
GENERAL X%I;?,S%-LLS2:NDS NAVY DAY GREETING 'IAdmiral Harold R. Stark, Chief of Naval Operations, €J;l.vg Departmcnt , '.'ks hingt on, D .C . Dear Admiral Stark:

On th3 occasion of Nnvy Day, I l.,ish to extend to the officers and nen of tk Maqr the sincc:re congrztulLtions and bcst uishes of the krny . Thc- joint training progrnm during thL prs,sLnt tnurgzncy has brought thc two services cloccr togethcr than c'cr~rbeiooiT, Find n grwt contri'mting factor to thc progrcss vriiich th- Army has nadL hx bccn the splendid coopration furnishcd by th; Mc?vy nrid ;Toursclf personally.


Thu follou5ng tclegrnm ;~sont of macy rectivsd on Navy Day:

"Louisville, Lxitucky

As Dkpartmcnt President I bvuld like very much on Navy Day to przscnt to tvtry offictr and ;nlistzd man in our grst and -u.o:idcrful Navy and Marinc Corps, espx5.allg thst from thc Comnoni.mlth of Kmtucky, thc sincere greetings frm the Lndies Auxilipry to the Dcpartmcnt of Ecntucky Vetcrams of Forcign Ti'ars of UnitA Strt. s. Navy Day OctoScr 27th so sdtcted bzcausd it is thc znnivxszry of ch, i.,irth of Prcsident ThLodorc Roostvclt by ;,host for-sight 'v7.s thi; cstFblishing of a sound naval policy for zrhich toclzy TE mi all so thankful, for wc hcvc th; lsrgcst and thc wzt navy of ar=y in the i,orld. 'lith the 7:ondcrful person- nel in this swvic3 Y;? back hom knov th?t our nmy is invincible and czn IIhip any pomr or any combinctions of poiws OR th+ fact, of thc carth todzy, thcrcby assurinr our citizcns th;t no 3rwdd foreign foe cm sct his foot 311 our growid tday. Too, in this month Jf OctobLr is tbc 166th annlv2rsZrg of thi fcunding of our ncwj. Though tht, old Bc...ttlcship Kcntucky is now out 01 commission I am sacling spccial. grci:tin,:s t9 the Commanding Officer of Gnitd St,PtT"s Cruiser Louisvillt for cmv'3jm-m t3 cviiry mcrnber af thG crew of that ship. '7c arc cinly proucl to szlute the mcn in our naval force, Dcipartwnt Przsident , Ladies Auxiliary Departnmt , a Kentucky Veterans of Foreign !Xars of thi? United States." ,.

-3 -


A -group =f cight congressmen, mzmbers 3f t,hc Hnuse Eaval Affairs Cmrdttec, dsparted ir! hte October from the PJaval Air Station, Bnacostia, 3n a t2ur 3f inspec+,iurl (:f rzivr.1 bascs zt rind in the area.

The pzrty travdcd aboard 't U.S . Mavy patrol plane, and con- sisted of the folloxing congressmen: 'Yilliarn E. Sutphin, Chairman, Ed. V. Imc, Therms A. Fleherty, L. M.,ndcl Rivcrs, Ultlvin J. ?.laas, Jnmc?s IT. !.fott, 'J. Sterling Cqlc, -,nd Glilliam E. Rss.

The itinererjr prmided for stops tt Bernuda, San Junn, Virgin Islands, Vii;ques, Antiguc , St. Lucia, Trinidad, Gmrgetom, British Guiana, Kingston, Jarnaicn, Jacksmville 2nd Fl,jrid:i (via Great Exunz Island) , The Congression21 Party inspectc;d naval bases end naval aviation facilitics in the vzrisus plr,ccc: visited,

%+ * c- * 35 * Thc exxt tiw of sunset at the Nnval Bcndwy is rkt~.mxinedby the Admiral, follawtng an old Nzvy custom. -5-


Ensign Fred Noel Speiss holds the distinction of being the first U.S. Naval Resenre Officer in history to .#An the L.Y. Spear Founda- +tionPrize, coveted award made to the outstanding graduate in each class completing the course at the School, New London, Connecticut.

The Spear Prize, a second-setting irist mtch with the llDolphintl or submarine insignia engraved upon it, vas presented to Ensign Spciss ' during graduation exercises at New London with Rear Admiral Richard S, Edwards, U.S. Navy, Commander of Submwines, RtlPntic Fleet, maing the presentation.

Ensign Speiss, 3 Naval R.O.T.C. graduate of the University of Cnlifornia, class of 1941, wzs one of forty-one officers in thc class. Sixteen vxre of the regular Navy, and the remaining twenty-five from the U.S. Naval Rzsmve.

Honor student is not a nciv role for Ensign Speiss. In college he vas honor student in the University of Cdifornia College of Lett:,rs and Science during his junior and scnior years. Ht; also madc Phi Beta Kappa

1Vhile at the University of California he was a mcmbcr of a.nd a graduate from the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Thcta Phi Fra- ternity, First Lieutenant of the Scebbard and Bhde Ifilitary Socicty, and a member of tk QuartErdeck Socicty, Hc: von the Circle4 for fcncing.

HE Bras comisbioned Ensign, U, S, Naval ReserYe, on )ley 24, 1941 and his first active duty in the Diavy ms as a student at the Sub- marine School.


The Bureau of Navigation desires applications for submarine training clxises to be convened at the submmine school during the calendar ycar, 1942. Officers of the U.S. Naval Academy classes of 1936, *37, '38, and '39, 2nd Naval Reserve licutenznts (jg) adensigns, D-V(G) and DE-V(G), viho are now on active duty and have completed not less than six months of such duty should immediately submit applica- tions. For further details, attention is invited to Bureau of Naviga- tion Circular Lctter No. 128-41.


<- The first classes under thc 1942 V-7 Reserve Midshipmen Program comenced aboard the PRfJRIE STAT", and at 1Jorthir;estc-rn Uni- versity on September 16, 1941. Thc 30 day klimination period vms com- pleted about October 16, 1941. Four hundred 2nd sixty-five apprentice e seamen qualified for appointment as reserve midshipmen aboard thc PRAII>LIE STATE and 879 qualified for appointment at Northwestem Uni- versity, The successful candidates, all of whom ,-re college graduates,



Twenty-one men have been issued acting appointments as warrant officers in the U. S. Navy. The appointees, who dl1 rank from the dates opposit their names, are as follows:

BOATSVAINS -Name Ratine Date of rank Hone Address Edward G. Hatchell CQM 9/2 3/41 Calif. Rudolph E. Nasa CQM 9/25/41 Illinois Okion A. Hammett CQkI 912 5/41 Calif. Ronald C. Zint CQi 9/25/41 Calif. Albert M. Jowdy CQN 9/25/41 Texas Harry V. Hartsell, Jr. SLilC 9/2 5/41 Arkansas Em CTRICIANS Yar ce D . %“;d CEX 9/25/41 I ovm Erwin R. Stewart CELI 912 5/41 Calif.

Russell C. Tegeler 9/23/41 Calif. Paul H. Dice 9/23/41 Ohio John D. Hitchell, Jr. 9/2 5/41 Calif. George B. Satterwhite 9/2 5/41 Calif. Harold F. Spilker 9/2 5/41 Nebraska ‘dalter H. Eschrnann 9/25/41 Calif. ‘Jalter F. Pieper 9/2 5/41 New York Loren E. Alderman 9/25/41 ’#ash ingt on CARPENTERS

Frank 14. Smith CSf 9/23/L1 Calif. Karner 114. IAinor CXsmth 3/23/41 Oklahorna Edward S. Dobis CEdsmth 9/2 5/41 Calif. Looie Ti. Rash CSf 9 /2 5/41 Calif. Frank D. Abbott Cllsnth O/25/41 Calif.


The correspondence course for engineer officers ( construction duties) in the Naval Reserve will be discontinued during the energency. Ilany of the present enrollees are now on active duty and they may continue the course as a part of their active duty. All enrollees have been re- quested to return the pblications issued to then incident to the course of instruction. The unused lesson assignments rnay be retained by the students,

The United States has never lost a war, nor the Wavy a fleet action.

- 11 -

tlRATEFUL P1OTIIER REVEALS RESCLI;; OF SON B'J SUSf:,cFRINE S COiYf:ilf'DI?K; OFF1 CZEl (Cont.) or Captain," she mote. "To all noYhers of America who have sons far away from home and in the service I would like to give asslxances that their sons are well taken care of, and that everything is done for tnem.'~

l~Ilnrish,t~she added, Itthat I could do more for my flag and cmz- try than buy bonds and defense stamps."

A search of the submarine's log, now on file at the Iiavy DeFart- ment, disclosed the incident referred to by lks. Chiarelli occurred Sep- tember 6, but the log was couched in routine, official language and con- tained no reference to the part played by tlne Cormanding Officer, Blrs. Chiarelli apparently obtaining the details in a letter from her son.

The log of the submarine, reads, laconically:

"0211 (2:ll a.m.). Chiarelli, S. F., Flc (Fireman 1st C?ass), while standing watch aE battle lookout lost his footing and fell over- board. Rescue started immdiately by backing method. 0215 (2:15 a.m.) recovered nan. On exaxination it ms follnd thzt Chiarelli has recaiTred a laceration under chin and a bioi;.: on t:ze back of head. Iodine and dressing vas applied to laceration. %-x-+~ 0229 (2:3.? a.m.) Chiarelli returned to statior;."

A letter nddressed to 311 Naval and Thririe Cory? nctlvitl'es concerned by Assistmt Secretary of the ikvy Ralp?! 33rd announcds *he establishment of The Ol'fice of Records Coordinnt,ion in the office of the Secretaqy of the Navy; also the ap2ointnent of Ei;ne?t J. icj:ihy, c.wnerly of the National Archives, as dirc.ctor of' the ne';: wit.

Flmction of the new division vril& be the planning, coordinating and adninistration o€ systems, methods and procedure psrt?*ining to orqnn- ization, service, preservation, reduction, transfx an? dispositioa of files and records of the Navy Department arid its .field oTficcs.

Among imediate objectives is the provision of expr;:rt advice and assistance in the clearing of needed space b; the transfer of vaiuable records to t'nc N:itional Archives and ths prompt elimination of valustltss records as provided by law; also the segregation and elimination of rc- cords of but transitory value as they accumulate and thL xithholding of non-record or surplus material fron permanent files. Utilization of ni- crophotogrnphy and the adaptation of older or smllcr filing syrtem to new or expanded demands znd tb:e tralning of enployees in file and record work are other objectivc-s embraced in the n3-a plan.

Officials concerncd vi. th problems along lincs of d~ciuientation, microfilming, file orgar;ixation and procedurc, cquipn:nt, mace 1-;Touts, record trznsfw and kindr2d ph~s~shzv, been dirccted +a cornmnic?.?te tbr.sul:h rezulnr channels irith the Director of Fk>cords CoordLna+,ion, Sec- retary's Offico, l\-ivy Dqartmnt, 'lins~in~torl,D, C. - 13 -


He sprang fror? the rural stock somewhere in the Soxth Central States. But he left a city job to join the Navy, which he regards as a career.

Vith his background of a full high school education, he aims at Warrant rank in the service. Right now he's a boatswain's, gunner's or machinist's mate.

Single, 23 years old, he has cruised with the Flect to several foreign countries on this, his first enlistment.

In his spare time he works to increase his specialist qualifica- tions for advancement; or he plays baseball on the ship's +,earn. This is his favorite hobby,

Corning down to cases, he Is blue-eyed, brown-haired, medium- built; he weighs 168 pounds and stands 5 feet 10 inches in his stoc:;ing feet.

Tho is he?

He is the 'ltypical efilisted =an" of the United States Pacific Fltet. Vis description grew fron a carcful analysis of candidates' qual- ifications subrnj tted fro2 battleships, aircraft carr'lers, patrol squadrons, muisws, dustroyers, and auxiliaries oP the Flwt train, He is the comnon dznoniiriator of all- the thousands of entzrprising, ambitious yomgsters who work the y~s,ma:i the boats, handle ths signal hoists, toil in engine room, aiid scrvice the plar:r:s of the Pacific F1,~t.

Of course, all this rtprcserits a lot of men.

To find the individual sailor vinosc specifications supsrinpostd most exactk. upon this Fleet pattixn, hundreds of questionnaires, each answered by a Ittypical~tyoungster selected by sklips of task arid type com- mands, were carefully r-.vizwd.

Reduced to the absolute, the !ltyplcal ,:niisted man of thci U. S. Pacific Flsetf' proved to bc a husky, 24-year-old second class pet,GJ officer aboard the light cruixi- I-!OICLULU.

His name: Henry Yarlaii Blake.

IIis rating: i3oatn;iin's Iktt:, second class. This is thc: tra- ditional seafaring rating that dates back to the old Ihvy and th. d~ysof solid shot and cutlasses.

Blakt, 8 ruddy-faced youngater l..5th a silnburned nose and c'i'cs narrowed by staring at thi; sea, COI;;~:~ clone to the '!ty?ical riorri!t.

PAC'E'IC FEET FIXDS TYPICAL SAILOR?&M ( Cont .) Off duty, he keeps a current events scrapbook. ?e has clipped stories of' :.Iunicli, t'ne outbreak of t:ne second 'Lorld Tjar, the Gattle of the Atlantic - all t'ne historical happenings vhich may some day concern him mightily, as an integral cog in a great Fleet.

Turn from Blake - Itthe typical enlisted man" -- to tne "averaget? enlisted man, This would be the composite sailor whose theoretical por- trait was elicited fron questionnaires dispatched to every ship of the Fleet .

Results of this search for the comTon denominator confirmed many a preconceived belief! but exploded several pet notions.

To sink a nisconception, the, typ;.cal enlisted man isn't a grizzled old salt, He IS a youngeter sc;rvinc his first enlistment, along with 63 per cent in this catq;ory;r: ;le wears two or three chevrons, those of a first and second class pt^:ti$ officer, and hopes to rearh warrant rank. Thirty-ninc per ccnt of tlit: fttypfcnL::tf sxght ;i career when they enlisted as did Blakc. Tvcntjr-thrcr: px cer,t minted to combine adventure and a career; 16 per ctnt l~ok~dfor trnv.-3.; 15 per cent believed the Navy a good placc to lwrn r2 tradc:.

Before hi: 2oint.d the Navy, t!iis I'lsct fttypicalft enlisted man had a ,job in a moderato-sized city. Some 54 per cent came from this status, while exactly om-fourth of the candidates donned uniform direct from school. Fifteen ptx- cent vere farmers, and six plr cent entercd from the C.C.C. or N.Y.A.

Best-educatcd Xavy in the world, they term that of the United States.

These f~typicalst~prove it.

Forty-six per cant hold high school diplomas, along vvith Blake, and nin? per cent have atterdsd college. Of the rest, 38 per cent en- joyed some highschooling. Gnly sewn per cent concluded their formal education with grrtmmar school.

Domestically, t!.i fltypicals~tarc: prc.yondi:r;lntPj bachelors. The ratio: sevcri to three.

Those who joimd the iLTavy for travel, got it. Bemuse 69 per cent have visited forcign coizr,triLs during tl'cir Flect duty.

ileantime, thcytre roall zing th5ir n:,ibiti-ons, With 70 per cent dzsiring warrant rank b,;fore thijv rctirc,, 46 pir cent alrcady have at- tended one or narc of the IJzvyfs spci-alist trzdt schools, and 54 pnr cent offer extra qwlifications in zddition to their om rating's re- quiremcnts.

Of' coirsc, liks mar,y n. sailor:uri, one-fourth of thc Iltypicals" hxnkm to posscss thcir own !lorfie ~lndbusiness. Five ptx cent just want to fkt?tire to civil lifcfl. - 3.9 -


Iauiichiws (22)

One Cruiser Three Coastal Jlinesweepers One Des tr oye r Seven Submarine Chasers Three Submarine s One Re5 Tender Six Llo t or 1.3.ne sweepers

Conmis sionings ( 17)

One One Covered Lighter One Destroyer Five Net Te2ders Six Coastal 'Tine sweepers One Gate Vessel One Small Seaplane Tender One Harbor Tug

The nanes of the combatant ships included in the above totals f0 1.1 ows : Keels Laid

USS ST. PAUL, cruiser., .3ethleher? Steel Co., Fore I?iver, PIassachusetts USS FLETCHER, destroyer.. .Federal SbLpbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Kearny, N.J. USS RADFORD, destroyer.. .Federal Shipbuilding c^. Dry Dock Co., Kearny, N.2. USS ABPTdR READ, destroyer.. .Bethlehem Steel Go., San Francisco, Calif. USS SBAD, submarine.. .U. S. Jay: Yard, Portsm:)uth, Ik;.i. Eampshire USS HADDO, submarine.. .Electric Boat Co., Sroton, Corriectlcut -Launching s

USS JUNEAU, cruiser.. .Federal ShipS3iilding F: I)ry Dock Co., Iiearny, N.J. USS LAFFEY, destroyer.. .Bethleier. Steel Co., Sari Francisco, California USS GROUPER, submarine.. .Electric %at Company, Groton, Connecticat USS TRIGGER, subqarine.. .5'.S. 3q.r Yard, !%re Island, California USS I-IADDOCK, submarine. ..U. S. Yay: Yard, Ports? azh, ?Jew !lampshire C wmis s ionil ig s

USS HORIET, aircraft carrier. .. I:eTiFort !Jervs (Va. ) Shipbldg .ti: Dry Dock CO. USS BRISTOL, destroyer.. .Federal Shipbuilding & I)r.y 9ock Co. ,'iearny, X.2.


The Judge Advocate General has received and placed on file the following master or key policies of insu-ance covering Ship's Service activities against loss fron any external cause:

Policy Ido. I34 723519, issued b;r thF; Phoenix Insurance Co. ,Xi?rtford, Conn. Policy No. I24 726968, issued by the Comiecticut Fire 3sTJrznce Company, Hartford, Conn.

Policy No. Ill 727854, issued by the Equitable Fire and T,:arine Insurance - 21 - Company, Providence, Rhode Island.

Policy I9o. ILI 726553, issued b:~the LIinneapli Fire and llari lnsiirance Com?any, I4inneapolis, !"inn.

Policy No. II4 136982, issued by the Atlantic Fire Insurance Con- pany, Raleigh, ;Jorth Carclina.

Policy Xo. IM 11024,939 issued by the Central State: Fire Insurance Company, Wichita, Kansas.


It is requested that a copy of all siiipsf and stations' papers be forwarded to all ;,lain Recruiting Stations.

There are many human interest Ftories.. found in shipel and stations papers that can be used effectivel;~tqr the Recruiting Service, and, therefore, it io desirable that such pa7er.s be made available as an additional source of mnteri-al.

The Iledicnl 1)epartnent of the Xavy, a very large wgaaization Nith many tasks to perforin, proTJi.des nnsdica!- and s:?-g!.ca1 care to offi- cers and enlisted ?men of t?:e ;>lay: i:~all parts ,of the Txorld, ashore and afloat. In every climate and in mn:; p~acesij; ,cares f.ir the fa+.~.ies as well. In some isolated stat:ion ori, 3-t is the nedical service for the ent,irt? is1

To carry on these nimerous nctivities, thc Jkdical Deprzrtmmt consists of doctors, dentists, phx:?

operations, using a microscope in a laboratory, or landing with an expe- ditionary force under fire; and the surprising thing is that they do them all :vel1. These various groups form the Iledical Department of the Navy at the head of which is the Surgeon General who is also Chief of the Rirrjm of lledicine and Surgery.



(Public No. 1313 - ‘7r/th Congress)


1. All temporary appointments and promotions shall be based solely upon the needs of the naval service.

2. Estimates of the number of officers required to meet the needs of the naval service in each grade and yank of the line and staff corps in excz of the permnent authorized nmbers shall be rnnde from time to time by the Chief of the Sureau of Xavigation and the Xajor General Com- mandant, u. S. Marine Corps, and siicmitted to the Secretary of the Navy and the President for approval.

3. Except as provided in the next succeeding parngraph, the pin- ciple of promotion by sclectAon shall a~p1-ywith respct to temporary ap?ointments, arid to pronotions to p:des above Lieutenant (junior grade) in the Navy, arid First Lieutenant in t’he LIarine Corps.

4. Whenever, in the opinjon of t3e Secretary of the Navy, it is deemed advisable that an officer should be advar,ced to a highzr rank in the Navy or Ihrine Corps for the pirpose of bdtter adainistrntion of the duty to which that officer is assigned, the Secretary of the Navy may nom- inate such officer to the President for temporary ndvancenent to a rank .- not above Rear Admiral or P!kjor Gendrnl. .* .* 5, Exaninations other than physical shall not be requirzd in naking temporary appointments and promotions .L . No individual shall be ternporxily appointed or temporarily promoted unless physically qmlified to perform 811 the duties of the grade or rank for wnich designated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, special sc?rvice officers of the Nnval Rcstrve and Llarine Corps Reserve and personnel of thc rttired lists on active duty nay be temporarily appointed or promoted if physically quzlifisd for active duty.

- 23 - 6. All temporar-7 a7pointmcts or promtions shall be revocable at any tine by the Presi3ent.

iii porary promotion list. . .." TBIIPOPARY APPOINTi 'ENTS ---.---kITD ?XO?rlOT IONS ----TOnt.)

temporary promotions to higher rank shall be made from among officers , whosc names appear on such 1-ists.

. 2. Ensigns of the Navjr and Second Lieutenants of the Marine . Corps, if certified by the Chief of the Bureau of Navigation or the Idajor General Commandant as quc?li€ied, nay be tmporsrjly promoted to the next higher rcspectivc grade and rank in such nmbcxs as mxy b:: recommended by the Secretary of the Navy and approvad by the Presidcnt.

. 3, A retired officer on a temporary promotion list will bc pro- moted with date of rank the svne as that of the junior officer of the . active list of thc same rank and corps who was placcd on the temporary . promotion list on or about the same date and whose length of service in rank equals, or is greater than, that of the retired officer concerned. If the length of service in rank of the retired officer is grea-tcr than , that ,of the senior active list officer of the sma rank on that proflotion . list, the date of rank will be the sxmc as thst of svch senior active list officer. In tha ndri?inistrltion of this regulation, retired officers of the Construction Corps shall be regarded as line officers. 4. Officers whose nmes are placed upon :-.promotion list for per- nanent promotion, shall be temporarily pronoted to t,h? rank for which, se- lected in advance of any officers on thc pronotion list for temporary promotion to that rank.

In accordance with a djnxtivc: of thc SccretqJ of the Navy, and in conformity with these rcgulntions, a board of seven offi.ccrs was convened in the Navy Department for thc purpose of selecting for appointment per- sonnel of the regular Navy and the Flcet Reserve fron among those recon- mended by their cornanding officers, pul~suart?;to Durcau of Navigation Circular Letter No. 48-!+O of July 16, 1; ',.a.

Tvro hundred and thirty-oris commission~~danirrant and warrant officers , have been selected for ap2ointi icnt for tcnporxy comrlissions from aslong ..1,427 recomended; fron anon6 11,098 enlisted neil rixonruxdcd, 1,451 r have been selected for teriporary appointnmt to th:, various mrrmt grades. Similar boards will be convened from tim to tine 3s needs require. .

Those selected for ternporary commissions vvill be appointed imediatelJ; personnel selected for temporary warrants will be appointed in such nonthly quotas that the list will be exhausted in June, 1942. The approved list f OllOIfS : 1, Tucker, Edward S, Chief Electrician San Diego, Cx1i.f. 2. McCarty, Harold F. UAef Cmpenter liath, Ehine 3. Weber, Frank Chief CarpeRter Philadelphia, Fa. 4, Kalde, Frederick R, Chi e f Ka c h inis t Berkeley, Calif . 5 . Mager, Frank J. Chief ?oatswain Brooklyn, N.P. 6. Jones, Chesley Chief 'hnner San Die,:o, Calif. 7. Booth, Howard A. Chief &dio Slectrician Peori? , 111. < 8. Verbrugge, Louis Chief Exbinist Sari Fedro, Calif. 9. Thurman, Emett C, Chief Zachiniict Kettery, Maine Chief ?,oatmain Philadelphia Pa, Frieh, Eugene J, 'w 11.10. Anderson, Alexander Chief Gunner flew York, R.Y. 12. Fredericks, John E. Chief Radio Electrician San Cisgo, Calif, 13. Rung, Henry E, Chief Ida c hini at Nap, Celif, 14. Linstrom, Enlil F. Chie f 1%c hinis t ~nnDiego, Calif, 15. Cafferkey, Edward T. Chief Carpenter Hoxston, Texas 16. Leonard, Charles A. Chief Boat swain . Cleveland, Ohio 17. Orvis, Ler, E, Chief Gunn e r- Coronado, Calif, 18, Chilson, Fred B, Chief Gunrie r Coronado, Calif, 19. Blossei, Hernhardt E. Chief Gunner Norfolk, Va, 20, Cole, Raymond Chief I;.ndio Electrician hlexmdria, Va, 21. O'Neill, Edward A, Ckicf I.:achini?t Phil;del~hia, I??, 22. Glover, John S, Chief FIachinist New London, Conn, 23. Butrick, Samuel Ckiei CErpenf cr San Diego, Calif. a 24. Legg, James C. Chief 407 tswin tionolulu, Havaii 25. Holland, Ashley 0. Chief 3o-2tsmin San Piego, Czlif. 26. Royer, Lawrence E. Chi e. f I G.c kiii .is t Oakland, Calif , 27. Baker, Albert E. Chief 3oatrTziin Norfolk, Va . 28. Bandur;., Oscar. F, C1.iie.f 1,:adL5::i.7 1, XorfoLk, Va. 29. Jones, Ray S. ief iJ; chinist Pueblq, Colo, 30. Almour, George VI. 31. Frey, Nat B. Chief Electririnn Santn L?onic-., Calif, 32, Gray, Linwaod C, Chief Electr!.ni".n FJar I-!Zr.bor, :.;Tine 33 . Meade, !iilbur J. Chief Zlectr ic inn Seattle, ',ksh.

1, Schaffer, Charles Chief Ph,qrx~ckt 3rooklyn, iJ.Y, 2. Setterstram, Carl Ckicf :%xxtck t Brooklyn, N,Y.

3. Kent, Thomas E. Chief Phrzmacist Vashington, 9. C , -? 4, Bigelow, Allen F, Chief Phumacist ' UaFhin ?ton, DoC , 5. barton, Jason H, Chief Pharrnac ist Tacon? Park, Xd. 5. Schwartz, Abraham Chief Phctrmttcis t hington, DOC, 7. Eastman, Ervin C. Chief Pharmacist ,hingtm, D.C, 3, Dean, Corliss P. Chi e f Pharmci s t Dclphos , Iianca s 7. Claggett, Repjamin 'T, Chief Pharmacist Poolesville, Md. IC. NacWilliamz, ";alter H. Chief Pharmacist Long Reach, C:Jif. 2..Joiner, Tilillie R. Chief ?h;rmacist Alachua, Fla , 12, Hines, Charles P. Chief Ph-rma cist Snn Pie:;o, Calif, 13. Dennis, Edward G. Ckief Pharwic ist !P,Tr_uke6; n, Ill, 14. Irwin, Senjarcin E. Chicf Ph-xcr cist Vallejo, Calif , CHIEF PHARMACISTS FXCOIJMENDED FOR LIEUTENANT ( HOSPITAL CORPS )--( TElTPOFdEY) ( Cont .I -Name -Rating Home Address 15. Sanders, FJorman L. Chief Pharmacist Pontisc, Xich. 16. Fox, George A. Chief Pharmacist . Bridgeport, Conn,

In accordance n

--CHIEF PAY CLTRKS RECOI,lJ,IENDED FOR LIEUTENANT (SUPPLY CORPS )--( TEIJ;?OIU~RY) '1. Nicol, -:F--lim G. Chief Pay Clerk Allandale, N.J. 2. Bksrd, icr.scoe V. Chief Pay Clerk Portsmouth, Va. 3. Sh;i~'ci~~1;,Atticus C. Chief Pay Clerk Buford, Ga. 4. S1---2.:-ii;;?, I'hllian L.A. Chief Pay Clerk Philzdelphiz, Pz. 5. Chapman. Floyd L. Chief Pay Clerk Norfolk, Va.

1. Kevzrs, Jokn Ha Chi e f 3o ats wz in ',?a s hington, D .C . 2. l,lsrshall, Gari..Dod Chief Gunner Philadelphia, Pa. 3. Ri.,.ley, Chsrles H. Chief Ekdio Electrician xiversicle, R.I. Scott, ';iillim Cbief Carpenter Nzvi Yor'ic, X.Y. 4. 2. ,.v. 5. LcDonough, Joseph A. Chief CFrpenter ,jilringtoz, Del. 6. Sxith, Eugene F, Chief C-rpenter Bremc r t on, '.v4-cs h . 7. Kupbens, Xarry J. Chief Roatsx in LOS ,"npAes, Calif, 8. Bundy, Ralph T. Chie f Gunne r lhncie, Ind , 9. Hughes, ',Jilliam H. Chic f Gunner San Eiego, Cdif. 10, Norton, Iiugh Ti. Chief R?dio Electrician ?o the11, ''J;Ls h 11. Cornwell, Zemp 1'. Chief ikchinis t Pinkney, S.C. 12. Raker, ;Iilliam G. Chi e f So ;L t swAn 3rooklyn, 1T.Y. 13. Feher, Anthony Chief 3ontsvrnin Lnnsdo. nne, Pa . 14. Hood, John L. Chief Gunner Old Xptic, Conn. Snn 9ic,ro, Cclif. 15. Deitzer, Raymond 0, Chic f 1,Is chinist _- 16. gutler, Frank D. Chief bIxhini s t Tacom2, rssh. 17. Jordzn, Fred C k- it? f Gunnk r Portsmouth, Vr.. 18. 'Duke, Virgil D. Chief :kchinist San niigo, Calif. 19. 'Filbry, Frederick X. Chief Boatswain Annapolis, E'id. 20. Korrison, ilobert 'G. Chief Gunner EFston, ld?-ss, 21. E.Iichaelis, Fred ChiGf T3o~tsw~A.n Erie, Pa. 22. Price, Henry 'd. Chid Machinist San Diego, Czlif. 23. Po:crs, Thomas G. Cl- i 3 f lk. c hinis t Caret, Ua. 24. Loxe, John A . Chicf h;n chinist Lincoln, Nebrask? 25. Sievert, Frederick YVi. Chi e f hkch inis t LOS .;ngt,les, CrJif. 26. Farrell, Edward J. Chicf fkchini s t Sa?liego, C:..lif. 27. Ideyer, Georg.3 Y. ChiLf Bxtsmin O:Lkl?nd, Cclif; 28. Sogan, Harold S. Chief 30' tsxain Hoslindnle, ?,:ass. 29. Brom, -,illiem R. Chi:f Ro,-tsT:nin Portsmouth, VF!. 30. Smith, Ll'oert J.. Chief Rzdio Electrician Morfolk, Vcz. 31. Ferree, John E. Chi-f Eadio Electrician. E. Snn nit-go, Calif,

-27- 32. Cormack, Thomas H. Chief Machinist Philadelphia, .Pa . 33 . Budding, William A. Chief Machinist -Reading, Pa. . 3L. Flaherty, John Id. Chief Machinist Cradock, Va. 35. Brown, Ivan L. Chief Nachinist San Pedro, Calif. 36. Canara, Charles C. Chief Electrician N. Dighton, Bhss. 37. Hunter, John Le Chief BoatsraSn hIilton, :“/ash. 38. Craig, 1:jilliam B. Chief Electrician San Diego, Calif . 39. Barnes, Delmar H. Chief Electrician Roseburg, Oregon 40. Reed, Paul R, Chief Ele c t rician Harrisburg, Pa. +*. Ll*. Hamilton, Harold S. Chief Carpenter New London, Corm. 42,. Seniard, Jack C hie f C arpnt e r Wilmer, Ala. ’

1. Wetherell, Franklin G. Ckiief Pharmacist 3rooklyn, M .Y. 2. Zimmerman, Max E. Chief Pha rnacis t Lon Angeles, Calif . 3. Hansen, George R. Chief Pharmacist Lake Fiills, ?Vis . 4. O’Elrien, Daniel J. Chief Thamacist San Fmncisco;

In a,ccordance with an opinion of the Judge hdvocate Smcral, the Pharmacists 0 and Chief Pharmacists are comqissioned in the Hospital Corps and will wear the caduceus as a corps device.

CRIEFPAP CLERKS RECOUXWDED FOR LIEUTEI!ANT ( JG) ( SUPPLY CORPS) ( TT.TOFA~) * 1. -M+nn, Stanley A. Chief Pay Clerk New York, U.Y; 2, Hostetter, Tritner Chief Pay Clerk Mashington, E;C. 3 .*77ktz~ing, Hovard N . Chief Pay Clerk Dover, N.H. - , 4. Parish, Jams E, Chief Tay Clerk ?7endell, N.C. 4 , 5. Hiles, Charles C. Chief Pay Clerk Montqomery, Ala. 6. Ciesluk, Elaynond Chief Pay Clerk Yeadon, Pa. a 7. Humphrey, William C. Chief Pay Clerk . Ti3t ert om, Corm . $. VJGight, Thomas E. Chief Pay Clerk Washington, i3;C. 7. Shores, Ray H. Chief Pay Clerk ’ Poulsbo, ’.“:ash.

. 1. Kahle, Seorge F. Chief 3oatsmin San Ciego, Calif. %e Daly, TJalter J. Chi e f Eoat swain . San Ziego, Cacif. 3 . Wilson, William C. Chief Machinist * Seattle, Tias h . 4. Svendsen, Raymond V. Chief Roatsvcain !*layne 3 boro , Pa . I 5. Strunk, Virgil A. Chie f Gunne 1- . Ocean Feach, Calif. 6. Phillips, Byron Chief Radio Electrician Philedelohin, ?E. 7. FinnFgan, William Lfe Chief ftadio Electrician Dollar 3ay, I.:ich. 8. Dufresne, Luke We Chief Radio Electrician’ Bar Harbor, Blaine. ’3.’ Desrosiers, Joseph E. Chief RaZio Electrician SaFrancisco, Calif. -Name Rating Eome Add.res s 10. Foushee, Clarence L. Chief Boztsr-ain San Diego, Calif. 11, Cozts, :iinfred 9. C bie f 3oat swain Wnnsboro, Texas 12. Delvro,rth, Lee J. Chief Radio Electrician Erooklgm, N.Y. 13. Stuart, John M. Chief Kachinist Eremerton, FJash. 14. Tur"t, Delmar L. Chi e f Iiadio Electrician San Francisco, Calif. 15. Isbell, John D. Chief Radio Electrician Ore City, Texas 16. Holt, Merrill M. Chief Radio Electrician Pierce City, Mo. 17, Erook, Ernezt A. Chief Gunner Narblehead, Mass . 18. Turner, Ilalph A, Chief Electrician Homelake, Colo ., 19. Nasi, George L. Chie f Electrician Denver, Colo. , 20. Kershner, Arthur Id, Chief Electrician Somerville, Mass . 21, Foley, Charles T. Chief Eiachinis t San Pedro, Calif. 22. TToltiim, Gerald 5. Chief ldachir,ist Viest Thornton, 11.H. 23. Davis, Robert L. Chief ITc? chinis5 Seattle, Wash. 24. Sm?rt, H;.rley P. Chief Ihchinist ?Jevrzrk, Ohio . 25. Thomas, Sari A. Chief K,:,?chinijt Long %ach, Calif. 26, Cuthbert, Cecil C1iie.f 30: tsmin San Pedro, Calif. 27. Clmrch, Frclncis E. c-hiej- Ciuriner HaT:hhorn, Nevada 28. Eollovay, Jesse L. Chief Gunner Los Angeles, Calif, 29. Shi.elds, Lil lim L. Chief Gunnor i'alle jo, Calif . 30, Hutchinson, John ";. Chi e f Sunnsr PhiladclplSa, Pi. 31. Bqrtori, Slner A. Ct:Fef Electrician SpringfiFld, ?do. 32. E'oorc, Eiol-.nd E. C;hi e f El8 c t ric ixn San Diego, Czlif, 33. Thorr",, ldi.llianI.1. C ki e f Radio Elcc t ricia n * Baltjmore, Ild. 34. Eod~es,Arthur 7'. Chief RDdio Ekctrician DenEir, Crlif. 35. Thomas, D&itt 0. C !-iief 91nc kinis t . Ocean Vievc, VP.. 36. Jqnes, Kwrj' G. Chief Mizchinist Szln Diego, Czlif., 37. Hart,, Cks. '-. Chief E c hinis t Rcxf ord, Xont . 38. Classcock, LEOI~ CEef ;:ac hinist Inkster , E. D. 39. C!it.ck, Dor,?ld R. Cbicf I,kchinist Portlznd, Oregon 40. Hesser, qtrnicc C. Corondo, Calif. 41. Ikly, %lli?rc I!. Chief Fo. tsmin '";allace, Eebraska L2. Cook, GLarqL: E. Ch.iGf Eor?tsmin Los Angeles, Calif. 43. Purceil, E-ynond F. Chief Boc tswin Kani.12, P. I . 44. "hit?, Chrence ':. Chie 1' Gunnt r S . LSYLS town, Mont . 45. Clark, Bryan C. Chid? Gunner Ansonia, Conn. 46. :.:c?k?w, '.illim J. Chief Electrician lXnthrop, Mass . 47. L:c2ulty, John T. C'hief Electricim Philadelphia, Pa. . 48. Permnson, Elof Chid Electrician * Los Angeles, Calif. r ::. 49. Lm?xrt, Jol-a R. Chief Electrician Pearl City, Ozhu, T.H. 50. Sly, RichFrd G. Chie f Bk c hinis t .Long Beach, CFlif. 51. OeNers, Jostph A, Chief 1h.c hini5 t Pcnsauken, N. J. 52. Ez~ll,S~CI P. Chicf Micchiriist Trout, Louisian. 53. Jenkins, Charlc,s G., Jr. Chie f Eo atsmin Anahein, Calif. 54. Pinqley, John F. Chicf Eo? ts-zzin Newport, R.I. 55 . Iiine,s, Ha.rlo1Fr Chief Gunn<,r Forest Grove, Oregon 0 56. Prosisp, Ikrry T, Chief Gunncr Long Seech, Czlif. 57. Osburg, Daniel Chief X?chixisCJ -L~keGeorge, N.Y. 58. Ray, Guy E. Chief Idcc hinist r7ichitn Falls, Texas 59. Brady, Edwrwd H. Chit?f Eachinis t Pacific Grove, Calif.

-29- Rating Home Address

60, Davidson, Honer I<. Chief IJacNnist, Peabody, Kansas 61. Krkopp, Charles L. Cbief Boatswain San Diego, Calif. 62. Lawon, Jacob F. Chief Boatswain Long Beach, Calif. 63. Cooley, Theodore R. Chief Boatswain Honolulu, 'I' .H, - '64. !u'tckens, George F. Chief Gunner Charleston, S .C . 64. Fickes, Ted D, C hie f Gunmr Salt Lake City, Utah 6h..Doilin~, Cecil E. C hie f I?o a t s wain La ?desa, Calif, 67. Boyd, Eugene L. Chief Boatswain Clinton, I11 , 68. Andzrson, Harvey K. Chief Ho a. t swain Charleston, sbco 69. Ldmards, 2enja;nin F., Jr. Chief Carpen%er Montross, Va.. 70. Sarders, EuTme T. Chief %atswain Sari Diego, Calif. 71. CITapr;an, HErbc,rt I,. Chief CarpenLeer San Diego, Calif. 72. Kutz, Rciari Chi.;f' Carpenter Baltimre, lid. 73. Fisher, Hubert '7, Chief Carpeilt e r San Pedro, Calif. 71. Dyer, Jpmes Chief Ca r.pcntcr Evans, Colo . 75. Caryenler, &mld L. Chief Cczqmtcr Sac Pedro, Calif.

. 1, Fagan, Joseph C. Ckief Phai-macis t Hartford, Conn. ' 2. Birtriistle, :Iztthew C h i e f Pha rma c is +, Taunton, Mass . 3. Oven, Clarence J. Cl1iC:f Pharrnacis t Los Animos, Colo. 4. Heary, Daniel 'd. Chief ?harmxist Columbus, Ind . 5. Zuntsinger, Fay 0. Chief Phirmcis t Lafayette, La. 6. Fay, Chester S. Chief Pkarmcist Canacus , P .I. 7. Hees, Tau1 T. Chief Pharmacist Albany, Ind. 6'. L;3rie, Jghn 0, CLief Ph

In 2ccordmce if5tkl a opinion of tile Judge Advocate General, the Pharmacists and Chief Phzrm,wi.;ts are commissiond in thc Hospi.ta7, Corps and .Nil1 wear the caduceus ES F corps device.


6. Bear,, Frank T. 7. Seese, Herbert E. 8. SnoaX, Earl J. 9. I,:in'g.1:, -Jcm..s Iz, 10. Grahac, Raynond C. 11. ijiisch, Sylvester F. 12. Kipple, Frank C. Jensen, John L. 13. , 14. Dup*gan, Ilugh 11, 15. ~RS,Jzcoh A. 16. IZeilly, l\.!ichael J. 17. Hxlcn, Alpheus E. lg. ILLlbon, tiugh Ei. 10. Rrannick, I'iilliar- J, 20, Meyer, Pndre-iJ R. 21. Ma roney, Joh S . 22. Frenk, Louis E. 23. Elmod, Ralph H. 24. I,inska, RussEll II', 25. IStarks, i?obt:rt L. 25. hnson, Thi-,odore H, 27, Cook, :"iillard S. 28. 'b'artsnberg, $:infield S. 29. Lkrchlswicz, Vincent P, 30. Jackson, Hcrbmt G. 31. Ha-lzn, Jmes L. 32. Almos, PetLr ' 33. Smith, J;mc.s N. 34. Yri.;ht, :hilton L. 35.. CFrr, Alfred 36. IIutman, Hr:rry G. 37. Espsmnza, Wlter 30. KLnning, Samuzl Y. 39. Hughes, Jostlsh S. 40. Clark, ChestLr 3. 41. Amr, Frank 42. Srr;ith, :?!ads 2. 43. Rurris, Harrison R. 44. Gicholson, Edph :i. 45. Chmbcrlain, Jmcs 3. %5, Fzrrar, Smaz- 151.

-3 2-

13. Cardozy I!!anuel . Chief Boatswain': b!ate San Pedro, Calif. . 14. Brouillette, Joseph T.E, Chief Boaiswain's @ate Whitinsville, Ilktiss . , 15. Terrio, Harold Chief Boatswain 1s kate Glenciaie. Calif.

17. Payton, 'Jjallace 1;. Chief Boatsmin's Xate F'hila delphia, Pa. 16. .Ogorek, Thomas S. Chief Boatsmints Mate . CtiicaTo. Ill.

20.. Cardell, Thomas W. Chief Boatmxinl s Kat,e PhLladelLJhia, Pa. 21. Csizmar, John Chief Boatsmin's @te , Dridgeport, Com.

25. Barlox, George Vf. Chief Quartermaster , !ihif,man, Xass . 26. Lirideman, Matthem J, Chief Ouarternas t er CkIicaco. 111.

28. !kJore, Clarence 1;:. Chief Quartermster Lttleboro, Kx5. 29. Fleming, Eugene S. Chief '3'unrtcrms t er . S2-n Fracipco, Calif. 30. Kuh, 'Yilliam E. Chief Quartermaster liorfolk, vz. 3.1. Pendleton, 1,forris A. Chief Quartermaster Ssr, Siege, CslYf.

..r 33. Noia, John F. Chief Xarternast e r irnr r hi; t on, Fla . 3L. Eelcher, Aloysius 3. Chief (Guart e rmas t e r 3ethlehem, Pa . 35. Paolozzi, John C Pie f QuartE. mas t, e I' Sa Pedro, Crlif.

38. Lacy, Leamond F. ChiEf ~uartzrmastsr IJc: London, Conn. 39, Johnson, I?illiam 5. Chi Lf Sipnlmm l'iilliamport, P?. 40. Simpson, Iiilliam Ti. Chicf Signalman PougbkLLnsie, N .Y . 41. Zfoclcbee, John J. Chief S ignalmnn Sal? Diego, Cslif. 42. Olender, Frank Chicf Signalman Pzsadena, Celif. . 43. Ric'hie, Clarence E. Chief Sign2lman Fall Mnr, !,lass. 44. Maxvjell, Joseph E. Chicf Signnlmm ,Est,?czda, Orcgon

2. KcSorley, Henry E,, Jr. Chief Roatsvain's Xzte Nortkmcpboon, F.I?ss . 3. Lane, Eobert 5. Chief Boatswain f s !&iix Engle:;Jood, Ccdif . 4. Denton, 'Yesley A. Chief Boatsv:,?in's Gate I)livi2., N.C. L 5. Turner, James A. Chicf Boatsmin 1 s :.!at3 3rear_: r t o~i, Xias h . 6. Mczhlstcdt, Carl H. 'Chief 3ontsx3n 1 s I,;a.tn Los hge-les, C,zlif .

9. Knudsen, Arthur E. Chief Boztsv;zin 1 s TV*?.tc Omhz, il;ebi-aska 10. Pecore, Norman H. Chizf ?,oatsr.,-;.infs I1at.c Qcczn Beach, Czlif.

12. i?,eiter, 1 Harry Chicf Boatsmin's Xatc . __.23stport, Ind , 13. Qur,nde, 01as Chief Boatsmin's biate 1 ,rssoul2, Biont. 14. Gorman, Thomas E. Chief Boatz-xainfs Lkte Jar?,zicn P1-tin, !!ass. 15. Mshal, Joseph J. Chirf Boatsw.in1 s ?kte Annapolis, Zcl . Name- Rating Home Address

16. Holley, John R. CXef 9oatsrmin 1 :: Xate Newport, R.I* 17. Mackey, Jesse hl. Chief Soatswain's Eate Little Eo&, Ark. 18. Hall, Carl A. CkLef BoatsvTain 1 s Llate Newport, It. I. 19. Dudley, Falf ord A. Chief 3oa.ts::Iainf s !>late Long Reach, Calif, 20. Hoeltzel, Louis Chief 3oatswainfs Idate Honolulu, T. H. 21. McCarter, Randolph 1:. C hie f !i?oat s wa in1 s Xat e Arlington, S. C ,

22. hlilburn, Xlalvern &. Chief 3oa t swain f s IJa t e $an Diego, Calif. 23. Pozdro, Ignatius Chief 2oatsimin Is ?&+,e Chicago, I11 . 24. Zito, Lnthony Chief Soatswain I s Mat e San Diego, Cdif. 25. Haslup, Charles L. Chie f 7;ua rt e mas t, e r Baltinore, Ed. 26. Helmka, Allen G. Chi e f ,;uart ernast er San Eiego, Calif. 27. Terpening, Meil I?. Chief Guartermaster Sut%e, Yonfana 28. Theroux, Leo 3. C hief ,@arternas t er Philadelphia, Pa. 29. Rice, Frank C. Chief 'uartems t er San Pedro, Calif. 30. Stover, Clinton E. C !-Le f iJuart e rmas t e r Long Beach, Cali€, 31. Tv'indle, Worth T. Chief guartermaster I toore sville, E. C . 32. Ekberg, Paul R. Chief Quartemaster Sa Diego, Calif. 33. Premo, Clarence J. Chief Guartermas ter Sornersworth, N. H. 34. Xhite, Xric li. Chief ,2uarternaster Gloucestcr, I(. J. 35. RGble, Harold V. Chief Quartermaster Portsmouth, N. i-i. (. 36, ?j-eire, Everett E. Chie f {&arte rm s t e r Portland, Oregon 37. Costigan, James E. Chie f T'uart e rms t er Albion, R.1. 38, Rowe, Gilbert C. Chief Quarterrnast;er Philadelphia, Pa. 39. Hicks, Theodore Chief Signalman Pickeyville, Ill. 40, Henry, William A. Chief Sig ndman Yewport, R. I . 41. Depo, Thomas W. C hie f Si g nalman Srooklyn, N.Y . 42. Kasprowski, Bernard Tu'. Chief S ignalrnnn Jionolulr;, T. H. 43. Davis, Lom11 E. Chief Signslman Long EFach, Calif. 44. Smutny, Louis Chi e f S ignai;;?zi? San i)ic,c;o, Calif.

1. Castonguay, Victor E;. San Diego, Calif. 2. Hahnenkratt, Douglas C. Kansas C it;T, . 3. Austin, Clyde H. Lancaster, I'kss . 4. Newhard, lizlter G. Allentown, ?a . 5 . Weathers, William Piorfolk, Vr. 6 . Rawlings , 'Jillian Przttcrson, IT. J. 7. Benthusen, Harold A. ;'-1yY,.;ooCt, I11 . .* 8. Milliken, :iilliam A. Chz ttanoogc?, Tenn, 9. Hiner, Carl B. San ?)icgo, Calif. 10, Krall, Joseph Frank '=,an ;)iego, Calif. 11. Bishop, Willie H. Lakehurst, f.J. J. 12, Ratchford, Edward L. Long Seach, Calif. 13. Kinsey, Charlie C. Awensdav, S .C . 14. Doran, Thbmas It. Jersq- City, N. J, t5. IIuehes, Earskine E. Q~chburg,Va.. 16. Nelson, William R, S~I;Diego, Calif. 17. Smith, James H. Casar, 1J.C. 18. Hernlen, RoSert L. Manila, P .I . 19. Little john, Jack Erin, Tenn. -_. .. -Name Rating Home Addrsss 20. IiIetcalf, Alsie P. 21. O'ILarah, Allen E. 22. Carlson, E.no D. 23. Jones', William E. 24. 'Xls'oey,. Yiallace A 25. Ryan, Joseph ti. 26. Mason, Joseph E. 27. Hancbck, Ra-Der 28. Dean, Alton 29. Reeves, George L. 30. XcGuire, George 31. Ihacker, Elno R. 32, Roeschke, Charles E. 33. Ball, Charles U. 34. Krahenbuhl, Paul 0, 35. Jackson, Floyd V. 36. Root, Bierton F. 37. iirause, Edivard 38. Hunter, Charles A. 39. Brouwr, Louis 40. Dan$r$w, Frank L. 41. Wgg, Gabriel T. 4.2. Howk, Bertrand J.

1. Craska, Paul 2. ?hstrogiacomo, Pasqur,lc ;I. 3. Pras, St.mley 4. McDeTott, Leo G.C. 5. Hezrd, Stephen S. 6. Aljertia, Louis Ei, 7. Shugrue, €la-ymond L. e, Smnett, Forrest D. 9. Felder, Eelan S. 10. Gillespic, L:attbx H. 11. Czbiicio, ~jaltr,r I. 12. Tygart, Vil1iarFl 3. 13. Kcenurn, Carl X. 14. Haupt, Hcnry F. 15. Thi:lmann, John E. 16. Frontakomki, Lconxd 17. Hays, Alphord 18. Hemmingcr, Cyril F. 19. Lann, Carl J. 20. Tidd, Ira X. 21. Jones, Xddn D. 22. Rightmzycr, Zarr;r H. 23* Roloff, 'Yaltcr C. 24. Allen, Reedie D. 25. Swenson, Caydar E, 26. Bauer, Joseph E.

-Name Rzting Home Addres '3 '35. praylor, Thomas 3. Chie f S ignalnan National City, Caiii'. -36. Veltri, Philbert Chief SiTnalman Chicago, 111.' '37. Vautrot, Leonard Chief Sjgalmaii Sari Fraficisco; Calif'. 38. Thomson, John Fi. Chief Signalman Ouincg, ?la. ' 39. Villella, William Chief Signalman Lon:; ;?tach, CAlif. 40. Lockvrood, David S. Chief Siqalman ocean 3c;ach, Calif. 41. Waller, Lloyd Chief Siqmlnar, San Ziego, hlif. 42 'Yaddell, Harry Chief SiGna1;nan Loveland, 7016 . 43. Peden, John €1. Chief Signalman ' ~ongT!ezch, CA1i.f. '44. %ward, Hal Signalnan 1st Class Lexington, Ga; et '45. i;;alsh, Francis R. Chief Signalman Sari Diego, Calif. 1; Rhades, Thomas L. 2 ; Jabkowsky, Edward V. ' 3. Elan, Herbert C. 4. Lynch, 'iilliam H. 5. Barnett, Floyd S. '6. Bromi, Jin P. 7. bhrkhm, James 3. 8. Parker, John J. 9* Barvette, Grazcden E. 10. F,oclhau.f, Elncr 3. .ll. 3urns, ',"J'illian , 12. Kusanich, Steve 12. Hershberger, Joseph E. 14. Dcmnt, John S. 15. Hayden, Kalden I. 16. Perry, ?,W.lian S. 17. J:ihnsen, Leanard Id. 18. sock, ROb37% DO 19. Franklin, 3enjamin J. 20. 3$rtin, Chc,stL?r A. 2%. Armstrong, Ikrl 0. 22. Fiearo, RajTlond 2. 23, Pickles, firzlph M, 24? ICrVc3gery Tkodore 25. 3urke, Jmes F. .26. Byron, Kalie r -27. McKce, Harold S. 2G. Pickring, Clifford G. .29. Rollins, Ferrdl A. 30, Caslcr, Jams Be 31. !,!cCormac'tc, Cornelius S. 32. $!cDar,iel, &nry E. . 33. N.mxxJker, C-hrl 34. Luqdberg, C1 zrcnce l2'. 35, %ck, Gtoi-gF J. 36. Soles, Echwrd 3. 37. YJclch, b2dcrick E. 38. Vautrot, Joseph E. -Name Elating Home Address

39. Fkiuzht, Charley Ckief Signalman San Pedro, Calif. 40. Sanderson, Edward C k3. e f Signalman Quincy, Ib’ 41. Fisher, Arthur E. Chief Sign+xan Crystal River, Fla. . 42. Vauqhn, George Signalman 1st Class Eonolulu, T.H. 43,. SI;“,ith, ;rames A. Signalmn 1st Class Eew Carlisle, Ind.

Chief Gunner 1 s ]!ate St. klbans, W.Va. Chicsf GuTinert s Llate Long Peach, Calif. Chici‘ Scnner’s Xate Sonerset, lfass. ChLef Gwimrls :\;ate Eas tport,, ?Ad. Ckivf CiLr,rlerfB Ikte Lomita, Calif. Chief Gumtr 1s !{ate Los imgeles, ialif a Chief Titrret Cqtain Yorwoo d , Ohio Chi :f Turret Ca$ ain Sorierville, I.lass . Chi f Torpedonan Los Arigeies, Calif Cki. c.1- Torpedolean Arcadia, Kebr . Chi::f Torp€c?oE-n Lmg rjewh, Calif. . Chief Torpdman Mewburgh, ?J,.Y. Chirf mor?e:dor;.an Sar, iliego, Calif. Chi c f Torge doman Srcokl-p, 1J.Y. Chitf To r;sedomari 2chobc th, 1‘-‘LLSS. Chiif To rpcdx-an Oklahomr, City, Okla. Chief Fix Cor.trolncn P3iladelphiz, Pa. Chief Fir? Controlmn Sliashington, D.C. Aviztion Cfiicf Ordnanceman Sar, Diego, Calif.

Cbi+,i Giinxier 1 s X? te Roxbiiry, &!ass . Chief Gunnt rl s :&.te New Orlcanr;, La. Chief Gmnc rt s Xate Brooklyn, FJ .Y Chief Giinn2rls lilate Long Beach, Cclif. Chic f Sunn.,r t s !la. t 2 Chrrlestom, Mass . Chidf ~UTIF~~LC‘i?td Lynwood, Calif. Cbief Twret Csptain Phi12Gdelphia, Pa . Ckicf Ti?.rrct Captain Ocean kach, Calif, = C kie f To r’ix do:xn Long Peach, Calif. Chirsf Torptdornm Sari Diego, Calif. Chit: f Tor pd3man Sari Diego, Calif. Chitf Torpec?mzn Groton, Corn. Chicf To r;ic doman So. Pasadenzi, Calif - ‘ Chid Torpt.donwi Bentori Harbor, Mich. Chic?f To rpcdlscian ~e-rriiPraguc , Linn. Ci.:icf Torpcdjman L3 Punta, Pcru C1ii-A’ Fj r 3 rontrolrnan Dernood, Ud Chicf Fir? Cmtrolrmn Idorehead City, N .C Avi2tior Cbicf OyClnRnrr>rnRq La Id~sa,California

ChiRf Gunnl,Y”s Mate’ ComopoIis , \Y;LSh.


ENLISTED LEN liECOhQENDED FOR GRADE OF GUNNER (TEI.POFARY> ( Cont .) -Name Rating Home Address 12. Eiben, Joseph Chief Torpedoman Brooklyn, N.Y. 13. Shattuck, HerSert F. Chief Torpedoman Groton, Conc. 14. Depue, Charles F, Chief Torpedoman Snn Diego, Calif. 15. Hendershot, Charles 0. Chief Torpedoman San Diego, Calif. 16. Jackson, Hampye, Jr. Chief Torpedoman Loqnnville , Ca. 17. Dale, Harry L. Chief Turret Captain , Springfield, Ohio 18. Hill, John A. Chief Fire Controlman Long Beach, Cali€. 19. Watson, Frank H. Aviation Chief Ordnancenen San Diego, Calif.

1. Romero, Henry Chief Gunner f s Late Long Beach, Calif. 2. Almand, John G. Chief Gunner I s Mate Long Beach, Calif. 3. Ketzel, Eugene Chief Gunner's Mate Indianapolis, Ind. 4. McCleery, James F. Gunner's Mate 1st Class Kansas City, ?do, 5. Bir&l, Anthony J. Gunner 1 s Blate 1st Class Burlington, N. J. 6. Gill, Clay Gunner's Xate 1st Class Tangipzhoa , Lac 7. Davis, Maston D, Gunner's Kate 1st Class Caldwell, Idaho 8. Phillips, Frank Chief Turret Captain Leom, Term. 9. Langston, Monroe Chief To rpedornan !%bash, Ind . 10. Kowitz, Rudolph H. Chief Torpedoman San Cieqo, Calif. 11. Sxders, Roy E. Chief Torpedoman Anderson, S.C. 12. Lenseigne, Rudolphe Chief Torpedoman San Diego, CFlif, 23. Thorp, Thaddeus Chief Torpedoman Chiczgo, Ill. 14. Robertson, Idus L. Chief Torpedonan Smyrnn, Ga. 15. 'Jehr, Carl H. Chief Torpedoman Yashington, Xo. 16. Derlien, Paul Chief Torpedoman New London, Conn. 17. Greenwood, George Chief Torpedoman Philadelphis, Pa. 18. Voger, Arthur J. Chidf Fire Controlman Salem, Elass . 19 . Fleming, Hcnqr G. Chief Fire Controlman Ashtville, 1J.C. 20. Uintter, John Fredrick Av ic. t ion Chic€ i'k talsmi t h P;Lvlstuckct, R.I.

1. Reran, John M. Chief Guricr s Mate Neshanio, N. J. 2. Ozment, Andrcw F. Chic-f Gunner's Ivkte Greensboro, N.C. 3. Maxwell, Raymond E. C'hief Gunncr 1 s ?,!ate Fairf ield, IOVJ~ 4. Jilillw, Chxles 3. Chief Gunner's hkte fdorenci, I'Iich. 5. Metcalf, Plvin C. Chief Gunncr 1s Xatc Smta Rosa, C2lil. 6. Dwis, Amos J. Chief Turret Captain Nat'l Park, K.J. C hicf Torpedoman Arlington, Texzs 7. Bowen, Chester --- 8. Chamberlin, klton E. Chief TorpedomLn uorcester, 3ass. 9, Tkrd, Joseph ?J. Torpec7oman Ist Class Xlexadrin , La . 10. Ring, Bhtthen. Torpedoman 1st Class San Dicgo, Cplif. 11. Richxdson, Louis M. Chief Torpedoman Norwich, Conn. 12. Bronley, Horace Et. Chief Fire Controlmtzn Chula Vista, Calif. 13. Schvfertfcgcr, Ikrmn L. Chic€ Fire Controlman Charleston, S.CI 14. Brown, liieslcy R. Xviation Chief Ordnancelnnrl New York, N.P.

1. Ketcham, Tony G. Chic f Gunncr 1 s Bia t e Cottzze Grove, Ore. 2. Griffin, Patrick A. Chief Gunner's Lktc Pawtucltctt, 2.1. 3. Burns, Joseph W. Gunner's i&te 1st Class Honolulu, T. H. 4. Hampton, Joseph G. Chicf Gunncr s 3atc IVilc~.ngton, CFlif . 5. Vinchell, Kenneth L. Chief Gunnci-1s ltak SJrmCUSL, N.Y. 6, Sincavage, Joseph A, Turret Captain 1st Class Kcst Exeta-, Pa, -41-

Rating Home tddress

5. Pierson, Otto 0. Chisf Elsctricinn' s ;late Em: London, Corn. 6. 'tiebb, riirilliam H. Chie f Elc c t rici an f s 1k t e Portsmouth, Va . 1, Dexter, Walter L. Chief Electrician's Kate Nm London, Corm 2, Andert, Charles G, Chief Electrician' R ?!;ate Nevr Orleans, La. 3. Neville, James E. Chief Ele c tri cian t s Eate 1Jorf olk, Va . 4. Ott, John E. C hief Ele c tri cian 1 s Idat e Obsecon, €io J. 5. Norton, Charles E. Chief Electrician's Alate Horiollll.?l, T .E. 6. Tolf, Stanley E. Chief Electrician s 1,iate San Diego, CalLf.

1. Thorne, Kenry F. Chief Electrician's ?date L;md?ium t , 3. J. 2. Dixon, Glenn A. Chief E2ectrician's late Brkbley, Calif. 3. Barnard, Tracy S. Chief Electrician's Iliaate Gadsden, Ala . 4. Donahue, Leo T. Chief Electrician's Idate Todwan, idd. 5. Ditgen, Nick VI. Electrician's iL4ate l/c Portsmouth Va. 6. Stagger, Charles G. Chief Electrician's Mate Philadelphia, Pa. 7. Beamish, Norman T. Electrician's j\iatc l/c 9r emert on, Was h .

1. Gough, Charles R. Electrician's Kate l/c Long Beach, Calif. 2. Board, James H. Electrician's Kate l/c . Statesville, N,C. 3. Schaeffer, Gottfried F. Chief Slectricianfs -]&ate Farmingdale, N.Y. 4. Jam, Frederic H. Chief Electrician's Elate Snn Diego, Calif. 5. Houchard, Eber A. Electrician's ;ate l/c Vas hington, D .C . 6. Hiland, William E. Chief Elec%r IC~B 3. .s tk%e Manila, P.I. 7. Alexander, Donald IT. Electricim 1s ;,:r-:,~e I-/C Marion, Ill.

1. Reeves, Thomas J, Chief Rad iornar, Thomaston, Conn. 2. Jette, George H. Chief Radionan Portsmouth, Va. 3. Rodgers, Frank T. Chief Rndiormn Oakland, Calif. 4. Eolf, Lawrence Y. Chief Rall.orfiz.:i :ionolulu, T ,E 5. Harwood, RaTpond CMzf Rndiornan Oakland, Calif. 6, Fickas, Tilbert R. Chie f Radioman Long Beach, Calif. 7. Coolikoff, Jacob Ct.i e f FLa3.i.oma r! National City, Cnlif . 8. Riley, Conrad D. Chisf REtdioman Louisville, Ky. 9. Boyce, Earl Cbief Radioman San Diego, Calif.

1. Jensen, Andy F. Chief Radioman San Diego, Calif. 'zh.shir.gto[l, DOC 2 . 0 f Br ien,. Cornelius E* Chie f Ra d ioman . 3. Lombar, Albert Chief Rad ioma P- 1.m crton, Pa . 4 . Brightman, Raymond 3. Ch&f Radioman Eureka, Calif. 5. Sandberg, Floyd DI. Chief Radioman San Diego, Calif. 6. Ketteringham, Earl ru . Chief Radioman Long Bench, Calif, 7. Patch, Frank C, Chief Radioman York Villzge, Ik, 8. Hcrris, Buckner N, Chief Radi Oman Nornm, Okla, 9. Hansen, Hans A. Chief Iladioman Ne enah, -1'" isc . 1. Clinton, George '7. Chicf Hrdi.ornzn NCW Brunswick, X,J. 2. Clow, Laurence E, Chief Fx diomm Long Seach, Celif. Name Ra tinp Home Address I

3. Cooper, Orville T. Chief Radioman San Diego, Calif. 4. Bailey, Clayton W. Chi e2 Kadi. Oman Sanford, Fla. 5. Gunn, Max C. Chief Radioman Ut-Kinley, Uaine - I 6. Stout, James B. Chief Radiomn Rogersvil le, Tenn.

8. ldilkay, Julius Chief Radiomar, Norfolk, Vs. 9. Hoffman, William D. Chief Radioman 'South hboy, E. J. ' IJorf olk , Va .

3. Rarney, Robert B. Chief Radioman Ocear, View, Va. 4. Senn, Homer A. Chief 3adi.oman Cavpen, S. C,

7. Menice, Joseph F. Chief Radiomn

9. Dowling, .John Chit?f RnZi om;: Newark, Xm Jerscy

2. Stanseil , Law-A ence Norfolk, Va. 2. neni.. vvuiiam 11. miel: naaioman 5. Webster, William L. IT. Chief IhSiioi2ar1 Key West, Fla. 6. Turner, Ja?zes S. Chief Raclionan Bwcton, N. C. 7. Bliller, .John M. Rxlioman 1st Cl-ass Worcestar, 12ass. 8. Bush, Frederick E. Chief Radioman Pplham, Ga. 9. Doyle, Tti.lliam J. Chief Radi omn Norfolk, Va. . 1. Gill, Francis J. Cliitl" Radiman @att mille, lid, 2. Tighe, Thomas J. Radionan 1st C1:;ss Eastport, hid, 3. Garretty, Ned A. Chief Radiman Garjr, Ind. 4. Clough, Harold E. G. Chief Radioman San Frmcisco, Calif. 5. Bordeq, Clifford L. Radionan Ist Class Arvin , Cdif. 6. Pierce, Eugene G. Radioman 1st Class Iowa, La. 7. Dickert, Robert E. Radiornan lst Class San ctiego, Calif. 8. Yihitty, Raymond J. Radioman 1st Class Eastc;i.de, Oregon

Chief Radi onm Leconpt, L?-. .C 2. Cameron, Harvey C. Radioman 1st Class St. fielenn, Calif. 3. Evans, Everett L. Chiel' R3dioman Sm Diego, Calif. 4. Cook, Jmes F. Radiman 1st Class Harlea, Gn. * 5. Nearmyer, Kenneth E. Chief RrLdioman Seattle, .'uWsh. 4. Vaughan, Glen L. R.tdionan 1st Clzss Tl, Anriapolis, Md. 7. Gautreaux, Raoul F., Jr. Chief %idionan Grandcoteau, L3. 9. Sroadley, .Frank Id. Racliomn 1st Class Stamford , Conn . ENLISTED ENRECOMTIEIVDED FOR GRflDE OF RADIO ELECTRICIAN (TEMPORARY) (Cont.)

Name Rating Home Address I_ .1.Donegan, Thomas A. Chi e f Radi Oman TJhitefish, Mont. , 2. Snyder, Leroy E. Chief Radioman Manasquan, M. J. 3. Lowe, John J. Radioman 1st Clt?ss Beachmont, Fjass. 4. Benham, Tiallace E. Chief Rzdiomnn Honolulu, T. €1. 5. Reed, lJUlim fb. Radioman 1st Class San Diego, Calif. 6. Nowak, Frederick E. Chief Radioman Cantonncnt, Fle. 7. Metz, Frank Radiona 1st Class Hankow, China 8. Held, 'Jillim E. . Chief Radioman Vashington, D. C. 9. Foman, Conrad E. Rsdioman 1st Class Ihrrison, 1:. J. 10. Bramlett, Otho L. Chicf Radioman Donaldsonville, Ga.


1. King, ivlyron H. Chief E:achinlstfs I'dste bid, !I. Y. 2. Gorski, Joseph J. Chitf machinist 1s lhte San Diego, Cdif. 3. Morrison, Henry PT. Chief Zinchinist 1s 1Iate Akron, Ohio 4. Haase, Paul C. Chief Machinistls IIate Elcroft, Pa. 5. Erdman, Charles E. Chicf Iiiachinist 1s ikte Baltimore, 2d. 6. Gilchrist, Lawrmce S. Chief Biac,hinist ts Ilate Vhitcville, Tenn. 7. Kochendoerfer, Carl Chief MtLchinist 1s 1.latc Scittle, Wash. 8. Bixler, Ralph V. Chiaf lJachinist )s Ilztc Grt at Falls, I'ont . 9. Skidnore, Garret L. Chief bizchinistls l!ate Otter Creek, Me. 10. Langley, Charles V. Chief ?lachinist 1s Ete Long Beach, Calif. 11. Blakley, Harry L. Chizf IItichinist 1s lhte San Diego, Calif. 12. Corbett, Dewey Chief Tkichinist 1s EPite Norfolk, Va. 13. Viillims, Lewis N. Chief Machinist fs ;.lite Norfolk, Vn. 14. Clapp, Peter C. Chief Lhchiriist s Kate Lawenceville, Va. 15. Eiyers, Carl K. Chief Ih.chinist 1s !,';ate Cincinnati, Ohio 16. Nimo, Frank L. Chief Ilachinist 1s Mate Cambridge, 1hss. 17. Reed, John S. Chief Y,chinist ts Elate Portsnouth, Va. 18. Bader, Joseph Chief Kachinist 1s Mate Lor?eta, Calif. 19. DeLuca, Philip J. Chief Ii.lachinist1s ?late Rrockton, Flass. 20. Volker, Frederick E. Chief Yiitlchinist 1s i3te Craddock Ports, Va. 21. Dicioccio, Crescent Chief Ilachinist 1s :,bte San Diego, California 22. Burnett, Audrey R. Chicf flxchinist Is I::tte San Diego, California 23. Ditota, IEchael Chief ?Iachinist's ikte Oswego, N. Y. 24. Tapscott, Jess J. Chief Ilachinist Is Zhte Gilriore Ctty, Ia. 25. Graham, 'Xilliam L. Chief i,:achinis t fs IInte Long Beach, Cdif. , 26. Harper, John Chiof Xachinist qs Ibte Dunnsville, 83. 27. Miller, Charles T, Chikf ;lata.. Tender San Pcdro, Calif. 28. Boisseau, Capers C. Chicf Ynter Txder Sii c hnofid , Va . 29. Sutter, Anthony Chief ?iatGlq Teiidsr Hnrvel, 111. ,30. Bixler, Clarence L. Chisf 7ntcr Tendsr Day I'lin,:tte, Ala. 31. Smith, Harold R. Chizf '&ter Tmdw Elmira, N. Y. 32. Bloom, Albert F. Chicf ':.7ztc2r Tender Vallc2jo, Calif. 33. Rmlins, Ernest E. Chief :*later Tendor Fitzgarald, Ga. , 34. Thonas, IJanuel A. Aviation Chief 1lach.Iilate Kcstport, Kass. 35. Sippel, Raymond G. Aviation Chief Kach.f%te Buffalo, N. Y. 56. Wilkinson, Thornas P. Aviation Chief Bhch .f?ate I-kshington, D.C. 3'1, Ford, Percy H, Aviation Chief Ilach.f:atc Norfolk, V3. -45-

-Name --Ratirig I-Iome Address

-47- Rating gome Address

42. Ryan, Sidney H. Aviation Chief FIach.Iiate Los Angeles, Calif. L3. Pitts, Ragronr! J. Aviation Ciiief 1Iach.IIa.te Rellfloivcr, Galif. 44, Sharp, Ja:;es G. Aviation Chief 1 Iach ,I'a te Lii ;e sa, Calif. 45. Cliristian, Ralph C. Aviation Chiai' Ilac:?.T:ate San Diego, Calif. 46. E!url:s, Tillmail C. Aviation Chief iIach.Fdate Pensacola, Fla. Ch, ief Bot lerraker Long Reach, Calif. 47. Place, Jmes ti. c 1. '5usl,ell, Alfred Chief ?lachinist ' s fdate Compton, Calif. 2, Seifert, Paul R. Chief Yac!iinistIs !late Bay City, Yich. 3. Barnes, IIarold J. Chief 1la chinist 1 s Ida te Smmi t Hill, Pa. L. Crlasscocic, 303- X. Chief ihchjnist 1 s ;.late Drake, Qr. 5. Jielesky,

1. Jersild, Ilarry C. 2. 2ykes, David Ti. 3. House, Robert T. 4. Yadson, l'krlow C. 5. Davenport, DeweT 6. KcDaniel, Rucie 7. Looney, James R. G. Sliffe, Lester E. 9. Briller, John 0. 10. Flem.zn, 'Jilliain F. 11. Yiilcoxon, Erxest R. 12. IJcClaiIi, Chester L. 13. Ball, Bryan I"?. lf,.,Iiishmett, Elbaks S. 15. l!arano, JDseph 16. Schweitzer, Charles i'l. 17. Jackson, Russell E, 13. PEtttnn, Ernest ;r. 19. Malinko f f , Lcvis 20. Saravia, Jenaro 21. Crairi, Eugene IL'. 22. Caylor, Jzsper 23. Zkmtic, Lee A. 24. Baker, Pwks E;, 25. Hobby, George D. 26. Fae!.ln, b3ichnel L. 27. Bayus, John E. 28. Meiger, James A. 23. Arndt, Albert H. 30. Currier, Peter R. 31. Gihore, Finrry F. 32. Brooks, ,John J. 33. Griffin, Robert F. 34. Orem, John €3. 35. Xartin, Ralph E. 36. Cwndy, James E. 37. Cole, Gordon F. 38. Bishop, Charles H. 39. Diestel, l:h. J. 40. Sanford, Burbon A,, Jr. 41. Pitts, Porry R. 42. M cCoy , James C . 43. Iizun, Jcssc T. 44. Lyons, Samuel H. 45. Segerstrom, irlgot Name 5% tins Hone Ad&=

46. McIntire, f.lax 2. Sa11 Diezo, Calif.

1. Renz, Lester L. 2. :'iergmari, khbert 3. StAc;:, Roy 0. 4. Disbrow, Elmer E. 5. Deliart, Honin L. 6. Fox, Edward 7. !laker, Ivan J. 8. Ward, 3liver 9. Swensy, Rob e rt '3. IO. Nelson, Clayton E,. 1l. Kizer, Euph hi. 12. Jlinca, Robert L. 13. DePriest, E'rmklin C. 14. Gossett, Lewell Vi. 15. Dulk, Robert 16. Ccrey, 1;hlter H. 17. Jnrrett, Elton A. 1s. I!zgnllsm, Chc-rlcs 3. 19. TIiller, Roy E. 20. Srrith, C3rl A. 21. Compton, George P. 22. Gordon, Carleton D. 23. Hartbcrger, Orville T. 24. Lemard, tJohn F. 25. Pto, Ja~es€3. 26. IkIls, Georgc L. 27. Rogcrs, Gordon '7. 28. ?:2cArtnur, David N. 29. Iiodqes, Captain E. 30. Smith, Virgil J. 31. Jcraings, Ylillian C. 32. %ruin, '-Jirninie 'J. 33. 1'/oodwctrd, Cherles E. 34. SprFGw, Kcnscl A. 35. Holt, Fisrrjr E. 36. Stewart, ,Jm,?s T. 37. Ce derberg, Frederick H. 36. IlarriFon, Alvin E;. 35. Todd, EL-ner 43. fdoyce, l3tajmi.n E. 41. XcArdle, Ksnneth H. 42. Cook, Audlsy E. 43. Stone, Edward E. 44. Orr, William F. 45. Parker, Jarr,-.s 3. 46. Jones, Ge9rge EIJLISTED lEW RECOBXENDED- FOR CIRAQE OF 1"ACHI:JIST (TE2POPARI') ( Corit ,)

Rating Hme Address

2. David, Albert L. Chief :.:achinist fs !.fate San Diezo, Calif. 3. Tliller, Philip E. Chief lachinist' s 1.hte New Haven, Corm, 4. Brown, Dossie J. I.!achinist s Eate 1/c Carnpbe 11, Texas 5. Bryant, Clarence E. Chief Ekchinist s f.bte Fi chmond, Va b

6. Becker, IVillian Z. I,IacIiicist f s !!ate l/c Cincknat i, Ohio 7. Iloyer, Raymond F. Chief Ziachiriist s Mate Dnthlehem, Pa. 8. Ranard, Pete J. Itachiriist,'~Xate l/c Airora, :debr.

9. Harper, Lee Nachinistls ?:ate l/c ' DLililin, Texas LO. Eddlenan, Thomas R. Chief Tkchiriiot s IIate Eorwich, Conn. 11. Ijolloway, Alvin C. Chief Gachinist 1s PIate San Diego, Calif. 12. Johnson, Leon C. Chief IJachinistfs B'iate Jennings , Fla . 13. Igles, Glenn E. Iiachinis t s Kate l/c Tutuils, Samoa. 14. Vensinger, Dale IN. Xachinist 1 s Xc:te l/c Fremont, Ohils 15. Williams, Frank Chief 1% chinist 7 s 21n te Everett, iiass, 16. Younger, Temple B. "ractiiiiist 1s iiate l/c Lornita, Calif. 17. Ferrell, Blake E. Blachinist 1s lhte l/c Coronado, Calif. 18. Bahl, Alex J. ;:achinist's*. Mate l/c San Diego, Calif. 19. Kellarns, Clarence A. Chief Machinist fs ],fate Portsmuth, 113. 20. Price, Elmer I:Iacntnist's hlzte l/c Philadelphia, Pa. 21. Norcross, Albert R. CMef Ihchinist Is Xnte Sm Diego, Calif. 22. Sherman, Leroy S. Chief lachinistfs Mate Cumberland 1511, 3-; I. 23. Betters, Albert C. Yac!iir.istfs Xate l/c Cke1 tenham, Zld. 24. Kokx, Joseph J. Chief E3.cdiir:ist 1 s :kite rdorfoik, 119.. 25. Glied, Clyde T. ijachinist 1 s i;at,e 1/c Portland, Oregon 26. ':'est, %iter G. -rxichini::t's Iiiclrte 1/c Mcw Orlcans, La. 27. Browne, Harry L. Chief :lachinist 1s IIate Los Angeles, C-ilif. 28. Heggie, Jams B. Chief IIachinist, Is I.'Iate Rethvillt , G,z. 29. Nicholas, Shirk;. J. Chiof fhchinist Is IIate Sari Pedro, Calif. 30. Noeth, Otto Ti. Ikter Tender 1st Class Ihtional City, Calif. I 31. Bergman, John F. i'hter Tender 1st Class Sm Diego, Cxlif. I 32. Smith, William C. l!iater Tender 1st Clzss Carnegic, Pa. 33. Xac'nalinski, Alois H, 1Xater Tender ist Clr~ss Lori? Island, fJ. Y. 34. llngurk, John F. Avi 2 ti on C2i e ," 1 ch .? kte Norfolk, Vz. 35. Rutledge, Sidney P. Aviation Chi<;f !2i,ch.Y hte Sal Diego, C-tlif. I 36. Dzvcnport, Hayter R. ilviation Chic f 1:ki ch .I '!ate %5.stol, Tenii. t 37. Spieker, Joseph P. Aviation C'nie f ;'2 ch .I in San Diego, Calif. I te I 38. Boyle, Thaddeus Ti. Aviation Chief ::?ch.Pkte Y'clrrington, Fla. I 39. Stanfield, Edvrin E. Avia tiion Chicf ?,.:ach .Lln tt? Arlington, C

1. Pawlowski, Edmrd S. Long Beach, Calif. 2. Carey, Thomas 12. Charleston, ?. 1'. 3. Shake, Hugh F. J~c1:sonvillc, Fla. 4. Riggs, Leland L. Salim., Ihns .is - 51 - 5. S;yinn-ey, Ray F. Snn Die;o, Calif. 6. Orand, Elden D. 'Jallej3, Calif. 7. ':organ, Daniek li. Eaqle Lake, Texas 8. Carmody, Edward A. Colx-adJ Sprinzs, C~lo. 9. Strong, George R. kadville, To? 0. rnlacorm, 'J~~c!:~I~~.~;oxI 10. Barnett, Frank, Jr. I 11, Philliys, Hsrry E. Los An;+L3lcs, C'3-5-f. >. 12. Etzel, Robert R. Ocean !:ea ch, Calif. 13. Parra, I;,dward J. Sail UieZo, Calif. 14. Stetter, John G. Valentine, IJebr. -I 15. Gilnan, IIerrill B. Portland, Oregon. 16. IdcKernan, James A. Ford Cit~,Pa. 17. T'nomas, Xayxond W. SAri Pedro, Calif. 18. Blandlard, TjValter J. Boulder , C'olo . 19. Drew, Xillis R. Iimion, S. C. 20. Irwin, Iven 0. San 1-rancisco, Calif. 21. Eutcliins, Linwood J. Bar ILlls, llaine 22. Neivm:tn, Nathan C. Snn Diego, Calif. 23, Cornett, Jack Tus cumbia, Uo . 24. Bogdan, Villiam J. B ~~ltirxe,!Id. 25. Schilly, Archie A. Arvin, Calif. 26. D-ivis, Alfred L. Schenectady, id. Y. 27, Carlton, CIqr 2. 28. Carrnichael, Tiilliard tJ. 29. Piercc, Carl A. 30. Kukon, John 31. VanWees, Jamcs :I, 32. Hzislett, James A. 33. Skinner, '%il3er P , 34. Uartin, Eenry E. 35. Roxero, Joe J. 36. Schafer, Carl J. 37. Dimn, :Irvcy G. 3s. NTrris, Thonas 0. 3?. Pttcrson, Jamcs C. Lr3. Johnson, !?ussell C. L1, Cirter, Harold G. 1+2. Sanders, Clinton 43. Lynn, Ira T. I,4. KcEndree, Perk E. 45. Xoss, Hcnry P. IA6. Hessor, James P. L7. Thoxns, PrL:ston ;l. I$. Cencebaugh, Thcodore K. /+9.Kl-?assen, Emil pAy,Personnel appointed or promoted to temporary ranks bi.corne criti+,ied %?the pay of the rank to vhich appointed or pronatici from the datt; of 0 acceptance of appointnuit or proxotion. ,

The President has also approved a recommendation of the Secretary of the Navy that qualified personnel of the following groups be temporarily promoted to the rank of lieutenant (junior grade) at this time:

(1) Ensigns of the line of the regular Navy senior to the Naval Academy class graduated in June, 1940. This embraces ensigns from Louis 11. Roddis, Jr., to Joseph Id. Kellam, as listed in the Navy Register J for July 1, 1941.

(2) Ensigns of the Supply Corps of the regular Navy from Thomas Fuller ta Harold V. Hutchings, similarly listed.

(3) Ensigns of the Line and Sup3ly Corps of the Naval Reserve who have seniorit,y cori*esponding to that of the regular Navy officers indicated above.

The procedure havinz been establishes for the regular servi.ces, the 3ureau of “lavi,Sratiori mill. ir: the very ?:ear future request recomenda- tions fron the Naval Rescrve for similar tenyox.ar:r pomotions and appoint- rxnts.


In accordance with Bureau of f

Class scheduled to convene :!“lrch 19, 1942 -Name Class -ship McCormick, ’Willicm h!. 1934 CruDiv. 5 Bowker, A.H. 19: 5 Hovey Thomgson, Ray S., Jr. 193 6 PJi s s issi ppi Davies, T~OXISE. 193‘7 Wichita Tiexel, Fred E. 193 7 Cincinatti Cook, Villiam R. 193 8 %Asp Mason, Harry C. 193 8 Nas hvi11 c Sim, Vincent iX. 1938 Ma han Ensign %Deibel, Robert F. 1939 Hulbert v ir Kolb, Frank €I,, Jr. 1939 Sorwrs 11 Kovaleski, Charles J. 1939 Yorktoam 11 Phillips, Ric harc! V. 193.3 Quincy 11 Ringness, T.yiillim I!. 1339 Lang 11 Schurrnann, Roland %.,Jr. 193’3 Arkansas 11 li‘alker, Idilliam J. 1c7?Cj Quincy

-53- Number Subject -NAVAL ATXAKAC

2c 36 $5 +$ +* .\L +k 2- 2% 4; .'C 2L +$ 2LI, 2,-I, ;i ..5,. 2L,\ $6 $5 ,I I. I, I\ I, 2L $5 %- Outstanding events 5-n naval history 3; 36 will be loged each month in this +*

-x- Bulletin. Some ships and stations 36 ' +* have found it constructive to make +$ $5 up daily slides entitled, 'IToday in .'nc ++ ibval History" and flash them just 36 +* before the featured moving $.cture 2L36 SF goes on. 2L 2L 3: Credit for compiling this data is 3:- 35 due Commander W.H. Rafferty, (ChC), 3:- ' 35 U.S.N. 3: 2c -?+

2% $5 ;: 9 )+ yq 3: +$ 2%,, 25I. yc >L!I $5 .g- {k 2cI\ 2c,I 2c,, 2L,I

1 Decenber

1842 Hanging of Midshipman Phil Spencer (Son of Secretary of War), Boatswain Crowell, and seamn Elisha Small on the U.S.S. Somers, convicted of conspiracy to organize a mutiny. Zris is t'ne only instance of punishment by death for muthy in the 1J.S. Tbv;.. 1862 U.S.S. Adolph Hugel captured Confederate schooner F.B. Jahnson at Alexandria, Virginia.

2 December -_I_

177 5 Congress adopted the form of a co-missim for Kava1 Officers. 1779 U.S.S. Boeton and Norfolk captired Danish Brig Flying Fish near Hispanola, 1"J. I, 1812 U.S.S. Brie: Argus in North Atlantic captured eneq? Brig Recovery and was &ased-three days and nights by enemy squadron, finally escaped with loss of anchor and few boats.

3 December 177 5 First fleet of United States put in commission. 1814 Privateer Kemp captured six Er-itish merchant vessels. 189 4 The U.S.S. Baltimore was ordered to proceed to Taku and furnish a guard of marines for duty at the fherican legation in' Pekin.

4 Dcce~ber

186L U.S.S.. blontgomery captired confcderate steamers and' Panlico. 5 Decenber

1813 U.S.S. Congress captured British Brig Atlantic.

-55- -1813 U.S.S, Presidmt captured off New York schooner Cornet, prize to 3.M.S. Rammiles. -1861 U.S. Squrdrm attacked Confederate batteries at HovJlett Is Pm, IT:. . 6 Dscember 1812 Privateer ldontgomerg engaged H.M.S . Surinm. U.S. Brig Argus captured Schooner Dorothy in 3orth Ltlantic. Seamen and saldiers attacked MMexicans at Ssn Bzrmrdino, Crlif. U .S .S. (Manitor) likehawken sunk zt Cnnrldston, S.C. U.S .S. Jacob Joncs sunk by enemy subrmrinr; Scti;.un arest and 2uxns- tonn. Licutencnt Kalk rendering conspicuous s2rvicc., by helping men from one life raft t3 another so ;s to eriuslizz the nzi,Shts on the rafts; diad of exposure.

I_ Yazoo Iiiwr bettcries ccnturcid.
