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Publisher's Note PUBLISHER’S NOTE World Political Innovators proles some of the most in- The text of the essays is divided into the following: novative political leaders from around the world The Early Life provides facts about the individual’s individuals have been selected for their dedication to upbringing and historical context their country By studying the lives of these inuential Life’s Work, the heart of the article, consists of individuals, researchers will gain new points of refer- a straightforward, generally chronological, ac- ence and a deeper understanding for how each of them count of how the individual gained recognition, changed history, for better or worse emphasiing their most signicant endeavors, achievements, and failures SCOPE OF COVERAGE Sidebars explore a specic political party or World Political Innovators features biographies of group that the individual identied with individuals who have had a signicant inuence on the Personal Life includes post-achievement activi- global political landscape since the 40s Biographies ties or positions, family life, and topics of gen- represent a strong multi-ethnic, cross-gender focus n eral interest addition to historical signicance, leadership sills, and Further Reading provides a starting point for patriotism, you will discover that many of the proled additional research political leaders demonstrated new and different ways of thining for the time in which they lived, often im- SPECIAL FEATURES pacting today’s political landscape ur criteria also in- Several features distinguish this series from other bio- cluded the individual’s appeal to high school and under- graphical reference wors The bac matter includes the graduate students, as well as general readers following aids, appendices, and indexes: Annotated Timeline presents a comprehensive ESSAY LENGTH AND FORMAT list of milestone events in the evolution of poli- Each biographical essay averages 4,000 words in length tics since the 40s and offers standard reference top matter: Party Website Directory for maor political The name by which the individual is best nown parties Birth and death dates, followed by locations of Geographical Index lists political innovators by those events as available the country where they had the most impact olitical partys or groups that the individual Index provides a detailed A-Z list of political has been afliated with gures, parties, etc Synopsis of the individual’s historical political importance, and why he or she should be studied Salem ress would lie to extend its appreciation to all today involved in the development and production of this wor ix FM_Innovators in World Politics_Vol_1.indd 9 7/28/16 10:03 AM World Political Innovators Gerry Adams GERRY ADAMS Irish Political Leader Born: October 6, 1948; Belfast, Ireland Group Af¿liation: Sinn Féin Political Party INTRODUCTION 7KH,ULVK5HSXEOLFDQ$UP\DQGLWVSROLWLFDOZLQJ6LQQ )HLQ ³2XUVHOYHV$ORQH´ LQ ,ULVK ZKLFK OHG WKH 5H- SXEOLFRI,UHODQGWRLWVLQGHSHQGHQFHIURP*UHDW%ULWDLQ HDUOLHULQWKHFHQWXU\ZHUHUHERUQDVWKH3URYLVLRQDO ,5$ DQLOOHJDOHQWLW\ DQG3URYLVLRQDO6LQQ)HLQ QRZ OHJDO LQ1RUWKHUQ,UHODQGRU8OVWHUZKHQWKHFXUUHQW SKDVHRI³WKH7URXEOHV´EHJDQLQWKDWSURYLQFHRIWKH 8QLWHG.LQJGRPLQ*HUU\$GDPVZKRZDVERUQ LQWRUHSXEOLFDQDFWLYLVPLQ%HOIDVWVSHQWVHYHUDO\HDUV GXULQJWKHVLQWHUQHGZLWKRXWWULDOLQWKHFDXVHRI DQ ,UHODQG XQLWHG DQG IUHH RI %ULWLVK FRORQLDOLVP 7R- ZDUGWKHHQGRIWKDWGHFDGHKHDQGRWKHU\RXQJQRUWK- HUQ 3URYLVLRQDOV EHJDQ WR GLVSODFH WKH ROGHU 3URYR OHDGHUVKLSZKLFKKDGFRPHFKLHÀ\IURPWKH5HSXEOLF WRWKHVRXWK,QWKHHDUO\V$GDPVPRYHGIURPWKH YLFHSUHVLGHQF\WRWKHSUHVLGHQF\RIWKHSDUW\ZKLFKKH VWLOOKROGV)URPWRKHZDVWKHPHPEHURI 3DUOLDPHQWIRU:HVW%HOIDVWZLWKRXWHYHUDFWXDOO\WDN- LQJKLVVHDWLQWKH+RXVHRI&RPPRQVDW:HVWPLQVWHULQ *HUU\$GDPV NHHSLQJZLWKWKHUHSXEOLFDQUHIXVDOWRVZHDUDQRDWKRI OR\DOW\WRWKH%ULWLVK&URZQ $V WKH PRVW YLVLEOH RI WKH LPSODFDEOH IRHV RI WKH in Belfast, the capital of County Antrim and of Northern %ULWLVKSUHVHQFHLQ1RUWKHUQ,UHODQG$GDPVLVUHJDUG- Ireland itself. Northern Ireland is also known as Ulster, HGLQVRPHTXDUWHUVDVDQDSRORJLVWIRUWHUURULVPHYHQ although it comprises only six (Antrim, Armagh, Down, WKRXJK KLV LQÀXHQFH ZLWKLQ UHSXEOLFDQLVP DSSDUHQWO\ Fermanagh, Tyrone, and Londonderry, called Derry by ZHLJKV LQ IDYRU RI SROLWLFDO VROXWLRQV DQG DJDLQVW GH- republicans) of the nine counties making up the historic SHQGHQFHRQPLOLWDU\DFWLYLW\DORQH,QDGGLWLRQWRKLV province of Ulster. Irish history (which for Adams be- FRQWURYHUVLDOSROLWLFDOUHSXWDWLRQKHKDVHDUQHGUHFRJ- gins with the rise of Celtic civilization in the fourth and QLWLRQIRUWKHZULWLQJWKDWKHGRHVLQKLVZRUGV³MXVW following centuries), and especially the historical back- DV D KREE\´ +H KDV SXEOLVKHG ¿YH ERRNV LQFOXGLQJ ground of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, ¿lls several Pathway to Peace WKHPHPRLUVFalls Memories chapters of Adams’s autobiographically focused )DOOV DQG Cage Eleven DQG The Street and 0HPRULHV “In 1177 the [predominantly Celtic] prov- Other Stories +LVVWRULHVDUHZDUPDQGKRPH\ ince of Ulster was granted to John de Courcy by the SRUWUDLWVRIWHQYHUJLQJRQWKHVHQWLPHQWDORIWKHSHR- English monarch on condition that he conquer it . ,” SOHRI:HVW%HOIDVWLQZKLFKKHWULHVWRVKRZKRZWKRVH he wrote. “Belfast [became] the scene of many pitched SHRSOHKDYHHQGXUHGDORQJQDWLRQDORUGHDOZLWK³DIDLU battles between the dispossessed Irish and the English DPRXQWRIGLJQLW\DQGJRRGKXPRU´ [until] Hugh O’Neill [the Ulster Irish chieftain also known as the Earl of Tyrone] was forced to surrender in EARLY LIFE 1603. The power of the Ulster chiefs was broken and Gerry Adams was born Gerard Adams on October 6, their lands, the last in Ireland to be conquered, were now 1948 in West Belfast, the working-class Catholic ghetto open to the English. In 1607 the Flight of the Earls 9 A_Innovators in World Politics.indd 9 06/07/16 11:01 AM Gerry Adams World Political Innovators saw the ¿nal collapse of the Ulster chieftains and the “was always eager to be Irish, to learn Irish, to play the way was cleared for wholesale plantation.” The Ulster Irish sports.” Adams himself has recalled that he and the “plantation” was the British Crown’s systematic con¿s- Protestants of his age with whom he sometimes social- cation of Irish land in what is now Northern Ireland in ized when he was growing up “never discussed politics the seventeenth century and the resettlement of that land or religion except in a joking or bantering fashion.” Ad- by Protestants from England and Scotland. The loyalist ams (who calls himself an “Irish Catholic,” rather than hegemony in Ulster remained unaffected by the Anglo- a Roman Catholic), like other republicans, has always Irish treaty of 1921, which created the Irish Free State, perceived the Protestant/Catholic/Dissenter polariza- the predecessor of the Republic, in the south and at the tion as, at root, more explicable in terms of class, eco- same time partitioned north from south. nomics, politics, and British colonialism than of reli- Adams was one of thirteen children, three of whom gion—a sectarianism deliberately seeded by the British died at or soon after birth. His father, Gerry Sr., a day in the Ulster plantation and solidi¿ed in the partition of laborer and IRA member, had been shot and imprisoned 1921. In )DOOV Memories he wrote: “Belfast Presbyteri- by the Royal Ulster Constabulary. His mother, Annie, ans [once] fought alongside their Catholic neighbors for was a Hannaway, a near-legendary name in the annals national independence and political democracy. ... Yet of Irish nationalism, going back in the Fenian move- within two generations the majority of Presbyterians ment to the 1860s. Her father was William Hannaway, had abandoned their revolutionary principles, embraced a labor leader and a friend of the martyred socialist the politics of the Tories, and developed a deep-rooted revolutionary James Connolly and of Eamon de Val- antipathy towards their Catholic neighbors. This trans- era, the revolutionary who became the most prominent formation is one of the most disturbing facts in Irish Irish statesman of the twentieth century. Adams’s uncle history. It was caused directly by the forces of reaction, Dominic Adams was IRA chief of staff during World supported by the wealthy landlord class, who feared the War II, and his uncle Al¿e Hannaway was a republican union of Catholic, Protestant, and Dissenter. As Hugh activist. Gerry Adams’s brother Patrick is also involved Boulter, Lord Chief Justice, warned the London gov. in the nationalist movement. ernment in the eighteenth century, such a union would The Falls Road intersects the heart of the working- mean µfarewell to the English inÀuence in this country.’” class neighborhoods comprising West Belfast, where When still in his teens, Adams worked as a bartend- most of Belfast’s Catholics live. Among those neighbor- er at the Ark Bar, a pub on Old Lodge Road in Belfast hoods is Ballymurphy, where Adams grew up and where with a largely working-class Protestant clientele. “The he attended schools run by the Christian Brothers, re- crack [banter] was always good,” he recalled in )DOOV ceiving his primary education at St. Finian’s School and 0HPRULHV “Politics were seldom discussed, and sec- his secondary education at St. Mary’s. “In the turbulent tarianism only raised its head openly as the twelfth of years before the winning of independence for twenty- July drew near.” Later he worked at the Duke of York, a six of Ireland’s thirty-two counties, the minority Catho- pub on Donegal Street in downtown Belfast frequented lic population in Belfast had been under siege from
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