Pittsburgh Catholic
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PITTSBURGH 0 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 3 d u g u e s n e u n i v e r s i t y L IB R A R Y l o c u s t 4 COLBEBT STS l-'sluhfishcd in 1844: Americas ( lldcsi Culholie Newspaper in Continuous Publication 140th Year. CXL No. 41 15 cents Friday. December 28, 1984 Solutions sought Task force to id en tify w ays to aid unem ployed Bishop Anthony Bevilacqua has and extent of the unemployment given to each of us." Garrett Dorsey, co-administrator of Allegheny County Commissioner Swissvale Mayor Charles formed a special diocesan task problem and its Impact on people The task force will meet for the St. Stephen in Hazelwood. Tom Foerster; Fr. Paul Kuppe. OFM Martoni. who also is dean of force, made up o f 29 persons from and communities in the area: to first time in early January. Jerome Earley, vice-president of Cap., pastor of Our Lady of Peace in students at Community College of the community, to help him analyze what resources exist in the Members are: Rockwell International: Sister Conway; Charles Lleberth, retired Allegheny County's Boyce Campus: identify ways for the diocese to meet diocese to assist the unemployed; Robert Argentine, executive Rosemary Fleming. Sister- executive director of the human Charles McCollester, chief steward the needs of the unemployed.' and to recommend immediate and business manager of Carpenters moderator of the Ladles o f Charity resources committee of Gov. of Local 610, United Electrical. The group is composed of long-range steps to help meet the District Council of Western and a social service worker at St. Richard Thornburgh's cabinet; Radio and Machine Workers Union; persons recommended by the needs. Pennsylvania; J. Earl Burrell, Luke in Carnegie; George Flinn of Robert Macey. vice-president of Joan McHenry of the Allegheny steering committee which Bishop When he first named the steering retired president of PPG Industries; Buchanan. Ingersoll Professional USW Local 1256 and himself an County Housing Authority. Bevilacqua had earlier appointed. committee In July, Bishop Pittsburgh Mayor Richard Corp. unemployed steelworker. (Continued on page 8) They represent the unemployed, Bevllacqua had said that "because Callgulrl; Kathleen Cotter, a educators, business, labor, unemployment has power to supervisor with Catholic Charities. management, politicians, religious dehumanize and can destroy both U.S. Congressman William and social service workers in the family life and community life, the Coyne; James Cunningham, area. Church must respond to this social assistant professor at Pitt's school The bishop has asked the task and moral evil with firm conviction of social work; David Donahoe. force members to focus on three and steadfast hope. We must executive director of the concerns: to determine the nature uphold the human dignity God has Pennsylvania Economy League: Fr. 1984 in review Year w rought appointm ents, program m ing, analysis for P ittsburgh D iocese For Sister Isabel Concannon. CSJ. associate vicar By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK for Religious, the year would focus on Pope John 1984...What happened? A lot depending on who Paul H's request for a dialogue between the you are. diocesan bishops and members of Religious For Bishop Anthony Bevllacqua. it would be his congregations. first full year In Pittsburgh and the months would For the Pittsburgh Catholic, 1984 would include be spent getting acquainted with people and places a new look and new members of the staff as well as a of the Pittsburgh Diocese. survey o f its readership. For Bishop Adam Maida. 1984 would mean Looking over the past 52 Issues of the Pittsburgh leaving his native diocese of Pittsburgh to become Catholic, many personalities and events made the the bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay, Wise. headlines In 1984. Likewise, for Greensburg Aux. Bishop Norbert Bishop Bevllacqua. during his first full year In Gaughan. a North Side native and a columnist for Pittsburgh, inaugurated a series of new programs: the Pittsburgh Catholic, the year would bring an Presbyterlal Council was installed to replace the appointment as the bishop o f Gary. Ind. former Clergy Council; an office for the homeless For Fr. Daniel DINardo. former assistant was established; committees were formed and chancellor. 1984 would be marked with a new charged to study the problems of the unemployed, position at Vatican. the diocesan bureaucracy, the first draft of the U.S. W arm greeting For Fr. Hugh Lang, superintendent of diocesan bishops' pastoral letter on Catholic social teaching schools. 1984 would see the Inauguration of a new and the economy, and the condi tlon of employment long-range planning project as well as a series of of parish lay employees Bishop Bevllacqua paid a Christmas Day visit to the patients at the Regency Ha 11 Nursing Home, Allison Park. events concerning the status of teachers in The bishop would also be a part of a delegation of He chats with Tim Madden, patient at Regency Halt, as Sister M. Carmelita Alvero. VSC. administrator of the diocesan elementary schools. (Continued on page 2) Jaclltty. looks on. I n s i d e Pope challenges youth to b u ild a ju s t w orld Q u i g l e y The pope told youths that their By AGOSTINO BONO The statement did not mention Such an attitude runs the risk of The pope said that development search for peace should be based on Quigley High School's annual VATICAN CITY (NC) — Youths specific Ideologies, but at a Dec. 20 "passing on to the younger should Include spiritual and spiritual values and a "conversion Christmas drive netted over must strive to build societies based Vatican press conference on the generations a world that will be material progress and "can never be of the heart" to avoid selfishness. $ 2 0 0 0 this year with the on peace, justice and general document Bishop Schotte said poor In essential spiritual values, reduced solely to an economic plan "It is not possible to create a students presenting their gift to participation in political life, said specific criticisms could be applied poor In peace and poor in justice." or to a series of technological dichotomy between personal and an Ambridge agency formed to Pope John Paul II In his 1985World to Marxism and liberal capitalism. he added. projects." social values." the pope said. help those in the area who are Peace Day message. Alluding to Marxism, the pope The pope also encouraged greater "If you have decided that yourgod without jobs. Story of page 7. The pope asked youths not to criticized "the tyranny of The pope asked youths to pay popular participation in public will be yourself with no regard for become depressed by political and ideological systems that reduce the special attention tq the threats to decision-making and said that others, you will become instru social problems which threaten dynamics o f society to the logic of world peace caused by tensions Justice and peace "must come ments of division and enmity, even peace. He urged them to use their class struggle" and which attempt between the developed arid through the participation of all." instruments of warfare and energy to "free history from the “to deify the collectivity." underdeveloped countries. 'Violence and injustice cannot be O p u s D e i violence." he said. false paths it is pursuing." In capitalist nations, people seem “ 1 wish to affirm that these two avoided when and where the basic "Some of you may be tempted to to have adopted a materialistic issues - peace and development - right to participate in the choices of "Peace isa recurrent theme in the Staff of a local Opus Del center take flight from responsibility: in attitude, he said. are interrelated and must be society is denied." he said. addresses of John Paul II at his say despite their problems the fantasy worlds of alcohol and "Parents sometimes feel that they addressed together if the young "The mutual trust between weekly general audiences, to with a sometimes distorted drugs, in short-lived sexual have fulfilled their obligations to people o f today are to inherit a citizens and leaders is the fruit of different groups, during his public Image they continue their relationships without commi tment their children by offering them, better world tomorrow," said Pope the practice of participation, and pastoral visits to the parishes of his work in bringing the message of to marriage and family." he said. beyond the satisfaction of basic John Paul. He added that more participation is a cornerstone for diocese and on the occasion of his the International religious "Put yourselves on guard against necessities, more material goods as money should be spent for building a world of peace." he apostolic voyages around the organization to the area. Story on the fraud of a world that wants to the answer for their lives," he said. development and less for arms. added. world," Bishop Schotte said. exploit or misdirect your energetic and powerful search for happiness and meaning.” he added. Religion-Politics debate, 84’s big news in religion The statement was dated Dec. 8 N u n d i e s and released at the Vatican Dec. 20. would attain the same status in The Catholic Church celebrates By JERRY F1LTEAU could take that stance and consider repeatedly refected any one-issue America as political and civil World Peace Day Jan. 1 .World Peace NC News Service herself a Catholic, and from then on approach to the elections, insisting Sr. Mary Philip Ingold. RSM, an liberties Day was begun in 1967 by Pope The 1984 presidential campaign the battle was joined.