(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,810,410 B1 Durham (45) Date of Patent: Oct

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,810,410 B1 Durham (45) Date of Patent: Oct USOO681041 OB1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,810,410 B1 Durham (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 26, 2004 (54) CUSTOMIZING ACLIENT APPLICATION 6,412,008 B1 6/2002 Fields et al. ................ 709/228 USING AN OPTIONS PAGE STORED ON A 6.424,981 B1 7/2002 Isaac et al. ................. 707/513 SERVER COMPUTER OTHER PUBLICATIONS (75) Inventor: Peter Emmanuel Durham, Seattle, WA http://my.zdnet.com/myzdnet/alerthelp, Jun. 10, 1999.* (US) Here's an easy way to free yourself from browser promos, Mossberg, Walter, wall Stree Journal, Aug. 21, 1997.* (73) ASSignee: Moon Corporation, Redmond, WA http://my.zdnet.com/myzdnet/alerthelp/ dated Jun. 10, 1999. * cited by examiner (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner Moustafa M. Meky U.S.C.patent is154(b) extended by 0 ordays. adjusted under 35 (74) Attorney,y, Agent, or Firm-KlarquistquISL SpSparkman, s LLP (57) ABSTRACT (21)21) Appl. NoNo.: 09/366,4851366, A method and apparatus for displaying an options page for (22) Filed: Aug. 3, 1999 client application in a network environment. Instead of hard 7 coding the options page within the client application, the (51) Int. Cl." ................................................ G06F 13/00 options page is Stored on a Server computer and may be (52) U.S. Cl. ........................ 709/203; 709/217; 709/219 updated dynamically without modifying the client applica (58) Field of Search ................................. 709/200, 201, tion. In one aspect, the user requests to view the options page 709/203, 206, 217, 218, 219, 223, 224, using menu commands generated by the client application. 227, 228, 229 In response to the user request, the client application launches a browser, if needed, and passes the current Settings (56) References Cited for the options page to the browser along with an address U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS pointing to the location of the options page on a Server computer. The browser connects to the Server computer 5,740,549 A 4/1998 Reilly et al. .................. 705/14 Specified in the URL, requests the page associated with the 5,760,768 A * 6/1998 Gram ......................... 345/333 address, and passes the user Settings to the server computer. 5,799,318 A * 8/1998 Cardinal et al. ............ 707/104 5,914,714 A 6/1999 Brown ....................... 345/339 The Server computer generates a current version of the 5,933,647 A * 8/1999 Aronberg et al. ........... 395/712 options page, initializes the options page by applying the 5.974,406 A * 10/1999 Bisdikian et al. .............. 707/1 user Settings to the options page, and downloads the options 6,009,410 A * 12/1999 LeMole et al. ............... 705/14 page to the browser for display. In another aspect, the user 6,038,588 A * 3/2000 Nagarajayya et al. ....... 709/102 makes changes to the options page in the browser to cus 6,067,552 A 5/2000 Yu ............................. 707/501 tomize the client application. The browser Sends the changes 6,069,623 A 5/2000 Brooks ....................... 345/333 to the Server and the Server returns the changes to the 6,115,039 A 9/2000 Karren et al. ............... 345/335 browser as a special file type. The browser uses a helper 6,121.968 A 9/2000 Arcuri et al. ............... 345/352 function to handle the Special file type and launches an 6,133,915. A * 10/2000 Arcuri et al. ............... 345/334 application that Saves the user Settings on the client com 6,138,150 A * 10/2000 Nichols et al. ............. 709/217 puter. 6,232,972 B1 5/2001 Arcuri et al. ............... 345/352 6,272,536 B1 8/2001 Van Hoff et al. ........... 709/217 6,278,450 B1 8/2001 Arcuri et al. ............... 345/334 45 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets STOR OPTIONSPAGEFOR ACLENAPPLICATION ONA SRWER COMPUTER STORE USERSETINGS FOR HOCNSAGE NTALIZE THONS PAGE BY APPLYING THE STORed USRSTTINGS SLAYTHE INITIALIZED OPTIONSPAGENA BROWSER ON THE CENT CoMPUTER U.S. Patent US 6,810,410 B1 - U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2004 Sheet 2 of 8 US 6,810,410 B1 HTM FG 2 CCUMENT NTERNET or INTRANET states 8 Lisgorgia. His Engia sikkaus. Sasketc. Tuileir sitticassi its rigg33. PalEEEta ala.This Bnday also is hig:;arliestsgates:starsiglias (SITIEEEEEE: FFs-Bissa; sistriliisutis. his 10Ohills is or the inapartitatiscil laterspace dasiinstons. Emiss:slidii; if Elcroso"& frill's &rls: Eric Erdterries scorer's is thrld bustiflicts.l. iiirka: rairf's Erie resis 2- - sy Tatase arts Hogg guish infras: Rhemsiri trng refits fur and Iriri's Rethyork. COREliticisir dril addess ke'Eagle F. Egli Elitsi. E. Ericts inities: U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2004 Sheet 3 of 8 US 6,810,410 B1 FIG. 3 1. 26 18 6 U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2004 Sheet 4 of 8 US 6,810,410 B1 FG. 4 42 alertsyay receive fat each is"if you attal is times a seek:han big na's breaks. Stories" to get a fewaterts daily, plus any breaking ... risis, News r - Eusiness III:Stones : 150 SO:s Salect your fortha list belowta receila alers when Ele local stories Localleys TOPICS follow MSNBC's 3rigging coverage by SEle:t you anales whenaerthere's a new sloyal U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2004 Sheet 5 of 8 US 6,810,410 B1 FIG. 5 STORE OPTIONS PAGE FOR 160 A CLIENT APPLICATION ON A SERVER COMPUTER 162 STORE USER SETTINGS FOR THE OPTIONS PAGE INITIALIZE THE OPTIONS 164 PAGE BY APPLYING THE STORED USER SETTINGS 166 DISPLAY THE INITIALIZED OPTIONS PAGENA BROWSER ON THE CLIENT COMPUTER U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2004 Sheet 6 of 8 US 6,810,410 B1 174 REGISTRY CLIENT APPLICATION CUSTOMIZABLE CLIENT THROUGH BROWSER OPTIONS PAGE 212 SERVER COMPUTER U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2004 Sheet 7 of 8 US 6,810,410 B1 FIG. 7 CLIENT APPLICATION RETRIEVES SETTINGS FOR AN OPTIONS PAGE ANDA URL FROM THE REGISTRY CLIENT APPLICATION ENCODES THE SETTINGS, APPENDS THEM TO THE URL AND PASSES THE URL TO A BROWSER BROWSER CONNECTS TO THE SERVER SPECIFIED IN THE URL AND REGUESTS THE OPTIONS PAGE ASSOCATED WITH THE URL SERVER INITIALIZES THE OPTIONS PAGE USING THE ENCODED SETTINGS SERVER RETURNS THE OPTIONS PAGE TO THE BROWSER, WHICH IS DISPLAYED TO THE USER IN THE BROWSER U.S. Patent Oct. 26, 2004 Sheet 8 of 8 US 6,810,410 B1 FIG. 8 USER INPUTS CHANGES TO THE 2OO OPTIONS PAGE USING THE BROWSER ON THE CLIENT COMPUTER 202 BROWSER SENDS THE CHANGES TO THE SERVER COMPUTER SERVER DECODES THE CHANGES 204 AND GENERATES ARESPONSE LABELED WITH APREDETERMINED FILE TYPE THE BROWSER SEARCHES ALIST OF APPLICATIONS TO DETERMINE 2O6 AN APPLICATIONASSOCIATED WITH THE FILE TYPE AND PASSES THE RESPONSE TO THE APPLICATION THE APPLICATION STORES THE CHANGES IN USER STORAGE AND 208 PASSES A SAVE REPORT ADDRESS TO THE BROWSER THE BROWSER REOUESTS THE 210 PAGE ASSOCATED WITH THE ADDRESS FROM THE SERVER COMPUTER AND DISPLAYS THE PAGE TO THE USER US 6,810,410 B1 1 2 CUSTOMIZING ACLIENT APPLICATION coding of the option page is problematic. For example, a USING AN OPTIONS PAGE STORED ON A client application called “News Alert” periodically checks SERVER COMPUTER MSNBC.COM for new stories in topics that the user Selected. If a new Story is available in a Selected topic, the client is notified. The user may then view a small abstract of FIELD OF THE INVENTION the story and download the entire story, if desired. The set The present invention relates generally to graphical user of Stories the user can Select from in NewS Alert changes interfaces, and more particularly to displaying and/or Saving regularly based on hot topics in the news. For example, if a user options for a client application. presidential Scandal erupts in the news, it is desirable to have an option in an options page that a user can Select to view BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Stories for that Specific topic. However, with the option page Most modern computer Software employs a graphical user hard-coded, the only way to provide the user with the new interface (GUI) to convey information to and receive com option is to download an updated version of the entire News mands from users. The graphical user interface relies on a Alert application to the client computer. variety of graphical user interface elements or objects, 15 Other problems also occur because of the hard coding of including icons, text, drop-down menus, dialog boxes, option pages. Specifically, the code and resources needed to toolbars, buttons, and the like. A user typically interacts with display the options page Substantially increase the size of the a graphical user interface by using a pointing device (e.g., a client application. A larger client application takes longer for mouse) to position a pointer or cursor over an object and users to download from a server computer and requires more "clicking on the object. An example of an operating System available Storage on the client computer. Additionally, it is that provides a graphical user interface is the MicroSoft desirable for the server computer to be able to examine the WINDOWS operating system, which is manufactured and user Settings So that the users may be invited to change the sold by Microsoft Corporation of Redmond, Wash. Settings based on current activities. Drop-down menus are used to organize numerous com It is desirable, therefore, to provide a System and method puter commands into major headings, which are displayed in 25 wherein user options can be easily updated in a client a menu bar that typically appears along the top of a window.
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