MMM ARCH 2015 VVV OLUME 15, I SSUESSUESSUE 888 Baden’s Monthly Newsletter --- Keeping the Community Connected, with 2900 copies in circulation. Tis the Season of Green Coming Our Way ... Barry and Pat Fisher 178 Snyder's Road E. Baden, ON N3A 2V6 Phone: 519-634-8916 Email:
[email protected] Web: ...And Mitchell and Meghan Mueller “Keeping the enjoyed every last Community minute of sledding on their favourite hill as Connected” the sunny week brought on the first thaw. Chirp!! I’m so excited to come home, so please excuse The Baden Outlook is a completely independent publica0on, not a1liated with me if I get a bit noisy as I get settled in. First, I’ll check any other printer, organi3a0on, individual or out the neighbourhood to find a new place to nest commercial enterprise. while keeping my eye out for the first sight of a worm, .he views e5pressed in this newsle6er are and of course meet up with the old pals from last year. not necessarily those of .he Baden Outloo). And yes, with so much to do I will start my day early … Haven’t you heard?...the early bird gets the worm! ©2015 The Baden Outlook This paper is priceless - Please have one! ~ Random Thoughts And the Winner Is …This spring the NHL will hold a lottery to determine which team picks first, second, and third on the player entry draft. From time to time there is a sure shot franchise player who is available in that year’s draft, and this year it is Connor McDavid of the OHL’s Erie Otters.