M MellowJ kids at COollege—B16 Cham^berbgch^ s B u r / e y- B i p P .’.[ i l l m n p i $ 1 . 0 0 81!ilstyear, No.362 T w in F a lls, Id,Id a h o Sunday, Dec)Bcember28,198I&: : .......... Rea< ’86 w<a s ‘gc3ody<ear’ I %ays his h lings to free American By The Associated Press■ess I ! The presidenl praisedI VW allenberg covert dealln; for pointing out "that viwhile dally hostages In Iran,Ir R eagan said "1988 . ;i in,controv LOS ANGELES -— President news reports in recent years> bave has been a goodgoo y e a r for tbe cause of p* a U p Reagan, on a New YeYear’s vacation focus^ on negative eievents and human freedcedom and good for the p u u > , • far (rom WaEhlngtoo0 iand the Iran- predictions of gloom andid doom, o u r cause of worldrldpeace.” . 'i Contra controversy, all but ignored country and our people acliclually b av e ‘The prealdeident also said his sumiflil tils biggest problem, SiSaturday, say- been moving forward,1, problem s nieellng wllhth Soviet leader Mikhail ^ ing 1906 "w as a very googood year." ' solved, opportunity openlniIng » Gorbachevat at Reykjavik, Iceland, in 7^i^tiai^^iaSSSSi9J«r nnl>y. m itW g a;'! In bis weekly racradio address, jwed differences between The year 1986, Reaganntbldhlsau- i recorded in advance to be broadcast iperpowers over nuclear ^ dlence, *‘wlU be remembe while he was flying to iCallfomla tor lions "had narrowed con- ■: for some Important and 1 n n m a holiday, week tn LosjOS Angeles aod • evenly that the politic Palm Sprlngs, Reagatgan made only ; lo a soiig made popular' i)! doh’f rem em ber or mayay nol have , brief mention of the: cicHsis that'hu d, Frank Sinalra, Reagan fi noticed." enveloped his presidenc;incy. said , "As tbebe song puts 11, ‘It was a « . T h i h m i m “The Iran controversj;rsy has certain- M He stressed conUnued5d econom ic very good yeare a r ," ' f ly been a disappolntin<tmeot for all of growth, overhaul of theI IIncdme fax Now, withlh the appointment of ^ ' us,’"Tie saldrreiteratlrating-hls'com- Ilaw. “some Impressive vlclorics”vli In NATO AmbasiBssador David Abshire as Dm tl» mitment "to gettingg all\ the facts T5 ►the w ar. against 'drug -abuse- j and Reagan’s Cabinet-rankCal counsellor, * and fixing whatever wenvenlwrong." ' . THEREAGANS** 1noted, '"this was the y ear th a t White Houseuse Spolosman Larry 4 Taking a slap at lhehe news media. Jetw esestward to greet 1987 Americans brought somele of the top Speakes said,lid. Reagan’s' other ad- c t^Asked d u rb g ai which has (ocuscd att<attention In re- lo a l>ookok by'conservatlvc commen-1- . leaders of organized crime to vlsers can get back to concentrating ^ Associated P cent weeks on the seen;cret arms sales tator BeBen Wallenberg enUUed,1, justice.” on Issues Rea{eagan will highlight In his i to Iran and diversionon of profits to “ The Goo(ood News Is the Bad News Is Despite the conlrovers;rsy swirling state ol hethe Union address next $ aboul his secret foreignn policy and month. ife"?;) Nicaraguan rebels, Rea■leagan referred Wrong." ' j F o r pfresideri i n t,^ 8 6 begann warmit y , b u t endsco n s o wi r n o t e ByW. DALE NELSON>N • The Associated Presss Analysis WASHINGTON - FoiFor President — — Reagan, a yea; that begbegan with ac* claim (romhis«)untryijymen and high for a quartlarter Of a century before his hop^ for achlevemeotmt Iliendlng with election,1. ■ ■ ' his presidency turneddsourby » The yea'ear ended with many asking - •tdlsidyeoaicesflljrp^d.^d.: , . r even the normally buoyant ..Wheihe;" Reagan, theLhe most popu- R e'^^rconidbeehJoyDig ct H islbfrair^ larofrecent;president5nts throughout much ass heh has often said he does, most ot his six years In (office, will be First ladyidy NancyiReagan said It was abletoi'egalnhlsmomeimentumlnl987 particulariarlygalllbglohlmthathe . remains tobeseen. ButJuttheclosing wasnqttocloldaboutthedlverSioQOf. ------------ weeksof-iew hav© beeneon, n sh e . ----------fiindttail)iibeJilCAtaguaiusbfils._ ____ himself put it, a timesofbllter of "Nobod,lody'shappyandlubllanl . bile." aboul beineing deceived," M rs. Reagan her husband In a receni In- With alarming suddei:dennes3,U.e “ I with The Associated Press. disclosiire of secret arn: :an himself put his feelings Iran and tbe diversion o JS,Irongly in an Interview with --------- ceedstoaldtheNlcaragraguaaguer;-------TIm eM aglap z ln e ju sl after Ih'e secrel rlllas he calls"freedomom llghtera" , Nlcaraguiguan fund deal w as disclosed sent Reagan's stock Int November. opinion polls plunging a crlllclsm from Republicb .l c a n s a „ r vc lo say that there is bitter Democrats alike. ny Ihroat these days," the The Iran crisis eruptciptedontlio president■nt said. "I've never seen the heels of the October sunsummit In ' sharks circlingclr like they now are Reykjavik, Iceland, whwhich Reagan w llb bloodood In lhe w aler." ' had hoped would pave^ethewayfora ti . Inthelci Interview, R eagan said his m eeting with Soviet leaderleai Mikhail Iranianiinitiallve‘‘wasn’lafailure in . Gorbachev In the Unite*lited States, In- until thee pressp got a t i p . and stead It ended in disma}nay, with no began toplo play U up." arms control agreemenlent and no fur- By Dcc.ec. 6, with his critics and his ther summits on the horizon.hoi closest alliesall on Capitol Hill agreeingg - - ____ Both before and afterler the Iceland _ -lhat an aclmlsslonad of erro r was nec- summit, Reagan campjnpalgnedhard _ essary,, ReaganRi change his tuiic ' to keeptheRepubllcofliafi majority. somewhalhat. lhat won command ofjflheSenateon U "While’lie we're still seeking all the his coattails In 1980. BulBut when the facts, It’s*I’s obvious lhal the execution returns were In. the DemocratsDei were of thesei (Iranian)(I policies w as flaw- back In the saddle as5 th<they had beea • Seelee REAGAN on P ag e A2 Eco3nomic r<recovery Is h o u l d SIsurvive ] jhans m throoughrneww r y ^ T T bfotn[nayrt<to tte r ^ By MARTIN'INCRUTSINGER Wyss, a n economiseeco wllh chaant to H ' A . ^ TbeAssocIallatedPress ^ ' • V ' i '- Resources Inc.,nc., one of th e country’s i'^Ukw V largest economicDmlc forecasting firm s: Evans, head of : a ♦ i l - WASHING'^GTON - The U.S. M Ichai Ev. thedeeath^ H economic recovery,r already the n O m i C W ashlnoon conconsulting firm, said he B P i s • expected GNPNP lo be a negative:! i third longest;est in the postw ar period, I lhe Jantiary-Marcb I should last.tll through 1987, althougb it J U O Q K percent In I may bc aI blbit tottery at the beglnn- 1.V -- quarter bul he said growth-shonld : of Sojviets H ................ pick up considerIderably aller that.-..... ^ - -j Ing of thee ;year, many economists gan administraUon -Is i beUcve. ^ outweighed InlUally by a loss of The Reagan lhal the country’s tr^ e 1 0 , 0 0 0 pprotesters i HH These amanalysis are looking forr Ibusiness tax breaks. forecasting lhat moderate ceconomic growth next;t Some economists belle'leve that a deficit, whichch Iis expecled to b i t a ■ mark anrnniversary hS . y ear very' sisimilar to that of the pastIt :sh arp cutback In busineless capital record $170 billionbll this y e a r, will itween (30 billion a n d ^ 0 two years. spending will give thle e economy shrink by betwe of Soviet invasion Other elei•lements of the consensus]3 ienough of a jolt thatt economic blllloa nexl: yiyear, enough to Dft 0 negative economic growlowlh lo a ra te of 3.2 p f ^ < By MOHAMMED APIIFTAB B H y growth will dip into Tbe Associated Press • G ro)rowth; 'numbers during the firstL Ithree mon*. cent for theJ ycyear. The economy-la -.th s of, 1987, something thattJ hasn’t expected to growgn about 2.6 p e rc in t will be (enough to push the* „ occurred since the end ofif th e 1981-82 this y ear, veryery close to the 2.7 i*r- ISLAMABAD, PPakistan ak — More unemploymement rate down slightly ' V recession. cent growth lumlurr ed In for 1983. • than 10,000 Afghansis cchanted "Dealh. with bteresrest rates, already at the APUMTphOtO „ However, most, analysjrsts believe The 3.2 percenlper administraUon - to GorbachevI'* '■ 1In a protest ivels of this decade, also h lh at th e slump wUl be1 short-lived estimate Is aa sub^antlal revision , dem onstration. In IslamabadIsl Satur-.. /vfghi bleeding efflgy of Sovlelet leader continuingg loI fall, at least througb lhan prote«tiera cany a bl aod will thus nol ouallfy[y a s a full- from ao Augusigust forecast, In which ■ - day on the -Mventhth .anniversary of M ikht jtantow n theflrsthalfalf of the year, ihall Gorbachev through|h tthe streets of a PakUt . fledged recession, which is defined as the admlnlstnIstration prealqted the the Soviet Union's1 huge m ilitary in- iflation: two consecutive quarters•s of decline economy wouldDUld racis ahead at a 4.2 tervention In their hontiomeland. ments 1from leaders around the ed In red and bearing aa 1ham m er and . , * a two-decade low this yearX in the gross nallonal prodU(luct. percenl pace:e InU 1987. B ut It Is sliU J'KUl the R ussiansans!" sbouted.-the world ■denouncedi the ' continuedned sickle. They chanted I ithe Moslem w^^ch hit a I II of falling oil prices, willU Tbelr.faith lhat the ecciconomy can above ~ th e consensuscoi fo recast Tof dem onstrators, wwho Included presenceice of an estimated 115,000,000 refrain "G od Is g re a ll”” ]and "ly U the “ ® rtsnM ( 1 1987, rising back to levelsa recover from a falterln;ing start Is private economilomists.
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