JOHAN GUNNAR ANDERSSON (1874-1960) a Comprehensive Bibliography
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JOHAN GUNNAR ANDERSSON (1874-1960) A Comprehensive Bibliography Compiled by Magnus Fiskesjö (Dept. Anthropology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA; email: [email protected]). Compiled 2001-ongoing. Revised most recently 2 October 2012. -- Titles originally in Swedish, Japanese or Chinese are mostly translated into English [within square brackets]; French and German titles are not translated. -- "xx" indicates missing information. -- in chronological order, earliest first; except for translations, listed directly after the original work -- I wish to thank Drs. Chen Xingcan, Björn Sundquist, Bertil Lundahl, George "Rip" Rapp, and many others, for their help with revisions. -- The aim is a complete bibliography. Contributions of new materials or corrections are welcome, and can be sent to me at [email protected] -- An early (outdated) version of this bibliography is available on the Internet at the Projekt Runeberg, -- Please use this version, and please quote it when appropriate. * * * Part I. Books, articles, and other writings published by Johan Gunnar Andersson 1892 (1893?) "Note on the occurrence of the Paradoxides Ölandicus zone in Nerike." Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala 1.1 (1892), 82-83. Comments: On the geology of central-southern Sweden. 1893 "Ueber Blöcke aus dem jüngeren Untersilur auf der Insel Öland vorkommend." Öfversikt af K. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar 50 (1893): 125-29. Comments: In German. Published by the Royal academy of science, Stockholm. "Ueber Blöcke auf der Insel Öland vorkommend." Öfversikt af K. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar 50(1893): 521-40. Comments: In German. Published by the Royal academy of science, Stockholm. 1895 "Om öländska raukar, af Joh. Gunnar Andersson." [On Öland's rauk stones, by J.G. Andersson]. Bihang till K. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar 21 (2), (1895), N:o 4., 25 s. Stockholm. 25 p., 1 plate. 1 Comments: In Swedish. "Mellan haf och dyner (Gotska Sandön)." [Between the sea and the dunes. On the island of Gotska Sandön]. Stockholm: Svenska Turistföreningen. Series: Svenska Turistföreningens årsskrift 1895, 180-95. Comment: In Swedish. 1896 "Über cambrische und silurische phosphoritführende Gesteine aus Schweden." Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala, Vol. 2 (1896), 133-236, 3 pl., 1 karta. 104 p., 3 pl., 1 map. Comment: In German, on Swedish geology. "Till frågan om de baltiska postarkaiska eruptivens ålder." [On the question of the age of the Baltic post-archaic eruptives]. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, band 18 (1896), 58-64. Series: Meddelande från Upsala universitets mineralogisk-geologiska institution 21. Comment: In Swedish, on Baltic geology. "Till frågan om de baltiska postarkäiska eruptivens ålder. Svenska kambrisk-siluriska fosforitförande bergarter." [On the question of the age of the postarchaic eruptives]. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, band 18 (1896), 174-77. Comment: In Swedish, on Swedish geology. 1897 "Om fosforitbildning och fosforitförande sediment." [xx] Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, band 19 (1897), 245-95. Comment: In Swedish, on Swedish geology. 1898 "Sur la teneur en flour des phosphorites suédoises." Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala, Vol. 4, p.l. no 7, (1898), 79-88. Joint author: Sahlbom, Naima. Comment: In French, on Swedish geology. "Sänkningsområdet vester om Hjelmaren." [The depression area West of Lake Hjälmaren]. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, band 20 (1898), 111-13. Comment: In Swedish, on Swedish geology. 1900 "Über die Stratigraphie und Tektonik der Bären Insel." Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala, vol. 4 (1900), 243-84, 3 pl. Comments: In German on Bear Island, in the North Atlantic. "Den svenska expeditionen till Beeren Eiland sommaren 1899." [The Swedish expedition to Bear Island in the summer of 1899]. Ymer, Vol. 20 (1900), 423-54. Comment: In Swedish. Full text available at: 2 1901 Über die Stratigraphie und Tektonik der Bären Insel. Doctoral dissertation, Uppsala University, 1901. Comments: In German. Andersson's doctoral dissertation on the geology of Bear Island, located between Greenland and Norway. "Nyare litteratur om Beeren Eilands geologi." [Newer literature on Bear Island geology]. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, band 23, s. 219-30. Comment: In Swedish. "Några drag af Beeren Eilands kolonisationshistoria. Af Johan Gunnar Andersson." [Some features of Bear Island colonisation history. By J G Andersson]. Ymer, Årg. 21 (1901), 35-58. Comment: In Swedish, on the history of colonization of Bear Island. Full text available at: ; cited in: Imperial Ecology: Environmental Order in the British Empire 1895-1945, by Peder Anker. "Ett bidrag till Östersjöns djurgeografi. Af Johan Gunnar Andersson." [A contribution towards the zoogepgraphy of the Baltic Sea]. Ymer, Vol. 21, No. 4, 361-73. Comment: In Swedish. Full text available at: 1902 "The winter expedition of the 'Antarctic' to south Georgia, by dr. J. Gunnar Andersson." London: Royal Geographical Society. 3 p. Offprint from The Geographical Journal, October 1902, pp. 405-408. Comment: In English. Full text available at "Antarctics vinterexpedition till Syd-Georgien. Rapport från Svenska sydpolarexpeditionen." [The winter expedition of the Antarctic to South Georgia. Report of the Swedish Antarctic expedition]. 7 ill., 1 map. Hulth Antarctic 7. Reprint from Ymer 1902:3: 409-21. Comment: In Swedish. "Antarcticexpeditionens arbeten på Falklandsöarne och Eldslandet 1902. Rapport från Svenska sydpolarexpeditionen." [The work of the Antarctic expedition on the Falkland Islands and Tierra del Fuego in 1902. Report of the Swedish Antarctic expedition]. 2 ill. Hulth Antarctic 14. Reprint from Ymer 1902:4, 515-28. Comments: In Swedish. 1903 "Die forschungsreise der schwedischen Südpolexpedition nach Südgeorgien." Globus. Bd 83: Brauschw. 1903. 4:o, p. 103-107. Comments: In German. "The scientific work of the Swedish Antarctic expedition at the Falkland Islands and in Tierra del Fuego / by dr. J. Gunnar Andersson." London: Royal Geographical Society. 3 p. Reprint from The Geographical Journal, February 1903, 159-62. Comments: In English. Full text available at 1904 3 "The Scientific Operations on Board the Antarctic in the Summer 1902-1903" (in "The Swedish Antarctic Expedition"). The Geographical Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2. (Feb., 1904), pp. 215-218. Comments: In English. Full text available at "The Sledge-Expedition from the ‘Antarctic’" (in The Swedish Antarctic Expedition"). The Geographical Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2. (Feb., 1904), pp. 218-220. Comments: In English. Full text available at Nordenskjöld, Nils Gustaf Otto; Johan Gunnar Andersson; Carl Anton Larsen; and Carl Johan Fredrik Skottsberg. Antarctic: Två År Bland Sydpolens Isar. Stockholm, Albert Bonnier, 1904. Vols. 1-2. 8vo. [2], xxxiv, 492; [12], 560 Pp. + 4 Coloured Maps (3 Folding) + 75 Plates (7 In Colour). Over 275 illustrations and maps in the text, many full-page. Translations: Nordenskiöld, [Nils] Otto [Gustaf]. Au pôle antarctique. Traduit par Charles Rabot. 105 p., illustr. Paris: xx. 1904. Comments: French translation of the work Sydpolen by Nordenskiöld; J G Andersson was a joint author. Nordenskjöld, [Nils] Otto [Gustaf]. Viaje al Polo sur: Expedición sueca á bordo del "Antártico". Con 350 ilustr., 4 mapas y 5 láminas tricolores. Trad. directa del sueco por Roberto Ragazzoni. Otto Nordenskjöld, J. Gunnar Andersson, C.A. Larsen y C. Skottsberg. Barcelona, 1904-1905. Comments: Spanish translation of the work Sydpolen. J.G. Andersson, joint author. Nordenskiöld, N[ils] Otto G[ustaf] (1869-1928). Antarctica, or two years amongst the ice of the South pole. London: Hurst, 1905. Comments: English translation of the work Sydpolen. J.G. Andersson, joint author. Nordenskjöld, Otto. Antartica, or, Two years amongst the ice of the South Pole / by Otto Nordenskjöld and Joh. Gunnar Andersson; with a foreword by Vivian Fuchs. New impr.. St. Lucia, Qld.: Univ. of Queensland press, 1977. 608 p., 2 folded maps. , ill. Original title: Antartic. Facsimile of the edition published in London by Hurst, 1905. Comments: English translation of the work Sydpolen. J G Andersson, joint author. Nordenskiöld, [Nils] Otto [Gustaf]. In het zesde werelddeel (Antarktis): Twee jaren in sneeuwen en ijs aan de Noordpool, door O. Nordenskjold, J.G. Anderson, C.A. Larsen en C. Skottsberg. Met platen en kaarten. 's Gravenhage, 1907. Comments: Dutch translation of the work Sydpolen. J G Andersson, joint author. Nordenskjöld, [Nils] Otto [Gustaf]. K jizní tocne: [Till sydpolen.] Dva roky ve snehu a ledu. Napsali Otto Nordenskjöld, J.Gunnar Andersson, C.A.Larsen a K.Skottsberg. Preklad redigoval Jirí Guth. [Illustr.]. Praha, 1909. Comments: Czech translation of the work Sydpolen. J G Andersson, joint author. 1905 "Några tankar om ett naturfolks skaplynne, af J.G. Andersson. [Some thoughts concerning the creative mind of a natural people, by J.G. Andersson]." Uppsala. 1 sheet. Studentföreningen Verdandis populärvetenskapliga artiklar 12, 1905. 4 Comments: A student association publication. 1906 "Solifluction, a component of subaërial denudation." Journal of Geology, vol. 14 (1906), 91-112. Comments: In