Bernardo De Lriarte. of the Palm Cenus Lriartea
156 PRINCIPES [Vor. 29 Principes,29(4), I985, pp. I56-159 Bernardo de lriarte. of the Palm Cenus lriartea R. A. DrFnIpps Departnent of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560 In the last decades of the eighteenth Charles IV who received 41,900 pesosin century, the Spanish colonies in the New donationsfrom the fortunate peopleon his "suggested World were organized into gigantic Empire-wide list of contribu- o'viceroyal- administrative regions termed tors." Ruiz and Pavon followed an under- ties," the government of which was super- standableprocedure, glorifying new plant vised by the Council of the Indies in discoveries by naming several in com- Madrid with ultimate responsibility vested memoration of the sponsorsand well-wish- in the King. These massive domains ers of their expedition. Thus, in the Prod- included" from north to south, the vice- rotnus are found newly described, for royalty of New Spain (present-day south- example, the genera Carludoaica western United States, Mexico, and Cen- (Cyclanthaceae,compounded in reference tral America north of Panama); the to patrons King Charles IV and Queen viceroyalty of New Granada (today's Louisa); Godoya (Ochnaceae,for Manuel Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Pan- de Godoy, benefactor of Madrid's Royal ama); and the viceroyalty of Peru. Botanical Garden, King's Minister and Expecting the discovery of new dimen- Queen'sparamour); and, on page 149 the sions in mineral and plant wealth, includ- genus lriartea for Don Bernardo de ing mercuryo cinnamon and quinine at Iriarte, promoter of the noble arts and various times, the kings sent expeditions sciences,especially botany, and councillor to New Granadain 1750 (directed by Jos6 on matters of the Indies.
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