Notions on “Glory” North versus South

Different developments in the North and South ● North and South divided by the Mason-Dixon Line, originally the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania in the United States. ● Line was surveyed by two Englishmen, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon (astronomers) , to define the boundaries of land grants of the Penns from Pennsylvania and the Calverts from Maryland. ● There was border violence. ● Mason and Dixon were asked to determine the exact boundary between the two colonies by the king. ● The line was marked using stones, with Pennsylvania’s crest on one side and Maryland’s on the other. ● In 1763, colonists were protesting the Proclamation of 1763, this is when they started this idea. ● Proclamation Act - prevented colonists from settling beyond the Appalachians ● In 1767, the colonies were fighting with the Parliament over the Townshend Acts. ● Townshend Acts - Raised revenue for the empire by taxing common imports ● In late 1700s, the states of the Mason-Dixon line would begin arguing about the south side wanting to keep slavery and the north side not wanting that. ● The Missouri Compromise of 1820 accepted the states south of the line as slave-holding and north side as free. ● Pennsylvania - north ● Maryland - south ● The climate in the North didn’t support big farms and plantations. ● North - less religious, more urbanised.

Abolitionist movement ● - a social and political push for the emancipation of all slaves and the end of racial discrimination (1830s-1870 militant crusade) ● Prominent in Northern churches and politics beginning in the 1830s ● Contributed to the fight between North and South leading up to the Civil War. ● Different political and spiritual movements arose around the 1820s after manufacturing growing ● Preachers like Lyman Beecher, Nathaniel Taylor, and Charles G. Finney led religious revivals during the that gave attention to , pacifism, and women’s rights. ● In early 1831, , in , began publishing the Liberator, ​ ​ supported largely by free African-Americans. ● In December 1833, delegates of both races and genders met in Philadelphia to found the American Anti-Slavery Society, which announced slavery as a sin. ● By 1835, the society had moral and financial support from African-American communities in the North and had many branches. ● By 1840 Garrison and his followers believed that slavery’s influence had corrupted all of society, a revolutionary change in America’s values was required. Garrison added equal rights for women within the movement and an avoidance of “corrupt” political parties and churches. But there were people who thought it varied from the cause. ● The American Anti-Slavery Society split in 1840. Garrison's opponents founded the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. ● Abolitionists founded - , the nation’s first experiment in racially integrated education; the Oneida Institute, many African-American leaders graduated from there, Illinois’s , a western center of abolitionism; many antislavery churches. ● Declared their mission completed after the Fifteenth Amendment (right to vote for male African-Americans).

Missouri Compromise ● Missouri Compromise(1820) - measure worked out between the North and the South and passed by the U.S. Congress that made Missouri into the 24th state (1821) ● Marked the beginning of the conflict over slavery that led to the . ● Missouri first applied for statehood in 1817, and by early 1819 Congress was considering allowing Missouri to frame a state constitution. ● When Rep. James Tallmadge of tried to add an antislavery amendment to that legislation(February 13, 1819), a debate over slavery and the government’s right to restrict slavery happened. ● The amendment passed the House of Representatives, which had more northerners, but failed in the Senate, which was equally divided. ● The following summer a group in the North rallied in support of Tallmadge's proposal. Much of the anti-Missouri sentiment arose from the belief that slavery was morally wrong ● The Federalist leadership of the anti-Missouri group pushed northern Democrats to reconsider their support of the Tallmadge amendment and made them favour a compromise that would restrict the revival of the Federal Party. ● The Senate passed a bill allowing Missouri to be admitted without restrictions on slavery in 1819. ● Sen. Jesse B. Thomas of Illinois then added an amendment that allowed Missouri to become a slave state. ● Henry Clay then led people to compromise, engineering separate votes. ● On March 3, 1820, the decisive votes in the House admitted Missouri as a slave state. ● Another crisis occurred when Missouri decided to exclude African-Americans of provision. Enough northern congressmen objected that, so Clay was asked to make the Second Missouri Compromise. ● On March 2, 1821, Congress ordered that Missouri could not join the Union until it ​ agreed that they would not cut the rights of U.S. citizens. Missouri agreed and became the 24th state on August 10, 1821. ​ ​

Fugitive Slave Act ● - statutes passed by Congress in 1793 and 1850 that provided for the seizure and return of runaway slaves who escaped from one state into another or into a federal territory. ● 1793 law - enforced Article IV, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution - authorized any federal district judge, circuit court judge, or state magistrate, to decide the status of an alleged fugitive slave (no jury trials). ​ ● Northerners were against it and enacted personal-liberty laws to stop the execution. ● These personal-liberty laws provided that fugitives who appealed after a decision on them were entitled to a jury trial. ● Demand from the South ended in the enactment of a second Fugitive Slave Act in 1850. ● Fugitives could not testify on their own behalf, nor could they get a trial by jury. ● Heavy penalties were imposed on federal marshals who refused to enforce the law or on people who helped slaves escape. ● 1850 act - special commissioners were to have jurisdiction with the U.S. courts in enforcing the law. ● But this one defeated its purpose and was cause to many acts of rebellion. ● The acts were repealed June 28, 1864.

Underground Railroad ● The was a network of people offering shelter and aid to escaped slaves from the South. ● Operated from the late 18th century to the Civil War. (about 1863) ● The - the first organized group to actively help escaped slaves. ● In the 1800s, Quaker abolitionist Isaac T. Hopper set up a network in Philadelphia that helped slaves on the run. ● Quakers in North Carolina established abolitionist groups who made shelters and groundwork for routes. ● Earliest mention - 1831, slave Tice Davids escaped from into Ohio and his owner blamed an “underground railroad”. ● Vigilance Committees - created to protect escaped slaves from bounty hunters in New York (1835) and Philadelphia (1838). ● In the South, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 made it so there were fewer hiding places for slaves. So they often ended up being on their own until they found safety in the North or in Canada. ● Canada was so popular because they granted African-Americans rights, like they could live where they wanted, sit on juries, run for public office etc. ● People known as “conductors” guided the fugitive slaves. ● Hiding places included private homes, churches and schoolhouses. They were called “stations,” “safe houses,” and “depots.” Their operators were “stationmasters.” ● Some well-used routes - through Ohio to and Iowa, through Pennsylvania and into New England or through Detroit on their way to Canada. ● - the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad; born as slave Araminta Ross; escaped a plantation in Maryland with 2 of her brothers in 1849; returned and left on her own again for Pennsylvania; returned to save family members; when she went back to save her husband, he had remarried; after that she joined the Railroad and escorted slaves to Maryland or Canada; led intelligence operations and fulfilled a commanding role in Union Army operations. ● Different groups founded thanks to the Railroad and helped with its cause - Vigilance Committee, Dawn Institute (slaves in Canada got to learn needed work skills), The African Methodist Episcopal Church. ● - prominent Philadelphian who had been born to fugitive slave parents in New Jersey; worked with Tubman; kept a record of his activities in the Underground Railroad and kept it safe until after the Civil War, when he published them, giving one of the clearest accounts of Underground Railroad activity at the time. ● Underground Railroad operators were ordinary people, farmers, business owners, ministers or wealthy people. ● People like , (Vigilance Committee), (Dawn Institute), Louis Napoleon, John Parker, , Reverend , schoolteacher , Charles Torrey, captain Jonathan Walker, John Fairfield. ● - one of the earliest known people to help fugitive slaves; a Quaker from North Carolina; started around 1813 when he was 15 years old; said that he learned their hiding places and sought them out to help them move along; later moved to Indiana and then Ohio; continued helping escaped slaves wherever he lived. ● JOHN BROWN - abolitionist; a conductor on the Underground Railroad; he established the League of Gileadites, devoted to helping fugitive slaves get to Canada; led a raid on Harper’s Ferry to create an armed force to make its way into the south and free slaves by gunpoint; his men were defeated, and Brown hanged for treason in 1859.

Dred Scott Case ● The Dred Scott decision was the culmination of the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford. ​ ​ ● Brought before the court by Dred Scott, a slave who had lived with his owner in a free state before returning to the slave state of Missouri. ● Scott argued that because of his time in a free state, he was entitled to emancipation. But the court decided that no African-American could claim U.S. citizenship and get their freedom. ● DRED SCOTT - a black slave, who once belonged to army surgeon John Emerson. ● Mrs. Emerson left him with her brother John Sanford (misspelled Sandford in court papers), a New York citizen so Scott claimed for Missouri citizenship. ● Roger B. Taney - ruled that African-Americans could not be citizens, nor could Scott become free by traveling north of the Missouri Compromise line; He said that slavery could not be banned in the territories. ● President James Buchanan‘s supporters considered it a final answer to the slavery controversy, at the time they were unaware that Buchanan had influenced Justice Robert Grier of Pennsylvania to join the southern majority so that it would look less like a sectional decision. ● The Dred Scott case remained the subject of constitutional and historical debate and ​ contributed to the divisions that helped lead to Abraham Lincoln‘s election and the Civil War.

Formation of Confederacy ● The Confederate States of America was a collection of 11 states that seceded from the United States in 1860 after the election of President Abraham Lincoln. ● Led by Jefferson Davis, existing from 1861 to 1865. ● Always struggled for legitimacy. ● NORTH VERSUS SOUTH - The southern and northern United States began to pull apart in the 19th century mostly because of slavery. ● In the eyes of southerners, electing Abraham Lincoln was an act of war as they were scared of armies coming to take their slaves and forcing interracial marriages. ● Altercations with Union troops at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, and Fort Pickens, Florida, escalated, war became likely. ● By February 1861, seven Southern states had seceded. On February 4 of that year, representatives from South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana met in Montgomery, Alabama, with representatives from Texas arriving later, to form the Confederate States of America. ● Former secretary of war, military man and Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis became the Confederate president. He wanted a seperation in peace. ● The Confederacy used the U.S. Constitution as a model for its own, with some wording differences. ● The Confederate president would serve for six years with no reelection possibility, it upheld the institution of slavery, but prohibited the African slave trade. ● Davis predicted a long war and requested legislation allowing three-year enlistments, but only one-year enlistments were granted. ● On April 12, 1861, following bickering over Lincoln’s pledge for supplies from Fort Sumter, Confederate forces fired shots at the fort and Union troops surrendered, sparking the Civil War. ● Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas joined the Confederacy. ● Arizona Territory voted to join the Confederacy in March 1861, but officially became part of it in 1862. ● The Confederate government tried to wage the Civil War without the appropriate means. ● Problems with arming the troops, supplies, rates of volunteering and re-enlistment, order, military losses, finance. ● Davis made military service mandatory for all able-bodied males between 18 and 35 years old. ● Out of need, the Confederacy hired African-Americans who supported the troops or had a medical position. ● On April 9, Confederate General Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant. ● Davis was jailed in 1865 for 2 years. ● The Civil War officially ended on May 13, 1865, and the Confederate States of America ceased to exist.

Causes of the Civil War (1861-1865) ● INDUSTRY VERSUS FARMING - in the 1800s, northerners moved from farming to industry; the people moved into bigger cities like New York or Boston; the Southern states stayed with their strong farming economy, but that was based on slave labor; the North didn’t need slaves anymore so they agreed on setting the slaves free, southerners still needed their working hands ● STATES’ RIGHTS - since the Constitution was written, people had been arguing about how much power the federal government or states should have; southern states felt that the federal government had too much power and in that taking away the states’ rights ● EXPANSION - the United States was expanding westward and so new states were added, but that kept shifting the power between North and South; Southern states were afraid of losing all their rights; new states became battlegrounds ● SLAVERY - the South relied on slaves for workers; northerners believed that slavery was wrong (abolitionists) and wanted to make it illegal in the US; abolitionists began to convince a lot of people of how evil it was and so the South feared losing their way of life ● BLEEDING KANSAS - first fighting over slavery in Kansas; In 1854, the ​ Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed, it allowing the residents of Kansas to vote on whether they would be a slave state or a free state; Kansas was full of both sides’ supporters and many fights happened, so a big number of people were killed - name Bleeding Kansas; in 1861, Kansas entered the Union as a free state ● ABRAHAM LINCOLN - he became president of the USA in 1860; he was a member of the anti-slavery Republican Party; managed to get elected without being on 10 southern states’ ballots; for the South, Lincoln being against slavery = against the South ● SECESSION - after Lincoln’s election, many southern states no longer wanted to be part of the US; starting with South-Carolina, 11 states left the USA and formed the Confederate States of America; Lincoln said they didn’t have the right to leave and he sent in troops to stop the South from leaving - the Civil War began

Developments and outcome of the war ● Congress raised tariffs ● The first national income tax (1862) ● US’s first fiat currency “greenbacks” ● Planters made big farms into smaller plots tended to by single families in exchange for a portion of the crop - sharecropping ● Cotton production resumed, american cotton competed with cotton plantations around the world ● Immigrants didn’t want to go to the South ● EMANCIPATION ● African-Americans of the South could rebuild families, make contracts, hold property and move freely ● Poverty in the South until the New Deal of the 1930s ● Increased presence of the federal government in the northern economy ● Republican Congress laws strengthened the relationship with the market and the government - Gilded Age ● New tariff laws protected northern industry from European competition ● The Morrill Land Grant helped create colleges such as the University of California, Illinois, and Wisconsin ● The National Banking System and greenbacks - Congress replaced many state bank notes with a system of federal currency that sped up trade between regions ● But the Republican policy didn’t always work out - ● The Homestead Act, meant to open the West to small farmers was frustrated by the actions of Railroad corporations ● The Transcontinental Railroad failed to produce economic gains until decades after its creation ● A close relationship between government and the business elite sometimes resulted in corruption and disaster and created political backlash ● Like the crashing of markets on Black Friday (September 24, 1869) or the trouble from the West and South because of Washington’s industrial bias ● The South stayed behind

Emancipation Proclamation ● - edict issued by U.S. Pres. Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, that freed the slaves of the Confederate states ● With the secession of the Southern states and the beginning of the Civil War, the continued tolerance of Southern slavery by northerners no longer served constructive political purpose ● Lincoln issued the proclamation after the Battle of Antietam (September 17, 1862) calling on the revolted states to return to their allegiance before the next year or their slaves would be declared free. No state returned and the declaration was issued ● As the president and commander in chief, he actually couldn’t declare it so it has been debated whether the proclamation was of any force. It was then mostly taken as a policy to guide the army ● Not passed by the Congress ● It brought practical results, because it allowed the Union to recruit African-American soldiers and about 180,000 of them enlisted ● The proclamation had dealt a deathblow to slavery in the United States and it was officially sealed by the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment in December 1865