Photo: Wilma Taks.

At the Oneto 2017, the breed-specific European Show took place for Dutch and bantam breeds; an event that has never been organized in Europe before! You may have been on the show as an exhibitor or as a visitor, and perhaps you have seen varieties you did not really know that well, and of which you would like to know more. At the stands of the specialty clubs you undoubtedly got information, brought a flyer with you, and back home maybe you realized that you actually wanted to know even more ... Well, here we go!

By “Dutch chicken breeds” we mean the chicken breeds that originated in the Netherlands or have been perfected in the Netherlands. It concerns the following varieties: Polish; Bearded Polish; ; Dutch Owl Beard; Breda; Groningen fowl; Frisian fowl; Assendelfter; Chaams fowl; Hamburg; Drenthe fowl; ; ; ; Kraienköppe (Twente fowl); and Schijndelaar. (All these breeds are recognized as Large Fowl and Bantam, except the Chaams fowl and the Schijndelaar that are only LF)

Apart from those we also have 3 recognized true bantam breeds that have no large counterpart: The Dutch Sabelpoot; the and the Eikenburg bantam.

Over the years we have published articles in Aviculture Europe on all Dutch breeds; written by, or recorded from the mouth of experienced breeders of those breeds. All these articles can still be read in the digital archive on our website. To make it easy for you, we give you an anthology of those articles; all you have to do is click on the link to read it.

POLISH (HOLLANDSE KUIFHOENDERS ) http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/14N06A03.pdf

BEARDED POLISH (NEDERLANDSE BAARDKUIFHOENDERS) http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/15N01A03.pdf BRABANTER http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/06N01A08.pdf and http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/15E03A06.pdf

DUTCH OWL BEARD (NEDERLANDSE UILEBAARDEN) http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/15N01A07.pdf and bantams: http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/15N02A03.pdf BREDA (KRAAIKOP) http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/10N02A08.pdf

GRONINGEN FOWL (GRONINGER MEEUW) http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/12N05A05.pdf

FRISIAN FOWL (FRIES HOEN) http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/08N04A05.pdf

ASSENDELFTER We have recently noticed we did not yet publish about the Assendelfter in www.aviculture-europe.nl but we will in our next issue! For now, we suggest you have a look at the website of the Specialty Club (also including the North Holland Blue) http://www.anhbc.nl/ - with our thanks to Bas Vingerhoed for the photo! CHAAMS FOWL (CHAAMS HOEN) http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/06N05A07.pdf

HAMBURG (HOLLANDS HOEN) http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/08N04A05.pdf DRENTHE FOWL(DRENTS HOEN) http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/07N02A09.pdf Also in this article there are much photos and information on the Dutch Breeds: http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/13N04A14.pdf

LAKENVELDER http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/07N03A04.pdf

BARNEVELDER http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/13N01A03.pdf

WELSUMMER http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/06N03A04.pdf

KRAIENKÖPPE (TWENTS HOEN) and bantam http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/09n03a05.pdf and http://aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/11N02A09.pdf

NORTH HOLLAND BLUE (NOORD HOLLANDSE HOEN) http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/13N02A06.pdf

SCHIJNDELAAR On a sunny Saturday afternoon in April 2001 Dirk de Jong and Elly Vogelaar went looking for the man who created a new Dutch breed. Schijndel is the cradle of this green-egg-laying chicken, and in a paradise-like setting we met the founder of this variety, Ruud Kaasenbrood. Also Harry van de Oetelaar, his very good friend and co-breeder of the Schijndelaar, was present. Although Harry is no longer able to keep , he still maintains a full interest in the Breed. During the guided tour around the chicken enclosures he was always alerting us to points of interest and paying attention to if there was still blood from 'his' line in the present birds. There was much to learn here for enthusiasts like us, but we came to see the Schijndelaars and hear the story of their creation ....

The rest of this story was then published in the Publication (Paper) 'Avicultura' magazine. Today - written by Ruud Kaasenbrood – it is available on various websites, such as here, http://schijndelaar.webnode.nl/ but probably only in Dutch. We promise to publish this story in English for you one day soon.

Ruud Kaasenbrood Harry van de Oetelaar DUTCH SABELPOOT http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/06N05A08.pdf

DUTCH BANTAM (HOLLANDSE KRIEL) http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/07N01A05.pdf - http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/08n02a06.pdf - http://www.aviculture- europe.nl/nummers/10N04A07.pdf EIKENBURG BANTAM Scroll to the end of this article and find a report on newly created breeds and colour varieties, among the photos of the Eikenburger bantam and also (not yet recognized) Hengelo bantam and Twentse Kruiper bantam: http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/10N02A17.pdf

AND WHAT ABOUT THE DUTCH-TYPE LEGHORN? The Leghorn originated in Italy, but bred to the present breed purity outside this country; firstly in the UK and US. Later, various European countries created their own type of Leghorn, also the Netherlands. http://www.aviculture-europe.nl/nummers/06N03A05.pdf

Copyright ©2017 All rights reserved by the Aviculture-Europe Foundation. This is a publication by the online magazine www.aviculture-europe.nl English edition ISSN: 2352-2445

You are not allowed to copy, distribute, send or publish these texts or photos without our prior permission in writing.