
Aspects of at UZH from Werner to the Present Day CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 9 545 doi:10.2533/chimia.2009.545 Chimia 63 (2009) 545–550 © Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft 50 Years of the Gold Medal: 1959–2009

Jay S. Siegel*

Abstract: Founded on the occasion of Paul Karrer’s 70th Birthday, the Paul Karrer Medal in Gold celebrates its 50th anniversary having recognized the outstanding science of 34 molecular scientists. Keywords: Karrer, P. · Paul Karrer Gold Medal

Introduction plishments improve our overall standard of living through a number of derived appli- The first Paul Karrer Lecture took place cations to help solve technologically relat- on the occasion of the public celebration ed social problems. However, equally im- of Paul Karrer’s 70th birthday, 25th April, portant is that recognition of excellence in 1959, in the Auditorium of the University research and scholarship raises the bar on of Zurich. The guest speaker and first re- intellectual discourse in society, and there- cipient of the Paul Karrer Medal was Ar- by enriches our daily lives. Paraphrasing thur Stoll, a congenial colleague of Paul UZH alumnus, Albert Einstein, the level of Karrer. Both had returned to intellect needed to solve a problem must from prestigious German research insti- be higher than that needed to create it. All tutions in 1917 in order to continue their the more important then that we preserve illustrious careers in Switzerland: Paul and support institutions, such as awards of Karrer as a professor at the University of excellence, that strive to identify pioneers Zurich, and Arthur Stoll as the director of in science and technology. pharmaceutical and chemical research at Paul Karrer lived the ideal that the Sandoz AG in Basel. Karrer and Stoll both award bearing his name represents. Born died in 1971. to Swiss parents in , he returned Between the first Karrer lecture and to- to Zurich at a young age. An accomplished day, there have been fifty years of exciting Kantonsschüler (high school student) in and pioneering developments in the field Aargau, he entered UZH in 1911 and stud- of organic chemistry and the thereby in- ied chemistry with . During fluenced related fields, such as molecular that time he almost gave up his studies due biology and structural . Evi- to financial problems in the family, initi- dence of these developments is document- ated by an unexpected departure of his ed by the lectures of the recipients of the father. Paul Karrer Medal who were chosen over Karrer’s passion for a broad spectrum the course of these fifty years. Among the of natural science and its application to recipients are ten winners for Paul Karrer Gold Medal societal problems led him into medicine chemistry and for medicine, and they have and chemistry, where he represented numerous important research could study botany through the chemical institutions of Europe and the USA. American Chemical Society today, barely substances that each plant produced as In 1959, prizes in chemistry were not a dozen have a longer history in recogniz- colorants or other secondary metabolites. so abundant as they are today. Of the over ing achievements in chemical research than He recognized early on the importance of 60 National ACS awards boasted by the the Karrer Medal. Among those, the pres- and physical chemistry to the deter- tigious Roger Adams Award was founded mination of the structure of matter, and that the same year as the Karrer medal. structure determines function physically as Internationally, the Nobel Prize, found- well as physiologically; this is a broader ed in 1901, is the signal award across aca- corollary of his post-doctoral mentor, Paul demic disciplines. Comparable traditional Ehrlich’s theory of medicinal magic bul- awards for chemistry include the New York lets, in which molecules of defined struc- ACS regional Nichols Medal (1902) and ture would treat disease selectively. the national ACS (1922) These broad interests appear also in *Correspondence: Prof. Dr. J. S. Siegel Karrer’s text book on organic chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry Prestigious awards of historical impor- tance, like the Karrer Medal, have served which from 1929 and throughout its 13 Winterthurerstrasse 190 an important role over the years not only to revisions, maintained a selection of appen- CH-8006 Zurich recognize carrier achievements, but also to dices that connected the chemical theory of Tel.: +41 44 635 4281 Fax: +41 44 635 6888 promote chemistry by highlighting publi- the main text to statistical and demographi- E-mail: [email protected] cally advances in research. These accom- cal issues, such as industrial chemical pro- 546 CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 9 Aspects of Chemistry at UZH from Werner to the Present Day

duction or societal dependent consumption , , Italy, and the Netherlands, medal for his former UZH colleague turned of alcohol. Thus, a connection between each once. ETH Professor, Gerold Schwarzenbach. intellectual advances in science and an in- A broad spectrum of institutions have Medicine and medicinal chemistry were creased social economy was forged. served as homes to Karrer medalists. The extremely important areas to Paul Karrer. Karrer’s fundamental research in vita- favorite is none other than our sister insti- He often mused that he had wished to be a mins further connected nature, chemistry, tution ETH Zürich, with five previous re- medical doctor if not that the need to find a and human health, while creating an enor- cipients, most recently job so quickly had driven him into chemis- mous prosperity for Switzerland through in 2008 as the special UZH 175th Jubilee try. His two sons Heinz and Jürg both took its chemical, pharmaceutical and food sci- Awardee. Next comes a triumvirate of aca- up this dream and passed it on to grandson ence industries. Karrer noted in his speech demia: Caltech, Cambridge, and Harvard Peter Karrer who practices medicine today. as Rektor (President) of UZH in 1950 the each having three. Munich has had two, and The medical applications of chemical re- good fortune of the Swiss (specifically Zur- the rest are spread over numerous illustrious search, such as those in biochemistry and ich) people to have such great institutions of halls of higher learning. clinical chemistry play a center role in no higher learning and research in the sciences, The topics of research have spanned the less than a dozen Karrer medal awards. Kar- and how directly the quality of life enjoyed broad spectrum of chemistry, with a focus rer strongly believed that chemistry had a by every citizen is connected to their sup- on topics that Paul Karrer himself pursued place in basic medical sciences and in the port of excellence in such institutions. or considered interesting. The most favored finding of active and selective medicinal The need not only to do great research, areas have been synthetic chemistry (9), agents for treating disease. It is evident from but to recognize and foster that research, (8), natural products (5), biosyn- Karrer’s early letters to asking was dearly important to Karrer. Perhaps (4), nucleic acids (4), hormones (4), initially about the biological testing of ar- influenced by his own personal situation metal complex/coordination chemistry (4), senic compounds and later inquiring for a as a student, Karrer founded in 1933, to- analytical methods (3), oxidation studies position, that Karrer brought his passion gether with Swiss Industry, the Stiftung f. (2), separation science (2), and stereochem- for biologically and medicinally relevant Stipendien a. d. Gebiet Chemie (Fund for istry (2). chemistry to Ehrlich’s labs where they were Stipends in the area of Chemistry). This Ten of the recipients have also won honed to a fine edge. fund predates the Swiss National Science Nobel Prizes: Tiselius, Todd, Ochoa, Theo- After 50 years, the Karrer medal has Foundation by decades, and has provided rell, Wald, Wittig, Prelog, Corey, Zewail, earned a reputation as an international money for young to devote them- Grubbs. is an especially wor- award that recognizes great achievements selves to the study of chemistry without thy highlight in that he was an American in science centered about organic chem- worry about financial pressures that often trained in Karrer’s lab, who discovered the istry. Through these awards it has shown drive intelligent but underprivileged stu- carotinoids with Karrer, before going on in the central nature of organic chemistry to dents away from study and into labor. his own career to elucidate the molecular thriving areas of medical science, materials Another vehicle for the recognition and structure of the visual pigments and mecha- engineering, and molecular synthesis. UZH fostering of great science has been focused nism for visual excitation. is proud to host this institution of excellence conferences that bring together the great Karrer was a great enthusiast for chem- and looks with great anticipation to another minds of the day around a table to debate istry and was responsible for helping to es- 50 years of Paul Karrer Medal lectures. important issues. Among such meetings, tablish the Physical Chemistry Institute. He the Solvay Conferences for Chemistry and understood the importance of spectroscopy Physics, established by Belgian industrialist and analytic methods for the characteriza- Board of Trustees E. Solvay back in 1911, stand as paramount tion of natural product molecular structure examples of scientific excellence. It is not and function. He was convinced of the need The trustees consist of the Rector of the surprising that of 22 such conferences in for a strong physical chemistry at UZH to University of Zurich, two representatives chemistry, Paul Karrer presided over four ensure the overall strength of chemistry on from the professors of the University of during the years 1947–1956, including campus. It is therefore fitting that numer- Zurich, and two representatives from the themes like isotopes, oxidation, , ous Karrer Medals have been given in the donors. These representatives, who are ap- and inorganic chemistry. The breadth in area of physical chemistry, including that pointed by the Rector of the University of topics betrays Karrer’s breadth of interests to Nobelist for femtosecond Zurich upon recommendation, hold office and expertise. spectroscopy. for four years and may be re-appointed for By the time Karrer’s 70th birthday ar- There is some confusion about Karrer’s further periods. rived in 1959, he had established an in- apparent lack of support for an independent credible track record of achievements in Inorganic Chemistry Institute. However, President: Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischer, the execution of research as well as in the it was not due to a lack of interest and en- Rector of the University of Zurich support of research, at all levels. A medal thusiasm for inorganic chemistry, but rather Secretary: Prof. Dr. Jay S. Siegel, In- in the Karrer name is heavy indeed by the because he believed he, through his train- stitute of Organic Chemistry, University of gravitas of the namesake. Recipients of the ing with Werner and work on arsenic com- Zurich Karrer Medal belong to a very elite group- pounds, was an expert in inorganic chemis- Treasurer: Dr. Rudolf Schmid, F. Hoff- ing, with widespread name recognition for try. That Karrer considered himself an expert mann-La Roche AG, Basel their outstanding achievements in molecu- in inorganic chemistry is also supported by Members: Prof. Dr. S. Seeger, Institute lar science. the above-mentioned of Physical Chemistry, University of Zur- The Karrer Medal is truly an interna- on inorganic chemistry over which Kar- ich; Prof. Dr. R. Alberto, Institute of Inor- tional award. Through the awarding of this rer presided. Karrer’s attitude mirrored the ganic Chemistry, University of Zurich; Dr. medal, the committee has recognized scien- image of Werner, who though the father of Reto Naef, Pharma AG, Basel tists associated with 13 different countries. inorganic chemistry, felt competent enough Founders: CIBA Aktiengesellschaft, Scientists from the US have been recog- in organic chemistry to write a text on the Basel, J.R. Geigy AG, Basel; F. Hoffmann- nized 9 times, from Germany 8, Switzer- topic. In any case, there is clear evidence that La Roche & Co., AG, Basel; Sandoz AG, land 6, the United Kingdom 4, Japan and Karrer was a strong supporter of inorganic Basel; Société des Produits Nestlé SA, Sweden twice, and Austria, , Spain, chemistry, and strongly supported the Karrer Vevey; Dr. A. Wander AG, Bern Aspects of Chemistry at UZH from Werner to the Present Day CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 9 547

Paul Karrer Medal Awardees

1. Arthur Stoll (1887–1971) 2. Clemens Schöpf (1899–1970) 3. Arne W. K. Tiselius (1902–1971, Aus der Chemie der Naturstoffe Die Konstitution der Salamander-Alka- Nobel Prize 1948) (Experientia 1960, 16, 85–100) loide (Experientia 1961, 17, 285–295) Einige neue Trennmethoden und ihre http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Stoll http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clemens_ Anwendung auf biochemische und or- Schöpf ganisch-chemische Probleme (Experientia 1961, 17, 433–443) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arne_Tiselius and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tise- lius,_Arne

4. Lord Alexander R. Todd (1907–1997, 5. Severo Ochoa (1905–1993, 6. Edgar Lederer (1908–1982) Nobel Prize 1957) Nobel Prize 1959) Über Ursprung und Funktion einiger Die Farbstoffe der Blattläuse Chemical Basis of Heredity – the Genetic Methylgruppen in verzweigten Fettsäuren, (Experientia 1962, 18, 433–438) Code (Experientia 1964, 20, 57–68) in Pflanzensterinen und in Chinonen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severo_ der K- und Ubichinon-Gruppe Alexander_R._Todd,_Baron_Todd Ochoa (­Experientia 1964, 20, 473–487) http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chem- http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medi- http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Lederer istry/laureates/1957/todd-bio.html cine/laureates/1959/ochoa-bio.html

7. Axel Hugo T. Theorell (1903–1982, 8. Gerold K. Schwarzenbach (1904–1978) 9. George Wald (1906–1997, Nobel Prize 1955) Die Entwicklung der Valenzlehre und Nobel Prize 1967) Die Alkoholdehydrogenasen – ihre Alfred Werner (Experientia 1966, 22, The Molecular Basis of Visual Excitation Wirkungsweisen und Komplexverbindun- 633–646) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Wald gen (Experientia 1965, 21, 553–561) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerold_ http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medi- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Theorell Schwarzenbach cine/laureates/1967/wald-bio.html http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medi- http://www.marcel-benoist.ch/d/pre/ cine/laureates/1955/theorell-bio.html d1963sch.htm 548 CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 9 Aspects of Chemistry at UZH from Werner to the Present Day doi:10.2533/chimia.2009.548 Chimia 63 (2009) 548–550 © Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft

10. Kurt Mothes (1900–1983) 11. Robert Schwyzer (1929) 12. Adolfo Quilico (1902–1982) Die Alkaloide im Stoffwechsel der Programmierte Molekeln (Experientia Advances in Nitrile Oxides Chemistry ­Pflanzen (Experientia 1969, 25, 225–239) 1970, 26, 577–587) (Experientia 1970, 26, 1169–1183) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Mothes http://en.scientificcommons.org/robert_ http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolfo_ ‘Kurt Mothes – Scientist, Educator, schwyzer Quilico ­Humanitarian’, V. E. Tyler, J. Nat. Prod. 1980, 43, 542–54.

13. Bernhard Witkop (1917) 14. (1897–1987, 15. Egbertus Havinga (1909–1988) Neue Ziele in der Naturstoffchemie. Der Nobel Prize 1979) Vitamine D, Example and Challenge organische Chemiker als Wegbereiter der Skurriles um Kohlenwasserstoffe auf ­(Experientia 1973, 29, 1181–1193) Biochemie und Medizin (‘New Directions meinem Weg von den Diylen zu den in the Chemistry of Natural Products: Yliden (‘Eccentricities of The Organic as a Pathfinder for on my Way from the Diyls to the Ylids’, Biochemistry and Medicine’, Experientia ­Experientia 1972, 28, 1265–1276) 1971, 27, 1121–1138) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Wittig http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_ http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemis- Witkop try/laureates/1979/wittig-cv.html

16. (1906–1998, 17. Otto Isler (1910–1993) 18. Alan R. Battersby (1925) Nobel Prize 1975) Fettlösliche Vitamine und Carotinoide The Discovery of Nature’s Biosynthetic Die Chiralität als Grundlage der (‘Progress in the Field of Fat-soluble Pathways (Experientia 1978, 34, 1–3) ­Stereochemie ­Vitamins and Carotinoids’, Experientia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_R._­ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_ 1977, 33, 555–573) Battersby Prelog http://www.vitamin-basics.com/index. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chem- php?id=34 istry/laureates/1975/prelog-autobio.html Aspects of Chemistry at UZH from Werner to the Present Day CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 9 549 doi:10.2533/chimia.2009.549 Chimia 63 (2009) 549–550 © Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft

19. Hans Kuhn (1919) 20. Elias J. Corey (1928, 21. Jack E. Baldwin (1938) Physikalisch-chemische Modelle als Nobel Prize 1990) Stereochemical and Mechanistic Studies Denkansätze zur Frage der Entstehung Slow Reacting Substances, Leukotrienes, on Some Enzymatic Reactions lebender Systeme and Other Eicosanoids http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Baldwin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Kuhn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elias_J._ Corey http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemis- try/laureates/1990/corey-

22. Koji Nakanishi (1925) 23. (1928) 24. Hans Paulsen (1922) Studies with Retinal Proteins: Difference Zur Biogenese von Naturstoffen Synthese von Glycoprotein-Segmenten FTIR, etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duilio_­ zum Studium der Spezifität der Biosyn- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koji_­ Arigoni these von Glycoproteinen Nakanishi

25. Stuart L. Schreiber (1956) 26. Jacqueline K. Barton (1952) 27. Ahmed H. Zewail (1946, A Chemical Approach to Understanding The Chemistry of DNA: Probing Recogni- Nobel Prize 1999) and Controlling Signal Transduction tion and Reaction with Transition Metal Chemistry and Biology in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_ Complexes ­Femtosecond Age Schreiber http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_H._ Barton Zewail http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemis- try/laureates/1999/zewail-autobio.html 550 CHIMIA 2009, 63, No. 9 Aspects of Chemistry at UZH from Werner to the Present Day doi:10.2533/chimia.2009.550 Chimia 63 (2009) 550–550 © Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft

28. Kyriacos C. Nicolaou (1946) 29. Dieter Osterhelt (1940) 30. (1939) Chemistry, Biology and Medicine of Die biologischen Funktionen der Vitamin- The Spectacular Ribosomal Architecture: ­Natural and Designed Molecules A-Familie Linking Positional to Antibody http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K._C._ Synergism Nicolaou http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Yonath

31. Robert H. Grubbs (1942, 32. Steven V. Ley (1945) 33. Albert Eschenmoser (1925) Nobel Prize 2005) The Changing Face of Organic Chemistry Naturstoffstrukturen hinterfragen Olefin Synthesis Using Ruthenium (Chimia 2008, 62, 162) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_ ­Metathesis Catalysis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_V._Ley Eschenmoser http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_H_ Grubbs http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chem- istry/laureates/2005/grubbs-autobio.html

34. (1930) Cross Coupling Reactions of ­Organoboron Compounds http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akira_­Suzuki