STATE of POVERTY in FRANCE Prejudices and Social Cohesion
OvervieW STATE OF POVERTY IN FRANCE Prejudices and social cohesion Who still believes that the poor have a good life? 2017 STATISTICAL REPORT Photo : Manu Fauque : Manu Photo Based on Secours Catholique Caritas France 2016 service statistics EDIT- ORIAL PERRIOT / SCCF © É. KERBAOL / SCCF © G. VÉRONIQUE FAYET, BERNARD THIBAUD, NATIONAL PRESIDENT SECRETARY GENERAL o live together in trust, each one of us must be able to contribute to society and be protected. In the words of the Secours Catholique group from Maurepas: “What we seek is solidarity. Not simply to depend upon it, even T though we may need to, but to have a two way relationship with other stakeholdersa.” Solidarity begins with the perception of another. When this perception is hardened or judgemental, it is actually a form of violence and leads to withdrawal. Claudine, who has suffered, expresses it thus: “I went on to withdraw, deep into myself. To exist somewhere, despite everything, in an impenetrable spaceb.” 2016 SERVICE STATISTICS - OVERVIEW STATISTICS 2016 SERVICE So, yes, prejudices around the unemployed, migrants, recipients of aid etc., weigh equally heavily on their shoulders, shut them away and separate them from others. This process is tragic for the individual and devastating for social cohesion. In this election year, Secours Catholique-Caritas France conducted a mobile campaign throughout France on the theme “Who still believes that the poor have a good life?”, inviting everyone to join a real #Fraternal Revolution. FRANCE / S This report concludes the campaign and, supporting by statistics, deconstructs these prejudices. The facts and analysis are there, shared by all those who mix with these people.
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