MiraCosta College / oceanside MAT 155 Graphic Design 2 : Typography TRACINGMin Choi // Fall 2017 ARCHER TRACING ARCHER ARTG106TRACING TYPOGRAPHYARCHER Spring 2017 ARTG106 TYPOGRAPHY Rosemary Rae email:
[email protected] Spring 2017 Rosemary Rae email:
[email protected] INFO ABOUT ARCHERINFO ABOUT ARCHER Archer is a slab serifArcher typeface is designeda slab serif in 2001 typeface by Tobias designed Frere-Jones in 2001 and Jonathanby Tobias Hoefler Frere-Jones for use in and Martha Jonathan Stewart HoeflerLiving magazine. for It was later released by Hoefler & Frere-Jones for commercial licensing. The typeface is a geometric or neo-grotesque slab serif, one with a geometric designuse in similar Martha to sans-serif Stewart fonts. Living It takes magazine. inspiration It was from later mid-twentieth released century by Hoefler designs & suchFrere-Jones as Rockwell. for The face is unique for combining the geometric structure of twentieth-century European slab-serifs but imbuing the face with a domestic, less strident tone of voice.commercial Balls were addedlicensing. to the The upper typeface terminals is on a geometricletters such asor C neo-grotesque and G to increase slab its charm. serif, oneItalics with are truea italic designs, with flourishesgeometric influenced design by calligraphy,similar to ansans-serif unusual feature fonts. for It takesgeometric inspiration slab serif fromdesigns. mid-twentieth As with many Hoeflercentury & Frere- INFO ABOUT ARCHER Jones designs, it was released in a wide range of weights from hairline to bold, reflecting its design goal as a typeface for complex Sweet but not saccharine, earnestmagazines. designs such as Rockwell. The face is unique for combining the geometric structure of twentieth- Archer is a slab serif typeface designed in 2001 by Tobias Frere-Jones and Jonathan Hoefler for but not grave, Archer is designed century European slab-serifs but imbuing the face with a domestic, less strident tone of voice.