World Congress of Free Ukrainians: a Symbol of Unity and Freedom Editorial the VULNERABLE RUSSIANS
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World Congress of Free Ukrainians: A Symbol of Unity and Freedom Editorial THE VULNERABLE RUSSIANS AN AMERICAN ANSWER TO THE "50TH" THE FRAUDULENT RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION By I L e v E. D o b r i a n s k y Georgetown Un·iversity DEDICATED TO ALL FREEDOM FIGHTERS AND HEROES OF THE UKRAINIAN INSURGENT ARMY (UPA) WUh an Introduction by The Hon. Edward J. Derwinski, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. Congress PUBLISHED BY: Pageant Press, Inc., New York City PRICE: $5.95 Order from: UKRAINIAN CONGRESS COMMITTEE OF AMERICA 302 West 13th Street New York, N.Y. 10014 The Ukrainian uarterry. A JOURNAL OF EASr EUROPEAN AND ASIAN AffAlllS Subscription: Yearly $5.00 Single Copy: $1.25 NEW YORK CITY 1967 VOLUME XXIII 1967 SPRING--SUMMER-AUTUMN-WINTER Published by THE UKRAINIAN CONGRESS COM'.MI'M'EE OF AMERICA CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXllI (Book Reviews in Italics) Page: Alexander, Hunter: The Kronstadt Revolt of 1921 and Stefan Petrichenko --------------------------------------255 .American Security Cou'ltcil, Special Subcommittee of the National Strategy Committee: Tke Changing Strategic Military Balance, U.S.A. vs. USSR. Revie10 by Lev E. Dobriansky ---------------- 276 .Autorkhanov, Abdurakhman: The Communist Party Apparatus. Re'ViBW by Lev E. Dobriansky -------------------------------- 80 Barbour, Philip L.: Dimitry, Called the Prete'ltder, Tsar and Great Prince of All Russia. Review by Clarence A. Manning ----------- 185 Benton, William: The Teachers and the Taught in the USSR. Review by Joseph S. Roucek ---------------------------------- 89 Blet, Pierre; Graham, Robert A.; Martini, Angelo, and Schneider, Burkhart, Editors: Le Saint Siege et la Situation Religieuse . en Pologne et dans les Pays Baltes. Review by Walter Dushny~ll -- 273 Billington, James H.: The Icon and the Axe. Review by C"larence A. Manning ----------------------------------------- 82 Bloomfield, Lincoln P., et al.: Khrushchev and the Arms Race. Reviewed by Joseph S. Roucek -------------------------------- 182 Bojko, Jurij and I1.oschmieder, Erwin: Taras Sevcenko: Sein LebeK und sein Werk. Review by W. T. Zyla -------------------------- 77 Boychuk, Stephen: Mongolia and Sino-Soviet Competition ----------- 264 Codo, Enrique Martinez: Guerrillas Behind the Iron Curtain: Past and Future -------------------------------------------- 130 Godo, Enrique Martinez: Guerrillas Trans la Cortina de llierro. Review by Leonid Poltava ------------------------------------ 170 D., L. E.: Ucrainica in American and Foreign Periodicals ------------ 90 D., L. E.: U crainica in American and Foreign Periodicals ____ - _-_ -- - - 187 D., L. E.: U crainica in American and Foreign Periodicals __ - _ -_-- - - - - 283 D., L. E.: Ucrainica in American and Foreign Periodicals ------------ 382 de Rougement, Denis: The Meaning of Europe. Revi~ by Joseph S. Roucek ---------------------------------- 89 Deutscher, Isaac: Ironies of History: Essays on Contemporary Communism. Review by Joseph S. Roucek ---------------------- 180 Deutscher, Isaac: The Unfinished Revolution. Review by Lev E. Dobriansky ------- ------- ----------- ---- - - - _ 378 Dobriansky, Lev E.: From Moscow's Izvestia to Washington's Post---- 332 Dobriansky, Lev E.: Review of U.S. Policy Toward the USSR: A Major Theme for the 1967 Captive Nationa Week-------------- 27 Page: Dobriansky, Lev E.: Russia, Ukraine and the World: 50 Years of Conflict ----------------------------------------- 203 Dobriansky, Lev E.: Trade With the Red Empire ------------------- 141 Documents of the First World Congress of Free Ukrainians: Resolutions -------------------------------------------------354 Memorandum to the United Nations --------------------------- 357 Appeal to Ukrainians Living Beyond the Borders of Ukraine ----- 363 First Manifesto to the Ukrainian People ----------------------- 365 Drachkovitch, Milorad M. and Lazitch, Branko, Eds.: The Comintern Historical Highlights. Review by Kenxeth V. Lottic"lt, ------------ 186 Dushnyck, Walter: The Kerensky ProTisional Government and the Ukrainian Central Rada ------------------------------ 109 Editorial: Half a Century of Unequal Struggle for Freedom---------- 5 Editorial: Historic Event for Ukraine: First World Congress Of Free Ukrainians _________________________________________ 197 Editorial: Needed: Reassertion of the American Genius-------------- 101 Editorial: World Congress of Free Ukrainians: A Symbol Of Unity and Freedom --------------------------------------- 293 Editorial Note [Concerning a series of articles on the 50th Anniveniary Of the Ukrainian National Revolution] ------------------------ 11 First World Congress of Free Ukrainians, Documents of; see: Documents of the First World Congress of Free Ukrainians Fr.-Chirovsky, Nicholas L.: First Stage of the New Soviet Plan, 1966-1970 --------------------------------------- 299 Graham, Robert ~.; Blet, Pierre; Martini, .Angelo, mid Schneider, Burkhart, Eds.: Le Saint Siege et 7,a Situation Religieuse en Pologne et dans Zes Pays Baltes; see: Blet, Prierre: Le Saint Siege ... Evans, M. Stanton: TAe Politics of Surrender. Review by Anthot1y T. Bcntscaren ------------------------------ 86 Heiman, Leo: Ukraine: 1966 -------------------------------------- 43 Horak, Stephan M.: The United States in Lenin's Image ------------- 226 Koschmieder, Erwin and Bojko, Jurij, Eds.: Taras Sevcenko: Sein Leben axd sein Werk; see: Bojko, Jurij and Koschmieder Er t0in, Eds.: Taras Sevcenko ... Lazitch, Branko and Drachkovitch, JHlorad M., Eds.: The Com in tern-Historical Highlights; see: Drachkovitch, Milorad M., and Lazitch, Branko, Eds.: The Comintern ... Mackiw, Theodore: Prince,Mazepa, Hetman of Ukraine in Contemporary English Publications. Review by Roman V. Kuchar -------------- 278 Manning, Clarence A.: The American and Ukrainian Revolutions------ 65 Manning, Clarence A.: Moscow's Traditional Interest in the Orient---- 238 Manning, Clarence A.: Religion in the USSR and East Europe: A Footnote to the New Catholic Encyclopedia __________________ 344 Martini, Angelo; Blet, Pierre; Graham, Robert A., and Schneider, Burkhart, Eds.: Le Saint Siege et la Situation Religieuse en Pologne et dans le Pays Baltes; see: Blet, Pierre: Le Saint Siege ... Paszkiewicz, Henryk: The Making of the Russian Nation. Review by Nicholas Andrusiak ------------- ---------------- ___ 177 Page: Pfelf er, Leo: Church, State and Freedom. Review by Joseph F. Constanzo, S.J. -------------------------- 279 Pidhainy, O"leh S.: The Formation of the Ukrainian Republic. Review by Walter Dushnyck ---------------------------------- 75 Procko, Bohdan P.: American Ukrainian Catholic Church: Humanitarian and Patriotic Activities, World War I ------------ 161 Roucek, Joseph S.: The Training of Foreign Students By Communist Countries ------------------------------------ 314 Schneider, Burkhart; B"let, Pierre; Graham, Robert A., and Mar- tini, Angelo, Eds.: Le Saint Siege et la Situation Relifieuse en Pologne et dans "les Pays Baltes; see: B"let, Pierre: Le Saint Siege ... Shulman, Marshall D.: Beyond the Col,d, War. Review by Walter Odajnyk 83 Simirenko, A"lex, Ed.: Soviet Sociology. Historical Antecedents And Current Appraisals. Review by Joseph S. Roucek ------------ 183 Smal-Stocki, Roman: Beginning of Fight for Rebirth . Of Ukrainian Statehood -------------------------------------- 12 Stachiw, Matthew: Ukraine and Russia. Review by Roman Smal-Stocki _ 373 Stachiw, Matthew: The Ukrainian Revolution and Russian Democracy _ 212 U crainica in American and Foreign Periodicals; see: D., L. E.: U crainica In American and Foreign Periodicals Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Published by: Ukrainians And Jews. A Sympo$ium. Reviewed by Joseph S. Roucek --------- 380 Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Published by: Ukrainska Radyanska Sotsialistychna Res publyka. Reviewed by Walter Dushnyck ------------------------- 172 Ukrainians and Jews. A Symposium. Published by UCCA; see: Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Published by: Ukrainians and Jews ... Ukrainska Radyanska Sotsialistychna Respublyka. Published by the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR; see: Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia ... Ward, Barbara: Nationalism and Ideology. Review by Kenneth W. Johnson ------------------------------- 87 Yuzyk, Paul, Senator: 75th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada --------------------------- --- ---- ------ 247 Zinkewych, Osyp: Svitlychny and Dzyuba. Review by Walter Dushnyck 375 Zoul, Louis: The Soviet Inferno. Review by Lev E. Dobriansky ------- 174 The Ukrainian uarterly AJOUIQIAL OF EAST EUROPEAN AND ASIAN AffAmS Published by the UKRAINIAN CoNGRESS CoMMITl'EE OF AlmuCA, INC. WINTER, 1967 VOLUME XXIII-'--- No. 4 $1.25 A CoPY AD artklu pubHshed in tMs Journal and Bigned by the author do not fleCeUOrily reflect the "'6toa of the Ukrainian Oongreaa Committee of America. EDITORIAL BOARD FOR THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE UKRAINIAN CONGRESS COMMITl'EE OF AMERICA: Chairman of the Board: Prof. Lev E. Dobrianaky Editor: Dr. Walter Dushnyck Members: Anthony Dragan, Walter Dushnyok and Matthew Btachiw EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD: Prof. Adolfo Muno• University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain Prof. AuatWI J. App La.Salle College, Philadelphia, Pa. Prof. Jamu D. AtJdnaon Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Prof. AntAony T. Bouacaren LeMoyne College, Syracuse, N. Y. Prof. Btllfaele Oiaaca University of Rome, Rome, Italy Prof. Jose ll'emandea Silva Dba University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal Prof. Kurt Glaser South