Researches on Leaf-Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in The

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Researches on Leaf-Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in The Entomol.rom., 11: 13-18, 2006 ISSN 1224 - 2594 Researches on leaf-beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the black pine of Banat (Pinus nigra banatica) habitate and adjacent areas from the „Domogled-Valea Cernei” National Park (Romania) Alexandru cR i ş A n Summary A rsearch on leaf-beetles made in 2005 in the black pine of Banat habitate and adjacent areas in the Domogled-valea Cernei National Park revealed the prsence of 55 species from 22 genera and 8 subfamilies. The subfamilies Alticinae and Cryptocephalinae were the best represented, in accord with the habitate conditions. A serie of 13 species here rgistered are rare and endangered species, other species found only in that area the characteristical vegetal food species. Rezumat Cercetări asupra crizomelidelor (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) în habitatul pinului negru de Ba- nat şi ariile adiacente din cadrul Parcului Naţional “Domogled-Valea Cernei” În urma unei investigaţii facute în 2005 în zona studiată, am identificat 55 de specii de cri- zomelide din 22 de genuri şi 8 subfamilii. Subfamiliile Alticinae şi Cryptocephalinae au fost cel mai bine reprezentate, in acord cu condiţiile de habitat oferite de această arie. Un număr de 13 specii dintre cele identificate sunt considerate rare şi periclitate; alte specii găsesc doar in această zonă baza tzrofică caracteristică. Keywords: leaf-beetles, black pine habitate, natural rezervation The forests of the black pine of Banat (Pinus verse and rich. nigra banatica) from the „Domogled -valea Cer- Concerning the black pine of Banat habitate, nei” National Park constitute a remarkable habitate this includes mostly the Cerna’s left side slopes which preserve this kind of black pine of commu- along about 24 km upstream of Baile Herculane vil- nitary interest, according to 92/43/ EEC Directive. lage, starting with the Domogled massif. The black This was the reason we participate in a project con- pine habitate is very broken up in relative small cerning the long term preservation of this kind of forest troups, scarce curdled, frequently situated in habitate, context in which a well known of local high areas, over 700 m altitude, on very inclined flora and fauna constitute an essential previous ele- limestone walls that border Cerna valley. It insert ment. In this project are included also our researches beech forests or mixture forests, and also bush ar- on the leaf-beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of eas, pastures and haylands, as adjacent zones. this protected area. We mention that, although the area was well Placed in the hydrographical Cerna’s river studied concerning other insect groups (RAKOSY , basin, the „Domogled-valea Cernei” National Park 1997), local data on leaf-beetles (Chrysomelidae) benefit by a submeditteranean climate characterised family are not known, according to the run through by more abundant rainfall and a more risen relative known litterature (fl e c k , 1905; GR u e v & all. 1993; humidity of the air, durring the whole year time. ie n i ş t e A 1968, 1974; ie n i ş t e A & ne gr u 1975; ko n - The temperatures registered in this area also enter n e R t -io n e s c u 1963; MA R CU 1927, 1928, 1936, 1957; in thouse characteristical to submeditteranean cli- ne gr u 1957; ne gr u & Ro ş c A 1967; PA n i n 1951; mate. Consequence of this climate and also of the Pe t R i 1912; Ro ş c A 1973, 1974, 1976; il i e 2001; orography of the zone characterised by very tilted mA i c A n & se ra f i m 2001; se i d l i t z 1891; ko n n e R t - slopes with different cardinal orientations, having io n e s c u 1963; sz e l & all. 1995; cR i ş A n 1993, 1994, also different soils formed prevalent on limestones, 1995; cR i ş A n & te o d o R 1994, 1996; cR i ş A n & BO- the flora and the vegetation of the Park are very di- 13 n e A 1995; cR i ş A n & dR u G u ş 2001; cR i ş A n & all. pine constituting relative small forest troups with 1998, 1999, 2000). relative rare trees, the most of these very old and relative few more yung or regeneratives. It has also Material and method other wooden species and herbal ones. To these, also Samples were taken separately in the period adjacent areas were considered, so that it resulted a may-August, in the black pine troups and the eco- relative great biodiversity among the phitophagous systems of the adjacent areas, using an insect net, fauna in which leaf-beetles are integrated too. We by sweeping the vegetation, both the trees, bushes registered in the collected material at all of 55 speci- and herbs. Collected insects were put on 80% alco- es of leaf-beetles from 22 genera and 8 subfamilies hol and then its were kept dry. The identification of (Table 1). the species was made in the laboratory, using differ- Iven only the black pine habitate and adjacent ent sources of litterature (mo h R 1966; PA n i n 1951; areas were analised, in the most part xerical areas kA s z ab 1962-1971; ki pp e n B e rg & do B e R l 1994; excepting a few moist zones in the proximity of the sc h A u f u s s 1915; Ro z n e R 1996; War c h A l o W s k i streams, we consider that the biodiversity of the 1993). leaf-beetle group is a rising one, both reffering to the species and to the subfamilies and genera. This Results and discussion reflects although the area’s flora risen biodiversity Black pine of Banat habitate in the „Domo- in which elements characteristical to the East sub- gled-valea Cernei” National Park is very broken up, Table 1 List of the species of leaf-beetles registered in the bleck pine of Banat habitate and the adjacent areas from the „Do- mogled-valea Cernei” National Park (Romania) Crt. Date of Nr. Abd. Subfamily/ Species Colection habitate Nr. capture Ind. % I. Orsodacninae Thomson 1859 -Dom, glades, to a great 1 Orsodacne lineola (Panzer 1795) 15.06 1 0,6 altitude II. Criocerinae Latreille 1807 Oulema (Oulema) melanopus (Linnae- -Dom,lawn to a great al- 2 20.05 1 0,6 us 1758) titude -Dom, glade in a beech 3 Lilioceris merdigera (Linnaeus 1758) 15.06 2 1,2 forest. III. Clytrinae Kirby 1837 - Dom, glades, to a great 4 Smaragdina affinis (Illiger 1794) 15.06 2 1,2 altitude Smaragdina flavicollis (Charpentier, -Dom. bushes nearby pine 5 20.05 1 0,6 1825) forest - Dom, glades, to a great 6 Smaragdina salicina (Scopoli 1763) 15.06 4 2,3 altitude -Dom, glades Coptocephala chalybaea (Germar 15.06 4 2,3 7 -v.Ţăsnei, towards „Piatra 1824) 15.06 1 06 Albă” peak IV. Cryptocephalinae Gyllenhal 1813 Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) querceti -Dom, a glade to low al- 8 15.06 1 0,6 Suffrian 1848 titude Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) vittula Suf- -Km.12, glades to 600 m 9 02.08 1 0,6 frian 1848 altitude 15.06 3 1,8 - Dom, glades, to a great Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) bi- 10 altitude punctatus (Linnaeus 1758) 15.06 2 1,2 -v. Ţăsnei, poieni Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) v. Ţăsnei, herbous vege- 11 21.05 2 1,2 aureolus Suffrian 1847 tation Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) - Dom, glades, to a great 12 aureolus Suffrian 1847, spp. illiricus 15.06 2 1,2 altitude Franz 1949 14 Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) - Dom, glades, to a great 13 15.06 4 2,3 biguttatus (Scopoli 1763) altitude Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) tur- - Dom, glades, to a great 14 15.06 1 0,6 cicus Suffrian 1847 altitude - Dom, glades, to a great 15.06 9 5,1 Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) fla- altitude 15 vipes Fabricius 1781 -v.Ţăsnei, herbous vrge- 21.05 3 1,8 tation Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) seri- -Şuşcu, a glade on the 16 29.07 1 0,6 ceus Linnaeus 1758 peak 29.07 4 2,3 - Şuşcu, a glade on the peak Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) mo- 17 29.07 3 1,8 -„Balta Cerbului”, pastu- raei (Linnaeus 1758) re 02.08 4 2,3 -Km.22, hay-land 15.06 1 0,6 -v.Ţăsnei,hygrophile Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) hy- 18 herbous vegetation pochoeridis (Linnaeus 1758) 02.08 1 0,6 -Km. 22, hay-land - Dom, glades, to a great Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) vio- 19 15.06 2 1,2 altitude laceus Laicharting 1781 V. Chrysomelinae Latreille 1802 -Dom, bushes Chrysolina (Fastuolina) fastuosa (Sco- 15.06 5 2,9 20 - Dom, glades, to a great poli 1763) 15.06 1 0,6 altitude Chrysolina (Ovostoma) olivieri (Bedel -Dom, nearby a pine fo- 21 15.06 2 1,2 1892) rest plot -v.Ţăsnei,hygrophile 21.05 4 2,3 Chrysolina (Menthastriella) herbacea herbous vegetation 22 (Duftschmid 1825) -Dom, a glade to the mas- 15.06 2 1,2 sif base 21.05 1 0,6 -v. Ţăsnei, v. mouth 15.06 4 2,3 - Dom, a glade to the mas- 23 Gastrphysa polygoni (Linnaeus 1758) sif base 15.06 1 0,6 -„muşuroane”, lawn 24 Gastrophysa viridula (De Geer 1775) 15.06 3 1,8 -Dom, bushes Linaeidea (Linaeidea) aenea (Linnaeus 25 15-06 2 1,2 -Dom, bushes 1758) Gonioctena (Gonioctena) nivosus Suf- 26 15.06 1 0,6 -Dom, bushes frian 1851 Gonioctena (Goniomena) pallida (Lin- 27 15.05 1 0,6 -Dom, bushes naeus 1758) 22.05 2 1,2 -v.Ţăsnei,hygrophile Timarcha (Timarcha) rugulosa Herri- 28 herbous vegetation ch-Schaeffer 1838 15.06 1 0,6 -Dom, bushes VI.
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