M MellowJ kids at COollege—B16 Cham^berbgch^ s B u r / e y- B i p P

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81!ilstyear, No.362 T w in F a lls, Id,Id a h o Sunday, Dec)Bcember28,198I&: :

...... Rea< ’86 w bave has been a goodgoo y e a r for tbe cause of p * a U p Reagan, on a New YeYear’s vacation focus^ on negative events ei and human freedcedom and good for the p u u > , • far (rom WaEhlngtoo0 i and the Iran- predictions of gloom andid doom, o u r cause of worldrldpeace.” . 'i Contra controversy, all but ignored country and our people acliclually b av e ‘The prealdeident also said his sumiflil tils biggest problem, Saturday,Si say- been moving forward,1, problem s nieellng wllhth Soviet leader Mikhail ^ ing 1906 "w as a very googood year." ' solved, opportunity openlniIng » Gorbachevat at Reykjavik, Iceland, in 7^i^tiai^^iaSSSSi9J«r nnl>y. m itW g a;'! In bis weekly racradio address, jwed differences between The year 1986, Reaganntbldhlsau- i recorded in advance to be broadcast iperpowers over nuclear ^ dlence, *‘wlU be remembe while he was flying to Callfomlai tor lions "had narrowed con- ■: for some Important and 1 n n m a holiday, week tn LosjOS Angeles aod • evenly that the politic Palm Sprlngs, Reagatgan made only ; lo a soiig made popular' i)! doh’f rem em ber or mayay nol have , brief mention of the: cicHsis that'hu d, Frank Sinalra, Reagan fi noticed." enveloped his presidenc;incy. said , "As tbebe song puts 11, ‘It was a « . T h i h m i m “The Iran controversj;rsy has certain- M He stressed conUnued5d econom ic very good yeare a r ," ' f ly been a disappolntinookok by'conservatlvc commen-1- . leaders of organized crime to vlsers can get back to concentrating ^ Associated P cent weeks on the seen;cret arms sales tator Ben Be Wallenberg enUUed,1, justice.” on Issues Rea{eagan will highlight In his i to Iran and diversionon of profits to “ The Goo(ood News Is the Bad News Is Despite the conlrovers;rsy swirling state ol he the Union address next $ aboul his secret foreignn policy and month. ife"?;) Nicaraguan rebels, Rea■leagan referred Wrong." ' j F o r pfresideri i n t,^ 8 6 begann warmit y , b u t endsco n s o wi r n o t e

ByW. DALE NELSON>N • The Associated Presss Analysis WASHINGTON - FoiFor President — — Reagan, a yea; that begbegan with ac* claim (romhis«)untryijymen and high for a quartlarter Of a century before his hop^ for achlevemeotmt Iliendlng with election,1. ■ ■ ' his presidency turneddsourby » The yea'ear ended with many asking - •tdlsidyeoaicesflljrp^d.^d.: , . r even the normally buoyant ..Wheihe;" Reagan, theLhe most popu- R e'^^rconidbeehJoyDig ct H islbfrair^ larofrecent;president5nts throughout much ass heh has often said he does, most ot his six years In (office, will be First ladyidy NancyiReagan said It was abletoi'egalnhlsmomeimentumlnl987 particulariarlygalllbglohlmthathe . remains tobeseen. ButJuttheclosing wasnqttocloldaboutthedlverSioQOf. ------weeksof-iew hav© beeneon, n sh e . ------fiindttail)iibeJilCAtaguaiusbfils._ ____ himself put it, a timesofbllter of "Nobod,lody'shappyandlubllanl . bile." aboul beineing deceived," M rs. Reagan her husband In a receni In- With alarming suddei:dennes3,U.e “ I with The Associated Press. disclosiire of secret arn: :an himself put his feelings Iran and tbe diversion o JS,Irongly in an Interview with ------ceedstoaldtheNlcaragraguaaguer;------TIm eM aglap z ln e ju sl after Ih'e secrel rlllas he calls"freedomom llghtera" , Nlcaraguiguan fund deal w as disclosed sent Reagan's stock Int November. opinion polls plunging a crlllclsm from Republicb .l c a n s a „ r vc lo say that there is bitter Democrats alike. ny Ihroat these days," the The Iran crisis eruptciptedontlio president■nt said. "I've never seen the heels of the October sunsummit In ' sharks circlingclr like they now are Reykjavik, Iceland, whwhich Reagan w llb bloodood In lhe w aler." ' had hoped would pave^ethewayfora ti . Inthelci Interview, R eagan said his m eeting with Soviet leaderleai Mikhail Iranianiinitiallve‘‘wasn’lafailure in . Gorbachev In the Unite*lited States, In- until thee pressp got a t i p . . . and stead It ended in disma}nay, with no began toplo play U up." arms control agreemenlent and no fur- By Dcc.ec. 6, with his critics and his ther summits on the horizon.hoi closest alliesall on Capitol Hill agreeingg - - ____ Both before and afterler the Iceland _ -lhat an aclmlsslonad of erro r was nec- summit, Reagan campjnpalgnedhard _ essary,, ReaganRi change his tuiic ' to keeptheRepubllcofliafi majority. . somewhalhat. lhat won command ofjflheSenateon U "While’lie we're still seeking all the his coattails In 1980. BulBut when the facts, It’s*I’s obvious lhal the execution returns were In. the DemocratsDei were of thesei (Iranian)(I policies w as flaw- back In the saddle as5 th

By MARTIN'INCRUTSINGER Wyss, a n economise eco wllh chaant to H ' A . ^ TbeAssocIallatedPress ^ ' • V ' i '- Resources Inc.,nc., one of th e country’s i'^Ukw V largest economicDmlc forecasting firm s: Evans, head of : a ♦ i l - WASHING'^GTON - The U.S. M Ichai Ev. thedeeath^ H economic recovery, r already the n O m i C W ashlnoon conconsulting firm, said he B P i s • expected GNPNP lo be a negative:! i third longest;est in the postw ar period, I lhe Jantiary-Marcb I should last.tll through 1987, althougb it J U O Q K percent In I may bc aI blbit tottery at the beglnn- 1.V -- quarter bul he said growth-shonld : of Sojviets H ...... pick up considerIderably aller that.-..... ^ - -j Ing of thee year,; many economists gan administraUon -Is i beUcve. ^ outweighed InlUally by a loss of The Reagan lhal the country’s tr^ e 1 0 , 0 0 0 pprotesters i HH These amanalysis are looking forr businessI tax breaks. forecasting lhat moderate ceconomic growth next;t Some economists belle'leve that a deficit, whichch Iis expecled to b i t a ■ mark anrnniversary hS . y ear very' sisimilar to that of the pastIt sh: arp cutback In busineless capital record $170 billion bll this y e a r, will itween (30 billion a n d ^ 0 two years. spending will give thle e economy shrink by betwe of Soviet invasion Other elei•lements of the consensus]3 ienough of a jolt thatt economic blllloa nexl: yiyear, enough to Dft 0 negative economic growlowlh lo a ra te of 3.2 p f ^ < By MOHAMMED APIIFTAB B H y growth will dip into Tbe Associated Press • G ro)rowth; 'numbers during the firstL threeI mon*. cent for theJ ycyear. The economy-la -.th s of, 1987, something that tJ hasn’t expected to growgn about 2.6 p e rc in t will be (enough to push the* „ occurred since the end ofif th e 1981-82 this y ear, veryery close to the 2.7 i*r- ISLAMABAD, PPakistan ak — More unemploymement rate down slightly ' V recession. cent growth lumlurr ed In for 1983. • than 10,000 Afghansis chanted c "Dealh. with bteresrest rates, already at the APUMTphOtO „ However, most, analysjrsts believe The 3.2 percenl per administraUon - to GorbachevI'* ■ ' In 1 a protest ivels of this decade, also h lh at th e slump wUl be1 short-lived estimate Is a a sub^antlal revision , dem onstration. In IslIslamabad Satur-.. /vfghi bleeding efflgy of Sovlelet leader continuingg loI fall, at least througb lhan prote«tiera cany a bl aod will thus nol ouallfy[y a s a full- from ao Augusigust forecast, In which ■ - day on the -Mventhth .anniversary of M ikht jtantow n theflrsthalfalf of the year, ihall Gorbachev through|h tthe streets of a PakUt . fledged recession, which is defined as the admlnlstnIstration prealqted the the Soviet Union's1 huge m ilitary in- iflation: two consecutive quarters•s of decline economy wouldDUld racis ahead at a 4.2 tervention In their hontiomeland. ments 1from leaders around the ed In red and bearing aa 1ham m er and . , * a two-decade low this yearX in the gross nallonal prodU(luct. percenl pace:e InU 1987. B ut It Is sliU J'KUl the R ussiansans!" sbouted.-the world ■denounced i the ' continuedned sickle. They chanted I i the Moslem w^^ch hit a I II of falling oil prices, willU Tbelr.faith lhat the ecciconomy can above ~ th e consensus coi fo recast Tof dem onstrators, wwho Included presenceice of an estimated 115,000,000 refrain "G od Is g re a ll”” ]and "ly U the “ ® rtsnM ( 1 1987, rising back to levelsa recover from a falterln;ing start Is private economilomists. • ■ : refugees • and -Pakisikistan-based anllT. Soviet, titroops In the-C entral-A slanlan R ussians-and throw tbehem out from. efore the oil price decline, based oa a belief that th*he country's • Fifty private-ate economlsta Burveyed communist guerrillalllas figbtlng the nation. olyWarl" ineffeclbefo h e big question m a its next;t huge trade deficits nw ill ,show by Blue Chipp EconomicE' lodlcatorsra Kremlln-lnslalled Af{Afghan regime. It Af^aitians living In Islam abad andand '^ r e was no report'rt of violence. be'tbe Impact cf the sweep->- substantial ImproveEaestntnext^r. financial oewQletter, oe^ predicted was the largest ofif thet annual pro- nel^borcoring Rawalpindi were joinedned and the demonstratoror# dispersed year.^ui^ baul c( the tax system.I. "W e think that tax refotform Is going growth nextt yearye would average }.5 . lests staged In Islamabad Isl since in ! pprotest by compatriots‘from■om alter two hours of .arehe. n: and : new tax law, wbicb takess lo hit the first part of tbele year pret- pcrcent, downown' a full percent^e • Soviet forces rolleilled across tho pe^awsiwar, a cenler of guerrilla ac* speeches. . . . n. 1, w ill lower Individuala ty hard and It will onlyy be an lm*. point from the Juneconsensus 0(4.9 border Into Afghanis^nistan on Dec. 27, tivlty cloclose to the Afghanborder. - The United Nations hs onomists are fearful thatIt provement in trade whlclIch will keep pert e!nt growthwUiforI987. 1979. Theyy bum^! an effigy of Sovietvlet Ing a negotiated setUet a e n t U. U .. ineflclal effects wUl be« us out of a recession,"• isald-Davld- •SeeREGQ';GQXERYw,PagoW:; Other demonstratl■atbns and state- leaderr,MlkhaU ,K S. Gorbachev. di«ss*ess- conflict since 1982. ( - I K : ^ ' . I > ■' *

A>2 T im t » ^ 0W«, TwinrFalla,k!aho Fai Sunday, Oecercember28,1966 C r a ss h e s k: i l l l 2 cc i t i z e nIS ------Six dieI as aircnaft crs^htles in basy Six /Americanns among[ 11 dead!in Fiji ' National NADI. Flil•ijl (AP) - An Island MENLO PARK, C«UIaIlf.-(AP)--.A crashed aah( b o u t a h a lf-m ile o ffsh o re o f( y vestlgated by the ...... Board, commuter piaoe crasbed Just short o A lto . . 1Transportation Safetyj pit twlQ-engbe private pUplane' crasbed EastPaloA ol tbe runway'ay at Fiji's Nadi interna- o said the weather was( £ S u lliv a n sa id . 0 MUes 80 loto San Fraocisco Bayay sborlly after Sullivan o rt Salurday, kUlIng II en. according to witness ac* Tbe bodies of three maliales and two Uooal airport takeoft and saok earl,larly Saturday, clear when, eluding six Americans. Idlllfig all six peoplepie 0 0 board, coonts, the thc plane banked sharplyf f females were recovered!d (rom th e PMPle.' aulhoritlessaid. and plungeiged into the water near the: p plane, Menlo Park policece said. Tte PoUcesald. - : body of a third female wajas spotted io Three peopsople w ere injured, two llctatl Sumvan B^banonlon Bridge that spans the t j Coast Guard Lt. Ulct) the bay later by the creww of a Coast critically, inIn this South Pacific Vanua L e m I . said a Qlgtit plao (Ueded at . Polo Alto “j!;. last Guard said no distressI ( G u a rd h e lic o p te r, S u lliv aLosaid. n island kingdo;dom’s worst aviation ac- O I Airport Usled the plaa -e beard by its boats or_anyr Names of the vlcticUms were cident tlon aa Tijuana, Meilco,lM,aIewmllra ^ rtsloIn tth e a re a b e fo r e th e c ra s h . \withheld pendbg notlfl southofSanDiego. t Immediately known how Km oSeae a ' ^ . There wwas no Indication wbatt i relatives. Sullivan said th » aboard the four-engine , _i______The six-place Beech

N ig h t/i/ m o r n i n g foi g s, cloucid s continil u e R e aa g a n ------______• ContiniInued (rom P ageA l iring to shift to who Reagan'sI sisue- already buffetedcd bby loss of the Twla Fans, Barter, RqN I edandmlstaktakes were made," he cicessor will be afler 1988. Senale, the lranin-Contra -0 crisis has Gooding: r s T i f o r 7 p .mn. . IE S T . Sun.. D ec. 28‘ r t said in his wey aand Lower Wood ^ believe he willvllibevindicatedwhenali sisume much of 1987. On Fridaylay. Register showeded EBush had lost his -Rlrer.VaDay:...... the facts areeknown:'^ k - - . RReagan appointed David Absbshire, lead among Reput;publlcan delegates Patchy morning fogg totoday. Otberwtse _V — ( \ The fact fine[Indlng.fiowever, Is likely mnow U.S. A m bassador lo NAIATO, as questioned about)ut llheir preferences : fair. Highs ml(MO». Tonironlght, tacreasing 6 0 ^ ^ to overshadowlow everything else on s|special While House counselc!lor to in the state's earlyariy 1988delegate- clouds. Lows uro t{w. ^. IMonday, mostly f-S® IheWhitellou[ouse agenda as the ad- cicoordinate the administratloiion selection caucusesuses. r Kattered snow : cloudy wltb~Wday » m enters lls final two riresponse to the various Inquiiiiirles. tbovers. Hlgbs mld^wa.Os. ^ m inistration c yearswilhatlattention alreayd beginn- For Republican politicians, ' NortberaUtabasdKevaievada: Utah: Fair to partljirtly cloudy today . and tinight with aieu>u iof hate and fog Hiah la thfl nM thwest valleylleys. Considerable . Tamp«\pafatuf®a 68 c o v e iy — irfu i-® '-! II widely seatleted clouds Uonday wllh « y • Continillnued from P ageA l t,, alnly la tbe north. t)anK loans. The Fed cul Ihi:his key in- 4 DAYS/ Lows mostly In the teeteens and low JOal' — — The estlriiIriiates ranged from a tcterest rate (our 'tim es in 151986 in an ' 3 MIGHTS • Hlgbs from the io* 30s:JOS north to the low . r ijBTIW . F R O N T S : robust 4.3 percent pe by the most op- eleffort lo revive the sluggish ; SOslntbeeztr«masoutb(uUtemsecUons. . : Kimiilfc timislic forforecaster to negative e( )rTWGADULtS ^ W wroww Cotct^^ economy. 11 now stands at1^5.5 per- Nevada; Mostly suobluony today excepl>9DV growlh andid a recession (orecast c(cent, its lowest level since 197 loess. northwest. ' Increasing doudlnes wars Rain Fkjrries Soow« Occkidad-^F^Siabooat (rom twoJ of the economists The Fed’s easy money Chance ot rain Moods)»day with the snow _ h elped-push-a_yariety - of L terest-. 1 level lowering to near•ar 5,000 fe e t High ,______NuoAai yuM M SwSa m c* NOAA. u S D to t ot c ff 1 1 “ ? ...... lysf who is calling (or a n SW.rtMfvMlonlM...... ; ■ temperatures ta the • upupper 30a to 'n e a r ■ rates to their lowest level: ; jo.LowsSundaynlKhtioitlOtonearSO. Idaho ^1 - Boise-Idaho is S. Jay Levy, head of decade., di Fixed-rate mortgagages a re * t w 6 w xmjtiDTfUPAinmnES id !? '^vy"'TciLjnom'ic Forecasters o( currently ci averaging 9.3 perercen t na- ^ DCLUXC XOCE C A n m O tfT HOTEL •'synopsis:' I d a h0 o road : report spots.- fog; Idaho Clly;Lo spots to broken, snow fIo( I, N.Y. tionally, ti with analysts fororecasting Wp bonus for loMnflloWn Worunus ltd. Sm . J . The National We#tb«.l h o S m lce ^ BOISEiE (AP) — The Idaho Transpor- - - he probability of a reces- tl :nt In early on i6 o ^of « crubes. towA. trips, , ' high pressure remah r- jean-Stanley. Icy spols. they will fall below 9 perceni Department rqrartcd moslly dry7 ' U.S. » - M ounlnln.Homimrfalrlltld., slon next yeyear at two-lo-one..and i<1987 as a result of Fed actionsn.- ' 5«v# 90% oon 1(lOO's of major hold ^ over Idabo Saturday, a lya Saturday.— ' — ------'accommodations;ons; tava 40%'on namr — Icy spols, fog; Falrflcld-C1-Carey, dry; speculated th;that It could be a lengthy _ .1 brand consumer U f • in this dry and slagna Itions: ttemsl • te m is expecled Into Carcy-Arco. dry; Arco-ldohoho Falls, dry; one given Ihithe current slack In in- 5 ?95 l — Plummer-Coeur d'Alene,^ Idaho Falls-Ashlon. dry; Asliton-Moil.A dustrial prodioduction and widespread ( 0-8ZZ-8057 • However, some lightt rarata aod soow will Coeur d'Aiene-Sandpoint, Icy CLASSIFIED ADVER'RTISING ; ' fall over oorthem andnd central< Idabo on gooL«- Sm y tana border. Icy spols. lg In offices, apartm ents tortdPtoltd. - Sandpolol.Canadi3n border, icyy U.S. !t - Idaho Fallall=.W,o„., — PH ONE 733^)62326 ------• Monday a s another wesweak Pacific storm '’nRigglns-Whlteblrd HUI. icy ts way through the ( y border, icy spols. X struggles to push'lls v Grangeville-Winchesler. icyy Idaho 51 - Mountain Ho i the downturn could push < hlghpressuiertdge. ^ i s : Winch«ierLewlston. wet; border, dry.fog. the^^SlSo*;ioyment rate, which has \ ; The ejtaaded lorecirecast for Southern Lewlsloa-f)n-Moscow, w et; Welser-Ncw U.S. 93 - Nevada border-'T-Twta FalU. shown lllUee IImprovemeni over the ______V • Idaho Tuesday throughugh New Y ear's Day Meadows,»s. icy spols; MarslngOregon■" dry: Twin Falls-Carey, dry; di Carey- p ast two yeaiears, up by 2 percentage ^ B A m C M A NM A O i R . . . \ ! calls for dry weatheiither with areas of Jwrder.dr:dry, fog. Arco. dry; Arco-Salmon, dry ( to Icy points. It cur:urrenlly is al 7 percent, FREIGHT n f ijSSiv - night and morning: tog(o( ta tbe valleys. Interstalstate 90 - Fourth of July Can- spots: Lost Trail P a ss, sncmow floor to an exceptlonronally high level (or this DO YOU HAVE F High tem peratures wUlwU rangfe tram 2S yon. cy Icy spots, fog; Lookout Pass. . 5- broken snow floor. stage of an economicecc recovery, • to 3S degrees ta the« eieastern portion of broken snow sn floor, chains advised for PROBLEMSis? 'r Idaho 75 - Shoshone-Kelctlchum. dr,; Many olherher analysts believe that , i the state and up to thetht 30s ta the west, towingrigs. rig: , G alena Summit, broken snow WE CAN HEL;l p i ! r iS if f i^ !| Overnight lows willI beb< in U » teens In U.S. ■ 12 » - Lewlston-Orolino, icyy Inlerslate 86 - R a n RIvei 1 Reserve Board wlU step eastern areas aod ttslhJslhlhewcsL spots; Orofino-Kooskla.Ort Icy spots, fog; Falls, dry. fog; Americri n In early next:xt year to avert a reces- ; The highest tempera>erature ta the sU te Kooskia-l>1 lXwell, Icy spots; Lowell-Loio0 PocDleilo. dry. fog. sion wllh anolnother cut in the discount - I -S a tn rd ay w as 4# degriegrees a t Lewlston. Pass. lcys;ryspotstosnowfloor...... Interstate IS - UUIUh"~l»rder- rate, Iheinteriterest it charges to make ! while the low of 5 dejdegrees below zero InlerstalJtate ei - Caldwell area. dry.'• Pocatello, dry. log; Pocawatello-Idftho 6 - 7 6 9 4 was reported at Dixie.le. - fog; Bolslolse area, dry ; Boise-Glenns» Falls, dry: Idaho Falls-DuDubois, dry; ^ ^ 734-600)6 * 800-826 Ferry, l«y U u umlln Pea LotAno*io< M _ ia ID ______S4llL2W!.C!l»_3}______17____Abshlre, « 60, said he told both ' I :------: AlbuQutmm i4------M------rrniiSfphi* 37 34 .... StnFrancilCo M “ 46 4C TT" Pocilolto 34 the president he opposed M .... UUmlO«Kti 7S M 64 .09 S«*ltl« 49 ■ 41 .... Silmon 32 M ' ■ Regan and lh ' '■ rii s f<}l .... UlhttuKM 39 31 31 .... Spoksns 39 U ■■ a sp ecial Whiifhlte House probe into the )l .... UlntiMpolli » 20 » .... W»shlnglon 42 3« S sale of U.S.S. arm s lo Iran and the : y U .... HawOllAtni S7 4fl ” Twin Falls , 0«n»«f M Mn .... H*irT0ftl 44 37 Twin Ftlls Ui i Mln Pep reported diviliverslon of some of the DttUoUiai 31 »K .... OkUhomtCllyU 20 ■ ■ Idaho YtslariStr ' 39 12 .... profits to Contra Cor rebels fighllng the • 0*tfOll 3# 32K ' r?./ Omth* 33 27 .... Ma< Mln Ml Pep U sIYm / 17 ■j; ■ N icaraguann govemmenl.gl ■ Honolulu W MU .... PhoanU 68 . 4] 42 .... [}0li» 39 17 1: .... Noreiil 59 . Heuii£>n «0 «44 .... Pin«&urgh 3S 31 .... Butley 37 13 i; .... Tofl»f'»ouns«l...... s;i2p,m. "There was wa no rationale ... to . MUAtpoll* 31 2028 .... PortUnU.Mi. 3a 20 .... Htgsimin mm mm mi .... Tomorrow'itunrlM...... s ta rt a whole ole new Investigation on a ack,"hesaid. i |B n I separate trad ______He said the I NATO allies had JX-—— “rallied arouround the United Stales’’ I I n d e : In its lim e of political turmoil "and I : ClaaiiHed ...... C6-10 Nationn ...... A 6 -7 Sunday Crossword1 . . . . AS am sure lhatlat senl a message lo the ' DearAbby...... B8 O bituara r l e s ...... B2 V alley life ...... B 6-8 Kremlin." But Bl he added, “1 think n Is lhal the Iranian issue ...... B3 Opiniono n ...... A 4 -5 W e s t . . . ; ...... AO the concern I ■ ► Features ...... might well b. I become a distraction lo- : Idaho ...... A3 Peoplee ...... A 8 , A llen W ilson ...... terfering wl wllh effective declsion- ; Magic Valley ...... B l S p o r tss ...... D l - 4 ’ W o r l d ...... AA9, B4-5 making." F o r th at. nreason, hc said, he wel- ct Cover. dmUUoa etnctor SobtoipUeanea suits : CirculatioDKu«G« l»«ry: diUy u d Stadiy. HJO ptr wt«t«k: daily. comed the* president’s1 decision to ; ' CirculatkiQ phoneses are s m anned between 7 and m k ; Suod«r. >LM per vtck. MtO unbKiipUMa t seek a specia::lal counselor from outside " you do not receiveve your) paper by 7 a.m ., callall the n u m b e r (o r oaxt t>« paidaid ib idvaon at* aTtlUbte a diyrtwew y ' the While Hoilouse. rkr(k«»tnrht r b Bo( oalnUtatd: daUy and Svada) ■ " yourarea: SiSlK He describribed his new job as “a : Jerome-Wendell-OocGooding-Hagerman 53^.2535 tnooui. n sS joJO (ori s-DonUti. a t JS (w «-nerthf. 1 <1)011 and 9cgon1 Q/aijon* ttioufd ffa lo iIkulliaiJj-jou jo» yooly. n j3 p c rB « M b .m « te r> MMot^Hua short-termassignment." as , i l Burley-Rupert-Paul-aul-Oakley 679-2552' its. t s i » per y«an SoDday oaly, 0.411HptfBMb, J6UA jM OoMge in I' BuhtCasUeford 543^648 S-moaUn. S3L« tar tUMJ> ptf ytar. 1986 and u/isli a{f oj ijoaoa ta i;e*i| ', : Fi]e^Rogersoo■Holli[cluster 32fi-537S siodeot uAd d I»m lcnaaa rata, by maO ody:y: tu*p«r : Twin FaUs aod aUlotherareas cti 733-0844 dally aad Sunday. 'iilQppij JleiD ^yea»./Wc 1 took joiutad1 lo lowing ■ THEIS s K o h ^ : NeWSsuptebrtao. ' ijou W 6 111 1 9 8 7 . : If you bive a newlews t^ or wisb to talk to[0 : som eone In th e . editorial dq>arlmen'lent, call 73M93I between 9:39:30 a.m. and 9:30 I 33rinl ANNUAL I Q.- p.m. weekdays. To report late news aod spoiports results after ■ YE'EAR END ■ »•. .9:30andoQweekendimds. caU 733-0936. UilltBlormalm a tta HaTlmevWev M m U pcUbbcd daDy at m TUrdISLW.TW 61 ■ CLE.EARANCE ■ B auka. admUUas dinetor \ F»Ul. IdAte.abo. S » i . by Haiie VaOty lae. E; Advertislagaoaii H o w i n ■ ice ao advertisement, call 7337S3-095L C lassK led s«cood

1 — .. ^ ' S unday, Docemlinbor28,1986 Times-News.IWS. Twin Falls. M aho A-3 Gov.-<■elect A]mdrusAit udeldin( 9 — Ifdaho/We I a deeip-cuttin IX" ng perseonnel a 1 By Tbe Associated Pre&ress ■ does not know w hat he WiUwl ao when R e t C llil l Christnmas sales[go flat in Idaho he leaves. * BOISE — Gbv.-€lect Ms. Gould, wbo h as ' vworked tor ^ BOISE (AP:KP) - Idaho retail sales “ year. M l Cecil Andrus * It*' sS e x p e c t e d t h a t Ues. iiaUonwIde bare. | MQllnues to wield bis HealUi and Welfare for 16;,6 years. Mid the ChristmasCl season have • ; "RelaU sales Local outlook — been a lot softertier Uils year," Bntera, j Witb each swing cutlin partment heads ]Uiis w as th e first Ume sh- j ; Forty-two slale Jobs Ms. Go'uld was appolnlInted • In Oc- president andm d g eneral m anager of he 3bs are controll- I ’vr e e b e e n w i t h t h e , extra shopping day also helpeped. manMyhr. . > ed by the goverBor, acc tober J984 to Uie Job shele l3 leaving. The Mode Ud.,ld., Boise. "Today Is just ex according to An- Around the slate, the out!jUook was Mybr concern^ e d Uie last Uir«« ! drus’ office. ipartaentfqra !Sbe ■ said she always habas received a madhouse," he said Friday. not as brl^t. Tim Brennaian. ex ecu- monUis have beenbe< slow. ^ ______- Andrus has annouocc ..s c ry ^ o o d jo b j-a tin g s _____ B C^-14 .appolot:___l l l o n oigtim - e. I started ------^ live d irecior of Uie IdahoI RetaUersI meals of department “Part of the fnistraUi ent heads and , AssoclaUon, said Idaho salelies should I’ve been wiUi Uie d ep art \ charged other management positions.pos Sever- - W Oi r» k i n g ^ t h s o m e be a b o u l.th e .sa m e .a s Uiee last ;^o; ITCHAIKI______I • a l raidlevel m anagers long- Ume,” -she- aald—' Christmas seasons. last week. They include^''Sstk'S: Ionsig-ran^ goals... !working wiUi some long-r;-range goals W l t H ( . attack “ “ But Boise sales could be sltghUy 3 DAI iadininlstrator of. th e D ' in mind, bicluding workhking up to a lAYSLEFT Division of En- — M arcy G ould higher this year, Brennan sa!a id . P A B l 7lrooment for 14 year; m anagem ent position, whiihlchlcfld. ■ SMCIJIL :ars: and Marcy r \ f r \ r \ “The economy is nol goodod. but It's - "I was taken aback whehen I learned C /f JL/C/ Gould, Health and WelWelfare regional ' oliceman nol b ad,” he said. "I woulddd say It's lO W iirillimitTOR ■ lhal I I would” be tired, shishesald. Ms. ^ nc services manager for)r.ReglflQ F 3, bas- level. And I would believe} we're^ go- , ■ •••CCLOMOUTS l ------1 reasons for the acUon weree | managemenl. Chrislmas momlng while ^ ; None of the proplee beingb replaced wbo youare.” an ' ^ him eariy Ch ; souUiem Idaho were "prett;:tty brisk,*’ ley, who has been with thele “He (Andrus) has madade his posi- he was carry a re eligible for uunemployment Donesley rrying a plastic Uash bag’ just^ before ChrisUnas, b ut t'were flat itniiiiiniiiuin r seven years, said he pro-0- tlon clear on Uiat,” Johnsoisonsaid. bellevedtocoicontain m arijuana. j., 22QSQQ2QESJI1 benefits, said Joe Subliibla. chief of the DLE for s I compared to the same peperiod last Unempioymenl Insuraurance Bureau, bably wou;ould begin a private legalal On Dec. 18, A ndrus sasaid Uial he Patrick A.L Lane,I 24, was being held Nor are they gelling} severancesi pay. practice‘ Whenw he leaves his Job. HeIe planned to appoint secoicond-tier ad- In Uie Bannomock Counly Jail on Frir h esaid. w as appolrolnted five years a g o ...... mlnistrators. day in lieu ofcf <25.000 bond afler being ; Brian Donesley. teterminated as Stokes5 said : Friday, ‘ "A personin “ If th e re 's anybody in -this stale arraigned’ before 1 6Ui District Rm-GHRISIM[MAS SALE! I chief legal counsel foifor the Depart- always hasha; to expect Uiis possibilityty Uial Uilnks a departm entit head is go-. M agistrate: Howard H< Armstrong. - BIGGEST EVER tnenl ot Law Enforcer■cement, said he (of getUn:ilng firw), biil I wasnti t Ing lo m ak e a hlgh-ievi!vcl appoint- DetectiveJ Sgt.S G arry Pritchett, of did ^ot understand whiwhy Andrus sup- assuming]g Uiat Uiis would be neces-s- ment without Ute concurrrrence of Uie Uie Pocatell'eilo Police Department' i H i S MIITH I porters - Including himselfbli — were sary.” governor’s office, they’re said Lane and ai another man were losing their jobs. Done;inesley, a Demo- Stokess hast served wlUj the Dlvi-'1* m: istaken,’* Andrussaid. ' walking dowriwn a Pocatello sireet at JECOF R O N K X LL 1 0 0 0 crat. said he contrlbulIbuted money to sion of EnvironmentEn' for 25 y ears. Helc “ I prom ised Uie peoplipie of Idaho aboul 2 a.m.,m. Thursday when Uiey Andrus’ campaign. sp e n lthle e ]past 14 years in the Job hele that I would seek oul Uiose Ui people wero-'approaitiached by Officer John E L E aR GDNICTYPEViWRITER ‘ “ Nobody seem s' loXi beI concerned will be leaving.’ le He originally wasas that 1 thought would bee best quali- Webster, whorho asked them w hal they about lhat aspect," he said. “ 1 was appointeded by Andrus. Stokes said heHe fled.”______were doing. • FuD Line Memory Co One of Uiele Iwo I meri fled, bul'Prll- ____ ehell said LaneL allegedly pushed • WsrdEraser* Correcti lown and pullikl out a r C Webster 'dow • HalfSpace F a n n e:risis r takes!S its toll o>n r s u p p l i e r ^ hammer. WetWebster pulled his gun and of and the rep o rt predicts aa decline ot 2 Lane was a r ■ MOSCOW (AP) - The nation’s a 5 percenlenl dccllne jn the purchase of arrested wlUiout furUier • Auto Relocate ' agricultural crisis tootook ils loll on fertilizerr inil 1986, despite a 10 percenlnl perccnt to 5 pcrcent Intt 1987 for ir- incident, Pritcrltcheltsald. r. rigaled cropland In the rregion. Non- • Dual Rich a rea suppliers in 1986.186. wilh demand reductionin in Uie price of fertilizer, li- irrigated cropland couldid decline In for fertilizer and farm far chemicals The purch■chase of agricultural chemi- We'vo just focolvod value up to 19 percent, each dropping as famarm land values cals alsoQ droppeddi 5 percent, 30 units for this salo! tumbled for the fifth yye! e a r in a row. F o r faarmers n as a whole, the lolalal said. td "There have been tar A report preparedI by the Unlversl- debt andid Interest I expense appeared a forced sales, and the ly of Idaho, Oregon StateSt; University to be dowlown for Uie third y e a r In a to buyers have been slayingng aw ay from and Washington SlalJlate University row. whichich Uie report attributed to er Uie markkel,” the repor I ® ® WHILE predicts that pricess forf farm land Io*®*"production cosls and lower Id lhe y e a r ending la st Jul; THEY LASTI will remain stagnanla n l until U.S. levels of)f debt. ■ But the report said to percent to 55 percent c $M^9. ...NOW* agriculture begins lo to (experience an many farmers far are sllll unable to land sales was voltinlar IF Y O U 'VE BEEN4 W A I T I N G . . . N o v^ISTHETIMEI e l s economic revival; m eelflnaclancial obligations. iw were purchasers In only The report poinointcd to an 1986,}6, Uie Pacific N orthw est saw Typevyriter Super M art«irtet" - ' ■ j U, lo 67 percen t of all transfei " Y o u rT agricullural crisis asIS UieI reason for f^rm lancand values drop 10 percenl, Jobless; geti work aaiding deraililment dec m ^ JM.-5:30 PiA . MON. THRUlUHD. F ■ I . WALLA WALLA,, Wash.W (AP) - laking a breakb trom his pari in mele arcnt’ too many jobs arc a :3 0 A J '/w aU a W*alla S M MAIN AVI.VE.S. TWIN FALLS 7 » - W 7 I Twenty-one unemployloyed people got human chainch ot w orkers picking upip nandez said . He said thc ^ Job Service Center Intinformed' him temporary jobs plckir:king up 365 tons afid slacki:cklng the wood. en ' aboul th e job. of lumber strewn on the ground by Hemancandez, 24, said he had b e e n ' le Buriington Northern RailroadR con- «lghtrunaway railroadoad cars. out of work wo for aboul a m onlh. He work with a . ; T h e 'd e a n u p 'is CX]cxpected’ to last h a d ” b«eii«er“ self-e^iployed , as -an-an- traded the..t;lcanup...wi he Spokane salvage compipany, which .through J'an. 2. aulom oblliblle body m echanic 't o r Ute t . service and ■ “I’m not glad thaiJiat Uie accident p ast Uireeree, years before the cconomyny called Uie employment.; bad. Uie Walla Walla Rescue f happened, but I’m gladgla aboul having tu m ed bac H C l hard umes righi now. Therere locate w orkers. :the work,” said Frai■rank Hemander, "Its ha ON SALETHRO1 0 U G H nosNEW YEAR’S EVE /E- 6 P .M . i

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r* ‘ r o p '''y m ilfllcon

i d P f ^ j ■ ^ \ WlDlamETiE-Howwd Wmmlam C B iak* ------;;------pubttsherh e r...... AdvertltrtljtogManager

’ Sleph«nhen Hartgen Mlclwdla d Gower Managingjing Editor OrculaiulaitonManagff

‘ _ The membersrs cof the editorial board andi «.w rite r s o f c d ltw la ls “i ■ arcStcptephen H artgen and Williamm I E.Howai3'"' V v , Taikjts w ith Iriranians - X - r goodl^trategi

The t r l a M■ balloon that emergf•ged Friday, about . I American andnd Iranian negotiators3 workingv toward an agreement on the release of somime J500 mlillon In frozen Iranianan assets should surpriseise no one. Ttie only wo:wonder is that the talksks should have been deiayed for nearlyne a decade after ttthe fall of the shah, Jran.has repealedly.r. I called _ th e_ U n lted _ - J — Since-then, J i s L m i m M - f i T T W ^ States a “GreIreat Satan” and vario■lous other epithets, -' and the Uniteiited States has respondiided pretty much in Isind. , But conditioitions change and so.ddo objectives. To- I day’s enem yr is tomorrow’s bedfelIo«ow, if not our ally, ^ . It is not, we Wl would be quick to add, any mutual admiration or friendship which briirlngs United States rii - and Ira n toI a common table to Italk about money, ! ■ Each h as somemethlng the other wants,ts. ; ^ o r Iran, thatth is money and wea'eapons, held by the < United Statesss since those dark dayays In 1978 and 1979 when our emiimbassy was stormedI ;and its staff held ney and weapons to ers anuntappi t ed resoimrce hostage. Iranm now needs the mone R e tir e !-xiofpct fight a draininning war with Iraq, to0 whichi no end Is In In o n e fash io n o r a n o th er,lheseofflcershave r, lh sight. WASHINGTON-SgLFKen Custer served for 26 s p ^ l mucb of Ihelr lives doln(iolng ex ac U y w hat jects are release of y e a r s In th e U .S. A rm y . uteachers and principals do:):Theyhavebeenin- Tl ■ For the UniJnited States, the objec ul In 34 years as a naval — eld by Iranian sym- C ap t. L a r r y G rim e s p u t i■ n L l J a m eJ sS Sisbiictingyoungpeople, shaphlaplngUiemup, hostages in L(Lebanon, who are helt officer. Col. R alph D. Wada d d e ll se rv e d fo r 26 y e a r s organizing program s for specpeclflc purposes. Tbey pathizers, andnd, in the longer term,n, developing a new In th e A ir F o rc e . . t r i c k ;h a v e s k ills io m a lh em aU cs,s, scs( ie n c e a n d . relationship with v whoever will come ci to power to W b at do th e y h a v e Inco:common? Tbey all bave I:la n g u a g e s — sk ills m u c h Inn dde e m a n d in boUi r e tire d , a n d th e y aU h a vre e become teachers, i' Iran’s next ger’eneratlon. ^ Ppublic and privale educalion.lon. ,. nments, rulers and T h e th r e e m e n a r e p artof r t a growing corps of ReUring mUilary personnelonelougbtnoltobe . A nation n:may change govemn erican edacaUon. Tbey would have gone bananasIS a s pr in c ip a l o f an . _ . fafewholly-tollypro-— raphy. That remains untapped talent for Amerl leadofatougbinnercily deterred° by Uie hostilily of a f '■ allies, but itt c;cannot change geogra] a re c ite d In a b r o c h u r e p;ireparedbytheU.S. n elementary school. As beac fessionals. It Is true Utal someome teaching jobs de- the fuel for ourlur interest. on for distribution to high school, it might havebvebeenadifferentm al- D e p a rtm e n t of E d u c a tio n mis not aimed at of- ^mand Uiorough preparaUon.on. Iran remainains a critical crossroaoad of Asia and the m ilita ry p e rso n n e l aro um n td lh e w orid. te r, b u l th e jo in t p r o g ra m i The best nav^ commanderid e r Is lik e ly to n m The object of this promcmotional effort, jointly ficers of O agranL aground in teaching flrst-graig r a d e rs bow to rea d . Middle East,t, t bordering both the SoSoviet Union and the ' llisaimedchlenyatofniifncersintbeirmldHle ^ is simply too impor- sp o n so red w ith th e D e partm a r ent of Defense, is to B u l U ie re is no re a so n on e;arU a rll i w h y a n officer oil region off thetl Persian Gulf. It is «k a secood career after 40s who have retired afler£T 203 o r m o r e y e a r s In ^ years In Europe should ■ long. encourage ofllcers to sed vomen bave long, produc- wbo ^ has served for many yeai tantstrategicaically to be Ignored for lo retirement. se rv ic e . S u c h m e n a o d won be arblU^arily barred fromn leachingle; French or J ...... N ational, atlattention is focused these tl days on the sense in every way, Uve lives stui ahead. Tbe program makes sc ‘schools as teacbers and S p a n ish to h l ^ school stud e n ts. » the United.States th o u g h y o u w o u ld n e v er knowk It from the sour "W e need them in our sd ul Uie professional ! : Iran-Contra1 c connection, and how administrators.” said edu(ducaUon secretary ; II is a c u rio u s Uilng ab o u l U i : secretly h asi scsold weapons. . reaction of professional1 educationists,e e d u c a tio n ists. T h ey a re Imn bbu u e d w ith Uie giddy When the ellort w as lailaunched three monlhs W illiam J . B e n n e lL “ In1 somesoi places, we have * hing mysterious, , , But—wlth"1" or without a hostistage release, the teacher shortages. Whyr nolno look loUwse people |noUon that there Is somethin; ago, the announcementt d re w a s n e ^ g re s p o n s e som eU ilng tru ly a rc a n e , somn m ei U iin g U ial Is In­ brouhaha will»lll soon blow away an(ind we will then still from S a m u e l G . S a v a , exexecuUve director of the lo h e lp ? " ers, aboul Uie business B e n n ett d id oo t su g g es st t fof r a m o m e n t lh a t *comprehensible lo outsiders, ; , be left with thy seekse lo serve their The.Umcs'NcwCUTS wdoom es letters to tb pal is somelhlng different Defense Secretary Caspispar W einberger Is en- i s t e . E a c h l e t t e r m u s t nalve."Beingaprincipa communities as weU. those it consideidera libelous or In bad tast "You can’t lead som ethlhing you don’t unders- U iuslasU c. A lm o st all com:ommissioned officers- bedsned andsl*1 should Include the writer*er’s m ailing address, 38 percent of Ujem—haveave a t least a bachelor’s b e e d i t e d f o r le n g th . la n d ." ' degree. M ore lhan Iwo-thLthirds of Ibem have Ihelr James Kilpatrick writes5S hishi column, "A Coa- Letten of moreire than 400 words may be Well, the answ er 10 thehe rhetorical question servative View,"from Wash'ashlngton. M about George Patton is.5, Ino. th e g e n e ra l p ro b a b ly master’sdegrees. Findhing righit man^ zt CIA willI reqi\uireahong seaarch |8 Stine corps of operational offkI fk e rs w b o H necessaryjechnlcal grasp,gra admlnlsU-aUve B E R K E L E Y , C alif.l i f . - I t "W ill b e h a rd ," . h c ia n d tf ti b e g a n , ddl u rin g th e Cold W a r, to se e ■ know-how and pollUcalcal 2senslllvlly. Bulll G en. D w ight D . E isce n h h o w e r p r e d ic te d in x le c t H w ill b e abso lu te ly Imiposslbletofindsucha pos 1M7, to " (ln d e x a c tlyly thtl e rig h t m a n .” R ichard H arrisS SmI ith th e m se•Ives lv as w arrior-priesls. a sele s « c re l fraternityfn thal did not welcono m e "o u t- d ir e c to r w ho w ill also» m e e t D u lle s’ sUin- TestlfyingonCaplto!iltol H ill a b o u t a prospec- ^ ■ d a rd s fo r w isdom a nid d w iz a rd ry . ' tlv e d ire c to r fo r th e: nenew C e n tra l In- s ld e r s .” te lllg c n ce A g en c y , Ii(C sh o w ed fo re sig h t. politics,p< diplomacy and high1 finftr an c e. A ( U n til1 Watergate, W tbe conventionalla lw lsd o m i H Gen. Waller BedeUSn11 SmlUi, President O v er th e n e x t 40 y e oir rs, s , 10 CIA d ire c to rs ‘‘tougher nut" lhan the congeng e n ia l Dulles,ofCIAprprofessionals w as thal tbe besb e std ire c - H Truman’sdirectorduriru r in g th e K o re an W ar, have given seven presire sid e n ts c a u s e lo C C a se y Is m o re ad ep t a t b u recaucratlcln- a u tors wen>re c iv ilia n in sid e rs, lik e Dull*iiU esand H c o m p la in e d lh a t. wlUithaUhlsoUierpro- al j .wonder: Wherewasth5 th e r ig h t nfian? fig fi h tin g , a n d b e tte r su ited to0 administerai his .Richard■d M. Heims, another OSS aluiilum ntis. H b le m s , th e A m e ric ann peoplep e expected him lo ? ro s w u a b e “ o n a com m u n in g; levle v e l w iU i G od and J o e " ' ar president, Ronald ' own ® vast bureaucracy. evblve tultlonaboutworidafraffairs. Not exactly the a ■ ■ meone of the caliberrofaU.S.SupremeCourt of J - e e n ough fo r th e n e x t d d e c a d e , s a y in g he w as a w iseseman. t • crbelovi)ved—directors. While Raboib o m ’s im - ; \ r ig h t m a n , b u t c lo se er te predecessor, millhmaire jusUce. The directorr ggei e n e r a l sbo u ld ha v e a : II ; president, D e m o c raat t JJohn F. Kennedy, to ■ Dulleswouldhaveappreclaldated the " ' mediate L U A N J . C A S E Y • e p ita p h . W hen, In 1M7. h e offe:iffered Congress -businessssm an John ArUcCooe, dkisii b ^ b y — . w l l long tenure, commandmd broad1 blparUsan y reappoinltheRepublitiblican Dulles, an aging . ' e > e c t b a s e d o n c l o n t p o lllic a l re sp e c t, a n d be h is ow n no tio n about th e d cslrablequallUes s ln Kennedjdy to replace Dulles,'put thele lieli to U ie______d b e fre e of aU ad-, . f legendwithwhomhefrte fe lt m tle ra p p o rt. T his h mlnistraUve responslblsibility. Such men are to rrhlc victory: Honored of o future CIA directors, he stressedsin that the professlistooals’mythology tbattrtdl] gaveDuUeshlsPyrrhi s beyond the comprebenslono I to ' b e fo u n d , though th ejywlUhardlybeluredln-: y w with tbe longest term■m 1in office of a n y CIA a a g e n c y sh o u ld be led by a mnan a n of “judicial work Is I > w o u ld U iink h e ba d de fe cte d U tem peram ent" who displayedyed unlnltiatialed. Hours after dem anding lo p u b lic se rv ic e If Uieyhey face grueling coo- 1, director; and then foreo rc e d to re sig n in th e ti S l g re sslo n a l Inquisition ic “discriminatingjudgment""and ai "common told,“E;Exactly wbal is a double ageig e n t? " Uie )o in lo e v e ry c o rn e r of bauntlngaltermathofloflheBayofPigs. their privale affairs.I. ■ ! sense" which "can only comeme of long experi- newlyappointed ap McCooe w ent intotocoo- ( WhatCoIbyref rec o g n ize d is lh a t Uie CIA . W h eth e r o r n o t Dulles’latestsucccssor ulh s ■ C o n sid er Uie irony Ui2 e n c e a n d profound k now ledge'Ige" and constant ference'e wilh Gen. Reinhard Geblen,“ .west director's taskisk basI becom e a difficult / th a t w e m o re rea d ily ■ . wUl a lso le a v e o ffic:e c u n d e r a cloud, C a se y ’s e g y fin d re sp e c te d sp e cialal l pprosecutors lo probe ; eventualdeparturewi: w ill c e rta in ly m a rk th e v v ig ila n c e a g a in s t th e " h u mlari a ii frailty of In- Germanan ‘ '^y-m asler." HcCooe dist o c ^ a ,. poiiUcal balancancing act between democracy tellectual slubboroness." AV spy-master?sp doubleat-agenl case with such facilityJtylhat aodsecretserre rr ic e , b e tw e e n C ongress a n dJ tb e d o in g s of m e n InI highh ig position lhan • endoftheCIAera.theth e la s t h u rra h of a ' I e q u a lly re sp e e te d micntoflUthoseposlUons. e n i ' M a y b e . B u t above all, a w ises e mr a n . . G eb lena. on . Intelligence veteran sfaxInceNaii tbepresidency^icy^ w lU i Uie a g e n c y ilself, a ^ generation of U.S. Inte[fltelllgence officers. A a Ifwejnuslbecynlcallyallv convinced that no 5mUeDullMwasascrs e n io r h e ro of th e w ar- - T h is, b f c o u rsc , w as a ll loK)philosophical o p days,wowould never have g oesed thatbathis \compleiaadmi m ature InsUtaUon, playing a ican op^iieToTjfairabsolott iscrutahle role: not necessarU}.jly ■ manwhoseeksofflcelsrelspureenoughlobold - . . tlmeOfflceofStrateg;eglc S c r v i c c s r < ^ y w as - rfndi a b s tr a c t fo r p o w er< o niscious sc i , Americi somewEallnsa W ashington, where interestedte d p a rlie s i n t h eareane a r business of espionage.ge. responding tolo Uthe w him s of its director, office. Uien lel us searelarehforourdh^eclor • oneofltsenfantsterrjiirrlblcs, both men having V g e n e r a l am o n g Uie phlli fastened Instead, on Dulles’I’strongprescrip- st Ftnall;Uly, post-W atergate DirectorarWUlUun .betlierheljcll)e in sid e r, o u ts id e r, o r, like philosophers, raU ierU ian'. n r s te n lls te d In s e cret r e t service when es- I Uie movers and shakenk e rs . I t wUI, o r co u rse , b e : •acbuled from airplanes tio ti n fo r a c iv ilia n d ire c to r, p rre e f e r a b ly w ith . E . Colbyby, still another careerist ofif OSS0 Casey, somethlsUiing in between, •dence, shattered tbe last Ulusllusionof . .L h a rd to find exacU y Uieth e r ig h t m a n . B ut fo r tte r s str a p p e d to th e ir expertise e In secret inlelllgenci;ncework.If.lna antecedi e many questions of "Con- plnch^amllltaryolflcerwere;re appofnted, be' agencyy professionals: | An “insW er" tbe sake of keeping UiepeacftinUilthei 9 vlolent • ■ I •- b a c k s ; when Gestapoipd Is a c ^ t s w e re th e . p vhetber Casey was the man wh worid, lel Uie searchh bbe e g in . ______^ ly, a p d w h en e n d s should, s said Dulles, “divestt hhi im s e lf of n o w romg. n i Cbooslng to save bis agen re ts , c r Uie m a n fro m w hom Um :al damnatlonby selectively il jr m e a n s . m n ilita ry r a n k ," a n d " ta k e theth e cloth" of the poUUcal secretswereke‘ k e p t. Intelligence service. The rellgillglous analogy— someoUold dirty lineti—like assassin. RicbarxlHarrisSmitimith,autborol"Tbe : UkehlspredeccsWJsso r, C a se y also re a d s li udenlt(anawrltcr)ofhis- (rom I: a Presbyterian pastor's;r'sson—jcemed plots—I- in public, Colby brought upoDip<» AflerCasey'!ey’s'departure It wUl be hardere r ' OSS."isworklDgonabJ a biography of Alien id B uccesafully In lh e law . a j p p ro p r ia te to an ag en c y dolominaledbya m - nlmjelf;If such'vlolent criticism by soSOI m e old th a n n e r lo findflm uie righl m an—with thee DuUes. V,

Sunday, Decombor>r i28.1066 Times-News,Jw Tj»l lnFall^M a|jo^ > " I Opinioi Econoi>my o /tthe Annierican ^Westaitrrives cat a aro}ssroadiis

. A little beyond the balfwafway polnl In tbe markedrdatl^tive declines against tbe na-r InprnmlngoevbusliMisbess opportunities, deregulating d Intrastate coma»mmerce,en- decade, tbe <;f0D0iny of the American West B ernard 1_ W einste tk)nal averagese. tn sbarp contrast to tbe patpat- tbe Western states mumust beware tbe false courai^g o capital formationlontbroogbrevl- t Uat a crossroads. terasoflbeis?9708 and ea rly ’tts , w ben rafil^ild promise of bigb technobnology. Though high slon s: of stale banking laws and Improvlog tbe Bulleted by structural1 economicec and ■ H a r o l d T . G r o s^ s Income growtliih was tbe norm. tecbisoftentoutedaslas the road to economic scope » and quality of dementaentaryandsecoD- demograpblc cbaoges, tbe'ie weslem states Tblsralsesa(a critical qoestloo for the salvation, recent develEvdopmentawouldseem d d ^ educaUon. are faced simultaneouslyly wwith tbe signilicllicanlly above tbe national aveiiverage—a regkm’s policycy-makers: In tbe absence ofex-ofl to belle that notion Because much of tbe Westest Isli In tbe throes ‘..challenges of creating newcwjobs and so u rc e s,. reflectijctlon of the substantial direct:t militarym temally stimullulated ecooomk growtb, rtial Since 1980, hlgb:techech employment has oof a profound and permanentent ireorientation,. of income and financing; a social,s economic preseo(«nce lh the re^on. ' kinds ofpoliCT “ tools" «*»» f>r ywmlil 1^ lacd gRnmbylessifiahlpiH jM»yyfp F'»nnn'»11yyp»r." the next sev^al years wDIibechirtctertwd be and govermnental Infrastnstructure capable of ThusIUS the economy of the west restiests largely to encourageikog-tera k ecooomlc derekip-op- talnly not enough to) compensateCO for the by b additional dlsnipUons andanddlslocatloai.' promoting long-term econoonomlc develop- on twovo legs:I natural resources anddid defense. m ent? Alterxuoattvely, and more pointedly,ly.ta hnge iob losses In theibewest’stradlUonalln* But E tbls transitional perioddisalsotbeop* is > m en t B u tlnin ian economic cUmale marked:edby(all- I a climate oldedeclining prosperity bow wlUill dodnes. Furthermorelore, tbe bigb-tecb sector tlmal t time to be thinking straljtrategically '. Compared witb the natloiitlonal averages, vlr- Ing con:ommodity prices and dlslnflaticatloQ.anda tbeWestemst fhuiTw* nfof iqip^bbeiastasc;tscydical and unstable about a building the foundation:Uons for a long- I ------tually every Western state’ate'seconom yis politlC£Lical clim ate cbaracterUed byytbeNew tb anlofrastructicture(broadly defined) tbatelen*-- a « tnlntngflnrttrarilHftiIHftnnl Tnnniifnrt»ring, as___-t term economic prosperityflnUieWest. In t J : jo v e ^ r e s e n tf e d In agricullculture, forestry and Federaerallsm, Gratsm-Rudman aulanemerg- ^ a couragesoewlw business development andd sbowi^by th e recentit spate sp of layoffs, plant • .mbieTalextractlon.andslg[ signlfican tly unde^. ing con:onsensua for reduced defense«expen- a growtboljobsM? , . doings and liankrupl^teies in California’s BeniarcfL. Welasteialsdirtdlrectorottbd j :a5lngly«- - Nortorlnge( represented Inmanufactur;turing. dituresres. Western states will Incrtasl economic growth itt tb e fntonm t Sllicoo Valley and else Center Ior Enterprising In“ I Much of tbe region’s macnanufacturing Is also perlencence economic difficulty, will require sbB trat^les tbat are focosed In-b- Declskwsmadelnp:inplaceslUe Riyadh, (IheEdwiDL. CoxScbooloIBi)IBusioess»t ■ I , directly or Indirectly llnkeciked lo com m odities Som«ime evidence of Incipient dedlncline is temally.Qotei. externally. In partlcnlar, s n - Saadi Arabia, andWashington Waj will contbiue ^SouU>en)MeUiod/5t production through tbe manufacturingmai of emergi:rglng already: All the westernsro states phasis sboaldd Ibe placed on Msiness reten-en- toaffectecooomlcoutoutcomes in tbe West, (Unlverslly. Harold T. Grossiss IsL assistant ; ;pt Arizona and California areecbarac- cl lion, job creatiatkm tbroogb tbe expaosloalof ol and the options availalillable to state and local c I agricultural and mining{equipment, eq or pro- except d/recfor. I cessing. terlzedted by a d ram atic slow-down inIn popula-i exlsUngcompipanies and thf eocooragemenent governments to belpIp break b these dependen- SlmUarly; the W esternn regionr( displays a. tlongngrowtbTfitcs tb a l are well belotidowthe • ofnewbuslDesless formation. des are limited bl tbe:tbesbortnm. disproportionate reliancece ono federal m oney: nation:onal average. Wyomlng’spopulipulation ac- A realistic: pprogram for bostnessreteotlotko But tbere are sevenrerai initiatives tbat tbe Nine of 16 Westfefri statesa receiven lotal per- tuallyly declined( by 0.8 percent betweilween 1984 and expansionon sbould also be based 0 0 aa Western states, dtberb er Individually o r coUec- ^capita federal outlays at a level1 equal to or and 1985.19! ■ -'carcfalanalysysis of eadi community's conom* tlvdy. coold pursuee to to foster a climate tbat nmotorTI i .above the national averageage. In lerms of fed- - Mortore disturbing Is the evidenceeof of slower- paratlveadvavantages and disadvantages,s, encourageseconomicDicdlversirieationand eral per-capita outlays fofor: rsalarlesan ^ growinwlngocdedinlngrelatlveper-car-capltain- • because ecooonomlc attrlbotes vary wlddyiy ' busbiess devdopmentlenL These Indude : wages, 12 Western states» recordn levels comelile In the w estern stales: Manyye:^blt ea ' acrosstbewej'estem region. : and local tax systems, I 33nlAIIANNUAL I : ___ ■ YEAR.REND ■ ; ■ CLEARilRANCE ■ : In the iGulagtgarden,I, a p r o fHtable ccrop ” TIMES-NEWS ■ _____ NowQ w l i i H ; ^ c)LASS1FIED u ADVERTISISING ■ ___ Profli> « r M S _____ ■ WASHINGTON-InTFBPFague.city “ ^ ^ staStaying power, physical and1 tbe captives relesleasedLButtbeFed- WONE 733=06263 701 Molw A y•, . t.I. TSS-7700 I of Kafka and defenestratioition, seven spiritual, to become valuablelecom- eral Election Conlommission, unsleQH members of a Jazz grouppare ai being' modifies.mo They are harvested“dafter Ingprolectoroftfc(tbe purity of oor pol- _ persecuted, presumablyy(or fo B | n G e o r g e husbandry t e In the garden of tbM~ / Jokes and Rumors with SulSubversive ircprencurshl■ship: Industriales- SyiS yria m ay have taugbtlbe Soi>ovIet ■ A llh o u g h I a m no) longer associated')d with the. ■ Tendency. B ut In the SovieivletUnloii, Union this nuance. Jesse Jackckson jional Medical Centsinter effeo- : liberalization is rampant. Magic Valley Regi lev Is cashing In a whole laulaunched his presidential camimpaign I my pres- ■ ' 'O r so we are supposedS^obelleve to sldents — the Sakharovs, In IDamascus, where be receiviivedbis tive J a n . 1, 19877 - 1 will m aintain n since the Sakharovs heardirairo m Orlov (asp)art ar of thc Daniloff tran- fin(irst large contribution—a ca ent practice with1 hospitalI services3 p r o v id e d Gorbachev himself, ov'ertl sactlon), Shcllicharanskyandthepoet turtured American flier. Other n phone Installed for the pur]jurposeol shinskava.w how as noinow adopt similar courtesies, through the TwinI Falls Clinic & HosfDspital. My : bestowing the glad tidings, recently sent’nt from prison to Britain. Nile, but' destined the political m arket is prirprimarily a U'si Ibeen a smash! Andn d f o r u p . So com e s e e us> fifirst; Then-, for stordom. vwe're proud to function of his or her labor , th at, Vwe'd like to give o3 Ss t a n - a c t II, Sc. 1 after you catch soniome of the ?e in becoming present the Brand Br . N ew 1987 ° i form of years of courage ii ovation to you, other shows in town, to\ you'll ' conspicuous as a dissidentlent. a 'n g . our Credit DepFpa rtm ent Mercury Soble. discoverd why we'i/e'rve been ^ . IttakesyearsforaShchhcharansky customam ers. , A car is aian expensive invest- Oor Cost ------aroundo so. long. AndJld why wo'll___ or Sakharov or Orlov to) acquireac ButIt iIn all modesty; we* t ment~and hbt“tdd’mdriyr in oui significant value, meanln{ning sufficient j . Finally, when1 the script,, the sstoy a ro u n d e v e n longm ger. deserve a round of a u d i e n c e fpay cosh. So oui bold on the West’s Imagineglnatlon.Only , fQ lighting a n d theIhe special effects The reason is simpleiple: then can a Gorbachev cast:ash in lh e so ourselves. After all, Credit Depcaortment is set up tc , a sh o w 's su ccess VWe're a tough act toa fcfollow I commodity. don'tt last1 this long withoi ” work closelaly with you to arriveyg ore put aside, o T b ereare m ishaps. SaklJakharov’s qoodi p rogrom . • at terms tto keep you happ)p y I friend, Anatoly M archenkEnko, recently ® id o u rs is o n e of tho besl died in prison - m urderetsred. within ®* * when you getg your show on theh e OUR PIWIDE tbe reasonable m eaninggoflhat ol -Aai;:l ; S c n : ------r o a d . — w ord.But In any form ofaDfagrlculture, C p„if IROUGH! • esU to ------pQ^VIC/Ice Depqrtment ______ACT II. Scl 225______^ SM I INES TH B ------notnll o^any crop makes I R eporr6l“S0lSolerRogistrofionnhrtr trNovbmbor'1986-occord ^rdfng-to— ---- ' market. Onlyrihe t truly great sRowsws are Theisen MfMotors Auto Lease □ tion: Ifnurturedpatlentlydh(IheSovlel idoho Aulom 'w e d o it for y o u . Wit/Ve F o r e i g nI Cor C Registrationsis : I ks exactly what you“ i fix w h a t needs fixing on< Total Numbeiber of Homlos Sold ----- 1 9 4 sn you need it. Here, ^ answer yo.our questions honest . Total Numboiber of Suborus Sold ...... 128 our performance nolnothing j^at wcvay, you.don't experi rt of m em o rab le . Total Numboibor of Toyotos S old ----- ...... 98 ence unex^ V O I w hen I n a k e R I ' ■. f=i ears The Easiei3St Place In Thel e W orld To Buyy A C a r find ( f=orOver33Ye ; H r o T W I N F A L L S 73:J3 3 -7 7 0 ^ ■ H75Blu»lok»tBI short!)1 MAIM AVE. E.

. ■■■■ ; r a " ’ a . I!

l i v e r 701 - t

A-dTlm8»4<0wB, TwIfivIp F a lls, idal>o S u n d a y , December2S,lQ86D» ------S a u udis try t(t o a v o i d I r a n c o mi n e c t i o n Iran through sold or flnanceioMdwMpmBtorlrMi.» ation ------"W ASHINiKGTON (AP)'-Saudi Ara-■a- weapons.Uial went to'In lam k comtiT w h o * ! , I of Israel. radical Islam ' blan officiacials, acutely conscious of e criUdxed Sanll A n ta Uielr image, ag bave gone to greattat In Uie ensuring weeks,IS, Saudi of- leaders bave a 0 deny any involvement In tn ficials, whose conservaUtUve Moslem for Its westem I lengUis to ( M a to o 'S S « I|y D M b iU i -C ontra affabr despite Uiebe govemment in known foririlscauUon Saodi Arabia j S ^ran-^< iq WIT. nten lb«|fe U b i ' politicaal strategiiiists debatete Cuomo ; of arm s dealer Adnan M. and secrecy, have distanced Uie Iran-Iraq 1 open role 0 • acm nm ootottrati^ ------I Khashoggl,-;l,- p erh ap s th e ktngdom’S'i's-Uiemselves from Kbasltshoggi and Saudli bave a < Ing UK priM ot oO ilA ro bestknownini private citizen. have, repeatedly denied aianyH[lnks to Iran in seeing J =jprospe(j c t s ^ s p r cesi(d^tial (candiciat( “ They aare n not dlrecUy or Indirect-’ct-' Ihearmssale. expertssay. ^ ly Involved,ed,“ said Frederick Dutton,in, “T be kingdom . . . needKl not defend . IV- itself agalnsl false alle^llaUons based : ' ^ ALBANY. N.Y. (APA P) — Two y ears everythiiUilng I Uiink Uiat's a pro-pro- ship Ckiuncil, told Th<•he New Y ork an attom-ney e fo r Uie . Saudi gov- )r- on weak speculation,’' Uie Saudi L A f l ago, New, Yorit Gov.ov. Mario Coomo blem,"" isaki David Garth, a'Demo-mo- Times a few weekj:ks after Uie ernment. “There’s a lot of dlslnfor- Embassy said io a Dec J ■ w ubel^ tooM as tbe rising stir cratic mo.‘ . “ I t cou|d baveakerer ^wbo coold bade gonesmctmooUier.” said Republican sU-at•ateglst Roger' role In Uiehe morky tale emerged as on no evidence 'to suggestI th1 e Saudis P ONISMCM K U' - ’ up his tioquence widirith a formidable Roberiert SU^uss, a fonner naUooaiMial AUes of Cuomo. “ He! doesn't1 know soon as Uutbe Reagan administration, lie' • • L o wrnm a oH noi 3 InteUect craUc chairman and Coomcimo bow to run wiUiout.beliBing Uie under- revealed U Ui iat profits from Uie sale 4 These dayi, Cuomono Is Just a s likely adm irer,« r, said Cuomo’s im age pro-pro- dog; wiUiout this feelleling that be’s of - U.S. arms at to Iran bad beeneo 1 9 M•c « M n o m s n ] ------to-flod-hlmseU-desa ‘*thln» hl#tnii;.durlog-Uie-New-York d cam-am- DonQuiaoteorRocky.”” ' — diverted loto rebels ia Nicaragua or - sicinned” aod f'arrogToganl" wben be palga “i“may indicate be would haveiave “We’re nol going to tc ^Jotber-U ie Ciontras.— ; ' picks up tbe oatloD’sa’s malor o e w ^ problemiims in a naUonal campaign.”’ govemot by asking binim about those Congressl9slonal and oUier sources,' ^ pers or tunes ia lbele SSuaday oetw ori ‘i t feeffl> ♦ * * J * ' / cratlcRichardNlxon.'on.” i A' Cuomo poUUciilcal aide, sUte . ; Dem ocratic O iailrman ln i Laurence SAFEEWAV ■Kirwan, dismissed1 sucb si Republican ! < < ■ I comment as predicidlctable and said - Democrats stilLbave.iv e stro n g a n d posr y ; . itive feelings abouttCuomo. Cv ------In-tact,-natkmwid Hart, meanwhile,e. isi sUll trying to ^lo o k for sp e d o l vo pay o ff.h ls 19M presIdenUal. p r cam- 9xuppHes, favoritee snacksi an d drinki m ■S ! palgn debt your Neui V ear celcelebrating. Prices yH E AI l 3 Q U / I . It was Cuomo'ss rfrelecUonr cam- ' paign, one. tbat endended wlUi Uie gov- effective toddvay thru lUednesda^ ! eraor scoring a prediedicted record win.' I ' ■ tbat focused new andai often criUcal attention on the NeNew York Demo- crat. . For monihs. thee ggovernor refused - to debate his litUetoown | { Republican o p pment, ^ Westchester . . ' L_____ County Executive Ai(Andrtw.O'Rourke.,.... _ . 1 In tbe end, therea t was Just ooe ButtcrtbaU ' debate. . . WiTsGn Coio m Two days before»re his rtelecU on, Cuomo told reporterters be bad “^U * jys d ays a fte r his vic- Turke ed " them . A few da King tory, tbe governoriior told reporters : i and editors In Rocbochester Uiat “Vou stjtcirt your New \Year right i I made me look bad.'id ." H e denied Uiat w/hole Bone!eless I ;; a la le r com m ent tto o a ) New York Dal- with the finest. H10-14 lbs. I i: ly News reporterler Uiai “I could 1,!' destroy you, if I WJwanted to,” was a Hams ‘; : threat. “Mario is a guyiy 'wbo personalizes 0 0 , lb . l— Gunbb u f f s — |r - r -----Whfle------1t 7 # ” SuppliesLast I Uke thhe I

Aooko,a f - i Spad^m ■ WASHINGTON (A P) - To m achinist DominickIckS padea, bis Idea ' : seemed like a sure-fie-flre m oneym aker. But to federal autholUioriUes, bis poten- • ! tial customers wenirere crim inals and . i ' bis product was; a kUler machine .1 gun. . I It was In 1380 whivhen- a group of in- : ,1’ veslors convincedd S Spadea b> retool i. ' his Westmont, NU J. ., shop lo make -or . Pkg. '' r guns. Hie plan wasvas'tb offer an im- /Q ^ Smoih»ked f Cornish -j r...... proved version of fU U»e MAC-10 semi- -V ' Mu;ushrpoms .^ ' 7 ' Peann u t s ___ ' automatic, a pistolstoMUce weapon of \ /iM onterey Brand BaiMSlldSAltedtedorRMMed ] I military design, in Uw style known ♦ Turktt e y s ^ H ens to “ Rambo” and “■Miami Mi Vice” fans, ' * fully^ookcd. iu»«t Siull with youf l.ivoriic recl|tclpcl"^ I “In our time no0 ccivlUaa pistol ex- . I Isted to defend Ameim erican s o il. . . un- - i M j I til now," boasts1 a gun^JublicaUon e a c h e a c h ,9• 9 advertisement forr Spadea’sS product, I BUckfbe menacing-look- Inggun. . 1 —1 I' Tbou^. semlatilautomaUcs like pull of tbe trigger.sr, U»e weapons are ^ W H N '' Increasingly populaular with gun buffs whoiiketbewaytbe;tbey look. But the federal1 BiBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco w d Fireare arm s say s tbe guns PRINI I are also popularr wwiUi d rug dealers . - -and terroriM.-Tbetje-ATF-basstricUy ------regulated gunmakmaUc guns, seml- Like fully autom Scotch Buy ♦ ^ / BlrdM)»«ye autom atics use tbe tl power of a m V i previous, sbot toI rereload Uiemselves. EE' “ Tw o- 'H But automatics — also known as Two prints for the slogilogk print price. L Cem onade G ool WV hip . ff machine guns — go one slep further, !toc«n4N«t •• .•02. froien Conccniratc 8-oz. Regulflr or)r DDairy Rfcipe firing repeatedly’ wlw ltb a s in ^ e puO of 1 Z-cxpo«ire 2.69 2.6 n t n liter / thetrigger. 1 5 -c x p o s u re 3-33 .3 9 n t n m Tbe differenceI cacan be deadly: Tbe 4.99 FSB • automiallc versionm (of Spadea’s easUy 7.29 m s M ixers'S Cr«smont Auorted!d . \ eoncealable Avengen g er can spray up to Nm Pro P*ek 3S HH fUffl Ot ■ tlMMd In m t Ml*er»orrop* . > l.tOO rounds a mminute. i Any of its ■ j P ; .45 « - ,_i changed their mind • Wednesday, Deceml•ml>er3lst. CMh • r operation. But, a{agents say, more ^ T 9 1 9 8 6 . R etail Q uantUntUlesOnly. >• and m ore MAC-lOslOs ib egan sbowlng up JA t u e o u WOHS I i: inthe wrong bands,ds. ' . t;- ■/ ^ J The weapons, tbeU»e agents jwy. were ‘tg I ; £ being easily changanged Into^madUne. , J ponolftr iTirUblf at •» Ulah C p in s and used in crimes. Id some ^ m ip lu a tle n a ln Evanaton.' r ? cases, tbe ATP allaUeges, afl-It took.' f l t«.MdCcMnlUMr.Wiro..«n JC •

I ...... — r ■ I ^


...... ■..'■L-...... Sunday, Qacembeijer28,l988 _Tlmes^e«,1«I,Iw in Fails, klaho A-7 Ndiibini ^ T b f.lous^ands5 in New/Y ork nTiarch a(igainstV nacialattctack : NCT YOIrORK (AP) - Black and wlwhite leen-agers a w e ^ ago.0. ' ■ Hundreds oof f” police officers lined wbewhere last-^reek’s -racial incklent ii Colored People at a rally. “R ad ^ while clergyrgy and'clvU rights leaders Tbe esUmated 5,000. emarchers the roote, pollc fldent w« era working I aM with tbe coming.p]don't, want to ------cUavvmantlt Hr«. AooIdo. wtwioni niad Htrcoa u p re ^ U 7 , t l tb e thlnC w omvartablatodo ta I tD'ta'lba rarch tbe eorar akQe u pn 1i QQ V .w DiAQON.?NALXL-100(eMR330) yaar. Tbe otben wi tures; iSUubath tn u n baliaf ta ta eacb RCA 26"* COIJLOR Ho able to look Dlld state V HF;and UHF tunersera • A u tom atic (ine tuning) . S bnpao^ tb e U te A m ark Btems •UnltlzedchasBis'- M ON ITO Rm BECEiVERW/REMalOTE ■ w to 1 ^ Edward admi fonow tbeir utom atic picture control systet •69! a U t o f b t a throne. I an : tatarvlew Hlglv«(i^^na 80U[id;in0 ^nodHcatiorons or s p ^ ^ p i n e nmt t ...... ■' ■ I imreos^ao-yearnileaB : r:teMeid:?:,'8u'poI'percdmplenionl to,94 qlu^-tun^chahneli-LIH! u j h e ; :::z„ h u oot yet | ~ 9 ' i t o - b e M tb e eooBl iM. "I am coD- Wfpdeablo-rt).rBa^:*K)i^ autorr^cc prograiTimlrV’Of.Olgltsl.,. ' ■ ■ ■ {Apolar i^rlflng in wtalc ^ . ol mooMiidi of JmpioMig toward th at . Coitiraand-rsniaelae .control.\li^s the ^ oions i you v^^.with aoos^-(s^-the- , , I ribd militai7 baaea [ ia 00 ■ rodm?cdiweliIenqihOT • CpiV'tijbe prcf^deses Intense colbf'yih ittdf ' I ____ M n. Aqdao, wbo bad be h , ' *Dlag. rn 8 asu ra wVinnrtnnm'eledtaBceed^ ra i^ * ' . . , Egg’S gefjciicn.. icIdttDread ^niid* • ^tpPabTD-* C J JHra. A q ^ w u c w a p riM said, bee “m iniged to lead a revo] rqniblie wltboat everiIwiIRS r ’=1'"!); ber booyant calm orB lat ? S ro rt« * Solid . iDiklDg poUtks.imdifasn ■ •Auto . {(aakmal^’' tbe maptta ; Her le'^otlon ‘.‘wuh■ a -...... was DO less a trtn m ^ra&tty foi after a world oTer*'aod thlch hnndryii ooiOTiOQnded I of bope In some of tbe wo FISHER* VCRR WITH comers,” It sakL ' 0 C O I^SHIEHIBA PROGRAMM/ilABLE During an bou^loogI t o e o S ^ u M ON-SCREEN1 1PROGRAMMING,a . ! llcn miilMil b]r-----— v c R WW/REMOTE ^ 4 9 < Urs. Aquino’s eyes nilec Program your reaBcordings by remote cortntrd using the convenientn lo o n - . sbe qxdce aboot bei jwstoppeT; deluxe with all the feature, including: 11717 channel I cboKO, .Um stings'* 4-event screen display • HQt high-quality compoionents are the industry^fe b* b e st . to ber country aod ber i fh* ag e-sy rth esi^ tuning ofI UUHF, VHF and caUe listii 9 & r ' • 1 -year 6-eventnt programmable| wilh OTFTR ...... Bvoltaadnilea day programmability with onone-touch recording for uup to 4 hours, r relinqalshing 1 HQ components, the iHdusduSryS besi • auto power;jr/on and • siereo recordinging and playback with, Dollolbj* Noise Reduction • ^MTS ^ f .her gift for ^ ind/shuto(f • enjoy Ihe easeise of mutli-funclion wireleil e s s - v - - (Multichannel TV:V Sounrfl is your.passpoitlit lo:todaySexciling stereofe o . • ' Forbes raboiyazdi^^’com* 11 -channel tuning'and 26-3-function wireless remote BlneBakL~ ' iqte control.., broadcasts • 111 ■< bahnmsnface ------control: profiicJjkI for women tbe ^ d tm a candle mrnpanieworld’s dariter GATCH THE ACiiCTION AN& KICEEP IT! k ■ NEW YORK (AP)u -g interview. mA rurKtowfibfthemajor bcbowl gannes. times, daess and places': drop tal prolUs this Qled yei wllh tears • . -ck «., ------eledroaksmakec-Colectberot^tloDs onow; \ inc. bas beea-jaokedtr amemories of vo(tag< profitable o( tbe largest -14-da _BQSE BOWL.,1.Japuacy-I, . , ______... E — io Its |?tf ^ aminal • • of H 10 Arizona a a te vs. Michigan;tan; 12:30 pm. American todostry, whk'Q f l k S rewinc pear bi ils Jan. 12'^t« . . • remoti said West . Hartford, . < SUGAR BOWL January 1 ------Colecb b id fl flve-yeile |—“NeCraSRa'fe 'Alabama oroTtSDnajso-prfr: I ------retnm


parUaOi Calif...... /

X-airim»fc^raryge Bts boolk s colleected I by ifath er oc f ‘F airtiilyTiej>s’ sta r I CMIVBSSALrrY E Sunday Cr ByTheAssododatedPress r I did In October. BaMT7 C «in \ th e Crossword ------‘^During thishis service, I thought j Edited by Herb EnelM n a o n ' ...... FORT MMADIMN, Iowa -• aboat th m andmd prayed in my heart | IkCAOSt Railroad babooks coUected by the k for tbem andid thope tbat Uiey feel i \mrnpn graodlalberr tof “Family Tie#” star tbat they wUli regtM Chester S. GiGross, died last summer S * ' tober for treatmatment of diabetes and ------a c M M ^ — 0 14 at the age of 90. Tbe elder Gross R a beart~ condltndlUon. It w as la te r — ttm n m n S T discovered thatbat he also bas lung ' » T 1m «rorhM ;■ worked for tbtbe Santa Fe Railroad to g n n o ir m a tf Fort Hadlsocun most of his. life and R cancer. S lO lw M n u ------coUectedbook wks aboat railroading B The time seems see .better for the j Acting libribrarian Ethel Rlcoman H granting of morelore exit visas, be said, I m R M W a M ad ■ ------said the actoi ;tor, a native of Chicago, I '^because w e see Uiat under Uie new , M 0»»-op« rated was close to his grandfather tinnly th e m ost recent ma- know-how. kn 91 MUmio . 56 Earty car 8 S B a bIb 1 of student ingenuity hi a “ A bunch of people wUII come « up H h A lg lB 10 E nrage maker } fl || |q|fl}8i^| M assachusetts:tts Institute of with wi an idea and' toss it around,”x ^B ifTTSiV l ; 92 Mlnuta 11 Mod a d v o c a ta t a|i{lta| Technology spoKsp that goes back de- said sa Lelbowllz. “ I do a falir ir amount opwUnfli 12 Engine pait 62 Twiated i M 93 — uno 13 Platad mammal 63Colored IU ■noHm cades. of instigating If people havave ideas. 9 5 F a n l 14-BeDevett—" 65 E) —. Tax. W b ■itiiClii "It’s a ver^ery snotty thing to say. I'll I'l point out Qaws in th e plailan o r belp 96 Okla. ctty 16 Kind ol deal 66KingolTVra. ^ BlIHI! yi but we’re (III all som e of the sm arter them thi wllh it.” 67 ReUgkHis M STHocn* ------1 6 0 wer----- V - llff illw ll people in the t world." said a Pranksters : flourish in ii part 96 Typ* m M turtaa 17 lacerate • devotion - • - it# 66Tatkmuai. Ii Itnplilill sophomore fromfrt Toms River, N.J., because be the administrationn indulges J m 1 101 Kattva mlnani 16 Hard to hold wbowasamoDloni! 28 p e < ^ e Involved in them thi . i 102 Shortly •aylitOe m 24 UntnM lamrMBl the home^)on-the-dome0 ' prank. He The hom e on the dom e waj'a s promp- - 1 0 3 Vantflata 26 Ventura a 69Workedthe M 104 Degi* catchtr b e liet flefda U f lllfluutla asked to beldeIdentifiedonlyasJack. Uy U) dismantled by maiiilnlenance 70 Folk dancet “ ' “ _"Il’s alwaysays tbat nice little thrill. workers, w( but Campus PoliilUce Chief ------J ll’s 4 In lhelie m orning a n d no one James J a Olivieri granted amm nesly to knows It,” JackJai said. "When we tl- the Ihi builders, who could babave been i r - l r c |!““y8ot»?'!?• .. NEW YEARS EVI city Is.-known aa the! counlry cc music *U7p r Industry officials say thehe NashvUle Al'’lexander Theroux, wbo VE DANCE capita! of the world and th e h o m e o f ’" 7! respect* country radio _ market is one of th rm *m b*ra know (hot’s what the! totown was built »eelllRke ( you’re bailing ’ "A lot- of outsiderss perceive entry in tbe prank ar- $ 1 S p * rc o u p l* fo r n(ion>m*mb*n on on,” said Diane Rankijikin, executive VOUr n Nashville as a biue^ollar!r town like *•>'the MIT Museum is a P orty ffovora ft h o n d 'o)*uvr*a * « ' Includod , administrator of the th< NashvUle head against the , Detroit,"r said Steve: Dicker' Photograph taltaken In 1926. It depicts EntertalnmeDt AssocliocIaUon. "But W all tOo get : people in the• general\ manager of WK]KDF "But studenlents perching an nore white- automohUe at. at the ^ge of a dor- TWIN FALS ELKIKS CLUB sometimes, you feel likeike you’re bang- rC St C Nashville Is actuaily mo ^ ■ 2<205 Shoahon* St. N .. TwinFIn Folia 733-5313 ing your head againstI thetli wall to g e t ___ ,. __t of the nation to collar, ^ with printing, banklIklng and In- f»oI. people In the rest oftf Lthe nation lo rca liz;e e that we do wear surance j ali m ajo r Industrltnd. These , Other prank:nks listed in tbe archives ^ realize that we do weavear shoes, and chnoQ people like m ore contm tem porary “ Clude a coww ithat found ils way lo a that not ail of usi ddrive pickup £, and that not all m ' usic." cam pus rooftoftop. a trolley welded to ■ trucks.” of US Other? oay country Iss stui king gTant Icicles grown from OLD ^ 10T0S CODPIED R ock station WKDFDF-FM, which. us driue pickup here. ■ dormitory batiathrooms. and students’ bills itself as "one! ofo America’s trucks.’ " ‘‘Country m usic Is oneE ol1 the top reconstructed on the legendary rock ’n’ roroll stations,” I form ats, bul you can’l cxcxpcct It tS Charieses River. S 5.00 ODFF — Diane Rankin - win' thp rn tlnps .ill lh«» Hmn tli ■■ But a llclonainados still are wailing___ : - pushed-country. stationin JWSM-FM out . . O N ANY PH O TO C O)PYORDER P Y ------of th e No. 1 spot inI ththe latest Ar- ^executive administrator/’ Ed j Benson, associate executive lorsomeonei fcCo outdo the pranksters a w eath er balloon under OfFER EXPIRES FEa 2 a 1987 bltron ratings, releasedjdinOctobcr. ii Noshui/Ze Entcrtolnmenf‘ director ^ of the Countritry Music J?'’ =1, Harvard Stadium and Y our p re c io u s oW p ic tuu rre e s c o n n e v e r ______------Industry-officials say they’re not Assocfa^ioni Association. / “Researchch show s “ ■ surprised, particularlyrly since rock - Nashvillians, still preferer country' “ *“couniry o swell up out of the >e r e j^ a c o d o n c e lo s t ojr r fcf a d e d Let us I.— ^ dominated the city's r&ir&dlo scene be- aduit conte . music overall.” lg thel982 Harvard-Yale n o k e faithful c o p ie s o f themlh< for your nlemporary and easy listen- r • fore 1963, when WSM;M c h a n g e d Its In g sta llo n s Jack Shockley, whoseE Nashville IC. 3ns close on their heels, l o m e . .. o r to s h o r e w ith^ lo>lo v e d o n e s. ; format to country. In lb e sur i research firm released a surveysi this „ pranks are called summer period measured by r ------“UntU-1983ra-countryitry^tatlon-had—thc-Arbltn ^^onth-oirthe-city'STnnsic obably-adcrivatlonfrom ------Hron-RatIng“ Book;-WKDP-n stcal-tasteSr-TL'“ '* ^ > ’"* ‘ If your phoJos a re fcfodod stoir>od, ctacked. serascrofcF>od~onat^ 1 n ev er been No. i In NasMdshvilie,” said had a 12.7: 1 said country led his report)rt, lollowed the campus V,vernacular that called .7 share, while WSM, had an s . forod.wowi#behoppvPV fo glvo you on oitim ote onn resrestoring mom. ' ^ Bob Meyer,' station1 imanager of ll-l share, B by easy listening, rock 'n' roll and technicalU gimmickg a “back” and •e. A share Is the percentage b WSM. "When you lellell people that of listeners 5 classical. the pioneeringIng computer amateurs ers for at least five minules c ‘hackers.” outside of Nashville,le, they can’l in a quai ; However, rock was top>p with the oltol97I)s'‘ha wotA wiw} Monday ,uarter-hourIhi period during. younger age group, Shocl mber of practicing believe It.” Ihrough Sunday from 6 a.m. y 3 0 4 2ndAVEfWENUE EAST i------6lnce-l883,--the twoo-statlons 8 have untllmldnis and country-m uslc’s popullularitjJhM -P'sifeleiS-alat MIT is hard to TWIN FALLS. 7 Inlght. ' . a S • 734-2020 been s lu u in g it out; Inin this highly ‘‘Nashvill • subsided SllghUy since ilt 1peaked to ■"'asure. sinccice-hacking is a purpose-" ^ market, with ing, but ville'sth reputation is chang-I 1983. s c o m p e tltm radio mi there’s still a stigma that I

ffyoujlahor))rh u n t, “ I WWe Cordially Inv,tvlte All Customtlers And Friendids Of I keep lt\formeil e d b y PHONE 7rS3-0626: re a d in g th e TTl h u ra d a y T | S CLASSIFIEI Outdoor sectictio n *riMES-NEW * S =D BERNIC I CEH.SIIMMONI :cJtheTimea-IS'N etos, I — o jo ln u s In honoringig her retirennent froiom th e Hazelton otfictficeof S n b s c r ibbe c b y CARNIVAL CRUISESE WINTER SPECIALI' The IdalJaho First National BBank at an . c a U l n g . ------L-. - . . - * 7 9 9 ^ * J♦ i 9 9 9 ^ 5 ^ 1 Port* I . ' . Vollari« of Call In Moxicos Puertoibo arte. Maxatlon and Cabo S o n l u i ■ I lu c o a . yiCI ..Includi to jdeat Air (rom Salt Lak* to All AngeUa Round Trip. All •r* LEFT ila a n d On«Board Enter* CIM. m #nt. to be held Sailing D at*ai V 3DAYSLEi » T O R J"t Jqn.4.nvfl,a5rF*brl.— DECEe m b e r ______n a s n c il i e u n ' OOPerfTaxIxtre ; 30,,■1986 - -rerMdrainfORTWttonend . 110:00 0 : A.M. to 3:00 p. Airechura.CoRtoct . i w s s s s A tT he I'. IDAHO FIRST N TRAVEL1 ■ 5T NATIONAL BBANK OFFICE' DESERT SUN,Twin Folia.* 734-9414 , In Hazellon . I IOM B ltj* L ek * t B lvd.. Tw ■ ' I ' '. J ' ! 1 \ I' V V-I t. v ■ ...... ,(*___ Gasex>cplosio] m a ts k iircsort Sunday, Dscembor5 r2 8 .1086 Times-Newa.. TwiTwin Falls, Idaho A-6 * * ■ ‘ Wqrii kills 6^, injureiis more than2(1 __ iranioan bodies5 litter Bassra bdttlefi GARMISCH-PARTENJ:n k i r c h e n , m d S West Germany (AP) -• A g M explo- U .K . M------^ BASRA, Iraqiq (AP) ~ Iraqi troopir Iraqi iri troops brought In suppllplies OS- monitored In NlcosIcosia,* C yprus, said ,' |! i slon-Saturday al an^pln<)lne ski resort _ - ^ = forttOed podUoitioos east of B asra on inglg a 200-yard ramp acrosOSS the 32,344 Iranians werewer kUled as Iraqi-' I ! hotel favored by U.S.i. eservicemen ^ P jethT w estS T ( , * Saturday on a baUlefleld strewn wateraterway to the western bankok. buUt Uoops beat back:k-Uie t atuck. Iraqi I; and tb elr fam ilies icUIedid af t le a st six . wlUi Uw bodiesles of Iranian soldiers, byy Iraq when It establishshed a officials earlier hadhad put Uie Iranian || . people and injured monlore th an 20, rfOERMANY AND Iraq an teaiu of tbousaada of Uie bridi'ridgehead to retak e Uie Island.id. toll al 10,000. ? r / e a s t V-:" Tollcesald. enemy died hi1 a:an unsoccessful offen- Tbe Th soldiers dug trenches andar for- Iran claimed Itsts torcesfi kUled 3,000 !; , Tbe casualties weresre' not Un* S |l||||H >> GERMANY ( stre...... UlieiHied Uielr defenses t>n Ute-1i. Island, Iraqis In what U It caUed c a ‘Oimlted !;. -mediately-identified byrnameorna*-' ni ------—.-Rtporterg - titaken ' to ” Umm-al* aboiibout 23 'm lles~50utheast of[ IB asra,- surgical 5trike.*‘-rac"raounted lm ttaU a— } - t -- tlonallty. d I to Um SbaU-al-Arab Iraqraq’s second-largest city,y. T he Uon to recent aIr ir aUacks a op Its cll- j Police spokesman Maxax Koegl said waterway sawIW of Iranian Islaisland w as Uie site of fierce fifighting ies. a faulty natural gas pipelipeline io \bt > bodies aad Ugbtzfat w eapoorabandooed durlturing an offensive launchedI bby Iran There was no) way- w. verify in- ' I| Rlei^sersee Hotel In thisIhis B avarian \ C Z E C H . ' by Uie a U aleers ^ am ong Uie palm Wed dependenlly Uie figures figi provided by ;! town exploded a t 4:07 p.m p.i . aod lg- groves. TheTl olflclaf Iraqi News A|Agency, the two countries.is. !' • nited a blaze-that; fire1 fig h te rs------m a brougbl under contr)nUt)l a fler. | | | nIgbUall. ^.^.^U STRIA ^ Africa^rebelshiHbotsguM^d s I Fiorida^□Winter Another police spokesaesmao, Georg Q Wolf, said the northernn vwUig of Uie ^Innsbruck :ationto I > JOHANNESBlSfiURG. 'SouUi Africa to l ( 0 Uie regional cenler of M« niFab.9,1917 | hotel housing Its recreat'eaUoD cenler (AP) X A captiptured black goerrUla oeailear the border, at about 9 p.rr» » .« was‘"literally blown Into lh >o«UoOcc»|>oiKy I; oUjealr.” pRANCJ C E ' N A ' ^ N. broke loose froirom two police guards, lay day but “ m anaged to free hihim self. fMP*r»«".Do«h The Riessersee was fully fu booked V — ■ grabbed a gmion and killed botb of- gral(tab a loaded firearm and sh( with 300 guests, mostlyUy people on rrA L Y fkers, pcdket isaid Satarday. Tbe wo two (police force) members,””°pollce ♦10'0 4 8 Christmas ski vacations,OS, West Ger- , >0. gQenUU escapeIped. heaileadquarters said In a statemeiient. (WMfw 'M ... M> M. C«»4Wi.»< IWm 'I : man television reportedted Saturday p iililM 'mM Tbe man wura s am ong a group of r> rtiM vniii o . i; The vIcUms, boUi while,e, w ere night. • - - Ore suspectedted African NaUonal MVl • CyrM* Oe*w • i| Warrant O fficer T .J. Gerber,. Hi a n d Garmlsch-Partenklrchei± e n w as Uie xrUlas wbo crossed Into < S Z X t : £•tm i \• i.inl. I A P / P a t L >gt.J.M. Nel. 43. UMw*. jl site of tbe 1936 Winter Olyclym plcs. Lyons'^ iS M K 00 Christmas Eve, ap- ® ' Koegl told T he Assoclatiilaled P re ss In inIng to lay land mUies Patrols were hunting fo(or th e ...... a telephone interview.f. IIUiat rescue but officialslls bad no definite count b y recreaUoo ret resorts. Hie t ds, Uie.Defense Force scaped guerrlUa. ■ V " . 21208-S86*7740 i workers had found the bo day n lg h t 27,27,500 people ts S9 m iles soot Sho«t>y ; ! bodies of six. laleSaturdaj • ^ TtThe ANC has claimed respoilonsiblil- \ tru guests io the rubble of Uie luxury The blast bis devastated tb e Munich Mi and fkww to the 9 x t bunUng came upon tyy forfi several land mine blalasts on \ N . ^ Wacoiwqr . . . i . ; . hotel’s recreation wing by 101 p.m. RIessersee’se’s pool a rea and flloess-Z-Zng^itze, n tte naUoo’s‘ U»e^ Fridaiday oq bis larm tn tbe whit»hlte farm s n e a r Uie borderers-wiUi • ------^ ------; Scores of rescue w orkerkers continued " cenler andi causedci serious dam age to m(mountalTL W dped&t^iit in nortbem T ransvaal ZimiZimbabwe, Botswana, Mozan ir t ^ ( t u S i r d il I to March the rubble lotInto tb e late oUier secUoiUons of Uie hotel, Koegl It ^ b as a large U.S. mUUartaryskilas Province, nealear Uie Zimbabwe andmd Swaziland over the past“ y e a r ! evening. . - , ...... said. and recreaUon facflUyUy, a S bonier. Uie Defllefense Force said. Tbe SevtSeveral people have been kllUllcd and ‘TtraveCM \ Wolf said 16 seriouslyf injuredIn botel He said earliere£ reports Uiat oUier A ^ m erican soldiers and UielrJrlafflUles farmer fired1 ;a t Uiem, b ut tbey scor«ores wounded in Uie explosionons. guests. were admitteded to local parts of Uie Uie complex escaped Uie often stay at Ute Riessersee.u escaped and Utbem farmer alerted tbe hospitals. explosion larlargely unscaUied were lo- ■ mUilary. American occupatioo fort “In addition, many n< )le with correct J ^ ^ foUow-npp operaUons, security . moderate and.light loji es bave Garmlscb-1±-Partenklrchen is one of Uie Uu hotel as a regional bead■*1“* ^ (on» UllRl fourfoi of Uie guerriUas, i been laken to hospitals,'ds,” he said, W«t GermaTiany's best-known ski and sborUy sb after W orldW arn. captured tbe: fifUifl and confiscated I Help Burger■Ki"8® K I li ii landm ines. P . .. Tbe.caplured!d man_wu.bein£iaken..1 _| Israeli Jeews celebi)rate Feast>t of LightsS ■ m Help otllUiers III n r o u M O i 1 T E L AVIV, Israel (AP)VP) — Candle- force Uie Jew Je s to adopt Uie G reek in tourism, are preparinglg to L A S T lights flickered In housouse windows culture. u . NeNew Year's parties whichI forI them 3 OA' throughout Israel on SaltSaturday nlgbt After lakloking over Uie temple, Uie are ar a solid source of Income. AYS LEFT as Jews celebrated Hanlanukkab, Uie Jew s smasDashed Greek statues, Bul 1 Uie country’s rsistibliilcal K f M W U U . LDONATE Any CAANNED FOOD Itenlem to the ; auUioriUes contend U u t Nei eight-day F east of LiLights com- perceived as aj idbis, and sougbt to au o m n T O R Twin T Falls "Comnimunity Action AcAgency at 1; ' memoratlng a miracle si e tem ple lam p wlUi Its is not a'Jewldi boUdi? andS ' S S « » » e said to have relight the c M s i o i m e occurred more than 2,00000 yes a rs ago. eternal flam'une. According lo Jew ish religious re! ChrisUan overtones. Burger King® andd receive a Mediunrum Pepsi® i; Hanukkah is viewed berebe as a na- tradlUon, Uie Jews had only enough 1In the p a ^ tb e ralrabbto In Ends mI u for one day, but Uie fire Jerusalem Je warned boteliensrs Uiat U BSSSSSS tional festival, remindliadlng Israelis oil to last fo r- i ' noti only of tbe victor>lory over the miraculouslyslybumedforelgbtdays. Uiey lb beld Uie Dec. 31 eekilebraUoos “^ T T T j Graeco-Syrian kingdomm in1 165 B.C. Hanukkahsh Is observed by li^Ung they Ui< risked losing the nrabbinical O H >rExpIrM x| January II, 1987 i t; but of the Jewish slate’se’s fight today one candlee I Uie first n i ^ t , two Uie license lie and. as a result, Uiei G o o d only Ot 3 64) 0 B 1 lu* l a k * f Blvd. N .. Twinvln F oiit for.srrvival against Ara\rab. enemies...second, and:id so on for eight days, a n d . dodoxJewisbclients. ....------1 -..— p Most Israelis, secular' aiand religious burning ther(lem In an elght-brancbed . f' um called menorah. alike, observe the festival.trai. candelabrum R s s r a r o ™ The hoUday. which be]began at sun- This year':ar's Hanukkah coincides dow n-F riday, m arks Uie thi rededlca- wIUiNewYeY ear's Eve, which happens tion of the temple In JeruJei salem by every 19 yea:-ears according to Uie Jew - Ju ^ a s M accabeus and his b rothers In ish lunarr calendar. Jerusalem’s a victory over conqueroiirors trying lo hotels, suffeifferlng (rom a sharp drop WKliiMltPiiil London a r A -’i i art. Y**rescriptions ■EEllfel . . . . . P r e ! exility hiii l l ForP«Peace Of Mind: by’thievei2S 'T'S I lytUDOli (AP) - ThThieves fired i steel ball bearings throu{-ough Uie glass #!' front of a London artir t gaUery to br£ak io and threeee [paUiUngs by French artists wortbrUi a l least j $109,000, the owners said S Id Saturday. t H l . . ' - J m B ii . Police- said the smaimash-and-grab '£ raid on the Lasson G Ga alleryrTiear ------j a M Piccadilly In Loodon'sI’s West End, probably occurred early ear Friday, when the area would havhave been des- ^ cried for the Boxing5 DDay holiday ■ that follows Christmas lol r w FATE p f THE R m i i £ ^ i 5 In B ritain. UES HIDDEN W THE P A S i K ■ Gallery owner Barbarbara Lasson ^ ^ li SO*4EWHEREONb* EARTH...1966. m \ learned of the theft Sati5aturday when ^ she arrived to open1 UUie gallery. •I Police discovered theB raidr Friday aad boarded up the sh sha attered win- M1 s n e y b ‘ dow. ITeblititeprideiattieptnocal OAKY 12:15-2:30 . 'Mrs. Lasson said'd ' Uie most ■ itttntiootiofl |oor prcscHpUoa rt- •' 4U5-7tM.9:ls I-.1 valuable painting stolenen w as a 1937 cthts I TWIH i»l|!r=ff|[S|^— sdene of the annual Epj i s M L PHARMACY I n e a r—London,. -b y „ a r t S : . . PRBfESJ h im — . - ...... Adrion (1889-1953) It wa:was, valued at 66iS SKo:loshono S tr^ t East fiS o u d ii :» J65,250. N oxt too thet Twin FoIli Cilnlc o«EETiNcs ^ The o th er works stolenlen w ere a por- . fROM TOOAYAT INTERSTATE I® ■ DAAV7>l*4>M ■ } f f 733-7901 ^ rI i ^ tAT.4UN.iliS0.lilt ■ ; tra it of a French chocolat[>late m ak er by ______^ A n “T \ amusement > lilWtt-T.IM.IO . Andre Marchand (1883-1J3-1936) and a I L work by Emile Foubertt(184S-1911). (ll 5 3 ^ ^ A m e r i w **! B j i p B « - F x u M TO)

0 / / 1 \ 9 9 7 WwwFwmM ULHOQAN ------’ ^I ^ ------Celebrate T m - m M6M GOLDEN. 3>w Year's TiHaSipSp ■''® m BSN9N CCHILD ( r a i jiiijjlpOOW ’ V- at Illa DAItV7!20.,,to tO O A Y A k THUIIS,«SUN. Jo m h-L'wC^ 3:40.5a$.7i ijiHlpwiw M M IW I 1 cDINE IremMOtolllWrJ*. i .

K fl SLEP Stay h*r« « I f3 T phnWitaK. fr ' \ € ^ j r ^ ALL SEATS CallforI for Room RMmrttoftt — _I H E A R T P B E A ^ Itl iVK R i d g e I r f| r *1.00 V M liJi tM. TI

' ...... ; _ . , .... • ■ Tr ;. ■ 1 »c8mbor28.1988 MTVl>»»Nt»l,T«lA1Fl F ills , kU h o S u n d a y . D M )rary ge ected ; Suiinday croosswotnrdlf'people — Lib ets boolks colle = j b y fath 1 er of^Fc air[lily Tie^>s’ sta r ByTheAssocloclated Press r I aidbjOdober. m t ■ m e: Sunday Cr B r E C « ln Irossword “D uring (hisiss Knrke. I taooSM Edited by Herb Etteitte a a o n . FORT MADISON, M Iowa ai)oot (V t" andml pnjrtd] ta my - n o o n " Railroad books bo< collected by the k (or (bem aadd b hope that ttay led -grandfatherT iof "Family Ties” star ^ th a t tbey wQl recttcdrepennteioofb tTJ w ”! Michael Gro>ross are gotag tato a e m ig rate),” tbehe Co-yeai-old Gokllaib ------^ l a l colli ollectlon al the Fori said from hisI bohomital bed after at- : sS.'sar ...... — M adisoniblic publJ library...... - tending --Servicevices Friday at a — — Gross, whwho plays the (ather, M an ln ttan synagin a g c ^ . . 21 CkM* . _ Steven Realeaton. on tbe popular ;rant^' pennissknito ( on the task of gathering ^ ’^ 1 .^ He-was gram ...... — - series, took o United States ta Oc- ' - '. eomort _ _ (he books eafter his grandfather. ....L com e to the Ud itment of diabetes and 2 t M Klcal wilgBNi Chester S. Gross, Gi died last summer H J h / tober for treatmi a h e a rt conditiiditkm. It waa later . a u at lhe age of M. • The elder Gross I •S S S S p * n discovered thattiat be also bas hmg n i S m S t m ______worked for th the Santa Fe Railroad ta P Fort Madisorson most of his life and cancer. — ■ collected bookMks about raUroadtaf -. g T h e tim e seema seei better for tbe fiO M ortM l Acttag llbrIbrarian Ethel RIchman h g ranting of moreu>re exit visas, be sak!, aiiiMw'thMd * — — said the actoi:tor, a native of Chicago, I “ because we see tbat under tbe new . MOM-opwat«d - was close to his grandfather and I administrationn ta tbe U.S.S.R. tbere came to vlsl/Islt Fort Madison quite | a r e m any changemges in different fields, often. in culture asdtd tltbe release of some B 1^ dissidents andIso so elEl H oon symboUxes (hebe Festlrali of Lights. — — rare books.' quite some tim e and w as PlPhase watch, which retaUss (orI about (j^oirb saidid his memories of “I think git for the right opportuni- 115,000. |i Hanukkah as1 a wpan diild in tbe I in m tad forI qibe knew exactly what be Selleck plays a Honolu)lulu-based Ukraine tacludetuded «•^^»«^^»|^^ *twgtfig . • . . JOEdgM : ...... ___— just waiting 0,"saldRf ichm an. . private pj eye in tbe series, wtwblch is ta and gifts of mooejooey and apples. nOiMrekwplint I ty, because hi Its seventh season. ;o Claire Friedman^ tbe niClnMMMiMr. g i ? - m H IM H . wanted todo,"im’ganggets “ Accordtag to Cl Got^farb remembibers hospital's patielatient represeotatlTe S8 •‘Au m ^ h M j Ml IW ^■ 1 1 1 tt« « i m “ “ 8 from Selleck ^ d tb e’ vU t, Gotdfarb H A h M w m B m ‘Magnun -■ his friends in Russ>sia riy toDCbed wbeo Bab- S7 — CMO*,Cub« LIT-Actor Tom Selleck'” ii ------^ watchesj em igrant H arm y Teltelliitelbaum spoke a t tbe ' 11 nas gifts this year for his 89 Kktd of h tk n tt NEW YORK - Soviet ( M H *b.lyra ork, all 300 of them . ' David D; Goldfarh says *3a Skaaray TeniaUa Synagogue about ' ------HONOLUH lewsootofRnssia. 61 X ' m — — Chrlstmajof the cast and crew of celebrating ce his (irst Hanubukkah In 8'lli"8noreJew ezcontradfet < friends at woriP.I."each received a more m than 60 years remtadeded him ol "He cried,”’ 11Hs. Friedman said. ., sa B M c te p — I— I M em berstch ol with the "Magnum” friends (r Ih Moscow who' aree 1still bop- “ W hat he saidI tIn a Russian was, “God M K M M n d u 't aOPrefOund 72 E I and the inscription: in I— , . - lotiwdioM r r2 Betwaan: prtf. 94 Oami■m m h J "Magnum P ing to leaye th e SovIet.UnIcalon as be should listen.’ ” . 111 School lounge 34Ust«ncflng 73Cr3 Offica worfcar 9 5 tra a r Bulova watch 35 Chap 7r* 4 Abova / 97 O tnji I M D o m m lU H B n y n p A magad logo on it 67M«Ungpest 115 Din aeCumntwM 7S1r s T V t - — „ 118 Fob 37 T i« a — F lan ' eeKMofced* Funny" 2 ruafiutta ' dentsA at IVVHT escap3e the streess by : 89 I M M I 117 Ac»n»-«riM r 38 A notfw nam* 78V'6 W a t *yn>- m Uvm ■rtfkw 390fK*pMM pathetic p lOOWldgi ' TOHuiy 118bidlO«it raistalw 83t3StonapU S a • 102Wlno<^ btud 119IJM «wr* M W tthfuB ulandmade . 103 lowa ling the fifihe art of ppranksteri:rism ■ ^ - 120 Up ' fOfC^ MJackaor lOSAChi 1 2 1 - i p p t o 42 Sound iudvm nt 74 8MhM0lnQ better? IM Matrf- DGE. Mass. (AP) - Stu- ly ly anonymous activity. But Bi It is G ray, w l» willvUl not discuss his own 78 80CM 43 W M ar hazard f r l refini 44Pa*try l5Mother'awPle in non^ t 28 people involved in them, th - 1O2 8hor0y 24UMTM ' eSMadtha ' H on*the-dome prank. Hc The home on the dome was'as prom|>- 103V«naM« 2 8 V « n tu n « IW da I f [itiji||i|| sophomore fr Identified only as Jack. lly II3 dismantled by malt s 104 Dogi* catehor boStf 70Mkdancaa . L=i IIU ||llg)l l ' w h ow asam ot itatenance nnyrTrB|i}j the ~home-on'ays that nice little thrill. workers, W( but Cam pus Policillce Chle( Hlflllloliiil ask ed to b eldhe e morning and no one James Ja Olivieri granted amm nesty to “It’s alway!Jack said. “ When we fl- the lh builders, who could hahave been ------1 It’s 4 In theone (with the h o m e ).. . . fined fir $50 and disclplta'ed fprir betagi on MIMHI h Rockdiind rottnra/iio stattion knoi ■ knows it,” ’Ja exhilarating, very adre- thereof. th ing. We cheered for about Whll? denytag hackers’ claim s thatth he is lenient, MIT President P It ’'^5 ''^>7 nallne-flowing/er let an Intelligent mind Paul P< Gray openly admires theJiem. Nashvili7 /e V WSSMoffthileNo.l SJ ^ J 10 minutes.”“ minutes, you have to f t M O r " if you ever/ith soniethi.ng strange,;^. NASHVILLE, Tenn.! (AP) - 't W s “ it’sali^lcktown/’saldMs.P sit for five I NEW YEARS EVIVEDANCE city Is imown a s tbe c(hcountry music rtrespect country Industry officials say the come up willilexander Theroux, who capital of tbe worid andhd tbe bome .ol______" radio m arkel Is one of tbi years at MIT as artlst- W ednesday, Doc.Dc 31st 1, said In a telephone In- tbe Grand Ole Opiv,, butb its radio mUSlC£c and know th at’s tense battlefields for listeriie Nashville Music byV listeners prefer rock 'o’’n’ roll to th e *K I. nation. There are .30 the s t m ost In- fPent Uiree>m yi his West Barnstable the town was built inks at MIT are social life "Sweet Countrntry Air" twang of a steel guitar,ir. iaccordtag to W llM tni ^ 800,000 .people, ju sl 12eners In the n-resldence. l ■ tbe ratings.- on. Butjt sometimes, youI outlets fewer than Newstations (or lervlew Iromrked students. In a way. m 9p.m .tolo.no .in . "We respect countrytry music and fool lilro . which has 10 million resider {replaced romance.” $10 por coupta fortrm m o m b o rs ke you’re banging ! broadcast entry in the prank a r­ $15 por coupla fer noa know tb a t’8 w bat tbe tovtown was built ‘e e iu k e “A lot of outsidersI York City '“r ovenvorke rwn*tTMtnbars on." said Diane Rankliikta, executive UOUr headn( against the Nashville as a blueauvri#s ir>dudod taken In 1926. It depicts administrator of tbe NashvUle . ' n . , Detroit," said Steve^ perceive J'*'' 'I'?'.5' Entertainment Associa«iatlon.. "But W all tO3 get< people in the• general m anager of WK dents___ perching an ar lown like ' 51™ at the edge of a dor- TWIN FALLS anIKS CLUB sometimes, you feel like;ke you’re bang- re st ofO the nation to . Nashville Is actually me5 Dicker' photograph ta ^ 2(205Sho«honoStJJyT^^ ( n W U _ _ ^ M 1 3 ing your bead again st thetbi w all to get ____ collar, with printing, banki'KDF. "But — people ln the rest'ofI thetf Mljon to rcau zele that we do wear surance all major induslrnore white- au omoblle inks al listed in the archives ^ realize tbat we do wearear shoes, and chnoc people like more coni >w that found Its w ay to a *" s, an d th a t not all iklngandln- iftop, , a trolley welded to th at not all of us drive di pickup m usic." itrlK. These , P™'‘ trucks." o f Uiis S drive pickup . Olher? oay counlry isinlemporary Include a cowgiant icicles grown from O L D PH1 0 T 0 S C OOPIED Rock StaUon WKDF-3F-FM, which here. campus rooftc3alhrooms, and students' tru ck s.’ reconstructed on the" bllls Itself as “one of America’s “Counlry music Is one,s sllll king J ' " i f ''=■8'; legendary rock 'n' rolroll stations,” — Diane Rankin, • form ats, but you can’t ex dormitory balles River. S 5 .0 0 ODFF D ^ed country stationn VWSM-FM out _ win the ratings all the ti onados still are waiting e x e c u d c e administrator, e ol the lop bedrooms re __ON.ANY PHOTO COPY)PY ORDER •' • of tbe N o ;-l-sp o t In tbitbe latest Ar- ' Ed Benson. ’ associateexpect ll to Iroien Charlese to outdo the pranksters , Nasholtte Enteriidnment I a weather balloon under OFFER EXPIRES k i 2^ a >967 : bltron raUogs, releaseddta la October. ^ director of the Couiililime," said , “l" ------^ A s s o c ia tio n — l-Harvard-Stadium—and___ j^Your p re c io u s o ld pk:tur©u re s c o n n e v e r ------Indus try-officfals-say-a 3r t hey're~not— ^ *“ Associali3ih 'TlesearcR: executive suiprised, particularlyly stace rock n - NashvUlians, still prefer lo swell up out of the ‘ >e r e p l a c e d o n c 'e io s t-ox rfc - f o d e d - t e f u s ------dominated the city's radradio scene be- adult conteritem porary and easy listen*- music overall." ng the‘1982 Harvard-Yale mnako e foithful copies of‘ themth( for your le. . fore 1983. w hen WSMM changedi its ing stationsns iclose on tbelr heels, Jack Shockley, whose i o m e ... o r t o s h o r e with1 kived ones. e r counlry , pranks are called . format to country. In the suniummer period measured byf research firm released a s ground during ------"tJntin983.“a"conBtiytiy-5taaoirhad“ thE-ATbltnjtron-Itat!ng-BD 0 k7“ W K D'•—monlh-on-lhrxity’s'musli P-r e Nashville 'oolball game.•obably-o derivation from— i vernacular that called If your photos oro fodod. (c stoirKKl aocked. scfofchod sera Of tot- never been No.~l’™'’ .WSM. “ Wben you teU01 people that of listenersirs for a t least five m tautes3 classical. Irt, to U & '“" campus’ing V computer amateurs ‘hackers.”. outside of Nashville,t, th^ can’t in a quaraarter-bour period durtagJ However, rock was lop■V-jtfland f"y technical I . photA haphj imber of practicing believe IL” M onday tthrough b r Sunday from 6 a.m.. younger age group, Shocl the pioneerini 3 0 4 2ndAVET^VtNUEEAST a t MIT Is h a r t to Since 1983. tb e twoI stations at bave until midnignlghL and country music's popuop w ith the o l t e 1970s“ hi ■’AL15•S • 734-20207 ncc hacking Is a purpose* _ ------beem lu^g-lt-OTirin-'In-thls-hlghiy “Nashvilh/ille’s reputation is cbang-:- subsided slightly since itJckley said, ...... competltfve- radio mamarket, with tag, b u t th^784»>4t* In Hazelton i . . _

S unday, D e c e m b er28.tdd6 rs ' nme»^m.Tihnrwin F iu a . Id ah o * 4 Gas exxplosioi m a t s k ii resort Work kills 6,/injuress m o r e than t 2( Imnia3 n bodiesi litter B a si>ra battlefiifield GABMlSCB-PARnNEN m C H E N , \ ___ West G«ra«xiy (AP) — A BASRA, Ira qq ((AP) — Iraqi tro c^ -IraIraqi tnx^brougblbi suppUtlUesna- mooUored bi Nkodi sion Satnrdi^ a t ID ahdoe fortified pcttlUoQIons east of B asra on Inglg a 200-yard ram p acrossiss Uie a,344 Iranians were bold laroml by ■ t buill troops beat backc lbUm attack. Itm;! <; WEST ‘ Satunlay on a batUdldd strewn wateaterway to the western bank. anA t h d r MTUwldatleastdz j wlUi m e bodies» 'of Iranian soldiers, byf Iraq: when ll establlsbtbed a oIQcials eariifr badlad pot tbe Iranian }| • « re Uiap rO E R M A N Y ^ND Iraq says tenss (of thousands of th e bridgrldgehead to retake Uie island.L loUat 10,000. "T* EAsX°>^' enemy died in an unsuccessful offen- Tbe Tb< soldiers, dug trenches anmd for^ Iran claimed Itss forcesfea kiOed S.000 . jl i The fam ltW werere' not tan- S H |I|||| ^ GERMANY ( sive. - Ufledfled Uielr defenses oo th e isIdand, Ir ^ is io wbat Ul caned ca a *nbnited !; mcdbtdy identi&d ^rn Dl a se e rB a - iHIHiHB S * . Reporters tak la] en _ to Umm-al> abouIwut 2S_miles souUieast of Basra, B surglcd stril»." m«moocted In retalia- * OoMltty. R assas Island1 In li uie ShaU-al-Ai^Iraq’’aq’s secobd-Iaj^^ city,. Tbe' tion to recent afrr aall U a ^ 'o fi ttf d t- || PoUce ip n tfim in Max■zKKglsaid i /NL waterway sawV dozens of Iranian Islanland was Uie site of fierce fignghUng ies.' a finity natur il gas pipeiipdineiottie N bodies and llghlbl weapons abandoned durliurlng an oKenslve launched bby j Iran There was no Tray*~wa to verify bh il Bkssenee H otd ta (bishis Bavarian \ C Z E C H . by the attacken» r s am ong Uie palm Wedi dependently the OgDingores provided by ;! towB exirioded a t 4:07 ppjn. j and Ig- groves. TheThi oKlclaf*"Iraqi News AgIgency, (be two countries.u V - ;I ' nUd a Maze that firefl^iten 1 ■■ M unlch^_y/'— 1 broogbt nnder cootrntrol after ' ■ wtgMfan ^^^.^USTRIAyV. A fric a n r e b d s hioofsgiiafd t 3s FloridaI VVVinter AdoUk t pQike spoktsnsm an. Georg B Wou, sau the noftbenD iwfa>g Of the ^Inrebruck^^r Vflcfltation JOHANNESBUBURG. SouUi A frica to> Uthe regional cenler of Mei Jon.I7rt«F.ulwb.«.IM 7' bote) boasiog Its recreat (AP) - A captvptured black guerrUla nearear Uie border, at about 9 p.m was **menU]rbknni loto tb ICE . -broke loose fronom two police guards, dayay but “managed to free blrilmarif, Fer renew. DwA* Tbe Weoersee was M V -— . • grabbed a gunin a n d kiUed boUi of- grabrab a loaded firearm and sho< with 300 goests, mosUyUy people on P ITALY (leers, police ssaid Saturday. Tbe twowo (poilce force) members,” i | i ' Christmas sU racaliocs,ss. West CrCT- lO. guerrilla escaped}ed. beadeadquarters said in a statemen rf^ M * 0« U m4 }: mas tderiska reported\xA Saturday Tbe man wasas among a group of ^The VlcUms. boUi while,:, were ■ n ig h t • ■ ______I five suspected5d African NaUonal Warrant OHlcer T .J. G ertier, 4^ ben was the ij ' ■rillas who crossed Into ogLJ.M.Nd,43. -, >2 sUeottbeUasWioterOIni A P / P a ( L L: y o n s on (Hiristmas Eve, ap- ° Koegl told l b e Assodatit o t e s b parenUy plannin[ling to lay land m ines Patrols were hunting for a ttkpbooe bttorinr' (batU icscne boto0icials1I s lu d no definite count by recreaUon rec resorts. The ttown of on fu,g| niads,Is, Uie^ Defense Force scaped guerrilla. " ““ -iir- 20M » M -7740 vo iten bad Cocmd tbe: bodiesbo of six. lateSaturdajrlaynlght • . 27.‘27,500 people Is 59 m iles souUiiUiwestof jaid . / ThThd-ANC has claim ed respon Munich and close lo Uie 9, gnests io (be nibble oTof Utei baary Tbe blast bla devasUted Um Mu A tam er outut hunting came upon (y{ fc for several land mine biasS l . i: botd’s recreatioo wiDg bybylOpjn. 1 . Biessosee’s:’s pool a rea and fitness Zugspitze, Zu( Uie naUon’s highest the groim F ridajday on his farm In Uie whlt<'hlte farm s near Uie bordersni wilh ------i ------1 Scores of rescue wurfceriIzrsconUnoed cc n te ra nI dcaused a serious dam age to mountain. m a Welpe d j ^ c t Inin northern Transvaal ZlmlImbabwe. Botswana, Hozam a O m n t a mi» ‘Bb i u S i r d ■; j to search the rabUe intinto Uie late otber sectiot[fans of Uie to te l, Koegl It j b as a larg e U.S. m llitarary skiing Province, neaiear _ the Zimbabwe andnd Swaziland over the past evenisg. said. and recreation facilityly, and border, Uie Defeefense'Force'-saiarThe Seveeverai p ^ i e have-been kUleiM d a n j ‘T n■aod m ; WoUsaidlfiserioQdyfaiFtajoredliotd He said earilerea reports Uiat oUier ^American soldiers and theirlr families farmer (ired a l Uiem, 'b u t Uiey sconcores wounded In Uie explosion!ins. ------guests were adnflteded lo local parts of lbe (be complex escaped tbe often slay a( (he RIessersee. escaped aod the[he farmer alerted tbe hpq>ttai< exidosioolanlargdy unscathed were to- ^ ‘ military.- “Io addMoo. many pipeo^ wiUi correct American occiipaUon fore In follow-up1 operaUons,( security . moderate and light iojttnjuries have GarmlsdhjIhPartenklrcbeu is ooe of Uie the h o td as a retio n al headcidquartOT four of Uie guerrUlas, M (q * be said. West Gennaioaoy's best-koown ski and shorUy sho after World War II. captured Uie fifth fii and confiscated I IMpBntrHW lii‘ land mines. The capturedd cm an w as being taken |

Israeli Jeews celebi>rateFeastit of LightsS ISI Help OthiIkis ' : j | TEL AVIV, Israd CAP)^)-Caodle- force Uie JeiJew s lo adiqit Uie G reek in in U)urism, are preparingg to hold lASJiT C H A N C I ^ Ughts Oidcered io boasoose windows culture. NeNew Year’s parties whicb I,orU .= m throogboot Israd on SatiSaturday night After taUsIdsg over Uie tem ple. Uie are arc a solid source o( Income. JYSLEFT \NNED FOOD Itemem to the ■: ' as Jews cdebrated Hanr«mifctaih the Jews smaslasbed. Greek statues, But E Uie country’s rabbinical ra H H Ie I t N c u u . ^DON^E Any CAI dgbt-day Feast of UijgHK c(xn- pfTCftvwl asas idbis, and sought to auUiorities aut contend Uiat Nevew Y ear’s l a m i mN i T U U t T O R TTwin Falls Comrrmunity Action AgAgejicy at 1; ' memor^ing a mlrade: s:said (0 bave rdigbt Uiee < temple lamp with its Is noti a Jewish holiday and occurred more than 2^000WyeaisagD. j eternal flamyan at SOO* TtiK year*ar*s Hanukkah coincides p dowo'Friday, marks UaUk rededka- wiUiNewYe^Ifear’s Eve, whicb happens jl UoQ of tbe temple to JeJerusalem by every id yeaie a rs according to tbe Jew - •• • calendar. Jerusalem’s j: jDdas Haccabeos aod bisbisbroUKtsin bb lonv EBM aifenSagrriam r / i t i r S i ® a v id n y over conqoeroi9t>rs trying to hotels, suffe[fering from a sharp drop

.jir jK jU j^ London a r t . 1: . . . . r — P r-escriptions e | I l i t F o r PP « e a c e 0 ( M i n d : B j: biythieves» m a | IJONDON (AP) - HiThieves f M i Katl h^j i'liigc tbroQ{oogh the glass ' front of a London artart galloy to # • I br€ak in and sleal threeeepabdin^tgr { .*25658^36 :< French artists woclbrth at least j $109,000. (be owners saidid SSaturday. £ li Police said tbe smmasb«]idgrab a £ r. raid 0 0 tbe Lasson GiGaDe^, near .JaJ Piccadilly io London's-I's West-End, - i g P -' ''p probably occurred eareariy Friday, wlien Uk area would bavhave beendes- ^ ;pc- ; erted for Wnrrtng; DayG holiday wi: I Uiat follows Oiristmas b)biBrilaio. 1 HEFATEpFTHEWTuiiE^iSLIES HIDDEM M THE P A S t l ^ G alloy owner Barbairbara i SOMEWHERE OHI E>EARTH...19^ J l learned of the Uieft SatiSaturday wben ^ sbe arrived to openI tithe gaDayl 5t ' Police discovered Uiet iraid Friday JiiT aod boarded tp .Uie sha .10- dow. I hitihprideistbepenoiat U •) OAIIY IfctS-aiJO Mrs. Lassoo saidd Uie most Ja^mso^re- jj 4US-7:00-yilS w ^ p lil ' len was a 1337 trim I v^uable paioUng stolen r w iN 1 ^ («»<««■ P w s c m of tiie annual Epi near London, by art PROFESSSsioNAl PHARMACY | WWSKlOllN 'FiA IX ll Z. was valued at 6 6 6 Shos Adrion (I889-19S3) It wa loshonc Street East ^ ciS h iu d ltR ?ii'. N o ittoolhftT i w In Foils Clinic r. ■ iM U il '.JJ CaCCTlNCS \ » 0 M ’ The other works stolenlenwereapor^ . | @ "sjssssr'i M 733-7901 ji A p j KM I^^TE«STATl trait of a French chocolal e r t l-1ewL_ ^ AMUSEMENT IylmM M Vwnrrs UMdMltftMi K , Aodre U arduind (188MD-1936) and a wort; by EmDeFoobertt(lS4S-Ull). (li A m e r i c a n ^ TzESzir i n T X IL ---J n J f |« _ TONIGHT AT 7;( 1; P.iS-— (io o ^ S S |p r - n il— dt-SSw!, |M f |i T ^ m i r UL HOOAN M ^ 'X m n ''' — i l ItW VroMOHT/ Celebrate MOFJ*. m SrM MOW OJOKNJ GOLDEN 1 9W Year's E\ Ijl *' .liSmi t a■ m c i n u ^ n l CHILD m i f ^ ■ p ■ jPC-t3t DAUY 7:20-9:10I . j i g g ! £ ! J STiSt TODAY A .. thurs. t SUN. fd ^ 5:90-7:20-9:10 1 IiiiihgiilH inJw ir KtEiSH Si-*' ;! I C-W* f(MiS:«toniMPJa. iiiw r a % DJUKE tt e S Z S S i X ; T’ ' i; ■ S X S /r A l l SEATS i t K W B ■ ^ cdifM H e a r t j b r e a > | r * 1 . 0 0 IkMMilkliFaMDitUMarta P i DAILY AT DAUvr4o-tiu . 'K '^ W ^ 4:30-7:00-9:25 iAT.4UN.Ma m i^W ■ cTCITeJSP » i J M j p p p S Ic^yon^ • f j i s M j s i "oESTMA^TNaATIU IO N FIGHTER I j n ALLADULT!TSONLY | | | k d a i l y \ iasyiieei^www.ii** - ip W L : ------^ D /O K . y T « h i M b ^ _____ a-a'5^ 9:00 Of “ * 3 . 5 0 i z ___ , J2_Tp 6P,l B t pinllijfrpij i l P l W E n nITfw j i FlSi^ X ar-.-v.y-A-ILUjJBLgl'lE i i i i i l i i s a •------•* Tr \ : j. "■ A-IOTlmes-Nowa.T*I, Twin F a lls, Idaho Sunday,lay. Docomber 28,1986





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I W O lV /u s

I. 'v ' . ■ 'S uhd«y, Deciece;nbor28,1986 TImes-Nis-N ew s. Twin Falls, Idaho. ■ Obituaries/hospitiitals B2 , ■ Features B3 r m Iglc Vailley • ; ■ Worid B4 - B t Makirng a nevwhome

IN FALLS - The lawyerr who w successfully sued ~ Twin Falls Counly over the agedcd JJail says he’s pleased wlththehe progress made to improvevethejall. tJ , , adds Greg Fuller, the Counounty Board of Coramls- sioners■s will need^m e professlonalonal help to pass a bond to flnammce a new IalL Fulleiler, a county resident with1 a :law offici In Jerome, filed thciie law suit in 5th D istrict CouCourt in October, 1985 on f 0of tw o form er Jail Inm ates.es. 1The litigation claimed there \were "conslilutlonar’ problems pro at the Jail, :d Ion the fourth floor of the CouCourthouse. On Feb. F« 11, 1986 the commissioissloners agreed to make al improvements to the Jail;ill; place{ a 30-Inmate cap on lheI popuialion [ and place l^forefore the public, “as soon I £lble,” .a Ixind to finance a new jall. , Fulleiler says he’s been kept apprippralsed of the county’s ess on the terms ot the agrcagreernpnt through mon- thly rereports. Judge Daniel HuiHurlbutt approves the Ls. ley (th e commissioners dndind Sheriff Jim Munn) have done do some marvelous work,rk. II (the jail) is not so rowded and has more staff,”.’’ FullerF says, The itIm provem ents should be concompleted by the end of' menonth. Many of Ihem.werere relatedr to fire safety, as InstBliatlon of a new fire exit, fire alarm and . - P - - ‘ d e te c to r s .------^ - - .. “We’vi've made some compromisenises,” such as allowing the COUIlUnty lo skip Installation ofif elelectronlc-slidlng doors stated In the agreem ent — because of the cost, Fuller‘ 8says. Instead, the counly' wilwill be changing the sw- the Jail doors and the locks, Fullerler says his main concem is thet passage of a bond to flnaniince Q new Jail. And, it’s goini;oing to be tough because o flhcececonomy and the nature of theproJecLthe The ccommissioners announceded irecently the hiring a Boise architectural firm to prepare pre a preliminary 1 and work with the communilunity to determine what the peopople and county needs in a new jall. Fullerler says it’s going to take moremor — Il's going to take ' thehlriiring of professional pubilc-rtIc-relatlons people to sell nd Issue. Ihink the money wlll^be wewell spent. The county commlslissioners should pull out all the stops. Let’s face 're selling a Jail,” Fuller says.say “I want that thing to s... And, I have my doubtsits uunless they get a iot of Tlm«»-Ntwspholphoto/SXYE SAVESON ptOfCSSlislonal 3 dvice.” he bond doesn't pass, hc’ arand the .lawyer repre- . l! R ich ard , SllS h a w n a a n d A ly s s a UJ lrlch h liv e in a Tw in F a lls h o m e b o u g h t w ith thih e h e lp o f th e M ortgageige C re d it C e rtific a te• ppi ro g ra m lg th c county, Lloyd Webb,ib, 'will bc back in court • ^ seekinglg guidance from thc court,, FuF uller says. lere is no question Ihe're w illIll beb a new Jail. The only lon is how. Do we start liquldatIdating county assets?" 1 New]prograim p u tsi mortgi[ages widthin reeach : commissioners have not yet set a dale for a bond electionon. i^: ByBOBFREUNDI - “ loat9an administration. “That shoishould fund payments reququlred by the purchase of a substantial activity."W e think the Fulle:ler says he wasn’t disturbed■bed by the county diver- :’- r/me5-\eH'swri/cr!r aboibout 1,000 loans." $60,000 home al a 9^4-percent Interest arere pilot program is probabl>ably going to run ting thilhe electoral attention lo an advisory vote earlier UiHA currently has 16 mortga^gage credit sllll beyond theth reach of about half of through about mid>yeai'ear, but we are this mononth over transfer of.MaglcIglc Valley Regional Med- >. r TWIN FALLS-- RRichard and Shawna cerlertiflcate loans In process, foiforatoUl Idaho’s 325,00000 fflmliles,’’ hc says. Thcie prepared to do a sccondfid program| JUst a s leal CeiCenter. : ‘ U lrich viewed closeise to 65 dwellings, and, • ofs:if J700.0W In lending authority./. * 30-ycar, fixedd rale mortgage would re-e- soon as this one Is gone."!;."hesays. "It wosv, an Important Issue,’’,’’ hhe says, "l-think they :; ' walked through aboabout 10 houses while _B. But, ^though theagiafey,iss raanagibgro quircpaymCnt:its of $489.72 monthly. It will not replacee traditionalt pro- (the commissioners)co are doingg w: w hat Uiey can with the t ‘ . . , shopping for their finfirst home. . thehe program, It doesd’Tpn)vld(vide money Thc tax erededit can pull a more-expen-n- grams offered through;h mi ortgage reve- Jall.Th'rhey haven't dropped the ball.'lall.’’ ly issuing mortgage revenuee b bonds, as slve hom e will:ilhln reach of a purchaser,r, nue bonds, he says. ' T h el! Impacts of thc lawsuit —- mostlym< financial — have \ I They kept comiomlng back to the’' I has with previous programs.i. as well as make t payments easier,r. The morlgage creditlit certificatei pro- not m:nade Fuller popular withIth the county commls- •: , powder-blue frametne at 548 Fillm ore, The IHA Issues a certificatelie entitling Williams says,s. g ram Is aim ed at first-time fii home sionersrs. 1; • som etim es eyeing1 It11 from a parking lot he homeowners to a substantiintial break After a 5-pi•pcrcent downpayment, a buyers of low and middleidle Incomes. Sev- “I knknow, 'I’m the dirty guy.’’ ButBt I don’t care.’ . .I’m ; - across the slreel duriluring lunch hours. , n federal Income taxes. They;y rreceive a p urchaser of theth samc-price home couldId eral restrictions applyiy to the buyers notaflefter the county commissionermers." he says. Hc wants • I Today, the youngung couple and their ‘ ax credit amounting to 20 pepercent of save $1,108.57>7 yearly because of thele an d th eh o m es: . a new/ jailj for his clients and thehe otherc people who may • : d aughter Alyssa haviave closed the deal on .{j he Interest due on thc homee lc loan. The m ortgage c'redidit, Williams calculatcs. • Buyers must be Idahilaho residents and find thc1emselvesth,ere. T; the $34,000 house, mcmoved In, and becom e J” emalnlng Interest is deduct:uctlble, as -That bornrrower basically could af*f* cannot have owned a homhon e in the last 3 Amonong the legal fall-out Is an average of $12,000 lo : ■ a sm all part of the thi history of Idaho ^Ith all bome loans.______--- - ...... - ford-$lO,000 more n on-the mortgage”” years. ------$16,000-0 spcnt'inonthly^to transporsport and board inmates ; ; • HousIhr Agency, Effectively, the famllles-ha>have more from a privatelie lending agency, whichh * Buyers must have2 annualai gross In- out off the t county lo comply with'Ith thc cap. Last month. r; The Ulrich famlljnily can afford their discllsposable incomc and can qiqualify to would apply.t.the entire credit to thele com es of no m ore lhan1 $26,000$2 generally the billslls hltarecord of $21,000. ! • house payments comomfortably becausc of mainake higher payments, Williamsims says. payment. Forr loans made through the^le and $29,000 In certain "targeled” "t; coun- A bigIg chunk of thc expenses> went we to legal fees. The : a new program ope:Dpened by th e agency The Tl Ulrichs will save $566 i a month Federal Housusing AdministraUon orir lies. Those counties, targeted tar because court orderedoi the counly to payly F Fuller about $7,000 for i •; earlier this monlh.Jl. They a re the first bee.lecause of their mortgage certificate. cei Veteran’s . Administration,A whichh of economic and housingtng conditions, in- the ease:se. : • homebuyers In thee statesi approved to fi- andmd their employer pumps it b back Inlo operate diffcrerently. it could qualify theic elude Cassia. Gooding.. JeromJc e and Lln- Webb3b, m eanw hile, has billedI the county - according . : • nance their home1C wilh a Mortgage he the mortgagb payment. Bothth Richard buyer for a househo costing $3,000 more,J, coin In the M agic Valley.y.______lo coununty records — for aboutlit thct sam e am ount for ♦: Credit Certificate. andind Shawna work for Tramansweslem hc says. Effeceels may vary somewhalIt • Market value df thc thc home cannot handiiniIng lhe case. • ; "W e could haveB afforded a them (pay* MoiMortgage Corp, of Twin Falisills, one of bccause of diffIffering tax circumstances,5, exceed $60,000 for exist(Isting properties -Whilelie the com m lssloners disagrlagree. Fuller claims the ;• ments) before, butul 1It would have been he the 21 lenders participating in thc pro- Williams says. and $68,500 for newlyf builtb dwellings. lawsuitit has helped. : • tig h ter," Richard., 21,21, says. 'ram gra . The mortgagage crcdlt“ccrtificale pro­)• Mobile hom es a re eligible,ble.______Thc JailJ; is safer, he says. ButIt theth present facility can I • ; The Mortgage CrCredit C ertificate Is In Ir Idaho affordability is criticritical, says gram also willll benefit the stale of Idaho10 Participating lendcrs.iJrs.iJ(dUi offices In never be b totally safe because of its II locallon, according . i •; designed lo makee buying1: more affor- Lar.amont Jones, chairman of)f Ithe IHA by generatingg $1i million more In annual11 lhc Magic Valley dre?2: Idaho Bank & lo expei)crts callcd in the lawsuit,, hche says. For exam ple. If , : dable for lower-and!nd middle-lncomc fam- Bos)oard of Commissioners. personal Incon-)mc and raising sales and.,d. Trust Co.. Moore Finarnanclal Services, there Is a major fire, there is1 a potential for lawsuits i illes. ' ‘We have J5050 imillion of authority The T state’s mediair*«famlly{ income ir is property taxX revenues, Gov. Johnin Transwestern MortgageIge Corp., Twin which1 couldo “ wipe oul a county.’ for this program ."’ szsays Toney Williams, exprxpected to rise to $22,800 In calendar-< E vans said Ina a statement. Falls Bank & Trust Co., IUnited Security Bccai:ausc of tlie polential, thcc cicounty can'l afford to IHA administratorr fcfor underwriting and yea'ear 1986. "This means theB nmortgage Williams saiaid the IHA Is expectinglg M ortgage Co. and ValleyBy Bank.I ______holdseveveral bond Issues until onee Is successful, hc says, ______“ Wc e: arc golng'to get a Jail one wa;way or another." Goodi[ing corrnmissiGoners rcnient. > ByJaNENEBUCKWA-iIAY nor;ion, with 1,100 signatures, askasking the com- thc districtlet than thc 1,036 who voteded against the petitions unde to levy taxes, so theIC districtd cannol collect I dislrlct board is currently ac-a any funds in the c Times-News corrcsponoo n d e n t nili'nissioners to closc tbe hospltipital before any it in May.'. Ironically,1 fewer people sigsigned thc The hospital dl J current tax-payment ______mo nore debt is incurred. ____ petition inn favor of keeping thc hospiispital than ting as an Intcrlicrlm hospital board, appolntcIted period. ~ ...... ■ thel,787wi IcL by thc commisslissioners, .because the distri Ho o d in g - The'cocGooding County B oard ol ~ who voted to form thc district County Clerk Johnn MyersM said that If the The 1986 audit showed the hospitalhos had lost over operation of thc facility. :lved conflicting.signals ‘ has not taken ove d istrict does not becom':omc “ofllclal” and take Commissioners receive no re than $300,000 during tbele y ear that end- The dlstistrict Is expected to raise»e $150,000 ^ _ : this month from countjmty residents over what .j II hurdles have to be ovcrcomime control of the hospltaipltal operations before »ri Sppt In nririltinn tn najpedaUcourt-—P-eH-iMLj s] • to support the facility, which wl ol- S e v erallcB alh — ’— they~refinnoiiia“be-ie-done-aboot-t3ood!ng-^ ■lRe” D ccr3rrtirerc"t5-a-iia-qucsllon-whether-the— i >rdered tax levy of $294,000) to pay a Judg- ficials sayly has been able to "break eveven” the including contriItract negotiations w itlflf County Memorial Hospii Centcr, which is now for sahale; district would be able)lc toI levy for thc badly mein en t owed, by GCMH to thehe W alker ACT p a st 2 moronlhs on operating expen^se !but still Walker ACT Cen E d Jones of GoodingIng presented a petition ‘ tc Land Board, bccause U:the needed funds in 1987. * - 'enter. faces an ununcertain future, with the state ; to the Gooding Countjjnty Board of Commls- hospital and tre:treatmeni center are built. onc ■ Members of thc dislidistrict board asked thc ’ sioners at ils regularar meeting this month, Afi third petition, brought by Zollidger and None ofof the petitions a re bindingIng on the slnle land; andid wllh ' creditors — before Uthe commission to assistt themthi In completing the -1 containing 1,500 signiignatures, asking the LoiLou Schrenk of Wendell, askssks the commls- County Board, Bo and state law docss noli pro- d islrlct could bjccome ee effective. ..needed transfer. , County Board lo keepip t the financially em bat- sloislon to dissolve a hospital1 Utaxing district vide fora a Vole lo dissolve the hosp)spltal tax- The commission appappointed Jim Davis of Ued facility open. forformed by county voters In May.lay. Ing dlstricid. The commissioners tharhanked thc State law requsquires a new taxing district:t to H agerm an lo replacece 1Darrell Savage, who ; • I Grant Zollinger presresented a second peti- ^More people signed the pelpetition against people lnvr for what is alleged to be a C2aplickl last January! following a prove a sitesite. p algn,"!■hesald. the floor, despite his hi betoR “50 "contlnulculng, . painful . andid fall at Gibbons Elementarary. L _ _ _ _ B-2Tlmes4Jew8. Twin Falls.ails, Idaho S u n d a y , D ec emimber28.1988 t . ' rBrIiefly— centers M arie MiUer, IS, was throthrown from her i Utah r . ; dan Care Cenler _ have . ri S l i v i S was Identi retard ed .d o n T com ply’ qttpiiddy with But 10 private pri care criers ^ dai ticide used for treating potatoes. ------vesllgaled,-d,-said-the-accident occurnurred four Tulles - • s of $7 milli«D in federal decertidcatloD dec notices. Lind Igerman highway. I federal active Irealment;nt standards, face losses c Feb2^ Arancher,;r, .John Firth of Paul, notnolifled officerj West of Wei/endell on the Wendell-Hagen they could be decertifie

Al * ~ <1 ■ .

Sub(Uy. December 28.1986?86. Tlme^Wews. Twin FallsIlls, Idaho B-3 Feature'e a ^ L ' C u stter Batttlefield acquire£ ^s cloth Report: H<[arassmen n t o f in soldiier whorfought t; in batiHe ioumalist^3 W th e risi s e . CUSTER BATTLEFE FIE L D NA- enlli!l«l n m an » ’s dress helm ets from bad just been sewn on. meat age of21. TIONAL HONUHENT, aa re a t the Smithsonian significant slgi for Mangum, Is: theU tioy lie about their aiages and Join Uie WASHINGTONWj (AP) -- TDe enter countries wi ’> • • blouse and an even rarer ra enlisted Institutionoin li Washington. 7Ui C avalry insignia stUl aUached at arm y. Mangum sasaid. _ number— u m of journalists kUled tbe report said, man's dress helmet haveha been ac- "TheseIhings lh Just don’t survive; to the coUar. Tbe date of < Uie "T here w as ai d e p r ^ io n - in lBTS' tbroiaroughout Uie world declinened this •■cnibe new rerestricUoos were quired by Custer BatBattlefield Na- that's'thei wholev thing,” said NeU unluniform aod the insignia conMifirmed and maoy-p«cplijple 'fu m e d to Uie yearear, but Uiere was .an Increre*se ot placed on loumalhngiig«< ttiis year ia . . UonalMonnmeoL M aneum ,. CusterC BatUefleld hlsto- Uiat Uia th e blouse belonged to;o one of mUltaiy. as an a\avenue of employ- arrerrests, expulsions and haras:issment, South Africa andd NlNicaragua." tt ad-, I . Aod wbat makes (bethe latest addi- rlan. Cu«Custer's men. menl." he said.". "It was free room inchacluding ah Incident to- wt•hlch a ded. "News medinedla were snbUy . Uoa to the battleflelc[leld coUection R em nantsnts o( officers’ wardrobes Mangum’s N seareh for Uiele owner and board and $1$13 a month. That photihotographer was set aftito, a threatened to !Singapore and • even more q>ectaca]arliar is thal the are comraiiraon - C uster's dress was waj complicated by Uireree ele- was a pretty goodxl wage^ then.” privirivate research group reports.Is. MaUysla. TaliTaiwan forieed ^ blouse and belmet canan be traced to uniform is^eU.ashls,buc)Bkin_5ult_jneas > ments: The sergeant striiripes, a In 1876, WlUiamims was assigned to Freedom p, House, a oatiooan a l non- underground the! op[opposlUoo p a p e rs it. ------anObio-soldierwbo'Krrode-wi(h'Lfr~ Company H undender Capt. Benleen gartlartlsan orgaoizaUon, sale:Ud tbe formeriydealtwiUiI'iUi Iesa sev erely .'’ , Col. George A. Cus(erer(otheLi(Ue ^ ^ ^ ^ a t F o rt Rice InIn North DakoU - numlum ber of news reporters UUed Ui io "Major gains.-s.- l»wever,_ww'--. | Big Hom. ^ about 20 m iles: downstreamd from he' line of duty dropped1 to 19 recorded hi UieM P h U ^ in e s add . : ‘ : Tbe soldier. Willlamim C< . WUliams, T h e^ Ssoldier, William C. Willianrfis, survivtL?ea Fort Abrahamn Lincoln where throhrough Dec. 10. down fromm 31 a l HalU, aod limitedted Improvement In .: t sarvived the encounleti(er- witb Sioux ^ 0e encounter ^ with Sioiioux and Cheyennino Custer was In cocom m ands Io- May, ' his Ume last year. Of thohose 31, Egypt. Unfamiliariliar-dlscossion of.', ' and Cheyenne becausiluse he was a , WUliams went alialong when the 7th yjerhere w ere 16 kUled in tb e5 Philip-! press diversity" and criUclsm — sUU tnem ber of H Compan}lany, one of six . D€Ca:ause he was a memlmber of H compan;ny* Cavalry began llIts 400-mUe march pinelines, while only two died tbeM re Uiis far (rom press freeifreedom' — w as s e e s . companies (hat Custeister spill Irom o n eoof f six companies thahat Custer split froinm to Montana. 'ea r. in Uie People’s Repul;epubllcofChtoa.” .- :| bis command just befc>efore he m ade . Along Uie roui■oute WUliams and In 1986. four news re p o rtetrs r were -• bis last sland on June*26,1876. 26 m scommand o just befoifore he m ade his laiast another soldier cacarved Uielr names ' :illed in Mexico, and io no : WhUe Custer and 210 m en of the In Uie limestonene rock on what Is kUk stand.d... jountry were Uiere Uiat 7th Cavalry w ere flglrighting to the now Forest Servirvice land a l Davis leaUis. death with Sioux aodid CCheyenne In- — ------Creek. N.D. Insciiscribed on May 28. r s f R e h dians, Winiams was; probablypr phui- are at hethe batUeficId, and a dress clue clu th at b e w as (rom Ohiolio a n d 'a 1876. II reads "W.iW.C. WUliams Co. H Tbe Ti number of arrests of JiJournal* « r ed down a (ew miles> awaya^ with the helm et [rom froi Olle of hts officers Is report rep Uiat the owner had bebeen left 7 Cav.” Istssts rose (0 178 Uiis y e a r (romim 109 in companies - under • Mai.M; Marcus sometimeslesondlsplay. - behind bcl at.the.(ort when Cususler scl On u,c day ol3f Ithe baltle,-Custer 19851985. while reported expulslesions lo- Reno and CapL Frederiilerick Benteen. . "But mcnll llsted men you ju s l don’t out on thc 1876 campaign. sent Bentemn ancand Uiree companies crej;reased to 42 from nine, aand ao ■ Tbere Is conOlctlngng evidence as find," Man]angumsald. /At first M angum UioughtIt It was on a scout and Reno R( was dl^atch- asseissortment of other Uninds of lo whether Williamss wwas wounded ' The blaclack-felt helmet complete a ssergeant from the same; areai of ed to cross thele river. Reno was har;larassment for reporters roses e t o 214 during the selge. with spikeke and gold borse-hair las- OhOhio as W illiam s. But on lelearning routed and retre:.reated to th e bluffs jnci'ncidences Uiis year, up subslistantlal- Williams lived to be 63 and gave sle and braid b n is virtually intact. It UiaUial Uie m aiden nam e -i•of me .above the river,'er, where Benteen lyy fromf the 76 recorded lastist year. H H |||ii||M S his mementos to a daudaughter, DeUa still bearsrs the brass ea^e plate on solsoldier's dau g h ter was WiiVilliams, Joined him. Renono and B enteen were . acciiccording to the organizilzaUoo’s Williams Cassebere.re. After be the frontt ands thc mark of the in- MaMangum sta rte d looking in a new pinned down for tw o d ay s wiUi. rep<■eport. death, they w ere sold:d a s p a rt of tbe sp eclo rwwho h approved It m ore Uian direction. dir m any dead and wowounded. Aa fuller account Is to appealja rJ a o . contents of her house5 in Florida. 100 yearsjago. a| VWUliams was overlooked ii Bed by Benteen at In In the publlcaUon "F re eedom d a t V Eventually they end1 - to a museum ching In il Vheelfng, “ rlous and Wasas not added'to Uie lewspapers and radio staUom te r b ad written to I its quilted lining Is un- Williams V was bom in Wh '“ f s 1. terollaKipofis. J ; owner at Gettysburg,•g. P a. Tbe un* ( r a y ^ ind and Uie lining stiU has Uie VaVa. (now W est Virginia), onm M arch report. ed.fd. 37 jouraalists charged b »B»fMricswtth I mailed lelter was found fou wiU) lbe m anufactuirturer’s black markings. 28, 1856. H e w as 17 when he’enlisted e WiUiams wass dischargedd in 1878 Jalliailed, 31 beaten or dubb •tenofyoyr | - blouse. AU of Uie t buttons and Uie Inin C incinnati on Sept. 27,, 18731 — at Fort Abrahamim Lincoln when his Uirchreatened, IS recorded as Tbe helm et Is onlyIy 'one of three sergeant’s.’s stripes look as If they foufour years under the legalai enlist- five-year enlistmcment was up. enti:ntry to a country. M any menore ap- . . , ittt to t*nlor • ' ' . I prelirehenslons of Jouroallsts ti^[Tying to cHiz*ns. \ 4. W«or«en' e n eall 24 h o u rs a doy. H i s t o r i c: 1house siciated for del e m o l i t i o n1 5. Wttw^eonleom« PO«nd r _ •scrlp tlo n p le n t. 1 BOISE, Idaho (AP) — - A tum-of- Neighborsrs of the two houses said about ab 1911, said Don VWatts,' a III « tbe^entury bouse desigiiigned by the they were: shockedsl Uiat tbe 1201 W. preservation pr« planner wlUi1 UieI state architects •who designedtied Uie sU te. Hays St. houseY was torn down Historical Hi: Society. Accordliding to Its riDo you need a ]physician? I W j f V : > Cdpitol and listed on ththe National wiUioul any*nyonc first salvaging Uie listing Ilsi in the National RcjIcglster of ^ PHARTA M A O S ^ Renter of Historicc Places Is .leaded-glassISS windows, solid wood Historic HI: Places, Uie house ““Is a neat r~ iglnal woodwork, stairw ay shingled shi colonial slyied cotiottage, ar- ^ TnoLoc•Locatlona ; scheduled to be demollsbiIsbed lo make doors, origlt CaU 1-800-44-43-D O C S "S*K«blaEt|■ EtptnolAqoi” wayforaparkinglot. bannisters5 and parts of Uie chitecturaUy ch significant foror its pro- 144hUlnAmS..t S.. Downtown lU n ; The First Uniledd Methodist wraparoundnd porch. gressive gn qualities and Ils cialiasslcizlng S98 AddlaoniA«*.W.. Aw Twtn Fans { Church, whicb in 1983 demolishedder an Elaine Cl


/ Season's greetitysg ■ A / o W ', oof? j Spend and'B est'MiHslksfora \ .1 Neew Years y^edtHyand&ospiperousJ^zvyiar.', I ___,£i V £ iB t ____ 1 ______I jy ~ T -

/ 7^ A , I - - v r SoCallToday I for R eservations j 734-0660 I " f= o /Z y"y 'o I ' / I : r ~ > o oo/wif ^ I ■ f m < • I :: I IV < • • .4T '< -T* I

' ■» < I , o

tMTim»tt-NewB.Twlnn FiF alls. Idaho S u n d a y . Dot*etemberaa, 1086______^ ___: ;!a ------. : ' ------— ' •______-• ______^ ______S u n d a y , D d ce m b o rsa. 1986 T lrim J4 o » « , Tvrin FalH . W ib o M > r l d ^ T 3 BIOUA G able (car I f f n r ? d ro p hilurts > SA ILE 3 6 a t sisite S p e c ia ls ilCES EFFECT]TIVE D E C . 2813th through D E C . 3 0 th , IS1 9 8 6 . Ite fearls m M ' jr. " ■ . I as critic i n t h eAlps / m U M Q lUALITY^ M E A T S ^ o f Kremlin.' LES ORRES, Prasc«mce (AP) - A ^ W H OiLE U GOLDEN SMOlOKED ■ _ pylon snapped, at Uil:this alpine ski ^ resort Saturday, sendiiidbig two cable cars crashing .40 feetet down ooto a ^ -BC3N E L E Sss m p a ^ g lot and Injuringing 36 people, 12 ^ seriously, officials said. "Feeble were screamaming with fear HAMS and pain," a witnessss said. "Vaca- UoDsn. resort personnennel, everybody '- ’ nisbed to eitract them the from the , (cable car) cabin whei-here they were V ' SSSS Of^ihelr™ ire'ln*a*tw^roS stuck in tbe middle of skis and ski apartment about l^ miles from th« poles.” All those injured werwere in the two 8 TO P? S IR L O IN ^tiii O R RIB ' : cars, and most o( thele Injuriesi were fractures, offlclals5 said. Spr 'x ^ ^ H < i i ^ - ittnAQT 1 H Sakharov to the closed city of G o r^ helicopters and a fleet fl of am- ’I I R s n EAK ^ . bulances took victimss toti hospitals In . L B . . B(3MEL£SSs s BEEF ...... _____.LPi D\RGEEfiD ...... * I - ...... ln.January.l980 w aslifted.andB O B -. Marseille, Grenoble. Slsteron, SI Gap, ^ Embnin and Brlairlancon afler J Z ' / / slander was set side at the decision emergency treatmentit a t the restau- of Mikhail St Gorbachev. The Soviet ra n t ■ ------r I------I— "" ------leader personally gave Sakharov the “We pushed the lableibles and chairs 1! aside to lay the peoplepie on the floor SEAFCo o o ASSTC DELUCATESS9EJV ' j g n;QtiAinERSucEii 20 oz. tysom grade a r^i id Tr^D ■ long , while about 20 doctoi:tors from the ___ resort and neighboringlg ivillages gave i P OO i R K L O I N i C O R N I S H G R E E N m tbeir bedroom-study crammed-' first aid," said anotllother - witness. / r > U i - ^ n o - 1 C A R R O T S ^ with books and adomed with a por-; Both witnesses demandmded anonyml-. Lfi y 'D a n o C H O P S g a m e H E N S ) C C l C C l M B E R S trait of Albert Einstein, the dSat-: ty- Les OrrC8, opened 14;14 years ago. Is M [ C ClQ :: C r \/^ ^ 7 ^ j i ■ S ' 'M C C A bed and spoke with reporters later in near Lake Serre-Ponccneon, 28 miles i) J > ' ■ 3 ^ ^ .the week of their life in exUe, the. (ron Gap and 435 milesies southeast of m m H H M S iE y '^ n r ■ policies of Gorbachev and their Paris. ■ ' I yl-K FSvyffl ■ future. Michel Eymard, dlrec;rector of the ski ^ B $ ' ■ J L L B J - e a . ^ J F O R *'My main activity, in any case,: school at Les Orres, sasaid the whole y \ ^ one which will take up much of my top of the pylon brokee oioff and crash- ^ b ? nm w7i^«ii >------1 I— frif-ii tf f , - I J ------^ ^ I Ume, will be scientific work," said ea to the ground, earnirrylng the two ^ SakharOV. WhO helped develOO the — ■ - cable cars wilh it. Thehe cause of the •------• . . - hvdrosen bomb for the Soviet union failure was not immediatliateiyknown. - i„ yjg 19505. -(Work) In the field of i l t ■ '1 p 1 , _ ;fo elementary particle physics, in the Luclen Kalfon. prefecfeet (governor) ^ ^ 1 ■ il.43GEn 1^^= of the Hautes-Alpes15 Department' :r a b I SUCE2 D boy 1 AT $1.4 /tf’~Il»ini«l "Xl ^ B F ^ n i field of cosmology, which particular went to the site at oncimce, as did an IILLSHIRE FARMS ^ ^ 16 OZ. JIMMY DEAM EXTRA LARGE DEUQCXIS EJCIRA U^KiE FLORIDA Sakharov"V star of the Soviet assistant state prosecutoinlor. 1 7 1 ■ "The system Is aboubout 4^ years M L 1 A K E S ^ HAM > M O K E D T S A C I S A G E R E D R C I B Y scientific ellte before becoming a , and we'don't IMUAT FREEE! B old. It’s very recent, ai A-noM 4 OZ. DAMOUIMIWTHfEDDAMlSH U M T T 2 FFREE R ] understand what happened," lAUSAGE.i ROLLS APPLES GRAPEFRQIT S'pVLtS'Sf S“nu“ Eymard said. "There hashaj never been any problem wllb the can;ars before.” The cable car'systeirlem-where tbe COOKIDKED & PEELED $ 0 9 8 MILD O R JACK accident occurred Is aboabout 4,000 feet f * O)CKTAIL f SHRIM P’ . . . LB. B A N Q U E T C: Fh e e s e . 4i & long and links a parkinging lol with the PR«KC AS MARKED ^ nJHHTBUlTA ■ 'If V ■ the need lo end-nuclear testing and resort center. 8 0 ZZ.JAR .. 7 o z . ALL VARIETIESES *■ KaUon said tbe systenitem carries 10 n i c e $ 0 2 9 ' > | B f ^ L B . J l L B . K rem S ^PMltlo"“^^^^ cars, five ascending andmd five descen- ^TERN OYSTERS:S . . . ^ EA. N A L L E Y ’S C HHIP DIP . . . i dine. 7 9 S \ ^ ______■ - ' I " — *— ------bachev after his ralura to Moscow, “It was mostly the ascending and said he was ready to meet with cabin that suffered tlthe greatest ____ him. shock," Eymard said.j. ‘"That cabin 1 . : « 1 # M I ____ - J ■ / I F F -D issidents at home and abroad ' fell 00 cars parked In the parking lot.- > , He said there were 30301 people in the WM r W uv True Guarantee s - s - s ascending cabin, and1 thetl other six M ^ M T M - d l w they have been divided on whether It were in a car going douiown to the lot. ' B V All the riders were hurt. H Mllll w vears IS IMF/ Shells traaded to indicate the Soviet leadership’s con- IPR]s fidcnce lhat allowing him access to by guerrilillas X l f ' J p ^ Western^reporters In Moscow ^ . intebancton 1 ^ ■ ( S l ! BEIRUT, Lebanonn (AP) - IU iSiSBt. I Palestinian guerrillass besiegedI in w f ; Bl CiWtk two Beirut refugee camps cai traded p o n u o B P 0 1» W R > ^ mortar fire Saturdayy with Shlile . W li “ ^ 3 ( m s p c r i ^ Moslem forces, endingg ai Christmas H f « lull In the month-oldd awar. Police V a listed 10 pmple killed, 50» h h u rt. ^ H 7 The claves were betbetween guer- ■ ■ j® rlllas of Yasser Arafat'fat's Palestine Liberation Organizationon and Justice Minister Nablh Berri’s’s i Shiite Amal ______' ______M A X W E L L were killed d^Ing week ong fighting mUltia. Tbe casualties - at Cballlla Cl and CCOKE, TAB $ P O T A l OQ FR< ^ $ - 1 i ^ C j ■ -ORANGE^^ r* HOUSE Mghanlstm ™ncar°%ic , . . Bourj cl-Barajneh.campjnps raised the $ ^ 1 9 ___ - - J * . . . . W J . J , J B M B o border, Atghan ralsU nce o urces ' toll to 526 people killeclied and 1,345 ffJ r wounded from PLO-Sbiltcliite fighting in IR S P R IT E CHIPS5 PIZO Z E N d TER ALL nj\VORS J ZJr - : 'JUICE M M COFFEE X ------.e.w«n .e Vnn. Beirut and south Lebano: 16 o z . CLOVER CLOI.a B 10.7 oz. n non since Nov. soaI£e VARIETIKv NOT AVAILABLE ATr SESELECTED UXATIONS. REGUUy?. CRINKLE BARIARBEQUE A U VARIETIE - 24. czA r Amal, Syria's mainlain ally in TCtntHOS '^ 1 riES Lebanon. Is trying to pre'>revent a com- F D C Saturday," resistance sources based eback by the PLO, whichich was driven _ p_. ' : ------, 4 2 5 (DL ORLEANS \ g i V / x y i - J U I \ 0 ^ ^ in the Pakistani border city of from Lebanon by Israel':lel's 1982 inva- ^ 2 li t e r " ' sloo. m B lS C C ^ 6,5'OZ; CHOPPED OR MIMCED ' T ^ ^ “ g b lV »ccurred- a b o u r » - ‘‘^-^ ^ ^------Arafat.—who- Is-n o)l-himself t- in-- - E Q r & D l E T SNAG r r r ^ / ^ ____ 4 - B^CHOPEBM ------1 - O K O I v e PI ------.75Q.mLALLElAVQRS_ ...... $ 0 8 9 ______m ll£ S J0uth.0LJalalabad_ln.the Tora Lebaoon, has denied hce h;has any such / ^ V I V I ' ;! ;j V Q I 4 D I M P G A E T A N O S C H N A P P S 3 Bora mountain range of Nlngarhar plans. 7 - U P ^ p C R A C KCERS l ^ D^I T C •: vlAllKljl^ CLAMS Olilvli*lK province, near the Pakistani border. The fighting did new!w damage lo R W L .L ^ _ ----- ^ U _ ■■■— f e : T Z ------= — ------la-PACK-lS-OZrCANS-RECrG-LlGHT------^Soviet-and-Afghan-troops. -who------Lebanon’s— boltered—I----- economy;------pushing the Lebanese5 f pound to a nH/,% M i m B f S ^ 5 9 . old Milwaukee beer . 3 rdtntry'^^eS^K record low of 96 to thele U.S.I dollar. ■ ■ ■!%« ^ M y * ^ H ^ and olher milllarv vehicles, the Tbe Central Bank said1 il Intervened ■ ■i » x at midday and forced thc pound to a ■ 'i F u « A i M S H m ® 5 5 m i S r P l ■ gucrrillass^ild. . I 1*3 75 0 ? 0 R L E A N S = = 2 i liM M . I I guerrilla ighters were killed closing rate of S8 to the‘ dollar.dc It had d W closed at S3 on Fridayay and S3 on ^ ^ t i ;l ^ ^ fancysmallo^^te^..79< SERVICE D ELI ■ bat, said the sources, s^alijng on Wednesday. ^ ______; »i«jiuj*jiui.iiuj,-,mo<:n7u*«*n»iiMjn«» ofiwm u. Condition Of anonymity. The pound was exchanganged al three - ______’ ■ _ In a Separate rcMrt. reislstancft to the- dollar in JJune 1982. r ~ C ^ Economists blamed thee nosediver on iS IS — 1 - \R T CREAM O W EBER ' ^ 12 o z. BAIHOaiX IE T I ‘ OZ. BANOaET • " ^ h ^ , | 10.5 OZ PILISBURY ' Jalal“bad airport Thursday and tbe chronic lack of s&security and i? nuCCtTS CmCKmOCDOW.w>. oftwnitsI GULAR OR SPIC^' ' -j (^S ^ ^ ^ ^ R E G OR GNSALTED DRV ROASTEC M S K i S S S S REGULAR OR BtlTTER K f ^ - u L f “ deslroyed two helicopters and one \ economic stagnation. EGG ris3 a The thud of ^explodloding shells 3 H O T B mTES 'T C®> FRIED rn^^^^PLA N TER ’S IfftM iTII MICROWAVE “a l T d 'L & M ^ echoed across thc capitaltai as the two NOG sides pounded each olhcrher with mor- \ ^ C H I C K£ E N \ m | HICKEN ; :i ; ^^^^gPEANCrTS POPCORN I - I ^-No Indcpende t onf Irmation w a s \ tanrand rocket-propelled‘d ggrenades. ^ b E s Each side accused th 1 O • ^ K l'J ^ I lM * ^ Q O ^ f i f e i s S i k k l / Q ^ ‘’“""ed from traveling la > ~ rekindling the flghllng aftafter an unof- % . ^ ■: — ■ - I Z L Z ■ T Afghanistan sincc the Soviet - flclal five-day truce wass olobserved for | * 2 9 P | | $ 2 2 r ' : ■ ll^BnBli^Hfr ■ ~ ~ B _____ — - ~ military intervention began seven . Christmas. 7 9 ^ m ‘ V '■ ' ■ I ^ ______®B0- An eslimated 115,000 M H I ' ‘I. : :• teiim|[|i^inMiiiiiliilfnilM . . I — ^ ^ V le r troops-suppo^ Afghanistan's ■

■ p E j — - ^ ““ “ “ “ SfSOsT j c o g p oIS a j D O Z tN SMITH'S ). PINTCREMOW' WEBER I • )Z. LARGE WHITE-? ; ' ’ 46. OZ. V-8 ' | W ^ I 10 OZ. DIXIE CLEAR ' " l r l J I \ J E U t ' T Q LARGE S O U F EGGS hiCOCKTAIL .PLASTIC HAMS S 3DAYS1EFI ^ C R E A f BREAH ^ '-I JUICE .. 4X6PLCJMROSE .- LB. iOBtPMIAt IH S ' m DIUIAU :; < ^ w m m ^ .,■ iowimtirmtor C Q < Q t l ^ ^ ^ ^ e b a l l s ...... \ EA. ■ i! ‘ PAinY TRAYS FOR NEW YEARS I------r 7 r R ^ H K > S cc S LOCATIONS. 1 6 9 )R-: ■ - ! ; ;:| r gl^PI " ,.; ^^^Rns^MWlLAB^^ i-. Vao AFTER DEC 30th.I. 191906. ' *— r — win F a lls, Idaho S u n d a y . D«<[XKei2S,t9a< i ^ X ■ ■ ■ B-flTlmoS-Nows.Twlr

J ' i. V alHey life i Areat s ^ d ilente ssay caimpu^s acti’ivism:is passse I

ByLORAYNEO.SMCTHI nqnbUcan,” Tintes-Newswriter' Across tbe.^.c«aD&7 at Utah Stale UnlrersUy b in Logan, Sootb-Afriean TWIN FALLS ~ CoOIecem apartbekl baibas also , been protested, ■ from (be H agle VaDcaS^ 'aren’t a l^ with snbjecbso closer to bome, gcDcrally carrytag banoctoers or pro- says Uae Anderson, A daughter of testlngoocampas. BrianandJnd'DdyAndenoaofJerome. ■ Political acUvlsa ba:bas slowed Aodersoo.I, a> sophomore majoring sigaiflcantly sioce tbei ddays (bdr-tadectrkalll engbeering wbo calb ■ parents were oa campos,xts, say stn* b e n d / a codsgaserraUve, (eds tbere b dents selected at raixlMnlom by tbelr a large'IibeF«ral dement among tbe - former bigb-scbool cnm sdisdors. stndentswboIw w anl Uie "gorenm ient ■ - (. Ron Dtogwall, maj(lajortng in to ^>end moinoney oo educaUon and ■ business admlolstratini1 aiat tbe Uni- ralsetaxes.*’ versily of Califonila atat :Rhrenide. Tbe bigges^ issoe at tbe Logan H says it’s not (be “in tblogiog*' to com- ta m p o s, A ndtMlersoa says, b-increased ■ plain in today’s polpoUtkal at- tnitloo. m^bere compart to ^ e 30- Flynn McRotierts, eR a fonner Twb H years ago wbra canpoipos protests Falls stodenlent now aUendbg Nor- ■ I were' wide^read oa .maiBany tssoes, thwestem Univenity Ui b Evanston, H| H sparked primarily by' tbe Vietnam OL. says be expected to fbd tbe ■ • w ar. - ...... - — aitmospbere ta there -more- !‘Tbe country goes tbroiiroogbcydes liberal tbao10 it b. Bot Uib b ■ (atnut protests),” be says.ITS. onderstaodablab le because Uie m ajori- R Dingwall, a fresbm an..basDOtseo ha ty of studeidenb Uiere are -from any protests on tbe R imTcrdde cam- wealthy famUnllies,besays. pus, irtiicb be describes'asl as ‘’cooser-' "However,r , g l u i n g a t Uie cam - ^ ...... * vatlve ecooomlcany, b ot more pQS. you’d Ithink It more conser- |B JJberaJ soclaUy." Tbe .ccam pos a t ralire (ban9 ili actually b becanse B Davb, be says, is e v « mom ore coDser' (be cooservatiraUre-'^oqis are wdl or- ■ vative. ganlzed,’’ sajsays McRoberts, a Joor- ■ *‘B ut wben my aim t wenlwiltoD«Tl5, naltan majoiijOT wbo b (he-son of ■ stK w as in tb e twy m y ru of Rosem ary McRoberts 1 and PhU ■ H everything,'’ says Dingwalwall, tbe son M cRoberts,.boUiofTwbFalb. bc ■ 0 f Rosalee Dingwall of TwinwinFaHs. A cootras-ast to Uie activism H Vet, tbe acUvism of tb.tb e 1360s is elsew here b Coty CoOege, an aU> M sUU present in tbe IMOIMOs at tbe glib Junior’ coUe^o b Nevada, Mo., ■ Uassacbussetts Aitote of where stud*idenb are "basically ■ Tecbnology al CambrldgiMg*»^ Hjifa, bolaled." says s Fdbe Thorpe, ■ described by one of itslb stodenb, granddaugbteiiter of ShMey Thorpe of ■ Cbris Scholes of Twin FaU^alb,as“tbe TwlnFalb. most liberal area b tbe! entireeo coon- "We don'tt tbave Ume to watch TV B H j or read tbe‘ camposc papier,” Tborpe n n i b so small U has only K tbe son of Dr.)r. and Mrs. says. Tlie towi TliTi*vN»*t|lawtpholM/ANDYARSNZ Tbad Scboles of Twin Palls, Pa says, aweeUyoewsw spaper. R ’N e e M o n ro e s a idi tht e p o litic a l to n e a t SoSouthwestern “MtT students tend to> bbe a UtUe Sbe w as unaware tm of much of tbe O k la h o m a S ta te U11 n iv ersity Is ‘q u ite c oonservative' n R o n D in g w all s a y s It’sIt n o t th e ‘In thing* to complainc . :• more politically awareV U)e unrest in Ctetral en America until she average student." B^it be went bom e f(MfM-Uie bdklays. Becaose studtu d en b w ere active in boUih parties* on campus ana re posters u rg b g "He"Here people vole Republlcaran Just meetings that it doesn'tdo< make news mucb of tbe activity bis "just* pro- Ibere fa a Fil^ilno Fi ^ b ber dor- wiUiriU) much nam e calling on oi each dlvestllure fromn SouUi-African! com- from)m h ab it and In Massachuhusetb unless Uie namesnes are funny or tests to be protesting.” mitory, bove'wever, d ie had foUowed side,jde, she says. panles. • Uieyey tendI to vote Dem ocrat fofor the unusual, he says.lys. Recently, one :' :*As far a s 1 can td l. abo(ibootfoorto- Ibe change: of leadershi b the Tbe Tt depressed oil econonomy has 'She says most5t sstudents are “most- sameroe reason,” Scholes says. coun^lman called-led- a colleague, a dividuals bave led ever]terr of PhOippines. madnade lb mark on the agrlcricultural ly Interested in getUng an educa- MciMcRoberb says some studenent ac- "pipsqueak," whichlich was reported b • them,” says Scboles. a1 ssophomore Another canam pus both cooservaUve schc*bool where Ks 5.000 studenb s tion." But Uiercre a re both GOP and livlUs’Itlsb did erect a "shanty” ono the Uie Chicago dallies,es. ' * m ajoring in biology. and bolaledted geographically b “‘don’t dot get m uch involved”,” ' ln na- Democratic studejdent.groups on cam- Evanjranston lakeside campus to pro- T he contentionn thal tl today's stu- South Africa's controver.eralal apar- Souttwraleram Oklahoma State Uni- tion'ionwide controversial Issues, pus. She also findInds that the studenb testst SouUi-African aparUield.d. but dents are more interestedinte ta obtob- tbeid policy bas been tbe» Mbjtcti d venily at WeffeaUierford,- says R'Nee Monrionroesays. from norUiem Idaho Id b her sorority mostDSt studenb considered U a Joke ing a good-payingig JobJ' ban poUUcal ' ' protests, witb MIT studenr<«>nh^ trrgtng H onroe, daUjaughter of Robert and S(ephanle S( Bailey of Buhl finds (1 the tend to be moreire liberal Uian Uiose »beca«cause it was obviously tooD |plush Issues is "overplayjlayed," McRoberts V withdrawal of investments3its in Sootb L’RaeUonrxieneofTwbFalb. ■ majnajority of students at thee Unlver- fromthesoulhemimpart of the state. forasrash an ty .” adds. College studeiudenb of today are Africa. M onroe, a1 sisopbomore wbo b active sltyslty of Idaho In Moscow “ rcacally con- “ But It hasn’tt eever been an Issue,” aA sophomore,s McRoberts sayays hb not as politicallyy oriented o: because, ' But tbe former Twin FalFaUs on tbe onhrere rs^ ’s rodeo team, says senservative.” Bailey says. cynlsinlsm has Increased wlUiUl hb unlike the Viebamlam era, "Uiey are • bolds down the cooservaUratlve fort fa pollUcaUy tbeibe atmosphere b "reaUy Tbe Tl daughter of Mr. and MMrs. Bob Some the stustudents .viewed the coververage of Uie Chicago City CoCouncU not being sent to fight."fighl . I Uie political envlnnmenilent In tbe Quile conserv:rvative — not much d ll- BallBailey Jr. (^Buhl and a frfreshman political loyalltleitles on their respec- forr Uietl student paper. The IDaUy McRoberts says," ‘ If studenb w ere doniUtory wliere be resid “e l^ (erenlUianbehere.” . . majmajoring In English. Baileyf saysJ the tlve campusess wlUi considerable NorUiirthwestem. Conflict and name- n being sent lo Nlcarararagua. It would be of 6s are predredominantly During tbebe fall dection, however, nearest oea thing (o protests shiihe's seen ^ cynicism. callinlllng a re so common aat t the different.” 4 Good news anmd bad news for}t women F<-ood bankss receive bclounty :: rom Twin FFalls busininess G rouiip rates; w om enns’ movues in 1'1986 ft;Two emergency-food banks In Twin ------, Falljalls, operated by the Salvationin . By JILL LAWRENCE that choice fredybfn fundamental.” (hemselves the fcminbts whileIe 88 per- j------. Armrmy and SouUi C entral Commin u n ity LLorayne O O. Associated Pitss Writerr . Tbat samele month, (be coart ruled cen( cen of women and 71 pcrccnEmt of m e n . \ AcUcction Agency, received a that sexoalI harassmentb. b a form of between bel 18 and 29 belielieve the r ; • \ Chri;h rlstm as gUt Uils week from s SnSmith WASHINGTON - Supnipreme Comt sexdisoimialinatknL women's woi m ovcm en( ha& itimproved chuck’s AutoSupply. dectsions on abortion and ai sexual O n tbe flip Uielr lives. ^ . \ Sdiu ip side. NOW rated Rebn- Uie The new Twin Falls busbesss hI: a s Spotlight' harassment were amonfoog ad- qoist’s coafiiifirmatJon aTwj uie addi- Bonk E said the NOW) (undlui con- Ibe onated 35 glfl certificates for vances for women In 1986, 198 but tbe Ui» of consei sidered compiling a '‘terrible — ‘v i l l i servative Justice Antonb sld« m llh's Food K b g Stores to the ascension of William Rehnqulst Rei to Scalia as tbe Uends” lis( but dccidcd lo (o accen- S'"!! be worst development fo r (rei tatewlde Idaho Foodbank They are DanialLial Laird, a zoology chief Justice was a majoajor setback, women last1 year. ; Second was vio- (ua(e tua (he positive. Asked for foi an ex* p lE W y M j Warehouse/ maJorandsonofMrfMr. and Mrs. Dan according to a^ fe mInisl ii^ group’s lence againali^ women's health ample am of the downside, sh st e.cited , .. L alrd o f Jerom e;; JJam a es H. Pierce, a year-end assessment. . . dinics, w ithh US ' aUacks reported b "the "Ui m arriage crunch back:cklash," a ThellOO Wrtfficates were dlvIvtded finaricemajorandsndsonofMr.and I .Attacks against womamen's health 1986...... refireference to . statistics Ithat ■ in- moDg 13 food banks in Bobe, U - Mrs. David Pierceoceo[Buhl;TUDoUiy ; centers also qualified as a setback In otber majorma setbacks, a federal dicated die older single womeilen would a Nam pa and the two In TwiniFalb. F j.Davb,amlning-eig-englnecringma- w hile gains on the top-tO10 Ibt I indud- court dbmb:lissed a $a>-millfa»i sex most mo likely never marrrry. The / - Thejliey were used to purchase lasi^st* jor and son of Mr.r. atand Mrs. KenneUi ! e3 a landmark pay-equ^ ity sdUe- discrlminatioilion case against Sears, statbtlcs sta later were revised.I. mini(ilnule Item s for Christm as box Davb OfTwln Falb;alls; and Gregory J. : ment aod new political1 fufund-raising Roebuck andn d Co.« (be governm ent "There *' were attempts inn Uils lost andiind replace Items needed for - E b e le b . a historyry mn ajor and son of . prowess, said the . NOWNO Legal said bousebtebolds of women and year ye: for w omen to bc. if not)t manlpu- fc^Viiyr erneroergency-food boxes during■ U Mrs.KathyScholesilesoflNvbFalb. Defense and Education FueFund. children madlade iq> one-third of tbe lated, lat< moved back Into a munuch more S t ^ S C / ' "'•nlh>lnter ahead, says Wanda :.Tbe fund, an arm of tbrkplace lo ^ ^ Mlchaelson Ml said the assistancncc Magic VaUey Regioijglonal Medical rora Uie business b especially; economic rights in ranrankbig and AFSCHE's paypi equity case against better bel accommodate familyf"'!! 11 WILLIAMM IREHNQUIST yap* Ccnter during 1986>8(> Vwere honored at ireclated this year because foo^ the hospital’s annuainual Christm as par- ' reviewing tbe year’s eventsals. WasbingtoiI stales to Tbe New York "This year that issue w. o r s e t b a c L .K a th y Bonk, a senior sen staff Times’ decisiiision to allow Uie use of and am center and in 1987 it's lanka have been hard hll wlUi r ty where Rex LaGroiGroneofFllerwas ___m em ber of the NO.W.fund,nd, said there_"Ms.” in nev»ews..stories, ab aodonbg —bebe front and_cenler .The problems p Jioles closed. _WcWe_inched a lo n g jh ls,, ques[uesls to.carry fam ilies whoseefood I named Employeeol»ofUie-Year. ------wasn't enough progresss Iin 1385 to ib previousMIS requirement that women wo a re facing In a priv•ivate way year in Congregress and positioned stanlamp benefits have been delayly ed b y M onlhly w innersers bclude1 Gerry warrant a list. women be ref'referred (o elUier as M b s are going to becom e publiclie discus- ourselves wellI toI take on parental protiroblems wllh Uie new State uman Resources “ N ineteen-el^ty six was wa; really a orMrs.onseciecond reference. ' sions,” slo she predicted, nollotlng the leave and Uie Civil Cl R Ighb Restora- Dcpi)epartm ent of HealUi and W d•Ifare f Daw from the Hum: comeback,” Bonk said.d. "By aod TTieNOWgi' group a b o charted " le r- Supreme Su] Court has beforere it next tion Act next yearear.” comom puter. D epartm ent; Nlcki!cki Pool, obstetrics; ------lprgeJt-was.a-pretty-goo1 flnrt m p{i Ic Walddi, intenslve-cTe^eareunin imergency; La Supreme Court decisionsis couldc have at Universal11 Studios b Hollywood. cases co< involvbgsex dlscriminlinatlon. four months ofof unpaid leave to Gooclood Sam T ravel Club, has domI S DdpbbeCole,cme. D eana Lam m ers, 31 l}e^ a disaster. We coulduld biave had Ttte cen ter was wi negotiated by Gary In 1 Congress, six pieces of of a 22- workers who hadad a newborn, adopted a slalDless-stedsla food c art to Uie s, admltUng; Sharoo major rollbacks and in facfact what we David Goldbeiberg. execuUve producer part pai economic equity padickage for or seriously lli chchild, or were serious- Twl:win F alls Senior Citizens Cent< Stephens, obstetricsIrics; and Mary Ann bad was some steady prognjg re ss." -, • of "Fam U yT T ies,” i a s p art of h b c i ^ women wo were p assed In 19861S including ly 111 Uiemselves.es. The clvil'rlghb bill Maxon, surgery. Bob Volger made Uie presentstation .'A t the top of the advanoinces list, tbe tract, lawslav QnT>cnslon rights, chchild care would overturnn t!the effecb of a Feb- 0 Cindy Bohr, center repre- NOW fund cites (he Suprecirem e Court's OUier posiU'iUve signs: More than 33 servic^, ser health insuranceI coveragec ruary 1984 Supiupreme Court ruling ‘®C1 [(unds Six Magic Valleyley m enhave been ; June decision striking dowJown a Penn- percent of medical t studenb are and an( tax credits for low-incorome fami- that narrowedd th e application of sent,entallve, U ibw eek, although fi or b e gift were raised last sumimmer selected as Oubtani;tandingYoungMen * . _____sylvahla-law -dcslgoed-tolo-discourage < wumen,~cp~fr-from 9 pereenl ta 190. lies. li« ------civil rights protirotections (or women, of A m erica for 198(>. ^hen th e group had a booUi a t U 98(>. They are Dennb iromen from seeking aborbortions. Tbe and a Gallupsp poU fiDds Uiat 56 per- "We didn't have landmarkirk leglsla- Uie aged, minor!oritles and the handl- whei LeeWard,Mlchadi Idahdaho Good Sam Samboree at adOIOiiHulccmeTy : ' court said *'a. woman’s risht to make cent of all al women ctusider Uon," Uoi Bonk said. "There w(w ere loop- capped. iBUlman, all T w b . BurlJurley. M embers decided to usiifieoro- and B la b e Allen BU w Falb; KenneUi Dua ceede e ^ from Uie project for the s< Duane Tbomasoa and Jack SonnldiN enter. :hNebeo,bothof N O W c ccompiles ]list of setitbacks aind advaiinces ' Jerome; andWllllaiilllam Max Harding KevbK« Garrick, a resident off Valley\ of Ketchum. rista ViUage In T w b Falls, hasas V WASHINGTON (A P)I - The NOW - F o u r balbaUot measures designed- •- ToplOSeUiacks;T -Census Bureareau say s 33 pcrcent of Vlst ecelved a big boost in conUnulilU nghb J im Norton, a tca< ■Legal Defense and Educilucation Fund, to restrict alabortion are defealed b —William - Rehnquist is coconfirmed the nation's poor po> llve.-b- single- rwe teacher at West fducation at Uie CoUege of Soutla“ S!S_MIiiUDkflJiiiiloiJIl( ^ arm of the National1 OiO rganbation Oregon, Arfcirkansas, Rhode Island and as a s« chief.JusUce of th e Suprenemc Court parent bousehoiholds composed of JllghSdiooliit------daho. .. ;■ ■; 'for Women, has compOelOed a Ustof Massadmsetl% tts(N ovem ber). - and Antonb Scalia wins ccconfirma-' women and chlldrIdren (Novem ber).. , ..Wall Paul, has been namilamed Idaho’s 1986 -major advances and setbacks se for —Tbe Ne«[ew York Tim es p erm its' tiontior as atf associate( JusUce -Supreme Court C upholds a Thet i A l t ^ Qub of Magic Vs^aUey Conservation Teach:acher6fbeYcar. . Georgia sodomyly law In a nilbg Uiat Qod Twomen’s rights in 1386.' womentobetle called "lis.” (June). JA(August). t md Harry B. Turner, a local atal* The contest, sponsoinsoredilatlonaUyby could adverselyjly affect access to ton, M diacts six o f's provi-~ -National- Abortion Fe oroey, provided him with an elec-e! Deutz-Allls, recognljgnlzesteacherswho Tbe lop two Items on'KleadTlbt are ■ -C ongre f abortion and blrUirth control (June). . trie tie Economic Eqully act reports rep 135 attacks against ^ ric typewriter. r ' , IniUate effective! cotconservaUon " ‘considered the most sign!Ignificant; Uie sions ol Uie 1 -Kiwanis itIntemaUonal Club _ in 1986 yjjjgg fpj. jj u jie ■ educaUon programsams. othersareinnopbrticularilarorder. (October). healUibea c are centers ii ilUi y e a r In a row not G arrick b paralyzed from the juries Top 10 Advances: (December). (’oadmK womenn (Ju(. n e ). ^vaist down as Uie resull of bjui -Patriciaa McGownI Wald becomes iDorfa Robert Bright,, asa senior — . « —Supreme Court overt to review . -M ilford, Con tcelved b an accident. When [ : (or Uie U.S. Court of Ap- -S u p re m e C ourt refusesI ti ;onn., music teacher amed baterlolo^ major fi ;sylvania law moking it < > CrafCs Calherine Pollanard ts denied permb- J*/*lyftU, an Altriisa m em ber, leat or from Twin F alb ; ishlngton, D.C. - Uie first anchorwoman ao< Christine > she was one of four Un ;gctabortlons(Junc). lawsuit ^„sc9king damage:;es from sion lo become ti if his need for Uie (ypewri(er sh Univereity of Idaho -- womaiLto bealead any (ederal a p p d la te la« !! Uie first fem ale Boy ' imnng studenbcommisslo Metromedia for her firing, wwhich she Scout troop leleader in America old club members. Sandy Rom ssloned as second >::• . —Supreme Court ndes r sex court- \ m medb(epast president of thfjie ’ lieutenants In Uiee U.S.U. Array during inn of sei ".—TV sbowows about women and alleged alli was due to sex disiIscrimina- (November). tiaras^ment Is a .fonr jroup who works for Turfer, brbroughl ceremonies on the W starring woeromen take top Emmy Uon Uoi (M arch). -W hite Housese Task\Force Report iie Moscow campus. discrimination (June). t to Uie attention of her employ -A F S C M E vs. Washingitegton SUte, awards b in . record numbers ~-A federal .court dismisssses a 13- on the t'amilyly condudes federal . Heho^toattcnuanaan army medical : - a r^dm ark pay equity caicase,bseUl- tember).r). ■ year, yea S20 million sex dlscrlirlmination welfare policieses should favor the . school. e d fo rllO l million (April).1). -E M IL Y^'S 'S L b t (E ariy H ooey I s suit- suli against S ears. Roebuck;k and Co. traditional twO'wo-parent American Four Fc Magic VaUey sUidenb3 a l­ : -155,000 people partiirtidpate bi Like Yeast)5t) ra b e s SSO,000 fo r (Pt(February). famliy. The repoiport proposes denybg tendending Uie University of Idahoio b IshandElabeSct!Scottorwendeli" "r- i irtlon rights maraarcbes ' b Senate bidsb mounted by Batliara —Lung cancer surpasseses ' breast welfare and )ihousing to single HosJoscow were among 40 studentnts received five-yearar cCertificates from : • . - Washington. D.C., and LcLos'A ngeles MUcniski atand IlarrieU Woods, cancer can for-the first time as; theI No. 1 mothers under;r 21 to discourage honelonored r^ently for their acadiidemlc IheMaglcFlotlUaoila of b e Coast Guard Auxiliary. . .VJMjirch). HlkolsU^lflnsbs(N ovem ber). klllerof kill U.S. w om en (^ebruailary). teen-age phimlscisculty (November). achlichlevement. —O' V ...... —I ...... I

Sunday, 0ocombor28,3,1986 T lm os-N ew s, TwinIn FtFalls. Idaho 8*7. ;; The daay afterr Christrmas is a< big sthopofihorrors5 at Macicy’s ' I

n e w YORK (AP) (A - It was not a ‘'My *'M kids were u p se t wbenB they dog,” said Rebeccaxa Bnioo. J7, wbo pretty sight att Macy’sI 34th S treel opene►ened their presents on ChrisIstm as stood on a long cuslotB to m er-seirice line \ , • tjH ."' department store>rc on tbe day. after momoming and nothing worked," xlit OD a brown aod • JlK.A* Christmas. thee counselorc al Metropolitan'" rfu waiting lo get credit ffy. her pil-buH tef»^ . |H H , .Cabbage Patchtch ^ lls reduced,lo "Inh myr day all ie had was a ^ li beige coat for Taffy, S49.95 and » GoBioBdts lay In shambles wbos^bose poDytall grew. None ofot Ihls , - on the floor of[ Uthe Parade of Toys compimplicated stuff." W r ^ J Department, rememlnders of shopping Ruth Rut Cralg, lugging a (175 Photon PI f^l^g|^^H |i||3l havoc wreakedj on< Christmas Eve. electiectronlc phaser target game» t to tbe past. serviirvice counter, was equally ddlsap- ^B B a Frantic bargaijaln hunters already polnliilnled, but for a different reasor planning for next:xt year’s holiday rip- "As "A! soon as my son startedd play- ped gllttertng yiyards of white and Ingg withv It 1 knew it was wnrroDg," ■ p ^ gold beaded gar{arland off the wall saidId the woman who worlcsi u a displays of Sonia'ila’s Workshop where technchnician in the em ergency rocoom al n^H flU kU U fcij3«^B arked down ChristmasCh ornaments Harlearlem Hospital. " I l is. Just w ere going fasl atSOoercentoff.at warli:arllke." ^ ii3 iTlMyr-. III Post-Christmasa s b u y e rs lu m e d "H "H< e started saying ‘I’m goliolng lo i f f i H l I M iin aB Iii - '• ^ ^ ^ ■ _ M a c y ' s Into a big bl shop of horrors blowow your_h_eadHj]f,‘ and 'L e^mm ' e see g 3 | | T & | t I SiK j | p #3rk1u ’* T. with lobg lin u} fers fille d a r m s a n d baskets with rolls rc of snowflak^ decorated wrapplpplng paper, colorful '^11 i r i M i M t i — B H H ribbons and caiidbd b o a rd an g els, UcMURRAY^. a p u m “ I never expg Schoolool vrhile In ■ rated window on0 a once festive monog«fn»m«nt wim Tron»om«rico AAorlgoge. ^ l( In X J p g M M H I 1985. h*• e back at Maclacy's to return her thc future m ay hold, probaljbably only a bathroom fromim the outdoor privy, to 530,«U),000. These robots can1 track children's Chrtstinitm as presents, f '86WasAC;oc>od Y ear For A ll O►fUs. f I 3 • ‘ few have realized we will fill be throw- the indoor, utilitarian, ulil white toilet* unaullauthorized intruders with InInfrared The I69.M Smnarty a Bear was sup- I We Look Forvrw ard To Serving YoYou S ■' ■ in;; parties in our bathrooms>ms...... tub-and*ba8ln,-tfi,-to the colorful, stylish : andid ultrasonic i sensors and aao am - posed to move hihis eyes and rnouUi This Is just one off Uthe World and roomy lav:avatories of the present, monl.onla sniffer that will, d etecl te the while he talked,d, but he didn't, she I InTThe Future. Future Society’s “Te‘Ten Mosl To Cornish, the nexl step is obvious, odorilor given off by humans. said. The JSO Whi!hiz Kid was supposed i ^sliiitq *^ou Thought-Provokliig Forecajecasts" Id Its Bathrooms ass socialS( centers. “ “A! Also the robot doesn’tI mind to work like a computern when you J(t31icCBK i5iil987m I “ OuMook’^ R e p o rt," “ A lot of peo]leople don’t like to go to work:orking 24 h o u rs a day, sevenndays < a .pressed thc hultonans,butitdldn’L - . •S ' lnt«r«stRot«t>t Aro On A D ow n Trom■and I , "That Is m y ownrn personal a party and cat a lot and drink a lot.' weekeek, doesn’t take CQffee breal:aks and ' forecast, based on a reviewlew of w hat’s T hat’s the olold-fashioned way of doesrjesn’tgoonstrlke.’. I REFINANCE ' been happening in the bibathroom,” entertaining. If you go to a party in . YesYcj but, like almosi everyorone else said Edward Cornish, editKlitor of The the future, thc thi hostess m ay say, In thc th society, he does get n o w Futurist, the group’s: imagazine. ‘Would you likelike to exercise and Join So.... ■ THEISEN»MOTOR^I | 8 . 0 *>% Li us in the tub?'b?’ " This already has -R -R o b o ts will generate a new M "The Experienced Comf.vpany" FIXE[x e d r a t e S ' _ f begun happeninning in Califoraia’s "hot spedledalty as lawyers fight7ov»e°; m 33niii f i t } lub belt,” Comilmish pointed out. liabll:ibility for damage ^lat ANNUAL I i T r a n s w e s f Somebod y The other foforecasts put forth by causcluse. Already, the report :s”.r e ^ I y e aVREND" ■ tern the25,000-memt:mbcr group Included: robotbots have killed or injuilured a ■ C L E A F s FRANCE ■ i M o r t g a g e needs yotIII -Society's; most dangerous numbimberof human workers. low In ■ - prisoners willill be sent to distant - T h e life span of cars will s(soon In- H K Coll M lko, G a ry . S ta n or: £ 7 3 4 - 9 9 to underwater prisons, creasease to almost a quarter ofif a cen- o g r e u H 990.1 = : I • The Kimberly Senioi ^^^^^1294Addl»or^nAvjnujEostJwlnrtllt .. i needs volunteers lo help sei erve as guards. turyiry; The car’s current averai-age life 701 Moln'Av*. at thc Center on Mondays, already are being spanlan is only 7'.i years, but tliciC figure i days and Fridays. If you < 3 security guards, Cor- willill extende to 10 y ears by 1990 call Dorthy Porter at 42M33J ■ r. 1 • The CSI Refugee Cenle e ______S G K 3 BE *tiata^aK i' m ler a l 1300 Kimberly Road has urgentenl need lor lio r m e mIU ------G B B B E 3 ! ■ S a n E a o B sheets, pillows, pillpillowcases, S3 Senior Citizens We

I: • The Foster Grandpanparent Pro-' 191 9 8 7 C L O G G IN G C L A SSsTREOiSTRAfiON ■ gram needs people to wiwork with ^ 5D JI MLY!! ^ DEC. 30-JAN. 6 • SIGIGN-UP TODAY liY s e i I children with exceptionallal needs in In stru cto r - JuIIe MulrWhltehaad uir DEC.C. 26th Thru DECC . 3 1 s t Burlcy.-To-qualifyr'thc“'c“volunteer ------733^9688 Day* • 7W-582;:823After6p.m. must bc at leasl 60, low-lnc -Income and ,• , B«glnnlng in good health. T here are be • Performing ! bcnefiU for ,• Intormadlato eligible people. If you aree interested,in • Compotltlon • A dv an ced Sf • M «n Only At Cloaude Br'own's phone Marcie Donner att 734-758373 or write to her at, c/o CSI,I, P.O.1 Box • A dult C lasso* sO OKorod 1238. Twin Falls 83303-1238.8.

This -pufi//c-serv/ce columncol ' is 9 | T n R ■ designed io match needs m -r ‘eds in the ^ l i N I I community wilh voiunlcercer help. I f I ^-ovtf^DUP you need a volunteer, call cal Sherry Ga^ey'.^t■ the Coilege of.Southern of- im I k Idaho. 734;7SS3. to Have It appeara in ^ . s / \ i , Ihis column. i : CARPET MN fe'reH i BvEEVANS &BL I 0 9 LACK ' o n ]y o u r • A R e v o l u t i o n a r yf BreakthroughB fromm D u P o n t . : m :• A F a r S u p e r i o r L.evei e \ of Stain Resistctaiice gg ‘ sid e • W arranfedTo Prorotect The Beauty of)f Your Investm ent We re Readidy to Help...

Medical prot3rocedu_res can be lengthy 1 ; & confusing.3. That'sT wHySt. Benedicts I t o Paiieni Sen/ice■ice Representatives are an integraltr p a rt o f o ur staff, During a stre:tressful situation, ifs often ______difficult to obcaif'tam accurate information. • Our willingnegness to help doesn't stopL h II o n c e y o u 'ree aiadmitted. Our represen- RESISTS LIFETIME ANTI­ F U U FIVE-YEAR ...... SOILING M tatives canin assistc you with hospital I revolutlonory luporiorlty . STATIC WARRANTY WEAR WARRANTSN tY ' policies & proced':edures and answer ques- Pofmoneni ttailc conlrol liII Croflod oJ OuPonfi* (Iflno*t OBM • | E 0 o( STAINMASTER ST corpot I* tions regardinging in su ra n c e claims. They 3 oifeciivo agalnit dry integrated diroctly inloto riylon fiber. STAINAAA!lA ^ E R ' olso STAINMASTER co rp o t. No4o corpet Is guoronleedi IWtno to s f f i . can also.arran(•ange for patient aftercare *oil.. OIrl0 do«»n’l cling. Simply | uum ll up, mora iiortling thock*. «vor. wear m oro thon 10%; In five. .. and detail otherher available sen/ices. Our vacuuf yoori. The beauty lotlt.— . ■ Patien'cServervlce Representatives are ' '~ E vani Black • A E>0 n i«»ly ly C1 o n i t r u d ^ S m o o th T«xiixturaEfliyCora Saxony. determined i ed to alleviate hassles and - , 3 Q UJALITIESTO A CHOOSE HFROM: misunderstandings.■■ m GOODI ■ i m s i St. Benedict's5 FamilyFa Medical Center - BISTI P E R FE a PLEASURE ROYAL ROMANCE W e re o n y/our o L side and we're ready TIMELESSTREASURE ; m ' X*1).PrlMS17.n R»S.Mc«S31.9S tefl.Prie*$M.95 . -______to help. e a ON “a” l h ...... * 1 3 ’ * ...... * z ...... * a r St. BenetJlcuc u FamilyI M edical Center t s t SAL I” ® 3 70 709 No. Lincoln Avenue Evanran* Block • N «w E x d tin g] FrF riistt* T»xtur», T ro ck lM i Jerome. itJatio83338 «H10N FANCY. R*fl. Prlc«lc« $19.95 ^...... “,"T% SA tE«15’ .gRw (208) 324-4301 FASI l ; l ■H D O W N TOO V W N ^ E i , C^ucL^ \ ____ I W i ^ ( JD Bromrs5 7 143 lla ia A v ii.l '33-2108X Snusic Futn'rtute Caipel^ Twiii Falls ^ - '' V ^ l ' Bl Integrity Si lag 1 9 1 9 ■ • . I fi'■T . -

I — ^ a m i w i f f i a B B i [ M i ■ ■ R 9 B l i a^saniEIIBaEBEBGgnBBsissaeaiaaiHgi;: I B-aTlmes-Nowa.TwlTwin Falls. Idaho Sunday,iy,Docember28,1686 I P a rk in g metersI go(electronic € ANN ARBOR, Mich.. (AP) { — Elec* melefs alsoIso have a discrim inating . Smo])kers leiiave leg<[acy of Ipain,.scorrow Ironic parking meterr systems are *ensor abilityIlllylo recognize slugs.' beglmlis lo replacece 'traditional ... DEAR ABBY: AlAbout a year and a me like a thunderbollolL Abby, please but be neverm thought It would bap ibiication also noles Ibat ^ coln-swallowing mechs : systems, utilizing eittier half ago, a Gulfpo:fport, Miss., woman L if l lell "Grieving" lhatI hber letttf made pen to him.bii He loved us and did -„jnoi reports American MetalS e p wrole a very ^lo^ P ® A b I g a l l four-pack-a-day want to0 cause ( us all Ibis pain anc redlt cards, have been used Tiovlng le tte r about H P tbls 42-year-oId, f The weekly industry her sister' who hihad died of lung w oman reach into ber t purse aod sorrow, foradecade. V a n B u r ^ Ann Arbor Is widely reg • . canccr. Then a DenDenver woman write throw her cigaretteses In tbe trash! Abby,; pleasec give this m essage t( first A m erican localit;llty to Install In additiontion to th e m echanical a ^ to say that th att Iiletter had caused I've taken an oath to t< never smoke your readladers: If you can't quit smok DearAbby jTp electronic-based, (coin-operated electronic; coin-operated• meteisi > her to quit smoking.ng. again. Ing for' yourselves, y please do U foi meters.-Tbe iuils oper;u-ate on a bat- aoolber typeype bas beca-developed>^ I — - Ptpncp ntn thpmtm flgfltn Pomff^nff I __ Too bad she d id n 'tit^ign ber name, tboscwbo'bo love yoo. INA tery-powered '• mlcrocoinmputer tbat an electroniconic meter witb an optical ; love very m uchI o o( e ^ to sec those Abb;,bby, why do advertisers make m a She deserves to be tliajlaoked publicly. —-HE.lEARTBROKEN IN INDIAN/ has a 1004iour range. TlTbe electronic reader. letters tn print cigarearette ads so attractive?> 1In- — FRLEE E INDENVER -W MM.McD.,TORONTO . ‘stead,ad, they'should run a before-ai DEAR FREE: SbEAR ABBY: On April 5 ,1 read Q Sosebee in Gulfport, M JDAYSlffT feel so guilty beciecause I, her older letterer In youi^column in the Rocilocky r a i S M c u u sister, sm oked. TtiThank God, I was Mount sthing DEAR ABBY: Thailank you for your ■ jntaln News that did somelhi) o w m m i s T O R able to ault in lime. tir She tried to for me lhat nolhlng else was ableble to continuing efforts to get| people to ;V : ^ quit, b u tltw astoK) o Ulate for her. do. It imade me decide lo quit smo}mok- quit smoking. l 9 M C M M O V n Her husband and children are In- Ing. My b e ld v ^ brothercr died last week. • Eiwfal2/3T/t6 _ consolable. I haveIB 1learned a lot from It wi. was written by a woman signiIgned He was a special peperson, loved by JH S this terrible cxpcrperience. A smoker "Grlcv•icvlng In G ulfport," .whowhose m any. He w as a goot«d Christian and _ h has a lot more to worryi aboul than belove)ved younger sister had died fromfro we fbid some comfcifort In knowing B 99^I dying. My sister:ter's stay In the lungi i cancer. H er doclor bluntluntly lhat he Is with ourr Lord, bul self- . ■ ■ I hospital with lungng canceri wiped out stated,ed, “Clgarcltcs killed her.’V Ishiy, we w ant blm hchere wilh us now. liiiiH iiiii her family financial:iaily. . “Grieving's" Gri final paragraphsIS 1hit He knew that cigarerettes could kill, W ed d iiling — Olson-L■Davidson ES EDEN - TamlII C Olson bcciune the b rid e'o f Tony DavDavidson Nov..:2 at Lakeside Chape!'i l ' In South Lake Tahoe. Nev. BS The bride Is: thell daughter ' of Philleese Edlngtonton, Sonora, Calif., and Robert St. Jan:iam es, Tahoe, Nev., and the bridegrooiroom's parents ore Mr. and M rs. L arry-ry Davidson.I Eden. II - The bride is a1 graduategi of Ukiah High School and Is em ployed a l thc MasonileCorp.,UkliJktah, Calif. The bridegroom,im. who graduated H |B i I from Valley High1 S(School and the Col- I CARPETING< : | I lege of Southern-n Idaho's General ||P |^ » M 25.99sq.yd. . ‘ in ^ R»^^6. "Crestwood" - | Moiors program.1. works at Lance aaRCIB '' Moiors in U kiah1 wherew the couple ^ S«l« 21.99 sq.yd. . ! resides. TPami ai and Tony D avidson la n d |R^.--Sot^Suede-| |

OS. Bwldw M W P w S c. Bicycl ades late hoors :le 4 decc H 140N CHARGE FOR ' (AP) — When he myslcr>lery. "This is going lo be wwm a PADDING ANO NORMAl. L/ortsuaani neio vou. CLEVELAND (A a * 3 S ? a / B l K M » 5 ^n »INSTALLATION, was a boy, Ralph) C(Conley dreamed of spcclal:ial C hristm as for R alph" wasa s ai ll off regular prterkmi coordlrtated top treabnen■enu. Sale includes fabric, laboabor. bedspreads and h«wadboards. ■ f i S ^ 9 5 i i m 0 S ^g a NNORMAL DELIVERY I. finding a red bicycle t by the thatsh: shc woiild say. lining and instaOatioa 3 TIMETl APPUES. : Christmas tree. Hard H limes kept Thetie gift brought tears to his eye that from happenlnining until this y ear, Conleyley said. He grew up in a co ^oOff NOO-10 CHARGE FOR W-HOUE > when the 5l-year-ol)•-old factory worker mininging town in Chapmanvllli i ' 5 0 ^ ff 5 0 % cpicfaECTWNS. MEASURING.-' ' . received his bike froifrom "S an ta." W.Va.,'a., and his fath er died whenI CoCon- “ V i e w s c a p)6S" e vertical blinds.s. "Horizoiran” 1 in. blinds. NSTAiSTALLATtON. he 10-speed bike by icy was wa 3, ■ NORMORUALOEUVERYT1UE Conley found the C fw oso from 8 paiMttems of vinyls and fabricss fafai exciting Savo on roguogular pricod "Horizon" 1" alumlmlnum AfWppues. . : : , their tree whenI . hhe and his wife. • colors. mini biinds.Cs. Cok>rful soloction. Wanda, returnedicd home from Christmas Eve churrturch services, M iaffe«s «■ nM l. Ma prtcM I KtMtM •rao^ jMMwy IIM. A note attacheded to the tree said, "Sorry ll look mem e“ 30 long lo gel S Penney inowfora IM M i here. But 1 diddidn’t forget th at J /lagic Valley l ^ U S to re> hH o u r s : c u s t oDM m iDECORATING • Mon.-Sat. 10i0a.m .-9 p.(n. 1 . Christmas you wtwanted this. Hope 0 oJntmenL ■'t I’mnoltoolate.LovLove, S anla.” 734-0832 S u n . 11 a.i p .m . I ■ Mrs. Conley swor.vore she had nothing {{£ to do with thc g ift.;ft. and she said their ^ grown childrenI aalso found It a

W w Jdlngondmd A n n lv « rta ry Cal.okes ______.. ...All flavors, iaunto:intoIn*,*lc. Indud^ •rhundr*di«nrlng T«k*AdYontrontogAofThlt’ / SpMlatForF.arFutur*0«rt** fQneeii^s> BINGIUM'Srs WEDDING CATHURING 7 3 33 -8 -8 0 5 8 lifii Intttirf ii stick U l I s tI

KM FREOW. BRODERICK niAOdlMnAx. Toin FaUi.hUhaHMI 734-6572 R.J. Carr CLU Agency FRATERNAL lNNI UALL LIFE INSURANCE 0 MOOW4 WOOOMU o r AMUUCA l i a w S p B i swct loai ■ A U.IUMAl >■( «3C«lt .o«c«iia»oC»rKAM> M»on B IIG ATriENTIOIIn! TWINM F A L L S AFlREA IDU,IMIP - m> \MEMBEE R Sm W e A r e PleasedP To Annoujunce 0 ^ ^ T he iAppointment Of S';T AR T SID E C v^6Wh MAGG IC V A L L EEY ® ONEVWEEK ONMLY-STORREWIDE TOW irIN G & R E P y ) -734-6138 — UVINQ SHOWCASE GALLEim 'E s Engine.le. Transmission & f t DVtfTiMn Diesel Repiep airs-M ajo r or Minor Tlrq Change L o r T o w i n g ■ — •— S h o p lo c a te d 1 mlio r E., V* m ile N. of MoiS /GasDellvei7 Viow corner—^-Kim borlyRcl..^ 3200 Eai, . ' , .Booster I ★ F O R AA;,AA EMERGENCY TwlnFins I • Battery jl . .Tuw,r,l«rr>niW*wAIABmU(MPWn* ' S E f f VVICE K 24 HOURS CALI.L 734-644111 IDAHJIO STATE Ainfro ASSN. 3040 Elder St.. Boisjise, ID.______•. i J [ Sunday, Decticember28,1986t^ TImevNewN ow s, Twin F ill* . Id alio ; 1 ■ Make my pie C2> ■: 1 o d / i ' ’ • ■ Allen Wilson C3'!' ’ , f F o h o n n e ■ c 1^ ■ Supermarket shofjpper C5 I Heere’s atoas< sttonlon-alI c o h b ]llie bejverag

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.. ■} l i Non-alcoholic, bult festive,-mixed-drinks’f( gregredlentsr-as— ln—a—pina-na—colada^ylc'mlntfrozen enlnslde. Illme wedge glass. Garnish with’ frull[rull as desired. Serves are becoming more amand m ore popular a t all refresher. refi Or. take a sophlstiilsticated-Iooklng FFESTIVE FRUIT PUNCH Combine juices,es. P o u ro v e rlc e lo glass. Adcdd 1. kinds of social gatherllerlngs these days. And approach ap; — perhaps goldenI pineapplepl Juice l e a n (46(6oz.) pineapple Juice squeezed lim e wediredge. Makes 1 serving. they will be especiallylly appropriate for those tinted tint with a hint of grenadlnidlne and mixed 1 packagcgc {10 or.) frozen raspberriesles HAWAIIANiN CCOOLER who want to celebraljrate New Year’s Eve with wit something effervescent.;. GuestsG will eo- 1 can (65 oz.)c pink lemonade frozenn tconcen- PACIICIFICSUNSET In a laii glass, pour,lu'r.icy cold, pineapple without alcohol. Joy|oy a drink like this servedKl InI your most trate lcan(6oz.)or%r% cup pineapple Juice juice over ice. Garnishnish with a chunk of Whether for reasonsns of( health, diet o r per- elegant elci stem w are. ^4cupgregrenadine syrup ScuporangeluiJuice ------pineapple. . sonal tasle, many peopliople prefer drUiks m ade Bubbly B pineapple punch is also an ex* 1 quart (2(32oz.) lemon-llme drink, chllAllied Icecubes PINA COL;OLADA ' ! with fruit Juices and spa^ a rk lln g sodas. celleni cell choice for children's birthdayblr parties Icecubeses Itable^nngrei'renadlne syrup 2 cans (6 oz. each or i'iI cups) plneappjC When entertaining,:, it’s it always a good and or or teen get-togethers when you have to sat- Combinele all ingredients In a punctach l»w l. Combine Juiceses iaod pour over ice in glass5S. juice considerate idea to ofloffer a variety of non- Isfy isfj a lot of th irsty kids. And,md, don’t forget Garnish asLS desired.< Makes3 quarts. Add grenadine.. Garnish G; wllh lime wedge ilif Vi cup coconut cream1 ' r alcoholic beverages ancand hearty appetizers In lhat tha pineapple Juice makes:es a healthful, FFROSTY FRUIT SHAKE desired. H akes 1 scserving. 1'.^ teaspoons rum exlra<[tract { addition to your tradlllijillonal alcoholic drinks, refreshing refi drink after exercisrcise cla^ or a ican(6oi oz.) o r ^ cup pLoeapple JuiceIce crushed Ice The drinks you choosese tot serve can really set brisk bri: hike. Try mixing it with'ith club soda or i cup strai-awberries MAUI Combine all IngredienLlents in blender. Whir j the tone of a party an'and frull Juices offer a mineral mil water. trip e baranana, peeled PINEAISAPPLE-ORANGE untU blended. G arnish ansdesired.Serves4. sd fabulous base for a vavaried menu of bever- Vibrant V colors add appeal:al and style lo Icecubescs In a tali glassass, pour equal portions of ol ages. Pineapple Juicee isU one of the most pop- julce/soda Juli drinks served iniri :your favorite Combinele all Ingredients in bleodeider. Whir pineapple Juice! andai orange Juice over ice.:e. OAHUHU ular and versatile nm ixers available for stemware. ste: If you wish, dip glas:Jass rim s in lime until blendnded. Four Into tall glass.. KMokes 1 Garnish wllb oranjange slice. LITE COOIOOLER -> festive non-alcoholic drinks. dr With Its distinc-' or or lemon1 Juice, then tn sugar;r; ffreeze glasses serving, lean (6oz.)or^icupplntplneopplejulce live tart/sweet flavor,or, pineapple juice Is a or on mugs before serving all kindinds of frosty. Ir- PU>INEAPPLE CRANBERRYY LAN/iNAlSPRrrZER 4 oz. diet lemon-llme sodasod; *: ' natural in exotic tro]tropical concoctions or resislable res beverages. Add lo0 tl thc mood with BREEZE lcan(6oz.)or%«r=!>i cup pineapple Juice Icecubes basic, but delicious, thlrhlrst-quenchers. garnishes gai — fresh frvit andnd mint or cin- lean(6c;>oz.) o r cup pineapple Juiceice 3cz.mlneralwatw ater Mint sprig Try a tempting punclmch bowl full of pineap* namon nat sticks and vanilla beai>eans on top, or cup cn:ranberry Juice Icecubes Pour juice and soda-ov4i-ovcr icc in tall glass, 4 . . .. pie Juice whipped.up.wp. with sweet cream y in* add adc cryslalline.lce cubes,wllwllh_berri^ or . Icecubcsc s ...... ____- •...... 1 Pour Juice ,andDd mberal water over ice irin G am lshw ilh mint, Servesv e sl. Strand1 serves ooriginal h11 someDody,” she s a y s ,‘‘aniind.they iook from a partyly sbe attended 12 y ears ^ the table for her paparty guests at costume,'e, This lim e, th eir guests willill at your back, and you sa;say. ‘Am la ago lo Califorfomia. Admitting sbe was ' midnight. This willI be b< preceded by play sort■tofaguessinggame. o boy or a glri?' They say,ly. ‘You're a lhe only guesIe s t who did not figure out arqunid the woorld lots of hors d'oeuvres,res, served along The Strands Sti have invited two^0 girl.’ Then you go lo anoUother person, ber Identity,ly, she says it uever^ : wllh cocklails througlughoul the even- groups of friends who have nevercr and you're visiting withh them, ^ d entered her- mit ind that sbe was Olive By MARIE BIANCO s ' with aquavitt jafler Midnight Ing. m et eachch other. To help them getet you say. ‘Am I blond?’ 0Or, you can Oil. Newsday . Mass. Jan . l l s3 a~crd a y of gift g iving ; acqualntc(lied, upon their arrival, each:h ask, . 'Am I blond, redh^d rt or Otherwise,e, tbi e 30 peqile will play In F rance, wheivhen the extended "I feel it Is very imim] portant to feed will haveve pinned to his or her back:k brunette?’ Then, they tellell you, ‘You cards — eltbetb er bridge or 21, and bet SomellkeUcoI^aNevew Y ear’s family, includingling all the second '< s your people while thcthey’re having a the namene of a cartoon character, a , are a redhead.' Or. 'Am I alive ; o r am wilh tbe 20I raffle r tickets picked up Eve celebrated in Timeses Square. and third cousinssins, gathers for an ; ^ drink,” she says, ‘‘so'so nobody leaves fictitiousIS person| or someone who is Idead?’‘WelI.youwerenenever alive.’ *S eeB> BEAN OQ Page Q - with- o tb er' sblveriogag • • New elaborate holidaylay meal.i ' , • -Yoriters. Otbers preferr a more Among Germerman tradltioiuf, dviUzed approacb, a Neyew Y ear's bowls oi sl'eamlnmine pea soup are Eve party spent mundiching on expected at thehe dinner< tables in ' i Windi up holilidays w caviar and toasting wittitb cham- Baden and, al(along the lower i/ithwairming cidrinks ' Rhine, noujoer,Der, N w Y e a ^ s , : ^*^fa*^any usberlogDg in tbe cookies, are bakelaked In pretzel a n d 3!^ ounces of toasted COCwconut (lakes (about 1 Ithink'we all breathtathe a sigh of relief this New Year bas always beei!«a a good w reath shapes,«s. Sllvesterabend;. ctq)) week and say, “ TGIAIlIANY” (Thpnk Goodness ' excnsc tb eat and driirink,' and punch, a hot, red wine toddy that Nancmcy 6 cups milk It’sAlmoslNewYearear's). After a monlh or so toward that end, serloiIous food will w arm anycanyone’s bones. Is ■ 2 cups whlppiog^reama of festive outings andnd an orgy of cooking and Joy .Jo n e s tradltioits have develroeded. Often, served with plpfannkuchen, or ■ Io the momlng or aboutut i2 bouis before serv- callng frenzy, it’s golrjoing to be nice to settle (be origin of tbese conaioims is lost . donuts, on a frigid frlj N ew Y e a r’s Ing time, beat tbe eggyoUcilks and cream of ^ down and get back to inorm al. lley cooking to blstpn; consider *‘b‘hangover .Ev6. Ballbauscheschen. a fried cake coconut lo a large mixer‘ bowlb( athlgh speed dd- Bul first we havei lh,that one-last-blast holiday, . soun.’* Just bow omaJon iMup Bluffed with raisli 111 thick aod lemoo -Dutdi cuisine mi peaks form . In anotber bonMwl. JMat tbe wbiralng I may.not be Bxten.'" visitors. 3 the work can be done eai .cdefaratbig a new calesdadar wUh dve, but thls.'lsi cream until stiff peaks fonorm. (Note: A n j^ e is. Ib e ^ a s o n w im :,: ■ Also try a Jug of appapple cider and drop in somen. served with or withoutLA 11 COCONUT venex^le food and drdrink. Jn. tbelr bakers 8hin< you are beating botb egg w thine. Baked'goodlM ''' cinnamon sticks andad whole\ cloves ancl a few an old favorite. rated (keep the whiles at Denmark, a tradiUooanal New Include cream for the same recipe,pe,yoacan^& ' .knypertJci'V } ■ whole allspice and letIct the flavors meld. Then , >r greater volume) Year’s s t q ^ of boOed1 ccod with (“cloth^Ins" ; same beaters if you beatI (h(be egg whites Orst " . , cookies).' whenyou’re re a d y toto; serve, bet^t it to boUlag In'le " ‘ EGGNOGALAIA cream of coconut (dieck -mustard sattce is,w a^M doTO:, :,..*SeeWECIA t 0 large saucepan andmd add some sliced oranges 1 dozen eggs, separateof your supeitnarket) .^ J O N E S o oaPige.q P ' L room temperature for g Q' U&-tol6-ouncecana J - the specially section of j C^TIm«»Mews.TvlnFAlFalla, U a h o S u n d a y . Decoft^fflb«r28,1986 M a k (:e m y p i c : N^ a y o ire d re w:c i p e s; s t a r ii n b o oo k

aste test before the' WASHINGTON (A P) — - (Jo ahead, movie Une Un bas becom e bis> Flynn'sf : is Boston Bake 3 cupsaU-puipose» se flour duivekater (a long, decoiicoraUve loaf), cakes fromm their godparents on New ^ ’ cup w ator over the wator.;r. Add sugar and stir, for^ 2 toblespoonsbaklbaking powder appeltwigneta (applei idumpUngs), Year's Day►ay. These trian^ar puff V =4 toaspoon cinnamon Set aside for 100 Kminutes. HOPPIN’JOHN 1 cup granulateded sugars ofieboUen (UtUe friedd oncara\ 2 cloves minced garlic ibleqioonmUk . . clock strikes 12 to ensuiisure 12 bai^y New Year’sr’s Day, the symbolism be- '/icupm ' U k bay leaf first),). Add up to 6 cups.of 2 i i^cupplusltoble: Mt poundbolled ham,minced months lotbeNewYear.IT. ’ Ing th at Jusjust as no .obe can teU (or V* = cup granulate sugar flour, a cup att a time, untU dough Is Vz » 1. In a mbclng> bO'bowl com bine flour,; % toaspoon black pepper Swedish New Y e a r'sI D.D ay dlnoer is sure wbatt sorts of a chick will come ^ < teaspoon salt smooth. Mt baking powder, sugarsug and salt; toss •4 teaspoonred pepper flakes ------a- r e p e a t- of tbee "'Christmas'^' forth fromn tUie shell, no one can tell • ^4 - cup buttor, softened !4 cs iighilywiUiaforL...k...... 5. T^rii out ononto a {loured surface 3 , smorgasbord feast: Itlutfisk wiUi ? b a t eventsn ts the New 'Y ear will br- 2 : packages active dry yeast 3 cups cooked rice 2. WlUi a pastrytry blender, 2 knives islng'remaining flour, Tabasco sauce ' or your fingertips.'ps.- cut Uie b u tter In- cream sauce, boiled potpotatoes, haw tag. ^ cup waterdOStollSdegi In a buttered bowl and i aod rlsgryngrot, a' rlrown. Add onion and garUrllc and 4. On a llghUyf flouredfloi surface, roU. ter, eggs aod raisinsins abooad; UieVlrgb&Q Mary and the third to St. halves ba and-or maraschino ch, K-incb thickness.' j'*tirewegge, or pear pie,e, Ibas a mitog BasU. Thele bread is tben cut into . 1] . Make an Uifuslon by comblntogco dough in halfIf and shape bito two 3. Drain p e a s and retu rnI to I pot. Cut out to desht shapes using- t of bread doogb stuffeded wlUi p e a n . piecesandtJd Uie eldest m em ber served water, wa cinnamon, anlse^,Is. oraifge round loaves.I. ..Wrap two coins In Add^dd 4 cups w ater, ham , blaclack and cookie cutters, ^ aod raisins. first. It Is believed Uiat whoever pep ^ and bay leaves ia a smnaU a sauce- aluminum, foil1 anda Insert one in each red-ed peppers. Bring to a slmmeiier, cook 5. p in ce on a ggreased ra cookie sheet In Scotland, baggls,.Is,, a sheep’s flnds Uie! sUversl coin baked In Uie pan. pa Bring mixture to a boiloU, cover, loaf. Place loaviaves on a llghUy greas- geni'enlly until peas are tender.•. from1 1 and bake lo a 375^Ii75-degree oven for 12: 0 stomach stuffed-wltb moatmeal aod- -bread wlUil receive: special blessing reiremove from beal and alioIlow to sit ed pan, coverr 1with lightly buttered • to 2 hours. Add additional wtwater, if to 15 minutes, or 1unin Ught-brown;; •- - sheep's latesUoes, Is wtwashed down Irom Saint:Dt Basil during the coming for foi 15 minutes. plastic wrap andan allow to rise for 1 nec Elk Slew, panarmesan french bread cake. cak Tbe recipe I u se c alls toi •' During tbe fe^vlties. es. guests wUl Serves255 4 duck breasts, washed thoiloroughly and a tossed gre<;reen salad. cup cup of pqjpy seeds. I have Iodlokedand II munch on bot and d cold bore 21oavesUiIjthin sUced bread |1 smaU can frozen orange[juice ji .loollooked for a store that carrleie s them ;; d ’oeuvres, a s tb e arom i ima of Italian 2cupscreaieam 1 can whole water chestistnuts, cul ITALIA]IAN ELK STEW in i n large l quantities, b u t to no» ai v a i l - •; EUl Stew reminds them unofUiemid- 3eggs in half Serves four: (She(; wUl Increase Uie 1 I can cs only find smaU crataloeiiers. coo- Il ' i. 4cu p sp arnirmesan cheese 1 pound package wafer ththin bacon amounts for theheparty) talning tali two to three ounces:,L Please ;; stran d says sh e loves t( a to cook, lives in one dlslUsb, mix cream and eggs, giistrips, cu t In half 2 pounds elkk orc venison steak, cub- belp. belj POSa NECESSARY m Along wlUi the cocktails,ils. Strand Cut m eat intonto squares. Brown in 3 • OROEK TO B t QUAllREO SIOO>OEX). NO PEtSONAL CKEOCS ACCEFTEDAU FOS THIS willwi prepare the following. tablespoons oil, wilh sliced onion. 'OEPOSn. Add remainingng ingredients, except PARCEL 363-87 A l«.n «r« trMI ol M opp ««. *4. -« r ol I,, « ond ofaoul nwim I J o n e s - HOT SPICED WINEfE m acaroni. Cookx)k, covered, slowly a t MHiih i (H T>ln Fall.. Idoho. To bo wU M two^ ufUti m foRow*: > 325 degrees (or IMt I • A «.t7 wit tioct ol lond ich conthrt el ^1 dor )lnal «po>Mt«t lor ocroogo/ 32 ounces cranberry juice [or 2';^!-3 hours, stirring ron. ' Af^KAMDmCt: St.061.«J 1 quart burgundy wine occasionally. C(Cook macaroni accor- IIMt > • A f.U cctt irocl ol land •iikhkh cofnliti ol oCI dry flra>h>g «lrh mJ,> iMWbUimw Isr (rripknd. AT- ' •Contlnoed from PaPageCI ■ Happy Ycaicar 1987. Enjoy!______A ' spice bag (cheesecloth1 I tied wlUi ding to packagcage directions, and add pAAiiEorncE ' ii.niso r»o.p«ii*« Of ih»W ao«ntI mrmnt U prmni on dvr ol <'>' <*<•• pv>tpwrpOM ol onming >h»« and tben Uie whipping c 3a string) filled wllh 1 ststick cin- to meat mlxtui;ture. Top wilh cheese J l§ NancyJoyJo'JonesH'c/co/nescom- nam na on,' 6 aUsplce berrieses and 6 which has beenen sliced. Bake an addi- ' •nn f«a> Counry M k-oI Mg., loom /3.3. r«M Fon,. Uo«u».S^ 1«7. /«« twm, al 10% dimn. bolonc* en » r*or conircxi, V tX I whites and wblppedcreaneamintoUie mefltsorn?cj;ecjpes. Her address is 1020 clovescl( tlonal 45 minuinutes al 300 degrees,' ' .IntMtil. for lull ilMoJ, «t>«tn,onl ol Imti. r o . eo< m . Coodxg.9d«g. Uoho K t» Phon. eggyolkmizture.Youcoucouldaddup ISt.,Rupertlrt83350. cup w hite sugar covered. t; to 2 cups of your favoritetespirltoat s thlspolnl—rtmi.twurbonbon.eto.This r '“ makesabout36l/2-cupse) servings. Si After all the rich and1 creamcn y and ;; deliciously tem pting Item;ems.Ineeda •; cool and ta rt beverage to {get m e go- Ing again. I The easiest puncb I makn a k e isto take a 48^unce t>ottle ofifcrantierry ci — •; ]u lc e ,a d d l/2 cupor]emoinon julc€ ______tfredi squeezed or bottledle d la n d a ' \' large bottle of club sodaaoracltrus- oi •! Qavored pop. Just plunkkinsomelce li • Zs EC onNewScqftei; t. andserve.lt’scool,tangyigyand. , *; refreshing. I; If you are going to makeakea^iecial ,^Thickeier ji ;Bunch bowl for New Year*!d r's, then you t ;can sta rt your ice ring nowoow. i *; -z Take a ring mold andI nil it about •; 1/4 to 1/3 full with w armn ww a te ra n d , ■(' , / K lI m m^ } BRAND# I- freeze. Arrange and layer^ f n i i t s o n topofthefrozen portion,1, uusing m ar- V"’ A ascblnocherries, mandahlaftBLQranges, »• pineapple slices, fresh minm intleave'~— R t n u ^ S i z'ze i ■ I- (if available) or try the lealeavesoff j; tangerines this time of yeayear. Just FackdTissuem e s •' barely cover the fruits willwitb water •j and freeze. Then fill tothethe top with '( /water and freeze again.. YouYc can col- J; orcoordlnateorcontrasttJst the fruit C- with tbe punch for a speciafclal effect, • I hope these Ups help youyoi cheer In J, Uie new year. H e re 's myy tctoast toyou ^ Magic Valley cooks.. .m:m ayyour- k. pots boU quickly, y our cak<:akes rise . • S! high, and may you never;r h.have to of- n M y O m k I' fer a burnt offering toapp*ppeaseUie » kitcbenq>irits. Sctve, 2 i ! F f f l S n S n .. I ; I 3 3 M M 'aw Arneritx^sJinavorite tissue isssqfter \ ^ niAL I ^ Family Size Fac^ial Tissues 1 SSM 2 ! I ■ YEARENND ■ ami d t } n d < c r t h a n ever.e i tCsethe atb I 1^ NOrGOaDOHTnJU.$IZE : ■ CLEARANNCE ■ coujuponetndexperjrience jar younrseff- I CONSUMOtlimfontca• Coupen pw purcntM. Any O0H> UM a Iriul CCAim KmMrvOvkrk parieu kot (AaO( lin*ig tor couoo •i ■ i t o w l . H . t heam^artqfKIiet e 'ieenex tissues. IF»«»aDnM.MR«.n«. TX 7 6W0. cnMM you canvtr >«l ■« iwti P r o a r « n •CS07S Vod»#w«[rolib KlaIeeti£XSCQrs‘‘B k ssswir 1 '.50* 5 ^ 1 •n- — . m l i _____— 5 ______,____ I ______Gregoim lily girower - Sunday. [>ocember2r2S.1986 TbiMs4 ■antof AspklistraorCastIrstlrooPlaaL ______coold pollute them. She bas pnproduced a video film on f.'hichangcs. fluorescent llghl;hl fixtures. luallually all palm s are very tolerai Tbe conipaoy, accordinding to sales gardening with w herbacious peren- If ] your plants a re well feriilliliied, Somelimes a cellrelllng spotlight can be lowiow light. Perhaps the most toleilerant manager Kelly McKenzie,lie, is produc- olals. . lightlie green color, especially(-in ii young very effecUve In lifting a dark cor- s Islh the Neantbe Bella or Parlor-P P alm . AlkaWQsoateadiacbesbortiadtareM ing about 14 mlUton IDyDy bulhs tbls LUies baveive a blooming period of leaves, igj may Indicate a shortata g e of ner. Even an ordirdlnary lable lam p Boll;ioth the Umbrella Tree aod Dnh a - RkksCoDege. year (10 millioo la st yeai'ear) for pro- about threeee weeks; flowers last llghl. ]jg PJai)ts without adequalia le l l ^ t p ag atlm aod Ior pottISEAS£ASE AND rrs -ange S-6 Inch blooms with ^ iwers • Pon Ronlols .... about 400 acres and b buUsuUding a . briilianl oran bccauso light inlenslly Is so.low,The. lc - SllkFlowi TREATABLE mfninn controDed-climatcate structure dark spols.. It is 3-4 feet taU (without m „ ain problem is usually thos^3SC plants • Coko&CI, Chompogne BMiEEMllkYIILl gulator). Forcing time Is qq CAL that-will iodtide bnlbb |processing, growth reguj on the north side of the house FounfalnaIns Liconsod Dcnttfist storage, cooUng, sortingfng. grading. 72-82 days.. (Other favorites include receiving _ enough light. Saturday AppobttBWRtf C A N Y O^ rV I E W shying' and ofdce -facilities fa at orangeSunkiiikist and Red CarpcL If i you have problems growlw „ g 15% OFFFAlllnvllollonf^ > . Ai»Iiabt«. Aurora, Ore. At the tissue II culture facUlty, plants nii in some of the da rk erp r p a rtso f WEU 733>2374 HOSPI;PITAL •*We perlorm every fimtFuncUott. from M ary O’CoiConnor says 3(M0 lUy DING SHOP ^ 507 Main Avo.Vifcst.SuiloBB M T WWFALLS M i oew products, propagatio,iting for com- varieties areire handled each year. She Tim«s4laws t o 73733-8838 I f Twffi F alls PHONE?:; 7 3 4 - 6 7 6 0 ; merdal and our ownD \ use.” said also worlcss oni Iris, amaryllU and George R. Heoblein, Heltfelridge’s 45- callalUies. P h . 7 3 3 -0 8 414 4 ------year old president. “Wi‘We are tbe Under. tratradillonal methods, she _ l i NEWrYEAKSDAY YE .. largest forcers of llUess inii tbe U.S., explained, yoyou can get 1 to 2S scales and are very iovoived in the flower from a bulblib for propagation; with « bT| fl ••• business, from raising neMnew products, tissue cultuiture up to 20,000. After T im .- V propagating, to selling-,lg-, and-mall-cloning, thete bulbletsI remain indoors A l b E R T Ssons' Pl l e d q E l b o r6 a bouses that sell to consumers.coi for a year,r, then outdoors for two “Witb our oew facilii:Uily w e will years. Bulbslibs, sbe said, need cold have tbe capability lo b produce treatment "“and are always grow- Albertsons* . manifold more bulbs, alsialso daffodils, ing."^ix to eight years are needed V I O R E F f l Iris and tulips as wellI as af lilies. We lo develop1 a new variety commer- M tC IvME IV a re tb e «ily A m erican companycoi tbat cially. bas subsidUries in tbe! NN< etherlands. There wc:wcre about 900,000 tiny lanls in the 60-by-40-fool Our operaUons sbouldd benefltI tbe rooting plan S h z s I o n s u m e r by bringing lower loi priccs, growtb room»m. better quality and belte;lter distribu- “We aree v working lo Increase the tk n of cut flowers." strength, vlgvigor and virus resistance ' Tbe company bas aI ladder-effectla of the plantin ^ ” O’Connor said. “ We structure. It also ownsIS .Joe Berger also arc breeding In delicate An(ndre ^ ^ Inc., of Renloo, Wash.,, a distributor fragrance,, increaslnffi^ the color of bortlcullural supplies,ts, and R. van range, devesveloping sturdier stems • Tony’s Pi■izza Ch£ham pagne BudweiserBeeer Doriiritos dem Adel, a DutcbAiased>ed Oower im- and earlierr fflowering, larger flowers porter-exporter; Sun Pac*aciflc Flow er and more buct)uds per stem ." g £ 5 S - » 1■ IB B ~ W X i I 5 J 0 Z .- S ^ 2 lo r 2 4 |a O IB Museumn s r ™ W sm f] ■■ .. I 5 ■ i = TWIN FALLS take lool)k at :N SUNDAY 12-4 “HB furni^hin BRIDES' \ m Tbe fnniisblngs Americericans. choose yy for tbeir homes bave alwilways been of // (GIFT , m P epsi o r 17-Up Engliilish Muffins Pitted Olivee s Orangeg e J u ii» biterest to those doing: tbthe selecting, I but recently both contememporary and i ^>1SERVICE^ historic furnishings baibave become I MAKMGWEOOING \ snbjects deemed worthyby of museum to cf;GIFT Sa£CTlONS SO # 1|DS @2 study. ■ wmMUCH EASEfl. 2 itr. 1 Z f a r 7 9 n J t blUon of con- AVAIABIE THflOUCHOUT Tbe inaugural exhiblU THE^MST! temporary dccoratlve1 aarts at the \ 1 recently reopened Ameinerican Craft ^ Museum - io New Yorlork and the ^ U etn^tan Museum’sI’s exhaustive kwlc a t Iale I9tb-centuryiiry decorative arts are two examples ofof Uthis trend. ^ 6 5 - I : ' Tbe Metropolitan exhibit, a “In N o g •Fl I Pursuit of Beauty: AmeAmericans and • 5 W / Rib ^f s t popcom ‘Pta£/P\P o tato es ■ tbe Aesthetic Movement,at," continues N lim M . UbtftKMt hfra through Jan. tl. T h e Amcim erican C raft ■xa^z closes March M useum show, w hicb cli .STOHESrtVASHINGTON/w h i b R o a ^ l I 22, will travel aroundd (0»e M unlry EGON/MONTANA/IDAHO/ SoxnCnd through O ct 2,1988, andnd will be seen \WYOMING/UTAH...... - wVrhot*...... ¥79 9 a t tb e Denver, L agunaI BtBeach, Calif., 39139 Locaiions lo regisior. jseumsaswell and Milwaukee art musei iGRATULATIONS 98*^ I as tbe J.B. Speed Artrt Museum ]n CONG Louisville, Ky.. and tlthe VUrginia ' ANDBI BEST WISHES Museum of Fine Arts in1 Richmond.RJ irsjusithiI tho boQinnino. The slart ot ifcstoacirwohorodinlovo - According lo Paul J.. Smllh,S: direc- :raft Museum. ippincss. Aiimoforplarts. tor of the American Gra a n t pUms. And lho m o sl.. w hich req>eDed ■ in mmuch larger lcatoolal^yout - wodding quarters in a new build.lldtag in .“From “J choosoing special York late this fall, decclecorative arts- invitaiion:ons 10 selecling yoor first and crafts are receivingng more atten- china oaltcrn.pan Tho Brkjo's Gill B oneless3 Iiam Roiound Steak ^ e ^ ^ v o c a didos ^ 1Celery tion than in the pasta ^ Even in- Sofvicop0 prolossionals ol Tho Bon • r«^Pack dividuals nol usually tbthought of as aro readyIdy 10 holp. They know how . ant your beginning con Do. craftsmai are employiioylug c ra ft in impoftant ' I Round tbeir work. FORT1 THE BRIDE I Half Ham “ M any architects dcdesign home □ a comompkilo sorvlco lo help you furnishings; artists arer e m aking fur- ^oicci orvaJKtrcgislcryour paiictnsln niture. Craftsmen-aree d designing- for (ormoiI or>ond casual china, siomwaro. 1 " S i l E j 3?11 lablo linens and both production. I see a veryTV h ^ t h y m ix siivor. lat !1JLJ sorios. l l z of many more pec^Ie be dding Invitations and printed cd b) designing well-tboi s :ng accossorios. useful items.” ly updates ol wodding gilts 1 GDailyiJ _ Smith, who orgnniieded the cxbiblti- - purchasoasod Jot yoo. to to il . ... on. “ C raft Today: Po-Poetry of tbe dopikaiicalion. - ste. Chapellilie Champagne...... 750 m l 6 ^® Taylor Cal. Cellarirs Wines Sl-.'Sf.... he liisl major P^”;o ?' ol roiurn on dupiicaio gilts Physical,” calls It tbe :hariQO, look at whal bas beenJl t happening to Gallo Table: WinesI rss...... 3i,r.53® Hamms Beer ...... craft since the hislorlcic Objects< USA p Q R«FAMILY F AND >U«M exhihillon mounted ina 1969.l T he 300 c r i cENDS k Ste. ChapellGleEaarsL.^-...... Coors w orks in aU m edia occK cupy nU (our OTivonionI and comploto floors of the oew craft i ol Iho couple's gifisoloctions.- Mlinooli t f i t a objects are divided ininto four dll- □ Assisisisianco in choosing an KodakK l^p iiI Video P a rt rom&Jerry • ferent calegories: sculpu lp tu r^ pieces, approprupriaio and nooded wedding i i i Tape a n Rye Brirea d . -TBatter ■: objects for use, vessels,els, and objects o>“. onono thoti you know tho brido - j room win enjoy, rPrtaOOUclSnp. llllll tcstcll*m*M 20 . :of personal adornment,at, such as Jew- ar>d gioo S-VMia024«)9. OUsoy(eyour Bon Chorgo or ift-nznzin*. -elry and clothing. icon Express lor oaso ol • Smith says future mumirsenm eiMb- aso. Also gill coritficates aro • : itions will (leal w itb m ai -SSOlo. :lbe home and worir• plplace, adding, f t j "Our role is to reportrt oon w hat’s go- i a italysL We deal J /- i M m i s l • Ug on and lobe a cata] ANUARY Abb .with tbe edgeofwhat’s8 coming.^' a BECKY BUTLER Keg Beer Heleadquarters SnacfcTrayi.._____ 1 9 " ■ * ^ “ 1 CHA^ARLES JOHNSON l A S T O UJUKI U ^ C o o rs P o n y K eft \k \ ...... 2 2 '> » , J A N . .1 ^^NUCtaeddar:i r s s r - . , ! ” Hoiiday Hours: BudwelserPonyKcKeg VI B«rr»l .. 2 2 ““ 3 DAYS ULEFT Mon.-Thurs.10-S. Sm oked BacoinmE=rr..«.l“ w e m v MI t Ut U . Sot. 1W5; Sun. 12-4 M C o o rs K e g M Btnal...... 3 8 « L o w m r n tIW n TOH ; P i z z a s S ^s r d = - r 2 .-B" B u d w e ise r.K e g Vi b ...... ■ . 3 8 ” ^ i m c M S wn o w t s P rices Eflecthre TtarouirouqfaDeceaifaer3t. 1WB fAIUAMim PST kSZII W I ti MC* U jg 2 LH 2Ii ""***■■* : S e ■ i , . . . . . ' . ^

■ . '- u I .....■ .. C4TImf)9>NMwa. Twin FalFalls, Idaho Sunday. Decerr:e m li« r28, 1»a« ______m


REGULAR 01or I __ FLAVORED:) i H S H5 l E R H O N Ie y ”' S M'aeSrSmK tmtaotaietm J 36COUNT. ' ^ 1 = ' staunaixanB PCORN ROASl» T E D P E A N aITS SUNBURST FRESHPOPPED 9 3 9 P E 2 LB BAQ. $ 1 9 ! $ j a E P T O B I S iM * O L M REGUUSR FISHER ■■ ■ OR CHEESE 12 0Z.CAN Pepto- 12 OZ. Bisfflor ► 3 9 ® mcl asmor axxkMitrcwCM **^!_ rCKirsiMTOMCn lOCJSTCM * 2 ‘5S^ “'-‘s=s* "“ ™ •'sSs® I gjsi ^ I N O N SEFiN S E I 'iT Y H O SE7 .VALUE 99' PACKAGEE ONLY REGUU\R, 1 E R PARTY or KNEE HI S SHEER, ot B F l A: ah s m i n t s8 S P A N II S S H P E A N t n /• CHOOSE FROM: ! g KENTUCKY M1NT5 $ J 3 ® DESERT MINTS 7 y ■ BCnTERMiNTS^ 9 9 12 OZ. I JAfgFO MM!^ ______RENTYOUR FAVORITEI M(WVIE ^ E S ^ ALLLMOV VCR MACHHINE RENTAL . V Seleclected ~ 7 a S m < ChUdiIdreiiis ^ iH D ^ ? Moviovies C i6 < = ^ M 9 9 ^ 'l A /\1 W W i f ODING NEWREULEASES DECEMPER25Iith.99 Uu-u JAMCIARVFY 1st INCLOl ' 4 -

! Krf"'* HOUDAY ENER'[GlZEl■ R " ■ f ® CLEAR PLASTIC TUMBLERS BATTIERIESS HEFIY 10 OZ. ■ YOUR CHOICE:< 18 COUNT “AAA“ or 2 pk.c. “AA“ ...... ^ 1 5 9 ^ $ J 9 9 : 9 9 ^ ■ C h p k . “DD“, “C“ or 9 V(/OLT single ... 4 p k . “AiAA“ or 4 pk. “/A^\^V ......

ALLADDIN DDACOLOR I 2 PACK 35 m m I ICE HLM TRAYS >1 135-24 400 SPEED I #345-2. STACKABLE CAy. 135-36 200 SPEED MOLDED PLASTIC > $ 1 5 0 3 4 9 ^ 2 ^ FO R ^ u POItLAROID n ‘ ■ iPotanoid ____ L . ff SM ITH ’S Time-Ze POIarok — 6(BOObr * ro TIMEEZEREO n K f f i n m S o ' TRASH BAGS nfsfwlfp^ FILM OUR CHOICE: 15 x 30 50' OFFF PACKAGE1 ONty JMEMLORE '' ifflEsr^Tralhi TRA:?ASH bags or 25 X 44 •7.49 ¥ i timmaAoJS FALL KfTCHEN BAGS ^ ^ c>^lEAKAKPROOf; HEAVY, DCm ■ qI l l o » EBATE. . - -•1.00 mVlDEiOTA]PE Ti^& ' 1 ^ - r-120 VIDEOTAPE j'iBM iaipJgn»wn r-"-v^- vg l ^ VHST-; ^TE $ 0 4 9 O tiuul 9 9 ^ mliirSOnl I I ' 4 .49 m iew F o ccus o n tL ( g ) w mFilm l Pptvcessh'ngPricices! I ■ ■ J m u ri m i u i D E i Devctop aad print imy roll^ofllO, 126,13Sor Disc&biircC-4l proco.scolor pnntIt film.fiL ' F i lI l m D e v e l o ] : 1 2 Exposure 15i EExposure 24 Expjjosure 36 Exposu>sure

S p e c i a l f e S 2 2 9 $ j 19 Sii^ e P r i ] W OCDi i m i m m i i m i i a J ------lAi. •------17------r------^ ■ t ------.i''- . / . '

rwin Falla. W ^ o W ^ ^ ...... Sunday, DecemberZir2B. 1986 Tlmes-NewB.Twln

s h o p p e> r s " What s O ^ A n n o i u n c e m em i ts - S e le *z c t e d o f f ezrs 0 0 2 - 0 0 6 canex]L p c c t i n rl987 ; ES® BOBBYiX^WOLFF ByMartlnSloahe THE ACE , lhClqssiffKed inddex] VnitedFeatunSyadlcate“ Sup

* dell varieties, .. is trump major-sull fitL Therefore,' .the'pre- 001 Floruit 079 ApplloitcetK * t i ed m eats. No, not th e dell cess. This just p roves that clarcr. cl He ruffed with his ,«AirCoftd.------7: J — * 1 raasls and lobeasucce inse Is one bean. If — • 7— 002 lo»» a Found------OeOHeoilng«A but meats iike c h o p s, i ever lell whal 7 0 U might iajack, and I overruffed w ith th e ferred rcsponS4 003AnrkOunc«m«nt( 063 Building Mo 1987 llndlSg ly he an- opener has spad}ades, he can bid them 063 Goroge Sol rib^ye steaks. In 198< ™n Into on)n your next trip to the trtrump queen. Immediately 004Sp«<>o1 Noiicei.. ?Sol**r" . 1 chains around tlie country nounced that he had to folicillow s u it - conveniently.. IfI: you respond one OOSM«moriolt^tl<*t 084 Tool* ;el. nc 086 Firev 103 Dairy Equi(•qulpment and low-sugar cereals1 arare expected needed proofoofs of purchase w hile look- If n I am dummy and suspect c l t h a l a D ear M r. WolllaUf: 025Mu»lel*»wr\» 104Hor«*»» 103 Hone EqulpmenlEqui to gain further groundid againsti the ing for thetie required form s a t the jdefender has revoked, thuss prevent-| partner opencined four tliamonds and kel, in newspapers and |j — '■ 106Swine sweetened ones. . . supermarket in g th e ru n o f m y lo n g s u i^ t .; myRHObidf.i four spades, vulnera- tOOSheep/GrSole 136Camper*a»r* a Shell* , supermarkets will be wo Stn>«*rW(a?:t* ruoM. N.V. nptf. ;lon. Half-price from one bbottle of Aloe & Lanolin , .UaMPMUrvSridkM- 045AAoblltHom*»FofSfSol* 127 Molor HorrHorn** ■ time on their promotion 12a Uillity Troiler*Troi ' I sales are bringing shoppoppers Into the Lotion (anyny size except purse size), mbers. Double Expires Jan,an. 31,1987. stores' In record numbi KENTALS and triple coupons arere still around COLGATETE Regular Free ______|H j ~ X U T)MOTIVE ^ and are moving In andid iout of cities Toothbrushsh Offer. Receive a coupon LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ~ _002- l ^ ^ n d ______with unpredictable speeipeed. Shoppers good for orone free Colgate Regular ~ OSOFurniihvd H o u iti* . 131 Aulo Serv;Service • 051 Unlumlth*d Hou»« «d when double Toothbrush,sh. Send the required re- -" STATE LAND SALE each Ci year wilh both “ ,|V... mAuloPoftiPort! t AcCettorle* in Dallas were surprised ’ 052 Furo. ApU. & Ouplt n and two Universal Pro- NOTICE IS HEREBY principal pl and interest CHECK DAILY ,buV.. 133Aulo.W»> W onied ! coupons came back several se\ weeks fund form 054 Unlurn. Ap>» i Oup GIVEN th a t th e (ollowlng p pi a y a b le in-advanco. up^eK*. l3 4 A u to floilo r r Rent ] ago, but they may be; ]ujust a coupon duct Codei symbolss; from two Colgate G FOB CURRENT 055Roommol#» Wont*( described tract ol land Each bidder is re­ laSCycloitStC Suppllei : clipper’s memory by' ththe time this Regular ToToothbrushes of any size, d quired to make a deposit I 056 Rcomt For R*n> ,r Equipment • belonging to the Slate of qi HOUNDPOUND - 057 Stntol Mobil* Hom< article appears. Expires Janlan. 31,1987. ? w llh th e selling ag^Bnl fn '^"tol 139Pl'Xu^?lJp Truck* . f IDENT "Sale-A-Brallon" Icsaho a n d sllu a le d in w OSSOIfici^Builntit R< y Trwcki/Seml'i | The hottest new ■ ssupermarket EFFERD! Twin F alls C ounly will bo the amount ol 10% ol NEWS 059Condom:il'jmRtnti Iffer. Receive one Efferdent ‘ BUY & WEAR A LIFETIME promotion will take you yoi on a trip • Coupon Offe : ollerod for sale at public tho tt appraised value ol b 060Wo(«houi«/SiorogogeRentol u2lmpoM/S< the land al or before tho • UCENSE rl/SporfiCor» hundreds (or even th(thousands) of 20th Anniviliversary "Sale-A-Bratlon” auction . at the Twin Falls tf 061 GorogcRanloll eel Drive* - < time of making his first FOUND DOGS 1464-Wheel C 'avorite super- coupon goocood tor a free box of Effer-■ cCounty Judicial Sldfl.. tl NOW AT THE TWIN FALLS 063 Wonied 10 Rtr>l iue Aulo* ! miles from your fav( bid. as a guarantee that n 0. -1 148AnliqueA erm arkeU will dent 20s (value (’ lim ited lo 51.50).. pRoom 13, Twin Falls, b ANIMALSHELTER 065 Touriti a Trailer R» 149Au1oi.Aii-A M C - ! /J market's aisles. Supem II h o is th e su c ce ssfu l 066 Mobil* Home 5poc4 llscounts on air Send the rcrequired refund form and'r Idaho;Ic on Thursday, ii L0CATED:139 6THAVE.W. 152Auto»-BiI-B uick soon be offering big disc 1 Ja n u ary 8. 1937; 2;(50 b b id d e r h e will e x e c u te nooded-otd colfoo cans lS4Autoi-Ci<«lloneoui For!■ 'H - I - M ercury t Uncoln e life easy for Offer. Receeceive a coupon good for a' ORDERS ACCEPTED u 06SCompulart Alriines, didn't make 1 In lhe the advertisemont 160A ulo«-Gi.Qldimobile ; ^ liu save tlielr froo flvo-pH > ack-parkagp nf SchlcK{ FFOR DEROSIT OF. 10% I .Becauae.Dogs.afo^ypuijhi ______06i£flm»Lai* E a s to avig~ relUnaers, wiiu - OF APPRAISED VACUEI^fi■fcjrsate-by-ttie-State-of-^ 070Woniedlo8uy ------173Aulov^P-< the promotions Super II PlPlus. Send the required re- C in ovofY hour and SOLD o f ^ 173Aulo»-PI»• Plymouth register tapes, but . the t (DEPOSIT NECESSARY liIdaho. Should the sue- 'J,DESTROYED allor *8 hours, 071 Wonted 10 Tfode n and the U niversal Product j U 4 A u lo*.Other t-0 ; . I gave everyone a chamlance to travel fund form a ; IN ORDER T O BE OUAL- ccossful bidder fail/ to p[,ploaso call or visit Iho 072AnllqU^t Ues In the Unit- Code syml'mbol Irom one five-pack complete a conlracl lor poard 1- I alary. Prolor 5045 availavailable. Call Pregnancy : All deposils ol unsuc- 0old vou^nd Bickol sohooi. otllno & Crisis Cantor, 734- . wblch will allow u s to pay for our chase priceice clearly marked. Expiress less.| APPRAISED can't kooD. Call 7 3 M 151._ ANONYMOUS 'li o' ag “ ing 9.94 acres, more or about 5 m os, block wfwhlio hihourson wookonds.______Jox 548. TF. ID 83303. _____ requests; for( the form must bee less.1 “ APPRAISED lush furnlshod room & ' haslas F Family and Adult AclM- ; »ts? Crary, you w aiting fotfor the form, save the Uni- ward for the eidorly.in fami- Ii^ b b ars In superm arkets^ r- lhe responsibilily of the iare reserved to the State - lionwido. no foo. donations t,o: les (or you. Olscusslona, ; •roduct Codes from two dlf- ! Want to savo monoy? y sotting, (450 por mo, por FrIeni say? But one did1 oopen late In versal Pro ,r contract purchasers to 'ol Idaho. . s\Shop ClassUiod first for o' olors ot Coloralis for 53; or | L'.:jorson.W -6387. 3783. November In a Krogerger superm arket ferent colo ,1 verify tho acreages by All s a le s a re m ado ^whatever you noed. .. In A tlantal Serving littlfitUe sushi item s save thee 1 Universal Product Codes ^oblaining his own ;subjocl to any valid in­ 0 pairs of the same color of , terfering rights which like a Callfomla Roll,:11, m ade of crab from two j . survey. (Complete legal I vegetable and Coloralis5 forf 51.50. Send a self-ad-** ;description to bo read may have existed prior slick, avocado, sea v to dale ol sale except I rbe rolled Inside rice,e, thet bar seems dressed stamsta ped envelope.' 1on day of salo). lat could y d6 u d o w i t h No one individual, thoso for which W h a company, or corporation allowance Is made may purchaso moro lhan herewith. , ^ o n e fre e wMAK£ ^ ROOM IN - punches,>, I Including one Loving Cup bid a t th is sa lo will bo, COMMISSIONERS. . STANLEY F. HAMILTON _THESSPARE BEDROOM ' It Is not. unusual,1, t!these days, to with, madladelra, brandy and cham-n* req u ire d to sig n an a i­ 1 D irector 1 ~ walk past the lobby of a grand hotel pagne lhat tha In some circles wouldid fidavll lo the elfocl thal le Ihoy havo nol oxcoededI PUBLISH: S unday. at mldaftemoonJ and spy give a wlwhole new meaning to the I Docember14,21.and28, g a pot of orange hour of teatea.- - tills acreage limitation businessmen sipping a ■,A by previous purchasesJ 1986 a n d J a n o a r y 4 .1987. ^ ^ Laced1 tlthroughout the history and pekoe. Z from th o S ta lo , n o r willI •Afternoon tea Is} popularp for a recipes anare Invaluable lessons for the'‘® they if th e y a re th e su c - reason. II represeijsents all the novice foror an authentic tea. cessfur bidder at this . eating a scone. Smith ex- elegance and decorurrrum of the past. When e. Jf- salo. Also, that they aro; QAnnouncemenls simply wrapped In a ppale cucumber plains, oneom does not spread a whole'le not attempting lo make a any such purchase for. ' \ 0 0 sandwich. half withth the butter and jam at a Michael Sm ith's tim e. Inslnstead, one spreads on thelie or on behalf of, any per* Acpording to Mlc Ip son, company, or cor­ Tea Book'’ size onene might expeci to bite *»The Afternoon ye poration which will, IIi ADVERTISE ly. The English, he says, have (Atheneum, 1986), theJie English would elegantly. *4 the purchaser, exceedJ YOUR _ 2 Z 1 1 3 ____'J -never. have started:d this between- an experhjrlenced eye for gauging Jusl the 320-acro limitation.. tit amount of b u lle r and jam SERVICE SPECIALTY- « 1 r o meal tradition If It werewe hot for the the right ^ Thoso conlomplatingJ INTHISDIRECTORY 3 — i .. greed .of Anna, sevenventh duchess of to p ut on so that ihere are not lef-Jf' bidding on this sale may - ‘ I c BedfonI (1783*1857). toversaft(ifter the last bite of scone, dotermine their status :a. on this matter by contac­^ Placed under the heading ol — ' It seems this duchtichess grew very To maklake the perfect cup of tea, II yourctiolcol insists that you use the finestts! Ilng the Boise office ol 1 3 hungry between lunchich and dinner. To Sm ith Insl Iho Department of Lands 1 can afford, warm the teapot ® Your ad will roach 22.00000 *— ------appease her stomach,ich, but save her tea you a al least seven days prior ramllias ovoryday ancJ thot\o — ^ — i - ' \ ^ ^ace; she would retireIre to her boudoir by rinsingIng with boiling w a te r and use^ to th e s a le d a te , rosulls will amazo you. Collall ___ X ____ 'and order from herr S'servants plenty one teaspispoon per person, plus "onen e TERM S OF SALE today and ono of our Monct-id- es and cookies, or for the potpot." This land to be sold Inn ly Ad-Vlsors will holp you your used furniture,re, call us of sandwiches, cakes i 3" I f . y o u ’ a r e: n ready to unload yi ict, Smllh notes everythhigng lwo (2) u n its a s listedd word your aiJ ao'Hwt ll will >j:atber, biscuits. SooSoon discovered, In fact, )| bo m ost ollocilvo and bring ed ad. If your ad isIs unsucf ht on and became you needed to know to enjoy a tea:a: above, and no bid ol^ pu tho fosutls you aroS today andI placep a guaranteei her"plgglness caught c >r- le s s th a n th e a p p ra ise d lore, cateitegorles and even parapher- a free se | • a symbol of class. 'fn price will b e a c c e p te d . • cessful duritiring the first w eek, ,'we will give you a Tea Book" ISi'a-nalla. TcTo read this book Is lo "The Afternoon Te ,1? A c c e s s is available byy 73M931 , free of charge. highly researched anand entertaining reminisce3ce about a lim e lhal, while c o n d w e ek k c ( r cancel your ad, f '’account of w hat seemcms at first to be not sodadally sound, was really » so “a"sro?idatw iii:ll A fow mlnulos . a ' day IV cnocklt»fl mo baroaJns In , a trivial pastime.. YYel few meals “civilized;ed.-'^ , not accept bids from any cs of the English len are the-he-% person, party or .cor-r- clMSHiod can pay off r>and- ’evoke suclrpreconceiicelved notions as Staples e somoly. •senting the very polled mimeats and fish; coarse-lex- Deration who at tho time tea - from represer dv ol sale is delinquentI t r------r r r r r ------r — ip to symbolizing tured. they the are scooped into sturdy ■ -worst of class pomp ,Jr wllh payments on ex-<- OOM .ort&Fbund L i mne% X Do=ys C jrturing famliy. poU andid sealed under a thick layer 3 ' theverycoreof anurtv isting State contracts. Ifled (so it won’t become rau- ..I Lost young lomalo Qormanan Half history,, halfilf recipes, "The of clarlfle • One Tenth (1/10) ol ShopJiord, Joromo aroa.M. Afternoon Tea Book"3k" offers recipes cld) butteitter to give them an extended*d tho purchaso price ondid Much lovod lamlly Irlend.td. Cali Classsified and for sandwiches, breadeads, patties, pot- storage• life.li Below Is a creamy ver-er- inierost at Nine andid Black & lan, groon colEar.V. in Lost 12-2M6. Call 40-«aBa, ;ted meats, cakes andbid biscuits. Jlon fromom the book that “would be! aa O ne-hall (9Mf%) on L e t U s D o 'T h e W o r k t your next lea parly. balance of principal lor3r Lost 5 mo. old gOldonon ■: Smilh also includesdes 23 recipes for treat at yc lh CDockof Spaniel, In-Harrisonon •css-lane List: smoked trout,ut. remainder of yoar, cash butters such as walmalnut, brandy and Express on day of Mie, balance:e School vicinity. Lost 1^24-I*- 'lemon, even the Inspnsplring foie g ras cream cheese, cl soiir cream, lemon, ' In T w enty, {20) a n n u al In-n- M- Ploasocallb^^. pper sauce, mace, bread or- 0626 id Reward Loal (omalo Slack 733-t and artichoke, and. toitomato curry and hot pepp« stallmenls at Nine and crackers One-hali (9V^%) interest,,1 Lab/Collio with rod ioattior orange. collar, btftclc wllh while hind 4 (certiliod checks or^ foot & tip ol a bushy (all. , postal money orders ao-r : Answers to Shadow. Lost In ceptable aa cash lorP / tho 300 block area ol © • “ tI m Y rs s ^ N E w s a *l/ ^ sI f FeU” 10% of appraised value). ! ))• Monroe St. Loat last sun>-rr>-- (Private PiParty ads only) , Annual Installments arer e . m ar but sUU. looking. Calla l l ______I I O i l i y 3 3 i due at the beginning ofo f 733-2871...... '■ j ‘ MTImea^aws.TwlnFin Falls, Mtho Sunday. Dece»cembor28.1986 ______iected offffers'-Real tl estate-]Real est€ute 002}7-030


GXIAFRANTEEEDA ^ D S P EECIAL e l l ^ e e I 3 LINES 3T d a y s MO I.SO e _ ^ j ~ e I

3M r SmtfSmt . .. LOCAUY md Al ------— ------1 ch Aoon M U S A tra) CANADA . . HO n o u M o e ftm ... c/6 Times Nows. P.O. Box lunily. mt Boauty shop, fully GEM STATE ' FWZ VJg on BVTM or (O lM a WB, Twin Falls. Idaho 83303.. equipped, oq prime localion in ■ REALTY GREATFAMILYHOME G 7 3 4 -7 6 4 0 -T edidMacNell M oirmiw long runnirming club suit, a diamond So.r..N.C NOTEBHOKER’S OF -Pi‘ benelits. call us. U.S. Navy AMERICA. Btokoting Notes. By ownor. Btick homo in G.S.R. soliciting bid proposalsals from prospec- Y tric)c remains as played,ed, and the of- ANSWER:R: Doubles of one no-trump RocmmJg. 733023,_____ [ ‘Backod J By Roai Eslalo. A V/cWoodrldgo, 3530 sq fl oji tivo suppliers who hovovo Ihod recont ex* ono lovel. 4 bdrms. 3 BatTls. GEM STATE ' ,r fending side suffers the;hs appropriate areprimarlarily'*;^ned at penalties-If Tho Vernon Company, a S200 J2' Billion induslrv. An on porienco in tho makingg andoi servicing of loading firm in specialty oxcollont qx Iranchiso. J15.000. boaulllul bo oak kilchon. 4 car :> revoke penalty. REALTY j resp o n d e2r r hoU. scattered values adveitisino. aJ has an opening Del 0( RoQOts, (214)644-1552. ^'arage Ca w/storago. Ownor . 734-0400 farm loons, including formfoi real estate (six,HCPP (or more), a pass should. with w‘ oslaollshcd accounts ' will linance. 734^3_?^. ____ and form production loans. lo( Appraisal Dear Mr. Wolff: to soli quality advertising 4 ~ ORTOLLFREE kc penalty can prove besL2sL a very poor hand 1-60(W32-4595exte08 'exporionce in bolh real reo and chattel ■' I know that the revoke | sales promotion products. O16-ln « c o m 0 Property .. be one trick or two, depelepending upon and a fiveive-car ! suit, it’s probably invest int only In yourself and _ properly is required. Real Rt Estate ap- your car to on)oy a fino g, CELEBRATENEWYEAR revoke trick. better to3 bidb your suit. In case of BUYYOUROWN ■ p ra iso rs o f C h attel socurity soci property wbich side wins the re business. High commlslon BUSINESS-LAUNDRY-MAT. g, in your own homo. This 2 — Wbat liappens if a playjlayer revokes doubl, pas:lass and hope th at partner rato. local training, ex- q, bedroom homo is priced must hovo recent expeicperience in con- Good invoslment, excellont ideally al $29,500 wDh the i it? has enoughIgh to beat the contract. ccccllont insurance 4 retire- ducting chattel appraisal:Isals. Solicitations twice in tbe sam e suit? menl.mi Send resum e lo; Fril2 .p nowlyweds In mind. This •RafSbijw Roally 733:2273. . homo Is nowly redecorated 53 W est A S treet, P ear Mr.r. WoHf:______MiV Mundy, 813 West Oak will bo received at 203 \ —StnjOtrSuite-ArVisetiBrCA:—O'JcclQji]u:ouilJ8U.alc_o» * -wim-ncw-kltctmn-cabinota. wl: ------*-Bax-6847^ho5hone—IDr1 IDnjntil-noon-on ------ANSWER: No addiUonaonal penalty is If partner2r opensc one In a suit, should 93291.(209)627-6277. ' + acres. 10 spacos now., nowno carpets and vinyl. Par- - toom to doubto. city sew er tial (la basomont and carport. Jo n u a ry 9 , 1987. For fuifurther informo- incurred if the same plaplayer repeats I alwaysi m ake a jump shift if I hold Ttuch y, 'drivers needed. 18 i 4 wator. 825-5739...... WiWall Hess has dotails. HAPPY \tion and solicitation formorms, please con- 'u a revoke in the sametsuit. su a 19-pointnt Io r better hand? mmonths over-lho-toad expo- Duplox on Ctesiviow. 2 »4i»4»-86. HOUDAYS j Oi4 llwk. CsmilKk. Wh. rllrionco. Clear driving record. “batn, 2 bdrm. bullt-ins. ta c t FmHA. 886-2256. Travel 11 woslorn states. ° o Dear Mr. WolK: Tl garage, vory nico. 575,000 or ;R: No. The jum p shift nol l9«/milo solo tato. Only ex- ollor. 0 733-5917,423-6242. ■" I I ro y LHO d e a ls a n dI opopens one dia- ANSWER: porlonced w/votiiiable ° G.S.R. ■ mond. and my partne•tner jumps to only pron•omises strength but abo tocord ncod apply: Box P- _ GEM STATE ' . three no*trump. whatst ssort of hand states tha;hat responder has a good. 84,8^ c /o Tlmos-Nows. P.O. The Formers Home AdmlnlstiInlttrotion i* loliciling Box 548.JF. ID 83303. D20-MoneyToLoan REALTY [HAMLEH REALTY .'■V m ightlezp^t? . idea of whwhere the hand will eventu- P OFFICE....7»40re bid proposol* lo provide realeol estoie and chotiol , iwANTED: Family Assjslanl. 734-0400 appraisals for Formers Home Hon Admlni*irollon _ -*.10irt»aDM P»eU|e U p .D a c u .0Ua. a lly pla yy. . ResponderI should have ci- ^Cleaning and nanny duties. _ Buy. S o ifilro k e r ’ ORTOLLFREE Joyco Cota good trum p fit for opener'si ^Must have transportation, Real f Estate Conlracls, Mot* 1-80CM32-4595oxt808 DavoHamlelt..733-4030 loon servicing ond loon moklmaking (unction*. Ap- lgagos4Dcedsol.Trust: A N SW ER ; A ju m p too..o„<.lnim tv p a self-sufficient suit of his: Mon. thru Fri.. somo ‘I proisol experience In reol ond choltel. property 1* II no-tnimp (for wookends. Wages based on aat discount. Yields ol 12% 10 required. Approisers ol FmHAiHA rool property musl would be the unusual n< * 20%. Or wlii assist you lo . . - . _ . ------0oxporlonce and Quality. ^ Ai’lrac'livo'^ricK homo at 756 bo qualified, occrodltod. ruralirol oc p p r o ls ^ o* *onc- _ m in o r su its) a n d a doublluble by p a rtn e r borrow against such paper. Northviow Dr. 4 bdrm. 2 — sSend resum e lo Rl.13, Box “ tioned by ono o( the recognltod reCi opproi*ol would show a very stroitrong balanced s»ibrwi«4«»«wu>«aUTlMAr-or part limo. Photo ot salos (Coiloci) (i . 208-734-0367. Sk .pany Is sooking a managor0°' stylist 4 toch position. Patt-t- experionce o profettod. Apply Motropoiitant, Financial Sor* babasomonl, pallo and dock. * ” fe 007-Jobso»Intefe9l______tor tho Twin Falls olllce. timo i full-tlmo avallatjio.3- Kll's « Camoras. Bluo Lakes Vicos. v P.O. Box 2040, Twin tENERGY r feFFICIENT-3 bdrm J03M{o(nes For Sale Irm- Tho applicant should havo Guaranteed wagos. paidd Mall. ^ Mon or Tuos. 734-2678. Falls, F ID 83303-2040. hohomo on acres, jacuzzi. 3 Rocoptlonlst for law Jlrm- •------M groal cllonts, answotiwor exporlenco with alt phases vacation, advanco itainlng.J------;------' ------Bl.Blajo King llroplaco, molal :tors ol real ostato lending In- siding., fruit troos. sprinitior ^ phono, transcrltw lottora f5 caiisno.rvro-im. - Ol(^-Professlonal 025-lnilnicllon K from dictaphono, tiling.ling, eluding conslruclion. Full sysjem. J car garago. noar 3ful. tjonofu packago with salaylarv Expcct response whon — :------101lown. B-57. Logal oxporionco holplul <,/ you advertiso in classllied. Services HSE!! / ro- plus' commission ollorcd. ”■« Sond rosumo and salary ro- itoi Cali 733^6.______F 026-M usic Lessons ' fiJ qulromonla to P.O. Box 98?,987 Forvtard resum es lo: Carol - Nood Your Chlmnoy cioan- B Itity Pondoiino tho purchase0 od? o t35, incotls pulled 4 ROBERTJONES g Kolchum. Idaho 63340.._____■ Konnlson, United Socurltv Taking beginning piano stu­ (iF- Mortgano. P.O.- Box 7588.S88. of a petl Chock outll cleaned, c no extra chatgo. 5 • REALTY ^ Rofllsiofod Nurso, alter- olassUled. Call 733-0626. yrsI oxporionco. Tophat 5dents. Lossons begin 1-87. Z noon shllt. S9.25/hr IMSO.aso Bolso, lbS37D7...... Call 733-0003. ilngi AIRLINE, CRUISE SHIP jobsobs airline'CRUISE SHIP ipbs-,3- Chlmnoy C Swoop. 862-3206. t ITANTINFO^TIOf l O N - Conlac( Director ol Nursing, .11 IMPOR1 ? Groon Acros Caro Confer,ifer, now hiring. Bio monoy. Will now hiring. Big money. Wm ling train. 716482-2M0. inciudln(j0 ------■ • .Conloci 0 real ««tolo oga*e'prop«nieiinie* moy contain code J. M 4-5601. ______Itain. 7 1 6 ^ 2 - ^ . including wish lo Inspect any prop)iperly or to violotlon*. ----- .Siinriaws. EXT. 5024. Sundavs. Ext. 5024. 030-Homes F« Sale 0030-HomM For Sale — .:::r.i:.AvoN- im -H o m e s ForSale moke cn ofler. • HUD doe* nol^1 wo^onfy any pro- m BUYORSELL ■ _CaIim??5eorJ2y8Q434 . ------• The bid period close* at( 10H a.m . on . Error* In thos«ihose ll*llng* do nol . ihe dole sloted. Ollorors • Conacionlloua. doponclabicable 007-Job8oflnlemsl 007-Jobs of Interest liclol through publico- 5 bartondorj, and cocklai;■klall ••______ogent* a re InvHed lo ol biS • aorvoro. Full-limo. protoiolor r ------opening*, which ore hold dies ore oKered (or • oxporionco. Apply In porsor 365 o f tho Fedoral B quolllied purcho*er* S K n 1” “ ' • ^ at Canyon Springs lnr>.- N, 1 R O U T EAVAILABLE / Courthouse ot 550 W osi Fort, without regardlOrd to Ihe .purchaser* 1 S BlujsUkoi^ Slreol, Boise. Idoho., roce, color or notionalm origin. Pur- 5 Cosmotologlst ^ 5 9 • HUD rotorves th e rightIt lo reject cho*er* shouldouid contoct o reol < - Join tho protosaional stal IN TWIIriN FALLS 3 I ^ S any or oil bid*. estote ogeniI of theirtl choosing. at Iho now Hair Trend Saloi of Harrison, 800 block 700 a. 800 blocks oi PLEASE NOTE THAT BIDB PERIOD NOW CLOSES/ES AT 10:00 A .M . i at tho Now MbqIc Vailo 3uincy, 400 block of S 2 Mall. Full-tlmo & •limo part-Hm< o f TV,lor a n d Q ui AND BIDS WWILL BE OPENED AT THAT^TTIME. T 1 sylists neodod. Call Roneionoo Altoir. 300 & 4000 blocksI of Meadows, ; af 733-5646.______po rt. ------7 0 0 b lo c k o f N o w p o phone'543-B806 1 1 9 NN . . B roadw ay In Buhl BIO » Expanded lood and nutrltloi Ploaso respond onl)nly if you livo ctoso to _ QI>tNINGADDmS ______PKICE BOK./BATH^TH SQ. FT. REMAWCsl ^ oducallon proorar Call Iho Tim os-N ow s T O L L F R[EE E 1-800-251-4663J EEXT.233 u . (EFNEPJ, area Horn*iomo Ihoso oroos. Cal tconom isl, Univorsily' olo AAondoy through\ FFriday, 8:00 a.m. to CITY ACICREACES g Idaho. Pocalollo. Saliry'S fle 5:00 p .m .. 733.33-0931 WEU-BUILT BRICK HOME,lE. 3 bodroom i, IS THIS THEE i SPEOAL ACREAGE you • pends upon oducallon am localod on 9lh Avonuo10 N-. 8uhl, 2 hovo boonn looking for? Now £ oxporlonce. Minimum to _| boihi, pan batemont,It, singlo car carpollng ihroiiroughoul con bo (ound in qulromonts: Maslorslots t______GROI3UP I • AS IS INSURABLIBLE ______' ------— 3ogrw ;-»-doflroo-ln-(ooi(ood------___ _ O a ro o o _ 0 >ynci_wili-cac..acry_ot_Jrjdc._lhli_3_t»drooioom , 2 bo'S homo on 5 _ and nutrition. Additionalal Ir F**— iiwii !■ (43,000. ocros. You ll11 Ilovo lhe clean homo - S ealed Bld» R equired >• (ormalion and appiicalloiallon ood view to Iho north. PRICE REDUCED FROM 'Ing ot irt bost.. Walor U M n X $23,500 42i M ~ . ■ ! . . procoduroa avail tron $65,000 (or quick sale or m 6345thAve.X t l BocKy Oahl, 653-S. 4lh St. & 5xk. somo oulbulldings. lTwH falls. Id. ffidOO 3/2I 1440 • - Pocatoilo, 236-7310. Applica newly palnlod homo a| 3 1/DT/87 1740ltaiiail{a.1 Lano, 3 bodraoms, 2 bc tion accoplod unlll Januar tETARvl I SECRI EXTENDED LISTINGS;S ; OFFER MAY BE SUBMIHETTEDATANYTIME ! dovJ>io garogo. BEAimFUl 5 ACREt HIDEAWAY In the ^ 16,1987. M /E E O ______hool, air conditioned, do' ojj- C a c tu s Pete'!e's Incorporated lully- flnlihed boiomnenl e wllh 3 Hogorman V mmotol shop, horso borni. - Ing. Call 8 0 5 - 6 7 ^ ^ £xl ond molol corrorrals. All gravity iprlnkl- Ml-ALL CASH.UNINSU h R-10467 for curronl fedoraderai secretary in1 the personnel G R O U ^ ISURED ~ I ACREAGI$ K S od pasture, S75$75,000, p m ______' - - - 1/07/87 406 L09Z A m,HanltM,lt . H $14W)-3n—1____ 1344- “ I noed a low good peopleliolo li department. , Excellent typ- BEST BUY IN A FILER ACACREACE-Thl» NEW HOME: < TRANSFERREOI Large, EXTENDED LISTINGS;S; OFFERMAY BE SUBMITTEITTEDATANYTIME . f i aorvlco cuslomora, takiK ing skills recequired and the "neoi a i o pin", complot'otoly remodel- opon Iloor plotilon wilh quollty ook'trim ^ orders, 4 doilvor. Fulio od, 3 bodroom homo onin '/i ocros has and •xcellentnt corpeflng oro Included N o n e A t T his Tim e. 6 pnj8h,wJI«M3M720^___ leet the public a detoched 11x 12 room nonow used os a In the’esienticntiols o( 0 ipo with dock ~ Immedialo oponlng for— i a b ility to me< _ boouiy »hop • complesleioly wired, ofl Iho mosiiodor bodroom, satteillo — »i— LPN’afprogrossivtj.-sWiioi “plumbo'd ond iniulotFdrJirS’upofboyot—lyiiomT'ond i oa highly e((iclent insod ^ nursing homo. Sala^^'iojior r m u s t - ^ 520,000. Se* 01233 N onh!hSiroot. llroploce spedleciolly d^silgned (or Ihls If in te re ste d Call ( 702-755-2321 NEAT LITTLE ACREAGE-p «n navnd home: 2Vi Irrigrlgotod.acres oro Included »■ Call Oiroclror of Nursing to 'dprlco'ol S89,900. " , intorviow.423-SS91.______Ext. 146forana, I appointm ent. highwoy: 1230 »quoto loelo o lh o m jw llh "1 III. " " • '• d p -lotl o( Improvomonli. Just J right lo B ^ ' ■ NAILS Ilock. S38.000 'FARM ^ Exporloncod manicuristt of- of hove plonly ol iivoilo n forod opportunities in now no* ' » o»»umoblo loon, oiklng S50,000.Si 140 ACRES OF:>F GOOD FARM GROUND locoied SE o(]( EBuhl, (ull'woler shores. IM alley a a a unisox salon in MoQlc Vailei *? Mali. Call Ronoo al Haf leased lor 1967>87.AsklngS115,0t». tf Trond3 735-564S.______1_'r (GroYc John Roblrt* ...... 5i3-6M9 NEEDED: full-Umo RN’s Jo y co M u n r o e ...... 733-9200 HUI ^ 3pm-tlam shift. Burley cCar< iro R oger C lark ...... 543-6060 u / D E P A R T M E N T O)F F IHOUSING - Cenler. Evory othoi.thor n n *1 wookond olf. DNS, LoRy(>Rye . ^ n M arvin A rm es ...... 543-6858 AND URBAN OEVEiVaOPMENT .. f^lllnnpln, AN, 678-9474. MEMBER TWINN F A L L S EOUAl HOUSINO Box042^FB/USCH.550SSOWettFonSl. ' dedi , U EOUAL H o u s m o :___??_ p flft-tlm o .wfliVro^ nooded : MULTIPLE LISTINGIG SERVICE - OfPORTUNUY OPPORTUNITY B oUe, ID S3724tS7 .. profor oxporioncod- Applj Equol Opportunitylity Employer M/F/H/V T e le p h o n e N o. 39 ■ - In porson ol Francisco’s, ^334-1087 - 360N.Main-— -- — * ■I ... V ' ^ ■

' 1 ,a

Sunday, D> e tm bM t ta e . ». r

[ S p R e aml c sto te -i’‘Rentals ■.“M etch a tn d ise 031\0-082

0 5 5 i^ T w e)ULDYt i O U ^ O WITH^«NIPIREIWIIIK o rF — ~ 1 - . cuw.wt4.YacgTLi i : j V SMr c L iM8IFIIED ADIVIRTII ' 3 LinI n a t 7 Day* ^ 10*).50 ■ llio? CallC classified and letuEtus do the work, ffl-I-_____ Jry o tilJ need to m ake som10 e extr.ajoom jn th atIt overloaded closet,5t, call us • • 1 0 2 ^ a n d pplaceaQU/^RANTEE l f EED AD. If the ad Is lunsuccessful durin;ng the first ■ week,k, w e'llglve|youasecacond w eek free or•cancel ( your ad, fre

OSI-tlnhni.HouiM « M m n 077-R- R m i o ,T » t8l i n o .^^^OtHofflW .ForSil# ______------!------■"~0W M oftH tH w rm------' D57-Uobll#Home— ------IB BM archindmi"- ^ IT * HEW TO Own t Nic« 2 txjrm duplex, partly Unique House, Ideal for . R»ntil$ S Intoah XL b uiinw a 8' X 45’ house trsllsr. 2 Uni ipular with prtnter, aolt n>»,w- color lc TV by rerrttng. No ' fum lihed with w utiar S3 ^ bdrms, oss stove 81 furnace, coicouple. SiaS oer mo, lease If .r - . ‘ compu deaired, dep -required, vu:ute & comfortable 1 bdrm, c:omfy, ^ euper clean, newly — ,j^dl,1..07!».C.» ^ IKora chked. 204 Wain (I7 ar In Klmb«r1y. Call 423- tflpO. Call 934-6955. J # ' arpet#d, alorm windows, . North. C alta. 707111. ■. 6100 or 73MS54, axl 275 U2: k FREEWATER tor Juanita Co».______• 40 acrea In Melon Valley h'.";. 'j . 'i f T . 'n 'd ^i!m a O E M E N T furnijr n ls h ^ , 2 bdrms, NO 067-m-MiiMiniwws ■ ^ “ preaentiv In puture. Sever­ eta.73»^234. ------« reeresponee to Box 142, c/o 250 2nd Ave S. 733^)739 ^ sirbsnks Morrison 10 K Comm IS al outbuildlnga and working0 TltrTimes News, P.O. Box 548, 1 Country, ivi acres, 3 ok], aeiii new tor S560, 68MS60. Jupiex avail, Feb. 1,1987, 3 bdm .W. Iln g le .p h ase g u l y r o l • corrala,1U 5 2 8 x 7 0 Mobile; ^ R e n t a l s TwlnFalls,Id63303. ^ 1 drm, 2 tjaih mobile home. sell for $200. Phone " ' o w n e r s DESPERATE }drm, den, 2 balh, fully lom riven power plant. 200 ac- wdl * ■ Home on a foundation with 1 bdrm, wlifi shed cn 5 cm .ippH.M M ilS...... lalhrs. $650.432-5470. d ^I 73M924, or mninfl# m[-Funi.&Ciipeti - H will look at all offara. YouDU part ■ buement. Owner»r 1 I »rpsled, lots ol siorage . ______------acracres, lb miles NW ol Suhl lobile home (or rent wllh 0906.uk lor Terrv. ______can't build for thia price.:e. needa desperately to sail. • in(f closet space, vA, om e ulllilles. Lois of ex- IKE new -Bemlna uwlng ill Ohon hwv 30. Call 733-6002. stove, relrig, dishwasher, lachlne w/auto but------CASHSH f.for good lur- teOQ aq ft., 2V!i acrat, ear*ir- t74,000 but bring olfera. Calt 050-Fuml8hed Houses r raa. $250 + $50 dep. 870 4|h re ft a p A a n ^ Banner thtona colora througtiout,it. G a r y 2 bdrm, 1% . bath,_eiejleclric heat, AC, qrlme Jf”„.W,TF.CIin3&«. ' . inhole^ $800 or best offer. 0 6>-CftiwnEqulp. ^ ^ ilture.7a-l42l.______townliouse/condo lor rent_ugocation, must see to ap- 7 ^ hone7j4-6396-______large rooms. 3 bedrooma. i HANSEN Nice 2 bdm MH, \°* bath, aaklna U3.000. Call In Jorom e, $195. Call 324-_nre3reclale.NoJ>elsl73M 779. acre S. Twin wllh modem —nMASON r SHOE DEALERS oila SLR, X-700. 3S mm D»M(t* furnished, carpeted. 423- 7352 or 324-8443.______bdrm, 2 bath. 14x70. Ap- sgular, iM e angle zoom muatSSislSSrSSSSSl ool Oalnelle lor details. f304-Be. G.S.R. ; ______5= Exceptional 2 bdrm, DW. . ,i ., Paul ft Ruby "•XMrts y 'fe ti 5104 or 423-5136. iliances furnished, cooler, FreePocketCaialogs T f>tBjtelephoto zoom lena, lr»ezer,izer, waaher, d rea ee n , 2 bdrm In Jerom o. wllh ref.’ofrig, range, AC, private prinkler eystem, shed, ft M wold Call73»065».- - watertwartjod, td d » « « e d . TV. GEM STATE Kazalton-2 bdrm, stove. refrlg, atovo, wasner & utiljtllity room w / w)D hook* For More Info-7344165. OS0.1 carpet, frldg. Ilfeplsco-“ f- dry {ore.$275 oer mo. 734-7213 ^ IS Ikon camof* with ^ «o. lots ol- mlac. G.S.R. REALTY dryer, lonced yard. $275 + ' up,JP. $293. Evenlnos. 734-6360. ^ ildor solid woodon dosk, f^ ls s i aeholdltema. 734-1821. port, reu o n a b le. 423-5104. $160 dep. 1023 N. 2 X 64. 2 bdrm. 1 bath, 2J?®' JX lens, titade In Gor- PgtTCy 7 3 M m Exceptionally nice 3 bdrm. 2 .. qJ M. Brokon roclinor chair, taflex GEM STATE IN TWiN, 2 bdrm, 1 balh, |iElsenhowor.324-607S. s |][j tovo ft (rldoe, $195 + *«•-.10. Call 432-5470.______>Mhy.ly. $225. Phone 734-6010 G lau u ti top coffee tkble. 2 Mth, all brick duplex, fenc- 100/deposll. D ylans Park. rH nm h«X OKend tablos. ig. enter- • REALTY OR TOU. FREE carpol, drapea. (rig, slovo, 92 bdrm. 2 balh homo, odDd yard, . good i i o , i40(M32-46e9axteoe^ washor. dryer, bosoment. .,5 ‘hone 733-4607.______Pickuickup utility bed. 6 '. ^ c e ■ --talnmenlment center, uaed 2 7 3 ^ ) 0 $250/monlh plus deposit, nol eooiiable. Phone 62S-6739. foncod back yard, pois ok. 651 2nd Ave. W est. Call c r 4 x 8 0 '3 bdrm. 2 balhs, gss t-WimedToBuy I. Phone aftef 8 p-m. OHTOLLFREE ' _ corner lot. $225, 402 4ih Avo 733^)998 or 734.5333.______J,m m m k r n i i eat, stovo. rofrig, TIE ] ELECTRONIC 1288. ______1-«0-«32^ait806 el E.Afler6PM cail 324-8119. Ishwasher. washor and tc 290 A near Tuttle, wheel 2 bdrms, appls.. loncod 2502nd Ave S, 73M739 Sish TELEPHONESYSTEM buyrwo:® scrap gold jewel- NEWV Twin • a b e earty lines on 2S Acres bafancod^ SMALL STUDIO, appls, f... ______dryoryor. no pels. $275 + $175 diamonds. stortJna i S Ssrican ' ^ sle«per. *449/ yard. 420 Martin. TF. $275 + ~ 00. Skvlano Park. 733-4607. - gravity Irrigation. 45 hosdd water, sowor. garbage paid. flop. 326-4504 aflor Spm.____ lve-1 bdrm apta, noar park. dog. irware. pockot witchos, gas.I. a Can 73>7111. Cain’a t13Q-f Qeo.73/-63a7. ialer, & sanll pd. appls In— 2 he i>nlselv5lKo!ii1li>V«Blt tr dollars, coin coHoc- Oearanc - S ^ E P O . 3 bdrni, lamll/ rm. 2 bodroom unfurnished -i„. bedroom mobile home in 73HS53 * «oarage. $35,500. S1;{m dn.s ci^yW sl jl'rtEALTY 2 bdrm, largo yard, oarago. ludod.$150:$lf5. , Jorooromo, $225 monlh in- -p a, otc. Oueonion t stzed bed room set house lor ronl, $200/monlh g 1 bdrm apt. prlvalo. clud GEMSTATE WELDERS ; teEREALTY.73«217 •- 32*-33S4 W/D. froshry paintod. conv. ■fdop.733-3643or734-1401. . ludea ullllllos. 326-4687. ^ Idaho Coin OaUertea with I mi mattreu, OOO. Call “ local. 354 3rd Avo W.. J2« f - i round floor, appls, hoal r - “...... Tilleyliloy's Toys ft Gifts p ro v m>2NQrthMafci.70«BX_ i 734-7074.7074.______-t-UIHs.AftorSpnT 734-9621. 22 J bodroom homo, ell oloc- pale nts a collection ol uniquo — 03S-Acrea9e&Lo(s trie, somo appllancos, $165 La. g V w ^ apt. appls, nice KS-Oltlcemd C6& hSiandcrallod toys ft oifta. Walortieertied: Kir>g-«tze, ’ RUSTIC IADE IN IDAHO. For thoso 0 7 2 - dbd w/mlnof. w ' liber •t-dep.Call324^682. • cariarpet. dining room. $185 B usiness Rental madi !SS.tress, 6 dni^Mdestal. \' otdor 4 bodroom homo. Tllolip Good 5 bdrm, 3 balh homoje 051-Unfum. Houses ^ RANCON INVESTMENTS ------wllh■llh distinctive, yot Inei- - s. $2M. 734-1207.______* roof, prlvalo backyard, qual-Bi- with (ull flnlsnod basemonl 5200. ___734-6945 or 734.7339 Exc(xcollont Bluo Lakos fron- ponsionslvo taste. Call n3-3072-. AWiquo l^ Colt carbine l ^ . pads, $21 ' Ity carpot & Counire Kllch-;f>- on S acros with (uii water11 A cute 8. cozy homtf, 2_22 bbdrm, partial uliiitlos paid, — model. Circa 1870. >225. 3 kitchetichen chairs with rolien. wo posluro chairs, llko p , , „mo , 73*«10 afterep.m. , , on, partly (Inishod baso->0- sharos. double garago,9, bdrm,' firoplaco, garago,_ga:g as hoal. 332 3rd Avo Wost; , , , =8°^fERMANSGlM?NT B w .l^one 734-0540 a^tore. LlJSIiS wn with atilped ctoth In- , . f8< good cond. $75. Call 1 mont. Cooporallvo solioror patio, good siw k sot-up,3, good nolgtiborhood. lull_^Call 734-4069.______L jnn d d3bdrm s. $185. $225 and 250 < will carry or option. Call id Basomont. $3iS dop. No_3 (■ 250 2nd Ave S. 73M739 want./anted: old buildings to bo 4326atler6p.m. all loafing shed, shop and 3 bdrm ail oloclric. oxcop- tx265 ; + dep. Inciudos ap- - 5 = jmovod or torn down. Lott >-S«intiCtllts 'y Jano Goorgo. IS32-66. chicken houso. closo lo10 pots. Call 733-5408.______tlortionally nlco & cloan. carpot, qmllancos.. wator. sanllallon & FREREE RENT, 1st MONTH I®,?®, town.S7S.000. A nice 3 bdrm, 2 balh. stovo. dradrapos. slovo. dlshwashor. nari OTHI YEAR LEASEl 1200ft .arklng. Laundry avallabio. WITI i i ' REBUILD Hydraulic (rldgo, (ireplaco. bsmont. carcarport, (oncod tuck yd. lo pots. 73KI740. 1322 1900900 sq. ft. ollice spaces y c . ExcoUonl prico for 10 acresIS garago. (encod yard. USO $39$396-f doo. 733-6357. vailablo, smaller unils siso acks at ABBOn S AUTO ^ G.S.R. /astirnfltonSt.N.Ollico. avail UPPLY. 305 Shoshono i i S S BrandmndnewwhKo KENMORE and 2 bdrm homo on odgo10 $ 1 7 S a o p .7 3 ^ 0 .______33 t bdrm, 2 bath houso. in- coc vailablo., Includes ullllllos, 2 r WASHEISHER and DHYER. Call r . 6 EMSTATE' - of town, could bo dovelopod REE RENT Iill 1/1 (87. irool Soulh. T.F. ______I: Ask about monthly rom clu'cludods rofrig., slovo. 2 bebdrm duplox. $235 + ulll; i®'."afrioerator air condilloning 5"®o M iu s k a l 73^0135.0135.______^ ‘ REALTY Inlo resldenlial or mobiloZ rebates. 1 8i 2 bdrms. $160- disdlshwashor. washor 8. 1 jx . lanllorlal. Bluo Lakes l^ oopio with something to ef, $99. W aaher. $125. j 7 3 « « 0 hom Charming 3 bodroom in ihS'insulated.-Cali Gary lor in- 7^^ Windshioids repaired Mandirjdolin. Ibanoz, F5 Gibson S tpre. « . dryor, washer. (ormatlon. 543-8800, ' EROME Z bdrm duplox. all 7§W33-0106 or 733-7649.- , " ing available. $70,000. • Jeromo. Counlry wallpaper lori loc. appls. W/O hookup, n,7;: Long cracks-no problem copy. K j^ lo r, freozor. Call ; S O U R HOME. wllh mlnl-filinds. oxcellont 3 bbto iripool white relrlgerator lease/option. $220 depos- w/lw /basm nt& garago on largo g, .ynwood-The Center 01 ll pooclOOd condition, accessories 0 I avocado a t m with | utllillaa. terma. 7 341^. i Laundw f^aclllliea Lyn ncluded. $450,432-5470. ___ Ptiop G.S.R. - 11. Call 734-3537.______loj lackpot, Nv. 702.755-2537 Alll tdmide cabir>at Both in Prime rtver (font property, m w a & T 1x13 sin g le ' room, wood L cond. 73*068. • : G E M StA fE Hagerman Valley, lustsl Clean 1 bdrm homo In F< Jear Harmon Park, new 2 ___ lable houso wim windows. i„rssn‘'» " s is rs ^ or Hansen. Well Insulated; par- of to boileve. 734^761 cu ft white upright I under 4 acres. Sell all or 250 2nd Ave S, 73M739 m)drm, spl. w asher & dryer '00 700 Sq. Fl., addiilonal >n runners can be movod. 0 azer, excellent condmon, REALTY part. 332-4413 evea & wknds.I .. ■ lial furnlshod; Carpeied; — look-up, $250.0811733-1359. atorItorage space aviliible. t^so 4 bdrm, family room, ^ ;150. Call 5436640.______a. Call 734-4756. * 73M400 'lots'of siorage space; nice 4 Jlce 2 bdrm, carpel. UllllJlillllea. furn. Cill 32W870 — TRADE OR SELL Polenlialf - yard. No pets. Refs re- carcarousel fireplace, base- Nc “ 075- Equlpmant ; ORTOaFREE buslnese alle In Agrt-zone. Irapes, appls, water furn. or3.)r 3264390 afterSpm. ^ 2i oulred. Call 829-5713. mem enl, 2 balhs, $450 -f $200 oes-Computars — M lflttbigind ^ 1-e0&432^extW9 but near clly Impact area. 2i dep. Cali Three M J>roperty l«256-fjlo ! S d e p . 733-4316. *“ ” oeo-H acres border8^H^.^Watsrsr Clean2bdrm , garago, (one- AlrCondltioRing ed yard, new carpel & slBMon. 734-5858. dava. NICJlce 2 bdrm all electric 060-Wtrshou8ef 060 ^>64 computer, 1541 dlac 077-7-RKJlo,Ty48t8feb A 12 dr«Das.$i78.734-7395.'^ 44 bdrm home In choico lublex. Carousel, Ringe, SlonQS Rentals drweIrive, graphic printer. ” 35 ACRE HOMESITE. .12 neighborhood. 2 baths, fam- rsefrlg. r Adulls preferred, lonltor.f^one 734-^161. OOLCILOR Teievlalona. Uaed, _ . milea from Twin Fails,s. Cozy 1 bdrm nouse, refrlp. lly room, (Ireplice. «Ji(elerences required, $285 *“ ge aelectk)n from $80-«9. m h V k i TEUSANTA ta.600.Call42«ei7. ■ References regulred. Call lep.Call733-^9_L______oee-MownHonnspc. jfT ' he should have deliveredsd 5.28 aorei, 2 bdrm^ older 326-4852 o t 423^77. rives, CPM, loit of aolt- I your Chrfatm ii gifta to onana home wlin well. & out'I|. Excepllonaily nice 3 bdrm ^8 bedroom home, 1763. , J SR.CmZENHOUBINQ ^IM acre parcel, ist up for wirerire-WPC, ip raid ih ee t, d RCA:A video dlac player with e ing.. ftrlramlfloAi- lumber, and. i of these duplex units (eatur*jr. buildings, M5,o6o. 10%% ail brick family hom# with a .ow Income subsidy snglingl or dbl wide mobile Biseuse, etc. $1500 o/b/o. m^liiviea. $100. Phone 734- knottyp J Ing 2 bedrooma priced at at down owner wi I carry the villible. Very nice 1 bdrm horriome, $160/monlh. 324*2163. pfton'none324-7162. ™2Hn evenlnqa. 0^ the untiellevable price olS .balance. 34 North, 150 I! £ s pis In.Rupert, Clll C Slreel i 'M S,000 each, Thia wouldlid Jerom e. 324-2171.______- 250 2nd Ave 8 , 73M73S j j un o r, 436-3763,' new m gn I maxe an excellent return onon 6.71 ACRES wllh home (or 0!2-Fum.Apl.iDup. . fossrvayou.EHO. t H j la NE location, 3 bdrm, — > your Investment doliir. Cailail u i e by owner. Stale A Clem 1 bdrm apt., fur- —n } Walt Hesa before lomeone^ HlghwayU/28.324-U76, ivl^in, aiuched qaragi, A > VALLEY VIBTAVILLAO^ ■ newly remodeled. 310 Knot- nisnlsh#d, water & linltalion , ; J e lll g e t! (hire (Irst. f4i;iv paid. 1^30. Phone 734-4070. ^ “bidroom apartmanti for H > U /410^, - ilnghsm Dr, I416.' W eliern E il lerioni 82 md-oidar or ■ AoDralsal Co. 733-1473. CleC leanatudio, 1140/monin 4 E.niindicippid, f#d G.S.R. Elkhorn at Sijn Valley- 1 ?pporlunltv.Clll7W-3{0Q, ■ 1 bdrm, 1160/month. Bee <0 On'One bedroom, nswjiy SEM state bdrm * loft. No down pay*n appreotaie. Phone 324-2834 renr#mod#ied apt., NO PETS^, VERYCL^N ■ n mant lust taka over loan ot lnQuir#6033r0 Av#. East. VIVERYCOMFORTABLE ■ f c ; realty lai.aofe. Tom 7884376. ®' afterBiSO. ______log ANIID IDIIIPfECtOII? - I N KIMBERLY, Ilk# new 3 R#iR#iponilbi# roommsi# to 2 bbdrm, 2 bath aoirlm m ti, ■ « ^ 73M «0 bedroom ^ l e x , unfurnlsh* shiihar#, mansion #lyl#d, lux- klicJlchm appll ft prlvite U4-Condomln1umi ury livino, m iny, many ex- yanardl. No p#ti. Aduiti ■ I" For8U> ■ trai,ll7gpluiu(l(.734-rt21. pr#ir#(#rr«d.l360 4-d#p. V Two quiet 1 bdrm- turn, *Aurora CtplUI, 7 3 4 ^ 6 | ______- IN KIMBERLY 3 bdrm,. 2 Twi Em.ftwk#ndi,Join ■ I ______I ____ a • ROCK GARDEN CONDO5 feW « » S T ‘dJg! 7§Mi87oV7M5fiM!wit#“ i _ 733*9633 | 1 I'* For Info on oondoi, oall Mel#1 54M663alter2pm.______slin ir llitlo n turn. t140 & V#r'#ry cl#m ctirpeled itydio, ■ I ADVERTISE H BimBi a 2 Xgrkone,Owner7W47i,_ Jerom e Country-SW of 115i i 60/ m o n l h * t60d#p. iio'ilov# & frig, wat#r paid, no I ■ i n a 3 Trade a bdrm, 2 bilti, B^yr - lown.. 4 -bdrm,- 2 .bath,. y«i lati, I1BB..+ d#p., pr#f#r ■1 .. - YOUR -4 - old, Its Twin for oompanbie ion im okeri. 733^967. ■ <1 I Flooring Stnice •nim . woodslove, 2 acres, h o r u i fun I SERVICE SPECIALTY 1or,r.f.734-7i10. a* g g .home In Bo(ie.m2?«,— ok. Vieani, move right In. or:or3S6-33gO iller6pm . ___ _VEIfERY CLEAN; larg# 2 bdrm, ■ f ■ Expert carpet and vinyl vlr In- ■ xjenor/extirlor, i I IN THIS DIRECTORY _ aiiilitioni. Free oailf V. M5-MoblliKomii flio * dao. S24.7168. yg,VERY NICE 1 bedroom fur- 2 I bith. r#frlg, ■ rang#, ” llinwaih#r, (eno#d yird, | I 8uperlortloora.73442(S I'” ' i : 1 JEROME 2 ^ bdrm, stoy#. nilnlihtd api., upitilri, o \ P lie td under th$ httd ln g ot a S month. Call 733-04Sa. 24 X 60 dbl wide, 3 bdrm i. 2 c#rp#t, all ip p llin c u , oan- ^ iio iid o irig e . 734-8842, _ ;r bathe, lirtpiaoe & apple.■ itorig# #h#d, 1170 -f $100 car I yovroholcil U d#p. 734-7360 a fu r e . traitrai vicumn. N#ar lh# Court 1 >& 2 bdmi apt#. Rant ao- ■ ' ■ a ■ B B a :£ ijO,w[^l)OOd^and'W& ' ^ "Jone# W# Haul" HoHoui#.'t260/mo. plui’ai#c- cor I ' Your Id will r a io h .22,000 ■ par monlh. Can 73^0488. u I wlli move you lo r les# than trio S S 3 i 6 i r - l -- famlliaa evirydiy and uiS the ! — 1^ a ,n , m I .ciiiiiiM «iiMliii* I grut a - Q renting # truck. Fr## ^ & 2 bdrm tp U , .Unfum. |I raiulia wlli amiz# you, Ciii 7 #itimit#i. 11 I Mrm, 8165; 2 bdrm, 1176: R#i today and on# of our frl#nd-nd- . ■ ■ InveitmenttI. rnc » rnjOtt, W ! s WI-OirtolTown call 8344490, ituitudlo, S130. in Twin. Ulll Cai ly Ad*Vliori will help you/ou ■ prrnUN o r oruahed c your bu#tneain.ti. QIn ua a | c d l 734- I ^ today. n7 W « « t , ______I " S .A newer while brlok home 11 Urg#, ail eleclrlo, 3 bdrmi, B>1paid, ^vea 326-5373. f S ■ word your id 10 th it 11 will with ) bdrm, i bithi, heat : 2 Eathi, on approx m 11 t bedroom. $165 * dep.; 1 il6 ■ be moil ellictly# and bringa s ■ !g pump, 2 oar girige, (enoed % loru, fanoed . piilur#, nuItudlo, tiod. All ullllllupild W/lV/D hook-up. Call 734-8511, |■ you the raiulta you are r or oan ba moved, 3 bdrm, 2 looking for. •™ ■ a _ _ yard, iprlnklara and much / wood itove. 1429/month * 4344344lhAve.W.733-2613. “ bsdroom apartment In. a H g H ■ M -more, fc mile from Paul.if M vg;!’,ja x .‘.r ' deposll. Clll Lynn al Gem j2 ^ w##kafraer#ntlWint#rii FileMl#r for m ilur# aduiti In- ■ ■ ______,5 Caii43MiB0eft»r4piTi.____ comingl L#i ua pay your elmilud#i kliohen appllinc##, ■J . 73M M 1 ■ Daijvered for driyi » r n i'.““^iniw=vn” L#ai# to buy or r#nt. Cut# heiheat, w ater & garbaga, lau.lundry- room, yard care, ■ a Blu|Huq;ln older, 2 bdrm nom#, oi#in, aatudlo n 6. 1 bdrm apli. me m : c v W nS 5 ? l l . , , % T ' 8n . W r . " r wood burning eiove oppoil- md utliltlei. S2 monlh. ■ « fronuge and 2000 aq (t - d (reshy painted. Qood FuiFurn/unlurn, 203 4lh 81 No. 733*g300______■ * crane*RlflglnB,7a-rssr a f'ss'SJ i 4 home. Currant appralial S i S a M neighborhood. Call 73^6690, TU ______rI bidroom, r#frlg#ralor, ■I . ______I i UO.OOO, U ml W. or Qrldlay 1 Neal two bedroom wllh 00 (1 kllchen & 2 duplex i|U^ *10Ilov# ft ali utlllll#! lum lih- Z 5 atlcfoa.1»20M 8B-2t 22. li woodburning #lov#. N#ar coicom pute with dabl# TV. #d,Id, 8180 per month plui d»- I ■ )Oill. Can 733-1735. - • " W B B W l j W » . . « a * Custom bulit, 21D0 iq . tt t X 70 Nashua. In Hansen, cann Harmon p irk. 1428 6th 140140^70 p#r week. 1201 ^ a b«f(».«p.m. 1 S aplit level on river In Av#nu# East, Immsdlal# KinKimberly Road, 733-628f_ ^ ■ ' • ■_! m 2 be moved. 4^»4884 after 3. Ift2 bdrm #pt#, Unfurn. Rent ■ Hagerman. Immediate u le ■“ oooupiflcy. 1260/monlh. " - ■ ' acciccording lo Income. C a u p ..... ■ (iRANbMAiHELP[PER S : wanled. Cail Jenien Realty, /■ Phone 734-9880 or 733-0070. I B B n B . m Compiat# Indoor and - -a 5C T______■ ■ H im i a. bd™ .,! b.lli, '' W054-Unfum. Apta, "2t>i bdrm duplex, carport, uiiit- | ■ doorolomina. a M M townhouae apt# wllh rang#, &Dup[flxoa lyy room, no p#l#, $236 « — g 734-6022 T W 9 3 0 I ' dlihwiih#r, girbaga ______mgTionlh.Calim-lf21,______I I "•'ffi'ja.'ir' fi Mrm,3balh,2carQarage,2 dlipOMi l#nc#d btek yard, Adult Living 2! bdrm,b W/D hookup, itove, ■I . Twin FalU, Id! ^ ^bary t^tnlno, || » ilraplaoee, epllt Ie7el, lano* 7 doubl# car (|l*rag#, v#ry — a 1968 Fleetwood, 12x60, lur- ■ ’ Tune upi iibor, tie parta 6 - ad & landaoapad, low down, nlc# and moa#m. ISOO ■* • Quiet, Luxury [,» I extra. Oil Changa labor m I jM'.Tra.6B.Can.7tf.l'U4 I 2I nished, all eieo., very clean. i ■ H B I D D D 14aBedroomAptrtm#nt# r - : tiO-oll and tiler extra. Will llnance, IMOO. MS-4004.L 1 bdrm, appl#, carport, m Rent From $265 , I Qanarai auto rapiln,Ini I ^DECKS, fence# 6> allheh om . I ■ I r- Ihru. Frl u k for Mick## or . ; 8#nlorCliixef\i),|icount- - emergency lervlc#, trmi, I. F r i. I .. “-M V K 'lttnV ii-a t- L#onird...... - ...... sy ,jirL ,'M '' ■ C~035-Kim biri^i#'n ...... I welding. Call 733-2127. • I .e*lfm#tM.W«T^^^^ K-nM . a TBEESeHVKi & olean, good aree, I269S. Nlc# 2 bdrm hom#,' In- LAURELPARKAPTS Hf bdrm In TF. Bath A V4, ■ MSS-----■ a fr BHY(»nfP»rH,7?3-i?811,------I t ™ . » 5 ■ FRANK LLOYD WPIOHT 178 MaurjM^St North . pat}atlo, carport, along#, ap- ■I - I f; ]ii. No pet#. IMS ♦ d#p. ■ _ removal, Itm i type luxury. 4400 aq It rookIk 1974 Academy 14x7D, extra r33493B,734-436S. j | t, nice 2 bedroom, 1 balh, 126-4046or326-4266.______| ------I McBride. 733-0 s s and W09d^niide and out, ! Let m e do your' batjackhoe _ ■ uiira ^o d e m tiom t wlihih iarge kitchen, china out>1 eeoluded loree.s. board. Call Sylvia lor nmi»*»*m onlha r e n t Call 324-9430 tioitionally nice, condo ityf# U I " ■ m--'' f f Energy efficient,- loww Information.;______- «»#rS:30. ‘______VJ ( b W M m u m § ■ 2 flitlmat##. Call 643-6603i"- i ADVEDVERTISE ■ , ll- Rainbow Ruitv7S^3?73._ Sw. maintenance, archiieciurai- m m m m 1 250 2nd Ave s. 7330739 | YOUR ' Z '• . IBaitFieelwood, 14 X 70, 1 2 a V bdrms, 2 baihe, all appls, 2 S 0 2 n d A v e S . 733-0739 - 2 b#drvonwn#w carp#t, . 1 Z . SERVICE!OESPEOALTY ■ •1 located ^on^ ^ ^ ^ 3 JH I experience. Phil, 4234353. ■ M D n n • i ' lng". T ennia court, land-^ lirepiace, redwood disck, Attractive 2 bdrm brick drijrapai ft paint, S225 -per ■ ■ ■ JNTHISDIISDIRECTOHY B t r vcape, cloae to school and A/C, Countryside Village dupl#K, 1% batha, carpel, .mononlh.Call 733-1871. _ bu iln eis. More acreage I? BmilM bdrm hous#, tonvof I . • ^ ■ I* »3fl. Cali Lloyd al 733-6*1” nisnt location, $165 + 'd#p. d rap si. air, carporl, no 3 } bdrm buemant apt, * vlvtlittiM iltngot 5 available. Call 423-4»34. - dava. o r 7 3 3 ^ 7 eves.------pete.7d3-0707. fir«flraplaca. ulility room, ■ . ? Do you have u N0D#lS.Oall734-6611. ^ I CarMmryftConitruction; r ■ photo equipment tn ■ X m tc M c tI ' 128,600 - 3 bdrms, IK bathe.I. 24 x 60 double wide mobile Cien 2 bdrm, ' 4i)l#x, ‘ kltikitchtn appll, nice yard, ft ~ ^ Sm all-3 bedroom . Mom- Alt type# remodeling pluaMil ' _ nome? Exchange It lo . ■ I 10 yre old. woodslove. 1400n nome on. foundation with carpeted w/drape#, stove, u j reu o n ab le r u te a . Call a ,3 ^ J Ingqids school dial. t ^ S 4 ^ 1 I with a - quick- 73HM1 ■ ' down. In Hansen. well. Lola of pasture, 2 refrigerator,. DW, garbage rC(W e& a q e m e n t ■■I evenlnga733-3065. r ' • Jj ciuii|i*da|l. ; Owner/Aoenl.W^m ^ eharea of water rights. disposal, ulll. rm, all elec., 91 .> fenced. In Jerom e. 12S.OW 1260-t-sioo deo. 7^ 43. 2502ndAveS, 73»739 ■ sr Small 2 bdrm houae, 1160 4 pr- I will, consider nice older Clem 2 bdrm duplex. , , 1 . - I ' a I' tm-JerbmaHoni96 _ " . travel trailer aa partial pay-.. ,M.carpeied, r draped, w/D 0: 05S-Roo(nmtle8Wint«J ' iI ‘ >7 m ent. Call 3 2 4 ^ 0 . hook-up, fenced back yard, M W B W o f water and ainilallon lurn. NoF^onKlrlnker. 1140 a mo. ■I _ t'. ■ -*>r^n tha rloM .dlr«lion to find!3 1245 .-t- .SlOO dep. No p e b .' wawasher, dryer &'utllillea in- k thrthomeyounead. for. 82^4573 after 7 o.m. «^nEXLTXi*S!2_ iv,Avail: Jan 1,1987.733-4462. clueluded. Cali^^34-6661. ■ * M T?me»-New8, Twin Falls,F*l Idaho Sunday, Oecan:amber28,l98a 1 2 - 1 7 5 ' M et t r c h a n d i sse-Farmetirs* marki:et~Recreeationah.I’Automoi\tive 0S2 BFjiiiito l in f 7 3 3l«0931 .

1 M M Wheel D r tw t___ igo O-Autoi-Rjrij 168-/B -A ut03 - OWsmoblie 082-BuildiooMBterfals Oes-Flfwood 0»-P«talSup()ll«. 105-HofwEquIpnient* • ia-Tij«iTi»BOT. , IfO-Autos-Oodoe ------1B83 19?1971 Joopstor Commando. ^ i3 Ford Mustang, new bat- ioasiS nOlds Cutlass cnjlsor, ------^^RfHARHeyiUMBER—?^W e4/E60TRREW00D--r . CHBISTM/UPUPPIES _ _Clrcl«JTnaar»-- 5 5 ...... —“ Irluol inirATrAC.xr«l*o_:------AKC roQistorord black Labs, eno r-a, - CB.--AM “ t«dk>;-9kki— .studded_v^,.lm QUrmNQ BUSIN ESS SALE^ IP Dlno. Call 324.7563.... cnock our soloctlon and 126l^pOT&Sheto ij manyomy oxlras. Call 324-3475. . *• 26 Hold champions in 3 pricprices bolorayou buy. ' _ )l«lo. low mis. S Houra: 0:30 to SJO Mon-Fri lojjandablo. 622-«296, Sun ^ ono_3MjCT atlor 4pjn;_ ■ " < S69S;. PonUac.OMCTnicfca Import im; ahort whoclbaso ^ CcfiterSt.lnKlmbonv.^^ f2-Aulos-Ponliac = 90t S. Uncoln. Je ro m e .. pickup. oic Cail 733-5528. 977 Dodgo Ramcharger 4 x ^ l6->lefciityiUncoln ■ shoppW ood 32fm oiZ3*^5. P- I, PS/PB, now tiros, rims S iR SALE; 1984 Ponllac . - ^ For aale: Cuatom Topper PU L 162-Autos-Forts, , i m"6 Morcury Cougar XR7. nnm 5/8" 4X8 unli. 55 pc. - 18.25.25 090-Pai3S Suppllei ihocka. 12500 o r bosi offor. 182 iro, 21,000 mlios. Phono shSholl. fits 5’ X 6'4" bed. vory C. low miioago, oxc, 43g.s23it-S230or432-5365, ^ ^ 3 Farmers' market .|| good condiUon, C25. Cafi ^^1734-7416. ^ Adorablo clTriitmas pup* , 112-lrrlflalion 90 1979 Choyonno Biazor. nd. Cail 54^«74 ovos. 'e Bl-Conlonnlal Irlpio plea, molhor Is rog, Gormanin , ~ ~ — 42M763after2pm.______^ IRRiGATJONNEEM ^ oadod, 53.W mllos, »175. allor j,.., 5 pm.______lited edition Gold Bird - 4 X W Grovo • 19.95 #ht.)It.) Shophord. will bo 6 wooks For salo: campor sholl, fits Gatod & underground pipo. Ilong-wldo 'l b < ^ S22S. Call ^:all82»«2fl-______™ m s Am. t-top, $8000. Call Siding. Rock Finish 4X9 ■• by Chflstmas and ready low 092-Auction3 g“l 1965 M uslang, now paint. 423-4: ______734-669:1-6692.______- go. 110 oa. Call 32*^532 ovo._ , Oosign labricatlon. ropairs, 7^734-7021 ovonlnoa-______now battery. 6 cyl, 4 ofKJ. no ^5^ ^ •' ■■ anc 8 Morcury Lynx XH3, 193212 Pi Ponllac Phoonix, PS. - ” ’=^plVwood AKC Boxor pups, fawn, PU-covora-Uir and Cuaton ror. For moro info call pg . cn cruiso, AC. 2 yoar ox- W 4X6-CDBX45.J9 ahL, 5/a champion bloodlines, have'0 097-Hay. Grain 4 Feed - ______. - lon'dodidod warranlv, 734-5783, IXfl atiQla%ll78M422. 4 b ^ 0 B X $8.99. 3/4 4XB t ALFALFA JSO/toh. undor, 2 mic». lo« pfICM tPjB OT1982 ToypU' 4-x< -ahort — GDBX S8.99 slit.. (2X6-1CI' •- Boaulilul Pur«t>red Gormanr- ton « 5 . ,No rain, d o jo .in :— ^ vheol base, roll bar. tow «« TSrAutoPtttel...... '175-^S-A»lolJ«l«n Shipnord puppios, pure? ,Twin. Call 7 3 M 4 7 1 ._ ____■ IB-IB " O O i'W wall osttd atoek nlioago.--TM-iaBS E.H.M. • whites or black « tans. lpo suding at M-SO por It ^ Ertalnooni or 3244066. *********************** ■ *^■'‘’"■’ 2X4-8 ; ratd y for ChriatmM, *50/0/. ^ ocky Mountain Industrtea, 68' overshot campof. slovo. —^ .79( unil. Less .89c ea.)la.) 125. fcall823-4534.______Hoy lor salo: 2nd end 3rd Oas/eloctric rofrlg. oxcop- ISS^IS64 Nissan 4x4 King Cab. t JeromB e. 10,324-2142. Oa /ansferabio warranty, low ^ o«m Insulilion 1" 4X8}c2 Catahoula Leopard/Borderrr euiHno. CallS43-517S. i£ l tlonally cloan. SIOOO. Call ^ .00 sht.) (Pinellno • 4X8 jn Wo buy Barioy. . . . 734-9519afIer3:30pm. _ niiu«iio?ge.iepj»L-^S«-_ * Collle pupa. Paronts proven .------19« SaUrtlng at 14.90 a shl..^ M atock dogs, J50. Call 764-4- Mustbo48lbs.orbottor. 113-Farm 11 i Ranch ^ 1988 1 ton crow cab. 4 whool I TT It's Holiliday TimesAt I Irlvo. Chovrolot dually * 4XBSheetrock{4.29) ?5Ca. ______Cenex Feed Plant Supplifls 1; FORTHARN^ ^ ______7334563 - ^ 127-Uotor Homes Jomo, 17.000 mllos. w llK it_ J & H w y X B u lb y CHRISTMAS PUP UNRULY? tance. 324-7292. Dog obedience classoss 170 ton of 1B{ cutnnq, f?0 1975 Sporl King 22;., Exc:. HtnaanBfWg* • y tons of 2nd cutting, eOlon of 11<-Farmlmplemanl3 11 . cond, many oxlras. J6500 ol- 85FonJF15D. 85. PS,PB,4sp, ¥ * C h r i s5 J o r d a nI ' ' s 1 : C A U 4 a« 9 ie start Jan. 5, Puppy pro- ? tanks, fancy sholl. S0,0W school, beginning obe-J- 3rd: cutting, 200 ton of oat — lor/trade. Call 734-5789. _ 2 la * ;• LET fT RING dionco, bog. show handling.I. hay wltn now sooding. Hav John Jot Doero modol 350,16 It , - Tti. mi. w a rra n t, liko now. only # 14.000 ml. Call 788-437S. ^I And Thliat M eans.. Snake Rlvor Canyon Kennel9l has beon lostod. 6&436§ off!oHsot disc, oxcollont condl- Holllstor.______liS!lion. Call 543-8974 alter 6pm. -1,iz8-gmiyTtaiiOT 083-QftrafleSal0j Club, <23-5091 ori23-5442. * ^ For aaio: 1 lomalo. purobrodd 22.21 proloin. dairy hay. No Nowor modol ton PU bod mlnlturo longhairir covorod. dellvorod In ap- oxc trailor. Call 734-5832. 14jwa-AnHque Aulos * • Dachahund.S50.324-7B«l. prox. 5 ton loads, 324-5167. CalCall 886-24S9. ______084-TOOI______8 ^ USEDEQUIPMENT Anti^ntkiuo & classic auto ros^ ^ — FREE TO GOOD HOME: 5 JD3820P.S.P.F.,lowhour8 _ ' Own yoor own oxygon 4• mixed bred, medium sizeJ ig tora;oralions. Quaiily work at * acetyleno - cylinders, all puppioa: Bluo Hoalor. male. J0 2020,gas Z roa:oasonablo prlcos. Call ^ • ab e» available. tt7B-71«1. _ _ 1 yoar old; Black cat lomalo.I' 30 lon StocTCDw4i2,000°° Rebates t LOG TRUCK loada oJ dryi n Locally raised. 253 7th Avo'* heifers and bull calvos lor 424 42^ Intornatlonal utility trac- 3&360 ong.. I275r fenders. 197 js ' Eaat Cf call 733-6954. tor, wldo front, 3 point hehood, grill, Ironl difl.. atoor- ^mag chrom o wnools, wldo # R eb ates o n all 4>»X2 Pickup., R xr«. 626S26'ia323'i. $ pine or cut and aplit corda, _ M ie. 324-3433 or 324-7392. tor liros. 4 on floor. AC. Going j* i >1 Quality. Call 423-4680. _ TO GIVE AWAY 6 week Old power stooring. doisel. exc. iniing. A7T, PS. etc.; ALSO Day old holler and bull condition, J21M. JD 2 bot- h,two 13“ snow tiroa. .oxc. ^t^Into tho Servlco. Must aoll) 8 J75' female, pari Cocker & Spr- calves lor »alo. Call 536-2189 f ° t1400.Call7g4-2g70. . * Miked firewood for aale. $75 InaerSpaniel.734-1597. tom. 2 way hydraulic tum tr«troad.73M199aftef5:iO. ' a cord. 16" blocKa split & - orj3M242______gplow, completely rebuild, PARTS WHOLESALE I H U R R Y . . . delivered. 423<<828evea. _ FOR SALE: 300 bred cows, ^ .LIMITED TIMEIE OFFER I y obe”man°°^ lnoho?.^ 3v( fe5Q.432-54ft.- _■4~cyl.-valv»-tot). i C 9 M; 6—-156-Autos---Ch:y8ier U ------* ?-F6Brr-HPCTr«rvenrwm-- cyt„ 09.50; V-fr$49.50. _ B- soil In amall lota. 77 Bar .. — WaK'fT.?S; 115-filmWoik ' SMo. 1 Auto Parta. Je(ome. 1971978 Chryslor Cordoba. 2 iibjpfW C hlifristm as JM. 734-7051 altor 5. Inc.. (208) 678^12.______' 324-8721. docdoor. 32,000 miles. 0400 or 1 1 [ Take Advai^ - OLMSTEADFEEDLOTS Wauled - 2 ' ' ■■■ > ^bost olfor. Phono 5434913. ♦ llt-FiimlmpltiiwiU tuylng Isodor cattle, corn. — 135-6igle8aL Supplies lile Selection Is BiBest! I lH-FirmfcnpUmwti ■ & barley. Cuatom llnlshlnp sirarsrtjr:! j 156-Autos-Chevroiel I ♦ Sale Whi ' 54i6760.KeapTrylnfl. a _____ MANURE HAtJLINO and Pll- Isj-Hoavy i Equipment gMust' j solll 1S83 CL - Chavy—J t WANTED: 2M0 head ol Ing. Gooding G reen Chop. ClUllon. V-8 auio trans, S ! preg. young cowa. Muat AM/FM. air. exc. cond. ICHiaSJCV ORDAN M C^I934-(730. 919U CateipTliar 06 hydraulic AjJ dAZDAi I paaa blood le sl. Call early . dozer. ‘ Make an offer.* $2900.734-7869 or 734-4504. 11; * 1 6)4 BLUE LAKES BLVD.D. NORTH TWIN FAILS.LS 733-2954 * I am/allera:30pm,3»m79..__ a Phona 324-2214. _ ************* t)S-AutolM«l “ Q Recreational . ISWIclc-Up . Tracks ^ IliliiiiMMMBlgaa - lii I 121-BoilitAKeu. C c h#« PU, runa good, S389. Call 7 3 ^ 7 . ______I IWILLNOTPcTPUrMYNAHE j a Willy'a Jeep PU, 1956, " ' a w a ' ” ' I ONAPIIPRODUCT 8 3'/iml.W.onAddiaon falmostI completalv reilored, ■ 3 TWDOESNSNTHAVEiNrr a 103-DalfyEqulpmanl Z i...... 73«1<1 I I raEBEsmrTHATISlNME I AHENTION DIARYMEN: Evlnrude “ & Mercury moiors, i w Chevy Vi-lon PU.flcyL, 2 3 « ‘ X W double loup 3 . —boaia & lishlng tackle. |74.000 original mllaa. t m . I frae atalla wltn 6" atub, Tom'a ^ Marina 8i Sport Gda. Heyburn/Bur1ey.67aj4ra^ VCa!LevonJnai54^7,_ ___ m eHUIHS makeQl(er. 487-28t5ot.261Q^. ' 1967 Ford 6 cyl. w/overdrtva, Hatrlngbone feeder and long bad, cam per ahell. naw augor ayalom, complete 1Z2-SportlnflQo«J8 jJpaint & upholstery. Uaea lit­ g r a ^ a g o , I aaf-up for double tan. 324* tle oil or.^ater. Qood cond., fi I 3438or324-5801.______Ski repair" rebuilding, I',m Phona 7344098.______S tune-upa & hot wax. Call * I JohnDeeijere was just I 734.3075alter5p.m. ___ 1969 Ford plck^jp, meUi Hat E bed wltn rack, WOO. Call g Skla: 204 cm, K-2 710 Comp, IT33-m3.______\F I a m an ’i’s n a m e , marker M-4 bindings, ^ brakes. Qreal Skla. good i'1977 Fo^ V) ton club cab. shape.Just tunod. S95, Call I;AT. PS. AC, crulae, extra W . I Todayit!it stands for unk, camper shell, new ItJ ------734-l20r. — — pupalnl. robulfl. Call 352-4604. | | a way of doiloing business. 1M3 TOYOTA, claan with % 123-Q u n 8 4 Rlfl83_ _ J'Shell, AC. P s , aun roof, IC AM/FM. 734-8151. CONSIGN YOtJR QUNS and t gun colioclion wltti u s now K i Q e,lor a last cash return. KO-HBavyTfiKlcBlSeml’a | K-VDArffY SERVICE Tho outdoor store l£ADERSHIPVOlVOUCANCOWrON - a Btuft U kea Sporting Qooda 19Wv TNircToii^um m ln; -JC 733:6446______power, p long frame, pad W Winchestor pro 64. model 70 •susp.. twin acrow. good for )K liwl, .264 Win. mao- w/ mlxertwx n or larm dump. Exc U* H A PPY'HOLIDAYS Y j Baush & Lomb 2V^xB" all tiinjck. Call 4234680. » 1(M-HorB88 SIoriginal. *600. Also FranchI r1971 KW Conv.. 8V92 Oolroll, ¥ C H E V Y AV S T R O V / ^ TRI-COUN*INTYTRAaOR S irap Combo, modol 2005. sSQHD rear onds. 4X4 trans, I 1986( A N S I I , IDAHO • S3i-6653 B Mlnialirre’ ” Oo'nk«7 ”*jack, 73^.Cali352j;4^.:._-.,;_, nnow 1022 Michoiins. new [ frM I.«00-H4-f8If H apodal Chrlstmaa price. Rayco suspension. 1977 '3 00 Sava'go. lever acllon. P e S s n i u w a SIwith scopo. good condllion, TTrallmoWla flat bod. F i B R D E A UERCOSTI --- lolding aidos, outsldo lUIPMENT INC. S S165,Ca'r4fl7-2950.evo9. j| ROAD, TWIN FALLS 9 D Webuyklllerhorsaa. t}i lfamo^CallS4^i34. 1973 C90 Chovrolot, 318 733-7272 || 124^nowVehicl88 \ 0 I ; 3 yr..old Appy mare Sl 3 yr. - Dolrolt diosol. 5/4 trana w/ I . $ ' Fr«* I-BOO-317-KKI7 S twin scrow. Phono 436-9717,_ old Appy geldfng. Both well Twom Yomaha SRX" 440's 4 t; siartedi have been shown. John ' Dooro SpltHro. Will 3335 Cummins, good condi- ) t 1 4 0 " tlon. working ovoreday. 1 3 , 2 WIII irade. 678<}724. irado. 678-3724. ______tl J4000. Evonings 934-8126. JP •WENDELL. ID .1974 Skl-doo i. 1975 Ski-dpo » Factorytr y Slicker P riced a t $1414,671.00 Piu« Undsrteif o a l ^ : I Call Toll r m 1 1&S-HoruEaulDm«nt Posnow machinos w/llll 3335 Cummins Englno loss \V 1i5-TrmlTnllef» . irallor. Low mllos. Call allor cccank, Exc, Cond. J1500. ffi 6p,m„ 324-6766. ^Hondrlckson Susponslon J r GEM EQUI 4-11 Roars w/tlros 8. whools. g KIMBERLY RO ;------t{1000. 13 spood trans. Ro- [i cont rebuild. >1650.423-4680. u735 plan to own la^Heavy Equipment - Coll Toll Fr*< >ADED WIThH OPTION S;S: I ' )vel trailer or 141-Vans ^ V-6, pir•

■ V . your Indlvidt « a l l W e s t e r n S t 'Local S ales R


L ; ...... 1

S u n d a y , D ocom ber 29,18.1986 Tlmos-Nows. TwinF»ln Falla, Idaho <>9

*• ___ Ijo JBL rJC P rg a Jo iimiiipOrCE I n n EBB 1 r J g op g g C ^ O iw n n O ID D M > iiK»m»O^DunmQty (

-Eli ■ W o k i o ID 1 0 f h F ’| | ! | . N R 1o | I* ^ 0 l P f l IE;N IT *0NM APPRQl/Ed credit 1 1 - ™ROaSH ' PE

E 1 PRINT 1987 SFSPEaRUM 198:787NOVA 198«7 CHEVROLET 1987 MONTE 1987 CAMARO 1987 PONTIAC B »sl 1987 SP( UBURBAN 4x4 SPORT COUPE GRAND AM B n a i 2 D OJOR C 4DDOOR 414 DOOR ^ CARLO LS #pOM. AM/FM ca««att*. .S.tllr* «r>glna. 3 #3066. HHATCHBACK. 1.6 p^676. Front I raor olr eon- n#30SO. TIntad g1o«t. olr. lilt,' •• /P275. Oaloggar. olr. B t'.n i no73.StpMd.rid. front whMl «072. I J . onlAQ. f»or h a d , 3 ^ mulli .port fual injactad>d wha«l. AM/FM co«««l B<- g g . drlva. 1.0 lifr*r* •ngln« t apaAd tromon*ml**lon. front ||tr« angina. •nj 5 ipaad dUlon cruli*. AM/FM ttarao and rt*. Sllv«rodo aqulpmont. much moral angina. oufomotlc* * gougat or\d much mor* I H n much mor*! whaal drlva.va. iron»mii»liiitktn. front vAaal »•«’». tran»mli»lon and much drlva ondnd rmoral • id*d. / Raton VabatlS.OM.OO Rat«HVaiM$12.t91.00 latallVoluaf:• fTSW.OO RatoJJVoVoImSMW.M Wot l25.UI.00 moral Ratoinoil Valu* $9*00.00 . RatollValua$12.416.00 NOW | - * r ^ M O» W W N O W " l NOW NOW l 3 9 5 " o $ a M ^ 6 2 995^ , 4 fl 9 5 * ” *8 ; ♦ 1 2 , 5 9 5 * ” ♦10,595"”« ♦ I0 ,8 9 5 *2 ^ * 1 1 l ^ i l 1987CHEVIFROLET 1987 CH:HEVR0LET 1987r cCHEVROLET 198>87 CHEVROLET 11987 PONTIAC 1987 GMC 1987 CMC S-15 PICKUP % TON 4x4 [bci CAVALIU.IER CELELEBRITY S-1010 BLAZER V4I TON PICKUP 6000 STE . Ak. ».o lllf. tn #3054. STATIONN VWAGON. 4 «»«. JtAlXXON WAOOH. Mf o«l>- /T3279.>. Oafoogar. olr. J™**-H. 0«tr9»< tu.1 3H #P/P368. V-6. oulornolle. /G200. Powor brokat. ^ 5 tpood monuol, lilt ) [ it2 moon roof. 6 woy powor tpaod. AM rodio. itylaci«i sr'jn.'T s;"::; tp««d. oil ••<»<•cto n r o d M ^ « J r»l, W., ^ bumpw. High Slwr* i lira* ond mora.ar*. lusgoQ* AM/FM coiiatta and 9ICE P l l '

ONAl ANNIN16/98( I a REM 6 i I Ei VEIMICU5SIN 51TXK / ll L NVOICIESAM m NOW 'i s i i THE>NwmNS. TnjRNIN4GTHE PAC3E WWB 1986CHE¥Winn?4PlCOT = ------1 7 9 ^ inMN^TiMncincKiff------, S2.8Mgoo mpoNruceuniPi goo iMtrnvmitErcEiiBiBiiiiY4tii“ ^ ^jjggoo a n B /T1086 ...... *9,795“ K'g|'i98seiicv^4x4:MSwiisM $-|3 i goo mpoxnuBtiinimmiE4im $ggg5ngoo i^pEVMnnMoinElEcwiio...... ^ 795°° B » ti g /T1093 ...... 1795°" “ ...... *135 f i W S 1S85GMC1TIMP«p»saiim'v«i I’jQEOO 1911 FOfflilil'li MIT goo OT PMnuc 'sum ’pi jOO I^POKlijcTMlisAjl #tio4 9 ...... l . t w J HAULER #TI099...... *1,995 ™ ...... *10,495“ “ »9!995“ IV [ ” 1 19Mn»BBWNC( I i o r a 19711 FODITmUTT gob miiniinsnini goo ' i984ciiEvii'iii'EicieiiimE2Di ^ 495°° )L. rTia m cm ...... I f f U U HAULER #TII01...... *1,995 •«...... *4,495“ m m 19836ttCI^1ti goo iKuiiaiisaE'^ goo 1984CHEVItOLnCMUK ...... ;..»5,J ...... ™ m ...... i,895“ ^ ...... *7,895“ ...... '*6!59ji” I ^ m 1983CHEVB0LEr^E T ^ 'w ^ IQOqoo i»csYsoincaQ goo i^ooi^'MyuAIIH4DIL » 7 j ggoo a ^JUIcilRIYEsilizill #Tioe3 ...... PylN lll WAGON #1336 ...... *10,495 ."Lir.r. *9,495“ U j | 1983CKVH1EI?EI ^ fcil PIMUP r ^\7WfXi 1986 ranuc HAND/ gn manwcm gooimjHmoiHcmM m f 4 p ii ^ 495°° '/T ioes ...... ^ i l l l COUPE #1323 ...... *10,495 ...... *8,995“ IMDHMUIilEi’#TOiiiip iviua4Di. noQEgoo . ig^CKvnur'i^liicMio nSSlPgoo im uiiuc’^'iiu Ft> L B 'Tifw? ...... 1,495“ ” ...... ^ ’995“ K S i isTimiuicniclilic ij 19740lDSineiLEREfi!temu $qKgoo mouis ciiiussT Ti goo im pC U iy BOBCAT...... >ij 9 5 ” 0 0 0 « /1 3 9 4 .* ...... W | p ^ m s a r n SIEOFFER.!Wm P ib f i K& E m c t v i { 1' m a m D IE C . ^ ~ i m IHPim.a)SCtvfraJOL£IM533r^ | mmuw&i m reflnm d trucks 901$K UncoilIn i32<4 - ^ ) Je?:rom e ' ' 7341^65 ' nBaD]M[rT^0«itiii»»0 R ) n B o D ^ m u in n f QiiitKii oloaKCpm I P jEo n p i i i j j i □esmlU I P7?S^^

______K ? . - ______— — J ______...... '' i *^1 / ; .Twin Falls. Idaho Sunday,ly, Oocembor26,1988 ' C-10Tlmft»-N**ws.Tv B £ li O i^ G O g s i i . S i I ^ l l a S ' I* liili eB ii ii O lif ts S5ps9 ^ flfilS I k o ■ ffl|!i£ i i l p S 8 I # S 'I I o 3 - ,-., sPij'S peo K i ' • 3 ■' - r 's ■ ^ « l ml^.% eo iii o l^i^e i |O c o ; # s iiir C^ lif ^ pi f o # ; £ T j(lj " = « v ^ 1 yi■ IA- « ■ y - dT h ” I i n e lllli o p H 'fallio l|!||0^i ■ ^ Z &hl 10 S^is<®® I j fg iig i S i I f S P ?i2 ^OQ % - A n - r r jf ^ ' t ” T 0 7 ^ - --., e T■ T f :T ire " I l-!«0 O s I i l l s W i 3 m e |pi e l j|« l i S isa 10 S < 5 s is^i!"VI ■ ______w m ^ 1 III g ws^ ______j f t - - "" <"■ id s . O = ti„g‘ ^ . o =£ . 1 O ^ ii O isffio' is*ss5 igir^O Ifells S “a|«5 60 IpfO *iii3 s in ■„ I ' si 1® “ «v s ii'w ______^ J i « —— i~xi^ ~ 5 T L^ if §* T—15"e I Cb i c a l l s O .i|=o Islfi O 1* ■ !■ lllli i i i l s i f t illlleo'- It® BP*I «i!|i l |I b 5 §“lpi« i PlS^ s « !■ “ l*« ^ ~T~^ ■ O h ill) i^lNo 3 i i P O liUlOI ! i i ' IPsO i i i g jl i f p i f t * f < m > iiL ^ w Jy 1 8 ^

- O;■■« : ------L jjc cS E - £g: w c ae i ^ 2 p iliS iSlfO = C *fi« ciriUsO k 3J rBet I p i« ! ffliPS p !i« I J2! ■ o> « £ i <«■ ___ ■-siimK » a - I Ii I 2 i I LU 1 . iE i liii I O Q " ' u g> 0 0 ^ ' • S 1° J M I I CD goII s : e . i d I E ^• 1 |l E 0- ^ e £ i i IfS m <% * l^iii ” f m I % n o O i briy- p j|- - I 52 BU M■ —■ 0 f l^ M ► 52- I ^ ! ■ I- ■ ■ H ^ H l I ^ C O iJJ M / 1 R MI to L a n l - i J I ^ 1 1^^'" ! o . s I 1 1 c/> • ||^|9|HWi\ o^ 'e ipmtjLj|f} v n r m ^ ^ n i-Ji ! £ s Ih IPV V) IA s j M i B H I ______r7 ® I. ■ f/f ^ —*o %« \nl i | H —' a ' s ; ^ \ (,. ■ — ------(7 -^- ■ ' ■ " '-' -■-- ' ' • . f

Sunday, DocomtTiborSe, 1986 Tlmes-Nows.w s. Twin Falls. W aho .t ' , ■ cCollege, pro cage roiDundups D2 'Sptorts ■ Manley M back with te;eamD4 D ______^ Ag-Bus D5 N o rtlh * C arro lin a i s A riiz o n aa’s f ir ist^ b o \w lv ici:tim : HONOLULU (A P) - It took I t>ehlnd. It was hard to play cacatchup, eback when.be.se.scored.on.a^-yfird_wlihoih a 7^:1 re.cord.__...... ______times. 4 lelt in the third ~ . :'s't6p-raler .71 yards, Nortli Carolina 30-21 S aturiturday, in the f I'm Jusl disappointed for :k Fenner. The Atlantic Coast • : Aloha Bowl. t>ecausc they had a good ch::hance to for 97 in tlic secon rence's leading rusher this seseason. A rt^ n a , whtchI coconverted, four of nsald. A S-yard pass-153-from Mark Maye to 1?™"' “ U's our first bowl vievictory ever \ j w l l win In the second half." C rum : mner did nol make theic trip Uie North CarolinaIna fum bles Into 20 Itt, capping a 78-yard for lhe University of Arizirizona," em- // .A lfred Jenkins threw for iffIff? yard s Randy M arriott, cause of academ ic prot;|lenis.i, points, took (hc lead Ic: -for good oil pbaslzcd Larry Sm itb, coicoach of the // and a touchdown, and 5-foot-7 m arch on th eir:r next i possession, cul ik,ii Coslon's'firist fieldleld goat, midwoy letb-ranked Wildcats. tailback David Adams rushesied for 83 the deficit to 30-14 30- with 13:07 left to The game was the first fo< Ihrough tho scconccond quarter. The “It's great lo finish on a winning pH B H ufi yards, including.a 1-yard tom)uchdown play. — meetlrating between Arizona and !North was scl up by Jim Blrm- note, that’s what countsjnU ,” • added i^n^run, and had three reception:jns for 77 Just four minuInutes later. Maye ran Carolirollna, which now has an allQll-tlme Ingham 's recoveryry of' a fum ble by Smllii, whose team wass b(beaten 2^24 "A t tbe halflalf, v e had controlled the yards y a r to lead the Arizona offenense. one yard r for another touchdown bowliwl rccord of 7-9. the Tar Heels' Eric ric: Starr slartlng in Davis blocked an . „ by Stanford In the finaInai regular- gam e," Smithilth said. "Then the'guys North N Carolina, stunned Iby five after Norris I A crowd of Jusl 26.743, smalliillest in place'of Fenner — al the Wildcats' lo give the Tar Heels fi season game. must have: sstarted thinking about lost fumbles and shul out forir most of Acluna punt lo e five y ear history of Uie gam g e,''<4-yard line, >Vlldcats’ 16-yatd!lne. The Wlidcnls, who werwere 0-4-1 in bikinis." . . the the first three quarters, roart»red back the ball at the Wll Itched' the nationally tele 1 a brisk Bul Arizona's•s defense was able lo A dam s’ short touclouchdown run made bowl gam es strctching back hai to 1921, Dick Crum,m, who had lost Just one from froi the m deficit with i ntest at ■.50,(»0-seat < Heels In check for the It 10-0 four minulesules later, then the built a 3iH) lead over Nortorth Carolina of five previovlou^ bowl games as the three-touchdown thn outbreak,ik. that hold the Tar He adium. - in the third quqrter, but bu the Tar Tar Heels cccoach, said, “We self- began beg late in the third period.1. final nine minulnulcs of the game to Wildcats added anotm other Coslon field Heels rallied for three thr quick destructed InInthaflrsthalf. t Reserve R tailback TorinIn D om preserve the victiictory. - AdjAdams, who led Uie Pac-:c-10 In goal w llh th ree secoieconds remaining In . ; touchdowns. "We got bctbetter, but we were so far started stai the North Carollniina com- North Carolinaina finished Its season rushiishlng this season, carrierled 23 Uie first half. i RoseiStuart Clcmnson The2 more she! firactices,] outlaasts the moree gifted shee becomes Staniiford :oach Gordon Kerbs,J‘her By FLYNN M cROBER'5RTS Burley Coa .E, Fla. (AP) - outside shshooting is d ea d ly . . . I Times-News writer rterback Rodney don’t thinknk you can shut her down; :oach Danny Ford t have to contain her.” RUPERT - When:n you: work'at you Just I 3 learned s lot after lobcats will facc Minico for something, people saay y ;your success Kerbs’ Bobi 1 27-21 G a to r Bowl has been earned. When Wl success the first timlime Jan. 17. i llh-ranked Stanford comes nalurally, theyhey say it’s a Twin FaFalls Coach Paul Stover gift. says, "WhWhen she started as a It can be said thatat Rose Stuart, freshman.n. she was basically Just a star point guard for the M blco shoptw . ShSbc didn't have to handle girls basketball team,im. has earned the ball much. mu Since that time, she her gift. h as evolvolved into a complete . Some evidence of herhe success: a player.” ; - .. slarler for the Spartairtans since her The evoli'olutlon of her touch at the JACKSONVILLE, freshman year, shee 1is averaging freethrown line1 Is particularly Im- Clemson quarterl about 20 points peraer game this presslve.. "Rose' Is as good'a W illiams and Coac season, moking h e r• ththe top scorer freethrowiv shooters for a girl as I’ve agreed the Tigers le in the Gem S tate CoConference by ever-seen,’■n," Stover says, “If you escaping wtlh a 27 five points on average.>e send her• to the line, you might as w victory over 20lh-r Though the Spartanlans sit at M well put lloiltonthcscorelK)ard." Saturday. tUe com placent out overall this season,, U;they thumped The Bruiruins squeaked by Minico point lead and Uiey the confercnce powerhouse, last montlmth. 56-53. But in that e some adustmenls • ■ “ Highland, in a Cl-49 triumphtrii eariler ' meeting., "5"She had a great game.” said W Ullams. who • this month that stoppepped the Rams’ Stover saysays. "She really got hot in Uiletlc C oast Con- • Sl-game" winning streak. sir Stuart the fourth•th quarter and certainly on Tigers to a 27-0 scored 33 points In th1C e uupset. had this cocoach worried. You never Jge. She also Is leadinging the GSC In IlketoseeRe Rose Stuart gel hot." ached h is firsl col- freethrow shooting, w:with about an Highlandnd Coach Randy Rehrer re efghl'years ago hi “ 84 percent successrate;ate:------also had re:reason-to-worryrReferrlng— I5^1ctory-over-0hlo— — In large part, suchich accomplish- to the 333 pointsp that helped topple Hayes’ final game, "Tnents are earned - — as first-year his girls's’ victory streak, Rehrer ippy the team may Minico Coach Val ChrChristensen can says, “Pluj’lus shc shot 15 freethrows. s in Im portant lesson attest. You justt c.can’t send a shooter like “ We got a litUeolose. f "She has workedd hard1 on her hertothellie line that oflen.” Uiere wtUi a 27-poticlose to making us own." he says.' “Mo;Most girls Jusl And shoshooting Is nol her only (Stanford) maded said. si "W e need lo ■ don’t-play very mudluch out of the weapon, " M W to the option.” people sali away." season. She's al thes g; gym all of the “She scoscores a lol of points, bul sparked Uie AUiIe•0 halftime lead and lime.” . she passes the ball well too,” says ference championlatlon ' of Uie first 30 Bul her success also alsi Is a gift of Kerbs. "Yi"You have to be reallsUc: halfllme advantage.observers thinking natural lalent. Stuartart didn’t begin she’s theirelr primary scorer. But I Ford, who coach■s 35^ ro u t of Air playing on any organl:anlzed team un- think she’sj’svery unselfish.” leglate game herenlghl < be endangered til the eighth gradeade. One year -Most opposing op coaches agree H b " w % - 7a-celebrated-^l7-I5^ic-sldcd g am e in the later, shc w as suitingting up for the that Sluarllart Is primarily an offen- ^ a te in Woody ifUicGatorBowl.Ha Spartans' varsity crew, slve threatjat. “She’s nol the greatesl said he was happ}:h f lilh e d 8-2-2. roll- "1 was so IntlmlImldaled,” the defensivee player In the world,” have learned anis on I offense and 15 youngest of six childhildren says of says Stove)ver. "Bul that’s one area without having tothe lo: first half while starting as a freshm;hman. “It was where shellle has really Improved.” - "They came nanage do: Jusl 57 yards hard becausc she (former (fi coach Kerbs,, whow took over his current believers,” F ordowns. si Carol Bradshaw) alwiIways m ade me Job In Stuart's Sli sophomore year, leam how to put1 peo a 24-0 lead by the play against quick guaiuards,” sees her' a:as a double-edged threat. C lem son's 27-0managed h Ils initial lg for her to ad- “ She hass really r hurt us,” he says, ^ 1 complete domlnatl< It didn’t take long f way Uirough Uie se- Just, though. S tu artrt i says she felt “She hass tthe ability lo really take minules had ob: comfottable on theue court about over — bolboth offensively and defen- ' I North Carolina'sJiet : halftime locker- halfway through • her-ler-flrst varsity,*' slvely.” Force In 1963 mnford's igl Brad Muster, season, and the followlowing year she Such a reputation has been a as the most pnc-slall three Cardinal earned second team11 sall-conference mixed blessing, ble though. As the 42-ycar history ofthe Ull flndl half. “Once honors. She was an; hohonorable men- Spartans's' primary scorer, she Clemson. whiched, fl we finally reallz- tion pick as a Junior. draw s mlore or defenders, Minlco’sR oseStual a r t p a s s e s o n t h e r u n1 tt« o a te a m m a t e In a g aame n i against Idaho Falls ed up 291 yardsere oi al and played a And a quick looklc ala her perfor- "She hasn’t hai really shot as wcll first downs In the mance this season1 indicatesli lhat percentage3ge-wlse because they're stStuart to shoulder a greater beatable. We'vevc comc so close In so al schools.schi Stanford could man10 sh ared Mosl Stuart is headedj for another putting so much pressure on h e r,” burden. bi That doesn’t phase!h h er. many gam es.” Gre3reg Crimp, head coach at Nt and th ree first down'layer honors wllh notable year. says Chrlslristenscn. “It’s kind of fun," she says.s: “It But shc addsIds with confidence: Idaho3ho College, says. “ We’re \ Clemson builtUic a C ardinal on the in addition to thehe 33-polnt bar- Stover■ l5isn't convinced that ts a gives g| me more rcsponsibllbllllles.- If “ Things will com coi e around soon — interecrested in her ... we've hc time Stanford h ma a 1-yard TD run rage she showeredI-Highland H with, detriment,nL “She has the ability-to rI’m-out there, I have lo) help1 set real soon.” . — . shee can c handle the ball, and: sl first down midway1 the third period and____ the 5-fool, 7-inch gu:gunner finished shoot overver people with her jump things tt up... I try lo motivate r Though Stuartart hos her mind on well.'’ill.'’ cond period. lir of scoring passes wllh 23 points in Minl(Inlco’s 5(M6 vie- shot," hee says.s "I really think she’s U;them ." ' the currcnt season, sc it probably Is, covering 13 and 36 tory over Rigby lastst >week. Twelve a beller*r shooter when Ihere’s Stuart says the key toI tbreaking won't be herr last. I Shc has not HeHe adds, "W e a re looking Jlh quarter. of those 23 cam e In the final pressurejb br n h e r." 11the Spartans away from fi a decided on wheihere ^he wants lo at- guardards, and wc think lhal s: 11 over and die." said . ■ quarter. ____ .H er.posilositlon as the team ’s only m n edlocrc record is “ coi:onvinclng tend college,. but continues to ’ capable of stepping righ on 20 of 40 attem pts “There's no doubtit aboutal It." says four-yearir starter also has forced them u . lhal these teanams are receive rccruitlnIting mail from sever- andplplaying for u s.” ’i t w as a quietn his first collegiate ? room,” said Stanfoi who scored all touchdowns In the Uilngs got started. Is ed where we were Wildccards pneparefchr first skirmhi IshesiniNFLp, lltUewlUi pride.”wars Muster, who North Outstanding Playt R a m s mlotivated e by' im em ory of £51-7 wallopiMng Jets, (Chiefs expei e c t v i c t o r y te be Uie t difference io winning a Uie past, be has pro- ' ikes.” The Jets, howe Maybe so, but not all the Rams least untilI thetl Redskins prove they 2121 fourth-quarter points, in. Iilast SUn- Where Uie Jeits ts have flopped since a ng," Ing, safety Deron Cherry said ifldcnt he will rise to Igalnst a playoffs despile i '■ •' have forgotten wbat was the NFL’s canstophlm.Im. • da:day's 21-14 vlclory' over nine-game winnnning streak gave tbem “Whatever you.do, cr^ll ( n its last defeats, Uie firsl biggest playoff rout sinceICC 1957. "W e're goigoing back to tbe basics,” PhPbUadelphla. a 10-1 record,, the t^ best in the league, tearcams coach) Frank Gansz fc s not had a pass com- Into the such a feat In NFi “More than anythinglg I1 rem em ber said Roblnsoison. "We got off the track'tt "Jay ' was' very bad' fo:for three has been on!• attack.a Even though las has happened this year," E • Uian 30 y a rd s in Uie c 31 in- another first, the . . the low feeling, the fact fa that we a Ilttle bitit (lowardi the end of the quiquarters," said Gibbs. "“But he their defense hJhas allowed 183 points laid. said “ F rom Uie s ta rt, he has O'Brien w as unable to fumble Uielr starting q lame fleld with regular sea peaked In the fourth quartuier, and fn the five lossesses. It has been (be of- iiat that desire was simply the d ride receivers Wesley didn’t belong on the sam leason).. and it .was my pcj red 10 O’Brien, who has : hopefullyboi thal will cgntlnue.”. , fense's Inabilityily to move Uie ball and jetween betv th e spot w here we wj Al Toon for ony ~ them ," recalled Los Angeles Ani tackle fauU-’’ year, In- Uial he has fallen Schroeder, whow 4,ioS\ , passing get into tbe enend zone tbat bas put where whe we wanted to be. We I Uie losing s U e a k .. JackleSlater...... Washlngloi{ton-qoacb Joe Gibbs, ho? S I Burruss Ume high passing irterback Jim nothing hut vaid s Is the best lii teamD history; the defense onithe tli defensive. ' :o to beb In the playoffs and%c li scores and Toon had Rams rookie quarte ut respect for Dickerson. and one afler 10 weeks to knows bc can't afford to gete tp f f to a. 1 '-‘We’re .n o t: nm aking Uie plays wq iie Uiei desire In us to get Uiere.” e^lum p. Everett still was iq cccollege when wbo bas accaccounted for three of the bit leld goal, rankings a l 85.8. that game was played.d. but 1 be'says best 10 rush! rocky start agalnsl the Ranim s .' - V- m ade eariy in the season," Jets Kansas K City got Uiere by r e lo beat K ansas City ishing seasons hi NFL bis- roc imc from oyer, "All 10 team s in the pWydyoffs are tlghl end Mickc:kcy Shuler said. “Tbat [rom fror a Uiree-game slide for vl 'Brien said afler Uic several of his tearamatnates have let tory. ' iburgh In “ We needed a 11 0^)," claimed Robinson.n. doesn’t m ean1 v we ca n 't do it again, iver ovei the Broncos, Raider him know what he missedsed. ■ ‘ “He’s thele I best ruimlsg back In the 04 could give us Uie plays on shot In Uie arm,” i ■ I It' , that can said. "Whenever w , . '' ■ ( ' and Ios- to com e In' in theJl ( lid. duced. I’jn confldc : (special Uie challenge." for what New York has no Burruss pletlon of more thi IS told us five losses a nd O’B: distance connect with wide were and Walker and Al e wanted touchdowns in U) : InstUIed W alker had 12 sco eight prior to the^li ' rallying "W e ju s t have lo victories Uiis w eek,” O'Bri' lers and benching. ! [P ^ T im e s-N e w 8 , Twin Falla'alls, Idaho Sunday, Decsmtimber28,1966

Ailing: Iaylng M M M M quarter. Bailey,y, who had 2 6 .polnls In the tb first balf, -the PistonsIS came from behind to' eaearn their second ‘ wllh th e flii. scorcd 44 points,pol to lead the Chicago) 6Bulls , scorcd four durin;■Ing the run. straight viclictory. The Pistons have nonow won seven of I to & 105-93 NBA victory'i overo\ the Indiana Pacers Satur-Sa Pro b a s k e t b a l l Ihelr last el|eight and 13 of 16 to improverove their record to ; d a p l ^ t . ______Hawks 11 Jorcfan’s performance:e marked the ISth timee this ■■■■' ------19, Warriors IOS® 8 '^Washlngto;lon, which led through mo!mosl of the game, ! ____s e w n , he h a s reachcd.lhLthe_40i>oint_niark_and the.:ie-13th , . . .ATWHTA.(APAP) -J T h re c frec.tbrow s; by D o c ^ v e ts .went cold in. in the closing minules. Tho”ha Bullets failed to ‘ - Ume In the B ulls’ last 166 games.gi Jordan leads the lealeague gam e winning streakc for(oi M llw aukeir ~ keyed a fourth-qli-quarter surge tbat helped>ed the A tlanta score for 2:20 2: after Moses Malone’se’s three-point play ; wfth a 37.7 point scoring av(average. New York led 76-73■73 late in the third quartet«r before' Hawks hold offlirihe stubborn Golden Stalele VW arriors 119- gave Washln;ington a 100-98 lead with2:3737 nrem aining. Indiana took advantagejge’of five Chicago turnoverrers to Cartwright scorcd elgleight stralghi points in 1:04,M, giving 108 Saturday nighIght and win their 20th NBABA game of the build a 30-20 lead In the• first(Ir quarter. Jordan startedted the th e Knicks an 84-75 ad\advantage. Afler the Knickscs took an season, game but sat out ncariy halfhal that period, .84*77 lead-lnto-the lotlourth quarter, they oulscocored tbe Golden State; gotg within four points forlor lhe Kcond Maceriricks 123, Suns 9 7'. But whcn^Coach Dougug Colilns was faced withI a 10* Bucks 9-1 to start thee periodp and didn’t lead by lessI< than time in the finalal period when tbe Hawksi stagedst an 11-2 DALLAS (AP) ( — Rolando Blackmanlan scored 28 pointi i point deficit 40 start thebe i sccond quarter, JordanI came ci 12 thc rest of the way. rally to pul the gamgai eaw ay. as the Dallasas Mavericks cruised lo a1 123-9712^ NBA victory ! off the bench to score 13 of hls,21 first-half pointsits and The spurt begargan when R ivers w as fouled^ byb Eric Floyd over the Pho(loenlx Suns Saturday night, , ^ Jidp Chlcago_regaln thele lead.-4B-47,-by.lhe.end1 Ofof. the jv ete 120, Catavslll- _•__ and sank two] 1 free throws. He Immedlledlately made The viciorjry, th e MlHwesl Division-lea•leading Mavericks’ ; flfsthalf. another when Flbj’loyd was called for a technlcaiJcalfoul. 14lh in the 1:lasl 18 games, was Ihclr sevseventh straigW at I EAST RUTHERFOR•ORD, N.J. (AP) - Jameses Bailey ciUf Levlngstorlion added three points duriniring tbe streak home. II alsoso pul Dallas, 19-9.10 gamnes es over .500 fo T lh fe -!-'- ucks 100. camc off the bench to scorci a career-high 35 poltolnlsand as Atlanta pulled>d tot 116-101 w ilhl:531eftinth(I the game. first lime intl1 the leam ’sscvcn-ycarhistor)tory. ; Knicks 114, But leammale Orlando W Wcoolrldge added 24, sparkrking the The victory was'a s Atlanta’s 11th In 12 homeeda^. di Afler Dallalias had built a 79-5(> lead midmidway Ihrough the > NEW YORK (AP) -■ BillB! Cartw right scored 10 of his New Jersey Nets to0 a 120-111 NBA trium ph oover the third period,■d. Phoenix trimmed it to0 9<90-79 with 1? se- I season-high 26 points durduring a 17-5 second-half strslreak Cleveland Cavaliers SatSaturdaynlght. e conds left Inin the period. Dallas built: its lead back to 19 ; day nlghl 1107, 1 Bullets 105 lhat carried the New YoiYork Knicks lo their firstt ^NBA The Nets, who dropm>ppcd a I2M12 decision Frldt .PlstonS early in the2 fourth I quarter, 100-81. andnd PhoenixI went on ; vlclory over the Milwaukeukee Bucks In three years, a 114- to Cleveland lii Hlchfictifleld, Ohio, have now won1 Ithree of LANDOVER,, Md.K (AP) - Islah Thomasja s bll a 23-foot a n 8-0run lo) ccu t it lo 100-89, with 7:26 left::fl ilin thc gam e. i lOO decision Saturday nightght.- their last four games.I. jump shot al thcthe buzzer to give the Delrcstroll Pistons a The Mavercricks led 59-45 al halfllmene andi trailed only ; ■ ?The Knicks had losl 15 straight games to the BiBucks New Jersey, 7-20. trailed tr: throughout mosl off theI first 107-105 NBA vIcUctor/ over the Washingtonn BulletsB Satur- once. They jijum ped out to a 10-2 lead,. bul bu Phoenix tied'lt ; slhce last beating them on Dec. 17,1983. The victoryry was period and was behindInd 29-21 be'fore scoring eighght of the day night, a l 12 al thc 6:536 mark. Pinckney’s threeiree-polnt play gave • li' tlje third slraighl for NcNew York and snapped a I five- last ll polnls to pull■ull within 32-29 at the endid of the Thom as scorcdcd 11 of his 26 points in thcI finfinal perlod.-as IhcSunsalS-:5-14 lead midway through the[heperiod. ( ; kentuccky visiits hom(lecourt: defeatt on stnuggling[ Louisvville j I ILOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) (AF - Freshman guard debut. defense in th e first half to improve ihcllheir record lo lO-O. ; - (ftapm on scored 25 p-1, hit 11 (of 17 three-point shols,I, wlUi Salurday. the T T( erps oulscorcd the Eagle:gles 10-3 at the > CITY, Mo. (AP) - Kennynny Smith scored 19; (Jbapman m aking five ot of eight. The Wildcats shotlot S4J The vlclory Improveoved the T rojans’ record toI 55-5, while start of the secon(ond h ^ f to lake a 42-30 lead. points andI JJo e Wolf added Ifi Saturda;rday night to power, [Ercent on 32 of 59 shols,Is, \while Louisville m anaged:id 21 of the Volunteers droppedped to 5-2. fourth'-rankeked North Carolina lo ann 8181-62 victory over! a field goals for 36.2 perceircenl. Harris’ score broke;ke a 76-76 lie, then T rojan gu;fuard Rich T*.rt,___ /:• #as callcd 67, N.C. state 62 K anssS S taleUe in college basketball, {Louisville fell lo 4-6 as leading scorer Pervis EllEllison Grande added a freeee throw aflcr Tennessee wj iOttipaOA arolina, 8-1, fashipned a 43-:43-33 halfllm e lead I w as held lo four polnlss aiand the Cardinals' Inside> gamg e on a technical foul. , • TAMPA, Fla.i. (AP)( — John Jones scoredred 30 points, in. lUt il away with a 24-8 run1 al the beginning ofl neversurfaced. Trojan forward DerDerrick Dowell, who scored1 :M points eluding a basketcet and two s inI ththe (Inal 33 se- half which gave the Tar Heelseels a 67-41 bulge. ; 1 The smaller Kentuckyly squads outrebounded the dedefen- overall, provided som;ome breathing room bylTdtradlng lwo conds.ioieadNCNCAA Division II power Tram an pa lo a 67-62 c " si' Slale. 8-3, never got closerer lhanI 19 polnls ln| (jbg national champions:is 441-33. Richard Madison led the m ore from thc line, Upset of IHh-ran‘anked North Carolina Stateate on Saturday half. yildcats with 17 rebounds.ds. night. isan K-Slatc crowd in Kempcmper Arena saw the; -Jones' pullupp JumperJi In the lane afler■ NorthN( Carolina Loyola 83, IUIllinois 82 Wildcats trail early by 100 p< points and pull to< ^ Stale’s Charless iShacklpford missed a free St. John’s 64, V 7 w ilh six m inules left in thc0 fitfirst half. ! Virginia 58 CHICAGO (AP) - 1Bernard Jackson scored 313 points, Tam pa a 65-62 le:lead. The 6-foot-4 senior guaiiiS’rd'SX : «“ v NEW YORK (A PI-MM a ark Jackson led ISth-rankeiiked St. Kellh C arter 18 andd AAndre Moore 17 as Loyolala stunned (ree throws forr t the final m argin of victor]lory wllh 16 sc- ohn’s on a 16-0 run earlsarly In the second half andmd the ninth-ranked IllinoisIs 8 83-82 Saturday in a nonco:conference conds left. indiantla 82, Illinois St.■t. 58 1 nbeaten Redmen withsloislood a Virginia rally for a <64-58 coilege basketball gam;ame. . . . . North Carolinz(ina Stale, playing wllhoutout Coach Jim •lumph In th c 35th ECAC: aC Holiday Festival loumatlam ent The Ram blers, 5-3•3 £after winning their fourth* straight Valvano who dldiIldn't make Ihc trip becauscise of a viral in- INDIANAIAPOLIS (AP) - Tournam'lament MVP Steve; aturday. game, sliced a flve-po>polnt Illinois lead in the seeccond half fcdion, commllliUled 23 turnovers In thc g’aigam e and shot Alford scoreired 21 points and forward RickRlt Calloway ad d ------The victory put the Redmen, Re 8-0 , In Monday nifnight’s and wenl ahead of[ tholh Illinl. now 8-2. by as5 imany 10 o^iy 27 percentI fifrom the field In the sccondond half when 11 cd 19 as No. N 8 Indiana defeated IlliIllinois Stale 82-58; hamplonship game againainst No. 19 G eorgia Tech, a3 79-61 : points. bIcwalO-polntlcjlead. S a lu rd a y lclo capture the team’s> fifthfl consecutive; 'inner over Rutgers In in the first game al Madladlson Jackson was almostosl flawless in (he sccond half,h; scor- ^ HoosierClas;issic. quare Garden. ing 18 points. n topped Fresno State. 71-571-57, for third place! eft in the S y r a c u s ce n n S Q Princeton Jackson, a 6-foot-3 senlo:nlor point guard, scored 155 o:of his Norman’s jump shot-lot ^ i t h i about a minute lef 107, Hawaii La. o u o y inlheconsol:}lation round. 7 points in the sccond ha!half and seven points duringing the game trimmed Loyola’>la’s lead lo one polnl. PEARL HARBiIBOR. Hawaii (AP) - Sherrlerm an Douglas Indiana sciscored six consecutive pointsinls lo grab the lead* 6-Ospree which overcameme a 34-27 R edm en deficit. scorcd 18 pointsis to: lead No. 7 S yracuse lo a 107-89 Vic- for good, 9-1,4, w ith 15:15 to play in the first[irst half. I Maryland 76^6, Winthrop 58 lory over host HaHawaii Loa in the champion*ionship gam e of A 17-fool jijum pshot by Cliff Petersonon withv 13:34 10 play; JSC 81, Tenneiressee 76 (ot) , . , the Holiday Cla:'lassie basketball toumameimenl Saturday cut the Hoososier lead to one, 9-8. But in theI nexl 2:30, In-; COLLEGE PARK,I, NMd. (AP) - Junior Derricrick Lewis njght . diana scoredid eight straight points. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AI(AP) - Guard Ivan Harris'Is' only< scored a career-highgh 23 points as MarylandI deleatrf\ Wlchlla Slates defeatedd Fresno Pacific,. 65-54,65 for third Indiana, 9-9-1, forccd Illinois State tolo C'commit elghl lur-; ^leld goal of the gam e broijroke a tie with six secondsi leflle in W lnthrop 76-58 In ils season opener Salurdayy nlghl to p|a|.5. novers in lhthe first 9;13 and the RediU dbirds could only; _ jvcrtim e lo pace Soulhernicm Callfomla to an 81-76 vievlclory give Bob Wade a vivictory in his collegiate

'Scores J N a v y ^y ’ s R o b ii r n s o n t o o ) ta ll fo r I S U : L -~ . • LAS VEGAS.>. Nev.] (AP) - Senior closcloser than 11 points in the firsirst half stale outscored lhe lh Vandals 2'3-5‘' ' rMUtWX ^Al PilM*nl. Mrt.u,i. cenler David IRobinson scored 28 andnd ended up trailing 61-32 £at the over the nexl 10D minutes m lo take d “H S > points lo lead lllh-ranked11 Navy lo a brea!reak. 68-40 lead wilh1 eightei minules lc< 78-56 vlclory ove)ver Idaho Slale In th e fJfcJtah State 81, play. . |jBA standings NFL playoffs , « <-x opening gam e! of ol the UNLV Holiday Freshman guardltd Gary< Payton tiecl , ■ ti; M !>' Ntuonti FooSKi pur«PUyom Classic collegegc basketball touma- ^t(Jtah 75 an Oregon Slateite record wllh l4 I E&anm confercnci j Autnue ^ gj suit lu 6 li rncnl Salurday nlghl.nl LOLOGAN, U lah (AP) - .Junior. J assists. Includingg 11II In lhe first hair, No.'* 1-ranked.!d. Nevada-Las Vegas guaruard Kevin Nixon and sophc'hom ore and finished wilh112 12 points. 1 i iil ifj*« m et Old Dominicinion in the second h alf forw,)rward Reid Newey pumped^ in 17 Idaho, falling: lo 7-2, w as led by !«'> DotSUlcn H 1-3 11.' nlxp«*M” « 1»: d* FliSri'. c,„C ,1 ofthclournamcnicnldoubleheader. 'pointoints apicce lo lead the Ulahlh Slate Andrew Jackson'sn's 13 points. VinsOn iianu « • 'M - I.*6ub ' w‘i*i"Oto" 0/ sjn f'lrwueo Jt CJ The 7-fool-l Robinson R proved too Aggiggics lo a 81-75 victory ov-Pr^Mnll Ml Bowls u i t i m a r i )uch as 12 points in the first•sl half. ccnl. 151 toul ■» ^ •"««««c«net« Navy. 5-1. adadvances lo Monday mud J”"'* SUnlort 0C 0 M4-7I night’s champlopionship game. Idaho but!ul saw thc spread dwindle loto 41-37 . S x . il li .S nMANA m> Supernc.iiiP»'uiitM.t«i.i .4.Ipmb' CMm>M r : alhaI halfllme. DAHOlMI « tl i- lii State fell I0 6 -I. ^ “(WrjiciiO" » in'jVj fl" ____ The_Midshlpmpmen opened a_40-21,._ ’ATayup by”lhe'Utes’ Milch P!ifi - ,«n .t,e.e..7i halftimeme and built lheir ad- ^ 0 tol.l.JSil4.|JV! OMOOMI vantage lo 55-30•30 with 13 minules lo 'ith 16:14 left In thc gam e putUt U ta h ^««.*tt4-.1J,...„anHlC I C I 11 ii 11-'■ S f c,.,. , aheahead by one. Bul Danny Conway Cc “.".'•4 4 4...r,f,.rr. Fi.enjn J« }j o, h»>s« : j m "..'ii' I.,., P'ay- ■ F iC i is '!■> S'i'M.'Ki-.WAV'eSiMiv!4)v andnd IGllberl Pete, who cach sco::orcd 14 c-i.^o-io>-1 0.1.1 0. Tool! I ■ S’.'W ilVSJ-M .W iR.': for)r the I Aggies, camc back wll/1th two IS s a n consionsecutive field goals lo give • rouT»d OMl-«On« Ottioundl-lnijug U tah g i AUAU IU ll il»uii & S ...... ppSSST Toul>»4] 1».2] n. SBnAEilootolOtt Pimnj'' ” :il ” 1 . S S J S r.iklin?4: “ '. J 7. Oani S-I}}-1 ll. ’uiut TilThe back-lo-back scoring a IklienltlA ClipMtt.im cJmoAltVl* ."Oi» « t IJ.J^l ft-J wl. Molllon J-*7M010.C«n«««M.04.R««.l.»^ io ■EW DRINKS 11 P>ui»(Hl[inui1SKH'Ti«olo Inl UHVtH (lOai ooiiDo CoiiMi7Mjtota!t:< parked a sccond half thal sasaw te NEED A FEV i V n cad change hands eight times,fs B ul a J U S T T O) KEEP IT :: PhuMrphdtlLA r Al Cl Puo. Tou {ixon layup with 2:52 remainiining pul TOGETHER?R? “ THAT’S :: J B A b o x e s MontanaI iSt. 121, heAggksaheadforgood. -ALC0H01.ISI.ISM” IT’S A :: MWAUKEC [\ £ ° ' Z BOZEMAN, MMont. (AP) — Tom f j , 43 Al HOnMU daho 58 CALALL ^ ;OT Domako and Rajla y Willis lossed In 22 S f i S S a E S'“°"l’iJuVn4C*3;/ ‘McMci'* J- J «4gi polnls each lo le;lead Montana State to PORTLAND, PO Ort. (AP) - y,; 5inAnloJ, rt U."M10U.».» « Tc a 121-81 roul of)f (Cal Poly-Pomona in wardard Bill Sherwood scorcd 16 \ .....- flijcomi “ H9r*>rvniCiaiRi»>>c>l C --o .,-5 w ’i. V,.; Montana Stale,le. now 7-3, Jumped on cent2nl from the field In thc firsts t half, KC vu lhe Broncos atI thetl starl, running to Sherhcrwood led thc way, hittinglg eight t e ' h s . loi" st.ll/ a 20-4 lead sixsix m inules into the of[ his first nine shots from the flofloor. '* ' An.Am«iiMii Bowl "J '5! game. Id!Idaho closed to within 10 ata t 45-35 . , * i» ''/'jI Cal Poly-Pomiimona could get no earlyirly in the sccond half, bul 0 W anfodl.I!... e l l ' d f i j ’J Uonlji\*9l tJrC*I^VpomoA«Sl ^ Sporl* “ SSM^VToll'i u'llo J Correcpoilondenfs :S T . r i n Itu •JJ 0>ano'TuSi t U CoKyUAl Ot, OtuJC "I'CCIIVIKG-Noiin cji0i.ru I t *' Flnl ftoona .... S lT H a n k -YOU J - Tho Timos-Now: ^V. IKinant. W Vl. (i. Onw l>xrinict/i tt lows is looking i g5«.n.s:~SK .r.;..'™ v for corrospondi>ndonts in tho J Magic: Valley for 10 1 Wonderful • Twin Fails oroo ore tc holp CioigKlvcnnn'giOtiitl P H Years,. To Show OiOur Apprecia- , c o v er M agic VcVolloy sports. ' ,v,; Knowlodgo of boskotboll, ;* [ i f l tion: ■ w restlin g a nid d trockt o^son- * tioi; Applicantsints should bo 1™ A ”™” fro o to worl. jS& Kr.SI, ".."‘"OlonJMU «»».. 6»)»(TlOI-n,ti Mjin.n oHarSp.m. -

JENKI f 633Eastla

i . J U - . Sunday, Docomber:ir28,1B88 TImes-Newa.Tw.TwinFalis,WahoM ; Manley^ admitts mistaake, rej N FL careerr this season after “I let my teammates and theth fans skins’two-hour pratpracllce. The Falcons fireded fou^yea^ Coacb Dan Henrinning on Monday and ing ini be used “bad Judgmenl•nt” in not finishing secondm d ln th e N F L w ith lS H dowilown and th at's most ImporK)rtanl,” Since th e leaguiague began keeping theo olfered the Jobb totc Vermeil, now a CBS sportiirtscaster. sbsbowiogup for tbe session. sacks. Manitanley said, 'i made a badad Judg- statistics for sack]acks In 1982, no one Verm eil turned downdoi the offer In a Saturdayay telephone conversa- “ 1 would like to say .thislls w as m y H e practice*Iced with the leam mennent and now ask my leamimmates has registered^I. n:more sacks lhan tion with FalcoDSs ExecutiveE Vice President.alJTayloiLSmitb. _m:-mistake.and I'm very sorr;rry for it," Saturday andI wUlw play Sunday wben andmd lhe community to forglv[ive me. Manlfey. His 1 4 career sacks ane ^ k e s m a n CbalrfleT)eD ayton. ManleyM said In a prepanu e d state- Washinglon maimakes Its fourth trip to Rigllight now what I would like: tito do Is two better thanin JM ark G aslibeau's . Dayton quoted SmSmith as saytag, “We knew:w It w as a long shot, m e n t. .the playoffs inthlthe past five years. helplelp this football team win1 itomor- total for the NewV YorkYo Jets. but Dick was thei fi:first person we tbougbt aboulab after making a R e d sk in s C o a c b J o e Gi:Gibbs said Hours after;r be m issed practice row.■ow.’’ Before this year,ear, Manley was best. coaching decision.I. DickI w as very honest and an up front, but in- Manley., M would be fined “t“the max* Friday. Manleinley bad a private Gibbs, Gl who said he talkliked' le apology Manley satt outo most ot training Manley M sat. out contacl;l drills since the 1982 seasolason. . -- visitingfamilyinCail:;ailstoga, Calif. Vermeil, 50, saidId ( e a rlie r in the week that. thtti e Falcons’ offer in- terested him, but he needed tim e to decide whetherwb he could "get E H Z 3 Z I I 7 back into the framele ot0 ! m ind" to coacb ag a b . 1 3 " Color Televvision Now Slasheh e d 2 o ! ^ M ' By RRati adio S h a c k ' iN onv ay h o n o r s d is tam i c e r u n n e r 1 9 5 - , ' OSLO, Norway (Al(AP) — Long distance runneiner Ingrid Kristiansen 249.95 has been voted Norvorw ay’s Athlete of the Y earir in 1386 by members *.SS' 199 of the Norwegian SpoSports W riters Association. LowA«S20PwUrllooth* I . The associationI aiannounced Saturday that; KristiansenK collected P e rfe c t siz e for kitchen, bcbodroom or dormi ^ 4 51 votes among itss m em bers. Sbe Is the lOth ww< om an to win this an- O n e -to u c h autom atic fine-1o-tunlnaforde- nual award since itsitslncepUoninl948. ll tailed picture and lifelikeI color.o Hapkl-on Runner-up, withh 446 points, was the women'en's national handball picture and sound. #t6-23**37 DiagoAAiry nMMurod ' team, which placed,ed .third In the World Champnpionsbips eajlier this in a l ! month. Greco-Romaiman wrestler Jon Roennlngec;en w as a distant third I SEN! with six points. Stereo VHS VCC rH VHS Hi-FiflVCR N ’ m M odel 31 by R oalististte* g Model 41 by R( M id n ig ht t: r u n a t tr a c ts s t a r s ? YE•AR-ElND I NEW yORK (AP)iP) - WeodySJyo/BrilafnaD and defending men’s champion Vlnce DraDraddy .will compete in the> annualai Midnight Run iBI; on New Year’s Eve,ve, sponsors of me S-mile racrace announced Satur- day. Sly, winner of thehe 5sliv er medol In the women'en’s 3,000-meler run at |95!»“ 4a9 9 9 5 | ■ V '' Reg. 499.19.95 ■ ' W R,Reg. 599.95 .. IheLosAngelesOlyralym plcs, won the 1964-85 MidnlInlghtR un. Low A»S23 Per Month. The race Is p art it cof the annual New Year’sr ’s Eve, celebration In LowA*S30P*fUonth« exciting ' Central Park, whentiere tb e new year Is grceteeted with a fireworks MTS/SAP storoo tuner andvS Our finestl Hear exc mlism stereo from prerecotecorded M14H display. Dolby* NR add superb real to viewing! HQ provides ai mr ore tapes. Tape a n d pla d e ta ile d picture. W ire le ssi re-ri stereo Tv. Hlgh-defitdeflnltion HQ A u s s ie s rn e a r D av is CC u p w in m o te . #16-701 R«moto banerwriM eit(a. sy ^em , w ireless Iren remote. im&611 'TU Dolby UboniotWi Licen«*f>flmoCotp Ramota battwW* extta MELBOURNE, AustraliaAn (AP). - Pat Cashih and; John Fitzgerald S i defeated Sweden's's vworld doubles championsOS Stefan Edberg and i A nders Ja rry d 6-3,'3, i6 ^, 4-6, 6-1 Saturday andid moved Australia to .within one victory.^ o_fo_f_ending S w e d e s tw ^yearear reign Ml)avls.Chip _ 33-N um ber Memclory Combinationon Remote fe champion. § ' 3-Way Bass-1i-Reflex Compalact Disc Digital S Tbe doubles triumiumph gave the AustraliansI a 2-1 lead in the best- , f Speaker Syiystem Aucudio Player Ai uto-D laling Phoione Answerer/TeTelephone I of-flve final. Shack TAD-250 bylyDUoFONE D g O ptim us;^^ by FlRealistic CO-X^2000 by Realistic [D U 6FO N E*-170 by R a d io Sh Cash, 21, who defelefeated Edberg In tbe openinjling singes match Fri- day, has the chanctmce to clinch the championsinship when he meets h a l f g H C u t. [ j n r S a v e ' i Mikael P em fors inn ththe first singles match Sundaiday. > R IC E - g a S 2 9 % ■ f L '*80 I G ia n ts minay have Manin u e l b a c k ; 0 9 5 S a v e EAST RUTHERF(IFORD, N.J. (AP) - The NewNe York Giants may . ? 149954995, 111 119951 have receiver Lionel>nel Manuel back on the tieldild in tim e for the fJIFL f R eg. 259.95 Reg. 199.95 m playoffs, Coach Bill111 ParceilsF said Saturday, * 1 1 0 R eg. 6 9 .9 5 W g i p * : ■ AiSSO Pm Month* OOPwMoftth* k “He’s looking aa Hilittle better,” Parceils satdltd during practice. “I SaveS140onapairlirlto-.woolor. JUito-dials 30 otten-callednuilum- ___„Vok:eTacthrtited_duldual.microca9-._, 1 _____ ------have-a-responslbllltjIllty to give us th e te s t chanc«nee to wln.-If-he'll give—------^ - 2 % " tweeter.-4*-midndrango.-Beal- -DKC0 »0«!igdigital audioLErograni------A: >iT)ory plays up to 15 cuts bod.” walnul veneer. 23%, “ - h i ^ mablamciTK in any orderJer you choose. #42-5001 bt»rs. Tone/pulse dialing'. Tone/Pulse dialingJlingl. #43-315 ? ____; M anuel, who up> untilur a couple o( weeks ago0 ccould barely bend his 14 [>4033 left knee bccause ofot an injury,- ran easily durinring practice and m ade 3 S - R e f l e x Seven-B and AulJto 2-Station}n Wired | his usual quick, sbanlarp cuts and several fingertiptip catches. Two-Way EJasj ' Full-!l-Size Stereo Parceils has untilntll Saturday to decide wheihether to play Manuel Speaker ByVStCT HeadpiIphones Cut *10 Equalizer/B oostiiter Intercomn SSy^em | Francisco 49ers or the when the Giants,, 1414-2, host either the San F r Nov3*-15 Nova-»0 by Realistic By Realistic- ■ By Archer* Los Angeles R ams fofor the divisional title on Jan.an. 4. t)y R e alistic M anuel Injuredi thethi knee hi the fourth gamle e (of the regular season ^ C u t I when New Orlean1 StSaints strong safety Antoniolio Gibson hit him hard HALF ■ ■ In th e end 2one. He has spent tbe past 12 games g< on the injured PRICE ■ ® 4 0 % ( reserve list, but fetuietumed to practice two weeks:ksago. B 895 R eg. 14.95 / • §14 9 5 3^ 399 T h e Ideal M I W e b b 3 9 » l W ilson w ill rreplace Spud \ Reg. 7 9.95 ^ 9 0 9 ^ Reg. 24.95 Electronic ■ ■sey iast month when tbe v n r Reg. 59.S»,95 B ab y eltter ^ ATLANTA (AP) - Journeyman New Jerse; 1 Foaturos 8 - B ig 3 '4 -' *dfTvere deltvef fuil- ned free agent Otis Bird-' Save $80 o n a pairi F .guard Mike WilsonI vwill ■ have a Nets slgne< if. Genuine fartge storeorod sound. Cushioned ;Add 40 watts of povrar andd com-( Perfect for home,-cle.campors, % woofer, 2%*’ twootof. powered. #43-221 . chancc to replace InJiinjured Atlanta song, walnut veneer. 19' high.hi( and adjustablo head- ploto ( tonal controll 4-speakeker fa- boats! Battery pow ------I Banary exua Hawks guard Spud Webbebb. Jf signed,jd,"WlIs6n would b^tfie No.• *40-4034 ...... t)and. #33-{ der. #12-1871 guard. He originally was Coach.Mike Fratellitello said lhat 3 point gu - ‘-I . Wilson,.who played two twi seasons at drafted by by Cleveland In the third ------Marquette with Hawksvks starter Doc round In 1981982. _ r i s s i n i Rivers, has been offer.rered a Haw^awks learned Tuesday that II be out for three months, contract. Computer^p If he accepts. Fratellitello sold Wllsoa ArthroscopIopic surgery Indicated his '■ Powerfulll 64K Slimlirline Tandy 102 >29'X' Off Triple-Molode Full-Size Cc - probably would be at Iloday's prac- right knee.re. Injured Dec. 5, w as more Dot-Matrix Print)iter WorkcenteIter Desk ^ seriously ddamaged than previously' 1 Color Compiputer 2® Portabable Computer . tice. D M P 130 b y Tandy ^ By Tandy “W e'ye told him thaithat there is no believed, * 1 0 0 < ' ~ ~ ~ ~ l S a w guarantee beyond the th( 10 days," .^npipapi * 1 0 0 O f f ^ F ratello said of Wilson,on, a resident ot iw e * 6 0 o „ *30 ■ . Q w as Waived by . nearby Marietta who w 999^399 24995^^^8995 - F 900^ 3 Reg. 99.95 Reg. 349.95 ipHEisEirMijn S 5 .0 0 Has.monltor shell,ill, roomn lor com- X —— ” LMAaCiCOPfcMonOi. Fivoprogragram s and a phono mo- {.H as word processing, data1 pro-r puter, printer a ndd wtworkspacel I 33niAHNU C' f>roQram it with btbuilt-in Ex- dem aro bubuilt righi in! With word qcessing and dot-addressabkble #26-1350 ry. «2&<3803 I*26-1280 UL TUrOY 1000»tonwus to M 'a • . SflFWMflISTQCO - - BaSeriosmini _ trocxwowwWHAlf Offl liS: : ■ C L E A R Al NNCE ■ i M g : H N o w IIn n .. H 32-Nutnber KMemory Dual-CaCassette System Five-Band Caiir Portablee /AM/FM I ' : ■ P r o g m i H [ M l l l l Desk/Wall Telelephone Withh Buitt-ln EQ Equalizer/B oostster Dual-Cassetlette Stereo | :^B70IM olnA«^E:^3 Jp OLI6FONE-fl5 by' RRadio Stiock CtannollX)tto"-120 by Realistic By Roailstk; S C n -27 byly RlRoalislic g S a w O f f * 8 0 I ' I m b i 5995149' J 9 5 ,Sls I Reg. 89.95 Refl- 2 9 . 9 5 ------SS 299 R e g . 5 4® .f SS99* Ble w L Lowow A* S20 Per Honlh • •-S5 LowAataOPw0 Por Month* ^ Memory stores 322 rnumbers for Copy persorsonal cassottesi Built- Addf 40 watts ol powor andd"cus- ‘ Copies personaliaal tapes at high ^ : i ' ■ one-touch dialing.I. CO vbook in s4)andid iequalizer, phono. FM tomlze" t your a to m 's sounjnd! Fo- speed! R ecord FM slereo, AM, ^ (t ^ F O R dialing. “ Flash" bulxjtloa Tone/ storoo andm d AM. 17'-high speak- der, < 5-levei LED power met€5ter. R ts or "live". 5" wooleoolers, piezo f?. •ATH pube'dialing. *4^« 0 0 \ efs. #13-12M224______■ under I dash. #12-1865 tweeters. #14-793’93 Boltor'ios( oxua ^ PersonalJ Hand-HeldfPortable0 D esktop AutomaticAi FM "Crtredit Card" Portabiable AM/FM | Pocket Pagtger P h o n e Dlrec^ o r y P hone DhDirectory Recjcelver Cassetlsette Player i ^ ByRadtoShiShack By RadiosJioS tincit Hily-Ttiln-n-byRooil3tlc MlniMIIO'-i y ■ m PRKICE 4 3 ^ Off r ^ flMlIt' If— L : m m m |95 3 9 5 I 1 i m i 99.95 R*0.«.95 L — J 4 0 ^ 14 9 5 H A L F 1 4 9 5 sav e tMTviM N ever forg^ anothothor Off 1 4 f f l •str* phone rHjmberl FoiwFo ardor PRICE r 3 9 “ snc FIBROSIS BOWL FOFORBllUlH R*fl. 29.95 -THE CYST! Idool for b u sin ess{or 0 revofse scroOinga accessesa Push tho alphap h a b e tiz e d R*q. 69.95 m I W lilch w a s1 h(hold on Novombor 8, 19E1986 Olid during i l homor'SiientPagbgtng" anyitfSOOnamesesand keystoqulcWy:k!y fin d a n y ol Only l.S mim a thinl Superb p lay casscassettes, record ^ rtton. With oar- - FM .AM o lhomonliiof(of October wos a succoss. m ode. Novir avaB^ w i n phone numtMfSibiseo* b> over300phonck rodio with tolephono. 'SWITCKAeUTOUCH-'ID■TOtf/PlUE ptanes «wk Oft bo«) Kmt wwd pob h n . TTKtttore. m m s hntnaiv

I ? / • V tk I CMJlme»-N8w*.Twlnwin Falls. Idaho S undev. Oecembor26,ig66Oe GrudjIges adcd spice to1 yachlit semii[finals Theycdidn^tnatime it FREMANTLE, AtiAustralia (AP) - The' fourth' fi and final defenseise he beat us fair and squaBare when we tober, Uielriir only loss coming to Iley for riilothing - z Stta(hy-be^ two0 grudge-matcbes,-eliminatl14 (renchmen. . Sun. Valley - ■'Sunun Valley . : I u ls of tbe America'sa 's Cup yacht rac- Bond sysyndicate, defeated Steak’n t’n sailed a nice race.” French skskipper Marc Pajot said,“ reported clear skie •T baw ttk$. Kidneyf toI move into a Ue witblib . R em inding that bis I yacht was Saturday he.wouldhe be flyhig a red“ temperatures ta the lo^ S kirejR u ooe best-of-seveinren semifinal, tbe Kockabuibura III in the series. Sister^ “more successful again ilnst S tars & protest (lagg duringd lhe race, Saturday, with tio ch^hange ex . U -m eter y acbt USAIA ifrom San Fran- ship Kookabura Ko II threw somene Stripes than anybo< Mdy else," The Freneinch have argued tbat tbe® pected today. Christmasas Lift No. dsco takes on tbe! SSan Dlegobased discordi intoi the series by be'Httngng Blackaller said: “Next[t week we'U liberglass construction of NewI 5 opened for the season1 Salunlay.£ :— ■ f: Stan 4 'Stripes,i, skippered by Kookabuibura III by 12seconds, see some very lough ra rachig at the Zealand violiolales stipulations of the^ There is 18 incbes of man-madem Amertca’s Cup velerteran Dennis C o o -' The wirwinner of the challenger seriesles very highest level, andi isome things original deec eed of gift, which governs^ snow a t the b a se of Ldwiiw erW arm — on. will nieclicet one of the Australianan will em erge from bolh- th-boats thal the way in which-America’s Cup^ Springs; which is now op _.L . - .- A grudge match?' ■ yachts in February to detennlne tbebe will surprise you. races m ustit be I run. The French also" wllh Flying Squirrel,3 ^ * °U wct 8;45 and lhe DecloDe< serv ice statioQ • *‘Yop,'’ said USAISA skipper Tom,America’ca’s Cup winner, “ I know it wiii surpi rprise me. It have tlirealealened to take the matter,,*’* River, Upper ( ^ l l ^ e andnd Q uarter at9. r BlackaUer. . USA andan Stars & Stripes met threece always does,” Blackallerer said. "You to He New ew York Stale Supreme® Dollar. Hours loday: 9:3:30 a.m. to Soldier Momlooiaain — Scddler . “Yup," Conner agregreed. tim es in preliminary eliminations.IS. do all the tuning and testing te: In the court, whicl lich has jurisdiction over\ 4 p.m. reported cleadear sUes aod Tbe otber semiflniflnal is between Conner’ vwon the first but lost thehe world, but there Is no ssubstitute.to the New.Yoi fork Yacbt Club’s originalJ . Pom erelle — PPomerelle temperaturess in tbe mld-30s i French Kiss and once-beaten on New next lwovo as B lackaller got lhe hangDg getting out against a r really tough deed to theI CiCup. , ' . reported clear skies and a mild Salurday. Thenbere is 24 iocbes of _ Zealand. ‘■of his rerevolutionary ’ yacht wilh lhe_he_opponenl you rcally^wa»ant to beat, .The Frencl nch w anl to sm results of‘ temperatures Saturday,f, with lit- snow at tbele base, i with Nw- TTievCTew' of Frencend) Kiss says it bow andnd s te m 'ru d d e rs. Time dlf-if- and things come out of It people and a mandatoryiry remeasurement of-New- tie change expected todaday. There tbridge in c^>eralion opa an d soov> : ft • wffl fly a protestt flflag across th e fercncc* forfc all th ree races was 75 se^'•c- the boat that w ere nevever there be- Zealand take iken by a Lloyd’s surveyor^ Is 25 inches of snow atIt lhe base makhig operaticrations uo d er w ay in ^ start of tbat semifiilifinal because of conds. fore.’’ and turneded over to the Costa° ^ n d 49 Inches a t th e totop of the the Bowl. Hoursours today: 9:30 ajn. ? tbe radical fiberglassass construction of “He docsdw know how (o sail,'’ .(^n-n- The New Zealand-Frenench Kiss en- Smeralda Y Yacht Club, which is^ mountahi, with raachine-le-groomed to 4 p jn . [ tb e New Zealandd 12-meter. The ner said!d ofi his old rival. “The first"st counter may be won by t i the lawyers. overseeUig; tlthe challenge series. The^ snow on all m ns. H ourss loday:I 10 MaglcHooitaTntatn —Closed, is F rench also bave ththreatened legal time wcIC came from behind in lhebe The New Zealanders hhave a 33-1 survey Is su supposed to be confiden-‘‘ a.m. to 10 p.m. Busess wUI run Ski condiUoiitions Saturday at action against tbe otheither yacht. last quanlarter mile. The second racece record since racing be]ttegan in Oc- Ual, from Twin Falls, Jeromene, Buriey, other major■ southern so Idabo ski Rupert and Declo todayly, begim- resorts: - ing at 7:10 a.m. at tbe South& Un- Bogus Basin-In—dosed. ’ Lionss c a n ’t Iwage sh coin Shoplng Center inin Jerom e, B nm dage—-3 63( total, 12 new. hootoultw ith^Miami ghee-48tota]. stops at K-mart inTwinin Falls at GrandTarghei PHOENIX, Aril.I. (AP) - Penn ------” com ers ca n 't go one^)n-(n-one on their quarterbackck led tbe Panthers to a 7:30, the Buriey Inn inI IBuriey at PebbleCreek- dosed. S tate would be ovemerm atched 11 g e ts . w ideouts.’’ 14-0 first quarter qu lead.' Penn Slatee 8:30 a.m .. R upert B&B ServlceatS LookoulPass-ISS—SOlolaL .' into a shootout wilh't top-rated He w as asked if bllUltllng w as the cam e backclowin48-l4. to Miami in their Flestlesta Bowl game. , . • answ er lo stopping Test;staverde, this “Thev’ree 'very comparable,” said Joe Paterno, coach± of the second- ^ I IS DRINKINGING AFTER WORK 1 “-" year’s Heisman Trophylywtaerand p^ie J otif I M arino and Testaverde. I ranked NIttany Lionsns saids Saturday. ^ an All American. • ^ ■ REALLY MOIMORE IMPORTANT * ie moves around more. I I “ We can’t let Iherhem get us hi a ; THAN HAVING T “I don't think there I; imi has a belter running I IRS ■ T O YOU 1 position where It’s a touchdownI con*. ^ a " i IMTH YOUR FAMI- lion th a t If you blilz you n Pitt had. Miami wUl run ■ f ■ DINNER VI^T t ■ lest If it’s that kind kin of a game, R KIDS THINK r r i s . ners into a man-lo-man ajid eight. And those j lu. ■ LY7Y0URK] we're out^ of our league," lea Patemo w I you blitz you lake a c ^1 33nlANNUJIpr ■ "THAT’S; ALCOHOLISM" i ” E'°”vo'u' aregrealatblclcs.” I said o l/a a A Fridayly night’s contest WiEWmHU-BMhave to get to him. He's=?»good"°at ■ irS A DISEIISEASE AND ITS - ■ YEARENDu T em pe. A nzorta w h js b ^ expected to decide Ibe na- picking it up thal you'relintrouble." in "You’re lolooking at as good a com- 1 ■ TREATABLE.)LE. 2 . 9 p m EST ' ■ CLEARANC P- ■ ^ Patemo was asked lo t compare blnatlon on>n offense as ever played I c A a N o w l . Patemo said be! expectede a low IM iami. Florida T eslaverde w ith Dan Mailarino, form er college footb;itball,” hesaid. I I CANYIlYONVIEW } scoring gam e in whlivhich tbe defense v s . p u t s ta r and now ofif the Miami "They’ree ( one of the greatest col-1- IH . Progress tbat bigblighted Pen?enn Stale's Ii-O P m State Dolphins. lege footballall leam ever lo play thee I 701 Moln A««.E. tr 733- HOS)SP1TAL i seasoo plays a majorjrro r le . Pitt is Penn Stale’s:’s tradilionai game, a a better team lhan I in tTW w i INFALLS ; “Tbere is no questlestlon tbat Miami rival. The last time Statei faced Oklahoma,.. f And I never thought I'd | PHONENE 734-6760 I: is an explosive teamm,’’ ,’ Patemo said, (quarterterback Vinny) Testaverdede Marino was in 1981,I, when the say th at.'' ■- “ All of a sudden, boonoom, boom, boom, throws, We’re not an explosiloslve team. Tbe “We're're going to have to change up,ip. I higher the score tbeless e lc our chances be smartart. be alert, do tltings to slow(JW ;• a te ." . them dowlownalitUc.’’ > Patemo said be is rTT^' s i = ^ “ Motofcrofl Sport AC SpoTk Ptugt'2* ^691 le> nVSN COI M >.ora>vc

M atter Cy^lnd T i ^ w - t o Im port S t a r t o n « „ I 0 S 8 J im lik' 9 4 8 8 I Aluminum l« ty ----- or. 70 Amp I C«oc e*duetton lon Cnnr»l#rStort«n mi ■ H Jp«clol 0 QuSd*iAndVkl*oL*amta>a :■ Pat Price Twir T tocti You How To AdcIdlson Ave. E.. 2154 S. Ov)verlahd Ave. TtM Jo b Q uick And Eoty. ^ ----- Vicki Harisen JCP^enney 1140 > rtomotclianoMtobrelw ' ______W-6967 ______678>'8-4995 / . m Macagic valley M all ' 4» K;’ ' ~ 1 ' - — -• 1. >

I ‘ -'j' 1 H isg h e rcbUprU^ C O lu id chhangesp ro j(ectio r B7 DONKENDACL ' ' Some So jMiyBta_5ay_.U»c‘:. • _i plan could ’ *‘lt could _ g g ftJm r,. de.flnltely," rL«fifWig il«ny actloa could alter some toll te v e o 1987.” >)I6'perbarreL .i • 1987 crops wUriU bave been planted. B ut t ■ pe< of tbe'US7'ecoaomlcolc projections by Uw. Gi >ected to the coming croprop.KM M '.aiv G ary L u d er of'>-USDA*8/8 Economic U>en. be said.d. higber oU p rices would be Net farm Incomei tliisUl y e a r is expected to sul m uld.-W i;. ■ Agrioitoirer.Pepaitmeimeot, according to an Re» Sttforaure.____ leseardi Service la y s Uie decUiicUoe io irorid Jateroorbiss be around $28 bUUcmioo, down trom no.5 wilriU ' also exert downwardraid o«t*rte»s j;"; tgtnqrecooopiW. Dll.] ds now, wlUjout an OPEC pi il -prices -has been a- m ajorli r f a c t w In' a A sU sS n d s P ^ W U i o a in 1985,A«cierTier:«aIdrTbe^ortcast4orT-pfi »eMuii!is^ otber-inprts Btdi 'Ite-Orxntotioo ' olo f "P e t r o l ^ ~Expor> shai le figures (or 18S7 point to a 1 harp reduction nf (arm productucUmi costs in ioo ease, U ie: 1987. wlUiout ao OPE(’E C oU price increase, la UtiaUoQ, '(crop) di^iz^ aad a tiD^.Crasaks agreeded last weekend to cut UielHeUnitedSlates. : . - - .: :.U » ttd ed in e^: Jin (arm producuoa expeoi r .... about WbUUon. - doiocts loT both feed aM(ertQIxaUwr»-” prodneUon bV 7.S' percentpei to about 15J B Bi ut if opEC is successful lolo ccurbing pro* Tbls year, Umbose costs a r e down aro u n d ! mQUoB'IfUTa'a dJ^,'ly,' tbe loihst ceiling to dodocUon end b«»Uiig prices,», Ute eftect bUUoafrbmls198S, • ...... Jack M cEowen. agribusiness a] spedaUst ]UcEoweo added: **Only a o n ifi^ tbe entd’f 2^yev history,bfa in order to ftc couiould bring a revision in 1B877 (a(arm iim m e . .. “Tbe lower•r energy p rices wUl Ukely/ hbave at Michigan State UiUniversity, said earlier coicould substanUaUy raise fudKdpiieatk^r ] V ^ priee* at u nerage ofofllSperbarrel. I exp

Sunday. December:5r28,1988 Tlmes-Nows, TwliTwin Falls, W i h o M

JJ.’- r i / B I f i S I ln e s iS _ *• w . ------*.E H o l il i d a y^ b u yn n g ic l o s ce t oWii ’ e v e l s L a t e siurge t

e r a se!S s lag B P ' l-i: in fin a l d a y s <■% ! By BOB FREUND Times-Newswriter H ' ■ '-J TWIN FALLS - Holli[oliday buying bovered close to last yeai'ear’s levels al stores throughout the M;M agic Valley this season. '■ ' i j As they bustled- to} clear< away ■ n iV t." 1 Christmas stock and tc u c b a n g e gifts, merchants said tbe approached — or sUghtl^Uy exceed — sales volumes from tbebelSSSrush. Many store owners willrUI be taUying tbe take untu tbft end of the monUi. ' But they pbinL/to threeree major in* ison’s holiday ; Hueoces on this seasoi j i retailing: • Tbe openbig of Uie th regional Magic Valley M all, wbicblich spread tbe - - . - I ' consumer’s spending am at ong more P stores tban in previous ye: im • Aggressive promoUcoUon Uirough fierce discountbg and heavyb( adver- Using. • Elxcellent vsboppinglg weaUier - roads were clear and custustom ers easi- ly could bring tbeir. moneyme to the • area’scash registers. - - OveraU, store managerg ers said Uiey are relieved tbat saless hibave beld up J , 1 a s weU a s they bave. Early Ez reports r(r. of naUonal acUvity badad indicaled a ;^'T' disappointbg season bee:•ecause of high consumer debt andand general uneasbKss about tb e econe, tant indicator of Idabo business.bus ou,er 1r department stores and tionlon. economies of Uieiresoritowns. res *- “I believe sales taxax collecUons cloUiing shishops most. Consumers optimistic thann they were earlier>r in the year, IS beed too clear oa (statewide) will be verycry level wJUi. would notnot Increase spending Thc Bon In downtown TVfiirin FaUs ^Tlie road has b when the mall':l was only a threati t Now they maU down lo Twin--- last year," wben comparpared at 4 per- significanUy,Uy, and Uicre would bc naintaincd Ils sales byjkcepcping its Uie way to Uie m : cent, whiph was the ralelie id late 1985. more storeires competing for Uie know if they w:nark hard, they caran compete.’ Mrclam e in front ot c uslom ers in adver- FaUs,” said Viviatvian Scott, manager ' CurraUy tbe rale is 5 penlercent dollars, mereerchants said. liseiisements, particularly earlyly in tbe of Ketchum KComer, on an apparel ■ush. Sales a re " a lllUe bitt jabead’f store. However, *'W“We’re aU ri^ t and . In Twin F alls, Uie advent ad of Uic Som e doll:ollar dilution has occurrcd. -L esH azen, ofif 1985, said Cari Koeblcr,M-, store even wIUi last year yea at thia point," Magic Valley Mall basIS Ihad a cnor- "Wc had a slight decrease for Uic mnanager. a r she said Just before*ore Christmas, mous influence on tbe retretail climate, Christmass season,” said Jim as expected. Customeiners steadily Masianiak,(, m anager of F.W. - president of^theTiijinFa/te ti SlStores In surrounding towtwns also John Jensen, presiden!pre of Jensen's j flocked to Uie m all, boUioth lo gawk at WoolworthChCo. Business Improvejement District ^ipparcnUy have found simUar ! Jewders, said "We"Weather bas been a t link the people were ' the new stores and to bu]buy Christm as g u t Uie sjsplitting of Uie pie may rends. big factor. I think to Tiwn Palls easUy j gifts. have beenI less le Uian feared by some ^ ■______In In Burley. Jim Roper, preslsldent of ^ ^vel to 1 laid Uie from out of town.” tremendous, sellers, Ropto p er’s CloUilng Co.. sal “Weekends were I It Kathy’s "Business Jsis good; il’s just not cbal more thnn we had anticipicipated,” said "We are:e nol doing a landslide Kalhy H arris, owner ol ihain’s three stores have haclad vary- when shoppersers arrived, many ; women’s apparel chain wwlUi four fantastic” Les L< llazen said, ng ing sales tracks this Cbristr I Ron Glover, mail maiictiriteling direc- business con:omparcd lo last year, but iUnas. A were buying conseinservaUvely by pick* • area stores, said her Twin1 FFalls and “Everybody I’Vii’ve talked to Is quite a buntursl of last-wcek shopping aii tor. Surveys of autos at |peak shopp* we’re boldicd in g .o u r.o w n ," said Bill aided bis ing up bargains.s. "We’ve " bad more . Jerome stores performed-»i—"m uch bit more optlmimlsllc.than-Uiey were-threhree Moglc VaUey stores.------ing times showedood." say s D oug > just about they wark hard.•d. they can compete.” Uieir stores m et o r exceeceeded projec- think that's’sa a p lu s .” ■i would say wc we’re ju hat two Southern Idaho) stores Schrank. owner' of Tbe FamUy War- ! I, lo me. Is The compcllelllion for shopping wou 0 bebbid drobe in Gooding.lg. HisI busbiess lagg- ! tions. be said. Like oUierhers,, his slore successlully even with last year, which, t vould finish ahead and two luffed area media wlUi iasl to ils slrengUis, finding gagood," she said. Jerome sasales par* dollars has sluf ast year's sales. cd sllghUy from lastlastyear. | Jerry Adamsonj mana.inager of J.C. pitched to advertisementsits and has forced mer* * isfied. “WCre brisk busimilness In “ big llckel” op- ticularly were brisk. A communlly*wide, shop-a-at-home ^U ier items doingdoli well at stores, | Penney Inc., was satisfi . , _ „ chants lo slasilash prices early and com parable to oUiericr (Penney) pllances, eleelectronics and oUicr hard Thc president, of Uie Twrwin FaUs hccdIv ampalgn among Burley rerelaU ers « e ie sw eaters in apparel shops, ! m arkets wiUi our esti:stlmates and goods. BlBusiness Improvement DistIstrlct said ‘ las has boosted customer trailalfic, be - d i^ o n d s al jewelewelry ^ops, a (ew j we’re right on (in sales),),hesaid. h cioUiing Is stores also included Uie nimerchants downlown generairally have Allhough expeen os video cassette*tte recorders, mer- ( Shopko Inc., a discoiicount depart- mall in appripralsals of Uielr C hristm as been ^ satisfied wlUi Uie! season’s have atlra' markdowns started sleateady all monUi long," h e saidlid. chanlssaid. ment store, was ^ shoshowing “ ex* business. slftpping activity. "Clearance n Taste 0Df Idahco lingerring aciross nalition I D em oiydrcttic tn iiyorUy ,,-.,'1 Russel brown colo:rolor, weighing about > By MARILYN HAUK ESSEX3X I TheAssoclatedPress 10 ounces and wvith ith a limited number ilMIn a of shallow eyes. M a f f eect farmI policy " ^hldilch;Convenes late next Idflho will linger for holldajlay dinners I J v .1 “ J p ls during Uie grow big seaso n ; J.S. Senate wUl monUi, wDlDl wresUe iwiUi m any of California, AKER’S DOg® contributes to a sqierior product, iema}orttyintbeU.S. in Texas, North Dakota, Ci Fletcher said. uges In form Uie same; p problems, encounter^ vVirginia and jusl about ev(iverywhere 1.1^ ui. R ep. RichardRl StaU- in Uie 1985its Farin .BUl. Among In between. The bralncbUdlUd of s ta te P o tato [ ^Uog. tbem are:•: control of taxpayer At least 5.000 people across ac Uie , I Commissioner Roger Ro] Jones, presl- I '' ta^D-Uabo.i&iPi^ dent of RoUand Joi ••Certainly we can:an exp ect Uie costs; devi(evelopment ^ofi worid conlinlcntar United Slates5 UllsI y ear I I Jones Potato^ eadi ; lOre aggressive marketis; aand 'preservation of have j,, received packages of 13 Idaho package is ship]bipped out with a ‘ ' oew Seoate to be mon brochure' from the tn agrfcoltu^ Issussues and no famUyr fanarms and rural com- Russet potatoes Uiat cou rival tbe state Introducing ' “ Uie VIP from -Ida . fanger be a buffersr for tbe ad^ m u n itl^ . eeven the fluffy bakers seen In Idaho Idaho — Very-Inipop* > Isements. Uml Potato." mlnl^Uon,” be* The Idaljlabo congressm an Also Potato P Commission advertise Spokane District Fj "W ben people Uilnk of IdiIdaho, Uiey lUon packet refutes | .u S ii loHoIUclnl!als of the Spokane Farm eputaUon as tUgh ta • Comea last veek. Tb< ^Bt«m Uiat . tbe national think “ of potatoes,” saidd R ichard Ibok fer “alterhaUve Fletcher, spokesman forir Rolland i Uie h istory o l U tf t'’. lelwoit may not need' ^ and includes recipe ! ^'aMcalturie, Stallii i d . b e l i e v e Uie system Jones J' Potatoes Inc. of Ruper - ’ Uiat_lmage a judged U« bestjby ; __i.Uadenhip tathe U -survive-on -Its own, In an effort to promote Ui Rtpreseidatm^ alsd recenti legislation ‘ Uietl Idaho B akers' Doxen for[or tbe p a st R u p e r t fliflrm ’s label widely recoicognlzed on gift packag the potato’s repui: put out by Max Her- r ' ;;lna;^;«lio'aet:KgrOa- 0 0 '.the House.tng.iann-.a-.credit b aiu abUJtx.fo„. _d-decode. calories, gives package Ui features k > iUee. ' “ -*et-i»mp^p^tlve :intm t rates "W hal we’re actually doltolng Is sell* Fletcher said3id company potato in* CoiCommission ads — tbe spud in Idaho md,waving am bdte from ': ‘ ' ^ ttieihe lOOUi Coth Uiemselves]esaslmpor^t. ; ing u a UtUe bit of Idaho,” Ftetcher fpector RicbananLJobnson "looks for pot that bave beensaid ji spokesman Jotm ‘ - said. ^vhat you seee in Uie Idabo Potato **Tbat's 1 an oval ^ u d 5 Uie commission.rATOooPageDt -^1* Brochures tpui UMHpMM Russet also are li iges tuber gift pack pu bold Inc. Tbe pa } pCTfect cartoon o f a spud, ^ Uie Gem State, sal 3ilUi the ; • SeoPOTAT 0-6Tlmo9-Now8.TwlnFalli■alls, Id ah o . Sunday, O ac«ni Minimiize riskCS in meetals inivestmeimts ;any?CanIapecltorecclveatre a refund should my I" Q: My wife and I bave reo‘ceotly consi Jared In- •' ■ paj .vesUog money io precious metals.n Do jrtn bave pui;>ur^ase not make It on time? ^ Better A: Christmas Around The: WorldWo is engaged in ; aoy advice for os fortune huluoters? / “ jtmas decorations, /vi A: To minimize the riskssloTolvedwithio- I; •DTQ ia Businessi . thehe sales of gifts, loys, Chrlstmi nmdlcsrandmlsceilaneous-mei-merchandise Id bome ;;the Better Busloesa ■PQO Bureau------cai A • Vvesting1nprccloosTnctals;t lail order through X . J t / f ' BBureau recommends prospepectlve Investors heed by)y party plan, and also by mail ;eotly issued by the ------Ar\rmchalrShopper. the following w arning recei I mostly aroufld the - : - l Council of Better BusinessI BureausB and tbe :securltles commission. {Our files show com plaints mo c nts Involve delays io m i m North America Securities AiAdmloistratioo 8. When buying warehouseuse receipts for gold. ChiJhrlslmas season. Complaints I filling orders, m ix-ups in ordersders and defecUve Association as part bf (heirrInvestorAIertpro- I :silver or other metals be caucautious; rem em ber, fill / ! ^ ^ ^ 'g ram . --^...... - - the receipts are only as goodood as the oam e of the nerchandlsc replacements... BetterBusio^ • 1. Don’t buy precious met;Itals advertised at jseller. ThcGreater Kansas Clly Betl ___ S k u W e stt^ a rd in g s ii^in c r e a s e * ison behind their , .. '•below spotprices.” Spot prtcespr mean t(klay’8 9. Trading in futures cootrjntractfl for gold and BuBureau was told tbat thc.reason in merchandise ST. GEORGE; UUtah t - SltvWest AlrllaeaI rejportan a 43.1-perceo't prices p fixed on m ajor exchailanges. - i silver in the U olted StatesI anand Canada Ihrough cuirurrent problems of delays In ir et-failure within their ‘Z- Increase In passengi:nger boardings at Twin Fal•*alu during N ovem ber 2. Be cautious of buying piprecious metals where exchangest Is regulated by/ goveromentgo agencies. dellellvery was due lo computet ft }ly. Ihls m eans th a t . > ! compared to lhe prevrevlous year. / the U dealer pays a percentagiige of your Investment IHowever, the futures martelrket for these precious m:ompany. i He said, “obviously.! ek or more In sending : - t A total o(728pau«usengers flew tbe regionalI <:arrlerp from tbe Twin as a some sort of "rebate" fororlherigbttohold imetals is nol without risk. iierc will bc a delay of a week 0 nunderstatemMl,. Falls-Sun VaUey RegRegional Airport. ■ ^our y purchase. 10. Be aware that deferred^delivery contracts oulDut merchandise,” Thai’s anun I or more months.. ‘ -r- SkyWest, which;h flies as W estern E ipipnss, r carried 66,63S 3. If you choose to have soisomeone hold your ffor gold and sliver are nott reiregulated by federal, forfor delays arc now up to two or 1 5 that tota] com- > 1 ■ ...... passengers.throughcghout Jts-35^:ily-sy8tem./orror:flnJncreasc_flf.l6a ____-gold, g check into (heir reputailatlon and Integrity.. tslate, or provincial governmom eols. The company aiso reports thc one-tenth of one' "i-: pcrcenl. 4. Make sure thc dealer sesegregates funds. Find 11. Sm all investors shoulduld Ibe careful when pl£plaints used lo run less than one ley guarantee their SkyWest Vice PPresident re Ron Reber attribuibuted the Increases to outq If Investment funds areB keptli separate from [presented with offers to Invenvest lo “strategic” peipercent and he states that they 1 I com plaints. • I - SkyWesl’s markctlniiting connections wilh WesteiItem Airlines, which Is goperating funds of the compipany In som e sort of ..1 m etals such as cobalt and.tlLl.tltanium. memerchandise and resolve all coi being acquired byf DeltaDi Airlines:'SkyWest cuicurrenQy is negotiating titrust arrangement. 12. Ask for written informsrmalloo. Read it and . Jhrhereforc. should your orders:rs xnot arrive In time - a refund from lhe '. with Delta tow ardsis ia marketing arrangement;nt similar to "Western 5. Do not send money in ththemalltoadealerby ' consult ( wilh a knowledgableble person before lo- forfor Chrislmas, first requesVa r< iccessful, let the Bel- > - Express," Rebersaicsaid. certifiedc check. vesting.\ Do not be rushed. , ■ COI:ompany Itself; then If unsucce ifoulngettiogyour 6; Protecting oneself fromm counterfeit gold or terter Buslncss Bureau asslst.you 1 B e e f sc hlool o Jan. 6 att M a la d silver is another problem. AAs with all Invest- Q; Towards the end of Oclx}ctober I atteoded a . memoney back. menis. the purchase of goldId or silver Is as safe as : • i SOD SPRINGSS - Cattle Industry represeisentatlves vlll discuss the j] reputation of thc seller;r; Ills wise lo deal 1assured me that tbe mercbaiJiaodlselordeied ' '‘Consi//nerlVjfc/j''/saread' video auctions, theie 19871 climate for beef aodtd theI curreQt slatos.of , ^wllh established companieses with good reputa* ^would arriv e In plenty of tlmitime for Cbristm as. I unumn. Queires should be addres:Iressedlo: “Coasumer-r.-- 'jreau, W W .Jeffer- the Idaho B rand De(Department at tbe 27th anouioual MultKk>unty Beef tlons. ^ amI writing this letter to you'OU <0 0 tb e 22 of Walch, "Better Business Burei Schools being heldI In M alad City 00 Jan . 6. 7. Check thc legitim acy of the dealer. Ask for .1. December, and I bave yett to receive wbat I . soj$on.'Bolse83702. Questlonsofgto/^enerai/nferesf : The day-long serle;irles of sessions Is scheduledid loI begin a t 10 a.m . lo bank references and followA* up1 w ith a call to the > {ordered. Unfortunately, I[paid pa! for It when I will »'/ be answered here, whileeotherswllibe oU lhe Oneida Countyy Courthouse.C More informatllation Is available from bank,5 local Belter Buslncss» Bureau, or provincial cordered It. What can you telftellme about tbls com- answered an by mall. county agriculturalal extensione agents. W o o d a rdd fills n e w B»L^^ l p o s t Tradee windi Potato- BOISE - L arryry Woodard, associate slatitale director the U.S. • Continued from Page[cD5 1 with'Idaho potatcilatoes will go on the Bureau ol Load Management Mi la Idaho, basas been appointed the The Magic Valley C Cl hapter o! (VcNewman. market next mo:month In Idabo, and- z agency’s stale dlrecrector In New Mexico. Tbee iappointment took ef- the Idabo ^ le ly of PnProfessional "It’s a promotion for ths interest should be In thele sames; category," heZ- Also retiring arere twoI senior executives: PaiPaul W. W arner, senior in]in picking thc p rim e Idabo babakers. " I said. f food' services, who camele to' the company as vice president of f( of Sabala ' . grow potatoes. I love potatoes manager of lls firstrst restaurant, and Richardd B.E HuotlnAon. senior Ray Sabala. owner < Really, has been namedjdprestdent Gordon Randall, executlvi? v = e d . e . ^ ^ vice presidenl forir development,d who was Instrumental ins la expan- J of the Twin Falls 1Board ot tor of the Idaho PotatckComi 1 you ^ r" dlnsthe chain. said such gift packs'offcr ther,;a g When y Realtors. Other officersrs were not RAY JB’s Restaurantsts currentlyc owns 127 storeslin io 12 Westem states. VY S A B A L A Reel- announced. Sabala also publicity lhat can't be bougtghl. ^ need a “I b o a r d p r e s i f l e n t pic attended lhe National picnts of thc speciallyy, ^ speciallal piece ^ .; : for the ^ ^ ^ F irs t S ecicurity out of s u its Convention In New York. potatoes likely will look Creek placedil three cows on the Idaho jj! Potato registered trairademark, ^ a specialSf ^ L SALT LAKE CITIIITY - F irst Security Corp.-p. and Its subsidiaries list. John andnd Beverly Bryan of featuring fp, a boxed outlinele of the ^ p la c e in Ir your ^ have been dismlssetssed from three lawsulls askiisking damages of bun­ Thc American Hereford Gooding. Slatlatter Herefords of ,.*1stale, the nexl lime they gi dreds of millionss olof dollars, the bank holdlrding company has an- ■ Association in K ansas13 CUy h as Gooding andd D. J a y H arper of grocery slore, he said. , ^ home..y 5 o u I nounced. recognized five area raranches for Malta cachh had two cows ® ^A new potaio chip using ononly Idaho ^ n e e d A suit brought by the fonner owners of theLhe failed Murray First breeding lop-quallty cocows. The honored. Diaraamond S Herefords of Russels won’t be on the m : Thrill against Firstirst Security and other defeniendants was tossed out association’s "mostI efficient Bliss placed oneon cow. time for the holidays, butjRaStau ClasslflIfledI ^ -- by the U.S. Districtrlct Court in Callfomla becau;ause It was Illed In the cow" report rated anlmmals on fer- The rancheshes were among 332 predicts the new Idaho RuRuss Chip ^ X ■’ ■ wrong iurisdlctlon.m. The case has been appea>ealed. It also could be tlilty and growth of offspspring. breeders natiallonwide wilh 1,495 will fli] be a big boon lo the slatate's spud ^ . lodged In lhe U.S..D Dl; istrict Court In Utah, - Brackett Herefordss of Three cows on the 198198611st. In d u stry .' A second actionsn byI a former borrower a(against First Security - ______1 IMyron Walker, presidentt ot-couo.1 g 7 3 3 - t Bank of Ulah alsoso hasI been dismissed. Thee borrowerI bad alleged tr)try Crisp Foods In Salt La-ake Clly, : racketeering. A fedifederal conrt Judge Is scheduMluled to hear a motion 1 salsaid the new chips made exctxcluslvely : asking sanctions> agalnsl ai lhe borrower, saliiald First Security ai­ e n r e a d y lomey Kent Murdocllock. O n t h i0 ^ Ogde 1 Another suit inI lh'the wake of a First Securlt)rily of Ulah foi^losure : also alleged rackcltkclering by the bank and stsought $400 million In. k t o p rr c o c e e d I damages. II also was dismissed by a federal cotcourt Judge. 'esident Phillip Hudson move r First Security Corp. Co Executive Vice Presl : said the dismissalsals are noteworthy becausee tlthe suits sought large L o n p llant i offer I * ' dam ages and Impugpugned First Security's repuputatlon with claims of R e alty re lo c a t I fraud and other mismisconduct. He called thc aclactions a."blighl on our OGDEN. UlUlah (AP) - A proposal I : financial and legalII s]systems." Sabala Realty has movedmi to by Baldwinn Aircraft to build a H 340 Blue Lokes Rivlivd. N., multI-mllIion- e x p e c t sJ c h i l l y at 708 Shoshone S l.E . Developmentnt (Corp. officials. A special City C Council meeting to QUESTION: On the lmRilde of bo romovod ...... tho earlier tho . Attorney moviI,PC discuss thehe proposalhas b«n my n 3-month old puppy'sr'l logi, hotter, sinco I wiw ith growrth thoy i o n i n L aI i S V e g a s scheduled foror Monday afternoon, but just ]i abov* th* f*«t are‘e a sot bocomo ottachi3chod fo tho log receptic it was cancelL'cled until further infor- 0of • x t r a c lo w t. Vlfhat or«ire Ihoy bono. Duringin g o o r ly p u p - . , Attorney E. Lee SclJchlender matlon coulddbcobtained. h aand what thould bo» done pyhood! iho vgvotorinorion can :: LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)(f - Real tional, nowow the Las Vegas Hilton, this fail moved his ofloffices lo -We are stillst awaiting conflrma- a b o u t th e m ... if an y th in^g? g cut fhom offaff with scissors £stale whiz Donald Trurrump says he Kerkorlarlan, like Hughes, is rich,1, . 220 2nd Ave. S. in Hail,liley. The tion on somenc Information requested ANSWER: T hoso o rot collod undor local oronothoslo. With ■would like lo be involivolv^ in Las secretivee 1in his dealings and hasis practice formerly wasis in the by the Industiistrial Development Cor- ddowclaws. At this ago30 th ey old o r d o g s, romromovai Is o moro - ^ J e g o s ’ lifeblood gammlng lr Industry, shied awajvay from the m ^la. Forbes!S Kclchum Mcdlcal EBuilding poration andmd Ogden City," said o q ro loosoly a tta c h e d by b) cor* serious oporatioa tio n . T)ul adm its he faces a chilly < recep- estimatesis hhis worth at (GOO mlUion. Soulh. WIDCspokesn2sman Charles Kelly. ' ||liiago only. Thoso oro u:usoloss tlon from the city’s caslmsino giants. Trump) is outspoken, accesslblc,c ______"Ogden CII'lly3 Is ready to proceed" to e s, so m o th in g llko thithum bs, • • - - "Caesars doesn’t wanlant mc bere;.ll... and courleried the media on.hls.rccenta ______when. that_Ji_ information be comes unsightly „ and_oflon. d dc o n g o r- _ H ,|B r Q u e s tio n doesn’t w anl lhe cicompetillon,” Irip to NevJevada. , lons-T o:------• la m o c avaliable.hcs■csald. ' Qous if ihoy' got caugjgnf In G re e n C ro s s Trump said during a whirlwindwti tour He wasas In thc slate to counter;r S < au d i king natam es ^ letter datlated Dcc. 18 was sent by f, fabrics. For tho most parart thoy Veterinary Hos|fospltal PA bf the state to te st the lh' waters of adverse (publicity from Gaming 1 Nevada corporation, lo ^ n i c t i J r Baldwin, a N ore |ust a nuisanco andIshould s 2118 Kimberlyrly I Road 733-4653 Dublic and political opinion. opli "Sieve Commissioslon chairman Paul Bible,I N . azer oil m in commissission announcing its in- Wynn doesn I want mele InI lown; nel- who ralseiIsed the issue of whether 'J RIYADH. Saudi Arabia — tentlon to bulld bi a manulacluring ------Iher does-Hillon. BnBally la not Trump-“gr‘grecnmalled’’Holiday Corp. acres of land on the ,e King Fahd has officlaliilly nam ed on 30 . ■ enam ored with us. O Of- f'C ourse, If I when he} b boughl 4.8 p ercen l“of th e m com er of the Ogden a HIsham Nazer minister of»l petroleum soulhwcslcm ______were them I would feelcl tthc same. I'll company’sf's slock, then resold il for a ‘ 1. ^ the olllolal 2o the sam e Job here asa s ! did In New profil estlmtlmaledatJ30million. jand mlnerar resources, t J. Saudi Press Agency report'rts Ogden Mayiayor Robert Madsen.said U ersey.” Trum p) deniedd greenmalling Holi- * . could mean more lhan ^ i Q - ] r According lo a royayai' decrct, P''")''* f i ' N a • The real estate glanliant said mid- day, sayini'ing he sold his stock on th e Ing minister .“Xl new joblobs In modifying fighter a Q D ecem ber’s gross winMn at Trump’s open, markirkel after becoming dlsen* Nazer, the Saudi plannlni Ies, wlli con- i®!®- EasUe topped the listt among a Atlan- chanted wllh the company’s's forj more than two decadej tinue in thal position onm an acUng The compaipany reportedly has con-. _ (ic City casinos, and1 he would wel* m anagemmenl. e , slonaliy en- tracts lo mo-nodify fighter jets from come a shot al similarlar competillon During Ih his trip lo Nevada. TrumpQ basis. He w as provisic n trusted with the oil portfofolIoonOcl. Turkey andnd from the People’s In Nevada. stayed at the Bally properties In | Ahmed Zakl RepubilcofChChina. i'? Golden Nug- Reno andd Ll a s Vega': and said be w as,s 30,: when.Oil M inister Al Caesars and Wynn'? ' y the king. However,, on oi Monday Madsen said nted In what he saw . Yamani was dism issed by t gel are competlWrs> of o Trump In dlsappolnte c confercnce there was no "negotiated contract" M c M u ll i e n , M c PPhee , Atlantic Clly and would)uld bc som e of "I dldn’iIn’t see the elegancc, thc,e Nazer took part In thc 1 ,f of the Organization-of--f-Petroleum-wlth— Baldu:dwin— and— hc___was-- -- ______&.COfCOMPANY.______. . . his toughest compelllionion In N evada. am bience.':c.’'Trump said this week of ' Geneva this “discouragedcd about the prospects.” CERTIFlEC NTS . ■ Trump rccenliy acqui:qulred 9.9 per- his visitss t to-the two hotels. “Whenn Exporting' Countries in G ED PUBUC ACCOUNTANTS ,s monlh. The propos:osal includes construction cent stock interest»t in Bally you’re In In a great place like Las ' of a manufatifactuHng plant and two Manufacturing Corp.... \»which boughl Vegas, yourou have lo m ake 11 top, top. ■ aircraft hanfingars. A)1 construction JNCE the MGM Grand hotel-c;;l-caslnos In Las topoflhellijllne. ARE PLE/lASEDTO ANNOUN ERTISING would be harlandlcd by Baldwin. Tbe I year for more '‘What :yi you need Is not Just a cor*r. 'C L A S S IF IE D ADVEF Vegas and Reno last yc ■uioc site chosenI fcfor thc plant abuts Roy poration bibut people who come in and than$500million. d P H O N E 7 3 3 ^ city. THEEADMISSIONOF And hc bought his TnTrump’s Castle have pridede In whal they do. It’s w hatIt Irom Hilton Hotel Corp.irp. when Hilton the town'0 needs, whal the statee ^ ^ ------was denied a gamingjic5'Jlcense in New needs." STANLE'EY E;'SN O W , C.I: . p . A . Jersey. & THE PR/i LARK j .. He's served notice he may buy up d v ai ui c n i — lACTlCEOFSNOW&CLAF erest In Bally. Jo 49.9 pcrcenl Intere THROUGIH MERGI \LLS OFFICE ■ rotnpllng suits andid countersulls T h eI classifiedC way. ■ "Want totl pay GER WITH OUR TWIN FALL lat have left WaU Street■eet buzzing. ^ ASAGENEF iFIRM . ! ‘ K: T nim p, 40, has beenen making real PIMB I M 7 3 3 ^ 6 1 6 ERAL PARTNER O F THE FIF estale deals since he5 w as 16 and Is ™ lessta>xes?" said by Forbes Magarln*zinc to bc worth ■■■■■■ '' ..... ' AS OFFJANUARY 1,19871 8 7 _ : to Nevada Dec. - u $700 million. His visll to LASTCIIAilCI 39-20 was a m arked1 contrast c with ^ , McMULLEN, MclcPHEE&COMPANV NY 733-8314.; : _ two of his super-rir-rlch gaming t H Dan Kanen • McDomonakJBorg A . ' counterparts who haveve 1 left their im- 3 DAYS LEFT 149 THIRD, Insurance 73734-1711 DAVENUE EAST ■ O R ' print ortlhis clly. F O R S P I C I A L ■ TWIN FALLS ' The iate billionahnalre Howard • LOWW I i m M t T O R _S. IDAHO 83301 7 3 3 - 4 2 0 S ...... ; up land here In ...... | a * - - r. Call and sett Upi a'tim e E lfc - . Hughes began buying up »8 6 C L Q M O i m I lh e 1940s when L as Veg£egas w as a dus- . , lo talk aboutIt t a x - , 1,000 people. He h m m ty desert lown of 20,W , X deferred anni n u i t i e s . OTH EB ED IN ; , . ; _ wenl on a holel-casino10 buyingI binge ' ■ :b o f f i c e s l o c a t e d two decades laler. ELKO,-ELY AN A. NEVADA--- - - Kfrk Kerkdrlan S tairted rte two of the >NDW)NNEMUCCA. world’s largest hotel-cai■casinos here — j lh e MGM G rand andid tbe Interna- nuH 'iim ---T---^ J

Sunday. Decembor28.,1986 li Tlm es-New 8, Twin FallFalla. klihoD -7 Farming^j H ^ b jfarmee r’s fi(ieldsv^ a f t ssmell of( suwlngwlDg tomatoes and other o veget;!’etabies to herbs drew skeptictlclsm a t the time, he says, but nowf' ^ he Is viewecwed as a visionary. Lou Badders was 30 years alahead of histils tim e," said Frieda Caplanan, 63, a e r of a Los Angeles im porort-ex- 1 company dealing in cjexotic (etabies and fruits. “He wasas one w t ' ^ 11 I l f / I o f ^Lhe e pioneers in growing herb:■bsfor W i fresh food m arket In Amenerica m f ■' the fr ■> w ] has been at it longer lhan ' anybotp-bodylknow." Exotic vegetaba b l e s s u c h a s t h i s b l a cc k k r a d i s h a r e a m o n g u nlusual u produce of BaddeiI d e r s ' f le ld B I ; Louis O. Baddcrs. 808 0 . g r o w s 7 5 t o n s o f hlerbs e i every year cap];aplan said that In lhe last sressed market for farm produi nearby Chino on whicvhich he -grevf Evei'very day, Baddcrs brings tomatoes, com, onion:lions, c»bbagR freshsh herbs by truck to theth S e n a t et o r s p u s hh i n g b e e ff turnips and other crops.}ps. H e sold out Angelegeles produce market and sships ' to developers, and thosehose acres' no^f , rea, sprout homes, not vegetalletables. ; h'is fragrant fr treasures by ah“lr t® WASHINGTON (AP) (. - A bccI ments> olof U.S. beef to South Kore; otherer markets throughout thele na- caucus on Capitol1 HUIH Is being Iorm- cxccsslvisive subsidies and barriers us-'u tion.1. , „ ed. and it’s notlot a forum . (or ed by Uitthe European Coifimunlty, andac Good chefs and epicures canan tell lawmakerstoaircorcomplaints. Japan’si 's restrictions on expandeided I b e E te c tro Q fcc 0Office difference Immediately betv m ports. ,al cattlemen's -fcyMihoMkroComCoofuicr sh and dehydrated herbs E v The National er factors affecting producei:ers - _ s Sens. Malcolm , 'oring specially seasoned dishehps ’> Association says le a reduced demand for be and Max Baucus, ‘ tal th.AT-»*ip v d a f ittt 'S Badders, standing in a fieljeld ' J Wallop. R-Wyo., ai g American consumers, hij 'e with rows of rosem ary In U,e D*Mont., a re askinging senators to join J^5S?tl!iction costs and low m arkrket ..... cattlemen become ‘ “:kground. Go He clutched seveveral ensure that ca s, credit problem s and the go thengated dl sorrel leaves, more competitive,c both here and ent’s dairy termination pr Fully IntegratedHi IModules B adders basks in fieli e l d o f s a g e o n h i s 1 0 C e , freshin the best restaurants,i, lhe "Iproair.” gram . G l AR AP PPR TB savoriips, sauces, salads, stews, sstuff- Irt a le tte r to colleagues. co Wallop The! a:association said It hopes5 W Cu(tomti*dToYogrl>grtu»li<*M sa y s I and B aucus cited1 some si of the trade work wllwith the Senate group'to draIrad Can »*«ln a t Stand/Bnd/AJoM sa g e ' practices faced by}y American cattle iegislatication soon th a t will addre:ress 734-0554154 C o n s e r v enation gre iosAnoeit»Tlm«»{jho»i backgw s t u d y ■ producers, includlniling: a ban on ship* some of Ithe problems. C a l i f o r n i a a c r e s soups, a i d s i n t ei i r e s t i n f a m ’ s r o l e ------By DON KENDALL According o lo u p ’ s n ^ v'This has tremendous im;npllca* ' The Associated Press showed that the ns, not only for the availabillilHy of ^ ding the role of ricultural resources and open WASHINGTON - A newV sistudy by lies not in how i ace, but also for the propert)rty tax •.'to a conservailon group, the ArAm erican but in what theja m i l y f a mstem ,” Thompson said.- “ If small s Farmland Trust, may addd imomen- much land they h -ms were swallowed upip, or lum-to a developing natlonaonal inter* ‘‘‘For Instance,lo AFT, the study “vcloped, Tli I think we'd see moilore of esl firsmall farms and theirelr role in ers owned oveithe Icey to understan- >tions,‘ local tax burden shifting to)loward 6 1980$ agriculture. tractors," theof small family farms agriccmeowncrs, becausc of a rededuced 1\ ' ( 7 'v V * The' private, non-profit grogroup said “The value ofw a much they produce, jspacese due to fewer farmsteadsIs and in ils current, newsleltletter to ment was fourhey i consumc and how isystet*ater public service costs." members that "a surprisingng 72 per- dollar of agrlculyhold. :farms)ne cautionary note raised by bj the \ % o cent of the nation's 2.3.3 million of larger producece, in 1982, sm all farm- ;devclcidy showed that small fanin n ers . , farms" inventoried in thc! 198219 cen-— What-that-me;ver half the nation’s ithe;nd-to-use-fewer Io soil conservirvation— ------^ —• r / _ o > ^ - sus,of agrlcullure had markerketlngs of small farmse AFT report said, homecictlces” than larger farmerers, a loss than $40,000 a year. ' equipment mamf all their farm equip- 'b ase;tor the AFT said it plans tdId look • . / ■ * ■‘Yet, becausc these smalliall farms prices for all farntr times as great, per greatcfurther. \ ® / account for only 11 percentent of the “The effect culturalis sales, as that One o - total value of annual U.S;: fofood pro- sec in the autoicers.” I study ductlon, their special need:;eds have sludy directorTiean3,-lt said, ig-that—"tend otlen been neglected by agrlcg ricultural “ If GM or Ford appear> to enable practi policymakers,” the AFT said.id. - cars, they’d beanufacturers v( to lower factor The sludy. financed by the th Ford Land ownershiarm ers. a t furi Foundation, was being madeade public which the Imporlis similar to what you as the Agriculture Depiepartm ent stands out, ;o the industry," said AFT o ° . r Edward Thompson. . H ^ 4 0 begins a new push to helplelp small tlonally, small fi J// • o o ' ^ - farmers.JEvttO-weeks ago, USDA US an- a third of the rdfa; only made a few.big ‘ C W - • J • ./ / o nouiiced the establishm entL of an Of- th'eif share of-;; very expensive.” fci L - -- fice for Small-Scale AgricuUurIture. tion., ship is another area In ' lortance of small farm s H H the report said. Na- o ' 1 farm ers hold roughly ------farmland, about triple WM if-actual-food-produc-. 1Don’t Jl ooFast . . . ( ForrJust“AiLny Hodne Equility AR]IRINGTOP 9ERS CONST]ON : ...... LineBOfGttedit , F o r■ S2 5 y ears, Q u i n t r u s t •N BROTH W ait 2 m iniinute. It's taken Congress decalecades U) do First Intent:3tatc Bank offen a wide menunu ofc home something abcibout tax rcfomi. So don't: feelfo you've equity sccurecred and unsecured' personallal Ilines o f got to jum p ono r the iiome equity line o f crcditcrci band- c r ^ t , as wcl/cll as conventional instalimne cn n t hom e :r u c t i o n w agon by Dcc

,i ■ *v D-8Timos-Now8. Twlnitin Falls, Idoho S u n d a y , Oo(D ecem ber 28,1986 Hog priceI riiise help!rful but not CIMough toospark: expanjisibh " ise, but when and how n across the board, accordingIng Statistics B oard said MMonday. That report saidId hog producers Intend toJO The 1986 pig crop, for th(the y ear that will Increase, By DON K EN D A LL. pansion a increases will be. - / figures by Ibe Agriculture^ was the smallest Dec.c. 1 Inventory have 5.34 mlillonml sows give birth thisIs ended Nov. 30, w as rep oorted r a t 82.3 sharp those inci The Associated Pressss lo new f 1, the inventory bf hogi) Deparlm«:meol. since 1975. winter andd rnext spring, lhe first halfIf million head, down 4 peitcrceal from As of Dec. l, 1984. and pigs inI tb(tbe 10 nra]or states aa^ WASHINGTON -- This 1 year’s up- Currentenl inventories of marketket Inventories of breedlnling hogs as of of the 19877 nmarketing year, up 2 per-r- 1985 and 5 percent below 19J J said at their percentalntages of a y e w earllCTj -lurn in priccs has helpedhel many bog, hogs andmd breeding slock are stilltill Dec. 1 were pul at 6.611 mlillon,1 down cent from\ tthe same six months of)f Departmeni officials ; below the levels' of recentent 3 percent from a year aago and 5 per- 1986. USDA’s annual outlook: ppercent below ch-May. Inlintended farrowlngs were■e In the hog industry, M issouri, 2.9 3.9 million and IOO; Ncijft ;wer than two years ago, lhethe two years ago. reported aat t: 2.21 million, up 2 percentll . Leland Southard of the l^ depart- Nebraska, 3.9 i :.36 million and~l00; anS ment’s Agriculturalral Looking toward theie future, the from last spring.'spi ment’s Economic Reseanirch Service Carolina, 2.36 down 5 ' e J a S iilUonand98. ______- supply < said _the_ outlook fo£ 1987 19 Is for Ohio, 1.95 mlilic " _ rel'atlvely’ high n rt refiinIriiFlo ~con-~ from 11985 ‘ D e tlnue In 1987. The big question., qt he leficiency’ ppayments sents out to) farmers said. Is not w hether hogg production ' -WASHINGTON-(N-(AP) — The WAQHIHINGTON1 (AP) - Federal;cal sas City. Mo. cates werere sent a week later and ______- Agriculture Depaipartmenl soys ies totaling alm ost <2.1 billionlion Halt of the loU l wasis scheduled lo were dated:d I Dcc. 19. hesald, .th e nation’s supiiupply ol rod jeeii sent lo county offices for be paid In cash and hallalf In "generic Accordinging lo the agency, the pay-f L A S T C H A NMCI i m eal Is down from» m a y ear ago, lulion to' thousands of farmiers ers certificates” that canm be sold for ments Involvolved crop operations on including small asad d ltklllional "deficiency” paymentsmts cash or redeemed forr surplus com- 566,389 whe'heal farms, 86,4» barley stockpiles of beef ai ar’s modlties held b / thee department’s farms and182,701 82 oal farms, ; 3 DAYS LEIEFT ■ ! ! larllclpallng In this year’s ,e rOBSPlCI# One report Issue, , barley and oals pro^ams,ms. Commodity Credit Corp,T). Wheal farfarmers who enrolled ln4he >A L l ^ l T W showed Novembeiber meal pro- }ram are getting aboul $2(2 L O W I N T I R i S * an Agriculture Departmentient the payment nls were an- g BTOR riiH lill ducllon declineded 4 percent barley producers, $55 iman. ' Dec. 1, olllclals ^ ^ 1966CL01I0I from a year ea;e arlier lo 2.98 spokesm, ;iounced by USDA on D( and oal producers, $25 c^'rtlllcal^ - ; - ^^Endil2^31^ billion pounds. Last L: month's Ray Waggoner V of the depart-art- said . the checks and r ‘ B ll i soon as possi. output Included1 slightly: less mcnt’s'(- Agricultural Stabilization[lon would be sent out " a s s lyments arc in addition lo Qie ble after Dec. 15.” . . beet. 12 pcrcentIt less1 veal. 10 and Con;:onscrvallon Service said Ibe nearly $1.6.6 billion already paid, In- pcrcent less pork,rk, and 14 per- last of ththe payments were mailedi to The checks were seni;nl lo the coun- eluding abcbout 51.4 billion for wheal,[ [g.lI,gi8 S cent less lamb andind m utton. counly' ( offices last week by the ties aboul Dec. 10 ancnd w ere dated $iso mlllloilion for barley and $15 ^ | H Another reporlorl said that agency’sf s management office In Kan-:an- Dec. 12, W agonner s%W The certlfi- million fororo a ts. frozen Invenlorle>rles held In refrigerated warelirehouses as Nov. 30 included:d 569.31 million pounds of red m)cal, ea 10 percent less lhan a y e a>r r earlier.< Beef inventories werere (down only 1 percent, buf porko rk In storage dropped 22 percencent from Nov. n ro 30,1985. Tolal frozen poultry in storage. howc’wever, was g reported a l 430.2 43 million pounds, up 14 perccnt per from a year earlier. ThT hat included 255.4 million poundunds of turkeys, M » £ a 23 percent Increarease. OUR EPA revsvokes I inniIX residue! irules ■ CU for newi; setup I WASHINGTON (AF[AP) - The En- vironmental Proleclitction Agency has < 0 revoked its maxlmiImum permitted MM concentrations on PB pesticide residue con food and feed for foufour chem icals It ESI IDJSE H r m e r c h a n t banned years ago. The four pesllcldt:Ides are aldrln, and DDT. nn^ dleldrln, chlordane an( JSE* SPECTAC O SERVE YOI The canceled reshesidue levels, in- orthwesik eluding levels for some so breakdown s a l e s TO DEALERS will be replaced s eiNrHENC products of DDT. wl IpjyiNGM OURF f l . • wllh so-called “aclloilion levels" lo be rER 90 STORE U r M E N T 1 and Drug Ad- r set by the Food { WE- EEMP5 D A IL Y ! OVE ministration . The FDA levels will wl be generally lower than the EP,SPA levels, EPA arriving said. The FDA sets "ac"action levels" lo deal with pcstlcidesdes on foods not n H E normally treated wllhwll lhe chemical 11 in question; EPA'srei residue levels are 1 1 ^ ^ isUPER sel for foods being' lrtreated. If acllon I f . 6O R OIL I s m a levels are exceeded,id. FDA can order j / foods off the market.:l. SfSSff^lAlAl The lower actionion levels should "deter illegal use of these canceled pesticides In this coui:ountry and should reduce or eliminalele the Importation B M | lcOVER% of foreign commodittdilles which have H \m \ ------been treated w with canceled ■lUi OU pestlcldgs/'EPAsaid;aid Friday.______^ B \ v | !^!igaa ■•“These revocaliollion rules also i B s J i nlage lhat foreign remove any advanla B ultha: growers may havee gainedg over U.S, ^ B ^ 0/50. JOVA S = IB5& growers Ihrough theiheir continued use ^ H l of peslicldies thal. c;can no longer be legally used here." •When ll banntnned the four f«slicldes, EPA didild not disturb the permitted residue levelsIe\ because the chemicals persistL 1In the environ- mcnl for long perlocriods and could be - A i K G . ll • 13M4M5' 4 KG.TO Bll expccted to remainIn on( raw and pro- ^ B iiss.'a;?„suN . ROOO F 44'I " = C L O C K' I \ ...... 7.99 CUSTOM WHEEL COVERSI ...1Z99 f user cessed foods for a si|significant period, the agency said. I " - g«!i?” *CO N Z LANTERN i ..... "A ll use's of chlordatdanewherebarined^^^^^B ' SJI“'EXHNGUISISH ER S' NTROL &334” H in 1978, effective in 1981, except for « G . 7 1 1 ! control of termite;lies underground. ^ B SS ...... f" S.ARMORitALL...r.....!'# I33' ii^BRRAKE FLUID ...U ; 9 9 # DDT was banned in 1972 and aldrin ^ B ^"’'COMPASS V anddieldrininl975. I I ClASSJCSHEEPSKIN ^ sustcarwaAX: 3'I STEEKINGWHEa COVER Z" JiicoFLO>ORMATS ::3'-i d%iff REG C ll comico REJECT D D 6 WILMAR l A f T Farms yield B TByCKST0RA«\#nCO|T ,...... 30' I " S F R A MIES.- I ...... u D u . iiptECE V VRENCH H SET ...9.99 S i l KG. m orecaatfish I FILTERSt s ...... 40% IFIIF S S P U M P ...... U 99 fi" KS^TRlUCK CARPET J?^49"; K9. 7f * l l USHIOi'QUASTZ l l i WASHINGTON (A(API - Catfish MUFFLERS...... -.14.99 Mr hai.oc;£No rm ngU'JGHTS I farmers are producluclng.more than ^ B S they did a year ago,;o, and priccs have ^ B CVaOPS ' COLUSION I I A U been dropping, sayslys an Agrlcullure ^ B AVOIDANCE ' L l w'H r l T /6 2 0 0 . . . . 9 ^ ' 5i" * ssanalyYZER: ...... 4 43" M D eparim ent report. ^ B In November, thele USDA1 said, cal- ^ B | CABLEi £ s ...... n% 3'I** Muac^'^ H OIRN R ...... 3" fish production was'as up 14 percent - from lhe year-enrlleiHer level, totaling , 11 sookTon-th^au n il 12 FT. BOADAIB V W I f l r.»is 6 AUGEfcS8S aboul 16.7 millionlon pounds. The >SnoMINI-GA ' A U G E IB ' MPRESSOR^. “ SAFI • average price paidd tot' producers for :SCHAUB) SPOerSMAN D E9 CYCU > llvc fish was 61 ccnls cc per pound, MTTERY CHARC»QER.».. Z4'I" fgfomCLOTHHES BAR ^ I" BCOOSTER down from 70 centsi a Jyear earlier. - j / u , C A B L Another factor in the November i u SYSTEM f ...... :5 ^ ' ^ . price decline was an increase In cal- ^ B ‘ MANUlUALS PSi SI ' " & W I R E / I S afest, eosliisiestwaytojump ■ 11 sta rt a n d p fish Imporls during-Ing OcKibcr. the ^ B BAG. KEY CASE, KC.TO Prolect your car's ■ reporl Indicated, lrImporls, mostly '^ B SEAHAWKt^^S < MtBfiOft...... 1.79 f i l EIL Jlg^CABLILES...... elecfricalsvsystem. Foolproof ■ from Brazil, were reportedref at 800,000 ^ B 3 O f> © w ay cc:»nnectlon. | pounds, up from onlylly 96.000 pounds in ^ B MANNYMOREIN-STCORE SPECIALS!M H URRYm October 1985, 1^ - — w S u b s c r i bM> e to tho H f / P ^ H BOISE: 475050 Overlan(J Roa(J NAMPA; 156 CaldvIdwell Blvd. H! T l m e s - No wi s ■ I m m i 140707 W. State Street TWIN FALLS: 780iO Bluelake Blvd. B H Convonionrly■ dde olivorod I I 600101 Fairview Ave. ONTARIO: 1166 S.S.W. 4th Avenue \ “ dally. Lolsoi oxcllomont,ox . [HiM nows, conlrovoivorsy. ^B I WE KEEP YOUR HOI3URS 7 DAYS A WEr E E K I ^ r onloriainm ont,It, IInformation I M O N -FR I^a8am to9pm * SATI'8am to 8pm* SUhJN 9 a m to 6pm [ a budgoHlrokfiIchlng jids. ^ 1 • Subscribeinow n S h b m h m m v h Call 733-084844 H I

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