HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Amendments of the Senate to the Bill (H
1955 CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD - HOUSE 7889 Powell, Royce M., Jr., 01882612. Griffen, Charles F. Murphy, Walter H. thority of the Administrator of Veterans' Shareck, Everett P., 01924705. Gudger, Robert M, Murray, Roland N., Jr;· Affairs to make direct loans, and to author Sullivan, John P., Jr., 01876446. Hall, Harry T. Parson, Joe W. ize the Administrator- to make additional Tinker, Martin, Jr., 01881,624. Hamel, John F., Jr. Pfeil, Kenneth A. types of direct loans thereunder, and for Traylor, Robert J., 01886559. · Hammond, Rudolph Pillitteri, Salvatore J. other purposes. Waldron, Garald L., 02030466. E., 04041563. Polak, Alexander P. Weston, Robert A., 0973~59. Hannum, Alden 0.- Powers, Donald L. The m~ssage also announced that the Haught, V. Ronnald Priore, Fortunato R. :Senate agrees to the amendments of the To be second lieutenants Henry, John D. Reed, Paul R., House to a bill of the Senate of the fol Allen, Stanley C.,: 01932302. Hess, John P. 04041570. lowing title: Andrews, Wilson P., 01886686. Hoffman, Glenn F. Richardson, George A .• Basic, Nick J., 01933679. Huff, Roy P., Jr. Jr. S. 2061. An act to increase the rates of Blalock, Charlie L., 01937674. Jacobs, Talmadge J. Rinedollar, John D. basic compensation of officers and employees Boggs, Joseph C., 04011681. Janek, Floyd R. Roddy, Patrick M. in t~e field service of the Post Offiqe Depart Butler, Don A., 01888126. Janning, Thomas B., Rosie, Gerald J. me,nt. Butler, Frank C., Jr. 04004813. Roth, Robert H . Dunn, Charles H ., 01890402. Janson, Paul J. Royal, Charles M ., Evans, Ira K., Jr., 01933661. Lascola, Harry R.
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