List of the Oedinaey Fellows of the Society

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List of the Oedinaey Fellows of the Society LIST OF THE OEDINAEY FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. N.B.—Those marked *are Annual Contributors. 1846 Alex. J. Adie, Esq.. Rockville, Linlithgow 1850 *Dr James Scarth Combe, 36 York Place 1871 'Stair Agnew, Esq, 2 Buckingham Terrace 1872 * Archibald Constable, Esq., 11 Thistle Street 1868 'Rev. Dr David Aitken, 4 Charlotte Square 1843 Sir John Rose Cormack, M.D., 7 Rue d'Aguesseau, 1866 *Major-General Sir James E. Alexander of Westerton, Paris 60 Bridge of Allan 1872 *The Right Rev. Bishop Cotterill, 1 Athole Place. 1867 *Rev. Dr W. Lindsay Alexander, Pinkie Burn, Mussel- 1843 Andrew Coventry, Esq., Advocate, 29 Moray Place burgh 1863 'Charles Cowan, Esq., Westerlea, Murrayfield 1848 Dr James Allan, Inspector of Hospitals, Portsmouth 1854 'Sir James Coxe, M.D., Kinellan 1856 Dr G. J. Allinan, Emeritus Professor of Natural History, 1830 J. T. Gibson-Craig, Esq., W.S., 24 York Place Wimbledon, London 1829 Sir William Gibson-Craig, Bart,, Riccarton 1849 David Anderson, Esq., Moredun, Edinburgh 1871 *Rev. Dr Crawford, Professor of Divinity, 13 Great King 1872 John Anderson, LL.D., 32 Victoria Road, Charlton,' Street Kent 1873 'Donald Crawford, Esq., Advocate, 18 Melville Street. 1845 Dr Thomas Anderson, Professor of Chemistry, University, 1853 Rev. John Cumming, D.D., London Glasgow 10 1852 *James Cunningham, Esq., W.S., 50 Queen Street 70 1823 Warren Hastings Anderson, Esq., Isle of Wight 1871 *Dr R. J. Blair Cunyninghame, 6 Walker Street 1867 *Thomas Annandale, Esq., 34 Charlotte Square 1823 Liscombe J. Curtis, Esq., Ingsdown House, Devonshire 1862 *T. C. Archer, Esq., Director of the Museum of Science and Art, 5 West Newington Terrace 1851 *E. W. Dallas, Esq., 34 Hanover Street 1849 His Grace the Duke of Argyll, K.T., (HON. VICE- 1841 James Dalmahoy, Esq., 9 Forres Street PRESIDENT), Inverary Castle 1867 *David Davidson, Esq., Bank of Scotland 1871 *John Auld, Esq., 18 Grosvenor Crescent 1848 Henry Davidson, Esq., Muirhouse 1870 *St John Vincent Day, Esq., C.E., 4 Hamilton Park 1843 David Balfour, Esq., Trenaby Terrace, Glasgow 1835 Dr J. H. Balfour (GENERAL SECRETARY), Professor of 1867 *Francis Deas, LL.B., Advocate, 9 St Colme Street Medicine and Botany, 27 Inverleith Row 1869 *James Dewar, Esq., 15 Gilmore Place 1870 *Dr Thomas A. G. Balfour, 51 George Square 1869 'Alexander Dickson, M. D., Professor of Botany, University 1867 *George F. Barbour, Esq., 11 George Square of Glasgow, 11 Royal Circus 80 1872 *George Barclay, Esq., 17 Coates Crescent 20 1869 'William Dickson, Esq., 38 York Place 1858 Edmund C. Batten, M.A., Lincoln's Inn, London 1867 Henry Dircks, LL.D., C.E., London 1870 *Dr James Warburton Begbie, 16 Great Stuart Street 1863 *W. Dittmar, Esq., Owens College, Manchester 1843 Dr Bennett, Professor of Institutes of Medicine, 1 Glen- 1867 'James Donaldson, LL.D., 20 Great King Street finlas Street *David Douglas, Esq., 41 Castle Street 1861 *George Berry, Esq., 2 Windsor Terrace, Portobello 1839 Francis Brown Douglas, Esq., Advocate, 21 Moray 1866 *Adam Black, Esq., 38 Drummond Place Place. 1850 *Hugh Blackburn, Esq., Prof. Mathematics, University, 1868 *Rev. D. T. K. Drummond, B.A., 6 Montpelier Glasgow 1867 *G. Stirling Home Drummond, Esq., Blair-Drummond 1863 'Professor Blackie, 24 Hill Street 1860 'Patrick Dudgeon, Esq. of Cargen 1857 *John Blackwood, Esq., 3 Randolph Crescent 1863 *Dr J. Matthews Duncan, 30 Charlotte Square 90 1862 *Rev. Dr W. G. Blaikie, 9 Palmerston Road 1870 *Dr John Duncan, 8 Ainslie Place 1854 Ernest Bonar, Esq. 30 1851 'Sir David Dundas, Bart, of Dunira 1872 *James Thomson Bottomley, Esq., Taunton School College. 1859 *Rev. Dr John Duns, 4 Mansion-House Road, Grange 1869 *Robert Henry Bow, Esq., C.E., 7 South Gray Street 1866 *Dr James Dunsmure, 53 Queen Street 1871 'Thomas J. Boyd, Esq., 41 Moray Place 1873 *William Boyd, Esq., Peterhead 1869 'George Elder, Esq., Knock Castle, Wemyss Bay 1864 *Dr Alex. Crum Brown, Prof, of Chemistry, 8 Belgrave 1856 *W. Mitchell Ellis, Esq., Wellington Lodge, Portobello Crescent 1855 Robert Etheridge, Esq., Clifton, Bristol 1859 *Dr John Brown, 23 Rutland Street 1866 'William Euing, Esq., Glasgow 1861 *Rev. Thomas Brown, 16 Carlton Street 1863 J. D. Everett, LL.D., Prof. Nat. Phil., Queen's College, 1835 William Brown, Esq., 25 Dublin Street Belfast 1870 Dr James Crichton Browne, Wakefield 1867 *A. H. Bryce, D.C.L., LL.D., 42 Moray Place 40 1866 'James Falshaw, Esq., C.E., 14 Belgrave Crescent 100 1856 *David Bryce, Esq., Architect, 131 George Street 1859 Dr Fayrer, Professor of Surgery, Calcutta 1833 His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, K.G., Dalkeith Palace 1868 'Robert M. Ferguson, Ph.D., 12 Moray Place 1869 'Alexander Buchan, A.M., 72 Northumberland Street 1858 Frederick Field, Esq., Chili 1870 Mohn Young Buchanan, Esq., 10 Moray Place 1852 Dr Andrew Fleming, H.M.I.S., 3 Napier Road 1857 *Dr W. M. Buchanan, 3 Carlton Terrace 1872 *Dr J. G. Fleming, B.A., 155 Bath Street, Glasgow 1847 J. H. Burton, LL.D., Advocate, Craig House 1872 'George Forbes, Esq., Lecturer on Natural Philosophy, Anderson Institution, Glasgow, 4 Coates Crescent 1869 *Rev. Henry Calderwood, LL.D., Professor of Moral 1859 Major James George Forlong, Bombay Philosophy, Craigrowan, Napier Road, Merchiston 1828 John Forster, Esq., Liverpool 1865 'Alfred R. Catton, B.A. 1858 'Professor Fraser, M.A., 20 Chester Street 1866 *David Chalmers, Esq., Kate's Mill, Slateford 1867 *Dr Thomas R. Fraser, 3 Grosvenor Street 110 1860 *William Chambers, Esq. of Glenormiston, 13 Chester 1867 'Frederick Fuller, Esq., Professor of Mathematics, Uni- Street 50 versity, Aberdeen 1872 Dr Thomas B. Christie, Royal India Asylum, Ealing, London 1867 Dr Charles Gayner, Oxford 1823 Sir Robert Chiistison, Bart., D.C.L., Professor of Materia 1867 'Arthur Gamgee, Professor Owens College, Manchester Medica (PRESIDENT), 40 Moray Place 1868 J. Samson Gamgee, Esq., Birmingham 1863 Dr H. F. C. Cleghorn, Stravithy, St Andrews 1861 *A. Geikie, Esq., Professor of Geology, Geological Survey 1856 *Thomas Cleghorn, Esq., Advocate, 26 Queen Street Office, India Buildings, George IV. Bridge 1844 Dr Thomas R. Colledge, Lauriston House, Cheltenham 1871 'James Geikie, Esq., 16 Duncan Street, Newington 1829 The Right Honourable Lord Colonsay, London 1870 'Hon. Lord Gifford, Granton House 1829 A. Colyar, Esq. 1868 'Rev. Joseph Taylor Goodsir, 11 Danube Street xu 1846 L. D. B. Gordon, Esq., C.E., London 1864 "William Lindsay, Esq., Hermitage-Hill House, Leith 1850 *Lieut.-Col. W. D. Gasset, R.E., Portsmouth 120 1870 "Professor Lister, 9 Charlotte Square 1867 *Dr Andrew Graham, R.N., 35 Melville Street. 1871 "Dr Cosmo Garden Logie, Surgeon Major, Royal Horse 1869 *Principal Sir Alex. Grant, Bart., (VICE-PKESIDENT), 21 Guards Lansdowne Crescent 1857 Thomas Login, Esq., C.E., India 180 1851 *Rev. Dr James Grant, D.C.L., 15 Palmerston Place 1861 "Professor Lorimer, Advocate, 1 Bruntsfield Crescent 1824 Dr Robert E. Grant, Prof. Comp. Anat., Univ. Coll., 1869 "Maurice Lothian, Esq. of St Catherine's, 54 Queen Street London 1849 Dr W. H. Lowe, Balgreen, Murrayfield 1872 *David Grieve, Esq., St Catherines, Easter Road I860 "Dr Frederick Guthrie, 11.A., Prof, of Physics, School 1855 "Dr Stevenson Macadam, 11 East Brighton Crescent, Porto- of Mines, London bello 1868 *Col. Seton Guthrie, Thurso 1861 "Dr James M'Bain, R.N., Logie Villa, York Road, Trinity 1868 "Dr Thomas Smith Maccall, Polmont, Falkirk 1867 *Dr D. R. Haldane, 22 Charlotte Square 1867 "John M. M'Candlish, Esq., 4 Doune Terrace 1867 *Frederick Hallard, Esq., Advocate, 61 York Place 1866 "John M'Culloch, Esq., Banker, 11 Duke Street 1867 *James H. B. Hallen, Esq., Canada 130 1833 Alexander Hamilton, LL.B., W.S., TheElms, Whitehouse 1871 "Dr Angus Macdonald, 41 Northumberland Street 1820 Dr Wm. Macdonald, Prof. Civ. and Nat. Hist., St Loan Andrews 190 1837 Dr P. D. Handyside, 11 Hope Street 1854 Professor Robert Harkness, Queen's College, Cork 1847 W. Macdonald Macdonald, Esq., St Martins 1869 "David MacGibbon, Esq., Architect, 89 George Street 1869 Sir Charles A. Hartley, C.E., Sulina, Mouth of the 1840 John Mackenzie, Esq., 11 Abercromby Place Danube 1867 *Sir George Harvey, 21 Regent Terrace 1870 "Hon. Lord Mackenzie, 12 Great Stuart Street 1843 Dr Maclagan (CURATOB), Prof, of Medical Jurisprudence, 1870 *Thomas Harvey, Esq., LL.D., 32 George Square 28 Heriot Row 1859 *G. W. Hay, Esq. of Whiterigg 1872 "David Maclagan, Esq., C.A., 9 Royal Circus 1855 *James Hay, Esq., 3 Links Place, Leith 1853 Lieut.-Col. R. Maclagan, Royal Engineers, Bengal 1870 W. E. Heathfield, Esq., 20 King Street, St James, 1869 *Dr R. Craig Maclagan, 5 Coates Crescent London 1870 "Dr G. H. B. Macleod, Professor of Surgery, University, 1862 *Dr James Hector, Wellington, New Zealand 140 Glasgow 1869 *Isaac Anderson-Henry, Esq. of Woodend, Hay Lodge, 1869 "Dr William C. M'Intosh, Murthly 200 Trinity 1873 "Dr John G. M'Kendrick, 29 Castle Terrace 1871 Dr Charles Hayes Higgins, Alfred House, Birkenhead 1864 "Peter M'Lagan. Esq. of Pumpherston, M.P. 1859 Lieut. John Hills, Bombay Engineers 1869 "John M'Laren, Esq., Advocate, 5 Rutland Square 1828 David Milne Home, Esq. of Wedderburn, LL.D. (VICE- 1872 "Rev. Hugh Macmillan, LL.D., 30 Hamilton Park Ter- PKESIDENT), 10 York Place race, Glasgow 1870 *Rev. Dr Hodson, St Andrew's College, Broadfield, Reading 1866 "John Macnair, Esq., 33 Moray Place 1869 *Alexander Howe, Esq., W.S., 17 Moray Place 1840 Sir John M'Neill, G.C.B., Burnhead, Liberton 1872 "Captain Charles Hunter, Glencarse, Junior United 1858 "Dr R. B. Malcolm, 126 George Street Service Club, London 1869 Dr Henry Marshall, Clifton, Bristol 1870 John Hunter, Esq., Professor of Mathematics, King's 1864 *J. D. Marwick, Esq., Glasgow College, Windsor, Halifax 1866 "Professor David llasson, 10 Regent Terrace 210 1864 *Robert Hutchison, Esq., Carlowrie Castle 1856 "James Clerk Maxwell, Esq., Prof.
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