i '"i p i THE 1NEW YORK HERALD, MONDAY, MAY 8,__ 1922. 11 1RAYMOND HITCHCOCK AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. | AMUSEMENTS. Actors Equity TWOGERMAN NEW HERE IJohn Barrymore in IN 'THE BEAUTY SHOP 9 AM ERICA'S FOREMOflT THEATRES AND HITS. DIRECTION OF* 1L£E * J. J. 8HUBERT. , Show, Better Than IN THE LIST FOR NEXT SEASON Screen Adaptation Musical Mood WINTER . PPMTIIRV «nt ParkW Kv*.SJO. Comedy CARDEN^r.W,;, Utn 'Unijijilllomt WoV^^v LEVEY r:' MABEL!" stage. skxr WM» ESTELLE WlNWOOD House. ^BB Character. Famous Unless you are In a musical comedy 44. W. of B y. Ev. 8.30. Metropolitan ^HBIBBP^^^Bka. CUIIDCDT Thea.. Will Kuiwll Mark I l)«ininft Giullo Gattl-Casazza, general Tnood and ready to see almost anything AQ-JT n^*rlU DCVl Mat inm Wed. A Sat. 2 20. Arthur Atlrutorlh Ktlrrn Van Blene of the . 1 ' FRANCES TAYLOR THE HOTEL James C. Marlowe Margaret Ihimont ^HjHKy Happen on the screen, this wll1 . PhoneOMrrleaHlJO. Evrs. 8 30. M manager picture MATS. TO-MOWHOW and BATl'KIXV. lUUITC UftUPcJ?. !?. MOIISF. Prettiest Girls In New York » The annual show of the Actors' Equity who will sail for Italy on Company. APITOI..John Rarryinor* In Hook. Lyrics Staged by mine >i u us 110 great snaices. r or 11 li a a,,lh tlr B'y Eve*TTTo. A Music Bertram Harrison aboard the Vw-4HHIHHH Holme*," adapted from WilliamSherlock . MinnaNiwinti Fllintt's'bymore standing with a of mythical European countriesronance AKW",lwnS:;)0. Mats. Wed. 4 Sat. "Kept "RIT7IL \v.48thst.fpSSirS !N(i TOMIGHTiuniuni8 ;io especiallyin Italy, and of I.EE Kl'URL Preterite picked up some $4 0,000 through the France, Germany. 31 ackground the Houses of not so pointed as it might be if it oanu '' William J. after the o '?V affair. Guard, publicity manager with a touch of fog to makerarlialent,it along right presentation ||ANDERBILTf f which is given one "Itupert of Hentzau." it Is the sort o TheADVERTISING ofKATE The show, only ror tne will sail May 13 alx>ard BB W >ok more homelike. Isn't that thrilling; W OPENING THURS. NIGHT, MAY 11 time, was better than ever before, opera, jurlesque in which Hitchcock made lilt A Comedy by ANNIE NATHAN MEYER In itself? to the « > s Mats M W'F.BN KS1IA Y A S\TI'RI> A V since all the acts were new. A the Orblta for Hamburg, and after nough Add that fact bcreen dehut nearly a decade ago as a rrurnva 'i-t>-< AT1N FfK.W cially eape; in ore t Thur* ,M»t.. 2 "O. MllntUlTel. Itrv. T,KM. H -vat Barry Is wearing lie shooting Mack Sennet pig expert. His methods Hawthorn tloUKhbm. ver, regardless of whether you suspect A IT.AY <1K linilTlllDTDC new to New York: Frances Alda Mary Mellish tl lie static about this photoplay, for the ntrUDLIUKvB 8:.m MtH.Wed ft Sat. 2 30. Mats Wednesday Saturday. 2:30. 'o.(n) "Anlma Allegra," libretto by Giuseppe Grace Anthony Alice Miriam,, ~...... "LA wag dismissed with a few kindly words I.ucrezla Boil Nina Morgana M BELLE AVENTURE" the - Adami based on the comedy ny Cora Chase Olteln e asy to demonstrate on the screen as New German Fil mHas Strik S,~- of advice from Helen Ware. Angeles \ u wv W-»rilw«y. Ev».8:30 f BIJOU T.h,'a-A'?ti Tne made its annua! obeisance brothers Quintcro, music by Franco Ellen- Dalossy Frances Peralta IEinstein's theory. Hohnea'a greatest nnnnnsn I Ih» lies! Musical i omcuy In aoun Mats W rdnesday At Saturday 2:30. Equity Vlttadini. Yvonne P'Arle May Petersonf in the occurs ing Mass Effects. to Bard of Avon this year with three eat of analysis picture EV»S 8:30 * . the "Mona libretto by Beatrice Florence Easton Itosa 1'onselle he that his friend rntLITIMCPWEHT42DHT. Stl.WYN THCATRK, W. 42 St.' famous and varied wooing scenes from Lisa," Minnie Romalno chen concludes I I inut\||,ls Wed.ft Hat.2:30. | 5 DOVER Egenei Margaret I .NT It A I,."Lady (Jodlva,** n Wistaria BARNEY BERNARD and ROAD of which the most Dowsky, music by Max Schillings. Hlta Fomla Lenora Hparkes ® has resumed the practice of medl-V/tilon Hv A. A. AIII.NE, with fliie fUCDDV Shakespeare, the production, with lleddn Vernon, Lj|ijm ALEXANDER CARR in wrlMi. LrlCrfn I was from done by In addition there will be Aniellta Galli-Curcl Marie .Suudelius Oine, that his wife Is away and that he j^iiyi'ityji Dlr.of Outbrle Mct'llntlc that "Henry V.," charming Mario Jorlt/.a Marie Tiffany by I.ord Tennyson's poem.suggested a now comedy revivals: ^ as shifted his dresser from one side of h Irene Bordoni, Ernest Glendtnnlng and followingSusanne Keener Another German has come to "PARTNERS AGAIN" BOOTHI n with "llomeo et Juliette." by Gounod. ^ he room to another.truly a picture /DUU Maf, Wed & s«t 2 30. Helen Mackellar, Margaret unu * uninniv. "est on those shores. will not creatt W'.42dSt.Kv«i.at8:30 nyNfonlamioCilassAiJulcsKckertdoodmai Milne'* New -THE "Thais." by Massenet. .Iirzzo-nuifmnoi ^ hit of ratiocination, even if It It IWBTIMF^limed <(i Comedy as an imposing chorus. A most Mnttfeld marelousthe furor aroused the foi lYfl »V Mt#.Thurs.4S*t.2 30 ' k,l'ric sKvs %'J 10.Ml.s Wd.4Si CtNnHiRherJ Wycherly "L/Afrlcaine," by Meyerbeer. Cecil Arden Marie aeans nothing In the story. It is quite by early ones, Adolph K lauber'st ireut lilt pulsating bit, though impressively Grace Bradley Margaret Matzenauer the have had to strain a fljl Mystery from "William Tell," by Rossini. Flora I'erlnl tt liraculous what the famous sleuth can adapters poinl IK? BLAYDS long, was the funeral passage over*, Julia Claus-en to make it for Yankee With O. with Walker Whiteside "Rosonkavalier," by Richard Strauss. Kayinonde I it-launois Myrtle Schaaf dliseover through a misplaced button ready EUGENE O'NEILL'S great P. HEGGIEund . "Richard III.," It lias the Teutonic 4 AI.EXAXHB* CARLISLE "Tannhauser," by Wagner. Jeanne Gordon Mario Telva r so. typical consumption. and Florence Reed feeling the pulse of Henrietta Wakefield of mass but the rafflfena success, THE HAIRY APE" Mr. Gnttl also announced the engage- Kathleen Howard scenes the of tha effects, continuit)banning It, ijets Mts.Thurs.. Sat. the drama. Pedro de Cordoba was Tn the final pace is at times A. really you.".World. World, mo Br»adhurnt,44St.Kv.S:20..41 h .\Ionth--THE MUSICAL TKIt'MPH Tenors. I( after been jerky, and then again j HIiowk for 1 i'ricf.".Krg. P I y Ut h\v. 45th. Evts. 8:45. in "The Tempest," and somehow ngthy picture, having until it seems as if a eloquentwhom have won European reputations: Paul Althouse Orvllle Harrold at the start, with a reefoverelaborates01 Matinees Thurs. & Satufdat/, 2:45. Mark Antony's prophecy over the dead Pletro Audlsio Morgan Kingston tepid develops somerhatso could be taken in It. sec Barbara Kemp, Delia J"1ash that leaves the and the MARJOLAINE^ of Julius Caesar got into this Sopranos.Mmes. Bada Giovanni Martinelll spectator nosr .-.Ai-Avc. srtev £v£» body Elizabeth Angelo It has the celebrated ride which pul \ 4-d HI Twice tion. but it was well worth it as Reinhard and Rethberg, Mario Chamiee George Meailer y< reen characters almost speechless, Godiva A ft#4l I Daily. Diaz Giordano Paltrlnlerl ;r. work in Lady into the school books. Ir by William Farnum. declaimed singers. GermanRafaelo j lie adapter hardly has time addition It has much Mezzo-sopranos.Mmes. Ina Benlamlno Gigll Manuel Salazar subtitle while figures scurry about, plotting and g*mst 41st ST.. W. of B Y. "Babes on Broadway," conceived by plotting centering around the youngcounter 1 AM AMM Joseph Santley, who played one of the and Sigrid Onegin. Bourskaya Barytones. -] he adapter has shown more courage iftWARF Brv. 1564. Eva. 8:30. and Thomas Chalmers Louis Rosza .1 irchitect whom she loves and the 9 ' babes, with Jay Sawyer as the other, Tenors Giacomo Lauri-Volpi inn Conan Doyle possessed, for he Mata. Wed. & S«t. " Kurt Taucner. Louis P'Angelo Tltta Ruffo the Duke of Mercia, who forcestreacherousher t< Luamidniaa'JI ( Most Entertaining Plcturconllway."-Times gave an to introduce stars his hero off in end. maries opportunity Bassos and Bender. Giuseppe I>antse Carl Schlegel of the narry him and who spends much of his of such musical shows as "Marjolaine," Barytones.Paul Giuseppe Pe Luca Antonio Scottt There is none of the delineation time in There is much Michael Bohnen and Gustav Robert Leonhardt Clarence Whitehlll 0 the character, glowering. "The Blue Kitten," "For GtfDdr.oss Sake,' ccentric side of except fighting, but the love is not and Schutzendorf.Millo Picco Renato Zanelll j.hat Rarrymore certainly looks a hit making spirted , "Music Box Revue," "Tangerine" Reschilian luite so vivacious. Miss Hedda Vernor NEW YORK'S LEADINtS T HIEATRE3 AND SUCCESSES Mr. Gattl also has engaged Miss Vinceuzo when he runs. Perhaps for ; "Good Morning, Dearie." Bassos. xtravagant bears too sophisticated a look for s rmmnrRil Queena Mario, soprano: Mr. Edward Ills reason the weird personage of the (MPIRP is"way it 40 St. 8:20 "One Minute Each." arranged by medieval she * l«t Evenings Johnson, tenor, and Mr. Edmund Burke, Paolo Ananlan Pompilio Malatesta reh fiend. stands out more taive, girl, but goes wel 1 Matinees Wed. & Sat. at 2:20 NEW AMSTERDAM MMat Knight, allotted that time Pcrcivalfor Feodor Chaliapln Jose Mardonea Moriarty, with the massive, striking sets. MM VHEATP'r?l,lI f * f £ATLf8£ PlLtrSi J (\1e" 4 Mlalr. Mark I- Jlolly, l-'lo 'THE CZARINA'" &. Brox Sisters, Herbert CortheW. Duncan Hammed & GEORGE T. HOOD Presents and Lucille Taylor, three AmericanRegallGiuseppi Ban.boscheck Louis Hasstlinans < haraoter goes. Gustave Seyftertltz gets SALES BY AUCTION, ORik^tI & Ollta Walters, lluld^UUIAUUI11RFRTV Sv KMT 42d ST! Ergs. iit h 20 FIRST TIME IN NEW YORK Sisters, Ray and Gordon Dooley, Ma nun, Summers Duo. kl Dun I I sopranos, and Italo Picchl, basso, also Artur Bodanzky Gennaro I'api onorable mention as this modern Into, W« andand been l.euls 4 I tody. J. kT Knimett TO Nan Fred have engaged. Assistant Conductors. a villain for villainy's sake, and makes rnfn >,l,rv K- and other-.. f A ¥\ 1170 IHelenHayes Young. Halperln, Hlldebrand, Miss Mario, soprano, is a New KMIMi * Kyan John Henshaw, the Lockfords, Florence Queena Fausto Cleva Paul Klslerll ilm the Mr. Hyde counterpart to ETHEL CLAYTON in iOtto Kramer RUSSIAN with success Wilfrid Pelletier MM*rlll THELAUIEiiJ - York girl, who has sung Rlccardo Dellera n makes GRC0MPANYRA Dr. Roland Young I Moore, Elizabeth Murray, Andrew Mack, Carlo Edwards Alesuandro Scuri Jekyll. Barrylore's THE DEFENSE" 100 ARTISTS. BALLET KU8SK. with the Ran Carlo company for several is silence felt even 011 the screen as WtA86ftAVj| "FOR SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. ETC. Rene Riano, Fred Stone, Charles . III She Is a sister of Mrs. Bernard Chorus Master.Gluilo Settl. * C. Morton & Co., Leonard ^I^LYCIlMm DIRECTOR and Ward. wereWin"ln years. Technical Siedle. ~)r. Wntaon, though he hardly fits one's r "AUCTION RAAMS IKVnHHJiLM. Haskell. Jas. LEO KKDEROFF ninger Solly They S. Van Rensselaer of 118 West Director.Edward Wlllard, I.orey FRINCHl Hussalk,, t reduced Stage Director.Samuel Thewmati. !lmage of that beef ar.d teerv jj VlollilB&v Mitchell, others. VKKA T.MT.Wl TO-NIGHT ..UrRMAin" by by George Arliss, Richard street, who was Miss Rose m EDWARD P O RE.ILLY Auc-riowgga, I wknllCifl Etta Vi IstTlmellere nflCnlVIRIU Itargomirsky Barthelmess, Barney Bernard, Frank FiftyseventhStage Manager.Armando Agnlnl. h Miss Carol Dempster makeshlunderu'ss.Miss tltViMlMIKDUN In "THE GOOD PRO A>lfJ kI B^J>OLLlJ To-m'w "Tsar's Bride": Wed Tlllotson.Premiere Danseuue and Ballet Mistress. r'aulkner sweet Alice. KAUIvinKK." Nile. "Pique Craven, Joseph Cawthorne. Crpighton very, very - E\st 59- Street dci \Nrst 44lit ft llinif"; Tbnrs.. "Boris Goudonov"; Frl.. Edward Johnson was formerly with Rosina Galli. Doul? Wolheim. Alberr I15and7 (At5-Avi>J DCLA«vUitfn Kvcninxs S 20 "I'ugen Onegln": Sat. Mat.. "Ilemon": Hale, Taylor Holmes, John E. Hazzard. and Ballet Master.Ottokar Bartlk. Denny, Roginld Telephones Plaza S444-540S >A< K WIIXOM, HAjJfcROllKHT Matinees Thurs. A Mat 20 the Chicago Opera Company E Hedda ItolfliUS \ MVKHS, "Ml" I'lrle's as Sat. Night."Snegurotichkn" (Snow Maiden' Harry Kelly, James T. Powers Ernest well Premier Danseur.Giuseppe Bonfiglio. Iruning, Dumsdpn Hare, Hopper, IMJIIBlli CO., BERNARD |ier(nrmanre KIUI Is Burke is a Canadian who is Edmund Solo Danseuse.Florence Rudolph and Lilian J"'crclval Knight. David Torrenr.e. Robert Sell at MAUREEN ENGI.IN. GRACE he nto«l flnUhMl ptn r of at tiliK <>( the Truex, De Wolf Hopper, Raymond known here on the concert stage. Will Auction HfiflSTTSl THE WONHEIl ACT. season." Heywood llrnun. and Wallace Eddinger. Hitchcock Ogden. j 'ische,- and John Wiiiard aic some of |PABKAlEXI-litIP OAVIL) BE I.ASCO Presents EARL CARROLLI^^JFS "The Carnival of Dance" presented t he stars in a cast that is top heavy Joseoh Cawltiorn and I.llllnn Lorraine in i'ith talent. Miss Peggy Ray field looks To-Day To-Morrow enore Koklne and Fokina, Mile. Marguerite at 10 10 AM! Pictures I i = l * ii =m u k * d =L«I and Frank Gill, Rutli Page and CTiester «o charming. c\en with tho Alps to Paramount ULRICasKIKI Constance Binney 4Beyond the Rocks' one's attention, that one wishes disractshe the entire contents SWANSON Hale, Frances Grant and Ted Wing and I GLORIA PD17CC West 4 J St. Evening. at K tn jI the Sixteen Sunshine Girls. tad been killed off more leisurely. of the »!"" in "BEYOND THE ROCKS" Good Morninc dearie rnfttct M.,ts W«diM*day mm Sat, 2 "> I Takes Lead Elinor Is lUvolt Concert Or.-hea.tra Musiril Comedy g*W ARC K vgs S 2.1. Mts. Rivniat «0 *». " By Glyn PRIVATE RESIDENCE Sensation at tile Again nnpirws' at thk stiiavo. Et and Sat. HAYES TO ASSIST HAYS. BEAUTY SHOP" tiKOffilltU THE \TKB. B'Wajr. 43 St. The Strand this week retains D. W. The Home of the Late "The M. OUn«n 50c to V) THEIII6HTCRLLT'^ Vote Thrilline Film Ilit.-hcock Mta.Wed Aflat. 12 in Film Star cirifflth's of the Tltnn wltli Raymond Kni'-kprborkar, B'Way, SMI St. Former Assistant to Secretory p picture, "Orphans RIALTOSquare Famous Rlalto Orchestra. ED. "The Perfect Fool" / V M R .10. POP. MAT. H KI) .10 itorm." Parker R. Whitcomb WYNN, m linker Joins Movie Head. r BULLDOG DRUMMOND Adventure Dominates Photo B. S. Moss's Cameo has "His Sale Will Be Held I JT^CiUBTYjS&Kg Last 8 Times lv[rJ^Ty with A. E. MATTHEWS Cleveland. Ohio, May 7..Ralph Edward Earle Wins First Place \ Wife," an adaptation hy PyramidHus>and's WANAMAKER AUDITORIUM j Hayes of this city will assist Will H. son iPictures of Anna Katharine Green's ON THE PREMISES :;iO and 3 P. M. \V. 44 St Ath Plav With Gloria Swan Kacli duy this week at 1 HITWtON.W«il. and Sat. H IHVIlinMONTH Hays, president of the Motion Picture Anions: the Men With rtovel, "The Mayor's Wife," in which WCW&kisssil? Mats. J" Producers and Distributors of America, as the Heroine. f*etty Biythe once more shows that she No. 161 WEST 72D ST. CLAVILUX.The Color Organ J "during the period of his organizational 4.005 Ballots. !1 s developing the power to look human at 10:30 A. M. at tho Keyboard MADC1* RUTH DONNcLLY U.h. RUBICON! work," according to an announcement _____ vrith emotion in a crisis. Huntley Gor- THOMAS WILFRED cast or ooham comowms w \Vdh VIOI.ET HKMISd. e Monday and Free made here Arthur Carew and George Tuesday, | Admission to-night. 1(1 vol.I.Mis* Gloria Swannon In Kllnor ion, Kaweett ham h. iuhki)P ATTRACTION* Mr. Hayes was secretary and later 'J* upport her In making this a mystery assistant to Newton D. Baker when the r Glyn*s "Beyond the Itocks," with Ho- that will stand well In the HARRIS ; Valentine, directed Sam ' day up May 8th and 9th Mat*. WKD.ft«S«CIJawl Sat SUHtOJ UI/I ; latter was Secretary of War. He now of the Leaders. dnlph by rush of such plays to the brain R. S. Moss Pyramid Pictures present CYLINDER LOVE" ^ Standing Scenurlo Jack Cunningham. curent '< is assistant to F. H. Goff. president of Wood. by f the theatergoer. I BETTY BLYTHE in CORT WALLACE EDDINGER and MARY NASH a local bank, which has granted him a There are several astonishing things CAMFA * ACTRESSES. VHmCU "HIS WIFE'S HUSBAND" Matinees Wednesday; jri A Nrw leave of absence. Tn asking the consent Votes. Kllnor latest effort to lend and at i.riDTAIIll/MilMin APPI FJArW" 'nnnviy by Glyn's about | 4"J, n'r B'way. Open 9:45 A. M..Pop. Trices Saturday L'.'tt). Hrri.CilMI»fV WalN-r Ha.'kntt * of Mr. Goff to the arrangement Mr. Constance 20,440 Hays Binney 15,280 a helping hand to the movies. The fact I «K»IX«; a said he sought Mr. Hayes's services Btllie Burke MUSIC BOX Madge Kennedy 14..">04 that the young heroine is married to a W. 4.">th Sr. H I Bl KMN'S «l|f«* e Vine, oths. H/STOHYWEXPOSITION 1 Negotiations are under way with a proml Hope Hampton 2,412 nent English producer for th« Mary Anderson 2,278 A little reflection might have shown Profitable presentation of "The Rose of now In Clara Kimball Young 2,182 him that she would be a very Consistently J Stamboul," lt« third . 2.108 FASH* month at the Century, In London early next Viola Dana person to be tied to for life. It D. w. GRIFFITH'S I spring. Shirley Mason 2,08.1 distracting 2.000 would be dangerous, for instance, when 'Orphans of the Storm' m Tills week's attraction at the Shubert Pearl Shephard with I i TRANIJ Strand Symphony Orrh. ?PWo,iffWPrrnx walking Innocently along the street SaiarkB'ytlT.lt Rlvlcra Is Miss Blllle Burke In "The ACTORS. com 11%/TAjJUMIUU a to near a mate 8trangers," Booth Tarkington's eomIntli Edward Earle 4,00.7 such wife let her venture edy In whleh sho had a run at Henry Tom Mix 3,97:5 coal hole. How would the Immaculate rc rnDDADATlAM Theater. Miller'sLarry Sen ion 3.128 Itodolph Valentine look dragging his fair PREMIER v-vixi ui\n i lull JOHN BARRYMORE id TO-NIGHT at 8 all The Will Rogers 2,881 PRODUC' pAPIiniI rtl II V/L "MIKIIMH'k HOI MF.V Milo Round Table Club will attend 2,70.1 lady out of a coal chute? One shudders, Thereafter 1 to 11 p. performance of "The Hotel Mouse"tonight'sCharlie Chaplin The first time Hrstor meets j B'way at 31 St. Copltol Grand Orch. I Daily M. THIS at the Bhnbert In honor of Taylor Holmes, Jackie Coogan 2..108 very Office 1451 Broadway who Is a member of the organization. William Farnum 2,148 the sight apparently provesTheodoratoo MADIS()N WEEK I The cast of "The Goldfish." In which Miss \ much for her, for she tumbles into the "FOOLISH WIVES" M ftnous. lftaViW Wl SO. GARDEN [ I Marjorle Ramheau Is starring at Maxlne water. He obliges by pulling her out. A Mad. Ave. Written,directed h\* featuring nt*c* JeNRVIV -f jCINTILLAT1NCA&H.AX, Elliott's Theater, will listen to a She hands him a narcissus. After that )ril N RO II K I M. recital the radiophone Miss Constance Binney took the lead 18th, 1922. PLAZAA .'Oth Bt V_n SJT of play this afternoon In the ulmnat anvthinir miirlil he exneCtOil to of fires of the theater's electrician. Lester away from Miss Blllie Burke yesterday 6" yGownedGirlsOfwousl Carpenter, In the basement of the playhouse. in the motion picture star popularity happen. It docs.they fall In love. But If secret, for. unfortunatelv, The New York H<:rald, OLID MlL& i "Rlossom Time" will begin the ninth month contest for the benefit of the Association they keep Of of Its engagement to-night at the for Improving the Condition of the Poor. the girl has had to marry the wealthy SMAJ(TEXHIBITS Theater. Ambassador third old blighter to save father and the 280 Broadway. SAT.T, "Bull Prummond" Miss Madge Kennedy remained In >WS,BANDS,FREE ACTS Dog at the with Miss Plckford fourth, aunts from penury, as well the faithful LUNAOPENSBUZB OF OIORY will begin the twentieth weekKnlckerbockerof its place, Mary Gentlemen: COStY ISLAND D FEATVRE.S GALOREr New York engagement Marion Davles fifth and Miss-Julia old family mortgage. ]t Is an Klinor to-night. Mies in every "Good Morning Dearie" at the Globe will lloyt (Mrs. Lydlg Hoyt) sixth. Olyn story, you see, complete BENEFIT MASONIC begin Its twenty-seventh week in New York The race between the women star* detail. The Premier Products PARK to-night. Then the falls off an with AX£f'NOW OPKN. FREE HOSPITALS seems to have settled down to these six, girl Alp PALISADESOpp. W. 130th St. Ferry. Miss Kstelle Wlnwood will resume Hcctnr conveniently near, evidently to tion has run an Wanted" Free Circus. Fireworks. Band Concerts. next week although there were persistent reports Corporaagents for the two matinee rehearsals test her lover's constancy. He obliges of Dostoievsky's "The Idiot."performanceswhich that a large number of ballots was ad in Sund; issue of The will be to-morrow for again, being still a glutton for every ay ~ given by Reginald Pole at the Little in either to-day or wnn.osK Theater on May IB and 18. comingstar punishment. New York Herald for the of DANCE AND DINE. ~~~~~~1 Miss Norma Talmadge. Another * a - , .. _.. . when there is some real period TOMOR. in mun wuirn will open at the to to the front Is Ill the end. MAY CARNIVAL : 5* vr' (' Theater who Is expected forge In a nt- one a nd Co.. av. I2dSt. Tel. 2370 Bryant ITIFS.) NIGHT mnvlch Village to-morrow night. Miss Hampton. shooting and peril very graphic about year, your records Kendall MOTION PICTURES STAR V /. na Kfofe Eileen Stanley with the New York Symphony Orchestrasoloist H. E. Nason of l Howard A Sadler Mae Murray .V Mary Tburtnan I'hllr.drlphla. Baltimore and Washington. Mr. said that thus for suits for the balai of this yearrence Colore* Ca*alnelll I loyrl Hamilton Harry IMIfer H|.aiding will feature s new concerto for ballots, yesterday associated mainly with Wallace Held In have been cast. As each Woodmansten Inn Herbert C'orthel Johnny Illne* 1/iiTtl.i McDcrmott violin by a noted Italian composer that 200.794 votes her climb to now has Valentino from the ad in The New V<>rk * fame, has never been heard In this country. vote represents 10 this means that H. II numalde, Slave Manager. centst helping her to popularity by lending as b us as Pclham Parkway Kddle Cantor. Court Jester. Miss Dolores Rousse will arrive to-day $20,079.40 has been raised from her his ears, nose, &<. Despite this Herald will be eneficial to n r r TIIK Ot'FKN t'K THE scillBEN f'ROWNKD. from Bos Angeles to be one of the Ziegfcld for the poor of New York. The it AL JOCKERS X I* TIIK. KING "I I'll n RK.8 KNTH ROMCD. ballotingshift. Miss Hwanson'a bewildering hac. rlnrincr WtiLI < s bead!ted In the new "Follies." Hhe was fc> the eleven llll.tiKST IF TIIK CTTt FROI.H'S funds from the May carnival, the voting of gowns still clings to her. past and Hit Versatile Orchestra selected after she won a prtxe In a take at wardrobe AND IT IS GIVEN FOR T HK l*<>< >R OF NEW YORK. beauty contest on the coast. newspapercontest and the ball to plare aside from a development InHowever.her months. .1 O S F. r H I.. P A N I Po*e« all aoltl. «e ai\ . "The Red Geranium" will have its first the Hotel Astor next Tuesday evening emotional powers, she displays a A«*ml«*lon SHI. Table atlng ma> at III he aerureri. Mn, W K performance at the Princess Theatre the A. I. C. P., |LsSi^MMMiBBMM8Bsda5giliiiii^»--^3 n !mii> »l I It Wrta. I i:«ii Mfti at. Phono are to be distributed by advance in her art when tremendousshe I'ln/ii 10,124. On *ulo linn T>»on'« unit Mi llrlrte'a. tonight.of which Cornelius N. Bliss In president. falls Into the water and emerges.with PREMIER PROlDUCTS CORP. Because of s slight operation Miss of motion fans turned from her Tr»vel«ri'Cn.,20W.34th.T*l.2472-Penn*rlvanla. ; Tl rrose Duncan has postponed until Novem- Crowds picture all the mareelle wave gone out early yesterday morning for tha hair. This is truly The By A. E. Sheridan, President. the of unprecedented. music which she wan to have given, with Midnight Show, given for poor picture has some finely photographed CONAN DOYLE S LAST WORD"s ON SPIRIT m MM I IMITATION I Metek Volk at Carnegie Mall, on Friday, New York, at the Palace Theater, scenes, and no doubt will be Mn.v' 19. through the courtesy of E. F. Atbce. \ 11 1 DIVA TO TIIOI #AM>H OK HK.Qt'KMTS I * popular. tremendously With the performance to-night Balloff's Eddie Cantor introduced the stars and Buster Keaton In "The Paleface" and WORLDS V I SIR A R T H U R Ohouvo-Souri* at the I Forty-ninth Street kept the crowds laughing from start to Flotow's "Alessandro Stradella" Place AH Your Want Ads in enter* the final four week* ofThree.."It* who wera DINNER \ first bill. A new bill, now In rehearsal, finish. Among those appeared as well ns solos by Mary Fabianoverture /BEST wilt he presented Monday, June Because Miller and Lyle, from "Shuffle Along"; and Marjorle Peterson are ready to be f nhcarsal* the Chauvo-Hourla will abandon Slssie and Blake, De Wolff Hopper, served. CONAN DOYLE tt* Thursday matinee for the remainder of I Howard and Sadler, Herbert Corthell, the original bill. |ENTERTAINMENTAMI fiRII | MX* ( ONxKNTKO TO OKI IV*:n a seventh i.rcn ni: on I Hmllln' Billy Mason, the White sisters, MME. EMMA CALVE TO SAIL. ItONRKOOM i. Miss Adele Astalre, who was out of "For Nora Bayes. Paul THE NEW RK 1:«(l P. M. Ni.lt p. M. M "THE NEW RtEVELATION" William Kent, YO HERALD I Sake" at Goodness /the I.yrlc Theater for Sam Bernard, 'Mme. Emma Calve sails for Europe on at eral day* last week, returns to the cast Florence Hedges. Frawloy, to- night. Constance Hlnnoy, Johnny Hlnes and the France Wednesday. May 10. She 280 BRCMiDWAY AT CARNEGIE HALL, WEDNESI3AY EVENING. MAY 10, at 8:30 I Joseph SchlMkraut, who is on his Nan Halperln. All won great applause. will spend the summer at her home In umc way of Kbeaux-arts/ When he will give a res of his entire subject I to Chicago to continue his road tour In Final plans for the May carnival bull the Cevennes district France, and 80 W 40 si "Llllom," has renewed his contract with will be completed to-da.v. B. H. to this country In October. Shereturn Wtjrth / \ with fresh examples a ncf new spirit pictures. I the Theater Guild for nnother two years. be the director and Is even this booked for next Telephone 10,000 Tl.c first play In which he will nppear will stage Humside early heavily TICKETS 51<- to $2.50 Plus T« NOW ON SA1 F. AT CARNEGIF. HALL BOX OFFICE for this organisation neat year will be P. Day will act as master of ccrc-,Josephseason, both In reeltal and appearances EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT U K KKKIHCR, 431 FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK < Ihaan's "Pfcer Gynt." monies, | with orchestra. IE
