f IV ? - y ^ ... ■ r ± : ■ 1 V i --^s> <.y At Lake Maxinkuckee VO L. V II. CULVER €ITY INDIANA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1900. NO. T. PERSONAL MENTION. Time Table THE ROUNDER. Reply to Exodus. LOCAL BREVET! ES. Homer Nearpass is on the sick list. M r;'-E d i t o r : — A very clever article Send in your local Items. VANDALIA LINE' appeared in your issue of last week Mrs. J. K. Mawharter is on the W hat fie ftears, Sees and Thinks The hotels are full of guests. Terre Haute and Logansport R. R. sick list. under the heading of “Prohibition What about that Town Clock? For the North A bo ut. vs. Church Members.” The article No. 10........................................ 8:12 A.M. Mrs. Frank Lamson is visiting Ni­ makes a true statement, that the The H e r a l d office has more light. No. 14........................................12.09 P. M. agara Falls this week. No. 8 ......................................... 9 ;41 P. M . Prohibition speakers at the Assem­ Totan Reds 5c per yard at Porter Chas. and Edna Hayes are visiting No. 12 (Sunday O n ly ).............. 9.08 A. M. He thinks that if certain men who bly spoke very Btrong against the ad­ & Co’s. Forth© South. friends at Bement, 111.; wear the cloth which designates them ministration for allowing -the army Call on Walter & Son for up to- No. 21......................................... 6:37 A. M. John Campbell and family made as reverend gentlemen would have saloon to continue even against law, No. 3....................... .................1:14 P .M . date fresh meat. Plymouth a visit Saturday. more regard for truth and veracity, No 9 ........................................ 7:59P. M. and for permitting the liquor traffic Calicos 4, 5, and 6 cents at Porter they would have a stronger hold up­ No. 11 (Sunday O n l y ) . ..........* 7.00 P. M. ; Ed. Houghton and family, of Ply­ to so extensively follow the flag in & Co’s. J Shugrue, Agt. mouth, visited friends in Culver on the good opinion of the public. our new possessions. We regret, The Maxinkuckee Assembly clos d Sunday. How can such men expect to teach also, that this is done; but when my KEEN BROS., others how to follotv the narrow way, Sunday evening. A Miss King, of Danville, 111., is brother suggests that “the Prohibs when they repeatedly prevaricate and Call and see Porter & Co’s 4 and PHOTOGRAPHERS visiting Miss Julia Lamson at the confine their work of reform in Amer- wantonly make misleading state­ 5c calicos. Opposite Poejtofflce, - CULVER, IND. Primer House. ca and let foreigners alone,” I think ments, They, abovts all men, should be misunderstood the> aim of the An addition is being built to the Call or Telephone for us when you want Miss Cecil Bell of Indianapolis is be circumspect, and by their every Prohibs. f Who has conceded that Academy kitchen. a Group or Scenery Photographed. Por­ visiting her schoolmate, Miss Belle traits iir up-U-daie atylen. day life prove to the world that they the Philipinos are foreigners? And Fine line of Lake Views for sale, in­ Fulton , on the east side. Remnant ribbon sale next week at cluding Stereoscopical Views and Scenes are what they represent. are not the American soldier boys in Porter & Co’s. arouud the Lake. Mr. Jacob Speyer and family, of -k : x i x Maidila who are being ruined bv the The two old parties are just com­ New York City, are in Culver vis­ The Rounder notices that there canteen as much objects of interest as mencing to get in their work. P^ A A R K C A F E , iting relatives and friends. are a number of young men, who do their brothers at home? Oue speaker Shoes at old prices—no advance Mrs. E. A. Poor, who has been not live a thousand miles from Cul­ ONE BLOCK WEST DEPOT said: “ We object to the government ver, who have -a tendency to be at Porter & Go’s. visiting her husband at this placet taking more interest in the extension Lakt? Maxinkuckee, Culver, In d .' smart. They think ’ by getting a The Assembly Hotel will remain returned to Marion, Ind., Tuesday. of the liquor trade than in the flour One Dollar per day. “jag” on and appearing in public; open until September. Miss Ida Culver and Miss Belle trade.” From that 1 take it that the Lunch at all hours. and using foul and indecent'lan­ Youngblood, of St. Louis, are guests Prohibs fight the government's atti­ Big bargains in white bed spreads Ice cream in season. guage, that they have elevated them­ this week at Porter & Co’s. Fruits, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco of Mrs. H. H. Culver on the east tude toward the liquor traffic. - selves in the estimation of the public, The Prettv Lake Sunday school Board by the week. side. I listened to all the speeches and This is a sad delusion which should picnicked at Culver Tuesday. D. R. AVERY, Prop. Arlington and Nina Haas of Bre­ was much impressed; but not that be verified by Having these “smart men, are visiting with their sister, the Prohib was a “temperance” or­ The Rector Hotel on the east side R o b e r t C . O ’B le n is , A leek V* arrested and properly pun­ Mrs. I . S. Hahn a few day* this ganization at all; but that they were is filled to its utmost capacity. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. ished. r A few lessons of this kint Also Deputy Prosecutor! Office in Pick- week. opposed to the government’s atti­ Scores of Plvmonth and Argos would do them good. erel block, Argos, Ind. G. B. Taylor, the able manager of tude. * I did not understand the citizens were in Culver Sunday. the Culver Military Academy, is tak­ x x x : speakers to say that the' Republican Corn in this section promises to be The Rouader notices that all over J) r. 0. A. REA, ing in the sights at Niagara Falls or Democrat did"not try hard to a tremendous crop. Also late pota­ Culver the sidewalks are in a dilapi­ this week. “regulate” the traffic, but that it c&u- to*. dated condition and need repairing Physician and Surgeon. not and ought not be “regulated.” Prof. I. S. Hahn delivered a tem­ badly. He also notices that4 the McLane & Co. have added *o their Office over Exchange* Bank . perance speech at Rutland last Sun­ streets are blessed with an abundant One said, You do not try to regu- ] j v e r y Btock a fine double seated car- day morning and at Trinity Sunday late stealing by license, but make it crop of weeds which promises to riage. Main Street. - • CULVER. IND. evening. a crime to steal. Neither shpuld you yield an enormous crop of seeds for Tt now looks as though the diffi­ regelate liquor selling; but make it Miss Daisy Watson, of Torre an increased growth next year. Nat culty with China would be amicably Q r. B. W. s. WISEMAN, a crime to sell.” Haute, will be a guest of Miss Myr­ ural pride should cause the Common settled. tle Nearpass for the ensuing three or Then my brother says that we Physician and SurgeOn. Council to order this obnoxious sight A few ladies’ shirt, waists to cMse four weeks. should educate, and the Sunday removed. Culver is • a town which out at Porter & Co’s. Fifty cents Office hours 11 to 12 a. m .,‘and 4 to 6 p. m. school should be the great bulwark The following party from Cincin­ should especially be kept clean and for choice. OfficeThird Door North of Bank: of education on temperance. I nati, O., are guests at. the Lake View: neat, as it is visited by thousands of Calls promptly answored day ot night. thought those speakers believed the Do not fail to attend the fete at Mrs B. Keesling, A. B. Keesling, and people who are very apt to criticize Main S tre e t, - - C U L V E R , IND. Sunday school should teach temper­ Mrs. Culver’s on the east side this the Misses Kane and Moore. anything not in the line of cleanli­ ance; but they believed that a polit- (Friday) evening. Mrs. Etta Harper, who has been ness. Dr Geo. S. Hollister, cal party supported by Christian The Marshal is overseeing a gang visiting her parents in Culver the Nearly Blind* voters should change the law from of men who are cleaning out the past four weeks, returned to her ^hgsiciai) & JJargeoi), We sre paired to chronicle that being in favor of and creating the academy lagoons. home in Terre Haute Sunday. Mrs. R. K. Lord is no better. Her traffic, to one that would be opposed One of the best meat market re­ o m m m m & m o Mrs. Meckel and daughter, who case is peculiar, as through a rush of to and destroy it. I think my brother frigerators in the state for sate at have been guests at the Thomas CALLS ANSWERED PROrtPTLY NIGHT blood to the nerves of the eyes, she was absent when they showed that to Bradley’s restaurant. O R DAY. v Medbour Hotel the past few weeks, is nearly blind, being only able to 200 boys in Chicago who attended Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tone Shaw, returned to Terre Haute, Tuesday. distinguish between light and dark­ church an hour, there were 12,000 Office Oyer Culver City Drug store, Sunday morning, a bouncing boy.
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