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l-'sluhfishcd in 1844: Americas ( lldcsi Culholie Newspaper in Continuous Publication 140th Year. CXL No. 41 15 cents Friday. December 28, 1984

Solutions sought

Task force to id en tify w ays to aid unem ployed

Bishop has and extent of the unemployment given to each of us." Garrett Dorsey, co-administrator of Allegheny County Commissioner Swissvale Mayor Charles formed a special diocesan task problem and its Impact on people The task force will meet for the St. Stephen in Hazelwood. Tom Foerster; Fr. Paul Kuppe. OFM Martoni. who also is dean of force, made up o f 29 persons from and communities in the area: to first time in early January. Earley, vice-president of Cap., pastor of Our Lady of Peace in students at Community College of the community, to help him analyze what resources exist in the Members are: Rockwell International: Sister Conway; Charles Lleberth, retired Allegheny County's Boyce Campus: identify ways for the diocese to meet diocese to assist the unemployed; Robert Argentine, executive Rosemary Fleming. Sister- executive director of the human Charles McCollester, chief steward the needs of the unemployed.' and to recommend immediate and business manager of Carpenters moderator of the Ladles o f Charity resources committee of Gov. of Local 610, United Electrical. The group is composed of long-range steps to help meet the District Council of Western and a social service worker at St. Richard Thornburgh's cabinet; Radio and Machine Workers Union; persons recommended by the needs. ; J. Earl Burrell, Luke in Carnegie; George Flinn of Robert Macey. vice-president of Joan McHenry of the Allegheny steering committee which Bishop When he first named the steering retired president of PPG Industries; Buchanan. Ingersoll Professional USW Local 1256 and himself an County Housing Authority. Bevilacqua had earlier appointed. committee In July, Bishop Pittsburgh Mayor Richard Corp. unemployed steelworker. (Continued on page 8) They represent the unemployed, Bevllacqua had said that "because Callgulrl; Kathleen Cotter, a educators, business, labor, unemployment has power to supervisor with Catholic Charities. management, politicians, religious dehumanize and can destroy both U.S. Congressman William and social service workers in the family life and community life, the Coyne; James Cunningham, area. Church must respond to this social assistant professor at Pitt's school The bishop has asked the task and moral evil with firm conviction of social work; Donahoe. force members to focus on three and steadfast hope. We must executive director of the concerns: to determine the nature uphold the human dignity God has Pennsylvania Economy League: Fr.

1984 in review

Year w rought appointm ents,

program m ing, analysis for

P ittsburgh D iocese

For Sister Isabel Concannon. CSJ. associate vicar By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK for Religious, the year would focus on John 1984...What happened? A lot depending on who Paul H's request for a dialogue between the you are. diocesan bishops and members of Religious For Bishop Anthony Bevllacqua. it would be his congregations. first full year In Pittsburgh and the months would For the , 1984 would include be spent getting acquainted with people and places a new look and new members of the staff as well as a of the Pittsburgh Diocese. survey o f its readership. For Bishop Maida. 1984 would mean Looking over the past 52 Issues of the Pittsburgh leaving his native diocese of Pittsburgh to become Catholic, many personalities and events made the the bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay, Wise. headlines In 1984. Likewise, for Greensburg Aux. Bishop Norbert Bishop Bevllacqua. during his first full year In Gaughan. a North Side native and a columnist for Pittsburgh, inaugurated a series of new programs: the Pittsburgh Catholic, the year would bring an Presbyterlal Council was installed to replace the appointment as the bishop o f Gary. Ind. former Clergy Council; an office for the homeless For Fr. Daniel DINardo. former assistant was established; committees were formed and chancellor. 1984 would be marked with a new charged to study the problems of the unemployed, position at Vatican. the diocesan bureaucracy, the first draft of the U.S. W arm greeting For Fr. Hugh Lang, superintendent of diocesan bishops' pastoral letter on Catholic social teaching schools. 1984 would see the Inauguration of a new and the economy, and the condi tlon of employment long-range planning project as well as a series of of parish lay employees Bishop Bevllacqua paid a Christmas Day visit to the patients at the Regency Ha 11 Nursing Home, Allison Park. events concerning the status of teachers in The bishop would also be a part of a delegation of He chats with Tim Madden, patient at Regency Halt, as Sister M. Carmelita Alvero. VSC. administrator of the diocesan elementary schools. (Continued on page 2) Jaclltty. looks on.

I n s i d e Pope challenges youth to b u ild a ju s t w orld

Q u i g l e y The pope told youths that their By AGOSTINO BONO The statement did not mention Such an attitude runs the risk of The pope said that development search for peace should be based on Quigley High School's annual (NC) — Youths specific Ideologies, but at a Dec. 20 "passing on to the younger should Include spiritual and spiritual values and a "conversion Christmas drive netted over must strive to build societies based Vatican press conference on the generations a world that will be material progress and "can never be of the heart" to avoid selfishness. $ 2 0 0 0 this year with the on peace, justice and general document Bishop Schotte said poor In essential spiritual values, reduced solely to an economic plan "It is not possible to create a students presenting their gift to participation in political life, said specific criticisms could be applied poor In peace and poor in justice." or to a series of technological dichotomy between personal and an Ambridge agency formed to Pope John Paul II In his 1985World to Marxism and liberal capitalism. he added. projects." social values." the pope said. help those in the area who are Peace Day message. Alluding to Marxism, the pope The pope also encouraged greater "If you have decided that yourgod without jobs. Story of page 7. The pope asked youths not to criticized "the tyranny of The pope asked youths to pay popular participation in public will be yourself with no regard for become depressed by political and ideological systems that reduce the special attention tq the threats to decision-making and said that others, you will become instru­ social problems which threaten dynamics o f society to the logic of world peace caused by tensions Justice and peace "must come ments of division and enmity, even peace. He urged them to use their class struggle" and which attempt between the developed arid through the participation of all." instruments of warfare and energy to "free history from the “to deify the collectivity." underdeveloped countries. 'Violence and injustice cannot be O p u s D e i violence." he said. false paths it is pursuing." In capitalist nations, people seem “ 1 wish to affirm that these two avoided when and where the basic "Some of you may be tempted to to have adopted a materialistic issues - peace and development - right to participate in the choices of "Peace isa recurrent theme in the Staff of a local Opus Del center take flight from responsibility: in attitude, he said. are interrelated and must be society is denied." he said. addresses of John Paul II at his say despite their problems the fantasy worlds of alcohol and "Parents sometimes feel that they addressed together if the young "The mutual trust between weekly general audiences, to with a sometimes distorted drugs, in short-lived sexual have fulfilled their obligations to people o f today are to inherit a citizens and leaders is the fruit of different groups, during his public Image they continue their relationships without commi tment their children by offering them, better world tomorrow," said Pope the practice of participation, and pastoral visits to the parishes of his work in bringing the message of to marriage and family." he said. beyond the satisfaction of basic John Paul. He added that more participation is a cornerstone for diocese and on the occasion of his the International religious "Put yourselves on guard against necessities, more material goods as money should be spent for building a world of peace." he apostolic voyages around the organization to the area. Story on the fraud of a world that wants to the answer for their lives," he said. development and less for arms. added. world," Bishop Schotte said. exploit or misdirect your energetic and powerful search for happiness and meaning.” he added. Religion-Politics debate, 84’s big news in religion The statement was dated Dec. 8 N u n d i e s and released at the Vatican Dec. 20. would attain the same status in The celebrates By JERRY F1LTEAU could take that stance and consider repeatedly refected any one-issue America as political and civil World Peace Day Jan. 1 .World Peace NC News Service herself a Catholic, and from then on approach to the elections, insisting Sr. Mary Philip Ingold. RSM, an liberties Day was begun in 1967 by Pope The 1984 presidential campaign the battle was joined. that abortion, the arms race and educator who taught for almost the plight of the poor must be Among the draft's controversial Paul VI. unleashed a national rdlglon-and- New York Gov. Mario Cuomo 40 years in the schools of conclusions were demands for a The pope said he dedicated the polltics debate not seen by delivered a major speech on religion primary concerns among a wide Greensburg and Pittsburgh national policy of full employment 1985 message to youths because it Americans since John F. Kennedy and public policy at the University range of political issues with moral Dioceses died Dec. 18 at the age of and for a major overhaul of the coincides with the United Nations' went after the White House in 1960. of Notre Dame in which he argued a implications. 70. Obituary on page 9. "woefully inadequate" welfare decision to designate 1985 as the Bishops and politicians, abortion more nuanced, sophisticated • Cardinal Bemardln of International Youth Year. Theme of variation of Ms. Ferraro's position Chicago. As chairman of the system in the country. and school prayer, personal An independent Catholic lay the papal message was "Peace and morality and public policy, all and provoked a significant new bishops' Committee for Pro-Life commission, headed by former Youth Go Forward Together." intertwined in the controversy, debate on the topic in Catholic Activities and chief architect of Treasury Secretary William Simon It was the first time a pope had with Catholic personalities and Intellectual circles. their widely hailed 1983 war and and American Enterprise Institute OFFICIAL directed a World Peace Day message Key Catholic bishops in the peace pastoral, he sought lna series views usually on center stage. scholar Novak, issued a to a specific group o f people, said President Reagan wooed Catholic controversy included: of major speeches the beginnings of parallel lay letter. It argued that the Bishop Anthony J. Bevllacqua Bishop Jan Schotte, vice president and fundamentalist Protestant • John O'Connor of a new intellectual, moral and American experience of democratic announces the following clergy of the Pontifical Commission for New York. He said in a televised political consensus in America votes with his stands on abortion, capitalism offers a significant appointments effective as noted: Justice and Peace. tuition tax credits and voluntary interview In the spring that he did based on a "consistent ethic of life" contribution to Catholic social Among the current threats to prayer In public schools. not see how a Catholic in good that would transcend traditional teachings. Production of greater PASTOR EMERITUS world peace, the pope listed As in 1960. however, when conscience could vote for a liberal-conservative divisions wealth, not redistribution of Reverend Joseph E. Drumm. totalitarian regimes which violate Kennedy had to satisfy Protestants politician who favored legalized Nor did the religion and politics existing wealth, is an economic to Pastor Emeritus, Nativity basic human rights, racial that a Catholic president would not abortion. He later issued a debate stop after the elections system's primary function and the Parish. Broughton, effective discrimination, torture and let th e Vatican shape U.S. policy. It clarification saying he was not Americans had barely left the most effective path for achieving December 4. 1984. suppression of religion. He also was a Catholic presence on the telling Catholics how to vote, but he polling booths before a committee social justice by fulfilling human Reverend Monslgnor Michael listed the arms race. East-West Democratic ticket that turned the also Insisted that abortion is one of of bishops headed by Archbishop rights and needs, the lay letter said. J. Conroy, to Pastor Emeritus, conflicts and tensions between the 1984 debate into a full-fledged the primary moral-political issues Rembert Weakland o f Milwaukee, The wide news coverage and Our Lady o f Grace Parish. Scott developed and underdeveloped national controversy. confronting the and issued the first draft of a new immediate controversy provoked by Township, effective March 21, countries. Vice presidential candidate one that Catholics must give national pastoral letter on Catholic the first draft of the bishops' 1985. Main causes o f these problems Geraldine Ferraro disagreed with priority to in making responsible teaching and the U.S. economy. pastoral virtually guaranteed that it SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT "are to be found especially In the the natton'sblshopson the need for political decisions. The draft letter declared "a will also be one of the major news Reverend Blase G. Meyer has ideologies that have dominated our legal restriction of abortion, saying s Bishop James Malone of preferential option for the poor" as stories of 1985 as it moves through been given permission to century and continue to do so, that although she opposed it Youngstown. Ohio. As president of a major criterion for public policy as second and third drafts to a undertake priestly ministry in manifesting themselves in political, personally she did not think it the National Conference o f Catholic vrcll as for private morality. It called planned vote by all the bishops on a the Diocese o f Phoenix. Arizona economic and social systems and should be restricted legally. At her Bishops, he bore the brunt of the for a “new American experiment" in final document next November. for a period of one year, effective taking control of the way people first press conference as a controversy over Catholic which the economic rights o f all January 15.1985. think." the pope said. candidate, she was asked how she teachings and U.S. politics. He and economic participation by all IContinued on page 2) Page 2 — Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday. December 28. 1984 Diocesan news 1984 busy year for diocesan bishops and programs (Continued from page 1) readers indicated that the three most read features MARCH ministry directed toward the surviving family American bishops going to Africa to examine the of the Pittsburgh Catholic were officials. letters to members...Fr. Edward Baker, CSSp, associate conditions of refugees in four nations. He also was the editor, and the question and answer column 2 — The diocesan Family Life Commission holds pastor of St. Anthony Church, Millvale, dies Aprl appointed to the Sacred Congregation for Religious written by Fr. Charles Bober. a day-long workshop Feb. 21 at the Mount Assisi 8 at the age of 75...Twenty-seven deaf young and Secular Institutes by Pope John Paul II and to A week by week breakdown of major news items Center, Bellevue...The Pittsburgh-based ’s people, including ten from the Pittsburgh US. bishops' committee studying the proposed includes: Brother Foundation distributed $2.2 million of Diocese, were confirmed April 10 in St. James Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. JANUARY goods for relief efforts in during Church, Wilkinsburg, by Bishop Bosco. Bishop Bevtlacqua was named “Humanitarian of 1983...Cathollcs in the Pittsburgh Diocese 20 — The Federation of Pittsburgh Diocesan the Year" by the Variety Club of PI ttsburgh and was 6 — Fire destroys St. Thomas Church in contributed $85,000 in the annual appeal for Teachers wins the right to represent faculty also admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar. Braddock. Dec. 30...Msgr. Joseph Lowney, 82. Catholic University of America. Washington, members at 12 parish elementary schools in the In addition to Bishop Bevtlacqua, others would retired pastor of St. parish on the D.C...BIshop Bevtlacqua to be grand marshal for the diocese...400 students from 12 diocesan high be receiving new appointments: Fr. Adam Malda. North Side and chaplain at the Sisters o f the Holy St. Patrick's Day parade. March 17. in Plttsbuigh. schools hold a peace rally and Mass on April 13 in former legal counsel and vice chancellor of the Spirit Guest Home in Allison Park, dies Dec. 9 — Bishop Bosco appointed by Bishop Point State Park.. Bishop Bevilacqua condemns diocese, was ordained and installed as bishop of 28...The Sisters of Divine Providence receive their Bevtlacqua to chair a committee studying the the May issue of Hustler magazine, which Green Bay, Wise.: Bishop Malda and Fr. Donald new constitutions and general directory. diocesan central admlnistration...Catholic Schools featured a female, nude pictorial parodying the Wuerl, rector of St. Pual Seminary in Crafton, were 13 — More than 120 Pittsburghers are expected Week to be observed in the diocese, March 11- Last Supper and other Biblical scenes...The named as consultants to the Sacred Congregation to attend the Jan. 25 episcopal and 17...Fr. Edward H. Cole. 6 8 . pastor of St. Joseph the Campaign for Human Development thanks for the Clergy; Fr. Daniel DiNardo. assistant Installation Mass for Green Bay. Wise.. Bishop-Elect Worker parish in New Castle, dies March 1. Catholics of the Pittsburgh Diocese for the $92,000 chancellor, was named a subsecretary in the Adam Maida. former legal counsel and vice 16 — Bishop Bevtlacqua and the major superiors raise here for the CHD...Seven priests led an English-language session to the Vatican's Sacred chancellor o f the Pittsburgh Dlocese...SL Joseph of Religious communities of men and women April 15 tax protest against military spending; Congregation for Bishops; Fr. James Garvey, School O'Hara Township, expected to close at die serving in the Pittsburgh Diocese or their the protest culminated with the protesters parochial vicar at St. Ursula parish in Allison Park, end o f the 1983-84 academic year...Seventy-five representatives met March 12 to begin to presenting the IRS with loaves of bread in lieu of was named to head the diocesan office for the busloads of western Pennsylvanians are expected implement Pope John Paul's call for dialogue monies that would be used for military homeless; Fr. Charles Bober was named as to attend the National March for Life. Jan. 23. in between American bishops and American spending...Bishop Bevilacqua gives the secretary to the bishop for clergy personnel; and Fr. Washington. D.C. Religlous...The 1984 Parish Share Program to get invocation at the opening game of the Pittsburgh Thomas Tobin, parochial vicar at St. Sebastian 27 — More than 3,500 western Pennsylvanians under way March 25._.Bishop Bevilacqua asks Pirates baseball season, April 17. parish in Ross Township, was named Bishop participated at the Jan. 23 National March for Life parishes to consecrate themselves to the 27 — Catholic Charities to launch at $25,000 fund Bevllacqua's administrative secretary. in Washington. D.C...Greensbutg Bishop William Immaculate Heart o f Mary on Feast of the drive; the organization's first Caritas award will As usual. Catholic schools made news. The Connate delivers the keynote speech at the annual Annunciation as requested by Pope John Paul be presented at a May 6 dinner which will kick-off Federation of Diocesan Teachers won the election pro-life prayer breakfast. Jan. 21. at the Monroeville 11...Lent begins with the traditional distribution of the drive...Bishops Bevilacqua, Bosco and to represent lay faculty members at 12 parish Howard Johnson's. ashes on Wednesday, March 6 . McDowell, continue the tradition of blessing elementary schools; later, the union and the 23 — The diocesan vicar of education, Aux. children and babies on Easter Sunday (April parishes would sign their first teachers' contracts. FEBRUARY Bishop John McDowell, and the diocese give 22). Preceding the election, the diocese and the union reaction to the proposed amendments to the U.S. MAY signed an agreement concerning the election 3 — Bishop-elect Adam J. Maida. former vice Constitution that would permit voluntary prayer in procedure. In a related matter, the diocese released chancellor and legal counsel for the Pittsburgh public schools..An arsonist is believed to have set 4 — Bishop Bevilacqua to ordain 11 new priests a handbook concerning the policies and practices Diocese, installed as the ninth diocesan bishop of 15 fires March 13 inside and outside of Holy Rosaiy for the diocese. May 12. in St. Paul for teachers in diocesan schools. the Diocese of Green Bay, Wise., on Jan. 25...Blshop Church. Homewood; the fires did an estimated CathedraL.Maijory Mecklenburg, director of the $200,000 damage to the 55-year old church Adolescent Pregnancy Program of the US. bullding...The Ri te of Christian Initiation of Adults Department of Health and Human Services, to was the topic for the regional meeting of the address the sixth annual Greater Pittsburgh March Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, for Life. May 12.-Bishop Bevilacqua, as chairman of held March 14 and 15 at St. Paul Seminary in the Committee on Migration and Tourism of the Crafton; Fr. Frank Sokol, assistant director of the National Conference o f Catholic Bishops, is one of diocesan religious education office, gave the 20 signatories to a letter supporting a bill for keynote address...Our Lady of Loreto. Brookline, Salvadoran refugees...Monongahela Valley Catholic wins the diocesan girls Catholic grade school High marks its 25th year with a Mass and dinner varsity basketball championship, while St. dance. April 29...The Pittsburgh Chapter of Bartholomew. Penn Hills, and Resurrection. Amnesty International conducts a letterwritlng Brookline, win the diocesan girls and boys junior campaign on behalf of two political prisoners, one varsity grade school titles, respectively. in Tanzania and one in Guatemala; family 30 — The Federation of Pittsburgh Diocesan members of the former are parishioners of St. Teachers and the diocese sign an agreement, James parish in Wilkinsburg. March 21. for elections concerning unionized 11 — Cardinal Joseph Bemadin, archbishop of representation at 15 elementaiy schools In the Chicago, gives the honors day address. May 4. at diocese...Fr. Hugh Lang, superintendent of ...Msgr. John McCarren, diocesan schools, said none of the EPA citations executive director of the diocesan Department for concerning abestos-related violations in six Community and Social Development receives the diocesan schools involve health-threatening first Caritas award from the diocesan Catholic situations...Fr. . rector of St. Paul Charities on May 4..Blshop Bevilacqua testifies Seminary in Crafton. and Green Bay Bishop Adam before U.S. Congressional committee concerning a Maida. a former Pittsburgh diocesan priest, are Haitian refugee bill...1,000 persons attend appointed consultants to the Vatican's Sacred "Comeback: Regional Recovery. Community ." Congregation for the Cleigy by Pope John Paul May 4 and 5 at the David L. Lawrence Convention U...Nine participants in the Witness to Peace" trip Center. to Nicaragua said at a.March 26 press conference 18 — Eleven men ordained to the priesthood for that they found religious activity alive and well in the diocese of Pittsburgh. May 12. in St. Paul the Central American nation. Cathedral. Oakland...Msgr. John McCarren. APRIL executive director of the diocesan Social and Community Development Department, speaks 6 — Fr. Edward Farina, pastor of Christ the before a May 12 public hearing sponsored by the King parish in Ambridge, endows a scholarship Pennsylvania Labor Committee for Jobs with Peace M aking the rounds for CCD catechists to be named the "Farina and the Nuclear Freeze...Bishop Bevilacqua was a Fathers" scholarship after his four priests- special guest at a gathering of Vietnamese, For Bishop Bevtlacqua, much of ¡984 was spent convents, schools and other Institutions. He Is brothers and himself...Resurrection School, Cambodian. Laotian-Hmong refugees, held May 12. getting oriented with the Diocese of Pittsburgh. To pictured above visiting one of the CCD classes at Brookline, wins the state boys Catholic grade held at Synod HalL.Bishop Bevilacqua named to acquaint himself with his new diocese, the bishop parish, Washington. school varsity basketball championship...Seton- USCC/NCCB committee studying the proposed paid numerous visits to parishes, hospitals, La Salle, Mount Lebanon, and North Catholic, Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Troy Hill, High Schools won the PIAA state girls Constitutlon...5.000 people turn out for the fifth . The year would also see the inauguration oi a tive- Anthony J. Bevtlacqua addresses members of the basketball titles in Class AAAA and Class AAA, annual Greater Plttsbuigh March for Life. May 12. year planning project for the diocesan schools. Plttsbuigh Press Club about the international respectively. 25 — The diocesan Office for Research and Enrollment in the diocese's 161 schools for the problems of refugees on Jan. 30...Fr. Louis P. Hohos. 13 — U.S. Ambassador to Nicaragua Anthony Planning begins tabulation of a survey o f the 1984-85 declined by 5.4 percent Four schools— St. pastor of St. Matthew parish. South Side, dies Jan. C.E. Quainton reviewed U.S.-Nicaraguan parochial needs of the Braddock-Rankin area...The Joseph Elementary in O'Hara Township. Glass port 27 at the age of 74. relations at a April 9 speech at Duquesne 1983 U.S. bishops' pastoral statement of peace and Catholic Elementary. Divine Providence Academy 10 — Pope John Paul II appoints Bishop University...Former vice president and nuclear war to be the theme for the 1984 Summer in Cheswick — closed their doors in 1984, while a Bevtlacqua to the Vatican's Congregation for candidate for the Democratic presidential Catechetical Institute, sponsored by the diocesan fifth — St. Benedict Academy in Ross Township — Religious and Secular Institutes on Feb. nomination Walter Mondale visited Sacred Heart Religious Education and CCD offices. June 11 to announced that it would close at the end of the 7...Glassport Catholic Elementary School to close at High School, Shadyside, April 5, while June 30 at Duquesne University...Fr. Philip 1984-85 academic year. the end of the 1983-84 academic year and campaigning In Pittsburgh before the Doughtery. 56. parochial vicar at S t Cyril of Fires would make news in the diocese during the McKeesport Central Catholic Elementaiy School to Pennsylvania Democratic primary; Alexandria parish, Brighton Heights, dies May year. A New Year's weekend blaze destroyed St. be restructured to serve the Mon-Yough area. approximately 20 parents picketed because of the 16...Fr. Raymond Doherty, former pastor of St. Thomas Church in Braddock; one aftermath of the 17 — Bishop Bevtlacqua appointsa committee, to Minnesota Democrat's stands on abortion and Rosalia parish in Greenfield and former director ol fire would be a survey to determine the future be headed by Aux. Bishop Anthony Bosco, to study tuition tax credits. The presidential candidate DePaul Institute in Mount Lebanon, dies May 19 at parochial activity in the Braddock-Rankin area. the conditions of employment o f lay parish also visited St. Clare Church, Clairton, April 8, on the age of 84...Capuchin Fr. Luke Stephens, 76. Holy Family Institute in Emsworth. which served employees...Sister Michele O'Leary named as first another pre-primary campaign stop...North Side former pastor of Our Lady of Peace parish in dependent children, was destroyed in a July fire president of the Pittsburgh Mercy Health Common Ministries, an interfaith group of 12 Conway, dies May 20. that was set by one of the residents. In Homewood, a Corporation. churches, opens the Pleasant Valley Shelter, an JUNE series of 15 fires were set in attempt to bum Holy 24 — A committee is formed to study the overnight residence for homeless women in the Rosary Church. problems and to make recommendations for the former Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church, 1 — The number of Roman Catholics in the For the Religious men and women in the diocese, future of Catholic parochial life in the Braddock- Manchester...The diocesan Special Religious Pittsburgh Diocese declined by nearly 3.000 from a series of “listening sessions" in September Rankin area...Msgr. Raymond M ust 69, pastor of Education Office inaugurates its TOUCH 1983 to 1984, according to statistics released culminating months of preparation concerning St. James parish in Sewickley and former director program, a support group for the parents of through the 1984 Official Catholic Dlrectoiy...Fr. Pope John Paul H's request that American bishops of the diocesan office of the Society of the handicapped children...An April 25 Mass in St. Thomas Tobin named as Bishop Bevllacqua's and Religious begin a dialogue. Propagation o f the Faith, dies Feb. 21...Fr. Hugh Paul Cathedral, Oakland, to commemorate those administrative secretary, effective June 4...The A number of parishes and institutions marked Lang, superintendent of diocesan school, testifies persons who died as victims of violent death; the Family Health Council of Western Pennsylvania anniversaries during the year. Parishes observing Feb. 10 before a subcommittee of the U.S. House of special Mass is to be the beginning of a special (Continued on page 3) anniversaries were: SS. Peter and Paul, East Representatives Science and Technology Liberty. 125 years; St. Boniface. North Side. 100 Committee looking into science and mathematics years; St. Michael. Butler. 75 years; SL . education in American schools..The Superior V FOR YOUR jNEEDS Momingside, 75 years; St. Mary. Cecil. 75 years; St. Court of Pennsylvania overturns the conviction of For Home Delivery SILIANOFF Conrad, Meridian. 50 years and Our Lady of Loreto, local activist Molly Rush and seven others who had 0 ”Th« Precious Feet People" 25 years. been convicted of breaking into a General Electric Call 471-1252, STAINED GLASS So. 730 * Taylor AX S t i l l Also marking anniversaries were: the Vincentian A compiala line of Pro- Lif a Pro Ferrwy'lame facility in Montgomery County. Circulation Dept. C 'NATIONAL AWARD « SOCK SOTTOM PXM S Piaouu* FM (identical in shape Home, Ross Township. 60 years; Canevln High 'STAINED GLASS PRAY old unborn bnt»y | School Crafton Heights. 25 years; Monongahela 'M U R A L S • Burnpir Sl-ckiK. B Poet Card* I S Oar.a*. S »amp nreu Valley Catholic High School Monongahela 25 ' “ J i m oRONET’C M i k e SiLVESTfif s e l l — ^ ■ 'RESTORATIONS « Baaouna S Mamara Pandante years; and the diocesan permanent dlaconate Pittsburgh’s BEFORE YOU BLOW T S Poaia'S S vow Hsu tapai ian 'WOOD CARVING program. 10 years. 900,000 Catho­ YOUR 8TACK...CALL EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE 1 a aampans ol A aiifa The Pittsburgh Catholic saw some changes lic ssre someone DESKS, FILES, TYPEWRITER SILIANOFF RAY ADENOUR • Sand lor MSI carata sua during 1984. The newspaper made Its first major spscial. Reach 321-5600 CALCULATORS, SUPPLIES. FOR STUDIO change in design in 30 years with a new nameplate FAST DELIVERY. DISCOUNT PRICES RT 22 RD 4 them through the Greensburg. Pa and a new typeface. Personnel changes at the paper Chimneys Cleaned, N PITTSBURGH Pointed, Rebuilt M I LEBANON OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 668-7705 included Phil Taylor named as assistant editor and 1D17 BaalaeiHi R d ., Plttxtairgh. 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Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday. December 28, 1984 — Page 3 Diocesan/world news

A bortion clinic drops su it

ag ain st p ro -life protesters

YORK — In a major vlctoiy for Karlovich said the charges filed the Pro-Life groups with "attempts pro-life people, a Pennsylvania against her. a neighbor and the to Impair and destroy" Hillcrest's abortion clinic, the Hillcrest York and Harrisburg chapters of business. Women's Medical Center, York, and Pennsylvanians for Human Life, "We never did anything to harass its owner, Dr. Michael A Jackson of were baseless. They were an or Interfere with any of the people Washington, D.C.. have dropped a attempt to scare us, to intimidate going to the abortion clinic," said lawsuit that would have prevented us. In a sense. I'm disappointed the Mrs. Karlovich. 'We're there to picketing at the abortion clinic by suit was dropped. Our right to peacefully protest abortion, the pro-life groups. picket would have been even more destruction of Innocent human life'. The local pro-lifers, members of strongly vindicated by the court." We were also attempting to give Pennsylvanians for Human Life, say she declared. information to people going to the they are resuming their peaceful Mrs. Karlovich said that based on clinic about other options instead protests at the clinic. questions being asked by PHL of abortion.” According to Susan Karlovich, lawyers. Hillcrest would have had to president of the York Chapter of reveal much information about its At a preliminary hearing in Pennsylvanians for Human Life, operations, including profits and November, lawyers for both sides and her lawyer William B. Ball, the the number of abortions agreed to restlct the number of dropping of the suit represents a performed, if the case had gone to pickets at the clinic {lending a full major constitutional victory for court. T m sure they didn't want to hearing on the suit that was to take freedom of speech and the right to do that" she said. place in January. Now. that hearing protest abortion. According to Camille Cordak, will not be held. The decision to drop the suit is public relations director for the latest derelopment In a running Hillcrest Clinic, the charges were Mrs. Karlovich said that battle between operators of the dropped for other reasons. arrangements will now be made clinic and pro-life demonstrators "It's clear the demonstrators were with various churches in the area that has been under way since the not going to adhere to a court order, to supply pickets at the clinic on a clinic opened in York in August it was very difficult for the police to regular basis Since the suit has W ashington CCD aids Ethiopians "I think this is an excellent enforce. And we didn't want the suit been dropped, members of the * vindication of the rights of pro-life to be used as a vehicle to get their National Organization for Women Students In the high school CCD program at parish CCD classes. Jrom pre-school through high people to peacefully demonstrate cause in front of the U.S. Supreme have also begun to picket on the Immaculate Conception Church In Washington school, during his uislt With him here are Brian against something they think is Court for a hearing." she said. clinic property on behalf of the presented BlshopAnthony Bevllacqua with a check Martin, Holly Zavlckl and David Musso. all nlnth- morally abhorrent," said Ball. Mrs. The suit charged the members of clinic. graders. to aid Ethiopian refugees when he visited the firm, announces feasibility studies will be parish recently. The bishop spoke to a ll the —Photo by John C. Keenan Sept. 5.„The annual Community Day of Faith for diocesan school principals held Sept. 5 at Mount conducted to examine the possibilities of • Alvemla. Millvale...St. Michael parish. Butler, to establishing new Catholic high schools in Carrick I Busy for bishops mark its 75th anniversary on SepL 30. and Monroeville...The annual Tri-Diocesan* 21 — The diocesan schools office and the Catholic Teachers Institute scheduled for Oct. 8 ■ (Continued from page 21 Sorrows Monastery in Carrick. dies July 7 at the age consulting firm of Anderson/Roethle and and 9 at the Monroeville Expo Mart...Letters to the awards a 666.300 contract to the diocesan CM-BBT of 103: Mother Mary Teresa was one of the original Associates to begin the long-range planning editor. Around the Diocese. Fr. Charles Bober's program to develop a state wide model for natural members of the monastery, which was the first process for diocesan schools-St. Paul Seminary. questlon-and-answer column were In the most family planning. establishment of Passionist nuns in America, and Crafton, enrolls 35 students...Bishop Bevllacqua to popular features in the Pittsburgh Catholic, 8 — Fr. Daniel DiNardo. assistant chancellor of was the oldest Passionist nun in the world. give the opening address at the eighth annual according the results of the newspaper's the diocese, appointed to a sub-secretary's position 20 — Twenty-three clergymen of Italian ancestry Respect Life Day program to be held Sept. 29 at readership survey... John Hannlgan, director of the In the English language section of the Sacred were honored by the Italian Sons and Daughters of Carlow College. Oalkland; the event is sponsored by diocesan Bureau for Social Programs and Congregation of Bishops at the Vatican...The Italy at July 15 opening events of the ISDA's annual the diocesan Office for Justice and Peace and Community Action, and Sister Llgouri Rossner. diocesan schools office releases Its handbook triad. Pennsylvanians for Human Life/Southwest director of the Jubilee Soup Kitchen, Uptown, establishing salary schedule, benefits and working 27 — Damages total $500,000 after a fire destroys Region...The diocesan Ladles of Charity raise more testified In Harrisburg before a special committee conditions for lay teachers in parish elementary the main building of the Holy Family Insitute on than 850,000 for their Trust Fund for the of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives schooIs...Flve diocesan priests to mark their golden July 23...Pope John Paul II names Greensbuig Aux. Elderly...SL Mary parish. Cecil, to observe its 75th looking into the problems of chronically and 13 diocesan priests to mark silver Jubilees this Bishop Norbert Gaughan. a native of the North anniversary on SepL 23...SS. Peter and Paul parish. homeless-People Concerned for the Unbom Child summer .Bishop Bevllacqua admitted to practice Side, named the bishop of Gary. Ind.. July East Liberty, to mark its 125thannlversaryonSept. praise a Commonwealth Court decision upholding before the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals. U.S. 24. 30. the state's 1980 law banning welfare payments for abortions-Greensburg Aux. Bishop Norbert District Court for Western Pennsylvania, and AUGUST 28 — Bishop Bevllacqua and Aux. Bishops Bosco Pennsylvania Supreme Court in ceremonies June 3 — Bishop Bevllacqua. on his return from a 18- and McDowell met with more 1,700 Religious men Gaughan, a native of the North Side and a 5...The Capuchin Franciscans of the St Augustine day factfinding trip to four nations, said in a July 31 and women in five "listening sessions" to columnist for the Pittsburgh Catholic, to take Province, based in Lawrenceville, announced that press conference that the international community determine the aspects of Religious life as well as the canonical possession of the Diocese of Gary. Ind.. on they have placed the former St. Fidells High School, must develop solutions for peace and justice so that hopes and fears of Religious: thellstening sessions, Oct. 1 and to be installed as bishop there on Oct. 2...Respect Life chairpersons commissioned by College and Seminary complex In Herman, Butler African refugees can return home...The American held SepA 20 and 21 at the Monroeville Expo Mart, County, up for sale...Fr. Sean O'Malley, a member of major superior of the Missionaries of Charity were a part of the local Implementation o f the Bishop Bevllacqua at a liturgy at SL James parish. the Lawrenceville Capuchins, named coadjutor announced July 26 that their founder. Nobel Quinn Commission...The diocesan Schools Office, Sewickley. (Continued on page 6) bishop-elect for the Diocese of St. Thomas, U.S. laureate of Calcutta will not be with the assistance of an educational consulting. lslands...Fr. Edward J. Recktenwald. CSSp.. coming to Pittsburgh for eye surgery..An former treasurer of Duquesne University, dies June emergency fundraising campaign is inaugerated to 5 at the age of 87. assist the fire-damaged Holy Family Institute in 15 — Bishop Bevllacqua gives the keynote Emsworth...Spring confirmations in the diocese address at the annual meeting of the Pittsburgh total 8, 606. ; i _ _ § chapter of American Jewish Committee on June 17 — Catholic Charities of the Diocese of to 9„.St Conrad parish. Meridan. to mark Its 50th Pittsburgh. Inc.. receives 15 contracts, totaling to anniversary June 17...Sister Mary Kenneth Kearns, 81.75 million, to assist the needy...The Pittsburgh A Special Thanks former provincial director of the Pittsburgh Sisters Catholic to move itsofflces to 100 Wood St..effective to of Divine Providence and founder of La Roche Aug. 28. to to College. Allison Park, dies June 7. 24 — The staff and residents of Holy Family to to 22 — Fr. James W. Garvey, parochial vicar at St. Institute begin the move to a building on the to # Ursula parish In Allison Park, named the director of grounds o f the former Dixmont State Hospital in the newly-established post of diocesan coordinator Kilbuck Township, after a one-year lease is signed; to to to T O A L L to for the homeless...The diocese to assume lire destroyed the main dormitory of the institute in responslbllty for Lawrenceville Area Catholic High Emsworth. July 23..X)locesan schools set to open to $ School for an interim period...Fr. James P. for the 1984-85 academic year on Aug. 27...Blshop to Bevllacqua scheduled to offer the annual Labor Day McDonough to be ordained a priest on June 23 in to St. Church...The diocesan perm- Mass on Monday. SepL 3 in St. Benedict the Moor to amant diaconate program marks its tenth Church, Hill District. • OUR ADVERTISERS anniversary...Vincentian Home, North Hills, 31 — Keith Herr lot a member of St. Benedict the to to celebrates Its 60th anniversary. Moor, parish. Hill District, elected as a youth to 29 — Phase I of a proposed re-orgnalzation of the representative to the board of directors of the diocesan bureaucracy presented to diocesan National Office of Black Cathollcs-Dr. Maria to department heads and staff members; among the Harris, noted theologian and professor at the proposals the creation of six secretariats that Andover-Newton Theological School Newton to • OUR SUBSCRIBERS to would function as a "diocesan cabinet "...Bishop Centre, Mass.. tells diocesan catechlsts and school to to Bevllacqua to visit four African nations asa head of administrators at a Aug. 22 In-service program that to a delegation looking into the problems faced by justice begins with gratitude, not guilt..John to refugees ...The diocesan Ladies of Charities to Hannlgan. director of thediocesan Bureau of Social to participate In "Project: Special Care," a program to Programs and Community Action, spoke at a Aug. • OUR READERS aid In the resettlement o f Asian-American children 22 public hearing concerning the homeless, saying to to and their mothers In the U.S...Testifying before the that Pennsylvania's 1982 welfare reform legislation to U.S. Congress, Bishop Bevllacqua urges passage of was partially responsible for the Increase of g (WhoPatronize Our Advertisers) to legislation that would temporarily suspend the homeless persons. to deportation of Salvadoran refugees...Bishop Bevllacqua ordains Fr. James McDonough June 23 SEPTEMBER g in St. Cyril of Alexandria partsh...Mother M. 7 — The Federation of Diocesan Teachers and 12 to Methodia. former superior of the School Sisters of parishes sign the first contracts for elementary whose contributions have to1 St. Francis in Bellevue and one of the first six school teachers in the dlocese...Fr. Louis Vallone. g 3 members of the congregation to come to the United pastor of St. Benedict the Moor parish. Hill District, to to States, dies June 19 at the age of 97. delivers the homily for the diocesan Labor Day to to JULY Mass. SepL 3, at his parlsh...The Catholic made this publication possible 6 — The Pennsylvania State Senate passes Association for Persons with Visual Impairment to to legislation that would prohibit "wrongful Ufe" or open an office in Pittsburgh. s to “wrong birth" law suits; the Pennsylvania House of 14 — The American Catholic Committee's “Lay to Representative earlier passed the legislaton...The Commission on Catholic Social Teaching and the former St. Francis Hospital Lawrenceville. becomes U.S. Economy" held a hearing on industrial the St. Francis Medical Center as the hospital's competatlveness, SepL 11, at the University of corporate structure re-oiganlzes.Aux. Bishop Plttsburgh...The diocesan bishops to meet with Andrew Patacki. auxiliary bishop of the Ruthenlan Religious priests, sisters and brothers at a series of Byzantine Diocese of Pass lac. NJ. and former ‘listening sessions" to be held SepL 20 and Sept. 21 chancellor of the Ruthenlan Byzantine Archdiocese at the Monroeville Expo Mart..The national of Pittsburgh, named the bishop of the Ruthenlan Campaign for Human Development awards a Byzantine Diocese of Parma, Ohio. 840,000 grant to the Mon Valley Unemployed 13 — Msgr. John McCarren. executive director of Commlttee.-.Catechetlcal Sunday to be observed in the diocesan Department for Social and the parishes in the diocese on SepL 16. „The Community Development, named to head a Knights of Columbus present Bishop Bevllacqua diocesan task force charged to make with a 8125,000 check for the Bishop's Project to recommendations for a pastoral response from the benefit St. Anthony School for Exceptional diocese to the problems laced by the unemployed... Children, OakmonL and McGuire Memorial Home. The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference considers New Brighton-Catholic Charities of the Diocese of whether to launch a campaign to override Gov. Pittsburgh. Inc„ receives a contracts from the Richard Thornburgh's veto of "wrongful Pennsylvania Department o f Public Welfare to birth/wrongful life" legislatioa..Slster Maty Evelyn provide subsidized family day care to families in Hannan. CSJ, director of secondary school Pittsburgh and Allegheny County-Holy Name Day catechesis for the diocesan Religious Education observed with a procession. Mass and reception Office, named assistant director for theological field Sept. 9 at SL Paul CathedraL Oakland...Our Lady of operations and codirector of the Discipleship Loreto parish, Brookline, marks 25th Journey retreat program at the Pontifical College anniversary...The diocesan CCD office holds its Joaephlnum. Worthington. Ohio-Mother Maty orientation for parish directors of religious catholic Teresa Benedetti. former superior of Our Lady of education, coordinators and program managers.

I V I Page 4 _ Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday. December 28, 1984 Opinions/comments

A nticipation planning ahead means that Junior By NORBERT F. GAUGHAN anticipation. the school picnic, graduation, many adults lived those weeks must get good marks in the fifth Is it old age or the climate of the birthdays and the senior prom — all preceding, not in Joy of expectancy, and sixth grades of elementary Journeying holidays must begin times, that some things which these were moments to be savored but in the fear and hatred of these school. So for parents as well as for a day or two in advance “in order to celebrations? Each day, the much earlier in life were joys and in the expectancy as much the Junior, looking forward to that escape the rush." Make motel advertising media stressed what Norbert comforts have become ogres, completion, happy of college extrance becomes reservations well in advance. Do bringing with them fears and F. Gaughan But anticipation was also a had to be done in the days before rather a cloud hanging over the this, do that. Phooey. who needs it? frights for us? Christmas. Excoriated by the happines. of adulthood. There were head? Will he make it? In which Sunday dinners, once such a part of reminder that precious time was It happens all around in many Consider anticipation — that college will he be accepted? Will we American culture: the family feasts: running out, people had guilt ways. Whether It Is the Increase of very human and once wonderful have the money? Start saving now the annual vacation; the stages of feelings because they did not shop the tempo of our times or the experience. This feeling carried as in our college-lnvestment plan, say the ritual passage of children to earlier, and so found picked over Anticipation has become the terrible stress these days on much happiness as the fulfillment the banks. And what should be a adulthood: long pants, first high merchandise, things no longer prerogative of the press, aggravated "planning ahead,” it adds up to of what was anticipated. Some said normal human experience becomes heels, first . first paycheck, first available, some of the toys by the need of maganzine and little or no joy. Thus what should that anticipation was better than a slow exercise in torture. We have demanded by children because of newspaper to grind out stories. have been happier moments in life fulfillment It flavored the on­ child. learned what it does to some of the Religious writers spoke of TV indoctrination. The implica­ Items begin to appear in early become so filled with such coming moment with the promise young who think of suicide to anticipation as a blessed gift from tions all around were that you were September about Christmas unhappiness from the mounting of gratification. with the enjoyable escape the shame of not being able God. It was a way the Creator a poor parent a bad housewife, a planning and from that momemt annoyances that when the moment fantasies of looked-forward-to to "make college." allowed us to enjoy even more the deficient breadwinner if a on, the pressures of the coming of fulfillment arrives, all one can say hopes. Even the summer vacation must happiness of certain moments and thousand and one things were not season are on until the holiday. It is “Thank God. it’s over.“ Only to be be planned in January. First, Dad Anticipation was particularly a events in the pilgrimage through done by you to make the on-coming suddenly ends the day after. followed by, “But we had better has to cut his time slot for the great part of the childhood life from birth to death and on to holidays super-special for all in the But the changed face of begin planning now for next year." experience. The expectation of our reward. family. Each of the impending anticipation is not only the case in vacation according to the company holidays and their special joys, the Is it wrong to say that now season was fraught with horror as the holidays. Parents are now schedule. Next, if there'sany kind of Perhaps, we ought ot get back to looking forward with excitement to anticipation has become a the time ran out, like judgment getting used to the fact that if they a trip, reservations must be made another Christian maxim of living the end of school and the vacation fearsome monster? Consider waitng for us: did the days that want their children to go to college, "well in advance." and thus begins each day at a time. You know period; the waiting out of days to merely the holidays just past How came find us wanting? they must plan ahead. Such another round of anxieties of “Sufficient to the day..." • * E d i t o r i a l C ollins and th e ‘C atholic By Msgr. CHARLES O. RICE 1921. Tens o f thousands came out I began to write for him even Early in 1984, the Pittsburgh on occasion. Father James Delaney before 1 was ordained, and he O ur task in 1985 Catholic became 140 years old. had a tremendous Hofy Name covered the activities o f the That makes it one of the oldest Society rolling in Pittsburgh in Catholic Radical Alliance, the St. Despite the gloomy predictions of author, Geoige Orwell. 1984 has papers of any sort in this nation, Msgr. Charles which John was a pillar of strength. Joseph House o f Hospitality, and the ACTU generously. His own come and gone much like any otheryear. Like those before it theyear and the oldest Catholic (taper West O. Rice At the Pittsburgh Catholic 1984 wasa year of triumph and tragedy, sorrow and joy. success and of the Alleghenies. 1 have been Collins got veiy little in the way of unsigned column. To The Point, failure. In the midst of Olympic victories, achievements in space, writing for it for a long time, but not salary, but he had some means of was marvelously written and sharp miracles in medicine and a Presidential sweep, there was still the the entire 140 years. his own. The paper he published in its judgements. Outside the pain of starvation, the agony of poverty and high unemployment, the When I became keenly interested was excellent but it did not look all Diocese, it had an influential horror of terrorism and assassination, and the everpresent threat of in journalism, the Pittsburgh designing furnances for the that exciting. He and Elizabeth following. John's editorials were for the most part profound medita­ an escalating arms race. Catholic was an insignificant sheet making of steel. With the were able to to keep it afloat, but with a tiny circulation, dying on the Depression that market simply just barely. No staff, just themselves tions on the mysteries o f religion. vine. The German Catholic paper, ceased. and the occalsonal part timer. He liked to cross swords with anti- Now. as the new year. 1985, approaches, the fact that 1984 has The Beobachter (spelling not Well educated and a bachelor. However, it was widely and Catholic bigots and was a tough been survived is not cause enough for celebration. We cannot rest on guaranteed) was also privately John had the time and talent to respectfully read outside of the polemicist to boot A fine historian that dubious laurel of defeating Orwellian oracles. The new year calls owned, and without anyone's become a true scholar. His literary Diocese. Consistently it was very to boot. us to maintain what is good and to work toward the abolition of all permission had begun publishing knowledge and Judgement were pro-labor, strong in support of New For three years during my time at that is evil. This is the task o f the faithful Christian steward — to under the name The Catholic superb, and omnivorous reading Deal reforms, adamant against the House of Hospitality. I would go build the new heavens and the new earth, a world formed by the va­ Observer. It nearly sank the and study gave him solid bigotry, especially anti-Semltlcism. on many Sundays to parishes in the lues of the Gospel rooted in Christ This is our hope, our prayer for Pittsburgh Catholic knowledge on an unbelievable and an early wamer of the Nazi Diocese seeking subscriptions for the new year. Let us all work together toward that excellent goal of In the mid '20s, It hired alive wire range of subjects: among other menace. the paper in a crucial period that sanctifying the world for the glory o f God. editor, James Costln. who stirred a accomplishments, he knew music John was strong for the Legion of helped keep it afloat. whirl o f controversy and interest; and sang well. Until he died, he was Decency, and against vulgarity or When Bishop Dearden took over Each of us must take an active role in the Christian mission. with the Depression, he vanished. a member of the choir at St. Paul's the slightest sign of sexual the paper in 1954. he did not want Whether our particular role will be large or small, we are all called by During his career, the Observer was Cathedral. titillation in the movies or on the John as its editor or me as a Christ to do our best to do all that we can to bring the world to Him a great paper. In religious and cultural matters, stage. It was his quixotic policy not columnist; John could have stayed Let us. then, work for peace and justice, the preservation of human What I am going to recall today is he was a conservative, hatingjunky to use the hammer in the slightest on in some capacity at a higher life, the end of unemployment the abolition of hunger, the protection the career of a man who revived the religious art and remaining cold to degree. The hammer is when a salary, but he was not interested. He of all human rights and dignity. Beginning in our own homes and Pittsburgh Catholic and kept it modem art and architecture. Like journal of any sort states: If you went to work running a small local families, with our own friends and neighbors, in our own going in an uneven struggle with myself, he knew and loved the want the vote or the trade o f our paper. communities, let us bring Christ's peace to all people. Wi th the love of the Observer and circumstances. English classics, but he did not like people, you had better advertise 1 can't recall precisely when he God. the light of Christ and the grace of the Hofy Spirit, let us begin Elizabeth Daflinger bought the English. He had strong opinions on with us. His rival. The Observer, died, but It wasabout a decade age. I this new year with courage and insight. Let us make this new year, Pittsburgh Catholic at the worst of matters as diverse as type faces and took the opposite tack and pray for him every day at every Mass 1985. truly the year of Our Lord. times, 1928; and John Collins symphony conductors — thought prospered mightily. By supporting I offer. Rev. W. Peter Horton eventually became its editor, he Is Toscanini was over-rated. A quiet, the efforts of Father Carlo Rossini John Collins was the most highly General Manager the one whom I shall acclaim. non-flamboyant man. he had been who, as head o f the Music principled man I ever met and one Far from being a professional one of the three strong leaders of Commission, rode herd on Church of the most courageous. The newsman, John had been a highly the immensely popular movement music that he did not approve of. Goddess Success for him had no paid engineer whose speciality was for Irish Independence. 1917 to John ran afoul o f a lot of pastors. charms. O ther view points Q uestions for Fr. B ober Just a few weeks ago. a magazine published an essay which By Fr. CHARLES BOBER bringing forth the redemption so virgin conceived and bore your Son attempted to rationalize an absolute separation between religion long awaited. Interestingly, the who is called Wonderful God. Prince and government. The author, Roger Rosenblatt, declares “...the QUESTION: I have been a Catholicfora long Gospel passage used in the Liturgy of Peace. May her prayer, the gift of a premises of church and state are not merely opposed but actively of the Word for the feast was that mother's love, be your people's joy antagonistic. Faith implies the refusal to accept any laws but God's. time and have been through a lot of holydays. One that has always Fr. Charles describing the Circumcision of through all ages. May her response, Jesus on the eighth day after his The author of this essay is convinced that faith and reason are confused me Is New Years Day. Bober bom o f a humble heart, draw your mutually opposed. The Catholic Church has always held that faith There was a time when we went to birth. In the course o f centuries, Spirit to rest on your people." that passage began to impact more and reason are mutually complementary. Catholic theology is the Mass because It was the Personally, while I acknowledge strongly on the celebration and the efTort to harmonize reason and faith and, in part, to demonstrate the Circumcision of Jesus. I seem to the place o f Mary in the life o f the feastday gradually took on a new reasonableness of belief. remember them changing the Church and understand the meaning and a new name — that of name a Jew other times and now reasonoing and tradition behind the Circumcision of Jesus. It was It Is simply untrue to claim that church and state are natural we go to Mass because Its a faithful. The Council's action, January 1 celebration. I also see the this feastday that was celebrated in enemies or that faith rejects any but divine law. To suggest an Jeastday of Mary. What Is going fostered its liturgical celebration. Importance of just celebrating New more recent times. adversary relationship between faith and reason is to doom man toa on with New Years Day? As was the custom at the time, Years Day in a religious way. This is In the revision of the calendar pointless compartmentallzation of his being. In this scenario man is various local churches celebrated especially so since the liturgical which took place in 1969, the totally secular on six days, assuming the persona of a believer only In ANSWER common feasts on different days year already celebrates a number of the context of worship. You are correct in saying that the and with different prayers and Church restored the celebration of January 1 to its most ancient Marian feasts (December 8 and Jauary 1 feastday has undergone scriptural texts, in some Eastern August 15. for example). The notion that there is a necessary dichotomy between man's changes in the recent past. churches, for example, this feast of meaning as the Solemnity o f Maty, rationality and his life o f faith is a convenient but incorrect apology However, these changes have not the maternity of Mary was the Mother o f God. in doing so. it We have already seen how for secularism. been in the direction of Introducing celebrated on the day following gave emphasis to devotion to Maty important Thanksgiving Day has anything new but rather in C hristm as. In it was under her most ancient title and on become as a religious feast and in point of fact. Catholicism has often been accused of being too restoring something very old. commemorated on the octave the day most traditionally what large numbers of people chose cerebral. The application of the powers of reason to revealed truth is The fifth century Council of (eighth) day of Christmas (January celebrated (at least in the Latin to celebrate the Eucharist on that strongly encouraged. Catholics do not hanker after a theorcratic Ephesus formally deflnded the ). West). The real meaning the day(even though it is not a holy form of government nor a state ruled by the Church. And yet no one 1 divine motherhood of Mary. In What was common to all of these Church trys to convey in this obligation). It seems to me that it would wish for a society governed solely by reason without reference doing so. the Council merely celebrations was the theme of joy at celebration is found in the opening is a good and holy custom to mark to higher values. Reason, unenlightened by faith, could well lead us to affirmed what was a matter of the birth o f the Savior and prayer of the liturgy: "Father, new beginnings with praise and the conclusion that the unproductive and ailing members of society popular devotion among the gratitude to Mary for her roie in source of light in every age. the thanksgiving to God. should be done away with. Reason, bereft of the altruism engendered by belief, could well lead society to unbridled capitalism or fascism or Marxism. St. Louis Review Passages from S cripture

Fr. RICHARD MURPHY O.P. impressively adorned with mosaics Families are a lot like a football hofy things. Then we recall how Pittsburgh Catholic It really bugs people not to be “in” and in-laid marble, tells with quiet team. Everybody has something to Jesus, when he was about 12, on things- We don't like being on eloquence of the esteem we people contribute to the game of life. When disappeared for three days! Maty Official Publication of the Diocese of Pittsburgh the outside; we want to be part of of the 20th century have for the captain calls the play, all do didn’t sound like a quotation from Serving the counties of Allegheny, Beaver, the action. We all share in a very anything and everything that is their part This sort of mutual inter­ the bible when she reproached him. human need to belong to somebody connected with Jesus, the Son of dependence and reliable perform­ She and Joseph had given such Butler, Greene, Lawrence and Washington or something. God incarnate. He is our brother, ance will normally produce good example, observing the Law gratifying results On the last Sunday of the year our and there are marry bonds between faithfully, giving Jesus an holy Mother the Church draws our him and us, between his family and education, keeping the doors of ours. He is our Nazareth It takes more than muscle and Pittsburgh Catholic Publishing Associates attention to the ideal, model family, communication open, discussing Connection coordination to make a good family. things together! St. Luke over ana Most. Rev. Anthony J. Bevilacqua. M A , J.C.D., J.D., President the one made up o f Jesus, his Family life involves endless crises. over records the fact that Mary was mother, and his foster father It hardly needs to be said that it is Fr. W. Peter Horton, Executive Secretary In this arena flery emotions flare: a woman o f great faith. She did alot Joseph. After Jesus was bom. people who make a house and not a and General Manager love, hate, desire, joy. sorrow, hope, of thinking and wondering and of Joseph decided to move his family house the people. A family is as good Established 1844 by Most Rev. Michael O’Connor, D.D. fear and anger, they make the atom not understanding (Luke 2:19, 33, to Nazereth. a remote little village of as the people who make it up. Food Annual Subscription Rate: $8 in U.S. 89 in Canada bomb look like a tiny firecracker. 49,52). A modern parent might well no importance — it is not even and drink and clothing are of Member: Catholic Press Association But in every family there is also take comfort from this, and imitate Serv ed by NC Newt Service mentioned In the Old Testament course necessary, since we are not room for compassion, kindness, Maty in her faith, hercourage. trust Second-Class Postage Paid at Pittsburgh, Pa. Then as now it lay on the road angels, but human beings. Even gentleness, generosity, humility in God, her loving patience and between the Sea of Galilee and the more important, though, are Robert Meider, Editor and patience, which add up to a ability to wait for God. Phil Taylor, Assistant Editor Mediterranean, and blacktop roads inward attitudes. They are what wonderful source o f spiritual Patricia Barlos, Stephen Karlinchak, Reporters make it a simple matter to visit make people really click. They ought energies or virtures all held We all belong to families, and Jack Lee, Advertising Representative Jesus' home town (Matthew 13:54; then to be carefully cultivated. together by love. families to us. We have children to Jerry Fink, Business Manager Luke 4:16). Frank Murray, Circulation Manager The family is an Important social bring up in the ways o f virtue, Published Every Friday The basilica of the Annunciation, institution the primary and vital The Hofy Family at Nazareth was learning from us about God and cell of society. That father, mother, something special as every family neighbor. As living members of Postmaster & Subscribers: Send address changes to visible from anywhere in Nazereth Pittsburgh Catholic, 100 Wood Street, Suite MO, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 stands over and protects the and children constitute a valuable is. Was it all sweetness and light? God’s family, we learn gradually to Pittsburgh Catholic (ISN-0323) exhaustive archaeological unit is clear from the fact that it is Inasmuch as human beings were respect the mystery and greatness excavations carried out there. Since an ancient institution that still involved, probably not Was there of "others" who are likewise 100 Wood Street, Suite 500, Pittsburgh, PA 15822 the third century the cave in the works. Nations rise and fall, sometimes friction between Jesus (strange as it nay sometimes seem) lower church has been venerated as depending on the well being o f the and Joseph, and even Maty? We dear to God and like us. part of his Phone: (412) 471-1252 the home o f Jesus. The church. family. tend to think that they spoke onfyof plan.

i Opinions/comments Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, December 28, 1984 — Page 5

Letters to the editor B ishop’s battle w ith apartheid

By Fr. JOSEPH CHAMPUN and superb dancers, would never be scale for them is below the hourly Congratulations Nearly a decade ago 1 spent four able to perform with the national rate for their white teenage consecutive weekends at churches ballet company because its colleagues who side by side with To the Editor; within the South African black or membership is limited to whites. them staff the check out counter. FY. Joseph I just had to sit down — while the Holy Spirit moved me — and colored townships which have been A black seminarian took us to the Archbishop Hurley has publicly Champltn congratulate the staff, editor and all connected with the Pittsburgh receiving so much current news beach, and disappeared once we and privately opposed this Catholic on Its 140th year. I wasn't aware of its publishing longevity. coverage. 1 experienced there were situated. Why? The apartheid system throughout his I also whispered a prayer for the soul of Bishop Michael O'Connor firsthand the injustices caused by spectacular shore line has sections life as a priest and bishop. Needless and the souls of those whoever in any way were connected with the apartheid system of segrega­ reserved for whites only, for blacks to say. such prophetic leadership publishing the newspaper In the past tion. I also spent a week with only and for coloreds only. The same encounters resistance and I love the new Plttsbuigh Catholic, the printing, the layout etc.. Archbishop Denis Hurley of classifications existed with ocean- engenders enemies. No stranger to especially the nameplate in blue (isn't that the Blessed Mother's Durban who has fought for half a side restaurants. Our bright future criticism and harassment from the color?). century this degrading classifica­ identical duty might earn 8400. priest rejoined us for lunch but this government, the 69 year old Thank you for the newspaper. It has given me many enjoyable tion separation of peoples. When I asked a gentle, kindly, was allowable soley because we ate currently faces a trial in February hours of reading, learning, informing, etc. Two of us lectured from Monday greying older man if such in an international hotel where for an offense which carries with it VERONICA SADOWSK1 through Friday at weekly discrimination was true, he nodded permission for mixed dining has a maximum penalty of 8 years Pleasant Hills Theological Winter Schools held in affirmatively. been secured. imprisonment and 87,000 fine. nuyor cities of that country. During "How do you feel about that?" I • At a symphony concert in What crime did he alledgedly Changing Christmas date free time in between we visited and inquired. London. I noted no blacks or colored commit? As President of the South celebrated liturgies at the sections "It makes you hate the white musicians in the orchestra or as African Catholic Bishop Confe­ To the Editor: for blacks or colored persons man." Then, after a few more members of the audience. rence, he convened a press I have a radical suggestion: let's move Christmas. 1 don't mean located near Pretoria. Durban, remarks, he excused himself and Afterwards 1 met a devout Catholic conference in 1983 and accused the Christmas the civil holiday; let's keep that where It is. I mean London and Cape Town, Including added. 'But we don't talk about couple who had been at our lecture country's police of atrocities Christmas the religious holy day. I think we Catholics, and all the massive Soweto division where such things in public, because the night before and discussed the against black citizens in Namibia Christians, would gain a lot by always having Christmas on the last horrible violence occured then and there may be an informer present" phenomenon with them. Very based upon documented accounts Sunday of the civil year. continues today. Outside of Durban. I had proud of their country and and photographs. The South First, it would divorce the holy day from the holiday. Since In Soweto, we worshiped with a Saturday night dinner with a accustomed to this legal preference African Police Act prohibits such Christmas would fall on Dec. 25 only by accident (seven times in the community of black folk who, pastor and three parishioners. He for the white, they seemed criticism. next 50 years), we could leam to concentrate more on the spiritual despite their oppression, radiated struggles against an attitude surprised that 1 would find the In the guest room o f the significance of the day. We could forget the crass commercial great joy. among his people which accepts exclusion of blacks or coloreds archbishop's residence, there are materialism that threatens to obliterate its religious meaning. It was here I learned about the mediocrity. Since a white objectionable. paintings of two earlier bishops in Second, we would always have four full weeks of Advent It's a harsh reality that black or colored individual must always hold the top • Following a public presenta­ the Church, both of whom suffered beautiful and moving liturgicad season that usually gets cut short. people receive less pay for the same position in all fields including tion in Cape Town, we had an similar opposition and imprison­ And if we always had a complete Advent perhaps we might really work orjob that wh ite citizens do. A business, entertainment or opportunity to visit some colored ment for speaking the truth, leam that Advent is not our preparation for Christmas, but Has a white physician could, for example, education, his colored flock ( a mix and black teenagers. Like many pleading for peace and preaching two-fold emphasis. At the beginning of the seaison, the lltuigy prays receive 81.000 in compensation for of white and black blood) have little American young people their own against injustice: St. Peter and St. for the second coming; only after Dec. 16 does it focus on Christmas. a task: a colored doctor for the incentive to strive for excellence. age. they work part-time in Paul They must be proud of Denis As things are. we hardly notice the distinction (if at all). comparable labor would receive Two young women at the meal, for supermarkets and fast food Hurley, and Interceding for him by The reason for celebrating the Nativity on Dec. 25 — to 8600; a black MX), performing the example, both college graduates restaurants. Sure enough, the pay their prayers as we should. Chrlstiamlze the pagan festival associated with the winter solstice— became obsolete centuries ago. We have our own pagam festival "Xmas" to dead with. Let's adways have Christmas on Sunday. Maybe our children — and more of us adults — would leam that Christmas The D ivine D um pster isn't adso Christ's birthday, but it is Christ's birthday first and our hearts, whatever evil designs By Fr. JEROME LeDOUX, SVD wrong, there is a continuous line to foremost our mind devises, whatever mania Dumpsters are a relatively recent and from that Dumpster. of jealousy or greed of envy we labor addition to the many conveniences LANE CORE, JR. The Divine Dumpster is always under — all this we throw at the of modem civilization. In some Fr. Jerome available, adways reading an Divine Dumpster. situations, we would be hard put Ledoux Ro6coe dwilling to receive whatever The Divine Dumpster shakes, no flnding ways to get along without garbage people want to leave there. doubt, under the constant torrent them. One Dumpster, however, has Shocking article trained exclusively in that been around since time immemo­ direction: the bitter residue of rial, or at least from the moment in Guilt at all its levels and its To the Editor: which intelligent beings were degrees is one of the main pieces of innumerable, often nameless Perhaps if I read the Pittsburgh Catholic on a regular basis. I murders. Instances of violence, the created. garbage which we throw into the wouldn't have been as shocked by the article headlined rage of revenge and the terror of raw The Divine Dumpster is not only Divine Dumpster. Seeking relief, “Housekeeping seen as path to holiness for women" (Pittsburgh hatred. the prototype of all dumpsters, but flooded, you can be sure that people grasping at peat*“ and perhaps Catholic, Nov. 30). 'Take it to the Lord In prayer." always was and still is subjected to will wonder why God is allowing sanity itself, we anxiously make our Ft. James Kelly, US. Opus Del administrator, saying women have a has a very personal meaning for dumpings never experienced in the this to happen. deposits of all the bad things we natural capaci ty for doing household things is as stupidly derogatory each of us, since all of us need to use of dumpsters. The dumpsters The Divine Dumpster has been have done and of all the good things as saying all blacks have rhythm. dump periodically when our heart which we see everyday receive trash and will be deluged with complaints we have failed to do. At a time when women are striving to overcome prejudice, the is heavy-laden, when we are guilt- of every description, garbage and from many quarters whenever The Divine Dumpster must feel appearance of an article so insensitive and archaic is obscene. ridden. when our heart is broken sometimes outright filth. Yet all there is a natural disaster of any slighted and abused, seeing that PATRICIA DOWNEY WEBER because we have been slighted or this pales by comparison to what kind, even in cases where the the attention which we give comes Uptown abused. we so readily and so often throw human agents did not make mainly from our self-interest into the Divine Dumpster. provisions against the disaster or motive of sloughing our guilt and R eply to letter If the weather is too cold in did not take reasonable steps to numerous hurts. Nonetheless, that "It was our infirmities that he anyone's view — or too hot — the remedy things after the disaster wonderful Dumpster remains bore .. .The Lord laid upon him the To the Editor: blame will as often as not be thrown had struck. literally at our disposal. guilt of us all . . .by his stripes we This is an opinion to the letter opposing the naming of the into the Divine Dumpster. Should When things go right, there is Whatever evil dirt which we feel were healed" (Is. 53,4-6). Thank you submarine the U.S.S. Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh Catholic. Dec. 7). We there happen not to be enough rain very little activity around the Divine has rubbed onto us from others, Lord for being our Divine both agree that this weapon has a massive destructive capability. for the crops, or if the crops get Dumpster, but when things go whatever venom or malice we feel in Dumpster. However, I find it a super-deterrent for those adversaries who desire to enslave and destroy a freedom loving people. Our strength and their fear are the only things which keep us free. Yes in the name of democracy, liberty and freedom, may God bless the U.S.S. Pittsburgh. Should parents be sexual? I am sure our suffering Polish brothers and sisters in Krakow and Gdansk would welcome the opportunity to have their name placed By DOLORES CURRAN We were taught too well that If we want to turn it around and aboard. I am also positive that the surviving members o f the "proper parents" hide signs of have our children choose the same murdered priests, families would accept this honor. Think of the If your adolescents are normal — and that's always relative — they sexual behavior in front of their models of sex as of morals we can do Polish people, a kindly, peaceful. God-fearing, family-loving nation Dolores children. it by being openly attracted to one which has never armed and has been overrun by every sick minded are apt to select you as their most Curran What we teach them to, another. dictator who has militarized. positive model o f moral and value leadership. That's good news. regrettably. We inherit their I find it very disturbing and more over, blasphemous, to say "1 have We can do better than the peck- The bad is that they do not see sobering conclusion that we are no never seen any God' that stopped any war or kept the peace. Only on-the-cheek kiss. We can hug. you as a sexual model. In other longer sexual and deny them man can do that." This is a good example of the new American hold, winlcnuzzle and make private words, to them you are asexual. credible models of sexual authority religion to replace Christianity and discredit our eternal God and jokes in front of the kids. We can sit Those are the preliminary findings adolescents do not see parents as at the time adolescents most need prove that man is a new god. This new religion is called Humanism close together on the patio, talk of a study on adolescents who were sexual beings. Parents do not hug. them. Our young people wri te us off and is evident in all phases of our society, the God is dead syndrome. intimately and tell the kids to get asked to name the adults they most touch or kiss each other in front of as too old. too stufty and too As God has revealed to me that in these days there will be wars and lost. We don't have to be drab admire in value formation in their their children. They don't exchange disinterested in sexuality to be rumors of wars, nation shall rise against nation until the coming of models of parents but enviable lives. A high percentage chose endearments, sit close or date. They listened to with any authority. So the true Prince of Peace. models of couples who still find parents. But when these same don't show much excitement when they reach for models who appear to Perhaps this can be revealed to anyone with a good Catholic blble each other exciting. youth were asked to choose sexual the other comes home. be vibrant, sexy and exciting. and the true Spirit. As tough as this may be for models, they passed us over They are parents, not sexy men As parents, our reluctance to be parents, it offers our young the gift and women. To many offspring, sexually attrractive to our partner FRANK TARLI completely. of knowing intimacy is linked, not Instead they named television, parents stopped being sexual after in front o f our children is with youth and promiscuity, but rock and professional sports stars the last child was conceived. At risk deeprooted. Once we become McKeesport with deep trust and love that comes and their sexual models. of pun. it is inconceivable that their parents, we feel it is no longer from years of growing together. And Paradoxically, many of these model parents still get sexually excited proper to wear unmotherly that parents still have that spark of On Opus Dei values and morals contrary to those about one another because they so clothing, to catch the spontaneous excitement that brought them of their parents rarely show it. So why should their spark we did before parenthood or together and produced children To the Editor: Why the dichotomy? According to young adults perceive them as even to wink at each other across who are seeking the same. 1 read with great interest your recent three-part series on Opus Del those who conducted the study. sexual models? the room. (Pittsburgh Catholic. Nov. 16. 23 and 30). On the basis of my association with Opus Dei. 1 find that while the series generally was factual, there were some mistakes which tend to give the reader some wrong impressions about Opus Dei. R ecognition of a m ovem ent While the series related a number of practices and customs of Opus Dei. such as daily Mass. prayer and spiritual readings, it missed the triumph of Christian values in B|y Msgr. PAUL M. LACKNER were prone to accept this manner of main point of Opus Del which is that members work, take care of society, but only the presence of On September 29th of this year, thinking. The faith itself was not their families and participate in the same social, political and civic discussed and it was not turned to Christ. Msgr. Guissani expressed it activities that anyone else participates in. Indeed, it is through his the “Communion and Liberation" (C S' L) movement celebrated its when decisive answers were this way: 'The first polity," we said profession, be it medicine, homemaklng. teaching or carpentiy that a needed.The Catholic Faith also then, “is to live.” To win or lose thirtieth anniversary. On this Msgr. Paul member of Opus Dei strives to obtain sanctity In his eveiyday became for the most part irrelevant. matters little. It is being that is activities by turning his professional activities into the service of occasion, Pope John Paul 11 met M. Lackner with ten thousand of its members essential. God and others. Faced with the foregoing ThusOpus Del members and others who share this spirituality are in the Pope John VI Audience Hall problems, those involved in the C S' As I read the report of the history a part of and entirely at home in the world around them, and are far at the Vatican. In his address, the L movement realized that the of the C S’ L movement and Msgr. from being “discretely apart" from the world. Holy Father congratulated the presence of God was missing. He is Guissanl's insights with great Finally the spiritual formation offered by Opus Dei is not young adults, men and women, on present in His Church and. of interest. I noticed how they the success of their apostolate course, the influence of the Church paralleled the writings of Bishop ' restricted to Its members but rather others are welcome to take were penetrated by Christian which is concerned with was missing. Msgr. Guissani Juan Hervas, one of the founders of advantage of this formation and obtain the means to sanctity their values and the government itself Christianizing the temporal order. makes the point that adherence to the Curslllo Movement some 35 work and occupations. was led by a Christian-inspired He noted that the C *• L has now Christ is not just something years ago. as well as the current party. No one denied the existence WILLIAM R. NEE spread to eighteen nations in intellectual but something Cursillo literature. Europe. Africa and America. of God. but as Msgr. Guissani objective, that is, it calls for As 1 see it the C S' L movement expressed it so well, "the presence of During this celebration. C S' L experiencing the presence of God should accomplish much in its Aspinwall God was not in fact the central founder Msgr. Luigi Guissani by participation in the life of the efforts to Christianize the temporal problem of their existence and was traced the history of the movment. Church and living that life in environment in Italy. Christ came not an object of exciting interest." Letters w elcom e As 1 see it, much of his thinking is community, otherwise, all efforts once in the flesh and was bom two applicable to the situation in will bear no fruit. thousand years ago in Bethlehem. Western countries. What follows is a He continues to come in grace so The Pittsburgh Catholic welcomes comment from readers. We ask The secular culture of The C L membership were brief summary of his ideas. that he may be incarnate in our that letters to the editor be no more than 300 words, and that they be materialism had taken its toll. The convinced that the solution to the lives and in society. This Is the legible. All letters must be signed and include telephone number and Thirty years ago Christianity country was being dechristianized. problem o f contemporary secular message of Christmas. The C S’ L address for verification. Letters that can't be verified won't be used. seemed to young Italians no longer God was not openly attacked, but society was not political. It also movement has caught this Letters from persons requesting that their names not be printed won't to have the potential to be very He was rendered superfluous and realized that the keeping of a Tow essential truth. Its members be used either. Letters may be condensed or rejected at the discretion exciting or have the potential to boring. God just didn't matter any profile" was a serious weakness. deserve our prayers. of the editors. Opinions reflected are those of the reader and are not affect their lives except on the more. Yes. even many Catholics who Further, the membership learned I wish all my readers a happy and necessarily those of the Pittsburgh Catholic or of the Diocese of surface. This was apparent even outwardly fulfilled the obligatory that it was not the success of action blessed Christmas. Pittsburgh. ______though structures of the country practices required by their faith that was essential or even the Page 6 — Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday. December 28, 1984 Diocesan/world news

D espite im age problem

O pus D ei m em bers bring spiritual m essage to area

The Shadyside center which opened in November factor in the daily routine of its members. By PHIL TAYLOR positions in the Church hierarchy. They dismiss of 1982. currently is a residence for six members. such rumors as nonsense and point out that their According to Glick — a 23-year member — most objectives are purely spiritual in nature. "The highest to the lowest (work, service) Fight against the softness that makes you lazy according to our Christian faith is a vocational and careless In your spiritual life. Remember that centers operate as a close family support group, reinforcing and offering spiritual guidance to its Opus Dei members can be found in almost any sanctity and a service to God. All are equally noble. It may uiell be the beginning of tepedity-zmd, In members. line of work: bankers, politicians, salesmen, So it doesn't matter what your status is, or your the words of the scripture. God will vomit out the Locally, staffers say it is difficult to measure the students, painters, barbers, bartenders, jet pilots, earning power is. the important thing is vocation to lukewarm. success of the organization's efforts because it is musicians, the entire gamut of employment. God," stated Glick. relatively new to this area. However. Opus Dei is active and plans are underway fora woman's center These words are from the book. "The Way," or branch within the next year. written by the founder of Opus Dei, an The Shadyside center is the first of its kind in International Catholic religious oiganlzatlon with an estimated 80,000 members worldwide. Pennsylvania. Fr. Deblcki, the center's chaplain, The followers of Msgr. Jose maria Escriva de said this is due in part to the local church hierarchy being receptive to the religious organizations when Balaguer (1902-1975) believe strongly in the sanctity o f work: spiritual labor, a daily routine of discussions where taking place about establishing disciplined prayer enhanced by frequent spiritual an area center. They give much o f the credit to retired Bishop Vincent M. Leonard who extended guidance. Opus Del in Latin means "the work of W s ? his hospitality to the organization's efforts. God." Traditionally, the organization has recruited its In talking with area members of Opus Del one gets the impression that its membership has members from the the university community, explaining the location of the local center. Center transcended the ordinary coniines of the spiritual mediocrity or rut that many Catholic laity have staff said that initially their ministry is focused on fallen victim to: The banality of weekly attendance the university community because students are at Mass and receiving the sacraments, conforming generally at a formative and idealistic stage of life and are more able to harmonize their faith, to what many laypersons term being a “practicing personal development and career goals on a deeper Catholic," without benefit of true understanding or meaning of Catholic doctrine. level Opus Dei considers the university community a Viewed by some as a radical pastoral approach to firmly Involving the ordinary laymen in service to "fertile area" for new members primarily through God without giving up family, social lives and word of mouth. careers, members say the organization, which is The followers o f Opus Dei have been labeled tty Its recognized by the Vatican as a prelature. is often critics as an organization of the "spiritual elite." misunderstood and its motives questioned. but as Fr. Deblcki explains. Opus Del isa “spiritual enrichment program" for those who want more Daryl Gllck, who along with Fr. John Deblcki, an than the "standard fare" "offered the ordinary Opus Dei priest run a modest center in the laymen. Standard fare, meaning Sunday Shadyside area, are still in the process of bringing the message o f the Opus Dei movement to attendance at Mass. an occasional retreat and similar activities offered Catholic laity. Pittsburgh. "Opus Del is a spiritual church and basically the Glick. who worked previously in the message is that everyone is called to sanctity, to organization's national office supervising several holiness, no matter what their state in life. centers, says that much of the controversy Ordinary laymen who are living very busy and surrounding Opus Dei stems from 1982 when the stressful lives can and should aspire to sanctity no organization was transformed into a personal Q uest for holiness prelature under the approval of Pope John Paul II. less than clergy." said Glick. It is this dedication to personal holiness or Under this unique formula o f shared authority, Opus Del staJJ of the Shadyside residencefor men. Daryl Gllck, center director, and Fr. John Deblcki. its sanctity which requires a more intense spiritual members of the organization are governed by a chaplain, are bringing the message of the International organization to the local area. papally appointed prelate in their Opus Dei commitment on the part of its membership, —Photo by John C. Keenan including religious study similar to that which activities, but by their local bishop in everything seminarians receive. However. Glick says there is a self-imposed limit, He said that even the most humble of work, else. Another practice which has raised some excluding some work which is morally performed bya man or woman, including theduties The media attention which immediately followed eyebrows is that some of its members practice unjustifiable. “There are certain things that one of a domestic worker can lead to finding a "path to the organization's new status catapulted it into the celibacy, but Glick is quick to point out that this with the spirit of Opus Del would not do. You would holiness." He said that at times such work or other limelight, something which both Glick and Fr. should not be viewed as unusual because some of have to sanctity yourself in your profession — you menial labor may be even required of those Debickl agree is something the organization its members at male centers may be future obviously must be scrupulously honest. members who could be considered professionals. considers a "mixed blessing" because of both good candidates for Opus Dei vocations. He also pointed Fr. Debicki emphasizes a similar view by giving and negative press. out that some members are married and that being the example of a shoemaker who is an Opus Dei Both men agree that the true mission of Opus Dei celibate is not a requirement for membership. follower. The shoemaker would be concerned with has been distorted by media accounts and said that more the quality of his work than producing a high there is nothing which is alarming about the What makes Opus Dei attractive to lay men and volume of footwear. organization or its goals that those interested in women is that it offers them a path to a close and Both Fr. Debicki and Glick deny that the the organization should have reservations about. fulfilling spiritual relationship with God. without organization is seeking power within the Church, The idea of sanctity through work or service "If your kids get interested in it (Opus Del), it's excluding them from society. although some Opus Del clergy hold prominent embraced by Opus Dei followers is a significant nothing to get alarmed about." said Gllck.______

Memorial Home in New Brighton, gets an In-service program for CCD deanery personnel Busy for bishops underway...Fr. Bernard Harcarik named executive held Nov. 29._Frank Rode, business manager of the secretary of the diocesan Presbyteral Council. Pittsburgh Catholic, since 1978 retire and Is (continued from page 3) its Rosaries for Peace rally, Oct. 21. DECEMBER succeeded in the position by Jerry Flnk...The Hunger Action Coalition of Pittsburgh reports that OCTOBER NOVEMBER 7 — Bishop Bevilacqua reviews his first year as head o f the Pittsburgh Diocese...The Holy Ghost the number of hungry persons in Allegheny County increased since 1980...Leaders of religious 5 — A Ministry to Victims of Tragedy organized 2 — Bishop Bevtlacqua reaffirms his priests and brothers change their name to the denominations to continue to lobby for restoration to serve the surviving family members of those commitment to Catholic schools at the annual Splritan priests and brothers...St. Mary of Mercy of welfare benefits to 6,000 persons who lost them persons who die in murders, suicide or fatal dinner of the Catholic Laymen's Educational Parish. Downtown, to expand its programming, to under the state's 1982 welfare reform legislation. accldenL..The Association of Pittsburgh Priests Association, O ct 29...Pastors and principals o f the include such areas as of pastoral, liturgical and criticize the comments o f New York Archbishop 141 elementary schools of the diocese were oriented educational programs...Nine members named to 21 — Thirteen persons express their opinlonson John O'Connorand Scranton Bishop JamesTimlin to the first phase on the long range planning project the local diocesan panel receiving opinions on the the first draft of the American bishops' pastoral concerning the candidacy of Geraldine Ferraro. of the diocesan school system..Archbishop Pio first draft of the U.S. bishops' pastoral statement on letter on the Cathltc social and the U.S. economy at Democratic vice presidential candldate...Respect Laghi. pronuncio to the United States, was the Catholic social teaching and the American a meeting to gather local input concerning the Life programs to get underway in parishes during principal celebrant of a Mass marking the 30th economy...Federal and state legislation the topic for proposed pastoral statement. the month of October. anniversary of the completion of Sacred Heart 12 — Bishops Bevtlacqua, Bosco and McDowell Church. Shadyside...Fr. William Konus, 6 8 , were among the signatories to a statement released parochial vicar at Holy Trinity parish. McKeesport, Ity the Pennsylvania Catholic bishops on political died O ct 25...Bishop Bevtlacqua officiated at the responsibility...Carlow College President Sister Mass marking the centennial of St. Boniface Marylouise Fennell. RSM. delivers the keynote Church, North Side, Oct. 28. A t the V atican address at the Tri-Diocesan Catholic Teachers 9 — Two Masses — one at St. Josaphat Church Institute on Oct 8 ._Enrollment in diocesan schools on the South Side and the other at St. Anne Church declines by 4.5 percent...Blshop Bevtlacqua was in Castle Shannon — to be offered Nov. 18 in Pope advances sainthood causes of 4 among a list of western Pennsylvania religious memory of Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko, a murdered priest leaders who signed a statement criticizing Gov. active in Poland's Solidarity movement...Btshop VATICAN CITY (NC)— Pope John Paul II accepted Another miracle was recognized regarding a Thornburgh's veto of legislation that would modify Bevtlacqua presented the St. Award decrees Dec. 14 that advanced the sainthood German layman, Peter Friedhofen. founder o f the the state's 1982 welfare reform bill: the statement to attorney Kim Darragh at the Red Mass, causes of four people, the Vatican announced. Brothers of Mercy of Mary the Helper. He died in also called for legislators to override the governor's sponsored by the St. Thomas More Society. Nov. 1 at Three of the decrees promulgated by the Koblenz, West Germany, in 1860. veto...World Mission Sunday to be observed Oct. 21. Epiphany Church... Congregation for ' Causes recognize 19 — Sl Benedict Academy. Ross Township, to 16 — Bishop Bevtlacqua released a statement miracles attributed to founders of religious A miracle attributed to German Sister Pauline close at the end of the 1984-85 academic year..Phil asking for aid to help relieve the suffering caused by congregations. One recognized the heroic virtues of von Mallinckrodt also was recognized. She founded Taylor, city editor of the New Pittsburgh Courier, the Ethiopian fam!ne...Bishop Leonard celebrated a German nun. the Sisters of Christian Charity in 1848 and named assistant editor of the Pittsbuigh Caholic, the anniversary Mass at St. Raphael Church, One of the miracles was attributed to Italian governed them until her death in 1881. succeeding William Fodiak...TWelve seminarians Momingslde. on Nov. 11 marking the 75th Father Benedetto Mennl, a member of the Order of ordained as deacons in Oct. 13 ceremonies in St. anniversary of the parish and the 25 th anniversary the Hospitallers of St. John of God and founder of A decree recognized the heroic virtues of German Winfred Church. Mount Lebanon...Bishop of the completion of the parish chuich...The first the Hospital Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart. The Sister Ulrika Nisch of the Sisters of Mercy of the Bevtlacqua said a decision will be announced in lay parish administrator in the diocese was priest was bom in Milan in 1841 and died in Dlnan, Holy Cross Bom in 1882. she died in 1913 in January concerning the status of eight parishes in appointed when Paul Palumbo was named to the France, in 1914. Baden-Baden, West Germany. the Braddock-Rankln area... "Teens: The Church's position at SS. Simon and Jude parish. Scott Call and Challenge,” sponsored by Catholic Youth Township...The former St. parish Ministry and the diocesan Office for Teenage convent in Lawrenceville became a shelter for Catechesls, to be held Nov. 17 at Seton-La Salle abused, dependent, neglected teens and runaways High School. Mount Lebanon...Curt Young, author when The Whale's Tale, Inc.. dedicated the building Pope on religious instruction of "The Least of These" to deliver the banquet Nov. 9 as its new Amicus House shelter. address at the annual dinner of People Concerned 23 — The formation of the 25-member for the Unborn Child. Oct. 27...SL Boniface parish. Presbyteral Council announced Ity the diocese: the VATICAN CITY (NC)— Religious Instruction parents and families wished the gift of faith to be North Side, to mark its 100th anniversary. Oct. Presbyteral Council succeeds the former Clergy should accompany Catholics throughout their lives conferred on their children as soon as possible after 28..Archbishop . pronuncio, to offer the Council-Blshop Bevtlacqua said local input would aecause it is necessary for faith, said Pope John birth," he said. Mass marking the 30th anniversary of the be sought concerning the U.S. bishops' pastoral Raul II Dec. 19 at his weekly general audience. completition of Sacred Heart Church, statement. "Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. This caused an evolution In the purpose of Shadyside..Attorney Kim Darragh to be honored by Economy"...Bishop Bevilacqua delivers the keynote religious instruction, he added. In the history of Catholicism, religious the St. Thomas More Society at the annual Red address at “Teens: The Church's Call and instruction "has come to be linked with Mass. Nov. 1. Challenge." Nov. 17._Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko. a slain "Subsequently, a systematic instruction in the perseverance and growth in the faith received at 26 — John McCarthy, executive director of the Polish priest active in the Solidarity movement, faith came to be extended beyond the preparation baptism." said the pope, continuing his series of USCC's Migration and Refugee Services, and of adults for baptism and became part of the memorialized at two Masses in the dlocese...The talks on faith and morals begun Dec. 5. Bishop Bevtlacqua address the regional meeting of Variety Club of Pittsburgh to present Bishop gradual preparation for receiving the rest of the sacraments." the pope said. the organization, Oct. 17 to Oct. 22 in Bevilacqua with its Humanitarian Award, Nov. 25. “In fact, catechesls (religious instruction) Pittsburgh...The 25th annual Thanksgiving 30 - The Pittsburgh Catholic unveils its new look responds to a need of the faith: the need to profess clothing drive to held Nov. 11 to Nov. 17 for the with new nameplate and typefaces...B!shop it. to remain in it and to grow in it" the pope said. After his main audience talk, the pope said he benefit of Catholic Relief Services...Bishop Bevilacqua announces the formation of a panel to hoped the Christmas season stimulates Catholics Bevtlacqua tells those attending the annual gather local input for the U.S bishops' pastoral Pope John Paul added that In the early days of the "to help the needy, comfort the afflicted, aid those Founder's Dinner. Oct. 18, that a diocese cannot be statement on Catholic social teaching and the U.S. church. Instruction was primarily concerned with who are hungry and cold, visit the sick and separated from the mission territoiy-Fr. Joseph economy ..Nearly 500,000 pounds of clothing were teaching adults interested in becoming baptized suffering and bring peace everywhere." Ostrowskl. 6 8 . former pastor of SL Stanislaus collected in the diocese during the Thanksgiving and entering the church's communal life. parish in Lynora. dies Oct. 23...SL Raphael parish. clothing drive for Catholic Relief Services...The But as the church grew. “ the practice ofbaptlzing The pope said he plans to pray on Christmas Eve Momfngslde, to mark the 75th anniversary of the 1984 Bishop's Project appeal, sponsored by the infants developed as an expression of the living and Christmas Day for "all who suffer in the world." parish and the 25th anniversary of the completion Knights of Columbus, to benefit S t Anthony School of the parish church, Nov. 11 ...The Blue Army held for Exceptional Children in Oakmont and McGuire Diocesan/national news Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday, December 28. 1984 — Page 7

A b o r t i o n anguish topic of local sem inar

More than 40 persons — clergy, “These women need to vent their said that clergy need to know how the psychological aspect of counsellors and Interested persons feelings about the abortions. When to reconcile these women with abortion, post-abortlon counsel­ — attended the first program to be they try to teU someone about their compassion. ling. the sense o f loss, the need to held In Pittsburgh concerning post- experiences, other persons don't replace and the need to talk about abortion trauma. want to hear about it. The women In addition to becoming the abortion; Fr. Gary Bagley of the teU us that the abortions were the reconciled with the church, Mrs. Youth Ministry of the Diocese of most mentally painful thing ever to Becker said that these women often Buffalo, who discussed abortion “Counseling for Abortion Related happen' to them and that we are have to become reconciled with and teens; and Fr. Lawrence Experiences" (CARE), co-sponsored the first people that they have been themselves. DiNardo. a Pittsburgh diocesan by Lifeline of Southwest able to talk with about their Participating in the program priest, who discussed abortion and Pennsylvania and the diocese office abortions." were: Fr. William Yockey, who excommunication as applied by the for Justice and Peace, brought together those persons who would deal with women who have undergone abortions and who now have a sense of guilt. The program was held Dec. 17 at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat House. South Side.

“These women are often called the second victims of the abortion." said Marjorie Becker, executive director of Lifeline o f Southwest Pennsylvania, "or the walking wounded in the war against the unborn."

"The key message of the program is the importance of reconcilia­ tion." said Fr. George Newmeyer, director of the diocesan Office for Justice and Peace. "Rather than getting caught up in the public policy debate, the emphasis is that people are hurting. There is a need for reconciliation from priests and others in the helping professions.

"Secondly, abortion is also related to men, whether they are feeling guilt because they paid for the abortions or drove their wives or girlfriends to the dtnic or whether they've just found out that their wives had an abortion without telling them."

“In addition to the male/female angle, there's the family angle." Mrs. Sem inar participants Becker added. "Parents may have forced their daughters to have the Fr. George Newmeyer. director of the diocesan Bemter. a therapist with Family and Children's abortions. There may be other New elevator in Swissvale Services. The program, held at St. Paul of the Cross children involved." Office Jor Justice and Peace, discusses the program for the Dec. 17 seminar concerning post-abortion Retreat House on the South Side, was co-sponsored Retired Bishop blessed a new hydraulic elevator counseling, with Marjorie Becker, executive director by the diocesan Office Jor Justice and Peace and Mrs. Becker said the need for at Madonna del Costello Church in Swlssvale recently. The unit, of Lifeline o j Southwest Pennsylvania, Dr. Ralph Lifeline of Southwest Pennsylvania. such a program became apparent which can hold eight to 12 persons, will enable the elderly and Wllps, a psychologist In private practice, and Karen as more women who have had handicapped to bypass the two floors of stairs enroutejrom the abortions found that there was no parking lot Into the church. With the bishop at the ceremony areFr. one they could talk to about It. Paul Bradley, left, who Is In resldenceat the parish. andFr. Philip J. Donatelll, pastor. Leonard Sedor o j Martin, Chetlln & Associates The program was scheduled for discussed to how to reconcile 1982 Code of Canon Law. was architect and Tedco Construction Co. butldersjor thejour-and- "We have seen at Lifeline a the Advent season. Mrs. Becker people both with the Church and Asked about the reaction from those attending, Mrs. Becker said one-half month project number o f women coming for said, because it is a time of themselves as well as how to make —Photo by John C. Keenan pregnancy tests," Mrs. Becker said. reconciliation. She said that clergy sense of loss and grief: two women that it was positive, especially from “Instead of talking about their who would be giving reconciliation who discussed their personal the priests and those who work experiences with abortion and pain with college students. Robinson Tw p. Christm as present pregnancies, these women would need insight about these were talking about their previous women and their families. Noting and reconciliation that followed: Mrs. Becker said that there a Karen Bernier, therepist and Dr. similar program will be offered in St. Nicholas visited children at Holy Trinity School In Robinson Twp. pregnancies and their abortion that 25 percent of the women who Ralph Wllps, Ph.D. who discussed the spring. on his feast day In early December. The parish PTG also hosted a "Lunch experiences... have abortions are Catholic, she With Santa" and “Santa's Secret Shop."

H o m e A g a i n BUSINESS

CONNIE ANN VALENTI Ft. RON LENGWIN Father, anymore we only seem to hear about the I would like to respond first to your explanation of & SERVICE DIRECTORY need for confession during the Christmas and how abuse and distortion can enter the Church. Easter season. Maybe that's because both of these Because the bible Is Inspired, the Church teaches feasts give us hope and , therefore, reason to try to that it Is Inerrant — that it contains those divine renew our lives, or maybe It's because we don't truths which God wanted to include in these sacred know what sin is and. therefore, aren't concerned writings. STEREOPOINTING SEWING about it. In either case, evety day should include Difficulties, however, sometimes emerge when we MISCELLANEOUS some effort to turn from sin and deepen our love for are trying to determine what truth the inspired God. writer intened to teach. We must not only study I ~STIRÉO i Electronic individual words and passages, but also those SEWING C.C.P. CARPET CARE ORGAN REPAIR "Wo keep you in attchoe Even the Church seems at times to give in to the truths which the bible professes as a whole. Truth REPAIRS Factory Trained careless ways and attitudes of man. settling for m a c h i n e CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING does not contradict itself. H Factory Service Expert Service DEEP SOIL EXTRACTION METHOD minlmums instead of demanding what God s truth Among the most beautiful images ofChrist in the Service lor 3 G en er ebons 1 f o r m a n y B ra n d s Dennis Cessar SANITIZES AND DEODORIZES requires of us. Over the course of centuries, abuses scriptures are those which depict Him forgiving REPAIR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL and distortions can slowly enter the Church if It sin. The paralytic lowered through the roof and the I PENNTR0NICS 1366:1793 *°£ ha“" 's . ' SPECIAL $ 7 5 0 ' seeks to please itself or man rather than God. woman caught in adultery are two very powerful fl 4110 P E N N A V E . 412-462-8195 Oil a Adjust ■ i" *“ r* WALL WASHING scences for the imagination to reconstruct. The SUPPORT YOUR M O R RO N E $ Q 9 5 A DIVISION OF C.C P INDUSTRIES 1 was somewhat confused when 1 heard Pope Church believes that Christ entrusted the power of I 6 8 3 - 2 3 4 8 ADVERTISER John Paul has said we should go to priests for forgiveness to His apostles and their successors in 563*2515 in home forgiveness of our sins and not directly to God. 1 the priesthood when He said: "Receive the Holy must admit I only go to confession once a year as Spirit Whose sins you shall forgive, they are the Church requires, but I ask God dally to foigive forgiven them..." MISCELLANEOUS my sins. 1 also find myself wondering more and Every church, however, does not interpret these more with some of my friends where the Bible words as we do. They believe that one man can ■ '"SÜPEEtlöR Á L ik C H É N T Í ~ Bdowski 1 TREE REMOVAL NEED HELP teaches we must bare our hearts and souls to a never forgive the sins of another man. and that this ELECTRIC TREE SERVICE Tree Service | AND TRIMMING With your Cleaning & Repairs mortal man. Yes, I know the priest takes the place of passage only means that the Church has a privilege • Residential/Commercial/ Removal, Trimming, Removal. trimming | EMERGENCY/ STORM CALL Industrial Pruning, Planting. hedges. landscaping, I DAMAGE WORK Christ but I prefer going straight to our Lord and and a duty to convey the message of God's Free Estimates. CLEAN AND SHINE FREE ESTIMATES spraying, stump grin­ | FHf E ESTIMATES Home. Apan. Offices Master who died for me because of my sins. forgiveness to all people — to those who are truly Insared REGISTERECTINSURED ding. Chipper service. I FULLY INSURED Business. Real Estate penitent and those whose hearts have grown cold OUR PRICE WON T SHOCK YOU ST. Cirisen Discount 2 6 4 -0 3 7 4 366-4774 343-4465 • 412-751-8799 What can be so wrong about general confession from sin. 274-7606 327,3210 781-6367 when men and women gather together In a body There were many controversies in the early and sincerely seek forgiveness of their sins from Church about how reconciliation with God and the r • ASH ABOUT OUR CONOUONAl LIFETIME GUARANTEE God? Wouldn't God be pleased by such an Church effected, and what sins could and could not PLASTERING PLUMBING U B I BASEMENT LEAKS outpouring of love? I can't Imagine He is concerned be forgiven. There was a time when the Church did about how a sinner returns to Him. but only that he not believe that it had the power to forgive adulteiy. MIMA PERMANENTLY has come home again. apostasy, or murder. We believe that God forgives Patchwork Reg Master Plumber Too often priests and penitents treat this those whom the Churh's representatives forgive, PLUMBING Complete Plumbing > WATERPROOFING EXPERTS 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ■ LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED sacrament as if it s simply a ritual; they merely go but only when those sinners are properly disposed Repairs and new > OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATE INSURED NEW HOMES KITCHEN I BRICK POINTING MINS BAS t WATER UNE installations. CONCRETE CONTRACTING through the motions to get It over. They give little to receive God's merciful love. CLEAN UP UPON Quality Wurkituutslup COMPLETION AECTRIC EEL FREE ESTIMATES thought to the fact that they're confronting a Error can creep into our lives through the best of RESIDENTIALFULLY AINSURED COMMERCIAL destructive evil resldingwithin them and are trying Intentions and distort truth. This week's column is 372-1185 , 884-4013 121-9248 WATERPROOFING INSIDE i' ^ 4 6 6 - 0 7 1 5 1202 ANNA AV WEST MIFFLIN to remove It. And who wnats to go to confession a good example. I was sensitive to what 1 thought THE ORIGINAL Set 1SSS with an open heart and be greeted by a priest with a was unjustified criticism and Ignorance on your B .M B A IL E Y side. 1 felt that I should tone it down a little because I BUERKLE closed heart? GREENTREE Plumbing Co. Inc. was tempted to compromise the truth by agreeing » Plastering Cò Plumbing & Hailing N*M AM. ITS. 1 remember how as a child I went to confession with you as much as I could without disagreeing. NO JOB TOO SMALL Murltagl Tati NOTE: The real danger In such an approach is that the full WoN McLain Bailor! every Saturday afternoon like clockwork. As 1 slowly >6 Nal 6m « Wila LIMI Deadline for advertising in the Business Directory has been walked the three and a half blocks. I'd write my sins truth Is not told and misunderstanding is allowed • Cia» AO SaNt Wikr Hatori Smnr A Drain CImMn| BATHHOOMS GAS LINES changed. All advertising for this section «eluding changes down on paper and memorize them. Even than I to propagate, almost without notice. • Oidor NMar Hiitors STUFF ED DRAINS CLEANED must be in our hands by 12 noon on the FOURTH had begun to rationalize sin. Somehow it seemed to Pope John Paul has written an important fTñV-y Mar Work I Nsw/ RiimMMi Work FURNACE VENT DAMPERS document on “Reconciliation and Penance." He NO Jot Too iB trfM tf Kmek Strvia Wednesday of each month. Current advertisers will be be less sinful to kick your brother In the shins than Lorjo or SauU to slap him like the soldiers did to Jesus before they believes that the sacrament o f penance is in a state 683-0140 ISS-5494 contacted when their contract expires. TOM KICINSKI of crisis because we have lost our sense of sin. We Our 3ârd W 921-0615, crucified Him. Stucco all typos ONE CALL CAN DO ALL! want to be free to do whatever we want but we do My pastor has always been kind and 1 Ornamental .Pía »terina] understanding anytime I've bared my soul to him. not want to be responsible for anything either. Molda A Cornice» Advertising Is the lifeline of any business. It informs potential customers of your He has been a good teacher, comforter and guide. Sin weakens and destroys the bonds of goodness FREE ESTIMATES existence. It stimulates action. It it an investment that is deductible and usually But I would still like to be able to go directly to God between us and other people, and the life-giving 884-3131 pays off handsomely. Join the bandwagon and Invest In the Catholic Market. For frff-amae when I return home again. He will be the bonds between us and God. Only a good penitent information 471-1252. one to hear my final "confession." can be a good confessor. Page 8 — Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday, December 28, 1984

F e a t u r e s

R eligion-P olitics debate, 8 4 ’s big new s in religion atheism and historical relativism to publish, from two books 'Continued from page 1) with the archbishop as chief Internal difficulties as President came to a new peak In September or by making uncritical use of published by Paullst Press. One of Religious and moral Issues Agosto Pinochet declared a new mediator. President Jose Napoleon when the Vatican Congregation for Marxist social analysis. The the books. ‘Christ Among Us." had touched closely on major news state o f siege Nov. . cracking down Duarte, elected In May. sought to 6 the Doctrine o f the Faith Issued a congregation promised a second carried an Imprimatur through hard on rising political dissent events In many other parts of the end the massive human rights declaration on the topic. document which would outline three editions since 1967 and had world, from continuing conflicts In Chilean bishops denounced the The congregation said liberation violations that had been a focus of positive characteristics of an sold 1.6 million copies, many for Central America to the famine In new measures and Pope John Paul church criticisms for years. is an authentic theme for Catholic authentic theology of liberation. parish religious education use. Ethiopia, from a new crisis In publicly expressed concern. reflection and action, but it devoted In Nicaragua, church-state The congregation also provoked a Several national Catholic Poland touched offby the murder of One of the leading religious- most o f Its attention to warning of tensions reached new highs after controversy in the United States by organizations questioned the way a priest to new criticisms of South political controversies throughout errors that liberation theology may the leftist Sandlnista government ordering removal o f the “imprima­ the congregation had approached African apartheid, from Pope John Latin America, concerning the expelled 10 priests and arrested one America, concerning the fall fall into, into chiefly chiefly by by acceptingaccepting tur." or official church permission thethe r^ matter. T ' Paul II's pleas in Canada for on subversion charges in July. liberationit ion theology movement,movement. Marxist Marxist Ideologies ideologies of of class class struggle, struggle. worldwide Justice and disarma­ Nicaraguan bishops and the ment to new moral debates over Vatican threatened church Quigley students give $2000 to agency for the needy medical practices. sanctions against Catholic priests The Catholic Church continued holding high government offices If Quigleygley High School students BeaverBeaver County County has has been been hard hard hit hit six six months months ago ago by byAmbridge Ambridge area area ItIt Is Is housed housed in in the the forme; former SS. Peter, to play a prominent role in the they refused to leave those posts. In recently presented much needed by plant closings and layoffs and churches as a means to meet the S’ Paul Ukrainian Catholic convent ■ conflicts In Central America where December the Jesuits expelled Christmas gifts — Including a the Center for Caring was opened growing needs o f the unemployed. on Melrose Avenue. El Salvador and Nicaragua Father Fernando Cardenal check for some $2,000 — to the remained the chief trouble spots. Center for Caring in Ambridge. an In El Salvador, five Salvadoran As 1984 was drawing to a close. ecumenical agency formed to aid national guardsmen were tried in Argentina and Chile moved toward the area's unemployed and needy May and convicted in June for the joint final approval o f a papally families. 1980 murder of four U.S. Catholic mediated resolution to the Beagle female missionaries. A major peace Channel territorial dispute which To raise the funds, Quigley Initiative launched in May by had brought their countries to the students filled collection cans and Archbishop Arturo Rivera Damas of brink o f war six years earlier. conducted weekly projects San Salvador led to government- Chile, however, faced new Including a street hockey game, "slave auction," jeans' day. Their annual Advent campaign began with their Thanksgiving Mass, T a s k f o r c e when the students collected $156. (Continued from page 11 State Rep. Frank O 'Brien; Robert Contributions for the needy may Mary Wargo of the Tri-State Pitts, executive director of The be directed to the Center forCarlng. Conference on Steel and wife of an Agency; Frank Schneider, 542 Melrose Ave., Ambridge. Pa. unemployed steelworker; C. Holmes chairman o f the board. Schneider. 15003. Wolfe of Reed. Smith. Shaw S’ Inc. The school's annual Christmas McClay; and Fr. Richard Zellk. Cecile Springer, director of drive in the past benefited executive director of the Capuchin Westinghouse Foundation: James Children's Hospital, but this year Office of Justice and Peace. Thomas, instructor in labor the senior class saw a need to apply Thomas Michlovic of the relations at Duquesne University's its contribution a little closer to Pennsylvania General Assembly; school of business administration; home, according to Fr. Dave Zublk, William Milbum. retired vice- John Troan, retired editor o f the senior class moderator and president o f Mellon Bank; former Pittsburgh Press. chaplain at Quigley. In addition to the fund drive, the students also held a clothing drive and collected non-perishable foods B ook review for the center.

W ork, guide to sp iritu al livin g Generous gift "Pathways of S p ir itu a l L in in g " morning to night, feel the need, to Susan Annette Muto. Doubleday the end of their lives, of reading and Senior class officers from Quigley High School in CSJ. director o f the center; Sue Brodak. senior class and Co. Image Book. New York. rereading the works of the great Baden bring Christmas donations to the Center for vice-president at Quigley; Lisa Tyson, president; Fr. 1984. 190 pages. $6.95. Masters of the spiritual life and the Caring, a new ecumenical program in Ambridge for Dave Zubik. senior class moderator and Quigley At this point In tlmeyou might be lives o f the saints.. .how much more the needy and unemployed. Quigley students also chaplain; Usa Evans, treasurer and Mary Lynn Fr. Steven tired o f Christmas even before It have those the need to have to live contributed some $2.000 in cash as a Christmas gift Powell, secretary. Paisa arrives. Maybe it was just one too in the world in the midst of so many to the center. From left are Sister , —Photo by John C. Keenan many “Christmas parties" or too distracting occupations.?" Reading much shopping traffic, or the is becoming a lost discipline in the hassle o f finding the "right gift" for world of video terminals and video the “right person." 1 am sure we all recorders. Reading is an exercise CALL THE EXPERTS know people who will achieve the in creative appreciation of the ideas twinkle of lights In their home, pilgrim seeking the true meaning of and message of a writer that cannot wrapped presents under the tree the Prince of Peace. As usual Dr. be communicated suitably any and a massive meal for the Muto writes with precision and other way. After watching so many famfly...but perhaps lack the one clarity that make this sketch of the "Christmas specials" on television, element that Is so essential — spiritual life very understandable many people come to the peace. and worthwhile. "Pathway for conclusion that it is time to take If there is any quality that is Spiritual Living" is a primer on time to “go out into the desert" and PAINTING Identified with the Christmas spiritual formation for Christians spend time with God in prayer and celebration, it is peace for all people in the world. It is one thing for the reading. According to a quote from Interior 1 Exterior of good will. There is so much monk to be called to prayer by a bell 0 & R PAINTING PAINTING St. , the desert Is Commercial - Residential PAINTING J A M E S B U R N generosity and glvlngat this time of at prearranged times every day, but the experience by which we can be Interior - £ atanor Painting Interior * Exterior Aluminum SMInu kmalM PAINTING CONTRACTOR year. People find themselves what about the layperson who does prepared for divine union, being Home Remodeling FREE ESTIMATES INSURED WALLCOVERINGS Fiee Estimates - Insuied INSURED REFERENCES Commercial/Residential digging deep in their pockets to not have that luxury? The author's liberated from the sensual excess Dutch Boy Paints FREE ESTIMATES DON HAZ LETT support their favorite charities. starting point is the universal call baggage that impedes our response F4L PAINTING DANIEL BARR Churches/Spray Painting Sometimes the peace of the Prince to holiness as declared by Vatican II. of faith. John the Baptist spent 882-2797 885-3266 343-2763 621-4644 SINCE 1956 eludes because the route in search Then she takes the reader step by time in the desert. Jesus spent time Free Eutimilw Insured of peace Is detoured through the step through the path o f spiritual in the desert Advent can be our 441-2188 821-3810 maze of trivial trappings that have living: silence, solitude, prayer, desert experience that will prepare SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS some connection to the festivity of reading, meditation, journal- us to celebrate the mystery of the the occasion, but which must not keeping, contemplation and Birth o f Christ in terms o f the true REMODELING be identified with the mystery we service. Quotations from the meaning of that day. that God so celebrate. writings of the spiritual masters loved the world that He gave His GROLL ORNAMENTAL in the din of "Christmas music" give unmistakable guldeposts tor IRON WORKS HANDYMAN jimmy CECERE bai Òonstruction Co? CABINET REFINISHING Son. Till Poor Paopls* Champion Home repairs, roofing,1 piped through the malls and stores, our literary travel. Custom Railing Gale Grill Dividers All Types of 17 BILL BO NUR A "Pathways of Spiritual Living' > Rooting • Painting remodeling, additions, • KITCHEN CABINETS one can find a need for silence, for Charles de Foucauld wrote to his on Church — Residence — can make an excellent gift for the Schools Window Guards Gratings Remodeling • Buck 6 Chimney Pointing gamerooms & cement, • REFERIGERATORS , recollection, for prayer. “Pathways sister on October 13,1899, "if souls and Misc. Metal. Artistic Work. work. • OFFICE FURNITURE serious Christian and can serve as Reasonable • Goiters 8 Downspouts • FURNITURE Weathervanes. of Spiritual Living" by Dr. Muto Is consecrated to God. monks who the vehicle for anew resolution for 672-9746 Very Reasonable FOR ESTIMATE CALL medicine designed for the serious meditate in perfection from Quality Craltmanship 331-8861 341-439Í spiritual reading in 1985. Since 1932 351-3293 461 3843 461-7324 793-6790 431-4444 DAVE GIEL SamuelBHIante1, Imling Remodeling Teaching as Jesus did GENERAL CONTRACTOR! Garage Doors & IT'S NO SECRET Guaranteed Loweeti Auto. Door Oponori C om plete Price* on Top Quality' Thai our advortiaori Salas 6 Sarvict Thermolized Wind Interior inveut a portion of thair -1 Inatailaiion Included o w i and Doora. with purchase advertising budget In R em odeling HEATING & FREE ESTIMATES the Pittsburgh Catholic 279-7789 CERAMIC TILE WORK GUARANTEED NEW A REPAIR REMODELING to uollclt your trado. W hat’s so great about success Ropolr Work RoommMo PLASTERING •Rodlnf e Wlndawi They offer you mer­ Support Your WALL COVERINGS •BMU| • Halng chandise and service* Pariah Short Program Bathroom» our. •B«Sn "elUr-MlMM By CAROLE OBROKTA making themselves appear in the “He's four," was the reply. "Then at reasonable prices. 4 8 7 - 7 2 9 5 •Sailli A Fiada Director — Learning Media Center there's plenty o f time for him to IT'S NO SECRET Specialty best possible light Many times they FREE ESTIMATES ANY NOME IMPROVEMENT We often wish each other success are on the watch, anxious, lest their learn reading skills." “Not true." Thai you should buy WINDOWS GUARANTEE in the beginning o f a new year. said the young mother. "If he's Z 7 I-6 2 4 6 weakness, their faults, their from them, when you 885-3697 financing. Department stores are filled with ignorance, or their failings be going to succeed in life, he musn't need their merchan­ GLASS BLOCK WINDOWS creative cards expressing wishes of discovered. And yet there is a better waste any time. The whole of his dise and services and Mr. Businessman: success. What is success? What side, a noble side. This whole time at school is going to be a race that you should tall Year Round Are you concerned about rising costs in the operatioi does our society see as a successful enormous, costly and constant against the clock!" Sad. isn't It? Yes. them you saw their ot your business. Interested in reaching a potenlia life? advertisement in the audience lor a minimal costs. For example an ad Ihi: effort to make some small mark on but true. Installation size would cost less than.... For the most part society Judges Pittsburgh Catholic. In the worid is the very root o f man's We can't be ourselves, we have to this way, they know success by appearances; power, creative adventure. be better. Winning isn't everything; ihalr advertising « 2 0 PER WEEK wealth, knowledge, prestige, We are all engaged in a race; no It the only thing. Our society urges program work*. We Querentee Satisfaction if you want some more information, please cal, If Not Setlaflod, D ont Rey. reputation. Why is it then that one is disinterested. The attempt to people to win for the sake of IT'S NO SECRET 471-1252 ext. 23 _____ many people can win success after seem so is one more pawn brought winning wthout pause or let up — Evangelista Company 795-0140 success in our society and feel a into play in order to achieve one's the fastest, the nicest, the That dollar* invested profound sense o f failure in life? end — hopefully, some form o f real sport lest, the artiest — it's the by advertisers, result­ W E L T E Society looks upon success as a American way. ing In increased sales, happiness. Parents are anxious In th* Pittsburgh ROOFING criterion o f value and truth; if you about their children's future. They God's standards of success dlifer Catholic helps th* R O O F I N G C Ó succeed you're right; if you fall you look after their health and strength, from the world's. His criteria are not advertiser establish Pittsburgh's are wrong Of course we protest rapport with the JLJ. ABELS instruct them, teach them good perfect communclatlon skills, 900.000 SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1946 against this distortion of the manners, self-control, and ordinary penetrating insight, encylopedic Catholic Community of ROOFING CO. Southwestern Penns­ A ll typos ol Root Work Catholics are some- notions o f truth and value. We prudence, all in order to equip them knowledge, or huge bank accounts. 30 yssra mperiemoe m a spacial. Reach ylvania and at th* same Fne fUmlRB I— rei Residential & Commercial would like to judge our successes for the struggle of life. If they compel His creterlon is Christ-like love ( 1 time repeated Invest­ thorn through tho and failures in full independence of their children to follow courses of Cor. 13: 1-3). Christ-like love is a ments helps th* 461-3306 •SHINGLES*TILE«SLATE c a t h o l ic mind, taking no account of social study that are detested, parents are mark of success. It's more Pittsburgh Catholic •GUTTERS & 00WNSP0UTS*SIDING conventions and prejudices. But we angry when mediocre grades are Important to use the talents God increase its capacity, •SOFFIT & FASCIA«HOT ROOFS do not manage to do so because earned. It's not so much because has given us. Whether we have five and It help* you this ROOF EXPERTS society is also ourselves. We are talents, two or one, we should use reader to learn more WE SPECIALIZE IN ROOF REPAIR the are worried about their about your Catholic bound up with prejudices more Intellectual development; it is them in service to others, and be AVERAGE LEAKS STOPPED $40 faith In todays worid. YES, WE DO NEW ROOFS RUBBER ROOFS. closely than we Imagine. And because diplomas and certificates willing to risk for love Seme Day Service. FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED Most o f us will work without ever society is terribly cruel with those are trump cards that will help them SUPPORT YOUR Fully Insured 3 3 1 - 6 1 3 1 who fall. In the game of life. I remember a becoming well known or successful ADVERTISER Free Eetimetee 1 sometimes cringe as 1 watch the principal relating a story about a in the eyes of society. But 510 S. MAIN ST. universal comtdy-tragedy. young mother who asked if there remember. Jesus, Peter, Paul, and TM rCT?ffE1W I5^n5rBE«rlnàBnM piilllil cústomarsoli 9 2 1 - 8 2 5 2 PGH. PA. 15220 your Mistases It sUsnMn act!an. It Is m liwutsait that Is deductible Countless Individuals, from every was a rapid method o f teaching Stephen all died as crimínala not I the sort o f big-wigs counted on the ““ «¡I» MY* all haadnsely. Jain Is bandwagon and limai in On walk o f life, seem to be constantly reading to her child. "How old is ‘Cadmile Marmi Fm Isfruffin all 171 ______m otivated fay the single aim of your child?" asked the principal. Who's Who list Right?

h • Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, December 28. 1984 — Page 9 Classified ads/diocesan news

ACCEPTANCE uf dll dllvi'l- tisement in the Pittsburgh 290 SITUATION 520 PROFESSIONALS Catholic, while based on an 120 T0UR8 510 ENTERTAINMENT assumption of integrity on WANTED 8EBVICE8 C a l e n d a r the part of the advertiser, ORGANIST / CANTOR / ALLEY CAT-Little Bird does not imply endorsement ATLANTIC CHOIR Director—Seeks Dance, Polkas. Glenn M iller, of a product or service. permanent weekend church The Twist, Michael Jackson. CHARLANE MONDAY, DEC. 31 position. Excellent training Shout! Sing Alongs — CLASSIFIED ADS ordered CITY , killed after being set but and experience. Box 813 this Requests. TJ the DJ 443-6715. Cenacle Retreat House, Oakland — New Year's evening of renewal. 8:30 3 tfay/2 night paper. ______MANOR prior to publication will be BAND—For weddings and p m to midnight. Offering, 810. For Information or reservations call billed at naif rate. Classified W e e M a g ra HOME other special occasions. 5 681-6180. "kills" cannot be accepted Jan. 2-4Jan. 6-8 385 WANTEO persons including female FOR THE after II AM Mon. for current Jan. 9-11 Jan. 13-15 TO BUY vocalist. N ice va rie ty $350 w eek's issue. ELDERLY Jan . 16-18 SPECTRUM 885-6246, 661- NEAR MCKEESPORT HOSPITAL WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2 4495 ALL—Good used furniture STATE LICENSED 001 PERSONALS wanted, kitchen sets, DR or BAND- Second Wind «1 Marian Movement of Priests — Cenacle. 7 p m , St. Boniface, 2 2 0 0 East BR sets. 1 piece or entire choice of hundreds of couples For Information St., North Side All welcome. ALONE & PREGNANT- *75 home. D ay 766-5115, Eve., for their wedding entertain­ For A confidental caring W M k r a d i 761-4821 ment. Top quality, excellent on Admlaalona friend call LIFELINE--562- Jan. 4-6Jan. 11-13 varie ty. 731-5412.854-5873. PLEASE CALL FRIDAY. JAN. 4 0543 D owntown P ittsburgh. AMERICAN FLYER, LI­ Jan . 18-20 1955 B u tle r A rea 282-1200, Mon Florida Deluxe ONEL, IVES—Toy trains BROTHER —For music V alle y 489-9020. B eaver 843- and accessoriesy. By since 1975, pla yin g Top 40. TRY (Together for Retarded Youth) — Fun night, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., collector. Any age or 0505. 728-5651. Fab. 16-24, Mar. 2-10 polkas, dinner music. For 6 7 2 -9 0 1 1 condition. PAY UP TO weddings, pariies, banquets. Carson Middle School. For Information call Margaret Tollerton, 935- *85 Mar. 16-24 $10,000. 276-5325. G ino P osleraro. a fte r 3, 367- 4910. PREGNANT?Call AT* 8 NIGHTS 2 DINNERS 600 HOME ’pp.do. Transportation, CASH—For old oak furni­ 0)40. LH i aIk Ami jaar mtml lodging, double bonus, IMPROVEMENTS H0TUNE (412)791-2420 $ 3 2 9 p p d o ture Furnishing old home. CELEBRATE—Your spe­ Christian Mothers and Guild, Madonna of Jerusalem, Sharpaburg — PREGNANCY TESTING Call for new schedules Not antique dealer. C all 361- cial occasion with music by CARPENTRY-Decks, po­ Downtown Pittsburgh 731-2420 In c lu d e s 2 day rches. doors, windows, Fish fiy, 11 am. to 7 p.m.. John Paul I Center. 9th SL Sandwiches. 82; ' Epoot/Disney World, 6185. ETERNITY. Excellence in Washington. Pa.. 255-6494 S K I a t a ll types o f m usic. C all 487- kitchens, bath, gamerooms. dinners. 83. For take-outs call 781-9726. Caring and confidential Peek & Peak 1 Day Cypress j i . 4930 or 881-8276. drywall. ceilings, additions. information, counseling, Garden, 1 Day Ho- amonds. watches, sterling, S m all jobs welcom e, 344- Transp. Lift Ticket, .s a t St. Ferdinand, Cranberry Twp. — Mass for charlsmatlcs, 7:45 p m . Fr. pregnancy testing and reiatetf mossa Springs, Capa silver plate, quilts, old toys, FOR POLISH POLKAS- 7444. services. Transp. Lift Ticket. Equip. Kennedy, Optional pocket knives, oriental rugs, Standards and a bit of Ken Oldenski. celebrant ANvMtNei la AtorHea tec. perfume bottles, hand- everything. Music for all EXPERT ROOF REPAIR— a non-profit organization Rental ...... s $ t tour to Rosie O'Gra­ painted China., Unusual occasions and places. Call Repair Work our Specialty. Also Downspouting. Chim­ S A T U R D A Y S dy's. Christmas ornaments, teddy Lenny 276-3850. ______B lu e A rm y — Evening o f recollection, St. Mary of Mercy Church. bears, pottery. We buy one ney Pointing and Painting. Downtown. Prayers at 6:30 p.m.. Mass at p.m., rosary, procession, JAN. 12&26 HAPPINESS IS—Available Free Estimates. All Wont 8 PREGNANT? FEB. 9-23 E 00 no my Florida piece or entire estate. stations, midnight Mass offered by Fr. Thomas Carey, spiritual director. Highest prices paid. 261-5697. for Christmas Pariies and Guaranteed. 881-2944. And you didn't mean to be? Feb. 16-24, Mar. 2-10, New Year's Eve! Three For a free pregnancy test FURNITURE REUPHOL- Mar. 16-24 WANTED—Old furniture, piece. C all E d 795-1779 and confidential support. O r — sal STERING—And Custom SATURDAY. JAN. 5 8 NIGHTS cedar chests, dining room, HAVE MUSIC-U-LIKE—For CALL BIRTHRIGHT Dinner Theatre kitchens sets, fanct carved made slip covers. Furniture BOTTOMS UP furniture, painted dishes, your wedding or party. We repairing. Registered 621-1988 $269Pp«> o ffe r live entertainm ent.653- upholsterers. Lowest prices. D augh ters o f Erin — Luncheon-card party, noon. Allegheny Elks Club. FE B .2 Transportation, lodg­ glassware, lamps, stain 400 Cedar Ave., North Side. Donation. 83; tickets at the door. glass, gold jewelry, silver- 6023, 884-6431. We re booking Free est. 17 yrs., exp. Lou, ing only. 1985 a l 1984 prices. John. 361-8101 $ 2 8 plated & sterling flatware, Abortion eon bo a CALL EARLY FOR dolls, wind-up toys, teddy JEFF MICHAEL'S ORCHE- HANDYMAN—All types SUNDAY. JAN. 6 traumatic experience. RESERVATIONS bears, oriental rugs, STRA-Music for all occa­ home repairs. Plumbing, mirrors, clocks, most old sions. Vocals, 50's polkas, heating, carpentry, painting, If you and kelp la putBnj Daytona Beach WPXTTV, Channel 11 — Mass for shut-ins, 6 a m , Fr. Joseph Scheib. year Ilia back la Ians.... GROUPS things. For cash call Dorothy standards. C all Jeff, 276- and electrical. Very FLORIDA o r P aul before selling 279- 3954. reasonable — prompt parochial vicar at St. Peter, North Side, celebrant Choir and Feb. 23-Mar. 3-85 Let us do your travel Cal C.A.R.E. 0359, 242-0451. LADY DJ—For all occa­ service! 621-3762. congregation from the parish. Mass interpreted for the deaf. 9 D A Y S/ 8NIGHTS planning lor 1966.Call {CoafidaiUal Support Eraap for group rules WANTED USED FURNI­ sions, experienced and HARDWOOD FLOORS- la kelp you cope.) TURE—and antiques. reasonable. M usic 40 s th ru Installed-finished-refinish­ Cenacle Retreat House, Oakland — Day of renewal for separated and $ 2 4 9 pp do W a prorida a ll yon C rafton T ra d ing Post 922- 80's. M ary. 344-3085 ed. Sheet good-clay tile-wall Our SurvlCM or* Free 4441. 10-5, Closed Tuesday & divorced persons, conducted by Carol Crawford and Sister Annette Round trip transporta­ travel needs Air MUSIC FOR YOUR ENJOY- coverings, ceilings, panel­ Sundays. ______Mattie. For reservations call 681-6180. 531-9092 tion, 8 nights lodging. /Crnisee/Bas. MENT—All ages, any ing. Ed Sweeney 695-7096. Side trip available to Pickup Points in WANTED-American Flyer, occasion. DJ and/or One P A IN T IN G — In te rio r $20 per FREE—Immaculate Heart Disney World or Epcot Pittsburgh A McKees­ Ives and Lionel Toy trains. Man Band Top 40. Special average room. Exterior Single Acts, SL Winifred, ML Lebanon — Mass for single Catholics, of Mary Green Scapular. for under $40. port areas Notre Dame Alumnus will effect lighting. Reasonable! painting, and wallpapering. 10:30 am., followed by brunch in Renewed Center. Cost. 81.50 for Send Self-Addressed STA­ CALL AMITY TOU*S pay up to $20,000 any 884-3145.______C a ll Don 884-0837 condition, anywhere. Collec­ members, 81 per child: 82 for non-members. 81.50 per child. For MPED envelope to Box CHARTER BUSSES MUSIC BY AMBER- For PLUMBING—Paneling. RT. SI Plaaaait Hila tor. Drew Bauer. 683-4457, reservations by Jan. 2 cedi 341-5065. 13124. P ittsbu rg h , PA 15243. AVAILABLE Aero« From EafN Park the Best in Musical Remodeling. Furnace Work. 821-3389. Sew er Cleaning. 421-2147. IN THANKSGIVING—to St CALL FOR WINTER 884-2707 Variety!" — Available New Jude. Blessed Mother and SCHEDULES Year's Eve! Booking for SENIOR CITIZENS—Have St. Michael, Braddock — Organ recital by Homer Wlckllne, 3 p.m., God for favors granted. R E. ANTIQUES' 1985. 351-1108 o r 823-3428 Call ToU Free WANTED your w a Us w ashed or painted featured early Americetn works. STARDUST—Music lor at prices you can afford. 241- THANKS TO - The Wound Wa will buy anything over in Our Lord's Shoulder ". and dancing — listening— 5953 Padre Pio Prayer Group — Holy hour. 2 p.m.. St. MaryofMercyChurch. 40 years old; one item or Wedding anniversaries, St. Bernadette for favor complete household. 6 0 9 APARTMENTS granted. B B. parties, banquets. Senior Downtown, including 3:15 pm. Mass in Latin. Fr. Anthony Cipolla Furniture, (baby dolls) old Citizens A A R.P. get TO RENT spiritual director. THANKSGIVING—Novena toys, dishes, trains, hand togethers. sing alongs! We to St. Jude. O Holy St. Jude. painted china, cut glass, WEST M IFFLIN—Three will play at any location! Room new furnished Apostle and M artyr, great in music boxes, china Please C all Chuck, 521-7744. virtue and rich in mircles. cabinets, clocks, coins, bed apartm ent. No pels. 461-8393. N ew Year's dance near kinsman to Jesus LENZNER sets, dining sets, fancy BAND—Featuring male Christ. Faithful intercessor carved furniture, oil vocalist. Weddings and S i Paul’s Cathedral The Catholic Alumni Club will hold a New Year's Eve dlnner-detnce of all w ho invoke your special TOURS paintings, oriental rugs. banquets our specialty $360 00 fo r 4 hrs. C a ll the Choice of either Monday. Dec. 31. at the Silent Brook Lodge In South Park beginning at patronage in time of need, to 1BR/2BR.2 Bath/apts. you I have recoure from the Multt-Oay Tours High Price* Paid D iplom ats. 922-4394/367-8424. 8:30 pm . Featured will be a catered buffet and beverages. For depth of my heart and Jan .Feb .Occpy Rent- TIRED OF HIGH PRICED al$415 -$515plus elee. reservations at 814 per person call 341-4070 or send check made out to humbly beg to w hom God has SVicA/anci BANDS?—Want continuous given such great power to ZONA TOURS Gar. avail. Catholic Alumni Club to Lisa Brown, 1126 Wlnterton Ave., Pittsburgh Atlantic City Ell wood City Transit Inc. non-stop music! Hire a DJ come to my assistance. Help S)/n/u£iie& reasonable rates. Call 281-5457 anytime 15206. me in my present and urgent X Orm an ATLANTIC CITY Chuck. 761-1766 o r M a rk 741- petition. In return I promise I Soardwok 2872. to make your name known Jan. 20-21, 1985 4 4 3 - 8 0 9 0 South Hills 12th an n u al ‘M arch Jor Life' C a lin o and cause you to be invoked. Choice 2 BR Town­ Jaa 18-20 f/s/S/ $109 520 PROFESSIONALS Say three Our Fathers, three $75 house, with Garage, A total of 75 buses have already been reserved to take area Feb. « w/ttVF $109 Hail Marys and Glorias. 6 Trip includes, roll and 500 SERVICES SERVICES w/w carpeting, Rental participants to the 12th annual March for Life In Washington. D.C. on . Publication must be pro­ Mar. 1-3 l/t/V $119 coffee on bus. Box OFFERED $375. Children ok. Tuesday. Jan. 22. mised. St. Jude pray for us Non-Casino's lunch. Round trip and all w ho invoke your aid Jan. 23-25 w/ttVV $79 Immed/Jan./Feb Oc- According to Maiy Lou Gartner of People Concerned for the Unborn transportation, 1 nights CARPET INSTALLATION Belvedere Residence Amem. This Novena is i-eb20-22 w/ttVf/ $79 cpy. Conv. location. Child, area director for the march, this year's participation from considered by many to be lodging. $20 Casino AND SALES—Stair shilts. DM M rt»« Mineas! Him CALL ANYTIME very helpful. Thank you St. 1 9 S 5 bonus, Continental carpet repair. 30 years Or AmMsfeiy S Com lnw it Western Pennsylvania may turn out to be the largest yet Jude lor favor granted. B re akfa st. experience. Reasonable Mm S Whm 2 8 1 -5 4 5 7 Theme for the event will be "We do not have to suffer abortion. No FLORIDA K athy rates. Discount to Senior •24 Hour Nuralng Cat* exceptions. No compromise." 3 Day/ 2 Nights citizens. 884-0859. •Viatori Always Watcoma THANK YOU —Blessed SPECIALS Feb. 22-24,1985 905 LOTS ANO According to Mrs. Gartner, "It is ourgoal over this nextyear to take the FURNACE TUNE-UP/ Locatari on Mother Mary. St. Jude. St. Feb. 2-10 Routo 422 ACREAGE respectability' out of abortion. We will break through the euphemisms Joseph for prayers answer- « Feb . 9-17 $139 REPAIRS—Will clean and 7 rmlaa oott check entire lurnace. belts, and untenable arguments which tty to deny that abortion is the killing ed. A C.______Feb. 16-24 Trip includes, roll and ol Now filters, gas pressure, safety CaiUa & BUILDING LOT-For Sale- of p re bom human beings and we will make that killing as THANK YOL- An Feb. 23-Mar coffe on bus. Box Munhall (Homestead Park) switches, and thermostat. unrespectable' as Is racism or anti-Semitism." thony. Saint Jude, and Holy Mar. 16-24 lunch, roundtrip trans­ Certified. Reasonable. cm 60' x 80 located near Family for favors granted •a Mar. 23-31 portation, 2 nights Roger Barnes. 921-2216. schools, churches and The march will begin with a noon rally In the ellipse across from the and received. Munhall 924-2191 transportation $8.500. lodging. 2 Casino HAULING. MOVING.- Whi te House. After the inarch up Pennsylvan la Avenue, part Icipan ts will F a m ily. Bonuses, Continental Inquiries: Wm. k Blew nt * 3 2 9 Cleanup attic, garages, 45N Sprague. Bellevue, PA visit offices of congressmen and senators. THANK YOU-Mother Mary ppao B reakfast.______estates, cellars. Fair prices, 15202. Also this year the "March-A-Thon" will be repeated. Marchers will line Teresa Benedetti, of Jesus m ove anything. 828-6614.782- Crucified, for favors Trip include* Round trip Available 1985 Toure 4492. up sponsors for their participation, with funds going to the national transportation, nights granted. .______8 NASHVILLE/FLORIDA committee and local pro-life groups. For forms call 531-9272. For lodging at Holiday Inn, INVITATIONS—All occa­ M r . Businessman sions. embossed or engrav­ information on bus reservations call Jean Brlnzer. 243-2529, or SuiMde, admissions to Feb. 23-Mar. 8. 1985 120 TOURS 14 d ays ed, stationery, napkins, Mercedes Haubach, 242-4229. Disney World, Epcot favors, missals. Now ELAND-2 Week Deluxe Center. Cypress Gar­ *525 pp40 Christmas. Unusual Christ­ ur of Ireland departing den. Tour of St. Trip includes, 14 day mas Cards! Discountprices. Sister M ary Philip Ingold ly 27. 1985, and re turning Augustine. 2 Dinners, accomodations, Visits Shirley Stationery Co. 421- D is c o v e r igust 10. Escorted trip Shopping al Bueno to Grand Ole Opry, 4806 or 421-2792 Mass of Christian Burial was offered in the chapel of the im Pittsburgh—Full Irish Vista. Silver City, Kennedy M O V IN G . H A U L IN G — eakfasts daily-Medieval Space Center, Dog Cleanup jobs. Seven days a motherhouse of the Sisters of Mercy in Oakland on Dec. 21 for Sister nquet and entertainment Races, 2 day Epcot week. Large, closed truck th e Mary Philip Ingold, RSM, who taught for 38 years In the schools of the Bunratty Castle, an Daytona Beach Center, 1 day Disney- and tw o men. 462-6891. ening in Dublin at the Pittsburgh and Greensbuig Dioceses. FLORIDA world, Cypress Gar­ esham Hotel includes dens, Busch Gardens, PHOTOGRAPHER-For all C a th o lic Sister Mary Philip died Dec. 18 in Mercy Hospital. Uptown. She was iner and entertainment Feb. 17-Mar. 1 Cookout, Box Lunch. occasions. Specialty wed­ dings & portraits Call J. 70. nner and entertainment on (13 days) s New Ross Galley. 8 T a rr. P hotographic. 828- The daughter of the late and Anna Mellet Ingold, she entered ditional dinners. Wine and Lai Vega*- Nevada 9285. the Sisters of Mercy in 1932 and professed her vows in 1934. Sister $428'ppdop via Bus Tranapertalian M a r k e t ack get together after Round trip transporta­ PIANO TUNING —and earned a master's degree In education from Duquesne University In rival. Entrance fees for 15 Days 14 Nights tion, 13 nights lodging. Servicing. Lou Schreiber 1963. amey Castle. Bunratty July 10-July 24,1985 Piano Technician. 734-3718. irk and Trinity College, Sister Mary Philip taught in the intermediate and uppergradesat the Feb. 22-Mar. 1 (8 days) ops at various towns and * 1 1 0 0 pp * PROFESSIONAL WALL following schools: St. Regis In Oakland, Epiphany in the Uptown. SL llages throughout tour, Trip includes, round PAPERING—Free estímal­ $259 PprJo es, discounl. C ali Dan 343- Agnes In Oakland. St. Elizabeth In Pleasant Hills, SL Mary (46th Street) /posit o f $100 per person trip transportation, ita l price $1.250 per double Round trip transporta­ 7243 o r 531-4662. in Lawrencevllle, St. Colman in Turtle Creek. Holy Fiamily In Latrobe, SL Hotel Lodging, taxes, The Catholic Market of Southwestern cupancy. Visa/ MC/AmEx tion, 7 nights lodging. WOOD FLOOR SPECIA Xavier Academy in Latrobe. St. Vincent in Latrobe. Immaculate cepted. A tourmeeling w ill Spend your time on (he tips, gratuities, en­ Pennsylvania is a market of over 900,000 LIST—Old and New Floors, Catholics residing in the Diocese of Pittsburgh Conception In Washington. St. Peter In McKeesport, and Our Lady of i held in March. St. Luke s beach or take optional trance fees, touring sanded and refurnished. lurch, 309 Third Street, sightseeing tours listed and more. Call or write Installation and sales of all which encompasses the counties of Allegheny, Lourdes in Buigettstown. Beaver, Butler, Washington, Lawrence, and irnegie. PA. ____ below. for free brochure. styles of wood floors. Call for She retired from teaching in 1971 and became the treasurer of SL Greene. The Pittsburgh Catholic is the only $89 pp.addltlonal free est. 793-8017. Xavier Academy in Latrobe. In 1972. Sister began workslng in the vehicle serving this market exclusively as it is the eacon Includes one day each 6i!linburg/Naahvilto finance office of the Pittsburgh Sisters of Mercy motherhouse. At the official newspaper of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. onferenee.s tor visits to EpcotA Available '85 dates GAETANO’S time of her death. Sister Mary Philip was working as the convent r e July 10-14-85 Your business can benefit from exposure in this Disney World, and BANQUET HALL 8 librarian. p re s e n ts . Aug. 14-18-85 CATERING SERVICE market. Our rates are very competitive. For Kennedy Space Center example: this size of an advertisement cost Sister Mary Philip is survived by two sisters. Mary Cronin and FLORIDA BUS TRIP on above dates. Sept. 18-22-65 'tpur location or Ours Oct. D.J. Week 818 Broadway Ave. $84.00, and the cost per thousand potential Margaret Ingold, both of Pittsburgh, and several nephews. McKees Rocks. Pa., 15136 customers reached is less than 7 cents. Call *259 O N I DAY TOURS Burial was In the St. Xavier Cemetery in Latrobe. includes bus ppdo today for more information or our current rate meals, $269 7 7 1 - 8 3 3 8 ' card. M agsia Falls Trip includes RT and slay January 12 $39.50 412-471-1252 N e c r o lo g y at tarmar Hilten Hotel transportation, Roll 811 FUSIM I KST SmUCTN* Penrtsytvanla and Coffee on bus, Box SHOWER A WEDDING Lunch, Silver City, FAVORS Dec 31 M l TsM Fra: I «072-0/72 F a im S h o w Jan. 1810 Jan.25,1985 Tenn., Gatlinburg, 4 and DECORATIONS Fr. W enceslaus W isniew ski ...... 1945 January 14,1965 nights lodging, Opry- PART Y TIME Cell 766-0620 biter 6 P.M. Blrthday Favori, aie Jan. 1 Ludia Schosnlfl land, USA, Grand Ole CLASSIFIED RATES $25 Opry, Musical Show, MIRE FEIHBERG CO.inc Fr. J o h n A S a b ln a s h ...... 1949 120 Seventh Si Pgh . Pa, 15222 — NON-COMMERCIAL RATES— FT. Thomas H. M organ ...... 1973 Participate in the Complimentary Din­ Lenzner Tours ner. Call or Write for 261-0490 MINIMUM CHARGE Jan. 2 missionary work detailed brochure. FT. WUllamJ. Purcell...... 1944 of the church all 761-7000 510 ENTERTAINMENT 20 Worda.A4.50Each additional word. 1S cents FT. Casimlr P. K o s c ls z ...... 1960 Call for datalla FT. James R Cullen...... 1964 'over the world, by 1-800-342-2349 -COMMERCIAL RATES- Write or Call 1980—"Discjockey of the Jan. 4 supporting the Mt Nebo Rood Year. " 12 years experience. MINIMUM CHARGE fewickley, Pa ■ 5*43 Sonqy Russman's Record FT. Benjamin N. A x m a ch e r...... 1939 missions. ZONA TOURS 20 W ords.3 5 .SOEach additional word. IS cents 1880 HOMEVILLE ROAD Revue. Emcee/Wedding FT. J o h n M. W o s h n e r ...... 1943 “ Dugussne Vllage Shop. consultant. Tuxedo. Free j cham pagne 241-2212.______FT. John A C ollins ...... 1947 ' ' 030 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Clr. Deadline 11 A.M. Monday Jan. 5 W. MIFFLIN, PA. 15122 FT. Martin J. Brennan ...... 1941 469*3902 (Pltwburgh) SUPPORT 471-1252 FT. Ernest O. Planltzer...... 1953 FT. J o h n F. M is lu s ...... 1964 “ 752-9701 (Elwood YOUR G ty) FT. Giles J. Kiysmalski...... 1 979 V Don't compare our THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC PARISH 100 WOOD. ST..500,PGH , PA,. 15222 Jan. 6 prices with others. 120,503 Awiap Waskly Circulation Msgr. Ladlslaus Sllwlnskl ...... 1961 BEINHAUER Check our tour pack-, SHARE age contents. We give FT. Francis R Shields...... 1968 you more! PROGRAM Ft. William Clancy. C .0 ...... 1982 d Page 10 — Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday, December 28, 1984 Around the diocese

A llentow n blood drive set F r . M cKoy m arks 40th CDA scholarships

S t George parish In Allentown will conduct a blood drive Sunday. Dec. Fr. Charles McKoy. chaplain of the Vincentian Sisters o f Charity in The Catholic Daughters of the Americas will again offer $200 30, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. In Schramm Hall. For appointments call the North Hills, marked his 40th anniversary of ordination asa Precious scholarships for special education teachers and unrestricted graduate the rectory at 381-8300. Blood priest Sunday, Dec. 9. with a Mass in the motherhouse chapel. scholarships of $500 and $1,000. The special education grants are Son of the late John and Alice McKoy, he attended offered In association with the National Catholic Education St. Lawrence O'Toole parish school and Central Association. Applicants for the graduate scholarships must be Catholic. Fr. McKoy was ordained Dec. 10.1944 In sponsored by a CDA court. For application forma contact the nearest N uns receive revised constitution St. Charles Seminary in Carthagena. Ohio. CDA court or write to Mrs. Maiily Harris, P.O. Box 913, Hermlston Following his ordlantion he served In the Oregon 97838. The Sisters of St. Francis of MlUvale received their new revised Richmond and Steubenville dioceses and later was Deadline for submission of the forms is May 1 for the special constitution on Dec. 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. The new a Navy chaplain for three years, serving with the education scholarships and July 1 for the graduate grants. approved document Is a result of work, prayer, reflection and input on Marines in Japan and at Camp LeJeune, N.C. the part of the congregation. Each sister was presented with a copy of Fr. McKoy for many years was a member of his the new constitution at liturgical service In the motherhouse chapel. order's Domestic Preaching Band and spoke at W orkshop on drugs numerous parishes In the U.S., as well as to members of the U.S.Air Force in Morocco and Libya. St. Francis Medical Center's Regional Alcoholism Treatment Center Tam buritzan auditions North Africa. England, Germany. Bermuda and will sponsor an Introductory series of group workshops for the adult Puerto Rica children of alcoholics or persons who are or were chemically dependent. Fr. McKoy The Duquesne UnlversityTamburltzanswlll hold auditions for their He also was a pastor for three years In Cleveland According to a hospital spokesperson, adult children of alcoholics or 4 985-86 season on Feb. 4 and 5 at the Tamburitzan Cultural Center, before being appointed chaplain for the Vincentian addicts are at a high risk of developing a chemical dependency Uptown. Sisters In 1971. themselves and can experience difficulties In developing relationships Students selected to perform with the ensemble will receive and/or self-confidence. scholarships covering tutltion. room and board, and fees at Duquesne B eaver HNS event The workshop series, consisting of 10 sessions, will be begin Jan. 10 University as well as travel expenses. and will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p m Enrollment will be limited to 12 Students interested in auditioning must register before Sunday. Jan. The Beaver County Deanery Holy Name Society recently hosted Its participants and members must be 21 years o f age or older. 20. Application forms and audition Information Is available by eighth annual memorial Mass and breakfast at SL John Church In A fee of $40 will be charged. For information, dates and workshop contacting the Tamburitzan offices. 1801 Boulevard o f the Allies. Baden. Attorney Settlnoand Fr. John Hoehl. rector of Quigley locations, telephone Debbie Moffit at 622-4520. Pittsburgh. Pa. 15219 or telephoning 434-5185. High School In Baden, were main speakers for the event which drew 146 persons. Stanley Kokoski is deanery presidenL ML A lvem ia triduum Pageant fin a lis t C rafton students take honors The annual triduum in honor of St. John Neumann will be conducted in the chapel of Mt. Alvemia in Millvale. Wednesday. Thursday and Rachelle Rak, a freshman at Canevin High School In Crafton Heights, Michael Rusnock and Andrew Zovko. seniors at Canevin High School was one o f the ten semi-finalists in the Miss National Teenage Pageant Friday. Jan. 2-4,at 7 p.m. included will be Scriptural prayers, homily and in Crafton Heights, have been named commended students in the veneration o f the relic. held recently at the William Penn Hotel. National Merit Scholarship Program. Miss Rak received first place and a $4,000 scholarship in the talent A Mass in honor of St.John Neumann will also be offered on his feast The two student placed among the top five percent of the more than day. Saturday. Jan. 5 at 3 pm . in the chapel. division: a first place in the essay competition. 'What's Right About one million students taking the Preliminary Scholastic Achievement America": and a first place In program participation. Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test In the 1983-84 The criteria for pagaent juding Included the scholastic achievement academic year but who placed slightly below those students as a H N S to honor Fr. Popieluszko of Its participants, poise, talent and modeling ability. National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists. Holy Name men will gather in their parishes Sunday. Jan. 13.at 3 p.m. D uquesne spring sessions to pray the rosary for Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko. the Polish priest recently Vincentian nun takes vows murdered by Polish security forces Duquesne University's Extentlon Training program (DUET) is With the permission of their pastors, the local HNS men will host the accepting registrations for its spring sessions of classes in music, dance Sister Maureen Hudock. daughter of and observance in their parish churches. The memorial Is being promoted Monica Hudock of Monongahela, professed her and sacred music. The non-credit classes are open to students of all ages by Region III o f the National Association o f the Holy Name Society. first vows recently as a member of the Vincentian and levels of ability. Sisters of Charity. North Hills. Fr. Charles McKoy Music classes to be offered include: eurhythmies, principles of sorrgwriting. Suzuki teaching method. American folklore and song, officiated, and a reception followed. Christm as in M onaca Maureen is a graduate of Mon Valley Catholic music theory and sight singing, jazz composition, and plectrum guitar High School and the Wheeler Business School. ensemble. Individual instruction will also be offered in voice, guitar, Children at St. John School in Monaca presented their annual She currently is studying early education piano, organ and harpischotd. Dance classes to be offered are creative movement for children, ballet Christmas productloa "Christmas Around the World," at a recent PTC development at Carlow College. meeting. The Hudocks belong to Transfiguration parish in technique I and II. Jazz dance I and 11. modem dance and conditioning Each class presented a segment on Christmas in a different country Monongahela. Sr. Maureen through dance. Sacred music classes include cantoring and sacred solo and choral and the children shared customs and traditions from the lands. They literature as well as sacred music choir and a church music practicum. sang ethnic songs and prepared a C hristmas tree with home-made doll ornaments. For more information, contact Deborah at 434-6077. G lenshaw course

"The Development of Liturgies in the Western Church" is the topic for B ishops confirm a six-week workshop beginning Tuesday. Jan. 8 . at 7:30 p.m. in Marian Hall at SL Mary Church. 2510 Middle Rd.. Glenshaw. Fr. Robert Wolk will 1,879 persons conduct the program. All are welcome. To register call 487-0701 or486- 5521. Pittsburgh bishops confirmed a total 1,879— 1JB05 children and 74 YOU’LL adults — in ceremonies at 32 Youth m inistry program fo r adults parishes this fall. Bishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua HAVE Catholic Youth Ministry of the Diocese of Pittsburgh wlllofferlts 12- confirmed 295 children and 15 week 'Training in Youth Ministry Program" for interested adults in the adults in ceremonies at five winter semester. The program is designed to provide parish adult parishes and at St. Anthony School volunteers and interested professionals with a better understanding of for Exceptional Children In A L O V E teenagers and their problems. Classes will beheld at the Youth Ministry Oakmont. offices. 48 S. 14 th St., South Side. For more Information, telephone 488- Aux. Bishop John B. McDowell 0900. confirmed 822 children and 25 AFFAIR adults at 11 parishes Aux. Bishop Anthony Bosco Leadership com petiion w inner officiated at confirmation ceremonies in 10 parishes, WITH admlnsterlng the sacrament to 514 Senior Kathleen Ann Kelly has been named the winner of the local children and 21 adults. Century 111 Leadership competition at Canevin High School, Crafton Retired Bishop Vincent Leonard Heights. Bruce Neimeyer was runner up. YOUR confirmed 174 children and 13 Miss Kelly received the award on the basis of leadership skills, school adults at six parishes. and community involvement the results of a current events examination, and by submitting an essay concemlnga particular issue SCALE concerning the U.S. in its third century. D isabled patients She is eligible to compete with other local winners throughout Pennsylvania for one of two $ 1500 scholarships and the opportunity to attend the Century III Leaders National Conference in March in help feed hungry Williamsburg. Va. State winners will compete for an addi tlonal $ 10,000 scholarship. Some Disabled patients at the IF YOU’RE ON THE Now its tenth year, the Century 111 Leaders program is designed to John J. Kane Regional Center Scott, located on Kane Blvd.. recently bring together and recognize student leaders show show strong NEW, IMPROVED, QUICK START 8 PROGRAM leadership abilities and Interest in the future of America. presented almost $600 in proceeds to the Jubilee Soup Kitchen. Uptown, to provide food for the FROM WEIGHT WATCHERS area's hungry. Free throw contest *NEW The Quick Start Weight Loss Program, the most The idea to have a bake sale and to donate the proceeds, originated successful program in the history of Weight W atchers The Bellevue Council 1400 of the Knights of Columbus recently held has now been made even eaiser. its annual free throw basketball competition for boys and girls, ages 11 at a parish council meeting of to 14. at the SL Athanasius parish gymnasium in West View. residents at the health facility. All The winners were: Gene Czysz of Nativity School. North Side, for the council members agreed that they "IMPROVED With more of the easiest menu plans we’ve ever boys 12-year-old division: Chuck Crawford of St. Cyril School. North wanted to make a contribution to offered and the addition of Quick Start III. Side, in the boys 13-ycar-old division: Ricky Mlneo of North Catholic help the needy this Christmas. The council consisting of 10 School, Troy HlU, in the boys 14-year-old division; Jeanlne Megahan of •TIMELY Not only is the Quick Start Program easier, it’s St. Athanasius In the girls 12-year-old division: Tracy Kelly of Nativity in people, many confined to designed to match today’s lifestyle - Just for you. the girls 13-year-old division; and Jennifer Blose of Mount Alvemia wheelchairs," wanted to show their High School. Millvale. in the girls 14-yearold division. appreciation to God by doing The winners received plaques and will compete in the district something for others" according to The sooner you start - the sooner you can reach your goal! competitions In February. Winners in the district competitions will Fr. Terrence Fedigan, a diocesan advance to the state competition. priesL It was the first time funds There’s a group near you! generated by the council were donated to an outside organization S t R aphael m en elect that does charitable work. FOR MEETING INFORMATION CALL FREE The baked goods were prepared New officers for the Holy Name Society of St. Raphael Church In by patients, their families, 800-242-0324 M om lngslde were installed recently at a Mass with Fr. Joseph V. Kurutz. volunteers, and center staff and (Phone answers 24 hours, 7 days a week) pastor, officiating. administration representing a The men are: Michael Zalewski. president: Thomas Friel. first vice- unified effort on the part of the STILL ONLY...112.00 FIRST WEEK **5.00 WEEKLY DUES »NO CONTRACT TO SIGN president; Thomas McCaffrey, treasurer, Joseph Marta, secretary, and facility. William Kurstedt, marshall. Three patients organized the At the same ceremony, honorary awards were presetned to James bake sale, Helen Clark, Nancy Monroe. William Kurstedt and Frank Kalchthaler, with past-presldent Yarbough and Agnes Rendar, all pins going to James Dawson. Joseph Adams and Mrs. Joseph ZydeL in council members. ADDED INCENTIVE! memory of her late husband. "We re really proud of ourselves," WE WILL CONTINUE THE s2.00 REBATE said Rendar who Is from Neville FOR EACH TEN POUNDS YOU LOSE Island, "we really feel great tty RO TC scholarship w inners helping those less fortunate." She said that the real spirit of Five Carlow College nursing students, who are cross-enrolled In the Christmas can be found in helping Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) at the University of Pittsburgh, others. W EIGHT W ATCHERS' 1985 have been awarded ROTC scholarships. ‘Very often with the sick and They are Juniors Joan Jack (president of the Student Assembly), elderly they have so much done for The most successful weight loss program in the world! Annamarle Loughner and Mary Kay Blanchard, all awarded two-year them, they get the Impression that Weight Watchers and Quick Start are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. * Weight Watchers International. Inc 1984 scholarships, and sophomores Value Carmine and Dianne Eckman. they can't do much on their own. both awarded three-year scholarships. The bake sale Is an example of what Upon graduation, they will be commissioned as second lieutenants In they are capable o f doing." said Fr. the Army Nurse Corps and work in Army hospitals or health care Fedigan who along with Sr. Jill SUPPORT PARISH SHARE facilities. Bond C SJ. work at the center. Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, December 28, 1984 — Page 11

Entertainm ent

M ovie review M ovie ratings

The classifications for the The Lonely Lady, 0 moral suitability o f films are The Man With Two Brains, O determined by the United States The Osterman Weekend, 0 1 0 bestcinema offerings of Catholic Conference's Depart­ The Outsiders, A-III ment of Communications. The Pirates of Pinzance, A-I Scarface, 0 Movies at area theaters: Sudden Impact, O The Adventures of Buckaroo Tender Mercies, A-III By Fr. PETER HORTON a close runner up for the top prize deft work. the heart as the aging Shakespea­ Bonzai, A-II Twilight Time, A-II With the newyearjustaround the and should be well remembered at 7. "The Karate Kid": This movie rean actor, a modern day Lear, in a Amadeus, A-ll Without a Trace, A-II comer, It Is time to review the Academy Award time. was often called "Rocky Jr.". but It stunning film o f insight and taste. Beverly Hills Cop. A-III A Year of Living Dangerous­ quality films o f the past year. 1984 3. "Country": This labor o f love stands as one of the biggest Runners-up to these ten would City Heat. A-III ly, A-III was a remarkably good year for the from actress Jessica Lange surprises of the year. Ralph include 'Gremlins". "Indiana Jones Country, A-II Zelig, A-II film Industry both at the box office represents the best work of the Macchio and Pat Morita made this and theTempleofDoom", "Star80", The Cotton Club, A-II! and with the critics. There were a Disney corporation in a decade. story o f the weakling turned "Running Brave", "Broadway Dune, A-III number of excellent films released This adult drama of the Ivy family champion Into a first class Danny Rose". "Greystoke", Falling in Love, A-II • A-I, General patronage. throughout the year, a year that struggle to keep their farm is both entertainment. Morita will get the "Iceman", "Never Cry W olf and Ghostbusters, A-III • A-II Adults and adoles­ climaxed with some of the best timely and intelligent. Sam Oscar for supporting actor because "Swing Shift", all o f which had the Karate Kid, A-II cents. releases arriving in recent weeks. Shepard and Miss Lange offer of his loving and tender potential to be great films. These Missing in Action. A-III • A-III, Adults. Like any other year, 1984 had its dynamic and sensitive perfor­ performance. Even after repeated movies were quite good, but had Places in the Heart A-II • A-IV, Adults with reserva­ share of disappointments such as mances in a simple and touching viewings, this kid stands tall. some flaw which kept them from Romancing the Stone, A-III tions. An A-IV classification "The Little Drummer Girl" and film which deserves more attention. making the top ten. Runaway. A-III designates certain films that, 4. "Places in the Heart": This film 8 . “The Never Ending Story ": A Soldier's Story, A-II "Star Trek III", and, unfortunately, while not morally offensive in about a widow's determination and Another surprising achievement 1984 was a banner year for the Starman. A-II i t also has a large crop of losers such themselves, require caution and from the director of'D as Boot", this film industiy. and for the most part, The Terminator, O some analysis and explanation as “Give My Regards to Broad grit during the Depression is a a fine year for the audience. 2010. A-I as a protection against wrong Street", "Hot Dog" and "Tightrope". warm portrait o f rural life in the fantasy film failed to find any interpretations and false Nevertheless, there were so many 30's. Sally Field is magnificent in audience whatsoever. Wlm Hopefully, the new year will Movies on Home Box Office: conclusions. good films that choosing the ten her best role to date, and director Wenders offered some of the most continue the trend toward quality • O, Morally offensive. best was a difficult task. but. this Robert Benton offers a sentimental brilliant imagery in years, and his entertainment with family and Beyond the Limit, 0 The word “ Recommended” listing of films recalls some of the stoiy of heroic determination and story was appealing to children and moral values in mind. Maybe, they The Black Stallion Returns, A- appears behind the titles of more pleasant viewing opportuni­ courageous foresight. This is a film adults. It is a shame that this can make them like they used to in I those films that merit such a ties of 1984. to cherish again and again. quality family entertainment failed days past. 1984, the year in film, Children of the Corn, A-III designation. 1. "Amadeus": This exquisite 5. "The Natural": While many to win support. was a step in the right direction. rendering of the play by Peter were disappointed or confused by Shaffer is by far the best film of the this film based on the Malamud 9. "El Norte": This film from Of course. 1964. came complete L o c a l T V , r a d i o year. Beautifully photographed and novel, this film benefitted from the Spain was the best foreign film of with its share of rotten apples. TELEVISION PROGRAMS scored, this Milos Foreman film frank performances of Robert the year with its tender and These films were supposed to be Channel 4 Directions 6:30 am. Sunday should win Oscars for the cast and Redford and Glenn Close. "The provocative story of two teenagers serious attempts at entertainment, Channel 11 Mass for shut-ins 600 a.m. Sunday Natural" was a faithful, compelling fleeing persecution to come to the but were actually the few poor films Channel 9 Glory of God" Sunday, noon director. Tom Hulce and F. Murray Channel 40 Fr. Manning 1:30 p.m. Saturday as Mozart and Salieri are production of a tricky novel which United States. Combining that give the industry such a bad Channel 40 "Drama of Truth" 2 prn, Saturday stunning in this well-crafted and succeeds in every way. suspense, intelligence and style, name. The box-office champion of (Fr. Vincent Micelt) extraordinary movie. 6 ."The Bostonians": This this provocative film was a the year. "Ghostbusters". has a Channel 40 The Glory of God 6 pm. Tuesday 2. “A Soldier's Story": Another beautiful motion picture was lost in highlight of the year. high spot on this undlstiguished Channel 23 To Teach as Daily at 9:30 am.. film, based on a play, that combines the shuffle even though it list. Other losers include "Hot Dog". Jesus Did 2.00 and contained some of the finest acting 10. 'The Dresser": This film, "Sixteen Candles". 'The Hotel New (Aux. Bishop Bosco) 6:30 pm. captivating performances with Channel 68 Cable LINE 8 pm. dally riveting suspense as a young, black of the year. Christopher Reeve and based on the brilliant play by Tom Hampshire", “Cannonball Run II", (series on labor) military lawyer faces predjudice Vanessa Redgrave were outstand­ Stoppard, contained the finest 'Bachelor Party", "Red Dawn", "The Channel 40 "Food for Life" 6:30 pm. Friday and anger in his search for the ing in this adaptation of Henry performance of Albert Finney's long Woman in Red". "Cloak and Fr. Bob MacDougall 2 pm. Saturday truth. Directed by Norman Jewison, James' novel. Director James Ivory career. With Tom Courtenay in Dagger" and the abominable, "Give Channel 29 Mass Sunday. 10 am. the ensemble cast is perfect. This is deserves the highest praise for his elegant support, Finney captured My Regards to Broad Street". RADIO PROGRAMS WNUF-FM 100.7 Mass from St. Mary Sunday, 11 am. (Hampton Twp.) T u n e d i n WESA94 Croatian Program Sunday 12:30 p.m. WTAE 1250 Mass Sunday. 8 am. WAVL910 Sacred Heart program Sunday. 9:30 a.m. KDKA 1020 Amplify Sunday. 6 pm. WPITFM 101.5 Rosary Daily 7 pm. A look back at this year’s fare WPIT Crossroads Sunday. 7:15 pm. . WEDO 810 Crossroads (Passlonlsts) Saturday. 7-7:30 am. m* WEDO 810 P.C. News Magazine Saturday, 6:15-6:30 m am. favorite drama series. At least, it ; WEDO 810 Sound HP Sense Saturday. 830-9 am. B y JAM ES BREIG viewers recognized It as a sensitive Merton fans may wish to seek it out. WEDO 810 P.C. News Magazine Saturday. 8-830 p.m. This is "taking stock" time, but examination of an ill too long kept I returned to a favorite topic in used to be. Recently it has become WEDO 810 The Sound of Beauty Sunday. 8-8:30 pm. it's really not the end of the year for in the dark. June when I wrote about TV plodding, less witty and burdened WEDO 810 P.C. News Magazine Sunday. 8:30-8:45 pm. television cri tics. The calendars run February brought a "Buffalo Bill evangelists. A new study had found with hackneyed situations (like the WEDO 810 Sacred Heart Program Sunday. 7:30-8 am. from January through December, segment about abortion, while that they attracted an audience daughter coming home from WEDO 810 Fr. John Bertolucci Monday through but TV has its own rhythms and March gave us a "Cheers" episode which was largely already college with a roommate who turns Friday, 11:30 a m out to be a man). Sunday. 8-8:30 am. considers a year to last from in defense o f marriage. The former converted. That's fine but it didn't WEDO 810 Visit with Bishop Sunday. September to June. June through show has been cancelled and the jibe with previous theories that In October. 1 interviewed Michael William Connate 3:15 - 330 pm. August is rerun time — which is latter continues to decline as it such programs won over the Gross of "Family Ties” and WEDO 810 Listen to His Love Monday through not considered worthy of much reaches ever farther for characters unchurched. November put me in touch with" (Fr. Michael Salvagna) Friday. 10:45 a.m. attention at all. and plots (e.g„ Diane's joust with Mid-summer, because of the Teresa Saldana, whose own story o f WEDO 810 Catholic Perspective Sunday. 4:30 -5 Nevertheless, I thought 1 would her boyfriend's mother who reruns, is usually a slow month for survival as a crime victim became a * (Fr. Paul Wlckens) TV movie. WEDO 810 Alive to the Spirit Sunday. 2 pm. cast a glance back over the past 12 threatened to kill the waitress). television, but not this year. July (Fr. Ed Bunchek) months to see what 1 have been April's Easter special was Albert brought Geraldine Ferraro into the WEDO 810 More About Jesus Monday through writing about. Finney as Pope John Paul II in a public consciousness and 1 wrote And that brings us to December Friday 7 am. I began 1984 with a column disappointing film about the about how she had been neatly and another interview, that one WEDO 810 Lift Your Heart Monday through about Eddie Murphy in which 1 pontiffs early life. It was bet ter than categorized as the congresswoman with Dennis Wholey of “PBS Friday 9:15 am. NBC's previous effort, but this one from "Archie Bunker's district," as WEDO 810 Say Yes to Life Saturday. 10 am. asked him to tone down his LateNighL" who spoke about his (Fr. Tom Smith) crudeness in order to make on CBS was still stiff and sketchy. It if that had some grand truth to alcoholism and a book he has WEDO 810 Religion in the News Friday. 11 45 a m to worthier use of his comedy talents. was also one of the lowest rated impart. ed Ited urging others to give up their noon A year later, he has a new R-rated shows of that week. In August. 1 contrasted abusive drinking. WEDO 810 Byzantine Catholic Sunday. 9 am. movie out. I guess he didn't listen to In May. PBS stations began quotations by Bill Cosby and John So went the year. 1 did columns Liturgy me. showing, at various times and on Ritter on the aims of their sitcoms. on sitcoms and specials, abortion Rosary Sunday noon WEDO 810 Another January column dealt different dates, a one-hour The former wants his show to hold and materialism. Mr. Rogers and WEDO 810 Best of Abp. Sunday. 6 pm. Fulton Sheen with "Something about Amelia," retrospective on Thomas Merton. up family life and marriage as good: Mrs. Jerry Lewis, sexism and WARO 540 Mass from St. Sunday noon the ABC movie which probed incest The interviews done for the show the latter was defending his plotline wrestling, angels (Michael Landon) Patrick. Canonsburg between a father and daughter, and have now been compiled in a new ofa man living out of wedlock with a and devils (no names, please). WSRU-FM 90.1 Upon This Rock Sunday 4 pm. the destruction which it brings to book. "Merton By Thdse Who Knew woman. So far, marriage is beating There's still a lot to get excited (from Newman Center. the family. There were some early Him Best." Edited by Paul Wilkes, fornication in the ratings. about on television — both in the Slippery Rock University) objections to the subject matter of who produced the TV shows, the Autumn brought a series of positive and negative sense. So. the fictional account, but most book is published by Harper SP Row. columns on "St. Elsewhere," my onward to 1985.

Father Bruce Ritter NO ROOM AT THE INN

The Innkeeper said, six bunk beds were filled. I had been mugged earlier else, they have the right to be called the least of His the great joys of heaven. You're going to meet a lot of No. I can't help you, he that day and one of my kids stole the grocery brethren, and the right too. to His special love and beautiful kids who will know your name and know said. Go away, he said. money—and I didn't like any of my kids very much. mercy for the wandering lost sheep that He cares your face and reach out to you with joy. And. I hope, They just didn't appreciate me and weren’t very about so much. you'll meet a couple of innkeepers, who made a tragic It was late at night. grateful... Playing the role of noble martyrto the hilt. I mistake and said No when they should have said Yes. The inn was very Look. Christmas is not the time for sad letters about opened the door. crowded. The young my kids—letters that could perhaps diminish your I wish you all His peace and His joy. and the certain couple was poor. The 7 wonder if the innkeeper ever gave the own happiness. Christmas is a time for joyful knowledge of His love. Thanks, again, for loving my husband, frantic with anxiety, insisted and pleaded thoughts about the Son of God who loved us with such own homeless nomads who, because of you. do have and argued desperately: Look, my wife is going to young mother and husband a second an immeasurable, longing love. We celebrate His birth a place to lay their heads. Always pray for us. please, have a baby any minute. Please, you've got to let us thought?" and childhood and innocence with the giving of gifts as we never stop praying for you and thanking God for in. Clearly, there were no large tips forthcoming to in­ and speaking of our own love. We try to make our own you. spire the Innkeeper's compassion and understanding. Two kids stood there, uncertainly, obviously love visible. reading the look on my face. One of the kids said: Are You can't take responsibility for every pilgrim and Let our celebration be simple and unsophisticated. I want to help make room for a few more homeless | traveller and wanderer who knocks on your door, you Bruce, and I said, Yes. And he said, do you take Kids in? And I said, Yes. Can we stay with you? he He was just a child in a stable. Let our joy be unhurried kids. Enclosed is my gift of: § even if the girl is young and tired and about to have a and unharried. The angel wished us peace and good baby! said. And I said, No, because we have no room. The please print: kid began to cry. Where can I go? What can I do? he will. Let us give gifts, also, to Him as the wise men did, After he turned them away, I wonder if the Inn­ said. And I said, you can go back out into the street, and in giving gifts to others let us give in His name and I NAME: keeper ever gave the young mother and her husband a and you can look sad. in love, for we are all nomads and pilgrims together second thought? Listen, I know exactly how that inn­ I ADDRESS: keeper felt. Maybe he'd had a bad day. He wasn't such The kid stopped crying, and he looked at me. I can do that, he said. So he did, or they did. they both went “Jesus was, like my kids, a wanderer and I a bad guy. You just can't assume he was an unfeeling CITY:____ -STATE: heartless wretch and sweep him out of your mind like back out into the street. One boy was 15. the other was nomad, with no place to lay His head." I so much dirt. He must have had his reasons. And 14.1 never saw them again. Thank you for giving that gift of love to my kids. I ZIP:_____ FJ (EXI) besides, it turned out okay. The young couple found a I can still see their faces, just about as clearly today Your kids now. Because of you. thousands of children cave on a hillside where some shepherds stabled their as I could that night so many years ago. I can still see I and young people are helped every day. Because of Please send this coupon with your donation to: animals. The 14-year-old girl had her baby there. It the tears on the boy's face. I can see how the other kid your love, thousands are saved from lives of degrada­ I turned out all right. stood, and the way he looked at me. COVENANT HOUSE tion and humiliation. Because you haven't stopped I Many years ago. two kids knocked on my door one I wonder if the Innkeeper kept remembering, too. caring and helping, we at Covenant House are able to Father Bruce Ritter night! It was late and I had had a bad day. I didn't want touch these kids with your hands, to love them with P.O. Box 2121 Jesus has to love my kids. I'm sure of that, in all I to wake up. I didn't want to answer the door. I was your love, to share theblessingsGodhasgivenyouto Times Square Station tired and had gone to bed angry. There were a bunch their pain and sadness—for Jesus was, like them, a share with them. I New York. NY 10108 of kids bedded down on the living room floor and the wanderer and nomad, with no place to lay His head Like most of my kids He was born in poverty and Maybe my kids won't know that for a while Maybe I LIFE ON THE STREET IS A DEAD END L Father Bruce Bitter. OFM Conv.. is the founder and President welcomed by outcasts. He was no stranger to the only when Jesus draws us all to be with Him and the I hunger and fatigue and misunderstanding and rejec­ Father will we all know each other and experience of Covenant House, which operates crisis centers for I homeless and runaway bovs and girls all over the country. tion of their lives either. Perhaps more than any one that special shock of recognition that must be one of

1 I Page 12 — Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday, December 28, 1984 WORLD DAY OF PEACE: JANUARY 1, 1985

Peace and Youth

go forward together

To Youth

Pope John Paul II singles you out in every country decisions about your civic responsibilities in this age of where he visits as the hope of the future; we agree with nuclear military forces. him. We call you to choose your future work and We speak to you, however, as people of faith. We professions carefully. How you spend the rest of your share with you our deepest conviction that in the midst lives will determine in large part whether there will any of the dangers and complexities of our time God is with longer be a world as we know it. We ask you to study us, working through us and sustaining us all in our carefully the teachings of the church and the demands efforts of building a world of peace with justice for each of the Gospel about war and peace. We encourage you person. The Challenge of Peace; to seek careful guidance as you reach conscientious Cod's Promise and Our Response

Office for Justice and Peace, Rev. George Newmeyer, Director, 111 Blvd of the Allies, Pittsburgh Pa 15222, Phone 456-3076.

Office for Teenage Catechesis, David E. Pastrick, Ed.D, Director, 111 Blvd of the Allies, Pittsburgh, Pa 1522% Phone 456-3100. Catholic Youth Ministry, Rev. Regis M . Farmer, Director, Ronald W . Ragan, Associate Director, 48 S. 14th St. Pittsburgh, Pa 15203, Phone 488-0900