BC Program Credit & Course Guidelines 2011-2012

Program of Program Credit & Course Specific Requirements Study Requirements per semester


UCA 12 UCA semester credits + Argentina:  Intensive early start language program History and Culture course + early  Spanish language course (for students who do not start intensive language course pass placement exam) (earns 1 BC credit)  Argentina: History and Culture course

Di Tella 12 UTDT semester credits + Argenti-  Intensive early start language program na: History and Culture course +  Argentina: History and Culture course early start intensive language course (earns 1 BC credit) Australia Melbourne 50 points Monash 24 credit points Notre Dame 5 courses 1 unit can be at 100 level; rest must be 200 or 300 level units UNSW 24 credits University of 8 units (4 courses) Queensland University of 24 points (4 courses) Western Australia Brazil

PUC-Rio 12-16 PUC semester credits (4 courses  Intensive early start language program minimum) + early start intensive language  Portuguese semester-long language course course Chile

PUC 50 PUC credits (including 3-credit  Intensive early start language program early start intensive language course)  Chilean culture course

Alberto Hurtado 50 UAH credits (including 3-credit  Intensive early start language program early start intensive language course) China HKUST 15 credits minimum

China Studies 15 credits (excluding internship)  6-credit Chinese language course Institute CSOM students that do an internship (unless fluent in Chinese) take 12 credits + 3 credit internship (with CSOM dean approval).


BC Program Credit & Course Guidelines 2011-2012

Program of Study Program Credit & Course Specific Requirements Requirements per semester Denmark

University of 30 ECTS credits  1 Danish language or culture class Copenhagen

CBS 30 ECTS credits  1 Danish language or culture class Ecuador

USFQ 15 USFQ credits  Spanish language class recommended  Iberoamerican Culture and Civilization


BC in Paris (Univ. of Paris IV, 22 ECTS credits at host university (4 clas-  Intensive early start language program Univ. of Paris VII, ICP, ILCF) ses minimum) + BC Art History course +  Art History from Mid-19th to early start intensive French course Mid- (BC course)

BC in Paris (ESCP) 25 ECTS credits at host university (5 clas-  French language course at ESCP ses minimum including French course) +  Art History from Mid- to BC Art History course Mid-20th Century (BC course)

BC in Paris (Univ. of Paris IX) 22 ECTS credits at host university (4 clas-  Intensive French Language ses minimum) + BC Art History course +  Art History from Mid-19th Century to intensive French Language Mid-20th Century (BC course)

BC in Paris (Sciences Po) Fall: 26 ECTS credits (5 classes including  Welcome program French) + BC Art History course;  Art History from Mid-19th Century to Spring: 30 ECTS credits Mid-20th Century (BC course in fall)

University of Strasbourg 15 BC credits (see site coordinator for BC  Intensive early start language program credit conversion information) (as applicable by institution)  BC Writing Course Germany

5 university courses + Munich early start  Early start program in Munich intensive language course (full year students take this in fall only)

WHU Otto Beisheim 30 ECTS credits  German language course Great Britain ASE Bath 4 courses (16 credits) Durham University 120 Durham credits per year Glasgow 60 Scottish credits/30 ECTS credits

Lancaster 4 courses (16 credits)  Fall students: Pre-sessional course LSE 4 courses Liverpool 60 Liverpool credits/30 ECTS credits Queen Mary 60 Queen Mary credits (4 courses) Royal Holloway 30 ECTS credits (4 courses) SOAS 4 courses

UCL 4 courses (16 U.S. credits) 2

BC Program Credit & Course Guidelines 2011-2012

Program of Study Program Credit & Course Specific Requirements Requirements per semester Greece American College 15 credits  Greek language course recommended of Thessaloniki (for beginner & intermediate students) Ireland 3 modules

NUI Cork Fall: 30 ECTS (including early start class)  Early start course (fall) Spring: 25 ECTS credits + BC Celtic Ire-  BC Celtic Ireland course (spring) land course

Trinity College 25 ECTS credits + BC Modern Ireland  BC Modern Ireland course (fall only) course (fall); 30 ECTS credits (spring) NUI Dublin (Arts or Commerce) 25 ECTS credits + BC Modern Ireland  BC Modern Ireland course course (full year students take 30 ECTS in spring) NUI Maynooth 25 ECTS credits + BC Modern Ireland  BC Modern Ireland course course (full year students take 30 ECTS in spring) NUI Galway 30 ECTS credits

Bocconi 4 Bocconi courses + early start inten-  Early start Italian language class sive Italian course

Parma 5 courses  Early start art history program  Italian language course  History of Parma course

Venice (VIU) 5 courses  Italian language course


Sophia Four 4-credit courses  Japanese language course

Waseda 15 credits  Japanese language course Korea Sogang University 15 credits Mexico

Iberoamericana 5 courses  Early start language program Morocco Al Akhawayn 15 credits Nepal

Center for 15 credits  Tibetan/Sanskrit/Nepalese language Buddhist Studies  Theology/philosophy course taught by BC site coordinator


BC Program Credit & Course Guidelines 2011-2012

Program of Study Program Credit & Course Specific Requirements Requirements per semester The Netherlands

University of Amsterdam 30 ECTS credits  Dutch language or culture course

University College Utrecht 30 ECTS credits  Dutch language or culture course


Bergen 30 ECTS credits  Norwegian language/culture course The Philippines

Ateneo de Manila 15 credits Poland

Jagiellonian University 5 courses (30 ECTS credits)  Polish language (for non-native speakers) Singapore

National Institute of Education 15 Academic Units South Africa Rhodes 16 credits Journalism & Studio Art not available Cape Town 72-90 NQF credits (3-4 courses) only 1 course can be taken at 100 level Spain

ESADE 25-30 ECTS credits (min. of 5 classes)  Early Start language course recommended

Pompeu Fabra (UPF) 26-30 ECTS credits including the early  Early Start language course start language course (minimum of 5  BC Multicultural Spain course classes; maximum of 2 HESP courses)

University of Deusto (Bilbao and 26-30 ECTS credits (including the early  Early Start language course San Sebastian) start language course)

BC in Madrid 5 courses + early start language  Early start language course (for non- program native speakers)  Carlos III students must take a se- mester Spanish language class

BC in Granada 5 courses (including the early start  Early start Spanish language course language course)  GRIIS Seminar Sweden

Uppsala 30 ECTS credits  Swedish language or culture course