Meeting Report The Conservation of Twentieth-Century Outdoor Painted Sculpture Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York June 4-5, 2012 Tom Learner and Rachel Rivenc The Conservation of Twentieth- Century Outdoor Painted Sculpture M e e t i n g Re p o r t T h e M e t r o p o l i t a n M u s e u m o f A r t , N e w Yo r k June 4–5, 2012 Tom Learner and Rachel Rivenc THE GETTY CONSERVATION INSTITUTE LOS ANGELES The Conservation of Twentieth-Century Outdoor Painted Sculpture Meeting Report June 4–5, 2012 © 2015 J. Paul Getty Trust The Getty Conservation Institute 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90049-1684 United States Telephone 310 440-7325 Fax 310 440-7711 E-mail
[email protected] Cover image: Roy Lichtenstein, Three Brushstrokes (1984), Getty Center, 2011 © Roy Lichtenstein Foundation Publication Coordinator: Gary Mattison The Getty Conservation Institute works to advance conservation practice in the visual arts, broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. It serves the conservation community through scientifi c research, education and training, model fi eld projects, and the broad dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the fi eld. And in all its endeavors, it focuses on the creation and dissemination of knowledge that will benefi t professionals and organizations responsible for the conservation of the world’s cultural heritage. The Conservation of Twentieth-Century Outdoor Painted Sculpture Meeting Report June 4–5, 2012 Contents