North Dakota's Golden Ju&Ilee
uifiGons wesr OFFICIAL! SOUVENTP « • • Q9H NORTH DAKOTA'S GOLDEN JU&ILEE 8 89 NORTH DAKOTA 939 • STATE LIBRARY • Bismarck, N. D. 58505 HI WS&aSm . -" PROCLAMATION OF ADMISSION (Issued by President Harrison, Nov. 2, 1889) WHEREAS, The congress of the United States hundred and eighty-nine, for ratification or rejec did, by an act approved on the twenty-second day tion by the qualified voters of said proposed state, of February, one thousand eight hundred and and that the returns of said election should be eighty-nine provide that the inhabitants of the made to the secretary of the territory of Dakota, territory of Dakota might, upon conditions pre who with the governor and chief justice thereof, scribed by said act, become the states of North or any two of them, should canvass the same, and Dakota and South Dakota, and if a majority of the legal votes cast should be for the constitution, the governor should certify the WHEREAS, It was provided by said act that result to the President of the United States, the area comprising the Territory of Dakota together with a statement of the votes cast should, for the purposes of this act, be divided on thereon, and upon separate articles of propositions the line of the seventh standard parallel produced and a copy of said constitution, articles, proposi due west to the western boundary of said Territory tions and ordinances; and and that the delegates elected as therein provided to the Constitutional Convention in districts WHEREAS, It has been certified to me by the north of said parallel should
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