*THE LOUISVILLE'S "BARRACKS- ADES" TO STAGE SEVERAL VARIETY SHOWS HERE Once agnin Guantanamo's theaters will be the scene for another USO show. The Union 3arrack- A WEEKLY PUBLICATION July 14, 1963 Ades of Louisville, Ky., uill present "Show Time" on the base durinZ the week of July 18-23. This troupe of entertainers, since their organization in 1942, has resented more than 5500 performances of "Show GITMO SALUTES. Time". The show features an hour and a half of variety entertainment, high-lighted by the precision dancing of the "Atom-ettes". They have raised over $125,000 for charity. Their travels include performances in thirty-one states, five foreign countries and many islands of the South Pacific. Featured in the all-star cast of variety en- tertainers are: Ada Lee Grawemeyer.choreographer and dance director for the troupe. She also performs as comedienne and specializes in "eccentric" tap. Walter Janes.musical director for the show, is a former Army man. He is a graduate of Notre Dame University, where he majored in music. Susie Hayes.billed as a future "Hiss Amer- ica".is one of Louisville's finest modern jazz dancers. She is also spotted from time to time as a vocalist of the blues. Jimmy Waitt. performs as a regular on the WHAS-TV program "Hi-Varieties".is also a mem- ber of the University of Louisville's male chor- us. Harold Roberts, another TV regular, has danced his way to billing as the "King of the Crusades for Children." He is drummer for Bel- larmine College's orchestra, and holds many trophies for dancing and all-around perform- ances. Arthur Godfrey presented Harold with a trophy when he appeared on "Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts," and at the time summed up Har- old's future with the remark, "Boy, you've got what it takes." Harold also teams up with his sisters, Marlene and Charlotte, to perform many NSD'S GRIFFIN GETS LENGTH styles of dancing. Glendene Larimore.an acrobat who just OF SERVICE AWARD AND PIN missed competition with her partner in the Olym- pics,since he was called to service in the armed Fifty years is a long time-no matter how forces. Glendene works a thrilling solo per- you slice it. In the case of out-standing Gitmo formance on chairs. citizen Bill Griffin, however, the past half Charlotte Roberts.song stylist of the pop- century has passed fast,because he's spent it in ular ballads that everyone loves. Charlotte a labor of love--devoted service to his country has a rare talent for making people relax. and the U.S. Navy. As yet the Union Barrack-Ades scheduling for Just recently Bill-more formally, Mr. Wil- their appearance here is still not firm. Watch liam F. Griffin,Sr., Chief quarterman, Naterials your daily Gitmo Gazette for a list of their Handling, and assistant to the Freight Terminal local performances, and be sure to attend. Officer at the Naval Supply Depot here--was pre- (Barracks-Ades Photos on Pace Three) sented with the Secretary of the Navy Length of Service Award and Pin commemorating his com- pletion of 50 years of honorable government ser- vice by RADM J. W. Davis, Commander Naval Base. BLUE HAWKS SHINE Bill Griffin's story begins on the last day of the year 1912, when he joined the Navy just three months short of his 17th birthday. AT HICACAL RANGE He left the Navy 32 years, 4 months and 24 When the Blue Hawks of Attack Souadron 72 days later-May 24, 1945, as a Chief Boatswain's came ashore here a couple of weeks back from Mate. Along theway he served in, among others, the attack Independence, it was the battleships Arkansas and North Dakota, cruis- something in the nature of a homecoming for two er. Chester, Childs and J.K. Paulding, of the squadron pilots. tanker Brazos and minesweeper Rail. LCDR F. J. Slyfield left NAS Leeward Point From 1936 on he spent a lot of his Navy time NEW CHIEF OF STAFF just a year ago. He served as Assistant Offi- here at Guantanamo Bay-and decided it was just CAPT E. C. Lindon, USN, has reported aboard cer-in-Charge and Security Officer during his the place he wanted to live when he retired. from the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, tour here. Bill merely retired from active Naval Service, Va., to assume duties as Chief of Staff to Com- The other former Gitmoite returning to old however-he had no intention of retiringperiod. mander Naval Base. stamping grounds was LTJG R. J. Manser, who re- On July 11, 1945--less than 60 days after leav- CAPT Alfred Gerken, who has served as Chief sided here several years aso as a dependent. ing the Navy-he accepted a position with the of Staff here since May 1961, will depart Gitmo LCDR Slyfield, LTJG Manser and the other Naval Supply Depot here as a Civil Servant. He's July 17th for Macon, Ga., where he will become Blue Hawks had plenty more to do than cut up been at it ever since. Commanding Officer of the Naval Ordnance Plant. touch with old and new acquaintances here, how- Bill and his wife, Helen have a son, William CAPT Lindon, a native of Leeds, Ala., and a ever. F., Jr., who's also a Civil Servant here (he's 1939 graduate of the Naval Academy, has served Back in mid-May they and squadron CO, CDR employed at Public Works Center). There's also successively as Faculty Adviser and Director of T.L. Neilson, had challenged all LantFlt jet at- daughter-in-law Emily, and four Griffin grand- the Academic Plans Group since reporting to the tack squadrons to an informal weapons duel. children--Susan, 16, Barbara 15, Margaret, 14, Staff College in 1960. Two stipulations-the competition would end no and Mary, 9. A submariner, he attended Submarine School later than June 30th, and was to be conducted A lot of laurels have come Bill Griffin's at New London, Conn., in 1940, and later parti- within normal fiscal and ordnance allowances. way over the past 50 years. One he's especially cipated in 10 war patrols in the Pacific aboard When the VA-72'ers deployed aboard Indepen- proud of is the fact that in 1960 a seat in the USS SAURY and USS SEAHORSE. He was awarded the dence shortly after the first of June, they had football stadium at the Naval Academy, kinapolis, Silver Star, Bronze Star and Commendation Rib- precious little time left in which to meet all was named in his honor-a distinction not many bon for services in SEAHORSE. the challenges they'd received from other squad- Americans can claim. After the war CAPT Lindon served as 0-in-C, rons. Thus, when they came ashore here they Presentation of the Length of Service Award Navy Recruiting Station, Jacksonville, Fla., and didn't waste a minute--they got right to work on and Pin had to wait awhile when they arrived later commanded USS SEA LEOPARD. After a tour the Hicacal Target, with rocketing and dive - here-Bill was in the States enjoying a brief as XO of the Service School Command, Geat Lakes bombing the principle ordnance deliveries util- renewal of agreement leave. Ill., he served successively as XO, USS ORION ized. As a matter of fact, he didn't have a lot of and Commander Submarine Division 63. Upon de- So how did the Blue Hawks do? You better be- time to devote to the ceremony when it did take tachment from that assignment he reported to the lieve they did right well. place last Tuesday. He's busily getting a run- staff of Commanderin Chief Atlantic and Atlantic All challenges were met by June 29th--a day nihg start on his second 50 years these days- Fleet for duty as Assistant for Training and before the deadline--and with an outstanding and down around Naval Supply Depot, you won't Tactical Doctrine. final score which they feel is going to be find many who'll bet he won't make it. Following a tour in the Pentagon as Head of plenty tough to beat. By anyone. Gitmo's collective hats are off to Chief the Program Section in the Research and Develop- Understandably, skipper Neilson is inclined uarterman Bill Griffin-a real Navy long-timer. ment Division of OPNAV, CAPT Lindon attended the to credit the professional-type sharpshooting of National War College. He next commanded USS his Hawks (who as far as he is concerned are SPIEEL GROVE before reporting to the Staff Col- just about the hottest pilots in Naval Air) for lege. their fine performance here. CAPT and Mrs. Lindon, the former Natalie If you should ask them, however, his bird- I If it's news. Call 9247 Bishop, have two children; Gail, 19, a men are just as quick to heap praise on the tar- junior at the University of North Carolina, and get facilities at Hicacal. To a man, they term Michael Crawford, 15. those facilities "superb." P Two THE GITMO REVIEW July 14, 196 JUST WONDERIN' SHIP OF THE WEEK. CHAPLAIN'S CORNER "GETTING IN YOUR OWN WAY" ABOUT BUTTERFLIES, AND by Chaplain C. E. LeMasters A little child starts to toddle across a room and as his feet move faster, one foot gets IDF AND SAFETY AND SUCH in the way of the other, and down he falls. We say, "He got in his own way." by ). Koze, .IOC Others of us have had the experience of standing in such a way that light is blocked Have you noticed all the small white and from what we try to see and found that we had butterflies around Gitmo recently? There yellow become a hindrance to ourselves in blocking the seem to be a jillion fluttering about. Know any- light for vision. I One day they're here thing about them? don't! In either case the thought remains that the and the next day, just like magic, they're gone. individual has been a hindrance to himself-a around the cab- I do recall similar butterflies hindrance in physical progress, a hindrance to called them cab- ba e patch back on the farm. We seeing. But, there are other hindrances that bage butterflies, andafter all these years, I've can be in us that we may not detect so easily. found out that's their real name. These will blind us or hold us back in our pro- According to the Encyclopedia they be- World as quickly as anything else. Pieridae butterfly family. In ad- gress through life long to the Four that canbe mentioned very readily are fear, butterfly, which is a real dition to the cabbaGe prejudice, jealousy, and laziness. amount of damage, pest and can do considerable It is so very easy to blame all these on this fellow there's the sulphur butterfly--but someone else, to say, "He's against me!" It is Still another does no apparent damage to cross. rather painful for some of us to admit that the the dog's-head butterfly of the USS LONG BEACH (CGN-9) relative is seeds for our lack of accomplishment may lie and black markings on its The nuclear powered guided south. It has yellow within ourselves. The fear of failure may help of a dog's head. U.S LONG BEaCH (CGN-9) is one of the newest and wings which resemblethe outline to bring failure on as it saps the strength of They say that the cabbage butterfly is an most advanced ships in the United States. She was by Steel Company in a man and he is eaten up with anxiety. His pre- invader from Europe. Ican'tsay that they didn't built the Bethlehem Boston judices against other men and ideas, his jeal- fly over, since butterflies are known to make uincy, Mass.,and was commissioned at the 1961. She was named ousy toward those who are a little ahead, yes, long journeys and migrate just as birds do. An Naval shipyard on Sept. 9, for the city of Long Beach, Calif., whose citi- his very laziness will also hold him back. article in the April 1963 N'tional Geographic zenry have shown a great interest in her activi- Everyone of us has the potential for these magazine gave a lengthy account about the M1on- ties and accomplishments. stumbling blocks within ourselves. We also have arch butterfly, one of the more commonly known LO3 BEACH was the first nuclear powered the ability to be awake, to exercise, to be dil- butterflies in the U.S. The Monarch is known to surface ship commissioned by the Navy. She be- igent, and to rise above these impediments. We migrate from Southern Mexico to Canada. Thus, came the first major combatant ship in the U.S. may seek for help from God and at the same time it's possible that our little friends, the cab- seek to rid ourselves of those things in our own (which- Fleet to rely exclusively on guided for bage, sulphur, or dog's head butterfly way. ever you prefer) are in the process of migrat- her major offensive and defensive power. We might heed the words of Pauline Bell in ing.I don't know. If any of you old-timers The main propulsion plant in the LONG BEACH differs from the engineering plants in other "Surrender." can shed any light on the subject I'd like to since pressurized-water nuclear know so that I can pass the info on to others surface ships, From moral strife I ask not for release here. reactors, instead of oil-firedboilers are em- Nor seek through stratagem a faulty truce, to produce heat and generate The most prominent, place for our little ployed steam. Steam Yet I would bargain for the terms of peace drives a main propulsion turbine, turbine gen- friends is Chapel Hill.a sood place for all of And Daily plead, Thy conquest to induce. erator sets for electrical power and us to migrate to.anyway, I noticed that some the other Surrounded, Lord, with heaven's armored band, auxiliary of the shrubbery has been eaten. So who has a systems associated with naval engi- Demolish my rebellion to be free; neering, in each of the two propulsion plants, cabbage patch big enough for all the cabbage- Dishonor all the sins at my command thereby supplying the power which moves LONG eaters to go to in Gitmo? They've got to eat That sin's commands may not dishonor me. BEACH through the water at high speeds. also. Whatever you call them, and wherever they The unusual superstructure came from, they're different.and theydo brigh- of LONG BEACH is due to the absence of the familiar smokestacks ten up the Gitmo scene. of conventional For those of you who will be at Gitmo for ships and the development of an advanced search and tracking radar installed in ABOARD. sometime, I'd strongly suggest that you don't WELCOME the ship. Extensive facilities are provided miss the next IDF day. This past July 4th was The following personnel have reported to Guan- for the collection, processing, evaluation and my first here, and believe me, if you missed the tanamo Bay: dissemination of combat information. festivities at McCalla Field.you "just haven't lived" in Gitmo yet. I heard one small-fry at LONG BEACH displaces more than 15,000 tons, Naval Station-- measures 721 feet the parade saying, "Daddy, this is more better in length, has a beam of 73 DUNLOP, D.W., SN, Detroit, Mich. feet and draws 29 feet of water. than back home." You better believe it was The distance from the water line to the top "more better". So remember next 4th of July. ofher mast ex- Naval Air Station-- ceeds 200 feet. don't sleep in.take the kids out for a real BORKOWSKI, J.H., GMCM, Bristol, Conn. * For the convenience of the men who give her thrill. BRUNO, J., AOAA, Atlantic City, N.J. life, LONG BEACH has such facilities as two bar- It's saluting time again from good old Mr. CAHEN, R.W., PHAN, Richmond, Va. ber shops, a lounge and library, ship's store, Wigbee.This time it goes out to all the units CHEEVER, D.E., AGAN, Oxford, Mass. cobbler shop, soda fountain, hobby shop, inter- and others directly responsible for an excellent CISNEY, R.A., AOAA, Garrettaville, 0. nal radio station, a daily ship's newspaper pub- show and the finest refreshments, which were all COOPER, J.K., SA, Philcampbell, Ala. lished at sea, and nightly movie entertainment. on the house. Can't beat that for handing you CRICK, R.E., SA, Cunningham, Kan. Air conditioning exists throughout the ship, and something for nothing. So who's GILBERTSON, W.G., SA, Merrillan, Wis. moaning about in all living spaces. LONG BEACH carries a crew Gitmo? Come, come.wake up and live. The en- IVY, J.W., SH1, Parsons, Tenn.* of about 60 officers, 900 enlisted personnel, tertainment won't come to your front door. JONES, B.L., AOAA, Ashtabula, 0. and a Marine detachment of 2 officers and make an effort to join the community.you are 39 LIVERANCE, E.O., AGAA, Detroit, Mich. men. NEVILLE, W.F., AOAA, Lakeville, Conn. part of it, you know. Commanding Officer of LONG BEACH is CAPT POFFENBARGER, R.M., SA, Deer Park, L.I., N.Y. Added thought.Drive safely and be safety Eugene P, Wilkinson, USN, of Long Beach, Calif. TURNER, R.N., AMHAN, Kansas City, Mo. conscious. Use horsesense and not horsepower. CAPT Wilkinson was the first skipper of Ameri- ca's first nuclear-powered submarine, NAUTILUS. indicates family. CAPT Wilkinson was born in Long Beach on PHOTO CREDITS: Aug. 10, 1918, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. USO Show------U.S. Army Dennis Wilkinsonu In The Stork Club CAPT Lindon------U.S. Navy 1938 he graduated from Award Presentation------R.B. Perrymore.PH2 San Diego State College, The following is a list of the "very young" Ship of the Week------USS LONG BEACH and subsequently instruc- arrivals in Gitmo: LONG BEACH ted in chemistry CAPT Wilkinson------USS and Charles Dean Branch, son, born to John and Illust.------R.E. Souligny, JOSN Sports mathematics there. Carrie, June 25, weighed 6 lbs. 8 ozs. He received his com- Mr. Branch is an Engineman Second Class. mission in Dec. 1940 and reported to the Sherri Leigh Wilkey, daughter, born to Darrell U. S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba heavy cruiser LOUISVILLE and Martha, June 28, weighed 6 lbs. 12 ozs. for his first tour of duty. After a year on Mr. Wilkey is a Communications Technician Sec- RADM J. W. DAVIS------m------CNavBase board LOUISVILLE, CAPT Wilkinson entered the ond Class. LXDR B. ). VARNERu------Pb Info Officer G. F. McCONNELL, JOCA ----- Editorial Advisor U.S. Naval Submarine School in New London, Conn., Clemantine Ruth Willis, daughter, born to Dale B. Wedertz, J03------Editor graduating in Mar. 1942. During World War II, and Carol, June 30, weighed 7 lbs. 2 ozs. Contributors: Barbara Mollard, Pat Kendig, Mrs. L. M. Buchzek, he participated in eight war patrols, earning Mr. Willis is a Dental'Ibchnician Second Class. Mavis Wyse, and Jean Cornetta. the Silver Star and the Navy UnitCommendatione- dal while attached to the submarine DARTER. Gregory Bernocco, son, born to Stephen and Copy deadline---1ll00, Tuesday CAPT Wilkinson has had duty as Executive Of- Georgia, July 2, weighed 7 lbs. 8 ozs. THE GITMO REVIEW'S mission is to inform and entertain all ficer of three submarines: MHADEN, RATOr, and Mr. Bernocco is a Lieutenant. hasreand to serve as a positivefactor in promoting the efficiency, welfare and cotestosest of personnel. CUSK. He has commanded four submarines: VOLA- Total membership in "The Stork Club" is: THE GITMO REVIEW is published at the Naval Base in accord- DOR, SEA ROBIN, WAHOO and NAUTILUS. ance with NavExos P35, revised July, 1958 and financed with non- BOYs GIRLS-----25 appropriated funds at no cost to the government. After attending the in ----- 38 Armed Forces Press Service (AFPS) may not be reprinted without Newport, R.I.,in 1957-58, he commanded Submarine the written permission of Armed Forces Press Service. Material in the paper may not he reprinted unless authorization is obtained from Division 102 before receiving orders to become the editor. All photographs herein are official Navy photographs Prospective Commanding Officer of LONG BEACH. unless other-wise specified. The opinions or statements made in articles published herein are He is married to the former Miss Janice If t's news. . . Call 9247 those of the writers and are not in any case to be construed as official Thuli of San Diego, Calif. They have four chil- or asrreflecting the views of Commander Naval Base or of the Navy Department. dren; three boys and a girl. I Ily 1-1. 1963 0 THE GITMO REVIEW Page e

On USO Tour! S First and Finest" "BARRACKS -ADES" VARIETY SHOW MCB ONE ARRIVES; TO RELIEVE MCB-7 00%^ MCB ONE, the "FIRST AND THE FINEST" of the U.S. Atlantic Mobile Construction Battalions, arrived at Guantanamo Bay today to relieve MCB SEVEN. Commanded by CDR Robert H. Miller, CEC, USN, MCB ONE comes to Gitmo after completing one of the finest and most rewarding years since its commissioning in 1949. Some of the awards won by MCB ONE during the past year are: "Best of Type for 1962", the Navy Unit Commendation, the Navy "E' for Efficiency, and the Peltier Plaque. MCB ONE captured the title of "Best of Type for 1962" through competition with other Mobile Construction Battalions of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet. This award was presented to the battalion by CAPT William M. Heaman, CEC, USN, COMCBL.,NT in behalf of the Navy League of Rhode Island. MCB ONE was deployed to Rota, Spain at the time. During the Rota deployment, MCB ONE was also presented the Navy Unit Commendation by Under Secretary of the Navy Paul B. Fay for "outstand- ing construction achievement while deployed to Antarctica during fiscal 1962." MCB ONE con- structed all housing and facilities for the first nuclear reactor in the Antarctic during that deployment. After being named "Best of Type for 1962", MCB ONE was awarded the Navy "E" for Efficiency by COMSERVLANT. This award, the first to be presented to any U.S.Atlantic Fleet Construction Battalion,is presented to ships, units, and com- THE DANCING ROBERTS LOLA SPENCER mands achieving a high degree of battle effici- ency. The Peltier Plaque was presented to MCB ONE by RADU Peter Corradi, CEC, USN, Chief of the Civil Engineers Corps and Bureau of Yards and Docks. This plaque, named for RADM Eugene J. Peltier, CEC, USN (ret.), former Chief of Civil Engineers and Bureau of Yards and Docks, is pre- sented annually to the most outstanding Naval Mobile Construction Battalion. The winner of the "Best of Type" award from the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets are the nominees for this plaque. MCB ELEVEN was the U.S. Pacific Fleet entry. MCB ONE will relieve MCB SEVEN later this month, and willbegin work on projects which have been assigned to them during this deployment to Gitmo. The Beady Eye Focuses on. . . . THE GITMO RANGERS by Kathleen Stipek Recently we got elected to office in the un- derage auxiliary of the Caballo Riding Club . The Gitmo Rangers is a group of all horse owners under eighteen. Membership is automatic upon purchase of a horse. This group has operated side by side with the adult riding club for at least five years that I know of. It plans rides for the junior riders and gives the adult group a meeting place MARLENE ROBERTS GLENDENE LARIMORE to inform the juniors of new regulations, trials and all the latestinformation in horsey circles. At present, the big headache is drumming up enthusiasm fora horse show. This is an annual event, traditionally staged on Labor Day. How- ECLIPSE OF THE SUN DUE SATURDAY JULY 20TH ever, many of the riders have only had horses since their return following the October con- Six days from today, on the afternoon of Satturday, July 20, 1963, there will occur the most fusion, and are not at all sure about just what awesome spectacle in nature. the horse show entails. Some of the newcomers On that day "the Moon will eat the Sun". have been looking at the ribbons taken in other The entire North American continent will be affected by this eclipse. It will cause complete years, and their eyes light up. There should be, darkness in parts of Alaska, Canada, and the state of Maine, and partial darkness in all other at the very least, a fair turnout. areas of the continent, including the . The Jacks and Jills, mentioned in an earlier As far south as Caracas, Venezuela, the celes- MANENT EYE DAMAGE TO THOSE UNSUSPECTING ADULTS piece, ecist side by side with the Rangers. Also, tial event will be visible as a partial eclipse AND CHILDREN WHO STARE AT THE DARKENED SUN. at one time, there was a precision drill group -- with the Moon's bites becoming progressively The National Society for the Prevention of known as the Rhythm Riders, but the October cri- smaller the further south you go. Blindness has warned that there is no safe met- sis plus general turnover has lost it most of The mechanics of an eclipse are simple. The hod of looking at an eclipse without risking its membership. Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, hid- incurable burns of the retina in the eye from Among their other activities, the Rangers ing part, or all, of the Sun from us. But it is the infra-red rays of the Sun. THIS INCLUDES plan daylight rides to beaches, find and explore the total eclipse which interests scientists USING RTIFICIAL FILTERS SUCH AS SUNGLASSES, new trails, and hold special practices for the most, for that is when they can observe glories SMOKED GLASS, OR EXPOSED PHOTOGRAPHIC FIIM. Horse Show. These are usually bring-your-own- visible on earth at no other time. They will be There exists tragic proof to back the validity sandwiches affairs, with the Rangers selling looking with all kinds of equipment, including of these statements. soft drinks. The Caballo Riding Club plans radio, rockets, and balloons. They hope to see Example: On April 8, 1959, 170 persons in Moonlight Rides, Breakfast Rides, and special never-before-observed faint comets near the Australia, most of them school children, suf- outings to areas not usually used for riding. Sun, and to check again Einstein's assertion fered permanent damage to one or both eyes as a The junior riders are in a majority at the that starlight is bent by gravitational forces result of looking at an eclipse. corral and have a good safety record as far as when it passes close to the Sun. Example: In the state of Washington, there riding goes. Mostofthe juniors are good riders, Many people will be anxious to watch this were 75 cases of retinal damage suffered by and even the inexperienced can normally control "solar spectacular," especially the youngsters, children during the Sept., 1960 eclipse. their horses. In this connection, we'd like to most of whom will be seeing one for the THERE IS NO SAFE WAY TO LOOK DIRECTLY AT AN reiterate once again: next time you're driving first time. ECLIPSE. Watch for tips on how to view this on your way to the beach and see a group of kids BUT, THIS FASCINATING SIGHT CAN MEAN PER- phenomonen in next week's issues of the Gitmo wave, don't beep your horn. The Rangers will (Continued next column) Gazette. appreciate it. 4 Four THE GITMO REVIEW July 14, 19,1 1- F our THE GITMO REVIEW July 14, 19~ An Editorial sports for which these trophies are presented include bowling, golf, baseball and softball. TOO SOON WE FORGET The regulations and eligibility re-;uirements for these -awards are published from time to time Too ;oon we for-Et. Yes, we are Americans, in the Special Services Newsletter. Because that servin,7 our country in the best way we know, but publication enjoys it is easy to forget why we are only limited distribution, Americans. To- by George Thomson, day we fight a war of ideas, and we could lose BTCS here's a summary of the rules governing eligi- bility for the Navy trophies: if we continue to forget. The day on which we Webster defines the word novices (1) a per- ELIGIBILITY: All naval officers and en- celebrate the birth of this mighty democracy-- son new to a particular activity, (2) an appren- listed men and women, except NROTC and USPA mid- this pillar of freedom in a raging sea of un- tice, (3) a beginner. This is exactly the type shipmen, serving on active duty for rest and chaos--has passed as it does each year, of person your Naval Station Special Services is 90 days or more are eligible. Dependents of all and is all but forgotten until the next year's trying to entice into the world of boxing. eligible In personnel may also apply for the awards (Marine initial burst of fireworks. But, why shouldn't order to initiate Navy and Marine Corps person- Corps personnel and their dependents are not el- every day be one of rejoicing over our freedom? nel into the exciting world of boxing, a Novice igible for BuPers Athletic Achievement'Awards.) Why should November the Fourth or January the Boxing Card will be held Friday, July 26th at BOWLING: Men may apply for a Fourth be any different than July the Fourth? 8 p.m., on Basketball Court #1. It bowling trophy will be open for rolling a "300" game or "700" series Though the phrase might suffer from over-use, only to entrants who have never boxed before, (scratch) in tenpins. Waves must roll a 300 it is nonetheless true that many men have died but would like to. All entrants will be matched game or a three-game series of "600"-(scratch). to make this country free; and that, even now, according to weights. Teenagers and younger Requests should include verification by team- as these words are being written, men still die boys as well are invited to compete. This card mates or opponents plusal official of the bowl- to keep it so. Can we forget the 129 men who will also be open to Cubans and Jamaicans -de- stand a ing alley. lonely vigil on the floor of the Atlan- siring to compete against their own country- tic, 220 miles off the coast of Boston? Can we . GOLF: For a "hole-in-one" on the golf men. course, a Navyman forget the others who have given their lives to may receive a trophy. The All an entrant need furnish will be shorts hole-in-one must be accomplished on a regulation build a strong peace--in Guantanamo Bay, or Viet and either ring or sneaker type footwear, al- golf course (one which hasno more than five par- Nam, or the many other places we, as Americans, though he may compete barefooted should he so three holes out of 18) or on a pitch-and-putt have been called upon to defend the rights of desire. Gloves, headgear, mouth pieces and hand hole more than 200 yards long. Requests should man. No we cannot forget, nor should we ever wraps will be furnished by the Special Services be accompanied by the score card properly at- forget, why we are Americans. Department. Everyone desiring to compete is tested by playing partners and the club profes- CODE OF CONDUCT urged to call 9373. Awards will be presented to sional. all winning fighters. BASEBALL: Baseball pitchers may earn a I am anAmerican fighting man. I serve in the With softball, bowling and golfing in full forces trophy by pitching a no-hit, no-run baseball which guard my country and our way of swing here on the Naval Base at this time, many life. I game (nine innings or more) during regular am prepared to give my life in their de- people have come to me and said, "Hey, Chief, fense. league play. doesn't the Bureau give - a trophy for this, or SOFTBALL: And finally, softball pitchers I will never surrender of my own free will. that?" This is a good question, because the may win a trophy by pitching a perfect game. If in command I will never surrender my men Chief of Naval Personnel does recognize a 300 This is a no-hit, no-run, no-man-reach - base while they still have the means to resist. game in bowling, a hole-in-one in golf, a per- softball performance (seven innings or If I am captured I will continue to resist fect game in softball, more etc. during a regularly scheduled league game. by all means available. I will make every ef- The following is taken -from the June 1963 Softball and baseball requests fort to escape and aid others to escape. I will should in- edition of ALL HANDS Magazine, and very defi- clude an authenticated score accept neither parole nor special favors from sheet, signed by nitely explains the Bureau's sporting awards the umpire in chief. the enemy. system. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep ' All award requests should be forwarded to "Since 1954, Navymen have been awarded tro- the Chief of Naval Personnel faith with my fellow prisoners. I will (G-11) via ur give no phies for individual athletic achievements. The commanding officer." information nor take- part in any action which ---- I might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the uI lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way. When questioned, should I become a prisoner 4.0 of war, I am bound to give only name, rank, ser- vice number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written state- ments disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. I will never forget that I am an American fighting man, responsible for my actions, and dedicated 'to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America. I I Ii i MONDAY: "Twilight Zone". Agnes Moorehead stars in "The Invaders". A story about a woman about WGBY-TV TELE - TIPS JULY 15-21 to face terror that comes to her from the Twi- light Zone, in the form of a one-way ticketto MONDAY WEDNESDAY (cont'd) FRIDAY (cont'd) the stars beyond. 5:15 Sign On - Music 6:10 Sports Roundup 10:00 Issues and Answers TUESDAY: "Biography" is the story about the 5:25 WGBY Bulletin Board 6:20 Noticias en Espanol 10:30 Danny Thomas Duke and, Duchess of Windsor. The story that 5:30 Cartoons 6:30 Air Power 11:00 Tonight Show shook a nation. Edward VIII, the King who gave 6:00 News Parade 7:00 Bonanza up the throne to be with the woman he loved. 6:10 Sports Roundup 8:00 Sea Hunt SATURDAY WEDNESDAY: "Fight of the Week". Kenny Lane, 6:20 Noticias en Esvanol 8:30 Perry Como 9:45 Sign On - Music hard-hitting lightweight, squares off against 6:30 "Question-Air" 9:30 I've Got A Secret 10:00 Steve Canyon Vicente Derado, rising young Argentinean slugger, 7:00 Andy Griffith 10:00 Candid Camera 10:30 Captain Kangaroo in a 10-round bout from Madison Square Garden, 7:30 Willy 10:30 Alumni Fun 11:30 Shari Lewis New York. 8:00 To Tell The Truth 11:00 Fight of the Week 12:00 "Skyliner" THURSDAY: "Wagon Train". Flint assumes the 8:30 Stump The Stars 1:00 Major League Baseball identity of a murdered Spanish gentleman. He ac- 9:00 U. S. Steel Hour THURSDAY Detroit vs. New York quires the dead man's servant and sets off to 10:00 The Big Picture 5:15 Sign On - Music 4:00 True Adventure claim his inheritance and land in Monterey. 10:30 The Twilight Zone 5:25 WGBY Bulletin Board 4:30 Wrestling FRIDAY: "Perry Mason". Accidental murder at 11:00 "Skyliner" 5:30 Cartoons 5:00 Exploring a poker game and ensuing blackmail furnishes a 6:00 News Parade 6:00 Walt Disney complicated and exciting story for Perry Mason TUESDAY 6:10 Sports Roundup 7:00 Rawhide and taxes his resources in its solution. 5:15 Sign On - Music 6:20 Noticias en Espanol 8:00 Password SATURDAY: "Disney Presents". "Sammy the Way- 5:25 WGBY Bulletin Board 6:30 Hearst Metrotone News 8:30 Garry Moore out Seal", Part II. In this concluding chapter 5:30 Cartoons 6:45 Showbase 9:30 Peter Gunn Sammy is in the dog house before emerging as a 6:00 News Parade 7:00 Wagon Train 10:00 Zane Gray Theater hero. 6:10 Sports Roundup 8:00 Science In Action 10:30 All Star Golf SUNDAY: "Dinner with the President". Presi- 6:20 Noticias en Espanol 8:30 Meet The Press 11:30 "To Be Or Not To Be" dent John F. Kennedy is guest of honor at a 6:30 Greatest Drama 9:00 The Untouchables special broadcast featuring a concert of folk SUNDAY 6:45 Showcase 10:00 Jack Paar music and ballet evocative of the American spir- 4:15 Sign On - Music 7:00 Gunsmoke 11:00 "Rogue's Tavern" it of liberty. 4:30 Chapel of the Air 7:30 Joey Bishop FRIDAY Welk 8:00 The Price Is Right 5:00 Lawrence 4:45 Sign On - Music 6:00 College Bowl MAIL THE REVIEW HOME 8:30 Dick Van Dyke 4:55 WGBY Bulletin Board 6:30 World Artists Concert Hall 9:00 Big Story 5:00 Merv Griffin The President Biography 7:00 Dinner With 9:30 5:30 Cartoons 8:00 Ed Sullivan 10:00 Championship Bridge 6:00 News Parade 9:00 200 Century 10:30 Lockup 6:10 Sports Roundup STAMP 11:00 "Search For Danger" 9:30 School Story 6:20 Noticias en Espanol 10:00 Pro Bowlers Tour 6:30 Marx WEDNESDAY Magic Midway 11:15 Expedition Colorado 7:00 My Three Sons 4:45 Sign On - Music 7:30 Dobie Gillis 4:55 WGBY Bulletin Board FOR THE BEST IN VIEING 8:00 Perry Mason IT'S WGBY-TV 5:00 Bat Masterson 9:00 Leonard Bernstein's CHANNEL EIGHT Cartoons 5:30 Young People's Concert 6:00 News Parade