Water Quality Pre-Investment Studies in the Sajo-Hernad Basin in Hungary

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Water Quality Pre-Investment Studies in the Sajo-Hernad Basin in Hungary WASH Field Report No. 409 WATER QUALITY PRE-INVESTMENT STUDIES IN THE SAJO-HERNAD BASIN IN HUNGARY Prepared for the Europe Bureau, U.S. Agency for International Development, under WASH Task No. 420 Jim McCullough-Team Leader David Horsefield Tarik Pekin August 1993 Water and Sanitation for ~e'althProject Contract No. 5973-2-00-8081-00, Project No. 936-5973 is sponsored by the Office of Health, Bureau for Research and Development U .S. Agency for International Development Washington, DC 20523 CONTENTS PREFACE .................................................. v ABOUTTHEAUTHORS ....................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................ ix ACRONYMS ............................................... xiii UNITS ....................................................xv EXECUTIVESUMMARY ...................................... xvii 1. EXISTING CONDITIONS ..................................... 1 1.1 General Features of the Basin ............................. 1 1.1.1 Climate ..................................... 3 1.1.2 Land Use and Settlement Patterns ................... 3 1.2 Water Resources ...................................... 7 1.2.1 Surface Waters ................................ 7 1.2.2 Springs ..................................... 8 1.2.3 Subsurface Aquifers ............................. 8 1.3 Existing Water Quality .................................. 8 1.3.1 Surface-Water-Quality Measurements ................. 8 1.3.2 Analysis of Sediments ........................... 10 1.3.3 Water-Quality Problem Summary ................... 11 2 . EXISTING EMISSIONS AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT ............. 15 2.1 Municipal Wastewater Systems ............................ 15 2.1.1 Miskolc .................................... 15 2.1.2 Ozd ...................................... 16 2.1.3 Putnok .................................... 22 2.1.4 Kazincbarcika ...; ............................ 22 2.1.5 Edeleny .................................... 22 2.1.6 Sajoszentpeter ................................ 22 2.1.7 Encs ...................................... 23 2.1.8 Szikszo .................................... 23 2.1.9 Berente .................................... 23 2.2 Municipal Water Supply ................................ 23 2.2.1 Miskolc Water Supply ........................... 24 2.2.2 Municipal Water Sources ......................... 25 2.3 Industrial Pollution Sources .............................. 26 2.3.1 Overview ................................... 26 2.3.2 Description of Industries and Their Impacts ............. 27 2.3.3 Priorities ................................... 34 2.4 Groundwater Pollution ................................. 38 3. INSTITUTIONAL AND FINANCIAL CONDITIONS ................... 41 3.1 Sector Organization ................................... 41 3.1.1 Water and Sewer Service Management ............... 41 3.2 Standards for Drinking Water and Wastewater Discharges .......... 42 3.3 Capital Investment Financing for Water Supply and Wastewater ...... 45 3.4 Water Pricing and Cost Recovery .......................... 47 3.5 The Role of Credit in Sector Financing ....................... 49 4. POTENTIALPROJECTS .................................... 51 4.1 Summary Analysis .................................... 51 4.2 Municipal Wastewater Abatement Projects ..................... 51 4.2.1 Protecting the Sajo-Hernad Aquifer .................. 52 4.2.2 Protecting the Lazberc Reservoir .................... 52 4.3 Industrial Wastewater Abatement Projects ..................... 52 4.3.1 Industrial Waste Dumps ......................... 52 4.3.2 Controlling Industrial Wastewater Discharges in Miskolc .... 55 4.4 Nonpoint-Source Abatement Projects ........................ 55 4.4.1 Protecting Water Quality in the Hemad ............... 55 4.4.2 Protecting Water Quality in the Bodva ................ 56 4.4.3 Protecting Water Quality in the Sajo River ............. 56 4.5 Institutional Development ............................... 57 5 . THE PREFEASIBILITY STUDY ................................ 59 5.1 Project Selection and Rationale ............................ 59 5.2 Project Components .................................. 61 5.2.1 Phase 1: Highest Priority ......................... 62 5.2.2 Phase 2: High Priority .......................... 64 5.2.3 Phase 3: Lower Priority ......................... 67 5.3 Implementing the Project ................................ 70 5.4 Financial Analysis ..................................... 70 5.4.1 Affordability ................................. 70 5.4.2 Cost Recovery ............................... 72 5.4.3 Sources of Financing ........................... 77 5.5 Next Steps ......................................... 78 APPENDIXES A . Industrial Wastewater Sources in the Sajo-Hemad Basin in Hungary .........81 B . Municipal Technical Issues Concerning the Sajo-Hemad Basin in Hungary ..... 89 C . Analysis of Municipal Emissions in the Sajo-Hernad Basin in Hungary ....... 101 D. N-VIRO Process Description ...................................113 FIGURES Potential Investment Projects .................................xix Map of the Sajo-Hernad Basin Study Area ........................ xx Project Component Costs .................................. xxiii Location of Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen County in Northeast Hungary .......... 1 Major Subbasins .......................................... 2 Main Settled Areas in Basin ...................................5 Main Water Sources ........................................ 9 Locations Where Groundwater Cannot Be Used for Drinking ............ 12 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Map ....................... 20 Sampling Station Locations .................................. 31 Iron Levels in Hangony Creek ................................ 32 Phenol Levels in Hangony Creek .............................. 33 Nitrate Levels in the Sajo ................................... 35 Maximum Mercury Levels in the Sajo ........................... 36 Maximum Cadmium Levels in the Sajo .......................... 37 Map of Sajo-Hernad Prefeasibility Study Site .......................60 Project Component Costs ................................... 69 Sampling Points and Cross-sections ............................. 92 Cross-section "SSn at River Sajo ...............................93 Cross-section "H-H" at Rver Hernad ............................94 Wastewater Flow Projections and Mikolc WWTP Capacity ............ 107 TABLES Sajo-Hernad Basin Drainage Area ............................... 3 Population of Municipalities above 5.000 Population in Study Area. 1990 .... 6 Maximum Contaminant Levels of Selected Parameters ................ 13 Inventory of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Sajo River Basin ......................................... 17 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Emissions .................... 19 Wastewater Collection Systems ................................ 21 Major Industrial Direct Dischargers and River Sampling Stations .......... 28 Miskolc Sewerage System: Major Industrial Dischargers ................ 29 Summary of Roles and Responsibilities ..........................43 iii Transfer Funds for Local Governments and Environmental Services ....... 46 National Water and Sewerage Tariffs of the Non-Bulk Companies. 1992 .... 48 Danube River Basin Environmental Program. Sajo River Basin. Hungary: Potential Investment Program .......................... 53 Summary of Financial Data. Hungary ........................... 71 Project Capital Cost Breakdown ...............................71 Estimates of Local Debt Capacity ..............................74 Usage of Miskolc Wastewater Treatment Plant ...................... 75 Estimated Assessment Amounts for Household Cost Recovery for Miskolc Wastewater Treatment Plant ............................ 76 Next Steps for Project Component 1.1. Sewerage Extension in the GPA .... 79 Next Steps for Project Component 2.1. Upgrading the Miskolc WWTP ..... 80 Miskolc Sewer System Industrial Wastewater Dischargers in 1991 ......... 83 Miskolc Wastewater Treatment Plan-Waste Sources and Estimated Loads ... 85 Projection of Connected Population in Proposed Project Area .......... 103 Raw Water Quality- 1992-93 ............................... 104 Miskolc Wastewater Treatment Plant ........................... 108 PREFACE This basin report describes one of four pre-investment studies WASH has prepared on four river basins tributary to the Danube River: the Yantra basin in Bulgaria, the Sajo-Hernad basin in Hungary, the Arges basin in Romania, and the Hornad basin in Slovakia. The purpose of the studies is to identify wastewater pollution control projects for municipalities and industries within the aforementioned Danube River basins. The studies were conducted from September 1992 through May 1993 by two teams of three people each. The three members of the team that prepared the Sajo-Hernad and Hornad basin reports are Jim McCullough, team leader and financial specialist; Dave Horsefield, municipal wastewater specialist; and Tarik Pekin, industrial wastewater specialist. Local support and technical assistance to the WASH team was provided under a WASH subcontract by Innosystems of Budapest. The Hungary study was carried out in coordination with another USAID project, the Local Environmental Management Project. Funding and coordination of the four WASH pre-investment studies were provided by the Europe Bureau of USAID. The purpose of this report is to summarize the WASH pre-investment studies on the Sajo- Hemad River basin, which include prefeasibility
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