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At Lake Maxinkuckee


PERSONAL MENTION. Time Table THE ROUNDER. Reply to Exodus. LOCAL BREVET! ES. Homer Nearpass is on the sick list. M r;'-E d i t o r : — A very clever article Send in your local Items. VANDALIA LINE' appeared in your issue of last week Mrs. J. K. Mawharter is on the W hat fie ftears, Sees and Thinks The hotels are full of guests. Terre Haute and Logansport R. R. sick list. under the heading of “Prohibition What about that Town Clock? For the North A bo ut. vs. Church Members.” The article No. 10...... 8:12 A.M. Mrs. Frank Lamson is visiting Ni­ makes a true statement, that the The H e r a l d office has more light. No. 14...... 12.09 P. M. agara Falls this week. No. 8 ...... 9 ;41 P. M . Prohibition speakers at the Assem­ Totan Reds 5c per yard at Porter Chas. and Edna Hayes are visiting No. 12 (Sunday O n ly )...... 9.08 A. M. He thinks that if certain men who bly spoke very Btrong against the ad­ & Co’s. Forth© South. friends at Bement, 111.; wear the cloth which designates them ministration for allowing -the army Call on & Son for up to- No. 21...... 6:37 A. M. John Campbell and family made as reverend gentlemen would have saloon to continue even against law, No. 3...... 1:14 P .M . date fresh meat. Plymouth a visit Saturday. more regard for truth and veracity, No 9 ...... 7:59P. M. and for permitting the liquor traffic Calicos 4, 5, and 6 cents at Porter they would have a stronger hold up­ No. 11 (Sunday O n l y ) ...... * 7.00 P. M. ; Ed. Houghton and family, of Ply­ to so extensively follow the flag in & Co’s. J Shugrue, Agt. mouth, visited friends in Culver on the good opinion of the public. our new possessions. We regret, The Maxinkuckee Assembly clos d Sunday. How can such men expect to teach also, that this is done; but when my KEEN BROS., others how to follotv the narrow way, Sunday evening. A Miss King, of Danville, 111., is brother suggests that “the Prohibs when they repeatedly prevaricate and Call and see Porter & Co’s 4 and PHOTOGRAPHERS visiting Miss Julia Lamson at the confine their work of reform in Amer- wantonly make misleading state­ 5c calicos. Opposite Poejtofflce, - CULVER, IND. Primer House. ca and let foreigners alone,” I think ments, They, abovts all men, should be misunderstood the> aim of the An addition is being built to the Call or Telephone for us when you want Miss Cecil Bell of Indianapolis is be circumspect, and by their every Prohibs. f Who has conceded that Academy kitchen. a Group or Scenery Photographed. Por­ visiting her schoolmate, Miss Belle traits iir up-U-daie atylen. day life prove to the world that they the Philipinos are foreigners? And Fine line of Lake Views for sale, in­ Fulton , on the east side. Remnant ribbon sale next week at cluding Stereoscopical Views and Scenes are what they represent. are not the American soldier boys in Porter & Co’s. arouud the Lake. Mr. Jacob Speyer and family, of -k : x i x Maidila who are being ruined bv the The two old parties are just com­ , are in Culver vis­ The Rounder notices that there canteen as much objects of interest as mencing to get in their work. P^ A A R K C A F E , iting relatives and friends. are a number of young men, who do their brothers at home? Oue speaker Shoes at old prices—no advance Mrs. E. A. Poor, who has been not live a thousand miles from Cul­ ONE BLOCK WEST DEPOT said: “ We object to the government ver, who have -a tendency to be at Porter & Go’s. visiting her husband at this placet taking more interest in the extension Lakt? Maxinkuckee, Culver, In d .' smart. They think ’ by getting a The Assembly Hotel will remain returned to Marion, Ind., Tuesday. of the liquor trade than in the flour One Dollar per day. “jag” on and appearing in public; open until September. Miss Ida Culver and Miss Belle trade.” From that 1 take it that the Lunch at all hours. and using foul and indecent'lan­ Youngblood, of St. Louis, are guests Prohibs fight the government's atti­ Big bargains in white bed spreads Ice cream in season. guage, that they have elevated them­ this week at Porter & Co’s. Fruits, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco of Mrs. H. H. Culver on the east tude toward the liquor traffic. - selves in the estimation of the public, The Prettv Lake Sunday school Board by the week. side. I listened to all the speeches and This is a sad delusion which should picnicked at Culver Tuesday. D. R. AVERY, Prop. Arlington and Nina Haas of Bre­ was much impressed; but not that be verified by Having these “smart men, are visiting with their sister, the Prohib was a “temperance” or­ The Rector Hotel on the east side R o b e r t C . O ’B le n is , A leek V* arrested and properly pun­ Mrs. I . S. Hahn a few day* this ganization at all; but that they were is filled to its utmost capacity. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. ished. r A few lessons of this kint Also Deputy Prosecutor! Office in Pick- week. opposed to the government’s atti­ Scores of Plvmonth and Argos would do them good. erel block, Argos, Ind. G. B. Taylor, the able manager of tude. * I did not understand the citizens were in Culver Sunday. the Culver Military Academy, is tak­ x x x : speakers to say that the' Republican Corn in this section promises to be The Rouader notices that all over J) r. 0. A. REA, ing in the sights at Niagara Falls or Democrat did"not try hard to a tremendous crop. Also late pota­ Culver the sidewalks are in a dilapi­ this week. “regulate” the traffic, but that it c&u- to*. dated condition and need repairing Physician and Surgeon. not and ought not be “regulated.” Prof. I. S. Hahn delivered a tem­ badly. He also notices that4 the McLane & Co. have added *o their Office over Exchange* Bank . perance speech at Rutland last Sun­ streets are blessed with an abundant One said, You do not try to regu- ] j v e r y Btock a fine double seated car- day morning and at Trinity Sunday late stealing by license, but make it crop of weeds which promises to riage. Main Street. - • CULVER. IND. evening. a crime to steal. Neither shpuld you yield an enormous crop of seeds for Tt now looks as though the diffi­ regelate liquor selling; but make it Miss Daisy Watson, of Torre an increased growth next year. Nat culty with China would be amicably Q r. B. W. s. WISEMAN, a crime to sell.” Haute, will be a guest of Miss Myr­ ural pride should cause the Common settled. tle Nearpass for the ensuing three or Then my brother says that we Physician and SurgeOn. Council to order this obnoxious sight A few ladies’ shirt, waists to cMse four weeks. should educate, and the Sunday removed. Culver is • a town which out at Porter & Co’s. Fifty cents Office hours 11 to 12 a. m .,‘and 4 to 6 p. m. school should be the great bulwark The following party from Cincin­ should especially be kept clean and for choice. OfficeThird Door North of Bank: of education on temperance. I nati, O., are guests at. the Lake View: neat, as it is visited by thousands of Calls promptly answored day ot night. thought those speakers believed the Do not fail to attend the fete at Mrs B. Keesling, A. B. Keesling, and people who are very apt to criticize Main S tre e t, - - C U L V E R , IND. Sunday school should teach temper­ Mrs. Culver’s on the east side this the Misses and Moore. anything not in the line of cleanli­ ance; but they believed that a polit- (Friday) evening. Mrs. Etta Harper, who has been ness. Dr Geo. S. Hollister, cal party supported by Christian The Marshal is overseeing a gang visiting her parents in Culver the Nearly Blind* voters should change the law from of men who are cleaning out the past four weeks, returned to her ^hgsiciai) & JJargeoi), We sre paired to chronicle that being in favor of and creating the academy lagoons. home in Terre Haute Sunday. Mrs. R. K. Lord is no better. Her traffic, to one that would be opposed One of the best meat market re­ o m m m m & m o Mrs. Meckel and daughter, who case is peculiar, as through a rush of to and destroy it. I think my brother frigerators in the state for sate at have been guests at the Thomas CALLS ANSWERED PROrtPTLY NIGHT blood to the nerves of the eyes, she was absent when they showed that to Bradley’s restaurant. O R DAY. v Medbour Hotel the past few weeks, is nearly blind, being only able to 200 boys in Chicago who attended Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tone Shaw, returned to Terre Haute, Tuesday. distinguish between light and dark­ church an hour, there were 12,000 Office Oyer Culver City Drug store, Sunday morning, a bouncing boy. E. K . Pulsiver, who has been tak- ness. She feels no pain, but simply who were in the saloons the saloons c r L V E R . IND. So reports Dr. Wiseman. ing treatment at the A dd Arbor, realizes that at times the right side the same hour getting “temperance” There will be an excursion from Dr. Stevens, Mich., medical institute, has returned of her body is numb and practically lessons. Huntington to Culver over the Erie HAXENKUCKEE, I.SD., to Culver much improved in health. J without feeling. She has been ex- I did not think that they aimed at road, yia Delong, next Sunday. . Physician and Surgeon. . Attorney J.W.Parks, of Plymouth, amined by all of our local physicians all to convince “deep-dyed Demo­ Rev. J. V. Coombs and family candidate for State Senator upon the and a noted eye specialist of Logans­ crats or Republicans” that his party CALLS ANSWERED PR0MI>TLY NIGHT were photographed while sitting in a OR DAY. ' Republican ticket, was in town Mon­ port. But notwithstanding all has was not doing all in its power to row boat Monday by Keen Bros., the OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. day. He is undoubtedly one of the been done that medical skill could regulate” the saloon; but that they celebrated artists. most favorable known men in the devise, she has grown rapidly worse. did aim to convince whole’souled p a r s ers, ^ttentiop county. Monday she was taken to Logans­ Christians that it could not be regu­ Daniel Esterday threshed 78 buth- Mr. A. E. McGilliard, wife and port before1 experts who claim that lated. E xudds’ B r o t h e r . els of wheat on his farm southeast /. Why Pay High Prices children, Mr. and Mrs. E* Scofield, she had a slight paralytic stroke of the lake Monday. Who can beafc when you cau get your Excu psi ns a t G j 1 Ye r it in Union towuship? Horse shod for One and Mr. and Mrs. Winter, of Hart­ which has affected nerves of her eyes. 0 Dollar with New Shoes, The specialist at Logansport advised Sunday was the banner excursion and other work in pro­ well, aud Mr. Walter Bonnell, of Wilhelm of Burr Oak has nearly portion ? Carthage, O., are guests at the Cur­ her to go to Indianapolis and have day thus far this'season at Culver. completed his new store building. It W. H. WILSON, Culver. tis cottage on the east side. Dr. Fletcher, a noted specialist, ex­ There were four excursion besides will be a great improvement for that L. N. Blair and son of Argos, and amine her eyes, as it may be neces­ ihe regular trains in Culver. It is thriving little burg. sary to perform an operation. No estimated that there was between five W. R. Yockey of Bremen were Cul­ On Sunday Evening, August 26, Gulver Gity one can see that anything is the mat­ and six thousand people here who ver visitors M onday. Mr? Blair for­ Rev. H- N . Smith, of the Reformed ter with her eyes, as they are as clear enjoyed themselves boat riding, bath- merly lived near Culver, but has not Church, will preach on the subject* Tonsorial Parlor. as ever. ■ ng and fishing. The restaurants been here for years. He thinks there “A Choice Young Man.” Three doors south of Postoffice. has been great improvements made , Mrs. Lord has been a remarkable and hotels were crowded to their ut­ Forty citizens of Indianapolis are HAIR CUTTINO 15 CENTS. in this city. woman, and has accomplished ! as most capacity feeding the hungry mtich toward the development of horde that clammored for food. But, registered at the Palmer House. The Also Agent for Troy Steam R C. Kloepfer, manager of the Cdlver as any other citizen in our notwithstanding the immense crowd, balance of the 65 guests are from New York store at Plymouth, accom­ Laundry. A choice line of midst! She possessed great business there was no disturbance to speak of. St. Louis, Terre Haute, etc. panied by C. E. Bofinger, head book­ tact, and in consepuence our lake is It rained here iu the morning, but keeper for ther Joseph Beifeld cloak* Jones— “Who is that man with a Fine 4 Cigars. supplied with three handsome steam fortunately it cleared up. and the factory at Chicago; were callers at broad smile on his face?” ers, mainly through her efforts. Her atmosphere was cool and comforta­ * GULVLR CITY * this office S i turday. Mr. Kloepfer Smith— ‘Oh, that’s Brown; he many friends will be more than ble. MEAT vr MARKET. says that he is now closing out his gets shaved at lhe U R Next barber D* G. WALTER, Proprietor. pleased at her ultimate recovery. summer goods and will give Culver Have you purchased any 36 inch shop.” A clean towel with each cus­ First Class Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats,1 citizens great bargains for the next Farmers are having their oat crop percales? „ Now on sale at Porter & tomer. Hair cut, 15c; shave, 10c; and our own Sirictiv Pure Lird. ten days. threshed and it is good. Co’a. next door to Hollister’s grocery.

, ’ /• it■'Xk- v, CULVER CITY HERALD, ALASKA’S GOLD BRINGS JOY. SELL STOLEN LOGS. SUICIDE DIES AMID FLAMES. * —— PEACE OFFER MADE. Nebraska Couple, Parted by Adversity, j Old W oman Saturates Her Clothes witlft United by Klondike Strike. I Kerosene and Lights Them. Thirteen years ago George H . Cutler The body of Mrs. Watkins, an old wo­ PLUNDER FROM MINNESOTA CHINESE DYNASTY BEGINS TO CULVER CITY. • . - INDIANA, and Miss Anna C. Hansen, both members man living in Hamilton Township, Mich­ of prominent families, were married at TAKEN TO LA CROSSE. DISPLAY ALARM. g ^ i5 g = -.. : ...... ------.....usss? igan, was found in the woods, where she the home of the bride’s parents not far had been cremated. She left the house from Greenwood, Neb. Cutler is the son Organized Gang of Thieves Holds Peo- in the morning to gather berries. A ' of ex-Sheriff Cutler, who gave his son a Wants the Advance on Pekin Stopperl, pie to Silence by Threats of Violence search was made and late in the after­ MRS. WU IS RESCUED. small farm as a wedding present. Ad­ noon her body wTas found some distance Preferring Diplomacy to Foreign versity, however, overtook the young and Death—One St. Louis Business from the house. She had poured kero­ Bayonets —Imperial Edict Naming couple and it became necessary to mort­ Man Shot by Another, sene on her clothing and then set it afire. Li-Hnng-Chaug a a Peace Envoy. SHE HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM gage the farm and the struggle to lift The jug in which was the kerosene and the mortgage seemed to be more than matches were found a short distance DROWNING. Cutler could stand. In 1898 he scraped It has been discovered that a party of Washington special: twenty-two men from LaCrosse, who from the body. Suicide was evidently together all the money he could and Acting Secretary of State A dee on Sun­ make log-stealing a profession, had at­ her intent. I t is thought she was insane. started for the Klondike. From the time day received from the Chinese minister. Diplom at’* Wife, w ith Party of Friends, tacked the raft of J. W. Van Sant, Her son was sent to Kalamazoo asylum he left the confines of the United States Mr. Wu, a copy of an imperial edict ap­ which was tied at Dresbach, Minn., and a few days ago. on Sinking Yacht OCT Cape May—A no further tidings came from him. His pointing Li H ung Chang envoy plenipo­ removed several hundred logs from it Man Killed by a Blow oil tlie Chin in wife came to the conclusion that he had AERONAUT MAKES FATAL LEAP. tentiary, with instructions to propose at died of disease or accident in the wilds which are valued at $1,000 or more. The once by telegraph to the governments ol' a Toledo Saloon, men went up in sixteen skiffs and over- of the Yukon country. Meantime Mrs. Parachute Fails to Open and He Strikes the several powers concerned the imme­ powdered the watchman. After taking the Cutler made heroic efforts to hold the in Shallow Water. diate cessation of hostile demonstrations With wet feet, dampened garments and logs they went to LaCrosse with them farm, but it began to look as though she A young Grand Rapids ballonist, pending negotiations which he is author­ faint from fright, Mrs. Wu Ting Fang, and sold them to a local lumberman. De­ would soon lose her home. As a last named John Drew, was instantly killed ized to conduct for the settlement of ques­ wife of the Chinese minister, and six com­ tectives are working on the case. Log- resort her attorney advised her to sue for at Macatawa park, Holland, Mich. He tions arising out of the present troubles. panions were brought in off the water at stealing is a profession of w’hich little is made a beautiful ascent to about three a divorce on the ground of desertion and A reply has been returned to the Chi­ Cape May, X. J., after a narrow escape known or heard. The thieves have a or four hundred feet over Black Lake, di­ ask the court to give her the farm as ali­ nese government, through Mr. Wu, in from drowning. Besides Mrs. W u there protective association, and all members rectly between the Hotels Macatawa mony. Finally the distressed woman per­ which the United Slates declines to mod­ were in the party her son, her two are pledged to utmost secrecy. Men who and Ottawa, but when the parachute was mitted the attorney to file the suit for di­ ify its policy and further insists upon the nephews, Mrs. A. Nesmith, Miss Ne­ are in a position to know about their cut loose it became entangled in some vorce. The decree was granted only a conditions specified by the President in smith aud Mrs. Bariiaud Hall. The fam­ movements, such as bridge engineers, way and failing to open properly Drew few weeks ago, and a few days after his letter of July 23 in reply to the Em ­ ily of Minister Wu is spending the sum­ never tell on them, as they know it was snapped off the bar by the jerk, and, Mrs. Cutler received a letter from her peror’s appeal for mediation. These con­ mer there. A sailing party was made up, means death, or at least great personal falling on his side in shallow water, was husband dated at Cape Nome telling her ditions w.ere three in number, and two and on the yacht Martha started out for violence. During the last twenty years instantly killed. The body w’as recov­ that he had struck it rich in the placer have been granted—the assurance of the a few hours on the water. The yacht $1,000,000 worth of logs have been stolen. ered by the life-saving crew. diggings and had saved up $58,000 in safety of the ministers and the restora­ was a considerable distance from shore gold. He said he was coming back to BAD FIRE AT BEAVER FALLS. tion of free communication between them when it was noticed by persons along the her. She at once wrote him the whole BUSINESS MAN IS SHOT. beach that ail was not well on board. and their governments. The third, that story. The truant husband replied and Shelby Steel and Boston Rlectroduct the authorities aid the relief expedition The frantic gesticulations of those on the Result of a Quarrel Over an Alleged asked her if she still loved him and would Plants Burned. in liberating legationers, may be granted, boat were soon understood to be signals Slander in St. Louis. be willing to marry him again. Mrs. In Beaver Falls, Pa., fire totally de- and then the United States will be ready of distress, and a rowboat quickly put Thresher Hall, a prominent business Cutler lost no time in answering the let­ man of St. Louis, shot J. B. Kendall, troyed the works of the Shelby Steel to listen to the peace proposals of Li out from shore. It reached the yacht ter favorably. They arranged to meet also well known, at the latter’s house. Tube Company and the Boston Electro­ Ilung Chang. The State Department, none too soon, for the latter had sprung at St. Paul, where they were married, The trouble arose out of Hall charging duct Company, doing damage to the ex­ besides sending this reply to China, fur­ a leak and was rapidly filling. and with their sons left for Seattle to Kendall with having related a scandal­ tent of $300,000. The fire was discovered nished copies of it to the various govern* spend the coming winter. KILL,ED BY BLOWS FROM A FIST. ous story about him. When the accusa­ shortly before midnight, and burned so ments of Europe and to Japan. TOMATOES GROW ON GRAVE. tion was made Kendall struck Hall with fiercely that for a time it was feared the The great Chinese statesman is practi­ Toledo Saloonkeeper Arrested for the a “billy” and Hall immediately fired at Union Drawm Steel Works also would be cally given carte blanche by his Emperor Death of Peter Rosenberg:. Child Was Fond of Them and They him, one shot taking effect in the chest. destroyed, but by heroic efforts the fire­ to conduct the entire peace program and Charles Pfeiffer, a saloon-keeper, is un­ Mysteriously Appear. He drove to the Four Courts, gave him­ men kept the flames from spreading. The the settlement of the terms whereby the der arrest in Toledo, Ohio, charged with Tomato plants that grew mysteriously self up, and was placed in the holdover. origin of the fire is unknown. various powers are to be satisfied for in­ having killed by two blows of his fist an on a grave in Holy Cross cemetery, Bos­ juries and damage. The edict follows: Novel Oklahoma Colony. employe of the Craig shipyards, ’Peter ton, have been stolen aud a reward has “In the present conflict between Chi­ BANDIT DIES IN FIRE. Fifty Massillon, Ohio, people left re­ Rosenberg. Pfeiffer acknowledged strik­ been offered for the apprehension of the nese and foreigners there has been some cently for Oklahoma, wiiere they will ing the blows. The trouble started in thief by Rev. D. W . Savage, father of Burned to Death in House Watched by misunderstanding on the part of foreign take up claims on government land and Pfeiffer’s saloon, where Rosenberg had Posse—Companion Shot Dead. nations, and a-lso a want of proper man­ the child buried there. Mr. Savage’s lit­ establish a colony under plans which have lost $7 at a dice game. Pfeiffer struck The two men who robbed a Union Pa­ agement on the part of some of the local tle daughter, Grace, had been, ever since been formed by local labor leaders. The him twice with terrific force under the she was able to eat, wonderfully fond of cific train in Colorado recently were authorities. A clash of arms is followed government will be formed to meet the chin. Rosenberg dropped to the floor. tomatoes. This was looked upon as a killed three miles east of Goodland, Kan., by calamitous results and causes a rup­ peculiar ideas of local students of social­ Three men carried the victim out and where they wTere surrounded by local of­ result of parental influences, which were istic problems. ture of friendly relations, which will ul­ tried to restore consciousness, but failed. also responsible for a birthmark, the ex­ ficer?. One of the bafedits, who refused timately do no good to the world. W e Becoming frightened, they carried the act shape of a tomato on the batik of her to :(irrender, was burned to death in a Bryan and Stevenson Notified. hereby appoint Li Hung Chang as our body to a vacant lot, it is claimed, where head. Her fondness for tomatoes seemed sodhouse, twhich w’as fired after every Bryan and Stevenson received at In­ envoy plenipotentiary, with instructions they threw it among some weeds. Three to grow with her years, and it seemed as effort had been made to capture him alive. dianapolis formal notification of their to propose at once by telegraph to the it was discovered. if she could eat them all day. About a The second robber was shot to death nomination by the national Democratic governments of the several powers con­ year and a half ago the little girl died. while trying to escape. convention at Kansas City. In his cerned for immediate cessation of hostile GIRL STOLEN FROM MOTHER. Early this summer her father was as­ speech Col. Bryan made imperialism the demonstrations pending negotiations, tounded to see several tomato plantw Costly W edding Presents. paramount issue of the campaign. which he is hereby authorized to conduct Bold Abduction at Kenosha Causes growing up among the flowers and plants W illiam B. Leeds of New York, chair­ for our part for the settlement of what­ Remarry After Thirty Years. Excitement. on her grave. No one had planted them, man of the American Tinplate Company, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen York, divorced ever questions may have to be dealt with. Little Hazel Patterson was stolen from so far as could be ascertained, and no one whose wife secured a divorce in thirty Tlie questions are to be severally con- thirty years ago, were married to each her mother's arms in Kenosha, Wis. Her could explain how they came to grow' minutes in Chicago, was married two j sidered in a satisfactory manner, and the other for the second time by Justice of abductors made their escape in a car­ there. But a day or two ago Mr. Sav­ days later, and gave his new wife half a the Peace Brown, in Cleveland. The result of the^negotiations reported to us riage. The abduction was one of the age discovered that someone had evident­ million dollars’ worth of wedding gifts. for our sanction. R ^p ect this.” bride and groom are each GO years old. boldest ever attempted the city and ly carried away the tomato plants and a She is the daughter of the treasurer of This edict was forwarded bv -be privy caused great excitement. It was the re­ l£*ge share of the flowers on the grave. the Forest City Stone Company of Cleve­ Cyclone in United Kingdom. council at Pekin under date of the 14th sult of a family quarrel for the possession land. A regular cyclone has prevailed day of the seventh moon (Aug. 8) to Gov­ ROBBERS USE THE TELEPHONE. ernor Yuan at Tsi Nan, Shangtung, who of the child. Tlie girl is 11 years old, aud Sick Father Shoots Son. throughout the United Kingdom. Loss transmitted it on the 17th day of the the child of a former marriage. Her At Churubusco, Ind., Isaac Bear was of life on land and sea and the destruc­ Steal $500 from a Jeweler and Then same moon, Aug. 11, to the Tao Tai of mother came three years ago from Mans­ filled full of shot by his father, Sol Bear, tion of shipping and other property are Seek a $300 Reward. Shanghai, by whom it was transmitted field, Pa., leaving the child with her and died instantly. The son was taking reported. The boldness of two burglars, who se­ to Minister W u Ting Fang, who received grandparents at that place. Later she care of his father, who was supposed to cured .$500 worth of jewelry at B. Wine- Cyclone Kills Vermonters. it on the night of the same day, Aug. 11. married William Maloney of Pleasant be on his death bed. He got out of bed, A cyclone swept over Burlington, Vt., Prairie and wrote east asking that the gcrter’s store in Akron, Ohio, amazes the local police. By long-distance telephone grabbed a shotgun and while the son was and caused two deaths and several hun­ FUNERAL PARTY STRICKEN. child be sent to her. the men called Winegerter from Cleve­ attempting to get away it was dis­ dred thousand dollars’ damage to prop­ charged, the entire contents entering the erty. It raged with great fury for up­ Fast Train Kills Fifteen Pennsyl­ Contests on the Diamond. land and offered for $300 to return the son’s abdomen. ward of an hour. vania Mourners. The standing of the clubs in the Na- stolen property. They gave a correct list of the articles taken and wished to ar­ Fifteen dead and several seriously tional League is as follows: Traces of Poison Is Found. range a meeting with attorneys. The Kentucky Miners Ont on Strike. hurt, some fatally, is the result of a W.L. W. L. The sudden death of Edward P. Her­ jeweler tried to secure a personal inter­ The miners at Pittsburg, Ivy., are out grade-crossing accident at Slatington, Brooklyn .. .55 33 Boston ...... 43 47 view without success, and at last, after rick in Chicago, combined with the pre­ on a strike, caused by the discharge of Pa., on the Lehigh and New England Pittsburg .. .49 42 St. L o uis... .39 47 several conferences by telephone, he re­ vious mysterious deaths of his wife and one of the men by the company. Railroad. Several families were wiped Philadelphia 47 41 Cincinnati .. .40 50 fused to pay the money without seeing his niece and the serious illness of his out of existence and many homes were Chicago ... .40 45 New York.. .35 49 daughter-in-law, Caused the police to in­ Yang-tsun Taken by the Allies^ the jewelry. The signal office of the army at Wash­ rendered desolate. Out of a party of quire into the matter and developed the twenty-four only three escaped. The ac­ ington has received notice that the allies Following is the standing in ihe Amer- Shut Down the Furnaces. fact that there were traces of poison in cident occurred about 5 o'clock. An om­ : have captured Y’ang-tsun. ican League A t a meeting of the Bessemer Associa­ the dead man’s stomach. nibus, driven by a man named Peters, tion in Cleveland an important step was W.L. W. L. was returning to Slatington from a funer­ decided upon with the object of prevent­ Daring Murder and Theft. La Follette Named in Wisconsin. Chicago . .. .57 38 Cleveland .. .48- 48 The Wisconsin Republican convention al the occupants had been attending at .48 54 ing a further decline in the price of pig When Panhandle train No. 8 from the Milwaukee . .55 47 Kansas City nominated Robert M. La Follette for Cherrysville. The coach belonged to iron. It was agreed that all the fur­ west pulled into the Union depot at Co­ Detroit . . . . .54 47 Buffalo .... .43 58 Governor. Henry Bittner, of Slatington, and the 42 naces producing Bessemer pig should go lumbus, Ohio, shortly after 10 o’clock Indianapolis 50 45 Minneapolis. 59 dead and injured were nearly all relatives out of blast on Sept. 3, with the excep­ the other night, Charles Lane, the ex­ Chief Justice Russell Dies. of Sophia Schoeffer, at whose obsequies tion of the furnace of the Brier Hill Iron press messenger, was found dead in the Baron Russell of Killowen, lord chief Big Fire at Glens Falls. they had been present. A fire at Glens Falls, N. Y., caused a and Coal Company and II. F. Andrews car with eight bullets in his body. The justice of England, is dead. The train was a special, and consisted loss of over $100,000. Among the prop­ Hitchcock Company at Youngstown. safe was blown open and $45,000 is said of an engine and one car. At the point erty destroyed or damaged was the Glens to have been secured by the robbers. 3IAKKET QUOTATIONS, Report of Rich Gold Discovery. at which the collision occurred there is a Falls electric and gas plant, Ihe collar, News of a reported fabulously rich sharp curve in the road,.and the omnibus cuff and shirt factories ,of A. S. Rugge, A ll Glassware to Be Higher. placer gold discovery in the Copper Riv­ Chicago—Cattle, common to prime, came along at a good rate of speed, the Heffron «fc Sinclair and D. L. Robertson Glassware will cost dealers and pur­ er district was brought to Seattle by the $3.00 to $5.80; hogs, shipping grades, occupants unconscious of any impending & Co., the Park Hotel, Central House chasers 10 per cent more after Sept. 1 steamer Bertha. From bed rock at a $3.00 to $5.35; sheep, fair to choice, $3.00 danger. As the vehicle swung around the and McGregor Park Music Hall. than before. This is not an unusual se­ to $4.50; wheat, No. 2 red, 77c to 78c; depth of seven feet four men are said to quence of the action of the manufac­ curve the engine and car came in sight. It have taken out thirty-two ounces of corn, No. 2, 39c to 40c; oats, No. 2, 22c was too late to stop either the omnibus Miss Jessie Morrison Held. turers in conference with the bottle blow­ to 23c; rye, No. 2, 48c to 49c; butter, In Wichita, Kan., Miss Jessie Morison coarse gold from a claim on Slate Creek. ers of granting an increase of 7 per cent or the train, and, as the driver of the The clean-up was made in one day. choice creamery, 17c to 19c; eggs, fresh, former whipped up the four horses to was again held for the murder of Mrs. in wages. 9c to 12c; potatoes, 29c to 33c per bushel. Olin Castle at El Dorado on June 22. Cross the track ahead of the train, the Engineer Buried in Wreck. Boy Pirate Comes to Grief. Indianapolis—Cattle, shipping, $3.00 to latter crashed into its middle. The occu­ Her second preliminary hearing came up An accommodation train on the Duluth John Burns, Jersey City’s boy pirate, $5.70; hogs, choice light, $5.00 to $5.42; * upon a writ of habeas corpus applied pants were thrown in all directions, and Iron Range Railroad, was wrecked is locked up in a cell in police headquar­ sheep, common to prime, $3.00 to $4.00; bruised and bleeding. The fifteen dead for by her lawyers. at Knife River, about twenty miles from ters building. Details of a plot in which wheat. No. 2, 74c to 75c; corn. No. 2 were killed outright. white, 41c to 42c; oats, No. 2 white, Responsibility of Common Carrier©. Duluth, and Fireman Brulcy was killed he was the head center came to light, in­ 26c to 27c. NEW WAR VESSEL IS SUNK. The comptroller of the treasury has de­ and Engineer Pettibone was slightly in­ volving among other matters the kidnap­ St. Louis—Cattle, $3.25 to $5.80; hogs, cided that a common carrier is responsi­ jured. The train ran into a washout and ing of Millionaire John D. Rockefeller for $.300 to $5.40; sheep, $3.00, to $4.50; French Battleship Wrecks Torpedo ble for the loss of goods received by ii, six cars were overturned. Bruley was the purpose of holding him for ransom. wheat. No. 2, 72c to 73c: corn, No. 2 Boat Destroyer. even though such goods are not accom­ completely buried under the engine. yellow, 37c to 38c; oats, No. 2, 21c to The new French torpedo-boat destroyer panied by a bill of lading or shipping di­ Stay of Proceedings Ordered, Panic at K ing’s Bier. 22c; rye, No. 2, 49c to 50c. Framee lies at the bottom of the ocean rections. Pending an appeal Judge Allen at Many persons were injured in a panic Springfield, 111., ordered a stay of the Cincinnati—Cattle, $3.00 to $5.10; hogs, off Cape St. Vincent, sunk by the first- Like the Cronin Mystery. at Rome during the passing of the proceedings by which the Louisville, Ev­ $3.00 to $5.50; sheep, $3.00 to $4.25; class battle-ship Brennus. Of the fifty- Two children, romping on the side funeral cortege of the late king. Think­ ansville and St. Louis road w’as to have wheat, No. 2, 76c to 77c; corn. No. 2 nine men on board the Framee only four­ streets of Mount Auburn, Cincinnati, ing that an attempt was being made to been sold. mixed, 40c to 41c; oats. No. 2 mixed, 23c teen were saved. Among those lost are made ghastly discovery in a sewer catch assassinate Victor Emmanuel, the to 25c; rye, No. 2, 55c to 5(>c. the captain, Mauduit du I'Jossix. and the basin. It was the body of a dead man, princes surrounded him, with drawn Plot to Capture Roberts. Detroit—Cattle, $2.50 to $5.70; hogs, second lieutenant and chief engineer. The with his head literally .beaten to a jelly. swords. Boer plot was discovered in Pretoria to $3.00 to $5.45; sheep, $3.00 to $4.50; cause of the disaster, which occurred dur­ There is no positive clew to his identity. kill all British officers and make Lord wheat, No. 2, 7Sc to 79c; com, No. 2 ing naval maneuvers at night, was the Chicago Carpenters Go to Work. Roberts a prisoner. The ringleaders are yellow, 41c to 42c; oats, No. 2 white, 24c misunderstanding of signals by the helms­ Bank in Oklahoma Closes. Backbone of long labor war in Chi­ in jail. to 25c; rye, 52c to 53c. man on the Framee. Notice posted on the door of the bank cago has been broken by the action of Towne Is Off the Ticket. Toledo—Wheat, No. 2 mixed, 77c to A t tbe time of tlie accident, according of Kingfisher, Ok., announced that the carpenters in deserting unions for em­ Charles A. Towne has sent a letter to 78c; corn, No. 2 mixed, 40c to 41; oats, to a dispatch from Admiral Fournier, lie bank was in the hands of the territorial ployment under the members of the Con­ the Populist National Committee declin­ No. 2 mixed, 22c to 23c; rye, No. 2, 50c was giving to the Framee orders for the commissioner. The reported liabilities tractors’ Council, who promise to pay ing to accept the nomination for the to 51c; clover seed, prime, $5.05 to $5.40. execution of a difficult maneuver. These arc $01,000, assets $51,000. union scale. Vice Presidency. Milwaukee—Wheat. No. 2 northern, orders, according to custom, were being transmitted by luminous signals, the Train Goes Through a Bridge* Choate Named as Arbitrator* 74c to 75c; corn, No. 3, 40c to 41c; oats, Grip of the Ramapo. No. 2 white, 24c to 25c; rye. No. 1, 50c Brennus being slightly ahead cf the An engine and caboose on the Big Four United States Ambassador Choate has The Ramapo Water Company has, by road went through a bridge near Mound to 51c; barley, No: 2, 47c to 48c; pork, Framee, which wras closely following on been appointed arbitrator between the its charter, complete control over the nat­ City, 111. One man was killed and four mess. $11.00 to $11.70. the left. Suddenly there was a cry of British and Chinese governments iu the ural water sheds of New York State; others injured. Buffalo—Cattle, choice shipping steers, warning on the battle-ship. It was seen case of the sinking cf the British dis­ which means the entire~water supply. patch boat Kow Shing during the Chino- $3.00 to $5.80; hogs, fair to prime, $3.00 that the Framee w^as approaching dan­ Attempted Poisoning: in Paris. gerously near. Then came the disastrous Japanese war. L i to Sue for Peace. to $5.50; sheep, fair to choice, $3.25 to An attempt was made to poison the mistake of the man at the wheel. In ­ Li-Hung-Chang has been named by $4.75; lambs, common to extra, $4.00 to Chinese minister at Paris by means of Negro 99 Years Old Dies. $0.00 . stead of steering twenty degrees to the poisoned flowers. Guy Gardner, a negro 99 years old, ChiDa to negotiate with the powers for peace. New York—Cattle, $3.25 to $5.85; hoes, left, at increased speed, as he hjJd been Boer* Name a New Capital. died at his home near Cardington, Ohio. $3.00 to $5.70; sheep, $3.00 to $4.25; ordered to, he put the helm in directly the According to a special dispatch Barber­ Gardner was once widely known as the Knocked Out by Fitz. wheat, No. 2 rpd, 79c to 80c; corn. No. 2, other direction. This brought the Framee ton has been proclaimed the new seat, of first president of the Lime K iln Club, Gus Ruhlin was knocked out in the 45c to 46c; oats, No. 2 white, 28c to 29c; directly under the ram of. the Brennus. the Transvaal Government. mjide famous by Charles B. Lewis, or sixth round of his fight with ex-Champion butter, creamery, 17c to 20c; eggs, west­ Such was the speed of the latter that a ’VV-' . •[< "" ... ’ * ijuad. Bob Fitzsimmons in New York, ern Itc id lie. CLOuiti iiut I averted. ------,------or one hundred men will look after the THE RING AMD THE HEART. up 'n ais sister’s French roof Soor, and “Where is Rose? You can’t do what COST OF A CAMPAIGN. details. These men in turn assign im­ in cap and gown, congratulated himseif I require done!” portant tasks to hundreds of party work­ This ring, I give to you. my dear. he was not a ladies’ man. “Oh, yes. John; surely I can light ers under them. After the campaign is “And T gave ’em a neat little hint the gas and arrange the drop. And Is passing1 quaint and old and queer; BIG SUMS SPENT BY THE TWO well under way the minor workers report this afternoon,” he chuckled to himself, Rose told me just how you liked your to their superiors as a lieutenant in the Two golden serpents help enthrone GREAT PARTIES. Its deep. seductive lieart of stone. under the genial influence of a good evening lunch served—*’ army reports to his captain. The captain in turn reports to his major, the major Fray, if tho golden snakes were gontf cigar. ‘-Anna’s cute, and it’d suit her to “I tell you I don’t want ii! I won't a T if I ’d marry her friend. Nice, have it unless it is arranged as l am Political Spellbinders, Literature and to his colonel and the colonel to his gen­ Might not i.iit' jewel heart throb on eral, Senator Hanna or Senator Jones, pleasant, pretty girl enough, and ail accustomed to having it. Why doesn’t Canvassers* Are the Committees’ Most With sympathetic bear and thrill— as the case may be. When a situation that sort of thing, and I dare say the Be not, as now. cold, hard and still? Rose attend to it herself?” Expensive Items—Modern Campaign arises down the line that threatens trou­ little thing herself has had her eyes “She hasn't been out of the house for Work and Methods. ble Senator Hanna or Senator Jones Sometimes about the human heart on me; hut I flatter myself I dropped a week. John,” Mrs. Estey said, a little hears of it and devises some plan for di­ a neat, little hint as to my view in The serpents play their selfish part, reproof in her gentle voice, as she Chicago correspondence: verting the danger. He then directs his the case.” subordinates to see that the plan is tried And in the pulseless grip of gold quietly lighted the drop jet. “And Few people realize the enormous While Mrs. Estey, amid her pile of and requires full explanations for failure. The heart, poor thing, grows hard and Harry Clove sent her a note to invite amount of money that will be expended darning, wondered w hat could possess i While the national chairmen are very cold - her to dine with him this evening, aud in electing a President of the United her brother, who, with his wealth and j States this year. In the campaign of busy devising plans for success, they also A jewel counterfeiting tire so she’s gone.” position, and leisure, was so admirably 1890 upward of $25,000,000 was used find time to raise, the bulk of the cam­ And flashing with entranced desire, Mr. Granger sank back on his pillows paign funds. ’ They delegate to others adapted to take good care of a wife, and it is believed that more money will That nevermore shall find a voice, with a grunt of disdain. and just such a wife as pretty little be expended this year. Unless one could To make some kindred heart rejoice. “That idiot is a young jack-a-nnpes! Rose Castellaine would make. get behind the scenes and account for the The next thing he’ll be making love to bulk of this vast sum few probably w’ould Thfcn let this talisman, this ring. A fortnight later, instead of blue her!” believe that so many millions could be Save you from such a deadly thing: skies and balmy breezes, were several Mrs. Estey looked wonderingly at used by the politicians in so short a time. Beware of golden snakes, and strive days of easterly winds and driving him. W ith each succeeding Presidential elec­ tion it has become easier and easier for To keep your tender heart alive; rain; and instead of Mr. John Granger, “And why not. Harry?” smiling, independent, an in the full “ ‘Why not?’ ” mimicked Mr. Grang­ for the managers on both sides to use Aud if you fear this may not be money bounteously. This does not mean flush of health and strength, was that er, wrathfully. “O f course, there’s no Without assistance, come to me, that there is to be a wholesale de­ And in my love will I enshrine same gentleman cross, irritable, to such imaginable reason why not!’ Wha. bauchery of voters. No one knows just That deep, seductive heart of thine. a degree that little Mrs. Estey cried fools women are—married women!” what proprotion of the $25,000,000 will —Chicago Record. every day about it—and a prisoner on And Mrs. Estey left him to his genial go to purchasable voters. It is known, the sitting room sofa, with a sprained thoughts as soon as possible just however, that only a comparatively small ankle aud a broken arm, the result of- twenty minutes before Rose came part of the total will be used in this way. an accident, several days or so before. back, fresh as her nameskae flower, All kinds of politicians agree that the her eyes shining, her dimpled lips all two National Committees had at least “f never, never shall have the pa­ $5,000,000 to spend in the tight four tience to nurse him through it,” sobbed a-smile. years ago, and the same authorities are his sister. “ He’s—oh, aw ful disagree­ “I didn’t stay as long as I wanted unanimous in declaring that the two able', and declares T do everything in to,” she said, cheerily. committees will have fully as much this my power to make him uncomfortable! “Oh, you didn’t eh?” he retorted, year. For every dollar that the National He says I invariably knock the sofa crossly. Committees spend it is a conservative es­ every 'time i come into the room, and “.No; but I came back entirely on timate that the State Committees of the Pretty little Rose Castellaine sat at two parties will spend four, and this will that T haven’t, the least talent for your account, you see.” the task of selecting and sending out cam­ the window, making some trifle out of make up the total of $25,000,000 that the “Oh. you did! Well." and he lapsed paign literature, engaging and assigning lace and ribbons, her plump, fair lianas dressing his ankle, and he’s—he’s just election will cost. as cross as ever he can be: and w hat­ into a smile of relief and content, “we speakers, receiving callers and answering graceful and dexterous in their swift Where So Much Money Goes. correspondence and studying reports ou ever 1 shall do I don’t know, for he won’t quarrel, since you have come. motions! and her head occasionally set To show where so much money goes, a conditions in the various States. Speak­ Rose, see here— 1 can’t endure to have to one side to watch more effectually won’t, allow a hired nurse to bother study of the cost of campaign speeches ers are told the subjects on which they and critically the result of her skill. him, he says; and what with the chil­ you leave me at all. 1 want you to alone is very instructive. Each National may talk, and they are directed as to A very pretty girl, Mr. John Granger dren. and all the sewing, and never get­ stay always. Rose—won’t you? Will Committee spends at least $500,000 for how they shall handle their subjects. If had told himself and Mrs. Eslev. his : ting a word of kindness from him—” you marry me?” speeches, and the State Committees spend it is found that a certain Hue of argument ten times as much more. This is one fs received with disfavor in a certain married sister, with whom Rose was And she broke down, in a burst of And Rose’s eyes twinkled as she de­ sobs. murely bowed. item of $1,000,000. The Republican Na­ State the speakers in that State are making her home for a few months. tional Committee this year will send out warned to shift their arguments in ac­ “ I wouldn't cry/’ said Rose, cheerily. “I thank you for the unexpected J »ut Mr. Granger did not hesitate to 2,500 speakers from the New York head­ cordance with new instructions. honor, Mr. Granger, but f am already freely ventilate his peculiar views on, “There’s no man living worth crying quarters and 3,000 speakers from the No feature of the campaign is watched the subject of love and marriage to for. Just you go on with your sewing engaged to be married -to Mr. Cleve!” headquarters in Chicago. The Democrats by the national chairmen more closely Rose and Mrs. Estey, as they sat iu the and your ordinary duties, and leave “No!” he almost shouted, in genuine will send out an equal number. These than the preliminary and final canvass of cozy sitting room. Rose with her trifle your bear of a brother to me to be dismay, “it cannot be! It is cruel ts speakers cost on an average $110 a week, the voters. Both parties will soon have that sum including salaries to the spell­ under way a canvass of every voting pre­ of lace and robbens, and the matron nursed. I’ll take care of him, and he me! W hy I I love you, Rose, and I binders and an expense allowance of $8 cinct. This will show in a general way busy over a p:le of juvenile stockings, shan’t make me cry either.” couldn’t be happy at all without you.” Rose looked demurely at him. a day. Some of the campaign speakers how many of the voters favor Bryan and whose apertures were fearful and And that very hour, Rose Castellaine how many favor McKinley. 1’t wrill also “Harry’s own arguments to a word, receive salaries as high as $250 a week, hopeless to behold. went up to her own room to make a while other are content with $25 a week show who of the voters are doubtful, who Mr. Granger, and the difference on my “Rut you surely never are In serious few preparations. and their expenses. The average cost are inclined to favor Bryan and who loan part is that I love him, and 1 don’t love earnest, John?” Mrs. Estey said, with of the speakers to the committee is SI 10 toward McKinley. The taking of this “To-be-sure, 1 intended bringing my you. It may sound harsh, but you de­ a little shocked accent in her tones. a week, and they are on the stump eight canvass costs a tremendous sum of visit to a close this very week/’ she serve it, Mr. Granger, because you said money, but the party managers must 4'1 never was in more serious earnest weeks. While the National Committee said, meditatively, taking down a soft yourself that you looked upon love as in my life, Anna. T certainly look up­ gray wrapper from the wardrobe; “but. ___ ’> on love as a well, a sort of sickly I'd ralher stay a little longer than • “1 was a fool! I was a jackass! Rose, sentiment, that very tew people of in­ not,” and her cheeks flushed, and a telligence indulge in: whereas marriage is there no hope now?” I happy light shone in her eyes. “None. We are to be married in the is decidedly one of the worst mistakes Then she laughed softly to herself as of the times.” fall. And I go home to-morrow to be­ she entered the door pf Mr. Granger’s “Oh, Mr. Granger, that is a terrible gin j) reparations/’ “prison-cell.” as he called it, in his pee­ declaration!” And all the satisfaction Mr. Granger vish welcome. And Rose Hashed him a reproachful ever had was—it was all his own fault, ••I will do first rate for your jailer,” look from her shining, saucy eyes. perhaps! Saturday Night. she retorted, gaily. “Rest assured you “Is it terrible? 1 can’t see how or will have to be very docile aud obedi why. Show me one happy marriage, Hard Times for Housekeepers. ent!” and I'll show’ you ten thousand that After mentioning a proposition made It did not take many hours to con­ are miserable failures, in which the by one of the speakers at the great vince Mr. Granger that Rose was a contracting parties feel like slaves in convention of Woman's Clubs at Mil­ born nurse. She moved so quietly and the galley, and would give half their waukee for the training of young wom­ so intelligently, never startling him by lives never to have put their heads in­ en for domestic service, the Evening a sudden motion into a nervous horror side the yoke. Granted there are some Post says: lest she should hurt his sensitive ankle, that result differently Anna’s here, Another speaker amused the audi­ or crash against his arm. for 1 *11 do her justice to say 1 believe ence with the remark, immediately fol­ She stepped lightly. She knew by a her marriage was based ou the only lowing this statement, “First catch sort, of intuition when he wanted a true foundation of esteem and friend­ your hare. It is all very well to talk cooling drink, and when it was agree­ ship.” about educating girls for service, but THE TWO OPPOSING POLITICAL GENERALS. able to him to have the room darkened “And love, John? Yes. you know i my experience is that there are no for his little, refreshing nap. She was SENATOK MARK A. MANNA. HON. JAMES K. JONES. Just perfectly love Philip.” more girls left to be educated.” cheerful, a little imperious, very Manager of the Republican national cam­ Manager of the Democratic national cam Mr. Granger gave a little frown, and The speaker went on to explain that paign. paign. charming, and certainly as pretty and she came from a large city in central Rose gave him one of her characteristic graceful as could be desired. looks. Ohio, aud that the supply of girls in of each party thus will have 5,500 speak­ have it in order to gauge the outlook. that town was wholly disproportionate “Oh! so you do believe in esteem and She read to him, and read well. She ers out, the various State CommiLtees They soon discover wrhere their own will have ten times as many more on the lines are weakest and where those of friendship, Mr. Granger?” opened the doors leading into the music to the demand. Housekeepers were left often two and three months at a stump. The salaries of speakers en­ their adversaries are strongest. While “Oh. yes! but certainly not in love room, and played and sang for him, time without any sort of helpers, gaged by the State Committees may be steps are being taken to Insnre success at and marriage. 1 have remained a firm once or twice, while Mr. Granger shut though both love and money were free­ lesS than those paid by the national man­ one point and to avert disaster at an- advocate of my views for many years, his eyes and enjoyed it. She played agers, but the State Committees have to othei, a second and final canvass is be­ ly offered. and I think I am happier than the ma­ •chequers with him, and—beat him, she pay the rental of all the buildings in gun. This usually is completed two Other speakers eorrobated this state­ jority of men to-day. In my opinion,” ordered, and frequently made, such which campaign meetings are held. This weeks before election. By that time a ment with a rapidity and earnestness and he marked off his words deliberate­ delicious little meals for him that he item adds tremendously to the total. large proportion of the doubtful voters that bespoke bitter personal experi­ One of the most expensive items in have taken sides and can be classified.. ly with his linger on the palm of his began to look* upon her as an inspira­ tion, and to quite reconcile himself to ence. “In the little village where I the campaign next to the speakers is The result is a canvass which shows with, other hand—“in my opinion, the man is fair clearness the probable result of the the prospect of at least a month of iive,” said one, “nine families in one that of printing and stationery. For this a fool who will barter his freedom and each National Committee spends at least election. Once again the managers of the such attendance. street are taking their meals at a tenth Independence for a pretty face and a house, where a widow' and t/wo daugh­ $500,000. The number and size of docu­ parties search for the important weak wedding-ring. I never shall be guilty “You’re the most sensible little wcr- ters, forced to earn their own living, ments sent out have increased with each spots, deciding the points at which to do the hardest work in the closing days of of such imbecility/* man I ever saw',” he said, toward the do the household work. A. few of us campaign, until this year it is expected Rose flushed just a little, for away end of the first week, and he reached that the McKinley and the Bryan man­ the campaign. still have old servants, but when they agers each will send out no less than flown in her heart, she had more than out his available arm and touched her die. as they must, in course of time, Some New Methods This Year. head caressingly, as she sat beside him. 100,000,000 documents. Before the Gar- once thought what a fine, handsome we shall join the profession of ‘meal- field-Hancock campaign was half over Some novM campaign methods will be gentleman Mr. Granger was, and won­ holding the tray of food for him. ers/ ” the Republican and Democrats had sent resorted to by the two parties this year. dered if if—whether- well, whatever She smiled, and. flushed, and dexter­ more than 12,000,000 documents, aud this The Republicans already have adopted* vague thoughts she had had were cer­ ously removed her head from beneath An Idiosyncracy in Trade. style of campaigning has become more the plan of sending out a large number of phonographs, which will be used in tainly dispelled by that gentleman’s his hand. A company that sells over 230,0v>0,- popular with each Presidential contest. small places. Eloquent party speakers, “Do you really think so? That’s good, The bulk of this matter is sent by ex­ dissertation on love and matrimony. 000 pounds of lard annually has queer like Representative Dolliver, of Iowa, For one second the pearly cheeks Mr. Granger; just see if this pine­ experiences with customers in different press to the chairmen of the various State Committees for distribution. A and Representative Dalzeli. of Pennsyl­ flushed, then paled, and the lovely, apple is sugared enough, please!” parts of the world. For example: great deal of it goes free, being franked vania, have been making speeches into dusky head drooped nearer the work When Rose had left the room wirh Much of the product is packed in tier­ from Washington. Speeches delivered in these machines. The Democrats, on the than was necessary: and then Mr. the tray, after dinner, Mr. Granger lay ces. which for economy's sake and for Congress by Republicans and Democrats other hand, will make free use of stere- t.'leve came in a cheery, happy young iu an unusually gentle, meditative durability are held together with iron constitute a large part of the campaign opticons. James K . McGuire, chairman of the Democratic State Committee of fellow', who always brought sunshine mood, and thinking of her, too. hoops. For a long time the sales in matter, and Republicans and Democrats New York, already has arranged to give “I never imagined there was such a alike take advantage of this opportunity with him, and who admired Rose Cas- New' Orleans amounted to nothing, Democratic stereopticon exhibitions all tellaiue more than any girl he had ever difference in womankind,” he muSL-u. though the lard was believed to be to get to the voters speeches favorably to their side of the contest. Each Na­ over the State. He will send out these seen—a handsome young fellow, with “This girl is the concentration of all the finest in the world, and the price tional Committee sends out 5,000,000 but­ shows on a schedule in every respect that is womanly and lovely, and the laughing blue eyes, and white teeth satisfactory, while the efforts to build tons and 5,000,000 lithographs, al 1 of similar to that made by a theatrical man­ that showed pleasantly when he laugh­ fellow would be a brute who wouldn’t up a trade in the Crescent City were which are distributed through the State ager who puts a show' “on the road.” ed, and a heavy blonde moustache, and be happy in her society. I f she can strenuous. Finally it was learned by chairmen of the two parties. As the campaign develops it is certain close-cut. curling blonde hair. make a miserable sufferer feel content­ accident that the merchants would not that other novel features will be adopted. Work of National Chairmen. Flags, maps, watchcharms, pins, and: ed and comfortable, she would certain­ “Who’ll let me take them for a drive buy this lard, because of the iron Senator Hanna and Senator Jones, the other articles are under consideration by in the park, this afternoon? Mrs. Es­ ly make a strong, well man more than hoops. Wooden hoops were immediate­ respective chairmen of the two great po­ both campaign committees. But, as here-’ tey? Miss Rose? W ill you make one happy. I wonder why she don't come ly substituted, with the result that litical parties, are organizing machinery tofore, the chief dependence will be ■of the quartette, Mr. Granger?' back? It isn't like her to neglect me enormous sales were effected. In Ten­ for the campaign of 1900 as complete placed in the eloquence of the “spell­ and substantial as though they expected It so happened that Mrs. Estey could so long.” nessee, on the other hand, the same binders” and the convincing logic of cold' never to do anything else but elect Presi­ type. ______■ not leave home, and Mr. Granger po­ And Mr. Granger began to grow fret­ firm is unable to sell a tierce bound dents. I f they were organizing hundred- litely declined, and the two young peo­ ful and impatient for her to come, so with wooden hoops, but must use iron. year Presidential clubs they could not be Sheep roaming over the hills in Morgan ple had tlie drive and the exquisite af­ that when Mrs. Estey entered the Similiar idiosyncrasies are experienced more thorough and systematic. The na­ and Summit Counties, Idaho, have stam­ ternoon all to themselves, while Mr. room, half deprecatingly, he welcomed in the sale of hams, sausages, bacon, tional chairman maps out the work and peded swarms of squirrels from their Granger went off to his smoking room, her with the old cross fierceness: etc.—New York Press. divides great responsibilities among bis usual haunts, and the little rodents have immediate assistants. They in turn di­ descended on the farmers’ crops of, cereals and vegetables. j vide their wrork so that a dozen or twenty CULVER CITY HERALD LOCAL BREVITIES, We understand that Rev. N eu­ Weduesday, Walter Culver had oc­ It Saved Mis Baby. “ My baby was terribly ss#k with the diar­ man is attending campmeeting. casion to visit the attic of the Culver Entered at ('uiver Postcffiee as Second £ moke 11 d\s 205. 45t f. rhoea. we were unu ble to cure him with tho Pay your subscription. cottage ou the east, side, ostensibly , doctor’h assistance, and. at? a last resort we See change of M. Lauer & Sod’s class M a iter. for the purpose of securing some ar- 'tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- On Monday a large number of the 1 1 . . v > ______■> i t . -\ x v ' |-v____... advertisement. rhoea Kenedy/’_ says, Mr. J. H. J)oa« of li EO. E. K£ARPASS K«. and Pub. tid e that, had beeu laid away. As | Show cases for sale. • J . W . Hess, people who were camping and uccti- Williams, Ore. ” 1 am happy to say it gave pying cottages upon the Assembly \ ^ie v v looking around the room, ho ; inwooclinto relief and a complete cure.” For HOrtGR L. .'\riA^PA5 S, Lock! Bditur. Pi y mouth, 1 nd. heard something that chilled the I wile by T. E. Slatrery. r>grounds returned to their various ISSUES') KVKUY FK IO A Y. The National (j . A. II. Encam p­ bom e8. blood iu his veins, and filled his soul ISismarek's iron Nerve SUii SCklPTION: ment opens at Chicago August 25. with horror, which was mere inten­ Was the result of his splendid health. In ­ What most people want is something mild domitable wiil and tremendous energy aro ForOneVear - - - #1.25 .Ld. Zechiel w orking at. the car- and gentle, when in need of a physic. Cham sified wheu a large rattle snake not found where Stomach. Liver, Kidneys For Six Iviouths - - - .70 peuter’s trade near Matthews, Ind. berlain’s Stomach and Invar Tablets fill the slowly crawled out on the floor and and Bowels are out of order, if you want Fcr /L u c Months • - - .35 bill to a dot. For sale by T. E. Slattery. Mrs W. Li. Wilson and daughter with its natur al instinct was ready these qualities and the success they bring, If paid promptly in advance a discount Hundreds of car loads of ice have use Dr. King's New Life Piiis. They develop are visiting friends this week at Lo­ to battle with its enemy. After Mr. every power of brain aud body. Only 25c of 2ocentt wiU he given on the vear. been shipped from Culver already - • * •% A j max, Ind. Culver with a gasp had caught his at T. K. Slattery’s drug store. this season. This shows that Max- THE SPORTING WORLD. We understand that oue of the fast receding breath, he dew out of T H E NI0KEL PLATA UOAD inkuekee Lake ice is in great de­ t~, , * . . ooats on Lake Maxinkuckee has a t at room with a yell that would Oilers 1 he low rat© of one cent a mile * rank Kramer, champion amatonr mand. traveled to Chicago for the Annual cyclist for the past two seasons, ia j l{ic*y (•) nightwateh. have put to flight a horde of Corns II.*.A. Deeds, dentist, rooms over Encampment of the G. A. R. Tick­ loofeed upon as « very likely candidate j Jnd A wl,0- occupied with manche Indians, aud wheu he for premier honors among tbe profes- I v 1 corner hardware store, corner Mich­ reached his startled friends he could ets on sale Aug, 25 to 29, inclusive, good returning until Aug. 31, in eioriali now that he has left the ama- J ’VlS ffunay the C. H. Chandler cnt- igan and Laporte streets, Plymouth, only mutter, “Snakes. ” Several teur ranks. He used to be spoken of rage, returned to Iudianapolis Wed- elusive, or by deposit until Sept. 30, Ind. ()tf young men entered the attic iu a as “little Frank Kramer,’* but during M*.s»j-.>v hurry, just in time to see his snakc- inclusive. Write, wire,’phone or call the past few months he has taken on ...... Many of our subscribers have not ship dissappear into a hole. Now on nearest agent, C. A. Asterlin, T P weight and slse and now tips the scales 1). W . Gardner, who occupies a renewed their subscription for Vol. tbe question arises, “ How can he be A, Ft Wayne, Ind, or li. J. Hamilton* in the neighborhood of ICO pounds. ccttag(5 on tbe oast side> wiU return Agent, Ft Wayne, Ind. 154*4-td 7. A pencil mark across this notice captured?” As to how this veno­ with his family to Terre Haute the denotes that you are in arrears, and mous varmint reached the attic is an If you haye a Laby in the house you will 21st inst. unsolved mystery. should call aud settle. wish to know the best way to check any un­ usual looseness of the bowels, or diarrhoea so 8c and 10c summer dress goods The quicker you stop a cough or cold the Gulver Markets. common to small children. O. P. M, Holli­ for 5c, and 12c and 15c goods for 10c less danger there will be of fatal lung day, of Deming, Ind., who has an cloven at Porter & Co’s. trouble. One Minute Cough Cure is the Wheat...... $ 70 months’ old child, says: “Through the Oats...... IS months of June and July our baby was teeth­ Con Bonaker has just placed in hi3 only harmless remedy that gives immediate R\e...... ««»»...... ing and took u running off the bowels and results. Yon will like it. T. E. Slattery. Corn...... tonsorial parlor a beautiful show eickne&s of tho stomach. His bowels would The School Board has contracted Flour, per hundred, selling at...... 2 H5 move from five to eight times a day, I had case, which he will use for his to­ POULTRY AND EGMS. . a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic,Cholera and bacco and cigars. for a hot air furnace. This is a good ttcyo-o frpfth £ 111! Diarrhoea Remedy in the house aud gave him move, as it will give better heating Hen Turkeys", per pound 1! .W" ! ! ! ! ! ! 06 four drop9 in » teuapooaful of wMeraaU ho A taine should/arts usually caused by rheu- got better at once.” For sale by T. E. Slat­ Torn Turkeys, per pound...... 05 matislk'ol thefmuscles, and may be cured by and ventillation and also more seat­ tery. i :ld Toms, per pound •...... 05 a few applications of Chamberlain’s Pain ing and cleaner rooms. Fowls...... 6 K ' t m m tta— — W KDW TJT/--= Balm. For sale by T. E. S.attery. Springs...... 08 F or Sale.— O ne house and lot '* * £ £ £ t£ ri Work is progressing rapidly on Ducks, per pound...... 05 F A R M El R 3 ? on west lake shore, near Assembly Geese, per pound...... 04 FKANS KRAMER. the new buildings at Lon gel iff, but grounds. Beautiful location, and Old Cocks, per pound...... 03 Are you in debt? I f so, This Increase has added materially to tV y will not be ready for occupancy good well. Inquire of Jacob H. Yenng Cocks...... 08 liis strength aud staying powers, so Butter, per pound...... 15 ca I and see, J ?1. Motter Zechiel, Culver, iud., or address D. . , that at aii distances up to a mile lie is for s me time yet. E Zechiel Berne, Iud. at Plymouth,, Indiana, 'he almost invincible. IJis recent victory ( uiver has as good a drugstore as IV5ME. MILLIE, over Champion Tom Cooper in straight G is Wolf, who has been in the has from $5,000 to heats in a match race at one mile has can be found io the state, and a man f clothing b s ness in Plymouth f r a | Clairvoyant, Trance Me­ greatly increased the confidence of his who thoroughly understands his bu­ $o0,000 to buy equities great many years, was iu town Tuet- j admirers hi his ability to carry off the siness conducts the same. dium and Palmist, on a?shall and Starke championship of 1000. day. He has closed out his busin* ss , 30 inch percale is going at Porter Will Locate for a Short Time Onlv counties farms. and will uiote to Kansas. • f JSmray S«, where they en­ come to this wonderful lady, and she will, ameter meant that he could get to ur ihe Republican ticket, and if elected- guide you to happiness and sacccas. tered land claims, have returned to inches nearer to his pace, and also it that he would be a good one. Office houis 9 a, m. to8 p. m. Price in meant that he would be two inches Pulaski countv. They say the Man­ reach of a! 1, io—7-1-1&00 nearer the ground tn front over the N *on wih never find any other pills so • [ All trains arrive at and depart frorn Van Burcn itoba government did not keep its Contract, to » er. ' Street Union Passenger Station, Chicago. handle bars and need not stoop so low. I promp' and so nleasnnt as De Witt’s Little _ * j Uniformed ■Ccdored Porters attend passengers Jimmy always “sat up” In a stylo that Early Risers, T. E. Slattery, contract with them, and that it is Burnt OAK, August 8, 1900. 1 holding first or second class tickets in day bred euthusiasm. oppressive iu its dealings. Notice is hereby given that the Trustee ! BCrnpulonsl3r The reduction sale prices on sum- His idea o'i lowering tbe front wheel : of Union Township. Marshall county. In j East: read down, AtlNickcl West: read up. Ch nese are dangerous enemies, for they Plate ra«ai>jjg’r is one stop that is worthy of imitation, jrner dress goods at Porter & Co's aro diana, will, on the 80th day of August j j<>. 6~1 Y T T are treacherous. That’s why all counter­ 11 i 5 i Trains Daily. 5 S 1 r Lo. Truckstei's did it many years ago when first, reducing said stock. There aro 1900, a t ‘2 o'clock p .m .. let the contract 1 10 30 10 i> J 2 iO ... Chicago___ 3 15 7 40 5 ii.i CO 4 i5 .. \ gjuaraiso. - they learned that it was bettor to carry feits of De Witt’s Witch Ilazel Salve are 11 :2 10 r-b 52 3 3ft » 40 some very fine bargains left vet. 11 5C12t27 , , • . 4 33 . So. tv anatals. 35 3 ?0 a BO the load In the rear. In the game of daugrrous: They look like Dewitt’s, but. 6 3." 12 09. 12 55 O 07 ...... Knox — &4B 5 03 2 7 15 7 4C 1 2! fl 17 5 31 — Ilibbard ... fS 27 4 ? 25 ? 05 incyclc pacing, though, it l^oks as if j Call at once, instead all-healing 8 3b 1 S3j b 45 — '.Arpos — 4 33 ? 13 1 30 of the witch hazel they 9 43 1 l>’ . a Hi ... Mentone ... 4 ce 1 51 1? 01 j'immy and those who imitate him I all contain ingredients liable to irritate 10 ■‘b 2 10 , , s 30 ... Clay pool. .. 3 f-?. \% 11 K) J. K. Mawhorter, Culver’s tinner, are t j be sealed and must be on file in my 12 2 34; 42 23 6 B? ..So, Whitley • 5 17 3 25 12 53 S 40 might make trie one mistake of getting I the skin and cause blood poisoning. For 2 & 3 *#) 3 10 7 4b ..Ft. Waynu.. 4 35 2 30 12 1(3 7 00 too far below the wind shield offered c^utraoteu to do several jobs of office on or before Aug. 29th, 1900. at 10 S CO b ‘bl l 31 ...Cleveland ... :i 26 7 50 fi 17 \ 4 4b 2 Cb 7 CO.... Buffalo.... s 10 U 50 1 03 .. -J /, , ,, r , piles, win.-;:. A.17JVJliiinjuries and skin diseases *' - use U'll UI1VJthe by the pacing riders in their efforts to spouting and roofing at Bass Lake ... , . ,,r. . o’clock a. m. Said trustee reserves the 7 05| 3 30 7 20 .. New York-- 8 3n 12 05 3 00 1 • 1 ’ original and genuine DeWitts Witch ... •• 30 O&lfc2U — Bogt.>n .... 3 00! ts 40 1 09 .. get closer to it. What the man behind right to reject any or all bids, t Loyal freight, eaatbouad ween Stony Island and Knox, and loaves Monday to commence Ilaxel Salve. T. E. Slattery, onlv on Mc,uT>o A. M Dark type P. M. Trustee Union Township. bicycle truck the man w-bo gets closest j Knox. Iud.—The oil business at tDaily ujtcupc Suuday, f. Stop on signal. Tho official count of convicts in Drawing: Room Sleeping Cars on Nos. 2, & and and stays there is best, but the man present is ou the boom in this vicin­ It Saved His Leg. 6 thru to Cleveland, Erio, Buffalo, Now York who gets closest must also be lowest, tho Michigan City prison Thursday and Boston; on Nos. 5,8 and 1 to Chicago. Meals ity. R. A. Potter, the Starke couutv P. A. Danforth, of La Grange,Ga., suffered are served at “up-to-daton Dining Stations and and he Is apt In trying to get. close and was 804. Up to that day there had intensely for six months with a frightful in Nickel Plate Dining Cars at opportune meal oil promoter, has about completed ar­ hours. Baggago checkoc’i to destinaticn. On low to put ljimsoif in the van^ of a not heeu a pris0Qer reccived for three ! running soro on his leg., but writes that Buck- inquiry you will find our rates aro always lower draft from underneath. Ib is is a propo- rangements to reopen tho No. 2 well lpn*RIen*s Arnio.aArnica SnlvnSalvo whollywhnllv curedKiirnH it in tonten than via other lines, service considered. sition that suggests a possibility of weeks. *or rates and detailed information, address B. on tbe Dial land north of this city. days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Burns, Boib. F. Horner, General Passeu^or An^nt, Cleveland^ pacing machines being better if built O., C. A. Asttirlin, T. P. A.^Ft. Wayne, Ind., or Mme. Millie, clairvoyant, trance The owner of the land, in case oil is 1’ain or Piles it’s the best salve in the werid. Local Ticket Agent. so as to be lower behind than they Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by now are. medium aud palmist, can bo found struck, receives one-teuth of the T. U. Slattery, druggist. i i'ntslnlced Li^ac For Rats. for a few days at the resideuce of N. yield. Potter is very confident as to : A correspondent of The Country Gen­ Gandy. See her advertisement else­ the outcome. I t Saved a L g. I have used Dr. C. D.W arner’s Compound tleman says that to keep rodents out where in this paper. of oats ’'take unslaked lime, jv.st sprin­ The H e r a l d reporter iu an inter­ of Seven Cures with such good results that I kle it over the floor or platform on Remember that. Barne’s the MaxinkucK.ee recommended it %o Ctco. Chi pp. who was ta­ view with a. gentleman who lives in which one wiil put*iris grain, tin;:*, a g r o c e r y -nan. is still on deck with a lar- ken with typhoid fever about two years ago. laycr of sheaves a^d another liberal | ger. stock'than ever, and that he cs],ejially NeW York City, questioned him in j The disease settled in one of his legs, cca us- spread of lime. Continue in like man- caterstothelaketfa.de. regard to the political standing of big enlargement of the entire limb, which nor, lining each layer of grain to the j The following gentlemen are visit­ the4-u state relative to *ithe j.two great . j resulted in a fever running sore, rendering : Digests what yoo eat. last, nfct smothering tbe last layer, and ; # N . ! the leg entirely useless. 1 he doctors meet I t artificially dig»3sts the food and aids that is ail there is to it. i keep rats ing Mr. Walter Culver at his moth­ parties. ih e gen'.lemau said tho j to cure it, but had no success, and they an- Nature in strengthening and recon* and mice out of my corncribs in the er’s cottage on the east side: S. «ame way, and ii is invariably a suc­ Pap Vanderventer.J. Ozone Hals-tedt, cess. I also keep large quantities of John Harvey Bt-ll, J. J. KixJets, C. unthrashed oats in barn free from rats fttantly relieves and permanently cun and mice the same way. One barrel of j Fritz Laugenberg, Percy Yander- Roosevelt is th« most popular mao hiz months, lie is well and hearty to-day Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn, tinsiaked I'.me is enough for l'r i^ t^ a of !v"i" f'r> Love Houloy ltoueseaa, al! of! in the aaie, nud it is *«>t uHogethor Michael Gearheurt. Sick tTeadache,Ga>stralgia,Cramps,and sheaf oaU.’ St. Louis. confined to the liepublicans cither. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 8, 1900. { all other results of i m perfect digestion. Prepared by E C DeWItt &Co., Cbl *ago The Minstre's. dnesday evening the ladies of Hollister & Co. K L O E P F E R ’S ike View Hotel gave theii S T IL L L E A D ; the Academy Gymnasia □ immense audience, iu a style All c o m petitors :ouljjh ay e made Billy E n NEW YORK STORE! t.ltui-palmiest days bluth IN T H E Attrecisely 8 o’clock the ose,E and the compauy took Pafies amid the jiugle of tam- Grocery Line. Our Great Clearing 0 Early, Van Camp, Ales, Calicos, marked to go at... 5c up to $2.50, at...... 99c i, Hawkins, Bird, Graham, J Any and all of our Summer Wool iwie, -Arcaro and Lucille Cul- Challies— such as have been Dress Goods at exact cost. 'ere stars of the first magnitude, sold at 5c, now ...... 8c ras one of the great interesting Wash Skirts— all our remaining stock Good yard-wide Unbleached res of; the magnificent enter- to go at less than first cost. Muslin, a t... 4c er.t. iThe unique violin and Saturday, August 18th, Ladies’ Jackets and Capes and L a ­ □lin Splo, by Prof. Arcaro, as- Regular 6c an 1 7c Unbleached dies’ Tailor-Made suits at your I that said geutleman is a mas- M uslin, a t ...... own price. pon /those instruments. His is our special day for Lace Curtains, ;ion of th e “ MockiDg B ird” was at the Bowel & Co’s Closing, out here to stay and w ill be here long after some of the smaller eut, and the audience was dealers have decided to go and try new fields. W e have been with you for ? pleased. The travesty delin- Sale. On said date we will place the past wenty-five years and intend" to stay until we leave this earth, and 3 by. Mrs. Arcfcro was grand on sale our $1.50,$2.00 and S2.50 ilainly demonstrated that the lines of curtains at the you will give us credit for never yet trying to deceive you in any of our s a master of delsarte. advertisements, but always give you 100 cents’ worth for your dollar. in all, every member of the. Extremely L o w Come iu and see how cheap you can buy goods of us during August. Iu mv performed his or her part it a flaw, although only five P r i c e o f 89c per pair. addition to the above we give Trading Stamps or Atlas Checks. B ring vere allowed for rehearsals, this a d . with you and see if we do not practice what we preach. uvenile Cake W alk was one of DARBY & PATTERSON, oat hits of the evening and was Successors to BOWELL & CO. e griipated in by the following: HAYES & SON,' irticjt couple, Monica Sheerin and Plym outh, Ind. PROPRIETORS OF F ir tl couple, Monica Sheeriu dua Heaton. -51 Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. IS-

Second couple, Marguerite Van Easterday and Overmyer, imp aud Helen Graham. \ i DEALERS IN Third couple, Theodore Conzle- man aud Mildred Graham. * Fourth couple, Prof. Arcaro and Marguerite J . Culver. Furniture, buggies, wagons and al! ' Owing to the fact that each couple kinds of farming implements. so fiue, it was finally decided by judges that the cake should be ju'ally divided. Prof. Arcaro’sPicture Frames and mouldings kept 3r was a little tot not long out constantly on hand. swaddlihg clothes. This lit- ly, who is a daughte r of Mr. Mrs Harry Culver, highly (leased the audience by her wonder- Undertaking and Embalming a First class Horses, Buggies and Ve­ jil performance. Iu fact she looked Culver, Indiana. ke the augels in the fairy books as Specialty. hicles of every description. Can he glided over the floor, her golden anging over her shoulders, ex- stable from 50 to 75 horses. ui^itely setting off the beautiful has been reported by £food authority Dr. T.W. D’ernald, one of Logansport’s Dr. U. B . Culver, in d ia n a . dsturne that adorned her fairy oldest like and ablest physicians, hue at 'last per­ fected his wonderful whisker and hair dye. eal of the performers were the Fernald has been hard at work in his DEMTI ST. atory on High street for many years try- nnts of beautiful boquetH, cast Big Special on to solve tbifl difficult problem of per­ A t D R . H O L L IS T E R ’S Office t thoir feet by admirers in the au-fectly dyeing human hair. This wonderful liseovory will surely add a great step'to the irogress of tho world. His method is so Every flonday. Miss Ida Cnlver, of St. Louis, Mo., iimple that even the most inexperienced G. A. R. S U IT S ! ud Prof. Otto Stahl, of Culver, pre-child can apply it. The compound c Doss all K inds of Dental Work very powder, which is done up in a sealed Satisfactory. ded at the piauo, aud gave excel- packago to protect it against dampn< has simply to be mixed in plain v We have closed a deal whereby we atisfaction. This affair shows ike it the most wonderful dye yet. exclusively that it will be one of *d. It is applied with a cominou cc ■u an ordinary, table f...... l^reuzberger’s Park.___ are enabled to quote prices on regula­ great necessities in the to >n the it ved 1,0C tion G. A. R. Suits for all members urnish those who visit the lake three ived • (Lake Maxinkuckee. four up-to-date entertainments of Posts in Marshall County, that CULVER CITY, iring-the seasou. lawyer, Mr. Sol D. Brunt. ___ each and everyoneshal! take advan­ The Park was decorated with Chi- S to ry of a Slave. THE BEST ___ >se lanterns, which lent greater en- To be bound hand and foot I Whiskies, tage of. hantmeut to the moonbeams which le: over beholder the beautiful park, draw Brandis, 50 M en’s Pontusic F lainell all-wool G. A. R Suits at $5 00 forth the praise and admiration Cordials, 00 Men’s Slater “ “ “ “ 8 00 ' G. A. L. ENCAMPMENT 40 M eu’s Middlesex “ “ “ “ 9 00 Chicago. Excursion tickets via Rhine and Moselle Wines. French Claets, An extra set of buttons aud a pair of Silk Suspenders go with each sale. i Nickel Plate road ou sale Aug. Port, and * kerry, C all early aud bo ready for the Grand Reunion at Chicago. to Aug. 29. inclusive, good re- lie is wonderfully ii Ales and Beers, ning until A ug. 31, inclusive, or her own work.” Tt Mineral water deposit until Sopt. BO, inclusive, jinale diseases quick A Pine stoek of domestic and Key Wes* M.Lauer Sc Son, one cent a mile traveled. Write, Cigars- ____ :e, ’phone or call on nearest agent, Mothers endorse it, children like it, old One=Price==Ootfitters, A. Asterlin, T P A, F t. Wayne, ak, sickly, n folks use it. We refer to One Minute Cough 1 , or R . J . Hamilton, Agent, Ft. Cure. It will quickly cure all throat and INDIANA. Vijyuo, Iud. 152-td-l ilattery, drufl lung troubles. T. E. Slattery. PLYMOUTH, due Thing X^ackiug. Warning iu Biblical Siyns. A Virginia Blue ijaw. Theater Manager—Have you got ev­ There is a restaurant ou North Clark The old blue laws of colouial New erything necessary for that new society street where a specialty is made of England were severe enough, but here play that we are going to bring out scriptural texts. The walls are placard- is one drawn up for the government of next month? ed with inscriptions, and no matter the colony of Virginia in lt>12, eight Property Man—I thought I had until how tough the pies may be the advice years before the Pilgrims landed at I heard the play at the rehearsal yes­ framed aud hanging on the walls and i Plymouth Rock: terday. To-morrow I'll get a couple of in the windows is pretty good. The “It is ordained that no man blas- Look at your tongue. barrels of disinfectant for the theater^ texts are changed every day, aud there phemc God’s holy name upon paine of Is it coated ? The portrait of Gaetano Bresci, tlie as­ “ Somerville Journal. is a great deal of variety in the reading death. That no man speak impiously Then you have a bad sassin ol’ King Humbert, is from a pho­ matter displayed. A few days ago a con- or maliciously against the holy and tograph taken four years ago. Bresci is taste in your mouth every AVhat Do tho Children Drink? spicuous placard in the window an- blessed Trinitie or against the knowne a native of Tuseanv. While living at morning. Your appetite Don’t give them tea or eoffee. Have nounced: Articles of the Christian faith, upon you tried the new food drink called Prato in Italy he attended the technical is poor, and food dis­ GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nourish­ schoel and learned the trade of a weaver. “In God is our trust.” paine of death. Every man and woman tresses you. You have ing, and takes the place of colTce. The At Paterson, N. .T., he was employed in Xust below it hung the sign. duly twice a day upon the first towling more Grain-O you give the children the the silk mill of the llainilton-Booth Com­ ^U1 customers must x>ay cash.” of the bell shall upon working dayes frequent headaches and more health you distribute through their are often dizzy. Your systems. Grain-0 is made of pure grains, pany and lived with his wife and child at A few days after that the proprietor repaire unto ihe church to hear divine and when properly prepared tastes like 363 Clinton avenue, West Hoboken. treated his patrons to an invitation and Service, upon paine of losing his or her stomach is weak and the choice grades of coffee, but costs Bresci came to the United States about a warning. It was all the more comi- daye’s allowance for the first omis- your bowels are always about Vi as much. All grocers aell i t 15c three years ago. He was not naturalized. and 25c.______cal because he had left out the word sion, for the second to be wblpt, and constipated. “for” in his quotation: f°r the third to be condemned to the There’s an old and re­ The population of Edinburgh is now “Best pies 10 cents.” Gallies for six Moneths.” liable cure: within about 1,000 of 300,000. “Eat, drink and be merry. “To-morrow you may die.”—Chicag* Dangers of tlie Day. “That was a mean trick Harry play Inter Ocean. ed Louise/’ Origin ol‘ Greenhouses. “What was it?” William Watson, of Kew, says that “W hy, he disguised himself as a cen the first greenhouse erected in England sus-takerand found out. her ago.”—Chi­ was. in the Apothecaries’ Garden at cago Record. Chelsea in 1084. It merely had glass Do Your Feet Ache and Burn? sides, and was heated by a kind of oven. Shake into your shoes Alien’s Foot- In 1717 a glass-roofed house was built Ease, a powder for the feet. I t makes Gacta*o Grrsci *\rs 6 0 PKIF. BftESCJ. by tho Duke of Rutland at Belvoir tight or new shoes feel easy. Cures Castle for foreign grapes, heated by Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and Sweat­ ing Feet. At all druggists aud shoe furnaces placed under the floor of the He left Paterson May 22, sailing for stores, 25c. Sample sent F R E E . Ad­ Havre on La Gascogne under the name house. Steam was first used in 1788, dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeKoy, N. Y. and hot water soon afterward was ap­ Branchi Caesari. He wrote to his wife Stair Climbing. Don’t take a cathartic plied to a small house in the Jardin des from Milan saying that he would soon A wrell-known physician declares that dose and then stop. Bet­ return. Mrs. Sophie Bresci was formerly Plantes at Paris—Meehan’s Monthly. stair-climbing is the very best thing for ter take a laxative dose Miss Sophie Knieland. She made the the health, when performed in the each night, just enough to acquaintance of Bresci about three j'ears P a s s in g of th e Horae. proper manner. ago in the silk factory, where they were So soon as nature sees an improvement cause one good free move­ both employed. Mrs. Bresci is now in there is a change. The candle gave way ment the day following. destitution. She and her 8-months-old lit­ to electricity and the horse to the auto­ You feel better the tle daughter, Madeline, are being cared mobile. The fact that Ilostetter’s Stom­ H all’s Catarrh Cure. very next day. Your for by friends in New Jersey. ach Bitters has been sold for over half a Is a constitutional cure. Trice 75 cents. century, proves its value. There is noth­ appetite returns, your ing to equal it for stomach or liver trou­ In these trying times in China there In coining such modern words as dyspepsia is cured, your The tripping feet— the sparkling ble. Be sure to give it a trial. are no men among the foreigners upon “telegram,” "protography,” etc., the headaches pass away, eye—the graceful movement— be­ whom greater responsibilities rest than Shipyards in Germany. Japanese have recourse to the Chinese your tongue clears up, the foreign consuls. long not alone to the budding maiden. There are thirty-nine shipyards in language, as we do to the Greek. your liver acts well, and One of the most im­ These graces are the right— aye Germany, employing altogether nearly w your bowels no longer duty of every woman until the hair portant of these of­ 50,000 men, and together they con­ Piso’s Cure is the best medicine we ficials, owing to the give you trouble. structed last year 528 vessels of all ever used for all affections of the throat whitens— and regal dignity replaces extent of the interests kinds for the navy, the merchant and lungs.—Wm. O. Endsley, Vanburen, Price, 25 cents. All druggists. them.. committed to his care, Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. marine and for river traffic of the The mother who guards her is the representatives “ I have taken Ayer’s Pills for 35 strength has so much more to de­ of the British govern­ larger description. Of these yards five Many circus performers are born to years, and I consider them the best are used for the construction of naval inade. One pill does me more good vote to the care and education of ment at Tien Tsin, tii? circuses; many of them have never than half a box of any other kind I Mr. W . R. Carles. vessels, having an aggregate, capacity known another life. have ever tried.” her dear ones. She should be a Before the interna­ M rs N . E. T a l b o t , for the simultaneous construction of March 30, 1899. Arrington, Kans. comfort— a cheer— always. tional forces gained M rs. W in s lo w ’* so o t h in g Syru p ror Children over forty of the largest ships, twanty- teething: softens the gums, reances inflammation Yet how many feel that they eiglit torpedo destroyers, and thirty allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. W. B. CARI.ES. ™ ntr0! 0f th e " ci‘ y have the strength to properly bal­ the situation at cne torpedo boats. The capacity of the stomach is varied §§time grew so desperate that Mr. Carles If afflicted with ance the home ? The world is list­ greatly by age and habits of eating. less, weary and morbid. Its blood sent a message by special courier, pray­ Ho^^eseekers, Excursions Via Chicago !inr>gs6 sluggishly and is full of im­ ing urgently for reinforcements, and an­ and Eastern Illinois Railroad. nouncing that the casualties were heavy, On the first and third Tuesdays of purities. I t netfds a kindling, in ­ the ammunition insufficient, and that vigorating tonic to set it afire—it June, July and August the Chicago and machine guns were necessary. He fur­ Eastern Illinois Railroad will place on needs Pe-ru-na. ther stated that the Russians at the rail­ sale Homeseekers’ Excursion tickets to way station were hard pressed, while the various points in Alabama, Arkansas, Chinese troops were keeping up an in­ Florida, Georgia, Indian Territory, Ken­ mi mi medicine cessant fire with large guns on the Euro­ tucky, Louisiana. Mississippi, Missouri, pean concessions, nearly all of which North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennes­ in the world which women may see and Texas. were burned. Happily, the damage and rely upon positively. Pe-ru-na is One fare (plus $2.00) for the round trip. loss of life at Tien Tsin have proved to Tickets are limited on going trip fif­ m s H m good for everyone, but particularly be less considerable than was at first teen days from date of sale, with stop­ For Infants and Children for women. The various weak­ supposed. The British consulate, at any over privileges in Hoineseekers’ Terri­ nesses w hich afflict their delicate or­ rate, seems to have escaped, but the res­ tory. Returning, tickets are limited twenty-one days from date of sale. ganism spring from inflammation or idence of the American consul was burned. Remember that we now have in service catarrh of the mucous lining,and Pe-ru-na a new wide-vestibuled train between Chi­ is a specific for catarrh in any organ of Gen. Alexei Nicolaievitch Ivuropatkin, cago and Waco and Fort Worth, Texas, the body. Any congestion of a mucous who, it is said, will be sent to China as leaving Chicago daily at 1:50 p. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars and free AVfegetable Preparationfor As­ membrane simply means catarrh of the the commander-in-chief of the Russian organ affected. This is why Pe-ru-na reclining chair cars. For further partic­ similating ttieFoodandSeguIa- forces, is the Rus­ ulars call on or address any agent Chi­ cures all sorts of troubles where other sian minister of ting the Stomachs andBowcls of remedies fail. If there is a catarrhal cago and Eastern Illinois Railroad, or war, aud is proba- atfection the matter with you anywhere C. L. Stone, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Pe-ru-na w ill cure you. bly the most trust- f jfcw ed, most powerful a Bavarian Pencil Factories. and most faithful Bavaria can boast of twenty-eight Promotes Digestion.CheerfuP 4 e r v a n t of the pencil factories, which employ 10,000 ness and Rest.Contains neither Czar. Long ago, people, including men, women and LIBBY’S when Kuropatkin Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. children. Together they produce no was a young man, K o x N a h c o t i c . he was sent into fewer than 4,000,000 black and 300,000 LUNCHEONS Turkestan with the ^ colored pencils per week. The total We are meat cookcrs and canners. Russian advance, **' output last year reached the enormous Our business is the largest of its kind and spent his youth x u b o p a t k i *. quantity of 230,000,000 pencils, in the in America. We have tried to learn everything that anybody knows about in high adventure and in winning for him­ manufacture of which over 1,800 acres making cooked meat good. That is self honors, decorations and promotion. our business. We seal the product in of cedar were used. key-opening cans. Turn a kev and you When he had served his apprenticeship find tne meat exactly as it left us. in the marches and bivouacs of the East, BEST FOR THE BOWELS. We put up ia this way he returned to Europe and resumed his No matter what ails you, headache to a Potted Ham, Beef and studies in the schools. Slowly he rose on cancer, you will never get well until your Tongue, the ladder of advancement, until in 1898 bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, A perfect Remedy’ for Constipa­ ©x Tongue (whole), he was made absolute master, under the tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Czar, of the armies of all the Russias. produce easy natural movements, cost Veal Loaf, you just 10 cents to start getting your Worms;Convulsions ,Fcverish- Deviled Ham, health bacft. CASCARETS Candy Ca­ ness and L o s s o f S l e e p . Brisket Beef, Miss Pauline Astor, the young lady thartic, the genuine, put up in metal whose little love affair with Sir Berkeley Sliced Smoked Beef, boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped Facsimile Signature of Milne has been the indirect cause of her on it. Beware of imitations. and two dozen other specialties. It is father's ostracism impossible for anybody to make lunch­ Reason for His Description. eon meats any better. from the Marlbor- Your grocer should have them. ough House set in “W hat do 3*ou think of my new bi­ Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago. cycle skirtV” sho asked. “IIow to Make Good Things to Eat” “It is one of the wittiest I have seen/’ will be sent free if you ask us. -sire. She was ask- he replied. ed recently whether ‘•Wittiest!” she exclaimed. I: was au ^n^lish “Certainly,” he answered. “Brevity EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. V ^ or a ^- aiJ^ ee Is the soul of wit, is it not?”—Chicago VST girl. She replied THE C6NTAOR COMMNy, NEW YORK CITY. % that she wasn’t Evening Post. Q u it e sure. Her father, she said, Try Grain-O! Try Grain-O! Ask your Grocer to-day to show you & j p ^ was an E ^ * h - package of GItAlN-O, the new food «r jN man. As for iier- drink that takes the place of coffee. The A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. ) * ' self, she said she children may drink it without injury as r. t. fei.ix oorRAtJirs oriental- would be an Ameri- well as the adult. All who try it like it. D CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES. .5 _ Kerooves Tan. Pimples. Freckle* MISS ASTOIi. can if the choic(, GRAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of lloch Patches, Rush an ^-3 (U i,stood tlie test of or some other man whom her father does w. ^ and i8 80 coffee. 15c and 25c per package. Sold V / // harming we taste 1#- not like she will be the sole heir of $200,- by all grocers. ^ < 3 o * w to b6 sure prop* oo i er*y maca. Book of testimonials aud 10 OATS’ treatment siastical slate will be received at special rates. Chicago may have an underground rail­ wick headache. Price 25 and 50e. A J. TOWER, Boston. Mass. F£L££. l>r. 22. Urtan’e Sob*, ttoz Atlanta, St. Edward’s Hall, for boys under 13 years, is way system to cost $20,000,000. unique in tlie completeness of its equipments. About thirty cities in Wisconsin are Will pay for a 5-LINE advertisement No. 33-1900 Mamie Spencer, St. Joseph, Mo., com­ four weeks in 100 hijzb prude Illinois The 57th Year will open September 4th, 1900. supplied with water from artesian ! newspapers— 100.0U)circulation per week Catalogues Free Addrsss mitted suicide because her lover wan toe1 tfuaranteed. Send for catalogue. Stflin- U/HEN WfCTlNti TO AD’ ERTISERS PLEASE SAV wells. s dard-Ufeiou, M> S. -Jefl'erson 3t..ChiCfi£9. VT yea saw i^e p.dverilsem^ni.iu U‘is paper. KLV. A. MORRISSEY. C. S. C., President. to postpone their marriage. Vaesitlon Su b s j . W!:eu study a«.i school are ove?, The most stupendous .campaign Monday evening a boy drove John How jo lly it is to be free, enterprise ever undertaken by the Osborn’s delivery horse to the barn,! Away in the fields of clover, H TTve honey sweet haunts of the heel Prohibitionists will bo inaugurated and after unhitching him started to Marbaugh Bros., Away in the woods ro ramble, by the national committee during remove the harness, and When f aking merrily all day 1 on-jr. have a full line of all kinds of The btrds fn the ht:#h srnj brarnfr!* this campaign. A special train is to the ‘‘crcoper” from under the horse’s A*Kc fliliRjf th« cummer wiih aon$. «• vu bo sent through the country bearing tail the animal began to kick, and shelf* H a r d w a r e , Awsj in the dewy vkDqj Woolley and Metcalf, the candidates To fellow tho murmuring brook instantly started off at a lively gait. 0 7 ait «r its tank and ^sHy for president and vice-president, na­ He ian around the Morris house on Heating Stoves. Jlwfcite w ith a iinet at?d & fcogfe. tional chairman Oliver Wk Stewart, Main street where he collided with a Also the Celebrated , * \ t Aw^y f?«w« the »tir ewwf 1 ft The o f fh* towa teft irtfe&adtf aud other national speakers. This buggy, badly breaking the wheels y f im t ia * f*r nuxzch*, * 2- train will make stops of oue hour Tft* %hHw fa? g tv A y a ad seifewi. and causing the horse to turn a com­ Peninsular Cook, . I each at such places as will raise plete somersault. The animal was ?v • I W i *w®» a t» w«wr?, kV*r> which is fully guaranteed as a good fciJ 'j •■-ve'fc i& m * a !wwe . f hibitionists, and many cities are get a goad easy shave and a clean It is a stove which has no equal. f .r A tjasCi^s f f * w I'.i&Rw, zn-i then *1 A l-.yl tut tfce boolta «f;J eHffij; seu iug in their applications for the towel is used upon each customer. ;‘f it u pfeaiKVjt »,;ain. train which will be made the occa­ ■—5F*aai& Stasywfcr Sherman* f 4 tf W m . M . M il l e r . We have a full line of Farm Imple­ sion of a grand rally. The train will The wolf in the fable put on sheep’s cloth­ YOUTHS’ DEPARTMENT. leave Chicago Sept. 19, and the first ing because if he traveled on his own rep­ ments and harness goods. Give us The nalsy aad Its Pamtly-The trip will be through the western utation he couldn’t accomplish his pur­ Cats of An«ient Egypt—A Va­ states, returning to Chicago Sept. 29. pose, Counterfeiters of Do,Witt's Witch cation Song. a call. rionterey, Indiana. October 1 the train will start east Hazel Salve couldn’t sell their worthless The handsome ox eyed daisy grows and will travel as far as Boston, vis- salves on their merits, so they put them in boxers and wrappers like Dewitt’s. Look wild in many parts of the United itiug New Jersey, Pennsylvania and States nnd Canada, and where it is not out for them. Take only DeWitt’s Witch found there are sure to be others of on their return. In ad­ Hazel Salve. It cures piles and all skin CULVER CITY the large family to which it belongs— dition to the speaking a large amount diseases. T. E. Slattery. the composites. of literature will be distributed along When we gather a daisy or a dande­ Last Thursday the Union and lion or an aster or any other of this the way. The party managers be Methodist Sabbath schools of Hobart, * • ' < % * t t, family, we do not gather a single blos­ lieve that the attention which will be numbering about 400, and the Math- onstruction Company, som, but a whole head of little ones attracted by the special Prohibition closely crowded together—a composite odist Sabbath schools of Elwood, flower, as the name explains. Often train steamiug through the country numbering about 500, picnicked {at Iron and Woo* the flowers around the outside of the will justify the heavy expense. Sev­ Culver. The little ones and gaown- cluster are a different color from those eral Indiana cities are plauning to up people enjoyed the day boat rid- j In the center, as In this daisy the cen­ • r i ter blossoms are yellow and the out­ have the train, among them are ing, bathing, etc. Huudreds visited ; Workers. All ma­ side ones white, or, as in tho Black Gosheu, Martinsville and Indianapo­ CulveJ Park and scenes around the j Eyed Susan, there is a brown middle, lis. with yellow around the . lake, and were most enthusiastic in chinery promptly You will see, in looking at one of The second session of Maxinkuckee their praise of our beautiful lake and repaired.5 Repair­ these daisies, that the outer ring of its surroundings. flowers is different from the middle Assembly closed Sunday, Thirty- one in shape as well as color. The out­ four lectures were given and ten en­ Are you hungry? If so, call at ing Boilers and Engines a Specialty. er blossoms are long and flat—strap tertainments. The Assembly closed John Osborn’s store and be supplied shaped, the botanists call them—while with groceries, meats, breads and the inner ones are tube shaped. The with fine prospects. It paid up all Shop opposite M. E. Church. outer biossoms look like single petals its debts and has a bright future. everything in the line of eatables. and in many members of this family Next year there will be many im­ lave neither stamens nor pistils or pis­ Millions will be ppent in politics this tils only, while the inner are perfect, provements made. The new board year* We can’t keep the campaign going having all their parts, though it may without money any more than, we can keep of officers are: President, J. V. ROSS 'V** HOUSE the body vigorous without food. Dyspep­ take a microscope to see them. Coombs; Vice President, Dr. Collaue; Having strap shaped and tube shap­ tics used to starve themselves. Now Ko- PLYMOUTH, IND. ed biossoms in the same head Is one Secretary, W. E. M. ilackleman; dol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat way in which the composite* flowers Treasurer, J. O. Ferrier. The In d i­ all the good food you want. It radically Only First-Glass House in the City. Fates Reasonable are arranged. The daisies are so and ana Lectureship and Evangeaillic cures stomach troubles. T. E. Slattery. the asters and the great sunflowers. Special rates given to Marshall county citiams, who come in numbers. But the thistle and the purple iron weed Congress will maet here next year. Buy John a 50c night gown at and the burdock and others have all The programme next year will run Porter & Co’s aud save your lingers Hacks to and from all trains the flowers tubular, while the dande­ and eyes. lions and chicory have them all strap over four Sundays,** 7 and some of the shaped. So these are the three differ­ best talent in the land will grace the • Don’t forget that at Barite’s B tore J. K. MCWHORTER s .,SON, ent ways of arranging these two kinds platform. Ten lots were sold for Maxinkuckee, you can find anything J. Baumgartner, of flowers. Tinners and Furnace Dealers, In every blossom that has stamens cottages, and next year all the lake that the market affords at very reas­ there are live of them, and they are frout will be filled with cottages. onable prices. Experienced joined together by the upper part into Flora brought the largest colony this All kinds of Itaofmg and Eave Trough- a little tube, through which the pistil D raym an. THE NICKEL r LATE ROaD mg promptly attended to./ passes. This peculiar arrangement of year, about 60 people; Indianapolis W ill sell excursion tickets to Chicago for the petals is one mark of the family, came next with 35, and Lebanon Goo# delivered to any part of t the 34th annual encampment of the G- A. . while the composite heads are another. next. The atteudauce from Culver Cleaning and Repairing Gaso­ city aud around the Lake. The composites have little dry seeds, R . at one cent a mile traveled, good going one to each blossom, and they may fur­ was light, and from Maxinkuckee from Aug. 25th to 29th, inclusive, and re­ line Stoves a Specialty/ Prom pt and quick service is o nish them with hooks, as the burdock nearly nothing, The interest in the turning until Aug. 31, inclusive, or by de­ •/H does, so that they may cling to passing Terms Reasonable, motto, and charges reasonable. community should be increased next posit until Sept. 30, inclusive, on any one people and animals, to be carried far of our Peerless Trio of Daily Express trains CULVER. - - - IND. away from where they grew, or, like year. It is greatly to our interest where scheduled to stop. Write, wire, CULVER CITY INDIANA. 5SB the dandelion and thistle, they may to have lecturers of national reputa­ ’phone or call on nearest agent. C. A. As­ give their seed children white wings terlin. T. P. A., Ft.’ Wayne. Ind., or R. I. * Prevented a Tragedy. tion brought to us, and it is cheap to to sail away on the wind, or they may Hamilton, Agent, Ft. Wayne. 151-4-td Timely information given Mrs. George 5 0 Y EA RS’ simply drop them to the ground, as the have the privilege of attending three Long, of New Straitsville. Ohio,Jprevented a EXPERIENCE sunflower does. lectures for ten ceuts. Preliminary Announcement. dreadful tragedy and saved two lives* A The word daisy means “day's eye,” The Vandalia and Pennsylvania frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies because the European daisy, which Sunday evening as Archie Blanch­ apnual Ohio excursion will leave and d^ctoVs;; but steadily grew worse until first bore the name, opens in the sun­ ard and his best girl were taking a light and closes at night. It Is this Lakeville, Ind., at 9:00 p m Thurs urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery, One flower, and not the ox eye, which Is re­ buggy ride behind Johu Osborn’s bottle/wholly enred her and 6he writes this day, Sept. 27, 1900. For further T r a d e M a r k s ferred to in most of the daisy songs marvellous mpdicin«also cured Mr. Long of noted little bay, a gentleman information call on or address, D e s ig n s a severe attack of pneumonia. Such cures C o p y r ig h t s A c . and stories. The sunflower so loves driving a fast stepper drove up be­ the sun that the Greeks made a beauti­ C. M. W heeler, are positive proof of the matchless merit of quickly ascertain our opinion free wnother an hind Archie aud attempted to pass invention improbably patentable. Communica­ ful story to explain why it always Trav. Pass. Agent, Terre Haute.Ind,, this grand remedy for curing all throat,chest tions strictly oonfldentfah. riandboots on Patenta turns its face to him, and many oth­ and lung troubles. Only 60 cents aud $1.00 at sent free. Oldest agency for stowing patents. on ahead. This kind of proceedings Or W . F . ScH ALLHORN, Patents taken throuarb Munn & Co. receive ers are very dependent upon light. An­ T. E. Sattery’s drug . store.. Every Ixittle specUiHwtice, was not to the likiug of Osborn's without charue, In the other composite, the thistle, is the Agent Vandalia Line, Lakeville, Ind guaranteed. Scotch national flower, and there is a thoroughbred, who instantly lit out E . A. F ord, A m e ric a n . Story to that too.—Honora Jacob in A Minister's (4