently, participants. Programme JET all Furthermore, no changes or Insurance premiums are paid entirely by the contracting organisation. individually. Programme JET for all identical are policy of the contents (The coverage. insurance to the be made can additions participants). 1) Period of Coverage Coverage will terminate on the earliest of the following: you leave your home to come to Japan, whichever is later. the arrive participants Programme JET new day the until continue will and arrivals, for July/August September following year. Agreement Confirmation of Accident Insurance Insured’s 2) JET General of sign it, and submit the form to the Embassy or Consulate Programme website prior to your departure, Japan according to their deadline. website. Insurance, with the requirement that the medical treatment Health portion of costs not covered by Employees’ Programme Health Insurance. Claims can also be made in the event that the JET is covered by the Employees’ JET a case where the in covered be will Treatment disability. residual sustains or passes away participant third a visiting or country home their to returning temporarily while injured or ill becomes participant Programme country. 2.3.3. JET Programme Accident Insurance Policy (Overseas Travel Insurance) Travel Policy (Overseas Accident Insurance Programme 2.3.3. JET your prefecture or the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan (Nihon Private Schools of Japan Aid Corporation for Shiritsu Gakkō and Mutual or the Promotion your prefecture Shinkō Kyōsai Jigyōdan Benefits) Aid (Long-Term School Mutual Pension Insurance/Private 2.3.2. Employee’s making you are period the or pass away during injured seriously you are that event the in for you or your family Lump-Sum a for apply to entitled are you Programme, JET the after Japan you leave If policy. the into payments money you paid into the pension insurance. Payment, or a partial refund of the Withdrawal 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 57 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 59 2021/02/10 16:31:56 . The Insured’s Confirmation of Agreement Form is necessary for each JET Programme participant to to participant Programme JET each for necessary is Form Agreement of Confirmation Insured’s The designate a beneficiary/beneficiaries. Please be aware that only ingeneral parents, spouses, children, do not qualify). girlfriends/boyfriends designated (i.e. friends, or siblings may be grandparents (Excluding treatment in one’s home country where the physician deems it impossible to receive such it impossible to receive such home country where the physician deems in one’s (Excluding treatment treatment in Japan) Medical treatment not recognised by Employees’ Health Insurance recognised by Employees’ Medical treatment not belongings and household effects Loss or damage to personal illnesses or injuries of family members’ Treatment (including asthma and diabetes) injuries which existed prior to arrival in Japan for illnesses or Treatment for an illness or injury sustained in Japan received overseas Treatment premature birth, or miscarriage childbirth, injuries sustained as a result of pregnancy, for illnesses or Treatment gum disease, etc.) Dental treatment (cavities, medicine(s) Over-the-counter commencement of the treatment of an illness received more than 180 days after the Treatment injury caused by an accident received more than 180 days after an Treatment Liability involving the use of automobiles Treatment for injuries sustained in an accident when driving under the influenceof alcohol licence valid driver’s or withouta : Based on the 2020 fiscal year. Subject to change in the 2021 fiscal year. Subject to change in the 2021 fiscal year. Note: Based on the 2020 fiscal year. ・・・・・・: Note: Foreign nationals, including JET Programme participants, working in Japan must enter the employment employment the enter Japan must working in participants, Programme JET including nationals, Foreign in Programme participants arriving of employment. For JET The enrolment period is the same as the period The amount that the JET Programme participant is responsible for paying is 3/1,000 of their gross annual ・ For specific information regarding necessary documents and procedures for making claims, the Programme JET (http://jetprogramme.org/en/jpai-outline/) (http://jetprogramme.org/en/jpai-outline/) Form Accident Insurance JET 2.3.4. Employment Insurance policy and It is possible for persons who have joined this insurance insurance scheme, regardless of nationality. unemployment benefits if their period of stay is still valid. who fulfil the necessary requirements to receive Period 1) Enrolment payment will begin in summer. April and for those arriving in summer, April, payment will commence in 2) Premium remuneration. In addition to this, the is contracting organisation responsible for paying an amount equal to 6/1,000 depends on their gross annual contribution annual participant’s Programme The JET income. of your gross annual income, but is estimated to be between ¥12,000 and ¥15,000 per year 3) Costs that are not covered by the JET Accident Insurance Policy Accident Insurance by the JET covered not 3) Costs that are 4) Making Claims participant or their supervisor is advised to contact the Insurance Service Centre concerned within the 30 accident or days the of start of the illness and follow their instructions. In order be can centres of service list to A fileprocedures. claim concerning English in ask questions to also able are claims,You pleasereceipts. keep all related website. Programme found in the policy guide and on the JET 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 59 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 61 2021/02/10 16:31:56 gensen . kyūyō shiharai hōkokusho Aid. or Statement of Earnings. JET Programme participants who have to to have who participants Programme JET Earnings. of Statement or or a kyūryō shotoku no gensen exempts and nationality of Residence chōshūhyō. If your Status The employment relationship formed between the JET Programme participant and the contracting contracting the and participant Programme JET the between formed relationship employment The does not come under category 3 above. organisation In principle, have made employment insurance payments for more than six months in the year prior to to prior year the in months six than more for payments insurance employment made have principle, In becoming unemployed. Have submitted proof of unemployment along with Application for Employment and registered as office. a Work job seeker at the nearest Hello Foreign Government Employees (“Foreign” refers to any country other than Japan) Foreign Government Employees (“Foreign” Participants who can prove that they are eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits incountry. a foreign Persons who work in a Japanese office after entering into an employment contract establishedcountry. in a foreign : Equivalent system is offered through the Private School Mutual offered through the Private School Mutual Note: Equivalent system is : Note: gensen gensen your keep to sure Be chōshūhyō Your tax status in Japan depends largely on your nationality, the length of your period of stay, and your job type and your job type of your period of stay, the length on your nationality, status in Japan depends largely tax Your from Earnings) of (Statement payments such of breakdown a obtain to important is it Japan, in tax paying If CLAIR does not specialise in tax matters. The information here is meant to be used as a rough outline. CLAIR In general, the premium payment will be deducted directly from the JET Programme participant's monthly monthly participant's Programme JET the from directly deducted be will payment premium the general, In If after completion of the JET Programme, the JET Programme participant continues to live in Japan, fulfils are unable to find employment. Are willing and able to work, but 1. 2. 3. The following JET Programme participants are not required to enrol in Employment Insurance. JET Programme Insurance. JET Programme participants are not required to enrol in Employment The following JET 1.  2. 3. file tax returns in their home country need this, as do all reappointedJET Programme participants whoStatus your or tax when your needed also is Earnings of Statement applyA for Residence. of Status their on extension an a gensen provide The of Residence changes. Many contracting organisations chōshūhyō in January. 1) Personal Income Tax 1) Personal Income CIRs and SEAs are as well as all year and above (fourth year for those from China) third in their ALTs in Japan. there countries, home ALTs’ and Japan between treaties exemption tax on Depending Japan. in taxes for liable are cases where first-and may second-year ALTs be exempt from of taxes. ALTs the following nationalities may be exempt from Japanese taxes: up to three years for China; Australia, up in Japan: U.S., U.K., tax exemption for not eligible from the following countries are to two ALTs years France, etc. for Ireland, Korea, the Philippines, Africa, etc. New Zealand, Barbados, South Tobago, and Trinidad Canada, Jamaica, Singapore, a gensen of either can take the form This statement chōshū organisation. your contracting ni kakaru shotokuzei no nōzei shōmei negai you from paying Japanese taxes, the statement may also take the form of a accepts accepts no responsibility for any financialloss incurred or any legal actiontaken against anyone information contained as in this or article. omitted Please from confirm by the your information contracting provided a result of organisation, regional tax office, and/or home country tax authority regarding taxes, and adhere to relevant laws and regulations. in Japan Tax 2.4.1. 2.4. Taxes 3) Method of Payment 3) Method remuneration. Benefits of Unemployment 4) Payment Public of the Head by the benefits for unemployment eligible deemed is and below requirements of the all Employment Security Office, he or she may be able to receive unemployment payments. Please contact the Public benefits. Office for details about the receipt of unemployment Employment Security 5) Exemption from Paying Employment Insurance 5) Exemption from immediately. should consult with their contracting organisation participants who believe that they may be exempt 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 61 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 63 2021/02/10 16:31:56 . From their third year, all year, third their From . two years only years two gensen contracting chōshūhyō with your details your previous year’s income (January-December), tax you pay, and how much you contribute how much you contribute and you pay, tax (January-December), income year’s your previous details JET Programme participants (except those from China) are required to pay tax in Japan. those from China) are required to pay tax Programme participants (except JET Those who are exempt from income tax in Japan are exempt for exempt are Japan in tax income from exempt who are Those While the period of participation for the JET Programme is in principle 1 year, participants arriving in arriving in participants 1 year, in principle Programme is for the JET While the period of participation Games and and Paralympic Olympic Tokyo of the 2020 measures are due to the impact The aforementioned For U.S. JET Programme participants, on 30 August 2019 the “Protocol Amending the Tax Convention Note: Those eligible and wishing to apply for tax exemption in Japan should make sure they fill out forms for tax https://www.nta.go.jp/taxes/tetsuzuki/shinsei/annai/joyaku/annai/pdf2/257.pdf Tax liability in your home country for your Japanese income depends on certain factors including the nationality the including factors on certain depends income for your Japanese country in your home liability Tax Inhabitant taxes are calculated based on your income in Japan from the previous year (1 January to 31 even However, when you are liable for taxes in your first inhabitant year, taxes are generally not required in the taxes. from inhabitant for an exemption you may also be eligible for income tax exemption, If you are eligible For first year JET Programme participants who have taxes in Japan imposed on them, your remuneration of September 2021 will have a first period of participation of approximately 10 months. Furthermore,August 2021 will be reappointed ends in July or whose term of appointment Programme participants incases JET some 2021. for a term beginning the day after the end of their current appointment until September will only be enacted in 2020 and 2021. with the ” was signed into effect, making U.S. JET Programme participants subject totax income withheld at the source starting from 1 November 2019. As such, individuals temporarily teaching to income tax withheld at the source. in either Japan or the U.S. will be subject educational institution at an to Social Insurance and Pension. Please confirm details regarding your organisation. Exemption Form Tax The Agency website: Tax These can be downloaded from the National exemption. 2.5. Reappointment 2.4.2. Home Country Tax Liabilities Tax 2.4.2. Home Country home country and content of a tax treaty between the participant’s of the participant as well as the existence to seek Programme participant responsibility of each individual JET and Japan. Please be aware that it is the home country as well as tax obligations in his or her regarding via his or her home country tax agency information not CLAIR are and Advisor (PA), Prefectural organisation, contracting supervisor, Your procedures. necessary the in a position to provide guidance on your home country tax liability. 2) Local Inhabitant Tax 2) Local Inhabitant be deducted can Tax year. current of the in as of 1 January you live municipality by the levied and are December) receive a bill around June for the entire year. monthly from your remuneration, or you will due taxes inhabitant have 2021, you will September in you arrive if Therefore, you arrive. which in year calendar in 2022. your please enquire at For more information them separately. for that you will need to apply note Please help desk. municipality’s of income and inhabitant taxes. approximately ¥3,360,000 is before the deduction chōshūhyō 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 63 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 65 2021/02/10 16:31:56 , you will be required to submit either a , you will be required to submit either a ③ ~ ① Job-type changes are only granted when deemed necessary, under the jurisdiction and at the discretion under the jurisdiction and at the discretion Job-type changes are only granted when deemed necessary, Reappointment procedure paperwork will be distributed to participants by their contracting organisation. be distributed to participants by their contracting organisation. Reappointment procedure paperwork will or questions supervisor if you have organisation and speak with your contracting papers carefully these Read concerns about reappointment. can You so. indicating form you a give will you, they to reappoint wishes organisation If your contracting section of the form. by signing the appropriate reappointment or decline your desire to accept then indicate your records. will keep the original, and you can keep a copy for organisation contracting Your does not wishreappoint you they will to give you a form indicating so. Please If your contracting organisation will keep a copy. contracting organisation Your records. sign this form and keep the original for your Job-type Changes are only permitted ALT) to CIR or CIR to Job-type changes (ALT City. of your Host Prefecture/Designated position are not Job-type changes either to or from the SEA City. within the same Host Prefecture/Designated possible. Reappointment procedures will take place as follows: Reappointment procedures will take place as 1. 2. 3. your decision consider carefully Please reappointment. or decline to accept your intent not withdraw may You Furthermore, due to yearly revisions to the reappointment procedures, actual procedures may differto those only and rare are organisation contracting different a to transfers and changes job-type for Opportunities organisation. by the contracting in cases where it is required changes are only considered Requests for job-type supervisor as soon as possible if you would like to request a organisation Please consult with your contracting any of the following in Please note that if you undergo In principle, the period of participation on the JET Programme is for one year. However, if a participant’s work if a participant’s However, for one year. Programme is on the JET the period of participation In principle, April four months for years and years (three three of up to a total participation possible to renew It is generally a of of participation this section refers to the renewal of the period used in Please note the term “reappointment” is organisations government local in placed participants Programme for JET of appointment term The to Refer autumn. from organisation your contracting from paperwork procedure reappointment receive will You ① 2.5.1. Reappointment Procedures before making it. reappointment current most the of instructions the follow Please Handbook. Information General this in presented procedures. 1) Exceptional Cases possible in exceptional cases. supervisor for the possibility of organisation in, please ask your contracting If this is something you are interested a job-type change. transfer. performance is of the required standard as deemed by his/her contracting organisation, it is possible to renew the renew to possible is it organisation, contracting by his/her as deemed standard required the of is performance period of participation for an additional The year. first reappointment period for April arrivals is for fourmonths Brazil, and Peru). those from China, Korea, (excluding performance, work the participant’s if However, and Peru.) Korea, Brazil, from China, excluding those arrivals, high standard by his/her contracting and ability are deemed to be of an exceptionally level of experience, organisation, it is possible to renew participation up to a total of five years (five years and four from China, Korea, Brazil, and Peru.) arrivals, excluding those months for April year. participant for an additional divided into two parts per law; the first period of the term of appointment andappointment, thedefined second respectively period as of the the periods term before of and after 1 April. Therefore, participants may be asked by their contracting organisation to fill out additional appointment procedures separate from the JET Programme period of reappointment participant’s Programme even in such cases, a JET procedures. However, reappointment second period of the term of appointment. period of the term of appointment and the is the total of the first deadlines. Below is a general explanation. the paperwork for detailed information and notification or an application as outlined in section “2.6. Status of Residence” to the regional Immigration Bureau. notification or an application as outlined in section “2.6. Status of Residence” to the regional 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 65 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 67 2021/02/10 16:31:56 . When considering reappointment, beware of deceptive rationalisations like, “I’ll save money next year” “I’ll like, rationalisations beware of deceptive reappointment, When considering or “I’ll learn Japanese next year”. Reappointment does necessarily not bring about a drastic change in third year your life, and it can be difficult to change your habits dramatically in your second or Transfer requests are only successful if the new contracting organisation agrees to accept you. Therefore, you. accept to agrees organisation new contracting the if successful only are requests Transfer meeting the criteria to apply for request may still be unsuccessful despite it is possible that a transfer appointment with of term complete your consider whether to you should In such situations, a transfer. or to request Programme, JET and finish your tenure on the organisation your current contracting contracting current your and you both If organisation. contracting current your by reappointed be to one-year period. Please discuss an additional for you may be reappointed are in agreement, organisation a for request a making when advance in supervisor organisation contracting your with matters these transfer. Transfers are only granted when deemed necessary, under the jurisdiction and at the discretion of your Host discretion the at and jurisdiction the under necessary, deemed when granted only are Transfers Transfers to a different Host Prefecture/Designated City are only granted if you meet specific criteria. For What are your long-term goals? have they changed? Programme? How started the JET What expectations did you have when you to wish or do you would What reappointment? after year next the in accomplish to wish you do What reappoint? accomplish if you didn’t How satisfied are you with your current lifestyle, position, and work? Do you feel that you are making a contribution that has a positive effect on others? do you want to acquire next? What skills or certifications Programme? What skills have you built on the JET What would you gain or lose by accepting reappointment? By completing your term? How does feel? (e.g. excited, discouraged, the idea of reappointment make you purposeful, lost etc.) How make you feel? does the idea of returning home or moving on from JET Transfers Within the Current Host Prefecture Within Transfers Prefecture. City Host Prefecture/Designated to a Different Transfers please consult with your supervisor. more specific information, Note: Note: Your placement within the contracting organisation (e.g. school, education centre, social education division, division, education social centre, education school, (e.g. organisation contracting the within placement Your your decision making Avoid many changes and mood swings. While in a foreign country a person undergoes without a strong reason. Being in Japan gives you many making a decision to accept reappointment Avoid ・ a career change?) Are you considering further education or (Where do you see yourself in 3/5/10 years? ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ② ③ 2) General Advice Regarding Reappointment 2) General international affairs division)is decided by yourcontracting organisation. During yourterm ofappointment on the JET Programme, your contracting organisation may reassign you to a different school or may be informed of these divisiontypes You of reassignments jurisdiction. either when offered under reappointment or at the end its ask about these Please organisation. your contracting procedures at depending on the of your term of appointment, may know if the possibility of such a reassignment exists so that you procedures when discussing reappointment, within your contracting organisation. Think things through carefully and feel and your family. overnight. Please talk with friends, your supervisor, withdrawing from Be aware that your contracting organisation. confident in your decision before informing if replacement a Finding organisation. contracting your on burden huge a place will mid-term Programme the you terminate your appointment will be difficult and will have a great effect youron workplace, and community. contracting organisation, in Japan, stay for a reason and do not waste the opportunity. opportunities, so if you are thinking about staying decision when making your Possible things to consider 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 67 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 69 2021/02/10 16:31:56 ). ). (Application ). (Application ) as their Status of Residence. gijutsu/jinbun chishiki/kokusai gyōmu gijutsu/jinbun chishiki/kokusai Zairyū Kikan Kōshin Kyoka Shinseisho nihonjin no haigūsha tō If you do not renew your period of stay, you may have to return to your to return to have you may your period of stay, If you do not renew ) ginō) Passport Photograph Residence Card Application for Extension of the Period of Stay ( forms can be found on the Immigration Bureau of Japan website and at your regional Immigration Bureau Immigration your regional and at of Japan website Bureau Immigration be found on the forms can of Japan) Certificate proving employment at a local public organisation Applications to extend the Period of Stay can be made from three months prior to the current expiry date. expiry current the to prior months three from made be can of Stay Period the extend to Applications . . . . SEA - Skilled Labour ( SEA Necessary documents are as follows: a ALT - Instructor (kyōiku ALT in Humanities/International Services ( CIR - Engineer/Specialist d Items a - d above. e b ・ are Programme participants who are married to, or who are the children of Japanese nationals, Furthermore, JET landing permit on their to stay in Japan after the Period of Stay detailed wants participant Programme If a JET to ALT when changing job types from their Status of Residence Also, it is necessary for them to apply to change will have to visit your You These at your regional Immigration Bureau of Japan. applications can be made Appendix 7) Immigration Bureau of Japan. (see For more details, please consult your regional Extending the Period of Stay: ALTs For In order to enter Japan, it is necessary for JET Programme participants to receive a visa from the Embassy or a visa from the Embassy to receive participants Programme for JET is necessary it Japan, enter In order to Status of Residence (Zairyū for residing in Japan. It determines what ) is your qualification Shikaku Your you are permitted to stay in the country. ) is the duration in which Period of Stay (Zairyū Kikan Your ・ ・ c. CIRs For

able to select Spouse or Child of Japanese National ( able to select Spouse or Child of Japanese National Changing the Status of Residence 2) Extending the Period of Stay or extension. for an apply must they expires, home country immediately. and also extend your Period of Furthermore, if you wish to change your Status of Residence ALT. CIR, or CIR to Status of Residence will also extend your Period of Stay. Stay at the same time, applying to change your forms and to receive your extension/ the application Bureau of Japan at least twice to submit regional Immigration change in status. It is at the discretion of your contracting organisation as to whether you will be granted time off costs to and from their are responsible for transportation Programme participants work for these procedures. JET as for any application fees. regional Immigration Bureau of Japan as well ① 2.6. Status of Residence 2.6. Status of Stay Residence and Period 1) Status of of Status the both Japan, Upon entering arrive. they before application their handling Japan of General Consulate in If you want to stay permit. of your landing in your passport as part recorded and Period of Stay are Residence (applications advance in for an extension apply you must allows, of Stay Period your than longer one day even Japan three months before). can be made up to approximately permitted in the country. activities/work you are Programme Participants JET Status of Residence for

20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 69 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 71 2021/02/10 16:31:56 ). Zairyū Zairyū Shikaku Henkō Kyoka ). (Application Shinseisho Zairyū Shikaku Henkō Kyoka Shinseisho Zairyū Shikaku Henkō . . ① ① These are the main required documents. However, please enquire with your regional Immigration Bureau please enquire with your regional Immigration documents. However, These are the main required additional documents. regarding whether or not you will require of Japan when applying Application for Change of Status of Residence ( Residence of Status of for Change Application Bureau Immigration your regional at and of Japan website Bureau Immigration found on the be forms can of Japan) of Status of Residence ( Application for Change Applications to change one’s Status of Residence must be made prior to changing job types. Necessary types. Necessary prior to changing job must be made Status of Residence to change one’s Applications Passport any documents status (including Visitor Temporary a written explanation of your reason(s) for requesting A to visit) related to your itinerary or places you plan Application for Change of Status of Residence (Zairyū Application for Change of Status of Residence Shikaku Henkō Kyoka Shinseisho) (Application of Bureau Immigration regional your at and website Japan of Bureau Immigration the on found be can forms Japan) Residence Card the and appointment your of day last the shows that organisation contracting your from Documentation scheduled date of departure from Japan Other: A Other: A copy of the airline ticket for departure from Japan or a copy of confirmedmay also departing be from reservationYou asked Japan. to produce ondocuments that prove you ahave sufficient funds flight for travel and living in Japan until the day of your departure. . . Items b – e above in f f are as follows: documents above in Items b – d Note: . . Transferring to Another Contracting Organisation Another to Transferring . . . . Staying Temporarily for Sightseeing, etc. Sightseeing, for Temporarily Staying If you plan to stay in Japan at the end of your term of appointment to make final preparations to return to your Visitor Temporary Status of Residence to Necessary Documentation to Change your a b c d e f For CIRs For your contracting you leave if of Stay, or Period of Residence your Status change to need you do not if Even

Changing the Status of Residence: Changing ALTs For Starting a New Job If you stay in Japan and start a new job, you must confirm with your new employer and the regional Immigration Finding Employment in Japan Programme participants currently residing in Japan that have finished their term of appointment with JET ① (tanki taizai) Visitor Temporary home country or travel, you must apply to change your Status of Residence to before your Period of Stay expires. The Visitor Temporary Status of Residence is valid for either 15, days. 30, or 90 ③ Bureau of Japan. or move to another one, you must submit a notice to your regional Immigration organisation, Furthermore, it is advised that the JET Programme participant apply for a Certificate of Authorised Employment (Shūrō Shikaku their Status of Residence Bureau of Japan, which proves ) at your regional Immigration Shōmeisho is valid at the new contracting organisation. Programme Appointment on the JET of Term Your 3) Staying in Japan at the End of ② ③ Residence. Bureau of Japan whether or not you need to make any changes to your current Status of ② their contracting organisation and wish to continue to reside in Japan in order to find employment,Certificatehave they prove to of Employment (Zaishoku organisation, contracting their from obtained Shōmeisho), can submit a finished their term of appointment on the JET Programme to the regional Immigration Bureau of Japan in order to for up to 180 days. Visitor Temporary request a Status of Residence as 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 71 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme ) if 73 2021/02/10 16:31:56 30 : ). You are required by law to carry your Residence Card with you at all times. Failure Failure times. all you at with Card your Residence carry to law by required are You ). 17 ~ 30 : 0570-066-630 (Navi Dial) phones or PHS) 03-6436-3605 (in case of calling from IP 8 Tagalog, Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Nepali (eleven languages) Mid and long term residents of Japan must submit a Notification of Address to their municipal municipal their to Address of Notification a submit must Japan of residents term long and Mid Card and Moving-in when you submit your Residence within 14 days of moving. However, government Notification, your Moving-in Notification is regarded as your Notificationof Address and therefore it is Address. not necessary to submit a separate Notification of ) to your new municipal government. You must ) also to submit your a new Moving-out You municipal Notificationgovernment. (tenshutsu-todoke 1) Telephone 2) Operation hours languages Available 3)  : Note: Also, if you live with your spouse, etc. you must submit legal documents (originals) to your local municipal documents (originals) to your local municipal your spouse, etc. you must submit legal Also, if you live with (Japanese) http://www.soumu.go.jp/main_sosiki/jichi_gyousei/c-gyousei/zairyu/index.html your in stamp a receive you will or card) (zairyū Card Residence a issued be you will Japan, in Upon arriving Any changes to your name, nationality, or other information recorded on your Residence Card, as well as any or other information Any changes to your name, nationality, Starting on 9 July, 2012, the Alien Registration System was abolished, and a new residency 2012, management system the Starting on 9 July, office government ) to your municipal (tennyū-todoke Notification to submit a Moving-in are required You If you move to a different municipal government during yourtime in Japan, you must first submit a Moving-out you move to another country. you move to another country. government officeproving your relationship with your dependents. Please prepare these required documents in advance of your arrival in Japan. Website: Affairs and Communication Ministry of Internal Consultation Desk) Affairs and Communications Call Center (Multilingual Ministry of Internal 2) Residence Card (Zairyū Card) your Residence case, is the latter If the date. later a at Card Residence a receive you will that passport indicating municipal Notification at your you have completed your Moving-in you by post after will be sent to Card Note (see government to carry it with you can result in a fine. Information including your photograph, name, date of birth, gender, gender, birth, of date name, photograph, your including Information fine. a in result can you with it carry to nationality, address, zairyū card number, status of residence, period of stay, expiration date of Residence Card, in the card. is also be encoded onto an IC chip embedded This information Card. etc. is recorded on the Residence on it and Period of Stay recorded Status of Residence the verify that card, please your Residence Once you receive and nationality are correct. are the same as on your visa, and that your name, date of birth, gender, Japan of Bureau Immigration regional your to notified be also must organisation, contracting your of change any changes to your address need to be reported to your municipal government. within 14 days. However, 2.6.1. Residence Record and Residence Card Record and 2.6.1. Residence Record (Jūminhyō) a Residence 1) Creating This is part of a registry ). Record (jūminhyō now have a Residence foreign residents Concurrently, was introduced. and this information governments compile governments. Municipal by municipal addresses created of residential tax, insurance, and census purposes. use it for residence verification, created. in Japan to have your Residence Record within 14 days of arriving Notification (tenshutsu-todoke) to your previous Moving-in municipal government and then a Notification (tennyū- todoke 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 73 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 75 2021/02/10 16:31:56 My Number My , and photo printed on printed photo and Number, My is a unique 12-digit ID number that ID number My Number is a unique 12-digit My Number ID system. The Individual Number Card will have your name, address, date of birth, sex, birth, of date address, name, your have will Card Number Individual The on the card as printed of the information Number Card contains all in your Individual The IC chip embedded You are required to submit a Moving-in Notification to your municipal government office within 14 days 14 days within office government your municipal to Notification Moving-in a submit to required are You The Notification Card is a paper card which will have your name, address, date of birth, sex, and In January 2016, Japan introduced the http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/newimmiact_1/en/index.html (English) http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/newimmiact_1/en/index.html (Japanese) http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/newimmiact_1/index.html printed on it. After submitting your Moving-in Notification, you will receive the Notification Card from your you will receive the Notification Card from your After submitting your Moving-in Notification, printed on it. As your Notification Card does municipal government by registered mail within the designated period (2-4 weeks). not include a photo, you will have to provide a separate form of photo identification to verify your identity at city hall, etc. Card 2) Individual Number it. When you receive your Notification Card, an application form and guidelines for the Individual Number Card have completed the application form and submitted it with a photo, youwill be enclosed in the envelope. Once you because apply you that is important It government. your municipal from Card Number your Individual receive will proof of your My Number and ID, you will also Number Card as to being able to use your Individual in addition be able to use it for services offered by your local government, such as various electronic applicationsand public library services. well as an electronic certificatewhich allows you to apply for copies of various on this chip. For this reason, it is etc. will not be contained documents. history, medical such as income, personal information However, sensitive Number Card. not possible for someone else to obtain all of your personal information from your Individual is assigned to all residents living in Japan with a Residence Record. Foreign residents with a Residence Record Record Foreign residents with a Residence living in Japan with a Residence Record. is assigned to all residents purpose the for governments municipal and national the by used is number The . Number My a receive also will of efficiently managing information such as social security, tax, and disaster countermeasures. When completing your My include to necessary be may it government, for your municipal documents tax and security social Number. your My with Card Notification a Notification, of your Moving-in submission the After Japan. in of arriving Number from your municipal government will be delivered to the registered address specified on your Residence form for the you will receive an application period (2-4 weeks). Moreover, Record within the designated Individual Number Card and guidelines in the same envelope as the Notification Card. Onceyou have completed a photo, you will receive your Individual Number Card from your the application form and submitted it with so please unchanged, remain Japan, your My Number will even if you leave In principle, government. municipal Number Card safe. keep your Notification Card and Individual 1) Notification Card 2.6.2. My Number ID System Number 2.6.2. My Immigration Bureau of Japan Website: Bureau of Japan Immigration 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 75 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme My 77 2021/02/10 16:31:56 0120-0178-26 0120-0178-27 050-3816-9405 050-3818-1250 (Social Security / Tax Number) system, please contact the the contact please system, Number) Tax / Security Number (Social My Weekends/Public Holidays 9:30 - 17:30 Holidays 9:30 - 17:30 Weekends/Public

Emergency suspension of Individual Number Card due to loss or theft is available 24 hours a day, hours a day, Card due to loss or theft is available 24 suspension of Individual Number Emergency 365 days a year. (Closed from December 29 - January 3) System About the My Number Individual the and Card Notification the About suspension of emergency Number Card, including Card due to loss or theft* your Individual Number About the My Number System (Japanese) Individual the and Card Notification the About suspension of Number Card, including emergency or theft loss to due Card Number your Individual (Japanese) Weekdays 9:30 - 20:00 Weekdays * 0120-95-0178 (Free) phone, etc. please call the numbers below Note : If you cannot call from your IP apply) (Charges If you have any enquiries about the about enquiries any If you have ・ ・ ・ ・ English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese (Toll-free) Portuguese (Toll-free) Spanish, English, Chinese, Korean, ・ (Japanese) General Enquires Call Centre listed below. Number Call Centre 3) My Number Enquiries 3) My Number 20-12-338_Chapter 2.indd 77 Chapter 3: Work

第3章 仕事第3章 仕事


20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 79 2021/02/10 16:47:47 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 81 2021/02/10 16:47:47 ge of ) shukkinbo) kinmu yoteihyō hanko) fe Line (TELL) 03-5774-0992 Foreign nationals who newly enter Japan with a legal status of residence and who will stay in Japan for and who status of residence who newly enter Japan with a legal Foreign nationals the medium to long term are called “medium to long-term residents” and will be issued Residence Cards. be issued Residence and will residents” to long-term “medium called are to long term medium the is stay of whose period or Visitor” “Temporary is residence of whose status those to apply not does (This (or passport Card Residence their take must residents” long-term to “medium These or less.) months three for those who were not issued a Residence Card at the airport, etc.) and submit a move in notification to the municipality of their residence within fourteen days of taking up their new residence. Take note of your address in Japanese (how to read and write in kanji/hiragana/katakana) Take ATMs how to use the Open a bank account, obtain a cash card and/or bank book, and learn automatically Find out if your remuneration can be deposited and bill payments withdrawn of your contact details supervisor Buy a mobile phone and inform your contracting organisation kit in case of an earthquake, etc. Prepare an emergency other out in case of emergency Consider introducing yourself to your neighbours, so you can help each Prefectural Advisor (PA) Prefectural Support Group (PSG) 050-5534-5566 Peer AJET English Li Tokyo Registering as a Resident Have a personal seal/stamp ( Prefectural Advisor Prefectural (PA) contact info) supervisor (after-hours Contracting organisation general/consulate(s) in Japan embassy/consulate(s) country’s home Your your place of residence or work. police station nearest to Hospital, evacuation centre, police box, and Please save the above contact details in any medium/device that can be readily (refer to pp. 2, 212, and 225) so details contact important The GIH also contains accessible of an emergency. event to you in the advisable. keeping a copy of the GIH with you is also Verify necessary tax documents (For more information, see “2.3 Taxes”) necessary tax documents (For more information, see “2.3 Verify Confirm how local inhabitant taxes will be handled (automatic withdrawalor paid in personsum) in a lump insurance coverage (For more information, see “2.2 Insurance”) Verify System Health Insurance Register any family members (dependents) for the Review your Terms and Conditions (particularly regarding your work duties) and Conditions Terms Review your work duties Confirm your predecessor’s list and/or office seating plan Ask for a staff name at your workplace) are in char other staff members (and/or departments Make a list of what the schedule ( Ask for/receive your work attendance log ( Check how to fill out necessary procedures, etc.) to take all forms of annual paid leave (conditions, how Verify for allowance and travel expenses regulations Verify Register your contact information with CLAIR online via the Emergency Contact/Safety Confirmation participants site Programme Survey for JET Call and the Contact Information System Emergency

* ・・・・・・Housing and Daily Life Other Contact Numbers Other Confirm Important Contact Numbers After arriving at your new placement, please refer to the following checklist to make sure of the important important of the sure make to checklist following the to refer please placement, your new at arriving After Checklist Post-Arrival Workplace Taxes and Insurance Taxes 3.1. Post-Arrival Checklist 3.1. Post-Arrival in Japan. your new job and life procedures related to policies and 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 81 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 83 2021/02/10 16:47:47 (vehicle shaken (vehicle Prepare for self-introductions, speeches, etc. self-introductions, speeches, Prepare for applicable) apartment (if money for method of deposit/key amount and payment Confirm the garbage local your and location the collection garbage, separating for rules with yourself Familiarise collection days area transportation in your how to use public Find out about If you plan on driving, research about procedures for converting your driver’s licence, etc. road rules in Japan, types of car insurance, inspection), convenience of shops, restaurants, location the as such neighbourhood, your with yourself Familiarise etc. stores, supermarkets, Exchange emergency contact information and home country/family contact details with another JET near you Programme participant As with any job, the relationship with your colleagues is crucial. In Japan, however, due to various factors In Japan, however, is crucial. with your colleagues As with any job, the relationship Good cooperation between has and a the major JTL influence on the atmosphereALT ofthe the classroom at the outset to establish the goals and objectives for your It is important to speak with your colleagues There is normally a staff member at each school who has responsibility for supervising and overseeing the

・・・・・・which may include a language barrier, you may be more dependent on your colleagues for information than you may be more dependent which may include a language barrier, with the other teachers therefore play relationships Your in your own country. in a similar work environment of your role at school. an important part in the success and enjoyment and communicating in a foreign language. attitudes towards team teaching lessons and on the students’ team teaching lessons. If there is anything ALT. you don’t understand with regard to school life or your work responsibilities, please the major events in the school your school supervisor about check with them. For example, you can ask help you will This information and school excursions. festival, the culture sports festival, such as the calendar to made are changes Also, sometimes necessary. if contributions make to and for such events be prepared to Notices of such activities or changes will be circulated the school schedule because of school activities. around the staffroom or written on the blackboard in the staffroom. If youmay wish to ask your colleagues to notify you of any schedule changes. are unable to read Japanese, you Teacher Relations Teacher The main duty of an ALT is to engage in team teaching with Japanese teachers of foreign language (JTL) in team teaching with Japanese teachers of is to engage in ALT The main duty of an be should not, therefore, ALT The classroom. in the JTL to the an assistant is ALT the that bear in mind Please ① 3.2.1. Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) Teacher Assistant Language 3.2.1. 3.2. Work Duties and Workplace 3.2. Work foreign language classes in Japanese schools. In team teaching classes, the students, the JTLs, and the native native classes, the students, the JTLs, and the in Japanese schools. In team teaching foreign language classes for teaching provides opportunities Team activities. together to engage in communicative work speaker (ALT) active interaction in a foreign language in the classroom, enhances the students’ motivation foreign towards language, learning and a deepens the students’ understanding of foreign and cultures. ALTs JTLs conduct meetings based on the lesson plans that the JTL has already created, and after team teaching, reflect together the lesson. performance and think about ways to improve on their own to respect the ALT for the is important it As an assistant, teacher. nor be the main alone expected to conduct classes suggesting by JTLs for resource valuable a be can ALTs However, teacher. Japanese the wishes of and plan lesson ways to use the textbook. games and songs as well as creative and effective and Students Teachers 1) Relations with 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 83 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 85 2021/02/10 16:47:47 Senior High School (SHS) students are generally between the ages of fifteen and Although eighteen. SHS Some schools specialize in offering vocationalcourses, as in the case ofagricultural schools or fishery The amount of hours spent on English classes varies school to school. Classes from are designed to Before coming to Japan, you may have pictured Japanese students as being uniformly well-behaved and uniformly well-behaved and Japanese students as being you may have pictured Before coming to Japan, In addition, you may notice some differences in the learning styles and behaviour of Japanese students Even in difficult situations, remember to be patient and supportive towards the students. In the junior and In your relationships with teachers at school, also interact with teachers of other subjects. For example, example, of other subjects. For with teachers at school, also interact with teachers In your relationships is voluntary in Japan, over 97% of students continue their education at this level. Unlike JHS, entry into SHS a have may school each and schools, of high types many are There examinations. by entrance determined is will be based in a board of educationdifferent (BOE) academic or ALTs level. a Most school. SHS Some SHS visit a number of different The schools entrance in examination is addition required, to their base school. ALTs but SHS classes may have students of very different abilities. As you work withunderstand yourthat teamyou teachingmay partner have students with differing levels of understanding or behaviouralclasses. issues in your when engaging in team schools. It is important to understand the special characteristics of your school(s) teaching with your Japanese partner. ability of students. improve the listening, reading, speaking, writing ability as well as overall communication polite. However, as in any country, you will meet various types of students in may the be classroom. filled withSome students classes who are enthusiastic about speaking with you in a foreign language, while others may have some noisy, unmotivated, and disruptive students. may You sometimes finda studentto and class in communicate to such students motivate to be will sleepingALT in as an of your challenge your class. Part stimulate their interest in foreign will language also learning. You face the challenge of teaching different age groups. The methods and approaches you use for teaching a third-year elementary school class will be different stage of and mental developmental high school class, according to the psychological from a third-year junior as childish by a fifteen-year-old. may be regarded eight-year-old Activities that are enjoyed by an the students. compared to that of students in your For own example, country. you may find students initially reluctant to do asked to cooperate with a member of the opposite sex. In order pair work and group work, especially when for students to get used to working in such formations, you may have to move giving slowly, wish to start may them sufficient You JTL. the with demonstrations ample or giving of them is expected of what explanation with easier activities, increasing the level of difficulty in subsequent lessons as they become morepair usedwork to and group work. Similarly, you may find students reluctant to answer questionswith each to consult them such as allowing strategies In such cases, you may choose to introduce classmates. in front of their to them allowing an opinion, students to voice or when asking the a student, selects teacher before the other write down a response before giving it orally. adolescent your to back Think participants. reluctant be may students some classrooms, school high senior to asked being at you felt embarrassment the and school at language foreign a learning you were when years them Let the same way. are likely feeling students Your peers. in front of your words foreign pronounce of information about can be a good source that the JTL know that it is alright to make mistakes. Remember the students, try asking your colleagues for advice on how to the students. If you are having trouble with interact with them. visiting other classes or taking part in non-academic class activities with homeroom teachers will give you will give you homeroom teachers class activities with part in non-academic classes or taking visiting other opportunities to experience different aspects of school life. Outside school, you may have thesocialise opportunitywith to teachers and the other school findstaff. that Some ALTs speaking to members of the school staff is alsoa good way toimprove their Japaneselanguage ability. Moreimportantly, getting of the staff. more like a member school will help you feel and staff at your other teachers to know the Senior High School Senior Student Relations ① ② Duties and Work Workplaces ALTs’ 2) 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 85 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme and th 87 grade 2021/02/10 16:47:47 th and 4 rd grade students will have have will students grade th and 4 rd grade students had “Foreign Language th and 6 th grade classes, and ALTs are involved grade with classes, other ALTs and oral/aural activities. For 5 th and 4 rd grade students will have “Foreign Language Studies” twice a week with a total of 70 hours over the th In addition, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology revised the elementary While many ALTs on the JET Programme are appointed by local governments and visit multiple schools, local governments and visit multiple Programme are appointed by on the JET ALTs While many private between the public and private school experience is that many One of the key differences Also, placed some ALTs at private schools may find that they arenot the only native speaker of English Elementary school (ES) students are between the ages of six and twelve. At elementary schools, ALTs may Elementary school (ES) students are between the ages of ALTs At six elementary and schools, twelve. Junior High School (JHS) students are between the ages of twelve and fifteen. Most will JHS ALTs be Junior high school students receive English instruction for 140 hours a year or about 4 lessons per week. In and 6 grade classes, in addition to oral/aural activities, ALTs are also involved with instructing students in reading ALTs grade classes, in addition to oral/aural activities, th th and writing activities. ALTs may find themselves taking part inand ALTs activitieswriting atactivities. school such as physical education, for example, activities, They may also be involved in culture-based classes. calligraphy music, art, cooking, or introducing and playing games from home the ALT’s country, introducing holidays from home the ALT’s country, etc. involvement The ALT’s and activities will vary according to the wishes of the school frequency of visits. and the school curriculum guidelines (Course of Study) in April of 2020. In the new Course 3 of dramatically. increased education Study language for foreign allocated hours the number of some are employed directly by private schools and thus do not visit multiple schools. The work duties of The work duties and thus do not visit multiple schools. some are employed directly by private schools As with public schools, it teaching at public schools. ALTs in private schools are often quite similar to ALTs school when of their characteristics schools to understand the special in private placed ALTs is important for carrying out their duties. junior and senior high school, but may include , institutions have multiple school levels (often may be asked to teach to various placed at private schools ALTs cases, etc.) on one site. In some elementary, levels within the institution. Another difference is that it is more common to have Saturday classes at private schools than public schools. Some private schools may have religious affiliations as well. However, there are classes according to the similarities. In both private schools and public schools, it is necessary to conduct Course of Study. ALTs school it varies from school to school, some private school. In such cases, although by their employed speaker of English may be asked to team-teach or engage in other work-related duties with a fellow native employed by the school. find themselves teaching simple greetings, basic conversation, playing games, singing songs, and doing skits or short plays. For 3 based in a board of education (BOE) or a school. Some visit JHS ALTs a number addition to of their base different As school. there schools is no in entrance examination required, JHS classes may have students of very different abilities. As you work with your team teaching partnerunderstand that you may have students issues in your classes. or behavioural levels of understanding with differing with each thoughts and ideas their students to communicate allow that activities to valuing class, in addition other in a foreign language, students are able to actually utilise the language that they have studied in specific situations to solve problems. students to study a foreign language. During the transition between period this old system the new and one under the revised guidelines for the Course of Study from 2018-2019, students had language instruction than usual. more classes in foreign “Foreign Language Activities” once a week with a total of 35 hours over the course of the school year, while school year, of 35 hours over the course of the once a week with a total Activities” “Foreign Language 5 Activities” once a week for a total of 35 hours per school year and it was not mandatory for 3 was not mandatory and it year school per of 35 hours for a total week a once Activities” 6 course of the school year. Before these revisions took place, 5 Before these revisions took place, course of the school year. Junior High School Junior Private School Elementary (Primary) School Elementary (Primary) ④ ③ ② 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 87 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 89 2021/02/10 16:47:47 Local government employees, teachers, or private citizens may ask you to proofread their writing or teachers, may be asked to give speeches on a variety of topics to local government employees, You ALTs level. regional, or prefectural to judge student speech contests at the local, be expected may You and level or national and seminars on a local conferences Programme JET attend you will ALT, As an may You be asked to teach evening or weekend classes to a variety of different groups, ranging from Advisor of education may sometimes be asked to be a Prefectural placed in a prefectural board ALTs Proofreading and Translation: Proofreading The ALT’s job does not ALT’s The end in the classroom. While teaching is your primary there responsibility, may be ALTs have the opportunity to take part in many language-related activities outside the classroom. ALTs ALTs outside the classroom. activities to take part in many language-related have the opportunity ALTs become can ALTs that activities extra-curricular related non-language more many are there However, Japanese schools hold a wide range of different events during the Participating year. in these events can translate documents into your own language or Japanese (depending on your Japanese ability). ALTs who ALTs ability). on your Japanese (depending or Japanese your own language into documents translate and languages those to and from documents translate to be asked may languages foreign studied have Japanese. educational the life, daily your as topics such on speak to asked be may You public. general the even or educational matters in Japan. or system in your home country, the participants before the contest or to make model audio are sometimes asked to coach some of recordings of the speeches. share to opportunity great a are seminars These occasions. such for workshops present to asked be may teaching. your team use in methods to and new ideas learn to and others with ALT an as experiences your at JTLs in your area, with topics varying in seminars aimed to participate may also have the chance You using the textbook from foreign language education in both your home country and Japan to ways of effectively. local government employees to stay-at-home parents, bank tellers, or firefighters. Some be may others whereas Conditions, and ofTerms your into incorporated be even these might and obligatory are classes optional. with their area participants in Programme JET assisting receive training in supporting and PAs (PA). as professionals to referrals provide and information disseminate also can They issues. and questions necessary. Public Speaking: Seminars: Training Adults: Language to a Foreign Teaching Speech Contests: Prefectural Advisor (PA): other duties that you are expected to perform. For the most part, these duties take place during working hours, place take these duties most part, For the to perform. you are expected duties that other can provide a change of pace from the As such, they regular school visits. and sometimes they even replace you might be asked to that all the activities It is impossible to list, or even anticipate, routine. teaching daily extra common most the covers compilation following the Nevertheless, so greatly. varies job as each perform, duties with which you may be charged. can take part in English conversation clubs, set up letter-writing or e-mail exchange opportunities with with opportunities exchange or e-mail letter-writing clubs, set up English conversation take part in can for students coach boards, bulletin make students, with journals exchange countries, home their in students and judge speech contests, or assist with the evaluation also of take the part students. ALTs in Some informal the staff in their schools. classes with English conversation involved in. In Japanese JHS and SHS, club activities play a very important such as volleyball, tennis, to take part in clubs ranging from sports role in ALTs the for There are many opportunities lives of the students. Interacting or calligraphy. tea ceremony, on cultural activities such as music, and karate, to clubs focusing part a like more feel you to help can It advantages. has many situation non-classroom a in your students with the in with relations help can classroom the of out students your know to getting school, and of the classroom. be a great chance to see your students and teachers in a different festivals, sports eating lunch on a daily basis, such as days, Becoming involved in activities and school trips. light. Such activities can include culture with students your in with or joining the school, the cleaning of can be lots of fun and can provide many your students well. chances to get to know ・・・・・・Other ALT Duties ALT Other Activities Extra-Curricular ⑥ ⑤ 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 89 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 91 2021/02/10 16:47:47 http://jetprogramme.org/en/ As mentioned above, a number of CIRs are employed by local authorities and placed in various offices or Small city, town, or village CIRs are often based in the Board of Education, the Planning, International International Exchange Associations have been established in every prefecture, Designated City and city Designated City and city every prefecture, Associations have been established in International Exchange Most CIRs working in a prefectural or designated city office will be placed in the International Affairs Affairs International the in placed be will office city designated or prefectural a in working CIRs Most organisations under their jurisdiction. Among the current positions that fall into this category are CIRs CIRs Among the current positions that fall into this category are under their jurisdiction. organisations and universities, research institutes, bureaus, port authorities, centres, convention working at adult education regional offices. Although there are very few of these positions and theyof internationalisation. other CIR positions, they do offer a unique opportunity to focus on a specific aspect are markedly different from most throughout Japan. The association itself may consist of prefectural/Designated City/city employees and those events in usually involved are environment this in work who CIRs organisation. the by directly hired responsibilities may include working with volunteer tour Your concerning local non-Japanese residents. of international organisation or the newsletter, language foreign of a production the interpreters, and guides give presentations also may You and Japanese residents together. exchange events that bring non- classes. about cultural differences and teach foreign Affairs or General Affairs Divisions, or sometimes in the Office of the Mayor helping create dependingthe community, language and culture classes for upon organising focuses on theirWork organisation. contracting for government employees, school visits and speeches, or write for local publications, language instruction may also have duties such as corresponding with You groups. and various other activities for community overseas, but this will depend on the international ties that have parties overseas or receiving visitors from that you can develop yourself. been established in your area and/or the ties Division. However, there are a few CIRs who have been placed in a Regional Development or Planning CIRs there are a few whoor Planning been placed in a Regional Development have Division. However, assigned to an some CIRs may be Additionally, Board of Education. or office, Department, regional duties could include giving Your Association or Convention Bureau. such as an International organisation and classes, language teaching overseas, from visitors with assisting on publications, advising speeches, may even become a resource for the You non-Japanese residents. producing information for and liaising with of diversity the experience to opportunity the have positions CIRs in these office. government whole international activities that are taking place at the prefectural level, and to learn first-hand about the way ideas a bureaucracy. can be turned into concrete projects within Your work duties will be a combination of some of the below, determined by the aims of your contracting determined by the aims of your contracting the below, work duties will be a combination of some of Your There There are several differentCIR job categories. This brief overview shouldgive a general idea of what CIR Each Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) position may encompass a wide variety of duties and of duties and a wide variety position may encompass Relations (CIR) for International Each Coordinator Other CIR Positions Other Small City, Town, or Village CIR Village or Town, Small City, International Exchange Association CIR International Exchange For more examples of projects done by CIRs, please refer to the CIR Handbook ( projects done by CIRs, please refer to the For more examples of Prefectural/Designated City CIR Prefectural/Designated organisation. Therefore, this list is by no means exhaustive, but provides examples of the different kinds of of kinds different of the but provides examples exhaustive, is by no means this list Therefore, organisation. activities performed by CIRs. job Your will almost certainly NOT include everything on responsibilities may also be performed by other staff members. this list. Some of these 2) Elements of CIR Work 2) Elements of CIR acs-h/). Types of CIR Positions The Different 1) duties could be. responsibilities depending on the contracting organisation. The following are some examples of what kind of of what kind of are some examples The following contracting organisation. depending on the responsibilities work CIRs do. Because the CIR has a different employment status compared that the Japanese to bear in mind It is important of mainstream employees. outside the body CIR is essentially to Japanese public employees, the the about nothing know who Japanese many to meaning clear a have always not may “CIR” of translation position. ④ ③ ② ① 3.2.2. Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) International for 3.2.2. Coordinator 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 91 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 93 2021/02/10 16:47:47 conferences, symposiums, receptions, tours, and other occasions requiring language assistance emergencies groups, Rotary and Lions Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, groups of people with physical disabilities, of Commerce, groups, Rotary and Lions Clubs, Chambers agricultural groups, PTAs, senior citizens’ groups, host family associations, children, schools, businessmen, etc. residents etc.) residents, articles in Japanese for Japanese cards, building names, public transportation signs, etc. cards, building names, can understand. This may also involve basic foreign language teaching and games basic foreign language This may also involve can understand. mayors, consul generals, sister city organisation members, high school bands, sports groups etc.) teams, citizen programmes or other goodwill missions and lifestyles), internationalisation, education, international exchange, youth, raising children, the status the children, raising youth, exchange, international education, internationalisation, lifestyles), and of another culture, recreation, the understanding facilitating of women, foreign countries, travel abroad, etc. international development opportunities region, and the region’s city volunteer groups facilitating an exchange of opinions officials or general staff governments’ official social networking sites governments’ officials for receptions, international symposiums, tournaments, parties, and trips abroad officials for receptions, international symposiums, profiles, etc. Japanese Interpreting for or escorting overseas visitors or non-Japanese residents at meetings, international events, Interpreting for or escorting overseas visitors or non-Japanese residents at meetings, international and firefighters to prepare them for Providing language instruction for civil servants, police officers You may You give speeches or conduct discussions with government officers, community groups, women’s other than Japanese for non-Japanese in languages (articles newsletters for local articles periodic Writing Editing and proofreading translated materials including letters, pamphlets and brochures, business business and brochures, materials including letters, pamphlets translated Editing and proofreading Interacting with an assembled group of children to give them a concept of other countries in terms they countries of other concept a them to give of children group with an assembled Interacting Interpreting for the governor, mayor, director and other officials. (Visitors may include governors, governors, include may (Visitors officials. other and director mayor, governor, the for Interpreting or speech contests Judging foreign language debates visitors and guides on providing tours to overseas interpreters Instructing volunteer homestay through abroad going youth for Japanese classes conversation language foreign Leading The subject of speeches may include your home state city, country, or province (i.e. cultural differences Information Board Visitors’ content of a Designing the style, format, and Giving interviews in local and national media on various subjects, including impressions of Japan, one’s Answering questions relating to language from various divisions, organisations, or outside groups or divisions, organisations, from various relating to language Answering questions telephone calls Making international business and official correspondence formats for Compiling a manual of Translating foreign correspondence bound for government officials, businesses, civic leaders, and sister Classroom participation, on a regular or semi-regular basis or semi-regular participation, on a regular Classroom countries in other with schools or pen-pal relationships Establishing inter-school etc. school festivals, excursions, sports day, events, e.g. Participation in school at high schools activities club Participation in international visits and nursery school Kindergarten Participation in various civic group meetings/discussions, offering a foreign national’s viewpoint and Composing and proofreading outbound government foreign correspondence on behalf of government of government on behalf correspondence foreign government outbound proofreading and Composing Maintaining and updating websites, responding to e-mail enquiries and posting information on local local on e-mail enquiries and posting information to responding updating websites, Maintaining and Translating speeches, greetings and other messages for the governor, mayor, director, and other and other director, mayor, other messages for the governor, speeches, greetings and Translating Giving presentations describing the region to overseas visitors describing the Giving presentations Translating various in-house brochures, pamphlets, PR publications, reports, guidebooks, statistical PR publications, reports, guidebooks, statistical various in-house brochures, pamphlets, Translating Screening Screening inbound non-Japanese documents, brochures and correspondence, and translating into Proofreading and translating websites into foreign languages Proofreading and translating websites

School visits provide a good opportunity to have more contact with your community and to experience Some CIRs have even established homestay exchanges for school children in their home country and ・・・・・・life in a Japanese school. School visits may involve: school. School life in a Japanese local school children at schools they visit. local school children at Language Instruction Interpreting for and Receiving Guests from Overseas Guests from and Receiving for Interpreting Writing Newsletter Articles and Public Relations Assistance Articles and Public Relations Newsletter Writing Public Speaking General Foreign Language Assistance and Translation Assistance and Language General Foreign School Visits School ⑥ ⑤ ④ ③ ② ① 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 93 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 95 2021/02/10 16:47:47 nent or “corner” to the festival nent or “corner” isitors Interpreting during visits by overseas delegations Interpreting during visits with the establishment of a sister city Assisting and advising Assisting preparations with for outbound exchange visits, and training such as Japanese cultural groups, etc. performances, school/community/sports attraction tourist and residents, non-Japanese for guides living brochures, newsletters, Producing Japanese versions pamphlets from scratch or from already existing for publications Editing text, designing layout and graphics opinion and information meetings for non-Japanese residents Organising newsletter Publishing and distributing a foreign language Interpreting/translating for non-Japanese residents in regard to government procedures and obligations taxes, etc.) (e.g. registration with municipality, participation in local events Seeking non-Japanese residents’ residents Assisting with city tours for local and non-Japanese residents Disseminating information pertinent to non-Japanese studying in the region Assisting foreign students and technical trainees local government sponsored classes for foreigners Organising foreign students Providing Japanese Language instraction for residents and/or v Providing assistance and consultation for foreign Handling non-Japanese correspondences and telephone calls from abroad correspondences and telephone calls from Handling non-Japanese Publishing information in foreign languages Attending planning meetings, providing suggestions and helping with the promotion of events and and the promotion of events and helping with providing suggestions planning meetings, Attending with writing post-event reports festivals, as well as assisting to introduce foreigners to Japan and with the planning of events designed Participation in and assistance the region other countries and cultures to local residents Giving presentations about youth and community centres (e.g. cooking or dance classes) at local Conducting cultural classes visits Senior citizen care centre articipation in local festivals and/or adding an international compo adding an international in local festivals and/or Participation Language instruction at schools Language instruction Giving language classes and lectures to community groups classes and lectures Giving language CIRs may be asked to be Prefectural Advisors (PA). PAs receive training in supporting and assisting JET receive training in supporting and assisting JET PAs (PA). Advisors CIRs may be asked to be Prefectural

Prefectural Advisor Advisor Prefectural (PA): and referrals They can also provide information in their area with questions and issues. participants Programme to professionals as necessary. Proficiency in the Japanese language ability is a prerequisite for the CIR position. aspect of the position Fluency in both written and spoken Japanese is a great asset for CIRs, as almost every Foreign Community Assistance Community Foreign Assistance with Sister City/State Relations City/State Assistance with Sister Editing and Publishing Assistance with Events, Festivals, and Community Activities and Community with Events, Festivals, Assistance ・・・・・・⑪ The Role and Importance of Japanese Language Proficiency 3) gain to tools you the giving your peers, with communicate to easier it make will Japanese in Fluency it. requires sources and Japanese use to able who are CIRs Furthermore, culture. Japanese understand and about knowledge and Interpretation can make advances with research projects. easily with external agencies communicate translation assignments can be carried out with confidence. At receptions, CIRs can act as By communicating with with Japanese guests, making the event meaningful and enjoyable for both parties. cross-cultural bridges colleagues to understand office affairs, CIRs are able to become proactive in their dutiespart of the office. and feel like they are a ⑩ ⑧ ⑨ ⑦ 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 95 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 97 2021/02/10 16:47:48 coaching, SEAs may at times be seen as the assistant to the regular coach and at other times be

Assistance with projects related to sports activities carried out by contracting organisations. Such sports projects. advising on planning, designing, and implementing activities may include training of promising local athletes. Assistance with sports employees and local residents. organisation’s Assistance with sports training of contracting groups or private by local conducted planning activity sports in participation and with Assistance that engage in sporting events. organisations Other duties as deemed necessary by the supervisor. Boards of education Sports facilities Senior high schools The situation will be different for each SEA on the Programme and will be determined by the needs of the

contracting organisation and the facilities available. In most cases, SEAs are placed at: contracting organisation If you are based in an office, your colleagues will all be civil servants, some with experience in the sporting with the students gathering there, or making regular may be coaching at your own sports organisation You In regard to Although possessing a strong command of the Japanese language, CIR job duties will demand continued continued demand will duties job CIR language, Japanese the of command strong a possessing Although During the 1994-1995 JET Programme year, the CIR part of the Programme was expanded to include ・・・・・・2) SEA Workplaces and Conditions and Workplaces 2) SEA Colleagues 3) Your field and some without. Sometimes a sports organisation may employ staff other than you who assigned are who teachers with working be will you schools, In case. the always not is this but sport, particular specialise in a to be coaches or supervisors of the different school clubs. The assigned staff often have varying levels of expertise in the specialty of the club. Therefore, you may find some coaches who do not have specialised knowledge about the sport. Staff and teachers working for public organisations in Japan are rotated every year (jinji April each few system, with transfers being made in idō). years may You within also the find that many of the people you work with and/or their duties may change April, in with the exception of those staff members hired as specialists. Although and your work. and how it relates to you does what in your office time to try to find out who Take language problems may seem quite a barrier at first, establishing good relationshipswith your colleagues is very important and will make your contributions in coaching more accessible to all. 4) Coaching Situations you may even visit many of the schools in your At some time during your stay, visits to one or more schools. jurisdiction, organisation’s or hold coaching seminars for local coaches. If you are placed in a school, the core club activities. of your duties will be the coaching of the school’s the or through directly, seen as the main coach. During matches or competitions they may make contributions Japanese supervising coach. study of Japanese, both on the job and outside of the office. Whether it be specific terminology oneself of the region, familiarising or general knowledge local dialects, business Japanese, local government, used in Japanese for CIRs. and beneficial topics will all be important with these (SEA) Advisor Exchange 3.2.3. Sports internationalisation through sports. This initiative saw Sports Exchange Advisors (SEA) joining the Programme for the first time. SEAs are sports professionals whose role is toassist withsports-related sportsprojects. trainingRecruitment andfor thethe planning SEA of position is carried out by the and CIRs. Ministry of ALTs Foreign from the selection of and general consulates, however is independent through Japanese embassies Affairs Duties 1) Outline of SEA 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 97 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 99 2021/02/10 16:47:48 ohayō gozaimasu (“Good morning”) or konnichiwa (“Hello”). (“Excuse me for leaving early”). When someone leaves shimasu (“Excuse me for leaving early”). osaki ni shitsurei otsukaresama deshita (“Thank you for your hard work”). otsukaresama Take off your overcoat or outerwear when you enter a school or office. off your overcoat or outerwear Take Greet everyone when you arrive with: tidy. Assist with cleaning. Leave your own desk pockets. Do not sit on desks or put your hands in your feet. Do not move objects or shut drawers with your Do not chew gum. at your place of work. devices without permission Do not use your mobile phone or other portable When you leave, say: before you, tell them: In Japan, professionalism is often defined in terms of punctuality, respecting andcompleting assigned you when this Remember do. actually you what as important as often is presence physical your Japan, In Make your supervisor. with advance have discussed this in unless you or lessons miss meetings Never

tant for JET Programme participants. Building are extremely important for JET As professionals, office and school relations appropriately. as well as dressing tasks on time and to the best of your ability, you have nothing to feel you could be doing something more useful elsewhere or when you feel that Attendance in itself is very important. contribute (for example, to a meeting). sure that you know the week’s schedule and try not to take leave on days you please bear in mind that taking a holiday during the school term may have meetings or ALT, much as possible. If you are an lessons as advance in sure you discuss it please make unavoidable, is taking If leave schedule. team-teaching the disrupt with your supervisor. Take the Take time to work out a balance that works best for you andYour your schedule contracting organisation. role may also be altered through regular discussion The with SEA’s their employer to align with goals for both While policies. to contracting organisations’ goals for SEAs differ greatly according The duties and teaching the main goal of some contracting organisations is to increase the competitive students’ others ability, may ・・・・・・3.3. Manners at Work 3.3. Manners at good working relationships takes time, patience, perseverance and effort. First impressions are important are important First impressions time, patience, perseverance and effort. working relationships takes good anywhere,that on the attitudes and manners can have a tremendous impact Appearance and Japan is no exception. situation, particular a for manners appropriate the about doubt in are you When you. towards have colleagues your be sure to ask or observe your colleagues. 1) Office/ School Etiquette 2) Professionalism 3) Attendance will be arranged according to the requirements of your contracting organisation. Scheduling and adjustments to your to adjustments and Scheduling organisation. contracting your of requirements the to according arranged be will depend on your situation. workload will the contracting organisation and the contracting A SEA. organisation may have a set idea on how they would like and then to the schedule they designed perform your duties according They may ask you to your skills. to utilise negotiate adjustments later. Some organisations may prefer to explain a basic goal to the SEA and then leave the scheduling up to the SEA. also be focusing on international exchange through sports. As an SEA you will be will also need to take into consideration required to You understand goalswork towards these withstudents and community. the and from are different The club activities of Japanese schools own country. between Japan and your differences those of corporate or community sports clubs in your home country and the students’ and parents’ perception and expectations of sports may also be quite different. SEAs need to be flexible in responding to these differing their duties. circumstances while performing 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 99 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 16:47:48 101 heavy snowfall, narrow heavy snowfall, narrow

areas (such as regions with regular

Eat what you can and if asked about the other foods, politely explain that you cannot or do not eat them. It Eat what you can and if asked about the other There could be a number of reasons why you are being refused leave on requested days, so first check the Make the speech, but explain afterwards to your supervisor how important it is to prepare beforehand. Make the speech, but explain afterwards Some Some contracting organisations do not allow their employees to drive to and from work. This can be for a Tattoos have a negative image in Japan. In most Japanese schools, piercings are also forbidden for image in Japan. have a negative In most Japanese schools, piercingsare also forbidden for Tattoos is up to you whether you explain the reason, but it is best to be as pleasant (and polite) as possible, because is up to you whether you explain the reason, unable you are that regret and your appreciation for you. Express prepared specially been have food may the for you. to eat some of the foods that have been prepared reasons given. For example, it is uncommon for teachers in Japan to take time off during a school term. If you would like to take time off when you have scheduled commitments at work, staying at work might be deemed exercised are rights these how working environment, any as with right, is a leave taking Although necessary. a agree on your supervisor and Explore these reasons with responsibilities. must be balanced with your workable solution given the circumstances. You might add that besides making you feel uncomfortable, speaking unprepared could leave a poor might add that besides speaking making you feel uncomfortable, unprepared could leave a poor You impression on the audience. Speak to your supervisor about how best to avoid such circumstances also have been asked quite suddenly for your presence). future. (Be aware that your supervisor may in the mountain roads, etc.). Some contracting organisations will only grant permission to drive to and from work from and to drive to permission grant only will organisations under contracting Some etc.). roads, mountain form giving insurance (nin’i hoken), or submits a special purchases optional the condition that the employee all employees of your the reason(s) why they cannot take public transport. In many cases, this is relevant for contracting organisation, not just JET Programme participants, and it is important to follow the rules specific to your situation. number of reasons, such as insurance related issues, lack of available parking, past incidents, or a higher risk higher or a incidents, past parking, available of issues, lack related insurance as of reasons, such number dangerous in particularly of accidents, especially you do not eat or to which you are allergic. to which you are you do not eat or prefectural event/make a speech in an hour. prefectural really inconvenient and you would rather drive. inconvenient and you would rather really students, and teachers tend to refrain from wearing jewellery of any kind, including piercings. In this In this piercings. including kind, of any jewellery wearing from refrain to tend teachers and students, during work remove piercings cover your tattoos and that you it is recommended cultural environment, hours. The following sections describe some of the issues you might face in a Japanese working environment: The following sections describe some of the Up until March 2020, contracting organisations provided feedback in the form of optional ‘workplace However, carrying out these personnel evaluations. of details are entrusted with the organisations Contracting At your welcome party you are treated to an incredible banquet, there however, are many foods which You arrive You at the office andare told that youare scheduled to judge a speech contest/participate in a You ask for consecutive days of leave and are refused. and are consecutive days of leave ask for You bought but a then car, your You supervisor told you that you’re not allowed to drive to work. The bus is

・ ・ ・ ・ 3. 5. JET Related Issues and Concerns 3. 5. JET 3. 4. Personnel Evaluations 3. 4. Personnel 4) Tattoos and Piercings Tattoos 4) 1) Office Situations evaluations’. In accordance with a revision in the law as it pertains to April 2020. local as of ‘personnel evaluations’ are required to perform government organisations employees, contracting the in (printed evaluations out own proposal for carrying its with organisations contracting CLAIR does provide reference). back of this book for your 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 101 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 16:47:48 ), end of 103 ). These are good good are These ). ” in Japanese. Considered Considered Japanese. in ” sōbetsukai hō hō ga ii ), and farewell parties ( parties farewell and ), shinnenkai ), ), New parties Year’s ( For instance, you have been invited by your coworker to a meal, but you are busy and want to decline. you are busy and to a meal, but by your coworker you have been invited For instance, Health checks are compulsory. Employers have a legal obligation to provide their employees with yearly yearly with employees their to provide obligation legal have a Employers compulsory. are checks Health Repeat what you think is being said. Draw diagrams if necessary. Explain that since it is an important Explain that since it is an important Repeat what you think is being said. Draw diagrams if necessary. (jinji change personnel a is there time this at April, and 1 on begins year fiscal Japanese The idō ). It is important that you do not post any information online that violates the law, breaches other people’s “ phrase the of translation a as better” had “You use often Japanese Politely decline invitations and ask to be considered for some other time because your schedule is full. You You is full. your schedule because time some other for considered to be ask and invitations decline Politely may feel obligated to your office, school and friends,but it is easy for commitments to pile up and for you under with obligations. find yourself snowed to suddenly health checks including a urine test, blood test, weight, height, sight and hearing checks, as well as a lung X- lung as a as well checks, hearing and sight height, weight, test, blood test, urine a including checks health Programme JET work with children. for those who important especially This is ray to check for tuberculosis. the health check as part of their work duties. also required to undergo participants are therefore rather strong in English, it is a sign of concern in Japan, where superiors often give advice to their rather strong in English, it is a sign of concern in Japan, where superiors often give advice to their for the your supervisor thank smile, recommendation, the follow to not prefer If you would subordinates. some it about think me let please but good idea, a like seems “That like, something with and respond advice, more.” you and say that apologise fails, else for you. If all writing be put in could you were wondering if it matter, just do not understand. position or posting in a Colleagues, superiors and even your supervisor may be transferred to a different sometimes overseas. It is possible that your new supervisor may not be as prefecture or city, different knowledgeable about the Programme JET or your role at first. It may take some time for the new supervisor to understand what is an ALT/CIR/SEA and what is expected. can You help your new supervisor by answering questions, letting him/her know about your work duties and keeping open communication. right to privacy, is defamatory or in any other way likely to make other people uncomfortable. If you want to uncomfortable. people other to make likely way in any other or is defamatory to privacy, right post photos of your workplace or your colleagues on your personal blog, ask of your for their and the head contracting organisation’s permission beforehand. Privacy is an increasingly sensitive and serious issue in to Also, using work time their students on the web. prohibit putting pictures of schools, all of which strictly media sites should be avoided. compose private blogs or private posts on social months ago as part of your JET Programme application and you would rather not do this again. application and you would rather Programme JET your months ago as part of Your supervisor Your asks you to exercise more caution with the contents of your personal blog or social media site. you are told, had “You better buy these curtains.” After shopping, you stop are for You told dinner. such-and-such a meal. that you “had better” order There are at least four large important work parties throughout the year: welcome parties (kangeikai You find that your schedule is becoming too full with very little time left for yourself. time left for full with very little is becoming too schedule find that your You Your supervisor wants you to undergo a health check including an X-ray of your lungs. You did one 6 did one 6 You lungs. health check including an X-ray of your wants you to undergo a supervisor Your Your supervisor Your offers to take you shopping after work to get things for your apartment. At the store, Your supervisor is explaining something important but you do not understand what is being said. is explaining something important but you do not understand what is being supervisor Your April. office in to another is suddenly transferred supervisor Your

・・・・・・opportunities to get to know your colleagues in a more relaxed atmosphere. While you are not obligated to go, it is you are not obligated While atmosphere. in a more relaxed to get to know your colleagues opportunities possible. recommended that you try to attend whenever Relations Supervisor Socialising With Colleagues Socialising With the year parties (bōnenkai parties year the 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 103 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 16:47:48 105 , which literally translated means “(Honorable) translated desu, which literally otsukaresama The most important component of teaching is the relationships that you form with the other people in the you form with the other the relationships that of teaching is component The most important The curiosity of some students may verge on the extremely personal and you do not need to feel that you that personal and you do not need to feel on the extremely students may verge The curiosity of some If your schedule allows, join the party. This could be the only time for an extended period that you and the period that you for an extended This could be the only time If your schedule allows, join the party. This is not because the teacher thinks you necessarily look tired. Rather, it is a way to thank you for your it necessarily look tired. Rather, This is not because the teacher thinks you disrupts class in talking and attention paying not that said be also can It tolerated. be not should Bullying You have a few options; arguing with the teacher over the relative merit of the university examination merit of the university examination with the teacher over the relative a few options; arguing have You classroom. If these relationships are not good, your lessons will not be as successful as they could be. How be. How successful as they could will not be as are not good, your lessons If these relationships classroom. on your depends students of the front you in or correcting mistake a making teacher the to you respond do not want to do anything to jeopardise You teacher and the atmosphere of the class. relationship with the the rapport you have with the teacher or the students. Sometimes you will know way during the class (or make good that you can discuss the point in a non-threatening atmosphere will be so a teacher so well or the correct the in said teacher the what repeat can you or tension), avoiding of good way a is humour it; of joke a class in the the after issue the to address is better unsure, it If you are authority. their form without threatening room. privacy of the teachers’ have to answer all questions. Even though this type of question is often innocent, the idea of sexual harassment Even though this type of question is have to answer all questions. is well established in Japan, so you can teach them that sexually offensive questions are to be avoided if they them why it is to remind If they persist, ask the Japanese teacher relations. interpersonal want to build positive inappropriate. Japanese teachers have a chance to get to know each other in an informal way. It will make your classes It will make your classes way. teachers have a chance to get to know each other in an informal Japanese much But the party need not go on to talk with and get to know your colleagues. smoother if you take the time reached your limit, say that you have had a nice time but are very tired and have When you have forever. plans the next day. effort. There is a polite phrase in Japanese, you must be tired.” The true cultural meaning of this phrase, however, is an acknowledgment of directly often people Japanese many you, to phrase communicate a polite to In order work. hard or someone’s effort translate that phrase into English, not realising that it sounds strange. other students’ opportunity to learn. In Japan, homeroom teachers or the school guidance counselor your own discretion, at disciplining from you should refrain are ALT As an students. for disciplining responsible and first talk to the teacher responsible or one of your JTLs. It is likely that the way teachers in Japan deal with bullying and students breaking school rules differs from how teachers deal with it in your own country, the situation so you so it is better to discuss the matter with your supervisor prior to being confronted with will know how to best respond. system, however, will not be a productive may one. want You to suggest a different activity that reinforces along can go you Alternately, teacher. the activity to the the lesson and demonstrate in taught material the with the teacher’s plan and discuss how an activity, if carefully chosen, would aid the students’ efforts not help. Whatever you do, sudden confrontation will to learn the material for the examinations. said in front of the students. said in front You are a woman You and a student asks you for your “three sizes” (body measurements) or you are a man how “big” you are. and a student asks you to join the school’s drinking party have tonight. You plans to travel with your friends on the weekend, sleep. and want to get a good night’s not appropriate because they are not relevant to the university entrance examinations. not relevant because they are not appropriate The JTL makes what seems to you to be a blatant mistake during class or corrects something you have It is a Friday afternoon. As you are getting ready to suddenly go asks home, getting if a ready you As teacher would you like are It is a Friday afternoon. Your suggestions for a lesson Your plan are met with the comment that the activities you are suggesting are Upon your arrival at school a teacher asks if you are tired. asks if you are arrival at school a teacher Upon your dealing with students not paying attention in class. are have just seen a student being bullied, or You

・・・・・・2) ALT Related Situations ALT 2) 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 105 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 16:47:48 107 share a common goal: creating the most goal: creating that you share a common personal attacks and that corrections are not Remember as possible into the document. If there corrections and incorporate as many Read through the suggested Not every project you suggest will be acted upon, and it is wise to think about the different reasons why. to meet people and to conduct grassroots The classroom provides valuable opportunities Ask your supervisor when and where you need to report for work, how to get there and get emergency emergency get there and get to how work, report for you need to where and when Ask your supervisor This is one of the comments often made when a person doesto say to start a not know what else Many Japanese people consider learning a foreign language to be an extremely difficulttask. Likewise, accurate and easy to read translation. accurate and clear. more document the make to ways possible discuss inaccurate, are feel you that corrections any are accept. that both you and your colleagues can to come up with a version Try proposal, but you still feel it is worthwhile, If there is no reaction to your project can also be important. Timing try proposing it again when your supervisor is not so busy and may be be can prefectures other in projects similar about Information possible. whenever data supporting with writing able to listen. Offer suggestions in but your whole section. apply to you personally, that budget constraints may not only Also remember helpful. to do a project alone, other people willEven if you are planning be involved to some extent. Consider who this will affect and thework load they have. It will benefit you to find out at make project proposals in your particular workplace. an early stage how appropriately to or global issues, introduce intercultural that lesson the into activities internationalisation. By incorporating the balance that Remember of your job. part a vital and become diversity, gain will classes your language of and the integration foreign culture is important and understanding of that between foreign language ability to express your a chance If you have to teaching. into your classes can provide a whole new facet this concept balance in the content of your work duties. opinion, talk to your supervisor about finding contact numbers. Find out how to work the lights, gas and other appliances in the apartment such as washing such as apartment in the appliances numbers. Find out how to work the lights, gas and other contact machine or air conditioner, and how to turn on the water heater for tap/bath Ask water. to help you shop for necessary items. your neighbourhood or ask your supervisor where stores are in if you are asked annoy you, especially an innocuous question, but it may begin to It sounds like conversation. they are so use chopsticks, foreigners cannot that heard have people Japanese Many them. using as you are surprised when you can. As a result, a non- language to learn. many Japanese people are of the opinion that Japanese is a difficult will probably hear this quite often, but try to not You Japanese person speaking in Japanese evokes surprise. get annoyed. Simply saying “thank you” or politely refuting it is sufficient. to re-do it. to re-do apartment where you will be left alone. apartment where You are asked to are edit a document, do so, asked and it and then back in are receive with red corrections You You arrive You in your town after Post-Arrival Orientation, and are about to be dropped off at your You make a suggestion concerning a project, but it is not acted upon. but it is not acted a suggestion concerning a project, make You deal of the time. languages a great teaching find that you are You You are asked for the hundredth time if you can use chopsticks. time if you can the hundredth asked for are You excellent Japanese ability. complimented on your say a very simple Japanese phrase and are You

・・・・・・3) CIR Related Situations 3) CIR Related 4) Lifestyle Situations 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 107 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 16:47:48 109 gaman spirit. is a Japanese word meaning meaning word Japanese a is Gaman Communication may pose a challenge for someone who is unfamiliar with the nature of the Japanese someone who is unfamiliar with the nature of the Japanese Communication may pose a challenge for it is one of Furthermore, of a Japanese group can be a very rewarding experience. member as a team Working lies, can How you respond to a situation, regardless of who is in the wrong or where the misunderstanding As a broad generalisation, Japanese social order is characterised by group conformity and hierarchy based on based hierarchy and conformity by group is characterised order social Japanese generalisation, As a broad is hardly ever a single person who is There is also carried out on a group basis. Decision-making in Japan spirit. “gaman” the is society Japanese of aspect important An It is extremely important to study Japanese. Not only will learning Japanese help you adjust to life in Japan, it important to study Japanese. Not only will learning Japanese help you adjust to life It is extremely 3.7. Studying Japanese “endurance” or “perseverance”. Part of being considered a responsible adult in Japan is the ability to “hang in “endurance” or “perseverance”. Part of being considered a responsible adult in Japan is the ability to “hang in There of drawing attention to yourself by making a lot of noise. there” in a less-than-pleasant situation instead will be asked to act with that same may be some cases where, up to a point, you in English, they may use the language to communicate Although Japanese people may speak to you language. their ideas (ideas based on/interpreted through cultural assumptions) in a way that is similar to in both formal and for status and politeness made distinctions are special be said in Japanese. In Japanese, there how things may are even foreign words used in Japanese There There is also a certain level of indirectness. informal situations. that have retained only part of their original meaning. Some of these words may catch you by surprise when they are used in English with their Japanese meaning. if you feel your makes Japanese society go round. Remember, the best ways for you to learn exactly what before you act. a good look at the situation a peak, it is best for you to sit back and take hitting frustration level necessary, If ease. most the with situation the resolve can that way a in understood yourself make to try Tactfully who are familiar with the Japanese system. discuss the situation with friends and colleagues greatly affect the success of your office relations and your time in Japan. It is good to try maketo this experience a good one for both yourself and the others in your group. 3.6. Communication in Japan in 3.6. Communication Dynamics Group age or rank. In addition, there are many rules which cover all aspects of group functions and define the behaviour of the individual members. This strong group peer pressure can make it very difficult to order in that but for another, one with agree always members individual that mean not does This norm. the from the individual to differ minimize conflict and division within the group, individual opinion is often withheld. Each person carefully has defineda position very which is usually accepted and goesunchallenged. It issaid in Japan thatsticks “theup nail that gets hammered down.” Expressing one’s opinion without considering one’s position in the group or completely disavowing another individual’s opinion is frowned upon. Exceptions are sometimes made for group these with accordance in act instinctively not you may that understood is it as area this in foreigners balance between your concept of for you to strive to find a workable it is important dynamics. However, group mentality. individualism and this top the to way works its gradually and bottom the at begins process The decision. particular for a responsible This may one way or another in the end. almost all persons become involved in As a result, decision-makers. angry or frustrated. not becoming for you to work at is important But, it time. very tedious and a waste of seem a request, your are done in Japan. If you make is the way things and respect that this understand try to Rather, is process this After on. so and superiors their to talk must turn in who bosses their ask must supervisors In Japan, patience no. yes or a straightforward be not may still which answer, your receive will you completed, for communication in these situations. and a level head are the most effective tools will also increase opportunities to make friends and have a greater understanding of Japanese culture. of Japanese culture. will also increase opportunities to make friends and have a greater understanding colleagues, your superiors, with communicate to your ability strengthen will ability Japanese Developing and assess your might expect organisation students, friends, etc., but it should also be noted that your contracting willingness to study Japanese during performance evaluations. 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 109 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 16:47:48 111 for more CLAIR News for more Japanese for receive Japanese for and CIRs JETs Japanese for Japanese for CIRs contains vocabulary and expressions that are typically used in Japanese offices introduces common vocabulary and information used in everyday life and in the life and in the vocabulary and information used in everyday introduces common Japanese for JETs To help JET Programme participants gain translation and interpretation skills necessary to carry out their their out carry to necessary skills interpretation and translation gain participants Programme JET help To CLAIR offers a grant for JET ProgrammeCLAIR participantsoffers who a pass grant N3 for or JET a higher level of the Japanese-Language To support To JET Programme effortsparticipants’ to learn Japanese in Japan, CLAIR provides a number of free There are many different ways of learning Japanese. The most important thing is to find a learning method Even learning a little Japanese before you arrive, like simple greetings, self-introductions, katakana and katakana and self-introductions, simple greetings, before you arrive, like a little Japanese Even learning To assist with studying and Japanese, ALTs SEAs receive 3.7.3 JET Programme Translation and Interpretation Course and Interpretation Translation Programme 3.7.3 JET 3.7.2. Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Grant (N3 and above) 3.7.2. Japanese-Language Proficiency 3.7.1. JET Programme Japanese Language Courses Programme 3.7.1. JET duties, CLAIR provides a translation and interpretation course. The course is divided into the Chinese/Korean and may be required to organisations through contracting are recruited course and the English course. Participants of places available. take an admission test due to the limited number Proficiency Test (JLPT) and meet the grant eligibility requirements. Proficiency online Japanese language courses. You can register for the Japanese Language Course before you arrive in Japan. You online Japanese language courses. Course Guide the Japanese Language contracting organisation, with your refer to your correspondence Please (which you will receive after your arrival in Japan), the JET Programme’s website, and process. information about course content and the application and also explains the structure of Japanese government organisations. Both of these books will be useful to refer refer to useful be will books these of Both organisations. government Japanese of structure the explains also and situations that arise in your daily life. to when dealing with that suits your lifestyle, where you live, and your work environment. Some methods of learning Japanese are: Courses, attending a Japanese Programme Japanese Language language school, buying enrolling in the JET Japanese of wealth the using or programmes, TV watching or radio to listening Japanese, learning for materials Programme JET other ask and around Look online. available applications smartphone and sites learning have Japanese that best suits you. Once you before deciding on the method of learning participants around you as you can. make sure to keep it up and study as often decided on your method, . These textbooks are not only useful for Japanese study, but also contain practical information about life in about information practical but also contain Japanese study, not only useful for These textbooks are CIRs. Japan. workplace. hiragana, will make it easier for you to build relationships with the people around you at work and help you to make it easierhiragana, will you to you at work and help the people around build relationships with for you to life in Japan. start to your new and give you a smooth also help reduce anxiety It will quickly. adjust more 20-12-338_Chapter 3.indd 111 Chapter 4: Living in Japan

第4章第4章 日本での生活日本での生活


20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 113 2021/02/03 11:17:19 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 16:49:52 115 . will serve time in prison, pay a fine, or may have their licence suspended. If the driver is

You must You never leave the scene of an accident without contacting the police, even if you damages to be insignificant. believe the Move the car to a safe place and turn off the engine. Move the car to a safe place and turn off the If someone is injured, call an ambulance (Tel. 119) and provide as much assistance as you can until arrive. they Contact the police (Tel. 110) and your must You supervisor. contact the police in the event of a traffic accident. If you are unable to explain the situation in Japanese, please contact your supervisor have them contact the police on your behalf. first and Procure the name and contact details of the other person(s) involved in the accident, and wait for the police to arrive. ・ ・ ・ ・ : Note: In In Japan there is no distinction of severity between differenttypes of illegal drugs. Marijuanaand heroin are Accidents and traffic offenses related to driving under the influence of alcohol are subject to harsh civil and drive. If your friends have been drinking, it is your responsibility If you have been drinking, you must not Also, as bicycles are classified similarly to vehicles, you must not ride your bicycle while under the influence of carry out the following steps: In the event of a traffic accident, you must The consequences for driving while under the influence of alcohol in Japan are severe. Furthermore, insurance with even a small amount Anyone caught driving for drinking and driving infractions. Japanese laws are severe It is obvious you must abide by Japanese law, but it is especially important for JET Programme participants, as participants, Programme JET for important but it is especially Japanese law, you must abide by It is obvious times with the law at all Please comply 3) Drugs both illegal drugs with heavy penalties. Furthermore, not only will drug use have a significant negative impact on own contracting by their doubted be likely also will participants Programme JET your fellow co-workers, but your organisations and in some cases even subject to questioning by the police. JET Programme participants under no circumstances, use or be involved in the use of illegal drugs. should, determined to have been intoxicated, regardless of whether there was an accident or not, the driver will receive a receive will driver the or not, accident was an there of whether regardless intoxicated, been have to determined prison sentence or a fine and have their licence revoked. Moreover, if you were drinking with the driver, you can be held responsible. on levied that is harsher than and teachers employees on government levied action Disciplinary penalties. criminal and/or employees government As local for the community. to set an example others in Japan as they are expected will be terminated if they are found guilty of drinking and driving. Programme participants teachers, JET a someone lend or driver, intoxicated an by driven car a in you ride if In Japan, drive. not they do sure make to alcohol them provide even or stop them, to try not do or intoxicated, while drive to intend they knowing vehicle responsible regardless of whether you have been drinking to drive, you can be held while knowing they intended or not. alcohol. Accidents Traffic 2) 1) Drinking and Driving accidents. will not cover alcohol-related system in their of alcohol 4.1. Observing the Laws 4.1. Observing law, break the If you of responsibility. and thus in a position employees government local and/or you are teachers will be terminated. your term of appointment it is likely that 20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 115 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 】 2021/02/03 11:17:19 117 Sample Room Layout (1K) 【

washitsu s clothing, etc.) is punished in the same way. etc.) is punished in the s clothing, (Western-style) rooms. (Western-style) yōshitsu (L = Living room; D = Dining area; K = Kitchen) (L Apartments are described by different combinations of the letters “LDK” combinations of the letters “LDK” Apartments are described by different When making accommodation arrangements, please take into consideration JET Programme participants are responsible for all housing-related costs, including repair, refurbishing, and and refurbishing, repair, housing-related costs, including all for responsible are participants Programme JET JET Programme participants are responsible for their own accommodation arrangements. In some cases, cases, participants are responsible for their own accommodation arrangements. In some Programme JET Please in the case where note that you decide to change your housing arrangements, your contracting Japanese customs and etiquette can be very different from those of your own country, and can be a source of In addition to these points, as the JET Programme Terms and Conditions specify that “the JET shall not not shall JET “the that specify Conditions and Terms Programme JET the as points, these to addition In As to high ethical you are required to behave according and/or employee of a local government, a teacher In Japan, even in cases of mutual consent, it is strictly forbidden by law to engage in sexual activity with a activity with a to engage in sexual forbidden by law consent, it is strictly in cases of mutual In Japan, even the layout of the apartment, including details on bathroom/toilet facilities and the layout of the apartment, including details on bathroom/toilet facilities and whether the rooms are western or Japanese-style. Ds and Ks usually have wooden floors,regardless of the western/Japanesemake-up of the rest of the apartment. It is quite common to find apartments with a mixture of LDK and/or in square metres. For example, a 2DK has two rooms and a dining kitchen, a lK has one room and a small kitchen, a 3LDK has three rooms with described are apartments Some space. living/dining/kitchen combined large a as “one room.” Real estate agents usually have apartment floor plans that show 3) Choosing a Home the level of safety of the accommodation and the surrounding area. 4) Useful Housing Information 2) Housing Costs as well residences, you change case fees in the moving fees both during your stay and when you leave, cleaning as commission may fees have when to using pay a the real equivalent estate of agent or You other housing service. two to six month’s rent immediately after arriving in Japan in order to move into housing. Monthly rent depends was building the and how long ago size, apartment room or building, the in facilities of location, on convenience built or refurbished. contracting organisations may designate housing arrangements or suggest a service for the JET Programme Programme JET the a service for suggest or housing arrangements designate may organisations contracting participants to use when making arrangements; please confirm with your contracting organisation before making arrangements of your own. is under no obligation to assist you in arranging new housing. organisation weddings and funerals also involve many prescribed customs to be followed, and it is recommended that you ask you that recommended is it and followed, be to customs prescribed many involve also funerals and weddings before attending an important event. the Japanese people around you for advice 4.3. Housing Participant Housing Programme 1) JET standards. behave in a way that earns Please remain conscious of this fact and the trust of your students, co- of the local community. workers and members Etiquette 4.2. Customs and etiquette, everyday with yourself familiarise you that recommended is it Japan, to coming Before confusion. common greetings, business manners, and proper conduct when eating meals in Japan. Formal events such as offender offender will be punished according to their local government’s juvenile protection ordinance. Furthermore, party’ removing the underage (bodily contact, kissing, molestation or the JET of the contracting organisation would discredit or damage the reputation behave in a manner which continue to able be not you will and be taken will measures disciplinary that likely highly is it Programme”, working. 4) Interactions with Children 4) Interactions person under 13 years of age. In cases of sexual conduct where the victim is between the ages of 13 and 18, the (Japanese style) and 20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 117 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/03 11:17:19 washitsu 119 tatami mat is 2m×1m, futon (bedding). The floor area of ) which you might call a blanket/duvet/comforter, (closet with sliding doors) for the storage of mats: rooms are “six-mat”, “eight-mat”, etc. The average size of a makura). oshiire oshiire deposit is used to cover any damage to the apartment or any cleaning that is necessary when you is necessary that cleaning or any apartment the to is used to cover any damage deposit mats in newer buildings may be a little smaller, and the size of tatami size and the may differsmaller, be a little may in newer buildings tatami mats according to the (Deposit) shikikin (Key Money) The voltage in Japan is 100 volts and runs on a frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Some homes are wired for Futons are laid out directly on Athe fullfloor. futon set consists of: a base futondirectly (shikibuton) on which the goes floor, a futon to cover yourself (kakebuton Futon care: If you have a futon, be sure to fold it up and put it away As futons absorb body moisture, most Japanese air out their futons in on the tatami, the tatami will get mouldy. the closet every day. If you leave it when you are home in case of sudden rain. to air out your futon Try regularly on the veranda. and should be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust. These can be vacuumed mats: Tatami and a pillow ( (paper screens) in place of curtains. Most in place of curtains. shōji (paper screens) windows may have covered with tatami mats and the The floor is Voltage/Plugs  200 volts, so please check with your landlord. Most new laptops come with auto-switching or have a universal for your manual instruction the check so please world, the in anywhere usage allows which supply voltage with a two-prong plug or a travel plug adapter. may need a new cord You computer. The Key money is a non-refundable gratuity paid to landlords when newly renting an apartment from them. Whether from them. apartment an when newly renting to landlords paid gratuity is a non-refundable Key money Most modern apartments have a unit bath combining a small, deep bathtub, as well as a shower unit and basin. styles (for and Japanese Western They come in or in a separate toilet room. are either in the unit bathroom Toilets will be required to whether or not you contracting organisation Before coming to Japan, discuss with your ・ ・ ・ is measured in tatami is measured (Japanese-style rooms) (Japanese-style Washitsu an have washitsu 4.4. Computers and Telephones 4.4. Computers and 1) Computers ① however, however, region. Shikikin leave. Some contracts may also stipulate whether you will get the deposit back in full or only receive a percentage a receive only or full in back deposit the get will you whether stipulate also may contracts Some leave. a good idea to clarify this at the when you leave. It is of the condition of the apartment of the deposit regardless contract. time you enter into the Reikin or not you must pay key money will depend on the area you live in and other factors. money will depend on the area you live or not you must pay key Bathrooms & Toilets push to buttons and turn to levers have units heater gas Some heater. electric gas or a from usually is water Hot perfectly safe. It is wise to ask These units are quite common and are unit. in order to ignite the water heating confusion later in to avoid when you move yourself a few times and try it how to use your unit to explain someone on. you squat facing the plumbing or hood of the fixture). the latter, Apartment Your 5) Furnishing purchase furnishings for your apartment. Note on futons and tatami: 20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 119 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/03 11:17:19 121 (provides explanation of Japan Post services . 〒 www.post.japanpost.jp/index_en.html The types of connection available will depend on the area and building in which you live, so please confirm Banks in Japan are generally open from Monday to Friday. However, many banks close at earlier hours Opening a bank account will be one of your Youfirst can concerns also upon have arrival. your utilities (water, In addition to banks, post offices also provide banking services. Post offices are generally open from Monday Each post office will have windows for banking purposes. If you open a postal savings account (yūbin chokin Japan Post English Website: can generally be found ATMs in banks and convenience stores. Hours of operation vary by financial institution. Internet  with the party in charge of your residence (landlord, management may etc.). company, You wish to ask fellow Provider they use. which Internet Service and colleagues about Programme participants JET The available services will depend on your area. may You have the option of leasing the landline from NTT, After arriving in Japan, there are various ways to set up a new phone service. For example, you may wish to will need You personal identification and a number of other documents in order to purchase a mobile phone or 4.5. Financial Institutions Account 4.5.1. Bank 1) Banks countries. Banks are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, compared to what you may be used to in other and holidays. This from a machine. a number ticket to take be required bank, you will of the counter the service When visiting indicates the order in which you will be served. electricity, gas, etc.) and other bills automatically withdrawn from your bank account by completing certain procedures. Account) 2) Post Offices (Japan Post Bank to Some Friday. post offices are also open on Saturdays with restricted business hours. Main city offices large and branches may stay open later on weekdays and Saturdays than smaller branches, or even offer a 24 hour window. spot post offices by their mark: a red can You kōza), money can be withdrawn or deposited at any ATMspost canoffice be nationwide. accessed from any post office throughout Japan, and automatic payment of bills is also possible. in English). Machines (ATMs) Teller Automatic 3) Be aware that, in many cases, you will be charged a fee for outside using ATMs of specified hours of operation, such as weekends, holidays, and weeknights. the financial institution’s ② Services 2) Telephone shop what Ask at the local electronics packages. phone services that are included in internet but there may also be are using. or ask your co-workers what services they services are available, Smartphones 3) Mobile Phones and decide for yourself which a new SIM card. Please Japanese mobile phone company or obtain sign a contract with a for your needs. method is most suitable with your provider of choice in advance. plan. Please check what documents are required set up a mobile phone 20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 121 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/03 11:17:19 123 ) ) e e

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引 引 預 預 1 1 oazukeir oazukeir D D ohikidashi ohikidashi Select Select to to ( ( 万 万 認 認 Press Press お お お お (Withdraw (Withdraw 確 確 Operati Operati Other Other Transaction Transaction ① ① ② ② ) (denshin sōkin Transfer Telegraphic Account (kaigai sōkin-yō kōza Overseas Remittance Remittance Cheque ( Other Operation Keys Operation Other Transaction Selection Keys Selection Transaction is often used instead of a signature to confirm a person’s identity or authorisation. These seals identity or authorisation. In Japan, an inkan is often used instead of a signature to confirm a person’s ・ ・ For information regarding international post remittance, contact your local post office or callthe English Postal Japanese Post website: In Japan, two main methods of sending money home are through the bank or post office. The method you use Each bank has a slightly different policy concerning sending money abroad. Shop around and try to find a bank ・ ② ATM English Operation Key Guide English Operation Key ATM ① Japan Post Bank website: are used primarily in official situations such as opening a bank account, signing contracts, and approving official documents. 4.6. Personal Seal ( 2) Sending Money Home Through the Post Office Through 2) Sending Money Home Services Information at 0570-046-111 (0120-232-886 free-dial for enquiries in Japanese, or 0570-046-666 for enquiries in Japanese from a mobile 8:00-21:00, phone) or from Saturdays, Monday Sundays to and Friday, public holidays, 9:00-21:00. 4.5.2. Sending Money Home expense, and convenience. safety, will depend on a number of factors: urgency, the Bank Through 1) Sending Money Home with a connection to your home bank, and confirm which method of sending money is best for The you. following are a few examples of money sending methods: 【 20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 123 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/03 11:17:19 125 (legal registered jitsu-in authenticity. This inkan certificateauthenticity. is required in cases such as (personal seal that is not registered) and mitome-in inkan authenticity are important and valuable, so keep them in a safe place. can You only legally register one JET JET Programme participants from countries that have joined the Geneva Convention are able to obtain an Even if JET Programme participants in their second or later year return home temporarily (for less than 3 you must also carry your passport with you while driving. Along with an IDP, Those who possess a licence issued in France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Estonia, Monaco, or Taiwan overseas need a valid you will into a Japanese driver's licence, licence driver’s convert your home countries’ To JET Programme participants must receive permission from their contracting organisation in order to drive for in order to drive for permission from their contracting organisation Programme participants must receive JET : basic kinds of inkan There are two 4.7.1. Licences Permit (IDP) 1) International Driving International Driving Permit (IDP) from their home country prior to coming to As Japan. the kind of vehicle you can drive with an IDP varies according to the kind of IDP (A~E), please verify the kind of IDP when you obtain it. can You only use an IDP in Japan for a maximum period of one year from the whichever comes first. Japan), or until the expiration date on the permit, initial date of entry (arrival in it will not be valid for driving in Japan. In months) order Programme and for participants obtain JET in a new IDP, licence. they must obtain a Japanese driver’s their second or later year to drive in Japan, licence of expiry of the date in Japan, or the of entry date initial the after to drive in Japan for a year permitted are whichever comes first. JET Programme participants from these countriesmust carry an official translation of their licence issued by organisations such as the Japan Automobile Federation Branch Office (JAF), and their passport your convert you must Programme, JET on the year on your second Japan in driving continue To when driving. licence into a Japanese licence. home countries’ licence into a Japanese Driver's Licence Driver’s Home Countries’ 2) Converting your the licence was where they were in the country that prove to applicants must be able that licence. Please note issued for at least three months after obtaining the licence. can You apply for a Japanese driver’s your licence local at Driver and Licensing Vehicle Centre (unten menkyo menkyo unten as known places some in – sentā shikenjō). At the centre, you must submit all necessary documents and you may be required some However, drive. to your aptitude as well as Japan in driving regarding your knowledge assess to order in tests to take a variety of driver’s issued their that authority on the tests, depending taking from be exempt may participants Programme JET may vary according to licensing centre, make licence As the procedures for obtaining a Japanese driver’s license. sure to check with the licensing centre. 4.7. Driving you When driving, do not need permission to own work-related travel, but a vehicle, or drive in their free time. Also ensure that you have taken out the appropriate insurance (see must be in possession of a valid driving licence. section 4.7.3). seal). A seal). A personal seal can be used in daily matters, such as approving papers After that Division of your city/town hall. Affairs seal legal registered is one which is registered at the Citizens are A passed around the office. registering your seal, you can obtain a certificate of purchasing an automobile, buying or selling property, or taking out a loan. Your legal registered seal and certificate Your or taking out a loan. purchasing an automobile, buying or selling property, of seal. 20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 125 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/16 11:25:28 127 Rules of the of Rules ): paid only once when you buy a car. ): paid by owner as of 1 April each year. jidōshazei shubetsuwari): paid by owner as of 1 ). (Registration can be done at one’s local town/city hall.) inkan). (Registration can be done at one’s shako shōmeisho). shaken). The The vehicle must have its own fixedparking space. Permanent parkingin a publiccar-park oron the All vehicles must be registered, with the number appearing on the licence plate. Licence plates must be plates Licence plate. on the licence with the number appearing must be registered, All vehicles All vehicles must undergo and pass a periodic vehicle safety inspection. Costs and frequency (every 2 Automobile tonnage tax: levied according to the weight of the car and paid at purchase and subsequent Automobile tonnage tax: levied according to inspections. Obtain proof of parking place ( Obtain proof of parking road is not allowed. Register the vehicle. attached to the vehicle. Have a registered personal seal ( Pay all three of the following types of taxes: (jidōshazei kankyōseinōwari Tax 1. Environmental Performance 2. Automobile classification tax ( 3. inspection ( Vehicle or 3 years) will vary depending on the year the vehicle was manufactured certificateand and A the weight. sticker will be issued for vehicles which pass the inspection. The certificate of inspection must be carried new brand A windshield. front the on displayed sticker the and driving while times all at driver the by three years after purchase. the first inspection vehicle will undergo (English) https://english.jaf.or.jp/ (Japanese) https://jaf.or.jp/  Vehicle owners must fulfill the following legal obligations: Vehicle ・ ・  Additionally, JAF provides various other services for drivers such as roadside assistance and licence translation. and licence translation. as roadside assistance services for drivers such various other JAF provides Additionally, website. Automobile Federation (JAF) Japan ・ ・ ・  liability insurance (jidōsha songai baishō sekinin hoken). Because It is necessary to enrol in compulsory liability (jidōsha insurance comprehensive optional an in enrol also to encouraged are strongly you addition, In nin’i no (hoken broker insurance an for you by visiting is best policy insurance which about advice get can You for will be liable You it must be disposed of properly. When you leave Japan or need to get rid of your vehicle, In Japan, drivers and passengers on motorcycles (3-wheeled motorcycles excluded) and scooters must wear a It is your responsibility to understand and follow the rules of the road in Japan. Information about road rules and Information about of the road in Japan. and follow the rules to understand It is your responsibility 4.7.3. Owning a Vehicle 4.7.3. Owning a Vehicle 1) Buying a is also available for purchase in English, Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese. and Portuguese. English, Chinese, Spanish, for purchase in Road is also available 2) Insurance Programme participant. to the JET insurance might not provide adequate coverage hoken). madoguchi). Disposal 3) Vehicle vehicle tax until you properly dispose of the vehicle. If you are unable to sell can your and car dealerships judge that it has no resale value, you will have to dispose of the vehicle (haisha). You vehicle to another individual handled is usually disposal and paperwork the but yourself, disposal for vehicle necessary paperwork process the by a vehicle sales or disposal For company. more detailed information about the process, enquire with a company in your area. and Mopeds 4) Motorcycles 4.7.2. Japan Automobile Federation (JAF) Federation Automobile 4.7.2. Japan publication The website. (JAF) Federation Automobile Japan the on English in available signs is road 20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 127 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/03 11:17:20 129 When you leave Affairs’ website. Affairs’ You must You not abandon or give away an automobile or motorcycle As these conditions may be different for please the confirm expressway, the rules for motorcycles on the expressway. Due to the spread of COVID-19, the rules and procedures listed above are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the Ministry of Foreign Contact your home country embassy in the country you are visiting and apply for a new passport. Contact your home country embassy in the to submit you are required Card. However, Japan even if you lose your Residence It is possible to re-enter of your boarding pass at the port while acquiring etc. of Stay, of Residence, Period your Status proof of and ask them to obtain a proof of re-entry organisation departure. In such a case, contact your contracting permit from the Immigration Bureau, and then forward this document to you. Make sure to obtain your Residence Card from the Immigration Bureau as soon as possible entering Japan. after re- When it is not equipped with a passenger seat. not equipped with a passenger When it is When the driver has had their motorcycle licence for less than one (Even year. if the driver has experience to a Japanese licence). one year after switching as a “new driver” for they are classified driving abroad, If you lose your passport abroad: ・ If you lose your Residence Card abroad: ・ ・ ・ ・ When selling, purchasing or receiving a car or motorcycle from another person (including another JET Note: Note:  Ask your travel agency if vaccinations are necessary when travelling to your chosen destination. Ask your travel agency if vaccinations are necessary valid their of photo page the of copy a make should participants Programme JET travelling overseas, When re-enter to be able you will Card, Residence a valid and passport a valid with Japan you exit if In principle, Please note that you cannot ride any motorised bike or moped of 125cc or less on the expressway. Also note that Please note that you cannot ride any motorised bike or moped of 125cc or less on the expressway. without filing the proper paperwork. without filing the proper Programme participant), please be sure to refer to the guidelines outlined above. In Japan, the disposal automobile of or an motorcycles takes both money and effort. Please be aware of the disposal processor motorcycle. automobile own an to agree before you Japan, be sure to tick the column “I am leaving Japan temporarily and will return” on an ED Card for on an ED Card for to tick the column “I am leaving Japan temporarily and will return” Japan, be sure Period of Stay Your Residence Card at Immigration. your in addition to presenting Permit, Re-entry Special cannot be extended while outside of Japan. 4.8. Travelling Abroad Travelling 4.8. 1) Vaccinations 2) Passport passport, as well as a copy of the page(s) that show the Status of Residence should be kept separately from your passport. and Period of These Stay. copies 3) Re-entry Permit Japan within one year from departing or until your Period of Stay expires, whichever comes first. helmet. Motorcycles of 251cc and above require shaken. It is illegal to carry a passenger on over 51cc a motorcycle or a moped carry a passenger on It is also illegal to must wear a helmet. and the operator a moped (gentsuki) on the type of International Driving Permit. allowed to drive a moped in Japan depends whether or not you are 20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 129 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/17 15:17:36 131 s foreign office for travel advice. s foreign office http://ajet.net It is recommended to check with the embassy of the country you wish to visit and ask what the customs customs the what ask and visit to wish you country the of embassy the with check to recommended is It you need to obtain an entry visa. restrictions are and whether The Embarkation/Disembarkation Card. you will need to fill in a Re-entry When you leave Japan, it when you return to will need You your passport. Do not remove it. to will be attached Disembarkation Card Japan. line at Immigration. you can use the Re-entry or Foreign Passport When you return to Japan, into Japan. what articles are prohibited from being brought Customs: please check Leave your itinerary and contact numbers with your contracting organisation and supervisor in case of of and supervisor in case contracting organisation numbers with your itinerary and contact Leave your at home. with friends or family to leave your itinerary It is also a good idea emergencies. government’ website of your home embassy or check the Contact your The Ministry of Justice has also created a website to help foreign nationals living in Japan. You can access it it access can You Japan. in living nationals foreign help to website a created also has of Justice Ministry The https://www.isa.go.jp/en/index.html The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) is an independent support association comprised of comprised support association independent (AJET) is an Teaching and Exchange Japan for Association The AJET is organised into two levels, each with its own specific roles and duties: National AJET and local AJET http://jetprogramme.org/en/ajet/ AJET: More information about website: AJET National ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 4.10. Multilingual Information about Living in Japan from the following link: 4.9. The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) Teaching and Japan Exchange for Association The 4.9. Programme for JET body sole representative is the AJET participants. Programme JET who are current volunteers Programme Programme support by providing to JET and information participants and supports the JET participants. chapters. National AJET serves as the communication nexus for the local AJET chapters, provides resources Programme website and works collaboratively with the JET AJET Programme participants through the for JET administrators in various ways. The AJET National Council is in general elected by current AJET, JET administer who executives three of consists council The Programme year. one for serve members its and participants for their responsible are representatives posts. Block other and CIR representative a representatives, block eleven AJET home prefecture and and the 3~4 AJET local neighboring prefectures and serve as liaisons between National chapters in their block. In addition, there are several appointed officers who supervise various informed Programme participants events, and keep JET provide support, organise chapters National AJET AJET Local initiatives. of issues affecting them on a local level. 4) Miscellaneous 20-12-338_Chapter 4.indd 131 Chapter 5: Safety

第5章第5章 安全安全


20-12-338_Chapter 5.indd 133 2021/02/03 11:22:20 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/16 11:53:42 135

” (fire), and call 119. Evacuate if necessary. Kaji!” (fire), and call download the Safety Tips app (found in the Appendices) and be sure to register with CLAIR’s CLAIR’s to register with be sure and Appendices) the in (found app Tips Safety the download Have a fire extinguisher handy. Have a fire extinguisher handy. In the case of a fire, yell “ Be selective when giving out your home address or phone number. Be selective when giving number. contact phone Obtain your supervisor’s the house. and windows are locked before you leave Double-check that doors visitor. to see identification if you do not know the Ask door before opening it. Know who is at your recognise. when dealing with visitors that you do not Keep the door chained questions from strangers on the telephone. Do not answer personal Call the police by dialling 110. think that it has been entered, do not go in. If you come home and For information police. the call and hospital a to Go interpreter. or colleague friend, a call injured, are If you please refer to page 141. about what to do in the case of sexual assault, seen been have you shower until a take not do investigation, police the in aid to assaulted, sexually are you If you to a hospital and help you call the police. Call a friend or colleague, ask them to accompany by a doctor. Speak to your supervisor or a colleague. Describe what happened, what you want to be kept confidential and Keep in mind that your supervisorwhat actions might improve the situation. may need to report or consult in resolving the problem. with their superiors in order to move forward reoccurring and what to do if it does reoccur. Discuss what to do to prevent the crime from and any other relevant authorities (police, etc.) if necessary. Inform the Host Prefecture/Designated City Seek counselling if necessary. If a fire or natural disaster occurs, please protect yourself and put your safety first. See the information below ・ ・ Japan is known as a safe country. However, it is not possible to say that Japan is completely safe. to say that Japan it is not possible However, as a safe country. Japan is known that you would same precautions the to take is safety your ensure do to thing you can most important The ・・・・・・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Police in Japan patrol the streets and educate the public on crime prevention helpingand totraffic ensure safety, you can dial incidents and accidents, matters besides urgent For information and enquiries on police related from 8:30 to 17:15 (please note that the hours from Monday to Friday, This service usually is available 9110. about safety tips, contact information, and how information is disseminated during a disaster. If you are using you are using If a disaster. about safety tips, contact information, and how information is disseminated during a smartphone, 5.2. Fires, Natural Disasters, and Contact Information 5.2. Fires, Contact/Safety Confirmation System. Emergency 1) Fires: Safety Tips Safety 1) Fires: 5.1. Security home country. take in your Tips 1) Home Security the victim of a crime if you become accident or involved in an What to do if you are 2) 3) Police in Japan Therefore, if well-being you regardless encounter of a the traffictime accidentof orday. incident,citizens’ or even if you are simply walking in your town on Asa publicweekend, safety you may be approached by a police officer. fully to required and you are to ask you questions, law under Japanese right the have police the is a top priority, cooperate. ♯ and languages available may vary by prefecture). 20-12-338_Chapter 5.indd 135 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/03 11:22:20 137 After arrive in Japan, you Programme participants themselves. service (171). People outside the area can listen to to listen can area the outside People (171). service Saigai-yō Dengon Dial service will be made on the radio and

Contact should be made via telephone or e-mail. If you use e-mail, please write your return address in the please write your return address in If you use e-mail, or e-mail. should be made via telephone Contact If you receive an Auxiliary e-mail Safety from Confirmationthe system,independent replyCLAIR as soon In the event of a large-scale disaster, you should make contact with your contracting organisation as soon organisation make contact with your contracting you should disaster, In the event of a large-scale you should contact your Host Prefecture/ organisation, with your contracting If you cannot make contact for you to receive a delivery confirmation. main body and make sure your settings allow a separate phone call or send a separate e-mail as well. as possible. Furthermore, please also make as possible and inform them of your situation. reach them, you should contact CLAIR directly. and if you cannot Designated City, Notification of the introduction of the NTT but English, Japanese, including other than this service is not available in languages that note Please http://www.ntt-east.co.jp/en/saigai/voice171/ When a disaster occurs, it is often difficult to make telephone calls to the affected area. In such area. In such to make telephone calls to the affected When a disaster occurs, it is often difficult JET Programme participants are NOT provided with property insurance. Please consider purchasing property purchasing consider Please insurance. property with provided NOT are participants Programme JET Means of Contact Contact Each neighbourhood has a designated area where citizens can gather when a natural disaster causes fire or or gather when a natural disaster causes fire has a designated area where citizens can Each neighbourhood disaster. CLAIR has implemented a safety confirmation system in case of a large-scale major a If supervisors. their to details contact emergency their give to expected are participants Programme JET are situations disaster in involved are participants Programme JET for when procedures contact Emergency Japan experiences earthquakes, landslides, typhoons, floods, tsunami, tornadoes, and volcanic eruptions. eruptions. volcanic and tornadoes, tsunami, floods, typhoons, landslides, earthquakes, experiences Japan recorded messages made by those in the affected area regarding their etc. safety, people Similarly, outside the area can send messages to people in the affected area. can use the service by dialling 171 and following the guidance in Japanese to record or You television, etc. listen to messages. information on how to use this service in English is available on the following website: (Tel. 171) Saigai-yō Dengon Dial (Tel. Saigai-yō the use you can circumstances, Dengon Dial 5) Insurance insurance (for fires, earthquakes, etc.). Costs shall be borne by the JET ② ① disrupts the gas, power, and water supplies. Find out beforehand where this evacuation area is from your neighbour out beforehand where this evacuation and water supplies. Find disrupts the gas, power, to see organisation sure to consult with your landlord and contracting make please In addition, or local town office. (both at home and at work). to follow in the case of an emergency if there is a set procedure 3) Contact Information System. Confirmation Contact/Safety Emergency CLAIR’s with register be sure to a smartphone you have if to provide at least one e-mail and be sure of this book for how to register Appendices in the back Please see the to. from a device you have immediate access address that you can check supervisor as soon as possible, and give them information with your natural disaster occurs, please make contact on your well-being. In addition, respond to Ine-mails the from casethe of safety confirmation system if necessary. to each e-mail that you receive. multiple strong earthquakes, please respond Emergency Contact System 4) Disaster outlined large-scale (A below. disaster is defined as a situation in which the safety of a large number of people is etc.). If an emergency incidents, and terrorism-related accidents disasters, train/boat/plane e.g. natural threatened, participants must report their situation based on the guidelines below. Programme arises, JET 2) Natural Disasters 2) Natural The put themselves in danger. should not Programme participants and JET should always be taken, Precautions to enquire be sure disaster occurs, so please measures in case a will have emergency in your area government local with your to register your information please be sure In addition, for more information. government with the local embassy in Japan. 20-12-338_Chapter 5.indd 137 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme , etc. . 2021/02/17 15:21:46 139 Nin’yō Dantai ) about Manyuaru Contracting Organisation Manual Contracting Organisation 」 Safety Tips Emergency Pocket Guide Emergency http://jetprogramme.org/en/support warnings, volcano with earthquake early warnings, tsunami app notifies a user Tips The Safety warnings,Information issued weather warnings, and Civil Protection in Japanese, in Japan (available Korean). English, Chinese, and http://www.rcsc.co.jp/safety Appendices in the back.) (Please refer to the Resources from CLAIR Resources Appendices in the back of this book) App (See the Agency Tourism Japan If you feel in danger of experiencing sexual harassment, discuss the issue with your supervisor and colleagues. Try to establish one or more particularly strong relationships in your office. Having these relationships someone to help out with problem situations. prove to be invaluable in cases where you need will of note take and about enquire attention, attract may Programme participants JET that mind in Keeping precautions taken by Japanese people. respect, and act communicate that you want to be treated as an equal, with courtesy and If necessary, accordingly. harassment sexual of threat the feel you If involved. is alcohol when especially you, around those of aware Be is, seek help. from anyone, regardless of who the person joke is not funny Ask the person to stop. Say that you are offended, that the person is being rude, that the Move away or enlist the aid of onlookers. a trusted talk to Speak to your supervisor or colleague. If you are sexually harassed by your supervisor, colleague if possible. Say what happened and what you want to keep confidential. Discuss what you can do or would like to be done. On the JET Programme Homepage, you can download the Emergency Pocket Guide that CLAIR hands out at CLAIR hands out that Guide Pocket Emergency the download you can Homepage, Programme JET On the The most important thing you can do to ensure your safety is to take the same precautions that you would same precautions the to take is safety your ensure do to most important thing you can The ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Contracting Organisation Manual ( Organisation CLAIR has included information in the Contracting The JET Programme participant’s local region or place of work will often regularly have disaster preparedness region or place of work will often regularly local Programme participant’s The JET 〇 ・ 〇 ・「 6) The Emergency Pocket Guide The Emergency Pocket 6) to download. also use the link below can You orientation. sexual harassment, how to avoid it, and what to do if it happens. If you wish to speak with your supervisor about with speak wish to If you happens. it do if to what it, and avoid how to harassment, sexual read the relevant passage in the this subject, please confirm that they have 1) Prevention home country. take in your experiencing sexual harassment: do if you are What to 2) a victim of sexual harassment: What to do if you are 3) 5.3. Sexual Harassment 7) Disaster Preparedness Drills Preparedness 7) Disaster you know disaster, that in the event of a natural It is essential in these drills. to participate drills. Please be sure where to evacuate and what to do. 20-12-338_Chapter 5.indd 139 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/03 11:22:20 141 After experiencing sexual assault or rape, you may feel scared, ashamed, guilty, or be in shock. However, shock. However, in or be guilty, ashamed, scared, feel you may or rape, assault sexual experiencing After When going home, walk in groups, with your friends or coworkers. If you are going home at night, have your friends or coworkers. If you are going home at night, have When going home, walk in groups, with friends or family come pick you up. Since sexual assault often takes place close to home, when taking a taxi, be sure entrance of your home and not before then. to be dropped off at the going out at victim observe their often will perpetrators as home, Be aware of your surroundings when going etc.). night (for example to the convenience store, phone your have or alarm personal a carry and surroundings your of aware be alone, home go must you If ready to dial the police. a new key and remember to double lock your doors and windows. When moving into your residence, request Be sure to lock your balcony, as offenders may sometimes enter a home through thehigh-rise buildings. balcony door, even in are no strangers nearby. When entering your home, make sure that there Do not put your name on your mailbox or door. your address, be sure to shred them before disposing of them. When throwing away letters or postcards with and avoid hanging up laundry that implies you on your balcony, Be aware of the laundry you are hanging up are a woman living alone. and be sure or a club, do not drink from a glass handed to you by a stranger, a nomikai, If you are at a party, not to leave any of your drinks unattended. carefully think Likewise, you room. into anyone you let before think carefully friends, you are close if Even before entering the room of someone else. Sound a personal alarm. can (You find personal alarms, or bōhan būzā, to carry with youshopping malls, and electronic stores.) at home centres, Scream for help if others are nearby. clothing, their face, height, and what they look like. to remember the offender’s Try Be aware that if you want some sort of action to be taken, other people, including the harasser, will likely be likely will harasser, the including people, other to be taken, of action you want some sort if that Be aware involved. etc. including time, place, trail of any incidents, Keep a paper yourself. Do not blame There have been cases of JET Programme participants being the victims of sexual assault. Many assaults are are assaults Many assault. of sexual victims the being participants Programme of JET cases been have There in mid-to-high rise residential buildings, and assault cases take place on the road, in The majority of sexual ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Centres and resources. Harassment Enquiry book for a list of Sexual at the back of this Appendices Refer to the 5.4. Sexual Assault Programme JET between cases assault sexual been have there and victim, the to close someone by committed you participants. will Below, find steps that you can take to help avoid sexual assault, as well as what to do if you assault. become a victim of sexual 1) Prevention to always is important it if someone is your friend, even In addition, home. victim’s way to the on the particular measures you in most cases the perpetrator knows keep your guard up, as Below are some preventive the victim. can take. On the way home: At home: Other things to keep in mind: at risk of sexual assault: or What to do if you feel threatened 2) sexual assault: What to do immediately after 3) 1. First, take a few deep breaths. 20-12-338_Chapter 5.indd 141 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/03 11:22:20 143 (police box). You can also ask nearby people or those at a convenience store or similar or store convenience a at those or people nearby ask also can You box). (police kōban Contact your PA or supervisor from your Contracting Organisation and ask for help in reporting the ask for help in reporting the and or supervisor from your Contracting Organisation Contact your PA incident to the police. for help reporting to the police. to a trusted friend, and ask them Talk Japanese in as you can much as communicate to try or PA, supervisor your contact to unable If you are and English. Or, go to a nearby kōban (police box) and try to express yourself through either gestures or drawings. as best as you can, The police must ensure privacy and protect the Pleaseconfidentiality. victim’s know it is safe to talk to them. If it is difficult for you to talk to the police, then try toorganisation such visit as an a sexual assault relief and medical care. centre, so that you can receive counselling almost will assault the 72 hours after within pill contraceptive an emergency a woman, taking If you are consult pregnancy, of STDs/STIs and unwanted If you are afraid unwanted pregnancies. always prevent Assault Relief Centre. with a medical professional or visit a Sexual It may be difficult for you to talk about how the assault happened, but please remember that you have the If the offender ran away and you are inside, make sure you lock the room. If you are outside, ask for help is it charges, or press police the to crime the you should report whether wondering you are if Even be or hospital; to the police along with other evidence of rape, bring your clothing In addition, in the case Take each article of clothing and separate them into different paper bags, do not use plastic bags. Do not ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ If you are hesitant about going to the police because you do not want your coworkers or acquaintances to you do not want your coworkers or acquaintances because police going to the about hesitant If you are were sexually assaulted by a coworker or acquaintance: know you were sexually assaulted, or if you please realize that whatever you are feeling is normal. While you may be afraid to talk about your assault, assault, afraid to talk about your While you may be are feeling is normal. that whatever you please realize you get help. it is important that please realize is not your fault. it to the police. It right to report to a nearby convenience store, etc. from a passerby or go shower, Do not bathe, in order to verify the assailant. of the crime evidence physical to preserve all important your teeth before being examined. wash your hands, or brush clothing. sure not to wash your of the crime. rape took place, and try to preserve the scene clean the area where the Sexual Assault Relief Centres are located in every prefecture, and victims can receive immediate immediate receive can victims and prefecture, every in located are Centres Relief Assault Sexual * Please use the appendix in the back of this book for their contact information. be found in the appendix of this book. that may help can also The contact information of other organisations * Dial 110 or visit a visit or 110 Dial will respect The police the hospital. at examination a medical and conduct victim on the will check The police because you do not speak Japanese well: (a.) If you are hesitant about going to the police (b.) Sexual Assault Relief Centres Sexual support regarding the psychological help- such as counseling and consultations, as well as legal support and so feel privacy to the utmost degree, Centres will respect Assault Relief these Sexual In addition, investigation. free to consult with them. Some of these centres, do however, not offer English/language support, so it may be necessary to speak with them in Japanese or have an interpreter. 2. Make sure you are safe. you are 2. Make sure evidence of the crime. 3. Preserve If you report the crime to the police: directions. Ask for an interpreter if needed, and follow the police’s place to help you report the crime to the police. experience and privacy to the upmost degree. the victim’s If you are hesitant about going to the police: 20-12-338_Chapter 5.indd 143 Chapter 6: Health and JET Programme Support System

第6章第6章 健康とJETプログラムサポ健康とJETプログラムサポートシステムートシステム


20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 145 2021/02/10 17:27:13 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme ). 2021/02/10 17:27:13 147 . ) to pay. ) sheet while you are waiting. and beliefs. Moreover, living in an environment and in an environment living Moreover, and beliefs. , kaikei byōreki shitsumon hyō) or medical history ( Call the clinic or hospital to check for consultation hours. Check that your insurance is have the medical department for your ailment. valid and that they Fill out a registration form (shinsatsu card your insurance with receptionist the to it give mōshikomisho) and (hokenshō). will need to bring will receive You a card You patient’s (shinsatsuken), and a chart will be prepared for you. the shinsatsuken with you on any subsequent visit. may have to fill out a You card, and wait. your patient’s Go to the appropriate department, present questionnaire ( Eventually, you Eventually, will see the doctor, often in a curtained-off cubicle, rather than in a separate room, with the you, and and examine question doctor will The curtain. of the side other on the waiting line in next patients tests. you may be sent to other departments for additional consultation, proceed to the cashier ( After the doctor’s Go to the or medicine a counter, local pharmacy with a present medical your counter, prescription (shohōsen) to be filled, and wait until your name/number is called to receive your medicine. shindansho normally costs a few thousand yen which you are responsible for paying. Check with your , most places see patients on a first-come, first- clinics and hospitals, most places see patients on a first-come, Although appointments can be made at some ・ ・ ・ ・ If you have concerns or questions, try talking to your supervisor or colleagues at your contracting organisation clinics in your area. Both as some smaller specialised hospitals, as well or several larger one There may be If you do go to the hospital, bring any medication you have been taking as this may help the doctor determine Keep in mind that you may need to obtain a doctor’s certificate (shindansho) to qualify for sick leave (byōkyū and say: “Kyūkyūsha onegai at 119 call an ambulance shimasu. Kyūbyōnin In a medical emergency, ga imasu”. When living abroad for an extended period of time, it is not uncommon to experience exhaustion as you try to as you try exhaustion to experience time, it is not uncommon period of abroad for an extended When living ・ ・ ・ Most Japanese medication is in powdered form or tablets and is often considered to be weaker than in many 6.1.1. Going to the Hospital/Clinic serve basis. climate that you are not accustomed to may add to the stress. As adjustment, you may through this time of you go to the stress. to may add that you are not accustomed climate in your home country than you were back more prone to sickness find yourself first as they are in the best position to provide information specific to your situation. best position to provide information specific first as they are in the Finding a Doctor a particular require so if you regularly care, are closed for outpatient have days that will likely hospitals and clinics type of treatment or doctor, it is best if you find a few different optionsschedules. nearby and be aware of their business your symptoms. The using sick leave. supervisor in advance about procedures for Medical Emergencies Please send an ambulance.”) a medical emergency. have (“We 6.1. Health adjust to an unfamiliar setting with different culture, lifestyle 1) Medication western countries. The powder is usually in one-dose packets which you take with a glass of water. Doctors will Often which is covered by your insurance and with which their pharmacy is supplied. usually prescribe medicine you receive a different medication for each symptom you have and may find yourself going home with a bag full of medication just for three or four days. Do not be afraid to ask for clarification about what the medication is and what it is for. 20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 147 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:27:13 149 Home pregnancy tests are available at pharmacies. Home pregnancy tests municipal your at pregnancy your register must you pregnant, are you that confirmed has physician a Once that your and Conditions include unpaid maternity leave, but there is a possibility Terms proposed CLAIR’s While you are on maternity leave, your Health Employees’ Insurance will provide about 60% of your standard To receive this insurance payment, you must apply at your local branch of the Japan Health Insurance Application for payment must be made within two years of the first day of unpaid leave. will have You to get accustomed to different methods of pre-natal and post-natal care, and different attitudes of Medical expenses in Japan are not prohibitively expensive and health insurance ensures access for all requiring ensures access and health insurance expensive prohibitively in Japan are not Medical expenses Health Insurance Employees’ in principle does Your not cover cleaning and check-ups but will cover treatment. 6.1.2. Pregnancy and Maternity 6.1.2. Pregnancy 1) Pregnancy office. Please confirm what documents are necessary for the registration procedure. At this time you will receive the Mother and Child Health Handbook (Boshi ). Kenkō This Techō handbook will record will need to take this book to the You course growth and immunisation to the age of six. the birth, and your baby’s of pregnancy, your with your child after the birth. prenatal visits, the birth, and visits to the doctor 2) Maternity Leave and Compensation contracting organisation has not included it. Check your Terms and Conditions carefully. Please be assured to you are entitled that to the Labour Standards Law, and Conditions, according Terms in your even if it is not written unpaid maternity leave. remuneration for the period of 42 days (98 days if multiple births) prior to the number of expected days until date actual delivery of if the birth birth is (plus overdue) and any 56 days after provided delivery, you do not work or receive wages during that time. Payment is stopped or partially reduced when receiving wages whole. in part or in Association (Zenkoku Kenkō Hoken Kyōkai) located in each prefecture using the application for Health Insurance Maternity Leave Allowance (Kenkō Hoken Shussan Shikyū Teatekin Shinseisho) available at that office. Applications are generally made after the applicant has returned to work and are paid one month after the application has been lodged. Actual dates for unpaid leave must be confirmed on the applicationplace formof bywork your and both the expected date of delivery and actual date of delivery after return must to be work recorded. allows Application the forms to be completed and lodged only once. However, application may be made before birth for part of the leave period. and Birth Expenses 3) Prenatal delivery. and pregnancy with associated expenses the consider should also You Japan. in means parenthood what Health Employees’ Insurance does not cover the cost of normal maternity and obstetric (pre- and post-natal) care, since normal pregnancy and birth is not considered an illness. However, the insurance does cover the caesarean section and other complicated birth procedures. cost of a 2) Medical Expenses 2) Medical medical attention. Please remember that the Employees’ Health Insurance which you are required to pay into does cover 70% of your medical costs (also 70% for dependents), and the Accident JET Insurance will cover the Please refer to Accident Insurance Policy. remaining 30% in certain cases. (Dependents are not covered by the JET section “2.2. Insurance”.) Note: Dentists present your health However, insurance card and confirm whether the dentist accepts insurance, as costs tend tobe quite high. 20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 149 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:27:13 150,000 420,000 420,000 151 \ \ 70,000- \ 1,000,000 (for higher \ 400,000 and 400,000 and \ ) is available at some family planning clinics and general hospitals. ) is available at some family planning clinics kinkyū hinin yaku ) or convenience stores. Whether or not foreign brands are available depends on your location and can depends on your location foreign brands are available or not Whether stores. ) or convenience If the baby will have non-Japanese nationality you must obtain a passport for your child from your embassy. for more information regarding passport procedures. Contact your embassy resident status for your child. Contact the in Japan you also need to apply for If your baby will stay Immigration Bureau for further information. See “3.5. JET-Related Issues and Concerns”. See “3.5. JET-Related HIV testing is widely available and anonymous testing is available in most cities, but English services are You must register the birth You of your child at the municipal office within 14 days of the birth. Please confirm with Other Reminders card within 14 days. as a dependent on your health insurance must register your baby You 1. 2.  3. Japan is the condom. If you have a preferred brand of condoms, The most common form of birth control in Diaphragms are available in Japan, but are not commonly used. IUDs (Intrauterine Devices) are not popular in If you wish to use a birth control pill as a form of contraception while in Japan, you will need to see a It is possible to terminate a pregnancy in Japan within the Thefirst average trimester. cost is Upon delivery of a child by a person who is enrolled under Health Employees’ Insurance, or their spouse, the 6.1.3. Health Examinations Health Examinations Workplace 1) 2) HIV/AIDS Appendices at the back of this book for HIV/AIDS hotlines. limited. Please refer to the depending on the length of pregnancy and is not covered by insurance. Unless you plan on using condoms, bring a Unless you plan on by insurance. of pregnancy and is not covered on the length depending with you. supply of your preferred contraceptive device grade facilities) for the usual five to seven-day stay. Check with your supervisor to see that the properwish to claim the payment. filled out when you forms are 4) Birth Registration at this time. the documentation which must be submitted your municipal office Note: Contraception please feel free to bring some along with you. However, condoms are generally available at (yakkyoku drugstores/chemists area. be confirmed once you arrive at your local Japan. gynaecologist who will prescribe a suitable birth control pill for you. Ask your contracting organisation or JET Programme other participants in your area if there is a doctor nearby that they can recommend. If you are planning on having an extra supply sent from home, only one month’s supply may be sent your at prescription and a a note from your time doctor in (be the package). Please sure refer to section to “1.4.7. Medication, Medical include Products, Cosmetics, and Medical Equipment” for more information on bringing or sending medication to Japan. The morning-after pill ( insurance insurance will award a one-time fixed payment forchildbearing expenses (shussan ikuji ) of ichijikin for each child born. The one-time fixed payment for childbearing expenses is paid by it the is also possible However, to Insurance have bearer the directly payments to made the directly medical Employees’ to facility. Health is between Japan in child a of bearing cost average The bearer. insurance the 20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 151 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:27:13 153 People, especially those who have never lived abroad, are often not conscious of the subjective react. factors that determine the way they act and cultural To understand your experiences, you will need to search for the underlying factors that shape your perception you will need to search understand your experiences, To you. of events and the perceptions of those around  The process of adjusting to a new culture is a cycle four-stage that most people experience a number of times. It There are two important points to keep in mind when interacting or socialising with people from other cultures, 1. 2. assumptions, and cultural values, is determined by the sender’s The meaning behind a communicative act our culture that assumptions, and beliefs values, of the all we bring along a new culture, into we move When that, in the end, they learned more about their own culture than Many who have lived in another country say If you are feeling down and would like someone to talk to, feel free to talk with your supervisor and colleagues For severe issues, it is recommended that you seek professional advice at mental health institutions as soon as 6.2.1. Cultural Adjustment the extent to which it dips and the timing of the curves greatly depend roller coaster; however, can be an emotional on the individual. It is important to note that culture shock is not limited to those in their first year incycle can continue for years. Japan. The 6.2. Culture Shock 6.2. Culture Programme participants. including fellow JET but misunderstanding, of possibility the is there culture, same the from are communicators when Even beliefs. the likelihood increases. when their cultural backgrounds differ, Challenges in a new culture interpret and evaluate our we how and we notice, They determine what in us. and experiences have instilled evaluate to and judgment suspend to learn must we culture, new the in effectively function To experiences. a variety of difficulties. The inability to do so can create perspective. experiences from the host culture’s Confronting your beliefs, values, and assumptions they did about the culture of their host country. During your stay in Japan, you will experience ways of will force you to re-examine the assumptionsThis with, your own. and acting that differ from, or may even conflict thinking absolute and can cause discomfort, disorientation, and emotional and social behaviours which you once thought conflicts. 6.1.4. Mental Health 6.1.4. Mental at your contracting organisation, or with fellow JET Programme participants. There are also various other mental the back of this book). Appendices at to you. (refer to the services available health support possible. CLAIR provides a 50% subsidy for counselling costs that are not covered by Japanese National CLAIR provides Health Additionally, Insurance, with a limit of Programme up participant to per 30,000 year. yen per JET free counselling via webmail and Skype. In order to use this dedicated service, you or the password for the free about the counselling subsidy programme For more information number. will your JET need a password and online counselling service, please ask your contracting organisation. In addition, CLAIR has established a toll- about these not require any advance reservation. Information This service does counselling service. free telephone out via CLAIR News. initiatives is also sent 20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 153 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme

2021/02/10 17:27:13 155 le c Cy k oc Sh

e tur ical Cul yp Adaptation t’s T an ip c ti ar upon return to your own country. (Refer to section “7.4. Reverse Culture Programme P Programme A JET reverse reverse culture shock Full recovery will result in an ability to function in your own culture and in Japanese culture with confidence. The most difficult stage is over and you are on your way to adjusting to life in the new culture. This step may Gradually, Gradually, your focus turns from the similarities to the differences. And these differences, which suddenly Most people begin their life in a new country with a positive mindset. If anything, they come with in a new country with Most people begin their life This This adjustment needs not be feared, as many people are not even conscious of any culture shock. In a past You You will find yourself enjoying manyadopted to a customsmight degree). You even find yourself missing them when and you return home. In ways fact, you can expect ofto experience doing and saying thingsShock”). (some you may have come so gradually that, at first, you will be unaware it is even happening. Once you begin to the culture seems orient some of the subtle cultural clues and cues which passed unnoticed earlier, to interpret to be able yourself and of too, your sense in it and feel less isolated from it. Gradually, comfortable become more You more familiar. humour returns and you realise the situation is not hopeless after all. Adaptation and Biculturalism 4) seem to be everywhere, catastrophes. This is the are stage generally identified as troubling. culture shock. People experiencing You culture shock often feel blow the host culture. homesick and have a negative attitude toward up little, seemingly insignificant difficulties major into 3) Gradual Adjustment expectations which are too high and attitudes that are too positive toward the host country and toward the host country toward the are too positive that which are too high and attitudes expectations forthcoming experience. During this stage, anything new is intriguing and exciting. However, for how people with impressed usually is person arrived recently The out. stand which similarities the is it the most part, everywhere are really very much alike. This period of euphoria may last from a week or two to a month, letdown is inevitable. but the 2) Irritation and Hostility 1) Initial Euphoria survey, survey, about a third of JET Programme participants who responded said that they did not experience shock. culture 20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 155 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme

2021/02/10 17:27:13 157 foreign stimuli

Availability of recreational facilities/activities where tensions can be released recreational facilities/activities where tensions can be of Availability The possibility of devoting yourself to rewarding work through which a sense of worth, usefulness and self-respect can be maintained The degree to which learned cultural and religious patterns have encouraged a tendency to to tendency a encouraged have patterns religious and learned cultural which to degree The everyone by them view certain standards as absolute and to judge The degree of competence in language. When there is a lack of competence, one loses of the people around you. ability to communicate effectively with most the The amount of emotional support you receive from your family and/or friends in the new cultural setting difficulty imposed by your life in Japan The degree of economic professional therapeutic services of Availability The degree to which Japan, its culture, customs, and ethical standards are removed from standards are removed from Japan, its culture, customs, and ethical The degree to which your home setting the and decision own your through about came Japan in living which to degree The achievement of specific goals you have already experienced, and your The amount of change in living conditions situations consequent learned ability to adjust to new The degree of emotional security you have developed in yourself through your own life without being thrown by them experiences, enabling you to meet frustrations 


: :

: : overwhelming A vague anxiety that affects normal behaviour A Lack of self-confidence Lack of zest and interest in life Panic attacks Loss of initiative and spontaneity Excessive anger over delays and minor frustrations Feelings of hopelessness Strong desire to associate with people of your own nationality Excessive amount of time spent sleeping or reading - activities which offer sanctuary from

: According to Robert Kohls, a cross-cultural trainer from the United States America, of culture shock is similar ・・・・・・  “Culture shock” or “culture fatigue”, which you may experience in the second stage, is the “condition of You have left home, with its familiar and manageable routines and social patterns, and have been confronted and have been confronted patterns, routines and social and manageable home, with its familiar have left You to frustration in the emotions and reactions it evokes, but is significantly different. Frustration is always traceable is removed. to a specific action or cause and goes away when the situation is remedied or the cause : Work Cultural absolutism: Linguistic skills shock? the signs of culture What are 3) Money: Therapy: Play Volition Flexibility Security Support: 6.2.2. Culture Shock (A Close-Up) Shock (A 6.2.2. Culture emotional upset and tension that becomes chronic for a period of varying duration and is experienced because you you because and is experienced duration for a period of varying chronic becomes and tension that upset emotional irritation, and frustration.” react with anxiety, setting, so you to life in an unfamiliar have been exposed Why it happens 1) with living in a social setting customs which or is ethical distant standards from that your are home, a has life control to inability and follow, to procedures proper the about uncertainty of loneliness, situation unfamiliar family and and even friends. repugnant Daily to life you is cumulatively at filled times. with exasperating Living day-to-day effect; in a itincreasingly frayed. wears down your emotional defenses shock the duration and intensity of culture 2) Factors which affect so that you find your nerves Difference 20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 157 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/16 11:45:07 159 The ambiguity of a particular situation The ambiguity preconceived notions situation not matching The actual in the new culture) inappropriate which are objectives (i.e. methods methods to achieve Using the wrong

Eat well. Physical health leads to mental health. so try to get some form of exercise regularly. Exercise also helps to alleviate stress and tension, Relax. It is important to take breaks and relax. Doing what pleases you, like reading, listening to music, going symptoms of stress. to bed early or keeping a journal may help relieve Whenever down why to Japan you have come and what you hope to achieve while you are here. Write whether you are accomplishing them and whether they have possible, refer to these goals and think about changed. you that you reassure will and of self sense a maintain you help will friends and family with touch in Keeping home and go back to to call you have a place that Also, realising shock. with culture are not alone in dealing someday can be reassuring. Learn to say may “no”. You find yourself with many invitations from superiors and coworkers and worry if a rain check. If you are unsure as to which events Take it is rude to turn them down. People will understand. Programme participant who has been in Japan longer than you or a colleague. you have to go to, ask a JET 1. 2. goals 3. Unrealistic able to see results 4. Not being 5. for ambiguity Tolerance 1. 2. Open-mindedness 3. Flexibility and adaptability for difference Tolerance 4. Ability to accept failure 5. The effects of culture shock can be diminished by first realising that you will experience itand then creating ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Frustration may arise from: Frustration but it is generally short-lived in Japan which can be uncomfortable, will likely experience frustration You The degree to which one is affected by culture shock varies from person to person and depends uponpersonality more it experience most people shock. In fact, culture experience you, too, may that is a high probability There by L. “Survival Kit for Overseas Living” (1984) from Shock” article was taken directly Much of this “Culture 6.2.3. Coping Strategies coping strategies. The most effective way is to learn about the host culture, customs, and why things are the way they are. of how and to get a basic idea and customs before you leave on Japanese culture the language. Read up Start thinking about positive ways to counter the effectsof stress whichresult from culture factor. routine of daily rituals to maintain a stabilising shock.Establish a compared to culture shock. traits such as: than once; the second dip is often more severe than the first. If you plan on staying more than one yearshock for 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th The third stage of culture in at regular intervals. it would be wise to refer to this article Japan, their in those to limited not is shock culture that realised is it if alleviated be may participants Programme JET year first year. Acknowledgement: Robert Kohls. 20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 159 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme s a s

2021/02/16 11:45:07

e i t ) i 161 ons i T d t C n d JE a

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Council of Local Authorit Skype) Programme par Provid professio JET JET Provi ● ● ● ● Participant JET Programme an emergency Talking often helps. Stress can be relieved by expanding your circle of friends through a hobby or sports. sports. or hobby a through friends of circle your expanding by relieved be can Stress helps. often Talking shock. culture overcome to order in necessary also is you around people of help the seeking Sometimes, resources. at the back for available Appendices to the Please refer Embassies provide JET Programme participants with information, assistance in the event of ・Embassies provide JET Programme participants with information, assistance in ・JET Programme part The diagram below shows the layout of where JET Programme participants can get support. Usually, the closer the support. Usually, get can participants Programme layout of where JET below shows the diagram The ・ 6.3. JET Programme Support System Support Programme 6.3. JET speak with please if you have questions or concerns, Therefore, is to solve the problem. it the support is, the easier first. at your contracting organisation your supervisor or colleagues 20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 161 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:27:14 163 For more information on response to a fire or natural disaster, see “5.2 Fires, Natural Disasters and see “5.2 Fires, Natural Disasters and or natural disaster, For more information on response to a fire Contact Information”. : Note: Ministry of Justice - Daily Life Support Portal For Foreign Nationals: Ministry of Justice - Daily Life Support Portal http://www.moj.go.jp/isa/support/portal/index.html App - Safety tips Agency Tourism Japan https://www.rcsc.co.jp/safety-tips-en Cabinet Office - Disaster Prevention website: http://www.bousai.go.jp/kokusai/web/index.html In In the event of an it emergency, is necessary to respond quickly and appropriately. In such an event, please The following is a general outline of how organisations affiliatedwith the JET Programme will respond to an If an emergency occurs, the supervisor at the contracting organisation will contact the Advisor Prefectural (PA) Upon receiving contact from the contracting organisation, the at PA the Host Prefecture/Designated City will When a major disaster occurs, such as an earthquake with an intensity of upper 5 or above on the Japanese Useful Apps and Websites for Emergency Situations for Emergency Websites Apps and Useful 6.4. Emergency Response 6.4. Emergency Situations Emergency immediately. supervisor contracting organisation contact your emergency. Contacts at the Host Prefecture/Designated If City. desired, the embassy of the JET Programme home participant’s country will also be contacted. In the event that the JET Programme participant is unconscious, City and the embassy will be contacted immediately. the Host Prefecture/Designated missing, away, or has passed or accident. incident of the nature on the depending ministries three the contact CLAIR will CLAIR. contact country embassy. family will be made through the home Programme participant’s Contact with the JET Seismic scale, a safety confirmation message will be sent to your registered e-mail address through to the message with your status. company contracted by CLAIR. Please respond an external 20-12-338_Chapter 6.indd 163 Chapter 7: Leaving the JET Programme

第7章 JETプログラム終了に向けて


20-12-338_Chapter 7.indd 165 2021/02/10 17:32:01 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:32:01 167 Water Water Internet Cell phone, landline □ □ □ Credit Card Tax Local Residence Electricity □ □ □ After JET Guide, which JET After contains helpful information regarding finishing your time on the TV (NHK, etc.) TV Car insurance Any other services registered to your bank account or credit card such as automatic transfers. Gas □ □ □ motorcycle or car Dispose of your paperwork. Disposing of a car or selling it to another individual requires you to fill out the appropriate Participants Participants finishing their time on the JET Programme have many matters to attend to including preparationto can be found on the JET Programme website: Guide can be found on the JET The After JET http://www.jetprogramme.org/en/ajg be moving estate agent that you will real landlord or Inform your Even if you do not know your exact day of departure yet, it is wise to inform your landlord or agent as soon and Period of Stay Status of Residence Check your If you plan to stay in Japan after your term of appointment ends, for example, for travel or to finish moving, you new residence Ship belongings to your Research ahead of time the options available to you, such as surface mail, economy air, and airmail. Keep in Contact Information Survey” JET Complete the “After In the beginning of June, CLAIR sends out a survey collecting contact information from JET Programme successor your for Prepare While many JET Programme participants contact their successors via e-mail or social media, there is no sure any important documents or reference materials are organised Sort through the items in your desk and make procedures refund pension Begin your To receive a partial refund of your pension, you must obtain the necessary forms and designate a tax agent participants staying in Japan) (for residence new mail to your Forward your If you are moving to a new address in Japan, you may apply online or at a post office to have your mail bills and cancel utilities and services Pay other Be sure to pay the following utility and service bills and inform the utility or service provider when you □ ・ 7.1. Before Leaving 7.1. Before exit the country/move to another area and relaying information to the JET Programme participant them. Please succeeding refer to the JET Programme as well as subsequent employment and education. as subsequent employment Programme as well JET ・ as possible that you plan to move. Depending on your housing contract, you of your departure. notice in advance may months’ be required to give up to two ・ must change your status of residence before to Visitor Temporary your period of stay expires. See “2.6. Status of Residence” for more details. ・ mind that slower but more economical forms of shipping by sea and surface mail can is a good idea to plan ahead. packages to arrive at their destination, so it take 2-3 months for the ・ participants who are completing their appointments on the JET Programme to assist them in connections maintaining with Japan and the JET Programme. can You also opt to send your contact chapter via this form. information to Association (JETAA) Alumni a JET specific ・ guarantee that you will be able to reach your successor through these means, so it is wise to also prepare detailed information regarding your work responsibilities and living situation in written form. CLAIR provides a Please for see leaving “Essential notes Information to from your Outgoing format successor. to Programme Incoming JET of this handbook. participants” in the “Appendices” at the back and labelled properly. ・ before leaving Japan. See “7.3. Pension Refund”. ・ date. forwarded from your current address to your new address for one year from a designated ・ would like the service cancelled. Please note that while some services can be cancelled online or over the phone, contract. cancelling your cell phone often requires you to visit the store in person to cancel your 20-12-338_Chapter 7.indd 167 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 19:14:10 169 ) Dattai Ichijikin If you submit your Application for the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments and other required documents after leaving Japan, your application must be submitted within two years of the date you no longer have a registered address in Japan and are no longer covered by the National Pension, Employees’ Pension Insurance or the Mutual Aid systems. (Please note that the starting date for the application period is not the day you leave Japan.) Not possess Japanese citizenship Insurance premiums for six months or more Pension Have paid Employees’ Not have a place of residence in Japan (those who submitted a moving-out notification beforeJapan) exiting Allowance) Never qualified for pension benefits (including Disability Does not enter into a subsequent term of appointment/employment with their contracting or organisation a their term of appointment. in Japan within one month of completing contract with a third party Leaves Japan to return to his or her home country no later than one month from the day following the end of the term of appointment. The following has been produced for JET Programme participants from information taken from the website the from taken information from participants Programme JET for produced has been The following Japan the with affiliated not is CLAIR produce. they that pamphlet a and Service Pension Japan the of Therefore only. reference a as intended is here provided information the and way any in Service Pension CLAIR assumes for no any responsibility damage (including financial loss) that the occurs information from here. provided (or lack thereof) ・  ・ ・ ・  ・ 3.  1. Completes his or her term of appointment. his or her term of 1. Completes 2.  Payment into the Japanese Pension System is mandatory for everyone living and working in Japan. This money JET Programme JET participants who fulfil all of these conditions must complete andTravel hand in the Return JET Based on this travel the itinerary, contracting organisation will bear the cost of the JET Programme participant Participants who entered the Programme from within Japan and fulfil the conditions above will be provided a As stated in the proposed JET Programme Terms and Conditions, JET Programme participants who meet all of who meet all participants Programme JET and Conditions, Terms Programme As JET stated in the proposed Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment ( Withdrawal Lump-sum is deducted from your monthly remuneration. Foreign nationals who have been paying Pension Insurance, and who give up residence in Japan, are able to apply for Payment a (pension Lump-sum Withdrawal refund). In order following conditions: Payment, you must fulfil all of the Withdrawal to be eligible for the Lump-sum 7.3.1 Pension Refund Note:  7.3. Pension Refund Itinerary ) sho form or Yotei Kikoku Sankasha (JET separate forms designated by the contracting organisation by by the contracting organisation. the deadline stipulated travelling from an international airport in Japan to the international airport in their home country the time designated of entering at Japan, via the most reasonable route and means of travel as determined by the travel expense regulations of the contracting This organisation. includes domestic travel in Japan to the airport as well as the cost of the flight. flight to the country they applied from. 7.2. Airfare Return flight home. allowance for their return to receive a travel conditions are eligible the following 20-12-338_Chapter 7.indd 169 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:32:01 171 Withdrawal Payment in more detail. Withdrawal https://www.nenkin.go.jp/international/japanese-system/ ) which you register with your municipal office) ) which you register with your municipal office) ) which you register with your municipal office) ) which you register with tenshutsu yotei bi tenshutsu yotei bi Japan Pension Service Takaido-nishi 3-5-24 168-8505 Tokyo -ku, JAPAN If your claim form is not stamped with a certified bank stamp, a documentname of full the and number, account bank address, branch name, office branch name, (bank your bank’s verifies passbook, etc.) which be attached. the account holder (must be your name) must A copy of your passport (the page(s) showing your name, date of birth, nationality, signature and Status of copy of your passport (the page(s) showing your name, date of birth, nationality, A Residence). A copy of your passport (the page(s) showing the date of your final departure fromthat Japan).those Please who note file before leaving Japan are instead required to submit other documents which that they show are registered to leave Japan, such as a certified copy of Japanese resident registry or a registry related document called johyō in Japanese. After leaving Japan, mail necessary forms to the Japan Pension Service to claim a refund who file(for before those leaving Japan, make sure your application arrives at the Japan Pension Service after the ( planned departure date  1.  2. 3.  Pension Book Your 4. 1. Before leaving, get the necessary forms and designate a tax agent forms and designate leaving, get the necessary 1. Before 2. 3. Receive Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment into overseas bank account Payment Withdrawal 3. Receive Lump-sum to tax agent in Japan 4. Mail notice of refund Withdrawal of tax on Lump-sum agent files for refund Tax 5. refund in Japanese bank account agent receives tax Tax 6. money to you agent transfers the Tax 7. The following outlines the process of applying for the Lump-sum the process of applying for the Lump-sum The following outlines Those Those who fulfil the conditions to receive a Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment shall be granted an amount Before leaving Japan, obtain the Application for the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments (Dattai Ichijikin Fill in all necessary information (you will need to know the information included in your blue Pension Book) The filing process for the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment and the tax refund associated with it is outlined You must attach the following items to your claim form: must You Please send the claim form, along with the accompanying documents to: If granted, the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment will be deposited directly into your bank account overseas. make To enquiries about the status of your application, you will need to know your Basic Pension Number so services available: below for a list of phone numbers with interpretation Please consult the URL https://www.nenkin.go.jp/international/index.html Amount Refunded according to their remuneration, rate paid and period of coverage. For the actual amount you will receive, please refer to the Japan Pension Service website. Withdrawal Process for Filing for Lump-sum Seikyūsho) from the Japan Pension Service Office (Nenkin Jimusho) or the National Pension Section of the municipal office nearest you, or download the form from withdrawalpayment/payment.html and mail your completed forms and accompanying documents to the Japan Pension Service. may You submit or send your forms before or after you leave Japan, but in the case of the former, please ensure that your documents arrive after the planned departure date ( below: In principle, the amount of the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment remitted to the account will be calculated currency at exchange the rate on the date of transaction, and will be remitted in the bank is located. currency recipient’s of the country where the Further Enquiries please make a note of it before sending in your application. 20-12-338_Chapter 7.indd 171 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:32:01 173 Should the applicant pass away before receiving the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment, a spouse, child, parent, grandchild, grandparent or sibling living off the same income source, or who is considered to be a member of the same fiscal household at the time of the death, applicant’s can receive payment in place of passes away after application). the applicant (in the case that the applicant 20% income tax is The A Payment. imposed following on section the explains Withdrawal Lump-sum how to claim this tax back. The amount of pension refund that can be claimed depends on total time spent arrived in Japan. Programme participant the JET therefore will be different according to when on the Programme, and Tax refund applications must be made within five years of leaving Japan. Tax All JET Programme participants, whether they pay Japanese taxes or not, will be subject to the 20% taxation Payment. Withdrawal on their Lump-sum CLAIR does not handle the paperwork for this refund. ・ ・ ・ Those who are eligible to file for the Lump-sumWithdrawal Payment, which includes most JET Programme Before leaving Japan, get a copy of the document called Notification of Agent Tax (Nōzei Kanrinin No Before Withdrawalor Payment.after Onceleaving youJapan, havefile received for the the payment Lump-sum Return (Kakutei Shinkokusho) on your behalf to the same office as in Tax Have your tax agent submit an Income ・ ・ ・ resident in Japan. a were you where to the designated tax office nearest All enquiries must be directed Social Social security agreements aim to tackle problems related to pensions arising from increasing international As of October 2019, these are the countries with social security agreements with Japan: Germany, United to the Japan Pension Service website. about social security agreements, please refer For more information participants, may also qualify to receive a refund on the 20% flat tax placed Payment. on the Lump-sum Withdrawal 1. Designate a person to file your tax paperwork ) from any Todokesho tax office branch. Submit the form to the tax office with jurisdiction over the address where you last lived before departure from Japan, to designate your tax agent. When designating someone a you tax trust agent, (a find colleague, friend, etc.) with financial matters and whom you can once tax easily you agent A return must to be your correspond a home resident country. of Japan, with but does not have to be a Japanese your claim for Agent you can file it when making Tax the Notification of national. If you leave Japan without filing a tax refund. Please keep in mind that asking someone to be your tax agent places a burden on them and nobody, to do so. is obligated including anyone at your contracting organisation, Payment Withdrawal 2. File for the Lump-sum from the Japan Pension Office, send the original copy of the Notice of the Lump-sum (Entitlement) (Dattai Withdrawal Ichijikin Payments ) Shikyū to Kettei your Tsūchisho tax agent, which is sent to you with remittance of Payment. Withdrawal the Lump-sum refund application by designated tax agent Tax 3. step The 1. refund will be deposited into the bank account your tax agent designates in Japan. Once received, have your tax agent transfer the refunded amount to your own bank account. Things to Keep in Mind Some Important 7.3.2 Tax Refund on Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment Withdrawal Refund on Lump-sum Tax 7.3.2 Social Security Agreements Between Japan and Other Countries Other Between Japan and Agreements Social Security people-to-people exchange. Practically speaking they are formed to stop people having to pay into more than one pension system. of coverage to another to transfer their period and to allow people pension system Kingdom, , United States of America, Belgium, France, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain, Ireland, Brazil, Switzerland, India, Hungary, Luxembourg, the Philippines, Slovakia, and China. However, the agreements with the United Kingdom, South Korea, and China do not have pension measures enrolment in place that would allow you to count your enrolment period in Japan implemented. signed agreements, but they have not yet been Sweden and Finland have pension system. Italy, toward your home country’s Things to Keep in Mind: Some Important 20-12-338_Chapter 7.indd 173 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:32:02


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(i.e., w JET a Jap Obtain Application for the Obtain  Withdrawal Lump-sum Payments ( Seikyūsho several months later Send application to Japan Send application to Japan  to Pension Service (possible apply before leaving Japan) Receive lump-sum  withdrawal payment in your home country account Governme

nsion participant   Programme Visit Notice Some Some JET Programme participant Programme JET hdr Pe t Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment Withdrawal Lump-sum ・ ・ ・ i Application from The diagram below illustrates the process of applying for the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment after one of applying for the Lump-sum Withdrawal The diagram below illustrates the process leaving Japan. before has left Japan, but it is also possible to apply W : Note ① ② ⑥ ④ ⑤ ③ Before leaving Japan After leaving Japan Summary of Procedures Summary Japan Pension Service: Takaido Nishi 3-5-24, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-8505 JAPAN JAPAN 168-8505 Tokyo Suginami-ku, Nishi 3-5-24, Takaido Japan Pension Service: 20-12-338_Chapter 7.indd 175 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:32:02 177 . AA, or the media. Recognise that you have changed. have You become a more multi-cultural person. Think about what changes might have occurred in your social behaviour. Do not try to go back to to immediately accept the “new you.” that others may not be interested in or able the “old you” and realise friends may seem a bit narrow-minded or boring. Your before. Relationships may be more demanding than Realise that you may not have accurate recollections of your home. Recognise its you studied Japan. may be out-of-date. Study your society like social You and changes. physical treatment (good and bad) that you received in Japan. Realise that you may no longer get the special There is a positive side to keep in mind: you become aware of what you culture, have your learned own about culture the and yourself. foreign Reverse culture shock is a new field of study, butshould help you re-adjust, so that your home country can once again feel like home. this information Don't forget your sense of humour. Don't forget you may not expect you to have any Expect difficulties and realise that those around Develop a support system so you can vent frustrations (you may experience boredom, apathy, loneliness, and/or depression). alienation, anxiety, Realise that others may not want to hear about your experiences in Japan. They may understand find that it you hard wanted to to leave your own country in the first place and even only to interrupt with their own. yourself. People may ask you about your adventures more so if you enjoyed correspondence, visits, classes, JET Maintain ties with Japan through friendships, Take some time to reflect on your tenure as a JET Programme participant. to reflect on your tenure as a JET some time Take Explore your feelings about leaving Japan - Are you optimistic or pessimistic about returning? Are you excited about starting a new phase of your life? Do you feel that your Are you dreading your return home as your lifestyle in Japan experience worthwhile and that now it is time to move on? in Japan has been is more satisfying than the one you had left? friends have changed. Anticipate that you, your homeland, and your life in your home country different from before. Think about how your time in Japan will make in your work and enhance your relationships. to make long-term goals to help motivate you Try home country. Explore employment or study options in your country. Keep up on what is happening in your home     When When seeking employment after the JET Programme, in addition to referring to job advertisements in ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・  ・ ・ Reverse Culture Shock is the term used for the difficulties encountered after returning home from an extended ・ ・  ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ newspapers and on the internet, it may be of use to consult chambers of commerce in your home country and 7.5. Employment After JET After 7.5. Employment When you get home 7.4. Reverse Culture Shock Culture 7.4. Reverse time abroad. This adjustment period follows a similar pattern to culture shock experienced in a and foreign could country, be longer or more severe. We tend to overlook that both we and our changed home during our country stay are abroad and likely assume to that have there is no need for adjustment once we return home. However, it is important to expect these changes and to figure out how best to approach readjustment. Personal experiences but certainly one vary, of the best ways to get an idea of how it may affect you is to read about the experiences of others. Coping Strategies Before you leave Japan 20-12-338_Chapter 7.indd 177 Appointment, Insurance, Taxes, Health & JET Programme Leaving the Reappointment, & Support System Pre-Departure Status of Residence Work Living in Japan Safety JET Programme 2021/02/10 17:32:02 179 : AA chapters. AA Programme website for more information: Programme website for JET JET Programme participants who stay in Japan for more than a month following completion term of of their appointment, or who enter into a subsequent contract of employment with their organisation contracting or a third party in Japan within one month of completing their term of appointment will not be eligible to receive the travel allowance to return to their home countries. For details, see section “7.2. Airfare”. Return JET Programme participants who enter into subsequent employment in Japan after completing their term of appointment may need to change their Status of Residence. For details, see section Residence”. “2.6. Status of  ・  ・ CLAIR CLAIR supports JET Programme alumni by providing grants for chapter JETAA activities, as well as website: http://jetprogramme.org/en/jet-streams/ Streams JET website: http://www.jetaainternational.org/ JETAA-I website (list of chapters): http://jetprogramme.org/en/jetaa/ JETAA KenJETkai website: https://www.jetaainternational.org/kenjetkai The The JET Alumni Association (JETAA) is a friendship association that was established in 1989. Its members, chapter JETAA activities include assisting local Embassy and Consulate General of Japan staff with JET Furthermore, an umbrella organisation called International JETAA (JETAA-I) exists to represent the global http://jetprogramme.org/en/careersupport/ If you require a certificate of employment or letter of recommendation for your job search, please make a for employment after JET in mind if you intend to remain in Japan Please keep the following Bureau, if you have further questions regarding your visa status. Please enquire at your regional Immigration In addition, CLAIR also offers opportunities to learn about career possibilities for JET Programme participants publishing an online magazine titled JET Streams. JET Streams is published on the official JET website Programme and provides a forum for alumni to share their activities and experiences It also with provides updates on changes Programme to and the other JET information. In community. international JET one another and the addition, a Facebook page for “KenJETkai” has recently been established by former JET Programme participants who were living in the same prefecture. 7.6. Alumni Association JET (JETAA) former JET Programme participants, aim to strengthen and maintain their bonds of friendship, and experiences to in use Japan their to continue to play a role in promoting international exchange. There more than 22,000 members in total. chapters in 18 participating countries, with are currently 53 Programme application interviews and pre-departure orientation; offering support and providing information in the form of career fairs and resource guides to those returning home; and organising Japan-related events, etc. Many chapters also maintain their own website and hold regular meetings. JETAA community of former JET Programme chapters. participants They and support JETAA the global JET community JET by providing information and resources, as well as assisting in the development of new request to your former contracting organisation. request to your former Japan, as well as the alumni associations of your former educational institutions. may You also wish touch with to chapter the in local get the JETAA country in to which you intend to chapters move, offeras various JETAA networking opportunities to former JET Programme participants, and some chapters also provide career support alumni community. the JET information to and employment finishingtheir term of appointment on the Programme,like the annual After JETConference (AJC), where alumni JET who have made successful careers in either their home country, Japan, or a third country, offer speak adviceand as career consultants. In recent years, CLAIR has also participants who seek employment increasedin Japan after leaving the JET Programme, through support career fairs and an for JET Programme JET at Japanese companies. Please refer to the internship programme 20-12-338_Chapter 7.indd 179 Appendices

第2章 任用、保険参考資料参考資料、税金、再任用、在留資格


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 181 2021/02/10 17:53:13 (参考資料・Appendix 1)

1. Overview of the JET Programme The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme is administered primarily by local public authorities in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), and the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR).

The Programme was started in 1987 aiming to increase mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the people of other nations and to promote internationalisation in Japan’s local communities by helping to improve foreign language education and developing international exchange at the community level. 2020 marked the 34th year of the JET Programme. Over the past years, it has seen significant growth, from its original 848 participants from 4 countries in 1987, to 5,761 participants from 57 countries as of 2019.

The JET Programme is one of the world’s largest international exchange programmes and has an excellent reputation in Japan as well as abroad. The Programme is expected to produce positive results on a global scale through the development of an international network between JET Programme participants and the people of Japan.

The JET Programme is primarily administered by local public authorities, but participants can also be placed in private schools that request them. As of 2019, there are approximately 1,000 local government organisations, including the 45 prefectures and 13 Designated Cities which host JET Programme participants. Each participant’s appointment (including placement and duties) within each contracting organisation is determined in accordance with the assignment plan that is prepared autonomously by each governor or mayor.

The responsibility for maintaining the unity and success of the JET Programme falls on JET Programme participants, contracting organisations, Host Prefectures, Designated Cities, CLAIR, and the three ministries.

1.1. JET Programme Participants As a JET Programme participant, your main duty will be to promote international exchange on a grassroots level throughout Japan while working as an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher), CIR (Coordinator for International Relations), or SEA (Sports Exchange Advisor). Whether teaching a class of elementary school students, speaking at the local community centre, coaching sports, or interacting with the local residents, you are contributing to the regional internationalisation of Japan. While you are expected to fulfil your work duties in a professional manner, your role will also be similar to that of an ambassador, and how you conduct yourself on a professional and private level will reflect upon your home country. You will not only have many opportunities to teach the people in your community about your home country, but you will also be able to learn about Japan, its culture, language, and people, etc.

1.2. Contracting Organisations (Local Authorities, etc.) Most contracting organisations are local government authorities (prefectures, Designated Cities, cities, towns and villages), but some private schools can also be contracting organisations. JET Programme participants are appointed by their contracting organisations and, therefore, they are under the jurisdiction of the local authority which employs them. A formal request for a JET Programme participant is initially submitted by the local authority to CLAIR, and your presence is the fulfilment of that request.

As a JET Programme participant, you are appointed by your contracting organisation. You are not employed by the Japanese central government, the JET Programme, or CLAIR. The relationship between you and your contracting organisation is the core foundation of the JET Programme. You accept your appointment with them, you work for them, and you are under their jurisdiction. It is their employees, teachers, students, and citizens who will make up your living and working community.


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Contracting organisations have a wide variety of reasons for wanting to appoint a JET Programme participant. Some local government authorities are involved in or would like to strengthen their international sister city relationships. Contracting organisations consider their JET Programme participants as an essential element in the area’s internationalisation. Schools may expect JET Programme participants to improve their student’s English ability with the goal of increasing the pass rate of high school and university entrance examinations. In addition, your contracting organisation may want to offer the local citizens some international exchange opportunities. This is especially the case in rural areas where interaction with international residents from various countries is limited. It is through hosting a JET Programme participant that contracting organisations can offer their citizens the opportunity to meet and talk with people from other countries as well as learn about their cultures.

Contracting organisations differ according to the different job types.

ALT: the contracting organisation is usually a prefectural/Designated City (board of education), a city/ town/village (board of education), or a private school.

CIR and SEA:  the contracting organisation is usually a prefectural/Designated City government, a city/town/ village government, or a related organisation.

Contracting organisations are responsible for drafting your terms and conditions, paying remuneration, handling any work-related travel expenses, and other miscellaneous items. An employee at your contracting organisation will be designated as your supervisor and should be your first direct contact when you become a participant on the JET Programme. Please be sure to discuss and clarify any concerns you may have with regards to your work duties or any other specific areas with your contracting organisation supervisor.

1.3. Host Prefectures/Designated Cities The JET Programme is administered by the International Affairs Division in each Host Prefecture/Designated City. Host Prefectures/Designated Cities function as a channel for information between the contracting organisations and CLAIR.

The International Affairs Division at the prefectural/Designated City office organises prefectural-level orientations in cooperation with the local governments and boards of education, advises contracting organisations about JET Programme matters, and coordinates administrative matters such as the appointment of new JET paricipants and the reappointment process at the prefectural level.

There is a prefectural board of education within each Host Prefecture which usually administers education training centres, senior high schools, and junior high and elementary schools. Boards of Education in Designated Cities administer junior high and elementary schools, but will also be responsible for a small number of senior high schools. Host Prefectures/Designated Cities designate Prefectural Advisors (PAs). PAs provide other JET Programme participants with JET Programme-related information and answer enquiries from JET Programme participants as necessary (refer to section “6.3. JET Programme Support System”).

Please note that Host Prefectures and Designated Cities can also be contracting organisations. 1.4. Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)

CLAIR coordinates the JET Programme in conjunction with the three ministries. It was established as a joint organisation of prefectural and municipal governments to promote and provide support for an increasing interest in local level internationalisation in Japan.

CLAIR’s objective is to ensure that the JET Programme runs as smoothly and successfully as possible for the contracting organisations and JET Programme participants involved. In order to achieve this, CLAIR advises Host Prefectures and Designated Cities, contracting organisations and participants and disseminates information related to the JET Programme on a regular basis. * Please note that CLAIR is NOT the JET Programme participant’s employer.


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CLAIR publishes the Contracting Organisation Manual (Nin’yōdantaiyō Manyuaru) and the Questions & Answers Manual (Shitsugi Ōtōshū) for contracting organisations. In addition, CLAIR organises and holds seminars for contracting organisations and JET Programme participants to provide training and advice about JET Programme-related matters.

CLAIR also employs former JET Programme participants as Programme Coordinators, most of whom work in the Department of JET Programme Management.

Duties of CLAIR (Department of JET Programme Management) include: ・Coordination with the three ministries in the recruitment and selection of JET Programme participants ・Placement of JET Programme participants in contracting organisations ・Coordinating JET Programme participants entry into Japan ・Planning and organising the Post-Arrival Orientation, training conferences and Japanese language courses ・ Planning and organising various kinds of training for contracting organisations and Host Prefectures/ Designated Cities such as the Contracting Organisation Seminar ・Providing useful information to contracting organisations and Host Prefectures/Designated Cities ・Producing training materials and informational handbooks ・Providing financial support for JET Programme participants who have received mental health counselling

Although overseeing the JET Programme is one of CLAIR’s main functions, the organisation also supports internationalisation activities of local authorities in Japan, conducts research on the activities and policies of local governments abroad, develops information resources, and in various other ways.

1.5. Role of the Three Ministries The three ministries involved with the JET Programme decide standard policies and procedures at the national level. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) deals with JET-Programme related matters before JET Programme participants arrive in Japan and after they return home. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) deals with matters involving fiscal measures for local governments which appoint JET Programme participants. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) handles matters related to JET Programme participants involved in foreign language education at schools.

1.5.1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

An Embassy or Consulate General of Japan overseas is most often the first point of contact with the JET Programme for prospective JET Programme participants. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) carries out the following JET Programme-related duties through overseas Japanese embassies and consulates general:

・Promotional activities and information provision ・Recruitment information sessions at universities, etc. ・Distributing application forms ・Selecting candidates ・Sending acceptance notifications ・Holding pre-departure orientations and receptions ・Issuing entry visas ・Assisting with the JET Alumni Association’s (JETAA) activities

The Exchange Programs Division of MOFA coordinates the recruitment and selection process of JET Programme participants through the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan overseas and notifies CLAIR of successful candidates annually in March for placement and assignment to contracting organisations.

MOFA hopes that the JET Programme will help promote mutual understanding between Japan and other countries on a global scale and that JET Programme participants will not only gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Japan during their terms of appointment on the Programme, but also maintain contact with Japan and help to further relations between Japan and their home countries following the completion of their terms of appointment.


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1.5.2. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) collects requests from local authorities for JET Programme participants and consults with the two other ministries and CLAIR to determine the number and nationalities of JET Programme participants.

MIC is responsible for the distribution of the Local Allocation Tax to local governments as part of the necessary financial resources for internationalisation to help cover a portion of the expenses required to host a JET Programme participant, such as remuneration, travel expenses to Japan, etc.

1.5.3. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

The Media, Information and Foreign Language Education Division in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is responsible for the guidance and training of ALTs in all matters pertaining to education, with particular emphasis on team teaching. MEXT conducts education-related workshops at Post-Arrival Orientation, and creates guidelines for ALT Skill Development Conferences (SDCs).

MEXT hopes the JET Programme will help to improve the communicative competence of Japanese students in foreign languages and promote sports coaching. From MEXT’s point of view, the ALT is a source of information for Japanese students and teachers about foreign countries, cultures, ways of life, and languages. MEXT hopes that Japanese teachers will embrace their ALT’s enthusiasm for new ideas and, through team-teaching with the ALT, use more communicative teaching methods to further diversify the traditional ways of teaching foreign languages in Japan.

ALTs are expected to provide a global perspective to Japanese students and develop an environment more conducive to learning a living language. Through the influence and contributions of ALTs, MEXT would like to see schools become a place where Japanese children learn not only about their own individuality, but where they learn to appreciate and understand other cultures. It is also hoped that SEAs will achieve similar objectives through the medium of sports.

In addition, in 2015, MEXT established the Japan Sports Agency and is working to further the promotion of sports.


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 189 2021/02/10 17:53:14 (参考資料・Appendix 2)

Yunyu Kakunin-shoYunyu Kakunin-sho Application Application Form 輸入確認申請書 Form 輸入確認申請書 〔様式 12〕 [FORM 12]

① ( Medicine ) 輸入確認申請書 (Yunyu Kakunin-sho Application Form)

品 名 (Name and Size of the Import Products) 数 量 (Quantity)

③ ② 別紙参照(see Attachment) 別紙参照(see Attachment)

④ 輸入の目的 5. For Personal Use (Purpose of Import) 8. Other Purpose ( ⑤ ) 誓約事項 ☑ The import products above are solely for the purpose of import above, not for commercial (Oath) use and /or gift for others. ⑥ 確認事項 ☑Within the past two years, I have not violated the laws and regulations related to (Confirmation matter) pharmaceutical affairs stipulated by Cabinet Order or the disposition based thereon.

輸入しようとする品目の製造業者名及び国名 (Name of manufacturer and Country Origin of Import Products) ⑦ 別紙参照(see Attachment)

輸入年月日 船荷証券、航空運送状等の番号 到着空港、到着港又は蔵置場所 (Import Date / Arrival (AWB No., B/L No. or Flight No.) (Arrival Place (Airport, port or Storage place)) Date) 2021/ Jan/10 Japan Airlines JLXX Narita International Airport (Year) (Month) (Date)⑧ 備 (Note) ⑨ 考 JET No.XXXXXXXXXXX (For Official Use) 特記事項 確

認 欄 厚生労働大臣(関東信越厚生局長) ㊞ I apply for confirmation which affects import by the above.

2021 /Jan/1 ⑩ (Year) (Month) (Date) Name of Importer (Your Name) Address of Importer (Your Home Address)

Phone Number E-mail XX @ gmail.com

(To Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare) ⑪ 厚生労働大臣(関東信越厚生局長) 殿


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 190 2021/02/10 17:53:14 (参考資料・Appendix 2)


① Write the item category you are applying for (e.g. Medicine, Medical Device, Cosmetics). Leave blank if unknown. 医薬品、医療機器、化粧品等申請する品目の分類を記載してください。(不明 な場合は空欄)

② List the name and size of each medication you are applying for. If you need more space, write “Attached Separately” and attach a separate piece of paper. 申請する全ての薬の名称と量を記載してください。スペースが不足する場合は 「別紙のとおり」と書いて別紙を添付してください。

③ Write the quantity of each medication you wish to bring. If you need more space, write “Attached Separately” and attach a separate piece of paper. 持参したい薬の数量を記載してください。スペースが不足する場合は「別紙の とおり」と書いて別紙を添付してください。

④ Circle ‘5. For Personal Use’ 5.を〇で囲んでください。

⑤ Check here. チェックしてください。

⑥ Check here. チェックしてください。

⑦ If you need more space, write “Attached Separately” and attach a separate piece of paper. スペースが不足する場合は「別紙のとおり」と書いて別紙を添付してくださ い。

⑧ If you are sending medication or are having medication sent to you by post, you must include the AWB No. or the B/L No. If you are bringing medication with you to Japan, you must write your Flight No. 薬を持ち込む場合、航空機の便名を記載してください。薬を送る場合、AWB、 B/Lの番号を記載してください。

⑨ Write your JET No. あなたのJET番号(JET:XXXXXXXXXXX)を記入してください。

⑩ Write the date of application. 申請日を記載してください。

⑪ Write an e-mail address where you can be reached. こちらから連絡のつく連絡先を記載してください。


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 191 2021/02/10 17:53:14 (参考資料・Appendix 2)

Yunyu Kakunin-sho CONTINUEDApplication Form 輸入確認申請書 前ページ続き 〔様式 13〕 [FORM 13]

商品説明書 (Explanation of Pharmaceutical Product)

Necessary for each (Purpose of Import : For personal use or for treatment of patients) individual item

品目毎に作成 Aspirin tablet 200mg 商品名 (Name of product)

1.ヒアルロン酸(Hyaluronic acid) 2.ボツリヌス毒素(Botulinum toxin) 3.アスコルビン酸(Ascorbic acid) 4.歯牙漂白剤(Dental bleach) 5.ミノキシジル(Minoxidil) 6.ベバシズマブ(Bevacizumab) 化学名、一般的 7.サリドマイド(Thalidomide) 名称又は本質 8.不活化ポリオワクチン(Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine) (Chemical Name or 9.リドカイン(Lidocaine) 10.メラトニン(Melatonin) Active Ingredients Name) 11.オセルタミビルリン酸塩( Oseltamivir Phosphate) 12.シルデナフィル(Sildenafil) 13.漢方(Kampo products) Circle the appropriate item. 14.その他(Other)( Acetyl Salicylic Acid ) 該当箇所を〇で囲んでください。 1.ガン治療(Cancer treatment) 2.強壮剤・ED 薬(Tonic medicine, ED medicine) 3.うつ・気分障害・不眠治療(Treatment for Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Insomnia) 4.栄養補充(Supplement) 5.美容(Beauty) 6.痩身効果(Slim figure,Weight Reduction) 7.避妊(Birth control) 8.アレルギー治療(Allergy treatment) 9.育毛(Hair Restoration) 10.ワクチン(Vaccine) 11.皮膚麻酔(Topical anesthesia) 用途 12.眼科治療(Ophthalmology treatment) 13.歯科治療(Dental treatment) (Intended purpose) 14.特定疾病※治療(Specific disease treatment) 15.動物の治療(Animal treatment) Circle the appropriate item. 16.その他(Other)( Antipyretic analgesics ) 該当箇所を〇で囲んでください。 ※特定疾病:介護保険法施行令第2条に規定する疾病(ガンを除く。) (※Specific disease; Disease prescribed in Nursing Care Insurance Law enforcement order Article 2. (Cancer is excluded.)) 【Efficacy】 具体的な用途 Antipyretics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents (効能・効果、用法) (Efficacy, Dosage) 【Dosage】 Adults:1 tablet every four hours as needed Aspirin tablets cases in a box aluminum laminate 10

規格 tablets. (Specifications)


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 192 2021/02/10 17:53:14 (参考資料・Appendix 2)

Yunyu Kakunin-sho ApplicationCONTINUED Form 輸入確認申請書 前ページ続き 〔様式 14〕[FORM 14]

商品説明書 (Explanation of Product)

(Pharmaceutical Products are excluded)

xx-PAP Machine Set ・xx-PAP Machine 商品名 ・xx-PAP Mask (Name of product) ・Tube

・xx-PAP Machine 化学名、一般的 ・xx-PAP Mask ( For replacement ) 名称又は本質 ・Tube( For replacement) (Chemical Name or Active Ingredients Name)

用途 (効能・効果) Treatment for sleep apnea syndrome (Efficacy)

・xx-PAP Machine Model; xx 規格 ・xx-PAP Mask (Specifications) Size; xx ・Tube Size; Taper: xx. Length: xx


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 193 2021/02/10 17:53:14 (参考資料・Appendix 3)


Application for the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments Official use only (National Pension / Employees’ Pension Insurance) 受付番号 (日本年金機構記入欄) 脱退一時金請求書(国民年金/厚生年金保険)

Note: If you apply and are entitled to the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments, all your past coverage periods used as basis of the Payments amount calculations will no longer be valid to apply for other Japanese benefits. Please carefully read the important information on page 4 of this Payments brochure / application. If you still opt for your Payments after due consideration for possible future pension benefits, please make sure to sign in the column 2. If you have long coverage periods and yet fail to sign, we may return your application to ask you again about your decision. ※ 脱退一時金を支給した場合、脱退一時金の計算の基礎となった期間は年金加入期間ではなくなります。脱退一時金請求書の 2 ページ目の注意書きを よくご覧いただき、将来的な年金受給を考慮したうえでなお脱退一時金の受給を希望される場合、必ず「2」欄に署名してください。被保険者期間が 長期にわたる方で「2」欄に署名がなされていない場合、請求の意思の確認のために書類をお返しする場合があります。 N

o 2. Your signature 3. Do you have permanent residence

記 t e 請求者本人の署名(サイン) permit? (date of permit) 入 : は 1. Date Year Month Day 永住許可の有無(許可日) P

ア l No / Yes (Date: ) e □ □ □

ル a s フ e (請求者氏名、生年月日及び住所)

c 4. Your name, date of birth and address o

ベ m p

l Name e

ト t e 氏 名

の 1 大 . t h

文 r Date of birth Nationality o

字 u 生年月日 年 月 日 国籍 g

で h

お 6 . 願 , i n

い s Address after you i し d ま e leave Japan t h 離日後の住所 す e

b Country r o a

太 d - わ b (脱退一時金振込先口座)

o 5. Please nominate your bank account for your Payments remittance. r

く d

内 e Official use only r 銀行コード 支店コード 預金種別 e 1 3 1

の d

み b o

記 x e Name of1bank 入 s 銀行名 し , u 3 て s i Bank branch name n く g 支店名銀行番号 だ c a

さ p i

t 支店番号

い a

l Bank branch address l e

t 支店の所在地 t e Country r s o

f Bank account number R Bank stamp for verification

o 口座番号 銀行の証明印 m a

n In Roman alphabet a l p Name of the account h a

b holder/ applicant In KATAKANA letters, if you choose bank in Japan カタカナ(日本国 e t

. 内の金融機関を指定した際のみ記載)

6. Your numbers on your Pension Handbook(年金手帳の記載事項) Your Basic Pension Number 基礎年金番号 Your registration number for each pension system 各制度の記号番号

Official use only 日本年金機構 決定印 日本年金機構 受付印 (日本年金機構 記入欄) 加入制度 チェック 1 チェック 2 チェック 3 チェック 4 厚年 船員 国年

国共 地共 私学 (送金先国)(課税△/非 0)(本人請求△/他 2)(日独非対象者△ /対象者 01)



20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 194 2021/02/10 17:53:15 (参考資料・Appendix 3)


We need your supporting documents

Please make sure that you submit necessary documents. If you fail to submit all documents of ①, ②, ③ and ④ as below, we may need to return your application. 添付書類 (①~④の書類等が添付されていない場合は、請求書をお返しすることになりますので添付もれのないよう お願いします。) ① Photocopy of your passport page(s) showing your name, date of birth, nationality, signature, and resident status, e.g., instructor, engineer or trainee. パスポート(旅券)の写し(氏名、生年月日、国籍、署名、在留資格が確認できるページ) ② Document showing that you have no registered address in Japan, such as a certified copy of johyō a resident registry document which can be issued at your municipal office. 日本国内に住所を有しなくなったことを確認できる書類(住民票の除票の写し等) ◎You do not need to submit this evidence document if you report to your municipal office that you will reside outside of Japan before you leave Japan. The municipal offices and the Japan Pension Service share necessary evidence information to confirm that you no longer have a registered address in Japan. ◎帰国前にお住まいの市区町村に転出届を提出していただいた場合には、日本年金機構が、住民票の 消除情報から、転出届を提出された方が日本国内に住所を有しないことを確認できますので、本書類の 添付は不要です。 ③ Documents including your bank’s certificate or notices, showing your bank’s name, name and address of branch office, your bank account number and showing that the account holder’s name is your name. Instead of documents, you may have your bank verify your account details and stamp on the column Bank Stamp for verification on the application form. You may nominate bank in Japan, as far as your account name is registered in Japanese KATAKANA letters. Please note you cannot receive your Payments at Japan Post bank (YUUCHO GINKO). 請求書の「銀行の口座証明印」の欄に銀行の証明を受けるか、「銀行名」、「支店名」、「支店の所在地」、「口座 番号」及び「請求者本人の口座名義」であることが確認できる書類を添付してください(銀行が発行した証明書 等)。なお、日本国内の金融機関で受ける場合は、口座名義がカタカナで登録されていることが必要です。 ※ゆうちょ銀行では脱退一時金を受け取ることができません。 ④ Your Pension Handbook or other documents showing your Basic Pension Number. 国民年金手帳、その他基礎年金番号が確認できる書類

Please fill in your coverage history under Japanese public pension systems (Employees’Pension Insurance, National Pension, Seamen’s Insurance, and Mutual aid association systems) below. 公的年金制度(厚生年金保険、国民年金、船員保険、共済組合)に加入していた期間を記入してください。

Your pension coverage history: 履歴(公的年金制度加入経過) ※できるだけくわしく、正確に記入してください。

(1) Name of your employer (or (2) Address of your employer (or (3) Employment periods or (4) Type of pension system you owner of ship in case you owner of ship in case you were coverage periods under the were covered by were a crew member) a crew member) or your National Pension system 加入していた年金制度の種別 事業所(船舶所有者)の名称 Japanese address while you 勤務期間または国民年金の加 及び船員であったときはその were covered by the National 入期間 船舶名 Pension system 事業所(船舶所有者)の所在地ま たは国民年金加入時の住所 Year 年/Month 月/Day 日 1. National Pension 国民年金 From 2. Employees’Pension Insurance から 厚生年金保険 To 3. Seamen’s Insurance 船員保険 まで 4. Mutual Aid Association 共済組合 Year 年/Month 月/Day 日 1. National Pension 国民年金 From 2. Employees’Pension Insurance から 厚生年金保険 To 3. Seamen’s Insurance 船員保険 まで 4. Mutual Aid Association 共済組合 Year 年/Month 月/Day 日 1. National Pension 国民年金 From 2. Employees’Pension Insurance から 厚生年金保険 To 3. Seamen’s Insurance 船員保険 まで 4. Mutual Aid Association 共済組合 Year 年/Month 月/Day 日 1. National Pension 国民年金 From 2. Employees’Pension Insurance から 厚生年金保険 To 3. Seamen’s Insurance 船員保険 まで 4. Mutual Aid Association 共済組合

(Note) . (注)国民年金に加入していた期間は、住んでいた住所のみを記入してください。


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 195 2021/02/10 17:53:15 (参考資料・Appendix 3)


English How to fill in the form Please fill in 1. through 6. completely. If they are not complete, we may need to return your application.

① Please use capital letters of Roman alphabet especially to fill in [ 4. Your name, date of birth and address ] and [ 5. Please nominate your bank account for your Payments ] . ② To fill in [ 6. Your numbers on your Pension Handbook ], please refer to your Pension Handbook(s) for your Basic Pension Number and your registration number(s) for each pension system which you have ever been covered by. ③ Please do not write anything in the boxes [ Official use only ]. ④ Before you send your application, please make sure you note your Basic Pension Number and other numbers. When you need to contact us, you will need those numbers. ⑤ If you do not know your Basic Pension Number, please make sure that you complete Your pension coverage history on page 14.


請求書の 1~6 については必ず記入してください。 記入のない場合は請求書をお返しする場合があります。 ①「4. 請求者氏名、生年月日及び住所」及び「5. 脱退一時金振込先口座」は、アルファベット大文字 で記入漏れのないようお願いします。 ②「6. 年金手帳の記載事項」の基礎年金番号欄には年金手帳に記載されている基礎年金番号、各制度 の記号番号欄には今まで加入したことのある年金制度の年金手帳の記号番号を転記してください。 ③「日本年金機構記入欄」は、記入しないでください。 ④「年金手帳の基礎年金番号及び年金手帳の記号番号」は、後日あなたが照会するときに使用しますの で、請求書を提出するときは必ず番号を控えておいてください。 ⑤ 基礎年金番号がわからない場合は、14 ページの履歴欄を記入してください。


Please use this address label to send us your application. 切り取って請求書送付時の封筒に貼って使用してください。 (You can send it to the same address from inside or outside of Japan.) (日本国内から送付する場合も送付先は同じです。) AIR MAIL

Japan Pension Service 3-5-24, Takaido-nishi, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo 168-8505 JAPAN 〒168-8505 東京都杉並区高井戸西 3 丁目 5 番 24 号 TEL. +81 - 3 - 6700 - 1165 日本年金機構 (外国業務グループ) (The telephone service is in Japanese.)


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 196 2021/02/10 17:53:15 (参考資料・Appendix 4)


Sample Statement of Earnings 源泉徴収票見本

令和 年分 給与所得の源泉徴収票


住 支 払 所 又 ① (役職名) を受け は 居 る 者 (フリガナ) 所 氏

名 ② 給与所得控除後の 金 額 種 別 支 払 金 額 所 得 控除の 額 の 合計額 源 泉 徴 収 税 額 ( 調整控 除 後 ) 内 千 円 千 円 千 円 内 千 円 ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ 控 除 対 象 扶 養 親 族 の 数 障 害 者 の 数 ( 源泉) 控除対象配 偶 者 配 偶 者 ( 特 別 ) 16歳未満 非居住者 ( 配 偶 者 を 除 く 。 ) 扶養親族 ( 本 人 を 除 く 。 ) である の 有 無 等 控 除 の 額 老人 特 定 老 人 そ の 他 の数 特 別 その他 親族の数 有 従有 千 円 人 従人 内 人 従人 人 従人 人 内 人 人 人

社会保険料等の金額 生命保険料の控除額 地震保険料の控除額 住宅借入金等特別控除の額 内 千 円 千 円 千 円 千 円 ⑦ (摘要)

円 円 円 新個人年金 円 旧個人年金 円 生命保険料の 新生命保険料 旧生命保険料 介護医療保 保険料の金 保険料の金 金額の内訳 の金額 の金額 険料の金額 額 額

住宅借入金等 居住開始年月日 年 月 日 住宅借入金等特別 住宅借入金等 円 住宅借入金等 特別控除適用数 (1回目) 控除区分(1回目) 年末残高(1回目) 特別控除の額 円 年 月 日 円 の内訳 住宅借入金等 居住開始年月日 住宅借入金等特別 住宅借入金等 特別控除可能額 (2回目) 控除区分(2回目) 年末残高(2回目)

(フリガナ) 円 円 円 区 国民年金保険 旧長期損害 (源泉・特別) 分 料等の金額 保険料の金額 控除対象 氏名 配偶者の 合計所得 配偶者 円 所得金額 円 基礎控除の額 調整控除額 (フリガナ) (フリガナ) 区 区 分 分 1 氏名 1 氏名

(フリガナ) 1 (フリガナ) 区 区 控 分 6 分 除 2 氏名 歳 2 氏名 対 未 象 満 扶 (フリガナ) の (フリガナ) 養 区 扶 区 分 分 親 3 氏名 養 3 氏名 族 親 族 (フリガナ) (フリガナ) 区 区 分 分 4 氏名 4 氏名

未 外 死 災 乙 本人が障害者 寡 ひ 勤 中途就・退職 受給者生年月日 成 亡 特 そ と 労 国 害 年 退 の り 学 就職 退職 年 月 日 元号 年 月 日 者 人 職 者 欄 別 他 婦 親 生

受 給 支 者 交 払 住所(居所) 付 又は所在地 用 者 氏名又は名称 (電話)

① Address of employee 住所 ② Name of employee 名前 ③ Gross earnings from January to December (including tax for those who pay tax in Japan) 1月~12月までの給与総額で、日本で課税される場合は税額分を含む ④ Amount remaining from ③ after deductions on income ③から給与所得控除額を引いた額 ⑤ Fixed deduction based on Social Insurance and other premiums paid 社会保険料などの支払額をもとに一定額を控除するもの ⑥ Amount of income tax paid 所得税の額 ⑦ Amount of Social Insurance premiums paid (Health Insurance and Pension Insurance) 社会保険料(健康保険料、厚生年金保険料)の支払い額


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 197 2021/02/10 17:53:16 (参考資料・Appendix 5)

Form 1 JET Programme Participant Goal Management Sheet Name (Sex) (M / F) JET # Workplace Name Nationality Period of (Year/Month/Day) Year on Programme Date of (Y/M/D) Appointment / / ~ / / 1・2・3・4・5 Interview / /

1 Goal Setting Period (Y/M/D) / / ~ / /

2 Goal Setting / Plan for Achievement Topic/Challenge and Goal Plan for Achievement (What will be done?) (How/By when will the goal be achieved?)

【Studying Japanese】 【Method】 ・JET Programme Japanese Language Course

(Course level: ) ・Others( )

3 Achievement Review Self-evaluation 1 Self-evaluation 2 Evaluator Review What I accomplished What I did not accomplish

4 Comments, Opinions JET Programme participant Evaluator

Date: Evaluator’s Position and Name 印

Date: JET Programme participant’s Position an d Name 印

5 Overseer Check Date: Overseer’s Position and Name 印


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 199 2021/02/10 17:53:16 (参考資料・Appendix 5)

Form 2―① CIR Evaluation Form Name (Sex) (M / F) JET # Workplace Nationality (Year/Month/Day) Year on Programme Feedback Period of / / ~ / / 1 ・ 2 ・ 3 ・ 4 ・ 5 Date / / Appointment (Y/M/D) 1 Work Details (Attendance) ① Tardiness : Never ・ Occasional ・ Sometimes ・ Frequent ② Absence : Never ・ Occasional ・ Sometimes ・ Frequent ③ Comments

2 Performance of Duties (4:Excellent 3:Good 2:Poor 1:Very Poor ) ① Translation/Interpretation Aptitude ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ② Planning (Events, etc.) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ③ School Visits ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ④ Responding to enquiries (for PAs) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ⑤ Comments

3 Other (4:Excellent 3:Good 2:Poor 1:Very Poor ) ① Sense of Responsibility(Diligence, Reliability) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ② Activeness(Participation in International Events) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ③ Treatment of Others(Relations with Coworkers/C i tizens) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ④ Interest in Japan(Culture・Language・Exchange) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ⑤ Comments

4 Achievement of Work-related Goals During the Tenure of Appointment(See Goal Management Sheet)

5 Observations

Date (Y/M/D) Evaluator’s Position and Name 印 6 Overseer Check Date (Y/M/D) Overseer’s Position and Name 印


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 201 2021/02/10 17:53:16 (参考資料・Appendix 5)

Form 2―② ALT Evaluation Form Name (Sex) (M / F) JET # Workplace Nationality (Year/Month/Day) Year on Programme Feedback Period of / / ~ / / 1 ・ 2 ・ 3 ・ 4 ・ 5 Date / / Appointment (Y/M/D) 1 Work Details (Attendance) ① Tardiness : Never ・ Occasional ・ Sometimes ・ Frequent ② Absence : Never ・ Occasional ・ Sometimes ・ Frequent ③ Comments

2 Performance of Duties (4:Excellent 3:Good 2:Poor 1:Very Poor ) ① Instruction/Planning/Development of Materials ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ② Enthusiasm for Teaching ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ③ Relationships with Japanese Teachers ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ④ Responding to enquiries (for PAs) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ⑤ Comments

3 Other (4:Excellent 3:Good 2:Poor 1:Very Poor ) ① Sense of Responsibility(Diligence, Reliability) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ② Activeness(Participation in Extracurricular Activities) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ③ Treatment of Others(Relations with Coworkers/C i tizens) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ④ Interest in Japan(Culture・Language・Exchange) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ⑤ Comments

4 Achievement of Work-related Goals During the Tenure of Appointment(See Goal Management Sheet)

5 Observations

Date (Y/M/D) Evaluator’s Position and Name 印 6 Overseer Check Date (Y/M/D) Overseer’s Position and Name 印


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 203 2021/02/10 17:53:17 (参考資料・Appendix 5)

Form 2―③ SEA Evaluation Form Name (Sex) (M / F) JET # Workplace Nationality Period of (Year/Month/Day) Year on Programme Feedback / / Appointment / / ~ / / 1 ・ 2 ・ 3 ・ 4 ・ 5 Date (Y/M/D) 1 Work Details (Attendance) ① Tardiness : Never ・ Occasional ・ Sometimes ・ Frequent ② Absence : Never ・ Occasional ・ Sometimes ・ Frequent ③ Comments

2 Performance of Duties (4:Excellent 3:Good 2:Poor 1:Very Poor ) ① Coaching/Planning ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ② Enthusiasm for Coaching ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ③ Relationship with Japanese Coaches/Teachers ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ④ Comments

3 Other (4:Excellent 3:Good 2:Poor 1:Very Poor ) ① Sense of Responsibility(Diligence, Reliability) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ② Activeness(Participation outside of Club Activities) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ③ Treatment of Others(Relations with Coworkers/Citi zens)( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ④ Interest in Japan(Culture・Language・Exchange) ( 4 ・ 3 ・ 2 ・ 1 ) ⑤ Comments

4 Achievement of Work-related Goals During the Tenure of Appointment(See Goal Management Sheet)

5 Observations

Date (Y/M/D) Evaluator’s Position and Name 印 6 Overseer Check Date (Y/M/D) Overseer’s Position and Name 印


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 205 2021/02/10 17:53:17 (参考資料・Appendix 6)

Essential Information from Outgoing to Incoming JET Programme Participants (To be filled out by current JET Programme participants for their successors)

1 Self-Introduction Welcome to the JET Programme! My name is ( ). I’m from ( ). I’ve compiled some information below that I hope will prove useful for your transition to your new home and workplace. I hope that you have a wonderful tenure on the JET Programme and I wish you the best of luck! Contact (Cell) Phone number: Details E-mail: @ I will/will not be in Japan when you arrive. I will/will not be able to meet you. [Date(s): ]

2 Packing Things to bring that will prove Things you do NOT Things you can/should useful for daily life or work. need to bring. send ahead.

  

  

   Bring to the Tokyo Post-Arrival Orientation: General Information Handbook (GIH), pencil, business suit & shoes Gifts (omiyage): (e.g. CO/school/workplace/department etc.)  There are ( ) people to bring omiyage for at the ( ).  There are ( ) people to bring omiyage for at the ( ).

 Notes/Suggestions:

3 About your new home You will/will not be placed in the same accomodations as me. Floor/Room number ( ) floor, room number ( ) Number (type) of rooms: Rent (monthly) ¥ Apartment/ House Key Money (reikin) ¥ Information Deposit (shikikin) ¥ Utilities (electric, gas, water, etc.) ¥ Other (cell phone, internet, etc.) ¥ Suggested amount to bring to last until payday ¥


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 207 2021/02/10 17:53:17 (参考資料・Appendix 6)

Size: Rural ・ ・ Suburban ・ ・ Urban Weather/Climate: Cold ・ ・ mild ・ ・ Hot □Wind □Snow □Other ( ) Local Area Possession of an automobile: Unnecessary ・ Useful ・ Vital Useful links (Prefecture/Town Homepage, Wikipedia, etc.)

 

4 Contracting Organisation/Workplace Supervisor: ( ) Other useful contacts: ( ) Basic Working Hours: : ~ : Information Commute: ( ) Dress Code: ( )  Registration at the municipal office  Receive your personal seal First Week  Open a bank account  Contract a cell-phone  Paperwork (Terms and Conditions/ Insurance/Pension/Local Tax form)

5 Model Work Day Workplace: ( )

Job Duties

Schedule (Time / Activity) Elaboration/Notes

Other Useful Information (e.g. available equipment, rules, computer/printing information etc.)

6 Additional Information Local Area (e.g. closest metropolitan area, available facilities, activities and events in the area, recommendations) Contracting Organisation/Workplace (e.g. information about the office/other colleagues, leave/holiday, smoking policy) Other


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 209 2021/02/10 17:53:18 (参考資料・Appendix 6)

Checklist of Things to Leave for the Successor □ Predecessor’s post-JET contact details (such as an address, e-mail address, etc.) □ Town map/Bus/Train schedules □ List of emergency phone numbers and work phone numbers □ Instructions for how to use the household appliances □ Instructions for garbage (e.g. pick-up schedule and how to separate trash) □ Copies of paid bills □ Office/School schedule and seating chart □ Work notes (e.g. notes on projects, team-teaching, lesson plans) □ Other ( )

(To be printed and kept with you)

Name in Katakana: Address: 〒 -

Phone number: ( ) Workplace phone number: ( ) Supervisor phone number: ( ) JET #:


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 211 2021/02/10 17:53:18 (参考資料・Appendix 7)

Immigration Bureaus / Information Centres

Immigration Information Centres For general information regarding your Status of Residence please contact your nearest Information Centre below. The local Immigration Bureau Branch Office (with a few exceptions) processes Status of Residence renewals, re-entry permits, etc.

〒 Address TEL 1-3-20 Gorin, Miyagino-ku, City, 983-0842 108-8255 5-5-30 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 10-7 Torihama-cho, Kanazawa-ku, 236-0002 Yokohama City, TEL: 0570-013904 5-18 Shoho-cho, Minato-ku, Nagoya (IP, PHS, from overseas : 03-5796-7112) 455-8601 City, Weekdays 8:30-17:15 1-29-53 Nanko-kita, Suminoe-ku, (Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, etc.) 559-0034 City, 29 Kaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe City, HP: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/ 650-0024 2-31 Kami-hatchobori, Naka-ku, 730-0012 Hiroshima City, 3-5-25 Maizuru, Chuo-ku, City, 810-0073

One-Stop Information Centres These centres can offer services in the indicated foreign languages over telephone or in person. Address TEL Available Languages

160-0021 English, Chinese (Mon-Fri (except on the 2nd and 4th Consultation Support “Haijia” 11F Wed of the month)) Portuguese (Thu), Spanish (Mon, Center for Foreign 03-3202-5535 2-44-1 Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku- Thu), Bengali (Tue), Indonesian (Tue), Vietnamese Residents ku, Tokyo (Thu, Fri)

Immigration and Status Residence Consultations Portuguese (Mon, Wed, Fri) 330-0074 Saitama Information Saitama Urawa Joint Gov’t Employment Consultation for Foreigners & Support Centre for Bldg. 3F 048-833-3296 English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Foreign Residents 5-6-5 Kita-urawa, Urawa-ku, Thai, Vietnamese (Tue) Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture Information about daily-life related services English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Thai, Vietnamese (always)

Immigration and Status Residence Consultations and 430-0916 Information One-Stop Create Hamamatsu 4F Portuguese, Spanish (Wed) Support Center for 2-1 Hayauma-cho, Naka-ku, 053-458-2170 Information about daily-life related services Foreign Residents Hamamatsu City, English (Mon-Fri), Portuguese (Tue-Sun), Chinese Prefecture (Fri), Spanish (Sun), Tagalog (Thu), Vietnamese (Sat), Indonesian (Sun)

Regional Immigration Bureaus and District Offices Please access the following link for detailed information about regional immigration offices and district offices: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/soshiki/index.html


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 213 2021/02/10 17:53:18 (参考資料・Appendix 8)

Workplace Sexual Harassment Enquiry Centres

(1) Sexual harassment related to work can be discussed at Equal Employment Department in Prefectural Labour Bureau Offices located in each prefecture. Please note that some offices may not be able to answer enquiries in English.

Prefecture TEL Prefecture TEL 011-709-2715 Shiga 077-523-1190 Aomori 017-734-4211 Kyoto 075-241-3212 Iwate 019-604-3010 Osaka 06-6941-8940 Miyagi 022-299-8844 Hyogo 078-367-0820 Akita 018-862-6684 Nara 0742-32-0210 Yamagata 023-624-8228 Wakayama 073-488-1170 Fukushima 024-536-2777 Tottori 0857-29-1709 Ibaraki 029-277-8294 Shimane 0852-31-1161 Tochigi 028-633-2795 Okayama 086-224-7639 Gunma 027-896-4739 Hiroshima 082-221-9247 Saitama 048-600-6210 Yamaguchi 083-995-0390 Chiba 043-221-2307 Tokushima 088-652-2718 Tokyo 03-3512-1611 Kagawa 087-811-8924 Kanagawa 045-211-7357 Ehime 089-935-5222 Niigata 025-288-3511 Kochi 088-885-6041 Toyama 076-432-2740 Fukuoka 092-411-4894 Ishikawa 076-265-4429 Saga 0952-32-7218 Fukui 0776-22-3947 Nagasaki 095-801-0050 Yamanashi 055-225-2851 Kumamoto 096-352-3865 Nagano 026-227-0125 Oita 097-532-4025 058-245-1550 Miyazaki 0985-38-8821 Shizuoka 054-252-5310 Kagoshima 099-223-8239 Aichi 052-857-0312 Okinawa 098-868-4403 Mie 059-226-2318

Reference: http://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/06-Seisakujouhou-11900000-Koyoukintoujidoukateikyoku/0000137187.pdf https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/11900000/000611025.pdf


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 215 2021/02/10 17:53:18 (参考資料・Appendix 8)

(2) The Ministry of Justice also offers telephone interpretation services in other languages. You can access this service from anywhere within Japan.

Phone number: 0570-090911 Hours: Weekdays except for the year-end New Year holidays 9:00-17:00 Available Languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Nepali, Spanish, Indonesian and Thai.

Reference: http://www.moj.go.jp/JINKEN/jinken21.html


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 217 2021/02/10 17:53:18 (参考資料・Appendix 9)

Sexual Assault Enquiry/Consultation Centres

1. Sexual Assault Relief Centres (One-Stop Support Centres for Victims of Sexual Assault)

Prefecture Operating Hours Phone Number

Hokkaido Prefecture/ Mon - Fri 10:00 - 20:00 (except for National Holidays 050-3786-0799 City and the year-end New Year Holidays) Mon - Wed 10:00 - 21:00 Tue, Thu, Fri 10:00 -17:00 (except for National Holidays and the year-end New 017-777-8349 Year Holidays) Mon - Fri 10:00 - 17:00 (except for National Holidays Iwate Prefecture 019-601-3026 and the year-end New Year Holidays) Mon - Fri 10:00 - 20:00 Sat 10:00 - 16:00 (except Miyagi Prefecture for National Holidays and the year-end New Year 0120-556-460 Holidays) Mon - Fri 10:00-19:00 (except for National Holidays Akita Prefecture 0800-8006-410 and the year-end New Year Holidays) Mon - Fri 10:00-21:00 (except for National Holidays Yamagata Prefecture 023-665-0500 and the year-end New Year Holidays) Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00 - 20:00 Tue, Thu 10:00 - 16:00 (except for National Holidays and the year-end New 024-533-3940 Year Holidays) Mon - Fri 10:00 - 17:00 (except for National Holidays 029-350-2001 and the year-end New Year Holidays)

Mon - Fri 9:00 - 17:30 Sat 9:00 - 12:30 Emergency Medical Reception until 22:00 (except for National 028-678-8200 Holidays and the year-end New Year Holidays)

Mon - Fri 9:00 - 16:00 (except for National Holidays 027-329-6125 and the year-end New Year Holidays)

Saitama Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 048-839-8341

Mon - Fri 9:00 - 21:00 Sat 9:00 - 17:00(except / Chiba for National Holidays and the year-end New Year 043-251-8500 City Holidays) (Emergency Support 24 hours 365 days) Mon – Fri 10:00 - 16:00 (except for National Holidays Chiba Prefecture 043-222-9977 and the year-end New Year Holidays)

Tokyo 24 hours 365 days 03-5607-0799

Kanagawa Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 045-322-7379

Tue – Thu 10:00 - 16:00 Fri from 10:00 until 16:00 of the following Monday(Continuous Operation) Holidays from 10:00 until 10:00 of the following day 025-281-1020 (except for National Holidays and the year-end New Year Holidays)


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 219 2021/02/10 17:53:19 (参考資料・Appendix 9)

Toyama Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 076-471-7879

Mon – Fri 8:30-17:15 (except for National Holidays Ishikawa Prefecture and the year-end New Year Holidays)※For Emergency 076-223-8955 Consultations 24 hours 365 days

Fukui Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 0776-28-8505

Mon - Fri 10:00 - 16:00 (except for National Holidays Yamanashi Prefecture 055-222-5562 and the year-end New Year Holidays)

Nagano Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 026-235-7123

Phone/email: 24 hours 365 days (Reception)In-Person Consultation (Reservation required): Mon - Fri 10:00 058-215-8349 - 16:00(except for National Holidays and the year-end New Year Holidays)

Shizuoka Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 054-255-8710

0570-064-810For incoming Mon - Sat 9:00 - 20:00(except for National Holidays calls only from Aichi and the year-end New Year Holidays) Aichi Prefecture Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 052-835-0753

Mon - Fri 10:00 - 16:00 (except for National Holidays 059-253-4115 and the year-end New Year Holidays)

Shiga Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 090-2599-3105

Kyoto Prefecture 10:00 - 22:00 (operating all year round) 075-222-7711

Osaka Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 072-330-0799

Mon – Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00 - 16:00(Except for National Hyogo Prefecture 078-367-7874 Holidays, Dec 28 - Jan 4, August 12 - 16)

Tue – Sat 9:30 - 17:30(except for National Holidays and the year-end New Year Holidays. If Monday is a 0742-81-3118 National Holiday except for the following day.)

Phone Consultations: every day 9:00 - 22:00 (Reception until 21:30 Emergency Medical assistance such as for pregnancy until 22:00 (except for the year-end New Year Holidays) In-Person Consultation 073-444-0099 (Reservation required) Mon - Fri 9:00 - 17:45 (except for National Holidays and the year-end New Year Holidays) Phone Consultations:Mon-Fri 10:00 - 16:00, Mon, 0120-946-328 (toll-free for Wed, Fri 18:00 - 20:00(except for the year-end New incoming calls within the Tottori Prefecture Year Holidays)Enquiries: Mon - Fri 9:30 - 17:00 Prefecture) (except for National Holidays and the year-end New 0857-32-8211 (for incoming Year Holidays) calls outside the Prefecture)


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 221 2021/02/10 17:53:19 (参考資料・Appendix 9)

Mon - Fri 8:30 - 17:15 (except for National Holidays and the year-end New Year Holidays) Shimane Prefecture Tue, Thu, Sat 17:30-21:30 0852-28-0889 (except for National Holidays and the year-end New Year Holidays) Mon - Sat 10:00 - 16:00 (except for National Holidays 086-206-7511 and the year-end New Year Holidays)

Hiroshima Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 082-298-7878

Yamaguchi Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 083-902-0889

Tokushima Dial 0570-003889 Central Area Tokushima Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 088-623-5111Southern Area 0884-23-5111Western Area 0883-52-5111 Mon - Fri 9:00 - 20:00 Sat 9:00 - 16:00 Kagawa Prefecture (except for National Holidays and the year-end New 087-802-5566 Year Holidays)

Ehime Prefecture 24 hours 365 days 089-909-8851

Mon - Sat 10:00 - 16:00 (except for National Holidays Kochi Prefecture 080-9833-3500 and the year-end New Year Holidays) Fukuoka Prefecture / Kita-Kyushu City/ 24 hours 365 days 092-409-8100 Fukuoka City

Mon - Fri 9:00 - 17:00 0952-26-1750 Saga Prefecture Tue - Sat 9:00 - 21:00, Sundays and National Holidays 0952-26-0018 9:00 - 16:30 Mon - Fri 9:30- 17:00 (except for National Holidays Nagasaki Prefecture 095-895-8856 and 12/28 - 1/4)

Kumamoto Prefecture Every day 24 hours (except for 12/28 22:00 - 1/4 10:00 096-386-5555

Mon - Fri 9:00 - 20:00 (except for National Holidays Oita Prefecture 097-532-0330 and the year-end New Year Holidays) Mon - Fri 10:00 - 16:00 (except for National Holidays Miyazaki Prefecture 0985-38-8300 and the year-end New Year Holidays) Tue - Sat 10:00 - 16:00 (except for National Holidays Kagoshima Prefecture 099-239-8787 and the year-end New Year Holidays)

Okinawa Prefecture 24 hours 365 days #8891

2. National Hotline for Victims of Sexual Assault Number: #8103 A nation-wide speed dial number was set up to create an environment where it is easy for victims of sexual abuse to receive consultations. You can call this number to reach all Prefectural Police Sexual Assault Consultation Centres.

3. Tokyo English Lifeline (TELL) TEL: 03-5774-0992 TELL Counseling offers confidential in-person psychotherapy services for adult individuals, couples, families, children, and adolescents. 223

20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 223 2021/02/10 17:53:19 (参考資料・Appendix 10)


https://www.inochinodenwa.org List of Lifelines in Japan (Website in Japanese only)

9:00-23:00 Daily Tokyo English Lifeline (TELL) https://www.telljp.com 03-5774-0992 9:00-23:00 Daily TELL Information for https://telljp.com/lifeline/tell-chat/ Sexual Abuse homepage/resources/sexual-harassment/

By appointment 03-4550-1146 (English) TELL Counselling (Tokyo) https://www.telljp.com/counselling/ 03-4550-1147 (Japanese)

IMHPJ (International Mental Health https://www.imhpj.org/ (English only) Professionals Japan)


Police/Fire/Ambulance 110/119/119


050-5534-5566 AJET Peer Support Group 7 days a week, 20:00-7:00 Skype: “AJETPSG” (English only) Guide For When https://www.jnto.go.jp/emergency/eng/mi_guide.html You Are Feeling Ill (JNTO)

Alcoholics Anonymous (Tokyo) https://aajapan.org/english/

Overeaters Anonymous (Tokyo) http://oajapan.capoo.jp/

List of Embassies, Consulates and https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/link/emblist/ International Organisations in Japan http://www.mofa.go.jp/about/emb_cons/protocol/index.html

HIV Testing and HIV/AIDS https://www.hivkensa.com/language/ Counselling Information in Japan

http://eng.amda-imic.com/index.php AMDA International Medical (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Information Center (Tokyo) Thai, Filipino, Vietnamese)


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 225 2021/02/10 17:53:19 (参考資料・Appendix 11)

日本の都道府県、市町村 Japanese Prefectures, Cities, Towns, and Villages

「地方自治体」、「地方公共団体」という用語はどち The terms Local Government Authority (Chihō Jichitai) and Local Body (Chihō Kōkyō Dantai) are generally interchangeable らも同じ意味であり、日本に1741(2018年10月1日現 and refer to the 1,741 (as of 1 October, 2018) prefectures, cities, 在)あって、地方自治が認められている都道府県や市町 towns, villages and special wards with local autonomy in Japan. 村・特別区を指します。 (Reference: https://www.j-lis.go.jp/spd/code-address/kenbetsu- inspection/cms_11914151.html) (引用:https://www.j-lis.go.jp/spd/code-address/kenbetsu- Local government in Japan operates on two levels. inspection/cms_11914151.html) Prefectures operate similarly to a state, province, county, or 日本の地方公共団体には二つのレベルがあります。 region overseas. There are 47 prefectures (to, dō, fu, or ken) and 20 Designated Cities (seirei shitei toshi) in Japan. Designated 都道府県は海外の州、省、郡、地域などに似た形態で Cities are cities which require a prefectural form of government す。日本には47の都道府県があり、政令指定都市が20あ and are (in order from north to south): Sapporo City, Sendai ります。政令指定都市は都道府県と同等の自治を要求で City, Saitama City, Chiba City, Kawasaki City, Sagamihara City, きる都市で、北から順に札幌、仙台、さいたま、千葉、 Yokohama City, Niigata City, Shizuoka City, Hamamatsu City, Nagoya City, Kyoto City, Osaka City, City, Kobe City, 川崎、相模原、横浜、新潟、静岡、浜松、名古屋、京 Okayama City, Hiroshima City, Fukuoka City, Kitakyushu City 都、大阪、堺、神戸、岡山、広島、福岡、北九州および and Kumamoto City (as of November 2014). 熊本がこれにあたります(2014年11月現在)。 At the most basic level are the cities, towns and villages (shi, chō and son). A city, town, or village is a local government body, 基本となる単位は市町村です。市町村は地方自治体で and as such, may be a JET Programme contracting organisation あって、学校と事業所を管理し、JETプログラムの任用 administering a number of schools and offices. 団体となることができます。


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 226 2021/02/10 17:53:19 (参考資料・Appendix 12)

After arriving in Japan 来日後 来日後 After arriving in Japan

(Safty tips の HP より) (Safty tips の HP より)


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 229 2021/02/10 17:53:21 (参考資料・Appendix 13)

After arriving in Japan

Important Information for Incoming JET participants

CLAIR requests that you register for the Safety Confirmation System (Emergency Call). Please note, that due to a change with the Safety Confirmation System, you can now only register your preferred method of contact as email. During a disaster it is essential that we are able to confirm your safety using this system. When registering your details or making a change to your contact method please refer to the following points.

Please register an email address you are able to check using devices you have on your person. If you register your work email address there is a possibility that we would not be able to confirm your safety should you be outside of the office during a disaster. If you had previously registered your cellphone number or a fixed landline number as your method of confirmation, please update this to your email address. For those of you that don’t possess an email address, please create one using one of the free email address providers. Disasters can occur at any time, so ensure that your registered email address is one which you can check anywhere you may be.

Additionally, so that we are able to respond to localized disasters you must now input the following address details (where applicable): prefecture, city, town/village. Please see the following example of how to write your address (you do not need to write your apartment name or number). Example: Tokyo-to chiyoda-ku koji-machi or 東京都千代田区麹町 (Order: Pref., City, Town/Village)

Login Information

1. Safety Confirmation System (Emergency Call) URLs (please use either of the following links):



2. Login ID and Password

Login ID: the final nine numbers of your JET Number, omitting the first two digits (20).

Password: same as the Login ID (this is your default password)

Make sure that you change your password after logging in.


20-12-338_Chapter 8-参考資料.indd 231 2021/02/10 17:53:22 Index



20-12-338_Chapter 9-索引.indd 233 2021/02/10 17:57:45 A Emergency 81,137, 159, 218, 221 Accident Insurance 35, 57 Emergency Contact 17, 81, 137 Accommodation (Post-Arrival Orientation) 37 Employment 51, 47, 59, 61, 71 ADSL 120 Employment Insurance 59 After JET Conference 9, 179 AJET (Association for JET) 131 F ALT Skill Development Conference 9, 189 Fire 135 Ambulance 81, 115, 147 Former JET Programme Participants 179 AMDA International Medical Information Center 147, 225 G Annual Leave 81 Gensen chōshūhyō (see Statement of Earnings) 61, 63 Appointment 41 ATM 81, 121, 123 H Automobile Acquisition Tax 127 Automobile Insurance 127 Health Check 53, 105 Automobile Tax 127 Health Insurance (Kenkō hoken) 35, 53 Automobile Tonnage Tax 127 HIV/AIDS 51 Hoken (Insurance) 51, 53 Holidays 45 B Hospital 147 Baggage 21 Host Prefecture/Designated City 185 Banks 121 Housing 117 Birth Registration 151 I C Immigration Bureau 213 Cable (CATV) 120 Income Tax 61 Car 83, 115 Inhabitant Tax 63 Career 9, 179 Inkan (Personal Seal) 123 Child Welfare Payments (Jidō teate) 37 Inkan (Seal) 127 CIR Mid-Year Conference 9 Inoculation (see Vaccination) CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations) 185 Insurance (Hoken) 51, 53 Clothing 25 Intermittent Arrivals 49 Compensatory days off 45 International Driving Permit 125 Computer 119 Internet 121 Consulate General 13, 69 Contact Lenses 31 J Contraception 151 Contraceptives 31 Japan Automobile Federation (JAF) 127 Contracting Organisation 81, 139, 143, 161, 187 Japan Pension Service 169 Cosmetics 27 Japanese for CIRs 110, 111 Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) 183 Japanese for JETs 110, 111 Course of Study 87 Japanese Language Courses 111 Credit Card 167 Japanese Teachers of a Foreign Language (JTL) (Nihonjin gaikokugo shidōin) 83 Crime 135, 143 JET Accident Insurance Policy (Jetto shōgai hoken) 59 Culture Shock 153 JET Alumni Association (JETAA) 179 Customs 19, 23, 117 JET Streams 178, 179 JETAA (JET Alumni Association) 179 Jetto shōgai hoken (JET Accident Insurance Policy) 59 D Jidō teate (Child Welfare Payments) 37 Dentist 149 JLPT 110, 111 Dependent Visa 33, 35, 37 Jūminhyō (Residence Record) 73 Dependents 33, 35, 37 Job-type change 65 Deposit (Shikikin) 119 Junior High School 87 Deposit (for rental accommodation) 119 Depression 177 K Drinking and Driving 115 Driver’s Licence 125 Kanto-Shin’etsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare (MHLW) 27, 29 Driving 125 Key Money (Reikin) 207 Drugs 115, 125 Kenkō hoken (Health Insurance) 35, 53, 149 (Statement of Agreement) 13 Dōisho L Laws 115 E Luggage 15 Earthquake 139 Lump Sum Withdrawal 49, 169 Elementary School 87


20-12-338_Chapter 9-索引.indd 236 2021/02/10 17:57:45 INDEX

M Remuneration 43, 49 Marijuana 33, 115 Residence Card 19, 73, 129 Maternity (see Pregnancy) Residence Record (Jūminhyō) 73 Maternity Allowance 55 Return Airfare 169 Maternity Leave 149 Reverse Culture Shock 177 Medical Devices 27 Medical Emergencies 147 S Medical Expenses 149 Saiyō naitei tsūchisho (Notice of Appointment) 13 Medication 27, 147, 187, 191 SEA Mid-Year Conference Medication/Quasi-drugs 27 Seal (Inkan) 123 Medicine 29, 59, 147 Security 135 Mental Health 153 Sending Money Home 123 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) 189 Senior High school 85 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) 181 Sexual Harassment 139, 215 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) 189 Sexual Assault 141 Mobile Phone 121 Shaken (see Vehicle Inspection) 127 Motorcycle 129, 167 Shikakugai katsudō kyōka (Permission to Engage Moving-in Notification 73 in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Moving-out Notification 73 Status of Residence Previously Granted) 37 My number 75 Shikikin (Deposit) 119 Sick Leave 47, 147 N Social Media (SNS) 103, 167 Natural Disaster 135 Social Security 75, 173 Nihonjin gaikokugo shidōin (Japanese Teachers of a Foreign Language (JTL)) 83 Spouse or Child of Japanese National Visa (Nihonjin no haigūshatō visa) 19 Nihonjin no haigūshatō visa (Spouse or Child of Japanese National Visa) 19 Statement of Agreement (Dōisho) 13, 41 Nin’yōkisoku/Shūgyō kisoku (Terms and Conditions) 43, 45 Statement of Earnings 61, 197 Notice of Appointment (Saiyō naitei tsūchisho) 13 Status of Residence 69 Stimulants 27, 33 O Successor 167 Support System 161 Omiyage (Presents) 33 Overseas Remittance 123 T P Tattoo Tax Agent 167-175 Paid Leave 43, 45, 81 Taxes 61 Passport 19, 33, 129 Teaching Materials 31 Pension Refund 49, 167, 169, 194 Team Teaching 83, 189 Period of participation 43 Telephone 121 Period of Stay 69 Temporary Visitor Visa Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Terms and Conditions (Nin’yōkisoku/Shūgyō kisoku) 41, 43, 45 Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Tokyo Orientation (see Post-Arrival Orientation) Granted (Shikakugai katsudō kyōka) 37 Traffic Accidents 115 Personal Income Tax (see Income Tax) 61 Transfer 65 Personal Seal (Inkan) 123 Travellers Cheque Personnel change 103 Travelling Abroad 129 Pet 33 Phones 121 Police 81, 115, 135 U Post Office 123 Utilities 167 Post-Arrival Orientation 9, 13, 15, 21, 25, 37, 51 Pre-Departure Orientation 15, 51 V Prefectural Advisor (PA) 81, 163 Vaccination Prefectural Orientation 17 Vehicle Inspection 83, 127 Pregnancy 149 Visa 17, 33, 35 Prescription 29 Presents (Omiyage) 33 W Primary School (see Elementary School) 87 Wi-Fi 120 PSG (AJET Peer Support Group) 225 Work Performance Evaluations Workplace Health Examination R Reappointment 9, 47, 65 Y Reikin (Key Money) 119 Yunyu Kakunin-sho Certificate 29, 190 Remittance Cheque 123


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20-12-338_Chapter 9-索引.indd 249 2021/02/10 17:57:45 The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme JET プログラム

本書の無断転載、複製(コピー、スキャン、デジタル化等)、 営利目的使用を禁じます。

No part of this publication may be reproduced, duplicated (either by photocopying, scanning, digitalisation), or used for profit-making purposes.

2021年2月 発行

発行 一般財団法人 自治体国際化協会 JETプログラム事業部 〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町1-7 相互半蔵門ビル TEL 03-5213-1728 FAX 03-5213-1743 www.jetprogramme.org E-mail: [email protected]

Printed February 2021

Department of JET Programme Management Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) Sogo Hanzomon Building 1-7 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 JAPAN Phone: 03-5213-1728 Fax: 03-5213-1743 www.jetprogramme.org E-mail: [email protected]

印刷 株式会社 丸井工文社

2021 General Information Handbook 2021 JETプログラム参加者用ハンドブック

20-12-338_Chapter 9-索引.indd 250 250 かくし」 2021/02/10 17:57:45 表2 表3

JET プログラム参加者情報・JET Programme Participant Information

名前 Name

JET 番号 JET No.

勤務先情報・Workplace Information 任用団体 Contracting Organisation

住所 Address

電話番号 FAX 番号 Telephone No. FAX No.

E メール E-mail

担当者氏名 Supervisor’s Name

緊急通報用電話番号・Emergency Phone Numbers

警察 Police ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 110 救急車/消防 Ambulance/Fire ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 119 警察相談ダイヤル Police Consultation Centre ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ #9110

緊急通報時に役立つフレーズ・Emergency Phrases JET プログラムの Web ページにはたくさんの情報があります

警察・Police Tasukete kudasai! (Please help!) Useful information can be found on the JET Programme’s website. ______ga nusumaremashita. (My______has been stolen.) Jūsho wa ______desu. (My address is ______.) Namae wa ______desu. (My name is ______.) CLAIR ニュースはかならずよみましょう Denwa bangō wa______desu. (My telephone number is ______.)

救急車/消防・Ambulance/Fire Please be sure to always read CLAIR News. Kaji desu! (Fire!) Jiko desu. (There has been an accident.) Kyūkyūsha wo onegai shimasu. (Send an ambulance, please.) Jūsho wa ______desu. (My address is ______.) ** CLAIR News is a newsletter in Japanese and English that is e-mailed to current JET Namae wa ______desu. (My name is ______.) participants every month. Denwa bangō wa______desu. (My telephone number is ______.)

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