I 3

"JUL LWiSgLLLiL.'. " DThe Trust Company Bank, at LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. 'Brown Univihsitv Frj Expuhisn Ffm Maw Urltaa. THE DEMOCRAT. Covington, has gone into operation. frojesssrs. The affairs of the institution have LATEST STREAK Maw Feb. 94. AMUSEMENTS. Corrcponder.ee of the Louisville Democrat. been of late kept rather close, but rumors of Date are received from tha City 0la,or Mexico to the lO'.a ILr Julia Dean, the talented actress, is trouble have gone abroad. The following is The Mexican papers are alarmed at tha new LOCI0TII.I.K T II K AT R K. WEDNESDAY. : FEBRUARY 25, 1852. miss Washington, Feb. 19, 1852 much believed to be a correct statement of them : A movement oa Rio CORNER OF FOURTH AND GREEN STREETS. highly praised by the Charleston papers. Messrs. correspondence which the Grande. Editors: The quarrel having taken place between two of the The opposi Uon General strongly censured the Gov- J. ET The liver was using slowly last evening. has taken place between Francis P. Blair, Esq , students, one of them attempted to shoot the ernment. W. Batbs Propiietor and Manager. IT The steamer Elephant starts for the D. A.SAasaSAa.. Acting and Stage Maavaaer. with about 7 feet 3 inches water on the falls. "sunny south" formerly of the Washington Globe, and Gen other with a pistol; and rustication or expulsion Ths other news Is not worth telegrapbins. followed in usual form. Dr. Wayland was Wm. O. Butler, is about to be made public. the The Empire City is foing to Hew York tomorrow CVMrs.FarrcaandMr.Jamuton.wuiappeir ia pop- I ular tCT The Mary Stephens has been withdrawn Mr. C. Irving has become assistant editor hung in effigy, from k tree in the College yard, morning, via Havana. characters. jy Mr. Blair, I have reason to believe, has commu but for what cause other than dislike is not from gone to Vevay SPORTED FOR THE Catherine Hi yea' fourth concert last night was atten the Henderson trade, and 0f the Nashville Union. nicated it to Martin Van Buren, who will pro known. LOUISVILLE DAILY DEMOCRAT THIS EVENING, (Wednesday,) will be acted tbe to lay up. ded with triumphant success throughout. p'.ajof EVADOR, or tbe Sta ue Ludovu Another matter affecting the interests of the co, - Owing to illness. Kossuth will not leave bably transfer his affection to some other quar Arrived Ship Gon. Evansand Charles Cooper, from Mr. Jimuuoj Bvadne, Mrs. Farren Tbe pr- O college is the expulsion of three of the ablest firmance will conclude with the petite Comedy of The Key came over to the ter, or for temper NewYoik, A shorn ton. Xfathaniel barque the ET Belle the falls Cincinnati for the south until Fridav. take an excursion ticket the and most useful of the officers, of an alleged FIRST SESSION . Kimbal.and Maid of Munster Charles Pararjn. Mi. Mort.mer Sane Georgia from . Freights T. ; wnan yesterday morning. ance revival. They had encouraged or permit art dull. i. Boota Kate O'Bnea, Mrs. Bernard; Susan. Mm. misdeaeanor. Cotton for Liverpool Sarxedas. Cr three convicts escaped from the Ohio Mr. from Washington, 5 Blair, I understand, wrote to Gen. But ted the students receiving instruction them, Feb. 24. EST Prices of Admission: Boxes 75 cts.i Second Tier CTThe case of the Rev. Calvin Fairbank, penitentiary on Saturday night last. to hear lectures delivered before the societies 35 cts. ; Boxes for Colored Persons 5 ler about matters and things in general, and Senate. Mr. Cooper reported a petition 2fsw eta.; Gallery for was tried yesterday. He in this city. The President made this a matter of York, Feb. 21. colored rersons cu. in the Criminal Court and inquired 1,100 beeves offered good 10 especially about the presidency, offence, as against the regulations; but rerlly against Wood worth's patent. retailing qualities bring 7, 07" Box Office open from A. M. to 1 P. M., and was In - An miant ol was 9- from 3 o sentenced to hard labor the Penitenti- r ferry Uailhreath's also as to position Butler occupied on 8, and -. Cows and calves 120ai2? and taSaSlO to P. M., lor securing seats. the Gen. moved, as it is supposed, by a feeling of jealousy Mr. Mason reported from the committee on GCr Doors opea at k to 7 o'clock; will ary for fifteen years. The room was! burned to death in Covington, on Friday last. Sherp and lanmbs 3 75 and to Curtain rise at ccurt the compromise. The General answered in his toward the offending officers, who have been foreign affairs, against ft (7. 7 precisely. . . -- I an investigation of the j i x v suspected of being more useful to the college Flour Sales 1,200 bbls State at 11 9?li5. usual frank, manly style; avowing that the res decisions of the late board of Commissioners of 12 than himself. $5ai5 J. Sales of 3.000 bushels mixed Ohio corn at GRAND BALL are playing at Memphis. olutions passed at the democratic State conven as of the distinguished the Mexican claims. . Sale 33 hhds Ky. tobacco at 7a7. Sales 700 bbls w e call the attention of our readers to Such lectures those AT IT tion were first submitted to him, and approved Prof. Kceppen, formerly Professor of History in Mr. Guynn reported a bill to increase the pay lard at 9. Penn. 6's 89J, Tenn. 6's 102. Ohto 6's, 1375, the advertisement of William Lloyd, in ar other The Schuylkill has gone into the Nash 111, U.U.S'd, 1867, WASHINGTON HALL. O by him previous to their being introduced. The a college at Athens, Greece, would be likely of the officers in the army and navy, engaged in J16. column. H:s dyeing, renovating, and repair ville trade. (when lis'ened to by the students) to create a yyj MR. MCDONALD, tbe Sotcm Pine, re General then branches out in an eulogiumof the California and Oregon. VJrpect'utly informs toe juMic 'hal he will eiv--- distaste for the more dry and meagre teachings tbe THUR3-?fUA- ing esisDiisnment, is on second street, near D" The Pike No. 9 . BALL at above H.ll. on leaves for St. Louis this compromise, which ia done in the best style, of President Wayland himself. The Professors Mr. Boreland introduced a resolution declar M KVKMNu, Feb. atith, Main, where he is at all times prepared to reno COM MCDONALD H morning placing him entirely on Mr. Cass' platform. A named, with the honorable feelings of gentle- ing that each State shall at the next President ERC1AL. Mr. and LA D. in en.and costume. vate in a style to appear as when new. will open tbe Bail. A cumber cf others ul te in at- he copy of the letter was sent to Mr. Breckinridge, men, are supposed to have not been over par ial election, many OFFICK OF THE LOUISVILLE DEMOCRAT,! tendance attired in the Highland OO-T- river is rising very rapidly at Pitts- - be entitled to as electoral cus'.ume. will no as tial to Dr. Wayland's system of French police, Tuesday Evening. Feb. 21, 1352. J aw' Doors open at 3 o'clock. burg, is who doubt make such use of it will votes as they will be entitled to under the enu- a-- of admisMon I a CTIt will be seen by our correspondent's nl there every appearance of a flood. in visiting the rooms of students to catch them The market is firm and active. In the Grocery mar Price f for Gentleman and three 1 , t . . -- !.:- . . I bring it to the notice of the public. fifty-on- Ladies. I.UUi . n. off their guard, in search of improprieties. But meration of eighteen hundred and ket we notice an activity, feb2.t3 u.dKU,D( mair nas got a mesent tcrm of th ..in.in.i rt uauiual and every article has rrThe Now, if Gen. Butler is willing, as is asserted be the reasons what they may, Dr. Wayland re The Iowa land bill was taken up. an upward tendency. KlM:i vrcDtrrii uuueronine suDieciot the lasts twe The weather to.day is fine river ias here by his friends, to the position he cently summoned the Executive Board, who are Mr. Geyer rising rapidly, and Tears are apprehended a flood. Presidency. We guess that B!air and Van Bu- - spoke in favor of the same, and of occupied in 1S48, and let Gen. Cass occupy not unaccommodating to his wishes, and a vote Nothing doing in Bagging or Rope. STEAM BOATS. ten may cow take another fishing excursion,! Green street has been graded his before concluding, the Senate adjourned. and paved was passed intimating to three of the officers the Flour is firm. We hear of sale of 500 bbls from mills and try if they to ,ts eastern own, no objection will be made by the friends propriety of resigning their places. The gen House. The House resumed the considera- Keanlar Packet. can't Lave better luck next terminus. and stores at 3 60a f3 1; retail sales at flail 25. I ' of Gen. Cass to the of peace thus arbitrarily treated, we are informed, of bill fim tlemen tion the granting lands to Missouri, for Wheat u scarce, and we continue to qjote at 60c. rot rHiNKfroKr. M WOODFORD LANDING. OREGON MUNDAY'rf u me eastern man lauea, yesterday, beyond and harmony. But the friends of Gen. Cass are Win. A. Norton, A. Professor of Natural Railroads. Corn, 36c. Oats, 20a22c. ajio Philosophy and Civil Engineering ; John A. LANDING. Naw Boats Cincinnati. will in no case allow their old standard bearer Mr. Orr of S. In Groceries, sales of 100 bajs Coffje in lots at for the Tknkxssk Ritkr. Mr. Porter, A. M., Professor cf Chemistry, applied C, advocated the bill, and urg- 9Jil0c. The fine steamer BLUE V1NG No. t, to overslaughed by bis own Lieutenant. Sales or 0 htidi Susar at A sale of 300 bbls jamta vv illiams, of Knoxville, Tenn., who has O" I be charge for announcing candidates' be to the Arts, and Geo. Wm. Greene, A. M., In ed the propriety of government granting lands IJioc. Zanders nater. will leave as 1HU is, of course, Plantation Molasses at 29t30c. Cheese is in active de. DAY. the 2dib inn., at J o'clock P. M. built four boau, a: a names the This the determination of the structor in Modern Languages. These gentle for such purposes. quoted or i or passage on or P.tLbarg .thin the last two in Democrat, until the election, is $2. lie Calhoun, Cass mand at Rice we quote at Hioc. r reign l apply rniard to mo- men took the hint, and resigned f2 UOGGS A years, will, : northern friends of Gen. Cass, who, to this receiving their and others in support of his position. sales RUSSELL. during the present season, turn out ., r pay to year, Light of Cotton at 7jc. Sales of Cannelton ment, do not believe that Cass was beaten fair the end of the college and a vote three others for the same trade. or certificate that they bad been faithful in the Mr. Welch of Ohio, gave notice of an amend- Sheetings at 7c. fUU AfcV OKl.tANW. evening, ly and without being defrauded out of The Provision market is firm and quiet. i ne smeuuiu steamer The first will be completed in a few days. the vote performance of their duties. f Prov. Herald. ment to the bill to take the road from St. Louis, Holders of kukikk Mkin of Pennsylvania. Mess Pork are still asking $14, at which figure buyers Lsv-- $ master, is expected to arrive and wi l aave She is designed to run during the summer and 0The weather, yesterday, was warm and thence to the Western limits of Mo., through fWl IMah qu xk dispaicn. Blessings cw War. An extract from the CaDe manifest but little disposition to operate. B icon from rur fieigat or passage apply on hoxrd or to fall as a daily quite spring-like- . Gen. Sam Houston seems now to be upper Illinois, Indiana and part of Ohio to Cincinnati; mail packet and excursion boat Town Mag shows what a privilege it is to be a wagons wc continue to quote al 7& for Shoulders and 8c f25 BoGGSdt KUSELL oeiween Chattanooga and the celebrated most in the affections of the free-so- il wing, and soldier, especially in South Africa. A corres thence to some point in a line with Washing- for Hama and Sides. cave 07 Business on the principal thoroughfares FOR AH II V I L. t. the temperance cause may aid him; but the pondent of that paper, dating from Camp ton county, to the , at or near a Sales of Hay from the levee at S3 SOiJlO 50. E. ua ine oi ine lennessee, distant about 60 of the city, yesterday, was town Th. fi.m .. ro . . cru T. unusually brisk. Waterkloof, says: are here, as might Cloverseed is firm at 73. rvi tfllt mnes. fight will be between Cass and Buchanan, you "We one in Virginia, on the opposite shore and thenoe to $5 Flaxseed, f 1 10. win leaveasaooveon luuuay, the almost say, on guard duty, watching the enemy Sales of Raw Whisky at 16c; mm in HT A arge hotel is to be erected at the cor may depend on it, and if neither of these expe three forks on a line with the Baltimore and Rectified, loialSc. ii The second will likewise be of very light with the whole of Uol Mitchell's brigade. A Pound freights to ew Orleans, 30c ; pork.73aS0c per orpassageapply on board or to ner of Preston and Main streets this season. rienced statesmen should be able to obtain a more pitiable plight it is Ohio Railroad, in Virginia. f25 1. S. MuoRHEAD. draught. The cabins of both, however, are to impossible for any man bbl; tobacco, It if I 50 per hhd; stock, gi per head. two-third- s n vote. Judge Douglas will ccmbine so the world to be in. The soldiers are half The hour having expired, the House went Pound freights to Pittsburg, 13a20c. T'l-eH- l KCill. be finished and furnished in a style fully equal D Catharine Hayes has taken the citizens ruu al many success, naked, without shoes, and scarcely a blanket into committee of The fine Mrimrr FllRT PITT f to that or the boats already by of elements of and present so many the whole, and took up the built Mr. Wil New Orleans by storm. to cover them or a coat to put on, amidst the Louisville Tobace jmaster, will leave as on 1 HIS bounty law, ac- Market. DAY. Iiams. points of popularity with the masses, that there dreadful cold wind, on the top of one of land and before taking definite LLii!hcU:li.t lit . M the Tcisday, Feb. 21. or passage O" Poultry of all description, can be no doubt of his being and colo- tion the committee rose. sale3 at lo( lrciiht actlv onboard or in The third is to be called the "City of and of the the compromise highest coldest hills in this part of the The the three warehouses to day amounted to f25 I. S. Hunts any MOORHEAD. finest quality, is quite candidate, with a ny. If men deserve the good will and best Mr. Darbay who was v. -- a 33 hhds, at the following prices: 73, 3 40, 2 63, 2 75, ville," ia honor of the beautiful city of abundant in our markets. view to the success of the stricken ill. i ruija 12 that thanks of the colonists, it is unquestionably 93, 2 60, 3 00, 2 60, 3 50, 3 9J, 4 00, 4 10, 2 FOIt KlVKK. name in party. the day before Congress met, was brought into 75, 3 60, AKKA" Alabama. This boat is designed to be weenie tt,; hese naked fellows. Talk about the Great 00, 2 40, 3 60, 2 60, 4 3 3 my The fine steamer E.XPKESS. iu iuc democrat is itnA took 90. 13, 00, 2 80. 2 70, 3 60, Warden, me The next democratic candidate for the presi- - Exibition I This brigade would attract the House and the constitutional obligation jfVvv-yj- e master, will leive aoovo cn Thursday, tnesi, largest, and fastest that has ever morning, and can be procured more 95,3 00,2 90,2 65, 2 9), 9 60, 3 10.2 65,3 65,3 96, -- at the counting as a BatllMi Vh- - cc". " I P M.' decy must be a civilian to present the greatest pectators that even the crystal palace, if one member, and they adjourned. 35. t'- been run in that tra 'e. rocm, with or without envelops. t Height or passage apply to beard or to possible contrast to Gen. Scott, and not a man could but pop it down in Hyde Park, as it ap J25 c. BASH AM. O" Mrs. Warner, pears at this moment." From 1 hi l ana ha Kailroad. Our advices from the actress, concluded who, from a similar pursuit, invites comparison iftw York. WtMTED. KOK Nxw 24. JIEW Oat.EAN. very successful engagement York, Feb. Journeymen Painters, on tarious points on this work, represent it as be at the National with the military merit of Gen. Scott. The An Epitaph. A farmer named Keazle, hired TWENTY-FIV- steam The EnesteemerSrLT AN Shri m. Theatre, Niblo's was last evening filled to overflowing with a W. G MILLKK, Iter, wi.l leave a h,v na T h, ih. ug iguruuaiy jiusnea. rosa De Cincinnati, on Monday night. democratic party must be able to show fellow who had a nack of poetry-makin- to leb2 i..... ine win in that it brilliant and lashionable audience of ladies snd gentle- 03t. Builut street. readiness write his epitaph. He was to give the poet a f ii or rassaze aDDlv on boar J or in much sooner than ia generally ex T A large can beat a General, if that General entertaiL men, to lisjen te before dint number of delegates to the whie inner and suoner for the 13b. After tha first the discourse of Mr. Webster, f25 C. BASHAM. pected. principles hostile to its creed, and it must ex Society. MEKCtlANT' LOUISVILLE 1UUANCE State convention left on the cars, yesterday, for meal he sat down and begun thus: the State Historical hibit that faith and reliance in its own strength, The speaker debated at considerable length upon the COMPANY. FOR Mimfhis A rank'ort wasa man wh Office over 0 Benedict Natt Yard. memorial addressed "There ttieJ oflate, y of tht tlore Carter, Mainit., mmmm The fine steamer ROBERT ROGERS, - which is equal to the whom angels did ancient histoi Greece and Rome, and a'luded to the congress,i ,n .... removal of all obstacles to For impatient wait With aw Capital Jl75,000, Lr- - Bucber, master, will .eave as ab.ve 1HI- - to regard to this great national O" The With outstretctie J wings of difficulty of d stingubhir.g the fabulous from the actual, csiMrAiaao f or ST- v latest advices from .i.t that success. Let us have statesman arnisaud love. WrtlCH IS PAID I t'tU.LW. 2, a. at 9 A. M. uccu Hti the aeainst To wait him to the realms above." after reviewing the progress of literature, poetry, and or passage .uui'ieu oj me legislature ot noth rr nfimnnrt.n.- - ha :.. WILL continue to make insurance on for Height apyly oa Board, or to ro,i fuss and feithers" the "cabinet maker" compositions amocg speak- f23 BASHAM. . oott. 4iJC uuic esi ana that Keaz'e wps much pleased with this, and historical the ancients. The Hulls of Steamboats, on Carroes per same, t. oouinwesiim Island. against and history country. He ,r c3seIS or re "soup" clartt "the law and the begged the writer to go on; but he declined fin- er next turned to the of our own SSjJKS" "7 se. lake, canal, river, and deeply interested in this enterprise. io and from Atlantic and Foreign ports, and FOR flKtV OKLKAI. drum-hea- d said it was divided into three epochs, the first extending " rumor Judge" against court martials, and ishing the epitaph until he had the supper. also on Uuililicss, against loss or by Fire. The fine 1 v ilt ihe that Tanmany Hall, Boston, 1774. tc, itimr' Mnonv v r iTI r. , oiotlo.... , That finished, he put on coat, from the settlement of the colonies, to The se. ii. s. T, President. master, wil: leave as or, correspondent Bal-- 1 was the education of the barracks, if we cannot his and then above on This day, i of the to be aold to the hLrhest bidoVr. in 111 M i.n wound up the verse in these words : cond, from that period to 17c9, when the present con. Wm. PaATaaa, Secretary. The .Vh. at nVli rtt imiore aun esys me accounts or the gold dust founded. ave Gen. Cass, who, say what you please, is stitution of out Government was established, and the DUICTOII. ireiht or Disease aonii uu tuam i t in "But while they disputed for the prize, W.B. Ciifton, Thos. E. Wilson, G.Spratt, f25 C. BASHAM. on the way hither does not meet the expecta the most accomplished statesman of the age, third embraces from that date up to the present time. Benj. ET The work of lighting the streets of San Still hovering around the lower skies, A.A.Gordon, J. Adams, W.Kannev. tion of the merchants engaged in the trade nd whose whole life is but a series of the hap- - In slipped the devil like a weazle. The speaker mainly considered that portion of the third decl9dtf FOR .TIE.YIPiilw. Francisco, California, is rapidly being perform-ed- . And duvvn to nell he kicked old Resale." period within the administration Washing- with California, and it appears from present in iest illustrations of a patriot's character. embraced of Tbe fine steamer CHICKASAW, Bocgh-er.nusi- After which he took to his heels and Kea ton. The assembly cf the first continental Congress at mil leave as above on Ihiscay, dications that the shipment of gold to Europe Cass and Douglas sre fast friends, and either old Insurance. tbe S5:h. at 10 A. M. zle him with horse Philadelphia, wasa prominant event, and may be regar- Tun DbL A W A KB Rossiter's Historical Paintings after "a whip." i tor ireigtit or passage appij on board or to will double the receipts during the present O and the one or the other will certainly be our next ded as the era at which the Union of the States commen. MUIUaL safrty is. 155 vik SUHASCE COMPANY ft ;.-- ; . C BASHAM. month. wonderful Viennoise Orchestra will open in President. Scarcity Cotton Havre. The Paris ced. Let the day be ever remembered. It saw assembled tST8t CAPITOL. of at OP fHILADtLFHIA Atri-- r t thlS Cltv Tlf-- tt'ff k correspondent of the London Times writes from several colonies great men, wtuse names have cumuUled Fuiid 160,U(X. Tbe u.idergned has been rOK NT. I.OI I1. The The fine V ET Illinois papers say that Mr. Charles Cotton has become so scarce ia Havre that the come down to us, and will descend to posterity. At appointed a;rnt fur this substantial and well known ramr PlTflP CM.r.. he ball of Woman. Kossuth's oration before the ladies tie is now prepared to lake risks on Hulls of 'er, wi.l leave as aove on Ibis ulv.tna Denton, of Peoria, has invented a reaping ma-- 1 D the Louisville Guards, at manufacturers of Rouen have been compelled that day there could have been convened on co part - at Tripler Hall, was a sublime and beautiful Of Steamboats, on shipment- by Steamboat, and by Vessels 25 tn, at 10 A.M. M028It ,ast was to purchase that article in Liverpool; and the this globe an equal number of men possessing greater at ami to usue policies on or passage apply on board or to chine which surpasses McCormick's, cutting the n,gr. largely attended, production. Anything more pathetic we never Set, Stores and Uwe.liugs, and tiei.bt and Minister of the Interior, in order to relieve them talents, or animated by higher or more patriotic mo- their tonteuu against loss or damage by r'ii e. f2o C. BASHAM. grain, whether standing or lodged, green or ever7tbiRg passed off well. read. Speaking of the iLfluence of woman, he Tlie rates of insurance are ame as by from the additional duty to which cotton im- tives. They made no speeches tor ostentation. They the are charged dry, upon rough or uneven surface, laying said: other respectable companies, and the es.ua advantage IUII T 1.01 IM. it in ID The late Miss ported from England is sutject, has given or- - sat with close! doors, and their great maxim was"cir are affirJed to the assured of undoubted secunty a Lind gave $50 to the head The of man as aud Begular bundles and doin it well. heart is soft as wax in your ers that the shipping of the United States tantdeirt." After giving a rapid sketch of the events participation in ttii profits of ths i'o ii,iaiiy, wittiuul any father.. waiter of the house in which she was married Mould outlay for snare-- i as tockno:de.s, The fine a eaioer G. W. SPARHAWK. tender hands. it, ladies; mould it into ball be admitted into French ports without the of speak- axd wi.boui av ha that checked the proceedings that assembly, the 3iUty. The undersigned sjIicIis Clements, nta-tr- Tai.l leave as aoove ou ET The Putsburg Post, of the 19th instant, n Boston, and f 30 each to the other the form of generous compassion for my coun may ahue of public patro ly servants. payment of additional duty, though they er made a beautiful allusion to the scene, and day, on nae. JOH MUIK. A?en:. This day, the 25:nint., at 10 A. M. try's wrongs; inspire it with the consciousness Height passage says: "We notice oa the wharf a tremendous have touched at an English port, provided they which Washington first took on himself the aJmiuistia-- t jiu?7 dtf Office Main St., near Biuk ol Louisville. rot or ap.y cn bo.iru or to f your country's power, dignity ana might. a C. BASHAM. amount of pork, and learn is un- CTThe Mercantile Library Lectures, in New shall not have lauded their cargoes while stop ion of the Gevernment of the city of . that there an You are the framer's of man's character. PALI. fJITV INWIUANCK York, have a series of speniid entertainments, ping there. The first Congress also makes an illustrious passage in tOTlPA1V frUtt Al. i.Ol precedented amount passing through our city, Whatever be the fate of man, one stamp be al' Orricc No. 416 Main Stbiit. I. furnished by some our history, and with it may be classed ths Convention Krgalar rather. at the present time, oa its way to eastern mar- of the best minds of the age. ways bears on his brow that which the mothers Singular Story. A Paris newspaper of the Opposite the Lonisville Hotel, bet'n Sitth and Seventh, that framed the constitution; the orgarlzaiion of the Tbe fine s etmer PIKE No. 9, Tut her, and impressed upon the soul of the child. 12th ult., says: "The police commissary of the ivy. master, win leave as above on kets." Congress by grey haired men of the revolution, and LUUlVlLbC, Wei.ra EPA son of Mr. Henry Estep, of Cincinnati, The smile of your lips can make a hero out of quarter ot the ministry hotels, reported, three first Capital SfckUav, the io n.at VJ A. .M. Washington himselfin the principal Chair of State, sur- Chartered 3300,000. ror ueigat or pasae apply on boaid or to Our friend, the Hon. G. A. ws so severely burned on Sunday the coward a generous man out of the egotist; days ago, in a modest lodgings of Bac street, the 150,000 paid IT Caldwell, last, that he by Department. The impor. Or which J is in and sbcibbd. 121 C. BASHAM. you rounded the heads of the : : formerly dis-- died one word from inspires the youth with no- double suicide of a young student, and a young rnvnviiL't! member of Congress from the 4th l in a few hours. Congress did not strike the n inJs of ordi- ble resolutions; the lustre ofyoureyesis the lady of foreign origin, living with him. He had tance of this loss by Fiie on Hulls of Meaw- - FOK MEW OKLKA.V-- t. trict, we are gratified to find, has fixed his res nary men. Had the advice of Burke, Fox, and the rrV boats, aii't other good Vessels. ET The dragoon company ercestrewsrd for the toils of life. ou can presented her in taking lodgings, as his wife The splendid steamer BELLE KEY. Key which was out on of Europe been followed, hi. w would the will leave as ou Wednesday, idence in this city, and will commence the even blow up the feeble spark for energy, in In taking all the particulars of that event, in sagacious men riedby Kiver, Canal, Kailroad I mafter, above Monday - Lake, and routes; and on at M. was commanded by Capt. Charley Ap- breast of broken age, may a destinies of England have been altered? Instead ol sub V 25th, I P. practice of his profession as Attorney and Coun- the that once more it order to write report, the police magistrate ior ireuntor passage apply on board or to pel, and not Capt Knapp, as we stated yester- blaze up in a noble and generous deed before found some pspers and regular acts, which es- - ject colonies, England now beholds a mighty rival-ri- ch, cial world. K. BUKUK, President. f2l BOOGS o UCSSELL. sellor at law, in conjunction with his brother, iX. C.Summibs, Sec'y. day. dies. abashed the individuality ol the young man; intelligent, and powerful Ilka herself; and may tbey I. Both Olreeterai I Caldwell. these gentlemen stand but he could not discover anything cf a nature ever be friendly rivals, may their power and greatness FOK Iff OKI.IAl, E. Haynes, Robert Beatty. high in their profession, and we need hardly ET Lola Monte?, not being able to draw suf- - ETThere is some advantage in having a flap- - to give a knowledge of the unfortunate lady, sustaining themselves, be always directed to the promo J. The fine steamer ELEHHAT. Greenlee. J. C.DavH, John A. i as on per to remind us of our faults; Dunlop, master, will leave above Wednesday , assure our readers that any business entrusted I ficitat. to pay expenses, closed her engagement it enables us the who asphyxied herself with her lover. The tion of the peace, prosperity, enlightenment, and liberty Thos. G. Rowland J. S. Forman. it fie 25iB, at Id A. M. better to make a clean breast of it. It was body of the young woman was consequently destiny in the course dec!3dtf or passage apply on board or to to them will be attended to with fidelity and! t Waahington when the time was only half of mankind. And if it be the united well said by a gentleman, reproached for his sent to the Morgue, where she was decently ex they shall be called on In the cause of hu f21 I. S. MoOKHEAD. ability. out, and went of events that North. many failings "I acknowledge them all, and posed. Yesterday, an old American priest, who mamty and freedom to stand against a world in arms, Insurance. you my Krajalar Packet, will ask neighbor, be will tell you of was coming from Notre Dame church, entered they are of a race and blood to meet the crisis, without A.IU Tbkatrc The house was crowded again good many more; indeed, before I go to con g'oomy establishment, and recog rUKTCM:i.HHIA rl.UKntC ET The noble steamer Belle Key departs for cur.ously the shrinking from danger, and without quailing in the The fine steamer JOHN SIMPSON, Bell, last night, and the performance was well re- fession, I make a point of angering my on young 0mmw. New Orleans this afternoon. Persons going wife, nized in the lady exposed, one of the presence of any earthly power. master, will leave as above on aatuiuay, principle of devotion, never to Miss and agiinst 3 M. ceived. In the play of "Love's Sacrifice," Mr. who fails read boarders of a religious school in New Yolk, address was a most eloquent allusion Merchindise loss aud damage by Fire. Los with. 2btb,at P. south cannot find a more desirable boat to The close of the ses promptly adjusted and paid by tot ireigtit or passage appiy on b r.I to me so convincing a lecture on all my sins and Mary F., who disappeared the last part of be- Jarxiaon sustained the character of "Matthew in to the present state of our country and the prospects JOHX MUIR.Agent. f23 I. S. MOORHEAD. travel on. failings, that I never omit Blackwood- - uly, leaviug family greatest despair. Elmore" one." her in the fore it. If we and our posterity be true to the Christian jan27dtf Main St., near the Bank of Louwvil'e. admirably, as did also Mrs. Farren, A summary immediately after the inquest held religion, and maintain just moral sentiments, and such VOIC ,HKIl OHMV..VW. that of "Margaret Elmore." To night the Chinisc Corn. Mr. Rhyme, living near Mid- - declaration of venerable stranger, proved new and magi.ificent steamer ETA friend of ours, who was a few miles in that conviction of duty as should control heart and life, we State Jlutual Fire Insurance Co. The JAMES beautiful play of "Evadne" will be presented, dletown, in thia county, has sent us a few the country yesterdsy, relates the following: that the young man, L. B., had an uncle in mClP ROBB, Mont joniery, mai'er, is. xpected te may have the highest hopes for the future fortune or our or HABBisauae, ris s'ylvaiiia. and iil bave dUpacib. or so boy New York, with whom he had spent about arrive qic t in which Mr. Jamison and Mrs. Farren take the bunches of Chinese corn. He raised about one A mile from the city he met a on ceuntry it will have no decline, but will ge on prosper Capital $400,000.) tofUeigblIZa or passageapp'v on board or lo horseback, crying with the cold. "Why eighteen months, till July, lBol. It is supposed Secr'y. fl9 BOubS a Kl'SSELL. principal characters. To conclude with "The hundred bunches from a few grains. don't ing and to prosper. But if we and posterity neglect A. J. Gillbt, Jso. P. RcrinaroBD, PresU you get down and lead the horse?" said our that, at that epoch, he had some relations with THIS Company is Maid of Munster." religious instruction, violate the rules of eternal jus designed AXD M T. friend, "that's the wsy to keep Miss Mary F , six years older than himself, al only for the a'er class of risks, LUIIHILLK I.Ol'l". ET The Alta Californian says something de wrm." tice, trifle with the rules of morality, and recklessly de RtGLL.tR TL'tSDAY PACKET. "It's abb borryed horse, and I'll rids him though she was in a convent, and induced her and insures either upon the "f"5-- n stroy the political constitutions which bind us together, Hock or mutual principle. ' splendid new fast rum. 1114 Bcrglart. The rtaidence of Mr. Washing-ingto- cisive must be done speedily to rid our statute if I freeze!" to follow him to France, where his family call- In The steamboat no man can tell how suddenly a catastrophe may over surance can be effected in this Company oa much better fVi-f- REINDEER. Sam Mon'gomeiy, ma.irei, ed was, sorrow for her w 1 Acderson, at the corner of Walnut and book of the crudities and want of system which him. It perhaps, the terms than on boiiy MotK ompames. alia, im " ' "" " yrm, during ihetea- - . . . whelm us, that shall bury all glory in profound obscurity if u wes emereo. uy now defaces Oregon Timber How cut The fault that induced the young lady to commit su- D. H. ARMSTRONG, General A tent. soo, (commencing 1 uesc.'ay. Man h 2 '),be r8 Louis- octcuiu licc is, ourgiars on it. thet it. If that catastrophe shall happen, let it not have a Oifite o-- 43'J Mam street, and Lodim, leaving L' u svi.,e ever v Tuevvav long been a icide; and it is also presumed that the young ville St. at Monday night. They effected their entrance by trees in Oregon have subject of re Let no narrative ever be written let its fate be like the feb4 Next door to Franklin Savines Institution li o'clock, A. M., and St. Louis every Friday at a ET The tedious voysge mark on account of their A lover, not having authority enough over her to IM.B. For the h gb standing, promptitude fail P. M. cutting round the Horn in immense size. let lost book of Levy, of which no man can ever kno- w- and o'cloca, out the glass in the door, and tunning ter from Oregon mentions the fact that the keel make her renounce her fatal resolution, wished dealing 01 this company, reference is made to the lol For freight or passage apply on board rj to sailing vessels is again becoming quite fashion more than It is lost, and lost forever! lowing f21 - their hands through the aperture. Nothing of of the steamer Lot Whitcomb, 160 feet long, is to partake her fate. C. BASHAM- able, owing to Pana- Hon. J. F.Bullitt, A. D. Hunt 4 Co.. Bankers: Fred the crowded atate of the from length a tree. New Yobk, Feb. 24. Lewis Utt li.Mt.VV4.il. any value was stolen. made the of One tree on He Couldn't you an erick Bauer, Chestnut street; Kehm. Maia street; ma steamers. the claim of Judge String, Cathlamet, a drawing Understand. "Are Yesterday Theodore Ezekial, was arrested and com- oauara Attorney at Law, rum sireet; a. Jeager U. S. MAIL MORNING LINE. Odd Fellow?" 119 Fourth street: .Nichols 6c White. Brewers. ET A hogshead of tobacco aold at Far of which was recently made tor a pic- mitted, charged with defrauding to a Urge amount Solo- Greer TWO DAILY LINE PACKETS. the London No sir, I've been married a week." street; G. W. Brainard ot Co., .Music Dealers, Moxarl ET Mr. Macgregor, a member of the British torial newspaper, stood 10 feet in diameter at mon City mers' Warehouse yesterday, forf 6 per hundred. "I mean, do you belong to the Order of Odd and Brothers. Hall; Henry Geiske, Hotel. Wallstreet; C. .Meyer, the bottom, and 230 feet high. But trees are urocer.ureen street; anu joon u. 1 einotn, wan su Thia ia the best price, we believe, obtained in Parliament, has announced a History of the Fellows?" found that measure 300 feet as they lay extend From ladlanopella. this market, for new British Empire from the accession of James the "No! I belong to the order of married men." MORNING LINE. tobacco, thia season. ed on the ground, and near the coast 200 in India vopolis, Feb 21. DIlKsUALL IIALIIKKT, First. "Thunder, how dumbl Are you a Mason?" bVK.ANKL.1X....Cajt. CMMoaa. length of saw-log- s have been taken from a tree ria.w or loses and SteaawrBEN A young man "No. 1 am a carpenter by trade." The Indiana Democratic Convention have nominated Ilatb baliiit. McLili-oji- . of industrious babits, who on more than one occasion. Fur and spruce GROCERaad COMMISSION MBR Steamer TELEGUAPII Catt. "Worse and worse! Are you a Son of Tem W. A. Wright for Governor and Willard for Lieut Gov WHOLESALE Oneo vplendid and fast steamers, will can bring good testimonials, wishes employment ET The atesmer Hibernia, one of the Cin run up, spire-like- , furthest smong the clouds, Main street, Louisville, Ky. tbee leave the perance?" ernor. For Supreme Judges, 1st District, Stuart; 2nd, Mail Line Wharf Boat, front tbe foot of Third street. in a store. Apply to cinnati and Pittsburg pscket line, has been sold never throwing out any large lateral branches. iiriiincii. Daily at 9 o'clock "J. P. K." through the "Confound you, no. I am a son of Mr. John Presley; 3d, Davidson; 4th, Roach. Messrs. Hannah dr. Dyer, Pittsburgh. A.M. The manner of felling spruce timber is some-b- at PostOflSce. to Capt. H. Price, who intends running her in Grosling." For Auditor, J. P. Dunn; Treasurer, Elijah Moland; Messrs. Bidwell fr Bro.. Clark, Park & Co., Beaver, Pa. EVENING LINE Illinois peculiar. With a large augur, a hole is Messrs. C. dr. C. R. Harmon, Aurora, Ohio. Steeator LADY PIKE the river. bored through the green Secretary of State, Hayden; W. B. Beach for Clerk of Mr. A. V. Horr, Shalersville, Ohio. Can. Fcllbb ET John M. Pirtle, of Tennessee, will deliv standing tree, or two Steaaner GEN. PIKE CarT. Claxsobi. holes so bored meet within the white or sap L.ove. A sweet contagion, wnicn auacss the Supreme Court, and Lawabee Superintendant Board Messrs. G o. Wells, D. McBane, Wellsuille, Ohio. er the valedictory address to the Medico Chirur- - ET At a meeting of the French Republicans, people with great severity, between the age of of Public Institutions. Mr. Robert Mears, iSteubenviile, Ohio. One of these ap'endid steamer will leave the Mai part of the wood. Then a cole of fire is put Messrs. Latham A McBirney, L. Harding, D. Ban- Line Wharf Boat, foot Daily eiphtppn twenrv-two- . by L. from the ol Third street. grcal Society, at 7 o'clock, at the Hall n New York, a committee of 21 was named to into the hole. The draught of air sets it to and Its nremnnitnrv B. F. Goull, of this city, committed suicide blow ning. Cincinnati, Ohio. 3 o'clock P. M. AUisdr. from symptoms are sighs, ruffle shirts, ringlets, bear's ins out his brains with a pistol. . Messrs. Bemenldk Vielle, Howes, Jas. Laugb. For freight passage oa of the Kentucky School of Medicine. The pub receive subscriptions and take measures neces burning, and in six to twelve hours, ac Kvansvil'.e, er apply board or to greese and feeds on moonlights Iin, jr., la. BOGGH fc cording to the size of the tree, it falls, with lit whiskers. It dt RC9SELL. lic are invited to attend sary for the relief of the French exiles. Messrs. Bainbridge Mix, Lafayette, Ia. no29 dtf Axems trader's V. tle or no more waste of wood, than would be ana nuies, ana iooks wun norror oa uneu purs Frame Beatea. Mr. S D. McCullough, Esq.. Lexington. Ky. hart beans. Feb. 24, V , dc Natural History Sociitt. Professor Silli used by an axeman. It is then butted snd cut and baked Boto, Messrs. Cornwall Bro Anorew Buchanan Co. REUCLAK LOCIMYILLK AMD ST. LOCI Virginia Improvements. In every part of up with a saw. Thus fifteen minutes with an No more arrests have been made of parties charged Armstrong dt Allen, Louisville. fcb3 dJkw man will deliver the eighth lecture of the society barquo Virginia the people are turning their attention augur does the work of a half or two-third- s of a A Scene at a Court in San Francisco. A with stealing specie from the Missouri. PACKET Mocart Hall, this evening at half-Cas- t 7 friend of ours, who recently arrived here PLANTER'S HOTEL, at the to the construction of works of internal day with an axe. marine improve from California, furnishes us with the following Math btbbbt, Ky. Tbe new and elegant steamer G. W.SPAKHAWK, o'clock. Sulieot Etna and Vesuvius. The Front Cincinnati. Louiivilli, Clements, master, will run as a regular packet to ment. From the report of the Board of Public sketch of a scene in the court house of which Feb. 24. nndersigned would respectfully announce to the St. public are invited to attend. Reported for the Louisville Democrat. Cisciimti, THE thaitbey have taken the Planter's Hotel, sit Louis, during the season; leaving Louisville every Works, it appeara that there are 676 miles of he was an eye witness: The river has risen 3 feet. The weather is very fine uated on the South side of Mam, between Seventh TUESDAY at 10 A. M., and St. Louis, every FRIDAY CULTURAL UVBT. and at 4 P. M. ET Some five or six thouaand letters, direct railroad completed, and 636 J in progress con Enter Captain in the custody of a Mar Eighth streets, and have reiurtiishej It with entire new of Hon. W. F. Bollock, Judge. furniture throughout, and are now For freight or passage apply on board or to shal. From New prepared to accom j8 ei principally to New York, and mailed for the struction making a total of 13121 miles within Yerk. modate those who may favor the bouse with their patro- C. BASHAM. Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1852. Judge. Captain, those are very grave char Albany, Feb. 21. steamer of Nov. 15, were unaccountably re nage, in as com ortabie a style as any etbei house in the the State. Rev. Calvin Fairbank, charged with enticing ges brought against you. Spitting in a man's Large numbers of police started from here last night to city, and on as reasonable terms. turned to the post office at San Franciaco, from face pulling his nose, and kicking him. Are Berne, among the Hilderburg Mountains, and arrested We have several large and comfortable rooms suita- THE IXVASIOX OF LWGLASDI away a alave belonging to Mr. Shotwell, of ble for families. - ET The ateamer Mary Queen, collapsed both they true? Is the latest news from Europe, Panama. the ringleaders ot the ami rent riot last April, when E. feb2 ddtiitr MOSES - SCCH but aotwith. this place. Sentenced to the Penitentiary for not say no, WILS05 di CO. tbe alarming (act, the ere not aware flues of one boiler, at the Post of Arkansas on Captain. Hesitating, liking to M. Fish, was tarred and feathered. Considerable resist N. B. The Bar is at all times supplied with the most rubt 15 years. as might telling an untruth, and not liking that G. bllMOKK. corner ot Third a ad Jefferson ET We have received the first number of the officers it be ance was made by tha anftenters, but the police reach choice selection of Liquori, Cigars, Ac. streets, keeps cousunt y hand narrow the 21 inst. The and crew escaped un say a heavy 00 wide and slat Democratic Banner, a new and handsome dem Desire Carlin, for stealing gold pens, pencils, to yes, thinking of fine. Will ed Albany sale with a prisoner named Turner. Blinds, cf every style and Bnuh, equal to any manw'ac hurt, except the engineer, who was scalded. your Honor allow me to ask your Marshal a CONSULT year latereet.-T- be tared in tbe city, a id as to puce, lu I twenty five per ocratic paper just started at New Castle, Ind Arc, from the Guard's Fair discharged. wishing jj- cent, less than caa be aianuiac-tor- y. Five deck passengers were scalded, three of question? Fresn Charleston. subscribers to reduce their - f purchased ia aay other by Henry & Nevin. ia a very neat looking as much as possible before receiving their spring b21 It whom have since died, and three others are Judge nodded assent. Cmablxstow, Feb 23. supplies, respectfully solicit those ia want of BOOTS N. B. Old Blinds maie new on short notice. Serious Result or an Apfarentlt Slight you to , aheet, and the first number displays ability and Captain. Mr. Marahal, will please Sales 1,000 bales cotton at 6 6 8a81-4- . The JorSHOK-i- to give them a call. Our goods are ol tbe demand missing. Competent engineers considered the first Accident. A month or two since the young state to the court whether the person who made by quality, and we win make our prices suit the times nACIUESKWl.-'I- avwTAliLIUriE.'r. judgment. was checked holders refusing to concede to a reduc Ho trouble to show Roods at flues unsafe for a longtime before the explosion of end, says this complaint was armed cr not, when he came andersind baring purchased the R'gbt of.lrg. daughter of a resident the south tion. OWEN dt WOOD'S, Market street, THE them-selv- on accompanied by yourself? Patent Sewing Machine, bave associated ETThe Datch, not content with having diked Traveller, accidently fell against board of my ship febSt One door above Third. together tor tne pur pes of manufacturing Reported for the LouIstIIU Democrat. 1 the Boston the out the sea, are cow pumping Harlaem Lake Marshal. He was armed. Tor I handed him a Frein Philadelphia. Clothin by machinery, ami would inform the dea.ers 10 POLICE COURT stove, striking the side of her head near the myself, he placed in his pocket. H. Itl. HOW LETT, Clotbiaa.and the public ta gene al,tnat they are now revolver which PHiLADKLraia, dry. By thia operation, which is nearly finish Hon, forehead. The injury was thought at the time Captain To the Judge. Does your Hon- Feb. 24. ATTORNEY AT LAW, prepared ta miouiacture all kinds of Clothing, much, John Jorn, Judge. The City of Glasgow passed Delewara superior to work doa by haaJ.aa l at the abortest no- ed, thirty thouaand acres of good land will be or think probable, that a man with a six bar- break water And Commissioner of Deeds, Ac, for Kentucky, Tdesdat, Feb. 24, 1852. to be alight, but soon she began to complain of it this morning, from Liverpool. She left on tice. The public are Invited to ca.1 ant see this rf.ei bis pocket would allow tbe 4th last. Indiana, Tennessee, Iowa, and most of tbe myonJLrr nf (Aa satisfy themselves trial the irew made available for agriculture The time has Harris, for her eyes, which exhibited an unusual appear rel revolver in another other States, a.aod John drunkenness, waa held to to spit in his face, pull his nose, and kick him? tetier is tne greatest piece of machinery yet iaimitd. been when this altehcg the "decrees of Provi ' aVrena Saw Fbamcisco. CALiroama. The sewiag eatabliahmept is en tne corner l Fourth rail in 100 for one month. ance. bhe said that she could not see distinct 1 . f Judge. fired with indignation No, air Pltuharf TXTILL promptly attend to tha collection of claims and Market streets, over W. Samuels c:oihia) Depot, deuce" would save been reckoned impious. John Ryan filed declaration. ly and finally that ahe could not see at all. and if he did be deserved it, captain, you are PiTTSauao, Feb. 24. IT or any other business leit witk Messrs. Guthrie laird story, entranee on Fourth street. There are 17 feet water in the caannel and at a stand. dt Tyler, Wmd dt Barrett, Wolf dt Barrett. V. ilium K WM. McFlDDEN. For centuries the Spaniards opposed the clear Cronan and were cauea no was o honorably acquitted of the charges. Good bye. Culver, or B. Douglass dt John Ann Caaey were discharged rnysiciana in, dui aia Tbe weather ia pleasant and clear. Business brisk. Co., of tha city of Louisville. K. I DAVIS. shanking wish your a prosperous 1 ing out of their rivers, on this ground. "God from the Work House. tained, and the child is now almost, If not total sir; hands! I ana as riwi JaaTdAwtf ROBT. SKENE. voyage. IPiTTSBCiO, Feb.23. made them so," said they, "and God knows 981 noies Tin Plate X. landed John Herbert brought in from the Work House ly blind. It ia supposed that the opic nerves Captain. Adieu most wise and righteous There are II feet 7 Inches water in the channel and fall THICK Beet Our assortment ia aood. TIM Plate. froea wnicn wo win seii at tow prices to cieee. Stat, and for ne'e low by eat what ia good for ua." and gavt bail. were injured by the blow.- - , log. The weather la cloudy febSO Judge. si teovi uwu fc WOOD. ANDREW BUCHANAN dt CO.