Les nouveaux Associés étrangers de l’Académie des sciences

Duilio ARIGONI Beatriz BARBUY Zhu CHEN Réception sous la Coupole Simon DONALDSON le 12 décembre 2006 Susan GASSER Theodor HÄNSCH Kurt LAMBECK Ta-Tsien LI Yuri MANIN Robin MILNER Tiruppatur RAMAKRISHNAN Giacomo RIZZOLATTI Nils STENSETH Magdi YACOUB Michael WATERMAN Meinhart ZENK

Les Associés étrangers de l’Académie des sciences élus en 2005

Réception sous la Coupole le  décembre 00

-  - Statuts de l’Académie des sciences

Élection d’Associés étrangers

Selon les termes de l’article  de ses statuts : L’Académie des sciences joue un rôle actif dans le développement des relations scientifiques internationales, notamment européennes, - en établissant avec les académies étrangères des relations pouvant se traduire par des structures communes, par des accords de coopération et d’échange de savants, par l’organisation de colloques ou par la rédaction en commun de rapports, - en assurant la représentation de la France au Conseil international de la science (I.C.S.U), - en élisant des Associés étrangers, - en entretenant des coopérations avec les pays en développement, - en défendant les hommes de science victimes de violations des droits de l’homme.

Dix-sept nouveaux Associés étrangers, élus en 00, ont été nommés par décret du Président de la République le  décembre 00. Ils ont été reçus solennellement sous la Coupole de l’Institut de France le  décembre 00.


Statutes of the Académie des sciences

Election of Foreign Associates

According to the article 4 of the statutes: The Academy of Sciences plays an active role in the development of international scientific relations, notably European, - by establishing relations with foreign Academies which may find expression in common structures, in agreements on cooperation and the exchange of scholars, in the organization of colloquia or in the joint publication of reports, - by providing France representation in the International Council of Scientific Unions (I.C.S.U), - by electing Foreign Associates, - by maintaining cooperations with developing countries, - by defending men of science who are victims of human rights violations.

Seventeen new Foreign Associates were elected in 2005. The elections were officialized by a decree of the President of the French Republic on December 13, 2005. The solemn induction ceremony took place on December 12, 2006.

-  - Au terme des élections de 00, l’Académie des sciences compte huit nouveaux Associés étrangers dans la première division (sciences mathématiques et physiques, sciences de l’univers, et leurs applications), et neuf dans la seconde division (sciences chimiques, naturelles et médicales, et leurs applications).

Division des sciences mathématiques et physiques, sciences de l’univers, et leurs applications

section de mathématique Simon DONALDSON p.  Yuri MANIN P.  section de physique Theodor HÄNSCH p.  Tiruppatur RAMAKRISHNAN p. 

section des sciences mécaniques et informatiques Ta-Tsien LI p.  Robin MILNER p. 

section des sciences de l’univers Beatriz BARBUY p. 0 Kurt LAMBECK p. 

Division des sciences chimiques, naturelles et médicales, et leurs applications

section de chimie Duilio ARIGONI p.  Ahmed ZEWAIL p.  section de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, génomique Susan GASSER p.  Michael WATERMAN p. 

section de biologie intégrative Giacomo RIZZOLATTI p.  Nils Chr. STENSETH p.  Meinhart ZENK p. 

section de biologie humaine et sciences médicales Zhu CHEN p.  Magdi YACOUB p. 0

-  - Simon DONALDSON

Section de mathématique

Simon Donaldson, né le 0 août  au Royaume-Uni, Médaille Fields, est Professeur de mathématique à l’Imperial College à Londres. Ses travaux ont eu une influence considérable sur la géométrie différentielle de ces vingt-cinq dernières années. Ils représentent une contribution fondamentale à l'étude des variétés de dimension quatre et des surfaces complexes, à la géométrie symplectique, et à la théorie de la stabilité des variétés Kählériennes.

Simon Donaldson is Professor at Imperial College in London. His work has had a profound influence on differential geometry these last twenty five years. He has produced fundamental contributions to the theory of four dimensional manifolds and of complex surfaces, and more recently to symplectic geometry and to the theory of stability for Kähler manifolds.

Curriculum vitae  Ph. D. University of Oxford  Junior Research Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford - Visiting Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (USA) - Wallis Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford - Hoagland Professor, Stanford University (USA) -00 Professor, Imperial College, London 00-present Royal Society Research Professor, Imperial College, London

Membership  Fellow of the Royal Society (London)

Awards  Junior Whitehead Prize, London Mathematical Society  Fields Medal  Sir William Hopkins Prize, Cambridge Philosophical Society  Royal Medal, Royal Society (London)  Crafoord Prize, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 00 King Faisal International Prize for Science (Saudi Arabia)

-  - Yuri MANIN

Section de mathématique

Yuri Manin, né le  février  en URSS, Professeur à la Northwestern University d'Evanston aux États-Unis, a commencé ses recherches en géométrie algébrique et en arithmétique avec, parmi ses nombreux résultats, la preuve de l'analogue fonctionnel de la conjecture de Mordell. Au milieu des années 0, il s'est tourné vers la physique mathématique et a joué un rôle central dans le dialogue entre les mathématiciens et les physiciens théoriciens. C'est aussi à lui qu'est due la première idée d'un ordinateur quantique. Yuri Manin, homme d'une très vaste culture, est un visionnaire dont l'oeuvre a influencé le développement d'une grande partie des mathématiques des quarante dernières années. Yuri Manin is now Professor at Northwestern University, Evanston (USA). He first worked in algebraic geometry and number theory. Among many results, he gave a proof of the functional analogue of Mordell's conjecture. In the mid seventies he started working in mathematical physics and played a central role in the dialog between mathematicians and theoretical physicists. He also came out with the first idea of a quantum computer. Yuri Manin has a very wide culture. He is a man of vision whose work had an influence on a large part of mathematics during the past forty years.

Curriculum vitae 0 Ph.D. Steklov Mathematical Institut, Moscow 0-present Principal Researcher, Steklov Mathematical Institut, Moscow - Professor, Department of Algebra, Moscow University - Professor, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston (USA) -00 Co-Director, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn (Germany) 00-present Board of Trustees Professor, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University, Evanston (USA) 00-present Professor emeritus, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn

Membership 0 Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Russia 0 Foreign Member of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschapen  Member of the Academia Europaea  Member of the Académie Pontificale des Sciences  Docteur Honoris Causa de la Sorbonne, Paris 000 Member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina 00 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Awards  Moscow Mathematical Society Award  Highest USSR National Prize Lenin  Brouwer Gold Medal, Royal Netherlands Society  Frederic Esser Nemmers Prize for Mathematics, Northwestern University (USA)  Rolf Schock Prize for Mathematics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 00 King Faisal International Prize for Science (Saudi Arabia) 00 George Cantor Medal, German Mathematical Society

-  - Theodor HÄNSCH

Section de physique

Pionnier de la spectroscopie laser de haute résolution et de la manipulation d'atomes par la lumière, Theodor Hänsch, né le 0 octobre  en Allemagne, est Directeur de l’Institut Max-Planck d’Optique quantique et Professeur à l’Université de Munich. Prix Nobel de physique en 00, il est l'inventeur de méthodes de mesure des fréquences des lasers atteignant une précision de quinze chiffres significatifs. La technique des "peignes de fréquence" qu'il a développée ouvre la voie à des études sur la stabilité dans le temps des constantes de la nature ainsi qu'à la mise au point d'horloges atomiques extrêmement précises susceptibles d'améliorer les performances du système de positionnement global (GPS). Theodor Hänsch, Director of Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik and Professor at Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität, is a pioneer of high resolution laser spectroscopy and of the manipulation of atoms with light. He has invented methods to measure the frequencies of lasers with an accuracy of fifteen digits. The “frequency comb” technique which he has developed opens the way to studies of the stability of the constants of nature over time, as well as to the development of extremely accurate atomic clocks which could lead to an improved global positioning system.

Curriculum vitae  Doctor degree, University of Heidelberg (Germany) 0 Assistant Professor, University of Heidelberg, Institute of Applied Physics 0- Nato Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University (USA) - Associate Professor, Stanford University  Visiting Professor, Collège de France, Paris - Professor of Physics, Stanford University -present Director, Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching (Germany) Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München (Germany)  Visiting Professor, École normale supérieure, Paris 00-00 Chairman, Physics Department, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München 00-00 Executive Director, Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching

Membership  Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences  Member of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften 00 Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 00 Foreign Associate of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy) 00 Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie der Wissenschaften

Awards  Alexander von Humboldt Senior US Scientist Award 0 Prix Otto Klung Prize, Freie Universität, Berlin  Cyrus B. Cornstock Prize, National Academy of Sciences (USA) - Herbert P. Broida Prize, American Physical Society  William F. Meggers Award, Optical Society of America  Michelson Medal, Franklin Institute  Italgas Prize for Research and Innovation (Italy)  Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Preis, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  King Faisal International Prize for Science (Saudi Arabia)  Einstein Medal for Laser Science  Arthur L. Schawlow Prize for Laser Science, American Physical Society  Philip Morris Research Prize (atomic clock) 000 Stern-Gerlach Medal, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft - Arthur L. Schwalow Award, Laser Institute of America - Philip Morris Research Prize (atom laser) 00 Quantum Electronics and Optics Prize, European Physical Society - SUNAMCO Medal, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 00 Matteucci-Medal, Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze - Alfred Krupp Prize for Science 00 Bundesverdienstkreuz . Klasse 00 I.I. Rabi Award, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Frederic Ives Medal, Optical Society of America - Otto-Hahn Prize for Chemistry and Physics - Nobel Prize in Physics

-  - Tiruppatur RAMAKRISHNAN

Section de physique

Tiruppatur Ramakrishnan, né le  août  en Inde, Professeur de physique à l’université de Bénarès, est un maître de la théorie de la matière condensée. Après des débuts brillants aux États-Unis, il est revenu en Inde, d'abord à Kanpur, puis à Bangalore où il a créé en  un groupe qui est aujourd'hui une référence mondiale. Il a profondément marqué de nombreux domaines, par exemple la transition liquide-solide, la localisation électronique en deux dimensions ou la compétition entre superfluidité et solidification. Respecté de tous à travers le monde, il est une grande figure de la physique indienne. Tiruppatur Ramakrishnan, Professor of Physics at Banaras Hindu University, is an authority in theoretical condensed matter physics. After a brilliant thesis in the US, he returned to India, first to Kanpur, then to Bangalore where he created in 1982 a new research group which is nowadays a world reference. A curious and imaginative theorist, he left a deep mark on many domains, for instance the liquid-solid transition, two dimensional localization of electrons or the competition between super fluidity and solidification. Respected worldwide, he is a leading figure of Indian physics.

Curriculum vitae  Ph. D. Columbia University, New York (USA) -0 Post-doctoral Fellow, University of California, San Diego (USA) 0- Professor of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (India) -00 Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Founder, Centre for Condensed Matter Theory, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - Professor, Banaras Hindu University 00-present Professor of Physics, Banaras Hindu University

Membership  Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy  Fellow of the Third World Academy of Science 000 Fellow of the Royal Society (London)

Award 0 TWAS Award for Physics

-  - Ta-Tsien LI

Section des sciences mécaniques et informatiques

Professeur à l'université Fudan de Shanghai, Ta-Tsien Li, né le 0 novembre  en Chine, est l'un des meilleurs spécialistes de l'étude de l'apparition des discontinuités dans les solutions des équations hyperboliques non linéaires. Ce domaine difficile est d'une très grande importance dans les applications, puisqu'il inclut aussi bien les phénomènes de chocs en dynamique des gaz que l'élasticité non linéaire dynamique. Les résultats obtenus par Ta-Tsien Li constituent des contributions fondamentales dans ce domaine. Professor at the prestigious Fudan University in Shanghai, Li Ta-Tsien is one of the best experts of the analysis of the appearance of discontinuities in the solutions in nonlinear hyperbolic equations. This highly challenging field is of considerable importance in applications, since it includes shocks in gas dynamics and time-dependent nonlinear elasticity. The results obtained by Li Ta-Tsien constitute fundamental contributions to this field.

Curriculum vitae  Graduate, Department of Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai (China) - Professor, Fudan University, Shanghai - Visiting Scholar, Collège de France, Paris 0-present Professor, Fudan University, Shanghai - Head of the Applied Mathematics Center, Fudan University, Shanghai - Dean of the Graduate School of Fudan University, Shanghai -present Co-Director of the Centre of Mathematics of the State Ministry of Education -00 Membre du Conseil d'Enseignement, École Polytechnique, Paris -present Co-Directeur de l’Institut Sino-Français de Mathématiques Appliquées, Fudan University/École Polytechnique 000-present Director of the Scientific Committee of the International Center of Pure and Applied Mathematics (CIMPA) in China 00-present Officer-at-Large of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematic

Membership  Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences  Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences

Awards ,  Prizes of National Natural Sciences from the State , ,  Prizes of Scientific and Technological Progress from the State Education Commission  Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress from Shanghai Municipality 00 Exceptional Shanghai Award for Teaching Achievements in Higher Education 00 First National Award for Teaching Achievements in Higher Education Science and Technology Progress Award Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation

-  - Robin MILNER

Section de sciences mécaniques et informatiques

Robin Milner, né le  janvier  au Royaume-Uni, Professeur émérite à l’université de Cambridge, a fait plusieurs contributions majeures aux fondements de l'informatique. On lui doit le concept de tactique de preuve, vérifiant la conformité de démonstrations formelles dans un assistant de preuves. Son méta-langage ML, basé sur le lambda-calcul polymorphe, est devenu un outil majeur de la programmation certifiée. Il a ensuite jeté les bases de la programmation distribuée, d'abord avec le calcul de processus CCS, puis avec le pi-calcul, formalismes essentiels pour la conception de systèmes de communication mobiles. Robin Milner, Professor emeritus of the University of Cambridge, made several major contributions to theoretical computer science. He invented the concept of tactical, enforcing the correctness of formal derivations in a proof assistant. His ML metalanguage, based on polymorphic lambda calculus, is now a major tool of certified programming. He then set to researching the foundations of distributed programming, first with the process calculus CCS, then with the pi-calculus, two essential formalisms for the design of mobile communicating systems.

Curriculum vitae  Research Assistant, Computer Science Department, Swansea University (UK) - Research Associate, Stanford University (USA) - Lecturer, Computer Science Department, Edinburgh University (UK)  Founder of the Laboratory for the Foundation of Computer Science, Edinburgh  Professor of Computer Science, University of Cambridge (UK) - Head of Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge -present Professor emeritus, University of Cambridge

Membership  Fellow of the Royal Society (London) Founder Member of the Academia Europaea

Awards  British Computer Society Award  Distinguished Fellow, British Computer Society  A.M. Turing Award, Association for Computing Machinery  ITALGAS Prize or Informatics (Italy) F.L. Bauer Prize (Germany) 00 Royal Gold Medal, Royal Society of Edinburgh

-  - Beatriz BARBUY

Section des sciences de l’univers

Beatriz Barbuy, née le  février 0 au Brésil, Vice-Directrice de l’Institut d’Astronomie de Sao Paulo, est une des meilleurs spécialistes du calcul des spectres moléculaires dans les étoiles. Elle participe à l'étude des étoiles de faible métallicité dans le but d'explorer la formation de la Voie Lactée. Elle a apporté une contribution majeure à la connaissance des étoiles du bulbe de notre Galaxie. Beatriz Barbuy a exercé un rôle éminent dans l'IAU (International Astronomical Union), notamment comme présidente de la section de spectroscopie, puis de la division stellaire, et en en étant aujourd'hui vice-présidente. Elle a eu un grand rôle dans le développement de l'astrophysique au Brésil, par la formation de nombreux jeunes qui sont aujourd'hui des scientifiques de réputation internationale. Beatriz Barbuy, Vice-Director of the Instituto de Astronomia of Sao Paulo University, is one of the best experts in the computation of stellar molecular spectra. She is involved in the study of very low metallicity stars, with the goal to tackle the formation of the Milky Way. She brought a major contribution to our knowledge of bulge stars in our Galaxy. She played an eminent role in the International Astronomical Union. She had a great role in the development of Brazilian astrophysics, in the formation of young researchers, who are now scientists of international reputation.

Curriculum vitae  Docteur ès sciences, Université Paris  - Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy, Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG), São Paulo University (USP) - Livre-Docente, Department of Astronomy, IAG, USP - Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, IAG, USP , 00, 00,.00,... Visiting Professor, Observatoire de Paris -00 Full Professor, IAG, USP -00 Head of Department of Astronomy, IAG, USP 00-00 Vice-Director of IAG-USP

Membership  Member of the International Astronomical Union; Vice-President since 00 00 Member of the Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Award 00 Commendadora da Ordem Nacional do Mérito Cientifico (Brazil)

- 10 - Kurt LAMBECK

Section des sciences de l’univers

Kurt Lambeck, né 0 septembre  aux Pays-Bas, de nationalité australienne, Professeur de géophysique à l’université nationale australienne, est un géophysicien, un géodésien et un planétologue de réputation mondiale. Ses recherches et les livres qu'il a publiés sur les variations de la rotation de la Terre, les déformations lentes de la Terre et l'élévation du niveau des mers à la suite des déglaciations ont eu une profonde influence sur tous les chercheurs de la discipline. Kurt Lambeck, geophysicist, geodesist and planetologist, Professor of Geophysics at the Australian National University in Canberra, enjoys a world wide reputation as the greatest authority on the Earth's variable rotation, the slow deformation of the Earth and the impact of deglaciation on the level of the oceans. The books which he published on these topics had, and still have, a profound influence in these fields of research.

Curriculum vitae  D. Phil. Oxford (UK) -0 Geodesist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Harvard University, Cambridge (USA) 0- Directeur scientifique, Groupe de Recherches de Géodésie spatiale, Observatoire de Paris - Professeur Associé, Département des Sciences de la Terre, Université Paris VII - Institut de Physique du Globe, Université Paris VI  D. Sc. Oxford University -present Professor of Geophysics, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra - Director, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra , ,  Visiting Professor, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris  Director, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra

Membership  Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science; - Secretary (Physical Sciences) ; - 000 Vice President ; President since 00  Foreign Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences  Foreign Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Fellow of the Royal Society (London)  Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea

Awards  Macelwane Medal, American Geophysical Union  Charles A. Whitten Medal, American Geophysical Union  Jaeger Medal, Australian Academy of Science  Antiquity Prize, British Journal for Prehistory and Archaeology  Alfred Wegener Medal, European Union of Geosciences 00 Australian Federation Medal 00 Japan Society for Promotion of Science Award for Eminent Scientist

- 11 - Duilio ARIGONI

Section de chimie

Duilio Arigoni, né le  décembre  en Suisse, Professeur émérite de l’École Polytechnique de Zürich, est un grand représentant de cette élite scientifique qui a porté la biochimie des substances naturelles organiques à un niveau de compréhension remarquable. Sa conception du groupement méthyl chiral, utilisée pour éclairer bon nombre de processus biosynthétiques, est un classique de la chimie, qui illustre parfaitement la finesse de ses analyses et l’ingéniosité des moyens expérimentaux mis en œuvre. Duilo Arigoni is Emeritus Professor at ETH Zurich. He is a prominent member of the scientific elite which has admirably elucidated the biosynthetic pathways of many organic natural substances. His design of the chiral methyl group, widely used to decipher many biosynthetic processes, is now a classic in chemistry. Together with many other achievements, it is a perfect illustration of the shrewdness of his mind, along with his ingenuity in developing the pertinent experimental tools.

Curriculum vitae  Ph. D., Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich - Privatdozent at the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, ETH, Zürich - Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, ETH, Zürich - Full Professor of Organic Chemistry, ETH, Zürich - Head of the Chemistry Faculty, ETH, Zürich , -0,  Head of the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, ETH, Zürich -present Professor emeritus, ETH, Zürich

Membership  Member of the Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Germany)  Docteur Honoris Causa, Université Paris-Sud  Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences  Member of the Academia Europaea  Foreign Member of the Royal Society (London)  Member of the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze (Italy)  Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 00 Member of the European Academy of Sciences

Awards  Award and Silver Medal, ETH 0 Werner Award, Société suisse de chimie  Ruzicka Award, ETH  Piria Medal, Società Chimica Italiana 0 Guenther Award, American Chemical Society  Cannizzaro Award, Accademia dei Lincei  Flintoff Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry (London)  , Royal Society (London)  Robert Robinson Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry  R. A. Welch Award, Robert A. Welch Foundation (USA)  Arthur C. Cope Award, American Chemical Society  Wolf Award Paul Karrer Medal, Université de Zürich  Quilico Medal, Società Chimica Italiana Marcel Benoist Prize () 00 George Kenner Award, University of Liverpool (UK)

- 12 - Ahmed H. ZEWAIL

Section de chimie

Ahmed Zewail, né le  février  en Égypte, Prix Nobel de chimie, est Professeur à Caltech, où il détient la Chaire Linus Pauling et dirige le Laboratoire des sciences moléculaires. Ses travaux ont permis d'observer en temps réel, c'est-à-dire dans la gamme des femtosecondes, le déroulement le plus intime d'une réaction chimique. Il est devenu possible de comprendre de visu toute la subtilité et la dynamique des molécules au cours des actes chimiques et biologiques les plus élémentaires. Ahmed Zewail a ainsi exaucé le rêve le plus ancien de tous les chimistes, biochimistes et biologistes. Ahmed Zewail holds the Linus Pauling professorship at Caltech and heads the laboratory of Molecular Sciences. His studies have allowed to observe in real time, i.e. in the femtosecond range, the intimate mechanisms of a chemical reaction. It became possible to understand de visu all the subtlety and the dynamics of molecules during the most elementary chemical and biological reactions. Ahmed Zewail has thus allowed all , biochemists and biologists to achieve their oldest dream.

Curriculum vitae  Ph. D. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA) - IBM Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley (USA) - Assistant Professor of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (USA)  Visiting Professor, Université de Bordeaux - Associate Professor of Chemical Physics, Caltech  Visiting Professor, École Normale Supérieure, Paris - Professor of Chemical Physics, Caltech 0- Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Physics, Caltech  Visiting Professor, Collège de France, Paris -present Linus Pauling Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Caltech -present Director, NSF Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, Caltech 00-00 Blaise Pascal Honorary Professorship, École normale supérieure, Paris 00-present Director, Physical Biology Center, Caltech

Membership  Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)  Member of the Third World Academy of Sciences  Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences  Member of the Académie pontificale des Sciences (Le Vatican) Member of the American Academy of Achievement 000 Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters 00 Member of the Indian Academy of Sciences Foreign Member of the Royal Society (London) 00 Foreign Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy Honorary Foreign Member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology Honorary Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences (Kenya) 00 Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium 00 Honorary Member of the European Academy of Sciences

Awards  King Faisal International Prize for Science (Saudi Arabia) 0 First Linus Pauling Chair, Caltech   Leonardo da Vinci Award (France)  Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry  Benjamin Franklin Medal, The Franklin Institute  Nobel Prize in Chemistry Order of the Grand Collar of the Nile 000 Médaille de l’Institut du Monde Arabe 00 Albert Einstein World Award

- 13 - Susan GASSER

Section de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, génomique

Susan Gasser, née le  mars  aux États-Unis, de nationalités américaine et suisse, est Directrice de l'Institut Friedrich Miescher pour la Recherche Biomédicale et Professeur à l'Université de Bâle (Suisse). Elle a consacré toute sa carrière à l'étude des mécanismes moléculaires qui interviennent au sein des différents compartiments de la cellule vivante. Ses travaux ouvrent des perspectives entièrement nouvelles pour la compréhension des processus essentiels de la vie cellulaire comme l'import des protéines dans les mitochondries ou l'organisation spatiale des chromosomes dans les noyaux. Susan Gasser is Director of the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research and Professor at the University of Basel (Switzerland). She has both the American and Swiss nationalities. She has consecrated her career to the study of the molecular mechanisms that occur within the different compartments of the living cell. Her results have opened new perspectives for our understanding of essential process of cellular life such as the import of proteins to mitochondria or the spatial organization of chromosomes in the nucleus.

Curriculum vitae  Ph. D. University of Basel (Switzerland) - Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Geneva (Switzerland) - Junior Group Leader, Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, Epalinges -00 Senior Group Leader, Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, Epalinges 00-00 Professor, University of Geneva 00-present Director, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel 00-present Professor, University of Basel

Membership  Member of the Academia Europaea

Awards  National Latsis Prize, Swiss National Science Foundation  Friedrich Miescher Prize 00 Otto-Naegeli Prize, Bonizza-Theler Foundation Gregor Mendel Medal of the Czech Academy of Sciences

- 14 - Michael WATERMAN

Section de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, génomique

Michael Waterman, né le  juin  aux États-Unis, est Professeur de sciences biologiques, de mathématiques et d’informatique à l’University of Southern California. Avec l’introduction des approches informatiques en biologie, il a étudié en pionnier les mécanismes moléculaires de l’évolution. Grâce à sa formation en mathématiques, il a formulé d’une manière originale et rigoureuse le problème de l’alignement des séquences. La réussite des programmes de très grand séquençage depuis la bactérie jusqu’à l’homme n’aurait pas été possible sans les contributions majeures de Michael Waterman. Michael Waterman is Professor of Biological Sciences, of Mathematics and of Computer Science at the University of Southern California. He was a pioneer in analyzing the molecular mechanisms of evolution based on the introduction of informatics in biology. Thanks to his experience in mathematics, he has elucidated the problem of sequence alignment in an original and rigorous way. The success of very large sequencing programmes, from bacteria to man, would not have been possible without the major contribution of Michael Waterman.

Curriculum vitae  Ph. D. (Statistics), Michigan University (USA) - Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Idaho University (USA) - Associate Professor of Mathematics, Idaho University - Staff Member, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (USA) -present Professor of Biological Sciences, of Mathematics and of Computer Science, University of Southern California (USA) -present USC Associate Endowed Professorship in Natural Sciences

Membership  Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 00 Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)

Award 00 Gairdner Foundation International Award

- 15 - Giacomo RIZZOLATTI

Section de biologie intégrative

Giacomo Rizzolatti, né le  avril  en URSS, de nationalité italienne, Professeur de physiologie à l’université de Parme, est à l’origine de nombreuses découvertes en neurosciences intégratives. On lui doit en particulier des observations récentes très innovantes sur l’activité cérébrale chez le singe, montrant comment, chez cet animal, l’image mentale d’un mouvement à exécuter pourrait se construire par imitation de l’expérimentateur. Giaccomo Rizzolatti, Professor of Physiology of the University of Parma, is a world known integrative neurobiologist. Among some of his major contributions to cerebral mechanisms, he recently discovered that in the monkey cortical neurones commanding a given movement can also be activated when the operator simply mimics the movement. These “mirror neurons” suggest that, even in the animal, the brain can build up a mental image of a movement to be performed.

Curriculum vitae  Medical Doctor, University of Padua (Italy)  Specialization in Neurology, University of Padua  Libero Docente Human Physiology, Roma (Italy) - Assistant in Human Physiology, University of Pisa (Italy) - Assistant in Human Physiology, University of Parma (Italy) - Associate Professor of Human Physiology, University of Parma -present Professor of Human Physiology, University of Parma - President of the Scientific Committee European Training Program in Brain and Behaviour Research, European Science Foundation 00-present Director of the Department of Neuroscience, University of Parma

Membership  Member of the Academia Europaea  Docteur Honoris causa, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 00 Member of the Accademia dei Lincei (Italy) Honorary Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Awards  Golgi Prize for Physiology, Accademia dei Lincei  George Miller Award, Cognitive Neuroscience Society (USA) 000 Feltrinelli Prize for Medicine, Accademia dei Lincei 00 Herlitzka Prize for Physiology, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (Italy)

- 16 - Nils Chr. STENSETH

Section de biologie intégrative

Nils Chr. Stenseth, né le  juillet  en Norvège, Professeur d'écologie et d’évolution à l'université d'Oslo, a consacré ses recherches à la dynamique spatio-temporelle des populations et des communautés par la modélisation statistique de données écologiques à long terme dans une perspective de biologie évolutive. Les travaux qui lui ont valu une réputation internationale ont montré les facteurs environnementaux responsables des cycles de variations des populations de rongeurs et de leurs prédateurs en Arctique. Nils Chr. Stenseth s’est également intéressé aux processus qui ont conduit à la disparition des bancs de morues et aux conditions qui pourraient permettre leur reconstitution ainsi qu’à l’impact de l’effet El Niño et de l’oscillation Nord Atlantique sur les écosystèmes marins. Nils Chr. Stenseth is Professor at the University of Oslo, where he is the head of the Department of Ecology and Evolution. His research is essentially dealing with the spatio-temporal dynamics of populations and communities by a statistical modelisation of long term ecological data within an evolutionary perspective. He is internationally recognized for his work which enabled to identify those environmental factors involved in the variation cycles of the populations cycles of arctic rodents and of their predators. But he has huge and diverse interests and for example he studied those processes involved in the drop of cod populations and in the conditions that would allow their restoration. He also investigated the impact of El Niño and of the North Atlantic oscillation on marine ecosystems.

Curriculum vitae  Dr. philos. University of Oslo (Norway) - Research Associate, University of Oslo - Associate Professor of Ecology, University of Lund (Sweden) 0- Associate Professor of Population Dynamics, University of Oslo - Full Professor of Population Dynamics, University of Oslo 0- Director, Centre for Development and the Environment 0-00 Professor of Zoology, University of Oslo 000-present Senior/Chief Scientist II, Institute of Marine Research

Membership  Fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 00 Fellow of the Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters 00 Fellow of the Academia Europaea

Awards  Fridtjof Nansen Award for Work on Evolutionary Biology  Award for Outstanding Performance in Science, University of Oslo 000 Award for Outstanding Research, Research Council of Norway

- 17 - Meinhart ZENK

Section de biologie intégrative

Meinhart Zenk, né le  février  en Allemagne, Professeur honoraire de l’Université de Halle- Wittenberg, a été pionnier en élucidant les nombreuses voies biochimiques menant à la synthèse de produits naturels tels la morphine, les terpénoïdes, les cannabinoïdes, le taxol et les phytochélatines. Il est reconnu comme maître incontesté dans ce domaine. Il a, récemment, découvert comment chez l’homme les cellules du neuroblastome fabriquent de la morphine, le métabolite actif majeur de l’opium du pavot. Ce travail sert de base à l’exploration de la fonction de la morphine endogène en neurosciences. Meinhart Zenk, Honorary Professor at the University Halle-Wittenberg, by combining rigorous biochemistry and top-quality structural analysis, has been a pioneer in unravelling the numerous biochemical pathways leading to the synthesis of natural products including, among others, morphine, terpenoids, cannabinoids, taxol and phytochelatins. He is a recognized leader in this field. Recently Meinhart Zenk discovered how human neuroblastoma cells make morphine, the major active metabolite of opium poppy. This work serves as a platform for the exploration of the function of endogenous morphine in neurosciences.

Curriculum vitae  Ph. D. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München (Germany) - Assistant, Department of Botany, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München  Full Professor and Department Head, Chair Plant Physiology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum 0- Department Head, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Chair : Pharmaceutical Biology, München -00 Honorary Professor, Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) 00-present Member and Principal Investigator, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis (USA)

Membership  Member of the Rheinisch-Westfâlische Akademie der Wissenschaften  Member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina  Member of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften  Member of the Academia Europaea  Member of the Academia Scientiarium et Artium Europaea  Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)  Foreign Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Awards  Tate and Lyle Award, Phytochemical Society of Europe  Liebig Gedenkmünze Award, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker  Korber Prize - "Green Rosette" 0 Order of Merit of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland  Pergamon-Phytochemistry Prize and Medal  Order of Merit of the Free State of Bavaria  Research Achievement Award, American Society of Pharmacognosy  Kurt-Mothes Medal, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina Maximilian Order of the Free State of Bavaria 00 Carl-Mannich Medal, German Pharmaceutical Society

- 18 - Zhu CHEN

Section de biologie humaine et sciences médicales

Zhu Chen, né le  août  en Chine, Directeur de l’Institut d’hématologie à Shanghai, a été formé à la fois en Chine et en France. Hématologiste éminent ayant apporté une contribution essentielle à l’étude de la différenciation des cellules leucémiques, il a mis au point un traitement chinois traditionnel des leucémies à promyélocytes utilisant l’arsenic. Il a démontré que ce dernier a pour cible l’oncogène PML-RARA et qu’il induit la différenciation et l’apoptose cellulaires. Zhu Chen a également rapporté l’efficacité de l’addition de l’arsenic à l’acide rétinoïque, agent clé dans le traitement par différenciation des leucémies aiguës promyélocytaires, comme ceci avait été montré conjointement par les Instituts d’hématologie de Shanghai et de Paris (hôpital Saint-Louis). Zhu Chen, who trained at the Shanghai Medical University and at the Institut d’hématologie - Hôpital Saint-Louis in Paris 7, developed a Chinese traditional treatment using arsenic for Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. He demonstrated the destruction of the oncogenic molecule PML- RARA, and the induction of cell differentiation and apoptosis by arsenic. He also reported the efficiency of the addition of arsenic to retinoic acid, the leading agent for differentiation therapy and treatment targeted to oncogenic events, according to the joint description made by the Shanghai and Paris Institutes of Hematology.

Curriculum vitae - Intern, Department of Medicine, Shanghai Rui-Jin Hospital (SSMU), Shanghai (China) - Interne étranger des Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris - Doctorat en médecine de l’Université Paris VII  Stage post-doctoral à l’hôpital Saint-Louis, Université Paris VII 0-present Professor, Shanghai Rui Jin Hospital, SSMU, Shanghai - Visiting Professor, Institut d'Hématologie, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris -present Director, Shanghai Institute of Hematology -present Director, Chinese National Human Genome Center, Shanghai -00 Council Member, Human Genome Organization (HUGO)

Membership  Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Vice-President since 000 00 Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 00 Member of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities 00-present Co-President, InterAcademy Panel 00 Foreign Member of Academia Europaea

Awards  Ho Leung Ho Lee Award for Science and Technology  Prix de l'Oise, Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer  Qiu-Shi Award for Outstanding Young Scientist  Cheung Kong Scholars Achievement Award, National Ministry of Education 00 Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur 00 Grand Prix du chercheur étranger, Inserm

- 19 - Magdi YACOUB

Section de biologie humaine et sciences médicales

Magdi Yacoub, né le  novembre  en Égypte, de nationalités égyptienne et britannique, Professeur de chirurgie cardio-thoracique à l’Imperial College, est considéré comme l’un des meilleurs spécialistes internationaux de la transplantation d’organes. Chirurgien hors pair, il dirige à Londres le Magdi Yacoub Research Institute et a réalisé le plus grand nombre de transplantations cardiaques et pulmonaires au monde. C'est aussi un chercheur éminent à qui l'on doit des contributions majeures concernant la biologie des valves cardiaques et des transplantations. Soucieux de renforcer les liens entre pays du Nord et du Sud, il anime des programmes chirurgicaux et de recherche épidémiologique au Mozambique, dans le Sud de l’Égypte et à Alexandrie. Sir Magdi Yacoub, Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College Faculty of Medicine, is considered as one of the best international experts of organ transplantation. Head of the Magdi Yacoub Research Institute in London, he is an outstanding surgeon who has performed the largest number of cardiac and pulmonary transplantations in the world. Magdi Yacoub is also a distinguished scientist who brought major contributions to the biology of cardiac valves and of transplantations. In order to reinforce the links between Northern and Southern countries, Magdi Yacoub has developed surgical and epidemiological programmes in Mozambic, South Egypt and Alexandria.

Curriculum vitae  Medical Bachelor, Cairo (Egypt) - Surgical Registrar, Postgraduate Surgical Unit, Cairo University - Resident Surgical Officer, then Surgical Registrar, London Chest Hospital (UK) - Rotating Senior Surgical Registrar, National Heart and Chest Hospitals, London  Instructor and Assistant Professor, University of Chicago (USA) -00 Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, National Heart Hospital - Royal Brompton and Harefield National Health Service (NHS) Trust, London -00 British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery -present Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College Faculty of Medicine 00-present Founder and Director of Research of the Magdi Yacoub Research Institute, Harefield

Membership  Fellow of the Royal Society (London) Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (UK)

Awards  Knighthood for services to Medicine (UK)  Texas Heart Institute Ray C. Fish Award for Scientific Achievement in Cardiovascular Disease  Lifetime outstanding achievement award in recognition of contribution to medicine, Secretary of State for Health (UK) 00 The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Heart Failure Summit: Kaufman Awardee 00 Golden Hippocrates International Award for Excellence in Cardiac Surgery (Moscow) WHO Prize for Humanitarian Services 00 International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation Lifetime Achievement Award 00 European Society of Cardiology Gold Medal

- 20 - Directeurs de la publication : Jean-François Bach et Jean Dercourt, Secrétaires perpétuels

Document réalisé par la Délégation à l’Information Scientifique et à la Communication

Imprimerie ACI - Paris Délégation à l’Information Scientifique et à la Communication Académie des sciences , quai de Conti 00 Paris - France


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