JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKBOOKSSSS ··· 178178178 Los Angeles / Encinitas, California Wings of Imagination Catalogue 178 Muhammad Ali said, “The man who has no imagination has no wings.” The noted writer Zora Neale Hurston is described as one who rode on the “wings of imagination.” This is everything in both science and life. Here is a selection of books that celebrates man’s thought relating to the sciences. One of the most inspired was Newton. My copy of Newton’s Opticks, 1704, is traced to its original owner Dr. Charles Bernard, himself a member of the Royal Society, the book was sold at auction in 1711, reappeared in Edinburgh and bound for the university. The book was given as a student prize by Dr. Philip Kelland, also a Fellow of the Royal Society. Eventually the copy found its way to Washington [D.C.?] by 1915. Again it disappears until 1966 when it was owned by the bookseller Jake Zeitlin. There is nothing so inspiring to a collector than an important book, especially one with a history. Books bring one closer to inspiration, and that allows the mind to soar. 2014 [www.WEBERRAREBOOKS.COM] With more than 10,000 antiquarian books in the fields of science, medicine, Americana, classics, books on books, world travel and fore-edge paintings. Photos by e-mail on request. Our inventory is available for viewing by appointment. Terms are as usual. Shipping extra. RECENT CATALOGUES: 174: Visions of Scientific Imagination (303 items) 175: Medical Cabinet (152 items) 176: Revolutions in Science (469 items) 177: Sword & Pen (202 items) COVER: 830 Isaac Newton Jeff Weber J E F F W E B E R R A R E B O O K S PO Box 3368, Glendale, California 91221-0368 TELEPHONES: office: 323 – 344 – 9332; cell: 323 333-4140 FAX: 323-344-9267 e-mail:
[email protected] 773.