GLASGOW CITY REGION Climate Change Adaptation Strategy SEA Environmental Report
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Sniffer GLASGOW CITY REGION Climate Change Adaptation Strategy SEA Environmental Report MAY 2021 PUBLIC Sniffer GLASGOW CITY REGION Climate Change Adaptation Strategy SEA Environmental Report TYPE OF DOCUMENT (VERSION) PUBLIC PROJECT NO. 70073833 DATE: MAY 2021 WSP 7 Lochside View Edinburgh Park Edinburgh, Midlothian EH12 9DH Phone: +44 131 344 2300 Fax: +44 131 344 2301 PUBLIC QUALITY CONTROL Issue/revision First issue Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Remarks Draft Consultation Post Consultation Final Version Version Date November 2020 April 2021 May 2021 Prepared by Katie Dean Katie Dean Katie Dean Katie Dean Signature Checked by Mike Roberts Mike Roberts Mike Roberts Mike Roberts Signature Authorised by Rachel McEvan Rachel McEvan Rachel McEvan Rachel McEvan Signature Project number 70073833 70073833 70073833 70073833 Report number 003 004 005 006 File reference SEA SEA SEA SEA Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental GLASGOW CITY REGION PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70073833 MAY 2021 Sniffer The Strategic Environmental Assessment process for the Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan was partly funded under the Resilient Regions: Clyde ReBuilt project. The Resilient Regions: Clyde ReBuilt Project ran from April 2020 to December 2020 and was delivered by a consortium including Sniffer, Paul Watkiss Associates and Creative Carbon Scotland, and EIT Climate-KIC, and was funded by EIT Climate-KIC and 15 Local Partners. For further information on the project, contact Kit England, [email protected] The project has received funding from Climate KIC, supported by EIT, a body of the European Union. Copyright: Resilient Regions: Clyde ReBuilt, 2021. Climate Ready Clyde, c/o City Chambers East, Floor 2, Room 29, Glasgow, G1 1JLT: 0141 229 7738 E: [email protected] Website: GLASGOW CITY REGION PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70073833 MAY 2021 Sniffer CONTENTS NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 1 THE STRATEGY 1 WHAT IS SEA? 2 METHOD AND APPROACH TO THE ASSESSMENT 2 SEA OBJECTIVES 2 KEY FINDINGS FROM THE ASSESSMENT 4 MITIGATION 7 MONITORING 10 NEXT STEPS 10 1 INTRODUCTION 11 1.1 BACKGROUND 11 1.2 STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 12 1.3 REPORT STRUCTURE 13 2 THE GLASGOW CITY REGION CLIMATE ADAPTATION STRATEGY 14 2.1 INTRODUCTION 14 2.2 STRATEGY CONTEXT AND OVERVIEW 14 2.3 DRAFT VISION, OBJECTIVES AND INTERVENTIONS 15 2.4 ITERATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRATEGY 19 2.5 RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER PLANS, PROGRAMMES, AND STRATEGIES 19 2.6 POLICY HIERARCHY 20 2.7 POLICY ASSESSMENT 20 3 SEA METHODOLOGY 22 GLASGOW CITY REGION PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70073833 MAY 2021 Sniffer 3.1 THE SEA PROCESS TO DATE 22 3.2 SEA ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 24 3.3 LIMITATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS 26 4 ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE AND KEY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 27 4.1 INTRODUCTION 27 4.2 BASELINE DATA COLLATION 27 4.3 LIKELY EVOLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT WITHOUT THE STRATEGY 32 5 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 41 5.1 INTRODUCTION 41 5.2 DEVELOMENT OF THE SEA OBJECTIVES 41 6 ASSESSMENT OF ALTERNATIVES 46 6.1 INTRODUCTION 46 6.2 CONSIDERATION OF REASONABLE ALTERNATIVES 46 6.3 ALTERNATIVES ASSESSMENT 46 7 COMPATIBILITY ASSESSMENT OF THE STRATEGY 51 7.1 INTRODUCTION 51 7.2 COMPATIBILITY ASSESSMENT 51 8 EVALUATING THE POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 56 8.1 INTRODUCTION 56 8.2 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 56 9 MITIGATION AND ENHANCEMENT MEASURES 71 9.1 INTRODUCTION 71 10 MONITORING 76 11 NEXT STEPS 80 GLASGOW CITY REGION PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70073833 MAY 2021 Sniffer TABLES Table 1 – NTS 1 – SEA Framework 3 Table 2 – NTS 2 – Assessment Summary 4 Table 3 – NTS 3 – Mitigation Measures 8 Table 2-1 – Adaptation Strategy Interventions 16 Table 3-1 - The SEA Process to Date 22 Table 3-2 – Scoping of SEA Topics 23 Table 3-3 – Compatibility Assessment Scoring Framework 24 Table 3-4 – Key to the assessment of significance 25 Table 4-1 – Summary of Key Risk and Opportunities 28 Table 4-2 – Likely Evolution of the Baseline without the Strategy 34 Table 5-1 – SEA Objectives 43 Table 6-1 – Alternative Assessment 47 Table 7-1 – Compatibility Assessment 52 Table 8-1 – Key to the assessment of significance 56 Table 8-2 – Summary of Potential Effects 58 Table 8-3 – Summary of Cumulative and Synergistic Effects 68 Table 9-1 – Mitigation and Enhancement Measures 72 Table 10-1 – Monitoring Measures 77 Table 11-1 – SEA and Strategy Timeline 80 FIGURES Figure 2-1 - Glasgow City Region covered by Climate Ready Clyde 12 Figure 2-1 - Place Based Priorities for Climate Adaptation in the City Region 19 GLASGOW CITY REGION PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70073833 MAY 2021 Sniffer APPENDICES CONSULTATION COMMENTS PPS ASSESSMENT UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE PREDICTION AND EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF THE STRATEGY GLASGOW CITY REGION PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70073833 MAY 2021 Sniffer NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Sniffer, on behalf of the Climate Ready Clyde (CRC) initiative, is preparing the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of a new Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (the “Strategy”) for the Glasgow City Region (“the City Region”). This Non-Technical Summary introduces SEA and summarises the contents of the full technical report. THE STRATEGY CRC has voluntarily committed to developing the Strategy to drive the City Region’s climate adaptation approach. The Strategy is intended to set the framework for adaptation to build resilience to the range of possible climate futures in the City Region, over the next ten years. The overarching vision is: “A Glasgow City Region that flourishes in the future climate” which is underpinned by five objectives: Strategy Objective 1 - Seeks to build the region’s social, economic, and environmental resilience to climate change Strategy Objective 2 - Outlines the processes and early interventions needed to manage climate risks and realise opportunities in line with our Theory of Change. Strategy Objective 3 – Provides a strategic framework for adaptation in and by the Glasgow City Region that fits alongside and supports key plans, policies, and activities to enable delivery. Strategy Objective 4 – Sets out how we will deepen and expand collaboration and collective impact by working together and engaging, equipping, and enabling citizens and organisations to play their role in realising the vision. Strategy Objective 5 - Sets out how progress in increasing climate resilience will be monitored, evaluated, and learnt from to improve policies, strategies, programmes and projects. As well as these key objectives, the Strategy includes 11 interventions and associated sub interventions that were assessed through the SEA Process. The 11 interventions are as follows: 1. Reform and reshape governance mechanisms so they respond to adaptation needs, nurture new leadership, and create expectations in society 2. Develop the ability of organisations, businesses and communities to adapt 3. Increase adaptation finance through leverage and innovation 4. Enable and equip communities to participate in adaptation, focusing on the most vulnerable 5. Embed reflection, monitoring, evaluation, and learning into adaptation action 6. Adapt the Clyde Corridor for the 22nd Century 7. Enhance early warning and preparedness for floods and heatwaves 8. Ensure everyone’s homes, offices, buildings and infrastructure are resilient to future climate impacts 9. Deliver nature-based solutions for resilient, blue-green ecosystems, landscapes and neighbourhoods 10. Enhance regional decision making and establish Glasgow City Region as a global research and knowledge hub for adaptation GLASGOW CITY REGION PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70073833 MAY 2021 Sniffer Page 1 of 80 11. Begin the transition to an economy resilient to future climate impacts WHAT IS SEA? SEA is an iterative process of gathering data and evidence, assessing environmental effects, developing mitigation measures and making recommendations to refine plans or programmes in view of the predicted environmental effects. The effects predicted at this stage will remain at a strategic level. The key stages of the SEA undertaken for the Strategy are as follows: 1. Screening – Completed in April 2020 and confirmed the need to complete a SEA. 2. Scoping – Completed in September 2020 and confirmed the scope of the SEA. 3. Environmental Report – This Stage. 4. Post Adoption Statement – 2021 prior to the publication of the final Strategy. METHOD AND APPROACH TO THE ASSESSMENT The Scoping Report identified the key issues for sustainability in relation to climate adaptation, using the policy context, environmental baseline and future trends occurring without implementation of the Strategy. The method and approach to the assessment was developed from the process outlined in the Scoping Report. This involved: A summary of the issues and opportunities for each of the SEA topic areas developed from a review of existing environmental information and data – Section 4 of the Environmental Report. A review of the existing plans, policies and strategies (from International to Local policy), identified from a review of the main policy documents – Section 2 and Appendix B of the Environmental Report. Assessment of three strategy alternatives – Section 6 of the Environmental Report. Compatibility assessment of the Strategy’s vision and key objectives – Section 7 of the Environmental Report. The assessment of the Strategy interventions against objectives for each of the SEA topic areas – Section 8 and Appendix D of the Environmental Report.